Bovaer Trial…are we being played?
Kit Knightly
We published an article last week on “Bovaer”, the chemical compound, currently being trialled in the UK, which is added to cow feed to reduce methane emissions (allegedly).
Since then the story has grown, and I just wanted to do a quick update and ask a question that’s nagging at me, but we’ll get to that.
Firstly the good news – the widespread disgust. People all over the country have objected to the “low emission” drug, leading to boycotts of the dairy giant Arla and their associated brands.
Social media users are posting pictures of stacked shelves of unsold Lurpak butter and Cravendale milk.
Smaller farms and organic dairy producers have jumped on the chance for good publicity and released statements declaring themselves “Bovaer free” (Some people have made lists)
Some are even taking potshots and Bill Gates, which is always fun.
The BBC has turned Marianna Spring loose to do a fact-check, and “experts” have reassured her that Bovaer is safe…which was pretty much always going to happen.
A stranger development can be found in The Daily Mail, which has run a few stories on this issue, including publishing a full list of all the products Arla is involved with to enable boycotts.
Why would they do that? Appeasing their audience? Hopping on the bandwagon?
But there’s more. The story isn’t actually new, Bovaer was approved by the UK government back in December of 2023 and was already being trialled by Marks & Spencer in April of this year.
So why the big fuss now, a year later?
Two months before Bovaer was approved, last October, the UK Department for the Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) released a statement backing methane-reducing animal feeds, and laying out plans to “incentivize” their use or even make them mandatory by 2030 [emphasis added]:
Defra considers that methane suppressing feed products are an essential tool to decarbonise the agricultural sector. We are committed to working with industry to stimulate the market and encourage uptake of these products.
In England, we plan to incentivise the uptake of high efficacy products with proven safety once suitable products enter the market (expected to be from 2025). We will work closely with industry to explore the best approach to introduce incentives, which could, for instance, include advice, guidance and support for the development and use of products on farms through our farming schemes such as through the Farming Innovation Programme, the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway, our Environmental Land Management schemes, or a new bespoke scheme.
Our ambition remains to develop a mature market and mandate the use of safe and effective products in suitable cattle systems in England as soon as feasible and at the very latest by 2030.
And now a little itch is asking questions at the back of my mind.
Is it possible this whole story was deliberately cultivated to gauge people’s reaction to the planned nationwide roll-out in the future?
Or could it be even subtler than that?
After all, if you wanted to discourage people from eating dairy products and red meat, then advertising the fact you’ve put potentially toxic additives in the cows’ food wouldn’t be a bad strategy, would it?
Just an idea.
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The “controversial” additive is biochar – aka activated charcoal – the same stuff they give people in hospital if they’ve ingested toxins.
While I’m no fan of big Agri/ big Food, this story is actually ridiculous, simply shows a complete lack of research or understanding of the topic.
Really? Sorry for using shitipedia here, but here is the entry for activated carbon:
Here is the entry for “Bovaer”:
Looks like you are just making things up Sven.
This culture war will pan out a lot faster than the vaccine/MRNA one (although in theory RFK should take them all off the shelves if he believes his own historic rhetoric) and I look forward to seeing this pan out….. I.e.. Are these storms all just grifting opportunities for alt media etc?
Thanks in advance
Has Bovril got it in? Must switch to Marmite!
The big nonsense of the story is that cattle have an effect on the planet’s climate. Even when there were huge herds of the blessed beasts they never made an ecological contribution other than in fertilising the plains and spreading mushroom spores!
For years, they were telling us that wetlands were vital, and even had government expenditure for their recovery and upkeep. Now, the hot news is that these wetlands are guilty of producing the same deadly gas as the cows.
I have tweeted them and written to Unilever but they don’t answer. So I won’t be buying it again until they confirm.
Sounds like “Bovex.”
“Safe and effective”: The euphemism for deadly.
I think your suspicions are spot on. Psychos are nothing but great manipulators.
Seems like your selling the idea that feed called poison in the supermarket like milk which isnt even real milk is a win win.
The primary intent is to…
“mandate the use of safe and effective products”
… designed by the corporate+state and forced upon Humanity without any feedback and consent. Whether vaxxes, masking, spacing, health treatments, chemicals, processes, software, DigCash, autopay, pesticides, nukes, fracking, pipelines, AI, RF-IoT, military draft, robot cops, drones, cameras. or virtually anything deployed upon us with the declaration of “safe and effective”, COMMERCE has been elevated to an autonomous governing priority over the human rights of human beings.
The business community, since the Reagan/Thatcher privatization movement, has occupied public governing where the State now becomes the enforcement agency for an autonomous COMMERCE (note the use of this word in the Constitution). Our elites neutralized anti-trust law and it’s application; limited organized labor action; created tiered and swiss-cheesed minimum wage and labor law; then incrementally, officially and unofficially, deregulated COMMERCE domestically. Free Trade Agreements expanded these autonomous authorities to foreign commerce entities, neutralizing foreign sovereign states regulatory action. So first step, is the neutralization of regulation, of limits. After this the State would have to enforce consumption of their deadly products and services. That is where we are now, and where they are driving us further. Their autonomous roll-outs are to be FORCED upon us, with all the false binary gaming of us, like siding with public rebellion, that they can get away with.
All of these deployments of theirs occupy our attention and we get tangled up in deciphering right and wrong, which ends up being funneled into their false binary loops, making public opinion ineffective. It is essential we no longer get caught in their gaming ploys and demand the simple solution: the right to all information, the right to discussion, debate and design; and the right of consent or disapproval: the right to decide all policy.
Oh, we can also add non-liability clauses as extreme methods of enforced consumption. Like nuclear, vaxxes, RF/wireless damages. And pre-emptive pardons…
Furthermore, elite concern about their precious capitalist requirement for infinite growth, terminating, in the fact that world population is only still growing in Africa and consequently demand for products and services will not keep pace, is proof of their failing capitalist magical thinking. They are seeming incapability of coping with natural degrowth to a maintenance economy. It is stressing out their puny brain cells and pumping up their gonzo chutzpah to be totalitarian. Allowing an infill of refugees from their neoliberal imperialist rape of foreign countries will temporarily juice products and services demands. But the direction indicated by massive layoffs says different. The elites are in crisis and they must force feed Humanity with their corporate crap… fast!
Its one of these “The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions” things. Methane is produced because cows digest stuff. Getting rid of it while retaining cows implies interfering with cows’ digestion, either to alter their digestion or to try to trap and absorb any methane produced by a cow. Either strategy is undesirable — as far as I can see Bovaer tries to trap it so the cow will excrete it. The methane won’t go away, its just moved to somewhere less obvious.
If we’re really concerned about cow emissions (and we should) then we should be digesting cow manure, capturing by products like methane for use as fuel. Some farms do this but a lot just leave the material to fester in open-air ponds, ponds that generate a lot of methane.
Incidentally, methane is called ‘natural gas’ for a reason. All sorts of natural processes generate it. We use it widely as a fuel, a fuel that when burnt generates carbon dioxide and water. The focus should be not on carbon capture but on converting water and carbon dioxide back into solid material. Trees and other vegetation do this, albeit a bit slowly, so we need to mimic photosynthesis on an industrial scale to offset our industrial scale creation of undesirable byproducts. As with cows “waste products” don’t just disappear as if by magic. We have to consider the entire cycle and plan for it.
Natural gas is not a fossil fuel I will lightly to ever run out and that goes the same with oil both are not fossil fuels.
Wherever you see concern over certain inevitable by-products of the activity called “living,” you may be sure something the ruling class wishes to remain hidden is involved. Methane is no different.
Geoengineering has worked with other factors to trigger spectacular methane releases from permafrost and seabed hydrates and clathrates – and methane is a powerful green house gas. Solar radiation management has managed to increase – not decrease – the planet’s overall temperature, which has helped trigger these releases of methane – but that’s okay, you see, because it makes the sky safer for satellites to spy on everyone.
What’s more important to you? Eating beef and drinking milk? or doing your part to enable the US military’s “Full Spectrum Dominance?” It’s almost there, for God sake! Come on, let’s all gather in a big circle and shame the lowly bovines! Together we can make “Full Spectrum Dominance” a reality!
Or they just want us really angry! I can’t help noticing how the names they use seem to hint at the impact they require as in Arla Bovaer sounds like ‘all a bother’ where I come from.
Your word for today is ‘quad-demic’.
“Warning of NHS ‘quad-demic’ as flu and Covid cases rise in England”
But what can it possibly mean?
“The number of people in hospital with flu in England has more than quadrupled compared with last year, while cases of Covid, norovirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are also on the rise.”
And “Prof Stephen Powis …said he feared the number of admissions would increase further unless the public took action to protect themselves with flu, Covid and RSV jabs.”
Now fearing that the “quad” bit may have already faded in the minds of our earnest Graud gropers:
“His warning came as the number of people in hospital in England with flu rose to more than four times the figure at this point last year.”
“For a while there have been warnings of a ‘tripledemic’ …But with rising cases of norovirus this could fast become a ‘quad-demic’ …”
See? Not “triple”. That’s just three. But “quad”! That’s four!
The word “robust” gets mentioned so this must be serious!
Five years in and … well, they’re running out of steam. Not that it makes any difference to our hypo hypochondriacs. You still see them. You always will. The kind of wanker who puts a circle with “fully vaccinated” around a blameless infant on their Facebook page. The kind that still wears a mask even whilst alone in a car. And if they’re disappointed enough to make it into old age they’ll still be wearing a mask. Probably put a clause into their will saying they must be buried masked.
Flu patients four times higher than this time last year. If the figure last year was 4, then that’s 16 people in hospital with flu. SHOCK HORROR !!
Coming SOON …
“Cinco de HI ho MonkeyPox”!
Don’t Wait!
Jab, TODAY, While Supplies Last!
Can’t wait for the dodecademic!
No matter what you say, I still believe in my government and I am going to drink all the milk with BOVAER that you guys dont drink!
To force everybody to do what my Government says! It is either one for all, or all for one.
I wont pay a dime extra in taxes for you standing outside our society wanting special treatment and special cows for yourselves that I must pay for.
Sure, if there were no alternatives. But don’t they have organic foods (including meat and dairy) in the UK?
Schon, aber nicht in großen Mengen und teurer. Also werden etliche zu anderen Lebensmitteln greifen. Operation erfolgreich!
Sie haben wahrscheinlich Recht. 😔👍
Here in Ireland organic no longer means organic,eg., on milk it just means that there was no spraying on the grass, but the cows have been vaccinated, as have the free range chickens so looks like food has to be sourced from outside supermarkets and even then the farmers may have injected. I really wish these lunatics would just go away, even choice would be great.
‘Why would they do that?’
when there is nothing left to talk about then bullshit, all the media will write about=bullshit
what the Bovaer story is to me…
Virtually all the stories are. Bread and circuses
If this were about getting the public to buy in, then surely the seaweed supplement, which apparently produces similar methane-reducing results if not better, would be the obvious choice over bringing to market an experimental product with toxic additives
OR, maybe they could just stop feeding indigestible, glyphosate-drenched GMO corn to cows? That would improve digestion for everyone and the cows.
“The BBC has turned Marianna Spring loose”
Lovely image. A cage. Timorous handler approaches cautiously. Turns the key and backs away with a “Here girl! Nice girl!”
Sorry, but I’ve just had this glorious image of her handler tempting her back into the cage after the programme with a juicy Flintstone size chop whilst another pokes her with a sharp stick from behind.
I will think of it whenever she’s on the telly.
if bill hates wasn’t involved i doubt anyone would give a shit nobody normally that bothered about what cows are being fed
Bill is now US biggest land owner. Its called “influence”. Big Tech and Blackstone is also into Ukraine and Poland farmland too. “Influence” ok?
Do you want a part of the gold cow, or do you wanna be an outsider feeding your family and “friends” with goat milk……….because its cheaper when you do it yourself 😅 .
There’s more than one of them though. The world is run by the oligarchs.
Cow farts?
While Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg et al swan around in private jets, super yachts, garages full of luxury cars and mega mansions.
Hypocrites rule.
Those farts are contained inside, and that’s the difference.
Tell me this – Why did anyone ever believe cow farts were harming our planet? Really? How gullible does the world have to get before the penny finally drops – they’re spouting nonsense to wake us up! As in George Carlin’s ‘They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it’.
my father believes that bird flu exists and that cows can catch it. the penny will never drop for him.
Well, in Australia there used to be a ‘meat producer’s’ tv advert
“Feed The Man Meat” – but yer man aint gonna eat meat that
contains That Stuff that shrinks yer balls, now, is he ?
If you wanna Nudge people off meat-eating you’d hope alt-media
would run with the story… But then again, That Stuff that shrinks
yer balls isnt being fed to all cattle, so there are alternatives…
Local supermarket chain advertises that it’s meats are “hormone
free” – it doesnt mention that the meats are treated with chemicals
to make the meat look redder, fresher (Lipstick Red)…
Mind you, people continue to become obese from eating all those
“foods” they’ve been told are bad for them… It’s as if they’re saying
“Up You ! I’m sick of being told what’s good for me ! I’ll eat what i
effing well like !!” … (Such attitudes are Counter-Revolutionary !!)
Clearly, Donald Trump is their Role Model !!
When you mentioned the artificial coloring of meat to make it look more red I instantly remembered the stories of pink slime in regards to Hamburger now or I believe you guys refer to it over in the UK as minced meat. A lot of the hamburger that you get here in the US now has this Infamous pink slime of nastiness added to it for filler. It’s crazy because they’re targeting us all over the world in various specific ways in each place but as for food we have so many horrible additives and nastiness in the foods that they sell us here in the US compared to Foods in the UK where many of these things are absolutely banned and prohibited. You guys get a thumbs up for that one. Don’t let him change that s*** on you. Trust us.
But meat is good, doncha know.
Same reason why a MSM outlet would tell people how to avoid the licence-fee:
Not for anyone’s welfare – to advance the agenda and protect the control grid. They’ll give the propaganda away when they can’t get people to pay for it.
As soon as I saw the Daily Fail running articles on Bovaer and the consumer boycott, it was clear to me that this is a campaign to sow distrust in the safety of dairy products and red meat. It would not get this level of publicity if there was not an underlying agenda.
It has started with Arla, but no doubt public suspicion will spread to other brands and supermarket own label brands too. To be on the safe side, some consumers will avoid red meat and dairy products.
No worries, there is always soy milk, almond milk, vegan cheese and tofu ‘meat’ to choose from.
Expect to read articles extolling the virtues of those products (a new campaign) and seeing more of them on the supermarket shelves going forward.
The old adage applies, if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again…
We used to have only mad cow disease; no we have the mad men variety going haywire in the Washington & Brussels $tink tank$.
There is so much dishonesty around this, it’s lies building on a raft of propaganda.
There is no “climate crisis” and therefore measures ostensibly directed at a fake problem are also lies and propaganda. Cows do not fart much, they do belch though. This is a function of rumen activity and is known as “eructation”. The notion that this is harmful to us has been drip-fed to the public since the 90’s.
Meanwhile, industrial-chemical “agriculture” continues to rampage through the ecosystem, poisoning and corrupting ancient methods of husbandry towards animals and crops.
The clue is in the fact that one will never see (in legacy-corporate media) the phrase “climate change” in the same sentence as “war”. Why not? Clearly, war is the most destructive activity on the planet. Yet, we are asked to support war and sit at home worrying about a “climate crisis”.
Stop buying industrial food! Support your local organic farmer/grower!
meant .. rBGH …
Remember BGH Free and how they took BGH growth hormone down?
We need to get our ahead of them with this Bovaer Free message.
All I can tell you Kit is that us in sub arctic walrus land have “allready had this debate”, As the Norwegian government is super invested in the whole agenda they decided to make the partialy state owned but definetly private dairy mafia “Tine” try to make what was called “fremtidsmelk” or “future milk”–laget-for-a-kutte-klimagassutslipp , this future milk was not met with much enthusiasm and people started trying to figure out what “Bovaer” was, and oops it turned out to be mutagenic and possibly carcinogenic, so the “future milk” came and went as a huge flop, people didn’t belive in the mystery muh climate change narrative when it got too inconvenient and fucked up, and the sale of “Organic Røros diary products” went up exponentialy without any reduction in meat and dairy..
Now the “government”(aka the people that brought us smash hits as Gro-“pepsico and WHO” Brundtland and Bilderberger-Jens want to fine all the farmers who wont use “bovaer” (or 3-Nitrooxypropanol as it’s really called), but not until 2030 ofc, because “there is huge uncertainty around bovaer”(basicly they hope they can memory hole the whole affair and try to nag to get their will again)!
However now “right wing” MAM shill outlett is reporting that “Tine” is going to mix it directly into their milk anyway, so who knows what to belive?
Anyway Kit, they might be pulling a Kansas city shuffle as you suggested, but all it did here was make people livid and start buying other products, I realize my information isn’t all that usefull, but the UK is usualy “my window to the future” and for once I can provide you with a “window to the future” that works the other way, I hope this is helpful, and keep up the good work, I will be ordering my beanie shortly.
“Who knows what to believe ?” is an attitude dis-information-as-a-tactic
sets out to achieve…With such an attitude health warnings go unheeded,
or are dismissed… It frees people from any guilt, allows them to eat
whatever they damn well like ! And Corporates get on with pulling in the
“Who knows what to belive” as in I don’t have it physicaly confirmed that they are mixing the milk yet Lester, I don’t drink that brand of milk anyway, the smaller organic but commercial diary producer offers “Lightly pasturized” and organic milk as well unhomogenized products, so why should I pick the other brand? If you respond to me again though Les, I will give you my current diet and some recipes as a CV, alright? <3
I know what to do. Not eat dairy products. Period.
Probably a part of it yes. As is the part of essentially forcing the smaller farms to require its use (& other methods) in order to meet government/corporate policy targets. There’s no doubt a large global framework is being built (including accounting standards) & rolled out that meets the UN’s SDG’s. Whilst I applaud small organic farms & co-ops resisting this, it is just one part of an ongoing war about small businesses (& humanity).
The publicity of BOVAER might turn off a small segment of the population from eating meat/dairy, but in my experience the majority will keep on buying & consuming it. Those who are awake & have the money are careful from whom they buy food from. Also consider inflation pressures in the west may cause more people to not be able to afford good quality meat/dairy even if they wanted to.