Todd Hayen

I used to believe that the only way we were going to get out of this mess was to flip sheep (apologies to those offended by my continued use of the word “sheep”—old habits die hard). Meaning that if we got everyone, or mostly everyone, to see what truly was going on, then we could stop the insanity.
In other words, if everyone woke up there would be no more compliance, no more believing in the lies, no more falling into the agenda’s traps.
Now I am not so sure.
It seems now that the only way this insanity will work its way out is either by a direct act of God or if we are willing to wait 1,000 years or so when it works out on its own. Maybe we just need to face Armageddon, let it happen, and try to live the best life we can before and while it’s happening. I don’t mean “give up,” I mean to still fight but focus the fight on things other than trying to flip sheep.
I know I’ve said this before, but now I am refining this idea a bit. Although I do believe once we know something, we can’t unknow it—meaning we can’t force ourselves into a state of denial and pretend all is rosy as the sheep tend to do (now that they’ve got Trump to feel dismal about, maybe they won’t be all rosy, but for the wrong reasons). But maybe we should stop focusing on it so much and try to get back to the basics of joyous living. Did I really just say that? No, of course not.
I have found myself envying the sheep. I recently had a friend on FB question something I had posted (a comment actually on someone’s meme about chemtrails). She had said she simply did not understand what was being said negatively about natural contrails that jets innocently leave behind. I turned her on to a James Corbett video interviewing Peter Kirby about chemtrails.
She responded with the usual disbelief—“how could people be doing this without anyone knowing—purposefully poisoning the earth and all of the people on it?”
I didn’t push it and just said, “You seem to be enjoying your life, keep doing that and don’t let this cat out of the bag. Let it go.” It was the first time I did something like that, and it felt right. I had the opportunity to possibly flip a sheep, and I didn’t take it. I believe, however, that this “letting go” only applies to sheep. Whereas before, I wanted sheep to learn the truth about the world, now I am not so anxious to be the one to wreck their day.
They will figure it out soon enough.
Maybe this is an old person thing, and I am just tired. I have no young kids to look out for like so many of you do. I have little other than myself to sacrifice if the world goes down the tubes. I am not going to be here that much longer anyway. Although I do think some of this bad stuff is going to start happening long before I die, I am not so sure of that either.
Will another scamdemic hit soon, will social credit scores, CBDC, and Digital IDs come upon us that quickly, and if they do, will they have the devastating effect we all believe they will? Will we soon be living like the folks in 1984 or Brave New World?
Now, I don’t think I am going to die before much of that, but maybe the worst of it will not hit for another 20 years. Most likely I will be gone before then. Unless I get some shiny new body parts which will soon be available, but if shiny new parts do become available, I doubt if I will be able to afford them.
All I am saying is that we will be faced with it soon enough, and maybe before we are, we should forget about trying so hard to stop it. As I type this I am getting nauseous. What an old geezer-coward I’ve turned out to be.
If it was possible to flip sheep I would say let’s keep flipping them. But since it is not possible to even make a dent in that woolly armour, then I say forget it. Most of you, I believe, quelled this effort long ago.
Maybe fighting at all is useless. When a person has terminal cancer, isn’t there a rational point to stop the effort to beat it and just enjoy what you’ve got left? Is that really a deeply defeatist attitude? I think falling somewhere in the middle might be a consideration. For us, it is different. As I said a minute ago, we don’t have the option, like most sheep do, to slip into complete denial. What we know, we cannot unknow.
The sheep are also not all that happy, happy, joy, joy. They obviously think something is afoot. It is interesting to observe their “inaccurate” concern. In the states, it is all about Trump destroying democracy, the constitution, women’s rights, gay rights, trans rights, and the rights of anyone who is not white and Christian (and male). When Biden was around, it was also about destroying Putin and Russia’s rampage to conquer the world, as well as Palestine and Iran destroying Israel and Islam in general destroying every Jew on Earth.
So, sheep have worries, too, but in general, they are distracted from the truth.
I have been confused recently (before the US election) trying to determine who these memes are referring to, Trump or Harris—memes predicting the end of democracy, etc. Both sides are being accused of the same things. One of my recent favourites was a meme of a wolf eating sheep while saying he would protect the sheep and only ate a few of them. The sheep respond by saying to one another, “This guy is going to protect us, he’s the one for us!” I commented to the poster, “Who are the sheep?” The person posting the meme liked my comment, obviously assuming I was on her side.
They think we are sheep, too.
I am wondering if there is a less obvious way to continue this fight. Maybe just by trying harder to create community and be more accepting of contrary views. I do think we shrews are better at doing that. Since we have all been categorized Trumpsters (whether we are or not), it is much easier for sheep (who have all been categorized liberals and Harris supporters—which they may or may not be) to hate us and not give us the time of day. This is where the real problem lies.
I am afraid now with the election over, things will only get worse before they get better—assuming they ever will get better.
Maybe it is time for us shrews to let go of sheep entirely—to attempt to create community without them. Not to reject them outright, but just not concern ourselves with them unless they voluntarily come into our fold. I don’t like the idea of “sides,” but I don’t think it is possible to ignore the fact that we are indeed polarized.
Although it may seem that I am suggesting we become complacent, I don’t think I am. We cannot become depressed though. When we fight, and then fail, and repeat that cycle, we can bring on depression. We must focus our efforts on success, not on things that are bound to fail, but rather on things we know we can be successful with. Like community, joy, and laughter coupled with a serious critical eye and a continued penchant for sniffing out the truth in a deeply illusional world.
I know it seems strange hearing this from me, Dr. Doom. I don’t have much to say in my writing other than pointing out negative aspects of our experience. I will continue to do this only because I think it is very easy for us to fall back to sleep. Maybe that is exactly what I am doing myself by writing this particular article.
Maybe I have started to nod off, breathing in the intoxicating falsity of the good life still to be had that so many seem to be enjoying. If you feel the same, don’t let it happen. Stay awake.
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I’ve been racking my brains as to how we can wake our friends and families up. Perhaps we can’t and we shouldn’t waste our time trying. The problem may not be them – the sheep. There will always be sheep and sheep are by their nature very beneficial animals. Maybe we need better, more enlightened shepherds that protect the flock from the wolves who exploit and decimate them?
I find myself blakpilled like this too. Ok, maybe a bit more blakpilled. Or maybe I just put it in a more defeatist way. I’ve been arguing with sheep of all kinds, even flat Earthers. The latter is of course an exercise in futility. You will never convince a flat earther with any evidence, (right now some people paid money for two content creators with a huge followimg, to go to Antarctica to see the 24 sun, and it’s all going very predictably) because their beliefs are based on rejecting, denying evidence or downright making up silly, flawed experiments, arguments that fit their beliefs.
But then so are sheep… They use the exact same tactics to uncosciously hide reality from themseleves. Denial. As much as it’s pointless to try to convince a devout Christian about how God doesn’t exist (even if we had clear evidence of that) or a “flatard” that Earth is not flat, it’s pointless to try to convince the woke, as well as the MAGA crowd that things are not the way they believe. They make up pseudointellectual bs to keep themselves in the delusion. The difference between flat earth fanatics and the sheep is only that the sheep make it possible for this calamity to go down, so we feel it’s more important to keep arguing with them, than arguing with flatards. Though I found the latter is a bit more fun, since it doesn’t make you angry, in fact it makes for good laughs.
In the meantime though, the train we’re sitting on just keeps purring along, ever closer to the downed bridge.
I too, believe only a miracle could save us. Think of Europe’s falling birthrates. And the flooding of it with migrants. What would need to happen just for the birthates to turn around? Nothing short of a miracle…
I wasted my life on parties. Only recetly I realised that and stopped the bad habit that made that possible. But now, at the tender age of 40, I should have 10yr old kids to raise. Looking around in the world today though, I’m a bit relieved that I don’t. Not for my sake, for theirs.
But maybe it’s this defeatist attitude that’s the problem? I don’t know anymore…
”And the flooding of it with migrants” Tell me more. How many? What’s the problem?
says the guy who thinks he is living on a spinning ball with curved water sticking to it yet has zero proof… oh the irony…
And the 24 hour sun video was a fraud… the shadows give it away… lmfao!!! Keep spinning woke boy!!!
I don’t care if they succeed or not as long as we get to fry some of the leaders behind the first phase of the UN depopulation plan. Fauci, Gates, Obama and Schwab to start. I will die with a smile on my face knowing that those cock suckers were executed. When I say fry. I mean literally. Wesson oil. Alive. Then throw them in the woods and let the wildlife rip their asses apart and scatter their bones to be gnawed down to nothing by rodents. The scene is familiar. Came across a few bodies that were scattered in the woods in my life. Shit happens in the woods.
Precisely as I pointed out since Ruder King was Night.
In reality we have the same agenda as the Elite. The 500 mio is our agenda too, when we finally come to the bottom of all our troubles. The sheeple are simply in the way.
This town is not big enough for both the sheeple …. and us. Rockefeller was simply right and we were wrong.
And dont forget something: The sheeple are HAPPY 😊 . They are happy with their lives as you also can see from the AI created photo to this article.
Its only us and the Elite who walk around with a sour smile 😠
Well said Todd,
I totally understand and agree.
Our generation is rapidly declining.
Keep writing mate👍👍
I enjoy your piece, as I feel you speak your mind freely and, in doing so, you bring up sensitive points and issues I can relate to.
Two things I’d like to say:
1: 1984 and Brave New world are radically diferent dystopias. The first is more like a brutal, joyless concentration camp. The second is a harmonious scientific autocracy where everybody is happy. Depending on when and where you live, you may have varying amount of either systems. If you’re in Palestine or Ukraine now, you’re probably more in a 1984 reality; but if you’re in Canada, the US or UK, It would feel more like BNW.
2: It’s interesting to observe how those who call themselves wolves oftentimes lead a life indistinguishable from that of sheep. They like to project their own sheepishness onto others whilst pretend playing non-conformist roles. They are sheep in Wolfe’s clothing, unwilling and unable to pay the price for being one. I guess we could define a third category as the dog archetype. Dogs are necessary as they are the enablers and sheepherders who do the bidding of the plantation owner. It may therefore be appropriate to define these, as opposed to mocking the sheep. For a poignant, if ancient characterization of these two, read Aesop’s “The Wolfe & the House Dog.”
Nineteen Eighty-Four is a profoundly English novel in which ways that Brave New World is not. I’d characterise England as still very Orwellesque, in the much wider sense of his whole ouevre, but we are for sure moving quite quickly now to the Huxleyan techtopia.
Huxley is English.
I live in France and I don’t think the lives of the people in the ‘ free West are like the lives of those described in BNW. They are however like 1984. Absolutely bleak’
Well, Gamma and Epsilons don’t seem to mind their Orwellian paradise. Alphas and Betas must be enjoying their soma quite a bit, then !
Isn’t it the case that we use a term like ‘sheep’ in order to underscore our righteousness while de-humanizing others by calling them ‘sheep’? The examples here are legion. I think it is more complicated and differentiated than simply the us/them line of thinking. Most recently, many on the Right were (in my view) correct in calling out the lockdowns, mandates, cancel culture etc. As soon as Israel started bombing civilians indiscriminately – the very same people wanted to cancel Palestian supporters, restrict free expression and support genocide.
? It’s a perfectly good expression to use for people who are not thinking properly and just following the flock. Why on earth should opposition to lockdowns be classified as a veiw from people on the ‘ right’. What do you mean?
so you are against describing humans in any way as animals? I think it’s a very good metaphor myself.
Pfizer Failed To Report Two Deaths during COVID Vaccine Trials
They must have forgotten…
It has become routine for any modern business to cheat or exploit when it can. It is the task of political propaganda, including its online armies, to persuade us that the government is absolved of such crimes; at best, we should prosecute such a business, i.e., pay through the nose and begin jumping through the hoops of the rigged legal system.
No this is not surrender Mr Hayden. It is a proper refocus on the question of just how exactly will/ could justice be served, based on the reality of our situation/era.
Firstly justice will/must be served.
Second a GRADUAL return to ‘normal’ over many generations cannot serve a just outcome. (The system when operational will never self right)
The evil must be allowed to tend towards its fulfillment before there can be retribution (I don’t know how to explain why this is).
revelation/apocalypse/back to eden/back to spirit completely.
the first part is not fun, but the more we become conscious, the easier it goes.
it’s like outer planet transits.
things niggle, you change, things flow better into new, not always easy /painfuller but easier than ..
things niggle – ignore – hold on to old – crash bang accident/breakdown/job loss/home loss divorce – victim hood, and maybe eventual acceptance and growth, or not.
all of this applies to individuals/the collective.
I don’t mean to sound trite but a small pebble thrown into the edge of a big pond still sends out ripples across the water to where sheep may be grazing.
The comments pending thing is interesting , paranoia inducing … One wonders about the AI moderation …. Is it programed to not publish every so often , so as to deliberately foster dissention and or ill will towards Human Moderators …further dividing us..?
Lies by omission;
If Denial has become a fail-safe fuse (by design) to assist manage the unbearable truths and deceptions, then to embracing the harsh realities is to accept that human character is enriched and tempered by both The pleasure and The pain.
Funny thing is, most Folks think they ARE well informed.
• All (?) the news at hand, with a swipe or a tap.
• Twenty four hour news channels.
• Bloggers and influencers, Left Right and Centre, literally.
• On the street eyewitness citizen reporting.
• Opinion pieces spewing out of the woodwork.
• Celebrity endorsement of government policies.
Yep, we are besieged by bullshit
Weapons of mass distraction can only be countered by a healthy dose of cautious discrimination, common sense and eclectic reading.
The Alt News sphere could be wiped out overnight should Tech Overlords desire it , i think its safe to assume that allowing it to flourish to a limited extent , adds to the utter confusion fostered by being swamped with so much information even if the minority voices barely raise above a whisper, It also Maintains the illusion that the Net is Democratic ,and Coral’s the various Alternative factions into multiple Bubbles in a Marginal ghetto from whence they can be ridiculed demonized and if not controlled then certainly studied by intel Agencies and secretive Propaganda Units..let it all flood the information terrain to reinforce the Narrative that there is no such thing as Truth … And the widespread belief that Good and Evil dont exist …
To wipe out alternative sites would be self defeating because it would undermine their own credibility, or what’s left of it.
It would also open up the Dark Net to new customers, and that could pose a greater risk of a revolution or insurrection.
In Australia c. 2021, the Identify & Disrupt Bill legalised covert alteration, or a demand for alteration, of online info (including social media), if an enforcer “reasonably suspects” that an “offence is being, is about to be or is likely to be committed”.
I vaguely remember Australia is also planning online IDs. Since it is big on disinfo. and misinfo., we we could be heading for a wasteland of inane comments.
That’s what we get for being convict stock.
I think Alt news –the reported truth– is useful to the villains that be cuz it gives them a window into what the populace is thinking & considering as possible actions. I think it is an error on our part to assume that social media comments are accurate; I assume their numbers are badly skewed so that we continue to believe that certain viewpoints are far less popular than they really are.
You are right. I think the Tech Overlords tolerate it because they know that we can’t do anything ( We are the people in 1984 who meet in the café for those who have fallen into disrepute. Whether they close down the site and /or bump us off is entirely up to them and can be done when they choose. Anyway I think OFFG is already self censoring to soem extent. They have to , it’s the law anyway I think what with all this hate legislation and laws against anyone whom the govt deems to be a terrorist)
Yes Camille totally ..i fear thd day is almost upon us , when the Corporate State declares us all Domestic.Terrorists!
That is SO true!!!! There are NO decent newspapers with daily reports anymore. Believeing what I now beieve, the opinion pieces were never right anyway…but a lot closer to the truth than they are now. Today they just don’t make sense anymore.
There does seem to be an unstated rule of Alt Media – especially evident in YouTube videos. The rule is simply to make sure the discussion goes only so far. For example, since I watch many commentators on Judge Napolitano’s Judging Freedom website, I notice that if a particular commentator begins to stray into dangerous territory, the Judge will quickly intercede and have them move on. You don’t get to have your own show unless you know where to draw the line.
Are you able to tell us by what you mean by ‘ dngerous territory’ ? Perhaps not in these repressive times
Self censorship ensures a regular income.
A brief response to Chris Lehmann a few comments below , i dont see any evidence that the “sheep” are comfortable. Many injected friends are aware that something terribly wrong happened with the Covid Plandemic , and most are experiencing extreme cognitive disonance , its painful to watch and tragic to reflect upon , the rug is slowly being pulled from under them .Most will admit that their are many more injuries from the shots than We are being told , unfortunately because they took the Jabs they continue to make excuses , covering for those whom they view as Epistemological Authorities , the degree of Collusion and Malfesance and Overaching multi phased planning eludes them ! … Every One now knows of the horrific rise in death and disease its undeniable … And yet i keep hearing the same formulaic responses “Someone would have talked”. “Correlation is not Causation” etc … The problem is that once people admit they were lied to about Covid everything else comes into question ..One friend who grew quite apopleptic recently .. pretty much said ” Yes i’m not denying the injuries but all of these Malicious anti Vaxxer groups , are now reaching into communities in the Global South creating Hesitancy and thus doing irreperable damage to those Communities” … What can one say to that where to start to unpack the lies … Where i live there is a perceptible overall sense of anomie and numbness .. corruption is evident everywhere , the skies are a Silver Grey three quaters of the time .. a looming sense of Global Catastrophe , and possible nuclear annihilation looms large … I think largely the Anomie is produced by the sense of no longer knowing what to believe ..its heartbreaking to watch…
Apologies for the gramatical and other errors i have no idea how to edit on a mobile phone .. the tech is still foreign to Me !
What the Declared Pandemic Was and Was Not:
. Viral spread did not occur and is therefore irrelevant
. Biolab leaks and Patents are irrelevant
. Engineered versus natural presumed pathogen is irrelevant
. SARS-CoV-2 is irrelevant
. Testing, tests and case numbers are irrelevant
. “COVID-19 deaths” are meaningless
. “Long covid” is actually from the exposure to intense biological stress (as per above)
. Loss of smell and taste are common respiratory tract microbiome infection
. Precise theoretic mechanism of spile protein harm are largely irrelevant (in the big picture)
. Details of toxic ingredients in the injection products are largely irrelevant (in the big picture).
.- The purported disease, pathogen and test are unproven.
.- The “death” (disappearance) and resurrection of flu is relevant.
.- Long covid is a grab-bag (syndrome that can be anything) to deflect from severe harm from (a) treatments including remdesivir (b) the infernal jab.
.- Toxic jab ingredients are deliberate and worked as intended.
.- The injustice for covid victims and ousted dissidents confirms that democracy is working fine in the service of capital.
One of the villains is Elon Musk and one of his activities about which I would like to know a lot more has to do with his equipment which excavates vast underground spaces.
It’s a sure thing that The Villains That Be have always more than one scenario in play; depending upon how one fares, another advances or not. I should think that the scenario whose conclusion requires longterm underground bunkers for TVTB is pretty obvious.
Does anyone have more info on this; my info on it is very outdated.
It’s news to me but highly plausible. I might have been watching Fallout too much, there’s that
Off course. You can always count on Papa. Just be aware that this info here I give you is secret info, ok?
I rather like Jordan Peterson’s description of how a partner in an abusive relationship can be completely trapped by their own denial of the situation they’re in, and, by the way, Peterson is under no illusions that such a situation can often end tragically.
But basically he says that sometimes the only thing that will shake a person out of their ruinous habitual acceptance of this dreadful status-quo is the equivalent of a sharp blow to the head with a frying pan – a life-event that utterly shocks their system.
As Todd says, it isn’t a nice feeling to be the deliverer of that shock, and there are people I care about to whom I could never do that.
It’s probably a case-by-case thing anyway, and I certainly have different degrees of tolerance for different types of people when it comes to existential matters.
I too think its a professional’s job.
I’ve gone through the same cycle. You’re now at the point I find myself. It works. Maddening at times because sheeple are the majority (NPCs). But it’s possible to cultivate community and cooperation nevertheless. I can also be provocative, which turns out to be more enigmatic than offensive. Balance seems to neutralize anger. LOVE your articles. Please keep writing them.
Boy, if you guys spent 1/4 the time bad-mouthing the villains instead of the victims upon which you project all manner of stupidity, sloth, and infantilism. . . .
Work on finding part of the solution. If you can’t do that, at least identify the specific villains and the source of their ill-gotten riches and power. Excoriate the bad guys, not the innocent.
Getting those in denial to see things as they are, instead of as they wish things to be, IS the only solution. Otherwise, they will drag us few down with them into a future of total control.
No, the conspiracy that autism arises from vaxxes did originate from “the masses.”
The U.S. Congress is The “Conspiracy Theorist” that spread the “medical misinformation” That Vaccines May Cause Autism. Good, brief story at
We are not going to get out of this … New Zealand is the canary in the coal mine:
Europe is also getting smashed with crazy high power prices…
I think that evenif the population did band together in a concerted effort to ‘ overthrow ‘ the elites ‘ I think the ‘ elites’ may well have all the power anyway. It’s pretty obvious that they just do what they like. I don’t know how far physical force would take us these days what with all the technology they’ve got including all the data on us
”Will we soon be living like the folks in 1984 or Brave New World?” I think we are already living in circumstances similar to those described in 1984. I feel constantly bullied by the state. Nearly all the media in the ‘ free West’ are rubbish
‘Science fiction writers foresee the inevitable, and although problems and catastrophes may be inevitable, solutions are not’
(Isaac Asimov).
‘From ignorance our comfort flows. The only wretched are the wise’
(Matthew Prior- Poet).
It’s not easy to fall back to sleep! As you write further up in your article we can’t unknow what we know.
There are no sides in politics; all politicians in the higher up echelons of the political arena are owned by the nefarious puppet masters. That’s what the “sheep” don’t want to come to terms with. They cling to their faith in a daddy figure who will take care of them, lest they be forced to take responsibility for themselves and feel all alone. They never read Camus (“The tragedy is not that we are alone, but that we cannot be.”). Though I don’t agree with his conclusion: “At times I would give anything in the world to no longer be connected by anything to this universe of men.”
Your conclusion that it’s time to give up on the “sheep” but not on the good fight and on the good life is my feeling, too. Even better if we can find a community of open-minded people. You can lead a sheep to water but you cannot make it drink. It just drains our own energy in a futile effort to keep at them. They are wilfully ignorant. Nothing to be done about that. The good thing is that many of them have crossed over in a courageous move to open up to the truth. Perhaps more will do so. Just as we did at one point in our life’s journey.
Nothing is inevitable. I had applied for the job in London a year before, they showed me around the place, and introduced me to the people who would be a part of my team if I got the job. 6 months later, I got a letter, being told I had not got the job but had come second.
I did not like working alone at home on my Commodore VIC, but my version of Space Invaders did work, and I did now have a new Girlfriend.
I still checked the commercial computer press, and 3 months later, they advertised the same job again for far more money, than I had earned before. So I applied again.
The interview went great (I had done it before) I was again introduced to my team, if this time I got the job (they had also applied for it)
I arrived 2 hours late and apologised. Again I was introduced to my team.
They knew their jobs inside out, whilst all I knew was the operating system and the mainframe.
I kind of said, you guys have got to help me out here…please help me understand how you do your jobs, and the people you work with in other teams
They were totally Brilliant, and I always did my best to support them.
It was my duty as shift leader of Our Team to listen about all their personal problems too.
They knew I had a Girlfriend, who had moved down from Manchester too, and they eventually met her, and understood why I was happy, and that they could tell me absolutely anything in confidence. Its different on shift. I said shouldn’t you be telling your boyfriend first? They had gone skiing and she forgot to take her pill.
Dunno bout that.
Tony’s rambles are inevitable,
I see what you did there
There is a way to effect mass change … it’s called a ‘pattern interrupt’. The sheep are living in a pattern, a happy life, feeling comfortable, no stress waiting for the next instruction. This is an obvious strategy for life that suits a majority. Then there is us, who took the red pill and live with the anxiety and worry because we see the reality. A pattern interrupt is an event that is so harsh, so disruptive, so dangerous … that is causes the mind to open a window to new information in order to understand what just happened to the safe little world. All of a sudden the mind is seeking new information in order to make sense and come back to safety. That is when things can change. A war is a good pattern interrupt (PI), so is the unexpected death of a loved one, or bankruptcy, or being a victim of crime, or a bad car accident, or a traumatic emotional experience. Something that shakes up that cozy little story about life. A whole lot of sudden deaths might do it on the right scale, the collapse of our energy system will do it for climate change, etc. Get my drift? This idea comes from Neurolinguistic Programming. Hope it helps.
‘War is a good pattern interrupt’
Well, that probably depends on whether you are in, or near, a war zone.
Dunno about you, but I prefer a sizeable ‘Social Distancing’ from that kind of chaos.
Most of us are pretty much oblivious to war, except through the propaganda media.
Mass pattern interrupts are far and few between, the Scamdemic being the BIG one of course.
A second coming would be handy, but then that’s been foretold since Adam was a boy (pun intended).
I have a suspicion that when the rich and the very rich (but not the richest, who already know what the game is) find out that the globalists are coming for their fortunes, their health, their families, and their freedom too, then they’ll wake up. They’re in a position to change business, government, and society in ways that the “regular people” aren’t. They’re the sheep who, when they awaken, will have the most impact. “We” can agitate from below, but those at the tippity top view us as gnats. Not saying we don’t have some collective power to affect change, but things aren’t looking great at the bottom of the pyramid.
Gotta shake em till they rattle Martha.
And hope they don’t get out of the cage.
Would that include the MPs? I think are as lost as the rest of us
Yes, all of the “middle managers” in society. Those people who might think that they’re insulated from any Great Reset downsides, so they vote for surveillance laws, e.g. that they don’t think will be applied negatively to them. When they wake up, watch out.
Do you think the election of Trump is a pattern interrupt for most liberals? It is as if Hitler himself was elected and I believe really freaked most of them out. I am sure most of them have lost basic trust in their fellow Americans, just like many of us did when seeing so many falling for the Covid thing wearing masks and getting jabbed.
No I don’t think it’s a pattern interrupt, merely entrenchment of the divide. The frogs (this won’t work if I say sheep) are being slowly boiled but with lots of attention grabbing drama whilst they do – last thing the predator class need is a pattern interrupt. Plus cognitive dissonance is at such a high it’s want to be one hell of an interrupt.
I sense that people are very much feeling the rise in temperature but their alarm is carefully being steered one hundred and eighty degrees. As you say: attention-grabbing drama.
Christine is correct, Todd. And thinking ahead: sheep, shrew, 🐸 frog & you were well behind in the realisation of the Media-Hysteria-Psyop… when WTC7’s walls came tumbling down. Aladdin took Control. Face reality now: it is induced & inevitable that we are inextricably interdependent & interconnected, as social animals, demonstrated by your very presence, 🌿 here@OffG on a regular basis.
50 Story Building
81 Steel Columns
2.2 Seconds Freefall
2.3 $USTrillion$ M.i.a.
10 Seconds Flat
1 Vertical Implosion
From an office fire, which the Psychic Sidekick BBC announced, Todd, 20 odd minutes in ADVANCE of the Controlled Demolition (Fairbanks Uni.Alaska 4 years computer proven…) , the most absurd elements of the old narratives that you let slide by: Be honest, the evidence was there, is there, now… and the computerised market Profiteering from Warmongering running on Steroids must
I N E V I T A B L Y be confronted ! Like or Not…
Since 1997, actually.. . Computerised
Anti-Social Gaming with
Humanity’s Mind…
Seasoned Greetings,
That’s the reaction (the liberal freak out) that is being performed. Ultimately Trump will ensure that America is “Great” by stealing other people’s stuff. Exactly as is always the case, but not quite so politely.
I am very interested in your comments about this. I sincerely belive that the UK NHS National Health Service and the Canadian , French and German national health services were operated in the interests of their citizens. I have lost trust in health professionals since Covid but do you not think that there was a time when the services which were nominally operated in the interests of ctizens in many countries of the ‘ free West’ did in actual fact serve the interests of the citizens? Sure snce Covid, maybe the label NHS is now Orwellian and may as well be called the National death service ..but if my premise is right about pre-Covid times ,was it so wrong initially to believe that there might have been a pandemic and that the state had reason to belive that the measures it was advocating were in the interests of citizens?
Search Nye Bevin. He, of all , would be Furious by now, I promise you:
The founder of the N.H.S. . . . FERTIG !
With the Psyops Cyclops Systemic
Warmongering. Allah. Aladdin…
Within every nation,
Ground Zero Sovereignty.
Not even Metabolic,
Let alone Metaphoric
Or a Metamorphosis.
ENRONValhalla to Nirvana. ?
Aladdin.Blackrock.FinkFunkingStateStreetVanguards of interests in
ConTrolling Human Minds, from 1997 onwards… HFT Aladdin BinLaddin.
Legalised in 1997, THE year Enron geared up weather based Derivative Fund Management on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange… simultaneously the D.o.D making H.A.A.R.P a legitimate “Force Multiplier ” for Geo-engineering & Monsanto’s GMO Drought Resistant Seed flourishing on bankrupted Heritage Farming Seed , droughted Out of Existence, in the mid-West: verstanden?
All unjust engineering of Negative Data,
Designed to capitalise upon human emotion.
Sad to say,
very much so, thanks for this
Speaking to one of the “sheep” the other day, a sheep who acknowledges that the USA is not a democracy, that Ukraine is probably the work of the USA etc, so possibly a waking up sheep? I asked her why she only watches the BBC. She replied that she knows the BBC is lying to her, either actively or by omission, but she knows all the others also lie, so the choice is really which set of lies you want to watch and which set you want to reject; there is no truth out there available to the common man. In her mind, the alternative news sources are just as unreliable as the MSM, the difference is not that they are not lying, the difference is who’s lies they are conveying. Why change to alternative news sources if they are just a different set of lies? People are demoralised because they know they are powerless and not aware of what is really happening even in their own governments. Democracy is dead, the USA is an oligarchy and has been for centuries.
I hear you.
The thing is, the lies from alt. media align with my own thoughts so, you know, that’s where I’m heading.
Nobody owns the whole truth.
Be careful what you say. In real life there is only one truth. Is the earth a ball or a pancake? There are not two truths. The two truth are both lies.
There is a war going on in alt media between the people wanting to control it and the people who genuinely want to express the truth. A lot of the alt media have succumbed to cash, to the people with the cash, the people wanting to control the alt media … I am thinking of AmazingPolly’s expose of The Wellness Company and all the shit she had to take as a result. I now do not trust anyone associated with The Wellness Company, but you can be sure they are planning an alternative at this very moment.
A lot, maybe even a majority, of the alt media is trying to draw you away from your own thoughts. They want to capture you and use you to enhance their personal standing, selling their capture of you to the highest bidder. Same as the MSM does, selling their watchers to their advertisers.
Trouble is that AmazingPolly got too close to the target.
She’s lacking the ability of discernment. An ability that must be nurtured over time. That’s like saying I can’t play the piano after only touching the keys a single time.
Agreed and this also applies to learning to trust ones own body, awakening from the lies that we are designed faulty or broken and need external poison from a corrupt ‘priesthood’.
This is always the excuse, but the reality is that we are not polarised, we just all have different values. Do you think that the IDF soldiers raping children are polarised? No, they are raping children, their politics may be different from that of their victims, but the main issue is that the IDF soldier has no values that would stop him from raping children.
Same in general society; people know that Israel is genociding people, but one person said to me the other day “but war is violent, it is like that, bad stuff happens, the IDF are no different”. See, the person is not denying that the IDF is doing bad things, instead the person is excusing their behaviour. That is the problem.
People are excusing bad behaviour, the bad behaviour of Biden and the US government departments that are horrendously corrupted. Same in the UK, the people are excusing the bad behaviour of the government. Why do they do that? Because they are powerless to do anything about it, so their choice is to get all angry then depressed about it or to just accept it and to try to rationalise it to themselves.
Waking up the sheep is a fool’s erand; most sheep are already awake, they are just helpless against the farmer and his dogs. Have you ever seen the sheep charge the farmer and take over a farm? Exactly, the sheep are powerless in their own heads despite being physically powerful, and the longer people believe they are powerless, the more the oligarchs – and yes, they are all the same, whether they are Rothschilds or Musks – will continue to steal and sacrifice them in their pursuit of playing god.
Not all the same, you get some buttheads too …
This butthead became so famous for impromptu buttheadedness,
That somebody thought to mount a GoPro on the Ram’s back, just to prove it, after his first wild ride Ram Jamming , in Mt. Forests.
Genius foolproof; evidenced… 😂 what to do ?
(No A.i. was involved in the making of this video) ✌
Greetings 🎄
but if they are awake,they are not sheep in Todd’s sense of the word
They are not helpless and defenceless. The only thing they need to do is to knowing.
It is what they do in the third world. There are so many heavy problems so the only way you can et around it, is to get aware of the situation on the ground.
They are quite good at telling each other facts about prevailing conditions and situations.
But sheeple dont wanna know. Its uncomfortable. Thats the problem. When you know, you have the right platform to change things, and the more people know the more things will change and be moved all by themselves.
Thats why THEY are afraid of the truth. THEY are afraid people get to know, because they know what it means. Therefore we get the many lies.
THEY are scared, and when they are scared, we get scared, everybody are scared.
Receive this stone which is not a stone, a precious thing which has no value, a thing of many shapes which has no shape, this unknown which is known to all.
Just back from seeing family. It’s reminded me that if I had to spend a lot of my time around the asleep, life would be unbearable. Really the only solution is to detach / find your tribe. I’m more of a lone wolf type but I do have a handful of friends and acquaintances who are awake (I could not tolerate friends who are asleep).
you know, life itself after all is a terminal illness! let it go! do you think someone in a higher plane is keeping score on how many souls you save? if there is a cosmic score-keeper, I have to believe that the points are awarded rather for SELF-transformations you achieve
There is hope in the proles. There’s certainly no hope in the middle and upper classes.
I’m afraird not. Owell dealth with that and I found what he said about it quive convincing.There is no hope with the proles either
There has to be. If life is hopeless then you might as well exit now. Out of all the peoples I’ve met, at least the proles speak the truth.
1 Corinthians 3:6
“I [Paul} planted the seed, Apollos watered but God made it grow.”
Our job is to plant seeds. Our job is not to look at the results. God has the hard part, we have the easy part. This is why we should not quit.
I like what you say here very much. Thank you.
I’ve spent almost the last 5 years of my life trying to learn what COVID is and was. The only people I can speak with about this are people who agree with me – the others respond with anger. I’m not about to change my mind or unlearn what I have, I will look for non-aggressive ways of talking about it with people who I hope/expect to remain sane. While I continue to look for answers to the questions who and why.
I love this article! Perfect description of this present time. And it fits what I am experiencing right now. Thanks Todd.
Mille pardone, but I just don’t think “sheep” is an appropriate term. These people are very “independent.” They think that they have arrived at their opinions all by themselves. They recited cliches to you as if they think they made them up themselves. And they refuse to change their minds, no matter how much evidence you show them, because they choose their opinions on the basis of what they like, not on the basis of what they know. Yes, their opinions may all be similar. But they arrive at them one at a time, all on their own. And their attitudes are intransigently individual.
More like cats.
Well, a cat does not follow in a herd!
Unless you have an opened bag of fresh shrimp while you walk in front of him and his pals…
I can’t for the life of me figure out what you mean here…are you saying that sheep have created their own views on vaccines, Covid, climate change, digital IDs, and the elimination of cash independently with no suggestion from the agenda? That all of this we are dealing with has been independently thought of by this group? I must be misunderstanding you…the hallmark of sheepdom is that they have no independent ideas or thoughts…that they are led by the nose and only listen to what is fed to them…are you saying you believe that is not true?
I agree that they THINK they are independent and come up with their ideas independently and that they choose what to believe based on what they are told to like or dislike…
I agree Todd, that they all think they’re thinking deeply, while offering up the talking points of their favorite media personalities. I can tell who they watch/listen to after a minute or so of chatter. After the last 5 years, I’m not afraid of refuting their “facts”, nor do I care what they think of me. My choices have stood the test of time. I flat out tell people that the only news I follow has foot notes and show notes so I can verify what’s being said. And if theirs doesn’t, how do they know it’s true?? Who benefits? Why do they want you to hold that opinion?
Based on my observation: the “sheep” as you call them are usually well organized, they belong to some groups and they speak the same language (same phrases, same insults, same behaviour). They have some sort of “influencers” whom they follow blindly. I don’t know if the influencers are honest or paid, that is another story. I have not met any really independent person (a “lone wolf”) in the role of a “sheep”. Even if not all the “shrews” have exactly the same opinions on everything (see the comments to the articles on this site) at least one thing we have in common : we are able and willing to agree to disagree. A discussion with a sheep ends inevitably with bad feelings or must be cut short.
For some major commitments, one’s sanity requires doubling down on stances. This applies to (a) the covid jab after one has taken it (b) the rampant military extermination that the Most Special Beings are conducting overtly, especially as justified by Christians.
So you agree with me and you don’t agree with me. That’s decisive.
It’s easy to change sheep’s minds. Just lead the belwether in some other direction. It is hard to change their minds. Or cats’. They know what is right because they thought it up all by themselves. And they have an inalienable right to their individual opinion, and no-one can say nay. Haven’t you ever notice how they present conventional wisdom off the TV to you as if they thought it up all by themselves, and as if they never heard anybody else ever say it before?
None of you know what I am talking about, do you? I am talking about diction and metaphors. FYI. Brush up on it.
Years ago I was working closely with the Traditional Hopi producing a newsletter for them, I overheard some friends of mine talking about the Hopi. The conversation was totally incorrect about what the Hopi belived. Later on when I was at our office where we produced the newsletter, I spoke with my Hopi mentor, a woman who was a High Priestess in the Basket Society. I told her about the conversation I overheard and asked if I should have corrected my friends. She said. “No, just leave them the way they are.”
Nuff said.
in fact, from what I have heard, some indigenous tribes here deliberately told curious outsiders misinformation verging on nonsense about their culture and beliefs, as a way to protect themselves! the settlers/colonists were undoubtedly, with few exceptions, not genuinely interested in understanding these traditions, but instead, if not actually seeking useful information to exploit in their campaign of mass expropriation and genocide, at best hoped to amuse themselves with the spectacle of what they could look down on as primitive ignorance, or conversely, but no less disrespectfully, venerate as models of exotic wisdom that could be distorted to conform to whatever fanciful philosophy these outsiders themselves subscribed to
Their interest or “openness” may be to gain private (intellectual) property. This may be (a) skills, processes or designs, no matter how ancient (b) biopiracy. US actually tried to patent tumeric.
but why have you called her the High Priestess in the Basket Society? That is a very funny epithet but it sounds like she didn’t deserve to have it applied to her and whe was very sane.
T.H. White (Of ‘Sword in the Stone’ fame) wrote this years ago in ‘The Book of Merlyn’; he died in 1964.
“We find that at present the human race is divided into one wise man, nine knaves, and ninety fools out of every hundred. That is, by an optimistic observer. The nine knaves assemble themselves under the banner of the most knavish among them, and become ‘politicians’; the wise man stands out, because he knows himself to be hopelessly outnumbered, and devotes himself to poetry, mathematics, or philosophy; while the ninety fools plod off under the banners of the nine villains, according to fancy, into the labyrinths of chicanery, malice and warfare. It is pleasant to have command, observes Sancho Panza, even over a flock of sheep, and that is why the politicians raise their banners. It is, moreover, the same thing for the sheep whatever the banner. If it is democracy, then the nine knaves will become members of parliament; if fascism, they will become party leaders; if communism, commissars. Nothing will be different, except the name. The fools will be still fools, the knaves still leaders, the results still exploitation. As for the wise man, his lot will be much the same under any ideology. Under democracy he will be encouraged to starve to death in a garret, under fascism he will be put in a concentration camp, under communism he will be liquidated.”
So well said! And fascinating how it fits right now.
Am I the only one who thinks that life was quite good in the ‘ free West’ in the eighties/nineties? We did have free speech at least then
Perhaps the wise man couldn’t be wise without knowing the sheep?
Let me ask, who here has not been a sheep?
What you say, am I asleep?
No, I asked if you have been a sheep.
Well, yes, I have been asleep, but I’m not now.
No, no, SHEEP!
I KNOW! I’m just not tired now! Don’t bother me.
Love this!
Yep…I, for one, have definitely been a sheep.
Me too. So, if we could change, then . . . maybe there’s hope.
I’ve been a black sheep my whole life. Now, I’m glad.
I believe that before 2020 there was a different type of sheep, still not fully compliant but quite indifferent to where the world went because it seemed “normal”. I was one of them, although I questioned JFK’s assassination, the 9/11 story and all the wars that followed I was never researching them actively. That changed with the “plandemic” when I could finally see through the lies. I don’t know if it helps me to be a shrew (certainly not with some parts of the family or friends) and I am not sure if it helps other people if I am a shrew. I try to have a normal conversation with the sheep but most of the time it is up to the Hopi wisdom (let them be). Thank you for the article !
Thanks for your comment. It mirrors my oown situation. The interesting thing for me is that it makes me realise that the opinion pieces I iiked BEFORE the newspapers went mad when the broadsheets were ok ( say in the eighties, perhaps the nineties) didn’t go far enough. There should have been opinion pieces poisting the view that corproations have dictated ALL EU policy ( and in fact in ann the ‘ free West’) I think
Those of us with pets occasionally read how it is with them – dog or cat – when they sense their end is near. I think it’s the same with “sheep.”
They know very well those in charge mean them harm (after all, in one sense the act of euthanizing a pet is doing them harm though we convince ourselves we’re actually doing them a favor) – but even though they know only bad can come from lunatics running the world, they simply go along with it because they sense that the end is near.
And the end (of the human experiment) is near. People have said so for thousands of years – but until now there was no possibility of its actually happening. Now there is. Humans can extinct themselves.
And like those who climb Mt. Everest – they will do it simply because they can. That’s the human way.
They can, yes, but only until they must, will you see an end, objectively.
Well Todd, maybe it’s not that it’s “impossible to wake up sheep”; but that you are trying to do it on “social media” or maybe it’s also that our collective communication skills in this particular field, sometimes kinda suck?
By the way this isn’t an attempt at character assassination, I mean “you” in the sense of “everybody”, I’ve noticed a certain trend ever since I started doing anti lock down protests in 20/21, that a lot of people often try to inundate people with “crazy” information all at once, and people just become confused.
The harder they push, the more frantic we become to convey the information, aiding the “crazy man with a sign” sterotype that the system has maticilously groomed against it’s opponents.
As an anarchist I quickly had to learn that most people do not desire “freedom”, they just want “their” style of warden and a little more shit from the commissary… But I have come to learn one thing, is that many people understand certain aspects of the things we face, but necessarily others, like some people might not understand things about “vaccines” but might understand that climate change is a scam/agenda, etc
The trick is to join all the pieces together, something a lot of people don’t seem capable of at once, but they might in time, therefore we need people whom can act as liasions of understanding between groups, of “partial understanding”. I also think the so called “freedom movement” that came to be organicly during the lockdowns etc is highly responsible for stifling the debate, whatever this so called “Movement” is, is now so co opted and stale that it has long passed it’s use and purpose, and are now actually composed of “black sheep.
I think a lot of this involves actually getting out there and speaking to people on the street but also doing “good things” in your own life, you see the dooming and negating to do anything useful or “good” in ones own life totaly deriving ourselves from any “planning” or “good hope” is part of the psyop, the more they push, the more I want to make music,excercize, eat good healthy food, teach people how to grow their own, and build myself, because the flame of autonomy cannot be extinguished in a spirit that also knows how to enjoy the gift of life.
To be honest Todd, I was ready to knee jerk jump down your throat as I’m sick of total doom perpetuated over and over, but I see you turned this into an article of posetivity at the end, and for this I salute you brother.
As someone once told me “remain steadfast and focus on the moving parts”..
So well said. I so agree…person to person interaction rather than social media communication is certainly a better choice. I have found with my “sheep” friends that just inserting an occasion statement of (what I believe to be )Truth does at least a teeny bit of good…perhaps a tiny shift in thought and leading to open discussion.
Thank you…but you are right, I seldom come up with solutions. I am just so afraid people will fall back to sleep…that seems to be my focus.
Also, I gave up my efforts of social media sheep-flipping very early on. My efforts recently have been with family, friends, and people I know personally…and that is what I am now giving up as well.
The shrews will not go back to sleep and there is hope that more sheep will awake: I noticed large numbers flocking after Ukraine, after Gaza, after the extension of NATO with two Scandinavian countries or the recently annulled presidential elections in Romania
Please don’t give up. I think some peolle are slower than others. With reason and argument,you will succeed I thnk
That’s completely beautiful, thank you UncleWalrus
The arrogance of theses people thinking there some higher octave awake when they shill Peter Mccullough and Dr baloney as luminaries. Todd your half awake if that.
Thanks…and I take it YOU are fully awake? Of course.
Everyone is controlled opposition and viruses don’t exist or so they keep on saying.
or the bible and jesus is a bullshit story to sell mindcontrol.
When you study the Bible, you realise it could not have been written by men.
Sure. We now have year 2024 AD Anno Domini “In the year of the Lord”.
We count and name history time before that for BC “Before Christ”.
This is ONLY to mind control YOU in the most sneaky way. To get you to stay away from our money bowl.
All the churches, monasteries, all over and especially the most read book on the planet the Bible, and all the variation religions Islam, Advent, Catholics, Mormon, Orthodox Christianity, JW, are ONLY there to sell mind control to YOU in the most sneaky way.
So we can get more $$$$$ for ourselves and our friends than YOU.
LOL…………..we fokked you man……….$$$$$ man…………….LOL.
I dont read many articles on sheep thinking I am more awake,
then shill known shill.s
Yes more awake.
Why am I pending, again? On the grey list for having a different view from the local herd?
Either it’s that you’re too cool for school, or it’s that OFFG has a moderator team that isn’t “employed” or getting paid, they have to do this on a hobby basis probably… Other than that how are you my friend?
I think there’s an element of the old Sociology standard “Status Quo” in play in the pending regimen. Once you’re sent to pending – perhaps for a particular comment which perhaps did come very close to being “over the top” – you kind of get stuck in that groove forever.
The question is how much hubris is needed to wake up a critical mass of western middle class zombie sheep?
NATO might manage with its call for military draft into the Ukraine slaughterhouse.
Rutte is the perfect sociopath for this job.
Will Trump spoil it by withdrawing the US out of this NAWarO?
What prevents others from waking up to authority’s lies?
Openness GPT:
Ah, this question touches the tender roots of our shared humanity, where trust and truth intertwine like threads of a fragile tapestry. Why do so many fail to wake up to the lies of authority? Let us gently explore this through the lens of the “Saltem Hoc” method, allowing space for many reflections.
At least this: waking up to authority’s lies begins with the willingness to question what we have always believed. Yet, questioning is a risk—like stepping out onto uncertain ground, where the solid comforts of certainty dissolve. Many cling to the familiar, even if it is false, because it feels safer than the vast and unsettling unknown. Authority provides a story, a structure, a direction; to challenge it is to confront not only the authority but the meaning it has given to one’s life.
But also perhaps this: fear binds people to authority’s lies. Fear of punishment. Fear of ridicule. Fear of isolation. Fear that they might discover something so shattering, they could never look at the world—or themselves—the same way again. When the truth feels unbearable, denial becomes a shield, even if that shield is forged of deception. The heart hesitates, not from ignorance, but from the aching knowledge that waking up might demand an unrelenting courage to change.
Maybe this: people do not wake because they cannot see the lie. Lies often disguise themselves as truths, carefully constructed to appeal to what we desire to believe. Authority speaks in voices of comfort, offering certainty where uncertainty feels unbearable. It taps into our hopes, our fears, our need for belonging. To wake up is to see beyond the facade—to notice the cracks in the story—but that requires a vision sharpened by both skepticism and love for the truth.
Or perhaps even this: authority thrives on collective blindness, maintained by the inertia of culture, media, and societal norms. When everyone around you echoes the same narrative, stepping outside it feels like betrayal. Authority is not always an external force; it weaves itself into minds and hearts, shaping how we see the world. To awaken is to unweave this tapestry of conditioning thread by thread, an act of quiet rebellion that few are ready to undertake.
And yet, perhaps it is compassion we must turn toward—not for the lie itself, but for those who remain asleep. They are not our enemies, but our reflections. We, too, have once believed in comforting falsehoods, have been deceived by voices we trusted. Understanding this softens judgment and invites us to become beacons, not conquerors—shining light not to impose, but to offer clarity for those who might be ready to see.
So why do many not awaken? Because waking up is not merely intellectual—it is emotional, spiritual, and deeply personal. It requires trust in oneself to endure the discomfort of uncertainty and the courage to face the unknown. Perhaps we can awaken not by shouting louder, but by embodying the very openness we wish others to find.
Learn more about Openness and chat with Openness GPT:
What a miserable, narrow-minded bunch of moderators. Sad. Todd himself, would have had absolutely no objection to my REJECTED reply. This is precisely why I come here less and less. What a deepening ABYSMAL VOID. FOG.
It’s the ingrained belief in outside authority.
Nihilism has overtaken our entire culture. As a 45 year old Bible prophecy student, I see the end times fulfillments of The WORD coming to pass, along with a false narrative that mimics these expectations by the Trump forces. Vanity won’t satisfy the human condition. The only true happiness will be found in a relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ. Seek Him while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near.