Explained: How UK Inheritance Tax is part of the War on Food
Kit Knightly

The British government’s inheritance tax reforms aren’t about class warfare or filling the “black hole” in the country’s budget, they are about taking vital land off small and medium-sized family farms and handing it to mega-corporations.
It’s yet another piece of the Great Reset agenda, specifically the war on food.
A quick course for non-Brits who don’t know how our country works (and, indeed, the substantial number of Brits who have recently demonstrated they don’t know how their own country works):
Since 1984 working farms have been 100% exempt from paying inheritance tax under the “agricultural property relief” (APR) system.
The justification for this was that working farms are needed to produce the food we all eat, and since British farming families are generally asset-rich but cash-poor, charging inheritance tax on farmland might negatively impact farm output.
Keir Starmer’s government has just announced that, as of April 2026, they are scrapping the APR scheme.
This means anyone inheriting a working farm will now have to pay up to 20% of the value of the assets in tax, and since farmers operate on fine margins that will likely mean selling of parcels of land to raise money. Some farmers may be forced to sell all the land at once, since piece-meal buyers may be hard to find.
As you can imagine, the farmers are not happy about this. Nor is anyone who understands the potential implications.
This is being billed in the press as old-fashioned left vs right politics, the narrative is that the country needs revenue and that “greedy hoarding farmers aren’t paying their fair share”.
But, in my view, this is a lie.
Or at best a distortion. A noisy public debate that obfuscates the real intention of the policy.
I don’t think ghis has anything to do with raising taxes. I think this is about the land.
They know this policy will force medium-sized family-run farms to sell – in fact, they are banking on it.
Take a look at Will Hutton’s column in The Guardian…
Farmers have hoarded land for too long. Inheritance tax will bring new life to rural Britain
Hard to see this as anything but an admission of the real policy here.
And then we have former Blair aide John McTernan landing himself in hot water when he told an interviewer Starmer’s government should “do to farmers what Thatcher did to miners”, claiming “farming is an industry we can do without”. Labour officials were quick to disavow the comments, but you can’t help but think it was a “quiet part loud” moment.
As usual, it is the journalists and twitterati carrying the bag for tyranny, making bitter, snarky social media posts about “millionaire farmers” or rambling on about farmers deserving to lose their business because they voted for Brexit.
Yes, seriously:
“It does beg the question whether farmers are simply reaping what they sowed.”@Matthew_Wright would have more sympathy for farmers complaining about inheritance tax if the majority of them hadn’t made the country “£100 billion a year worse off” by voting for Brexit. pic.twitter.com/9ot55mYT8L
— LBC (@LBC) November 17, 2024
Just as with Covid and “climate change”, the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are safely relying on the “educated middle class” to not understand anything at all about the way the world really works.
I imagine the self-labelled leftists think the sold-off farmland is going to be snatched up by the state and run for the common good or something equally delusional.
In his article, Hutton even argues this will energise “young farmers”:
Young farmers, now increasingly crowded out of the market, will get a chance to buy land: there is the prospect of a levelling off, even a fall, in farm rents. New life and ideas will be brought to the rural economy as innovative, energetic farmers enter the market – and production even increases.
As if the country is full of aspiring independent farmers with nothing but a hoe, a dream and a few million pounds to spend on land.
It is a fantasy.
Common sense tells you any land farmers are forced to sell will be bought up by corporate giants who can afford to pay over market price (We’ve seen the same thing with the housing market in the US).
Big Farmer conglomerates that want to plant green deserts of monocultures for making vegan protein alternatives because meat and dairy are bad for the environment. And that’s very much the best-case scenario. At least that’s still food production, of a sort.
Alternatively, it will be bought up by energy suppliers who then lease the land at extortionate rates back to local councils to build solar panels and/or wind turbines that don’t work in the name of saving the planet.
Or maybe it will be bought by “climate-friendly” NGOs or billionaire philanthropists who accept massive “grants” from the government to “conserve the environment” by just letting prime farmland lie fallow.
We know all this happens, they’ve been doing it for years.
The British government started paying “lump sums to farmers who wanted to leave the industry” in 2022.
Farmers were served “compulsory purchase orders” to make space to build high-speed rail links.
The “Environmental Land Management” scheme pays farmers to “rewild” fields.
Farmland is being flooded to create salt marshes, earmarked for cultivated forests and solar panels in the name of combatting (entirely imaginary) climate change.
This isn’t just a British issue. It is a global one.
In 2023 the EU “reformed” its Common Agricultural Policy to award subsidies based on sustainability rather than productivity, at the same time they are securing trade deals with South America to import food rather than grow their own (French farmers are protesting this). Denmark is going “rewild” 15% of its farmable land to “lower fertiliser usage”. Like the UK, the US has both federal and state programs that pay farmers not to farm.
It goes on and on. It’s a simple system:
- Make small or medium-sized farms financially non-viable
- Force families to sell their land.
- Have Mega-Corps buy it up
In short, the endgame is total corporate control over the land and the food supply. The inheritance tax changes are just the UK government adding more pressure on farmers to accelerate this process.
Once that goal is achieved they take the narrative anywhere they want it to go. They can engineer food shortages and price increases, then they can say those shortages show “how badly we need food reform” and start instituting climate-friendly rationing and meat bans and forcing people to eat bugs and lab-grown goo.
They’ve got the land, they’ve got the food, so they can say – and do – whatever they want.
All the while food prices will go up, family farms and organic products will begin to disappear, and idiotic self-styled “communists” on Twitter will smile smugly and think they won one for the little guy.
The farmers are planning a large protest for November 19th. I would urge anybody who requires food to live give them some moral support.
Their rallying cry is “No Farmers, No Food!”. Unfortunately for them, that is very much the point.
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Don’t worry my friends, once AI chokes the human brain we’ll all be too thick to think anything, so none of this will matter.
Great article, however there is more to know. Where have these policies come from? The UN’s Agenda 2030.
Starmer and Reeves are just Useful Idiot implementers.
Oh heavens. I know British inheritance tax is crushing as it is but I live in a rural community and I know from first-hand experience how much money goes into keeping land and how little cash farmers generally have. I have yet to meet a “millionaire” farmer who doesn’t have the millions invested in keeping the farm going and is working with very small margins. This makes me very angry and sad for the farmers and for the UK.
What a fucking stupid bullshit! It is orchestrated as hybrid war from Moscow!!!
Nobody has allodial title to their land anyway.
Same headlines as MSM newspapers with Jeremy Clarkson in one msm paper.
Isnt this suppose to be an alternative blog..?
Yes, Jeremy Clarkson has always looked like controlled opposition ever since he was at Top Gear – and note the well-publicised ‘confrontation’ with that BBC presenter at the farming protest.
I guess she doesn’t believe food is the best medicine then:
Having off-shored manufacturing, why not off-shore agriculture too? It’s the logic of an economy taken over by the finance parasites. Except “off-shore” is now mostly “in-lab”.
They still seem to think that “the NHS” is a mantra that can sell anything. It’s this crazy inversion they wheeled out during convid – the NHS isn’t there to serve us, we’re here to serve it. And remember that most of the money they want for the NHS is not for patient care but it’s for a new digitial information system that will obliterate any patient privacy in their medical history.
The War on Humanity continues in every facet of life possible. It’s in our faces daily. Good article. I just have one comment. Can we please use the term “communism” and “communists” correctly? There is no one in the existing two party systems anywhere in the West, essentially neoliberals and neocons frauding as liberals and conservatives, that is a “communist” of any definition. These people are capitalist public-private-partnership TOTALITARIANS, in a club, and they are trying to herd us into hyper TOTALITARIANISM. Socialism and communism requires a rigorous egalitarian consensus based democracy of public consent. None of this exists or has ever existed since the Enclosure. Please. Calling corporate totalitarians communists, and even mentioning Marxism, taints argument as misinformed knee jerk rabble-rousing. Please.
There is no reasoning on this issue. Vast effort and wealth and been expended on turning terms like these terms into dog whistles: socialist, Communist, Stalin, Nazi, Hitler, Holocaust, dictator, freedom, Free World, democracy, terrorist.
It would be more accurate to say that communism is the state that the rulers, the string pullers want for the rest of us.
In communism there is always a ruling class. So really we can say that communism is their goal.
You could argue that much of the world is under communism, Convid made that pretty clear.
There is no communism, just as there is no democracy. The authoritarians occupy and control all governments. Russia or China can name themselves “communism”, but they are actually authoritarian capitalist states. Chile was briefly communist and Cuba wanted to be, but the totalitarian monsters always move in and deconstruct any human self-governing. As they did in Libya or anyone who attempts to democratically self-govern and create economies where there are limits to wealth and poverty. They can’t have any fun there, you know. Communism and real socialism requires democracy: acceptable consensus consent from the self-governing which is everyone. All of the rich and corporate could no longer create profiteering schemes as they wish, forcing their stupid crap upon humanity at point of a weapon. There is no ruling class in true communism and true socialism, nor in true democracy, direct democracy.
Yeah these are just words, none of which accurately describe the state of things. But there is definitely tyranny.
However, when one awakens, one realises it’s all optional. Opt in or opt out. That’s what I’m finding anyway.
I just call the whole thing “Evil-ism”.
The big plan to create chaos and take everything of value is well underway now. So hold tight. Starmer is the banker’s puppet, and he is after every one of us.
And by the way, it wouldn’t matter who was voted in these bastards are all the same.
Well if that ain’t a load of vague drivel. I’d ask for some evidence for this extraordinary claim, but i strongly suspect you have none
Sadly, farmers don’t have a very good reputation among the general public, for a variety of reasons, and it is hard to feel much sympathy here when all they are being asked to do it pay whatever everyone else with inherited assets does (whether inheritance tax is just at all is another matter). Here we have another element of the wealthy class being portrayed as victims by the media – same as the postmasters in the Post Office ‘scandal’. Let’s not forget that farmers have already sold huge swathes of their land for all the overpopulation in South East England to have occurred – with no inheritance tax involved. The real issue for the media will no doubt be something involving not these farmers but the extremely wealthy that own newspapers, who have some tax dodge scuppered.
Sub-postmasters who were falsely accused of stealing money were the victims of the Horizon IT disaster. As such they are due for compensation which should be paid by Fujitsu and not the UK taxpayer, since the current compensation scheme will likely cost UK taxpayers in excess of £1000 million (£1 billion).
They were innocent, full stop.
Four commited suicide, 33 (interesting number) others are also dead from other causes and 700 were prosecuted after being wrongly accused of fraud. No amount of compensation is going to resurrect the dead. Unless, the whole saga was a fabrication, it is a massive miscarriage of justice.
The average salary for a UK sub-postmaster is around £25,000 per annum. They may well have a small shop attached to the business but to describe them as the “wealthy class” is pushing it.
The politics of envy and divide and conquer is working well when people ignore the super wealthy, the billionaire class, some of the high multi-millionaires, politicians and bureaucrats who gained their wealth through corruption, government subsidies and theft, but instead fight amongst themselves for the crumbs that fall off the top table.
do you actually live the real world of just regurgitate bullshit?? you seem to read online tripe as fact.
In the real world post office owners and his family I know well makes a very nice living.
What is “very nice living” in your warped world?
From your previous comments you seem to resent anyone NOT on the breadline.
I do live in the real world, that is how I know what would be considered a “nice living” in Britain or other western countries. The 25k is the quoted average from Glassdoor, a highly accurate source for salaries.
The people you know most likely have a shop as well. Perhaps, it is in a busy city or town location and not a small sub post office in a village.
So, do tell us the figure that these post office owners make as PROFIT after ALL expenses including any staff salaries to have this “nice living”. Let us decide if that is a nice living. You must know what they earn to know it’s a “very nice living”. Tell us also the number of square feet of the business, what type of shop it is (newsagent, supermarket etc) and if it is city, town or village based.
Let’s hear it….
People like food.
People like their nations to be self-sufficient and not at the mercy of foreign/globalist powers.
Combined with your comment on the postmasters, I conclude you are trolling.
Farmers may not have had a very good reputation among the general public in the dear old days of pre-2020 but the “Left / Right” switcharoo of covid has led us to this topsy turvy land where the Tories were the last party to at least verbally support one part of the working population i.e. the much demonised farmers (and they ARE workers). Who does Labour support? Labour are the body snatched wailers who are sneaking in the globe spanning corporate ghouls on the unfathomable gullibilty of the Groovy Left.
Hobby historian “TIK’s” brilliant primary school brain has once again hatched and cobbled together an adventurous “theory”. Could it be that the manic TIK himself has become addicted to his own pseudo-cult and has become caught up in it? In such cases one also speaks of a spleen or an idée fixe (obsession).
AI-analyzing the thought structure of a quixotic
nincompoop https://sharetext.me/oqcuvuz069
“The Nazi state officially rejected everything occult. Shortly after it came to power in 1933, occult and numerous religious movements and associations were classified as ‘sects hostile to the state’.” https://second.wiki/wiki/aktion_gegen_geheimlehren_und_sogenannte_geheimwissenschaften
“TIK”: fake-historian of many expertises … as Expertiot,
Fauxpert, Quackspert, Crackademician & Knowitall-not.
John McTernan is certainly a human being that planet earth could happily do without…..
Ed Miliband should be imprisoned if he ever eats meat again.
So should every MP that ever voted for Net Zero nonsense.
Don’t worry folks Bill Gates will keep us suitably nourished.
And there I was hoping that Bill Gates would keep at least one bear suitably nourished….
And you’ve been nourished in digital ink ever since.
well i guess eating peanut butter and the bugs in it are a start
Land will be bought in cheap and covered with solar panels so not even a lowly worm will survive.
When I worked for the New Zealand government I was surprised to discover the prevalence of civil servants who could not see the consequences of their actions. There seems to be something in the employee selection process which favours this blind spot.
I would argue about obvious outcomes of decisions and was often called a conspiracy theorist. Those two magic words were all that was needed to stop anyone listening.
Sometimes my predictions would come true fairly quickly, 12 – 24 months. When I quietly raised that in discussion I was met by blank stares and people walking away in confusion.
‘Blank stares’ is officially listed as a ‘covid’ symptom, though prior to
‘covid’ it was a recognizable indication that a person had been
successfully schooled…
Static analysis vs dynamic analysis, friend.
‘Precision’ can only be achieved for a split second of time, the picture becoming ever fuzzier the further forward you project.
Civil Servants in the main are precise people, uncomfortable with fuzzy uncertainty.
People who should be involved in long-term societal planning/monitoring should be comfortable with ‘if the evidence changes, so does my opinion’.
The world changes, sometimes slowly, sometimes very quickly.
The idiot Keir Starmer, actively campaigning for bombing Russia, seems oblivious to the consequence that should that happen, Britain is deemed by Putin to be at war with Russia. And Putin will have the absolute right to hit targets in the UK. Especially with Trump coming into power in January 2025.
He will have no qualms doing so, as Britain is no longer a Great Power, not even a waning power, rather a geriatric old power that was once quite globally significant.
I do hope that Putin strikes at the very heart of Zionazi influence in Britain. Target Starmer’s own home. Target his family. Target the Chief Rabbi. Target the St Johns Wood Synagogue. Target NATO HQ. Target Boris Johnson’s family home. Target Sandhurst. Target the two aircraft carriers that ‘project British power overseas’. Maybe even obliterate Waddesdon Manor.
The majority of Brits want nothing to do with war in Israel, nor in Ukraine. They want a life of trading neutrality, letting idiots in the USA have their wars alone. They want the ‘Special Relationship’ formally euthanased and buried.
The only problem with war today is that there are so many more things to bomb, and the answer to that naturally is, too make more bombs.
“I do hope that Putin strikes at the very heart of Zionazi influence in Britain.”
He likely has as little influence on the Global Mafia Masters as the Orangeman / Biden et al – just another paid face who will don a Covid NBC suit at the drop of a hat or simmer a Donbass situation for years before starting another fake war, to keep the bogeyman breathing, as instructed.
Multiple concurrent instabilities are always better than relying on just one.
as was pointed out in one memorable episode of “Futurama”, bureaucrats love to be “technically” correct, because to them, that’s the best kind of correct there is
Early in this war, Putin referred to the exact coordinates of the allies’ (gangsters’) military HQs, military bases, etc. He demonstrated electronic warfare (against a US destroyer), and long-range precision strikes (from the Black Sea to somewhere in the Mediterranean). Some people are too thick.
“Some people are too thick”
Most are, including the one’s who don’t recognise Vlad as a gangsta too (you).
In person, they may pretend to be offended or confused, or to have forgotten. The easiest is claiming not to have received correspondence or to have lost it, or hiding in a remote office or behind online obstacles.
The majority of civil servants are revolting human beings. If not abjectly thick, intelligently evil. Would have no qualms in euthanising half the population if it became policy.
You have to be thick to go through a civil service career and realise the outfit you’re working for isn’t actually working for billionaires who want to enslave the very people you’re meant to be serving.
Obviously those who realise this and stay in, are evil.
Looks like a lot of British farmers are about to become ‘dangerous right-wing extremists’. The return of the Kulaks is upon us!
I don’t know what depresses me more. The fact that our government has become so openly evil; the infantile pretexts they trot out; or how most of the public either fails to see it or doesn’t care.
Mostly it’s the last one. My faith in humanity has taken a huge hit since 2020.
Maybe you should just face facts that the MPs are just puppets on a string. Government policy is bought, lock stock and barrel, by ueberbillionaires.
Have you seen how Trump’s administration is going to give the biggest bung in history to Tesla, whose majority owner just happens to be one of his own Government, Elon Musk?
Elon Musk should have been required to divest himself of Tesla shares in their entirety in order to be allowed to enter Government.
But he hasn’t, and so the criminal corruption comes into absolutely plain sight.
Musk went into Government having done a deal to have his Tesla corporation absolutely unfairly favoured by US governmental policy. As clear as day.
Gates wants farming stopped for his factory food vats. Big corporations want control of all land allowed to remain in production, so that they can poison everyone whenever they choose.
Starmer is like a shop floor factory employee, taking his orders from big bosses he has no right to question.
That fact has been on open display since 2020.
However, I do wonder what goes through the minds of the littler MPs. The ones who aren’t being handed millions of pounds. This is their country and they’re actively destroying it while degrading every aspect of quality of life. They live here. Don’t they think this through? They may be powerless but they could still speak out. Their treason was bought cheap.
I doubt that every MP has been allocated a New Zealand bunker to hide in. Goading Russia to nuke us shows how stupid they are.
WTF is wrong with the formatting on this site? If you manually edit tags for any reason (eg if you had accidentally hit backspace instead of Enter on a phone) it goes crazy.
I even make the effort to delete the whole tag and use the supplied buttons to recreate them. But that makes it MORE likely to go wrong. I give up. Rant over.
Simply, the smaller MPs are only there for show. The only MPs with any authority are those in the cabinet, who are controlled by secrecy and promise.
When I tried to explain to you the process by which the registration process and the use of our ALL CAPS ID allows the crown to take ownership as trustee of our estate, you ridiculed it. Now you are telling us the government is evil. Maybe you need to make up your mind.
Nice false dichotomy you have there.
It’s all connected though. There is a legal (not lawful) connection between the ALL CAPS Cestui Que Vie trust (birth certificate) issued in your name, yet wholly owned by “the state”.
These so called govern-ments; local, state, federal have no lawful authority over a single soul and never did.
That’s because natural law always supersedes all man made law.
And Govt cannot claim to have gotten powers the people themselves don’t have.
Thus, the govts., must conflate you, the living breathing Jonathan with the bonded, traded, certified financial instrument that they issue and own, in YOUR name that you mistakenly believe is your ID, (and collectively, funds the currency) which became your corporate personhood and citizenSHIP identity.
Congrats! As soon as your birth certificate was issued, unbeknownst to you or your parents, you became a debt slave, wholly owned by the state – estate of the Crown Temple.
That’s why these politicians (cult members) don’t care.
They know there’s no nukes.
They know there’s no independent sovereign nations.
There’s only estates, all under legal control of the United Nations.
These actors and cult members you call politicians also know they aren’t in the depopulation firing line. Don’t worry. They’re still making bank. Even the little ones. There’s ample opportunity to invest wisely, with access to insider info.
The corporations masquerading as governments aren’t public and they’re all centrally controlled.
That’s why they’re (seemingly) always on the brink of war.
What better way to hide central control from the world’s population, than continually fabricate and orchestrate endless, tedious, costly, profiteering, scary, racketeering, needless, pointless wars?
Divide and conquer. Wins every time.
The public own no shares, no stock in these private corporations such as HM Treasury and its subsidiaries. They can’t audit them, investigate them, sell their assets, reform them, collapse them, rescind their unlawful powers, sack the hidden boards of directors, or discover the original share holders.
Moreover, since you can’t transfer or delegate rights you never had to government by voting, these govern-ments rule entirely by fraud and deception. And always have.
Where does their authority to govern – in abject tyranny, outright theft and mass murder – originate?
Who claims divine right to rule over all souls?
You don’t quite know… and yet, you’re aware something’s changed since 2020.
The controllers-owners of the corporations masquerading as govts., revealed the world as you know it, is an illusion, when they locked it down for a non-existent, invisible pathogen.
The lockdowns contradict the claims of saving lives. Since when do corporations care about saving lives? Corporations exist to make money for their shareholders. Period.
And mass injecting the populace with toxic poison for a non existent dis-ease isn’t going to save lives now, is it?
If you watch this video on Agenda 21 made in 2012 and the other links I’ve shared, you’ll start joining dots.
Perhaps in 50 years’ time people will ask how people could have gone along with this path towards totalitarianism… I’m being optimistic here, assuming that there’s a future when humans will still be able to reflect and voice their opinions openly.
In 2001, again in a rushed emergency, “proof” was delivered by computer modeler Neil Ferguson that UK needed to slaughter 12 million farm animals over fear of “pandemic” of foot and mouth disease….”Insight: “Slaughtered on Suspicion” – Foot and Mouth 2001 & role of Prof. Neil Ferguson,” Vanessa Beeley, You Tube…”The full horrifying scale of the 2001 foot and mouth outbreak told by the Welsh farmers in the middle of it,” April 12, 2020, Walesonline.com, photos of burning animals…https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/foot-mouth-outbreak-farmers-2001-18074181…In 2002 the Queen knighted Neil Ferguson with Order of the British Empire for his 2001 work “proving” 12 million animals must be slaughtered, burned to death by the side of the road, etc.
As I recall, the same Neil Ferguson a few years later floated some equally bogus Covid-19 fatality projections. He’s nothing if not reliable …
He has also been on the BMGF payroll for many years.
Buy the academics, get the output you desire, and all that.
There was also the even more deadly mad cow disease (BSE). Did The Science verify that burning up animal carcasses in the open would not spread the “deadly spores”?
Well they’re doing it again right now. ‘Death to all chickens.’
‘Sod all Neil’ Ferguson has been at it for a long time.
He got the SON in his name.
Peter Gabriel:
“Something in me, dark and sticky”
“This time you’ve gone too far
I told you, I told you, I told you, I told you”
“Digging in the dirt
Stay with me, I need support
I’m digging in the dirt
To find the places I got hurt”
“The more I look, the more I find
As I close on in, I get so blind”
“Peter Gabriel – Digging In The Dirt”
We brought our kids up Camping at WOMAD Festivals
Sounds like brown sugar.
In the Netherlands, still in the EU, the attack on the farmers is played differently: there Nitrogen is declared a bad element, a la CO2. As most animal based farming produces a lot of N2 the bureacrazy wants to monitor and squeeze it. Farms have to close.
Fisheries have already been closed due to policy shifts.
Lawfare on own population is de rigeur and now the central government wants to add a new “exit tax” on citizens emigrating for 5 years after: taxfare.
Nitrogen is a poison and not needed to grow real food.
MIC alt media has polluted your understanding how growing is done in the real world.
along came BBB party funded by monstanto and the wet behind ears lot in alt media all cheered!!!
as it was MIC alt media showing tractors and fake videos of this that made this sound legit.
Nitrogen is most definitely not a poison. It makes up 79% of the atmosphere. If it were poisonous we wouldn’t be alive. We don’t use it (elemental nitrogen that is), but plants do.
Compounds of nitrogen, e.g. nitrates, nitrites, nitrosamines, azo compounds, etc. vary in their benefits/harms to us, but nitrogen, per se, is most definitely not a poison.
“Just as with Covid and “climate change”, the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are safely relying on the “educated middle class” to not understand anything at all about the way the world really works.”
Yeh, completely agree – but my wife and I are working class (not jabbed)
I stopped watching all this crap on the Telly, after Shameless, Skins and the last episode of Lost.
Of course, I was confronted with it, when we visited her Mum and Dad, when they were in their late 70’s and 80’s – The Telly was so f’cking Loud – and we have seen AC/DC and Motorhead – before they were famous.
So she said – bored with Sky can we have Netflix…
and we are all internet connected – mostly the same ip address 3 adults 3 Grandchildren – and the AI computer of the “powers-that-shouldn’t-be” can hear absolutely everything said in our home, and have probably switched the cameras on
Should we be worried, not from the adverts – we got the stairlift ads and phone calls when we were 50…but now, the AI computer seems to know, what I want to watch next…
Not another series about Benidorm
For Fcks Sake
Not dead yet, and our Passports have been renewed.
Maybe our Spanish friend would like to come with us.
She’s beautiful too and can dance
We won’t get her too pissed.
Life is not a TV Show
How are people going to cope, when the electric goes off.
With these (Lets Bomb Russians) Morons in Control
How is that going to help?
Nah, Creedence Clearwater Revival Manchester Free Trade Hall. 1968 or so. I was in the bar under the stage with Martin Hannett and the ceiling was going up and down at least a foot at a time. We thought it might collapse.
Various gigs well beyond the threshold of pain, takes a week to get your hearing back.
Sometimes I would have to stand in between the bass player and the drummer so I could time the guitar parts with the floor going up and down too.
Between the inimical behaviour/image of the controlled opposition, the persistent framing of every discussion in terms of false binaries and the machinations of the government Nudge Units we are really up against it. The Middles Classes concern me more than the corporate media and the government.
New life to socialism and oxygen to all Liberal organisations. Have you maybe heard about a farmer paying to LGBT minorities?
No, because farmers only pay attention to the Bull’s seed and milking female cows for money.
But the money from women’s milk belongs to women, and NOT to farmer men’s bank account…for profit, just saying.
That’s a bit strong. Not only do we have a Milkman, and we do return the Glass Bottles. He is also a nice man. and would be the first to know if anything was wrong…
Its not like being a postman, who can’t make it through the snow…
Our Milkman has never failed to deliver since we moved here 31 years ago…and my wife breast fed our babies for 15 months…(breast pump – before she had to go to work – leaving me in charge)
Nice seeing OD selling the agenda for the rich whilst proclaiming to be supportive to us down below.
any numpty who reads the normal papers understands the rich list and not mentioning who owns the lands is similar to the brexit psyop of ”take back control’ then kipper dropped on the floor and the Horse shit about fishing (dont you remember that.?)
when the water and fishing rights was sold to the same family’s 100’s of years back who own the lands which you dare not mention as it will wake more of your viewers up to your type of very poor journalism which FTFT call;s regurgitatism that you mic people do.
I look at your type and you have not visited a farm EVER, and tesco GM fruit and vege toxic section is not a farm.
*Question for the awake audience what is the by product of the poison called fertilizers (that alt media sells with it tractor psyop)
*Fluoridation chemicals are byproducts of industrial fertilizer industry.
your zhills in alt media wont tell you that it.
What is your definition of rich?
An average UK farm is 88 hectares (220 acres). Yet, HALF of UK farms are below 20 hectares (50 acres). At approx. £11,000 an acre, even a 20 hectare farm is only worth £440,000 plus the buildings.
Some of these farms are worth less than the value of an average London house.
You talk about the Rich List, yet you need a net worth of £50 million just to get on The City Rich List let alone the main Rich List (Forbes, Sunday Times etc) where £50 million does not even figure.
Those landowners who are on the Rich List, or not since they hide their wealth, will not be worried about the IHT change. They either do not pay tax or find ways to legally avoid it.
This tax change is designed to affect the small to medium sized farms and force them to sell.
So, what was the point you were trying to make?
Correction, a 20 hectare farm is worth about £550,000 plus the buildings.
A lot of farms being sold right now offer the whole thing or break it into lots, the farmhouse plus whatever is with it usually gets sold for £500k+.
20 hectare farms are usually selling for well north of the £1m trigger point.
The French have the best definition of “rich”. It’s anyone who has more than you do!
That is so true.
So many of them claim to be socialist, except when it comes to paying THEIR taxes. Everyone else should pay instead.
The stench of hypocrisy.
Famous French saying, ‘The French talk socialist, but vote with one hand on their wallet.’
The land is own already before they lease it or get a freehold.
Not rocket science, any basic truther at an surface level understand this principle.
Your selling the truckers, trannies, and tractor farmers psyop just like the author is shilling GBnews talking points and pretending to care when he has never mentioned a budget in his MIC career on this site or brought from a REAL farm shop that doesnt use the chemicals and poison shit most farms have to legally follow to be farms.
that is my point ED.
How about articles on how this budget effects the poor.
Not bullshit about farms which none of you, until 5 minutes until alt media MIC division gave a shit about, so you could get upset over fake pretend over farmer on tractors.
Start with who owns the land. not so shilling excuse that your also using in your OD response.
In the case of a leaseholder, they do not own the land. Whoever is the freeholder in theory does.
What you seem to be implying is thst the land even of a freeholder is only registered at the Land Registry and in reality someone else owns it.
Therefore, why go to the trouble of bankrupting small farmers and finding ways to remove the land from them? Why not just take it back? Same could be applied to freehold houses, if the land belongs to someone else.
So these farmers are not really rich, since according to you they do not own the land, even though they can freely sell it to another party.
So which is it, the article is supporting ‘rich’ small farmers or not and how does sticking up for them, help the ultra wealthy landowners who you imply own the land anyway.
Your thinking is jumbled up. Who exactly are you calling rich and who are you against, small farmers or large landowners or both?
The Uber rich must be laughing their guts out reading comments by the Left witch -hunting posse- going after these “wealthy farmers”.
‘They must be kicking themselves for not initiating all these stunts sooner.
Not everything is left or right that a deluded way of thinking Hele.
Your wealthy farmers are a fashioable item to sell when you see fit.
Yet you shop in lidi or asda.
and never visited a farm shop.
It is ALWAYS left and right with you.
How do you know where the previous commenter shops?
Why write Lidl or Asda?
To try to belittle them.
Perhaps he shops in Waitrose, perhaps he drives a 100k car and lives in a house worth a couple of million too with no mortgage.
How do you fucking know who you are speking with?
I have seen you previous comments. You are a socialist/communist who comes across as envious of anyone who isn’t poorer than you.
I should have written he/she. Hele could be female.
Let it Snow, let it snow , let it SNOW … Down on you & to whom
You should be most thankful to, that that very Farmer tugged that school bus,
From the Canal… with child inside.
Farmers are not stuck morally speaking, they logically want what is best for their soil & themselves, longterm … but, which sane Farmer would wait 75 years to find out what he is injecting into HIS pride & joy, let alone his own metabolism…
Yawn, kinda’ boring logical thought processes…
Survey Every Farmer. How Many Vaccinated ?
No shaming, please, just face Reality … !
Factually accurate post Kit.
Dig for Britain, was a slogan from different times, during a manufactured war financially paid for by the same banker’s for all participants countries.
In war, you can’t rely on foreign supplies of food – obvious target for the enemy as a means of starving the populace supporting the troops.
I have zero tolerance for urban charlatans like McTernan saying ‘we can do without farmers’.
Farmers should blockade London and starve Londoners like McTernan to death. They should also cut off all water supplies because then, they will all die much quicker.
If we all kill 5 million Londoners and pilfer the property, we will gain admiration from Israelis for our chutzpah.
AND there will be 5 million people left to feed, which reduces the requirement for food imports.
Where’s Adolf Hitler when you need him, eh?
Globalisation is insanity of the very wealthiest imposed on the world.
Dass gibt es nicht ! & überall …
When it Snows.
Solar panels, wind farms, housing
Still need to feed the people living in the extra houses.
more houses for illegals
Terry Christian has made multiple posts about taxing ‘rich’ farmers.
His own net worth is estimated to be US$ 10 million (£ 7.5 million) Not exactly on the breadline.
There’s just over 200,000 farms, according to UK Govt figures, so being generous that means that there’s 500,000 farmers eligible to vote (assuming some have over 18 kids still living on the farm).
Don’t think that farmers were the decisive voting bloc that delivered 18 million votes for Brexit, do you?
I think that every Government official that is supporting genocide in Palestine should ‘lose their property’: that’s most of the MPs, all of the FCO senior mandarins, most of the senior Armed Forces, all of the Treasury and quite a few members of the House of Lords.
How about all the prostitutes in the media?
Two can play at that game, and those supporting genocide are infinitely more worthy of financial ruin than those that made a legitimate choice in a democratic plebiscite vote.
Thst is the reason that the gubbermint has not yet come for the chattering classes in any significant way. No abolition of the 25℅ tax-free lump sum on private pension plans in the Budget, despite it being it telegraphed beforehand. That can wait, since the pension black hole will eventually implode taking everyone’s pension pots with it.
The UK private pension funds effectively got bailed out in 2022, when the BoE bought £65 billion of UK long-dated govt bonds (Gilts) to prevent a financial collapse as pension funds dumped the Gilts as yields rose (prices fell). The timing clearly was not right to let the pension funds go up in smoke.
Nor in the Budget did the regime change much in the inheritance tax structure for inherited estates of non-agriculture land and other property owners yet, which would hurt the middle classes hardest with high value homes in London and the South East. My guess is this will come later to keep the chattering classses onboard while other groups are squeezed. Eventually, various means will be used to impoverish people including finding ways to take away their principal asset, that being their homes, especially where there is significant equity or where the mortgage has been paid off entirely.
Waking up the middle classes, especially the upper-middle class is not desirable to the controllers. Although, unlikely to revolt with pitchforks, this cohort do know how to organise, mobilize and become vocal and since many are the enablers of the agenda, it would setback the agenda if the penny finally dropped.
Instead of the government putting smaller farms out of business
so it can Build Back Bigger farms (BBB-f),
we need smaller farms that Bring Back Better food (BBB-f)…
‘Making the new gang member do drugs to make sure he’s not an
undercover cop’
I agree – the productivity of smallholdings can be quite incredible where horticulture is concerned. Well over 100 tonnes per hectare in a 10 year experiment carried out in the West Country.
The real issue is the price of food – many farmers and market gardeners diversify from ‘just growing/producing’ because more money can be made in other income streams – running courses, writing books, giving lectures, turning barns into holiday rentals, setting land aside to receive government grants etc.
If people want farmers to produce healthy food, then there has to be a worthwhile living to be made from it.
The easiest way to achieve that, quite brutally, is to eliminate the supermarkets and sell direct to the public.
From Will Hutton’s Wikipedia:
“born in Woolwich, where his father had worked at the Royal Ordnance factory…. He spent ten years with the BBC… Under Hutton’s management, The Work Foundation became insolvent… Hutton is a governor of the London School of Economics…. Hutton calls himself an agnostic.”
I’d be surprised if there isn’t quite a bit else to know about him but these’ll do for starters.
Well there are these anagrams oh is full name, William Nicolas Hutton.
Acton howls Illuminati
Hullo twin satanic limo
Two mil hallucinations