Would you like to know what BRICS just declared?
This seems like useful information if you are interested in BRICS
Riley Waggaman

BRICS just wrapped up its 16th summit in Kazan. Probably you heard about this momentous event from meticulously researched independent media articles discussing how BRICS just delivered a DOUBLE DEATHBLOW to the globalists.
This is very good news. Let us celebrate together by reading the BRICS’ Kazan Declaration, published on October 23. (English or Russian, compliments of the Kremlin’s official website.)
Please, I beg you—read this Declaration and share it with all your friends. The Kazan Declaration is not just a massive victory for BRICS, it is a victory for all decent freedom-loving people on Earth.
Here are a few highlights from this historic document:
BRICS supports “global governance” and “the central role of the United Nations in the international system”
[W]e reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism and upholding the international law, including the Purposes and Principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations (UN) as its indispensable cornerstone, and the central role of the UN in the international system, in which sovereign states cooperate to maintain international peace and security, advance sustainable development, ensure the promotion and protection of democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all as well as cooperation based on solidarity, mutual respect, justice and equality. We further emphasize the urgent need to achieve equitable and inclusive geographical representation in the staff composition of the Secretariat of the United Nations and other international organizations in a timely manner.”
“We reiterate our commitment to improving global governance by promoting a more agile, effective, efficient, responsive, representative, legitimate, democratic and accountable international and multilateral system.”
BRICS supports the leading role of the IMF in global finance
“We reaffirm our commitment to maintaining a strong and effective Global Financial Safety Net with a quota-based and adequately resourced IMF at its center.”
BRICS supports the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
“We stress the universal and inclusive nature of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals, and that implementation should take into account different national circumstances, capacities and levels of development, whilst respecting national policies and priorities and in conformity with national legislation.”
BRICS supports public-private partnerships to help nations achieve their Sustainable Development Goals
“We recognise that the use of blended finance is an effective way to mobilize private capital to finance infrastructure projects. We note the important role of multilateral development banks and development finance institutions, in particular national development banks, in institutionally scaling up the use of blended finance and other instruments, and thereby contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in accordance with country-specific needs and priorities. To this end, we commend the work of the BRICS Public-Private Partnership and 17 Infrastructure Task Force and endorse its Technical Report on Infrastructure Projects Blended Finance.”
BRICS supports the reduction and removal of greenhouse gases to combat climate change
“We reiterate that the objectives, principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), its Kyoto Protocol and its Paris Agreement, including its principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC) in the light of different national circumstances, must be honoured. We condemn unilateral measures introduced under the pretext of climate and environmental concerns and reiterate our commitment to enhancing coordination on these issues. We will strengthen cooperation on a whole range of solutions and technologies that contribute to the reduction and removal of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). We also note the role of carbon sinks in absorbing GHGs and mitigating climate change, whilst also highlighting the importance of adaptation and stressing the need for the adequate provision of the means of implementation, namely financial resources, technology transfer and capacity building.”
“We underscore the critical need for active climate adaptation projects, moving beyond research and forecasting to the implementation of practical solutions, advancing renewable energy, sustainable financing, low-emission technologies, and sustainable development investments, while highlighting the importance of collective action and international cooperation to address the adverse impacts of climate change and ensure inclusive, equitable climate initiatives.”
BRICS supports the creation of carbon markets
We recognise the important role of carbon markets as one of the drivers of climate action, and encourage enhancing cooperation and sharing experiences in this field. We oppose unilateral measures introduced under the pretext of climate and environmental concerns and reiterate our commitment to enhancing coordination on these issues. We welcome the adoption of the MoU on the BRICS Carbon Markets Partnership as a platform dedicated to sharing knowledge, experiences and case studies of developing carbon markets and discussing the potential intra-BRICS cooperation on carbon markets to exchange views on potential cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement among the BRICS countries.”
BRICS supports the World Health Organization and its “central coordinating role” in strengthening “the international pandemic prevention, preparedness and response system”
We reiterate our support to the central coordinating role of the World Health Organization in the implementation of multilateral international efforts to protect public health from infectious diseases and epidemics and commit to reform and strengthen the international pandemic prevention, preparedness and response system. We recognise the fundamental role of primary health care as a key foundation for Universal Health Care and health system’s resilience, as well as on prevention and response to health emergencies. We welcome fostering closer ties among BRICS health institutions responsible for sanitary and epidemiological health and well-being, prevention, preparedness and response to epidemic prone communicable diseases and health impact following disasters and encourage further exploring opportunities for knowledge sharing, exchange of expertise and undertaking joint projects in the health sector.”
BRICS supports the development of safe & effective vaccines
We support the initiatives of the BRICS R&D Vaccine Center, further development of the BRICS Integrated Early Warning System for preventing mass infectious diseases risks and the operations of the BRICS TB Research Network. We welcome the outcomes of the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) HighLevel Meeting on AMR, committing to a clear set of targets and actions, including reducing the estimated 4.95 million human deaths associated with bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR) annually by 10% by 2030. We express concern about the growing threat of AMR to all sectors of the economy, in particular healthcare, and note the timeliness of holding the first BRICS Conference on AMR in May 2024.”
BRICS supports “digital transformation” using 5G and other “emerging technologies”
“Recognising the importance of creating an enabling, inclusive, and secure digital economy and that digital connectivity is an essential prerequisite for digital transformation as well as social and economic growth, we emphasize the need to strengthen cooperation among BRICS countries. We also recognise that emerging technologies such as 5G, satellite systems, terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks, have the potential to catalyze the development of the digital economy. We acknowledge that resilient, safe, inclusive and interoperable digital public infrastructure has the potential to deliver services at scale and increase social and economic opportunities for all.”
And so on and so forth.
Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security vs Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet
The world is at a crossroads. There are two distinct visions for the future of humankind. You must choose one and then argue with strangers on the internet who are inadequately enthusiastic about your choice, which is perhaps the most meaningful and consequential choice you will ever make; your choice will literally change the trajectory of human history. So please choose wisely.
Let me be more specific.
The theme of this year’s BRICS summit was “Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security”. I think we all understand why BRICS chose this theme—because it is very meaningful and profound.
In sharp contrast, the G20 (which includes the USA and many other Unipolar Satanic West nations) will be meeting next month in Rio de Janeiro to discuss “Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet”.
The contrast could not be more extreme. Like day and night.
G20 vs BRICS: Who is more sustainable?
On August 23, 2023, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa released a joint declaration promising that BRICS would pursue Sustainability.
Two weeks later, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and more than a dozen other countries published their own joint declaration, vowing that the G20 would do everything in its power to make the world extremely Sustainable.
But which intergovernmental organization loves Sustainability the most?
Read More
Let’s play a quick game. Which of these two statements is from BRICS’ Kazan Declaration?
Statement A:
“We reaffirm our support for the rules-based, open, transparent, fair, predictable, inclusive, equitable, non-discriminatory, consensus-based multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) at its core, with special and differential treatment (S&DT) for developing countries, including Least Developed Countries and reject the unilateral trade restrictive measures that are inconsistent with WTO rules.”
Statement B:
“We express our support for actions aimed at reaffirming that a rules-based, non-discriminatory, fair, open, inclusive, equitable, sustainable and transparent multilateral trading system, with WTO at its core, is indispensable; [we support] policies that enable trade and investment to serve as an engine of growth and prosperity for all … Fostering a favourable trade and investment environment for all.”
Answer: Statement A is from BRICS’ Multipolar Sustainable Agenda 2030 Freedom Vision Declaration. Statement B is from the Second G20 Foreign Ministers’ Call to Action on Global Governance Reform, published exactly one month ago on September 25, 2024, and available on the website of the US State Department.
And yet …. these statements, issued by totally different Poles, are oddly similar. What could this possibly mean?
It’s a mystery, but pro-Putin conservative Russian media has a scandalous hypothesis:

source: katyusha.org
After combing through the Kazan Declaration, Katyusha concluded:
It is obvious that the goals of the unification of the countries of this seemingly “alternative to the Atlanticist” bloc are declared to be practically the same as those in the UN declaration “Pact for the Future” recently adopted at the Future Summit in New York. Both the stated goals and the proposed image of the future BRICS association are the same, and everything is even written in the same globalist newspeak.
That is, we have before us a sadly familiar model of globalization, only not for the countries of the Atlantic bloc and their satellites, but for Eurasia and the “global South”—including Africa, and South America. [BRICS] is a kind of subproject from the same curators—in any case, this is precisely what follows from the text of the Kazan Declaration.
Yeah, but … Zerohedge said that Putin was presented with a gimmick BRICS peso, and that I should be excited about that.
I am excited.
I am.
But I just thought that maybe you would like to know what BRICS said about BRICS when it met in Kazan.
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If there had never been colonialism, or post WW2 neoimperialism, these visions could be considered to be very similar. What is not taken into consideration is how these institutions in the past were weaponised by the West against the rest of the world to continue near colonial levels of exploitation in the post WW2 era.
A couple of examples:
“Development”, or even worse for you guys “sustainable development” , is just a nonsense word to people from the “West”, but its a matter of life and death to BRICS nations.
The UN Charter. For people here it’s just a Rockefeller project for a global government, but for smaller nations it has the idea of sovereignty and self-determination enshrined in word at least, and it made invading other states officially illegal. Okay, it didn’t stop them doing it, but it was these laws that make NATO’s Yugoslavia intervention, or the Iraq War, illegal in international law.
The final example, is where this article is just wrong, and that is on Global Financial Safety Net. This does not mean just the IMF to BRICS, it doesn’t challenge its place as first stop but it also includes Regional Financial Arrangements (Chang Mai, BRICS reserve fund), Bilateral Swaps, and other tools and strategies. They also have new ideas like the New Development Bank. So on this, their vision is clearly very different if you understand BRICS at all.
You guys are gonna be in for a shock when you realise this Western wet-dream of global capitalist technocracy isn’t gonna happen like they planned. I think some people on here will actually be disappointed, they may have to start thinking again.
Multipolarity, when it finally happens, is gonna be a break from white Western domination. And once that becomes a reality, we may just choose to blow it all up. The global Samson option, aka, we’ll take all you MFkrs to hell with us.
So, there is no difference between Gs and BRICS. Fine. But I wonder; why were the BRICS formed then?
All these meetings, conversations, declarations, are for nothing? Just theater to mislead the global population? Are the BRICS constructing an organization, which antagonizes Gs by doing exactly what the Gs are doing? Why?
Your view is about the astonishing similarities between those organizations.But nowhere in your article do I read anything about any differences. No differences?
Pepe Escobar reports from the BRICS powerhouse. Once more unto the breech Russia, China and a few freedom-loving countries gird up their loins to combat genocidal Nazi powers from the West.
NickM – this is you attempting to post as “0” again. Kindly correct your user name before entering another comment. No further comments from you under the user name “0” will be published.
Anyone remember the military strategy of a ‘Pincer Movement’.
This is exactly what BRICS is, set up by Goldman Sachs as just one of two encircling pincers.
it wasn’t ‘set up by Goldman Sachs’ It was a name for a group of states first coined by them. It was set-up by the BRIC nations
Same wall, different BRICS.
All those WEF words – inclusive, sustainable, etc – are open to interpretation. In the West, ‘sustainable’ appears to mean replacing our manufacturing and farming industries with useless and expensive wind and solar farms, and generally driving the economy off a cliff. In BRICS, it might mean manufacturing and farming in order to sustain a healthy economy.
That is a nice idea.
25 years ago, “sustainable management” meant not letting grain, dairy or timber barons trash the soils & watercourses, nor “improve” good habitat, neither destroy endangered species etc. That was a good idea. Also meant more naturalised management regimes instead of bland, degrading engineered production systems(cropping). That was a good idea too, and I hope it is all this good stuff that brics take on board.
Siberian logging? general performed by Koreans(?) lol, often preceeded by wildfires ?? Bad environmental record. Sustainable?
then, rosa koire put it all in another context – a sick digital code/control /audit for the entire biosphere. That put a lot of many “certification” schemes and plant specifications in new context too.
And, finally, after 25 years in them hills and glens, IT IS ALL SHITE. “Sustainability” applies only to agric/forestry/fishery shtuff (even then to specific certain ends over most of the land), but if you want to blown up hills and rape their minerals, erect a thousand 100m windturbines, scrape habitat into into a grid for a solar farm . . carry on, that’s all green and sustainable, especially these days.
It was a nice idea and the dream never dies, but we been had. I suspect brics might want to stop desertification in some areas, but I doubt they give a damn for “nature” tbh : (
I’m nae Wagga-man, but this article is probably an unfortunate truth.
Remember the “principle of subsidiarity” in the original Agenda-21 – all zones get to do it their own way.
So, we’ll see.
Yeah. Sustainability is one more nice do-gooder new-word in Liberal new-speak.
If we say to ourselves, you must not change or add new words and meanings to basic gramma and language, because its like saying 2+2=5 within math, changing true basic principles, it is to lie.
Lie to the public but even worse for yourself, for the do-gooder leftist self.
You “Leftist” do not become good because you invent good words. Sustainability is pure and utter bs. Green Sustainability is even worse than pure and utter bs.
“We wanted to be do-gooders”. Get over it.
said the consumer bot . . did you read anything, or do your synapsids not compute? evidently not in the context anyway, carry on consuming. Ye ken, is consuming not the same as devouring? . .
that’s rather pathetic coming from you. i expected better.
On cue, perhaps.
“leftists” pathetic, try harder.
Great, for anyone thinking that BRICS would lead to a better world and more freedoms for people, here is your proof they are the same as every other organisation run by wealthy tyrants. If they support the CO2 rubbish, WHO, UN etc, then how are they really any different to the lot in power now for us “normies”?
Maybe it’s who is running these institutions and what outcome they want,both sound benevolent but we all know what was planned for humanity under the globalist agenda
For those in **the land of the free** who can still see RT.com: IMF is a NATO tool – Russia
RT is completely blocked and censured in my “free Western Socialist Secret Societies”.
But I interpret it as Stalin is back with Gulag Camps, purging of the Kulaks, Lada cars to all members of the Commie Partei in the previous Sovjet, and that my Government want to protect us innocent Western citizens.
And thats not the only thing. From my dear fellowcommenters I hear the painful screams of censorship when OffG are putting their free speech bs on pending. Bastards. Thanks Sam!
Let me clarify, I mentioned Cerise because her argument made me think, and it seemed interesting to me. The Fourth Revolution Industrial Revolution is a war, like all revolutions in history. Let’s not fool ourselves, (and here no one fools themselves) it is a revolution from above, which wonderfully confirms (in an ironic sense) Marx’s theories. Whoever possesses economic power, also has legislative and regulatory power. But above all it is a war, and uses the methods of war to impose itself. Here I quote again: In reality, capitalism includes the entire social and economic order we live in, including the fact that the well-being of ordinary working people comes second to luxury for a handful of capitalist politicians and CEOs.
It’s not about hate, division or jealousy; it’s about the rules of how society works and who they are for. It’s about who does the work versus who collects the wealth.
Let’s consider for a moment the firepower of class struggle from above. The European Union is a perfect instrument of class struggle from above. And it is useless to tear our clothes indignantly, in a war there are no laws, the important thing is to win it, and they are winning it. They are the Davos gang and the world Zionist power, plus the ‘new’ super rich of Silicon Valley who control the media and us proles through the media, and they have behind them the intelligence in war gear,
to protect the absolute power of the main financial centers of the planet. At their service they have almost all the left-wing parties, and the governments including the Brazilian Lula, but also the majority of the right. They bought the UN, the WHO and everything they could buy.
In practice they have already won the class war, these are the ideas they impose, World Government, Smart Cities for the biometric control of us proles, transhumanism, LBGTQ, periodic vaccination, Marx would call it superstructure, but also, dialectically, structure; Foucault bio-power. We are in the Necrocene, Western Capitalism has now arrived at the final accumulation, the privatization of nature and the programmed destruction of the majority of human beings, now useless. An apotheosis of Nazism, about which Gunther Anders had already warned us, (and behind Nazism there was the war machine of capitalism that was in action) in which the different, the Untermenschen to be locked up in concentration camps, criminalized and exterminated are now the majority of the inhabitants of the earth. (think of the hypothesis of nuclear war pushed by the leaders of the military industrial complex; think of the billions of mRNA vaccines that are produced by Big Phrama, for the under-the-skin surveillance of us proles).
All peoples are targeted, it is a war of the elite against the peoples of the earth: we are all equally infected, to be criminalized, all of us potential terrorists, because we are potential bearers of democracy. Not even socialism, democracy has become a crime against power.
But even before, in fact, the two world wars were wars against peoples, and the epicenter as always was the ‘white’ and ‘civilized’ Europe… The capitalists, during the two world wars, sent millions of people to the slaughter (more than 40 million, it seems):
Let’s continue to talk about the crimes of Nazism, I would call them crimes of capitalism; behind them there was the war machine of capitalism that was in action. It is no coincidence that the Nazis used the first IBM computer to file and identify undesirables, expel them from society, confiscate their assets; sending them to ghettos; deporting them; and, finally, exterminating them.
And here I return to Cirese: scientific and technical progress raises the specter of transhumanism, in Russia, as everywhere. On this point, however, there is a lot of confusion between politics and technology. Politics is reversible, technology is not. Politics is based on the choices of human will, technology is stronger than human will and leaves no choice. Bottom line: technology is not a bus that you take when you want and that stops when you ask, it is a bus that never stops and that everyone wants to ride. It is like an arms race, no one can escape it unless they disarm themselves and let their opponent win.
The ghost of Marxism will never die. All Karl Marx, Lenin and Trotsky’s theories were truth yes?
Waggaman has made a great job demonstrating that NATO and BRICS are pointing to the same goals.
But wishful thinking is the worst mental illness, and unfortunately this illness is largely spread even between “intellectuals”, or people that is supposedly more qualified to understand what’s going on:
What’s worse, BRICS or US/G7 hegemony and genocide?
Good question.
– BRICS is an pro-Islamic, anti-Israel alliance. Led by an anti-semitic Russia. Antisemitism being the worst, most despicable strand of Christendom.
– US Hegemoney [sic] clobbers rogue nations on the head with sanctions or if all else fails, then with military action.
BUT… who would stop Iran getting nukes if the US didn’t (for all its faults)? Maybe it is better to stick with the Global Policeman you know best 🤔
Nukes as believable as lab leak.
You’d better watch out, you’d better beware. Albert said E equals MC square
Landscape – Einstein a Go Go (1981)
Why believe that bullets kill, or oncoming trucks?
Nothing is real according to some.
After reading this they are just like any GOVT right now – they are both cheeks of the same A*se, the red flags are ‘climate change’ carbon credits – the WHO and UN and the vaccine programs! They are offering the same thing but making it more palatable for the people who want to remain sovereign – what a shame. If they mention 20/30 they are still going to depopulate and restrict free speech while they are doing it, and you will be living lesser lives and be happy! Time to ignore them – they are few and we are the many!
In defense of the BRICS I quote Lucien Cerise:
The concept of globalism groups together heterogeneous phenomena with distinct historical causes, but which advance in parallel, which can give the impression of a programmatic unity and a common origin. Here is a non-exhaustive list. On the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum (Davos Forum): no one escapes information technology and the dangers of transhumanism, so it is futile to blame Russia and the BRICS for their increasing computerization, especially when it is done thanks to information technology, by publishing online texts that feed the Data Centers of the global digital infrastructure. Indeed, when we use computers, and communicate via the Internet and electronic messaging, we all participate in this paradigm – in the epistemological sense of a historical slice of the given state of technoscience – that some call (at choice) the fourth industrial revolution, the digital transformation or the Great Reset. On the UN Agenda 21 and 2030 aimed at sustainable development: no one wants to give up economic and technological development, because no one wants to give up international competition, unless they want to leave History and let themselves be colonized by those more powerful than themselves. On the WHO health dictatorship: almost everyone was taken by surprise in 2020, but critical reactions came mainly from the BRICS, the Global South and Western conservative circles, largely pro-Russian. On the New World Order: this term covers a project of Anglo-American hegemony officially launched by the President of the United States, George Bush Sr., in 1990 to celebrate the victory of capitalism over communism, which resulted in 2024 in the woke LGBT dictatorship, officially fought by Russia, with the support of the BRICS, by means of a legal arsenal to defend the family and tradition-
If a French writer and Intellectual Lucien Cerisee need to write an essay of 5000 words on why Moscow is in near-perfect lockstep with the Great Reset to resist it, I am 100% on Riley’s side.
I mean, a Russian journalist with two feet on the ground and a French Intellectual’s brick thick book about the way France and Napoleon were conquering the Siberian winter.
In defense of the BRICS I quote Lucien Cerise:
”The concept of globalism groups together heterogeneous phenomena with distinct historical causes, but which advance in parallel, which can give the impression of a programmatic unity and a common origin. Here is a non-exhaustive list. On the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum (Davos Forum): no one escapes information technology and the dangers of transhumanism, so it is futile to blame Russia and the BRICS for their increasing computerization, especially when it is done thanks to information technology, by publishing online texts that feed the Data Centers of the global digital infrastructure. Indeed, when we use computers, and communicate via the Internet and electronic messaging, we all participate in this paradigm – in the epistemological sense of a historical slice of the given state of technoscience – that some call (at choice) the fourth industrial revolution, the digital transformation or the Great Reset. On the UN Agenda 21 and 2030 aimed at sustainable development: no one wants to give up economic and technological development, because no one wants to give up international competition, unless they want to leave History and let themselves be colonized by those more powerful than themselves. On the WHO health dictatorship: almost everyone was taken by surprise in 2020, but critical reactions came mainly from the BRICS, the Global South and Western conservative circles, largely pro-Russian. On the New World Order: this term covers a project of Anglo-American hegemony officially launched by the President of the United States, George Bush Sr., in 1990 to celebrate the victory of capitalism over communism, which resulted in 2024 in the woke LGBT dictatorship, officially fought by Russia, with the support of the BRICS, by means of a legal arsenal to defend the family and tradition.”
The End and the Return of Pax Americana?
The End of Pax Americana: How Western Decline Became Inevitable
The Euro-Atlantic world had a long run of global dominance, but it is coming to an end.
By Christopher Layne
April 26, 2012
The Euro-Atlantic world had a long run of global dominance, but it is coming to an end.
But even during the Cold War’s last two decades, the seeds of American decline had already been sown. In a prescient–but premature–analysis, President Richard Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger believed that the bipolar Cold War system would give way to a pentagonal multipolar system composed of the United States, Soviet Union, Europe, China and Japan.
Welcome Back to Kissinger’s World
Neoconservatism has died, and liberal internationalism is discredited. Perhaps it’s time to return to the ideas of one of the last century’s greatest realists.
June 7, 2020
By Michael Hirsh, a columnist for Foreign Policy.
The answer to the future of U.S.-China relations—and the global peace and stability that largely depend on getting them right—may lie in the past, Gewen suggests. It’s no small coincidence that Kissinger and his philosophy had their moment in the sun at a time of U.S. weakness, during the Vietnam War, civil unrest, Watergate, and the stagflation of the 1970s, when diplomats had to find common ground and a balance among the major powers. Because a weakened and disordered Washington may be in an analogous place today vis-à-vis China, Kissinger’s favorite subject and the focus of his greatest diplomatic triumphs. In particular, Washington needs a reversion to tried and tested realpolitik that will be deft enough to turn great-power rivalry into a stable and peaceable modus vivendi. As former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, a scholar of China who has watched Beijing’s rise up close, wrote in a recent essay about the coronavirus pandemic in Foreign Affairs: “The uncomfortable truth is that China and the United States are both likely to emerge from this crisis significantly diminished. Neither a new Pax Sinica nor a renewed Pax Americana will rise from the ruins. Rather, both powers will be weakened, at home and abroad. And the result will be a continued slow but steady drift toward international anarchy.”
The Return of Pax Americana?
Putin’s War Is Fortifying the Democratic Alliance
By Michael Beckley and Hal Brands
March 14, 2022
Putin has now inadvertently done the United States and its allies a tremendous favor. In shocking them out of their complacency, he has given them a historic opportunity to regroup and reload for an era of intense competition—not just with Russia but also with China—and, ultimately, to rebuild an international order that just recently looked to be headed for collapse.
Henry Kissinger Surveys the World as He Turns 100
The great strategist sees a globe riven by U.S.-China competition and threatened by fearsome new weapons and explains why he now thinks Ukraine should be in NATO.
By Tunku Varadarajan
May 26, 2023
Mr. Kissinger leaves no doubt that he believes in a Pax Americana and in the need “to defend the areas of the world essential for American and democratic survival.” But the ability to “execute it politically,” he says, “has declined sharply, and that is our overriding problem now.” He ascribes this political weakness to a decline in belief in the U.S. in its own historical ambitions and institutions. “There’s no element of pride and direction and purpose left,” he laments, as American leaders grapple with angst generated by events of “300 years ago.”
Mike Pompeo (Nov 10, 2020):
There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration. . . . I’m very confident that we will do all the things that are necessary to make sure that the United States Government will continue to perform its national security function as we go forward.
The rich, the 1% with the 5% as management class (royalty), have ruled their regions since agriculture neutralized hunter-gathering and blew up population past naturally sustainable levels. When this class obtained technology, they used it to war-conquer lesser tech enabled peoples, exploiting and stealing all they could, for as long as they could. Their one main obstacle: dealing with us pesky plebs. With digital synthetic ruling technologies, their innate laziness and evil sociopathy sees the possibility of a no-maintenance, remote control totalitarianism over commoners. Deployed globally, it would equal a giant corporate buy-out, consolidation with reduced need for management expenses while an unlimited personal Utopia for the top 5%. Sci-fi has depicted these dystopias for over a century, in a variety of configurations. But the one we face now is the ultimate one, the ultimate enemy of Humanity. Every section of these declarations is unacceptable tyranny to commoners and a ridiculous joke of doublespeak. If we commoners were deciding these issues through informed and fully vetted consent or rejection vote, none of it would come to pass. This makes obvious our need to take over governing, to self-govern regionally and abandon the suicidal centralization of nations like the US and it’s globalist extensions that seem so desirable to the wealth class. We are the 95%. This is our world, not the open air slave prison of the tech-enabled rich. It is up to us and how we respond. Let’s prove we are smarter than they are. Let’s save our asses. Quick..
BRICS vs G20; Davos vs Valdai; Atlantism vs Eurasianism are variations on the same theme, like jazz. Two sides of the same coin. The Cold War was similar, a dualistic simulation designed to create the impression of antagonism between blocs and distract attention from the same “ruling caste” that reigned in East and West. Now … as in the past.
Hmm, the BRICS plutocrats paraphrased the UN 2030 Agenda. It’s one big World Order after all.but 😁
This article omits the part where BRICS nations pledge to renounce their sovereignty in favor of becoming vassals of the globalist cabal. Oh wait: that’s the part you have to read between the lines to assemble.
The article does mention the part where BRICS accepts both the IMF as well as the SWIFT exchange; but seems to have missed the part where this acceptance is a temporary measure until they are able to create their own financial system which will refrain from imposing draconian austerity measures on the nations of the world.
Absent also is the historical background which led to the creation of BRICS in the first place. Oh wait: BRICS was created so the peoples of the world could have their very own binary to divide and conquer them. So forget that the US has ruled every other nation on Earth with an iron fist since WWI – but particularly since WWII.
It has always been a two headed eagle with human depopulation as its agenda. Nothing new! The truth is not our friend. One should not be walking it on a leash allowing friends and neighbors to pet and admire your truth. TRUTH should be kept in a hole and tossed raw, bloody chunks of human flesh so we can THINK we bought ourselves more time. Consciousness is our ONLY salvation. If we don’t participate THEY don’t exist.
Truth is our only friend and saviour. Only by seeing the Lion firmly and straight in the eyes we can win! Cowardice will only save your life……..in serfdom.
Listen to Steel Pulse, they know what they are talking about. https://youtu.be/UsO4aYNFc9U
Thank you for the article. Careful reading sees different positions. For example, on the World Health Organisation, BRICS supports its founding role of coordination, and not health governance. It is so, also in other areas, in which West seeks governance, and not just coordination. About the so called Green houses BRICS stated in article 81: We reiterate the need to take into account national circumstances, including climate and natural conditions, the structure of national economy and energy mix as well as the specific circumstances of those developing countries whose economies heavily depend on income or consumption of fossil fuels and related energy-intensive products to achieve just energy transitions. We believe that the efficient use of all energy sources is critical for just energy transitions towards more flexible, resilient and sustainable energy systems and in this regard we uphold the principle of technological neutrality, i.e. using all available fuels, energy sources and technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions which includes, but is not limited to fossil fuels with abatement and removal technologies, biofuels, natural gas and LPG, hydrogen and its derivatives, including ammonia, nuclear and renewable power, etc.
Therefore, the solutions are quite different. They call for the energy mix and accepting the diverse reality, not the one model.
This article could have been just a couple of sentences : BRICS declares almost the same things as the other side. There was a comment below, full of substance : “look at what they do, not at what they say”. None of the sides is doing what they say so Mr.RW can continue to write sarcastic articles against Russia or he can change the name of the country as it suits him. One idea would be to write really good, interesting articles.
Thanks, Mr. Waggaman.
James Corbett and James Evan Pilato reported this on their recent “New World Next Week” episode.
It really is a Saturday Night Live sketch.
Not only is there no difference between the Left and the Right in the USA, there is no difference between the Brics and the Brats (my term for G20).
It just gets insaner and insaner.
Which gallery is WHO playing to?
I venture they’re playing to the house.
All actors playing their part !
“World poverty is viewed as a solution, not a problem. The World Bank and IMF think of poverty as low-priced labor, creating a competitive advantage for countries that produce labor-intensive goods. So poverty/austerity is an economic solution that’s built into their models.”
~ Michael Hudson
It seems sarcasm is lost on some commenters here, judging by the comments, attacking the author for seemingly supporting BRICS when he is doing nothing of the sort.
Next, Riley will have to put “sarc” after each of his cutting remarks, like the commenters do at Zerohedge since it is a lost art form on the western side of the Atlantic.
How can you miss the obvious.?
Some of the Russian likers in alt media dear Rock is because compared to the West.
Retirement age is 60/62 and cost of living is less and Gas and electric is really really low
food prices are cheaper.
Doing the MIC point finger of look over there whilst your being fuckd over is not going to stop the fact it is cheaper to live there than the west whilst you lot promote evil Russia.
No one gives a fuck only you posh twats.
Poor people care for how much it costs to live.
First, I don’t do the MIC “look over there” schtick. I point out the flaws everywhere especially in the West. If you had read my comments, then you would know that.
As far as essentials such as food and energy (electricity, gas, petrol) yes, of course they are cheaper in Russia. So are average salaries much lower. Also, even adjusted for purchasing power parity which irons out that difference in the cost of living vs salaries, then Russian salaries are STILL on AVERAGE 4 times less than US.
Explanation of purchasing power parity:
This means the average American has more disposible income to buy other shite such as furniture, cars, clothes and home appliances. The price of cars and washing machines are pretty much the same the world over, so it is harder for the average Russian to own one.
Average Russian MONTHLY salary was 46,324 rubles in 2019. (USD $718). How does that compare with your salary?
You can find info on the PPP tables of different countries GDP online. Russia falls way behind the US and EU countries even when adjusted for the cost of living differences.
Do I want to be poor in Russia or poor in the West?
Answer, neither. However, beng poor in the West often with a welfare state to help is nowhere near as bad as being poor in countries without a welfare state. The average sub-Saharan African who is unable to work cannot sit at home knowing his bills will be paid to keep a roof over his head. Yeh, I know it’s a crappy generalisation but you get the picture.
You think you get extra brownie points for that bollox? You don’t know who’s posh and who isn’t from a comments section.
You’d think that most of the world enjoys working
That slavery was dignity not strife.
I’m building a career on honest shirking.
I’m going on holiday for the rest of my life/
(Ariel 1981)
Living on the streets in the West, I and my family would be the happiest people on earth if we lived in Russia and earned USD $718/mth with free healthcare, warm soup, free public transport for the vulnerable, but we dont!
We sleep in dangerous neighbourhoods with gangs, drug addicts, hookers and vagabonds.
We freeze on our hands and feet, we are jobless, with only a cardboard sign “willing to work for food”, living in hell in a merciless 1’st world nation capitalist state on the survival of the fittest.
But its ok. We dont criticise anybody. We are happy because we have each other. Why? Because we have a heart, that none of you guys have. Thats why!
Anyone name calling has already lost the debate
A major “natural” or other disaster is great for the “economy”. It causes a big wave of “consumer” spending, if the victims don’t go under first. Long live the Free Market (TM).
‘You don’t know who’s posh and who isn’t from a comments section’ but a working-class hero is something to be.
I never said that anything about a “working class hero”.
Why don’t you ask the commenter who made the original comment about being ‘posh’.
Besides, how is posh defined, these days, likewise class. It is much more subjective. For example, is it money? Or is it education? Is it family background? Is it a job/career?
Or ‘iron’.
BRICS buy in to this whole vaxine/man made climate change/G5 scam, and you call this ‘good news’??
Well, at least US, EU and NATO do everything they can to make Russia revolt against the Globalist scheme.
But what can you do with poodles jumping around on two legs to get cookies. “Gringo Go Home, but hey wait…..take me with you”. 🙄
Shit sandwich or turd baguette ?
Ah, but Mr Waggaman, in BRICS, Russia is allowed to trade. In G20, they have been kicked out and they are not allowed to trade at all with the West.
So right now, BRICS for Russia means a different world to accepting US hegemony.
You can always piss off back to America, the nation of your homeland.
Russians can’t.
Spot on !
BRICS is and will always be second choice. You think BRICS have dignity? They have not.
Which was just proved by this article and many other Moscow, St. Petersborg, Sber Bank and Russian Oligarch actions.
Sorry, off. topic.
At least one politician in Australia is standing up and questioning the TOXIC JABS:
It appears that way or is t part of the “reveal” that will take place at some point ?
The mental health fall out, mass hysteria and the desire by most to tear down all institutions and accept a new form of Governance would be easier after they red pill everyone.
A few ordinary citizens are suing very big guns in EU. This includes at least one national government, WHO, Bourla and the Greatest Humanitarian Ever.
“BRICS just delivered a DOUBLE DEATHBLOW to the globalists”
Really? BRICS _are_ the Globallists. WTF are you guys smoking over there at OffGuardian? You guys are sounding more and more like your opposing namesake every day.
It is called sarcasm.
Have you never read a Riley W article before?
It seems you never got past the first paragraph of this one either, since it is dripping with sarcasm that is so bleeding obvious when you read it FULLY.
BRICS : look what they do, not what they say/ write.
PR China on CO2: ha, ha, ha!! Add India or Saudi Arabia.
They will support the IMF as long as it givens them more money.
WTO? As long as PR China keeps it underdeveloped status and can ship its stuff basically for free to the West, fine.
Russia is fighting a war for its national cultural survival, and so is Israel. They will say/ write anything to keep that up, like “Western rule of law”, actually more like in the Western frontier movies. Putin wants a multipolar world and so do Xi, Modi and others. They only pay lip service to the WEF global 1984 monopoly bureacrazy paid off by some Anglo trillionairs.
As fraud as the US dollar or Wall street.
‘cultural survival’ ?
‘Israel’ ?
Give us a break.
The Jewish dominance/ubiquity in Hollywood and the MSM has been around for a long time and is as UGLY as it gets
Only Jews have no right to a home land according to the left.
Muslim Arabs can have dozens plus one more.
Makes sense – not.
Pending since 5 hours…..
Israel has no culture itself other than racism, genocide and theft.
-Yahoo: “It is still in Russia’s interests to help Israel with weapons, like back in ’48! Many of our people are your people too, you know that”
-Put-it-in [thinking]: “Can I really get away with an accident for this fucker?”
The fundamental problem is that by weaponizing the existing financial system to the benefit of the US (or rather “the interests that govern US and so Western (Oceana) policy) the US has degraded these institutions to the point where they’re useless. So, naturally, similar but independent institutions and systems will spring up as alternatives.
This isn’t the first time in history that an empire has sought to control global trade to its benefit.
Globe was a lot smaller then, have you seen the size of todays container ships, first time in at least a very long time.
Why should we trust Them ? Why should we believe Them ?
They’re politicians, right ? It is an Established Fact –
politicians speak with forked tongues** Right ?
** Old Injun word for ‘doublespeak’…
It means that BRICS & G20 aren’t the poles. Like pitting South vs Southwest and deducing that their shared southerly direction implies that there is no South or West. All poles in it together.
Why wouldn’t the statements be similar when BRICS members are a substantial proportion of the G20 (Argentina, Brazil, China, India, (Turkey), South Africa, (Saudi Arabia), Russia)?
Some better poles to try might be:
– Global South vs West
– SWIFT vs ‘BRICS Pay’ (‘BRICS Clear’ mentioned in the document)
– Pro-Palestine, Arab-courting BRICS (as per the document) vs pro-Israel Western nations
Also “global governance” is not the same as “global government”. And a reformed IMF or an IMF replaced with a BRICS version wouldn’t be the same as the current version.
Looks like there are a fair few provisos and nuances in those statements yet to be fully explored.
You imply “global governance” is a good thing in comparison with “global government”.
Global governance does not just include state actors which is generally the understanding of government. Global governance is the Public Private Partnership. The merging of states with corporations, NGOs, and selected stakeholders and the increasing power and control of supranational organisations all driving the controllers agendas forward. Stakeholders, however, do not include the people on an individual level. Individuals are merely part of the collective to be steered.
It is the sleight of hand where the public are sold the idea of ‘community’ ie communtarianism but in reality not for the benefit of the people. The myriad of change agents placed and now embedded within the institutions of the state, be they local or national, are there to undertake the policies of the controlling elitists working hand in glove with NGOs, banks, corporations and the media. Steering public opinion and using community groups to direct opinion and manufacture consent by offering only limited pre-determined outcomes to the public. No dissent is permitted and these local community meetings are controlled and managed by trained facilitators and coordinators working against the public interest.
The foundation stones were laid in Britain in 2010 with David Cameron’s ‘Big Society’, at the time an unclear blue sky notion with uncertain (to the public) policy objectives and goals. However, over the last decade or so, it has become clear that these are the global to local objectives of Agenda 2030. Objectives which are being implemented across the world, more or less in lockstep, albeit at different speeds.
There’s nothing intrinsically, conceptually, intellectually, practically at fault with a ‘public sector – private sector’ partnership, but yes, there’s always that potential for things to go belly-up.
Maybe it’s a case of keeping tabs on things before they do?
Thank you Riley for sharing your perspectives.
This mug has noticed that the ‘leaders’ of the BRICS-Nations appear to be taking -their-orders from some non-disclosed ‘higher-authority’. In their respective countries, this gang-of-charlatans certainly don’t appear to have the support of the majority of the respective populations. Take for an example just three, viz. Putin, Modi and Ramaphosa who, by their actions appear to be under the control of their J-Cult handlers. They might not display the moronic-fawning of a Boris Johnson or the twat from France … but they do emit definite-signals that the Finks and Dimonds of the world control their actions. And by their actions they reveal their [real] masters. So, the ceremonial-puppets of BRICS are revealing themselves to be … more of the same, i.e. same horse, different jockey. If only it was different … and not the flag-waving pantomime, controlled by the PRICKS in Switzerland, The Vatican and The City of London, etc.
You mean: different horse, same jockey.
No need for those early morning whistles any longer. The App is the new dog whistle.
Thanks Riley. At least you are always bringing us the bad news in seen in a positive light.
So what is there to say one more time: They are all in it! Whether its the Cabal, The Illuminati, The Elite, The Devil, or whoever.
No country dare to break the code, all jumping around like small poodles. 💃
But, remember what little David did with just one little stone. THIS IS SPARTA!
Now I take you back to reality:
This article marks a planned change of direction for Surplus Energy Economics, and not just in the provision of downloadable SEEDS data for readers. The case for impending economic contraction has been made, and is being vindicated by events. The need now is for hard analysis and constructive initiative.
As you may know, the global process of inflexion from economic growth into contraction has, in its earlier phases, moved slowly, though it’s now accelerating markedly.
This said, even the early deceleration phase has wrought profound changes in the economy and society.
Throughout this precursor period which has preceded economic contraction, we’ve tried to reinvigorate the material economy with monetary innovation. Though wholly futile, this has resulted in sharp reductions in the real cost of capital, creating a huge escalation in financial liabilities and a correspondingly enormous bubble in asset prices.
This has become a candyfloss (cotton candy) economy, resembling a sweet confection which has vast open spaces within very little material substance. An economy in which the substance of economic output is modest and falling, whilst inflated asset values can’t be sustained, and liabilities cannot conceivably be honoured, is exactly this kind of confection.
Thus far, people who rely on earned incomes have been the main victims of this process, whilst the owners of assets have been its beneficiaries. But the gains enjoyed by the latter exist only in paper form. What lies ahead is a collapse in these paper values, as the financial system fractures under the sheer weight of the liabilities imposed upon it.
We cannot know how much of this is understood by decision-makers.
But my reading of the situation is that sentiment in the corridors of power is changing rapidly, from presentational optimism to a sense of resignation.
More https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/2024/11/02/292-fake-it-till-you-break-it/
See, again. Capitalism smeared in the media. Insinuating we need the opposite = Communism yes?? Capitalism bad, Communism good.
Dilbert always brightened my day.
American officials expect a Trump victory will result in tens of thousands of suicides. They need not worry as the deep state will ensure Trump will be largely a ceremonial president – something Trump might understand were he not such a narcissist.
Two working for the same handlers. So what? It’s all an illusion.
Trump is in The Club – it’s all fake
Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson’s statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president’s ear during the assassination attempt.
Despite Jackson’s claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump’s ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.
In the simplified, dumbed down world of banal evil, Trump’s faked assassination was a “masterstroke” that won him the election by elevating him to martyr status. The Demoncrats got outplayed!
In the meantime. the Pentagon continues with business as usual, announcing the continued military projects in Israel for the next months….
‘Tens of thousands of suicides’
The Lockdowns revisited?
That aside, we know ALL politicians are self serving narcissists. Some just don’t flaunt their narcissism as much as Trump does.
What I can’t understand though, is how Trump’s supporters can’t see this. Once he’s ensconced he will do exactly as he did last time: enrich himself, strut, fumble and blame everyone and everything else for his broken promises.
Trump epitomises everything that is wrong with the Empire of War, Greed and Hypocrisy.
I’m still aghast that people in the Medical Freedom movement of the past 4 plus years still believe there is some sort of difference in the parties and candidates.
That one party or the other is going to change things.
The comments I read on these independent sites and substacks, with regard to the US elections and politics in general, stupify me more than what the general public believes.
But to each their own, I guess.
I guess you either accept that human beans are fallible, very fallible, or you don’t.
Most people are simply NOT PAYING ATTENTION.
Well, you do understand that most “Trump supporters” are struggling to survive, quite frankly, and they will pin their hopes on anyone who at the very least addresses that. Many of them may be somewhat middle class, but they too are barely hanging on to that status now. Of course, they should be condemned for thinking they deserve their little lives, so it’s also really easy to view them as people formerly privileged who are merely in danger of losing said privileges. Never mind most are working class slobs who get their asses up every day and go to a job they may loathe, they have no right to expect any better and really should just accept that status instead of maybe taking another chance on one more asshole promising them a solution.
While it’s very fucking easy to sit here and look at “those people” as dumb, blind, ignorant, what in hell do we expect? This is trained behavior. Then let’s take a look at the other side of the aisle and just how many of those on that side enrich themselves, strut, fumble and BLAME everyone else for their broken promises? All that supposed other side has at this point is to blame the malignant narcissist they babble on endlessly about, as well as helped to create, never ever taking one ounce of responsibility for their own malignant part in this little game. Pray tell, if they did not have Trump, who could the use as the foil to their own corruption? Who would they point to then? How on earth would they “win” without that supposed mortal enemy of a democracy that isn’t?
Blame the dumb Trump supporter all you need to, our owners not only appreciate that, but have provided him as your boogeyman du-jour, and the fund raising off of that is spectacular! Trump may epitomize all that is wrong with the Empire, but he’s sure as fuck not alone in that, is he? I did go ahead and vote for Trump this time, and I consider that vote as a middle finger to the lying progressive assholes who are every bit as bad as Trump, and really, IMHO they are far, far worse. Trump is every bit the asshole he plays on TV. It’s all there for anyone to see. He’s like that snarling southern white man Malcolm talked about so rightly, at least that one admits who he is, while the nice smooth talking liberal will smile in your face as he sticks the knife in your back. I’ll take the openly malignant narcissist this time around. It’s a Hail Mary pass and IMHO it’s all we’ve got.
Take your medicine.
You’ve got two choices; Cyanide or Strychnine.
Arsenic is more natural.
The Fraud is so desperate Trump might win that they’ve dared to mention Jeffrey Epstein, breaking years of silence in the process.
They raise him from the dead purely in connection to Trump obviously – all his proven links to Democrats like their beloved Clintons are still deep down the memory hole (if they ever knew them). There’s still more chance they’ll mention those than they’ll investigate all his connections with big science…
In the US at least, the media don’t mind mentioning Epstein on occasion (though they’ll never tell you about his Mossad connection through Ghislaine Maxwell). The one incident they will never mention anymore is Pizzagate.
Riley, You are one of my favourite Americans – both content, style and looking so young, and taking the p1ss
“BRICS just delivered a DOUBLE DEATHBLOW to the globalists.”
maybe you take the globalists too seriously – still someone has got to pay the bill.
I am more into Ricky Gervais, Afterlife on Netflix – Sad, True. but funny if you like that kind of thing
I watched all of this this afternoon..It is surprisingly good…
“Jeffrey Sachs + Q&A | Cambridge Union”
0:28 / 1:21:39
Jeffrey Sachs
Others agree:
Katyusha!…… Did someone say Katyusha!
It’s official.
The genocide that is:
There are war crimes definitions which basically go by weather you leave the infrastructure in place and rout out the offenders, or just blast your way through the miserable battle of, war.
Both are being seen either in the Ukraine or Gaza.
apparently all agendas are just and sustainable, but some agendas are juster and more sustainable than others
Lets test the limits of sustainable debts.
the multipolar world order was born under the aegis of the UN, and the UN is a creature of the World Economic Forum, let’s think of Brazil, which vetoed Venezuela, on behalf of its imperialist masters.
Let’s think of India and its arms trade with Israel. The BRICS have declared that they accept Agenda 2030, that of the WEF and BlackRock, they have accepted the IMF, and the WHO with its procession of mandatory vaccinations and control over the bodies of citizens. They accept Multistakeholder governance, and we are back in, the 1%, the richest, who control the resources of the 90%, the resources of the peoples of the earth, with the deception of climate change. It is class struggle from above, it is yet another deception for the people who will be increasingly robbed of their independence. Think about what Agenda 2030 really is, and the oligarchic abyss and
transhuman slavery into which it will throw the world
Yes its a sad day. No opposition anywhere.
As the ‘body’ lays dying does it really matter whether it’s wolves, hyenas, vultures or maggots that are picking at the flesh?
“Peak almost everything”, part one
As almost everyone must have noticed by now, economic and broader affairs are in a strange state of uneasy limbo. The economy certainly hasn’t ‘collapsed’, as some pundits have long been predicting, but neither is it growing, in any meaningful sense.
Conditions are characterised by worsening hardship and widening inequality, and this, compounded by suspicion and mistrust, is making itself felt in increasingly fractious domestic politics. A disturbing feedback loop ties internal political discontent into the stresses of dysfunctional international relations.
There’s a growing feeling that ‘things aren’t working’, and that the continuing affluence of a minority is in striking contrast with the deteriorating economic circumstances (and worsening insecurity) of the majority.
One can almost sense a collective holding of breath as we wait to see ‘what happens next’.
I cannot escape a conviction that very few people really understand that what we’re experiencing now isn’t some kind of temporary economic stasis, but the cusp of a fundamental change for which societies are not prepared.
Accordingly, the aim here is to use the SEEDS model to make sense of this unquiet calm, and to provide some insights into what actually does ‘happen next’.
In summary, hardship and stress at the level of the micro – that is, of the household and the individual – are about to extend into disorder at the level of the macro. We’re heading very rapidly into “peak almost everything”.
In order to understand the history of how and why BRICS came about and the history, that is a long term rounded view rather than a fly by night snapshot, of the countries and relationships to the West, read on !
An extract from it.
MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, it was important not for coming up with solutions, but just to lay out what the table of contents is going to be for the problems that they’re going to work on. This is really the first time they’ve got together. And what’s important is how many of the people were there.
When you had the Bandung Conference in Indonesia, 80 years ago, there was a general idea that the U.S.-centered order wasn’t a good way of working.
But Cuba, Indonesia, the other – they call them Third World countries, they’re non-aligned countries at the time – didn’t have any ability to actually put in an alternative order because there weren’t enough of them. None of them were self-sufficient.
And now what makes this different is that there are enough leading countries in the BRICS, led by China and Russia, to actually enable them to be self-sufficient and to be able to say we really don’t need the West, if need be. If there has to be a break, we can at least trade with each other, have financing with each other, and even extend military protection to each other.
Well, the real question is, what are they going to do with this power? And how can you get all these different countries to somehow agree on what to do? Well, you can see that one center of this was finance.
And especially President Putin in his introductory remarks showed all of this. They’ve already protected themselves by having their own alternative to Swift and their bank clearing. They were able to announce they’re going to trade in their own national currencies. But that’s not really putting in together a new system.
They all want to de-dollarize, but obviously they’re going to continue to work with the dollar and all of their trade with the Western countries. So the real question is, what are they going to do? They’re still talking about working within the framework of the Western institutions.
They saw within the World Trade Organization, but what can you do there? There hasn’t been a decision by the World Trade Organization Court in three years, because the United States has refused to appoint a judge that would make a quorum. So nothing they can do.
What can they do within the IMF? The only statements that came out of the meeting were that the global south countries want some of themselves to be increasing their quotas within the IMF. But the real problem isn’t that. The real problem is the whole operating philosophy of the IMF, based on austerity theories and the subordination to a U.S.-centered order.
So, I think, Putin, and China, and the other leaders who were there just said, well, all we can do is say, we would like to work within these organizations, but that hasn’t worked by the time the next meeting comes around.
So I think all this meeting really was aimed at is to set up the agenda for the second meeting. And that’s really the important thing.
And the key reform that they wanted was how to avoid the BRICS being treated in the same way that Russia was treated.
And I think in President Putin’s comments, this was his own focus saying, we are the West’s dress rehearsal for what it’s going to do to you, or to any other country that tries to take its own self-determination into its own hands, the U.S. is going to treat you as an enemy. So I think that Putin’s introductory statements were all about that.
He pointed out that a sort of shadow alternative to the Western organizations were necessary, but all he could do was say, here are the problems that [we have to solve]. And he did, at the very beginning, zero in on the fact that chronic growth of the debt burden in developed countries continues.
So the question is, they now have a whole year to discuss what we’re going to do. We cannot afford to increase our growth if we have to keep paying the dollar debt to our bondholders.
I think Putin is trying to set the stage. He also said, “Establish the BRICS arbitration investment center to develop a convention on the settlement of investment disputes, which will increase the security.”
Well, what he’s really saying is this is an alternative to what President Obama did with the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the International Investment Dispute Center. Under the current rules of countries that join this agreement, if a country raises taxes on a U.S. company, it has to pay damages equal to the amount of taxes that it raises.
If it imposes penalties for pollution caused by an oil company, or a mining company, and says you have to pay this, the mining company, or the oil company, can go to court and say, you have to give all that money back to us because you’re not allowed to make any change in the status quo that we’ve imposed under U.S. rules.
In effect, you cannot have any progress or any sovereignty for yourself in controlling your tax system, or your legal system, or your penalty system. So I think that when Putin raised the point that I made, all he was doing was setting the stage for arguments that are going to be taking place over the coming years.
I think most of the reports that you’ve seen – hardly any in America – that you’ve seen on the internet, are sort of celebratory – Oh look! We’re independent! – and I don’t think they want to be a spoilsport, and say this is really only the first stage.
I only want to say one more, a few more quotes of Putin, and then I’ll turn it over to Richard.
Putin said, ‘We don’t fight the dollar, but if we are not allowed to work with it, what to do? Then we’re forced to look for other alternatives.’ I think that is setting the stage for the fact that ‘We’re not attacking the West, the West is attacking all of us, starting with Russia and pretty soon China. And all we can do is respond…’
He’s trying to convince them – of the need that – you’d better join, I think, what the press will call the hardliners: China and Russia, the most immediately affected states.
The problem, of course, is that many of the BRICS members want to have a foot in both camps. Turkey wants to go both ways. Saudi Arabia wants to go both ways. India wants to keep all of the U.S. markets and the U.S. investment and join BRICS.
All that President Putin and the other members, the discussions can bring out, is there’s a great tension right now between the NATO countries and the BRICS and this whole repertoire of problems that they say are really an agenda for what they’re going to have to negotiate with to actually come out with a policy response, next year, or the year after that, or the year after that.
BRICS ultimately came from the same place that EU/ZATO did: the City of London.
This myth was attempted to be pushed in this article and was found to be wanting.
For example,
” The inference that the BRICS institutions were created by and controlled by the Western Globalists does not tally with history and the core tenets of the Western puppet controllers. ie destruction of Nation states, destruction of families mother( female), father (male) and children plus the other pillars of a Nation states institutions.
in looking at the bibliography of Jim O’ Neil’s paper ” Building Better …”
This little snippet was overlooked.
[1] Historically, Russia has had the dual role of being an emerging economy as well as a member of the Global North and was thereby a member of the G8. Russia joined the G7 in 1998, and it was known as the G8 until 2014, when Russia’s membership was suspended indefinitely, and the group reverted to its original name. Lamb, Zachary 2014. “The Group of 8 Industrialized Nations.” New York: Council on Foreign Relations. Accessed September 1, 2021. https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/group-eight-g8-industrialized-nationsb
[2] The BRICs was an analytical concept much like other acronyms used to describe other fast-growing emerging markets coined by O’Neill such as MINTs, (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey) or MIKTs/MISTs – (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey). Pant, Harsh V. “The BRICS Fallacy.” The Washington Quarterly 36 no3 (2013): 91-
105. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0163660X.2013.825552 “
As did the Pandemic.
According to the statements, the BRICS policies direct from the horse’s mouth are:
UN SDGs check
UN Agenda 2030 check
UN general bootlicking check
Climate change fraud check
Carbon trading – money maling scam on the back of CC check
WHO sovereignty sellout check
Vaccines /scamdemics check
5G digital gulag check
IMF globalist financial bribery and blackmail check
Public private partnership
The controllers are not even trying to hide their intentions, with their multipolar world order ‘heads we win, tails you lose’ script.
It is said that they must disclose their plans ahead of time, which with this latest effort lays it out in the open, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear to clearly understand. At least elements of the Russian media can see through it.
Hopefully, the peoples of the BRICS countries, South America, Middle East and the Global South in general wake-up quicker than Westerners to their leaders sell out to globalist interests now barely camouflaged under the guise of multipolarity.
The deal is this. The controllers stay in control, It’s either that or a global nuclear war which no side wants, not even the criminally insane controllers. I think this shows even tyrants can be brought to the table.
For climate, we could go into scientific “consensus” and censorship, solar cycles, CO2 harm and benefits, CO2 longevity, CO2 human emission, water vapour harm and benefits, or SO2 clean-up harm. Instead, consider the actual evidence of damage done:
Authoritative predictions of calamities, even after 2000, turned out to be false. There has been no significant increase in the frequency or intensity of weather disasters:
:- official records and research show more extreme weather in the first half of the 20th century; over 2000-2021, such disasters declined in trend by ~10%
:- research covering 1990-2021 showed less cyclones globally; the Tropics generated less “Accumulated Cyclone Energy” that signifies frequency, intensity or duration
:- more flood monitoring stations globally showed a significant declining trend [2017 research]
:- contrary to UN IPCC prediction of a severe decline in snowfall, though it did decline in spring more than predicted, it more than offset this in winter [2019 research]
:- UN IBPES exaggerated the loss of species by using the list of endangered species as that of extinct ones; of the 5-10 million species in existence, science has only identified ~2 million; of the vertebrate classes studied, ~50% are increasing and an equal number are decreasing
Over 2009-2019, the Antarctic ice shelves underwent a net increase of 5305 km2 in area, and 661 Gt in mass.
[tc.copernicus.org, 2023-05-16]
Statistics and old Newspapers, tsk tsk.
The weather is a non-linear chaotic system not possible to predict more than 7-14 days ahead.
A 100 year interactive map of the clima in Australia shows a chaotic system with absolutely no patterns at all.
So the 10 year Antarctic measured ice shelves development tells us equally absolutely zero. Just saying, to promote a true platform for discussion.
The Vast Majority are economically illiterate, probably wondering
“what’s all the fuss about ?”
I’m certainly not looking forward to when China is The Top Dog,
it’s bad enough with Western countries scurrying to catch-up with
China by imposing Chinese-style mass surveillance and control
systems… Such Envy !
So, it’s China that’s imposing these mass surveillance and control systems in the West is it?
Gotta keep up the rhetoric, man.
8 billion will be very angry when they are unable to feed themselves and their kids.. best to get control measures in place now
No kidding, man. What do you want me to do? scream the obvious to the blind.
Reading comprehension taking a break today ?
25+ years in. Connected the dots a long time ago you Muppet.
It seems you misread his comment.
Yeah, my bad. reread it after sobering up. Long break incoming.
It’s a good idea to clamp down hard and get the boot on the neck – when the global economy is about to collapse