Who are the “Elite”?

Todd Hayen

People are always correcting me when I use the term “elite” to describe that group of “people” (or maybe lizards) who are calling the shots and who created the “agenda” and want the rest of us (useless eaters) either under their thumb or dead.

The people who correct me claim these people (or lizards) are not “elite” which falsely implies “better,” “advanced,” or “special.” They don’t want to give these people (or lizards) any credit they do not deserve. I get it. The clear and indisputable official definition of “elite” is: “A group or class of persons considered to be superior to others because of their intelligence, social standing, or wealth.”

But who is doing the “considering”—them, or us, the “non-elite”?

However, it is an easy word to use to describe a group, just like “sheep” and “shrew” are easy to use. It’s not necessarily wholly accurate, but everyone knows what I am referring to when I use these terms. I get the same sort of criticism when I use the phrase “powers that be”—many people want me to use the more awkward expression, “powers that shouldn’t be”—yes, more accurate, but more awkward.

So, what about these “elite?”

Who are they and what are they up to, and why are they considered, at least by themselves, to be “better,” “advanced” and “special?” What do they all have in common other than evil? Are they all evil? Are they actually lizards?

Well, I would venture to say the one thing they all unquestionably have in common is money—or at least the control over large amounts of money. A second common denominator is probably “power”—but isn’t that a given? To have money, you automatically have power.

Here are a few facts and figures to throw around. The wealthiest folks in the world are Elon Musk (worth over $230 billion), Bernard Arnault and family (worth over $200 billion), Jeff Bezos (worth over $160 billion) and Bill Gates (worth over $130 billion). As I am sure you’ve heard a million times before, the richest 1% of people hold more than 40% of the world’s total wealth. While the bottom 50% control less than 2%. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

These numbers, and people’s names attributed to be the wealthiest, could be outdated, incomplete, or even inaccurate. Who knows. And as with everything else, be skeptical.

I could go on and on with these statistics, but you get the picture. And none of this is a mystery. But there still is a mystery here; things about these people and the lives they live, none of us know thoroughly. We can guess, of course. We can read books and articles about them and watch them in movies and video clips, but do we really know how they think, what they feel, or what level of empathy they are capable of? Or to what lengths they will go to preserve their “elite-ness?”

That’s a mystery.

Sure, some of us have a better idea than others. There are people out there who have experienced the reverse of “rags to riches” and are actually wallowing around in squalor due to some form of accountability going awry or just their own stupidity, causing their fortune to skitter away due to one or another inept act or decision. Some “elite” wind up in prison, but even there, they may be treated like “inmate elites” and have the best of that world as they had the best of the world in general before incarceration. Being elite is a relative thing. “King among thieves” as they say.

The ones out in the world who have an impact on us peons are not just Kardashian-types who flit around in their multi-million-dollar yachts and private jets and buy expensive clothes at Louis Vuitton’s or Gucci’s. These are people who literally control the world. They control it through the manipulation of governments and leaders, through real estate, and business holdings. They control it through selective wars and conflicts, banking, currency manipulation, pharmaceuticals and global health policies

People are generally under the false impression that democracy runs the free world. It doesn’t. In the sort of democracy we are referring to when using the word “democracy,” each person who casts a ballot gets an equal vote. In the true democracy that runs the world, each $100 bill gets an equal vote, not a person.

So what, you might say. “If these folks are smart and are good businessmen and women, then why should we worry that they call the shots?”

Because it is their lifestyle they want to preserve, not ours. They want a world that caters to them and what they find valuable.

As I said earlier, the mystery we encounter with these people is so profound that we typically ignore it. We believe them to be basically the same as us; in fact, we see them to be the ultimate of what we would desire to be ourselves (not all of you, of course, but a lot). For the most part, most people see them as elite. Superior, desirable, and free to do with their lives what they want. Unfortunately, they are not the same as us. Anyone who lives the style of life these people live, has changed psychologically to something that does not resemble, in the least, what we believe a human being to be.

Now, a disclaimer, I am fully aware this does not apply to every single one of these wealthy and powerful people. There are still some who come upon great wealth and do not lose their humanity. Maybe more than I presently imagine. Love and compassion is a powerful force that is very difficult to completely cover up. I think this is one reason why David Icke came up with his “Reptoid” theory proclaiming that “a race of shape-shifting reptilian beings, originating from another dimension or planet, secretly controls the world by taking on human forms and infiltrating positions of power thus manipulating global events to maintain control over humanity.” If this were true then we would not have to “dehumanize” fellow human beings, we would just have to accept that they are inhuman shape shifting alien reptiles—not human at all. That’s a lot easier to grok. Of course, Icke may be correct and Reptoids may not be just a metaphor. It certainly would answer a lot of questions if he were.

If completely consumed by the evils of consumerism (and most people these days are) these people do not want to live with less than what they already have, no matter how much that might be. If someone has $1,000 they don’t want to lose $500. If someone has $200 billion, they don’t want to lose $100 billion. If someone drives a BMW, they don’t want to drive a Kia, if someone drives a Lamborghini, they don’t want to drive a BMW. If someone flies around in their Gulfstream private jet, they don’t want to fly coach on Air Canada. This is an advanced form of the survival instinct.

People with money, power, and assets, believe if they lose even a fraction of these things, they will not survive.

This is an aspect of the incentive of these people that I believe most of us peons do not factor in. When we believe that our leaders could not possibly do anything without us useless eaters being considered, we don’t realize that all the incentives the actual puppet masters have in the world are for their own survival—and their definition of “survival” is radically different than ours. This includes continued control of the wealth and global resources, it includes control and power over the masses, and may even include eliminating the chaff—the useless eaters.

Wow, if that isn’t doomsaying, I don’t know what is.

Well, we do have numbers in our favour. If we all woke up and peacefully made changes, we could still get a handle on this. But, obviously, these folks (or lizards) have a pretty good thumb on all of us. Their psyops are highly effective. Let’s hope that changes.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Categories: latest, opinion, Todd Hayen
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Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Jan 26, 2025 2:20 PM

CAUGHT HIM! Rebel News pummels BlackRock CEO with questions at World Economic Forum
“Ezra Levant and Avi Yemini question BlackRock CEO Larry Fink on the streets of Davos, Switzerland during the World Economic Forum.”


Rebel News CONFRONTS BlackRock over war profiteering at Davos
“Rebel News journalists Sheila Gunn Reid and Avi Yemini directly challenged BlackRock’s Vice Chairman, Philipp Hildebrand, during a rare moment of accountability in Davos.”


CAUGHT HIM! Rebel News pummels Pfizer CEO with questions at World Economic Forum

The Origins of Evil in Human Beings.
“For several thousands of years human beings have suffered from a plague, a disease worse than leprosy, a sickness worse than malaria, a malady much more terrible than smallpox.

The disease that is overrunning the world is the disease of aggression against other living things and, more precisely, the disease of the consuming of other creature’s lives and possessions. It is cannibalism, a cannibal psychosis, and it is the greatest epidemic sickness known to humans.

Cannibalism is the consuming of another’s life for one’s own private purpose or profit.”

Why Are People Evil? (Jack D. Forbes)
Jack D. Forbes (Powhatan-Renapé and Lenape) was the author of  Columbus and Other Cannibals, one of the most important books ever written. In this excerpt, edited slightly for publication, he offers the reader analysis of the nature and origins of evil in human beings.


Jan 22, 2025 5:12 AM

Reading through the comments I’d say the main issue as to the them and us and what makes them Them and us Us is the importance attached to money. I used to teach English to rich business people and found them quite damaged people because they had lost touch with what was important and didn’t know how to get it back and kept spending more money trying to find it. One student said to me the old ‘Everyone has their price’ thing and when I said ‘What does that mean?’ he said ‘You’d do something against your moral beliefs if someone offered you enough money’. I didn’t and still don’t accept that. I did a job that paid very little for many years and now live on very little. I’d do something against my moral code if someone threatened a loved one, but for money? Why? I don’t care about stuff that much. I think the people who are really controlled by the elites are not doing it for money as much as to prevent the truth of their lies coming out and to stop the evidence of past wrongdoing, meticulously preserved in the vaults, being made known. Hence the Epstein files. If this footage, or even just the names, come out there will be many governments toppling.

Jan 21, 2025 10:17 PM

“This is an impressive crowd – the haves and have- mores. Some people call you elite, I call you my base.” Dubya

Jan 21, 2025 4:17 PM

“I know the slander of those who claim to be Jews, though they are not, but who are the synagogue of satan”.

Should be blindingly obvious who these are, but just as a clue for the dull, the white “Jews” who run the world did not come out of Judea..

Jan 21, 2025 1:35 PM

The word “lizard” needs a significant clarification:
with a background in the medical-pharmaceutical industry, specialised in psychiatry, I’d like to explain how this is actually an issue.
The human brain is constructed through evolution, and a reptilian and human part can actually be distinguished. The old brain is reptilian, and the new structure on top of it is human(e).
Just like there is a connection between the left and right hemisphere, there is also a connection between the old and new brains.
Just as the connection between left and right can have different qualities (Einstein was known for a superior connection), the quality of the connection between the old and new brains is not always the same.
There hardly is any research into this, I expect because most politicians would not like to be exposed as such…

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 21, 2025 11:50 AM

You guys keep saying that those Billionaires are the “elite”…

If those are the “elite” then we need to find another word to label the OWNERS of the TRILLIONS OF DEBT for which we are paying TRILLIONS of INTEREST!

Seems to me that the focus on the Friends of the OWNERS is misplaced…

Ty Fancy
Ty Fancy
Jan 21, 2025 9:26 AM

What a fucking bullshit written by a real lizard…  :wpds_lol: 

Jan 20, 2025 7:44 PM

Todd Hayen PhD an elite.
depends on your world view.
My mother/father is from a bygone era where the PHD lot is elite as you get.

j d
j d
Jan 20, 2025 11:26 AM

“Throughout history, human beings have experimented more or less successfully with different forms of government—monarchy, republic, oligarchy, synarchy, and so on—in an attempt to find the best one. The truth is that there is no ideal solution, for whatever the system of government, order, peace and harmony will not reign anywhere until human beings learn to establish order, peace and harmony within themselves. In order to achieve this ideal state, we must first understand the psychic structure of a human being. Human beings possess a mind, a heart and a will. With their minds they think, with their hearts they feel emotions, and with their wills they act. These are the three ways in which human beings manifest in the world. By establishing wisdom in their minds, love in their hearts, and strength in their wills, they realize a trinity within themselves by which they reflect the divine trinity of light, warmth and life. It is in this way that human beings reign over their own existence, and when this is the case, the form of government is unimportant. In order to establish order, peace and harmony in the world, we must start at the beginning, and the beginning is man himself who has become the head, the king of his own kingdom.*” – Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

*See also The Egregor of the Dove or the Reign of Peace, chapter III

Jan 20, 2025 11:25 AM


Jan 20, 2025 10:20 AM

Answer: please view: ShatterTheSwarm.com
A resounding education on the whole cesspit of control.

Jan 20, 2025 9:40 AM

Who are the “Elite”?

Considering it is illegal in 28+ countries to say Jews
then we better not mention it.

We can mention the Arab brotherhood, The British – city of London, The yanks,
Or Musk.

Just do not mention the IHRA’s working definition of anti-Semitism.

 You cannot even joke about it.

Glad the prep talk was over.!!!

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 20, 2025 5:10 AM

Who are the Elite? The Elite are JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Goldman Sachs, Ted Turner, m.m., the Financial Elite is THE Elite, centered in City of London and fillial in NYC and elsewhere.

The Financial Elite is the unit who kills, appoint and destabilises Presidents all over the world and even in USA. Lincoln, JFK, McKinley.

The Schiller Institutes article about Lincoln’s fight against British backed JP Morgan and British finance dominance and British control of the global gold trade is clear evidence. https://archive.schillerinstitute.com/educ/hist/2014/0620-lincoln_financed_war.html

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 21, 2025 11:52 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Indeed those are the OWNERS (aka “elite” for the plebe)

Jan 20, 2025 4:38 AM

I mean, c’mon, boyz ‘n’ girlz:

Just take such suspicious names like Heinrich “Luitpold” Himmler, “Edda” Göring, “Baldur” von Schirach, or Panzer Division “Hohenstaufen”, Panzer Division “Frundsberg”, Panzergrenadier Division “Götz von Berlichingen” and so on.


Aren’t these all clearly, undeniably, unmistakably pre-communist, even downright proto-communist sounding names? There you go! Just ask renowned, knowledgeable, well-read history experts as Brandy Muttbeaner or dyke Alice Weidel!


Jan 20, 2025 3:47 AM

I wish the New US Government Well

Do your Best to try and Stop the Outrageous Murder and Genocide of completely innocent CHILDREN

It is not doing any of us any good

Keep Your American Soldiers in The Middle East if you like – Guarding “Your Oil”

Just Go Home to Your Own Country and Take all Your Bent Corrupt Politicians in England With You.


we don’t want you here


Jan 20, 2025 2:56 AM

They should rename the streets Hitler-Stalin-Pact-Street, then their own Jewish-communist-capitalist involvement won’t be too unpleasant to the eye. After all, all enlightened people have known since Brandon Martinez and Alice Weidel that Hitler was a communist.

Stalin could not have been a mass murderer, if only because Hitler waged war against him, and if he had been a mass murderer, the Jews would have all those who “deny” this silenced and thrown into prison just like the “Holocaust deniers”!


Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jan 20, 2025 2:51 AM

Prior to the current folks who run the world, a small group of Brits ran most of the world.

How does a small group of people run the entire world?

The same way a major multinational corporation is run. You have the board of directors who call the shots, you have senior managers who are highly paid to execute on the game plan, lower level managers who are well compensated and incentivized by the possibility of a promotion. And finally you have the foot soldiers, the workers, who have bills to pay and do what they are told in exchange for a reward (otherwise known as a salary).


Assume you are a high achiever and top of your class in a good university. A recruiter approaches you offering a ‘government job’.

Initially you express lukewarm interest preferring the private sector but the recruiter convinces you to attend info sessions in Washington with first class flights and a suite in the Hay-Adams hotel. All expenses for your week long trip are covered.

If anyone in the chain of command refuses to carry out the orders of the board of directors, they are fired and replaced. And then they cannot pay their bills.

There are obvious parallels with this:


Are you a Mentally Ill Retarded Moron?Here’s a way to test yourself

Now you know how the world REALLY works… everything is fake… if you catch yourself believing something you see or read on cnnbbc…. remember… they insisted the Death Shots were safe and effective…

Also keep in mind cnnbbc brutally censored any dissent on that topic….

The Ministry of Truth controls the narrative – ALWAYS. Nothing gets fed to the teleprompter to be read by the actors … without their approval. NOTHING.

Obviously this leaves everyone at a huge disadvantage when trying to work out what is real and what is fake… the best you can do is generally rule out what cnnbcc tells you is real… and go from there

Tiomoid of Angle
Tiomoid of Angle
Jan 20, 2025 1:18 AM

A better term than ‘elite’ is ‘Crust’. You have the Upper Crust (the rich people who control the government), the Bottom Crust (the poor people, their clients), and the Side Crust (academics and journalists).

Jan 19, 2025 8:46 PM


Dru Wanklin has once again produced a true “Dru Wanklin” article. Possibly after consuming liters of beer. No one except Dru Wanklin himself knows whether it’s satire or just another one of his fleeting trend ideas. Probably, as always, it’s a skillful mix of both, where he himself is largely unclear about what’s still fact and what’s already fiction.

However, I must point out that the sight of sweating negroe athletes on screen is just as repulsive to me as playing computer games. And whether it’s ego shooters or negroe athletes with whom I’m supposed to identify vicariously, is relatively interchangeable.

Dru Wanklin from the Gaily Wormer, the long-time PewDiePie multiplier, is certainly not an “autistic European weirdo.” At least not anymore, after receiving the final, absolutely wisest idea of his life like Mohammed once did in a nightmare, who, as we know, also had a penchant for prepubescent girls.

This could finally become a mass movement that sweeps up even the last MAGA skeptics to join Wanklin’s “Gamer Uprising” troll army. After all, and we’ve learned this now, lifting beer mugs is also a real men’s sport, even if it leads to repulsive man boobs, as Dru Wanklin knows from personal experience.

After all, all Bavarians are notorious for their man boobs. However, it must be a real German beer, brewed according to the original racial purity law, because the wimpy American swill, usually served in homogenized, plain, and sterile cans, still tastes like stale dishwater.

Wanklin has a great talent for selling mental diarrhea as an “American show.” It’s full of half-baked, far-fetched comparisons. Unfortunately, the spiteful Jews stand in the way of him reaping the deserved fame and wealth, and this only because he doesn’t kiss their asses like all his other countrymen. This indeed is to be appreciated as a genuinely masculine trait.

Wanklin, as a masterful trendsetter, has unconsciously touched on an important topic, namely the American habit of being captivated by any kind of show effect. Just look at the idiotic wrestling. Anyone who can stand it for more than a minute without wasting their time must be a true American. It’s no different with Trump’s MAGA campaigns. However, the rest of the Americanized world has meanwhile become just as stupid.

Jan 20, 2025 3:03 AM
Reply to  Yolande

However, I must point out that the sight of sweating negroe athletes on screen is just as repulsive to me as playing computer games”

He is probably right about Musk, but not about “sweating negroe athletes” who saved my life

Maybe Anglin has never been to Africa. I used to work with a guy like him.

I said to both of them – You Can both do wtf you want on demos – chucking rocks at each other, when not in work – and even apply to be an MP

I am your team leader, and you will not only BEHAVE when at Work – You Will Work Together and get on. You are both being paid lots of money to do your Jobs. Forget Your Political Differences…you are both very clever Work Together.

We have got to get this Working. We have got to go Live and Sell it..otherwise the company we work for will go bust and we will all lose our jobs

So they Did

Jan 20, 2025 8:58 AM
Reply to  Yolande

Dru reads like a Fame (Or should that be Infamy?) Junky.

Lots of froth and bubble, not much substance.

Jan 19, 2025 6:43 PM

OG writers seem so reluctant to name the globalists and Zionists who have long controlled western politics, media and minds. Could that absence futher indicate their dominance?

Jan 20, 2025 7:59 AM
Reply to  Nick

Sometimes silence speaks volumes.

Jan 20, 2025 9:43 AM
Reply to  Nick

Now the comments in most blog go into pending as the words now control the blog and the service hosts are told in advance certain words are registered as illegal.

Guess what words …….automatically trigger the thought police.???

Lynn Ertell
Lynn Ertell
Jan 19, 2025 4:12 PM

Here in the USA:
All the major media psyop narratives are scripted, staged and sustained by PENTAGON psyops officers and consultants.

We know the exact names and personal histories of the Pentagon brass who, posing as “counter-terrorism experts”, staged the fake “attack” on the Pentagon the morning of 9/11.
That “explosion” at the Pentagon (using either a small bomb or a missile strike) constituted the “special effects” deployed to present the appearance of a “plane crashed by Islamic terrorists”.

It was the latter event, used as pretext to invoke the NATO treaty, that initiated the “Global War on Terror”.

We know the specific Pentagon brass criminally culpable for the 9/11 psyop drills, along with so many other subsequent media psyops staged to sustain the narrative of a “war on terror”.

Here again, I identify the top Pentagon perps; those who could be immediately arrested and criminally charged based solely on the limited evidence we have right now.

Gen. John Kelly, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Gen. H.R. McMaster, Gen. Michael Flynn and his brother Gen. Charles Flynn.



All of those named could be brought up on charges tomorrow, if we had the muscle to enforce the existing laws on extortion, racketeering and high treason

Jan 19, 2025 6:45 PM
Reply to  Lynn Ertell

Are Pentagon officials the masters or servants of evil?

Jan 20, 2025 1:26 PM
Reply to  Nick

I would say, Masters.

Jan 20, 2025 1:25 PM
Reply to  Lynn Ertell

Well, sure, but look what happened to Michael Hastings.

And the “DC Madame”, Debra Jean Palfrey.

Among many others, I imagine.

You might need a bit more than muscle to enforce the laws.

You can write all the books you want about Presidents, and politicians, and people like Anthony Fauci. They are fair game. They are the front men.

I think there are certain factions you do not mess around with. ?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 19, 2025 9:52 AM


Keir Starmer gives £3bn a year of UK taxpayers’ money to Ukraine ‘for as long as it takes’, yet at the same time, he’s telling us there’s no money left to pay for the Winter Fuel Allowance to pensioners whilst hammering farmers with inheritance tax. Shameful misplaced priorities.

Starmer’s priorities are not misplaced by his standards. He is giving £3bn a year to Ukraine precisely to ensure there’s no money left to pay for such “petty irrelevances” as the public good. It’s the contrived black hole to suck away all the wealth to the top. cf. covid, climate change and “protecting the trans community”.

Jan 19, 2025 6:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’m sure two-tier Keir would find many other, worthier ways to spend the money taxed from the working white people leftist Zionists like him so hate.

Jan 19, 2025 9:07 AM

I would hazard a guess that the true elites are those whose families stole land and assets during feudal times and managed to hold onto their wealth through the centuries (with some added compound interest). Their influence would probably be more ingrained and far reaching than the likes of people like Musk. The political sociologist Peter Phillips wrote a book called Giants which highlights the top 300 most powerful people in the world today. I bet he missed a few.

Jan 19, 2025 4:19 PM
Reply to  TomT

I don’t have exact citations at hand, by I have heard it alleged more than once that these ‘feudal’ dynasties never really disappeared; they just started keeping a somewhat lower profile in modern times.

Not only are the royal houses of western Europe somehow Frankish in origin, but even an absurd percentage of US presidents (more than 90%, I believe) have all been lineal descendants of Charlemagne, who was also Frankish. The Franks, incidentally, were the very group that dominated the Knights Templar of the middle ages. When that was banned by the Church, they went underground, ultimately giving rise to secretive, occult groups, such as the Rosicrucians and the Free Masons.

The reason I bring this up is because, while more and more people out there are finally waking up to the vast power and boundless perfidy of the Zionists, many are still dismissive of the idea that ‘our own’ ruling class could have played such crucial part in the plot against us. But increasingly, I believe that these two groups have been working together, hand in glove, for centuries, and that all their crackpot schemes are now coming to fruition.

Jan 19, 2025 7:13 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Charlemagne had at least 20 children. Most of them were married into the nobility of Europe. So it’s not surprising that modern aristocrats can trace their line back to him. On the other hand, The Knights Templar weren’t “Frankish,” they were mostly French. It’s just that the Saracens and other Europeans called them “Franks,” cf. franco furioso.

Jan 20, 2025 4:16 PM
Reply to  edwige

Where do you think the French ruling class came from? They were not Romans or Gauls. From the time of Merovingian Dynasty and for several centuries thereafter, Frankish is what they were, no less than the nobility in west Germany.

Jan 21, 2025 3:30 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Yeah, and that American guy is German although he’s never been to Germany and doesn’t speak German. Right. Check. You have no understanding of time.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 19, 2025 6:39 AM

Status and assymetric power, allied to predatory behaviour, is what marks these people. ‘I can tell you what to do, you can’t tell me what to do.’ And if you refuse, they will target you for punishment.

Some will betray their family to ‘get on’. Taking orders from the security services or oligarchs is common amongst ‘the ambitious’.

All are predatory perverts when it comes to surveillance. Religious elders show their true colours in this manner. If you ever meet a ‘christian elder’, assume they are a part of a grubby spy ring. Make them aware of this, show them that their grubby perversion inspires contempt not respect. I am sure Judaism and Islam are identical, maybe worse.

All calculate carefully what they must let happen and where they can express faux protest. The higher up you go, the greater callousness toward death, war and genocide is required. These people will do nothing to affect their privileges, their pathetic little status symbols.

Ask yourselves how many senior doctors are predatory tools of MI5/6. In London it is obscene, ditto Oxbridge. Human health would put these people out of jobs. They want constantly sick populations to make money from.

Ask yourselve how many ‘feminists’ are spying on men from their London offices in accountancy, consultancy and banking. You don’t join the inner sanctum without ‘proving yourself’ in the spying game. How pathetic these people are. They spy because they are inferior, uncreative. They are the 16hrs a day low level drones. But they must destroy those beneath them that show them up for the amoral piles of mediocrity that they are.

A lot of the very richest also got massive funding from the CIA, benefitted from price rigging on Wall Street, part of ‘socialism for billionaires’ racket. Many of them are ardent breeders, having many more than two children. All avoid tax obsessionally. None ever ask ‘how much is enough?’

If Musk had $50trn and 2 billion people were starving to death. he’d still put his pursuit of wealth first.

That’s a stunted arrested mind, not the mind of a leader. A me-me-me narcissist, who may become a psychopath when challenged.

The biggest truism with these non-elite elites is that neither they nor their children fight on the front line in wars.

Cowardice, in other words.

When you see cowardice and psychopoathy for what they are, you neither admire, nor do you defer.

Unfortunately you also have to view their servants for what they are: those who took the shekel/shilling for a quiet life.

Jan 19, 2025 10:08 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Well stated Rhys.

Jan 19, 2025 6:54 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Do the alleged ‘true colours of religious elders’ reveal their devotion to or their betrayal of their respective religious injunctions to do no evil?

Jan 19, 2025 7:23 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I had an ex-friend in England, who, I discovered after some chance remarks, was a spy. I thought he was just a working-class drudge like the rest of us. Butat some point, the lightbulb went on above my head, and I realized he wasn’t. We’re talking about Putin, and he says, “I’ve seen Putin’s tax records.” And he would quote an Air Force general on the topic of chemtrails. Suddenly, it dawned on me, and I ceased communication forthwith. It was like one of those Hitchcock movies where average guy (me) gets accidentally roped into international espionage. And It’s strange, kind of like covid, when the rug gets pulled out from under all your unconscious assumptions.

Jan 22, 2025 8:29 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Their names are the Rothschilds; it’s okay to say it, and not repeat wikipedia or carefully crafted narratives, and not hate a religion or anything (even if that religion haes the truth of Christ, like most do.)

Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge
Jan 19, 2025 4:44 AM

Well said, but the question not addressed is how they get to be “elites”. An intriguing response is with respect to what in my lifestyle has fed resources into the products and services that each elite has come to control — a process in which I am complicit. Easy to whinge about Gates if you make no use of a PC or Microsoft products? Same for other elites? Not interested? Irrelevant? What would my lifestyle look like if I immediately eliminated all my elite-sustaining activities? It is however good to be able to whinge about elites (lizards) if one can avoid any sensitivity whatsoever to one’s own lizard-like behaviour. What could I focus on otherwise if there were no elites? I have a continuing fascination with what I would do after breakfast if I was an elite — as explored separately (Strategies of Hyper-Elites as Admired and Deprecated)

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 19, 2025 6:52 AM
Reply to  Anthony Judge

Being good at tech/art/whatever does not justify genocide. The top billionaires have so much wealth that 1000 generations could live in luxury never working a single day.

Jan 19, 2025 3:28 AM

The elite were able to stay the elite because people like you supported their wars for decades because you were being well fed then.
Sorry, nothing against boomers but y’all got the good corporate deal.
We got shafted and you spoiled bitches call us lazy.

Jan 19, 2025 4:09 AM
Reply to  Rob

Twas luck of the (cosmic) draw Rob.
We had no say in it.

Jan 19, 2025 5:11 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Sorry, yes. But seriously, when they call the younglings lazy and stupid, I tell them to look in the mirror.
Some people live in this fantasy world called justified nostalgia, forgetting that it was worse before.
I’m not anti boomer, I’m anti nostalgia cult.

Jan 19, 2025 12:58 PM
Reply to  Rob

Point taken.

But after seven decades of all this breathing, I would say that, no, it wasn’t perfect “back then”, but compared to the past 5 years and the absolute insanity of the present, I would say that ignorance was delightfully bliss.

Jan 19, 2025 2:23 PM
Reply to  Rob

Dear Rob,
As a “boomer” I never call the young people lazy or stupid, I have “milennial” children and I admit that the truth is somewhere in the middle. I don’t think it’s so bad to be nostalgic, it will happen to you one day. As Judith here says, in the old days it was not perfect or “better” but the last 5 years were insufferable, in so many ways.

Jan 19, 2025 4:32 PM
Reply to  Rob

But wait: in America at least, it was precisely those Boomers who protested against the draft until it was abolished. Sadly, the only that changed was to make sure that future anti-war protests were completely without effect.

Jan 19, 2025 3:23 AM

‘How to Win Soldiers and Influence People’

Not exactly the correct title of a well known ‘self help’ guide, but it seems appropriate in this case:

‘Currently, the military is offering regular signing bonuses of up to $50,000, and each branch offers other multiple payoffs to buy soldiers. Besides enlistment and reenlistment bonuses, student loan repayments are offered, ‘education’ programs, GI Bill welfare, accelerated promotions, and any number of other monetary incentives. The Navy incentive programs are even more ludicrous, offering up to $140,000 for active duty future sailors. Certain Air Force candidates can receive up to $180,000. Bonuses are also offered to Reserve and Guard personnel, and all of this is of course at taxpayer expense.

More here:


Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 20, 2025 4:48 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Precisely, its money. Its so easy to see. Money buy people to do the most outrageous things. 3/4 of us are simply for sale and refuse to admit it.
The shrinks call it cognitive dissonance, Hannah Arendt called it the banality of evil.
Can we continue to only blame those with money who laid out bait, and not the ones who took it?

Jan 19, 2025 2:29 AM

“moby – natural blues live HQ”

Jan 19, 2025 2:15 AM

The Elite are walking Zombies – Most Dead

  • run out of Bullshit


Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 19, 2025 2:09 AM

Know I keep saying ‘the best album ever’, but this is the best album ever

Pere Ubu – Nonalignment Pact

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 19, 2025 2:22 AM

Noticed how you gotta logon now on yer internet faves,

Pop Will Eat Itself — Inject Me

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 19, 2025 2:27 AM

It’s too late to pray.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 19, 2025 2:32 AM
Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 19, 2025 2:49 AM

God is the answer, (not religion),

Palace Brothers – ‘Pushkin’.

Jan 19, 2025 3:13 AM

Better than Abba’s Greatest Hits?
I doubt it.

Jan 19, 2025 1:56 AM

Todd, let me tell you a true story.

She never complained, I said is there anything a I can for get for you..you look like shit, but she carried on a best as normal – being who she is always lovely with the grandchildren…

All I want is Fresh Local Honey and Lemons

She is All Right Now, she is back to Swimming twice a week and Rock Fit Chick on Thursday Night

Its just a COLD Not COVID and Not FLU

My Wife just look so Beautiful Tonight…You know like…

Grandkids here tomorrow???

Fanny Tail
Fanny Tail
Jan 19, 2025 1:03 AM

The powers that were…

Jan 19, 2025 12:53 AM

I was with you all the way, Todd, until the end.

“If we all woke up and peacefully made changes, we could still get a handle on this.”

I’m not afraid to say that “Peace” is no longer an option, no matter how politically correct it may be or even out of fear of retribution. Fear is their greatest weapon of control, and until we overcome that, we are forever under their spell.

Remember, a faint heart never won a fair lady…

Just sayin’…

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jan 19, 2025 9:04 PM
Reply to  anonemo

Yeah, I hear ya, and I can’t disagree. Honestly, I really have no clue how we can get a handle on this, other than to just survive.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 20, 2025 4:52 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Ecclesiastes last chapter.
You can find every single answer on all questions in the Bible, and there is no rational argument against these answers. They are final.

Jan 19, 2025 12:36 AM

Chris gets it right except for one MAJOR detail:


Jan 19, 2025 12:02 AM

You know very well the effect the repetition of lies and specific words and phrases have on the subconscious and conscious. So unbelievably deceptive.

Still waiting for one honest article from you that explains how NLP and mind control works.

Jan 19, 2025 10:49 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I heard you got banned..?

Jan 19, 2025 4:55 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

No. I’m PRE-MODDED – have been since 2024 because of an outright lie and pejorative campaign about “bullying”.

I’m on substack. There’s an actual edit button.

Jan 20, 2025 1:44 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Researcher, I never had a problem with you, and I did buy the book…it was like GERM theory vs Infectious Diseases. You took an instant dislike to me, and I never knew why…sure i probably went on far too much, about my wife, and now grandchildren – but I always Respected Your Point of View.

Why did you slag me off so much?

Shit happens so much in real life – not just words on the internet.

I am still alive. I knew despite the odds, when I got SEPSIS, I was gong to survive. We had a new baby Grand Daughter and a Baby Kitten

Although treated well by the Nurses and Doctors – from all parts of the world…I hated it in hospital…Please Can You Let Me Go Home…My Wife will look after me, like I did for her.. when she got run over by a car on the way to her dance class….You’ve met her she comes to visit me every day…They said you can’t walk yet. Neither could she. We do know about these things from personal experience.

My Son and his 4 year old boy, came to visit me in hospital, just after I had been upgraded from the RESUS Ward… to the Storeroom next to the Mortuary…It was nice and cool there – I was still on an antibiotic drip…All the Support Staff, including the Men who came to clean me up, were not that gentle.,,,,But My Grandson Laughed…They said we have to weigh you…Get out of bed…So I kind of walked to the scales

My Grandson was trying his best not to laugh at me…(I knew exactly what he is thinking)

Grandad looks like my Baby Sister – He is wearing a Nappy

They all knew then I was going to get Better.

It was his 7th Birthday Today – Caterpillar Cake and extremely scary firery rocket..

He just looked so happy with his Baby Sister

Well we all Did. My wife knows how to put on a Family party

The Children Totally Love Their Grandmother…

She tells me off a bit too.

“The Beatles – And I Love Her (Official Music Video)”

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 18, 2025 11:47 PM

“To have money, you automatically have power.” Do you? Only if you live in a system where money is used as a lever. Even so, these rich guys only have the power we give to them – consciously or unconsciously.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 19, 2025 6:55 AM
Reply to  May Hem

What you actually have is ‘f*~*k you’ money – the ability to just retire and live sustainably without taking orders. That is a form of power, too.

Jan 19, 2025 5:53 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Money is the most objective measure of power in the (material) world.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 18, 2025 11:44 PM


Homo sapiens are not a result of evolution and biologists will never find a ‘missing link’, because intelligent man is a product of genetic engineering.

Surprisingly to most people, the Elite of this Earth firmly believe that they are the direct descendants of a race of extraterrestrial beings who visited the Earth millions of years ago. This is not mere speculation on my part, but one of their stated, well-documented albeit not well-publicised, beliefs. 

A group of researchers working on the Human Genome Project, which was completed in 2003, announced that they have made an astonishing scientific discovery. They firmly believe that the so-called ‘junk DNA’, the 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than the genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from single-celled organisms through plants, insects, lizards, birds and fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute a larger part of the total genome, admitted Professor Sam Chang, the group leader.


It always amazes me how quickly ’they’ scrub the internet. In 2023 I still downloaded “The Falsification of History – Our Distorted Reality” by John Hamer for free as a pdf: The Falsification of History – Our Distorted Reality.pdf. Now you can only purchase the book at an inflated price.

After having read through in small doses last year the entire set of 7 volumes of Zecharia Sitchin’s The Earth Chronicles, I am convinced more than ever before that the stories laid out therein with much undeniable evidence from various angles of scientific research, including from the reinterpreted stories in the Bible, that our history does run along those lines described.

This does not negate the notion of some sort of creative force – god if you like. Just that it negates the various false gods that various religious texts have been shoved down our throats.

Jan 19, 2025 4:46 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Intriguing comment, Veri Tas. Under the influence of Sitchin and alt-anthropologist Robert Sepehr, I, too, have started to gravitate towards the notion that we — and our Illuminati enemy — may both somehow be descendants of those long-ago ‘gods’ and ‘titans’ of legend, and that these were actually aliens, having nothing to do with our eternal, benevolent universal Creator.

Jan 18, 2025 11:33 PM

Trump’s shit shot at Tik Tok just backfired:


Now he’s back-pedalled.
Can’t have the undereducated getting an education, can we?

Jan 19, 2025 5:04 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Not too long ago, US was ridiculing the Great Internet Wall of China.

Jan 19, 2025 7:02 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Did Trump arrange the ban on Tik Tok while out of office? Obviously not; the Biden puppet simply followed his Zionist orders. However, Trump has promised a 90 day reprieve which he may deliver on day 1 or 2. We shall see very soon. If he does, it will really piss of the ADL.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 18, 2025 10:16 PM

The elite? The are the oligarchs who own pretty much everything, including our governments.

I learned a new word: “pharmaceuticaliztion.”

Here’s where:

comment image

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Jan 19, 2025 8:05 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I saw some recent tweets that children (infants) in Gaza are beginning to die of heart attacks from the bombing. Remember when there was a ceasefire so children could be vaccinated with the latest mrna polio vaccines? Essentially experimenting on them- or worse, knowingly injecting them with harmful substances?

Well, I think it is not so much owning things that is the problem. It is owning things that are used to harm, maim and kill others with, or to effectively get others to do so with.

What do these people have in common? The constant, though often covert, intention to destroy. The poor ones don’t usually accomplish much destruction, maybe a school shooting or something. The very rich can accomplish a great deal of destruction, which they often try to pass off as help. But when you look closely and keep tabs, no real help will be found there.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 19, 2025 10:50 PM

Yes! Frankly it beggars belief that the Palestinians were so naive as to believe that Israelis were allowing beneficial injectables to reach them but would get their snipers to kill them when food aid arrived…

les online
les online
Jan 18, 2025 8:33 PM

Dihydrogen monoxide is a chemical which could be fatal when
inhaled; could cause burns when it is in its gaseous form; corrodes
and rusts metals; kills countless numbers of people annually; is
found in tumours and in rain; can cause excessive urination and
bloating if consumed…

Zohnerism…. In 1997, 14-year-old Nathan Zolner got 43 out of 50
9th graders to vote in favor of banning dihydrogen monoxide, also
known as water. The hoax was a science project, which he titled
“How Gullible Are We ?” He not only won the Science Fair, but also
inspired the term “Zohnerism”, defined as ‘The use of facts to lead
a scientifically ignorant public to a false conclusion.’


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 19, 2025 7:00 AM
Reply to  les online

All about context, eh? Sex can be the loving union of consenting adults, the enslavement of prostitutes, the abuse of prepubertal children, or a regular activity that promotes human health. Not to mdention the predominant mechanism for perpetuating the human species.

les online
les online
Jan 19, 2025 9:52 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

i’ve never heard it called a ‘mechanism’ before,
a tool, yes, but not ‘a mechanism’
Wait till i tell my partner i’m a mechanic…

The ‘predominant’ bit is puzzling, because artificial, or ‘medically
assisted’ insemination aint exactly sex, is it …

les online
les online
Jan 19, 2025 10:04 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

i’m not a scientist… But using a Scientific Metric my ‘educated’
guesstimate is, 60-70% of what i think i know is assumed..
Which makes me pretty ordinary…
One thing about being pretty ordinary (or even not-pretty ordinary)
is that assumptions are important, and some assumptions are more
important than others…
Take it from me: Without assumptions this world would fall to bits…

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jan 18, 2025 8:24 PM

The book titled “Superclass” by Rothkopf describes the elite as:
“Leaders in international business, finance and the defense industry who not only dominate the superclass, they move freely into high positions in their nations’ governments and back to private life largely beyond the notice of elected legislatures (including the U.S. Congress), which remain abysmally ignorant of affairs beyond their borders. He proposes that the superclass’ disproportionate influence over national policy is constructive but always self-interested, and that around the world, few object to corruption and oppressive governments provided they can do business in these countries.”

It should be stressed, they have “no” loyalty to any country.

Jan 19, 2025 7:04 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Don’t most of the superclass stand with Israel?

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jan 19, 2025 9:08 PM
Reply to  Nick

The superclass desires a worldwide neofeudal technocratic surveillance state.

Jan 18, 2025 8:23 PM

Those listed are not the true elites. The true elites hide. And their wealth is dispersed amongst families and cabals. Intricate networks, inextricable. For security, of course.

Jan 19, 2025 5:20 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Their wealth is in many tangible forms including land, aquifers, buildings, criticl mines and minerals and power sources. They exert their will on governments through the very largest investment businesses. The latter attack the financial liquidity of the target government through the bloated derivatives market.

They simply bet against the capacity of the government to repay debts. -Andrew Marshall 2013

Jan 19, 2025 7:08 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The Rothschilds funded Hitler, communists and world wars. But their creation of Israel may prive to be their greatest evil. Think of the wars, death and suffering avoided had Zionists never been given most of Palestine.

Jan 18, 2025 7:20 PM

No, hopium will not work. They do not have “power”, they have our sovereign authority stolen through our passivity. Only OUR authority created directives for exacting policy with penalties for inaction by OUR gov’t employees and agencies will work. We decide what we want. We do not wait for them to give us what we hope for. We direct policies, such as limits to poverty & wealth; an elimination of our foreign military and State empire exploits moving >$1T in Revenues back our Public Commons; create a Public Banking System with the top 5 banks conjoined to a socialized PUBLIC FED with nominal rates to the needs of society, not speculative predatory capitalism; regulate/throttle industrial pollution of every source into cradle to cradle processes; and on and on for another 100 policies that solve the existing two Party system’s creation of massive dysfunction and imminent Hell for the bottom 90%.

The word “power” has been an elite misuse meme, to the purpose of identifying their authority grab as some magical possession. Bull. It is authority. It is our sovereign authority they have stolen calling it “power”. It is a meme we should no longer allow them. Please, let’s call it what it is, authority. If we do this and everyone listens and speaks that they have OUR “authority” and not any “power”, their “magical status” is slowly removed from discussion. They are criminals, thieves. Please. Our world, not theirs.

Jan 18, 2025 8:15 PM
Reply to  sandy

Oh, nonsense. You want us to believe it is all our fault. Typical. Whenever anything goes wrong, somebody is always casting about to lay blame.

Newsflash: It is not our fault. It is the elite’s fault. Correction made.

Jan 18, 2025 8:36 PM
Reply to  Edwige

We never voted, consented and approved, them to take authority to decide for us. If they asked us for consent to decide for us, i would vote for us to decide for ourselves and then they must obey our directives, as any direct democracy would require. This fraudulent Republic operates under “implied consent contracts”. Because one lives in a City, County, State, or national jurisdiction, the jurisdiction assumes consent of the resident to the rules made up by the jurisdiction. This is fraud. Consent or some form of physical agreement must be established first to void the sovereignty of a human being. They never, ever have done this and assume control through non-consensual force. Just a fact we all have to recognize before we assume the authority that is rightfully ours. And they have no right to void this inalienable right denied us.

Jan 19, 2025 12:00 AM
Reply to  sandy

Finally you’re beginning to see the truth. Parts of it. Limits to wealth won’t ever work. It’s what they use with communitarianism, communism and socialism. We can never get back what they’ve stolen.

The only way forward that has a chance of success is to organize outside of their jurisdiction as much as possible and nullify their faux legal system using jury day nullification, before the cryptocracy institute technocracy.

That requires literal door to door pamphleteering and a true comprehension of the extent of the LEGAL fraud that functions worldwide in a system they created and erected to protect their power and authority and diminish our standing and status to that of citizen slaves under capitis deminutio maxima.

Jan 19, 2025 8:16 PM
Reply to  sandy

Superb comment, Sandy!

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 18, 2025 8:49 PM
Reply to  sandy

“Authority to the People!”, just doesn’t sound the same as “Power to the People!”, Sandy. Plus, what are we gonna do with Lennon’s song if we change it?

Jan 19, 2025 5:05 AM
Reply to  Big Al

It’s obsolete, based upon a false assumption. Power, in human relations terms, is who is dominant over another. Authority has nothing to do with dominance. It has to do with consent to decide or no consent to decide. Power, dominance, is violence where consent is not granted. Time for us to evolve to a smart adult vs the staying an obedient child to the dominator.

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 19, 2025 6:04 PM
Reply to  sandy

Who is us, man? And lighten up, I was just kidding.

Jan 19, 2025 7:56 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Alright, alright, alright. 🙂

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 18, 2025 10:26 PM
Reply to  sandy

The only answer is civil disobedience to everything that does not make sense and to the fraudulent voting charade.

Jan 18, 2025 6:51 PM

>Because it is their lifestyle they want to preserve, not ours. They want a world that caters to them and what they find valuable.

What you’ve articulated has been known for a long time and was described by Marx as the opposing interests of ‘capital’ and ‘labor’. Its a difficult topic to discuss rationally because of centuries of propaganda have created a visceral negativity among many people but however you slice or dice it everything comes back to this fundamental truth.

What’s also true, unfortunately, is that ‘they’ aren’t going to give up power just because ‘we’ asked them nicely. We’ve had ample evidence in recent years that democracy only works if yields the proper results. There’s also an entrenched ‘middle’ (sort of) class that’s entire well being is built around serving the interests of the money. Its not a stable situation, though — there’s too many of ‘us’ so there’s a need to deal with the surplus, traditionally by preparations for war or actual war. This is at best a stopgap, though, since we’re up against the finite size and resources of the Earth. Smart money would realize that you have to give in order to receive — enlightened statesmen from Bismark to modern era social democrats have tried to engineer society, trading off social protections to achieve system stability — but ultimately these approaches are doomed because of the winner-take-all mindset.

(I put it down to the difference between a ‘hunter gatherer’ and a ‘farmer’ mindset. Hunter gatherers grab whatever resources are available, moving on once the resources are exhausted. Farmers understand — or before geoscale agribusiness, at least — the notion of sustainability, the need to preserve resources today so they’re usable tomorrow. To me, hunter/gathers are like rats — intelligent, opportunist but ultimately predatory parasites.)

les online
les online
Jan 18, 2025 8:44 PM
Reply to  MartinU

“rats” ? “predatory parasites” ? Wot Rot… You are just regurgitating
greasy capitalist propaganda. SHAME ON YOU !!
And anyway, have some respect. Those hags (aka – hunters and gatherers)
are our distant, distant, grandparents… I should come around there and
punch you on the nose !!

Jan 18, 2025 5:24 PM

‘I think this is one reason why David Icke came up with his “Reptoid” theory proclaiming that “a race of shape-shifting reptilian beings, originating from another dimension or planet, secretly controls the world by taking on human forms and infiltrating positions of power thus manipulating global events to maintain control over humanity.”

True. See Jacinda Ardern.

Jan 19, 2025 7:13 PM
Reply to  chas

‘Reptilians’ may be a genius way to avoid saying ‘Zionist’, in that it camouflages beautifully while unviting and amplifying the ‘conspiracy theorist’ slander to unheard of levels. Is Icke also a tool?

Jan 18, 2025 5:02 PM

Let me add:

When this skirmish occurred, a certain group of entities fought in space and won the territory of Earth. These new own¬ ers did not want the native Earth species — the humans — to be informed of what took place. Uninformed, the species would be easier to control. This is why light is information and darkness is lack of information. These entities beat out light, and Earth became their territory. It gives you a new idea of light, does it not? There was great radioactivity and nuclear action, and much of Earth was rent asunder. The original species, human creation, experienced great destruction and was scattered.

Before frequency control was instituted 300,000 years ago by the raiding group of creator gods

Think of the frequency that has limited thehuman experiment as a radio station. The human experiment has had one radio station on for 300,000 years. Same old tunes! The human experiment was unable to turn the dial and hear a different band

In actuality, this reality or world was set up by entities of the Family of Light a long time ago, before the reality was raided

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jan 18, 2025 5:01 PM

It’s interesting when people talk about the richest families in the world they rarely mention or list the Rothschilds, what’s up with that?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 19, 2025 7:13 AM

The Rotschild’s relative power peaked in the 19th century, their key role in the Balfour Declaration in the 20th has done long-term reputational damage to their family name in the non-Jewish supermajority, not to mention Victor Rotschild’s intimate knowledge/management of the Cambridge Five and thus his wilful treason against the British State.

They are now a niche player in global banking, albeit with many loyal customers.

Larry Fink now has more power than Rotschilds, so do the Royals in Saudi and the Gulf Emirati.

Jan 19, 2025 7:19 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Are Fink and colleagues any less Zionist, Jewish and Satanic than the Rothschilds?

Jan 20, 2025 6:23 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Larry heads one of those funds managing a lot of wealth. Whose wealth is it?

Jan 22, 2025 8:31 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

You can’t possiby be that naive, having written such a great comment up top.

Jan 19, 2025 7:17 PM

With their trillions, very few news outlets dare name the most powerful of Zionists who might destroy them in days. I hope OG is still free, but critical discussion of Zionism, its history, beliefs and objectives are not something I’ve ever seen platformed on here. Link to prove me wrong, please.

Jan 18, 2025 5:00 PM

Skirmishes took place, and Earth became a place of duality. Certain creator gods who had the right to do whatever they wanted — because Earth is a free-will zone — came in and took over. We call this “raiding” the Earth. It was like corporate raiding on Wall Street. These creator gods raided Earth approxi¬ mately 300,000 years ago-the time period, historically speaking, that you would call the beginning of human civilization. This is merely the time period that you, in this present day, are taught was the beginning of civilization. In actuality, it was only the beginning of the later phase, the phase of modem humanity

Bringers of dawn – Barbara MARCINIAK

Jan 18, 2025 4:45 PM

who ever clicks on Who are the “Elite”? article deserves a refund.

Here are a few facts???????????? and figures to throw around. The wealthiest folks in the world are Elon Musk (worth over $230 billion), Bernard Arnault and family (worth over $200 billion), Jeff Bezos (worth over $160 billion) and Bill Gates (worth over $130 billion).

Tony stark incarnate Elon Musk who took 2 vaccines to be able to access his own manufacturing plant in Germany during covid.
Got to be slightly silly within the Msm alt media woke right mindset to believe he is on twitter all day posting trolling as that is what real CEO with 1000 different company’s does.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jan 18, 2025 7:16 PM
Reply to  entitlement

Refund? Of what? Did you pay to read this article?

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 18, 2025 4:14 PM

The elite, in this context, are the people, i.e., humans, who other people, i.e., other humans, like to argue about while they laugh all the way to “their” banks. This is one of those things that I think we collectively over analyze relative to the task at hand. We’re humans, it’s the same as it’s always been. Money talks, bullshit walks. The bottom line is that our political systems, media systems, banking systems, etc., are controlled by rich humans who naturally and instinctively manage and manipulate those systems to their advantages. We couldn’t get a better example of that then what we’ll see on Monday with Trump’s inauguration. It will be a gathering of the so called “elite” to fawn, suck up, and position themselves relative to the next political administration, while the rest of us are “allowed” to watch it on TV or whatever devices that will stream the disgusting display. It’s in your face, super gilded age, on the way to trillionaires in no time and most people are treating it like a fucking reality TV show. I guess that’s where we’re at, in a reality TV show with no way out. They aren’t elite, they aren’t superior, they’re rich fucking assholes. Eat the rich, man.