REVIEW: The Primordial Code – The Burning Essence

Carol Brouillet
Directed by Marijn Poels. The embedded video is the YouTube version, the film is also available on Rumble. Both versions have full subtitles in English, German and Dutch.

This film is the second of a trilogy which looks deeply into where we have come from, who we are and where we are going, as a species. It is a beautifully made, inspiring film, an exploratory journey featuring some rarely heard voices and perspectives.

A year ago, I came down with a cold and binged watched all of Marijn’s documentaries that I could find that were translated into English.  I greatly appreciated his ability to find viewpoints which challenge modern corporate narratives and myths which have been driving cultures towards the cliff (in my opinion). His films gave me greater hope.

I also had a somewhat prophetic dream and reached out to him last December, and thus our lives and paths crossed, and I see our shared experiences conveyed in his film. We met last January in Denver, where he met my dear friend, Fran Shure, and interviewed her. We also attended Dr. David and Kim Martin’s Twelve Senses Workshop in Boulder and sat at the same table.

When I see the film, I can’t help but remember Marijn, in person, our conversations, our exchanges, the convergence, as well as the divergence in our personal journeys. A recurrent theme in his films is the beauty and power of nature and reconnecting ourselves with our own divinity and that of the natural world.

The film begins with the moment of conception, when light enters the world, quickly transitioning to an exploration of water, from the ancient healing waters bubbling forth from deep within the Earth, to that which flows from our taps. Marijn asks questions, seeks scientific answers, and experiments in his own garden.

In previous films, the pattern is similar and the garden has evolved over time, harnessing forgotten energies, not recognized by corporate agriculture. It is a beautiful, evocative, magical, yet very earthy place, producing nourishment for bodies, minds, and souls. The pyramid structure featured in both films, he built during “The Primordial Code  1” after his explorations of ancient sites and tapping into the power of pyramids and primordial genetic codes.

His exploration of water naturally flows into an exploration of the frequencies of life, both healing and harmful and speculation of why anyone would seek to harm, injure, traumatize people on a large scale. There are voices of artists, philosophers, healers, authors, researchers who have been questioning and finding answers to many of the questions that Marijn asks.

From the historical, spiritual reverence to the pineal gland, the pine cone, our profound connection to the divine to the traumatic deliberate terrorizing of the public to imprint obedience and keep them under control and erase memory, the film weaves an insightful tapestry to illuminate understanding of the human drama.

We have witnessed the “indoctrination” of the public on a global scale. We are conditioned to believe we are free, when our options are limited to “curated choices.” Simply recognizing that humanity, for the most part, has lost the language which begins to describe the senses that the dominant culture has tried to delete from our collective memory, is a step towards reclaiming our full senses and our full humanity.  Dr. David Martin is featured at length, explaining the importance of regaining knowledge of our “12 senses” and activating them, before we lose even more of them to a digital (AI) world.

Marijn and I both went through Dr. David and Kim Martin’s multi-day workshop to learn more about our senses and how to activate them, which was, in many ways, the tip of an iceberg of information, and an editing nightmare. I am impressed at how well he incorporated the essence of it into the film, even the nightmarish parts which transitions beautifully into the miraculous nature of the Universe which transcends the cognitive functions of our brains and taps directly into our deepest most ancient instincts.

The story continues to unfold. Marijn finds his voice. We glimpse his efforts in his garden, his creation, his filmmaking. He shares what he has made with those who contributed in large and small ways and gifts us a cameo of the man behind the curtain, the photographer. He invites us to join him in the final chapter of his trilogy. I am sure it will be worth our time, effort and energy, and I hope that the films will be seen by more and more people.

Courage can be contagious and there has never been a greater need for courage and clarity than now.

Carol Brouillet is the Co-Founder of the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, publisher of the Deception and Perception Dollars, a mom, activist, hiker, gardener and cook.


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Dec 18, 2024 8:56 PM

Wonderful film.

Dec 17, 2024 3:23 PM

Human hubris is such that it will attempt to destroy what it cannot control. For thousands of years of “civilization” humans have tried to control Nature – to shape it to our needs no matter how misshapen Nature and Humanity end up in the process. Humans have utterly failed in this impossible project, so now those self-styling themselves as Masters of the Universe are seeking to destroy Nature even if that results in self-destruction.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 18, 2024 12:25 AM
Reply to  Howard

Adaption is the key word here.

Monkey Biz
Monkey Biz
Dec 17, 2024 2:28 PM

I had to laugh at the “experiment” involving two seeds in two pots. To make meaningful conclusions you’d need to plant dozens….

Dec 17, 2024 3:13 PM
Reply to  Monkey Biz

Yes, corporate science demands an almost endless repetition of any kind of experiment, even one which seeks not to “prove” something but simply to show it. Our entire thinking process has been carefully channeled into avenues which necessarily enrich someone. You can’t watch two seeds molt into something and make any kind of judgment about life; rather, you must pay a team of scientists to watch hundreds of seeds do the same thing.

Dec 17, 2024 5:48 AM

Gotta confess, I’m envious of Marijn’s garden and his treehouse.
Oh to be young again.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 16, 2024 5:24 PM

Congratulation. Very happy to see someone else found the code. What a difference.
What a passionate way of life in every single fibre when we connect ourselves to organic Cosmos and not to IoT and AI.
Remember in humility who is Master of all in the third dimension.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Dec 16, 2024 5:40 AM

The Primordial Code: Survive, and Reproduce.

Monkey Biz
Monkey Biz
Dec 17, 2024 2:25 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

That’s the Slavery Code

Dec 16, 2024 12:28 AM

Gonna be 39c here today (Southern Victoria, Australia).
A good day to stay inside, have a cuppa tea and a salad roll, and watch this doco.

Dec 16, 2024 3:20 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Strewth! (Or should that be Struth?).

There’s a lot to take in here, and many Folks might dismiss some aspects of the doco as ‘New Age quackery’.
But unless one keeps one’s mind and heart open, as some did during the Scamdemic, we risk falling back into the same old ruts.

Maybe the ‘Great Reset’ starts within.
And the PTB have zero control over that.

Dec 16, 2024 10:45 AM
Reply to  Johnny

The Great Reset as it is being mirrored to us through the distorted and fractured external mirror is but a signifying code that internally, deep within the human soul there is in deed a truly Great Reset taking place.. The old systems which have built up through ignorance, fear and the myth of separation which was born out of some collective trauma in ancient times are being broken down and the natural response from the people who think they are in power is to try and tighten their grip of control on the ever changing world.. Which is of course impossible.. Nobody controls reality.. Reality controls us, and it’s the surrender to Reality which will set us all free from our internalised systems of control.

Dec 15, 2024 11:52 PM


USA at its funniest – yes its all gone to shit and its all the fault of the British

Dec 15, 2024 11:42 PM

Orobus TAE (Almost certainly American (though I have not checked his IP addresss) though probably real has been rather offensive today, not just to all us English (I hate all English – and quite obviously hates the almost utter and complete destruction of cultures and basic moral human values in the USA.

Some Americans are not just artistcally seriously tallented, bur some of them have a sense of humour

He would never get away with the words he writes from the USA, if he was living in the UK.

Though I do like him. His borrowed and manipulated art is state of the art.

Most of all he makes me laugh. He reads much the same stuff as me, and produces an image that is funnier than the original.

Probably Retired EX Computer Games Programmer

Some of them mostly British – had other jobs too, and did the computer games programming for a laugh.

Guy St Hilaire
Guy St Hilaire
Dec 15, 2024 11:41 PM

What an excellent documentary ! I recognized so much and so many .

Dec 15, 2024 11:33 PM

“……and speculation of why anyone would seek to harm, injure, traumatize people on a large scale.”

Is this not the same as asking why psychopaths have always risen to the top. What advantage to the rest of us gain from that being so? After all, it has been going on long enough, just a matter of half a million years or so.

Spare me the hunter-gatherer mythmaking about irenic matriarchal societies violently overcome by horrible Neolithic farmers from Anatolia, the Original Sin of agriculture now being wound back by the Starmer farm inheritance tax:-)), the archaeology is against you.

I must have read dozens of woo-woo, Kumbaya articles over the years which never address our evolutionary history, ie sociobiology/evolutionary psychology.

Does Ms Brouillet, a self-styled “activist” (for what?) think that there is no Nature, only Nurture?

Monkey Biz
Monkey Biz
Dec 17, 2024 1:58 PM
Reply to  Jenner

“Advantage”? You seem to be still hypnotised by Darwin. Archaeology is just as corrupt and controlled narrative as any of The Science.

woo woo indeed.

Dec 15, 2024 8:18 PM

Carol Brouillet, you write beautifully. I have watched a little of your film, the basic science of which I agree. I am currently watching in bits on Netflix a Norwegian movie ” A Norwegian family vacationing in La Palma faces chaos when a researcher discovers imminent volcanic eruption signs that could trigger a massive tsunami.”

Been there done that kind of thing.

I got kind of annoyed after 9/11, and more locally the London Bombings, because my wife was in London at the the time, and I could not contact her, cos they turned the entire mobile phone system off

When I knew she was OK, I posted exactly what I thought on my Favourite English Blog where I had been posting for years


I even got threatened by an English bloke I had met several times – ” when I meet you on a dark night” kind of thing

I wasn’t going to be intimidated by him

I knew the village where he lived in Kent, and his local pub (Fish Resteraunt)

“Bring Your Wife, I Will Bring Mine”

He Declined.

So I stopped posting in the UK, and spent 5 years posting on an American blog – Alternet – and made some very good Californian Virtual Friends

The USA was so open to communication, and I was invited several times, and I replied..” I will pick you guys up at Heathrow Airport and if you like, you can stay at our house for a few days”

It never actually happened, but the invitations were there from both California and London

Dec 16, 2024 6:01 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Gullible those yanks.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Dec 15, 2024 7:37 PM

Fortunately, our species is going to escape Samasara, thanks to the warning provided by the Great Pyramid (viz of cyclic catalysm).

So, yes, ‘pyramids’ and ‘waters’ have got a lot to do with mankind’s future.

Moreover, on an individual basis, survival is critically dependent upon perspicacity.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Dec 15, 2024 7:58 PM