WATCH: Car Freedom – #SolutionsWatch
Anyone who has been car shopping recently knows that modern cars are surveillance and privacy nightmares that take control out of the hands of their supposed owners and places them in the hands of car manufacturers and government regulators. So what do we do about this problem? Joining us today to discuss these issues is Eric Peters, an Anarcho-Libertarian writer and gearhead who discusses the intersection of cars and freedom at his website,
Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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The underclass, the working class, and even most of the middle class cannot just jump on a jet and fly to ‘paradise’ for two or three weeks whenever they feel like it.
No, they are imprisoned by their jobs, humble homes and commitments.
A car is a temporary and relatively cheap means of escape from those prisons.
Keep your interfering, filthy rich, claws off our cars you jet setting PRICKS.
Extreme Poverty – bad, Poverty – ok.
Ultra-Processed Foods – bad, Processed Foods – ok.
So Stop Worrying. Be Happy.
Have you considered a self-driving car with “no” steering wheel or brake? A technocratic fantasy for billionaire techno/fascists control freaks.😁
Do like Cuba does and keep the old ones running.
Bring Back Model-T Fords
(if you just want a means of transport, and
not a status symbol)
(and are not addicted to Speed)