No Room for Growth

Todd Hayen

Even if I am absolutely certain of something, I am still open to discussion with an opposing view. If nothing else, this is how I strengthen my argument. I want to know exactly what the contrary position is so I can see if there are any weaknesses in my own hypothesis.

There is always room for growth.

I do not typically go into these discussions with any intention to change someone’s mind, and usually, I do not expect the opposition to change mine, although I am open to that possibility.

With things I am not 100% aligned with, I definitely want to hear the other side, for obvious reasons. If I am not certain, the more information I get, the better I am set up to make decisions about the strength of my “side.” This just seems like common sense to me, and I am continually flabbergasted why everyone does not feel the same way. Well, a lot of people do. They are the shrews. I have not met a shrew yet that has a completely closed mind Well, I have met shrews who are a bit more close-minded about a few things, but never everything. I have met many sheeple-types who are completely closed up—to the point of hilarity.

Why is that?

Well, they would say that they are so certain about their position that anything opposing it is just nonsensical insanity. Take something like the germ vs the terrain theory. Nope, not a word allowed in. No room for anything that opposed Pasteur’s germ obsession. Or something even more controversial like the moon landing or the flat earth theory. Forget it. Anything that opposes the mainstream narrative on both of those issues is considered to be so nonsensical a person would be an utter fool to even listen to these opposing ideas.

I do have to admit that some things do indeed come up that I have a hard time giving much credence to, but I will still listen.

In fact, I become even more curious to hear the argument the weirder it might be. Usually, if the people on the “odd” side are intelligent and well-educated, I am doubly curious. But I’ll listen to anyone, even someone who has been diagnosed psychotic. I find people’s views of nature, science, and the world around them to be fascinating, no matter how “off” their ideas may seem.

But these are extreme examples. What about simpler ones, like whether a vaccine developed in 8 months could possibly be safe and effective? Even if leading doctors and scientists say otherwise. Isn’t that something that should stimulate the curiosity of regular people? Don’t people want to hear what others think, particularly people who “should know something”?

I’ve commented on this a million times, haven’t I? But it still perplexes me big time. People used to be curious about everything and equally skeptical about everything. Now everyone is a know-it-all.

That’s the problem, isn’t it? Everyone now thinks they are an expert. Or, more accurately, they think they have a corner on who out there is the expert. But they typically do not present it that way; they typically do not say, “Listen to so and so, he/she knows what he/she is talking about.” That would even be better than what they now do because then at least you could challenge their expert with your expert. No, they typically own it themselves. Even though nearly every single bit of information we claim to have has been received from somewhere other than our own experience, most people (at least the ones I am currently complaining about) claim it for themselves. “This is wrong (or right)” they exclaim, “I just know it, I don’t claim to be an expert, but it doesn’t take an expert to know what is right.”

How arrogant is that?

Of course, there is some truth to sticking to what you intuitively believe is correct. We shrews do that too. But when what you believe is something that a fact can alter, such as a “safe and effective” vaccine, intuition doesn’t cut it. If a plunging axe aimed at your skull can split your head open, it doesn’t much matter if your “intuition” tells you it won’t kill you.

I am not knocking intuition, it is very useful, and very reliable, in situations where facts are not clear (which is most situations). I am sure many of us can say (me definitely) that when the whole Covid insanity hit, we intuitively knew something was amiss. Intuition is not always just a feeling “out of the blue.” More often than not, it is based on a myriad of learned experiences, most now housed in the unconscious. Some of it, more than likely, is in the collective unconscious (information stored since the beginning of human existence.)

Coming out of the weeds a bit with this article and back to the basics about closed minds, it seems no one (or no sheeps) are willing to expand their knowledge base. That is a sad situation to be in. Needless to say, if we, as the human race, give up “opportunities for intellectual growth,” then we will eventually stagnate and perish. And before that imminent demise, we will constantly be at each other’s throats (like we are now.)

The game today is a game of ad hominem. Attack the messenger, regardless of any credence the message may have. Idiots, morons, science deniers, conspiracy theorists—all contemptible descriptions meant to diminish the person with the conflicting message in order to render them entirely useless. Usually, there are very few criteria present to do this—other than the “contrary to the narrative” message. These people don’t have to be uneducated, mentally deficient, hillbillies. They just must be carrying a conflicting viewpoint—a viewpoint that conflicts with the prevailing mainstream narrative.

So, what makes a narrative “prevailing and mainstream?” That might not be so easy to answer. The obvious reason is “who has the most authority,”—and it seems authority is measured today by who is highest up in the current government system. Or who the media favours.  The highest in the government system does not always cut it (look at the current President-Elect). About half of the US population sees him as the devil incarnate. I would have to conclude that the absolute power to dictate the narrative that would be considered mainstream and prevalent would be the media. And of course, the media is controlled (owned) by the “elite”—or the “agenda.”

Who are they? Don’t get me started.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Dec 29, 2024 8:31 PM

Replace ‘mainstream’ with ‘mass-media hypnosis’.

Dec 29, 2024 2:15 PM

If I tried to talk to the opposed family about this.
Holy moly they would be triggered.

Dec 29, 2024 2:51 AM

A territory without room for growth existing since 1947 today: Non-Muslim can’t inherit from Muslim relative: LHC

North America is a Johnny come lately.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 31, 2024 4:30 AM
Reply to  antonym

Exactly as I have pointed out. Life is all about inheritance.
Why work when you can glue yourself to mom and dad, wealthy relatives or the Elderly’s pension schemes.and suck the fuck.
No wonder why West and the 30 shekels hate Moslems so dearly…………………..LOL.

Dec 29, 2024 2:03 AM

PS – to iillustrate how strong the desire to conform to the fearmongering is, I still every day here in the Philippines see people driving their motorcycles without shoes or a helmet, but wearing a surgical mask so they don’t get COVID. Even the clergy here are not immune to it, and I saw several in their robes with masks. How much faith in God does that show?

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 29, 2024 5:20 PM
Reply to  DJK

That is pretty amazing…

Dec 29, 2024 7:19 PM
Reply to  DJK

If the clergy you mention are Roman Catholic, presumably they are in thrall to the Vatican’s aggressive promotion of the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic “public health protocols”.

It’s too aggravating to dig up links and quotes, but from Pope Francis down the chain of command, prelates insisted that uncritical submission to, and compliance with, the dictates of state and international health organizations is a matter of conscience and a moral duty– and, concomitantly, that failure to submit and comply is immoral, and arguably sinful.

Catholic clergy who publicly dissented from the pro-scamdemic policy were chastised and repudiated by the Vatican high command.  Appalling! 😡

comment image

Dec 29, 2024 8:39 PM
Reply to  DJK

People in the Far East have been wearing masks since long, long before Covid and will probably continue.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 30, 2024 7:48 PM
Reply to  DJK

Good one  😅 .

Dec 29, 2024 1:54 AM

Everything you are saying seems spot on to me. When the COVID scare started in November, 2019 I tracked it closely, and prepared for the worst, but when real data started coming in, I could see that it was an exercise in how well the power in charge could get everyone to conform and do things against their best interest. A majority of small businesses went bankrupt or nearly so. Rules against landlords ruined thousands of them as they could not evict non=paying renters, a violation of the constitutional protections against the government interfering in private contracts. So many were harmed in both monetary and physical ways that the truth that this was all a planned scheme is just too much for most people to admit. They don’t want to believe they live in such a world, but they do. I try to ease people gently into the truth when there is an opportunity to enlighten, but it’s an uphill battle.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 29, 2024 5:23 PM
Reply to  DJK

Yes…these people refuse to believe that their precious government would ever ask them to do anything that was harmful. So weird because that has basically been a fundamental truth for centuries.

We are just now beginning to suffer the real damages…health issues, deaths, supply chain interruptions, inflation escalating…but no one correlates these things with the true cause. It is frightening for sure.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 30, 2024 8:08 PM
Reply to  DJK

When I heard about it and the vaccine, I took it as another financial scheme like Ebola and Zika.
You know 1 Ebola case in Europe and 1 Ebola case in US, both from an ape in Africa, why this became an international campaign and didnt stop before $100 mio public money was wasted on vaccines in Hospitals basements “just in case for the human race”, and the frontpage scandals begin to be too many in MSM.

But this time it was globally, and all neighbours, working colleagues, friends, family members involved.
Conclusion the Milgram test. 75% of us will push the button until the man lies unconscious on the floor or do whatever Authority says.
Explains our historical fascism period too. But this is not very flattering for our specie why it can be difficult to believe we are so bad and fragile.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jan 1, 2025 7:45 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

I am always fascinated, and very impressed, with people who have been in on this deception scam for decades. I suppose I should have caught on earlier than I did considering how immersed I was in the JFK scandal. I was “aware” of a bunch of other things like it before Covid hit, but it never fully sunk in. If I was REALLY paying attention I would not have bought the Covid scam for five seconds…as it turned out, I was almost believing it for a few months…then it all unravelled for me. But it still took a little bit of time.

I wonder how I would have felt to have been able to identify the scam the moment it hit the airwaves…kudos to all of you who did see it for what it was from the onset. Very impressive.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 1, 2025 11:10 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I think its per training, per education also religious or something. It was per instinct. First the Ebola and Zika and then this. The flue idiocy also.

My whole family (big and very fine humanist people) jumped on it. I couldnt do or say a shit. They were like robots.

Actually it reminded me about the Milgram test and/or the Bible and Christ where he says: ““I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35 For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.” (Matt. 10:34).

Jesus was referring to the sword of truth that sets a son against his father and a daughter against her mother. It’s not that Jesus is in the business of wrecking families, but people divide themselves by their response to truth.

“And the truth shall set you free”. Also true. Im autonomy religious not bound to any organisation, but it amazes me how many times I have found a short and concise answer in the Bible.

Isnt it amazing: “I have come with the s(word) of truth, and the truth shall set a man against many.” So sharp!
Even here on Off-G we see the outrage and whining when some truth is being aired……………..LOL.
It always makes me happy when men find and grab it.

Dec 29, 2024 12:53 AM

Finding a fact that contravenes one’s argument is a present: It gives you the opportunity to learn, to come closer to the Truth.
The secret to persuading others to relax and seriously consider your argument is to let them know that you understand theirs– best of all is to restate theirs.

Dec 28, 2024 6:56 PM

I think that like everything else in life its all about probabilities — there’s really no such thing as 100% certainty (outside of mathematics, I’d guess) so argument is really about what is most likely. Things like Flat Earth and germ theory are easily testable so they’re generally acceptable but even then there’s limitations on those theories. (Our understanding of matter and the universe is likely not quite right, its just ‘good enough’ for the moment.)

The decision to develop and deploy Covid vaccines was a matter of probabilities. Faced with what looked like a rapidly spreading infectious disease there were various strategies for dealing with it, anything from ‘do nothing’ to ‘total isolation’ to ‘develop and deploy a vaccine’. Its certain that some kind of modelling was used to predict outcomes and the strategy adopted by government was chosen to give the best outcome. This doesn’t mean it was the correct strategy, especially with the kinds of competing lobbies that influence governments. It was a strategy, though, and the only others I’d heard in the US were “it was a hoax” or “it was Chinese bioweapon or incompetence” or some other racist BS. The only really sane take I found on it was the short commercial put out by the Vietnamese health ministry which put in an easy to understand form the facts about what Covid was, how it spread and what people could do about it. All sensible stuff (and not a word about vaccines, mRNA or other). It was their “John Snow removes the pump handle” moment (if you don’t know what this is, look it up).

Our world — my world — is now awash in bogus information. Not about viruses but just about everything and anything else. Its likely to get a lot worse before it gets better so I think I’ll just keep my head down and “let ‘er rip”. The problem is that our (western) world has hit a point where the contradictions building up in our society are finally proving difficult to ignore, we just can’t paper over the cracks any more. The MAGA mindset is one form of denial, a wish for the world to be not as it is but like some fictional world of before (a sort of everyday Disneyland). Its incompatible with real life…..should be interesting to watch.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Dec 28, 2024 9:48 PM
Reply to  MartinU

You haven’t read Dan Roytas’ – CAN YOU CATCH A COLD? then. An exceptionally well-researched book that shows how contagion was never proven to exist. Start here if you are truly on a quest for truth.

Dec 29, 2024 5:04 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

You can certainly get cold, flu, pneumonia or whatever. Prohibiting doctors from treating these was a good way to kill people, especially the elderly and other weak people.

I am not implying infection from others. If you are weak enough, even a couple of minutes in the wrong weather can trigger the illness. After the covid scam, we now know many ways to deal with this. Sunlight or Vitamin D, and ventilation are essential. Exposure to people primes the immune system. Indoors or outdoors, there is only so much modern pollution your respiratory system can take. The longer you evade a cold, the worse it may be when you do fall sick.

– Naturally acquired immunity is superior at reducing mortality over multiple flu seasons, even in the aged. -US NIH 2005
– There is no evidence that the jab prevents the transmission or complications of flu. The evidence seems to discourage it in healthy adults as a routine public health measure. There is widespread manipulation of conclusions. -Cochrane Collaboration meta-analysis 2010, reiterated 2014
– Repeated annual vaccination reduces resistance, at least to certain variants. -US CDC 2014-09

Dec 29, 2024 8:23 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Originally called ‘radio-wave sickness’ then latter named atmospheric influence, truncated to influenza

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 30, 2024 8:14 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes, vaccination reduces the resistance in your body against the sickness.

Remind me constantly about Big Pharma is bigger than MIC. MIC is serving our doctors with bodies.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 29, 2024 1:14 PM
Reply to  MartinU

The decision to develop and deploy Covid vaccines was a matter of probabilities. … what looked like a rapidly spreading infectious disease … the facts about what Covid was, how it spread and what people could do about it.

Betsey Norton
Betsey Norton
Dec 28, 2024 6:04 PM

In the days before the mainstream media, movies, and other “entertainment, many people went to the local pub that had no “screens”. There, the people engaged in lively conversations. analyzing the current events of the times. They read books in order to be informed and debated the ideas of the day. Now pubs are “sports bars” where there is zero discussion of current events. Others are watching movies, television, netflix, or other “entertainment”. Do any of these folks even think about reading a book? They believe they “know it all” from the media they feed on. Therefore, zero curiosity!!! Everything happening today has been explained many times in well written and thought provoking books, but most just want to be lazy and be “entertained”!!!

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Dec 29, 2024 1:03 AM
Reply to  Betsey Norton


“The uncles didn’t only train their nephews in war tactics and strength, however. They also trained them in the Tlingit perspective and philosophy of living.

“At the same time as these boys were being trained so rigorously every day, they were also constantly being taught social lessons by their uncles,” Monture said.

Parables and stories were a big part of that. An uncle might tell a story, for example, about a bear, describing its personality and characteristics.

“Because Tlingit people believe everything is alive and has its own intelligence and personality… these stories wouldn’t be so much as talking about an animal in analogy as literally describing how that animal’s people and culture works,” he said.

“Critical thinking was paramount, as well, “especially when the uncles would give examples of what you want to avoid in life,” Monture said. “They would talk about some of the worst traits, which would harm not only you, but your clan. Laziness, selfishness, anything that could actually compromise your chance of survival in Alaska.”
Uncles would quiz their nephews on what lessons could be drawn from the stories. If a nephew couldn’t answer well, he’d hear the story over and over, until he could.”

Tlingit men trained hard to become warriors
By Mary Catharine Martin


Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 29, 2024 5:27 PM
Reply to  Betsey Norton

This is such a good point…one reason I was fascinated with Soviet culture (and Russia in general) is that these sorts of gatherings seemed to be a norm in that culture (of course during the Soviet era people had to be careful what they talked about). Drinking, discussing, listening to poetry, music, etc.

But this was present everywhere…including in the states. People gathering to dance, drink, have human interactions, and DISCUSSIONS…politics, art, education, religion. It was a very common way for humans to spend their free time.

Nope, not anymore…

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Dec 31, 2024 10:16 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen


OSM cancels performances by Russian pianist Alexander Malofeev

By Marian Scott, Montreal Gazette March 09, 2022 9:29 AM

“Considering the serious impact on the civilian population of Ukraine caused by the Russian invasion, the OSM must announce the withdrawal of pianist Alexander Malofeev from performances of the concert, ‘Michael Tilson Thomas: Monumental,’ ”
the orchestra announced in a statement Tuesday afternoon.

Read more at:


Alexander Malofeev plays Rachmaninoff: Lilacs Op. 21 No. 5


Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 1, 2025 11:17 PM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

Canada is still a British Colony, and governed from London. Which explains quite a lot yes?

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Jan 2, 2025 6:30 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Justin Trudeau takes oath of office


5 symbols of change from Trudeau’s swearing-in ceremony
Nov. 04, 2015


“The new Liberal cabinet achieves a gender parity that’s a teachable moment for the rest of the world. The new cabinet has members from every province and the North demonstrating the prime ministers commitment to ensuring that all the people of Canada are represented in his government as he promised.

Which made it all the more eerie to hear the prime minister and his cabinet swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen of England, “her heirs and successors,” and not the people of Canada who elected them.”

The last word on Trudeau’s oath of allegiance to the Queen
November 8, 2015

Gary Freeman


New Canadian renounces oath to the Queen, pledges ‘true’ loyalty only to Canada
Diana Mehta · The Canadian Press ·

Nov. 30, 2015


“We have been very clear as a government that we will always stand up against systemic racism and intolerance in all its forms,” he said. “I have recognized — our government has recognized — systemic discrimination and has moved forward significantly to fight against it, as it exists in all our institutions, in all our systems. We need to be vigilant and we will continue that work.”

Time for Canada to retire the Queen?
It’s not that simple – The Crown is more than a mere symbol — it’s wired into the basic structures of the state
Aaron Wherry 

March 10, 2021


Trudeau apologizes for ‘smug, mean’ jibe at indigenous activist
Prime minister was criticized as ‘aloof ass’ for telling woman who interrupted him: ‘Thank you very much for your donation’

Thu 28 Mar 2019

Leyland Cecco in Toronto


Please NOTE: Breaking Bad … the canadian edition happened on Justin Trudeau’s watch

Mounties in B.C. raid ‘largest and most sophisticated’ drug lab in Canadian history
Oct. 31, 2024


Justin Trudeau told to “get the F*CK OUT of BC” in Ski Village Parking Lot #shorts

Dec. 2024


$11.5M bust of drug-trafficking network largest ever in city, Winnipeg police say
Feb. 24, 2021


Vancouver: Disneyland For Drug Addicts


Manitoba begins 2024 with record 56 drug-related deaths in a single month
“That’s 2 deaths a day, almost. That’s people,’ says Sunshine House overdose prevention site director”
May, 08, 2024


Shelters are so stretched in Montreal they are offering chairs for the night
Dec. 06, 2024


Preston Manning Announces National Citizen’s Inquiry Into Canada’s Covid-19 Measures
Published on November 4, 2022


Learn about the NCI’s Purpose & Structure

National Citizens Inquiry

The NCI has been created to support the following objectives:

1. TO LISTEN to the stories of Canadians impacted by the health protection measures adopted, and to the testimonies of experts, including those whose narratives differ from the governmental narrative.

  • 3-out-of-4 Canadians report having been harmed by Canada’s COVID-19 policies.
  • In particular, Canadians expressed harms concerning isolation, increased divorce or family tension, disruptions to the lives of children and students, job and income losses, business failures, increased mental and physical health stress, reduced healthcare quality, and limitations on rights and freedoms.

2. TO LEARN what went right and what went wrong during the past three years, and what are the lessons to be learned from Canada’s COVID-19 experience?

3. TO RECOMMEND ways and means of ensuring that any future national crises are better managed, harms mitigated, and trust in public institutions upheld.


Did Health Canada’s Adam Exton Die From Vaccine?!
Posted by Dr. Adrian Wong
Date: December 28, 2022


  1. Has Justin Trudeau acknowledged the National Citizens Inquiry one single time in the media?
  2. Has justin trudeau ever acknowledge or spoke these two words? Turtle Island

The “pandemic provided an opportunity for a reset,” and to “re-imagine economic systems,” Trudeau said.
Coronavirus: Trudeau tells UN conference that pandemic provided “opportunity for a reset”


The ‘Great Reset’ reads like a globalist plot with some plot holes
Trudeau wants to ‘build back better.’ O’Toole wants to build back ‘stronger.’ Pick your terms, Canada.
Nov. 27, 2020

AFN national chief to help Prince Charles promote ‘Great Reset’ environmental initiative in Canada
June 08, 2020


This Reconciliation is for the Colonizer
Indigenous Motherhood
June 13, 2017

By Andrea Landry


“Skywoman bent and spread the mud across the shell of the turtle. Moved by gratitude for the gifts of the animals, she sang in thanksgiving and then began to dance, her feet caressing the earth with love. As she danced her thanks, the land grew and grew from the dab of mud on Turtle’s back. And so, the earth was made. Not by one alone, but from the alchemy of the animal’s gifts, and human gratitude. Together they created what we know today as Turtle Island.”

Ancient GreenApril 20, 2022


The Story of Turtle Island as guarded and shared by Jacob (Mowegan) Wawatie


“How we think ripples out to how we behave. If we view these berries, or that coal or forest, as an object, as property, it can be exploited as a commodity in a market economy. We know the consequences of that.” Robin Wall Kimmerer

The Serviceberry

October 26, 2022


“The homeless situation in the U.S., in big cities in particular, was critical even before the pandemic. Now the numbers are unprecedented. Not even during the ‘Great Depression’ was there anything like the current level of those without basic shelter.” John Steppling

Anteroom of Our Own Extinction


Please try “landless” in the place of “homeless” Mr. John Steppling.

TOWNES VAN ZANDT – “Marie” on Solo Sessions, January 17, 1995

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Dec 28, 2024 4:39 PM

While I can join in your themes – I see the recognition of gaslighting or coercive fear and guilting manipulations as requiring no expertise or intellectual accomplishment.
The basis for this is the decision to not engage in disintegrity.
Otherwise vested self illusions will already run as stakeholder to the narratives being pushed or acted out.
Self doubt sows division through which lies can seem true or truth false.
Self-certainty is often associated with a polarised extremism relative to a perceived or believed evil – as if to become certain by our own efforts.
This is very open to being hacked and hijacked
But to be certain of your purpose as a living or current decision is to be whole in purpose and not divided. Being true to your life is not an added purpose but integral to your being, and that which truly joins with others.

Author is the root of authority.
Who authors life – genetic control?
The replacement of God by imaged symbol, mythic creations and rational superstructures that would rise to the heavens, runs on a false inheritance of conflicted ‘foundations’.
Looking directly on a lack of foundation will not persist as its blind hostage.
The ability to question is integral to our being, yet dissociating from our being runs on blind concept.

Danny Williams
Danny Williams
Dec 28, 2024 4:16 PM

Todd, Thank you very much for this article. You were able to summarize my thoughts and frustration regarding this subject. I’ve had a draft sitting in my substack and I linked your well written article for its conclusion. Well done! Sincerely, Danny

Dec 28, 2024 3:08 PM

If you’re never exposed to a different point of view, especially regarding something so prevalent as to be taken for granted, then you may never reach the point of questioning something.

Case in point: me. And vaccines. Had I never just by pure chance encountered a 7-part documentary on YouTube, I might have gone on assuming vaccines were okay – though even back then it made no sense to me (intuition?) to get vaccinated for something not life-threatening – like the flu. I have no idea how I happened upon the anti-vaccine documentary (perhaps I was looking for additional anti-statin information).

The point is, I was looking for other than the standard normal view of something or another. Yet how many people would never think to do that?.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 28, 2024 3:36 PM
Reply to  Howard

I think this is a very important point Howard. I think it might boil down to “curiosity”…people who are curious…NOT necessary “looking” for trouble, but are just CURIOUS are more likely to find information that satisfies their curiosity…like your documentary.

I, too, have always been “curious”…not just about “bad” things, but varied views on anything and everything. Curiosity like this seems to be rare these days.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 1, 2025 11:24 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Yes it is probably that, curiosity.
But….curiosity is a spiritual thing yes? Why we are suddenly back to the endless riddle about religion, there is more between earth and heaven than…., it was God’s nanny hand, ehhh, m.m.  😆 

Dec 28, 2024 11:19 AM
George Mc
George Mc
Dec 28, 2024 2:06 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The chronic repeating call for endless “necessary” transformations is a central engine of capitalism “constantly revolutionising the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society. …All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned” etc.
Thus our estimable academic Danilo Brozović (or whoever) “says studies of failed civilisations all point in one direction – today’s society needs radical transformation to survive”.
Good old Danilo examines “361 studies and 73 books on societal collapses”. Why? Because his paymasters have already decided that society is about to collapse. Society is always about to collapse. It’s a necessary pretext for whatever steaming pile of hogshit capitalism wants to dump out next. 
“We need dramatic social and technological changes”, screams Danilo like the old mountebanks of the Western frontier town shovelling sheep urine as the elixir of life.
“In the face of the climate crisis, rampant destruction of the natural world, rising geopolitical tensions and more”, we must get our arseholes lubricated and bend over for the latest in the eternal line of shafting!
“More and more academic articles are mentioning the threat of collapse because of climate change,” says Brozović. Well the bandwagon is speeding up!
“The issue of collapse hooked him after it was raised in a project on business sustainability” … OOOOH! Bad move! “Business sustainability” is a little bit of a giveaway since it suggests that perhaps those odd shifts in climate razzmatazz aren’t after all the REAL issue. The REAL issue is that the big boys need more dosh from your submissive arsehole!
And let’s roll out old Malthus again! Well he was a splendid hero in the call for reduction of those “useless eaters”.
Blabbety wafflety ging gang gooly gooly …. ““bold, courageous, anticipatory decisions “ – Oh that’s always good!  “Hubris” – always a good one to get in!
“We have to do something….we have to radically transform ….overhauling politics, policies and institutions ….the recipe to mitigate collapse”!
Bend right over! Eat that dirt! Spread those arse cheeks! Here it comes!

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 2, 2025 5:16 AM
Reply to  George Mc

How do we sideline these idiots?
They are standing at your doormat, even inside your bedroom, demanding dramatic change in your private life, on your private premises, in your ID, in your wallet, in your way of living, that suits and fits them.
We cant all go Off grid, Off guardian, Off Times, Off Country.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 28, 2024 2:07 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Nice Admin – I’m pending!

Dec 28, 2024 9:43 AM

Some at work have taken 7 covids, The Flu, Influenza, and now the Shingles.
That is not including the diabetes tests at home, Smear test.
I am told the Lovely Kate Middleton and King Charles both got cancer.
All of them will take a Cancer vaccines and get tested.

The same lot I work with The fatties who chop on cakes, biscuits and diet cola all day and the reason for the diabetes is ………..body doesn’t produce enough insulin. (LOL  :wpds_wink: )

The same lot now, all raving about Ozempic a weekly injection to help with weight lost.

When I have shown them the Ozempic information.

According to the website.
it says.

It’s important that people continue to make lifestyle changes to help their weight loss, such as eating right and exercising.

Ozempic is not approved for weight loss. However, semaglutide is approved for weight loss under the name Wegovy. Ozempic has a smaller dose of semaglutide than Wegovy.

It’s important to note that if you start taking either of these drugs for weight loss, your body may get used to it, establishing a new normal. 

How do you breakthrough to this type conditioning.?

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 28, 2024 1:31 PM
Reply to  sunnymoon

They were also the Covid zealots, only removing the face masks to gorge themselves.
Allegedly afraid of catching Covid and dying but totally obese!!

les online
les online
Dec 28, 2024 9:29 AM

What is this “consciousness” that seems essential
Are animals, the non-hoomin ones, that is, conscious ?
Is the universe conscious ? Ans what about The Sheeple –
are they conscious ?
Those who ask such questions know what “consciousness is –
’cause they’ve got it (Whatever It Is)… Which would make
them The Chosen ? The Elect ? The Aware ?
I dont mean to be condescending “nor put fault, on anyone
who lives in a vault. But it’s alright Ma, it’s life and life only.”
(1960s folksinger)….
I will say this “zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz” and “zzzzzzzzzzzz”

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Dec 28, 2024 3:54 PM
Reply to  les online

Either you consciously wrote that or simply believe you did.
How would you know it was a conscious choice or recognise an unconsciously framed and thus programmed default – or habituated ‘choice’?
Because you CAN split your mind (relegate behaviours to subconscious routines), you can limit, mask or dissociate a conflicted consciousness.

In this sense consciousness is a framework of ideas through or by which to organise or focus perception.
Are you a machine or is that what you made of your Self in image?

My experience is that I can ask questions as a process of receiving and integrating answers that refine my questioning, until I have no question.
That which moves us to ask is the revealer of an answer the original question concealed.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Dec 28, 2024 10:00 PM
Reply to  Brian Steere

May I quote Mark Passio?

On Solipsism:
Solipsists contend that knowledge of anything outside one’s own minds is unsure, hence there is no objective reality and nothing about the external world and its workings can truly be known. In short, there’s no such things as truth – it’s all perception. And everybody’s perception is equally valid, somehow…

Perception is NOT reality but our work is to align the two. Human beings have frequencies and wavelengths of perception. A long wavelength of perception means we align our perception with the truth less often (representing a low frequency consciousness) than someone whose perception has a short wavelength, whose perception intersects with the truth more frequently (a high frequency consciousness – a person who is in tune with the truth more frequently).

Our alignment with the truth helps us to make an accurate diagnosis of what the problem is. A diagnosis means getting to know about the causal factors of our problem. 

Thus, the inability or refusal to acknowledge that there is a universal truth prevents us from ever solving our problems (as is intended by all political movements and religious ideologies, incl. the New Age movement). [I’d add mainstream medicine to these ideologies].

In summary, “Solipsism is a defining hallmark of Spiritual Infancy. Departing from this diseased ideology is a sure-fire sign of the beginnings of human maturity and spiritual development.” – Mark Passio.

Dec 29, 2024 3:28 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Solipsism is finding the door.
Truth is opening it.

Dec 29, 2024 3:38 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Another ‘perspective’ on Mark Passio:


Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 2, 2025 5:50 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I agree with Mark Passio in your summary here.
(Pls note even the Devil can make a correct statement)

But to be conscious is to be aware. It is to know! I know, what I am doing,
I am conscious of what I am doing.

It is first lately I noted many people only express “I believe”. “I believe we can do it this way, I believe they are to the wrong side”, “I dont believe that”.
These people get hurt if somebody claim they know what happen and what they want and what they do..
“I know for sure that Solipsism is pure bs”. “WHAT, you cant say that, you cant be sure, I believe……….”.

Thats why you are confused about conscious. You walk in the middle of people who mostly say they believe.
But as Passio correctly says in Veri Tas summary, believe is an infantile state.
Maturity starts with “knowing”. Fixed.

David McBain
David McBain
Dec 28, 2024 6:26 AM

Psychology seems the main weapon. They (those too big to fail) understand the minds of billions, whom they’ve never met, better than I ever really understood those with whom I’ve lived for over fifty years. I suppose I ought to dig out Propaganda, the book by Edward Bernays, and read it this time. Recently, I read The Indoctrinated Brain by Michael Nehls. It helps the boggled mind – a little – to deal with the revelations of recent years.

Here’s a quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer which I stumbled upon whilst pondering my own observation that stupid is much more dangerous than wicked:

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than wickedness. Evil can be protested against, exposed, and, if necessary, it can be prevented by force. Evil always harbors the germ of self-destruction by inducing at least some uneasiness in people. We are defenseless against stupidity. Nothing can be done to oppose it, neither with protests nor with violence. Reasons cannot prevail. Facts that contradict one’s prejudice simply don’t need to be believed, and when they are inescapable, they can simply be brushed aside as meaningless, isolated cases.”

At the shallow end of the swimming baths in my home town we all clung to a bar until we took the plunge and learned to swim. For some reason that’s the analogy I think of when people cling so stringently to the safety of their life-long beliefs with confirmation bias also playing its part.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Dec 28, 2024 4:17 PM
Reply to  David McBain

Psychic participation can be masked by the study and judgement of the minds of others, so as to assume a god like status of standing over and apart from the thing being studied.
The corollary of judgemental subjection is to open the experience of being subjected. Hence the human lab rat.
As we judge so are we judged is not a time concept – excepting we perceive time as the gap between ‘getting’ and ‘paying’.
Self delusion and deceit operates as an augmented private ‘reality’ adjuster in which the mind can become phished by its own thoughts – as if being done to by an other.

Big Al
Big Al
Dec 28, 2024 4:38 AM

I am absolutely certain that the ruling class needs to be taken down. 100%. So yes, my mind is closed on that one. I’m just that way, I refuse to consider anything else. So I guess I’m just like the others. And the primary reason is freedom, at least to the reasonable maximum in a shared society. I believe in freedom and rich people making all the decisions, owning almost everything, and being able to control our lives in such a devious, greedy, and forced manner is not freedom. But for almost 99 percent of the human race, that is an untouchable subject now, I think there are a number of reasons for that, and maybe it’s no different for most than it was when the U.S. Constitution was developed. Most seem to have all the freedom they need or want. There is no principle of the matter for most, that thought process is just too fucking complicated. I am also absolutely certain we need to change our political systems in order to take down said ruling class. And again, for the 99%, that type of endeavor is just too much to contemplate. Besides, in the U.S. we’ve all been trained since birth to believe that we have the best political system, via the venerated Constitution, ever conceived and ever to be conceived. End of discussion. Actually, I can still remember the doctor as he was spanking my ass to get me to cry saying, “this is a democracy young fella, and you have constitutional rights!”

When the scamdemic started, I knew immediately it was a manufactured scam. That wasn’t from intuition imo, it was from learned knowledge applied to the situation, i.e., the opposite of intuition – logical reasoning. After studying the truths about 9/11, imperialism and wars, oligarchy. the U.S. political system and the history of the Constitution, following national and geopolitical politics closely for a couple decades, etc., I knew from experience and my overall knowledge base it was a farce as soon as it started. And it took very little time to back that up with specific facts and evidence. Just like I already know that about the next one. And I think a lot of people reading this can relate. I think the absolute power is with the government, or those that control it, not the media. The media is a tool, but the power is exerted by those that control our governments. It’s kind of like a computer program, it’s only as much as what is put into it. The media narrative is what “they” put into it.

Btw, the U.S. “Mega-Millions” jackpot is now up to 1.2 billion. Carrot and stick to the max, engines full speed ahead. Next stop, trillionaires. Or full economic catastrophe.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Dec 28, 2024 4:01 PM
Reply to  Big Al

The mind that classifies within structures of weighted priority – ie closer to God or further from the truth runs a judgemental substitution for wholeness, as in – all the king’s horses and all the king’s men – under the mask of putting together again.
Ruling a mind is a private agenda that uses others instead of recognising truth.

Muppet Show
Muppet Show
Dec 28, 2024 2:33 AM

Todd, the moon landings are not remotely in the same category as flat earth theory. The moon landings are blatantly and demonstrably fake and you know it.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 28, 2024 2:51 AM
Reply to  Muppet Show

Whereas everyone who has ever claimed to circumnavigate the globe is in on the round earth conspiracy?

Muppet Show
Muppet Show
Dec 28, 2024 6:15 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

What? you sound cranky.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 28, 2024 8:28 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

The Muppet man is agreeing that the world is round.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 28, 2024 12:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

MS appeared to state that flat earth is not in the ‘blatantly and demonstrably fake’ category. I was curious about that, therefore I tried to strike up a conversation exploring that perspective 🙂

Dec 28, 2024 9:47 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I read that comment half an hour ago. Now it has 100 downvotes and it shows me that I voted it down as well, although I didn’t.

Dec 29, 2024 3:41 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2


What the?

A wheel has fallen off.

Dec 29, 2024 2:16 AM
Reply to  Muppet Show

The flat Earth theory and the 1969-1972 moon landings are both easily disprovable, but it’s far more easy to disprove the flat Earth theory. All you have to do is look at things that disappear over the horizon, or know how gravity works, or why the celestial bodies move across the sky as they do. The moon landing hoax requires some analysis of the photos, the fuel (no, they didn’t have enough to get there and back), and the technology – (they would never be able to marry up with their control module).

Dec 29, 2024 7:05 PM
Reply to  DJK

FWIW, I have a natural “truther” curiosity for rabbit holes, but the “flat earth” claims never grabbed me. 

I mention this to say that even without delving into those claims, just from osmosis I’m pretty sure that the True Believers have developed what they consider ironclad workarounds, or refutations, for all of the proofs you mention.

It’s the familiar perpetual-motion of goalposts, in which seemingly insurmountable rebuttals just spawn more elaborate defensive theories. 🌎 🤨

Dec 28, 2024 2:29 AM

Todd Hayen, I used to have such enormous respect for you…what has happened to you???

You wrote this which is Brilliant “I am sure many of us can say (me definitely) that when the whole Covid insanity hit, we intuitively knew something was amiss. Intuition is not always just a feeling “out of the blue.” More often than not, it is based on a myriad of learned experiences, most now housed in the unconscious. Some of it, more than likely, is in the collective unconscious (information stored since the beginning of human existence.)”

Totally agree.

But within 3 months, I knew the covid story was not true,its no worse than the flu…I went deaf in one ear – fixed by ear drops from Asda (hydrogen peroxide and cows piss – no prescription required) I put the drops in my ear and I could hear this gurgling sound bubbling away dissolving the ear wax (worked far better than olive oil – my usual choice as a result of an ear infection from snorkelling or diving in polluted water – mainly the sea on holiday

I could now hear again in STEREO ..Then The Psyop (Worlwide) kicked in…

And all my family and friends were wandering round wearing masks, and jumping out of my way…

I told them all, face to face and on Facebook – It is just the Flu….like 9/11 no one believed me.

9 months later, I pleaded with them, using every psychological technique I could think of…


They did, and many keeled over mid party – dancing away, and then dropped dead.

No one would believe the connection totally brainwashed sheep

..but my wife and my son believed me, and did not get jabbed…

Our 3 Grandchildren, have been such a delight this Christmas.

God Bless, and Goodnight


Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Dec 28, 2024 2:22 AM

 “I have met many sheeple-types who are completely closed up—to the point of hilarity.”

3 Canadian Comedians give their 2 cents on Constable Helen Grus an Ottawa Police Officer

Ha … Ha ?

Detective tried to uncover vaccine status of dead children’s parents, sources sayShaamini Yogaretnam Mar 28, 2022

Ottawa police board settles with family over invasion of privacyBy … unknown

Dec. 07, 2023

Inner Circle – Bad Boys (Video original)

Video about Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus, who will testify in her own defence on May 27, 2024

Even as evidence has emerged about the Covid vaccine’s dangerous side-effects, particularly for expectant and nursing mothers and their babies, the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) are going ahead with prosecuting their own detective for investigating links between the vaccine and nine sudden infant deaths (SIDS) in the region.
On Monday, detective Helen Grus of OPS’ child abuse unit will attempt to defend herself against the July 2022 discreditable conduct charge without several key pieces of evidence, namely related autopsy reports and internal investigation particulars against her, which have been denied by retired superintendent Chris Renwick, acting tribunal trials officer.

This past April, Grus’ lawyer Bath-shéba van den Berg unsuccessfully argued at the Police Services Act tribunal for access to this evidence and to subpoena a local CBC News reporter to determine the source of an internal OPS leak that fueled reportage that van den Berg maintains precipitated formal charges against her client.

Grus’ official charge reads that she “acted in a disorderly manner prejudicial to discipline or likely to bring discredit upon the reputation of OPS (in a) self-initiated, unauthorized project” by accessing the infant death cases and attempting to determine the Covid vaccine status of a mother. At the April hearing, van den Berg disputed that this behaviour amounted to a breach of the Police Services Act.”

Detective who investigated safety of Covid shot continues to fight to clear her name
Jason Unrau
Aug. 12, 2023

“I was asked (in an A&W burger
store) by the people behind the counter;
what is your vaccine status before I
could get a burger. If somebody in a
burger stand can ask me my vaccine
status, why can’t an investigator – who’s
investigating infant deaths of babies
that are dying. Why can’t she ask this
same question it’s absolutely ridiculous.” Russel Silverson, former police officer

May. 31, 2024

Const. Helen Grus: ‘Investigation into criminal negligence’ needed for vaccine program

‘Witness intimidation’: Helen Grus’s defence team files criminal complaint against senior Ottawa cop
Jan. 15, 2024

BREAKING HERE: Ottawa Police Wiretapped ‘Sudden Infant Deaths’ Detective Helen Grus – And Her FamilyAug. 08, 2023

Detective Grus Case“This is a listing of news articles, independent media, and video in reverse chronological order – grouped by venue / publisher.
It will take some time for me to get this list up to date, and it may not always be current.” Donald Best

See my ‘X’ (Twitter) account for the most current information and links to the Detective Grus case” : https://twitter.com/DonaldBestCA

I have a collection of Grus Case court documents and transcripts that I freely share with other journalists and news organizations. For access, contact me via email: [email protected]

Det. Helen Grus – The Story w/ Donald BestThe Lavigne Show

“Join us as we delve into the compelling story of Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus, who is currently facing a tribunal for her actions during an investigation into a cluster of 9 sudden infant deaths in the Ottawa area.”

Political meddling suspected in Ottawa police investigation of Constable Helen Grus
Jan. 15, 2023

Ottawa Police Promote Neglectful Officer Who Failed to Prevent Domestic Murder – Sgt McMullen is Prosecution Witness in Grus CaseDec. 09, 2024

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Dec 28, 2024 1:51 PM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

True crime is popular. But is it ethical?


Jana G. Pruden
Area of Expertise
Narrative and feature writing, true crime, the Canadian justice system, domestic violence, trauma

I wonder if Pruden and the Globe and Mail have published anything on Helen Grus?

Dear … Jana G. Pruden

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Dec 28, 2024 4:28 PM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

The Role of the Media in a Time of Crisis
“When I became a journalist, I stumbled into the greatest job in the world. But now, its future is uncertain”
by Jana G. Pruden

Updated 17:21, Jun. 7, 2020 | Published 14:34, Mar. 16, 2020

“This is an edited version of the Minifie Lecture delivered by Jana G. Pruden at the University of Regina on March 3, 2020. It is reprinted here with permission.”


War on Truth
The Secret Battle For The American Mind — An Interview With John Stauber


War On Truth: An Interview With John Stauber

Results for “taylor swift” (1 to 10 of 112382) in news

Results for “Greta Thunberg” (1 to 10 of 1495)

Results for “avian flu” (1 to 10 of 2139)

Birder to Birder
Henry David Thoreau to John James Audubon

by J. Drew Lanham

“We live in an age where identity, by whatever key, places us in pigeonholes. By race, ethnicity, gender/nongender, geography, political affiliation, occupation, and even vaccination status, we nest in certain identities where we are accepted by some and rejected by others. There are nests we choose but also those that are chosen for us. Although most term the current epoch the “Anthropocene,” the Age of Humans, I eschew this label in favor of my own tag: the “Ident-ocene—the Age of Who-ness.” It is in our identities—chosen and/or cast upon us—that we often worry over how to understand past sins, resolve present predicaments, and reweave who we’ve been and what we’ve done into better futures.”


Don’t Let Me Down … Jana G. Pruden


Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Dec 30, 2024 8:16 PM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

Famed NYPD Detective Frank Serpico: Helen Grus Case “breakthrough in Police transparency”

Sept. 15, 2022


Worldwide interest in Ottawa Police Detective’s Sudden Infant Death Investigations
Aug. 23, 2022


Turmoil in Detective Grus Trial as Prosecutor Leaves Ottawa PoliceNov. 11, 2024

Grus Hearing Continues January 6, 2025
“The Ottawa Police prosecution of Detective Helen Grus is scheduled to resume on January 6, 2025 – although there is some doubt about the prosecution team because Vanessa Stewart has left the Ottawa Police and is now working as a Crown Attorney.
Sources at the Ottawa Police Association confirm that neither the OPA nor Detective Grus and her legal team have been informed if Stewart is still on the prosecution team – as of Friday, December 6, 2024.

As the case approaches its third year, observers question whether the Ottawa Police Service will continue to pursue the charges against Detective Grus. The author’s previous article lists three key factors fueling this speculation.”


Significant or not significant ?

Erin McMullan!

“I’m scared to write this essay, scared to have it published, scared it will be read by police officers or customs agents, scared that the next time I’m stopped for some traffic violation or the next time I try to cross a border, some police officer or customs agent will remember this article, and will make me pay for having written it.

I know what at least some police do to those they don’t like. I know what at least some police do to those who question their authority. I know what at least some police do with the power they have over our lives. This is what makes me afraid.”


Josh Homme & David Sardy – Nobody To Love (End of Watch OST)


my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Dec 27, 2024 11:39 PM

a lot of it has to do with our compulsory education system, established expressly to indoctrinate and inculcate docility and conformity, in the 19th century, as a response to the threat of an expanding, potentially uncontrollable electorate

in school children are exposed to a system where the teacher is always right, and status accrues to those pupils who can best assimilate and regurgitate the lessons the teacher disseminates

“conflicting messages” have no place in this paradigm, unless as a sign of a discipline problem that necessitates a prompt and harsh response

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Dec 28, 2024 2:43 PM

On the Wildness of Childrenby Carol Black

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Dec 27, 2024 11:34 PM

I have met many sheeple-types who are completely closed up—to the point of hilarity. – Why is that?”

First 7 Years – How Humans are Brainwashed


A common objection to when a “conspiracy theorist” lifts the veil:

Why Would They Do That?

M Scott Peck in his two ‘classic’ books on psychology, The Road Less Travelled and The People of the Lie wrote about the psychology of the “malignant narcissist”: 
He wrote that the central defect of malignant narcissists is not the sin but the refusal to acknowledge it, and that rather than lacking a sense of morality, like the psychopath, malignant narcissists are continually engaged in sweeping the evidence of their evil under the rug of their own consciousness.

From The Matrix movie:

Morpheus: “The Matrix is a system. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy.
You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”

Ending on a more positive note:
There’s Nothing (for us) To Do But Let (them & the narrative) Go 

– Jim Carrey

Dec 27, 2024 9:40 PM

Who are they?

I thought that this was a very interesting read by David Hughes: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/covid-19-psychological-operations

Dec 27, 2024 9:13 PM

The curiosity comment reminded me of a recent remark a friend made. She’d listened to a lot of things I’d been saying about the last four years and finally asked me why it bothered me so much. When I said I just want to know the truth, she replied that she had no curiosity about these things. That’s the difference. If I had to pick new friends now I’d start by asking ‘What are you curious about?’ and if they said ‘nothing’’, I’d know not to waste their or my time.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Dec 28, 2024 12:04 AM
Reply to  Jos

Not much point in being friends with barnyard animals … they are for amusement only https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-barnyard-animals-and-circus/

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 28, 2024 1:02 AM
Reply to  Jos

You are right bang on with this one. Curiosity is the key. I have heard the exact same thing from these people…”I don’t care”…is another way to express “I am not curious”

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 28, 2024 3:15 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

i believe curiosity is a sign of intelligence.

Dec 28, 2024 10:28 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Back in the day, children were told ‘Curiosity killed the cat’, but as a cat-owner, I would disagree totally. No food gets eaten by cats without careful analysis – dogs, on the other hand, wolf down anything. And for humans – careful analysis of what you’re about to be injected with might have helped. The insert for Covid jabs was always given after people had been given it (in the UK) which surely should be illegal. Imagine in a cafe being asked if you have a nut allergy on the way out of a cafe having had a peanut butter sarnie. And how about the curiosity to question the bitterness of a bedtime drink your loving partner brings you every night? I’m quite sure that it’s a lack of curiosity that kills.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Dec 28, 2024 12:05 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Thank you for your article Todd. I really like it. I think people are not curious because they have made the decision that they already know all about it, or don’t need to. This prevents them from looking. People are not trained to look or to think for themselves, and do not necessarily have a natural ability to do so. They actually assume they ARE looking and thinking for themselves even when they are not. They can be helped towards and trained in these abilities. It is a tricky matter at times to help someone see that they don’t know all about something, without offending them or losing their ear. Another skill we can all grow better and better at.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 27, 2024 9:11 PM

Wait wait wait a minute. Excuse me Gentlemen, but remember the 1 truth and many lies yes?

I cannot be uncertain about 2 apples+ 2 apples is 4 apples, grass basic colour is green, and the sky is blue, just to please you guys ok?

When I correct your 2+2 apples are 3 apples, also could be 5 apples or maybe 7 apples, ….ehh because there are many many truths, and I say………NO there are not! Its 4 apples.

The Catholic Church and the Pope claimed up to the 1970’es that the globe was a flat pancake. I say Nope, the globe is a ball! Period.

It is THE End of discussion, Weitergehen, Fortsetzen, Achtung, Heraus. FOOK. I am not saying “Yes Sir Our Planet is flat” to please the Pope”.

Nope, there are not many many many truths. There are only lies in pluralise. He is One!

Dec 29, 2024 2:31 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

The Catholic church did not have a ‘flat earth’ requirement for orthidoxy. In fact, 300 years before Christ was born, Greeks knew that the Earth was round, just not the exact size of it. Many critics of religion want to say that Christians believed the Earth was flat until recently, but where is the texts that say that? They simply don’t exist because it’s not true.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 31, 2024 12:48 AM
Reply to  DJK

Here is a list of texts references that says exactly that. https://theunexpectedcosmology.com/the-biblical-flat-earth-our-host-of-church-fathers/
But this was not what my comment was about. The comment is about one truth in real life cannot be substituted with many lies!

Dec 27, 2024 7:23 PM

Todd you triggered me with your article and I still cannot forgive what happened during covid.

What about simpler ones, like whether a vaccine developed in 8 months could possibly be safe and effective? Even if leading doctors and scientists say otherwise. 

comment image

Dec 28, 2024 1:13 AM
Reply to  entitlement

Note the date–01 Apr. 21, April Fool’s Day.

Dec 27, 2024 7:20 PM

Half the population? Nope
Half the polled/voting population perhaps.

And people have always been ignorant following authority…
In the past it was the major religions.
Then it was the king, now the president.

Think of how the majority of idiots supported the Vietnam,; Iraq Afghanistan etc wars.
Why? Because they’re too lazy to empathize with foreigners.
In the case of Vietnam y’all morons thought it was good cause “communism bad”.

These days I’m less worried about the future because finally people are once again questioning authority, whether a DemoCRIP or RepubliBLOOD.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Dec 28, 2024 12:06 AM
Reply to  Rob

Actually … being in favour or ambivalent towards war … is the one thing the barnyard animals got right …

The consensus amongst the barnyard animals is that the world is unfair and that we need to strive to improve the lot of those living in the third world.

They are also incensed that the USA and their vassal states known as NATO constantly meddle and often invade weaker nations installing flunkies who help them plunder resources in exchange for a piece of the action.

Be Careful What You Wish For
We have over 8 billion humans on this planet who would like to live in a nice house, own a car, attend decent schools, pile a trolley full of food at well-stocked supermarkets, enjoy quality medical care, go on vacation from time to time, drive on smooth roads, and enjoy the benefits of living in a country that has rule of law.

The majority of the 8+ billion have none of the above. But they cannot have it because there are not enough resources on the planet to allow 8+ billion humans to live large like we do.

Okay, nobody believes they can live that large but at the bare minimum we would want them to have enough to eat, education, a reasonable home, some medical care, and a job.
This is a zero sum game – if we were willing to share the planet’s limited resources with the billions of slum dwellers around the world, those of us in the affluent nations need to be willing to reduce our standard of living dramatically because the majority of the world’s population living in poverty dwarves the haves.

Who is willing to accept a 50% reduction in their standard of living? I see no hands.

Who is willing to accept a 10% reduction in their standard of living?

Before you thoughtlessly put your hand up, you first have to agree to report to HR tomorrow morning and instruct the manager to dock your pay by 10% and donate the money to UNICEF.

The truth of the matter is that we are infatuated with living large. We all want more.
If you disagree then go back to the HR manager and tell them you prefer not to have a salary increase this year because you have more than enough and a wage hike will only enable you to buy more.

War is Necessary 

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Dec 28, 2024 11:44 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Why are you so certain that we don’t have enough resources for everyone to live a highly desirable life?

Is it vaguely possible that is a lie? What makes it right to accept it as truth?

People pay an extraordinary amount of money for hard shiny rocks called diamonds that are “rare”. People die and kill and commit crimes for them. Have you ever seen the movie “Blood Diamond”? The very end is quite telling.

Many people who have fought in, closely observed or lost loved ones in a war have had a change of heart and the realization that war is a lie, – if they live through it with their mental faculties in tact.

War is sold to us by people who get rich from it or otherwise consider they benefit from it. Like diamonds. A lot less “beautiful” and certainly, and unfortunately not rare.

Some day it will be utterly and completely outmoded- if we don’t blow ourselves up first. But, we will have to get a much better understanding of what makes people tick first.

Dec 28, 2024 5:17 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

You fell for the lie of the wealthy oligarchs and psychopaths.
One wealthy person, like Bill Gates uses more resources in one flight than we do in a year.
Scarcity is caused by hoarding rich people.

Dec 28, 2024 5:22 AM
Reply to  Rob

Ordinary US folk had no time to philosophise on Communism. The grunts sent as cannon fodder had few other options; read about life under Eisenhower. They, and those receiving their coffins back home, woke up soon enough to the class system. The people DID stop the war. But deformed babies are still born in Vietnam, and mines still create new cripples in Cambodia and Laos.

Dec 27, 2024 7:17 PM

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Dec 27, 2024 7:17 PM

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Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Dec 27, 2024 11:37 PM
Reply to  entitlement

Except that scenario #2 did not happen!

Dec 27, 2024 7:16 PM

People choose what they think is right and wrong by what they like. If they like it, it’s right. If they don’t like it, it’s wrong.

Dec 27, 2024 7:11 PM

No Room for Growth

Once again hormonal unstable Cry baby Simon woke emlo attacking off G on line after he attacked the O.G commentators and called them anti Semitic.

A Communist in Hong Kong @SimonElmer2022 · Dec 22
I sent you that piece on replacement immigration as a test of where your commitment to free speech lay – the commitment you site as justification for publishing the stream of abuse on the comments section of my articles on Off Guardian – and it lay exactly where I thought it was.


Simon – As you know we publish a lot of your work and we have recently offered to host your books through our shop. So we have been VERY supportive of you and would like to continue to be so.

But if you are going to respond with a stream of public abuse any time we pass on one of your pieces I don’t see how a working relationship can possibly be maintained.


Another even limper, soggier strawman, Simon. The fact we didn’t think your article was for us doesn’t mean we are advocating against it. I’m sure you’re intelligent enough to know that really.

We have never supported illegal immigration and we think the entire refugee narrative needs interrogation since it’s clearly being used to seed disruption on many levels.

We just didn’t like your article.

I understand you take rejection badly, but trying to parlay your hurt pride into some sweeping moral condemnation of everything we stand for is just silly.

A Communist in Hong Kong
·Dec 22
As the Magdeburg attack has confirmed, replacement immigration is the single biggest issue in Europe, yet you and every other ‘alternative’ platform in the UK have refused to publish my articles on it. You are phonies and cowards, and I have no working relationship with you.

Never saw that coming. 😂 

Same woke elmo retracted his O>G article and banned a load of people for not agreeing with him and having a different revisionist history understanding.

Dec 28, 2024 3:56 AM
Reply to  entitlement

Concerning the apparent hatefest against Elmer: Elon Musk is a great pro immivasion proponent in the USA.

Just now, he tweeted on his X: “My tolerance for subtards is limited”. Subtards being apparently anti-immivasionists targeting Musk’s income statements, the Wages and Salaries items.

Btw. why exactly does Elmer’s article not make the cut in the UK? “We just didn’t like your article” is not good enough. After all, over at https://real-left.com/ Rusere Shoniwa and Elmer had a good clash alright in Dec. 2023.

So does Off-G also think that Elmer is also pushing a “toxic brand of identity politics”.

Is it too much to speculate that it might contain things consonant with the views of any or all of the following: Laurent Guyenot, Michael Hoffmann. Philip Giraldi, Grant F. Smith, Alison Weir, James Traficant, Barbara Lerner Specter, Michael Collins Piper, Douglas Reed, Benjamin Friedman?

Or Niall Ferguson for that matter………. politics makes strange bedfellows.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 28, 2024 2:50 PM
Reply to  Jenner

The “hatefest” against Elmer is a reaction to his aggressive blocking of … well just about everyone in the universe. I was on his side and he blocked me. He fulminates against “the trolls” attacking him BTL on Off-Guardian. I checked and found the only “troll” was myself and all I did was complain that he was blocking me!
Hint: When someone queries you, it’s not “trolling”. It’s free speech.
And Shoniwa and Elmer did not have “a good clash” on Real Left. Shoniwa critiqued Elmer who did not deign to response. Furthermore, on revisiting Real Left, I find that Elmer’s previous contributions have been removed and tagged with this:
“[Content removed at author’s request]
Tagged Simon Elmer”
This is significant since the Shoniwa piece was the initial challenge to Elmer’s views re: immigration. Elmer thus not only failed to respond but withdrew all previous contributions by himself.
In a correspondence with Shoniwa, in which I initially tried to stand up for Elmer, Shoniwa complained about Elmer’s apparent megalomania. I thought that was too harsh. I have come to revise my opinion.
And now from Elmer’s recent tweets, he complains that the price of “Leftist” stupidity is Magdeburg and Southport – cases of, to say the least, questionable terror attacks which Elmer takes at face value as exactly what the media presents them as. Magdeburg has just happened and Southport is only now reaching the courts.
But when someone queried this and raised the issue of deep state, intelligence service psyops and coordinated secret service missions, Elmer airily dismissed this as:
“More anarchist dogma, designed by the same people driving replacement immigration to allow people like you, who need little encouragment, to deny reality while affecting a posture of criticality.”
I would like to contribute to this argument but Elmer has made it impossible for me to add anything. He is a ball-less snivelling coward ranting away from his own unassailable pulpit.
And he displays the typical lack of any self-awareness of the monomaniacal loon by suggesting we have a “discursive framework within which we can discuss immigration free of the accusations of racism, dismissals as a conspiracy theorist, charges of hate speech or threats of arrest with which this much-needed debate has been criminalised in the UK today.” Thereby precluding all dissension from his views as accusation of “racism” etc.  
The immigration that Elmer observes is indeed happening but it is part of the oldest trick in the world: divide and rule. Allow newcomers and then stir up tensions and mutual hatreds which Elmer is cheerfully adding to via comments such as his astonishing musing on whether we are facing “(t)he final Christmas in the future UK caliphate”.
Elmer is stirring up a race war – even if he’s too dumb to realise it. But the dumbness goes with paranoid megalomania.

Dec 28, 2024 3:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

So what is Simon Elmer’s view of immigration? I presume he’s against it and sees it as a looming disaster?

If so, he’s right – and I say “Bring it on!”

I am so sick and fu**ing tired of these Western nations like the US, UK, France et al hounding the “uncivilized” (by their standard) world; making life unbearable for the people living there; then turning around and bellyaching when the “uncivilized masses” enter the pristine shores of their countries because they can no longer survive in their homeland.

US, UK and the rest: you should have fuc*ing thought of that before you took it into your pristine heads to raid and exploit these other places as if the whole wide world was your exclusive Oyster.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 28, 2024 7:51 PM
Reply to  Howard

I have no idea what Elmer’s idea on immigration is because there is nothing consistent in his rants. Take this:
“If you read my articles you’d know that replacement immigration is corporate lobbied UN policy, not my personal prejudice. But you haven’t because it threatens your pose, which commits you to nothing but your own elevation above the reality that terrifies you.”
That last bit is him having a go at Off-G. Which doesn’t make sense since the “reality that terrifies” is the reality that is pretty fucking obvious to everyone. But you’d think that this admission that “replacement immigration is corporate lobbied UN policy” would nudge him towards a vague inkling that it’s not “those bloody Muslims” who are the problem but the fact that they are being used by “higher” agencies.
Which would then lead on to the logical extension that perhaps these “bloody Muslims” won’t behave appallingly enough and might need a little help from said higher agencies.  
Indeed it might even – God forbid! – be the case that the whole scenario of the medieval bomb carrying Arab might need a little “scripting”. None of which is outrageously fantastical since the Western forces have been funding and training up that “Islamofascism” since at least as far back as the Mujahadeen in the 70s.  
But … NO!
It’s gotta be those “bloody Muslims” who presumably forced the poor old helpless UK government’s hand with that contaminating immigration policy!  
And so we have Simon ranting at fucking bloody Muslims and You can’t handle the truth, you phony Leftie rebels and why don’t you DO SOMETHING and get up off your arses and … and … and …
Whilst the government says to itself: “Mission accomplished!”

Dec 28, 2024 4:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Glad to see it’s not just me who has had a run-in with the hyper-sensitive Elmer. He makes some good arguments about the Great Replacement Theory and I tend to agree with him on a lot of things. However, he has a bee in his bonnet when it comes to Islam. Every incident involving a muslim is automatically a) the fault of the muslim and b) Due entirely to their religion. I also find his praise for China, while completely ignoring the elephant in the room of their social credit system, somewhat baffling to say the least. When I politely pointed this out to him on Twitter he immediately blocked me. He clearly cannot stand any sort of criticism of his arguments whatsoever, even from people who broadly share his viewpoint.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 28, 2024 7:11 PM
Reply to  Chicot

It is indeed bizarre. I owe it to Rusere Shoniwa for alerting me to Elmer’s totalitarianist tendency – which I initially rejected but now find to be spot on. The guy seems to have a god complex. His tweets are becoming increasingly barking.

But he’s made it easy. Since he has barred everyone from debating with him, he has commited social media suicide. Which does raise the issue of who he thinks he’s talking to. And what he means by this “free discussion”. He made a sneer about others “vanishing into a mirror”. Oh the irony explodes!

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 28, 2024 8:22 AM
Reply to  entitlement

Elmer has revealed himself as a barking paranoid walker but your comment here doesn’t seem to relate to the article above the line.

Granted you could intend an “off topic” but you quote the title of the ATL article.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 28, 2024 8:24 AM
Reply to  George Mc

When I said “walker”, I of course meant “wanker”. But then Simon may have turned into one of the Walking Dead!

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 31, 2024 4:38 AM
Reply to  entitlement

If we dont have any opinion of our own, we can always discuss the discourse of the ones who have  😆 .

John Manning
John Manning
Dec 27, 2024 7:03 PM

Put in the simplest way we are told what to think and how to think by our media. If that conflicts with known fact then we have to keep quiet.
I am one of those people who do not know how to keep quiet and consequently no-one listens to me, because I never stick to narrative.
Unlike most who talk about Covid I can claim some expertise, with training and experience in microbiology and virology. So when the public knew ‘something was amiss about Covid’ I looked and thought a new strain of SARs corona virus was pretty normal. The 4th such event in the past 30 years.
There was however something amiss about the vaccines.
Death from Covid19 SARs is continuing at the same rate with vaccination as without. [Worldometer data}.
Health research now estimates up to 17 million deaths may have resulted from Covid19 vaccines. Covid19 is blamed for 7 million. Both figures will be inaccurate.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 27, 2024 9:18 PM
Reply to  John Manning

They are. The 17 should be 18 mio = 3 x 6 mio = 666. The 7 mio should off course be corrected to 6.

Ulrich Schmid
Ulrich Schmid
Dec 27, 2024 6:46 PM

A very good article for the New Year. Thanks and have a good new year yourself Todd!

Dec 27, 2024 6:26 PM

I used to think that the main fallacies ought to be studied so they can be avoided. Hah.