What Jeffrey Sachs and Tucker Carlson get right and wrong about the post-9/11 wars

Piers Robinson & Ted Walter

In a major interview last month with Tucker Carlson, Professor Jeffrey Sachs spelled out in unambiguous terms the nature and reality of the current seismic shifts occurring in the Middle East.

Back in 2018, in a remarkable MSNBC interview, Sachs wrong-footed his interviewers by revealing the US’s covert involvement in the war in Syria. In a debate framed around the question of whether the US should intervene in Syria, Sachs shocked the table of talking heads by informing them it was already intervening via a covert and completely illegal ‘regime change’ operation, called Timber Sycamore, aimed at overthrowing the Syrian government. Finally, a little bit of truth about US policy in Syria had been brought to the attention of MSNBC’s viewers.

In this week’s interview with Tucker, with the world trying to make sense of the rapid collapse of the Syrian government and its takeover by the extremist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), Sachs goes even further. He places events in Syria in the proper context of the post-9/11 ‘global war on terror’ and its associated ‘regime change’ war policy.

Citing Wesley Clark’s famous 2007 claim on Democracy Now, Sachs informs Tucker of the US plan to overthrow seven countries in five years and identifies the targeted countries as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finally, Iran. Others besides Clark have testified to the existence of such plans while documented communications between British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George W. Bush in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, in which multiple ‘regime change’ wars were discussed, have been in the public domain since 2016.

If there is one point of difference we have with Sachs, it is that he describes these ‘regime change’ wars as ‘Netanyahu’s wars’, fought by the US ‘on behalf of Israel’. We regard them as being as much about US imperialism or ‘primacy’, a concept referred to and decried by Sachs in the interview, as about Israeli primacy in the region (aka ‘Greater Israel’).

Notwithstanding Sachs’ take on the driving force behind these wars, the kind of clarity and context he provides is absolutely essential. The Syrian government did not fall just like that. It was destroyed as part of the ‘regime change’ war policy that was implemented in the wake of 9/11 and that has led to massive suffering and deathas the US-led campaign has moved through its target states: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Lebanon. Sachs did not mention Afghanistan in the list of ‘regime change’ wars, but the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan was undoubtedly such a war, toppling the Taliban government while Osama bin Laden and thousands of Al-Qaeda fighters, ostensibly the target of the US and its allies’ operations, were allowed safe passage into Pakistan. Thus, the ‘regime change’ campaign really began in 2001.

The context offered by Sachs is also essential because it provides an opportunity for Tucker’s audience to start to make sense of the remarkable fact that the group now in charge in Syria and its leader, Mohammed al-Jolani, are designated as wanted terrorists by the US government. Jolani was previously a key player in the terror groups al-Nusra front in Syria and, prior to that, Al-Qaeda in Iraq. A purported ‘global war on terror’ against non-state group ‘Al-Qaeda’ leads to the destruction of multiple countries and ends up placing an Al-Qaeda-linked group in charge of Syria. The contradictions are glaring, and obvious questions are begged: Was Al-Qaeda, in fact, always on ‘our side’ and what would be the implications of that for understanding what actually happened on 9/11?

Later in the interview, the opportunity arises to provide an answer. Tucker asks Sachs if he expects classified documents on 9/11 to be released by the incoming Trump administration. Having just warned of how perilously close we are to nuclear war because of repeated US provocations — ‘we are trying to survive at a time of maximum global peril’ — Sachs declares that massive disclosures have the power to change everything about our current course. ‘If it could only be, this would change so much’, Sachs exclaims.

The door is wide open at this point in the interview to address the proverbial elephant in the room: Was there an alliance between the US and Al-Qaeda and was 9/11 actually a surprise attack on the US by Islamic terrorists?

Tucker, unfortunately, makes a noticeable misstep at this point by suggesting that large-scale declassification might reveal why Al-Qaeda decided to attack the US. This falling back by Tucker takes the viewer straight back to a thesis, articulated by Noam Chomsky in 2001, that 9/11 was a case of ‘blowback’, prompted by decades of unjust and violent US foreign policy. This thesis has been particularly effective over the years at setting the boundaries of acceptable criticism and debate when it comes to 9/11.

Fortunately, Sachs takes his answer in a different direction and, instead, emphasizes the long history of covert CIA operations, only ever scrutinized once during the Church Committee in 1975. He points out that when that single instance of partial scrutiny occurred, it revealed ‘evil’ such as multiple assassination plots and the MKUltra mind control operation. He testifies to being aware of further ‘secretive operations’ since then, to having experienced US-sponsored coups, and to the fact that the US has repeatedly gone to war on ‘false pretenses’. In a remarkable statement, which we at IC911 endorse unreservedly, Sachs tells Tucker:

Whether any of this is ever found, I don’t know. But if it is, it would change the course of America back to a true republic. Because what happened in this country is that we were overtaken by the security state and we became a system of confidentiality and unaccountability. And it’s a big, massive machine, and a lot of people are paid to keep quiet or to salute whatever the military industrial complex or the intelligence agencies are doing without asking questions. Because when you have one and half trillion dollars a year spent on that, you’re a pretty big business. And it has affected the universities, the think tanks, of course, the Congress, which asks no questions of any serious kind. And so major, major events of fundamental significance for our insecurity take place without any truth-telling at all.

He then notes that the most important thing Trump can do is to embark on a policy of wide-ranging declassification.

At this point it seems clear that the conversation is on the very cusp of acknowledging what is, for the mainstream bubble, a still unthinkable thought: that 9/11 itself was a self-inflicted wound, a so-called ‘false flag’ or ‘manufactured war trigger’. But neither Sachs nor Tucker seem able to go to there. They fall at the last hurdle.

We are inclined to view this interview, now seen by over 30 million people on X, as a moment when a potentially revolutionary truth was almost delivered to a large swath of the American public. It is the truth that the deep state is out of control, as departing US President Eisenhower warned in 1961; that a string of assassinations, including the CIA’s murder of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, has determined the course of US history; and that all of America’s wars have been fought on lies. What Sachs left out is that 9/11, the very catalyst for the series of ‘regime change’ wars he described, was no exception to the rule. Indeed, it was a brazen deception that America was attacked on 9/11 by a band of young Muslim men who remarkably succeeded in hijacking four airliners, evading US air defenses, and bringing down three skyscrapers in New York.

This truth, if known by enough of the American people soon enough, would indeed change the course of history. And, as Sachs hints, this may very well be necessary in order to avoid a catastrophic global conflict.

In the final analysis, people in positions of influence, as Sachs and Tucker undoubtedly are, need to go that extra mile and spell out the true nature of 9/11, what has happened to the world since, and what this means for our safety and security and that of future generations. The boy who cried out that the emperor had no clothes needed to actually say it, otherwise the spell could not be broken.

If Sachs and Tucker still need to find the requisite courage and knowledge, they could perhaps look to the life and work of the late Professor Graeme MacQueen, documented in our film Peace, War and 9/11.

For the truth to finally set us free, we need more from the likes of Sachs and Tucker. They and many others have done much in recent years to enhance public understanding and raise awareness. They must now find the courage within themselves to take that final step.

It is not just in Trump’s hands. Prominent voices amplified by the independent media of today also have the power, if properly harnessed, to change the course of history.

Originally published via IC 9/11 Justice

Dr. Piers Robinson is research director of the International Center for 9/11 Justice. Ted Walter is executive director of the International Center for 9/11 Justice.


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Categories: 9/11, latest, Syria
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Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 12, 2025 5:08 PM

Fine but……been there done that, many years ago: Some Chinese can make the 2+2 trick:
Occupy Central USA’s 12 steps to bring China into WW3  https://youtu.be/zU_rxTZPQF8

Jan 12, 2025 10:10 AM

What was not discussed…
Pro Zionist
Pro Israel
Military industrial complex
wanting to create more wars to justify the end times prophecy .?

far to deep?

Ok lets discuss something out of date like 911 and irrelevant by a known shill. 

Jan 12, 2025 5:19 PM
Reply to  proxi

That ‘out of date’ event is very much connected, if not a direct precursor, to the present day challenges you note.

Jan 12, 2025 8:49 AM

In 2018, what was new about the Insane Empire meddling in Syria? From its military bases, it had been training and sending out various brands of ISIS and Al Qaeda, besides fighting the Syrian military and trying to thwart Russian military aid. Of course, those who insist the truth only comes from TV would not know that.

Once it gets its fangs in a country, the Empire does not stop sucking blood (petroleum). In this case, it is for Israel. Similar sucking goes on in Iraq, S.Sudan, Libya and (indirectly) Yemen.

Jan 11, 2025 11:40 PM

We’re so close. Soon, truth will out!

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jan 11, 2025 11:28 PM

Yes, the question being argued by the real alternative media, who is the tail and who is the dog? Is Israel just the Empire’s attack dog? Or does AIPAC own the USA? I personally think that the invisible hand wags both of them and that it is a fruitless debate.

Jan 11, 2025 7:08 PM

Are Sachs and Carlson manufacturing an acceptable extreme edge of the false binary? A read of David Talbot’s “Devil’s Chessboard” is a good summary of the modern background preceding the 911 op. Unprovoked foreign invasions go back, at least, to Hearst’s Spanish American “War”, the “acquisition” of Hawai’i, much less the internal unprovoked invasions of Americas Indigenous peoples for 500 years. The Doctrine of Discovery precedes it all with “God” authorizing “superior” humans to take what they want from “inferiors”. Taking this all in and a 4000 year track record of colonial empires, coming and going, but at ascent, violently taking whatever they want from “heathens”, before loosing “power” and fading into being a victim of the next Haole Empire, how can anyone mistake the nature of un-evolved existing systems? Denial? Trying to survive without being socially marginalized into homelessness? There are a lot of reasons, not at all pretty.

But let’s look at how the now, is possibly at a turning point where accumulative knowledge brings Humanity to the point of an evolutionary intellectual adulthood. Sachs talking about Timber Sycamore in a mainstream media setting (30M) is a desperate move by the PTB. The information age is their creation to take control but is also what is necessary to move low knowledge children to reality knowledge adults. The Brit’s Great Game is essentially what the leader elite (parent) partake in while the commoners are nurtured to live in myth, ritual and the controllable magical thinking of children. Containment of knowledge contagion, has become a razor’s edge for them.

I know enough already myself, to put two and two together. To realize that any “leaders” with authority to decide within a lawfare-d environment of secrecy, will execute unaccountable profiteering. The authority-to-decide must reside with each person for themselves and collectively through conscious transparent decision making based upon acceptable to all, except sociopaths, consensus and consent. A resulting “true republic”, as sold here by Sachs, is an artifact representing an attempt to contain mass intellectual rebellion back within the PTB’s parental fold, within their representation reality, within republic.

Representations and representatives are tools, here, of master over slave. We are no longer children, slaves of the parent master. This is Humanity’s Earth, not a self-appointed, self-arrogant elite class of sociopaths. It is up to us to self-organize our assumption to an adult self-ruling Humanity.

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 11, 2025 4:47 PM

Paul Craig Roberts acknowledged zionist Israel’s quest for Greater Israel.

Jan 11, 2025 3:17 PM

Much has been said in this forum critical of both Tucker Carlson and Jeffrey Sachs. Each is, I believe, where he is for different reasons. With Carlson it’s probably ambition, pure and simple. Sachs is not so easily pigeon-holed.

Mr. Sachs genuinely seems to be a man for whom morality means a great deal. Plus, he seems to exhibit what we “gentiles” think of as Jewish virtue. I personally think he is still feeling guilty for the Milton Friedman University of Chicago Free Market stand he took vis-a-vis Chile. It’s seems clear in retrospect that he genuinely did not realize what a monstrous disaster Milton Friedman’s spurious economic system would be for the people of Chile.

Economists are woefully ignorant of human nature and “real politik.” They design systems which look good on paper, failing to realize that paper is easily torn to shreds.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jan 11, 2025 2:25 PM


The Nayirah testimony was false testimony given before the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990

It was used by Bush snr to help get the vote for the Desert Storm war

“The first casualty of war is truth”

Trivia question how many 9/11 hijackers passports were recovered
Answer 4

Jan 12, 2025 6:21 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Trivia question how many 9/11 hijackers passports were recovered

That’s actually standard Muslim policy. A martyr wishes to be identified at the scene of the crime. Boosts their ‘eternal’ credentials.

Ergo the HSBC card so easily discovered in London on 07-07-2005. Similarly for the failed attempt on 21-07-2005


Jan 11, 2025 12:36 PM

So, now it’s confirmed. 9/11 official narrative is a lie.

Thank you Tucker and Jeffrey. I had a hard time believing the plethora of independent journalists and bloggers who were calling it out from day one. At far greater risk to themselves than your alarming proclomations 23 years later. So, I guess we just have to wait another 23 years till the groundbreaking news that covid 19 was sorta fishy.

I thought my eyes were deceiving me when I saw those 3 towers dustify (yes, I’ll use that word) in less than 10 seconds.

But, but, but…. that Saudi passport that they found at Ground Zero.

Gosh, amighty, this makes me happier than Elon and Mark throwing off the mighty chains of censorship and opening the the world, nay the universe!, to freedom of speech and probably lots of other things.

And it’s only January 11!

Jan 11, 2025 10:29 AM

Forget Tucker and the rest of the alt-med. Go by who is not allowed to speak, treated and ridiculed as a lunatic anti-Semite, and not allowed to travel anywhere in Europe.
Someone who seems so far out there until you realise the evil we are up against.
We need to give this man a platform and our support.

Jan 11, 2025 12:17 PM
Reply to  rickypop

David Icke,yes.

Lord Smokescreen
Lord Smokescreen
Jan 11, 2025 9:22 AM


An American, let’s call him Jason One, with a German surname makes it clear: “Jew-haters are the AIDS of the white race.” Another American with a German surname, we’ll call him Jason Two, agrees: “It is not normal for a 40 something year old man to be this obsessed with Jews.”

Köhne & Kessler are of course neither complete idiots nor malicious disinformers, because Jews are not “our misfortune”, as the communist Nazis (Alice Weidel, Brandon Martinez aka Martin Brandyness) claimed! They urgently warn against falling into the “J-trap” like all the “wignats and schizo-spergs”!

Jews are basically not to blame for anything detrimental or negative for white humanity and the Western world! That should finally have gotten around! “Make America Great Again!” (instead of “Sieg Heil!”) is the only true message of salvation (Heilsbotschaft). Zio-Don’s renewed four years in office will prove this impressively!

comment image

Jan 11, 2025 8:49 AM

“We regard them as being as much about US imperialism”.

It’s both – not either/or. Look at the number of dual citizens at the top of the US government.

Jan 11, 2025 6:47 AM

What do Off-Guardian an Youtube have in common?

They both avoid criticizing The Party, the CPC…..

Jan 11, 2025 6:54 AM
Reply to  antonym

Jan 11, 2025 7:32 AM
Reply to  antonym

This is nonsense. In my experience Off Guardian is one of the few “alternative” media sites that does not wear blinders about China and Russia. They have very openly pointed to China’s key role in the fake pandemic and in globalism.

Jan 11, 2025 7:43 AM
Reply to  Grigor

Antonym has a bee in his bonnet regarding Off G’s position on the genocide in Palestine.
His blinkers must be getting pretty uncomfortable.

Jan 12, 2025 4:32 AM
Reply to  Grigor

Ha, ha ha, ha !!!

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jan 11, 2025 4:52 AM

Between WWII and 2014 US attempted “regime change” of 57 foreign governments, per William Blum….https://williamblum.org/essays/read/overthrowing-other-peoples-governments-the-master-list…(* indicates successful ouster of a government)” Note Australia, 1973-75, is listed with an asterisk.

Jan 11, 2025 5:57 AM
Reply to  susan mullen

Thanks Susan.
No violent ‘overthrow’ necessary in Australia.

Our elected representatives just laid back like little puppies and let the USian oligarchy STOMP ALL OVER THEM. With Murdoch’s help of course.

Jan 11, 2025 2:20 AM

I found the interview with Bernard Hudson: Cybertruck Explosion, New Orleans Attack, CIA Corruption, & Tulsi Gabbard more full of CIA line, and Tucker and his public knew it well.
Jeffrey Sachs is an overrated oracle.

Jan 11, 2025 12:22 AM

Would recommend H.G. Wells’ “The Shape of Things to Come (1933)”, especially Book I with its analysis of the forces at work in WWI.

Little seems to have changed in terms of US foreign policy from that era (selling armaments to both sides of conflicts and promoting ‘belligerent’ nationalism).

Russia perhaps got it right (although it got many other things wrong) when it refused to pay any war debts post-WWI. Possibly the best (or only) response to the ‘eternal war’ profiteers?

Jan 11, 2025 11:32 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

World Government Wells was a real piece of work. I’ve been trying to read that book for years but it’s such specious twaddle it makes me sick and I chuck it and can’t find it again. The same with the unbearable Attali’s History of the Future, that’s real vomit fodder.

Jan 12, 2025 5:25 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Some of Wells’ ideas still seem pertinent. He talked of “social nucleation” replacing traditional groupings such as family, Church (think social media?) and the rise of global transport systems & communication (the world of the Internet?). And also (to some degree) he predicted the rise of “alternative media” (+ re-emergent nationalism) as a reaction to World Government and how the globalist mindset would in turn respond to that threat.

So “*Shape* of things to come” seemed a good title, rather than a categorical statement of how things will actually turn out (or did turn out). Perhaps best read in a similar spirit as his (more obviously fictional) “The Time Machine“.

Jan 10, 2025 11:44 PM

Thank you. An extraordinarily good article.
Add this one to it, and you will have a complete picture of what’s coming next.

And Emanuel is right; all else is just distraction.
Off-G: Interview Emanuel or reprint the article of linked above. Fits right in with today’s article & extends it.

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 11, 2025 5:30 AM
Reply to  Penelopw

That’s pretty deep. Makes sense though. I’m thinking Trump is not going to be the president that lets the U.S. quest for world supremacy go quietly in the night. Basically, electing a complete egomaniacal narcissist as President probably isn’t a good idea if one is in favor of a multipolar world. And freedom and liberty.

les online
les online
Jan 10, 2025 11:03 PM

“Dont follow leaders
Watch the Parking Meters.”
(1960s folksinger) …

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 10, 2025 11:02 PM

All that establishment connection is a little unnerving as well as the failure to go past third base on just about everything. It seems to be the classic mis-direction tactic of providing just enough information to present a narrative but leaving out the good stuff, i.e., the real truth, in order to protect it. Of course that’s how I’ve long viewed Carlson, who started with the Weekly Standard, the neocon rag founded by Bill Kristol in the 90’s which I assume he was still affiliated with by 2000 before going to CNN, when they helped publish the PNAC, Project for a New American Century. As for Sachs, never paid him much attention, I have a thing about Harvard educated Jews wearing suits. Shame on me for the bigotry, but I generally don’t like or trust all suits, not just the Jewish ones. Goes back to my hippie days. I don’t trust either of them and I’m not sure why I should. If I found out he mentions zionism and Greater Israel in a negative light as a cause for the ME wars, then I might change my mind, but I doubt that’s the case.

But this is interesting from the Off Guardian’s favorite oligarchy media target, the Guardian:

“Donald Trump has shared inflammatory video content calling Benjamin Netanyahu a “deep, dark son of a bitch” just weeks after the Israeli leader claimed the two had a “very friendly, warm” discussion about hostage negotiations and Syria policy.

The president-elect posted the clip to Truth Social featuring economist Jeffrey Sachs, who accuses Netanyahu of manipulating US foreign policy and orchestrating “endless wars” in the Middle East.

In the video, Sachs – talking at a Cambridge Union event – claims Netanyahu has pursued a systematic strategy since 1995 to eliminate Hamas and Hezbollah by targeting their supporting governments in Iraq, Iran and Syria.

[Netanyahu’s] gotten us into endless wars and because of the power of all of this in US politics, he’s gotten his way,” Sachs says in the interview, referring to the influence of pro-Israel lobbying groups.

Trump’s aim in promoting the video was not immediately clear.

Sachs told the Guardian that while he was not advising Trump, he hoped it signaled a shift in US foreign policy.

I do not know Trump’s disposition on these issues, but I do very much hope that he frees US foreign policy from the grip of the cruel, ineffective, illegal and destructive policies of Netanyahu,” he said.”

Trump Retweets Jeffery Sachs Video Condemning Genocidal Lunatic Bibi, by Andrew Anglin – The Unz Review

So, if the Guardian publishes that, then you all know what that means.

Jan 11, 2025 1:05 AM
Reply to  Big Al

It just means they are probably going to sell Bibbi down the river or retire him to give their project a new facelift and act like they care about the world, kind of like Kit Knightly speculated earlier.

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 11, 2025 2:59 AM
Reply to  UncleWalrus

Possibly, if it’s in the Guardian, there’s more than likely a purpose. What I was referring to however is the fact that it is in the Guardian, so it is information the Guardian and those that control it are comfortable disseminating. Which says something about Sachs and Carlson. I know a whole lot of others who would not be given the time of day by the Guardian.

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 11, 2025 12:29 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Don’t try to recreate something that has yet to be created.

Jan 10, 2025 9:56 PM

A serious discussion or two smug, middle class opportunists shootin the breeze?

Jan 10, 2025 9:28 PM

To paraphrase Henny Youngman’s great punch line: “How’s the Official 9/11 Narrative? It’s on the roof!”

And so it has to go. I’m sorry not everyone can be as perceptive or concerned as 9/11 Truthers; but that’s the way it is. The American people can take terrible news only one step at a time – baby steps for most.

Maybe all the pundits do already know that a mouse chewing through the columns of the World Trade Center was as likely the cause of the collapse as 19 terrorists flying commercial airliners. But the American people, 23 years later, still aren’t ready to scrap the Official Narrative.

This forum frequently uses the term ‘sheep” to refer to the majority – especially regarding covid. They still believe the Official Narrative. Why can’t we accept that they still believe the Official 9/11 Narrative? Surely each of us here knows someone who refuses to accept anything regarding 9/11 not authenticated by the official dispensers of truth.

Look how long it’s taken for some – but not all – Americans to accept that the government knew the Japanese were set to attack Pearl Harbor (if in fact it even was the Japanese).

Jan 11, 2025 6:38 PM
Reply to  Howard

OK. I’ll bite. What was Henny Youngman’s great punchline? I thought it was take my wife please.

Jan 10, 2025 7:37 PM

Notice how they’ll never go into the truth that 911 was not just allowed to happen but the wtc7 building shows, an inside job.

Jeffrey Sachs, an insider, also spreads half truths about nord steam. He doesn’t go deeper into the story on purpose because he’s there to spread the manufactured alternative narrative. https://off-guardian.org/2023/02/21/nordstream-2-seymour-hersh-feeds-the-fake-binary/

Same with the lab leak, as both Tucker and Sachs promote the pandemic by promoting the lab leak false dichotomy.
We know the total deaths did not truly increase until the shots came out.
And the shots were a failed tech that was chosen…. Why?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
Jan 10, 2025 8:42 PM
Reply to  Rob

“Inside job” is a clever way to hide the identity of a foreign co – conspirator. I believe “inside job” is put out there to hide Israhell’s planning and involvement. The best research I know on this is by Christopher Bollyn.

Jan 10, 2025 10:27 PM
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Exactly, well said. Bollyn is A-1.

Because the “inside job” allegation for 9/11, CIA being portrayed as the only one inside, is a limited hangout, deliberate or not.

Michael Collins Piper,


pointed out in “Final Judgment” already decades ago that CIA-fingering JFK researchers such as Peter Dale Scott and John Judge just would not address the strong circumstantial evidence that Israel killed JFK in cooperation with some of CIA, Meyer Lansky’s crime syndicate and some of French intelligence and the Corsican Mafia.

All of these had their motives for doing so.

We now have Robinson and Walter blowing into the same horn for 9/11, CIA dunnit.. The vaxx-tard Chomsky also blows in similar fashion, having himself refused since 1963 to touch the topic of JFK.

But you notice that while fingering CIA, Robinson and Walter fail to do the actually obvious, that is, mention CIA’s very senior man James Jesus Angleton, who was central to what happened in Dallas in 1963 and has many memorials to him in Israel in 2025, now why is that?

Because if Robinson and Walter mentioned Angleton, they would have to also deal with his foreign contacts as head of US counter-intelligence. Such a can of worms.

Jan 11, 2025 7:40 AM
Reply to  Jenner

I had never read of any suggestion Israel killed JFK until last year. Do you know of earlier examples?

Also, how could any foreign power or terrorist group organize either the murder of JFK or 9/11 without major involvement from within the US government? I think whoever else might have been involved the “inside job” aspect is inevitable.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
Jan 11, 2025 12:22 PM
Reply to  Grigor

A good start is the video/transcript of “All Wars Are Banker Wars” by Michael Rivero. If you want more in depth, “Creature From Jeckll Island” by G. Edward Griffin.

Jan 11, 2025 7:50 PM
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Have watched both. Yes.

I’ll bet one percent of the United States population knows that the Federal Reserve is not part of the Federal Govenment, or any government.

Jan 11, 2025 12:24 PM
Reply to  Grigor

There might have been other entities involved, but I agree, impossible to do without US collusion.

Like every other calamitous event, I believe it was an assortment of groups that had a common purpose. Their reasons might have differed, but the end goal was the same.

Why does it always have to be pinned to one group or another?

Jan 11, 2025 6:26 PM
Reply to  judith

Exactly. Pinning anything on one group or another provides an easy answer. Like saying Iraq was “Bush’s war” and on and on and on. As many used to say back in the day, if only we could get rid of Osama Bin Laden all this “terrorism” would stop. Anyone who points out that things are much more complex than that easy answer is merely another conspiracy spouting loon. That tactic works very well and always has. Like thinking once Biden is gone all will magically be fine and dandy….

Jan 11, 2025 7:51 PM
Reply to  judith

That should read

There might have been other entities involved, I agree, but impossible to do without US collusion.

Jan 11, 2025 11:07 PM
Reply to  Grigor

MC Piper writes in his book, which is a free Internet PDF, that there was an article fingering Israel published in the USA many years back. You will havwe to find that reference yourself.

Second, I had named Angleton, did I not? You may want to read what I actually wrote. So yes, inside job it was but NOT ONLY INSIDE AS PER CIA, there was an OUTSIDE, and Piper lists all the evidence.

Third, you are presumably living in the Anglosphere and do not read in other languages. Piper says that the Arab world fingered Israel straight away.

The article I linked by K Barrett shows how the Anglo media is controlled/influenced by the same forces that killed JFK.

That influence on the media now goes back to before 1900, there is academic work showing how the pogroms in Ukraine before that time are not what the US media made of them.

Jan 11, 2025 11:51 PM
Reply to  Grigor

The perpetrators are international and can buy anyone and anything anywhere.

John Manning
John Manning
Jan 10, 2025 7:19 PM

There are so many scenarios we can imagine and all will remain imaginary until secrecy in government is outlawed and policed.

Imagine if the Ukraine war was started simply in order that Russia would be too busy to prevent the Israeli/US plan to destroy Syria. (We can now look towards peace in Ukraine because the objective has been achieved.) Coincidence or ??

Jan 10, 2025 6:18 PM

For the truth to finally set us free, we need more from the likes of Sachs and Tucker. 

Fuck of with the garbage!!!

They said nothing that wasn’t said already and known 20+ years ago by more honest decent people who are real journalist not this X dogshit with it fake figure count.
CIA Tuker calson is scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
who watches this shite.>? LOW IQ TV. seriously !!!!!

infact they said 911 wow wow wow wow what a revelation 20+ year out of date!!!! what was not said. ??????
The neocons who happily went into Trump team in 2016 and now back in 2024/5
this same lot are religious fundamentalist as OG is a Christian blog it wont go there.

As they was all Christian religious fundamentalist who believe in the end times prophecy and 3rd temple cult now using the digital platform to create a digital crusade.

George bush said god told him to go to war with Iraq,

Oct 7, 2005 

Jan 10, 2025 7:26 PM
Reply to  entitlement

Yeah but which ‘god?’

Jan 10, 2025 7:38 PM
Reply to  ariel

Any god that tells you what to do… Aka every mainstream religion.

Jan 10, 2025 9:52 PM
Reply to  ariel


Jan 11, 2025 8:46 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Banksters who can magic money out of thin air are way passed caring about “mammon”….

Jan 11, 2025 6:28 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yes, but those who carry out their agenda aren’t quite past the mammon yet.

Jan 10, 2025 5:33 PM

It’s so easy for Mr.Sachs to say “the Americans did it” while at the same time knowing the difference between “making money” and “getting money” as so delicately Mr.Henri Ford put it more than 100 years ago

Jan 11, 2025 6:37 PM
Reply to  Hornbach

OK. I’ll bite. What did Henry Ford say?

Jan 10, 2025 5:29 PM

Furthermore these “Interviews” just serve to cement the trite lie that “the swamp is being drained” by the system pointing at it’s pinky toe and pretending like it’s the heart, “see that toe?,Well thats whos raping your kids and making them go to war”, meanwhile the organism harboring the heart has allready taken painkillers, made the pinky toe ready for amputation and constructed a cybernetic pinky toe to take it’s place!

Jan 10, 2025 5:25 PM

Are you serious my friend? “Neither Sachs nor Tucker seem to go there” do you know who these men are?

You mean the son of a CIA man limited-MAM hangout?
You mean the current head of “Center for sustainable development” at Columbia university?
The man whom is the president of the “UN sustainable development solutions network”?

Well I have to say to both of you sirs, you have unparalleled naivete, no we don’t “need more” from the likes of these two system-buffoons.

Talking about Sachs and Tuckers “lack of courage” I have no words for the ire you make me feel.

I am open to a wide range of opinions but sometimes I wonder about the reality orientation of a lot of the people whom are “supposed to be on the same team as I”.

Jan 10, 2025 7:28 PM
Reply to  UncleWalrus

Yeah, the question is always ‘am I paranoid ENOUGH?’

Jan 11, 2025 6:51 AM
Reply to  UncleWalrus

Stop saying “whom.”

Jan 12, 2025 1:08 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Slutt å klage på en gratis tjeneste jeg gir deg, du skal være glad at jeg orker å skrive til deg på ditt eget språk i det hele tatt.

Jan 14, 2025 4:33 AM
Reply to  UncleWalrus

Good. You obeyed.