Nordstream 2: Seymour Hersh feeds the fake binary
Falling into the us/them dynamic is willfully forgetting the lessons Covid taught us.
Kit Knightly
Back in October 2022, when the Nordstream 2 sabotage was first hitting the headlines, I predicted the following:
The “official story” will never prove who bombed the pipeline one way or the other and is not intended to. Resolution is not desired. Instead, Team A will encourage us to blame Team B, and vice versa. The MSM will report evidence implicating Russia, while other evidence suggesting NATO were responsible will be “leaked”. Both narratives will be fed just enough to keep the argument going for as long as required and in any direction chosen.”
Fast forward to now, and the big story over the last couple of days – at least in alternate media circles – has been Seymour Hersh’s publication of a new article for the first time in quite a while.
The article, based entirely on “leaked” information from one anonymous “insider” source, claims that the United States military sabotaged the Nordstream 2 pipeline, and had been planning to do it since before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Forgive me but, how is this news?
After all, Joe Biden said “if Russia invades, there will be no Nordstream 2”. Victoria Nuland, speaking more plainly, stated on January 27th:
If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”
The phrase “one way or another” is barely ambiguous there. Obviously, if the pipe was sabotaged, the Americans did it. That was never in question, really.
But that’s the real question isn’t? Was the pipe sabotaged?
Sure, both sides say the pipe was sabotaged. But both sides said Covid was a real threat, and both sides said masks worked, and both sides said their vaccines were safe.
All they’ve done, for the past 3 years, is lie. About everything. Most importantly, both sides have told the exact same lies.
So, why should we go back to reporting the news on their terms?
Let’s have a reality check, shall we? Here’s what we actually know about the Nordstream 2 situation:
- It is not currently transporting gas.
- The “sabotage” has driven up the cost of energy all across Europe.
- Reducing the use and increasing the cost of fossil fuels is a major part of the “Great Reset” agenda.
- Both NATO and Russia are willful participants in that agenda.
That’s it. That’s all we know. Based on that, we can’t rule out the possibility Nordstream 2 was “sabotaged” in full agreement from both sides.
We don’t even know it was “sabotaged” at all. Because all we’ve been allowed to see is some bubbles. An image you could create in a few seconds by going to OpenArt and typing “bubbles on surface of ocean”.
Whatever actually happened, all we know is that it’s off, and our gas is more expensive. Again.
Hersh’s story seems to be an exercise in a special kind of journalism – telling people what they already know, or suspect, under the guise of providing new information.
“Revelations” from “former” insiders that actually reinforce the underlying assumptions of the mainstream narrative by supplying a controlled “alternative” point of view.
The official mainstream position is that Russia blew up their own pipeline. There is no evidence to support this, it is simply stated.
Now, Hersh has supplied the official alternative position – that the US did it – with a narrative of their own. There is no evidence to support this counter-narrative either, it is likewise simply stated.
Say it with me: It’s a fake binary. One I actually exactly predicted back in October.
Two apparently conflicting faith-based positions, both built on scant drip-fed evidence and both selling the same line: That the “sabotage” of Nordstream 2 was the result of international conflicts which accidentally furthered the great reset agenda.
But given what we’ve all seen over the last three years, isn’t the alternative more likely? That it was an act designed to further the great reset, camouflaged behind potentially performative international conflict?
Arguing over whether Putin or Biden blew up Nordstream 2 is living in a fake reality built on false assumptions supplied by proven liars.
The one silver lining of Covid is that it forced so many people to wake up and live in the real world. Let’s go back there, shall we?
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Well said, dear author. I’m alarmed at seeing comments longer than the actual article — the theses they claim are even more tiresome than their verbosity. This war serves globalism and the policies of the public private partnerships. What intelligence agency would send a president and the secretary of treasury into a “war zone”? The people are growing tired of this farce; let’s encourage them by sharing the truth of the real world.
NATO will soon be victorious.
I have it on good authority that Captain Mainwaring is being brought out of lead a mighty armoured punch of 4 Challengers (just as soon as the engines have been put back in them) towards Moscow. They will shortly be joined by 2 Finnish Leopards (minus tracks), two and a half Portuguese Leopards (minus turrets), 2 Shermans, and 3 bren gun carriers (minus bren guns), spearheaded by Transsexual Team Six, the 3rd Heavy Lesbians and the Ghost of Kiev, with the President’s Own San Francisco Gays bringing up the rear.
Putin’s days are numbered.
So, both sides have been telling the exact same lies? Hmm, no, they haven’t. Both sides are on the same side of The Great Reset? Really? So it’s already happened? Why not, if everyone is on board? If Russia & China are following the USA’s lead, The Great Reset would’ve happened during the Fake Pandemic & the lockdown would never have ended.
The majority of normies DO believe that Russia blew up it’s own pipeline, they are normies, after all, they believe the MSM Narrative & that’s what it says.
Too many writers on this site have jumped the shark far too often, of late, after a long period of asking the right questions & even providing some answers.
I’m finding it more & more difficult to shield my eyes from the glow from Off Guardian. Were you always a fake or did the operation get taken over, recently?
I won’t be buying any of your misdirection.
The US blew up Nordstream, they always attack their enemies & parasitize their allies, so there’s nothing outrageous or unusual about it, nothing that’s hard to believe, at all.
I’d advise anyone reading this to stay away from this gibbering wreck of a website.
Nice knowing you, bye.
Indeed. Just imagine a scenario where the US does blow up a lucrative Russian project, and Russia does… nothing. Realistic? Most people don’t realise we already live in a world of Eurasia, Eastasia and Oceania.
Russians tend not to react emotionally or precipitately but they DO react. Sometimes they take a very long time to do it. Bismarck had some pretty shrewd things to say about the Russians. Russia isn’t as strong as it seems. But it isn’t as weak as it seems either. Russians always come for their money. (If you cheat them, they will not forget. They will bear a grudge indefinitely, till they finally present you with the bill.) Russians take a long time to saddle up, but once they do, they ride very fast. Russia was cheated over NATO expansion and had many other serious justified grievances. But they limited themselves to verbal protests for 20 years. As a result, NATO leaders got used to the idea that Russia was all talk and could be pushed around and wouldn’t do anything. And now we are in a major war that may well go global and go nuclear. It took them 20 years to saddle up and come for their money. But saddle up and come for their money they did. These NATO countries are now paying a very high price for their decades of bad faith and skulduggery. They will carry on paying a very high price, politically, diplomatically, economically and militarily for many years to come. Germany alone will become an impoverished, de industrialised, irrelevant backwater. And that goes for the rest of the EU. In due course, Russia will come for its money over Nordstream. But it will do so at a time and place and in a manner of its own choosing. Take another example. A few months ago, the EU/ Washington kleptocrats announced that they had frozen and were confiscating (stealing) $300 billion of Russian state assets abroad, in an unprecedented move. Russia hardly reacted and commented… Read more »
Funny how the UN hasn’t prevented wars since it’s beginning.
It’s almost as if both sides don’t really want a peace making globalism system to work…. Russia China and USA like their veto powers to screw over other nations
Sure. It’s possible. They could have just as easily turned it off as a response to any of the umpteen transgressions—no? That would’ve been helpful in the West from a propagandistic perspective & it would’ve been easily justified in Russia.
You have to add all the strategic upside for the US to the probability of the US doing it. If it is all part of the plan, then the narrative is part of driving the two populations into their separate corners before conflict initiates. Were it just a Great Reset thing, there were better stories to go with (though of course it factors into all of their thinking now).
Something to watch is reconstruction/repair efforts. If Russia is in on it, then I don’t think we’ll see a serious attempt anytime soon.
Ya’ welcome, Ian … a refreshing start. Wink.Hope.
A Family Quarrel. With apologies to Batiushka, “The First Anniversary”: “In 2014 Russia turned Eastwards because the arrogant West had spat in its face by breaking a promise not to move NATZO into Ukraine, and by promoting genocide of Russian-speaking Ukrainians. Estranged from the “Western” World ie, the EUSA, Russia very quickly made friends with China, India, Brazil, South Africa and Iran . In fact, Russia very quickly made friends with seven-eighths of the world, where its real friends had been all along. Therefore, just because arrogant Europe spat in its face, Russia does not face an “identity crisis”. It is what it always has been, NorthEastern Eurasia. It no longer pretends to be only the Western half of itself: it has reclaimed the double-headed eagle which faces both East and West. But the rest of Europe faces an identity crisis, having separated from its Russian side (its “better half”?) with divorce looming up. And this is serious for both sides of Europe ie, for both sides of Northern EurAsia. Because NorthWestern EurAsia, having renounced a major component of its European civilisation, has lost its full European identity. Because a Europe without Russia would be a truncated Europe. Why else did the USA try to destroy Ukraine as a civilised country by distributing anti-Russian propaganda material and arming Ukro-nazi groups? The USA did this in order to create bad feeling between Kiev and Kiev’s Russian child, which has now grown up so much bigger than its parent. Why else did the USA sabotage Nordstream? It was to cut off Western Europe — the small, energy-and-resource-poor Western peninsula of Eurasia from the larger, Eastern land mass of EurAsia with its cultural, agricultural, energy and mineral resources – so as to make Western Europe a truncated invalid fully dependent on the… Read more »
Good article. Russia refinding its roots. With hope for resurrection, a fitting end to the blog.
Europe – the window that needed to be closed? A window to secularism and now wokism.
Peter the Great (Peter I) opened the window to secular Europe through a power-hungry admiration for how German Lutheranism promoted secular rule. Then followed a sequence of Germanic empresses/emperors. Russian Tsars replaced by Emperors. Two emperors invade – Napoleon and Hitler. The Germanic influence culminating with the atheistic Marxism (another German) of the 20th century. Secular rule run amok.
Then the 300+ years of secular repression (of Orthodoxy) finally cast off.
Russia returning to the land of the Tsars. Russia reviving its place as the ‘Third Rome’? Or if Europe can throw off the shackles of wokism and recover its own roots then maybe the two can once again unite.
Which would be a resurrection for both regions.
Russia has a boarder – well close enough – with the US. Alaska. If Russia posed such a threat to the West – I would expect the conflict to polarize at that pole. But instead it appears to be at the European Pole. So I tend to think there is more here than would appear. Ukraine is being played, it’s been played for a while now. Too bad. The people deserve better. They elected the current degenerate thinking he would make peace. They lied. Either way all this suits Russia and Europe just fine. This is not a war, as much as Covid was a pandemic. Neither are real. Europe needs to be freed from the clutches of UK and US and NATO. This is an orchestrated manoeuvre to do just that with the help of idiots in Washington and London and a few greens scattered around Europe who still see Russia as a Soviet Pariah. These idiots are fed by delusional oligarchs who still think they can orchestrate a coupe on Moscow and still get their hands on Russian resources. Think again. In the meantime the grinding continues until the so called Neo Nazis’ – a fabrication of both West and East. Ukraine has what the world refers to a racists. Europe is full of them too. Ukraine is no different. These dimwits will fight Russia thinking its the USSR at the same time being dictated to by zionists who could care less for them or for Ukraine. Thats about the nuts and bolts of it. The rest does not matter. What matters is that Europe frees itself from the clutches of London. I don’t know if it will work or not but the game is on and it looks as if it’s in their favour and Russia is… Read more »
Did you read this article? The sabotage could have not happened.
The saker is a moron fan boy
… genocide of Russian-speaking Ukrainians.” Where in the flying f*** did you come up with that nonsense?
The “predictions” by Anthony Fauci about a “surprise outbreak”(Also there will be a surprise outbreak” – – 2017). A “prophet” of the world? ) about a global “pandemic”, which would happen under the D. Trump presidency(it happened), the “corona virus” exercise just a few months before WHO declared a “pandemic”, the global distribution of 2019 PCR “tests” in 2017-2018(how could they know?) and so on, should make everyone very suspicious and alert. Pure coincidences? Absolutely not! Amazingly many of the same people who “predicted” these events to happen, is still in the business of evil games to control everyone. Why trust any of these warriors of madness, when they openly and proudly talk about their insane agenda? Their mindset is destruction by deceptions. Redacted on YouTube and other platforms had this story about the Nordstream pipeline: “BREAKING! Norway helped DESTROY the Nordstream pipeline in Seymour Hersch reported | Redacted News” – (15:35 min.) – But is this just another fantasy? It might be.
Distractions, lies, deceptions everywhere and what difference will it make, when all these things is going to happen according to the lunacy lovers of destruction? None! The deceptions is the platform to ensure total submission of all governments and all inhabitants – That’s the overall agenda of the “prophetic” nonsense, to create the “peace, peace” movement forward to a sudden destruction of our world. Maybe it’s time to say good luck to us all… When something smells like a cover up, we should be extremely alert. The clock is ticking and it seems to be seconds before it all comes to the final end.
Are you assuming that leadership in Russia, China and The West all conspired to either blow up the pipeline, or pretend it was blown up? Why? To please Klaus Schwab? In the meantime I think it’s safe to believe as fact that many Ukranian and Russian soldiers and citizens are actually dying, not pretending.
You clearly have no clue on propaganda tactics.
@Dimly: If a driving goal is depopulation, and only the most obtuse would not be able to see that it is, then “meatgrinder wars” work very well for doing that from the perspective of those who perpetrate them “on and for both sides”. Historically in fact better than anything else, at least until the era of mRNA and DNA “vaccines”, toxic geoengineering, HAARP-facilitated earthquakes, etc, also came along.
Rage Against The War Machine’ rally takes place in Washington DC:
Rally for Austria’s neutrality in Ukraine conflict hits Vienna streets:
And Surprise! Surprise!
US refuses to probe Nord Stream blasts after report exposed Washington’s role:
Russophobic propaganda materials from “USAID” to Kiev regime:
Banderites “Sieg heil” (Not shown on BBC):
AP accidentally show some Kiev regime troops wear ISIS patches:
Another US-supplied M777 howitzer gets blown up:
Retired Army Colonel Senator Black: We Are Headed For A Hot War With Russia AND China
There is a moment in which “awoken” anti-lockdown groupthink becomes pure complacency!
China’s Taking Control of LNG as Global Demand Booms (
So not the EU minus Nordstreams, but the PRC.
When woke Net Zero fools find out that it equals Brain Zero the CCP will jump in to sell them US/ ME gas, for a big middleman fee of course. The WEF financiers are laughing all the way to the bank.
IT’s the “CCP” doing the selling? “Not China” or “Chinese companies”? Woudn’t “White House”/ME gas, or “Democrat”/ME gas be more symmetrical parallelism?
They’re called the communist party of China CPC not CCP you CIA parakeet
MAD ends when Irrationality begins. Mutual Assured Destruction has ceased to be a deterrent:
“MAD depends on both parties being rational actors guided by enlightened self interest. The West ceased to be rational when the EU$A destroyed Nordstream.”
Honestly, if you want to prove a fake binary, you should make a list of all the things pointing to it instead of a hot air balloon.
What I see ion both sides: vaccine support, digital IDs, war containment, digital currencies?, state press, industrial restructuring… not entirely unlike George Orwell’s ideas.
It’s a pertinent question though why everybody participates. In the case of Russia and China there would have to be a deal being made. In the case of the west I’d expect coercion, where the two factions that would have to have reached an understanding are the US military and the Catholic Church, both being able to sabotage any global agreement.
Somehow though I consider Russia and China to be the least reliable partners in this and any agreement between the US military and the Catholic Church to be most ominous.
Actually, politically, right now I’d prefer to be in India, although they’re also testing stuff there, they’re still way more pragmatic, normal and grounded in reality than it is increasingly the case in the rest of the world.
I don’t think the war agenda is advancing the great reset agenda. It’s core after all is the green agenda. But the West is now realizing that they can’t fight wars with windmills- so every day we read of a retreat on green policies- today the story was the withdrawal of green levies to keep the steel industry alive. Similarly, you can’t run armies on the basis of woke policies and so there is a backlash against that too. The decimation of the Davos crowd has begun: Ardern, Sturgeon and soon Von der Leyen by the look of it. The plan obviously hasn’t worked and has to be modified. It appears they imagined they could regime change Russia after imposing sanctions but, it was not to be. This doesn’t look like a false binary! As the West discovered in the 1941 it’s a hard road to the New World Order- it requires military victory not just the globalisation of technocracy. Since the West can’t accept the inevitable military defeat they now face what will they do? Like something dangerous and reckless, most likely. But false binary fantasising is good for the awoken who have just nodded off again!
As Henry Kissinger noted during the oil shocks of the 1970s, “Control the oil and you control entire nations.” — Germany’s Energy Suicide: An Autopsy Pepe Escobar Sep 9, 2022 When Green fanatic Robert Habeck, posing as Germany’s Economy Minister, said earlier this week “we should expect the worst” in terms of energy security, he conveniently forgot to spell out how the whole farce is a Made in Germany cum Made in Brussels crisis. Flickers of intelligence at least still glow in rare Western latitudes, as indispensable strategic analyst William Engdahl, author of A Century of Oil, released a sharp, concise summary [see below] revealing the skeletons in the glamour closet. Everyone with a brain following the ghastly Eurocrat machinations in Brussels was aware of the main plot – yet hardly anyone among average EU citizens. Habeck, Chancellor “Liver Sausage” Scholz, the European Commission (EC) Green Energy VP Timmermans, EC dominatrix Ursula von der Leyen, they are all involved. In a nutshell: as Engdahl describes it, this is about “the EU plan to de-industrialize one of the most energy-efficient industrial concentrations on the planet.” That’s a practical translation of the UN Green Agenda 2030 – which happens to be metastasized into crypto Bond villain Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset – now renamed “Great Narrative”. The whole scam started way back in the early 2000s: I remember it vividly, as Brussels used to be my European base in the early “war on terror” years. At the time, the talk of the town was the “European energy policy”. The dirty secret of such policy is that the EC, “ advised” by JP MorganChase as well as the usual mega speculative hedge funds, went all out into what Engdahl describes as “a complete deregulation of the European market for natural gas.” That was… Read more »
“The whole scam started way back in the early 2000s: I remember it vividly, as Brussels used to be my European base in the early “war on terror” years.
At the time, the talk of the town was the “European energy policy”. The EC, “advised” by JP MorganChase [Rothschild] and speculative hedge funds, went all out into “a complete deregulation of the European market for natural gas.”
That was sold as “economies from buying on the spot market”. In practice, savage, unregulated casino capitalism, with the “free” market fixing prices while dumping long-term contracts – such as the ones struck with Gazprom.” [my editing, with italics added for emphasis]
Many thanks for this inside info. Straight from the horses mouth — or rather from the Augean stable that the EC has sunk to.
The reason both ‘sides’ lie is to allow the sleepers to finally wake up and see what is right.
Since their creation by the archontic forces and NAA, politics, religion, royalty, sports, etc. have been used to create separation. To divide. To divide and conquer. Such entities feed on powerful human emotions, generated from fear, hatred, unbridled lust, violence, but also siphoned from powerful expressions of compassion and empathy. The human breath is the most powerful energy resource in existence.
More recently, war has been openly declared by the so-called world leaders since 2020. The war against non-existent ‘terrorists’ has served as a prelude to the war against non-existent viruses and the CO2-induced ‘climate change’ disinformation, soon followed by the proxy war in the UK and Ukraine.
However, the real war is a spiritual war.
Right now we are in a spiritual war. It is not just about the fair distribution of money and power, although the individuals who represent the satanic parasitical entities are often defined by their respective accumulation. Money and power can be seen as red herrings. Money and power are the means to an end, not the end itself. If time is money and money is (probably the most complex expression of) energy, what is the greatest source of that energy?
Creation/beauty is the greatest expression of energy (imho)
the fallen cannot create nor can they exist without “negative energy”, it is for this purpose and the impending time line (which they wish to escape) that the fallen require a “food bank” to nourish them on their travels
in retrospect we may yet see halcyon days where we argue (pleasantly) the wheres and whyfors of what passed, mulling (with slight indiference) the fate of the fallen and their minnions, albeit while squabling over the last rabbit leg roasted on an open fire
Before that time comes (and as a great builder i know says) “its time to put on a bit of a show”
Various forms and levels of consent are required for the unwitting to become part of the fallen
s furniture in the new dwelling, the jibby jabby being fore most (again imho)
there are some interesting articles re "simalcrum" and the realm they are in the process of creating, they hope to cover all the bases and the hadron colliders have been running non stop to prevent the "looking glass" vision coming into being.
Ultimately we are witness now in these times to unbridled, shameless displays of loyalty and feilty to the dark, which going back to Kits binary argument brings me back on point…
We are witness and participants to the never ending ballet of light and dark, manifest in this wacky platform beneath the firmament. Choosing a side is not mandatory, but is advisable for ones long term…..existence
Boring it is not, challenging? You bet
Cross cut saw beckons, watch dem wings ducky
This has flown mostly under the radar even in the alt-media:
Elon Mush put in an appearance as the acceptable face of anti-globalism. He feared a single civilisation might lack resilience. What a hero…
Yea but the article was posted on slapstick rather than the man…so it’s got street cred.
Terrific off guardian essay btw bravo!
It’s deja vue all over again. Every point that Kit makes about The Rise of Global Oligarchy and The Subsevience of the Plebs is true; and was predicted a century ago by two Christian Socialists: GK Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc. In particular, one can read how the Roman Empire morphed into modern Europe: through the gradual usurpation of power by each local “Rex”: how each little “Rex” {Local Agent of the Emperor) became “King” of his little European Kingdom. And then the Empire that “straddled the globe like a colossus” fell apart because all the little Kingdoms began fighting one another; even though each Rex was originally — and remained — an Oligarch; and the Oligarchs were “all in it together”. Belloc naturally draws a lesson for modern Europe from this old shift between a unified Oligarchic Empire (symbolised by Rome) and disruptive Oligarchic Autonomy (wars between the Reges of nation states) — Belloc, Europe and The Faith, chapter 14.
Thus, Kit is largely correct in claiming that the Oligarchs are “all in it together”, insofar as they are all paid-up members of the Global Class of Plutocrats; Nevertheless, Kit is plainly wrong about this latest Oligarchal Atrocity NS2. Any fool can see that the Man from Uncle dunnit, same as he done Global Terrorist Atrocity 911. But Kit is not a fool, so cannot see it.
Kit quite clearly says in the article that -supposing anything really did get blown up – the US clearly were the ones responsible.
Too much skim-reading or non-reading going on BTL. Comments don’t mean much if they are based on not-reading what the author writes
Kit says…it forced so many people to wake up and live in the real world.
Now which real world might that be Kit, there are so many!
The real world… which is perhaps open to the possibility the East/West divide might have become as much theatre as, say, the war on terror? Maybe a bleak realisation but one that rejects simulated binary arenas which ultimately serve to reinforce narrative lies. A2
Agree. That said, it’s of course just one of many possibilities. Wishful thinking is one of them!
And when people do not know or recognise reality,
This reverberates, Profoundly, in subsequent narratives.
Recorded by the largest reservoir of Data, today flowing,
Downstream, like Water…
What did Bruce Lee say ?
Well put.
and yet…..
Great Britain’s “Dear Lord Rothschild” as First Patron of Great Britain’s “National Home for the Jews in Palestine” is understandably piqued that President Putin foiled any hope of setting up a “National Home for the Jews in Ukraine”.Ancient Khazaria was the Largest Jewish kingdom in History until ancient Russia conquered it and renaimed it “Ukraina” (“BorderLand”). U$ Jews in the Obomba/Biden regime (eg, Victoria “Frick the EU” Nuland) smartly chose a line of Jewish Oligarchs as President of Ukraine. But their B-rate movie star Zelensky is no President Reagan; he’s just a coke snorting pornographic comedian. And I predict that, despite the support of Dear Lord Rothschild at The City in London, comedian Zelensky and Oligarch Kolomoisky will not resurrect the ancient Jewish Kingdom of Khazaria. Instead, Z will be the last U$-appointed Jewish-only Presidents of Ukraine.
IMHO, the bigger reason is Russia’s thwarting of the “Greater Israel” project. (Really the third Babylon) By stepping to help Assad, Putin made his motives clearly known.
You only have to look Nathaniel in the face to know that he decides nothing. Even Jacob cannot go on Israeli television without sulking about the lack of influence he has.
Actually, he stated there that he supports Israel, but the Rothschild family at large does not.
So, keep that in mind when quoting his son.
Btw., I don’t really disagree with Nathaniel here, but the question then is, what kind of a disincentive is necessary to rein Iran, China and North Korea in, and the longer you think about that, the more hare-brained the whole Ukraine thing becomes. There is no way that I can see that it will lead to the desired outcome. The very fact that it started in the first place means that mistakes were being made that it’s hard to recover from.
“The very fact that it started in the first place means that mistakes were being made that it’s hard to recover from.”
Which is why Rand Thinktank is now urgently advising the Biden regime to cut its losses in Ukraine and arm China’s neighbours instead. Which reminds me of a domestic incident that I posted recently:
“My wife’s Filipino nurse came in laughing: “The Americans say they will give wonderful weapons to the Philippines if we will go fight China. Do they think we are stupid?”
Dear Kit Knightly, Sam, Balkydj. StStephen, Marcia Thorpe, Amanda, Pingu and others:-
If you really believe that what we are witnessing is all a fake binary, shadow boxing, kabuki theater, and the like, and we are all being played, can I respectfully suggest that you take a few minutes to read the following document published a couple of days ago by the Chinese Foreign Ministry:-
“US Hegemony And Its Perils.”
It’s not very long. It only takes a few minutes to read.
This pulls no punches at all and is uncharacteristically direct and confrontational for the Chinese.
It lambasts the US from beginning to end.
It reads very much like a declaration of war.
It is very similar in character to the two ultimatums issued to the EU and US in December 2021.
Senior US military figures have stated that we will be at war with China by 2025, without any kind of rebuke or official denial. This is clearly official policy.
I could be wrong.
It always pays to be intensely suspicious of any official narrative from any country,
I certainly don’t see either Putin or Xi as white knights riding to our rescue.
White knights don’t exist in the real world, and we have to look to our own salvation.
Maybe I’m just gullible, but I think we will soon be at war with Russia and China simultaneously, probably with additional not-so-little wars with Iran and Serbia thrown in for good measure.
I would very much like to be proven wrong.
Hopefully this is all just kabuki theatre.
But it doesn’t seem that way to me at the moment.
About ten years ago, when Russia stepped in to foil NATZO’s attempt at regime-change in Syria and POTU$A Obomba switched to his Jewish-led, Nazi-powered “cookie” regime-change coup in Ukraine, I joked: “It seems that the Anglo Zionazi Capitalists are limbering up for a war against China, Probably around 2033, the 100th anniversary of the Nazis accession to power”.
As things turned out since then, I am more optimistic that this Dream of Universal Annihilation will not become reality; because NATZO’s wars against Syria, Iran, Russia and China have only made those countries stronger, and impelled them into a formidable Axis of Resistance. Wheras the EU$A is weaker than it was ten years ago, more disunited, and crushed under mountains in debt. I doubt the credit-worthiness of the EU$A if it were to apply now for a War Loan — especially if NATZO aims to start WW3 by taking on the Axis: China, Rissia, Iran and Syria combined.
Far from me to disagree with Kit Knightley – as he usually seems correct on most stuff..But how do we know this…
“Let’s have a reality check, shall we? Here’s what we actually know about the Nordstream 2 situation:
At least one of the FOUR pipelines was not allegedly damaged at all, and of those that allegedly were, both the Pipeline underwater repair gas industry, and a very Senior Russian politician stated, we can fix the damage in about 3 months, if someone will pay us to do it.
Underwater pipelines, like everything else, are expected to fail…cos of stuff like earthquakes, ships anchors, metal fatigue, and crazy Americans or whoever wanting them to fail.
In my experience Germans are not stupid. What is to stop, The Germans saying to the Russians – ” Ahh go on – give us a bit of your gas – we will pay you, and we won’t tell the Americans”
After massive profits have been made, by the usual suspects, the price of gas is rapidly falling.
There is no shortage of gas, oil, tomatoes or toilet paper. Its just that the world currently seems to be controlled by extremely horrible, outrageously rich psychopaths, trying to kill us all, by every means they can think of.
It looks like 2 out of 8 demolition charges were duds, which is why 1 of the 4 pipelines was not blown up.
Thank god you’ve started making more sense Tony instead of bizarre personal diatribes
and the israelis didn’t film it?
True or False?
– americans are innocent and pure like a white lily
– americans smell dynamite
“the US did it”
sorry this is unacceptable. surely, people of middle-eastern appearance were spotted diving near the pipelines at the time of the incident. and indestructible passports were seen at the bottom of the sea.
Yes, they were filmed at the time dancing up and down on top of their nearby. submarine!
Why are UK supermarkets rationing certain foodstuffs?
From the Fraud’s explainer (but not in the headline unsurprisingly):
“At this time of year, Britain relies on Spain, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt for the bulk of salad imports. However, these crops have been affected by unusually cold weather last month”.
The second reason they cite is energy costs for greenhouses.
However the collective wisdom of twitter knows differently – #Brexitfoodshortages is trending.
I find this story strange too – they said via an expert on Radio 4 this morning that it’s not because of Brexit and then go on to say that availability will be affected by ‘highest price’ buyers. Umm.. Gonna spell it out cos the Beeb expert didn’t. But if cucumbers are expensive in Europe, they will be more expensive in UK so they will sell in Europe cos we won’t buy – that is a Brexit thing.
I think I actually prefer the news these days – it’s like university challenge – true or false – or something else. Plus put together a connection.
“Why are UK supermarkets rationing certain foodstuffs?
Well, its because some idiot, probably on the Telly, said we get most of our tomatoes from Morocco, and its snowing there…
What he didn’t mention was the 73 snow ploughs to clear the snow, and that Morocco as well as growing tomatoes, also has mountains and skiing
I am buying big fat Beefeater tomatoes instead.
Most of the stuff on the TV and in The Newspapers is complete nonsense, apparently written by woke teenagers on work experience who have yet to do their “gap year”
Propagandists waving flags at propagandist organizations flagging false flags and poorly structured reports regarding various methods of reporting propaganda…
U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans – Foreign Policy
Kit, my friend, until now I think you’ve been always on the spot, but this time you failed to extract the wider array of implications of Hersh’s article. It was obvious from the star that the US (or some proxy) was responsible. But the article does much more than reinforce a fake binary. For example, it makes it almost impossible to ignore, and helped cut through the media blockade. Regardless of any binary, fake or otherwise, it gives the German people more elements to characterize their government as the traitors that they are, and act accordingly. From a mobilizing/taking action point of view, the scenario is not the same as before. It makes it easier to demand a response/statement from other governments/institutions. An independent investigation, for example. Not that I have any faith in any institutional move. But under the fake binary umbrella, lots of different interests/conflicts/contradictions still operate, and demands the mobilization of the working class in an internationally articulated manner. Exposing or concealing the fake binary is not the only, nor the most important/urgent thing at play. In the end, it is all part of the Capital’s responses to its structural and unsolvable crisis. And that is the real big picture.
If we focus long enough on a particular spot of a flowing river, we see that the currents arriving there sometimes fight each other and some other times empower each other, and that’s the case at each spot we focus on. So, are these partial currents allies or are they foes? Maybe they are neither; just the incomplete expression, of a movement more general of which the partial currents are the unsatisfied expression. Unsatisfied for not being the whole river, but longing to be.
Whatever the ostensible cause, the result is the same – shortages and rationing:
The UK has been quite dry recently – but the first half of winter saw very high rainfall and there seems no way there could be an imminent water shortage without serial mismanagement of the resource (like closing down reservoirs and non-functioning desalination plants).
The foods being rationed are some of the particularly healthy ones which I’m sure is just an unfortunate coincidence because they care so much about people’s health.
The problem with the way you view the “fake binary” is that you keep referring to “China” and “Russia” in your beloved “they’re all in on it together” theory.
China, for instance is a country of 1.4 billion people. Within this there is a political party structure with very tough competition, that mostly works with the goal of keeping this country of over a billion with its thousands of years of history in one piece. The USA and NATO work very hard at recruiting assets from within these 1.4 billion people who work for NATO’s interests. The number one person on my radar is George Gao who may be the architect of the zero covid policy but is one of the army of technocrats who have made their careers in NATO and are fully NATO controlled.
Your average high level Fortune 500 corporate exec or any bureaucrat earning over 100k in any of the big global organizations (WHO, UNCTAD; UN, etc.) are all serfs who work hard for the global agenda regardless of the passport they hold.
Beyond this, however, there are actually politicians all over the globe (and I count Putin and Xi among these) who are not saints but they are interested in moving forward the interests of their countries even at the cost of going against the NATO agenda.
Your coverage of current geopolitics has descended into a parody of fake binary. All you do is run articles by ID and RW warning us that Russia and China are a digital dystopia and then an endless series of “fake binary” articles.
Many feel that covid should swap the lens we use to view such things. Can we reasonably argue that any single sovereign state entity has such far-reaching influence on world events and yet remain a single sovereign state entity in any meaningful sense? The five year plan, this was the US imperial MO, but these recent events would be a complete departure, wouldn’t they? It’s also quite an uncharacteristic feint, from a country not known for its subtlety, to appear on the face of it to be in internal disarray during the Trump/Biden presidencies, when in fact they aren’t at all, they’re pulling strings all over the world.
It’s clear to many that the Western bubble is being deflated. Historically, power has never resided in any one country, but has tended to shift around opportunistically behind the scenes. As global cohesion increases, the face of geopolitics is changing too in truly unprecedented ways. A2
It’s fascinating how this issue (whether there are two sides, East against West, or whether it’s a fake binary) always seems to result in a 50:50 split. I say covid revealed underlying unity but many still hang in to their “cold war” scenario. They are happy to see covid as a Western scam. Which leaves them in a contradictory position with the East. They may even gravitate towards saying e.g. China more effectively fought covid whilst denying the bug elsewhere.
fuk off KIT i am now pullinmg my funding for off gauardian for YORU FAKE bianry crap .go do a better researched story wwith all your insdie contacts
It’s getting so tiresome. Just as I had thought about contributing to OG they went off in this bizarre direction. I just check in once a while to watch the slow mo train wreck. Most of my comments die in “moderation jail”.
Thanks for your comment. We’re sorry you didn’t feel like donating this time. Offg are fully independent and reader donations alone keep us afloat. We can’t guarantee you’ll always see eye-to-eye with us, but that’s as it should be.
BTW this is only your second comment, so presumably you usually comment under a different moniker? Please try not to do this. Thank you.
Kit, the ‘Wizard of OG’…
Fully agreed, Kit: – highlight the obvious, but, this is PEAK OIL BUSINESS and any form of Terror, War, Financial Corporate pressure or inter-Personel/et-all Leverage that is required, inc. Utilising Automated Intelligence that they developed, like’ Aladdin’s HAARP, all things were made legal in 1997… inc. ” Force Multipliers” Controlling Corporate Electronics I.e. tried and tested in their favour. Why do you think Intel
Moved Their ‘Chip’ HQ to Tel Aviv ?
in a nutshell, bite the bullet:
The war started:
Nice & quiet, like a U2,
With engines off and Biden, just like ‘Ike’
Eisenhower made to look like a dick, when the CIA lied to him, too…
Truly nothing new. Cheer up now,
Jens Stoltenberg is running for cover and
Will disappear within months, at least that, if nothing else.
Next Ursula v.d. Leyen & Baerbock will be thinking ahead,
And who else knows the encryption Of Communications Sputniks
Transmitters Of Aladdin’s spell over half humanity? Ask Preston Rabl.
Hamelin’s Piper has seduced the children and brainwashed them,
To the mountain-side, with sonic Resonance.
Don’t you see ? The Magnetosphere is Key & Free…
Well it was, until ‘we’ allowed Corporates to assume the rights to
Control & Experiment with ‘divine’ rights & patents over
Naturally Occurring Resources…. like the Magnetosphere!
Such A FukwitPigshitFuckery Ignorant Assumption , I…
Never did see. Und den HAAG ?
Nothing New.
Speed up & think
Tech. Always Ahead.
So invert it… like Elon said.
” We will Coup whoever we want ”
” Deal with it ”
“Nord Stream” does not exist in the German media. The government strategy of “nothing to see here” works perfectly.
The argument, that this is only about dividing people and a binary world view, overlooks, that the topic “Nord Stream” does not exist in the German media. Main stream media in Germany did not mention Seymour Hersh. As a matter of fact, there are no news on Nord Stream at all, besides news in the past that it was blown up.
There is nothing. People who do not inform themselves outside public television (ARD and ZDF) and private equivalents, like n-tv, do not know about Seymour Hersh and what he said.
So, as a tool to divide or blind the Germans, Nord Stream is completely ineffective.
Additionally, binary or not, for the Germans it makes a big difference who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines, the USA (“our friends”) or Russia (“our enemy”).
TPTB know that increasing numbers are looking to the alt-media for info. They don’t only set traps in the MSM
Both narratives will be fed just enough to keep the argument going for as long as required and in any direction chosen
That didn’t happen, the whole thing was memory-holed.
Well, I must admit I hadn’t considered these possibilities and merely assumed the nato gang blew up the pipeline to cut off revenues to Russia and gas to Europe, thereby eliminating Germany’s energy dependence on, and consequent closer commercial ties with, Russia, with the added aim of handicapping the economy of the US’s German competitor and opening up the European market for filthy American shale gas, nicely creating energy shortages in Europe in the process… But in these times when Reality is is in the throes of being well and truly abolished, I’m willing to take under consideration any conspiracy that doesn’t involve belief in the Devil, UFOs, or magic numbers and messages hidden up Ursula von der Leyen’s blue and yellow skirt.
And I must say Mr. Knightly argues very convincingly.
Nevertheless, I don’t believe Hersh deserves the small-minded denigration of him in comments here by those who clearly have no idea of his previous track record.
StStephen – you really must reconsider your attitude to Ursula von der Leyen’s blue and yellow skirt – there’s a whole world of mysteries to be found there!
You would have to be very brave to bear the stench…
There are mysteries I’d prefer not to plumb.
“She laid them on the mat
And they paralysed the cat
The old Blue-Yellow drawers that Leyen wore.”
A strong “Stank von der Lugen”.exudes from that little piece of Blue-Yellow bunting. Pity. Ukraine and the EU had many good things going for them — peace, fertile black earth, industry and a reliable source of cheap gas from Russia — until Perverted Nationalism cast its sinister glow over those 2 flags: the Blue-Yellow Stars of the EU, and the Blue-Yellow Stripes of Ukraine. ,
“I’m willing to take under consideration any conspiracy that doesn’t involve belief in the Devil”.
Don’t let Rationalism fool you. The Devil is “roaring in the streets” and one of his best propaganda roars is, “I don’t exist”.
Not Old Nick himself?
Price check on media narratives. What is the point of a fake binary????
LPG price is up to $22/unit (today) from $14/unit in Sept. 2022 just before the Nord Stream 2 pipe bombing. Thats 60 % higher.
Natural Gas price has collapsed in the same time period from $8/ unit to $2/unit. That’s 400 % less. No one wants it.
I mean who is winning that battle. USA!!!!! Russia now has to theoretically pipe gas across to the central and eastern Euroasia to find a market. Thats along way though big mountains!!! Seems like a real pain for them to follow the great reset.
I get the fake binaries stuff. But let’s talk about the ultimate fake binary canary. NUKES!!!!. Two chunks of metal colliding at 10,000 km /hr and go all CATASTROPHIC and turn into pure energy!! Seems like a stretch if you really think about it. Highly relevant given Puntin’s comments overnight on START. Nukes are the fake binary that the controlled opposition won’t touch.
What is the intent of the fake binary. To trick you into thinking that the elite are all powerful (GOD) and that you’re powerless.
So you better get a Strawman Account even though you know it’s a slave account. What can you do? Transmigrate or Astral Travel! Hmmm I will go astral travel.
Keep up the good work.
Had a glance at the Daily Sceptic and saw this:
“The BBC Exaggerates the Threat from Conspiracy Theorists”
Isn’t that cunning? They give the impression of being oppositional but the word “exaggerates” suggests there actually is a threat from “conspiracy theorists ”. Thus they bolster the mainstream memes.
What a bullshit from senile old fuckhead talking stupid nonsense… you assholes seem to believe everything…so sad…
Whirr …. click! ….. whirr …. engage Jeff software ….
Now then Vicar, that’s no way to talk about the new lady bishop.
I’m not buying this line. Look back at the history of Nordstream. USA had been trying to stop Nordstream for years. With lobbying. With sanctions. And finally with explosives. To pretend otherwise is is deluded.
But if we accept the evidence that there was no pandemic then we must update our worldview to accommodate this, surely? A2
No, surely not. There is no need to conflate the two issues.
Otherwise we are reduced to saying: all the big narratives are the same, they are all controlled by omnipotent superpower, the Ukraine war is fake, the war on Iran, Iraq, Afganistan, Syria, Libya were all fake, millions of non NATO citizens didn’t die in them…and we are all screwed so let’s commiserate together because it’s one giant narrative controlled by one giant squid.
Many agree that there is a need to conflate these things, if we’re to have an accurate world view in 2023. And I don’t think this is saying that ALL recent conflicts have been fake. Actually what sets many elements of the SMO in Ukraine apart is comparing it to such recent conflicts. Many elements don’t feel quite right in many people’s eyes. A2
It is perfectly possible for millions to die in a war which is nevertheless “fake” in the sense that the reason these people are dying has nothing to do with the claims made in the media.
@Sam:- Q: you do realise that this is the second pipeline built all the way from Russian territory to the E.U. shorelines, [at considerable serious expense to Gazprom,] to get ‘Torpedoed’ ? *** The pipeline to Bulgaria is built and still standing, *** In international waters, but Bulgaria has been dictated to by the E.U. & N.A.T.O. ! You, must update your world view, or revise it … Eastern Europeans know full well what is going down, especially Victor Orban. And I’m not talking about low level Tech. either. From Soros, to Murdoch’s Mountbatten’s Montague’s Rothschild’s Rockerfeller’s club of 33 Masonic Oligarchs’ interest in controlling Chinese & Russian Sovereignty, above the Cultural soul from Confucius to Rachmaninov’s Copyright, you and your colleagues Kit-Kat-Will-Sophie too ever accept that Putin & Xi did not want what Western Oligarchs Want… ? Xi is not the boss, he is the Messenger !! What not to see, that I have seen with my own eyes ? From Khodorkovsky onwards, immediately after WTC7, Putin & Xi have had to play along, negotiating Mindcraft, the likes of PRISM, PROMIS, PALANTIR & PEGASUS. . . ! ! ALPHABETSKI >>> ‘Go’ Meister and now CHATGPT, with 10centBaidooAlibaba and their own versions of Aladdin, all ready to Rock your boat … ! ? Where Jack Ma ? Selling Ali-Baba I.P.O. just like ARAMCO ? AND THEY FAILED !!! Or, does The whole of OFFG & Iain Davis think that the PLA & Russian Army are going to handover control of their GOLD RESERVES, TECHNOLOGY & FUTURE MONETARY SYSTEMS to The OCC ? The old cunts club ? ! Are you delusional ? This means war, whatever your conclusions, they are meaningless. I knew Iain’s views were taking you merrily down the garden path… Which is why I prompted you to… Read more »
The Nord Stream pipelines are more than 750 miles long.
So there’s the question of how significant a few little holes in a few sections of pipe would be anyway. Unless the divers were superfast swimmers that could swim the whole length of the pipelines. Presumably those sections of pipe can be replaced. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
The physical damage would be the equivalent of blowing up a small chunk of track on a disused railway line hundreds of miles long. That portion of track can be repaired and the world move on.
Russia had already reduced the flow of gas along the pipes to 20% as a way of inflicting pain on sabre-rattling Europe. And then there was all that kerfuffle about repairing the turbines.
As an attack on Russian infrastructure it would of course have significance and as a sign of polarized times.
In which case attacks on the likely perpetrator’s infrastructure would likely follow, or may have already happened.
There are now all sorts of remotely operated armaments. Even control of an airliner can be taken over. All the talk of extended planning and divers in this case is a joke.
Saw this on Wow. Finally some real journalism on this subject. What the heck has happened to most alternative media? Why are they lapping up Hersch’s kool aid?
Every day the headlines become more aggressively absurd and alarmist. It is clear now that covid was merely the beginning. Indeed it’s even possible to get nostalgic for the early days of the “pandemic” when there was still at least a recognisable centre to the “news”.
You are the only outfit of any size talking sense on this and many other topics
The neocons in Washington get paid and paid well by someone and that someone lives and works in London. Thats about as British as it gets. Well figuratively .They probably actually live in NewYork or TelAviv. You’ve probably never heard of them by name. They don’t parade on the on the Forbes top 100 lists. They are evil because they can afford to be. What do they do? They simply provide the “fuel” that makes the corporate world work. Money. When they have had enough, they pull the plug and the actors fade to grey. Many current actors will fade to grey in the days to come. Many have already started. We all work for them in one way or another. We have been trained from birth as have our parents and their parents. Trained to need and to want. Trained to miss the obvious. Russia has many in London Towne eying its resources, many who missed out due to an agenda that perhaps wanted to reinstate Russian civilization, to restore it, to invest in itself as a sovereign state. A right every sovereign nation has by the way, whether our leaders like it or not. There are many states that desire this. So that one day it can contribute to a functioning collaboration of differing societies throughout the world – distinct societies that can live together with the notion that they are all great because of their diversity. They are strong because of their ability to co-exist harmlessly, peacefully under one roof we call earth. Nature: genetic diversity provides us with strength and beauty. Recessive alleles are prevented from manifesting. Human race derives strength from maintaining distinct society states which provide the world with diversity. Without it we are done. This cant last forever. One day we will all… Read more »
If Russia was really in opposition to the West it would be opposing and exposing the covid lies. It wouldn’t be promoting those lies and forcing jab poison on its people. It wouldn’t be working with the WHO and WEF to bring in the Great Reset and lock up humanity in a digital panopticon.
In keeping with the “false binary” theme, it’s not an either/or proposition.
The COVID fiasco is what it was. It had to get played out and could have been a vast destabilizing exercise. If China and Russia and others, did not play along it could have evolved into a coup. The WORLD would have pointed its finger and said – look they are killing us.
Political gamesmanship.
Did they use mRNA?
China naturally took it one step further by dismantling their port hubs under the guise of zero covid policy because they knew they could be successful in it.
I’m not sure I would be too proud of what happened in the UK, US, NZ, Canada , Australia and a bunch of others. It would appear the vaccine game is still on there.
Oh, this is brilliant. Never thought of this. I think you are right Kit. The have this posted over at
here’s my comment from over there:
Yes, that thought never occurred to me, but he (Kit) makes a good point–definitely worth questioning. They are masters of video and media fakery (9/11 and the planes melting into the buildings, etc)
And yes, we are all being played–deception is the name of the game. And you make a good point, yes, it does remind me of the false choice in the Epstein saga: suicide or murder, when the truth was that he was never in that jail and probably spent the entire time on the beach in Israel.
I believe all of these wars are orchestrated. After all, look at the license plates of Archduke Franz Ferdinand– If they had that much control back then, they only have even more power and control now. I’m going with it’s all scripted and has already been gamed out (these people are masters of game theory). The US knew for years what would provoke Russia to attack, so they did exactly that. And then when Russia attacked, that gave the US cover for sanctions that only damage the West (which is all for the Great Reset), and on and on it goes.
WW3 is being orchestrated, just like the other two world wars. And they will use the chaos from this WW3 to usher in their Great Reset slave grid (digital ID and CBDCs)
If a thief breaks into my home, I should not call the police because some of them are corrupt, it’s a “fake binary” to think of good and bad.
Kit’s error is in not appreciating that there are complete spectrums (spectra ?) of possibilities between most alternatives.
Spectrums of shades of grey and every colour of the rainbow.
Is the choice between a binary and a fake binary a fake binary?
Is the sabotage of the pipeline a cover up of the Ukrainian war which is a cover of covid which is a cover of the great reset which is a cover of a financial collapse which is a cover of 33 Freemasons taking over the world?
Your error is you fail to grasp what’s going on. Everything is a rich man’s trick. EVERYTHING. And that includes making you think some of the rich men are nice guys who are on your side.
well said 👏
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy
Where did I imply that some rich men are nice?
What is my side?
” If I were a rich man ” da di da
It’s also conceivable that there are some of the rich men who aren’t nice guys who are nevertheless, for reasons of their own, on your side.
And we have to keep believing it even when they are poisoning and surveilling us? We have to make excuses for them because we so badly need to believe some of the bad guys are “on our side”.
Not really my point, which was more to the effect that one can sometimes find allies in unexpected places.
WEB can drain the Oceans it wasn’t The British piss off.
Please don’t make everything about Covid. It’s incredibly boring.
Seymour Hersch deserves respect as one of the last true journalists standing and this story is about an act of war. It has absolutely nothing to do with Covid. Take off the blinders and get to work.
For what it’s worth, I rather like Jordan Peterson’s definition of someone we can trust:
“Somebody who isn’t a terrified tyrant”.
And how do we know we’re dealing with a terrified tyrant?
“By virtue of the fact that he defaults to the application of force, rather than persuasion or engagement in discussion”.
Other than that, the people I can trust barely exist.