Australia’s “Social Media Ban” is Digital ID via the backdoor
Kit Knightly

Earlier this month Australia’s government announced plans to ban anyone under the age of sixteen from using social media.
Social media companies aren’t happy about it, predictably, and the kind of people conditioned to oppose everything social media-related are proudly cheering it on.
That’s how the issue is being framed. Social media/big business vs protecting children.
But that’s not what it’s really about. It’s really about digital identity and removal of anonymity.
Think about it – how do you enforce banning anyone under 16 from social media?
Well, you need everyone to prove their age before starting an account.
How do they prove their age?
Why, with a new Australian government backed digital identity of course.
Perhaps the one that was created by an Act of Parliament in May and is due to come online on December 1st.
This isn’t me spouting hypotheticals, they’re openly saying it. From Reuters [emphasis added]:
Australia plans to trial an age-verification system that may include biometrics or government identification to enforce a social media age cut-off, some of the toughest controls imposed by any country to date.
The plan couldn’t be more obvious.
Step 1 – Create digital ID.
Step 2 – Enforce its use via “think of the children” messaging.
…that’s it. It’s a two step plan.
To give them some credit, they might be playing a slightly longer game here. It’s possible the sweeping “no children on facebook or twitter” stance (which has come in for some criticism in mainstream papers) is a deliberately extreme policy intended to sell their true goal as some kind of “compromise measure”.
For example, maybe they’ll relent and say “fine, children can use social media, but everyone has to use Digital ID to end anonymity so we can monitor predators”…or something.
However it plays out, Australia is getting digital ID because oh won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children.
Meanwhile, in the US we can look forward to Trump putting digital biometric ID in place to “secure the border” and “protect the integrity of our elections”.
In the UK it will be about controlling immigration.
The EU is getting digital id to promote “efficiency and safety”.
And New Zealand is getting their own…just because they’re New Zealand and that’s what they do now.
It’s like that medicine in Mary Poppins. It might be different colours and flavours depending on whose taking it, but in the end it’s the same stuff coming out of the same bottle.
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Found you from an Gareth icke post.
Good read BTW
Back to Australia again.
First the Oz government with the support of both major parties passed a “misinformation and disinformation bill” which was an outrage in every respect. Stalinist Russia could not have made a more offensive proposal. After much publicity it was mysteriously defeated in the upper house on the grounds of “freedom of speech” etc voted down by individuals who have never before shown any interest in such ideals. Usually governments are sure of their numbers before pushing any legislative change, particularly something as major as this proposal. But then suddenly a couple of “independent” senators declared they would vote against it and after months of fear-mongering and name-calling the “misinformation bill” was no more.
The next week we get the “Digital ID” legislation, rammed thru both houses of parliament along with 35 additional new packages of law all top be approved on the last sitting day of the year. And what do you know, the “digital ID” legislation is enthusiastically supported by the same freedom of speech advocates who nixed the first bill. To protect the kiddies and such.
The fact the government lackies have engaged in such an elaborate subterfuge/psy-op to get this ID legislation thru tells us that the forces who actually control Australia consider this an important measure in their plans.
Little children are being filmed and photographed every day and the data is flung around on social media without their parents slightest concern – and their grandmothers are even stupider. They’d post just anything to anybody about the little ones. This generation will not have to worry about facial recognition or voice patterns. They will be on record since day one.
“If I take your fingerprint, your voiceprint, facial recognition … these markers can help ensure we are talking to the right person,” he explained.
Caire said the government has to take steps to protect data, which he calls the “oil of the 21st century.”
Dec. 11, 2019
Goodbye medicare card? Quebec wants to create digital versions of government IDs
“I think everyone would agree that the use of the social insurance number (as an identification for services) is an out-of-date system,” Caire said, arriving for a meeting of the Quebec cabinet.
“We have to find other methods, more current and safer, to create a real identity.”
Dec. 11, 2019
Quebec wants to give each citizen a digital profile to fight identity theft
“A proverb suggests that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
Jun 16, 2020
Canadian and Quebec Ministers for Digital Government, Global Indigenous Data Experts, Health Networks, Privacy Experts and More Speaking at IdentityNORTH – June 17 and 18
“We need to demonstrate that, at no time is digital identity a type of ‘Big Brother’ system. It is exclusively a way for citizens to identify themselves and interact with organizations digitally. At no point does the Quebec government want to collect or store data that goes against the right to privacy,” said Caire.
June 25, 2020
‘Don’t waste a good crisis’: Experts push governments to create digital ID programs in wake of COVID-19
Quebec cybersecurity minister sees growing role for AI in ministries
“Speaking with reporters on Saturday, Legault described social media platforms as “virtual pushers” and compared them to addictive substances.”
May 26, 2024
Quebec premier says he’s open to limiting children’s social media use as CAQ debates age limits
More and more studies show that the use of screens by young people can have harmful consequences on their health. According to the chief medical officer of the United States, Vivek Murthy, social networks are the “engine of a national crisis in youth mental health.”
Sept. 13, 2024
Experts warn MNAs against blanket bans of cellphones in Quebec schools
03 November 2024
Falkland B.C. Faces Fallout From Major Drug Superlab Bust
Largest drug “super lab” in Canada’s history busted with record amount of fentanyl, chemicals and guns seized
“To put into context, [the fentanyl seized] could have taken the life of every Canadian citizen twice over.”
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Townes Van Zandt – Waitin’ around to die
“People will be able to buy the following goods GST-free:
Trudeau government to send $250 cheques to most workers, slash GST on some goods
“Durham Live will become the premier entertainment and tourism district east of Yonge Street, and one of Ontario’s top destinations for fun and excitement.
Anchored by a resort casino and 5-star hotel, this unique destination will also include a boutique hotel, convention centre, amphitheatre, restaurants, cinemas, an indoor water park, performance venues, an office tower, and film studios.
This landmark project, located at the northwest corner of Church and Bayly Streets, will boast a dynamic mix of excitement, culture, nightlife, cuisine, and adventure that will cater to every whim and indulgence.
Visit to sign up and receive updates directly from the developer.”
Durham Live
“If I have to hop on that bulldozer myself with Vic on the other one, we’re going to start building the roads to get to the mining,” he said.
Progressive Conservatives outline plan for northern Ontario
‘No Ring of Fire without consent’: First Nations confront Doug Ford on mining claims at Queen’s Park
Life on the line
Facing down governments and industry, this First Nation makes a promise: There’ll be no development in the Ring of Fire without its consent
“Again, environmental and Indigenous organizations have responded, noting the posting of these additional exploration permits illustrates Ontario is not listening to calls by affected First Nation communities to halt Ring of Fire decision making. These permits, if approved, would also open up exploration activities in what is the second largest peatland complex in the world, and home for nearly 40,000 Indigenous people across 35 communities whose food, medicine, cultural and sacred spaces for traditional practices and ceremony are sustained by the area’s extensive river networks and wildlife habitats.”
Blog Entry23 December 2020, 7:39pm EST
Mining injustice: Exploration, decision making, community voices in Ring of Fire
By Kerrie Blaise and Brady Reid
Life Wants to Live
Opinion ! What makes me a canadian settler
David Moscrop
David Moscrop
Sakej Ward – Decolonizing the Colonizer
The Mechanism of Invisible Hand, Invisible Cage, and Invisible Empire over Humanity and Nature
February 9, 2021
By Hiroyuki Hamada
What is your point please?
Its seems another OD unresearched clickbait article aimed at the right audience with this Australia psyop the alternative which is not alternative media seem to keep pushing.
As someone who works in the field (tip hear kit ask someone who works in the field not some right lending articles to push your agenda)
ALL children or young adults using any computer within the schooling system or colleges and uni get given an email address which is associated with there records. (last 25 years)
Within the last 10 years at least, any computer laptop supplied within the deatheducation system is ID to your schooling records.
Unlike 99% of the people on the site. I think it is a great idea to need all this crap to get on line as a rebel it means I would be MORE likely to not have my children or me using the internet or proving this infromation or i will learn to navigator around it . infact it is a poison nasty evil thing and has ruined the classroom and people lives with this world on line which is so fake and people business’s like this one trying to clickbait your attention £$ by making out this online thing is so needed that you cant live without it.
“Social Media Ban” is a great thing.
People would live better fuller lives without it.
To be honest, every time you use a debit/credit card online, you are in effect being age-checked. The details the bank stores include your date of birth, even if it isn’t displayed on the card. The same can be said of a UK driving licence.
I never get asked for further ID when I buy a dozen bottles of wine online, they just take my debit card details and the sale goes through.
What would be new would be a biometric ID, since that is not age-related, rather retina-related.
A Pfizer bottle pehaps.
I just don’t see why people are so obsessed with social media. People should just boycott it.
The amount of data and personal information that people willingly hand over to big tech thus to the governments is scary.
There are more than enough open source, free speech promoting social media platforms.
Its definitely no coincidence that all these countries are peddling the same, or very similar narratives regarding the tracking and control of the population.
Enforce its use via “think of the children” messaging
amazing how the parents cannot ‘think’ eh? leave it to big brother
No part or the Australian regimes digital transformation is hidden. It would be unbelievable in many other countries but in Australia the people expect and really desire that this type of narrative/reaction is played out for them while the regime advance the slave grid openly.
Australians genuinely feel ok with any government imposition so long as there is a dramatic “consultation” performance where all points of views are folded into the managerial neutral position then they feel safe. It’s weird but true.
I don’t think Australia is that exceptional in this regard. Most of my fellow Canadians will be ok with all of this too. I think it’s fair to say that humanity in general is ripe for this transformation.
So effing depressing!! Canada will always be my favourite country though…it was the Candian truckers and their freedom convoy and Trudeau’s reaction that really made me see what was happening!!!
“Who is gonna feed me now when my Master is gone?”.
Catch-22, isn’t it? Without the ‘slaves’ the ‘master’ starves, and vice-versa, eh.
The eye always finds what one may be looking for …
Heil, Trump! … or ‘sir’ Keir … or whomever could be the ‘ogre-of-the-day’.
Without slaves, the “master” hires the dark colored “free men” for a fair wage. Slavery was outdated before it ever became the scapegoat for an unnecessary war that had nothing to do with slavery.
In certain data centres a switch can be flipped and the 3D map showing cityscapes comes alive with icons representing the current position and movement of every single person carrying a phone, regardless of if they are in building or walking or in any sort of transport.
An operator can click on any icon to show everything about that person. A complete history of movement, every interaction, affiliation and transaction. A dedicated AI can predict that persons future movements and the likelihood of committing a crime.
Each icon will display a variety of colour codes, flags and symbols to warn the operator to pay particular attention.
CCTV and microphones will confirm the identification.
Breathing is voluntary.
Yes, in the PR of C.
And the massive AI data centres in the US of A, some to be soon nuclear powered. These colossal buildings are not being constructed so we can generate novel images of cute puppies or answer questions about the funniest funny cat video ever made.
Knowing everything about you, and those around you, in real time, your entire history and your predicted moments ahead are constantly observed and monitored along with everyone else by an AI that has a global awareness of everything all at once is the true purpose of some of these data centres.
They will get far more ego satisfaction from believing they control me than they will ever get by actually controlling me. That’s what it’s all about anyway. Semite Ego.
In the ‘good old days’ Australians were more cynical/suspicious of authority figures and their pronouncements.
Not anymore.
‘Shooting down the Tall Poppies’ has been undermined by false hero worship, celebrity cults and corporate spin.
Are the chickens are coming home to roost? :
Delete second ‘are’😖
Sort of relate, following the lead if Australia, New Zealand just declined the visa of Candace Owens, who was scheduled to make a speaking tour. That makes two, woke joke countries.
It is easy to keep her out – for the high crime of anti-“semitism”.
ID is a convenience in many ways, and digital information is in many ways more convenient than information carved in stone or written on paper. Hence digital ID is as convenient as digital money or digital posting of your opinion to your favourite digital chat site.
The Luddites wanted to smash the weaving machines but I bet they wore machine-weaved clothes because such products were cheaper. Digital technology has aptly been called:
“Weaving with thought” — Ada Countess Lovelace, Byron’s daughter and first female designer of digital computers, circa 1850.
exactly, useful stuff, but – it’s the people that own it, that are abusing it
There’s no way it cannot be abused. It is designed to insure abuse. I would bet anything that NOTHING digital came from a Charity Ward but from Big Business.
The Luddites were ahead of their time and perhaps saw where the weaving machines were leading. As to machine weaved clothes being cheaper, I’m not so sure. When the complete cost is taken into account – i.e., the cost to society, to the environment from the manufacture of such machines, etc. – you may find the product much more expensive than one which was hand woven.
In my childhood my mom, sisters, cousins, aunts and grandmas were making sweaters to us all.
Nice sweaters, designed, colourful, warm, personal sweaters.
I really miss that culture and heartfelt tradition, to see someone with some family members own produced sweaters on.
So I gave you a thumb up Howard. This was the least I could do! At least this! 😇
Peanuts compared to what the CCP is doing with thousands of young, healthy political prisoners: organ harvesting and after cremating them alive in places like Sujiatun north east of Beijing! Keeping the CPC top alive as long as possible > 100.
Bad, worse, worst.
In the PRC kill on demand due to the large governmental digital bio-database to find matching “donors”. WEF 3.0.
Still due to the economic hardship presently low ranking CCP members are leaving the Party- of broken material promises. They won’t know about the above demonic scheme, but now you do.
Worse than Rockerfellers ?
Exxon.Esso. S.O. Standard (oil) Operating Procedures.
Snake Oil Practice cannot be underestimated…
Except by antonyms.
I have seen videos of restaurants, filmed secretly in China, where the skulls of living children are opened for patrons to scoop out mouthfulls of sushi brains, and their eyeballs plucked out from the inside with chopsticks.
It’s horrific. I have watched hours of this footage.
It’s about time we nuked China off the map to save the children of the free world.
Just another fun filled night in the Ho household?
Yes, I force my children to watch this stuff so they can understand how lucky they are.
It brings new meaning to the term “children’s menu”! 😋
David it seems these knee-jerkers are in desperate need of a sense of humour.
Heck there ain’t nuttin to fret abouts! Stralya’s gummint really cares bouts people. Just ask. . . Here’s what they say.
For individuals
There is nothing you need to do.
The Digital ID Act means your accredited Digital ID provider is required by law to protect your information and keep it private.
Accredited providers will also be regulated to make sure they continue to meet standards for security and privacy.
Keep an eye out for more ways that you can use your myID (formerly known as myGovID) as more services join the Australian Government Digital ID System.
In time, you will also have more choice of who you create and use a secure Digital ID with.
The Digital ID Act enables the Commonwealth to partner with states, territories and the private sector to create a better Digital ID experience for all Australians. It:
strengthens the existing voluntary Digital ID Accreditation Scheme
provides legislative authority for the Australian Government Digital ID System to expand
strengthens privacy and consumer protections
strengthens governance for Digital ID.
Digital ID technology has been around for two decades, yet all these western countries simultaneously decide that now is the right time to implement it? Why do they decide that? Who is guiding these decisions? Who are they answering to? It is certainly not the parents of Australian children, that is the usual bunkum that we regularly see. Democracy is a vote without power.
Clive James famously said that the problem with Australians is not that so many of them were descended from convicts, but that so many were descended from prison warders.
If you need any proof, witness the (successful) convid operation and this current scandal.
There was one MP only in the UK speaking out against the Scamdemic. Andrew Bridgen.
There are none in Congress in the USA. I do not know about Canada or NZ.
In Australia,, the Federal Upper House has Senators Roberts, Antic. Babet, Rennick, Hanson, the Lower House has Russell Broadbent.
Currently. ca. 6 local councils in Aust of a total of ca 650 have officially come out against the contamination of the jabs with DNA.
Thanks for that Jenner.
A sliver of a silver lining.
Limited hangout, to use the current slang. There is a lot worse than DNA in it.
7 MPs including Andrew Bridgen have asked UK ONS to provide specific additional data on the jabbed, compared to the unjabbed. -2024-03
A limited hangout is a deliberate intelligence agency tactic.
So unless you have proof that Port Hedland Council has been in touch with ASIO and are working for them, the simpler explanation is that they. like all but Sabrina Wallace, Mihalcea, David A Hughes and a few more are captured by medical Credentialism. Hence they still think the Scamdemic is a medical accident and have never heard of nanotech, esp. as developed by the military. .
Dalgleish Malhotra, McCulloch: all toured Aust, without anybody mentioning the speech of Sen. Roberts of July 2023 saying that Covid is a military op.
Not true. Sir David Amess did too. Very bravely.
Where has he been lately?
I wonder.
What did David Amess do too plse? ( Is he the MP from Southend who was stbbed?)

11:21 AM · Apr 2, 2021
Andrew Bridgen
I have had my first vaccination of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine this morning at Masons Pharmacy in Coalville. The staff were very helpful. Can I encourage everyone to take up there vaccine appointment and protect themselves and those they love. Together we can beat Covid.
But what does Brigden say about that now? I mean couldn’t he have seen the light? I admit that I myself got vaccinated. ( I didn’t actually want to byut lmy life was becoming quite difficumt at the time). However I feel very different abot it all now. I think it was a big scam now. Is it not possible that Brigden genuinely believed that it was for the common good? I honestmy believe that there was a time when the NHS really did work for us and really did cure us.
Clive left Australia in the early sixties.
Apparently it wasn’t ‘big enough’ to contain his ego and service his ambitions.
In sixties Oz he was probably correct.
I visited in eighties when it was fun.
Now ?
Unjabbed family members lived in Vic. during the recent shenanigans.
They had to sell up and move to NSW for any way of life.
Rural Victoria wasn’t as claustrophobic and restricted as Melbourne under the Andrews regime.
Still, gotta go where the jobs are.
Northern NSW?
It was the only place where female convicts could seek protection. Intercourse with the prison warders.
The female hardcore convicts got in average 5 children and filled up Australia.
The British Empire thought their hardcore criminals would learn to behave in a harsh, dry and deserted place, but no. They just got even worse than they were in England.
Thats why you have to be a little tough and control these Australian animals with an digital ID.
Is it me or is Erik sex obsessed? Doesn’t really bother me. Quite entertaining..but he does always drag sex into everything…or so it seems to me
Its you.
I only take sex into a discussion once in a while because the subject is a bit touchy, but on the other hand its part of life, and the British sex story is mostly cold and without real romance.
The Latins knows more on how to get around the subject in a charming way.
Yeah. Apropos of nothing, they didn’t stay in Australia either.
San Francisco was burned to the ground many times by big Australian gangs.
The British Queen knew exactly what she did when all the worst was kicked down and out to Australia!
Long before enslaving Africans, Europeans enslaved their own. First, you impoverished an someone through usury or artificial famine. The victim than accepted slavery or – as imperialism expanded – deportation. Vikings and Turks were some of the earliest traders.
Be warned; the ‘silly season’ is approaching:
‘As the silly season gets underway, here’s how you can stay COVID-safe these holidays.’
More here:
Five years of ‘silly’.
Silly fucking poisons, forced on silly people by silly psychos.
well it was a prison colony old habits die hard
What would America have been without the irreplaceable contribution of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, which helped win the war against an inhuman racist ideology. But this ideology did not die with Hitler, it lives on in all white people because it is inextricably linked to their innate character, indeed genetically determined. That is why this further glorious attempt to convince them of the falsity and wrongness of their actions, nay, their very existence, will also fail.
Why are everybody so hateful against white men? Because white men work!!
That makes sense, but it’s not enough to justify it, because East Asians work hard too.
So there must be another “specific group of people” who are responsible for turning everyone else against especially white people, including white people against themselves, who have been made to feel a permanent sense of “historical guilt” (colonialism, slavery, “holocaust”).
I suspect this is the “group of people” who primarily own Whiet House, the media and Hollywood, and whose name can no longer even be mentioned because that in itself is a “hate crime”.
Of course, humanity still knows exactly who it is, indeed it can only be. All the more so in current “acts of war”, which cannot be categorized as genocide, because this in turn also constitutes a “hate crime”, it is becoming increasingly clear with their actions and is no longer as easy to conceal as before.
The small hats hiding in plain sight. The white ‘middle easterns’
I have examined that one too but found no race issue. It is ideology. Either a political ideology or a spiritual ideology.
The Khazar story fits in. Here is a disgusting bipolar political/religious ideology and story from old times.
But, the Bible story do also fits in. The end times, the mark of the beast and all that jazz.
A recruitment advertisement for more ‘cannon fodder’, because they can’t find enough able bodied men to fight their filthy wars and subdue the Useless Eaters when the shit hits the fan?
An interesting conclusion that makes sense. I further suspect that this is supposed to trigger a kind of racial grandiosity in blacks, which makes them make ever greater demands and drives whites even further onto the defensive.
Whereby black men, even if they are criminals, are already considerably higher in the victim hierarchy than white women, who were otherwise allowed to claim the space for themselves (see the “Me-Too” movement).
While Jaguar, for example, is working tirelessly to dismantle itself and drive itself into bankruptcy, Walmart has apparently pulled the emergency brake and stopped the woke madness.
But that doesn’t stop Hollywood & Co. from continuing to churn out garbage that nobody wants to watch, and which costs them a lot of losses in box office because they are historically wrong, and simply moronic (like a dark-skinned mermaid, e.g.).
Plastic heroes are a dime a dozen in Hollywood and corporate sport.
This bill is finished and community backlash was a factor, with over 30,000 public responses to the inquiry into the bill.
Government could simply ban all porno web sites in Australia. But they won’t as the porno industry is apparently even more profitable than the drug industry.
Australia is again being used as a test case. Another one now happening – telcos closing down 2G and 3G networks is causing chaos, many mobile phones not working, huge amount of e-trash and many people having to buy new mobile phones making vast profits for the monopoly Aussie telcos. Well, someone has to pay for the 5G infrastructure, don’t they?
Australia is a clear case of once criminal, always criminal. Nothing the British Queen would do would ever change nobody in Australia.
On the contrary, the country is happy to have space where prostitution, drug trade, sex trafficking, bank robberies, gangs and mafia of all kind are flourishing.
Well, at least they are kept away and a looooong distance away from Mother England and the European continent.
Queen Elizabeth did foresee all the present problems with China, so these two countries, Australia and China, fits together in the area like one foot in two socks.
The audacity they have … ‘think about the children..’ They probably want to save them for themselves, if you know what I mean.
Pedophilia in high office in Australia being discussed
Though Australians have won this small battle for now, it does seem a bit hopeless. In any case, who on earth posts what they really think on Facebook, etc? VPN for now works very well for surfing and opinionating 😉
The larger threat is the digital ID which comes into effect soon in Australia. For now, it is voluntary. This is probably to make allowance for the elderly computer illiterate generation who need to access government payments. Once this becomes compulsory for logging onto the internet, we’re done.
However, I wonder if the following would work:
One could log onto the internet with the shiny new digital ID then visit a site about growing plants in pots or whatever, then switch on VPN, and off you go!
They’ll probably have a built-in internet kill switch for when someone wants to leave the reservation.
Problem with I.D. is that it has to be an up-to-date I.D. That means following all their rules, such as having all the jabs, boosters, the tokens you get for your ‘carbon footprint’, and more and more draconian rules to come.
If your I.D. is not up to date, it won’t work.
who on earth posts what they really think on Facebook, etc
Some people must communicate everything they heard or read at the earliest to each of their associates. It could be a disease, but is convenient for the government peeping Toms as long as it is online. Remember the limits on personal gatherings during deadly covid.
50-60% of US public debt (government expenditure) is “entitlement spending”
ie, Social Security, Medicare, and other health programs, Plus there’s 13%
spending on the interest on public debt… After excluding military spending,
any non-discretionary spending is simply too small for cuts to shrink government
spending by $2 trillion…
So where are the billionaire twins, who’ve taken on the delightful job of cutting
government spending by $2 trillion, gonna make the cuts…
One way is by imposing an Income Management scheme on all who depend on
hand-outs from the government – as the Australian government has been doing…
This scheme restricts what the recipient can buy – and given Trump & Kennedy
championed Making America Healthy Again (MAHA), we might expect it will be real
meat consumption that will be heavily restricted – as that other billionaire wants –
rather than the processed foods that cause so much ill health…
Such a scheme is ‘rationing’ what the recipients can buy and would require national
digital ID. It’s certain the better-offs will heartily endorse the imposition of such – if
told it will mean lower taxes for them…
(You might recall President Bill Clintons attack on Social Security, on the Undeserving
Poor… He imposed a whole lot of bureaucratic rules for being able to claim government
support, rules so Kafkaesque that many gave up trying to obtain needed support)…
I’m sorry. But the military takes all the money. “Entitlements” is a shill word. As is “handouts.” We know wherefrom you come. The idea that somebody getting a couple hundred bucks a month for welfare is breaking the bank is laughable. Big Medicine and Pharma maybe, are taking what the military doesn’t get. But actual payments to poor people? You got to be kidding. Then why are they still poor?
More than 70% of tax income is fleeced from wage earners.
The Useless Eaters fund the corporate thieves and are then hung out to dry. And die.
Actually, SS, Medicare/Medicaid and other “mandatory” budget programs equate to about 3.7 trillion of the 6.1 trillion natioinal budget, which is well over 50%. They’re sometimes called “entitlement” programs because that simply means benefits citizens are entitled to based on laws, vs the discretionary, must be approved part of the national budget, that includes the military, VA, and non-defense discretionary programs, like the Dept of Education they want to cut, which are about 1.7 trillion. Entitlement has been viewed as a negative term, but it’s really not. Interest on the national debt is anywhere from 700 billion to over a trillion depending on how it’s computed, or who is computing it. See page 141.
Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2025
Don’t take their word for expenditures. They lie. Interest. Lol. They can’t charge interest for something they already own.
If you own several companies, would one of your companies pay interest to the other for a loan? Only if you’re trying to do some dodgy accounting to hide the relationships between arms length corporations.
Technically, we are paying interest on the national debt, regardless your specious argument and the logic of it all.
No, you don’t actually know that at all. You are only repeating what you’ve read. It’s hearsay.
Liars always take pains to sound reasonable.
I’ve studied the U.S. budget dickwad, have you?
You’d better watch it, Big Al, or Edwige’ll blast you with some numerology.
Hilarious how so many people uprated a ridiculous statement like “the military takes all the money. “Entitlements” is a shill word.”, which is simply histrionics, and pay no attention to real facts. What I call throwing meat in the water for sharks. Unfortunately parroting those they criticize on the left and right. People are people I guess.
Serious how many downrate lies.
Its an illusion, its not real. Thats why the Politicians just write a check, because everybody knows its an illusion, fiat money, a paper castle.
When it ends up making too much trouble out there, they just invent a “new reset”, “build back better” campaign, blaming you for the whole shit.
“Back where you started, YOU broke the rules”, Tina Turner
compete bollocks.
I think what they have their eye on is the non-defense discretionary programs (like Dept of Education, etc.) which come close to a trillion and the “other” mandatory programs besides SS and Medicare, which could also come close to a trillion, coupled with a reduction in the interest on the national debt because of those “savings”. Theoretically, which is probably all Musk has, 2 trillion might be possible without touching defense, but it would wreak havoc and won’t happen.
We already have purchase restrictions on ‘handouts’ — AFDC etc. –but they don’t really prevent the money from being repurposed. The problem is that Social Security isn’t a handout. Its actually an annuity that’s administered and underwritten, by the Federal government. Its financed separately from the government with its own tax. The Feds main interaction with it is that they get to invest the healthy surpluses that have been generated for many decades, usually in Treasury Bonds. This does lead to political interference, first of all by manipulating the contribution model to exempt high incomes from contribution (that’s a relatively recent change) and by constantly figuring out ways to avoid ponying up on the debt incurred from the sale of those bonds. Part of this process is to label the program an ‘entitlement’; it is in a way but only because we paid for it out of our incomes. Its no different from any other annuity in that respect, the only real difference being that there’s a certain amount of income leveling so that low wage earners are guaranteed a minimum income (its not huge, BTW) and high wage earners have their SS payouts capped.
I know its fashionable for pension schemes to be stiffed because the money mysteriously disappeared (got ‘invested’?) during the good times. Financial engineers are like that — they can make any pile of cash disappear, no matter how large. It is a form of theft, though.
You don’t need digital IDs to control what people buy, just CBDCs.
The masses have been conditioned to see convenience and safety as only ever well intentioned.
Convenience has become a stepping stone to accustomising the public to accept lose of freedoms and privacy. Saving 5 seconds here or a few minutes there will cost a lifetime of misery once the digital gulag is fully constructed.
Biometrics have been introduced slowly over time, as security protocols for unlocking the ubiquitous black mirror devices and laptops, phone banking, opening bank accounts, passport control and staffless supermarkets.
So, it was only a matter of time before internet access would be biometrically controlled. It simply needed a catalyst and protecting the children is it, at least for Australia.
Meanwhile, digital ID will be implemented using whichever excuse works best in each country based on local customs and cultural differences. Tailored ‘solutions’ to a global ‘problem’.
Lastly, if the carrot does not work then the stick will result in the refuseniks and the hestitant being denied access to some public and private services – the PPP working hand in glove. Facing inconvenience to the point that they will be excluded from society.
We witnessed that during the scamdemic – coercion to the point of having no alternative. Same playbook, just a different day and a different problem with a different pre-planned solution.
So transparent that it should be clear to all, yet here we are again.
“Banning” anything they don’t like has become the authoritarians’ only method of operation.
But I seriously wonder how millennial “progressives”, who pride themselves on being ‘green’, “inclusive”, compassionate ‘citizens of the world’ and seem to consider themselves latter-day hippies can stomach the evisceration of individual liberty and the neocon warmongering of the regimes they elected
I know!! Saving the planet for whom? for the Palestinians? for the Lebanese? and then what about the blowing up of North Stream and all the LNG from the states. It’s not green at all
Be sure to place your groceries that are wrapped in plastic into a “paper carry bag” to take them home. That’s the logic of “saving the planet” in 2024. Like wearing masks, nobody thinks there is problem here, every little counts, right?
I’m spending a few days soon with a “Nothing to hide, nothing to fear” family member.
Any advice ?
I understand absinthe is now re-available.
Someone here put that nothing to hide thing this way: do you close the curtains on your windows at night? How about locking the front door? Might help although somehow I doubt it.
Yeah but the logic thin’s never going to work, is it ?
Absinthe or Ouzo methinks.
A walk in the park.
A good book.
An afternoon nap.
A loud ‘reality’ TV show.
A headache.
problem is by the third mouthful you are just gonna say f**kit and tell it like it is – then you will be blaming the drink and have to apologise, lose lose I reckon.
Good intentions are fairy tales.
absinthe prohibition is a perfect example of mobilizing public opinion on the pretext of protecting people from something harmful in order to impose controls on what we’re allowed to do, when the real motive has nothing to do with safety
in the case of that type of liquor it was all about banishing from the market a competitor to politically well connected wine producers
I tried the new absinthe when it was de-banned in France.
It did make ne a bit shouty but then it’s 50% abv.
No halucinogenics.
They don’t make intoxicants like they used to.
Earplugs and a hidden ipod?
Nice suggestion.
Ipod ?
Ask to see their bank statements
Ive done this I got someone to secretly film them getting changed or wanking or having a shit and showering
then get some people around to watch it and comment about it and give an assessment on what theyve seen,
That I got nothing to hide and nothing to fear soon falls to pieces.
I like the having a shit and showering image.
That should do it.
“Saying that you don’t believe in privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you don’t believe in free speech because you have nothing to say”.
— Edward Snowden
I think they should ban the kids from I-pads, man. I’ve got 3 grandsons and they’ll stay on those things, inches from their faces, all day long if you let them. They literally don’t know what to do when you take them away. It’s an epidemic, I tell ya, an epidemic!
Of course, I know, that would lead to a slippery slope. Next thing you know they’d be outside playing soccer or baseball or something.
Then again, adults do the same damn thing don’t they.
So, here’s a test of the emergency against globalism broadcast system. Will you or will you not use social media (or the internet?) in order to resist? People on here talk all the time about how we need to opt out, refuse to participate, etc. Here it comes, man. Are we ready?
LOL, I make funny.
This highlights the systemic stupidity of virtualized systems. In the end, there are no way to control anything. If someone hacks the virtual ID, which is happening after every iteration of supposed security, then the ID is dead, useless. And there is no reliable replacement. The only useful security for anything must be physical. A person facing a person. A metal key in custom slot. A fifty dollar bill. Physicality. Virtual things are VIRTUAL and have infinite abilities to exist or not exist. Digital security is magical thinking. They’ll find out, hopefully not too late for Humanity.
I’ve read that Australia’s tech is one of the most-hacked in the world. Maybe the hackers are on our side?
DMAX star Gilow aka “Germanator”, who was dismissed from the US police for “improper behavior”, is currently hanging around in Florida and seems to be renovating a dump he bought up on the cheap.
But his last videos are already a year old; perhaps the hurricane washed him and his hut into the sea, unnoticed by those around him. It is unclear whether his sons understand his German monologues.
probably the next improvement will be obligatory facial recognition in order to unlock the phone, I’m betting
Universal credit in the U.K which Financial district of the world
was first launch on the poor and disabled and now elderly.
earlier in the month they want everyone even pensioners as pensioner are so computer literate
to get on a system.
I will have to say the so called whores in alt media screaming free speech all got there digital id via there verification blue tic on twitter and paid for the pleasure.
It is no longer just a passport or driving licence needed for digital ID they want to shoot a video using your phone into your own private home as evidence it is you.
They can fuck off.
But 3/4 of this planet will not only do it, they are even willing to pay for an artificial ID to feel modern and safe in the crowd.
There’s been a lot of celebration lately about Ausfailure dropping their “disinformation” bill, but not much about this (worse) one. Looks like running distraction.
The connotation for me of the term “Ausfailure” is negative. This is because it is used by the masked-up, double-boostered, granny-saving Regressive Left in Aust. when they handwring over any deceleration of the homoglobalist timetable for which they provide Compassion and Empathy and Lack of Bigotry, irony:off.Jen.
Funniest photo I saw recently was of a Marxist conference in Melbourne with all twenty-something attendees masked up in those blue splash guards that are not even FFP2/P2/N95.
For example, any setback, real or apparent,.to corporate femocracy. Or to the replacement of mothers and fathers by the State, the same one that has enabled ca. 40,000 excess jab deaths to date.
Or to Martine Rothblatt and his/her/its transhumanist-transsexual snip, cut and drug agenda as mediated through the UN.
Or to any Caucasian pride in post-1788 achievements: yesterday the South Asian race relations commissioner announced a 10-year “campaign to end racism”
“Ausfailure” is a classic example of oikophobia, as coined by Sir Roger Scruton.
Governments have no problem doubling down on what’s already being done. There is already more than enough spying on social media – and indeed, on e-mail and telephone – to go around; and the governmental minions already know at any given moment who precisely is doing what precisely.
Digital-schmital ID my Aunt Fanny. All that is, is something to make people think they’re not ALREADY being spied on. “So help us God we just might do this to you if we must!” the big bad Digital ID minions tell us. “On no, please, don’t do this to us!” we then beg – completely oblivious to the fact that ALL communications are already digital!
Anyone who carries a smartphone already is succumbing to digital ID…
Yes but look at the benefits 😭
I think it may apply to dumphones too.
Yes but it’s still a significant step, toward transparency. Just Like the quasi clandestine trilateral commission becoming the in your face WEF. Normalisation means there’s nothing to hide anymore. It further Paves the way
I finally bought a smart phone this year because it was the only way I could buy tickets to a Yankee game. They converted to all smartphone “during Covid” and have kept it in place.
Nokia are still making dumb phones.
Well, guess what the Fraud had only yesterday?…
Perhaps they should just openly create a company called dial-a-survey.
Why. when They can just make ‘surveys’ up ?
(IT used to be The Job of Minitruth (aka – msm) to scare the shit
out of people by claims about how Violent it was outside The
Loving Family Home ( Ask any surviving Granny)…
I may be wrong but I think you have just said exactly what Edwige was saying
most teenagers don’t want to go outside when they have gaming, ipad, iphone, and every other gadget going
And oh yes, everyone will be all for it because it is best for the kids, or best to control immigration, or just the best thing for all of us because no one has “anything to hide.”
The masses deserve this (and will take the rest of us down with their innocent, unconscious, obedience). It is so obvious what is happening, but it seems to take nothing to wrap the dagger up in colourful paper. Plunge it in yourself, folks.
except they are plunging it into us too! DOn’t say ” the masses deserve this””. Be patient, keep doing what you’re doing. It takes some of us longer than others to reliase what is hapenning. It took Trudeau to accuse the Candian truckers and their freedom convoy of being antisemitim to make me join the dots!! I know…that is very slow!!! but I did get there
An honest repenter is always welcome.
As Esther Rantzen said to the kids. ‘If you have been abused use our confidential helpline). That way if you expose any of my BBC pedo colleagues we can get to you first
Esther pro jab Rantzen now terminally ill with cancer..
She is 84 years old and was in favour of assisted dying her whole life…..for kids.
Thanks!! Made me burst out laughing!!! So effing true!!
For UK, just sink the boats, if you want to control immigration.
Have mercy. We can all end in a same situation.