The Deep State’s Triumph: 2024 and the Erosion of Liberty
John & Nisha Whitehead
“Everyday the future looks a little bit darker.”
Alan Moore, Watchmen
We have become a nation adrift in a sea of government overreach, abuse and corruption.
The following is a sobering account of the challenges we faced in 2024, which were marked by the government’s never-ending power grabs and relentless assaults on our civil liberties.
2024 saw a continued rise in government overreach and abuse of power. The militarization of police forces continued unabated, with local departments increasingly resembling extensions of the military. Schools, meant to be places of learning and growth, became more prison-like with the implementation of “safety” measures that criminalize minor infractions and create an environment of fear.
The right to private property was further eroded, with the government increasingly empowered to seize assets under various pretexts. The plight of the homeless worsened, with cities criminalizing homelessness and implementing policies designed to make their lives even more difficult. Military veterans, once hailed as heroes, were increasingly treated with suspicion and subjected to surveillance.
On almost every front this year, the government overreached and abused its powers.
With every new law enacted by federal and state legislatures, every new ruling handed down by government courts, and every new military weapon, invasive tactic and egregious protocol employed by government agents, we were reminded that in the eyes of the government and its corporate accomplices, “we the people” possess no rights except for that which the Deep State grants on an as-needed basis.
Surveillance eroded what little privacy we have left. The Surveillance State grew even more pervasive. Facial recognition technology expanded into new areas of our lives, with vast amounts of our biometric data collected, often without our knowledge or consent, eroding our anonymity and enabling unprecedented tracking of our movements. Data breaches continued to expose the vulnerability of our personal information.
Free speech continued to be under attack. Protest laws, free speech zones, and other restrictions made it more difficult for citizens to exercise their First Amendment rights. Social media companies, often in collusion with the government, engaged in censorship of viewpoints they deemed unacceptable. This online censorship creates an echo chamber and limits the free flow of information.
The influence of the Deep State and the military-industrial complex continued to grow. Endless wars abroad drained the nation’s resources while doing little to make Americans safer. The military-industrial complex’s grip on almost every aspect of American life tightened.
The government failed to protect our lives, liberty and happiness. The predators of the police state wreaked havoc on our freedoms, our communities, and our lives. The government didn’t listen to the citizenry, refused to abide by the Constitution, and treated the citizenry as a source of funding and little else. Police officers shot unarmed citizens and their household pets. Government agents—including local police—were armed to the teeth and encouraged to act like soldiers on a battlefield. Bloated government agencies were allowed to fleece taxpayers. Government technicians spied on our emails and phone calls. And government contractors made a killing by waging endless wars abroad.
The president became more imperial. Although the Constitution invests the President with very specific, limited powers, in recent years, American presidents have claimed the power to completely and almost unilaterally alter the landscape of this country for good or for ill. The powers amassed by each successive president through the negligence of Congress and the courts—powers which add up to a toolbox of terror for an imperial ruler—empower whoever occupies the Oval Office to act as a dictator, above the law and beyond any real accountability. The presidency itself has become an imperial one with permanent powers.
The cost of endless wars drove the nation deeper into debt. Policing the globe and waging endless wars abroad hasn’t made America—or the rest of the world—any safer, but it has made the military industrial complex rich at taxpayer expense.
The courts failed to uphold justice. Time and time again, the Supreme Court failed to right the wrongs being meted out by the American police state. A review of critical court rulings over the past decade or so, including some ominous ones by the U.S. Supreme Court, reveals a startling and steady trend towards pro-police state rulings by an institution concerned more with establishing order and protecting the ruling class and government agents than with upholding the rights enshrined in the Constitution.
Mass shootings claimed more lives. Mass shootings have taken place at churches, in nightclubs, on college campuses, on military bases, in elementary schools, in government offices, and at concerts. In almost every instance, you can connect the dots back to the military-industrial complex, which continues to dominate, dictate and shape almost every aspect of our lives.
The rich got richer, and the poor went to jail. Not content to expand the police state’s power to search, strip, seize, raid, steal from, arrest and jail Americans for any infraction, no matter how insignificant, the courts continued their practice of jailing individuals who are unable to pay the hefty fines imposed by the American police state. These debtors’ prisons play right into the hands of those who make a profit by jailing Americans. This is no longer a government “of the people, by the people, for the people.” It is fast becoming a government “of the rich, by the elite, for the corporations,” and its rise to power is predicated on shackling the American taxpayer to a debtors’ prison guarded by a phalanx of politicians, bureaucrats and militarized police with no hope of parole and no chance for escape.
Police became even more militarized and weaponized. Despite concerns about the government’s steady transformation of local police into a standing military army, local police agencies continued to acquire weaponry, training and equipment suited for the battlefield. There are now reportedly more bureaucratic (non-military) government civilians armed with high-tech, deadly weapons than U.S. Marines.
Schools turned into prisons. So-called school “safety” policies, which run the gamut from zero tolerance policies that punish all infractions harshly to surveillance cameras, metal detectors, random searches, drug-sniffing dogs, school-wide lockdowns, active-shooter drills and militarized police officers, turned schools into prisons and young people into prisoners.
The government waged a renewed war on private property. The battle to protect our private property has become the final constitutional frontier, the last holdout against our freedoms being usurped. We no longer have any real property rights. That house you live in, the car you drive, the small (or not so small) acreage of land that has been passed down through your family or that you scrimped and saved to acquire, whatever money you manage to keep in your bank account after the government and its cronies have taken their first and second and third cut…none of it is safe from the government’s greedy grasp. At no point do you ever have any real ownership in anything other than the clothes on your back. Everything else can be seized by the government under one pretext or another (civil asset forfeiture, unpaid taxes, eminent domain, public interest, etc.).
The plight of the nation’s homeless worsened. In communities across the country, legislators adopted a variety of methods (parking meters, zoning regulations, tickets, and even robots) to discourage the homeless from squatting, loitering and panhandling. One of the most common—and least discussed—practices: homeless relocation programs that bus the homeless outside city limits.
The government waged war on military veterans. The government has done a pitiful job of respecting the freedoms of military veterans and caring for their needs once out of uniform. The plight of veterans today is America’s badge of shame, with large numbers of veterans impoverished, unemployed, traumatized mentally and physically, struggling with depression, suicide, and marital stress, homeless, subjected to sub-par treatment at clinics and hospitals, left to molder while their paperwork piles up within Veterans Administration offices, and increasingly treated like criminals— targeted for surveillance, censorship, threatened with incarceration or involuntary commitment, labeled as extremists and/or mentally ill, and stripped of their Second Amendment rights—for daring to speak out against government misconduct.
In sum, 2024 was a disheartening year for those who cherish freedom.
Yet no matter who sits in the White House, politics won’t fix a system that is broken beyond repair.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we are at our most vulnerable right now: the gravest threat facing us as a nation in 2025 is not extremism but despotism, exercised by a ruling class whose only allegiance is to power and money.
Originally published via The Rutherford Institute
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Despite all the outrages, 2024 was tolerable, was it not? I don’t mean it was okay. I mean it just wasn’t as stressful as 2020-2023. Less in your face. Have we been desensitised? Was that the plan?
2020 was the start of a ten-year plan to radically change the world. (They didn’t hide it, they were out of the starting blocks on Jan 1.)
And as we know, all good ten-year plans are made up of two five-year plans. Part 2 has started. They mean it to be FAR more extreme than part 1. I predict that 2025 will be worse than 2020. That’s why they gave us a ‘boring’ 2024 to reset our anger.
At least they’ve given us a week’s grace so far this year. But buckle up after Jan 20.
I said here before that Trump’s election was eerily similar to the UK’s 2019 landslide of populism and the subsequent betrayal. Trump isn’t even in office yet and we’re already seeing signs of things you didn’t vote for (work visas, warmongering, interfering in foreign affairs, even serious suggestions of colonising foreign lands.)
Yes, things got worse. Let’s talk solutions. First, people that care about their country need to get active in politics at all levels. You can’t just leave it to the corrupt to lead us. Second, there needs to be a game plan to disassemble the police state. Things such as repealing the Biden ‘Patriot Act’ (Yes, creepy Joe dropped this one on congress). We need to defund the NSA’s spying on the citizenry, and the FBI’s over-reach. Many of the people President Elect Trump has selected appear to be amenable to honoring a far greater sovereignty for the citizenry of the US, but they will need some help from the public to support such efforts. If we all work on solutions rather than just griping that things are getting worse, maybe some things can turn around. It’s the only chance we have.
Good luck with that. If PA is any example, a non blessed candidate will find himself running against at least 2 other people in the primary. All money will be spent in the primary, and both the state and national party will deign the non blessed candidate unworthy of campaign assistance. It really is a big club, and we’re not in it.
My worthless advice is to network at the local level. Those in you network should take no money from the fed or state, and that includes farm and welfare programs. Do run for local offices. Don’t chase after growth. Fight any state/federal plans to give tax breaks for corporations to move to your area. They will bring in H1 visa workers, and cause your local housing costs and property taxes to explode. Not to mention you may not have the infrastructure to support sewage and water treatment. Finally get your sons off the internet, and tell them into get infrastructure work . They pay well, and management tend to be clueless on how such businesses operate. That knowledge could quite powerful if you are ornery enough.
Ohio Senate Bill 297, passed with a 27 to 4 vote, would add to Ohio law the definition of anti-semitism adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
The author/s never mention how the “trick” is performed, ‘rickypop’ nailed it in the comments.
Until this information is comprehended by a critical mass of the world’s population, articles will continue to be written & published regarding only the symptoms of a system that fraudulently converts the People born on the Land, into crew-members of a corporate-ship under Admiralty/Maritime code.
Rickypop nailed nothing as per usual, the Sovereign Citizen delusionalism gets thrown out of court in USA, Canada, NZ, Aust., UK, time and again. And our people get badly hurt by the likes of Rickpop and Freecus.
We Freedomites have enough to contend with apart from the Magical Thinking of pseudolaw:
Here is an analysis for one particular Anglo jurisdiction.Try to ignore the Wokeism (New Zealand. Aetorea) and Statist crawling (conspiratorial, conspiracy, misinformation) of the authors, what they write about the Law is accurate:
The Curious Invasion: A Complete Epic
In a land once great and mighty,
Arrived some folks, oh so flighty.
“Tech pros!” they claimed with glee,
But their habits? Oh my, you’ll see!
They came with laptops and with code,
But their manners? Quite à la mode!
For when nature called, oh dear,
They’d squat and drop without a care.
Streets and parks, their porcelain thrones,
Leaving “presents” midst the stones.
The locals gasped, “What’s this we see?”
As techies relieved themselves with glee.
“We’re disrupting!” they would shout,
As they let it all hang out.
Innovation was their game,
Public pooping brought them fame.
Yet these “pros” with shameless pride,
Claimed superiority far and wide.
“We’re the best this land has seen!”
They boasted, pants around their knees.
“Our ways are new, your ways are old,
Our ‘deposits’ are worth their weight in gold!”
The natives scratched their heads in wonder,
As their nation was torn asunder.
This once-great nation, now perplexed,
Wondered what would happen next.
For in this digital revolution,
Came an unexpected “solution”!
So remember, when coders come to town,
Watch your step, and look around.
For these tech pros, without a doubt,
Might just be caught with pants down!
So beware of those who loudly preach,
Of being better, as they befoul each beach.
For in this tale of tech and trouble,
The greatest boasts may just be bubble!
The importance of understanding that everything has been corporatised. I.E., The government, the police, the courts, local government and more importantly you and me.
When you get a driving licence, passport, bank account all legal documents and if you buy a thing of value (land, house, car etc) or become a director in a business.
In all of the above its not you in the form of a living man or woman that has/owns any of the above. The state/crown has taken as trustee your legal identity i.e., MR JOE BLOGGS or any format of that name except Joe Bloggs. In all of the above you will never see the name Joe Bloggs as the government and co-conspirators including the bank can only deal with your legal fictional identity.
The police cannot charge Joe Bloggs, the courts cannot notify Joe Bloggs and HMRC cannot tax Joe Bloggs. On the other hand to live outside their fictional world is difficult as Joe Bloggs cannot get a job, travel document, bank account etc.
The important thing to know is that as beneficiary of your estate you can be MR JOE BLOGGS as and when you like and disown that corporate fiction as and when you want.
This nonsense was created to allow the statecrown to control/own everything of value and is a serious fraud against all the people.
IN THE ARTICLE it says that the state controls us. But it does not. It only controls gullible fools who accept its authority.
1 Gullible fool here already
As pointed out by Charles Reich fifty years ago.
Two weeks until Trump comes in and saves us all (TM). First thing he can do is free those he entrapped into getting themselves arrested on January 6th. the “insurrection” that wasn’t:
The MSM reporting of this is a sight to behold – they’re all proclaiming no “agents” relying on the hair-splitting distinction between an “agent” and an “asset” and ignoring the bigger issues. It’s one of the clearest illustrations that they are not on the side of the people but on the side of those in power.
Controlling the USian people is one thing, but they can’t control the BRICS in the walls:
The British Empire’s stay-behind units, banks and masonic lodges, can’t control them?
If only…
‘The government failed to protect our lives, liberty and happiness’
Really? Name one government between here and Alpha Centauri that has ever done any of those things.
‘The rich got richer and the poor went to jail’
That’s been standard operating procedure for governments since they were first formed.
I’m sure the Whiteheads have good, honest intentions, but their output is becoming a tad repetitive and predictable.
Tell us something we don’t know.
The first time I saw a John & Nisha Whitehead article on offG I tried to read it. But it just seemed like a bunch of American centric hyperbole. I skip over them now when I see their names. I only checked in this time to see what others thought in the comments.
The US has dominated the economic, military and cultural spheres for so long that most USians believe it is the centre of the universe.
After all, God does live there.
‘The rich got richer and the poor went to jail’
John & Nisha Whitehead make a pretty packet with there organization.
I do wonder about that.
Cashing in on the restless and resentful minds of the disaffected perhaps?
That’s the spirit!
Deep State loves you.
and the Deep State HATES engaged voters who agonize over the choice between Kang or Kodos?