Predicting 2025: Trump declassifies JFK “truth”…and maybe 9/11 too.

Kit Knightly

In the first of this series I wrote that a major theme of Donald Trump’s second term as President would be re-asserting the fake “anti-establishment” credentials he threw out during his first term.

This mirrors the greater part of the Agenda 2030/Great Reset/New Normal plan since 2022, which has been about trying to wipe out the Covid-era revelation that national governments are franchises of a global power structure rather than separate and sovereign powers of their own.

Our fourth prediction would help both these narrative goals.

I think some time this year they will reveal what wil be framed as the “real story” of JFK’s assassination, and maybe 9/11 too.

Not the real real story, of course,  but some form of  limited hangout fallback narrative story will be revealed or admitted, perhaps through the “accidental” release or leak of some documents or by that ever-useful narrative tool, the fake whistleblower. This fallback might even have some admissible semi-truths in it like the best lies always do.

The aim will be as ever –  to let some of the deception  fall away, whilst protecting the core of the official narrative, to provide fodder for frenzied but carefully curated debate, and, as with the ludicrous Musk rebranding of Twitter, to foster an empty illusion of “real change” for the better, while the only real change continues to be for the worse..

So, what will these “revelations” consist of?

There are numerous possibilities here.

They might say  Oswald was “trained by Mossad” or “had a Soviet handler”, but he will, of course,  still have been the main  shooter.

They might “reveal” that CIA knew the 9/11 hijackers “were originally US assets”, or even that the authorities  let the attacks happen, but they will not cop to pre-planted explosives.

They might blame Saudi Arabia, they might blame Israel, they might even go as far as “rogue elements inside the US security state”. What direction they take it depends entirely on the needs of the moment.

It will be revealed or admitted, perhaps through the “accidental” release of some documents or by that ever-useful narrative tool, the fake whistleblower. This fallback might even have some admissible semi-truths in it like the best lies always do.

However we get the revelations they won’t contain anything conclusive. There will be  “secret files”  in which retired generals or ex-intelligence chiefs are quoted saying something vague but laden with implication. “Preliminary investigations suggest contacts with known Mossad operatives”, “We cannot, at this time, rule-out possible Saudi involvement” or “Oswald may have received training in the Middle East”…stuff like that

It can’t be concrete declarations, because deniability – and therefore more debate – must be built in, but will be enough to lend legitimacy to some of the milder or more fringe “conspiracy theories” in a way that fuels what will become a very public controversy.

Then fact checks will appear.

“Conspiacy theorists say the declassified files prove there was a cover-up, here’s why they’re wrong.”.

They will of course do such a blatantly bad job of debunking the claims they will only fuel the fire and make the “conspiracy theorists” feel they are winning.

Soon enough the “official story” of 9/11 and/or JFK will be replaced with a new unofficial official story. One that still protects the perpetrators on the inside, distracts the normies in the middle and drip-feeds a little legitimacy to those more conflicted  sceptics on the outside who still crave some approval from from the mainstream.

I’m not just pulling this out of the air. The signs have been there for a little while now.

Donald Trump basically campaigned on unsealing “secret files”, and as we already said, he needs to get some anti-establishment wins. He renewed his promise to release all the JFK, 9/11 and even Epstein files back in June. In November the Telegraph reported that:

Trump set for clash with CIA over release of JFK secret files

They’ve been laying the groundwork in the media too. Two weeks ago, on December 28th, the Daily Mail of all things ran a long article on what might be contained in the “secret files”. It openly entertains the possibility the CIA was behind the assassination.

Ever since Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox News and joined the “independent media”, he’s been talking up JFK and 9/11 “conspiracy theories”.

In his recent interview with Jeffrey Sachs, they discuss the possibility of a major CIA declassification and pre-emptively big-up its impact.

In late 2024 a “new video” emerged allegedly showing a “Saudi Arabian agent” filming the crash sites prior to the 9/11 attacks. The New York Times claimed it “raises new questions about Saudi ties to 9/11”

In the last few months, social media has been awash with people suddenly linking JFK to Israel because he wanted AIPAC to register as a foreign agent or was going to stop them getting nukes. Oswald and Ruby have both been tied to Israel too.

Just yesterday, a tweet implying Israel killed JFK supposedly “Israel-pilled” Elon Musk, garnering over 200,000 likes in the process.

The stage is clearly being set.

I understand this is a big risk to take from the establishment point of view, because once they start allowing that “official stories” can be a patchwork of lies, you invite other questions. It would also mean playing an ace they’ve had up their sleeve for sometime, but I don’t think you can ignore the signs.

The “big revelation” bomb is armed. It’s a question of when and where they want to drop it.

WILDCARD PREDICTION: The “declassified files” directly implicate both the CIA and Mossad in 9/11. This will complete Israel’s heel turn in the mainstream media and play into the fall of the US Empire. They will  be held up as examples of the evils of nationalism and profit-driven Imperialism and arguments will be made for the prevention of future Empires through the imposition of some type of  global control mechanism . This is a longshot, but it is possible.

You see, they need to get this globalist balloon off the ground asap, and they are prepared to throw as much over the side as is needed to achieve it. They need shock and awe, they need unprecedented “catalyzing events”, they need above all to convince you that the old power base really is collapsing and the New Normal will be a happy, better and fairer and kinder Normal – so you welcome it with open arms and don’t even think about resisting.

If this means letting go a few ancient and very incomplete secrets perpetrated by people mostly dead – well, they probably think this is a good bargain.


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Categories: 9/11, JFK, latest, Predicting 2025