Beyond Dunderdrone

Sylvia Shawcross

Oh for heaven’s sakes! Are there dunderheads running the world now? Their magic tricks and deception play like a scratchy old vinyl in the background of our lives now. We recognize some of the words but they’re distorted and annoying and hardly worth the effort of listening to.

Better we should just spray paint them some psychedelic colour and hang them on our grey walls. (The vinyls I mean)

Now we have lightshows and drones. The drones of New Jersey are not as splendid as the drones of China unfortunately. What did we do to deserve such a paltry show?

I mean, if we’re all going to go down in a blistering hell of nuclear war, or alien invasion, or solar magnetosphere sun going nova flaring, or Hadron collider disintegration, AI genocide, methane muckfuckery, or plagues and vaccines, or toenail fungus that goes rogue, can we at least have dragons and angels sweeping in the sky? For the final hurrah?

And music?! Maybe heavy metal? Definitely not what they pretend is music now… ach… Bach. Bach is always good.

The Flower Duet is nice. Anything but talking heads to bring us all to the next level of down.

Most of us just sigh wearily and wonder which human right of freedom is on the block with this latest distraction. Which is an odd comfort actually now. How totally sad we’ve reached the point that conspiracy is a comfort instead of reality which could just as easily be nuclear war or stuff which we sit on the edge of. Or do we?

There are so many highly credible understandings now that we’ll never really know. Of course, by the time this is published they’ll likely have given us an explanation that explains nothing fuelling more speculation and fear. They like that. In any event, laws and regulations are coming down the pipe. Indubitably.

Some day, in the deep dark future if we have one, someone will write the book that explains it all. Now of course we just play speculation and grumble while our so-called leaders lead us into war and bad international relations and scary little operations to make us all horrified but apparently to protect us.

Here’s the thing nobody ever told our leaders…if you don’t want to be paranoid, don’t make enemies. How in the hell, e.g. did Canada, known for peace-keeping and civility suddenly end up on Russia’s enemy list? And Iran? And possibly China? WTF? Why are we in a hot war with Russia? Why are they screaming on the streets to kill people in Montreal and Toronto? Why is this happening? Why are our leaders such dunderheads?

They are deliberate dunderheads. That’s obvious. People of the western world aren’t so darn stupid they’d elect these guys. They simply appeared as only options. What were we supposed to do? We believed in the concept of democracy. Was that so bad?

It is the Banksters. It is always the Banksters and their minions. Follow the blood trail of the money to the tops of the towers of the rich lustrous cities and trace their treachery and greed and arrogance. Trace it to the pinprick of grey that dissipates in the pupils of their eyes.

How much money is enough to buy your way to heaven? Is your only heaven on earth? Is that how you rationalize it? Do you secretly wonder in your beds at night if war was a bad thing? At all? Or was it all just good? Good for the bottom line? Do we even care anymore? We know they’re there. We leave them to the hell they will inherit.

They could have chosen differently. That was freewill. The thing they don’t like. And I don’t want to hate them. I don’t want to. But I call them out. Be better. You have the choice. Change history. Switch it up.

Why not?

But never mind all that. I have a friend whose mother was married to an extraordinarily wealthy man. She spent her life decorating, buying, competing with her friends over every purchase, taking care of herself with all the spas and treatments and wardrobe offered when money is no limit.

After a lifetime of excess, she developed a terrible cancer and chose the option of medically-assisted-suicide.

And her children, bitter from her selfish madness, one child in particular who took care of her despite every reason not to, wheeled her the day before her demise to the hairdresser. She needed to have her hair done—her actual dying wish.

That is the vacuous reality of some people’s lives. To live for one’s image. To live to the expectations of what you believe are other people’s opinions? And is it funny or is it sad?

When you live as a prostitute to money there can be no dignity nor love nor trust nor truth. But such things cannot be told to those who would have their hair done on their deathbed I suppose. Even then. And so I tell that story to explain why I cannot ultimately hate the Banksters.

Is their life not punishment enough?

Here’s a video:


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Categories: latest, Sylvia Shawcross
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Dec 22, 2024 9:43 PM

Sliding through our news cycle is some information about the Romanian presidential election. Apparently the wrong guy won the first round due to “Russian influence” so the election was annulled by their Constitutional Court. However, something went wrong in the organization and a subsequent investigation found that the ‘influence’ (i.e. money) actually came from one of the other principal contenders, it being channeled through a political consultancy firm in such a way to make it look as if it was the Russians were responsible.

This is a little thread that needs teasing out for two reasons. One is that the consultancy has a rather Anglophone name — it sounds British. The other is that similar tactics were used in our recent Presidential election, this time not to implicate “Russia” but rather to undermine Democrats using carefully chosen words of praise. So, for example, advertisements were run in areas of Michigan, in heavily Arabic areas, singing the praises of Harris as a Zionist supporter and she was lauded for her staunch support of abortion in Pennsylvania in largely Catholic areas. This a novel and incredibly creative form of political attack which really undermines support anywhere for anything because you never know who’s supporting what and why, its just designed to create a miasma of negativity which can be exploited by people who’ve got a solid base of True Believers.

So believe what you want, folks. Its unlikely to be true…..

Dec 22, 2024 12:18 PM

The lazer display video was amazing.

Dec 21, 2024 7:21 PM

As always, I look forward to your writing. I often so the same. In my mind, anyway. No platform for me to vent. Lately, I have been reveling in the fact that the so-called MSM has lost it’s it audience to people like you. Keep it up. Out of the wilderness there are voices that are more important than they know.

Dec 21, 2024 4:53 PM

Who are the bankers exactly.?

Dec 21, 2024 1:59 PM

It’s difficult to understand how most people DON’T understand that the banksters who create our money obviously control the world. How couldn’t they?

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 21, 2024 7:33 AM

Off topic and according to the MSM ( if it’s not another false flag attack) the Saudi driver that mowed through a German Christmas Market was pro AFD!
He was ex muslim anti immigration!!
The MSM are shamless…
Perfect timing in an attempt to ban the AFD before elections next year- allegedly to protect Democracy!!

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Dec 21, 2024 8:47 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Whether organic or a false flag, it would be a Christmas market as the chosen venue, a few days ahead of Christmas in a country that has hundreds of these markets which are a traditional part of the celebrations.

Surprised that the regime has not come out and said “Stay home, stay safe”, although I guess they don’t have to since some people will decide to avoid these markets regardless, runining visitors plans and impacting small traders sales and income negatively on the very important last weekend before Christmas.

Dec 21, 2024 4:52 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Another solstice ritual.
Whats new.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
Dec 21, 2024 7:30 AM

A brilliant essay, Sylvia, thank you – it needs to have been said. Excess of fame and wealth almost always currupts to the extreme because there are no limits to what is possible – therefore the limits are tested beyond rational boundaries. There are a few, like Cliff Richard, who have an imbedded spirituality, and follow the teachings of Jesus, but once money & wealth enters the arena Our Great Creator leaves us to our own devices.

I am a lifelong yachtman, and learned at an early age, that I have no control over external events, and to trust God and His angels (Psalm 91), thus I cast my bread upon the waters, for it to return in God’s time (Karma? But some say: “who the hell wants soggy bread?). Anyway, as a minimalist (on a yacht you have to be), here’s is my appeal to “Less is More”: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/easy-living-in-south-africa-icj-ruling?sd=pf

As you say: “Is their life not punishment enough?” – Kudos. 🙂

Best wishes to a fellow traveller.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 21, 2024 5:44 AM

The Guardian continues to plummet to new depths of irrelevance:

“Defining genocide: how a rift over Gaza sparked a crisis among scholars”

underground poet
underground poet
Dec 21, 2024 12:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It is bazzar what is occurring in the mid east right now. The Koran could offer some in site but the times and future are a changing in the west.

Dec 21, 2024 5:08 AM

Debanking and the Return of Operation Choke Point/ WSJ today
Compliments of Meryl Nass here’s the WSJ story; can this be legal?


Dec 24, 2024 3:21 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Well, all the Feds have to say is that these entrepreneurs are “money laundering” or “supporting terrorism.” The Feds don’t have to prove anything, merely say it. The Bank Security Act requires banks to notify the Feds if anyone deposits or withdraws over $10,000 in a single transaction.

Dec 21, 2024 1:41 AM

Never seen Ringo – Blimey he looks Good, but Paul McCartney did turn up at a Neil Young Gig in Hyde Park about 10 years ago. We mainly used to do Festivals – Camping about 6 a year + London Gigs. I can’t be arsed now – not even if my ex says she is going to turn up and she does…and my wife recognises her before I do, and they both run to the toilets together , giggling with the tickets as if they were still teenagers at school.

“The Beatles – And I Love Her (Official Music Video)”


This is totally normal.

Dec 21, 2024 1:29 AM


White? Is he insane? On huwhich planet does this
guy live? I tell it like it is: Happy “Brown” X-Mas to
all you comrades in the struggle against All-Judah!


Dec 21, 2024 1:07 AM

While some justifiably argue it’s a promo for the upcoming release of Idiocracy 2, sources inside the Military-Entertainment Complex (MEC) suggest otherwise. According to them, X’s algorithm determined that a dose of existential “drone porn” would goose Congress to pass H.R. 8610.

Semper paratus to find novel ways to keep their beaks in the public trough, the MEC introduced the Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act (H.R. 8610) in June 2024, to renew and reform existing legal authorities for countering unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), commonly known as drones.

The bill seeks to extend the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) counter-UAS authorities. It also proposes a pilot program allowing select state law enforcement agencies to operate approved counter-UAS mitigation systems and participate in drone-inspired psyops.

Unfortunately, legislators representing districts not earmarked to receive this latest tranche of stolen taxpayer dollars have resisted efforts to expedite the bill’s passage, holding out until they can secure their fair share of pork. On December 18, 2024, the U.S. Senate rejected a bid to fast-track the legislation, with underfunded senators feigning concern over potential government overreach and the need to balance security measures with civil liberties.

The federal government’s authority to track and disable potentially threatening drones is set to expire today, December 20, 2024, adding urgency to the pork-barrel process. As the War is Peace Journal aptly noted, “The expiration of these authorities could leave critical infrastructure and public events vulnerable to malicious drone activities.” Indeed!

Dec 21, 2024 5:13 AM
Reply to  jtkong

This is the best democracy money can buy.

les online
les online
Dec 21, 2024 5:16 AM
Reply to  jtkong

In 1938 some Americans were panicked on hearing
a Saturday night radio play broadcast , “Invasion From Mars”.
Some think The Drones are Invading Martians !!
The Panic over The Drones is Real…
It’s Deja Vu all over again !!

Dec 21, 2024 12:54 AM

Happy the Christmass;lads.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Dec 21, 2024 12:39 AM

Big Picture… watch New Zealand … because this is your future too:

Necrosis in New ZealandShocking drops in industrial production and GDP
What has changed is that all the extra drilling hasn’t turned up much extra gas in the past few years. This is despite record amounts spent on new wells – nearly $1.3 billion between 2020 and 2024. Energy companies now think there’s less gas than previously thought.

Power crisis cost the economy $300 million this year, expert says
Figures showed a 10 percent drop in industrial electricity use for the June to September quarter compared to the same time last year. Following the spot price soaring in that quarter, three North Island mills closed, resulting in the loss of hundreds of jobs.

Kidd said the industrial sector contracted production in response to what was happening.

Business leaders in the upper North Island met last week, where it was agreed high energy costs were one of the biggest handbrakes on the New Zealand economy. 

Kidd told RNZ’s Nine to Noon on Friday the true hit to the economy was bigger than the $300m figure suggested.



We are seeing a similar yet not quite as desperate situation in Europe….

Then there is the US….

Conventional Oil Sources peaked in 2008 and the Shale binge has now spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred.

Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future. https://archive.md/vU2zH

How does this tie in to this article and Covid? Obviously we are doomed… there is NO way out of this … if you ran the world would you let things implode and leave 8 billion humans to take to the cold dark streets — angry… hungry … and let them rip each other to pieces (they would eat body parts cuz that’s what starving people do)…

Or would you pre-empt that https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

Did you think that CNNBBC would actually run fat headlines WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF AFFORDABLE ENERGY – CIVILIZATION IS ENDING

Dec 21, 2024 5:17 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

But the great saviour Trump is telling EU to buy more US petroleum, or else.

Dec 21, 2024 5:22 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Fast Eddy, Peak Oil & Gas is entirely a lie promulgated by Big Oil to keep the prices up & to reinforce their war on the lifeblood of industry– ENERGY.

i have several times published here the locales & amounts of Mega- petrochemical finds which remain untapped on purpose. I’m not going to use the space to do it again.
Here’s a quote from William Engdahl, author of Myths, Lies & Oil Wars:

“The myth of oil scarcity has allowed four giant corporations–ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and Chevron–along with a handful of Wall Street and London banks to control the world’s most important energy commodity, oil. The myth originated in the 1950’s from a geologist at Shell, and was revived by the big oil giants in 2003 in time for the US bombing of Iraq. The reality is quite different from claims of Peak Oil. Truth is that the world is running into oil, not running out of oil. Huge new oil and gas fields are being discovered from the eastern Mediterranean to the coast of Brazil, from East Africa to Iran and Iraq, from Norway to the Caribbean.”


Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Dec 21, 2024 7:31 AM
Reply to  Penelope

if so then why do we steam oil out of sand… are they doing that to create the perception that we are running out – or maybe we are running out.

I know a number of people involved in the oil and gas industry … including engineers… and they have told me that most of the major fields are in steep decline… are they lying to me?

One oil and gas engineer who worked the North Sea for years… was recently telling me that the reserves are severely depleted… he has an investment property in Aberdeen that has collapsed in value … in line with the collapse of the north sea industry…

You can see the graph here of north sea production https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

Oh and NZ is collapsing because they are running out of gas… are you suggesting that is fake?

They sure are going to a lot of trouble to pretend there is a shortage



You have been played … when shale turns down off its current peak… you will die. As will everyone


Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Dec 21, 2024 3:48 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Did I mention the oil engineer from Aberdeen who confirms the North Sea is finished… and that because of this the value of his apartment in Aberdeen has crashed by over 30%

Feel free to believe oil and gas reserves are infinite…

Meanwhile we are steaming oil out of sand (have two cousins who work heavy machinery in Fort McMurray)… drilling many thousands of holes into old dead oil fields… dropping bombs down the holes to blow up the shale …and sucking up the dregs… oh did I mention we drill miles beneath the ocean for oil???

Sounds like desperate times to me…. of course all of this could be fake.


Dec 22, 2024 3:40 PM
Reply to  Penelope

It’s possible to have plenty of something yet still be running out of it. What I mean is, this concept of Peak Oil may be (deliberately?) misleading – but not quite in the way your sources suggest.

“Peak Oil” merely suggests there’s less than there was – how could it be otherwise? hydrocarbons renew themselves but only over great periods of time. The judgement was made that more has been extracted than remains – that does not say the supply has dwindled to where in a given number of years it will all be gone.

But (and I don’t see how anyone can argue this point) if energy is consumed at an ever accelerating pace, it will run out sooner rather than later. Besides which, the newly discovered gas fields (as off Gaza and off Haiti) may be deliberately overestimated. After all, it isn’t just energy companies which profit from oil and gas.

All the industries (like weapons production) which also profit from oil would be devastated if oil and gas really did begin running out. These industries would rapidly start to lose investors (i.e., speculators) if it were known that their days were numbered. So they have a huge stake in assuring would-be investors that oil and gas will go on forever.

Dec 21, 2024 2:06 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

How much of the news do you believe, and is this source any different?

Dec 20, 2024 11:59 PM

Jesus, I f’kin love you Sylvia Shawcross.. You write totally Brilliantly
totally the way I feel.

You write from the depths of your soul, You remind me more of my ex than my wife..She wrote love letters to me poetry – so did my other ex – though lost job – no money no cry – bye bye

I was now a free man, but it didn’t last long

She didn’t care, I had no money..She had a job – and could see I have a car and was applying for lots of jobs. She had just split up with both her boyfriends (one was her best friends really)

She invited me into her bedroom to ask me if i could fix her stylus, and I saw her record collection and it was even better than mine

I took her to see Black Sabbath fronted by Ronny James Dio, and held her tummy from behind at Leeds Queens Hall,,,took her home,…would you like to come with me to see Rush at Stafford Bingley Halls – its only about an hour down the M6 from Lancashire

And we both ran to the front totally entranced – still teenagers, – well nearly 24 and totally in love – there is so much more.

We got on. Still here . The amazing thing about my wife, is that she never sulks for more than one day or two….and she gets on with my Ex – they both love Hawkwind. Still occasionally meet.

Rush – 2112 – Temples of Syrinx – Live in Frankfurt”

Thomas Pickering
Thomas Pickering
Dec 20, 2024 10:31 PM

You should not call them Banksters. You should call them by their politically uncorrect name. Jews. And while you might not hate them, I certainly do. Not all of them. Just the ones that are doing evil.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 20, 2024 10:01 PM

Ahriman the Dragon.The Eastern manifestation of Satan, A flat screen idol fantasy world where your soul gets sucked in.comment image
“The Gates of Perception are wide Open. Connect your mind, connect your soul, connect your body, enter into the darkness of the simulation, enter the simulation……NOW.
Perception, Attraction, Devotion. Get into the darkness.
https://vkvideo.ru/video-213201358_456247537?t=21m51s&ref_domain=yastatic.net .

Dec 28, 2024 3:09 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Ahriman is NOT Satan nor a dragon – but has a “fiery serpent “aspect – as one manifestation of his Evil.


Zoroastrian here. Try not to make my religion cheap (like many are doing with Gnosticism, sadly).

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Dec 20, 2024 9:48 PM

As noted below, ‘Someone in the deep dark future will write a book about it all’

It’s all right here, baby !

Never been on that chatgpt (hey, tonite could be the nite !),

I’d say at the very least, you have a killer dystopian screen play multi-series book deal.

Enter the comments, screen out the noise, bingo !

Al, go, rhyme.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Dec 20, 2024 9:33 PM

I don’t think it’s fair to criticize as “vacuous” a dying woman’s wish for a final fleeting taste of fleshly satisfaction, the feeling of physical well-being that comes from being pampered, from someone else making an effort to help you look pretty

the condemned on Death Row after all are treated to a sumptuous last meal! is that shallow? should they rather spend their time praying or composing profound parting messages to the world they’re leaving behind?

sensual pleasures are scorned by sanctimonious moralists, and yet aren’t they divine gifts? why would a Creator endow us with this capacity for sensory delight, if not to bless us with joy during our brief sojourn on this earth? why not simply savor that joy while we’re here, instead of dreaming up ways to torture ourselves and each other?

Dec 21, 2024 10:16 AM

Why would a creator plan then implement it with absolute certainty that most of its creation spent an eternity in torment.

F*CK the, alleged, sensory delights.
F*CK the, alleged, creator.

Dec 22, 2024 3:46 PM

I don’t disagree with the sentiment you express – I see nothing wrong with a little vanity. However, the particular woman being pilloried in the essay has been hoarding money in order to indulge her vanity for a very long time. There is, I think, something wrong with that attitude.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Dec 20, 2024 9:20 PM

“someone will write the book that explains it all” about our effed up world of today, after many centuries?

maybe! but maybe not

look at contemporary history’s analysis of past eras, the Middle Ages, ancient Greece and Rome

there’s no consensus, there’s no one correct explanation

partly this is logical, since many valid interpretations of complex phenomena are possible, departing from different methodological points of attack

partly though it’s ideological, since history has always been written mostly by those who seek to glorify their own status and political program at the particular moment which they themselves are living through

anyway it’s almost certain that future generations will be free of a lot of the ridiculous intellectual baggage we are burdened with, constraining us to frame what we see around us in terms of the same old stale, conventional patterns we’ve been force fed a thousand times

unfortunately, those new generations will also certainly have their own equally absurd cognitive blinders, which they though will take pride in as the dernier cri of enlightenment

Fred Kanther
Fred Kanther
Dec 20, 2024 8:06 PM

As is becoming increasingly obvious, Trump’s election promises are not worth the paper they are written on. There is no longer any talk of the military deporting millions of intruders, as was the case at the beginning of the year, and Trump also ultimately wants to keep the “Dreamers” in the country. https://odysee.com/@gtk:4/WR114:9

In a recent tweet, his “minister” Musk even explicitly invited “highly motivated and well-educated” immigrants to America, saying it should be made easier. The trick, as everywhere in the West, is now to simply re-label all illegals as legal. This has at least removed them from the all-too-ugly statistics, if not from the increasingly obvious street scene.

And of course Musk’s pseudo-provocative “Only the AfD can save Germany” is more hot air than the truth. As a member of his cabinet, he himself knows best what his peers, the “populist” faction, are willing and able to achieve. At least not to fulfill the fueled and seduced will of the voters.


Neither Trump nor the AfD will save anything but, as someone aptly remarked, act as an “overpressure valve” to delay and prolong the West’s unbearable decline. Trump’s Jewish financiers knew, of course, that it was necessary to accept his lurid slogans in order to take a significant step towards their main goal of creating Greater Israel through his appointment.

Has the “Out of Africa” theory, which is supposed to make us believe that we are all descended from “Mother Africa”, now been sufficiently refuted? Perhaps long ago, but this will certainly not meet with the approval of the MSM – that is, the predominantly Jewish and left-liberal led media houses – when it comes to publication. https://linkmix.co/32170346

Dec 20, 2024 7:47 PM

When you live as a prostitute to money there can be no dignity nor love nor trust nor truth. But such things cannot be told to those who would have their hair done on their deathbed I suppose. Even then. And so I tell that story to explain why I cannot ultimately hate the Banksters.

comment image

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 20, 2024 10:10 PM
Reply to  entitlement

Bullet, bomb and Poor People proof.

Dec 20, 2024 7:12 PM

Drones you say? There’s always a reason when the MSM are pushing nonsense…


In other news, when the great financial crash comes, nobody but insiders will get any early warning…

Identities of Shadow Banks That Use New BOE [bailout] Tool to Remain Secret
(not just “shadow banks” either, they’ll let hedge funds, and insurance co’s get bail outs too) and since they have to use gilts as collateral, it becomes a circular bailout economy to bail the gov out. Nice work if you can get it!


Dec 20, 2024 4:14 PM

One of the New Jersey drones flew over Judge Napolitano’s New Jersey farm. He called his state police or something and they sent up a helicopter – but they said they couldn’t shoot it down because the sky was Federal jurisdiction.

Also, this just in: there could be a US government shutdown (Yay!) at 12:01 A.M. December 21st. Boy do they love their Winter Solstice!

Dec 21, 2024 7:51 AM
Reply to  Howard

Almost every year they dance this shutdown over government funding dog and pony show, and every year all the amnesiac idiots get all upset about how the sky is going to fall, as if this is the first time it ever happened. Then somehow it goes away. Until next year.

Dec 21, 2024 6:57 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yes, exactly. The Establishment mass-media, from (inter)national to local, pounces on this recurring farce as if it were on the Titanic howling about an iceberg looming out of the fog, directly ahead while the mighty ship inches closer to certain doom. 🚢 🧊

High-order hysteria and sensationalism erupts as pearl-clutching infogandists inform us about the Elected Misrepresentatives– the nation’s Grownups– frantically negotiating to rescue the floundering government from “running out of money”.

There’s also strident hue and cry over the intolerable consequences should the budget not be passed in time. Catastrophe on the scale of the various genocides and quasi-genocides upon which US foreign policy is built?

Well, no. Mostly it’s that federal civilian (civil service) employees won’t be paid– presumably they all live from paycheck to paycheck, and a delayed payday means eviction, starvation, and/or death.

Yes, this manic mass-media St. Vitus dance has more legs than a millipede, climaxing in breathless eleventh-hour updates about various hasty compromises being rejected.

When the ship of state is only inches away from financial annihilation, the anxiety-ridden We the People are finally informed of the joyous news that the Elected Misrepresentatives have reached an agreement to resolve the crisis.

Whew! A massive collective sigh of relief. Our Elected Misrepresentatives came through, and didn’t let us down after all.

Just as you say, it’s the same… thing… every… time. They could run the same “team coverage”, and simply overdub a few necessary changes, e.g. names and dates, to keep it fresh.

In the spirit of the season, I can only conclude with “Bah! Humbug!” 😠 💰 💵 💸

Dec 22, 2024 3:49 PM
Reply to  Edwige

True, but I don’t remember it ever happening in December. It’s always tied to the government’s fiscal year – which runs from October 1st to the following September 30th.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 20, 2024 3:00 PM

The drone thing is weird.

We were definately due a new show.

I know this for a fact as my wife has been ill with a deep, dry cough. She saw a doctor in the first week and it got bad enough to see our own doctor four weeks later.

Our doctor is very thorough and gave her a good going over and admitted she was stumped and had no suggestions so put my wife on a course of steroids.

Neither doctor mentioned covid. Not once.

So, covid is done, expired, gone to meet it’s maker (if only)

Covid is an ex-psyop.

Aliens next, then ? Or maybe not.

What if they got all the alien stuff out like my dad used to do on November 5th- a big box with all the fireworks in it and somebody dropped the equivalent of a lit match in the box !

The show’s over but they’ve spent all that money. What to do ?

What was to become Bluebeam has become a farce and they’re desperately trying to spin a story around it.

Drop the aliens – and the curtain.

Dec 20, 2024 7:50 PM

Our doctor is very thorough and gave her a good going over

Leave your private life away from the comment board please
your starting to sound like tony. ;0)

BTw there is a serious chest lung thing going around.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 20, 2024 8:53 PM
Reply to  entitlement


I think that’s why she went straight for steroids.

Four days in noticable improvement.

If only I were worthy of touching the hem of Tony’s coat tails.

Dec 21, 2024 5:28 AM

Tony wears a cloak and laced sandals.

Dec 21, 2024 5:26 AM

Rwanda purportedly just recovered from a Marburg epidemic. If “covid” can come once, temporarily taking the place of flu, it can come again.

Dec 21, 2024 2:16 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Rwanda is seriously spooky.

Dec 20, 2024 10:51 AM

“How in the hell, e.g. did Canada, known for peace-keeping and civility suddenly end up on Russia’s enemy list?”

Well, Ms. Shawcross’ co-national Yves Engler has a lot to say in print and podcast about what the peace-keeping and civility has ever been worth. It hinges on the meaning of “known for”, given that the legacy media did not start lying only in 2020.

Then there is the story of the ex-radical, now sadly turned vaxxtard Chomsky. He once met a Canadian interviewer who got very irate when Chomsky started to talk some truth about the former Canadian PM Lester Pearson.

At bottom. the USA has various vassals that have always been useful as cut-outs, as plausible-deniable intermediaries. Canada is one, Australia is another: in 1973, Aust, intelligence worked for the USA in Chile ahead of the Pinochet putsch against Allende without the Aust Labour PM Whitlam even knowing about it.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Dec 20, 2024 9:08 PM
Reply to  Jenner

Canada’s complicity in the sodomizing Haiti is particularly egregious

Dec 20, 2024 10:44 AM

George Mac ?
Are you there?

Here’s a Chrissy gift for you.


This person will self destruct in 30 seconds.

We hope.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 20, 2024 1:13 PM
Reply to  Johnny

An excellent summation of the trans phenomenon. No content. No argument. No connection whatsoever with anything in the actual real world. Just psychotic chanting that attempts to replicate itself. Well according to one theological view, the devil is the Prince of lies and the Lord of illusion. And here that is confirmed.

Dec 20, 2024 10:34 AM

Flower Duet, minus fancy dress:

Dec 20, 2024 7:48 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Why are they dressed like slobs? Just sayin’

Dec 21, 2024 2:21 PM
Reply to  Edwige

That’s just the rehearsal, the performance would blow up your computer.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 20, 2024 10:49 PM
Reply to  Johnny


Dec 20, 2024 9:55 AM

The Flower Duet, sublime:


Thanks Sylvia.🎄

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Dec 20, 2024 9:46 AM

The egomaniacal super-rich mRNA bioweapons mass murdering war pigs are in for a huge surprise when their souls/spirits find out money is useless at the Pearly Gates.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 20, 2024 2:25 PM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo


Dec 20, 2024 4:09 PM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

I’m not so sure of that. Would the “God” who consigns the poor to lives of misery and lets them be used for cannon fodder and organ trafficking really turn away the super rich? It is indeed a puzzlement.

Dec 22, 2024 10:53 AM
Reply to  Howard

My fears entirely,a very good comment.

Dec 21, 2024 5:32 AM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Jabs administered involuntarily will send them there soon.

Dec 20, 2024 8:16 AM
Ann in Oregon
Ann in Oregon
Dec 20, 2024 5:18 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Thanks so much for the link.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 20, 2024 10:48 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Interesting the ancient Indian, Hindu and Tibetanian priests and munks made their stories and predictions around CE Christ and BCE Christ……………………LOL.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Dec 21, 2024 11:05 AM
Reply to  Duckman

Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky both claimed to have channelled the same ascended master. Funny that these two never channelled messages from Billy the chimney sweep.

Bailey set up the Lucifer Publishing Company later renamed the Lucis Trust which is enshrined at the United Nations.

Whatever is being planned will be scripted to fit the return of their (believed) god Lucifer, the fallen angel, the bringer of light or whatever other name they are calling him.

The Maitreya Christ (world teacher) is expected to return or appear by them and could be their Lucifer. It also helps explain the New Age movement’s (a construct of the controllers) cult obsession with – also promoted by prominent alt-media talking heads – of the idea of the ‘Christ consciousness’.



Whichever scripted route they take to achieve it, they are looking for a way to unite the religions and create the One World Religion.

Dec 28, 2024 3:24 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Are they (the theosophists) wrong for wanting a world religion? Are they wrong for looking for a new Messiah of peace? Do you prefer the biblical Messiah (that will come with the Apocalypse)?

And it’s important to mention: this is not the first attempt of doing so… In case you don’t know, the word Catholic means “universal” – and for centuries the main obsession of Christians was to spread their prophet’s word across the world (sometimes using nice words, and very often using swords).

It’s more likely this effort to bring a “world religion” will destroy religion totally – and we will see ourselves worshipping the machines that are slaving us, leading humanity towards a singularity, merging bodies and brains with the artificial imperative. AI is the “consciousness” I see taking over, not Christ!