The Season for Living

Sinéad Murphy

In October 2020, Bob Moran published a cartoon privately on social media. Bob was still employed by The Telegraph newspaper, though he would soon be sacked from this position.

Bob’s cartoon was of an old man and woman on a hill, overlooking rolling fields and a nestled homestead. It was titled ‘Never surrender your right to be with the people you love.’

The following year, Bob published a variation on his cartoon. This time, the fields are covered in snow and the man and woman stand closer to one another. The title was still ‘Never surrender your right to be with the people you love.’

Bob’s reputation for righteous resistance to Covid restrictions grew on the back of a #bobmorangetsit hashtag. And so Bob Moran did get it – the fulsome outlines of his first freelance cartoon cut through the amassing complexities of Covid messaging with a statement of searing simplicity: there are people and places that are of you and for you, always.

Pictures do not speak a thousand words. Their force derives from their not speaking any words at all. Words anaesthetize. We take them or leave them. We are not touched by them, or only rarely. And they betray us.

Bob’s picture of the man and woman on a hill is denounced by the words beneath it. This old couple are not defending their right to be with one another. They simply are with one another – standing their ground because they are rooted there.

When we defend our right to a fundamental good, we diminish it. We admit as possible what ought to be impossible and thereby concede an essential point.

Once being with those you love is made a right of life, it ceases to be a way of life. What had been organic becomes engineered; what had been unwitting becomes knowing. An overlay of cynicism obscures the innocence.

This cynicism dissolves horizons of possibility by relativizing what lies within them, creating scarcity where there had been plenty. Being with the people you love acquires a new limit even if your energies are spent in resisting that limit.

Cynicism talks about that for which there had been no words. No matter what side it talks for, it fills what had been silence with words that are shared by all sides of the debate and that are therefore as likely as not to turn on those who use them.

‘Plastic words,’ Uve Pörksen called them, which dispel the unspokenness of what is shared among people – what goes without saying – with talk that is no less destructive of communities for its having the atmosphere of considered objectivity.

‘Rights’ is now such a plastic word, ready for cooption by any perspective on any issue, conferring solemnity on the most trivial arguments and equivocality on the most vital, outing the inconspicuous fundaments of ways of life so as to render explicit what can only be implicit.
The man and woman in Bob’s cartoon have no words for being with one another in their world because being with one another in their world is not up for discussion.

Bob depicts this with a directness that no words could achieve – by the unerring modesty of his lines, by the few elements of his composition, and by the unelaborated affinity between the curves of the woman’s back and the undulation of hills below and between the wisps of the man’s hair and the scatter of clouds above.

This man and woman fit with one another in their world as pieces in a human jigsaw. There is no other place and no other way for them. They are enchanting because they are enchanted.

The words beneath them break the spell as words are wont to do. We may agree with them, we may repeat them; but thereafter is only disenchantment.

You can always tell this disenchantment, however righteous may be the cause it would support. It is dogged by fear and fervour – two emotions that will abound this Christmas, now sadly a festival of disenchantment.

The fear stems from our latent sense that we have already given ground, that we have cut ties with the great counterforce of impossibility that sustains the man and woman in Bob’s cartoon, and the men and women in all ways of life. That we are not really with the people we love. That we must protest what can only be lived.

A low-hanging, mostly object-less anxiety overshadows our nervous talk, about next year when things will be as they should be or about this year when things will have been as they should be.

Meanwhile, we are prone to peaks of fervour, awash with relief at every half-instance of seeming-being with the people we love, heralding fleeting simulations of belonging as if we have just been saved. We laugh with our mouths wide open. And talk too loudly when it is our turn to shine. And slump to inertia when the limelight moves on.

As we lurch between vexation at what is not and euphoria at what is for a moment, we are pursued and in pursuit. Until the feast of fear and fervour is done with for another year.

The couple in Bob’s cartoon do not feel fear or fervour. Their Christmas will be right. Because their Christmas will be.

Perhaps we look down upon them, even as we are charmed. Their assurance lacks the sophistication of our ambivalence, for which only words suffice.

Ah bless, we say, as we turn from their scene of consolation to resume our battle in the real world.

Yet, in Bob’s picture of the old man and woman is represented the most realistic of all battle plans: lived resistance.

We may say what we like, but if we do not buy our food from farm shops, and pay people with cash, and throw out our ‘smart’ devices, and teach our own children to be good and true, we will have lost our way – our way to eat, our way to trade, our way to interact, our way to hope.

And when we have lost our way, we will have only words – the plastic pillar words of ‘health,’ ‘value,’ ‘contact,’ ‘future’ – which we may bandy about to our heart’s content and little effect.

It does not matter much what words we use. The furore about online censorhip and hate speech, the proliferation of pronouns and invented designators: all of that is mostly distraction, or temptation to use more words.

The more words we use, the fewer ways we live. And living is the thing.

A muted thing, admittedly – standing determinedly at the unmanned checkout, waiting for a man to man it, is an obscure kind of fight. Hardly like the barricades at all.

But how much the cosier! There is snugness in a small space that keeps cold and dark outside. So long, of course, as it can keep cold and dark outside.

Bob’s second version of his cartoon expresses this so well. The winds are biting now. The hills, laden with snow. But the distant farmhouse is all the more inviting, all the more a haven for its being a fortress against inclemency. And the old man and woman fit together all the tighter.

A merry chat at the human checkout is the merrier for its being surrounded by the leadenness of robotic exchanges. The human spirit appears to greatest advantage in an environment otherwise bereft.

And if a merry chat cannot be amplified on the platforms that broadcast our plastic words, all the better! Those platforms are company platforms; we use them by others’ leave.

When we live we make our own platform, chatting happily, smiling pleasurably, all the while drawing in those who stare with yearning. Humanity grows more tantalizing as inhumanity lays siege.

There is a happiness that only comes from keeping menace at bay.

It is what has made Christmas so joyous – a festival of warmth and light reclaimed from the frost and the night. A hearth of all things human, with wind and rain out of doors.

A good template, then. Truly the season for living.

And for giving. Bob Moran has published his first book of cartoons, Bob: 2020-2024. A fine restorative this Christmas for anyone keeping Empire at bay.

Sinéad Murphy is author of Effective History (2010), The Art Kettle (2012), and Zombie University (2017), and co-editor of Pandemic Response and the Cost of Lockdowns (2022). Her latest book, ASD: Autistic Society Disorder (2024), is now available.


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Dec 23, 2024 8:35 PM

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Dec 24, 2024 10:51 AM
Reply to  proxi

Thank you proxi. Merry Christmas & happy holidays.

Dec 23, 2024 6:57 PM

Don’t trust the source – but it’s the only thing I’ve seen in a while that’s considered this issue:

BTW if the media reports that Trump is going to continue supporting Ukraine “conditional” on European countries increasing defence spending to 5% of GDP are true then this will be the quickest betrayal in history. So much for ending the war in a day….

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 27, 2024 2:12 AM
Reply to  Edwige

“I never promised you a Rose garden”, https://youtu.be/KXHsWBKKNbI

Dec 23, 2024 4:50 PM

True, the term “Right” is all wrong. Implicit in it is a philosophical treatise. And locked within that treatise as a secret code that no matter how hard you rattle it you cannot dislodge it is the antithesis of “Right”: Permission.

This is the Existential expression of living. If you have to ask, you can’t afford it. If you have to ask to be with those you love, clearly you have no “right” to be with them. If you do have a “right” to be with them, permission is always implicit – you’re telling the world “You must permit this!”

The ultimate expression of the permission dynamic is Oedipus Rex. So great was the perceived need to thwart all permission that Oedipus was entirely removed to another place – which of course precipitated the very thing for which permission was categorically denied.

Right and permission are two sides of the same coin.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Dec 23, 2024 1:20 PM

Freedom of association is not a right at the body level – which operates within the realm of shaped, inhibited or ruled behaviours.
My freedom to extend this message to you is within a rule-set of communication technology by which some facets of communication are coded for exchange of information as given meaning by shared -or mutually aligned purpose.

The body and by extension our world – is a framework of limitations that are set by the use-meanings we assign it.
The body and mind as transparency to communion with All That Is – is discarded or rendered background to the focus on and in limited selections or judgements – acted out on the body and on the bodies of others …the body of the world.

The meaning we give to our relationship(s) is all the meaning we receive. But the wish to see ourself unfairly treated runs the escape clause for a self-image – a conception and perception of self given protection as Self.
“You made me thus!”
Here is a dissonance assigned to a past set in anger, proven by dissonance and limitation – targeted in accusation as an appeal to mitigation of guilt and justification of attack.
That such a pattern can be masked in forms of socially accepted modes of communication and behaviour is not to escape the fact of its operation, but it does run as the ‘scaping of blame, guilt and invalidation or denial to the body, to the other or the bodies of others, to the world of projected ‘motives’ and to the Creator or Source-Nature of our true existence.

Invested ‘identity’ will defend its treasure – or invested value – as Self – until the investment is re-evaluated in terms of cost and benefit to who you are accepting to be, now.

Freedom of association applies to the ideas, definitions and beliefs that we accept as real or true for who we choose to be. The nature of deep habits can seem to deny freedom as the ‘learned identity-adaptation we take as ‘our life’. Hence any fresh perspective of worth and value lived and shared can be ‘lost’ to habits that are not recognised as choices – but as a variation on “You made me thus!”

The symbol of the birth of the Christ is of a wholeness and holiness of being. But the resonance of any such meaning is to who and what we are, not to the self-imaging of demands or dictates of a world framed in threat, treachery and betrayal.
Each instant of existence is itself whole and new – and yet our mind’s eye is trained to a past made in anger – for who does not uncover;
“I Want it Thus!”
in the pain and loss of dis-appointment?

Freedom to become what we are NOT – is only in concept and image – of mutual agreements by which to then (mis)create IN our own image as a ‘private creation’

But freedom to be what we Are – is an already ‘given’ excepting now we have to choose to accept truth in context of vested self-illusion.

I note that the vested self-illusion cannot ONLY ‘choose’ in its own image – and so the basis for free will must rise from our true Nature as a spark of willingness that reaches beyond a ‘conditioned mind control’.

The rising of a free awareness as a mind renewed is of itself, yet waits on welcome, for truth can not coerce or attack its own, and so does not join or support the split-mind of conflicted ‘wills’ and self-contradictions.

But Is our integral support for freedom to create, think, value, focus and share in being.

Dec 23, 2024 12:56 PM



painting for £45.000

The cheapest is £1500

He has over 5 million pounds at least of painting advertised.

He is sold as some down and out, poor person being bullied by the establishment whilst working for intelligent operatives The Telegraph.

That some marketing sob story.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 23, 2024 5:38 PM
Reply to  entitlement

And has anyone bought these paintings yet? Obviously not since they are still being advertised. And in any case, he will have been deprived of his regular income. So he has to try and store away as much as possible just to cover daily living expenses. The chances are that with whatever he can sell, he still won’t be making as much in terms of covering regular costs as someone like myself in a council job.

Dec 24, 2024 3:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

He is on been on every different ALT podcast selling his sod story for 3 years solid and most ALT blog have sold his sympathy story with links to the over priced grift website.
That a massive marketing grift.
I have happily donated to OG and I would not buy a painting for £1500 which is his cheapest painting and he does sell them as the mugs in the movement would buy it.

Moran is taking the piss out of the alternative crowd George,

Bob the rob worked for the evil Torygraph and most of the time they only employ army, navy, GcHQ intelligence employees.

Mr or Miss normal could not work for theses media outfits overwise.

wise up.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Dec 23, 2024 8:27 PM
Reply to  entitlement

In every single one of your now outed six multi-ID guises you call anyone and everyone a shill with little to no evidence.

In this case a man who has a disabled daughter with cerebral palsy and epilepsy who at the time was only eight years old in September 2021 when he got fired by The Telegraph. That happened after a campaign by Dr Rachael Clarke to get him fired knowing that he had a disabled daughter. Yet, Clarke’s own backstory sounds like that of an intel asset.

He raised the prices of his paintings after selling some of the original artwork for only hundreds of pounds when he started selling them after being fired by the Telegraph. Cheap for original art. At least his art is a potential investment and is something to enjoy looking at.

So what if he can sell them for more now? Good luck to him.

If people want to pay more they can, those who don’t want to pay those prices don’t have to buy the originals or can buy the prints cheaply instead.

Care for a disabled child like that does not come cheap if good care is unavailable on the NHS. No insurance company will cover a disabled child for private treatment either.

You just come across as envious of anyone who isn’t living on the street in a cardboard box.

Dec 24, 2024 5:08 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

In the “developed” world, every child must get multiple jab doses of multiple untested potions from the day of birth. Or it will be be barred from other medical care, childcare centres and school. If it dies as an infant of “SIDS” – just suppressed breathing – the family has some closure. If the jabs maim it mentally or physically – especially from multiple potions at the same time – tough luck in the Free Market™.

Dec 24, 2024 3:50 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

In every single one of your now outed six multi-ID guises you call anyone and everyone a shill with little to no evidence.

Like you.

45.000£ a painting is taking the piss.
he had a contract with the intelligent outfit The torygraph and broke it.
He gained sympathy through the christian alt media.
Moran is a scam artist and anyone silly enough to buy a painting for 45.000k is idiot.
Disabled children in the U.K are all allowed benefits even if the parents work.
Using the disabled children thing ed or your point being or tom (you different handles) is the type of thing scammers do to justify the story needed to sell the grift.

You just come across as envious of anyone who isn’t living on the street in a cardboard box.

Says the sad little rolling rok man on the forum who checks for spelling mistakes to see if the person/s is some baddie as your a little forum weirdo. Ed Ernes, your point being.

at £45.000 a shit painting that some hardship story.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Dec 24, 2024 5:20 PM
Reply to  entitlement

You are clearly mentally ill, needing 6 confirmed or possibly 8 different IDs to comment on this one website. Who the fuck does that, pretending to be so many different people at the same time? Schizophrenic or bi-polar or just out to create trouble.

You have never donated to OffG. What a joke – outright lying so that admin does not premod these last IDs of yours.

Why would you donate when every single comment is a verbal attack on the site?

You clearly resent anyone anyone getting anything unless it is for yourself. Ask Todd H for a free consultation, after all you wouldn’t pay for a session and you obviously need one.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Dec 24, 2024 8:41 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

What other IDs do you think this person is using? If you’re correct that he’s trolling then engaging with him is probably counterproductive.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Dec 25, 2024 8:58 PM
Dec 23, 2024 9:43 AM

You have precisely those rights and only those rights that you are prepared to fight and defend to the death and that includes the death of those monsters that are trying their damdest to enslave you. A happy Christmas to men of peace and goodwill.

Linh Dinh’s “Postcards from the end…….


Dec 24, 2024 10:54 AM
Reply to  Martillo

Thoughts and prayers to those on the front lines of abuse and resistance.

Dec 23, 2024 6:58 AM

Bravo!!, that was a wonderful article.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 23, 2024 6:54 AM

“The classic American novel Of Mice and Men will no longer be studied at GCSE in Wales from next September due to concerns about racism and the use of racial slurs.” (BBC News)

This vile novel caused black kids to instantly die of shock, sped up climate change, and initiated a new wave of covid. Trans kids were also traumatised by the improper use of pronouns and the lack of graphic descriptions of buggery. Entire schools had to be shut down and the economy plummeted.

Dec 23, 2024 4:34 AM

And if a merry chat cannot be amplified on the platforms that broadcast our plastic words, all the better!”

Sinéad Murphy is author of Effective History (2010), The Art Kettle (2012), and Zombie University

Thanks for your essay, but from my perception, you have not written anything personal about yourself. You have not expressed any personal emotion about love or loss. Maybie it was the Zombie University. At least I have a theory developed with my friend Paul when we were 16 studying maths,physics,chemistry,further maths, both to shy to say much to the most beautiful girl in college

TIME is Not Linear 0 to Infinity. TIME is Cyclic. When you are dead you have no perception of time. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. Eventually even with random chaos, after death, it is entirely possible you will not go to heaven, hell or purgatory and if you did you would have no awareness of it – big fat nothing zero.

Alternatively you may become aware of the beat of your mother’s heart, and your own, and sucking your thumb in your mothers womb – maybe the sounds of children outside your mothers womb

You then get born, as if for the first time, but there was no first time. Time is cyclic, It always seems like the first time, but you have always done this, and you always will.

Dec 23, 2024 3:38 AM

Almost all Religious and Political Leaders across the World are Full of It.

Do you honestly think they give a shit about anyone else but themselves?

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Dec 23, 2024 1:58 AM

Words mis-understood are deadly.

It behooves us to learn the true meanings of them including their source and history, their etymology.

Human Rights are important. Though they are inalienable they are not to be taken for granted, as there are those who consider it their “privilege” not to grant them. And sometimes they have guns, cages, or other barbaric forms of “one-way communication”, that mis-appropriately get applied to the innocent.

Those who would love to destroy us would relish destroying our language, our culture, our education, our health, our happiness, our values, our rights, our freedoms. Don’t let them.

We live in a world where the meanings of words are twisted, and defense becomes offense, peace becomes war, national security becomes insecurity and mental health becomes mental sickness. There are as many examples as there are mal-intended people.

Don’t let important words like rights, peace, love, intelligence, security, health, science, etc. be stolen from us due to mis-use or corruption, or even mis-understanding.

Understanding keeps us civilized.

The best guarantor of our rights is to learn them, and apply constant vigilance and persistence towards their security of acquisition and protection. Learn what they are. I highly recommend the youth version of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is available in film form showing the 30 articles in simplified form.

Dec 24, 2024 5:12 AM

Propaganda – political, academic, commercial, etc. – exists to undermine our understanding.

Dec 23, 2024 1:14 AM

Its easy to write stories, when almost all of is true, like the birth of Jesus Christ, in a Stable in Bethlehem – for a Census for when Palestine was controlled by Romans ( you can’t blame us British for that ) There would have been loads of young people some maybe 12 years old, who were virgins. Think of the science, like boys and girls are now (do you remember sleepovers) cuddle together and have wet dreams in your sleep?

Fluid Leaks – how would you know??

Oh My God, Mary is Pregnant.

Mary Virgin 13 Pregnant Now Giving Birth in Bethleham

“Aramaic is best known as the language Jesus spoke. It is a Semitic language originating in the middle Euphrates. In 800-600 BC it spread from there to Syria and Mesopotamia.”

maryam aleadhra' 13 hamlaan alan talid fi bayt lahm
Dec 24, 2024 1:23 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem was foretold by the prophet Micah, “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.” (Micah 5:2)

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 27, 2024 8:14 PM
Reply to  Lexie

2 But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come forth for Me One to be ruler over Israel— One whose origins are of old, from the days of eternity.

Notice “from the days of eternity”. Meaning from the days where people lived eternally, forever, didnt die.

If we look after cross references, the consistency is amazing.

Dec 22, 2024 11:57 PM

It is sad that majority were and will be so willing to accept tyranny, people died alone and were not even allowed to grieve.

A reminder.

“ grieving son was stopped from comforting his heartbroken mum at his dad’s funeral because of strict coronavirus rules.

Craig Bicknell, from Milton Keynes, moved his chair to comfort his mum during the service when a worker at the crematorium told him “move the chairs back”.

Kieran Telo
Kieran Telo
Dec 22, 2024 11:48 PM

Marvellous as always by Sinead. Am longish time admirer of her writing since Zombie University.

Don Alfonso
Don Alfonso
Dec 22, 2024 11:46 PM

It should also be added that Zitelmann fails to mention that the so-called “Weimar Republic” was, of course, a typically capitalist society. The “market” naturally also included child prostitutes and all kinds of “freely available” perversions. In the Weimar Republic, the so-called “democracy”, more people took their own lives every year than ever before.

It was a totally degenerate state with characteristically weak politicians, just like we have today. And it was not for nothing that the so-called Federal Republic (fragmented into federal states, never to form a unity again), a state formed according to Anglo-American specifications, adopted the state flag of the Weimar Republic and not that of the German Empire.

This is the capitalist system that Zitelmann & Co are touting as a panacea. Just like the migrant workers in China. Compare this with Hitler’s Germany. Of course, in Zitelmann’s “welfare state” democracy, the poorest people today have more than they did back then due to technological developments, but this is still not enough to live or die on.

They are and remain consumers of cheap products and mass-produced goods, not of quality. It is more worthwhile to remain unemployed than to have to take on three jobs at the same time in order to make ends meet, especially in the low-wage segment. Of course, high finance parasitizes less on those who own nothing at all than on the hard-working middle class.


What Zitelmann also deliberately fails to mention (unless he really is as stupid as he appears to be) is that Anglo-American “capitalism” (and this is not a market economy in the proper sense of the word, but money multiplication) is a system of speculation. What is there in America, apart from Silicon Valley, that deserves to be called export-ready quality a la “Made in Germany” and is in demand all over the world? Nothing except the software industry!


les online
les online
Dec 22, 2024 11:38 PM

A Freudian once remarked that people like pictures of rounded hills
because they (unconsciously) remind them of their mother’s breasts
when they were young sucklings…
The two hills on the right are suggestive of boobs, but given the curly
hairy stuff about their tops they’re not female’s, but male’s, or maybe
a tranny’s (?) boobs…

Dec 23, 2024 7:28 PM
Reply to  les online

Hmm, back in the olden days (1980s) I worked in one of Pennsylvania’s long-gone unemployment offices, when claimants reported once a week to literally sign pay orders (IBM punch cards) for benefits.

The first summer, I was surprised, and frankly aghast 😖, to discover that some women wearing low-cut tops appeared to have noticeable, sometimes luxuriant, chest hair sprouting from their cleavage. That, and thickly powdering the area in a manner that evoked floured dumplings. 🥟 🥟

Gender-bending existed, but had not become a front-burner issue. The hairy-chested women were typically older, but otherwise physically unremarkable. 

My family is of Italian descent, and for better or worse Italian/Mediterranean women with facial hair is a stereotype and a boon for supercilious sniggerers. But none of my female relatives had chest hair; moreover, although my direct observations were necessarily severely limited, I never overheard any furtive mention of coping with unseemly chest hair, the way I vicariously learned about grooming methods for controlling and removing facial hair.

So in recent years, I occasionally wonder whether this phenomenon was peculiar to our clientele.  🪮 🤔

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 27, 2024 8:26 PM
Reply to  Ort

Thank you Ort for these described in details matters of south Italian women’s chest hair.

Dec 29, 2024 3:58 PM
Reply to  Ort

Thank you for this as among the few comments in the Oft-Guardian [sic] that I can actually understand. But ah, you’re not of the Anglo-Saxon clan who’re so inclined towards writing cryptic cross puzzle clues for comments. And btw, a Greek once told me that it’s easy to tell who the mother-in-law is at a Greek wedding. She being the one with the moustache.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 27, 2024 8:23 PM
Reply to  les online

Nope. Its obviously women’s bush which are shown all over the landscape when you are looking down from the breasts. Fixed.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Dec 22, 2024 9:59 PM

Yes, action or simply being speak louder than any words. However, we are the only species endowed with the ability to communicate in language, in addition to doing so with gestures, a smile and other actions. So why not use it? Is it cynical or defensive to state our position in words? Perhaps it could help others, no matter their philosophical position, to understand the speaker’s position better, rather than us just getting on with our lives.

And just how far would one have gotten when attempting to visit a loved one in an aged care facility during lockdown? I know of two people who lost their jobs because they refused the Covid jabs. They made their point but how could they have just gotten on with their lives without plenty of reserves in their bank account? (Note: Even this may soon fall by the wayside with the planned digital ID and CBDCs).

I believe in the power of art, for sure, and oftentimes words are not necessary there. But would Bob Moran’s beautiful, serene painting have been able to capture humanity’s hearts without that byline underneath?

I think despite the many valid points you have made in this article, our words, especially our ‘plastic’ words sent out by the trillions across the internet on corporate platforms, have helped so many people open their eyes to the tyranny that lay behind the truly plastic concern for our health with those “safe & effectives” and the accompanying unhealthy mandated measures.

But, as you suggest, a (n unmasked) merry chat with a real human being can be be a revolutionary act amid a crowd of obediently gloomy and doomed people. We can use both our own person-to-person platform and use their platforms against them to express our peaceful resistance.

Dec 24, 2024 5:17 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Partly, the “pandemic” was to drain personal reserves of money, and to put those eking a living (the galley slaves) in their places.

les online
les online
Dec 22, 2024 8:43 PM

Michael Leunig, long time political cartoonist, died late last week.
He was sacked from his job with a major Australian noosepaper,
not long after the start of the ‘covid’ psyop because his cartoons
questioned and ridiculed the ‘covid’ narrative…

‘The Two of Us’. Jackie Trent & Tony Hatch (3″09):

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Dec 22, 2024 10:19 PM
Reply to  les online

Oh, that’s news to me. My favourite Australian cartoonist, may he reincarnate as a wise duck.

Here are some examples of his work:

comment image

comment image

comment image

comment image

les online
les online
Dec 22, 2024 11:28 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

My Favourite: ‘The Plodder” – a series of six panels of a person
rushing past The Plodder, offering advice, and getting a response
“You’ll get left behind !” – “How wonderful”
“you’ll miss out !” – “How lovely”
“You wont achieve your personal best !” – “How enjoyable”
“You wont be influential !” – “How true”
“You wont be attractive ! You wont be clever !” – “How divine”
“You wont know what’s happening !” – “How peaceful.”

Dec 23, 2024 4:48 AM
Reply to  les online

All counter to direct and indirect political and commercial propaganda, i.e., taboo.

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 23, 2024 9:26 PM
Reply to  les online

What a loss for Australia. He is/was our “National Treasure”. I am sad to hear of Leunig’s passing.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 27, 2024 8:31 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Dont worry. You still have the Kanguru.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Dec 22, 2024 8:38 PM

It’s not easy being a resistor in a world of obedients, apathetics, and outright idiots. Sometimes you walk around like you’re in a zombie movie and feel like you’re surrounded while searching helplessly for another resistor. Every now and then you find one and it feels refreshing, like a meeting between truth and hope. Then you turn around and see the obedients surrounding you again and know it’s going to take something special and amazing to create a real and lasting resistance.

Kieran Telo
Kieran Telo
Dec 22, 2024 11:52 PM

I’m sure other people will look at me as a zombie of a kind. And they won’t be wrong, necessarily

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 27, 2024 8:33 PM
Reply to  Kieran Telo

But you are happy and that is what is important.

les online
les online
Dec 22, 2024 8:27 PM

Yesterday i read two posts which mentioned the drug “Captagon”…
Both, in their way, claimed the drug ‘is popular with jihadi fighters
and in nightclubs all over the Middle East.’ (That go-to propaganda
spreading site, Wikipedia, also claims the same, almost word-for-word)…
The claim was also made that Assad (aka – Syria) made the drug and
earned $10 billion a year from it…
Now i’d not ever heard of the drug, nor the claim made about Assad
(aka – Syria) making tons of money from it, and am wondering why not…
Surely such claims would have been central to all msm propaganda
against Assad (aka – Syria) ?
And what about Alt Media ?
It’s pretty good at being a vehicle for spreading the dirt files on The
Enemies of The Empire, so why have i not come across a mention
before yesterday ?
How am i gonna have Peace during Christmas worrying about such
matters ?

Dec 22, 2024 9:48 PM
Reply to  les online

I’d argue that we see little bits and pieces
and installments and episodes of Wag the Dog
every time we turn on a screen. 😔👍

Kieran Telo
Kieran Telo
Dec 22, 2024 11:55 PM
Reply to  les online

Captagon has a tropetastic history. The sums mentioned would be ridiculously higher than the earlier reports. Bigger impact, I’d guess

Dec 23, 2024 5:11 AM
Reply to  les online

You can skip the gibberish concerning Assad. Other narcotics besides captagon will do the job. Recap: remember the bombing of the “chemical weapons factory” in Libya.

The training for “Uyghur rebels” is centralised in Turkey, according to the late great Andre Vltchek. It may also provide the weapons, drugs and money.

les online
les online
Dec 23, 2024 5:59 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Uyghur “rebels”… Seems one of the lessons the US learnt from its war
against Vietnam, other than the need to Control The Press, is to get
others to do the fighting for it**
Uyghur separatists – to return home to bring down the Communist Party
of China and free Their People:

** “rebels” – Will do anything for Yankee Dollars

Dec 22, 2024 8:10 PM

just how deeply is James Delingpole down the ‘rabbit hole’ – 50 feet – 600 feet?? anyone???
is this an ad for the delightfully grounded Bob Moran and does he know about it or is it just more cultural appropriation?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 22, 2024 7:59 PM


Can I register my new word “Wefty” on this forum?

“Someone who embraces left wing thinking combined with globalist ambitions”

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 22, 2024 9:13 PM

Wouldn’t that be “Glefty”?

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 22, 2024 9:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Oh hang on, I saw what you did!

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 22, 2024 10:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Come on George.

Keep up old boy.

Dec 22, 2024 9:58 PM

I feel ya, but “Wefty” is gonna be a hard sell
replacement for the long-standing traditional
terms… “AssHoles/AssHats” ¯\_😂_/¯

btw, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
to you and everyone else in here!
(Even Eddy. 🤟🤣👍)

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 23, 2024 10:11 AM
Reply to  thejackalsmark

Merry Christmas to you, too.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 22, 2024 10:41 PM

Sad to report that @WEFty got there before me.

There’s always the steam toothbrush To fall back on.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Dec 22, 2024 3:02 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-12-18. CV lockdowns destroyed lives. Oz’s AHPRA & Med Board did criminal thing March 2021: be quiet about risks (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).

Don Alfonso
Don Alfonso
Dec 22, 2024 2:34 PM

How fortunate that TIK does not suffer from hubris, self-misjudgement and self-overestimation, and that millions of educated Nazi brains, who went to war for nothing, were far too stupid to understand what only TIK’s brain understands. The world has simply not yet understood what a genius he is. That is his unspoken message to all the stupid ones.

Dec 22, 2024 1:28 PM

Thank you Sinèad.

You made me reflect upon the question.
I give my thoughts about your ideas, it would be nice to know what do you think about them.
(We are already communicating in a weird way, anyway, instead of having an alive communication face to face..)

I think that for “rights” to become “defined”, or seen as something altogether, it is first of all necessary that someone interferes with our natural processes, due to his will of control and expansion, for example.
Then, this perturbance may give rise to concepts as “law”, “rights”, etc, but only in a highly verbal (and necessarily equally bureaucratic and legalistic) society.

In “old times”, before “civilization”, one could have the luck to be left living in peace or not, but if not, he tried the best life he could, struggling or adapting, without the sense of having been robbed of his “rights”.
As you hint to, it seems to me, it was genuine and authentic life, it had spirit and strength, it was “direct life”, so to speak, not unduly mediated with an excess of words and concepts.

I think, along your line of thought, that the “right” to be living near the people you love is not a right, it is the natural energy of life.
One that is prevented from this by any form of violence, should struggle (if he hasn’t completely lost his capacity to love, or to exist) .. not for a “right”, but as naturally as a mother bear protects his little bears from perils.

all the best

Kieran Telo
Kieran Telo
Dec 23, 2024 12:02 AM
Reply to  Guido

A lovely picture in words but also, as you say, a form of speech. The Enclosure Laws would have had some influence here in England, in shaping how barriers become concrete and/or signified. No trespassing = marking off for exclusive use = right not to have to share.

Don Alfonso
Don Alfonso
Dec 22, 2024 1:24 PM

Zitelmann says it is progress that there are now more millionaires and billionaires in China and encourages: “Make an effort, anyone can get rich!” Which is, of course, total nonsense. That would be inflationism and demonetization. If everyone were rich, everyone would be just as poor. Rich people are rich simply because there are poor people, indeed there have to be. The poverty of the many at the bottom causes the wealth of the few at the top of the wealth pyramid.

There is only a very thin layer of varnish in between, what we once called the “middle class”. The most fleeced and highest-paying social class. Big business can move abroad at any time and set up its factories there. Which it has been doing for a long time in multinational conglomerates. This is called capital flight and tax evasion. Capitalism is therefore a form of society of unavoidable inequality.

And just as the mountain needs the valley to be visible, just as the day needs the night, just as health needs sickness, so capitalism inevitably generates communism, because it is not its opposite, but its component, just as death is built into life. Everything carries its opposite and is inseparable from it (Yin & Yang). That is why capitalism, e.g. in the form of black markets, will never die out where communism prevails, and communism will never die out where capitalism prevails. They are two sides of the same worthless coin.

Where there is a lot of artificial light (e.g. through advertising as on Broadway), there must inevitably be just as much shadow. The so-called “Third Way” was the attempt to abolish the (apparent) contradictions, e.g. by banning usury and compound interest, by nationalizing the “central banks” (see also Federal Reserve, The Big Three), which through their dubious machinations and systematic appropriation of the people’s hard-earned assets were in any case the main cause of misery and world economic crises, through economic autarky from internationalized trade and money flows.

Incidentally, Gilad Azmon argues, not entirely implausibly, that in Israel, for example, this pyramid has always been upside down. By which he means that the poor or hard workers are in the minority there, while the rich are in the majority. At least Israel, in contrast to Western industrialized countries, has an astonishingly high birth rate, the highest among OECD countries.

Dec 22, 2024 9:32 PM
Reply to  Don Alfonso

Being rich is relative so while its true — in theory — “anyone can get rich” its just not that important for the vast majority of people, people who just want to live their lives. In the US it was described as “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” in the founding documents, the notion being that the role of (minimal) government being to act for the common good by just keeping society running on an even keel. The original setup was quite clever but even then it really required a subclass — restless hordes of immigrants, slaves and resources ‘borrowed’ from indigenous peoples — to really prosper. Wealth accumulation was based entirely on others being poor and exploited.

The trick is how to allow society to run while eliminating exploitation. This requires government to not just have primacy but also tyranny in the sense that it has power that can’t be captured. In other words, a sort of anti-democratic democracy. Its a contradiction with the only solution to the puzzle being — so far — relying on a sufficiently enlightened leadership to avoid the temptations that power offer. Usually resulting in a fail, unfortunately. Here I’m still putting my money on China for figuring it out because their society’s age and culture (not to mention their historical experience with imperialism) favors finding a solution. (Hence “Cold War 2” — our capitalists are terrified it a) might just work and b) it might be catching.)

(Israel isn’t a good model IMHO.. Its really a microcosm of our Old West. It needs external capital, a subjugated peoples as a workforce plus a bit of conquest — mainly land and watersheds — to survive. I think of it was primarily parasitic.)

Kieran Telo
Kieran Telo
Dec 23, 2024 12:06 AM
Reply to  Don Alfonso

To calculate minority and majority can magically transpose if only chosen ones get to count in certain formulae. I’m sure the poor are far more numerous, or at least they were.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Dec 22, 2024 11:28 AM

Thank you. To be or not to be, that is the question. To be two people together like Bob Moran’s picture.


Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 22, 2024 11:09 AM

The problem with assuming our “rights” are immutable and not defending them is that someone will take them away.

Every time.

underground poet
underground poet
Dec 22, 2024 12:16 PM

Each and every individual has to fight the collective system, so far at least, all the individuals have lost every time, so far.

Dec 22, 2024 9:36 AM

Bob Moran published a cartoon privately on social media.


Dec 22, 2024 2:23 PM
Reply to  proxi

Meaning that he didn’t publish it as working for The Telegraph

Fran Crowe
Fran Crowe
Dec 22, 2024 2:33 PM
Reply to  proxi

In fairness, his cartoons are very very good. They certainly make me smile and lately that’s not been happening too often……so thank you Bob Moran. Happy Christmas to all OG contributors.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 22, 2024 10:13 PM
Reply to  Fran Crowe

Merry Christmas to you, too.