When Rights Become Privileges: Is the Constitution Becoming Optional?
John & Nisha Whitehead

“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country is a ‘Bill of Temporary Privileges.’ And if you read the news, even badly, you know that the list gets shorter and shorter.”
George Carlin
Disguising its power grabs in the self-righteous fervor of national security, the Deep State has mastered the art of the bait-and-switch.
It works like this: first, the government foments fear about some crisis or threat to national security, then they capitalize on it by seizing greater power and using those powers against the American people.
We’ve seen this play out over and over again.
The government used its so-called War on Terror to transform itself into a police state.
Then the police state used its War on COVID-19 to claim lockdown powers.
All indications are that the government’s promised War on Illegal Immigration will be yet another sleight of hand that allows the powers-that-be to engage in greater power grabs while weakening the Constitution.
Therein lies the danger of the government’s growing addiction to power.
Whatever dangerous practices you allow the government to carry out now—whether it’s in the name of national security or protecting America’s borders or making America healthy again—inevitably, these same practices can and will be used against you when the government decides to set its sights on you.
The slippery slope that starts with illegal immigration has all the makings of a thinly veiled plot to empower the government to become the arbiter of who is deserving of rights and who isn’t.
That quickly, we could find ourselves navigating a world in which the rights enshrined in the Constitution for all persons living in the United States are transformed into privileges enjoyed only by those whom the government chooses to recognize as legitimate.
By persuading the public that non-citizens, particularly illegal immigrants, do not enjoy the same inalienable rights as law-abiding citizens (a fact refuted by the Constitution and every credible legal scholar in the country), the Deep State is leading us down a road in which all rights are transitory.
This is how you establish a hierarchy of rights, contingent on whether you belong to a favored political class.
Be warned.
At such a time as the government is emboldened to flip that switch and appoint itself the ultimate authority on which protected class of individuals gets to enjoy the rights enshrined within the Constitution, the dividing line will not be between legal citizens and illegal immigrants.
It will not even be between Republicans and Democrats.
Rather, the purpose of that line of demarcation will be to distinguish the compliant, obedient, subservient vassal of the American police state (the so-called Loyalists) from everyone else.
We’re almost at that point now.
This is how tyranny rises and freedom falls.
Here are some of the inherent dangers in allowing the government to become the arbiter of who is deserving of rights:
It leads to the erosion of universal rights. The Bill of Rights was designed to protect the fundamental rights of all persons within the United States, regardless of their citizenship status, race, religion, or any other factor. When the government starts making distinctions about who is entitled to these rights, it undermines the universality that makes them so powerful. This creates a slippery slope where rights become privileges, subject to the whims of those in power.
It gives rise to authoritarianism. History is replete with examples of governments that consolidated power by first stripping away the rights of marginalized groups. Once the principle of universal rights is breached, it becomes easier to target other groups deemed “undesirable” or “unworthy.” This paves the way for authoritarianism, where the government dictates who enjoys freedom and who does not.
It creates a two-tiered society. A hierarchy of rights inevitably leads to a two-tiered society, where some individuals enjoy full protection under the law while others are relegated to second-class status. This fosters resentment, division, and social unrest. It also creates a vulnerable population that can be easily exploited and abused.
It undermines the rule of law. The rule of law is a fundamental principle of a just society. It means that everyone is subject to the same laws and that no one is above the law. When the government selectively applies the law based on arbitrary criteria, it undermines the rule of law and erodes trust in the legal system.
It chills free speech and dissent, i.e., the right to criticize the government. When people fear that their rights are contingent on their political views or social status, they are less likely to speak out against injustice or challenge the government. This chilling effect on dissent stifles free speech and creates a climate of fear and conformity.
It contributes to the loss of moral authority. A nation that claims to champion liberty and justice for all loses its moral authority when it denies those principles to certain groups within its borders. This undermines its standing in the world and diminishes its ability to promote human rights abroad.
Remember, the erosion of inalienable rights often starts subtly, with the government chipping away at the edges of those rights for specific groups.
The pattern is subtle at first, with government officials exploiting fear and prejudice in order to target groups that are already marginalized or perceived as “outsiders.” Incrementally, the net is cast wider and wider, so that by the time the injustice is widespread enough to inspire outrage in the greater populace, it’s too late to resist.
Historic examples abound of how the government has manufactured a blatantly unjust hierarchy of rights in order to diminish certain segments of society. These run the gamut from slavery and the persecution of Native Americans to the Japanese internment camps and segregation.
More recently, we’ve seen this tactic deployed in order to justify policies that run afoul of the Constitution, ranging from immigration policies and mass surveillance programs to SWAT team raids, voting rights, and the erosion of due process.
Clearly, Martin Niemöller’s warning about the widening net that ensnares us all, a warning issued in response to the threat posed by Nazi Germany’s fascist regime, still applies.
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
This is how the slippery slope to all-out persecution starts.
It doesn’t help that growing numbers of American citizens barely know their rights. Consider that only 5% of the U.S. adults surveyed could correctly name all five rights in the First Amendment, 20% could not correctly name any, and less than one in 10 Americans know they have a right to petition the government.
Such civic illiteracy lays the groundwork for all manner of tyrannies to follow. After all, how can you defend your rights if you don’t know what those rights are?
Then again, civic illiteracy among government officials, who are entrusted with upholding and protecting the Constitution, doesn’t appear to be much better.
It was ten years ago on December 15, National Bill of Rights Day, that the U.S. Supreme Court in its 8-1 ruling in Heien v. State of North Carolina gave police in America one more ready excuse to routinely violate the laws of the land, this time under the guise of ignorance.
The Heien case, which started with an improper traffic stop based on a police officer’s ignorance of the law and ended with an unlawful search, seizure and arrest, was supposed to ensure that ignorance of the law did not become a ready excuse for government officials to routinely violate the law.
It failed to do so.
In failing to enforce the Constitution, the Court gave police the go-ahead to justify a laundry list of misconduct, from police shootings of unarmed citizens to SWAT team raids, roadside strip searches, and the tasering of vulnerable individuals with paltry excuses such as “they looked suspicious” and “she wouldn’t obey our orders.”
Ignorance of the law has become an all-too-convenient cover for all manner of abuses by government officials who should know better.
I’m not sure which is worse: government officials who know nothing about the laws they have sworn to uphold, support and defend, or a constitutionally illiterate citizenry so clueless about their rights that they don’t even know when those rights are being violated.
This much I do know, however: for anyone to advocate terminating or suspending the Constitution is tantamount to a declaration of war against the founding principles of our representative government and the rule of law.
If there is one point on which there should be no political parsing, no legal jockeying, and no disagreement, it is this.
Then again, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, one could well make the case that the Constitution has already been terminated after years on life support, given the extent to which the safeguards enshrined in the Bill of Rights—adopted 233 years ago as a means of protecting the people against government overreach and abuse—have been steadily chipped away at, undermined, eroded, whittled down, and generally discarded with the support of Congress, the White House, and the courts.
History provides chilling examples of how quickly rights can vanish, even in a nation such as ours founded on the principles of freedom. As George Carlin astutely observed:
If you think you do have rights, next time you’re at the computer, get on the internet, go to Wikipedia. When you get to Wikipedia, in the search field for Wikipedia, I want you to type in ‘Japanese Americans 1942’ and you’ll find out all about your precious … rights. In 1942, there were 110,000 Japanese American citizens in good standing, law-abiding people, who were thrown into internment camps simply because their parents were born in the wrong country. That’s all they did wrong. They had no right to a lawyer, no right to a fair trial, no right to a jury of their peers, no right to due process of any kind. The only right they had: ‘right this way’ into the internment camps. Just when these American citizens needed their rights the most, their government took them away. And rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away.”
Remember you were warned, folks.
At the point that rights become privileges, then the Constitution and the government’s adherence to the rule of law will become optional.
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USA has huge celebration coming up America’s 250th year.
Society – especially Capitalist society – plays a smooth game of bait and switch. “Oh look what the big bad government is doing now!” is as much a distraction as it is a warning.
Whatever the government is doing now, you may be sure started in the private sector in order to prime the people to accept arbitrary impositions on their freedom. In that respect the Internet is tailor made for oppression.
You must agree to this, then to that, then to the other if you wish to enjoy the fruits of technology. “Password Please” has become society’s newest mantra. But not to worry: it’s all done for YOUR security, safety and well-being. God forbid they would inconvenience you just because some slick Silicon Valley snake-oil salesman just sold them a new software to operate their system with!
Online banking constantly redesigns itself “to enhance your security online.” Email keeps redesigning itself. Social Security now requires your fingerprint to access its website – and rest assured the day is fast approaching when there will be no paper copies sent your way. And if you’ve ever dealt with the US Copyright Office, their safe ‘n secure password paradigm has become so impregnable that you may never access anything again.
Notice the trend: first comes private sector things; then comes soft government things; then comes the real deal – the hard core government things.
a xmas gift from the Holy Land to Syria registered 3.0 on the richter scale!
THE COMING UNREST by D A Hughes is a free online book.
Chapt 1 will add depth to your understanding of recent history, but I recommend you look instead at the terrifyingly plausible Chapt 8.
For clarification,
“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations,
and the War for Technocracy”
Is The Complete Book.
“The Coming Unrest” is ONLY chapter 8 of it.
(About 52 pages.)
A quick search will ALSO give you
the whole BOOK, as well, though. 😎👍
(Pastreich’s book about taking down
the billionaires, was a quick, decent read,
as well. Thx for recommending each of
these. 💯👏💯
Thanks for the clarification, jackalsmark. I’ve too much on my plate right now, but am impressed w the quality of the work being put together to oppose the villains. It’s a mark of their recognition of crisis that their work is free.
Insufficient awareness of what all those 5G satellites can be used for, don’t you think? I mean what happened in Oahu is only a small part of what will soon be possible.
Ecclesiastes 1:9-10.
“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.”
“Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new”? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.”
Matthew 24:37-39
“As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.
/ For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark.
/ And they were oblivious until the flood came and swept them all away. So will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.
What could this be which has been before and will be erected again?………………….LOL.

All of us not brainwashed in US Schools long ago knew that the USA has not been the bastion of either Freedom or Courage since at least 1990.
The USA has always been controlled by demonically-seized, extremist- proselytising- trumped-up seekers of absolute power.
It is an anti-democratic oligarchic feudal superstate that wishes to subjugate the entire globe due to its predatory perverted set of racist eugenicist values.
i see a lot of big words there, but don’t know you’re saying much. maybe have a drink, calm down, and try again…?
Always ? No, in that you’re wrong. You’re not usually so simplistic.
Just as well you appear to be charatible and are holding-back … I do suspect that you’re putting into words the way most people feel about the rapacious banditry of the US and its allies. Many wiser than I, have chalked up approximately 201 countries that the US has initiated wars in/with and-or shredded in their lust for power and control. A simple is why would any country need to encircle the globe with military-bases, if they weren’t to exercise power-and-control? Moreover, why would any ONE country want to monopolise their fiat-currency as the ‘benchmark’ currency for international-trade … if it were not for ultimate power-and-control?
The sooner the USA is flushed down the toilet of history, the better … for all … they’re like a blistert on the arse-end of the world.
Fair enough. But that blister didn’t develop on its own. I wager there are many just as corrupt lords and ladies in those nations we encircle who gladly accept, for lack of a better word, bribes, in order that we maintain control of their countries.
And once the USA is flushed down the toilet, what? You think there won’t be another big blister develops on the arse end of the world?
We were a big piece of land with Native people and buffalo roaming once upon a not too long ago time. When there were plenty of other blisters doing the slaughtering, conquering and colonializing.
I guess it was just our turn.
I won’t argue the point Mr. Rhys Jaggar, I do agree, but lest we forget the origins of those demonically-seized, extremist-proselytsing-trumped up seekers of absolute power.
I think a number of them hailed from jolly old England, did they not?
Chinese opium wars, “Rhode”esia, South Africa, India, the middle east, Ireland…
I think we hail from good stock.
Good title, nail hit on its head.
“Incarceration of Japanese Americans, who provided critical agricultural labor on the West Coast, created a labor shortage which was exacerbated by the induction of many white American laborers into the Armed Forces. This vacuum precipitated a mass immigration of Mexican workers into the United States to fill these jobs,[61] under the banner of what became known as the Bracero Program.” (Wikipedia)
and this:
“The American public overwhelmingly approved of the Japanese American incarceration measures and as a result, they were seldom opposed, particularly by members of minority groups who felt that they were also being chastised within America.”
Glancing thru that article, and yes, I know it’s Wikipedia for god’s sake, there are a lot of parallels to the Japanese-American internment situation over 70 years ago to the Scamdemic and to this questionable effort by Trump and his gang to round up the illegals and kick them out of the country.
One thing that is consistent – the overwhelmingly support of the population. “They”, meaning those that control the government, couldn’t do it without them. That’s the thing.
What happened to the property of Japanes-Anericans is the often ignored psrt of that tale. Clue: they didn’t get it back.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-12-16. Oz’s TGA: it would not be practical to follow up on every individual report [of 140k adverse events]. Huh? https://x.com/paulrprichard/status/1868782263422664749
Think Peel only played 2 complete, whole at once, albums on his show,
The classic ‘Of thick tum’ by Trumans Water (1992), (Greatest album of all time),
and ‘Today’s active lifestyles’ by Polvo , same year.
Remember you were warned, folks.
Exactly. All there is to realise is there are political psychopaths (Them) and the rest (Us).
Media, law, social ‘norms’ are predominantly illusions to keep Us in order, for Them’s benefit.
As Them know that if enough of Us suddenly realised the above and acted upon our own humanity, then Them wouldn’t last too long.
That we have consistently elevated psychopaths into positions of power and admiration is THE big mistake and the primary basis for all the world’s ills. Yet still we do it.
It can only be psychopaths who allow this, for instance…
Remember you were warned, folks.
The Suiturds at the top should be forced (a la Clockwork Orange style) to watch this.
Not that it would make much difference.
Humanity is lost.
What about all those who bow and bend and voluntary apply for trips to Ukraine, Syria, Gaza, Iraq, Libya, because they love to kill people?
I havent seen any “suiturds at the top” on the military front in these countries, I saw only your neighbour.
Money and orders.
Orders and money.
Good point.
The amputee cannot go far. In some areas, every lane and road is cracked up (not dug up smoothly) to a depth of ~1 m using heavy earth-moving equipment. This also destroys pipes, cables, etc.
‘Historic examples abound of how the government has manufactured a blatantly unjust hierarchy of rights’. Note the ‘historic’; this writer lists ancient victim groups of state discrimination, ignoring completely the deep state’s current persecution of whites, patriots, conservatives and Christians. Time to escape that liberal bubble, methinks.
The eternal problem with this type of article:
They talk and complain about some secret international group with immense power over governments of countries big and small, capable of exerting control over the governments, people, media and education systems in any country or corner of the world… but they never discuss who they may be.
At this point, the point is made. No more need to complain. Time to discuss who these people are and how they operate.
Ancient Aliens, man.
Is it possible ?, ancient alien theorists say yes !
Do you want to get killeded ?
Who’s ultimately behind it all?
Who really rules the world and runs your government? Well, it’s a group you’ve probably never heard of – The Crown Council of 13. This consists of 13 families with the Orsini’s sat above with the title of World Monarch (Pepe Orsini, the Black Pope and head of the Jesuits is perhaps the most powerful man in the world) and the families below – the Rothschilds, Rockefeller’s, Windsors, Kennedys, Romanov’s, Bruce’s, De Medici’s, Hapsburgs, Krupps, Plantagenets, Sinclairs, Warburgs and Hanovers.
As for how they operate.
You could write endless volumes on the specifics but in the end it boils down to divide and conquer.
To clarify earlier comment,
Naming names etc on this forum might put other people and yourself in danger, probably done it myself, mind..
Also, got a weird snapshot effect there on the computer, room lit up, okay, be careful out/in there.
I think that’s been discussed ad nauseum as well. Unless we want to identify the cousins, half sisters and brothers, and security personnel. What really should be discussed is what to do about “it”. I mean, isn’t it kind of like, we have a problem and what are we gonna do about it.?
But hey, I know, that’s a tough one.
I meant prior not following in the prior comment, which is pending, but I don’t waste peoples time pointing that out.
We’re living in such great, civilised times, aren’t we?! Just observed all this recently in the UK – the government are trying to:
– Stop voting in council elections (May 2025) and bring-in large economic zones instead of our current councils aka UN Agenda21/2030.
– Stop freedonm of speech and freedom of protest, etc. E.g. placinf people into prison for ‘Hate Speech’ yet letting out violent criminals.
– Stop (by increment) Trial-By-Jury – a slippery slope (on purpose) towards the Noahide Code. If there is a backlog in the courts system why not just extend the working hours to get rid of the extra load instead of violating our ancient rights and freedoms, the English Constitution (Magna Carta and English Bill of rights 1688/1689)?
– Bring in Digital ID (again by increment) through psyops like protecting under-16s from harmful Social Media and alcohol and cigarettes, etc.
I’ve had a break from doom-scrolling and started reading the ‘news’ again very recently – now wish I hadn’t, my goodenss… what a dark world we live in at the moment.
Sheep in the UK only care about house prices, football and big lips.
and Je$u£
Similar large economic zones were also mentioned by the EU previously. Removing national boundaries and creating larger blocs. All designed to divorce the people from the centres of power.
Removing local councils in favour of large economic zones will also make it harder for any independent councillors to win British council ward seats which typically only require between 700-1200 votes to win the seat. Therefore, the beneficiaries will be the party candidates of the compromised party system, thus ensuring the globalist agendas are carried forward with no dissent.
Hey OffG, got a potential anthem for ya !
Celebrate the new dark age.
Thanks for the old tech vid a couple of days ago, should have stayed up longer for the incisive kids, same for the following one.
What next, an article explaining all by Xavier Delacroix, funny stuff !
I apologize for the off-topic.
I just want to sincerely thank @truuman – a user in a forum that no longer exists. He has saved in the web archive large parts of my improvised blog (threads in the forum) about the planned transhumanist future of the imaginary rival of the wef cabal – Russia (which improvised blog was unfortunately the only one of its kind in the vast non-russian-speaking Internet space). If he hadn’t done it, two years of diligence would have gone to waste. Thank you very much, truuman, my friend.
(I thank him here, because I know he reads and probably comments here, I don’t know under what nickname.)
Shush, don’t say Russia is planning a transhumanist hell just like those western devils, or you’ll wake up B
rian boringBrianberou and he will be all over your comment like a rash, boring you to death with his usual donkey shit.Then he will multi-downvote your comments, one additonal downvote at a time slowly over a period of days when the thread is cold. A sad, sad individual.
Anyway, do you have the web archive link to your work? I would like to read it. Thanks.
it’s hard to believe that the US has much “moral authority” left on the international stage
surveys have shown that large majorities of citizens in some countries instead view it as a huge menace to values such as peace and cooperation, if not as an outright rogue or terrorist state
what non-citizens DO admire about America, I believe, is principally its wealth
and naturally, if they want to get in on that bonanza of greed, it’s convenient, psychologically speaking, to rationalize this urge on the pretext of also imagining that there is some noble, idealistic appeal driving their aspirations as well
‘All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others’
George Orwell, Animal Farm,1945.
And animals they are, those greedy bottom feeders on top of the heap.
According to Wiki (?) Italian and German Americans in those periods were treated the same.
Difference being, the German Americans received no apology and no monetary compensation.
Selective racism?
There was almost non-stop condemnation of Japan for its military brothels, so-called comfort women, in East and SE Asia. But no government has raised the issue of US military brothels after that, perhaps because these were mostly privatised. Let us not go into the mass rapes of Japanese, German, Korean and Vietnamese women.
They were not all rapes. Most of these girls got due paid, had reasonable living conditions. Women’s oldest side business.
Your kidding, right?
Always, but with a slant of truth ;-).
My German heritage uncle had someone paint a yellow streak down the middle of his car because he didn’t want to volunteer to fight in WW2.
Is it just me. Or do others have their comments invariably marked “pending”. Is it something to do wtih settings?
‘Pending’ is a bit like our rights.
Sometimes there, sometimes not.
It’s because you’re thinking something wicked.
Its only you. Your skin colour, your name, and your ultra-radical conservative traditional marriage views, your arm gas, your old socks and bad breath.
I am never in pending, always getting through, because I am a good cop.
“Sir – I present you a small Treatise in defence of those Principles of Freedom which your exemplary Virtue hath so eminently contributed to establish. That the Rights of Man may become as universal as your Benevolence can wish, and that you may enjoy the Happiness of seeing the New World regenerate the Old, is the prayer of
Your much obliged, and
Obedient humble Servant,
Thomas Paine
to George Washington, president of the United States.”
There’s nothing as far as I can see in Paine’s “Rights of Man” about the right to bear arms.If I recall too he was appalled about the guillotining of Robespierre, Danton, Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. The seventeenth right is the right to property “being inviolable and sacred, no one ought to be deprived of it, except in cases of evident public necessity . . .”
Try telling that to Bill Gates.
The Constitution is garbage if judges cannot see the clear violation of it.
This checks and balances thing doesn’t work when we don’t have a way of getting rid of these ignorant and/or corrupt judges.
Perhaps jury nullification is better
I haven’t read it yet; it just came out today, an 11-chapter online manual. The guy is very bright, has been correct in the past about everything I’m informed about– except the global warming hoax. He seems very plugged in to many sources.
He ran for President on the Green ticket, not cuz he thought he’d be President, but to get publicity for many (accurate) theses on what’s wrong, what’s threatening us.
I think you for recommending that book in another comment near the top now but I wanted to share a quote from him from that book because it really hits home about how these various conversations in these comments sections we all have are really pointless and just a waste of time to distract us if we don’t actually do something about them in the real world. Organize in your local communities take part in your local politics instead of just letting it go on around you unchecked. Etc. While I almost never agree with everything someone says in one of these books or articles, I will say that I agree with the vast majority of it in the logistical sense. You’ll never haul all of these people into courts they own and operate and create the rules for to bring them to justice though. But that’s a subject for another day. Here’s the quote:
Emanuel Pastreich: “I find current politics extremely frustrating. People invite me to discussions, to talk on their online broadcasts, and such. I hear people complain to each other in great detail there about what’s wrong. Much of what they describe is correct. But that discussion ends up being a distraction from taking actual action.”