The Revenge of Trumpenstein
CJ Hopkins

So, it’s déjà vu all over again.
That’s right, he’s back! Trumpenstein the Monster! Literal Russian-Agent Hitler! The Ayatollah of Orange Shinola! And this time he’s not screwing around!
No, this time, he is really going to “drain the swamp”! He’s going to rebuild that “big, beautiful wall”! It’s curtains for all you Mexican rapists, cat-barbecuing Haitians, and squirrel-murdering commies! There will be no more cross-dressing perverts perfidiously flouridating our precious bodily fluids! No more egg-headed Cultural Marxists infecting our kids with their “Woke mind virus”!
This is the dawn of a Golden Age of Morning in America Made Great Again!

Seriously, this is not just a childish fantasy or a rebooted marketing campaign. Trump and Elon, and their buddies on Wall Street, and in the Military-Industrial Complex, and Silicon Valley, are literally going to save America from Libtardism! They are going to kick some deep-state ass!
It’s going to be like the climax of one of those Hollywood comic-book super-hero movies, where the hero makes his “Final Push” — after suffering an end-of-Act-II “Major-Setback” — and beats the living snot out of the antagonist, and then we all live happily ever after!
Of course, for liberals, it will be like one of those Hammer horror movie sequels from the 1970s. The Return of the Revenge of the Curse of Trumpenstein! The Horror of the Evil of the Revenge of Trumpenstein! The Horror of Trumpenstein Must Be Destroyed!

The coming four years of recycled mass hysteria has already started. Jimmy “rest in peace wheezy” Kimmel is choking up on late-night television. Arnold “screw your freedom” Schwarzenegger has not been heard from and is probably in hiding. Some celebrity named Cardi B posted “I hate y’all bad” on the Instagram. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough blamed the Blacks and Hispanics for betraying Kamala. Jason Stanley, the supercilious “fascism expert” who did that “Trump is Literally the Resurrection of Hitler” New York Times video back in 2018, has proclaimed this “The End of US Democracy,” again.
Militant liberals are digging out their saftey-pins and pink pussyhats and preparing to reassemble “The Resistance.” California has been designated “Resistance HQ.”

They’re going to have wait a couple of months, though, because, technically, the Trumpians are still “The Resistance”…

…and we can only have one “Resistance” at a time, or “The Resistance” ends up resisting “The Resistance,” which would make “The Resistance” the thing it is “resisting,” which would make that thing — i.e., the thing it is “resisting” — kind of like one of the official enemies in Orwell’s 1984, which the Party switches from time to time, which, of course, it is, but…well, ignore that for now.
This is no time for critical thinking, or for any other type of thinking!
No, it’s time to Make America Great Again, or to Save the World from Hitler again, and respond to whichever Pavlovian stimuli you happen to have been conditioned to respond to!
Which is why I’m going to wait a while before I publish anything serious on this topic. I’m kind of tired of pissing into the wind at the moment. Watching the actual potential resistance to the rollout of The New Normal Reich get captured, harnessed, and redirected back into the usual partisan-politics sideshow by Elon Musk et al. for the past two years has left me feeling a little disheartened, or disillusioned, or sad, or something.
I do have a few thoughts about where we are headed, which I’m pretty sure no one is going to like. I’ll publish them once things settle down a bit. For now, here’s a little preview…
If I’m right, where we are headed will be déjà vu all over again all over again. But whatever. Let’s get back to the show!
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Gotta wonder how intelligent people can, even to feign objectivity, abet the doom and gloom narrative regarding the coming Trump presidency. It was perhaps, more understandable in the first go-round because president Trump was, at that time, an unknown entity. But now, we have the example of the previous pre-covid Trump presidency, and, outside the dem panic and subterfuge, things went pretty well. I guess that these are facts that are inconvenient to the status quo, neocon-orchestrated agenda. I just don’t expect it from off Guardian, but, perhaps I have assumed too much. Maybe future off Guardian emails should be relegated to my spam folder
Nice Rhapsody in Orange, but Halloween was two weeks ago, and then when I tried to borrow parts of it, for future suture, spellcheck had to stick its own heavy hand into it with “Drumpfenstein.”
AI is getting so creepy.
It’s alive!
What’s a plagiarist to do.
I hope that Elon Musk “Morning in America” post is just a spoof. Musk won’t know this — he hasn’t been in the country long enough — but this was what Ronald Reagan said about his first term. Same policies, same knocks about government (“The Government is the problem”), same “Mandate for Leadership” (its what “Project 2025” was called back then).
People say that the definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different result. We know where these policies lead and why but when you mention this inconvenient truth you just get mumblings about how liberals thwarted the journey to the Promised Land (and never anything about financial scandal after financial scandal, of course). Its been the same in the UK; you know what the policies were and how they played out and while there’s a certain schadenfraude about “We told you so” it really does nothing to improve our lot.
Sometimes I suspect that “We, the People” are just a bunch of suckers.
After that came Clinton/Gore and their “Reinventing Government” thing. I remember a photo of Gore pushing a wheel barrel full of government regulations and how they were going to cut all the red tape and unnecessary regulations. Same old, same old.
One born every minute. But like the man said, it’s déjà vu all over again all over again (and then some). Déjà vu 3.0
Amerika is lost in its own echo chamber, banging on its sampled walls.
“It was the German women who rebuilt the country following World War II.”
Here the author has bought into a myth, which I don’t blame him for.
Woman who has found late happiness in a partnership.
When married couples don’t get along, it is often just
because neither of them is stuffed. But the taxidermist
has left out the lower part. “Somehow it disgusted me,
I must honestly say. But even a woman has her needs.”
Foreshadowing to woker times, Olm, you clairvoyant: “With Eva, I practiced the entire Indian Kama Sutra and the Japanese Tao of Love. It’s incredible, you know. You can just caress each other for hours. Or during intercourse, just stay inside for about five hours. Basically without any ulterior motives or anything.”
One of Olm’s funniest sketches, which has of course long since been “banned” and disappeared from the net (due to “discrimination against sexual minorities”), was an episode of his RTL series “OLM!” from 2003. This was all filmed unobserved by the actors. In it, Olm pretends to be a theater director named Helmut Prinz, “who brings applicants for an interview and expects pointless things from them”, holds a casting. Sitting next to him in the otherwise completely empty and dark theater hall a female assistant who acts just as serious, but can only suppress her amusement with difficulty.
Two relatively young men introduce themselves as applicants and are supposed to act out a scene from Shakespeare on stage. Olm innocently asks them if they are homosexual, which they both answer in the affirmative. However, one of them is supposed to play a goat and the other is supposed to stand behind him, who is then not supposed to say “to be or not to be, that is the question here”, but instead “to be in or not to be in”, which they actually do (not without dedication), as they are finally hired and want to convince with their talent. That was so f-ing brilliant, how you can get to the heart of something so cleverly.
Helmut Hoffmann, like Hans Werner Olm, an Aquarius,
has created the autistic postal worker Hans-Hermann
Thielke. He doesn’t just play him or make idiotic jokes,
he is him. The comedy lies in the credibility, which has
worked out the characteristics of the role so brilliantly
that you think it’s real because everyone knows it well.
Tulsi Gabbard appointed as new DNI.
Graun + OmG : how sneaky those globalists….
Tulsi Gabbard (351st Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command) and tried to sell us on her as being “anti-war and anti-establishment”
whilst shilling go get them isareal !!
And here we bought into the notion she was a Sanders Marxist. Feels like yesterday.
Just one of the Marx Brothers, but maybe in drag: Groucho, Harpo, Bernie & Tulsi.
Now that’s what I call Democracy!
“What a country!” ~ Yakov Smirnoff, 1980s (last time there was this much Morning in Amerika”)
Whatever it is Mr. Hopkins, thank you at least for your efforts, involvement and engagement. Let me give you in compensation an advice I know is intelligent and giving:
Read the entire Ecclesiastes in the Bible. It is the best few minutes you can spent in your entire life. It explains everything. Have a nice day.
The only saving grace is that America cannot ever be made “great again” no matter how long Trump and company hold their breath till all red-blooded Americans come to their senses and depart reality for four more years.
Just imagine if America were again able to dictate to every other nation on Earth while its citizens grow fat and sassy and lazy and comfortably middle-class. Imagine every possible resource on the planet being plucked from the hands of those made to dig them up and laid on a silver platter for kindly old Uncle Sam. Imagine leaders of nations who fail to bend a knee to US imperialism being mowed down and replaced with flunkies. Imagine every city on Earth wondering if they will be the site for testing the newest nuclear bomb.
No, Donald, no. Do not make America great again.
grow fat and sassy and lazy and comfortably middle-class
You are almost repeating propaganda.
.- Most US people are fat because the food they can affort is fake and adulterated.
.- The majority are struggling, i.e., no different from most other countries. The stats on GDP/capita etc., inflation, job growth, etc. are all BS. If you sit at a table with billionaires, you too are a billionaire on average.
I don’t go by statistics. I go by what I see and hear and experience. Yes, that makes my perspective rather limited, even pedestrian. But I think any sampling of Americans is ipso facto a microcosm of the whole.
And since I live in an area that is steadily going down hill, and hear people talking every day about how they can’t make ends meet yet somehow always do, I have no choice but to conclude that Americans have been so pampered while the rest of the world gets exploited, that they have come to see even a step or two down as armageddon.
Trump announced a new mini Department Of Government efficiency (DOGE) led by Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk.
Elon slimmed Twitter 80% into X; how will they fare with the FBI. CIA, FDA, DOJ etc.?
Like GODS they have to slay these multiheaded Cerberus dogs.
Vivek told some ideas on Tucker Carlson the other day: use a new SC judgement to wipe off any Cent. Gov. rules that didn’t go through the Senate/ House, then remove the bureaucrats involved in those. From soft – let them show up physically at office every weekday from 9 to 5, via medium – offer a ~1 year salary bonus for voluntary exit to hard – fire them standard business protocol.
Below in the same On-Guardian link above:
How come On-and-Off Guardian sound equally anti Trump???
Proposing a new government agency to slim down, er, other government agencies is sheer genius. Except that he should have called it ‘The Department of Administrative Affairs’ and consulted Sir Humphrey Appleby (ret’d) on the best way to conduct it … going forward.
Oh to bring back “Yes, Minister” on the past four years alone.
What a feast.
The episode of all of them trying to get out of taking the jab.
That alone….
And “Spitting Image”
The only department Musk wants to run is a commercial department store. Legally and morally he cannot be a bureaucrat and a business guy at the same time, so he will stick to “advisor” of some sorts. Ramaswamy has more lee way, till some lawfare grunts dig up some obscure obstacle.
Down talking a new movement from day one by the way is pretty suspicious in my book, and others. Just what closet democrats do. A rerun of 2016 is too obvious folks.
To what “new movement” are you referring?
Dickens in “Little Dorit” I think called it the Circumlocution Office, and any citizen who inquired about the operations of its minions was told to fill out “lots of forms”
See this by Glenn Greenwald:
What Do Trump’s Personnel Picks Reveal About Next Admin?
I would say Glenn is very generous here, it looks to me like “meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”
For all the good he did in his last presidency, Trump left no lasting legacy. None, nada, zip.
…Except the vaccine-related harms (both medical AND societal.)
I don’t think anyone here is expecting doom from Trump*. Just more business as usual letdowns and corporatocracy dressed as patriotism.
I am fairly optimistic about him right now, but (being in the UK) it feels just like those ecstatic days in December 2019 when after 30 years we finally had a powerful majority government offering to do what we wanted. Then we were shafted in every way possible. A controlled demolition of a once proud, functional nation.
* But Trump’s Israel worship could doom us.
I agree with your last asterick statement.
Although I think he will be following orders.
They all are.
GOD=Government Ordinance Department…control over your basic life.
Another reason why I absolutely prefer both Trump and Bolsonaro from the Libtards, notwithstanding “they are all in it”. At least they are less slimy.
But the Brits never give up. “Trump may get his 24 hour peace with Ukraine, but at what price”???. “Trump should THINK more about it”.
Lesser evil won’t do for me any more.
Then how about the lesser “lesser evil?”
Churchill to Hitler perhaps?
The movement is already being prepared.
This is building up to be the psyop to beat all psyops! Mega MAGA!
“Maga” (מגע) meaning “contact” or “touch” in hebrew.
MAGA in Latin: Magic, Magician
MAGA in Italian: Magician, Witch
MAGA in Spanish: Magician, Wizard, Illusionist
MAGA in Polish: Magician
MAGA in Sanskrit: Magician, Priest of the sun
MAGA: The word is the transliteration of the Greek word magos. It is a title specifically related to the Magi, re-priests of Zoroastrianism typical of the last period of the Persian Empire.
That’s pretty interesting.
I’ve simplified the translation into Utilitarian English (not to be conflated with slang, or even Slanglish):
Make Amerika G~R~A~T-E Again.
I realize that’s redundant, but I’m only trying to isolate the most utilitarian.
Or: MAKE AMERICA G~R~A~T~E AGAIN in literal English.
I thought 9/11 or Convid were massive Pysops, but they managed to get the likes of you all here, the last bastion of truth, conspiracy theorists, to rally behind billionaire peedo gnostics, who promote genocide and aborted fetal cell injection witchcraft, its remarkable, its over…….
First you need to disassociate the justified hatred of contemporary liberalism: it’s entitled, virtue-signalling, Woke, war-mongering, hypocritical, technocratic authoritarianism, from support of Trump (whose victory owes a lot to that justified hatred). Do a survey of Off-G’s articles, of the majority of comments, you will find that your comment is really disconnected from reality.
Looks like bobby junior aint gonna get what he believed was promised…
And then there’s Elon – how long before he too realises the promise wasnt
solid ? How long before the love affair between Uber Narcissist Trump,
and Uber Narcissist Elon cools, considerably ?
“Free Speech” Elon had his uses for “Free Speech” Trump during the
election campaign – he provided a platform for critics of the Uniparty-
Democrats, but a platform also used by Critics of Trump… But Narcissists
are fickle and thin-skinned, they dont like criticism, so will he carry out the
restrictions requested by Trump ?
(“He Man” Trump, as Mr Putin said of Trump, has Elon by the balls)…
If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas !
RE: Looks like bobby junior aint gonna get what he believed was promised…
Can you provide link to why you think that?
Tom, will you settle for ” just being predictive” ?
I would probably speculate the same thing; I was just wondering if you had anything harder. I am also of two minds on RFK Jr: I don’t trust him whether Trump lets him “run wild” or not.
He has since my ‘prediction’ been appointed as Secretary of
Health & Human Services… I’m not as good at the predictive thing
as was Nostradamus, but i reckon that unless he has the power to
sack a lot of the top bureaucrats, to sack even middle level lifers,
he’ll have enormous institutional (aka – bureaucratic) resistance to anything he hopes to achieve (same as Hitler (aka – Trump) had
when last he was Top Dog)…
Anyway, i wish him luck – even though he’s not an Anti-Vaxxer…
(I do wonder though whether The Vaxx industry will now bring on
The Bird Flu Pandemic sooner than planned…
Will bobby junior jeopardise him new career – or will he fold ?)…
Your comment reminds me of Trump’s new Department of Government Efficiency led by Musk and Ramaswamy. The most bloated government sector is the military. Given that the rest of Trump’s appointments look as if it was George W. Bush’s third term (more neocons) I’d say the whole move is just a stage prop for things the GOP has had in its agenda for 40 years or so (like gutting Social Security). I’m gonna go out on a limb (a very study limb) and say Trump’s campaign promises will be as (non) substantial as Obama’s – that is, Trump is Hopium for the right.
Sadly, Trump may already have trimmed Elon’s sails, it was announced in the past day or so that it would be “Elon and Vivek” together trimming the bloat. It’s sad because Elon made a big difference on the ground in Pennsylvania, educated himself about the Amish. He made up for the fact that the Republican Party doesn’t exist, hasn’t for many years. The GOP normally had no use for Pennsylvania as was seen in 2012 w. Romney–who didn’t want to be pres. anyway. Elon said his reason for helping Trump was that that the US is very close to be a one party country, ie Democrats control all institutions, meaning the end of the checks and balances. As to Vivek, the sole reason for his being where he is today is because he’s a pal of Jared Kushner. I’m not saying Elon will save us, but Vivek’s presence almost entirely negates Elon’s.
Trump represents another branch of those that really pull the strings. Very likely to embroil the US in a highly destructive war in the Middle East that could grow quickly to become a global conflict.
Looks like a lot of people who have said they would never be fooled again, are going to be fooled again. No one could have predicted.
I must be less forgiving than most because I will never forgive Trump for his role in one of the biggest, deadliest scams/frauds in history, the fake Covid-19 pandemic. Of course, not just him, Biden, Harris, the whole lot of those involved, and there are many. To me it’s like war criminals, of which Trump is one (and Biden, Harris, Clinton, Blair, etc.), there is no forgiving war criminals. Once they’ve become one, that’s it, they are furthermore disqualified (if prison isn’t an option)). If not, you are acceding to the status quo. I’m a bit surprised at the lack of pushback at Trump from those who know that Covid-19 was a complete scam, considering how extreme it became and how many declared the evil, genocidal (in progress) nature of it. If Trump, RFK, and whoever else in there don’t come out and admit it was a scam, then that should end the discussion of what they’re all about.
I disagree that we should give up hope of things moving forward. But you’re damned right about the covid nonsense. Trump’s ego won’t let him apologise, but could he at least have the decency to stop boasting about what he did?
The delusional nut job even claimed responsibility for ending Nordstream.
While its comforting to think it’s only ego that stops anyone from calling out the lies of covid, do we really not see yet how impossible that is? My God, rump showed some minor skepticism regarding that and was called out repeatedly for it. Besides, if trump had called for mandates you’d not have gotten all those screaming about a plague to rush out and get the shot. Divide and conquer is the name of the game, not confessions of corruption.
Most of his early statements in 2020 were sensible and suggested knowledge of the scam. Even his refusal to wear the mask. Then, some persuasion occurred.
Not so, he was just killing time. By early 2020 an entire new lockdown government protocol had been published. You defend him by saying “he refused to wear a mask” but then was “persuaded.” Those mean “advisors,” again. In March 2020 Trump cancelled the US Constitution by ending due process, then turned the entire US government over to Dr. Birx, for which he should be jailed. Birx was the last word on everything, even Fauci reported to her. She was hired by #2 man at Trump NSA, Matt Pottinger. Jared chaired 3x weekly “Covid Huddle” meetings to enforce Birx narrative. See Dr. Atlas book published Dec. 2021.
I don’t think there are many people that think Trump will do half of what he said, but he offered what the other candidate didn’t – Hope that maybe he would. Harris didn’t even know where she stood on issues, like the true deep state puppets that promoted her, and like every deep state puppet since JFK (and they all have been). But hope is OK as long as it doesn’t lead to expectations.
That’s pretty much it in a nutshell.
Or, out of the nutshell and into the Oval Office:
Quadrennial Rearrangement of the Furniture, by the Human Resources department at Langley.
Trump can’t really say it was a hoax, can he ?
We should judge him on his actions.
If he pulls off the government transparency thing alone, that will be huge.
I’m looking at this form a U K citizens point of view where my nom-de-plume is my mantra.
Here, we can only dream of a sane government let alone be promised one.
Total agreement.
Not to mention his relationship with Netanyahu.
This has the makings of an riveting television drama…. oh right – it’s reality Tee Vee – at it’s best!!!
Elon says he’s gonna stab the Men Who Run the World in the heart
Ha ha ha… and I suppose he will end their military arm – the DOD….
We are here:
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”-William J. Casey, CIA Director.
And as we know it is futile trying to explain this to the barnyard animals… they will just think you are crazy…. the more educated ones will declare you an idiot and irrelevant…
It’s kinda like how at first I tried to warn the barnyard animals that the Rat Juice was not safe … even sent them this After being to f789 off quite a few times… it finally occurred to me – why am I wasting my time? Let them shoot as much as they want… maybe it will cure their stupidity…
And I won’t give the Anti Vaxxers a break — sure they got lucky… once… but the vast majority are getting suckered a thousand times over by the Ministry of Truth’s latest flavour of the day… most of them see Trump as The Messiah… Fight Fight Fight!!! hahaha that con job was even more obvious than the Rat Juice – yet they mostly fell for it.. or something else…
And they continue to vote… believing it matters… that ‘the next lot’ will fix it (MAGA…)
Idiots… morons… clowns… retards… and they wonder why they are not told the truth… imagine if this mob of 8B buffoons were actually given true democracy!!! That would result int total disaster…
All is as it should be… the morons are being controlled… because they need to be controlled…
All that is left is to taunt them … ridicule them … right to their faces…
That and bucket list… just returned home from a month on Kyushu… trying to work out where to go in January.
Agree. The sheeple cant live without an idiot to control them. The only thing left is to find a neutral place where they cant get in……….LOL.
The rich were right all the way long 😅 .
Trumpenstein, Trumplestiltskin, Trumpula or Trumpzilla?
The permutations are endless.
Trumpalien even.
A Mon$ter among Mob$ter$.
USA USA USA… from one Don Draper tag line to the next…..
I want to punch the next person who insincerely says to me – Thank you SO MUCH.
Like a Jim Breuer cockatoo…
The worship of false idols never ends well.
when the police use good cop bad cop on a suspect, they often will suddenly switch roles the good cop turns bad the bad cop is suddenly this is done to totally disorientate the suspect this is what happens with politics the right are now the cops the left the bad cops, of course, you can expect them to switch again at sometime
When the clowns return with the circus you can expect the switch, but dont hold your breath, they haven’t been seen in a long while
You don’t live in U K ?
Never had a meal outside the usa.
A claim has been aired that President Biden is being pressured to resign
so that Kamala can become The President before Trump is installed…
Now why would anybody want that ? Does Kamala deserve a go at being
President for carrying out her assigned role of losing the election to Trump ?
How about: a major False Flag event soon after she takes over, an event
that provokes a State of National Emergency – which will be used as pretext
to prevent Trump from being installed ?
Worked for Hitler !!
Maybe it’s an idea of somebody just stirring up the losers hopes, because,
They are unlikely to be involved in such a plot as Trump is Their Man…
As such, They are unlikely to replace Mister Popularity with an Also Ran ?
A variation on your idea: Harris hands over the presidency to Trump on Jan 20th, after a false flag, so as to create national unity, and don’t you dare complain or risk digital jail.
“Free Prince @tyrannideris 11/11/24, 1:56PM
“We will finally complete the Biometric Entry/Exit Visa Tracking System which we need desperately.
It will be on land, sea, and air. We will have a proper tracking system.”
To those concerned with illegal immigration, this may sound appealing.
It’s more dangerous than you could ever imagine.
This kind of system is a surveillance state’s dream come true—a tool of unprecedented power that makes every movement, every entry, and every exit trackable and traceable.
The danger here is the normalization of constant monitoring, where every citizen, under the guise of “safety,” becomes a data point in a sprawling digital net.
Biometric tracking is the first step toward a society where privacy is a relic of the past and freedom of movement can be restricted at the push of a button.
Today, it’s “entry and exit”; tomorrow, it’s checkpoints, facial recognition, and geofencing, with government authorities holding full control over who moves and who doesn’t.
And once these tools are embedded into everyday life, they’re nearly impossible to roll back. The terrifying truth is that a biometric system on this scale lays the groundwork for a future where you’re not just tracked but managed, where your freedom isn’t a right but a privilege granted by a system watching your every move.
You shouldn’t be lulled into compliance because this is introduced in the name of “border security” or by a figure you may support.
This system, once established, will serve whatever regime is in power, making every future leader a potential warden of a digital prison.”
Tranquilize the believers in season 2 with everything they want to hear again
repeat of season one with a newer names all talking ”safer medication” and ”cleaner water”.
Due to Season 1 with the covid climax and that was the reason why he never got the job done.
actually the scriptwriters explained The steal was done on purpose to show the world they stole the elections and keep the faith with weekly court cases and a couple of assassination attempts made the rating as exciting as NFL NBA and WWE UFC finals.
The viewing figures and revenue was fantastic.
There’s a few could be added to that list:
• DDT.
• Leaded fuel.
• South Korea.
• Vietnam.
• Several South American countries.
• Iraq.
• Libya.
• Afghanistan.
• Ukraine.
• Australia (Under the ‘deposed’ Whitlam government).
Did I miss any?
Why are they Poisoning the Herd?
Clearly the Men Who Run the World are aware that diets high in sugar and carbohydrates destroy the human body. They know that statins are no solution to the diseases caused by these diets. They know seed oils should not be consumed by humans. They definitely understand that their food pyramid is a colossal lie.
And they know that vaccines are also dramatically reducing life spans.
Many will argue that the food and pharma industries are benefitting from these outcomes. They make billions of dollars off of addicting humans to these health-destroying inputs and even more from treating the inevitable diseases that result from bad diets.
I disagree that this was inevitable and I would argue that this is all part of a plan, a necessary plan.
The Men Who Run the World and their minions have the ability to stop this. All they would have to do is employ some of the same strategies that were used to convince 6 billion to inject a deadly vaccine. They could easily crush demand for sugary drinks and processed foods by pounding them with high taxes.
We have seen how governments are capable of ending the addiction to tobacco. Why not do the same for sugary foods. I would argue that they decided to come down hard on smoking because it was killing people too quickly and damaging productivity on their farm. They did not make tobacco the enemy because they love ya’ll.
Why Don’t They Discourage Bad Dietary Choices and Stop Vaccinating?
Consider the impacts on the economy of not reducing the life spans of humans.
Let’s say 30% of the population of a country lived beyond 90 years. Pension plans would implode as there would not be enough money to cover redemptions. For those on public pensions, we could raise taxes to ensure pensioners get paid, but that would mean less money for schools, roads and other infrastructure.
Government services would need to be dramatically scaled back resulting in huge job losses.
All of these elderly people would essentially be ‘useless eaters’ sapping the economic strength of the country to provide them with medical care and free bus passes, while they produce and contribute nothing.
Why did they ramp up the vaccine schedule in the 80’s? I would suggest that they did this because population (which grows exponentially) was about to get out of control so they needed to take action. What would our overall population be if not for the vaccine push and the dramatic increase in the availability of processed foods in recent decades?
You are Expendable
The logic of this is irrefutable … it is NECESSARY…. yet most reading that will disagree… cuz… they will continue to be angry…
The thing is…. there is a solution — you do NOT have to be poisoned… but seems not participating in this is just too difficult for most people…
This is the solution
Either do it… or shut the f789 up. The poisoning IS NECESSARY
Pension plans would implode
Many pension and welfare funds – government and private – are already in trouble due to criminal diversion to other uses and rising longevity.
The global investment behemoths have invested in every pie and every controversy. Governments surviving on unpayable debt (that keeps growing and is only rolled over) must obey the commandments issued from above. They barely hesitate in accepting harmful products or industries, launching useless mega-projects, or participating in wars. They only plead lack of funds when it comes to tangible public benefit.
Imagine what would happen if half the population lived till 90+…..
There is plenty of food, fruit and drinking water on our planet. Actually there is unlimited. People 90+ are very meager in their requirements.
All right Fast Eddy, tell us. What will happen?
Ohh something on an excel sheet from Finance yes. It is something you have got from Finance and a Banker, a Financial report yes Eddy??
You got it from Finance……………………….LOL.
I love the Bible because it always lead me in the right direction.
So God kicked us out of Paradise whereafter we all die as promised. After we and Methuselah lived 1000 years, Got cut it down to <100 because it was sufficient.
So in our question here I ask myself, what happiness can it give anybody whether we live 85 years old or 75 years old or 65 years old?
Many of the good guys and girls die early in life, and too many idiots get too old.
So I dont quite understand the whole purpose of this “population control”: The zero sum on the excel sheet, the derivative circus, stupidity, or what???
What? No sesame oil?
“It’s safe to breathe” (Christine Todd Whitman, EPA, 9/11)
Mostly true … but:
“The toxicity of saturated fats can be demonstrated directly. If we expose beta cells to saturated fat or to LDL (“bad”) cholesterol in a petri dish, the beta cells begin to die. The same effect is not observed with the monounsaturated fats concentrated in fatty plant foods, such as nuts. When you eat saturated fat, both insulin action and insulin secretion are impaired within hours. The more saturated fat you have in your blood, the higher your risk may be for developing type 2 diabetes.” (Nutrition Facts)
Does consuming saturated fats lead to ill health incl. LDL? Does it help in satiation, and thus reduce calories consumed? Is it preferable for high-temperature cooking? What happens to mono and poly fats in high-temperature cooking?
required viewing for the apostles of the jab should be another Hammer Studios classic, THE CREEPING FLESH, in which mad scientist Peter Cushing creates a vaccine against EVIL!
Purity Of Essence!
we’re ALL Jack D Ripper now
There is a precedent in the US for factions fighting for control.
“During the 1930s, the Rockefellers pushed hard for war against Japan, which they saw as competing with them vigorously for oil and rubber resources in Southeast Asia and as endangering the Rockefellers’ cherished dreams of a mass “China market” for petroleum products. On the other hand, the Rockefellers took a noninterventionist position in Europe, where they had close financial ties with German firms such as I.G. Farben and Co., and very few close relations with Britain and France. The Morgans, in contrast, as usual deeply committed to their financial ties with Britain and France, once again plumped early for war with Germany, while their interest in the Far East had become minimal. Indeed, US Ambassador to Japan, Joseph C. Grew, former Morgan partner, was one of the few officials in the Roosevelt administration genuinely interested in peace with Japan.”
The parallels today are clear.
I suggest that what we have been seeing in the US over the last few years is a bitter struggle for control between competing factions (Power centres). A struggle occasioned by US economic decline at home and the rise of other powers abroad.
How could we know that something was not a psyop?
What would be a tell of authenticity?
Intuition … if your common-sense suggests that government is a form of uber unionised-gangsterism (political-parties) to rule by force, then it is.
It wouldn’t be on cnnbbc… it would not be anywhere…. it would be covered up asap.
And anyone trying to expose it would end up like Assange
Anyone genuine trying to expose anything would NOT end up like Assange. He was a psyop from start to finish, acting a role to scare off any whistleblowers by making them think the same could happen to them.
Where is he now? What is he doing?
Probably, topping up his tan and living it large after his starring role in the ‘Man who was persecuted by the deep state’. What happened to the in excess of a million pounds donation fund for the private jet flights which cost only half of that?
What he ‘exposed’ was nothing new, just chickenfeed to give conspiracy types something to peck on while going round in circles.
Wall to wall MSM and alt-media coverage, protests and zleb endorsements. A manufactured, scripted ‘hero’ with a very unusual backstory.
Plenty more in this thread from the summer.
You might be correct.
The only thing he exposed was the shooting of the reporter from the chopper… big deal… happens all the time… let’s not forget Albright admitting the US killed 500 children on national Tee Vee
Who gives a f789 about a reporter… and of course there were no consequences….
And recall the wikileaks files… nothing significant leaked… likewise with Snowden… it was mostly gossip — such as how some of the leaders referred to Angela Merkel as a frumpy old bag… ooooh ahhhhh….. how about some highly classified stuff… nope… nothing
So ya I have wondered if the Assange thing (and Snowden) was a psyop from start to finish previously … thanks for reminding me
Yes, Snowden was another one.
All those hopeium addicts who went on marches and protests with their ‘Free Assange’ professionally printed placards or standing outside the High Court in London all now neatly compiled into a database and on a list.
To borrow your phrase ‘The Men Who Run the World’ have nothing to fear so long as they can still convince the many to hitch their wagons to whichever saviour, hero or messiah figure wheeled out in front of them.
Those who want a free ride, without having to put any work in, should not be surprised when they taken for a ride.
There is an elephant in the room.
Start pissing with your back to the wind like everyone else. A lot of people are worried and rightfully so. Where does one start? Yesterday Trump suggested that members of the British Government are traitors. Fancy that. Anyone attending Davos meetings is a traitor to his or her country. Same for the United Nations. Traitors. Academics advising the UN, WHO and the WEF. Traitors. Any National pushing globalism. Traitor. Seems like an easy playbook to follow in every sovereign state. College and University leaders trying to save the world from climate change while teaching students to hate their countries. Traitors. I wish I was making this up.
So ‘Trump suggested that members of the British Government are traitors’ did he? Good for him.As I am from the UK I wholeheartedly agree.
I found out yesterday that Julia Neuberger, a rabbi, was born Julia Schwab.
It says “In the wake of the Brexit vote in 2016, Neuberger stated that she would apply for a German passport, for which she is eligible through her parents.”
So we know where here loyalties are.
An old joke but still relevant and very true.
The answer is
Safe guards part has me pissing myself ;0)
Look at all the control mechanism crap on that page. Govt claiming to have authority over dying or assisting death: IE murder.
No govt has no authority on anything or anyone whatsoever.
A dumb useless, actor pretending to be a royal, and the headline proclaiming the public just can’t get enough of this tripe. As if being “Royal” means anything except more false claims to authority by eugenicist psychopaths in the past and present, claiming they have a right to rule over humanity. The nerve.
And a picture of a psychopathic religious Cult of Saturn clown wearing a Canaanite pointy hat and white robe, claiming to represent some imaginary deities, through his priest class appointment for mass mind control using non-sense astrological allegorical SCRIPTure. More cult of authority garbage.
Some “match of the day” rigged sports bs promoter mouthpiece “stepping down”. Who the F cares. Nobody.
The whole “paper” is nothing but asinine drivel from the parasitical, criminal thug class, from the first to the last page.
“headline proclaiming the public just can’t get enough of this tripe”
It’s a devious way of brainwashing, isn’t it? ‘Look – other people think this – you should think it too!’
– Marcus Aurelius.
Good to know that assisted suicide wil be safe and effective.
Assisted suicide anagrams to ‘Sadistic diseuse’. I gather diseuse is a female professional storyteller. Like Kim Leadbeater in the UK perhaps.
Oh my the only medical procedure we can trust to have no side effects just death on demand. Brave new world
“Medicine cannot be self-administered – and doctors will be banned from assisting.”
Who will be doing “it”, then?
It can’t be officials from Ministry of Health. Maybe terminators from Ministry of Records (births, deaths and everything else).
Public Administrators. Tax Collectors. Debt Collectors. Lawyers. Anyone with an interest is the heritage of the said person.
Safe guards like the vaccines. Yeh, right…
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-11-11. Lipid nanoparticles assoc strong inflammatory & toxic reactions; reproductive toxicity not investigated
Now that the pro-Biden Covid mafia Government in Berlin is in autopsy, what are your prospects for taking the piss out of Deutschland im einundzwanzigsten Jahrhundert, eh CJ?
Any chance of putting Annalena Baerbock in leather, going around whipping ‘anti-net-zero’ American fascists who want their gas back?
Any chance of an ‘East German AfD Home Guard’ goosestepping their way to the Potsdam Imperial Palace and ‘starting a coup d’etat via a Novemberfest orgy of beer drinking and generalised snogging with sexily dressed Frauleins from the East???
Just imagine the outrage if Putin sent along a few Russian FSB lassies trained in ‘Operation Cock and Whore’, eh? Seducing aspirant German politicians with some sheer black stockings, naked white thighs and sensual kissable lips? Time for World War Three!!!!
And just imagine how much Sauerkraut will turn into sour Krauts if the WEF agricultural vandals decided to release GM beetles into field after field of cabbage, eh? The new ‘war on farmers’ started by a geriatric old Nazi who has to polish his head before appearing in front of the Press.
Any chance that Austria’s Aryan heritage is going to defiled by Victor Orban deciding to revive the Austro-Hungarian Empire by marching into Vienna to help kick out all the Soros-funded immigrants to the West? Just imagine Anthony Blinken having to face an irate white old man who could teach him 100 lessons about how to defend the US’ southern border with Mexico, eh? Nearly as laughable as Jake Sullivan ending up investing in Gaza waterfront property scams after letting Israel commit war crimes.
One could also ask the question whether, now that Poland is the US’ chief whore in Europe, whether US bases in Germany should move eastward to Poland so that Polish womanhood can satiate the carnal desires of US troops playing at being Putin haters? A change is as good as a rest from sex, after all….
Of course, any or all of this could get you arrested again.
I assume it’s now a crime to take the piss out of German Cabinet members in Germany.
How about soon to be ex ones? Is that a crime or ‘just what the doctor ordered’, eh?
Nailed it!
As Kit has already alluded to, sequel productions are, almost always, never as good as the original. This one has an absolutely massive marketing campaign. It’s almost certain to disappoint, but I’ll be happy to be wrong.
It’s currently like a movie trailer showing all the good bits. When you experience the whole thing you realise there’s nothing extra to see.
In 4 years time we will see how much Trump actually does.
My guess is next to like 2016, next to nothing, apart from a massive increase in the national debt.
Useless edit function
Beware of links hiding in haystacks.
Nice article, Mr Hopkins.
Concise, light-hearted and right over the target.
Correct, this is the only comment about the article which was good because was concise hence the author didn’t get as boring as usual, light headed and way over the target (whatever the target was, from whichever reason)
Trump is now, after being elected, announcing big moves such as reform of the intelligence agencies and stopping regulatory capture by Big Pharma , which is interesting, not because he is likely to carry out these moves but because he is talking about it, which means a lot of people who voted for him are talking about it.
Talk is cheap. We’ve been down this road.
I expect the worst and hope for the best. And right now, we are getting the best. Trump is going balls to the wall calling out the BS, things I’ve been desperate for leaders to say for years. So I’m happy to talk about it, even if I’m setting myself up for a fall. There’s always a chance he’ll deliver at least some improvement.
Except of course on Israel. Half his family are Jewish and allegedly he is too. He will continue supporting Israel even if they start nuclear WWIII.
A full apology for his “vaxes are needed for normality” stance would be nice.
I’ve just spent some time at the Make Americans Healthy Again site where they’re taking nominations for various committees, like health, energy and the environment. Nice to see names like Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, and Stephanie Seneff on the list, as well as the usual suspects in the health freedom movement (who get invited to Sen. Ron Johnson’s hearings). I nominated Jim Lee of ClimateViewer and Reinette Senum of Save our Skies for the environment committee.
It’s willful participation, the psyop works mainly as an after the fact salve for the pricking conscious, a tolerable narrative that successfully upholds the cognitive dissonance.
COVID was massively successful because at least half the population live to participate in the show
Its now back to the Attention Economy and nothing sells better than CC MIC alt media and MSM telling us just how bad or good Trump is.
All is forgotten and forgiven i.e warp speed wasn’t warp speed infact telling people about warpspeed (mainly trump voters) has the same effect as telling vaccinated people that having the 8th jabs it slightly fucked up.
ALT media did 1 little article about Labour , 2 articles about Biden and 1000’s of articles about The steal which made the 2020 Selections feel it was legit.!!!
in 2018 / 2019 You was shoved from YT to twitter then they banned you then along came new twitter owner and all was forgotten conveniently just when covid was finishing and digital id and paying for your blue tic enslavement was normalized.
in 2022 some of You lost trust in medical and along came RD2D jr the SAVIOR and trust was all gained again.
Shame on them for falling for the same scriptwriters = psyop they used for covid.
Shame on me for wasting my time for commenting about fuckign Trump! less than a week after the selection I am so bored.
The Attention Economy is what alt media or the MSM and internet is run by.
You don’t have to partake in it.
I have not commented on Trump related articles since the selection, except for one brief comment. It is now becoming repetitive, what more is there left to say?
I am not going to waste my time and energy, until I can clarify in my mind which script is being run. I have my beliefs in where this going and the various sub-plots that could be used, but since I am not writing the script then I will have to wait and see.
That’s exactly where I am. Zero emotion though never thought I’d feel relief that Trump won. Never liked him from way, way back especially since his ugliness in Scotland. I’m sure the environment will take some heavy hits. Probably actually start drilling in ANWR. Mining and clear cutting full steam ahead. He sees no value in nature.
the media has dialed down the election hysteria.
“FRESH israeli strikes on Beirut”
lethal bombing from the sky is now Fresh. how nice!
they should award israel the nobel prize for Refreshing the weather in Lebanon.
It is always strikes, never bombing or mass murder. A report today said UN and aid NGOs are warning of starvation in northern Gaza. But another report said US (after a 30-day ultimatum) approves Israeli compliance in allowing aid; that means the supply of “NATO” weapons to Israel can continue.
There is a town in UK called Port Sunlight.
Built by WilliamLever for his workers to have a decent place to live when living conditions elsewhere for factory workers was abysmal.
Long lauded as an act of philanthropism, now the focus is on Lever’s slave owning plantations which made his empire possible.
At the time that was par for the course but there is a modern day parallel :
The globalist plan is to level up the world and make everywhere a ‘first world’ country.
I rather think Trump’s intention is to continue to take cheap resources from the rest of the world to improve his own people’s lot.
No different in essence to William Lever’s plan to benefit his workers.
If correct, it does point to Trump being anti- globalist.
The globalist plan is to level up the world and make everywhere a “3rd world” country. That’s why they need “smart cities” and digital everything, so they can control the mega-slums. it is already happening in India and I am sure Brazil is not far behind.
Yeah, my “first world” in quotations didn’t really make it clear enough what I meant.
I am currently living in UK under the worst government in living history.
Whatever faults Trump has, he’s started a momentum that I wish we had here.
Worse than the government that brought in austerity and covid.??
This one wanted longer and harder lockdowns.
They are party to the “pandemic treaty”
I am fearful that this time they will go for mandates like Austria and Germany did.
So, in answer to your question, yes.
We will just have to ignore them. They do not have the right to enforce fake allopathic un-health treatment. The moment may well come when we will either have to put up or SHUT UP.
Obey tyranny or DON’T. You cannot be a good example if you are not prepared to resist TYRANNY.
CJ, ‘ Morituri Te Salutamus.’ YOU are inspirational.
Well said. And ridicule the morons.
‘A step in the right direction?
Victory! My human right to refuse the jab – The Conservative Woman
Good link. Not bad by conservative women ;-).
Sounds great.
Meanwhile, in the real world……..
……..people do age.
I successfully ignored them last time.
If they do they can get stuffed.
Yes. Considerably worse. They are continuing the Conservative treason. Same policies and agendas, but faster.
What interests me is that the UK are just a vassal state of the USA. So how’s this going to play out? Is USA/UK friction going to be another pretext for the continued impoverishment of the UK? Almost certainly, I think.
UK is still a vassal state of EU since proper Brexit has not yet been enacted.
Brexit would mean exit of ECHR and 1951 UN refugee agreement as amended by 1967 protocol to be replaced by a UK human rights protocol.
Of course true Brexit didn’t happen. But the changeover absolutely did give UK government more freedom to mount a savage attack on its own people and it has used that power copiously. There is much more immigration from savage 70IQ nations for example.
The EU is also globalist in nature but it is a bottleneck of red tape including much legislation that at least nominally protects Europe.
P.S. UK Immigration (gross, not net) is running at 1.2-1.3 million per year now, nearly 2% of our population size.
Oh, and the EU itself is also a vassal of the USA. Look at how Germany has destroyed itself on the altar of the USA proxy war against Russia, and the general EU economy!
It’s all a globalist hierarchy. “Brexit” just moved the UK up and sideways in the tree.
They demanded harsher lockdowns , so whether worse is irrelevant. They all have the same master.
Yes, hard to credit it but yes.Rather like dumb and dumber only worse and worser if you will.
Amen to that.
It’s all leveling down. Not up. Agenda 21 is what’s occurring all over the world, to seize all private property, all assets, all resources and all individual and bodily rights; forcing everyone except the billionaires and trillionaires into slum cities (SMART, #STRONG, resilient cities networks) where they can be monitored, controlled, poisoned and culled.
Kek. That’s funny. It’s the way you tell ’em.
Transferring First World wealth to the Third World won’t have a noticable effect on them. This is simple maths. It will, however, turn us into the Third World. We’re already seeing it happen. We are like hermit crabs, living in the shell of a dead civilization.
If you read the reply I gave to “monkey biz” you will see my reference to “first world” was ironic.
My London house, and the whole street/area, was built >100 years ago as CHEAP housing for workers coming into the capital.
Four bedrooms. A kitchen and three other rooms downstairs. Gardens front and back.
Repeat: this was budget family housing back then.
Of course it had become hideously expensive when my parents bought it in the sixties: £6,000.
Some forms of exploitation are more luxurious than others.
Then came insulation and let the fun begin.
I have neither insulation or central heating. But government says I must get a heat pump costing tens of thousands fitted. They can go pump themselves.
Must is a tough nut to crack.
Musk, when not sucking from the deep state teat, steals from bad movies:
This isn’t the first time – see how much the look of the Apollo launches was stolen from a 1929 Fritz Lang movie ‘Woman in the Moon’ (it’s not how the Russians launched rockets and it makes no sense except as a spectacle for mind-control).
Thunderbirds and SpaceX
Problem is, space exploration enthusiasts actually believe the Musk malarkey.
Thanks CJ.
Let the Shit Show begin.
Shit for us.
$$$$$$$$$HOW for them.
Proof of the pudding is in the eating !
Holy Moly!
I found a penny in my pudding.
“You can’t have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat! How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat!”
Was it this chaps pudding ?
Was it this chaps pudding?
Could be 🙂
It is not enough to recognise it as a farce (or psyop).
You have to recognise that TPTB want the sufficiently perspicacious to recognise this (at the same time as they want the masses to remain in their stupor).
And then you have to understand why TPTB want to arouse the sufficiently perspicacious.
TPTB want the sufficiently perspicacious to investigate, to get to the bottom of things, to understand what’s going on in the world at a more holistic level, to enlighten themselves, to understand what TPTB are doing and why.