Let’s talk about…California Wildfires


Unprecedented wildfires have swept the Los Angeles area over the last few days, destroying neighbourhoods and threatening landmarks.

The BBC is helpfully keeping a running tally of the number of celebrities whose homes have burned down.

This is the first time in recorded history that wildfires of this scale have occurred in California in January, according to an expert quoted in the New Scientist:

“While Santa Ana fires are nothing new in southern California, this type of explosive fire event has never happened in January before, and it’s only happened once in December,” says Crystal Kolden at the University of California, Merced.

There has been no official word on what started the fires as yet, although officials from the California Fire Service claimed that 95% of wildfires in California are started by humans.

But, however they started – and as with other wildfires in recent history – we have to ask if this situation was fostered through inaction.

It’s well documented that – under the guise of “environmentalism” – authorities in California have refused to clear brush or cut fire breaks in woodland, even after four months of drought.

It’s also reported that fire hydrants were running dry, allegedly due to the aforementioned drought.

Then there’s the more-than-suspicious story that insurance companies began spontaneously cancelling home insurance policies in the affected areas of Los Angeles months ago.

All of which paints a picture of some kind of intentionality, doesn’t it?

But ignore all that, it was probably climate change causing “hydroclimate whiplash”, right?



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Jan 13, 2025 2:40 PM

BREAKING: A California man is reunited with his dog, who was found trapped beneath the rubble of their fire-destroyed home

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 13, 2025 2:15 PM

At least 12 died in a Zhengzhou metro station after the tunnels flooded, with alarming footage on social media showing the water level inside carriages reaching passengers’ head-height. Another six were reported at the time to have died in a road tunnel where more than 100 cars were trapped and submerged.

Which means that several hundred would have died in just those two incidents.

Jan 23, 2022
Chinese officials arrested for concealing true scale of flood death toll
Beijing government says officials in Henan province were found to have deliberately underreported the disaster
In the weeks following the floods the death toll sat at 99 for several days before officials announced a toll of 302 dead and 50 missing.

comment image

The Zhengzhou subway flooding incident refers to the severe flooding that occurred on Zhengzhou Metro Line 5 on July 20, 2021, during a heavy rainstorm.[1] Despite the weather, the metro line continued to operate, and rainwater broke through the retaining wall of the Wulongkou parking lot, flooding the train tunnel. Official reports from the government stated that the incident resulted in 14 deaths and 5 injuries.[2] However, the death toll has been widely questioned because the trains were covered with black cloth during the subsequent search and rescue operations, preventing the inspection of their interiors.

The Top Secret of Zhengzhou Severe Flood: The 24 hours of the Tunnel/Flooded within 5 minutes
China Insights
Jul 24, 2021 #Zhengzhouflood
July 20: 5:40pm, the Jingguang Tunnel in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, was flooded within 5 minutes.
The military has taken over Jingguang express tunnel in Zhengzhou; the tunnel has been sealed off all around; the number of victims is unknown.

Jan 12, 2025 7:53 PM

I am happy to keep a fairly open mind, as natural disasters have always happened and inevitably strike suddenly. However. the slightly odd feature of the Los Angeles fires is that they caused such great and wide-ranging devastation in wealthy areas and large properties. This wasn’t a block of small city centre apartments or cheek-by-jowl hovels somewhere where the fire protection might have been negligible. But equally, in California, the fires also weren’t merely forest fires which might have spread unnoticed until it was too late. To me, it doesn’t quite add up that the fires spread so quickly over both trees, roads and buildings. Still, we await more details.

Jan 12, 2025 5:36 PM

There’s some indications of certain individuals who’ve captured a large % of the water supply for their own business needs, at the expense of the general pubic and it would appear fund Israel/IDF.

Jan 12, 2025 12:53 PM

Canadian and Mexican firefighters being sent to California. An easier “sell” than troops/police but that’s ultimately where this is meant to lead….

Further conglomeration of the North Atlantic “region” is emerging as one of the major themes of Trump 2.0.

BTW Trump is both 45th and 47th President. 4+5=9 and 4+7=11. This is a 9/11 event.

Jan 12, 2025 9:43 AM

ask if this situation was fostered through inaction

do a story on The insurance companies and HAARP.. if you want to understand things.

about a year ago the insurance companies in Florida dropped wind storm coverage on structures along the coast of Florida but they did it by tripling the premium charge.. If you pay enough in premiums to pay for the structure in five years. what is the need for insurance.. ? Especially since the history of the insurance carriers has been they refuse to pay until legal action gives them no choice.

The problem is the insurance companies, banks and governments are in conclusion(it may not be formal but the end result is the laws, rules and outcomes favor the insurance carriers. Its not the kind of fraud that is seen as theft, instead it is using rate approving agencies and building code authorities to increase insurance premiums and to increase the cost of construction.
This is happening with power company rates and water and sewer company rates.

When government,{ national, regional, local or municipal} enforce zoning laws, building code restrictions and restrict the material types etc that can be used in construction and then require permits before building, inspections during, and taxing after<= I believe governments take on the responsibility to meet consumer expectation. That is if their required standards are deficient (that is the code built structure is not fire proof, is not hurricane proof, is not tornado proof, it is the fault of the government. By requiring license to build, and approval to occupy government is basically guaranteeing all users that approved structures are safe and fit for the intended purpose. That's the government's story.

But the truth lay in the fact that governments have gone into the business of zoning and licensing the construction of structures in order to make and increase their real estate tax revenues. Tax revenues are computed as a % of the market value of the property and are assessed each year.
.0024 mills is a common tax rate in my area. Look at the difference in tax cost of a home that can be built without meeting the building code for say $40,000, versus the same structure built to government imposed code and rules $250,000.. Obviously it is cheaper to self insure the $40,000 structure than it is to pay annual insurance premiums on the $250,000 structure. and if it were not for government there would be no annual insurance premium at all.

Zoning and building codes are in place so actuaries for insurance companies can compute the possible losses when figuring rates for insurance policies.

I believe the governments have by controlling the cost and type of construction one can build taken on the liability to replace all structures that foreseeable events (like fires in California, and Hurricanes along coastal areas, floods in flood prone areas, tornadoes in areas subject to tornadoes and vulcanos. When government exercises its authority to benefit the insurance carriers instead of to benefit the people who improve real estate government and insurance carriers are guilty of corruption.

Jan 13, 2025 3:57 AM
Reply to  eman

What matters is either connections or money to sue. Not everyone can be “lucky” Larry Silverstein.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
Jan 13, 2025 7:54 AM
Reply to  mgeo

He cleaned up, didn’t he? That’s a skill which could be useful in the LA aftermath operations.

Jan 11, 2025 10:34 PM

Who’s in charge of the L.A. Fire Department?…

“With her wife and children by her side, Chief Crowley took the oath of office on March 25, 2022 – becoming the first female and LGBTQ Fire Chief in the LAFD… Creating, supporting, and promoting a culture that values diversity, inclusion, and equity while striving to meet and exceed the expectations of the communities are Chief Crowley’s priorities.”

I doubt very much any of this is coincidental.

Jan 12, 2025 2:00 AM
Reply to  Edwige

She looks like the lebian captain of that brand new, high tech NZ ship that ran aground. DEI puts incompetents in the top positions, the results are always eventually the same.

Jan 12, 2025 2:05 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Respect to the men who have done the hard work in the department, men capable of carrying victims down a few flights of stairs or a tall ladder, men very capable of running a competent shop, only to have their faces rubbed in the dirt by the promotion of an incompetent lesbian to the top position. What a FU to the fire department and the firemen … they are called firemen for a reason.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 11, 2025 7:46 PM

Some excerpts from the article linked below:

Just in Time for the Olympics
Coincidentally, the 2028 Summer Olympics will be hosted in Los Angeles!

The SmartLA 2028 plans have developed and perfected the vision of a new and improved region of the city that will be a showcase of modernity and global citizenship when hosting the upcoming Olympics. As with the many plans and tabletop exercises that were done prior to the 2020 COVID pandemic, which we now know was manufactured and weaponized to introduce totalitarian measures into the lives of free citizens, the 15 minute plans for the damaged regions of Los Angeles are already been hammered out and were ready to be implemented when disaster struck this week.

It is as though we are being tested. Did we as a country “tolerate” what we witnessed happening in Maui? Have we “tolerated” the Hurricane Helene and Milton disaster that swept through Southern Appalachia wiping out infrastructure in a quarter of Western North Carolina and the mountain area of Eastern Tennessee (in addition to the lesser degree of damage in Virginia, Georgia, Florida.) Have we ignored the lack of governmental response to the catastrophic damage?


Jan 12, 2025 5:10 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Sorry, Israel and Ukraine need the money.

Jan 11, 2025 7:41 PM

A high official of LA Fire Dept last night on the news pointed out that the Fire Department is the same size it was 60 years ago and needs to be 3x current stations, equipment and manpower to be as effective as then. This statement is a fractal of the universal problem that plagues this country. Incremental austerity by both Parties, budget cuts, have been deployed for almost 50 years to funnel tax cuts, better called subsidies, to the top 5%, defunding whatever Public Commons existed post WW2. This is the root cause that has turned America into an infrastructure defunded, capitalist war empire of the 1%, a Banana Republic. It’s up to us to scream…

We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take this anymore. You the PTB are going to bear the cost and loss of authority, and surrender it all to We the People to figure out and self-rule. 🙂

Jan 11, 2025 8:44 PM
Reply to  sandy

I just researched a Visual Capitalist pie chart of average income claiming “average” US household (consumer unit) income is $8484/mo, $101k/yr. I recommend downloading the BLS income before taxes chart to find the top 36.4% of US families make $101K+/yr, not the top 50% of US households. The “average” income US figures are lopsided because of the money horde in the $200k+ infinite ended category. Median income, a better indicator of the bottom 50% and top 50%, is <$60k/yr. So. All the folks we see voting, all the folks on airplanes, flying here and there on vacations, are the top 36% of households. Well no wonder.

“They are paid not to listen while their house is on fire.” (Tears for Fears)



Jan 12, 2025 5:13 AM
Reply to  sandy

In democracy, anyone other than the richest 0.1% – who “support” politicians and officials directly – is a nobody.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 11, 2025 3:44 PM

It’s named Meadow Mill, it’s built next to a river, and it’s on Water Street. You think they’d have got the fucking clues!

The place was converted into flats within the last five years or so. The building regulations should have been to make the ground floor flood proof. There should be an arrangement with the adjacent supermarket (Tesco) that, in the case of flood risk, part of their carpark can be commandeered. And their should be a warning system so that the residents have a few hours to move their cars and make preparations to be stuck inside for a day or two.

comment image.

Get flood-hit residents back home, urges council
10 January 2025
The owners and management of an apartment block that has been without power since the New Year’s Day floods have been told to “get their act together” by a council.
Meadow Mill in Stockport remains without electricity, heating, and water, with residents “desperate” to return more than a week after they were evacuated.

Hundreds forced to leave homes as floods batter region
1 January 2025

Meadow Mill, Water Street, Stockport, SK1

comment image

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 12, 2025 1:58 PM

It’s worse than I thought!

Search: Tiviot Way Stockport
Zoom-in on bridge over River Tame
Go to street view on bridge and select May 2011

There used to be an embankment linking the bridge-level to the first floor of the mill. This both blocked off the water and provided access to the building in case the ground level got flooded.

Now go to September 2023. They removed the embankment and the river turned into a full wrap-around moat!

Jan 11, 2025 3:01 PM

Jan 11, 2025 8:40 AM

Wasn’t the big lesson of the 2024 election that celebrity-based propaganda doesn’t work anymore? Won’t someone tell the BBC?

Take one of the celebrities they mention… James Woods. From Wikipedia: “His father, Gail Peyton Woods, was a United States Army intelligence officer”. Woods was deployed in both the O.J. Simpson trial and on 9/11, two massive psychological operations. Perhaps anyone who might be slightly influenced by anything involving Woods should look again at his film ‘Videodrome’ and what that’s telling viewers… that the media is controlled by the MIC and are deliberately rotting the brain.

BTW the quotation planted in the mouth of Rikki Lake in that BBC article is very deliberate – “apocalyptic” doesn’t mean what many people think it does.

Jan 11, 2025 6:43 AM

I think the picture above is AI. I don’t think the LA fires look like that.

Jan 11, 2025 7:58 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The sky is on fire! A description for this image from someone would be appreciated.

Jan 11, 2025 5:23 AM

State to probe why Pacific Palisades reservoir was offline, empty when firestorm exploded
More importantly:

Lets not talk about the UKs 1 million gang rape victims.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
Jan 13, 2025 8:00 AM
Reply to  antonym

Yes, this needs to be covered!

Jan 14, 2025 1:25 PM
Reply to  antonym

“The enemy doesn’t need to defeat you. All the enemy needs to do is to program and distract you. Then you’ll not notice what they are really doing”.

Jan 11, 2025 2:57 AM

A few years ago one of CA’s droughts was ended w record rainfall & all the reservoirs were at capacity– so they opened them up & let the water out to sea. Why? They said it wd be good for some little fish that is not even native to CA.

les online
les online
Jan 10, 2025 11:47 PM

“Towering Infernos, Batman !!” (Robin) …

Californiasteria: Best Californian Fire Memes:

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 10, 2025 10:42 PM

The LA suburb of Pacific Palisades, said to be the site of a planned new “Smart city”. 

Fire is an important tool for revolutionaries: You burn down the old and replace it with the “new society”. In LA’s case the new society is the Smart City to be built up in The Palisades area in conjunction with the all-important 2028 LA Olympics. Well hey Chuck, it looks like the required property acquisitions have just become way cheaper!

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 11, 2025 10:42 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

It will be interesting to learn the fate if that one “miracle” house, inconveniently intact in the middle of all the destruction.

My money’s on “compromised foundations”.

Jan 12, 2025 5:21 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Bizarre to claim that it is “revolutionaries” doing this.

les online
les online
Jan 10, 2025 10:29 PM

An allegation, yet to be made, is that one of those Chinese
‘Spy’ balloons floated about dropping lit matches on the place,
though this claim might be part of Trump’s Pivot To China

les online
les online
Jan 10, 2025 11:56 PM
Reply to  les online

If They raise a 15 Minute City upon the ashes how are They
gonna make it fire-resistant (to the geo-engineerers ?) ?
Fire-retardant paint, in the current fire, doesnt seem to work
(might actually act as an accelerant ?)…

Jan 10, 2025 10:26 PM

Firestorms require ‘firestorm trees’:

“I know one project that was done in California where one sort of scheme planted 8 million blue gums — a massive number.”

More here:


Low rainfall, destructive winds, ignorant plant choices and homes built in the wrong places.

Jan 12, 2025 5:24 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Planting alien gum trees on a large scale close to where major fires have been recurring.. I wonder why they would do that.

Jan 12, 2025 6:11 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Fast growing.
Almost drought proof.
Good timber when aged.
Bee attractors.

les online
les online
Jan 10, 2025 10:19 PM

“Unprecedented” – gonna add that to my list of words
Meaning: ‘out of the ordinary’, ‘abnormal’, ‘there’s a first
time for everything’…….
(it’s a novel way of explaining History, too, like ‘nothing
like it ever, ever happened before !’)…

Jan 10, 2025 10:06 PM

Pending Purgatory alert.

Looking Raven
Looking Raven
Jan 10, 2025 9:54 PM

Wonder if these California fires will be the aha awakening moment that climate change, is an intentional mind bamboozle and money sucking scam.
Back in 2001 when global warming was renamed to climate change because the temperatures weren’t cooperating to rise. There was no awakening. Instead, decades of die-hard climate change cult believers were born. So much a wildlife foundation snagged an Inuit Org in 2023 to infect the arctic with solar panels and wind turbines for the lust for government subsidies when the sun doesn’t shine and wind doesn’t blow.
Who cares about wildlife, increase blackouts and high costing electricity if use the other turn the thinking mind off word…. “Fighting” climate change. People become expendable nothings and isn’t this the goal of climate change?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 11, 2025 12:41 AM
Reply to  Looking Raven

Before the Climate Change Narrative TM, the Global Warming Narrative (RIP) there was the environment movement that got Shanghai’d into a form of neo-Malthusianism with books like the Population Bomb. Since “environmentalism” became a ruling class-dominated project it has shown itself to be the reincarnation of the Eugenics movement.

Jan 12, 2025 5:37 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

In the 1970s, there was the global cooling scare and choking smog. From then on, there was generally some improvement in smokestacks and vehicle exhausts. Now, the straw that is straining the camel’s back is the clean-up of marine fuel. Clouds are not reflecting away enough heat because there is not enough sulphur in the smoke being sent up. Reducing industry is not an option: that violates the religion of growth.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
Jan 14, 2025 1:54 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Yes, there has been a lot of prepping and overlapping of ‘issues’.

Jan 11, 2025 5:48 AM
Reply to  Looking Raven

I don’t understand. Why would wildfires imply climate change doesn’t exist? One would think they would imply the opposite. I mean, fires are hot. Like global warming.

I’m sorry if many of you get mad at me saying this. But I honestly don’t understand. AGWists are always going on about increased disasters. Including fires. Not sure what “awakening” naturally arises from this.

Jan 11, 2025 5:27 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Edwige. Respectfully, I don’t think anyone says wildfire indicate the climate change doesn’t exist. Quite the opposite … Wildfires have gone on for thousands of years so there is no proof that this fire (or any other) is caused by Climate Change.

Jan 12, 2025 6:17 AM
Reply to  neoTerra

There is relentless “terraforming” of the planet: expansion of the human domain, interference and exploitation of biomes, exploitation of people thereby driven to the fringes, etc. Sometimes, the overlords’ plans go awry.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
Jan 14, 2025 2:04 AM
Reply to  Looking Raven

It might sway ‘floating’ sceptics because this has come very hard on the heels of Lahaina where it was clear to ordinary folk there the neglect, lack of preparation and wrongheaded police operations was willful. Also, there was the head scratching about the anomalous patchiness of the fire there. However, there’s a pessimistic part of me that thinks this may be wishful thinking.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 10, 2025 8:55 PM

Prime real estate, soon available cheaply. From single family homes to apartment complexes, maybe even 15-minute cities.

“You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”

Jan 10, 2025 8:50 PM

There seems to be a natural music and cultural affinity between us English and Californians, at least since Elvis, which I can not explain on Geographical grounds. Whilst we like Australians a Kiwi’s too….even further away, I always wanted to fly to California – not New York..

Maybe its what my Dad said (Sailor) when he hitch-hiked across the USA – or the BEACH BOYS when I was 16..BBC Radio Three, started Transmitting, experimentally in Full HD Stereo..and I had built a Sinclair Project 60 with Stereo FM Tuner. It worked. Recorded in Mono. The BBC had remixed it in Stereo

May realize
May realize
Jan 12, 2025 1:11 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc
Jan 10, 2025 8:49 PM
Jan 10, 2025 8:23 PM

Have you noticed how they’ve segued from
“the world will end in ten years (again)”
“it has already happened and you must pay reparations”?

Even though the climate is essentially the same as it was fifty years ago (to my personal knowledge) and actually much improved compared to the early 20th century.

They have to milk every event for what it’s worth to keep the gullible believing. Better yet, creating disasters deliberately works a charm.

eyes remember
eyes remember
Jan 10, 2025 6:42 PM

I am in LA county and this is really horrible, I have friends who have lost their homes. But, it looks deliberate and part of the pattern we see, just like the fires in Santa Rosa or Maui, to take property and wealth from people. These are not normal wildfires, as people have noted, trees and trash cans seemed to remain, similar to microwave or electrical type of DEW weapons. Look up the work of forensic arborist, Robert Brame, who has been at the Red Pill Expo for more info on these unatural fires. https://redpilluniversity.org/if-houses-burn-but-trees-dont-is-it-really-a-forest-fire/

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 10, 2025 9:12 PM
Reply to  eyes remember

I listened to part of his discussion on bitchute recently, and I think it was there that the program showed news reports from a few years ago that the currently affected areas were intended to be turned into 15 minute cities. The same situation as on Maui/Lahaina btw.

Jan 11, 2025 2:50 AM
Reply to  eyes remember

Thank you eyes– most excellent.

Jan 13, 2025 6:01 PM
Reply to  eyes remember

A few points: the utter destruction of entire nighborhoods, where buildings are pulverized to white ashes whilw many highly flammable trees and bushes next to crumbled walls and piles of rubble should give anyone a pause, and prompt a reassessment, i.e. what can physically cause the almost complete pulverization of multiple story houses, their resistance structure, including all contents to minimal size ankle deep debris?, but also cause obliteration of cars down to a metall carcass, melting alloy wheels, while these have been incinerated in high flames next to pine trees, but the oine trees are left untouched? this has all tell tale signs of high energy directed weapons and exotic means to destroy solid materials that otherwise do not burn, where are the granite countertops, the ceramic bathroom pieces, all solid materials have been incinerated and vaporized, a forensic analysis and a criminaistic analysis would easily proove that destructive tools of military grade were used, possibly unconventional secret laser based or microwave weapons were deployed. This cannot be a natural occurrece, these were not wild fires, proof is obvious: trees were not the ones that can spread this type of high temprature inferno; if you need to convince yourself just look at the thin row of houses completely demolished, practically razed to the ground or below groundsurface level, on Malibu’s coast and next to the narrow beach, flanked by pacific coast highway CA route 1 made of asphalt, across the highway in the malibu area, the hillside is abrupt and devoid of vegetation, there are no trees that can spread any wild fire, the cliff is deep and high, it would have served as a high wall to block the high winds and the flow of any ambers, in other words, there is no way these thin row of houses sitting right to the beach along the malibu coast, sanwiched between the highway, a high earthy cliff with no trees and the ocean could have caught fire from the alleged source. They are brazenly lying to all of us. It is plainly obvious these homes along the Malibu coast, as well as the ones in Pacific Palisades and Altadena were torched with exotic weapons, he flames were too intense, the houses wwre burned to shes from inside out, and the fire left the trees alone. there were no credible or visible videos showing any forests ablaze in these areas, they tried to correct that mistake in staging days later, but on January 8 and 9 we were told and supposed to believe that buildings in whole towns ignited by themselves all of a sudden, overnight and were consumed to white ashes in a few hours. The blocks look obliterated as by a systematic aerial bombardment, this destruction cannot be achieved with brush fires especially if the brushes are left untouched. There are several layers of deception and false tracks built into this story, to divert attention from the physical and material evidence of the comprehensive incineration: please note all topics about water, about hydrants, about reservoirs, about incompetence or negligence are false tracks, planted as excuses, as pretextes and serve as subterfuges, they are used to shift the topic, to change the subject, and serve as distractors, this is nit the fault of ine person, be it a governor or a mayor, fire chief, lesbian or not, water would not have been able to stop this utter incineration, these public servants are mere puppets, they are told what to say and where to go, even if this is on an ill timed nin sensical trip to Ghana, these guys are all escape goats, made patsies, ambushed and framed, to distract you from seeing this was a coordinated attack, they sped up the high winds and their direction, they manipulated the weather, they dried the land, they created hurricane force winds as they did in Acapulco twce already, or in Western NC, there are no hurricanes in LA, there are no hurricanes in SoCal in January, or ever!, this was a carefully planned and manufactured event, directed against the American people, this is abrutal and cruel attack not only against the population of LA, but against the very idea of home ownership, it is an act of vandalism, by wiping out communities, it is anti- civilization, anti – culture, it is mass murder and mass destruction, evil and mad, sadistic and should be seen for what it is, do not let yourself be fooled by their lies and do not allow these egregious misrepresentations and subterfuges to stand.

Jan 10, 2025 6:25 PM

Yes, its been unnaturally dry here but its not unknown. I’ve lived here for 40+ years and have memories of dragging a desiccated Christmas tree out of the house on New Years Day in 80F heat. What was unusual this time was the wind event, especially on Tuesday afternoon and evening. We’re used to howling Santa Anas and the fires that can erupt during these events** but this wind was something else.

For those readers who don’t live in fire prone areas here’s some background. First of all, brush clearance. This is primarily the responsibility of the home owner / land owner and is required in all areas that border open land. This is enforced. Second, fuel management. Its pointless trying to put out wildfires by frontal assault, what the fire departments try to do is contain them and guide them around populated areas. This is why you get dramatic pictures of fire by the Pacific Ocean — this is where fires stop. Unfortunately, living by the ocean is also desirable so you get communities sandwiched between mountains and deserts that are particularly vulnerable. There are things that can be done to mitigate fire risk to individual structures — this, and the fickle nature of fire itself, explains why you’ll get one or two houses standing untouched in a sea of devastation.

**We had a bad fire locally before Christmas that did a fair bit of damage. The wind carried burning embers from the main body of the fire over two or three miles of farmland — thought to be an adequate fire break — to an older community of homes, the sort of community that’s particularly vulnerable to fire.

There’s no political capital to be made out of this. The fact that we have Democrats running the city and state is about as irrelevant as a heavily Republican leadership in a state like Florida that’s prone to hurricanes. Where politics does come into play is with events like Katrina where ham-fisted privatization policies left FEMA unable to respond to the disaster. Disaster response is like insurance (and preventative maintenance) — it costs a fortune and seems like a waste of money because you — hopefully — never have to use it. (Which is why its tempting to cut costs and hollow it our….)

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 10, 2025 8:59 PM
Reply to  MartinU

“There’s no political capital to be made out of this.”

There’s a ton of political capital to be made out of this. For starters, this.


Jan 10, 2025 10:53 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Its easy to throw destructive criticism around, to second guess, to know in hindsight exactly what should be done and why. Real life isn’t that easy. I know of no mayor or governor who would have made a difference. All this does is show up just how modern politics is just meaningless, self serving, policy positions and empty slogans.

This isn’t the first firestorm we’ve been through and its not going to be the last. Also, this period of severe fire danger isn’t over by any means, we’ve got at least two notable wind events predicted for the next week. Current efforts are focused on containing these fires and preventing new ones. Modern building codes make structures a lot more fireproof and we may have to have a program to retrofit structures like we have for earthquake protection. We’ll probably have to devise a state underwritten wildfire insurance scheme like the California Earthquake Authority’s.

Incidentally, wildfire planning isn’t really done at the city level. Most of the fire action at the moment is outside Los Angeles City proper. Disaster planning and response is coordinated between the counties with the cities contributing resources. Obviously if you’re a Fox News (or Sky News — same difference) talking head the subtlety of how this works is going to be lost on you but it happens to be important if you live here.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 11, 2025 1:21 AM
Reply to  MartinU

Quit apologizing for these people. They’re either incompetent, or malicious, possibly both.

It’s not as if it’s unknown for California to have large fires; quite the opposite in fact, and the authorities come across as both unprepared, and smugly indifferent. That horrible Bass woman stood there for a full minute and couldn’t even offer up a platitude of sympathy for the people in her city who have been affected by this.

Maybe instead of focusing on providing services for immigimmies in their Idealistic “Sanctuary City,” the focus should have been on fire prevention and preparedness. You know, things like having water in the hydrants, and reservoirs, maintaining equipment, and keep a full staff of firefighters rather than firing people for refusing the convid jab.

Not only is the Mayor accountable, everyone around her is nearly as useless as she is. The D.I.E. Deputy Mayor who’s supposed to be in charge of the Fire Department, was recently arrested for an alleged bomb threat against City Hall (What is it with that position? The previous Deputy Mayor was just sentenced to 12 years in a federal prison for racketeering in a bribery scheme that preyed on the city’s real estate projects.) The Fire Chief is in over her head, but it’s easy to feel at least a little bit sorry for her, as her superiors didn’t leave her much to work with.

“My number one job as Mayor is to keep Angelenos safe.” — Mayor Karen Bass. You failed, Mayor, and you should resign, effectively immediately. Honor and decency, however, being in short supply these days, it’s unlikely she has enough character to do so. Governor Newsome will continue to be one of the most loathsome political presences in the nation, a man absolutely shameless in his disingenuousness and ambition.

Jan 11, 2025 4:57 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

The LAFD budget is $953 million this year. City fire departments are really only useful for things like normal house fires — your kitchen catches fire, you dial 911 and a couple of fire trucks turn up. (LAFD also provide paramedic services.) Wildfire management is largely preventative — you’ve got to stop the thing from spreading and guide it to where there’s no fuel for it to burn because you’re not going to actually put a wildfire out like an isolated structure fire.

As a Californian who doesn’t watch things like Fox I don’t really have much of an opinion about people like Newsom and Bass. They’re not my favorite politicians but they’re not ‘loathsome’. Contrary to what people are told in the media CA is a rather conservative place where government mostly leaves us alone to get on with our lives unless there’s some pressing issue that needs attention. It was reliably Republican for years — we’re the home of Reagan and Nixon, remember — but modern Republicans are too activist for our tastes and they tend to be fiscally incompetent as well (Enron ring a bell?). This conservatism is why we’re relatively prosperous. Its a lesson much of the country needs to learn.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 12, 2025 7:01 PM
Reply to  MartinU

Who is this, Gavin Newsome? What’s the budget for providing “services” to criminal aliens, funds provided, by the way, by the tax payers of your fair city, thousands of whose homes and businesses have burned to the ground. Evasion of responsibility and “passing the buck,” a very Newsome-ian approach, and just part of what makes this character indeed, loathsome.

There used to be a political precept in this country, however imperfectly practiced, “that the buck stops here,” i.e., the guy in charge takes responsibility for whatever mistake, problem or crisis is bedeviling the citizenry. There’s a lot of buck passing going on right now in the Golden State, but some are calling this vain, disingenuous clown out, however crudely.

comment image

This is also instructive: Observe the Governor. The first thing he does is lie. I suppose that must be his first instinct? At least he was able to offer a platitude of sympathy to the distraught woman, but then he shows himself out by offering smiles inappropriate to the situation.


Notice also that Sky News got the story. Anderson Cooper, never far from this type of tradgedy got scooped. Rachel Maddox and MSNBC got scooped. I honestly tried to find a link to the story from one of the “liberal” news channels, but I guess they didn’t find it worth running, probably because it would require them to be unbiased.

Lastly, here’s an article from Reason Magazine:

“Virtue-signaling is no substitute for disaster preparedness.”

Jan 12, 2025 7:04 PM
Reply to  MartinU

Pressing issues? Like “vaccine” mandates? Sanctuary Cities allowed to burn due to “lack of planning” and funds due to those funds being spent on “new comers” while taxpaying Californians go homeless? Banning gas stoves or cars and mandating electric everything when your grid can’t even handle the current load? You do realize all those electrical fires will take even more of that scarce water to extinguish, don’t ya? But that’ll be OK as you and your state will be doing your part to save the planet, never mind that’s all blatant bullshit since mining all those minerals is as dirty or worse than those dreaded fossil fuels, just keep on believing and it’ll come true.

For God’s sake Martin, quit giving these people more excuses. We all know the simplistic narratives of how this happened in drought stricken and overcrowded CA, but even you have to see there are simply too many “coincidences” in this piss poor handling of government functions to be believed. How many lies can your government dole out before you at least start to question their motives?

You don’t watch Fox, but I bet you do still watch CNN. Or perhaps you’re a bit more discerning and read the NYT and WaPo? Or better yet, The LA Times? And you still think that makes you superior to those who do watch Fox? Are you really that gullible? I don’t buy that for one minute, but you sure like to make the same simplistic excuses over and over again.

Your state mostly leaves you alone? Tell that to the people who’ve lost homes, jobs, everything who aren’t celebrities and will either end up homeless or dead. Those people have been left alone alright. And when one of those fires happens to hit your neighborhood, are you still gonna make excuses while your own home burns to the ground? I guess you can stand around with the firefighters while they await some water and tell them all how it’s simply a waste of their time to even attempt to put out a wildfire, but still, it’s too bad they couldn’t save your own home. If only there’d been some water in those hydrants….

Enjoy that 15 minute city they can’t wait to put you in. You can come here then and extol the virtues of it to the rest of us, while you wait and see if you’ll be allowed to venture out to the grocery store that particular day. If you’re a good boy and continue to believe the utter garbage they tell you day after day, I’m sure you’ll get that day pass.

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 10, 2025 6:04 PM

The system was never designed to fight so many fires all at the same time, they said an upgraded infrastructure would have brought more upstream reservoir water to affected areas.

Jan 10, 2025 5:51 PM

I lived in LA for 15 years. Fires are common during Santa Anas because of the LA dry humidity and high heat. But not in Jan. The mayor cut $17 million for fire in austerity moves. They failed to fill reservoirs feeding hydrants. Maintenance activities since Reagan have been cut across the US to detax the rich. 44 years of this crap and the US is essentially a Banana Republic for the bottom 90% and a money hording Utopia for the top 5%. This is what happens when you allow the capitalists to go a wilding.

edward bernaysauce
edward bernaysauce
Jan 10, 2025 9:09 PM
Reply to  sandy

Apparently the L.A, Fire Dept. decided to forego their annual hydrant inspection program in late Dec. 2024, go figure…

Jan 10, 2025 10:07 PM

LA defunded Fire, second most cut department in LA, to the tune of $17.6M…

comment image?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=0f2a2bee11a4fd8c95951671e41dc240f63c4795

The 44 yr. Grand Strategy of the War on Humanity has been the detaxation of the top 5%, strangulation, austerity, of public services and indebted serfdom of the bottom 80%.

Jan 10, 2025 10:10 PM
Reply to  sandy
Jan 11, 2025 12:55 AM
Reply to  sandy

The structure toll at the moment is around 15,000. Assuming a million per that’s $15 billion, a large figure. But still small change compared to the current legal dispute over Tesla’s C-Suite pay where they awarded themselves $56 billion. Obviously comparing these sums isn’t totally realistic but it gives you some idea of just how our priorities as a society have got out of whack — we spend billions to advance our foreign policy goals, fight wars etc. but when it comes to us the cupboard is always bare.

Incidentally, our local paper has a report that our county — Ventura — has leased a Chinook fire fighting helicopter for a year. It works out at $24,000 a day.

Jan 12, 2025 6:24 AM

No point inspecting the hydrants that they know have no water supply.

Jan 11, 2025 2:30 AM
Reply to  sandy

Good to know that Gavin Newscum follows capitalism – according to you. His DEI hires are also woke – irrational & harmful.
In South Eastern Austalia the same green woke crap was followed: don’t clear dry undergrowth anywhere – specially not around houses, then guess what can easily happen?
Too difficult to figure out by these jokers or too well paid off.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 11, 2025 3:06 PM
Reply to  sandy

Maintenance activities since Reagan have been cut across the US to detax the rich.

The Marxists are STILL blaming Reagan and Thatcher!

Jan 10, 2025 4:56 PM

That photo scares the hell out of me. I don’t do twitter,…but what Joe says is true. You should be worried too.


Joe Rogan Destroys the Climate Change Narrative in Under 3 Minutes

“This idea that the whole thing is based on carbon emissions from human beings is total bullsh*t. It’s not true.”

Rogan’s guest, Mel Gibson, was shocked to learn that Earth’s climate has always been changing—even long before humans existed.

Rogan talked about data from millions of years ago that show Earth’s temperature has gone up and down naturally over time. “There’s no static temperature of Earth ever,” he said.

“There’s never been a time where it keeps the same temperature, and then humans came along and ruined everything. That is just not real.”

So why all the fear-mongering? It turns out that there are a lot of financial and political benefits to scaring the sh*t out of people.

“The problem with anything is that once a narrative gets established and then there’s a profit attached to the solution to that narrative. Yes. And that’s green energy and green energy bills and there’s businesses that are wrapped around there.

“And then there’s also this fear that they love to pump into people about climate change that, you know, they terrify the sh*t out of young people that we’re going to destroy the world and climate change. You must act now. And then you become beholden to the political party that it’s espousing these ideas and then your enemy is the deniers of this science, even though you don’t even understand the science,” Rogan explained.

edward bernaysauce
edward bernaysauce
Jan 10, 2025 9:11 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Klimate Change is made from Reset Buck$.

Jan 12, 2025 4:37 AM

NO! Climate change is made FOR rest buck$

Jan 10, 2025 4:35 PM

I see on TV news today that last year was the hottest ever known. Considering that almost everyone believes this rubbish it’s pleasant to know that there are some sceptics around.

Jan 10, 2025 5:12 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

I remember when they told us that July 2023 was the hottest July ever here in Germany, while I was wearing a hoodie almost the entire month. Even the biggest sheeple that I know thought something was strange about those news.

Jan 10, 2025 9:22 PM
Reply to  Luke

Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace, and the only one with a science degree, who resigned when they became anti human remarked that it was always somewhere far away and out of sight that what they objected to was happening. Ain’t it so?

Jan 10, 2025 8:31 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Apparently there are dozens of places on Earth that are “heating up faster than any other place on Earth.” News articles abound.

Don’t ask how multiple locations can all be heating up fastest. That would make you a climate denying far right white nationalist supremacist everything-phobe.

Jan 10, 2025 9:24 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

That’s you, you naughty boy.

Jan 11, 2025 1:27 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Where do you live? I live in Canada. Got the same announcement: “hottest year ever”. Think someone is controlling the message? (sarc). When they are so transparent in pushing an agenda, you would think people would catch on.

Jan 12, 2025 4:40 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

people do, all of us have!

Jan 10, 2025 4:01 PM

At the risk of being glib and with sympathies to those whose lives are undone by this calamity – whatever the cause, this could have all been avoided had there been a biometric digital tracking system in place!

Of course none will consider the impact of spraying incendiary accelerants into the atmosphere under the pretext of cloud seeding or solar radiation reflection; as tons of nano-particle-sized chemicals settle on forest canopies, underbrush, grasslands, farm fields, lawns, and rooftops.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 10, 2025 3:54 PM

The water was turned off and the electricity was left on! With the high winds knocking down trees and power lines virtually ensured fires would happen and spread. Curious (or not) the mayor was out of town in Ghana…

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 10, 2025 5:00 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Evidently Californians passed a ballot measure 10 years ago to build more water reservoirs, they remain unreconstructed. Trump’s making hay on Gavin Newsom’s water disastrous management policies. Corrupt California water practices go way back and were even fictionalized in the classic movie “Chinatown.”

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 10, 2025 5:00 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

les online
les online
Jan 10, 2025 10:34 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

‘Trump’s gonna fix-up this mess !’

Jan 10, 2025 3:50 PM

I was invited to California by an Internet Friend about 20+ years ago. We got to know each other on Alternet. I invited her to London. I said, I will pick you up at Heathrow Airport, and drive you home to where we live in Surrey

Remember the Film Holiday? ..Sure we can take you to Shere…

It nearly happened.

I hope she is O.K.

“Led Zeppelin – Going To California (Live at Earls Court 1975) [Official Video]”

Jan 10, 2025 3:36 PM

Geoengineering, while not directly causing forest fires, sets the stage for them – especially in California. Obviously that statement makes no sense unless you accept (as tests financed by geoengineeringwatch.org have shown) that many if not all trees are coated with a fine dust of aluminum nano-particles which were sprayed in the atmosphere and have settled down to ground level. Aluminum is an incendiary as a dust and when combined with other materials. It helps first burn more fiercely.

And because geoengineering was supposedly undertaken to help combat Climate Change, it can be said that Climate Change is indirectly responsible for these massive forest fires. Also, aluminum under certain conditions is a desiccant – this helps explain why there can be droughts if the planet is warming (since the atmosphere holds more moisture the warmer it gets).

Jan 11, 2025 5:52 AM
Reply to  Howard

I don’t doubt that there is truth in what you say. But eucalyptus trees explode great without any help from aluminium.

Jan 10, 2025 2:13 PM


Only because of population growth in the area. More buildings = more financial cost of the fire. Also denser building makes it easier for fire to spread.

USA has always had massive forest wildfires. The stats from the 1930s for example would be terrifying if they were reported today.

And you yanks still build your homes from matchwood. England learned not to do that after the Great Fire of London in 1666.

Jan 10, 2025 4:30 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

We have the opposite problem in the UK now.

The sun, don’t shine and the wind don’t blow

“Gas reserves plunge to ‘concerning’ low with only a week of supply left” 
We already have rolling black-outs – but kept quiet . Demand already exceeds supply

Jan 10, 2025 5:00 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Dear Jonathan,
A brick house is as unusable as anything if caught in such wildfire so please don’t add petrol on this. Some of the Palisades villas were concrete and glass. The article is about the coincidences, mainly those related to the insurance companies, like in the Towers case (and not only). Some guys want to displace the population so they could move in.

Jan 10, 2025 8:47 PM
Reply to  Hornbach

The issue is the spread of fire. Vast amounts of British housing are terraced (joined together) yet it’s unheard of for a house fire to damage more than two or three buildings. Even in dry summers. I’ve honestly never seen a report of such a thing here.

Jan 10, 2025 5:01 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

England learned not to do that after the Great Fire of London in 1666.


Jan 10, 2025 12:35 PM

Hi Admin,

I posted 2 comments and one reply in the past 15 minutes on 3 of the latest posts here on Offg.

None of the 3 has posted.

On the bird flu post from the 8th I posted that eggs have gone up 50 cents this week. Anything fishy about that?

On the India post I replied to someone’s comment about Mark Zuckerberg, writing that I did not think Zuckerberg had any more power than his controllers give him. Same with Gates, Musk and a few others. Anything wrong with that?

And on the wildfire front I posted my a few thoughts with two links to Peggy Hall’s interviews with a California arborist who gives detailed information, with photos, about the deception of these wildfires of the past few years. This did go to pending, but really? What is the problem with that?

I don’t mind going to pending, but all 3 comments not posted?

Jan 10, 2025 12:36 PM
Reply to  judith

That query reads a bit snarky, which is not my intention. I am genuinely curious.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 10, 2025 12:59 PM
Reply to  judith

Only the last comment went to pending, and was released by my about 17 mins ago. Each comment has a history which flags these changes, and the it says the other two comments went straight through Akizmet and were published. Maybe you had some weird browser issue or something. A2

Jan 10, 2025 1:11 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Yes, I looked for the others but still not printed. No big deal. I am not so concerned about my thoughts not being printed, really, except I think they are pretty inocuous so I am puzzled.

I was more concerned about the links to Peggy Hall interviews with arborist because I think it explains a lot.


Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 11, 2025 7:06 PM
Reply to  judith

As Hornback says, you probably need to refresh your browser, Judith :))

Jan 10, 2025 2:20 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

On this site I’ve noticed I have to hit refresh to show new comments. Even if they were visible before.

E.G. Post comment… It is shown… Go to different page… Return to comment page and it isn’t there any more… Hit refresh and the comment reappears.

It’s as if the browser is loading an outdated cached page even though it has already seen the new content.

Using Brave on Android fwiw.

Jan 10, 2025 5:03 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Firefox / Safari on iOS / iPadOS works fine, never had problems. Just as information

Jan 10, 2025 12:08 PM

Peggy Hall in California has been investigating these fires for quite some time.

She has also been an outspoken critic of c19 and the ensuing nightmare.

I agree with her take on these fires. All the focus on the Mayor being out of the country, the water shortage, the funding cuts, the DEI issue – is misdirection.

Yes, all those things are true, but she encourages not spending too much time putting the blame on one or another, but grasping the fact that these fires, like Lahaina, Paradise, Canada, and the rest, as well as the recent floods in NC, are intentional.

I never gave much time or attention to Judy Woods back in the day, but I am more and more inclined to believe what she reported to a very very skeptical audience years ago – that the World Trade Center – all 7 buildings (remember, there were 7 that were demolised) was the result of directed energy.

Photos from 9/11 look an awful lot like photos from recent “wildfires” in these videos.



Jan 10, 2025 1:11 PM
Reply to  judith

Extraordinary video, thank you judith

Jan 10, 2025 10:11 PM

Your very welcome. I found it so interesting.

I’ve been posting it on different substacks today. It explains a lot.

And I like Peggy Hall.

Jan 10, 2025 4:44 PM
Reply to  judith

I’m posting a video which also seeks to explain these massive California wildfires. However, since it also embraces Climate Change, it will go over like a lead balloon. (The video is 22 minutes long.)


Jan 10, 2025 10:12 PM
Reply to  Howard

Well, you know us, Howard, we are nothing if not completely and wholly open minded.

Thank you for the link.

Jan 10, 2025 4:58 PM
Reply to  judith

My experience mirrors yours, even the timing, as it’s just been months since I started paying attention to the evidence offered by Dr. Wood. David A. Hughes has many good articles defending her: https://dhughes.substack.com/t/911

I’m only a few minutes into the Peggy Hall video, but wanted to expound on her use of the phrase “the physics of fire”. I first heard her explain a few years back, when she was covering other residential fires in California, that it is the title of a text book which is now virtually impossible to find. It teaches the nature of “natural” fires, and its effect on various materials and surroundings; unlike these recent fires which clear the way for up and coming smart cities. Just like 9/11 (and as Dr. Wood showed with her painstaking evidences) the public is being programmed to believe impossible physics because “seeing is believing”.

Jan 10, 2025 10:14 PM
Reply to  rob2

Yes, I’ve watched Hughes.

There’s another fellow, 9/11revisionist, who has really collected many of Woods presentations on his site.

Woods presentations are the only ones I have ever seen over the 20 plus years that addresses all of the buildings. I find that very important.

Jan 10, 2025 10:23 PM
Reply to  judith

True. I never knew about the weirdness of those holes until she pointed it out. Ha! In my response to Seamus I linked to 9/11 Revisionist. Surprise! It’s Pending…

Jan 10, 2025 5:13 PM
Reply to  judith

Although there were seven WTC buildings total, only three were destroyed on 9/11.

Jan 10, 2025 5:55 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

I don’t think that is correct. I have been trying to find the videos from Woods presentations that have the complete picture. I like that Woods covers all of the buildings. Most people only focus on 1,2 and 7.

Building 6 was destroyed. It had a big hole at it’s base. I cannot remember the state of 4 and 5 but I think they were the same.

I am going to continue searching because I want to be sure.

Jan 10, 2025 9:34 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Wood’s book “Where Did the Towers Go?” contains a chapter called “Where Did the Buildings Go?” In it are aerial photos showing the outline of the complex and what was left standing after both towers disappeared. The buildings which were destroyed completely were 1, 2, 7, 3 (90%), and 4 massive portion gone (75%); WTC 5 & 6 were the most “intact” in that the massive, anomalous holes gouged out of them didn’t disintegrate them completely.

The following researcher documents each buildings’ condition together with very interesting videos and photos: https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

Jan 10, 2025 9:37 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

The buildings which were destroyed completely were 1, 2, 7, 3 (90%), and 4 massive portion gone (75%); 5 & 6 were the most “intact” in that the massive, anomalous holes gouged out of them didn’t disintegrate them completely.

The following researcher documents each buildings’ condition together with very interesting videos and photos: https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

Jan 11, 2025 5:57 AM
Reply to  judith

Yes, I’ve been noticing this. In the pictures, like the one above, there are no “forests,” not even scrub brush or chapparal. Just houses, one right next to another. I thought this was forest fires. Why are whole neighborhoods of houses not anywhere near a forest burning? And also, in some of the videos, you see one house burned down, and the next door house just fine, and then one burnt, and then one fine. What is up with that?

Jan 11, 2025 6:30 AM
Reply to  judith

Indeed, bravo this is the path to uncover HOW they did this, the key is in the methods they used, the parallels to 911 not only the pulverization of 110 stories of two huge towers into clouds of dust, but also bluesigh grey fine dusty clouds the fumes we see in palisades look eerily the same with the fumes emanating for months from the vaporized twin towers and their sketchy remains, it is so screaming at us that Judy Wood was so right, recall she noticed what happened to the cars, to the wheels melting, engine blocks in huge flames, the rusting of steel, the vaporization of the steel columns into fine dusts, it is evident the buildings are comprehensively pulverized, consumed by destructive forces or energies way way beyond the intensity of brush fires, where it is sardoncally evident that all brushes and pine trees and sycamores near these torched houses remain untouched, not even after the flames consume the homes, this is so obvious and so painful, that it is the same modus operandi, the same effects, the same deplorable pictures of utter destruction the same as in Paradise, CA, Lahaina identical surgical razing and torching of houses to white ashes, the same phenomenon occurred in the suburbs of Athens 2 years ago, the completely ravaged cars turned into twisted rusted skeketons of metal scraps, with melted alloy wheels turnung into puddles and streams flowing down driveways support the directed laser or microwave weapons, but perhaps they also literally firebombed these neighborhoods with mini nukes or other exotic highly destructive weapons, as there are traces of round holes in walls, the attack was perpetrated in the middle of the night, the walls even if made of concrete seem to melt and turn into powder and the hurricane force winds and blows it all up, the winds are not designed to fuel the flames, but to spread the dust into the four corners and spread the dust into fine dusts, blowing the evidence away, this is a horror show, a fire terror, a holo caust, a fire ritual, some truly demented psychopaths seem to be in control of weather or wind weapons as they have done in Acapulco, twice already, and also in Lahaina, but it seems to me they used these destructive weapons also in western north carolina, the weather event is engineered as a cover, but they use multiple methods of mass destruction in a coordinated manner and in the same time, recall cars were burnt and destroyed, wheels melted, down to scrap metal also un Appalachia a few months ago, buildings, roads and bridges were obliterated, and the story then was it was because of the water force, but some other tools were used, this is so frustrating, that the plain in your sight obvious evidence is being spinned as a natural event, when it is clear it is artificially created, and preplanned, with utter sadism and cruelty.

Jan 11, 2025 12:51 PM
Reply to  Decebalus

Yes. It looks like a bomb went off in some of the photos. Not what you’d expect fire to do.

Again, I wish someone would start a deep dive into what has happened to severely burnt areas in the past 5 years or so. I do not have the resources myself, but would not some answers be provided by what has transpired since the destruction.

I wonder how the people in North Carolina and Tennessee are faring right now.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Jan 12, 2025 7:44 PM
Reply to  Decebalus

Yes, Dr. Judy Woods did describe what can be observed if one is to look for themselves, and not listen to what the mainstream media kept pounding in about 9/11. Same thing with LaHaina and even the Canada fires, and other disasters, including these current fires. Something unnatural happening. People are not always trained to look without negative emotions clouding their vision.

Our main problem is that we are advancing in the material sciences way ahead of the humanities. Weapons have been created before effective answers, to why anyone would use them against their own race, is well understood by the majority of the populace.

Psychology and Psychiatry have been abject failures as they have given us an illiterate populace more likely to pop a pill than open a dictionary or even learn how to use one, amongst other “results”. People often trust those who shouldn’t be trusted and are fearful of those who should. Humans haven’t understood how to make themselves or others more competent. Yet we are our greatest resource.

Jan 10, 2025 11:45 AM

Terrifying wildfires!
Immense destruction!
10 people dead!

Kind of reminds me of salisbury, where the planets most deadly man made chemical agent managed to kill just one

We really do deserve better psyops…….

Jan 10, 2025 12:20 PM
Reply to  stella

Don’t forget that it’s in their genes. Fire adapted plants and animals, that is. It takes a long time and many many fires for these species to become fire adapted. Many thousands of years. Genes don’t lie. People do. They have known for a long time that this kind of a catastrophe was probable and they had a plan to try and minimize the damage but an endangered darter got in the way and prevented them from filling their emergency reservoirs. The governments gambled and lost. The Feds chose to protect a fish instead of a population of people. Also a United Nations push. Jane Goodall stated, “Earth can only sustain 450 million people”. The UN goal is to save humanity by restoring all of Earth’s natural ecosystems. Have not seen one for a while on TV but in between quarters of last night’s college playoff football game there was an add for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The irony. Support their efforts to save the world’s ecosystems. But first they must get rid of 95% of us. Otherwise, what will happen to Jane’s chimps?

Jan 10, 2025 7:15 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Are they gonna bring back the relevant wildlife from the time periods hen the human population was much less?

Jan 11, 2025 8:22 PM
Reply to  ariel

You mean like the dinosaurs? A lot of species have come and gone. Environmentalists don’t care. It is just an excuse to depopulate and “save humanity”. The UN has been talking about it for decades. Only recently have government leaders begun to buy in. Academia is leading the charge.

Jan 11, 2025 9:05 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

I was. as is my wont, being facetious.

Ann in Oregon
Ann in Oregon
Jan 10, 2025 4:49 PM
Reply to  stella

Thanks, Stella. Excellent link.

Jan 10, 2025 11:18 AM

Maybe someone can correct me on this, but I think a lot of eucalyptus trees have been planted throughout California over the last one hundred years or so.
THAT, is almost inviting a fire into any area with a similar climate to South Eastern Australia.

Jan 10, 2025 7:16 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Or Portugal. Burning out your neighbours and or business competitors etc is a national pastime.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 10, 2025 10:30 AM

Truthstream Media – What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina?

Part 1 (Oct 5, 2024)

Part 2 (Oct 11, 2024)

Part 3 (Oct 29, 2024)

I walked to Chimney Rock for answers… Hurricane Helene Aftermath
Mark Huneycutt
4,396,568 views Oct 4, 2024
This footage in Chimney Rock is from October 3rd.
Previous post:
A lot of people have been asking how they can help. Here’s what I saw October 1st:
I think the area is starting to get saturated with very legitimate help. I’m not sure how many more hands on deck are needed but I could be wrong. Water is the obvious thing needed since water systems have been compromised/contaminated so if you can find a reputable organization to donate to for water and food, that’s a good idea. I was in Swannanoa this morning – they were hit HARD. The river swept through there killing people, reducing homes to rubble, and destroying businesses. I saw random people there just setting up tents with water, food, coffee, snacks. I think that’s a great idea as people are in clean up mode, exhausted, sad and they need these things – they can’t get these items anyway because maybe their car was crushed, their road is washed out, power is out so grocery stores are closed, etc. People need fuel for their generators (lines are hours long at the stations that are open).
There are communities stuck on top of mountains due to their only line of access being completely destroyed with no hope of it being fixed anytime soon. They’re requiring air drops and rescues and these guys seem to be doing a good job if you’d like to donate – Aerial Recovery Group (links below).
Wellness checks in the region are a good idea. A friend sent me https://www.unitedway.org/ as a way to sign up to do wellness checks if you’re local. I’m not sure how that organization works but it’s an idea. You can also look in forums and see people asking about specific addresses.
Crazy thing is, this is just a few communities. Asheville, Hendersonville, Burnsville, this whole region, needs assistance. People are coming to help in big ways now, though. I met a group down in the river today from Myrtle Beach, a search and rescue team. I talked with some Cajun Navy people on side by sides today. The more the merrier.

Jan 10, 2025 9:43 AM

So real…. they was all wearing covid masks !!!!!
Keep them safe whilst everything they own is burnt to smothering.

Video is so staged and so cheaply made but the indoctrinated from fire TV series and films (who have done a better job) now make bullshit college production film set seem decent.

Have they done a video yet of dog or cat found Rescued and then iconic shoot of fireman walking down the road with it in his arms and the donation and viral videos of the cat dog being adopted. that video makes me cry every-time . I even donate.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 10, 2025 8:51 PM
Reply to  Hail

FWIW, the masks are probably to protect against the smoke.

Jan 10, 2025 9:34 AM

I’ve spent less than 25 minutes looking a X videos of the fire and teams of people
with this dangerous fire inferno outside there homes!

BUT the video recording is so important for X they must record it and show it to the world.

We have now become so stu·pe·fy by media in all media forms
that if the fire inferno from hell was outside there houses.

The heat alone would melt them at 15 metres. Just keep recording,

How to make something seem less real let cgi / AI art a photo to discuss the subject matter (take not OG) As that is what normal msm does.

(dont mention the nukes videos as there sooooooooooo real)

as long as some D rated film actor/actress has lost there homes (so real) it must be even more real as they appeared in a real honest TV network to discuss it.

Look at the photos and the fire footage it about as real as the bare tree being burnt (christian iconography) and fire in the background. so scary)

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Jan 10, 2025 9:24 AM

100% right!

Add the diversion of large quantities of surface water North to support some rare little fish called Smelt instead of buffering South for serous issues like this. Deep State destruction runs deep, and they love supporting green flags in the West – also but a bit different in the Middle East.
Californian “elite” is getting what it machinated for, karma.

Jan 10, 2025 9:12 AM

Lithium batteries in smart meters – thermal runaway triggered by the heat? Think pagers fitted to every house.

Interesting that 180,000 have had to leave their homes – (180,000 estimated dead in Gaza) and that those calling for the flattening of Gaza have now been…well…flattened.

Maybe God has spoken.

Jan 10, 2025 5:09 PM
Reply to  pavel

Dear Pavel,
Unfotunately not all the people affected by the fire were the same you refer to about Gaza, most likely they were those who benefited. Still waiting for God to speak but in the meantime we can enlighten as many people we can about their plans and workings

Jan 10, 2025 5:22 PM
Reply to  pavel

Or maybe to TPTB we’re all just Palestinians now.

Jan 10, 2025 5:56 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Dear Seamus,
it’s confusing, the TPTB “were” or “we’re” ? Not sure about the reference, either, sorry for being so dense, although I tried to be clever.

Jan 10, 2025 5:59 PM
Reply to  Hornbach

Sorry again, I need stronger prescription for my spectacles, I missed the “to” in front of the TPTB (or TP that should not be, TPTSNB). It’s clear now, thanks !

Jan 9, 2025 10:50 PM

While the fires seem to have a set quality to them, and watching the Mrs put on Sky “News” where they did “investigative reporting from the ground” where they were blackballing the woman they have as LA’s Mayor and “getting to the barebones of whom is to blame”, it was pretty easy to spot some of this as an op, I mean when ever does SKY “news” do any “investigative reporting”? Oh right never. And the readymade patsy effect was also super lame, but I did read this the other day, it’s from the last time Malibu etc burned down in 2018: https://longreads.com/2018/12/04/the-case-for-letting-malibu-burn/

I also do get this dreadful feeling of repitition, kind of like Maui all over again, or like when there was a “supply shortage” because of the whole Evergreen thing then later we got a “supply shortage because of the Houtis”.

But fuckit what do I know, so far the 2025 “news cycle” is pretty unfunny and drab(not that a giant fire where thousands of people lose their homes could be that funny anyway), kind of wish I had just kept taking mdma and lsd after new years eve, kept the party going and said to hell with it all!

Jan 12, 2025 6:47 AM
Reply to  UncleWalrus

BBC an Sky do investigative reporting outside UK, though the same or worse situations exist back home. No different from any part of the Free World.

Jan 12, 2025 12:46 PM
Reply to  UncleWalrus

Thanks for posting – great book by ID.

Jan 9, 2025 8:27 PM

This is a big example why private investor owned insurance is a waste.
We should have a national pool of money where people pay into based on risk.
In cases of building in dangerous areas, the cost would be sky high.
Good, because if the wealthy want to self insure their house on the edge of the water or other possibly dangerous area, it should be their risk.

Insurance as it is also masks the importance of maintenance to prevent disasters.
California slacked on this because they knew that insurance would take care of it.
It’s funny because they forgot that insurance rates are based on what is paid out….

A national insurance pool would incentivize reducing risk by spending money to prevent damage from these disasters.

red lester
red lester
Jan 10, 2025 1:06 PM
Reply to  Rob

Healthcare, trauma, disasters that are not more likely than background risk – what we used to call ‘acts of god’ should be funded by a national gov pool.

Any activity which gives rise to higher risk should be insured as an add on cost. Just as the NHS should be charging non UK for medical treatment, I should not be coughing up for builders, horse riders, climbers, window cleaners etc.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 11, 2025 2:45 PM
Reply to  Rob

We should have a national pool of money where people pay into based on risk. In cases of building in dangerous areas, the cost would be sky high.

The state isn’t capable of setting the correct price for a loaf of bread. So how is it supposed to price risk?

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Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 11, 2025 2:48 PM
Reply to  Rob

Second attempt!

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