Normalization and the Resulting Death of “All that Is”

Todd Hayen

The very thing that keeps humans surviving in an ever-changing world will be the very thing that ultimately destroys them.


Normalization and the accompanying ability to roll with the punches—to be resilient, pliable, tolerant and accepting against all odds—is really our greatest enemy in these turbulent times. Its original intention—to survive all challenges—was a brilliant attribute that our creator built into us. It is a positive attribute if we follow certain rules and avoid believing there is unsaid benevolence and positivity to everything thrown our way that appears to be innocuous. (Things that are really obviously bad are more difficult to normalize.)

In other words, refusing to believe that evil is lurking around nearly every corner with the serpent-like intention to deceive us, and thus destroy us. Another rule we must re-learn is to think critically and be ready and willing to recognize the devil behind certain presentations rather than eat every apple offered up to us with gusto and abandon.

Do I believe in Satan? Sure, why not? I didn’t used to, but now the existence of Beelzebub himself seems to make everything going on make more sense. Even if Satan is just a symbol for “people gone astray,” it certainly is something we need to be aware of and recognize.

As I just said, normalizing life’s weirdnesses was a natural thing back in the day. We just got used to stuff—sometimes even bad stuff. We got used to being hungry, being poor, not having the same stuff the king had. We got used to fleas, vermin in the kitchen, measles, smallpox, and other health oddities. We got used to wars going on all around us, and stuff like that.

As time went on, those of us living in the more opulent countries got used to not starving and got used to clean water and warm houses without having to spend half the day chopping wood. All these conveniences were normalized for us. And it was a good thing, for the most part.

Normalizing was a natural part of our experience. It was normal to have enough food on the table, it was normal to have the doctor fix a broken leg, so we were not crippled for the remainder of our life. A lot of these things may have made life more pleasant so we could concentrate on more important things, but today the normalization of acquiring or achieving stuff that we used to have to work very hard to achieve or acquire has made us soft.

Often, some world event would come along and create a bit of a reset. Like World Wars and such. Then sugar, coffee, gas, and a whole slew of other things were rationed so we didn’t run out. We got used to that, too. The normalization of lack and of loss. It all made a bit of sense to recover from such things.

I don’t doubt the agenda was involved in a lot of stuff back then as well, but I don’t think it was as obvious as it is now. And whether the agenda was involved or not, I do think a lot of these things that became normalized in our everyday life came about as the result of a natural, organic, evolution. Taking a crap indoors sitting on a warm, white, porcelain seat rather than having to trek out into the cold and sit on a freezing slab of wood with a hole in it was normalized naturally. I don’t think the agenda had much to do with that.

But now it is quite different. Most bad things, at least the really bad things, have been normalized by the agenda. In fact, normalization of bad things is one of the agenda’s most important tasks. Since the advent of Covid and the miracle vaccine, it is now “normal” for people to die of heart attacks when they are less than 60 years old—hell, less than 50! It is also “normal” for children to have heart disease, and to die of strokes.

I’ll never forget the first time I saw a banner on a bus that read “Kids have strokes too!” That ad campaign was part of the agenda’s effort to normalize stuff beyond a “natural” normalization.

Unfortunately, as more and more kids die of strokes, and it becomes a “normal” thing for people to hear about, then it will naturally become normalized, and the agenda does not have to push it as hard. They will move onto other things to normalize, like rampant stillbirths, or something equally as unusual.

The events (strokes) that are normalized are not actually “normal,” but they just appear that way because there are so many occurrences—and no one seems all that alarmed by it. The bus banners just help that process along—and also keeps people from pointing fingers at alleged culprits.

I can’t tell you the number of times I have expressed to “sheep-types” how frightening it is to see so many athletes drop dead on the playing field and have them wave it off saying, “Athletes have always died on the playing field.” Normalization. Nothing to see here, business as usual.

These examples are samples of the normalization of events such as heart attacks, strokes, and dead athletes. Normalization in the culture is also occurring in other areas. Cell phones and their hypnotizing destructive effects have been “normalized.” The internet is “business as usual.” Slowly losing access to ownership of just about anything (software, media, movies and music the most obvious) is normalized.

Paying for just about anything with a credit card and not cash is normal, having to hand over ID for just about any reason has been normalized. Having our kids exposed to Drag Shows in school or reading books about sex before they are mature enough to understand such things is being normalized. Paying over $25 for a meal for two at McDonald’s is normal now. Eating crap food and filling our bodies with pharmaceutical garbage is normalized. Being surveilled continuously is now normalized.

I could go on and on with this. I think you get the picture. In fact, nearly everything we do and experience these days has been normalized, whether it is actually normal or not. And most of these things will hurt us due to their ubiquitous presence in our lives. And the agenda is very happy about that.

The agenda wants us, at the very least, to be dependent on the system for happiness and survival, at worst, the agenda wants us all dead.

Soon enough, it will be considered perfectly natural to off ourselves if we are depressed or anxious. It will be normal to sit in our house 24/7 because that’s where we work and entertain ourselves with video games and porn, and besides, there will be no place to go anyway due to travel restrictions and the 15-minute cities that we live in.

Soon enough, it will be normal to eat Soylent Green for dinner, pay for everything with Smart Phone Credits, and walk through bio-scanners when crossing the street, taking a piss, or buying eggs. And it will all be perfectly fine with everyone—because it will be normal.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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George Mc
George Mc
Jan 11, 2025 9:37 AM

A drag act dies at the age of 32. I note that cause of death wasn’t given. And look at this abuse I get. I am called ghoulish and even Paedophile! (And ignore the pseudo controversy over whether the guy or his character is being mourned.)


Jan 11, 2025 9:14 AM

“Do I believe in Satan? Sure, why not?”

Satan can be conceived as an entity, a force, a metaphor or a weapon – the self-proclaimed elite probably contains believers in all these ways. Catholicism has much to answer for here because it considers evil as an actve force in the world whereas in Orthodoxy evil is merely an absence. Western Europe has been on the wrong track since the Great Schism.

It’s interesting that in the 1973 ‘The Wicker Man’ the Christopher Lee character makes it explicit that his grandfather brought back the old gods to the island as a method to control the natives, he wasn’t a true believer. This doesn’t mean Lee’s character or Lee himself wasn’t a true believer – indeed there’s a 60s’ TV interview where it’s very clear Lee was indeed a serious occultist.

Luciferianism is much more dangerous than Satanism. The former view the latter as useful idiots, a wrecking ball that can be used to de-stabilise society in a permanent revolution of a dissolve-and-recoagulate dynamic. Satanists are too controlled by their passions and materiality to be a long-term danger unlike the cold scheming of Luciferians. The Luciferian desire to “rule in hell rather than serve in heaven” is the fundamental source of most of our ills. They want to become gods – hence their quest for immortality, omniscience and omnipotence.

Jan 11, 2025 10:31 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Maybe off-topic but I have recently re-read Master and Margarita by M.Bulgakov and in there Satan was funny, clever, desirable. The final is how I imagine death (riding in a storm)

Jan 11, 2025 8:26 AM

Thanks Todd.

Seems to me the most ‘normal’ thing is believing.

Believing without question.
Believing the government.
Believing the Drainstream Media.
Believing our teachers.
Believing religious leaders.
Believing celebrities.
Believing sports ‘heroes’.
Even believing our parents.

No one believes they Love someone. They KNOW.

No one believes they are hungry or in pain. They KNOW.

Let’s make believing ABNORMAL.