Martin Luther King, Vietnam, and Gaza

Edward Curtin

Before my mind was turned to the subject of my title, I started to write a piece called “Are the Dead Nostalgic?”

It’s a touchy philosophical question that has no definitive answer. It seems flippant in an impossible way, which it is, but its flippancy holds a secret message.  So I asked the dead who would speak to me and got a few mixed and muffled replies. You can understand their reluctance to say anything. If I heard correctly, one of them said, “You should ask the living.”

Most didn’t answer, which had me wondering why. Were they disgusted with us?

I have always heard that nostalgia was not good for you since it kept you rooted in the past; that this ache for home – the good old days that may or may not have existed but you miss them nevertheless – prevented you from living Zen-like in the present or looking forward to the future. But I wondered if nostalgia could be a form of utopian hope in reverse at a time when humanistic utopian thinking is at a nadir, overwhelmed by the machine dreams of people like Elon Musk and those at the World Economic Forum.

This denigration of nostalgia assumed you were alive. I was wondering about the dead. What did they think? Did they wish they were still alive? Was being alive the good old days for them or did they feel they were finally home and that life had been a dream?

Or did the dead have no future, no nothing, or perhaps some afterglow of sorts, an everlasting rest in peace, whatever that may mean, a phrase that always seemed to me a bad knock on life. Who wants to sleep forever?

I guess I was thinking that if I could get in touch with the dead and get them talking, they might also tell me what it was like to be dead. Although I am no statistical whiz, I figured there were a lot more of them than us and the odds were pretty good that someone there would spill the beans.

I thought of this recently when watching the new film about Bob Dylan’s early years, A Complete Unknown, when his girlfriend, Sylvie Russo (based on Suze Rotolo, played by Elle Fanning) gets angry at him for concealing his true past and identity, and he replies, “People make up their past, Silly, they make up what they want; forget the rest.”

This was especially true for Dylan in his early years and has a ring of truth for everyone to a lesser extent, whether it’s from memory lapses or some sense of wanting to fictionalize their pasts for reasons known only to them. Our memories and forgeteries are interesting creative faculties.

But as I said, I was interested in the dead. Did they also do that? Were they nostalgic?

Then this proclivity of mine toward philosophical thought and dark humor flipped in my mind as the pictures of dead and weeping Palestinian children swept in and tortured me in dreams. I had seen the photos and videos of the ongoing Israeli genocide of Palestinians and felt sick and outraged afterwards. I have written against it many times.

Yet as I wrote about this issue of nostalgia, I felt like a speculator in abstractions, and thought of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s experience when on January 14, 1967 he was at an airport restaurant thumbing through a Ramparts magazine and saw an article by the journalist William Pepper, “The Children of Vietnam” that featured photos of Vietnamese mothers holding dead and napalmed children.

In 1999, the author James W. Douglass (JFK and the Unspeakable, etc.) wrote an essay describing this serendipitous event for King:

The final chapter of Martin Luther King’s life began on January l4, l967, the day on which King committed himself to deepening his opposition to the Vietnam War. He was at an airport restaurant on his way to a retreat in Jamaica. While looking through magazines, he came across an illustrated article in Ramparts, “The Children of Vietnam.” His coworker Bernard Lee never forgot King’s shock as he looked at photographs of young napalm victims.

He froze as he looked at the pictures from Vietnam. He saw a picture of a Vietnamese mother holding her dead baby, a baby killed by our military. Then Martin just pushed the plate of food away from him. I looked up and said, “Doesn’t it taste any good,” and he answered, “Nothing will ever taste any good for me until I do everything I can to end that war.”

Martin King was overwhelmed with grief and outrage. Against all advice from his associates in the civil rights movement, he realized he must publicly and unequivocally oppose the Vietnam war, which he did two-and-a half months later on April 4 at Riverside Church in the New York City in his famous speech – Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence – in which he denounced the US war against Vietnam, linking it to his battle against racism and for economic justice for everybody. He became a revolutionary. It led to his assassination by the US government exactly one year later on April 4, 1968 in Memphis.

But his legacy lives on, despite the official MLK Day attempts to reduce him to a manageable dead threat and a one-trick pony.

Conscience calls at odd moments to roil one’s soul. It sneaks into one’s dreams and daytime thoughts, even in synchronous ways as I realize that today’s date is January 14th, 58 years to the day MLK saw those photos in Ramparts.

Just yesterday, while listening to a podcast, I heard the historian Peter Kuznik say that when he asks his students at American University, who have all been to the Vietnam Memorial wall and seen the names of the 58,318 dead Americans, how many Vietnamese were killed in the war, they answer in the range of 90,000.

While on a trip to Hanoi last year, Kuznik learned that the official Vietnamese count is 5 million, to which one could add another 1 million Thai, Laotian, and Cambodians. Kuznik had been assuming the 3.8 million dead Vietnamese figure was correct, but his bright students had no idea because their knowledge of history is abysmal.

Similarly, just this past week, the English medical journal The Lancet reported that the death toll in Gaza in the first nine months as a result of Israel’s genocidal assault was about 40 % higher than reported by the Palestinian Health Ministry.

The study’s best estimate puts the number of dead Palestinians (excluding the severely injured, those dead from starvation, those missing under the rubble, etc.) at approximately 64,000 from October 7, 2023 to June 30, 2024. Of those, the study concluded that approximately 60 % were women, children, and old people. As everyone knows, Israel has turned Gaza into a wasteland and a killing field that has continued to the present day, with Israel furiously continuing to attack, killing 38 Palestinians yesterday.

As with the death figures from Vietnam, these numbers are no doubt greatly underestimated and can be multiplied by three, four, or more. But if you follow the corporate mainstream media, especially in the U.S. and its adjuncts, you will learn nothing of this. It is assumed that people don’t care and are more interested in strange flying objects over the skies of the northeast that have ostensibly disappeared until they will be revived, the sex and drinking habits of Trump’s cabinet nominees, and the latest sports and celebrity news.

Many don’t care and many do, but people generally feel battered and overwhelmed by the insane condition of the country, the endless news reports of all the things to fear, the political dirty tricks and propaganda, the corruption, the rip-offs, the lies and posturing, etc.

Many have been so dumbed down by the endless propaganda that they will believe anything.

Most people may not know how to articulate their rage and disgust, but they sense that something is terribly wrong and fear it will get worse. They may not want to take it anymore and are mad as hell but realize screaming out their windows at the air as in the classic film Network will not remedy anything. They wait in dread, depressed, but deny it.

Half the voting population has invested their hopes in Trump just as the other half did with Biden – both delusional in the extreme. Those dead Palestinian children that torment me are the results of the Biden administration’s alliance with fellow Israeli Zionist Netanyahu – two bloody nihilists – now to be replaced by Trump, a third enthusiastic supporter of genocide.

Those of us who have been speaking out for years are also tired. I am tired. The recent Israeli/U.S. bloody victories in the Mideast came as a shock to those who hoped Israel and the Netanyahu government would be forced to desist. The opposite has occurred. Lebanon, Syria, Yemen – is Iran next?

(And you will notice that I have not even mentioned Ukraine and the U.S. war against Russia.)

It’s heavy stuff, hard on the spirit, so perhaps you can understand my desire to delve into philosophical and artistic matters from time to time.

I think of the poem To Those Born Later, by the German poet Bertolt Brecht:

What kind of times are they, when
A talk about trees is almost a crime
Because it implies silence about so many horrors?
That man there calmly crossing the street
Is already perhaps beyond the reach of his friends
Who are in need?

They say to me: Eat and drink! Be glad you have it!
But how can I eat and drink if I snatch what I eat
From the starving, and
My glass of water belongs to one dying of thirst?
And yet I eat and drink.

I would also like to be wise.
In the old books it says that wisdom is:
To shun the strife of the world and to live out
Your brief time without fear
Also to get along without violence
To return good for evil
Not to fulfil your desires but to forget them
Is accounted wise.
All this I cannot do.
Truly, I live in dark times.

Yes, so do we. But the most terrible atrocities have taken place on a vast scale for a very long time. Are they seen as almost normal now, the “new” reality? So much so that our faculty for forgetting and dismissing them far outweighs our will to remember?

Yet sometimes a time to break the silence is always now, and a message comes to us to remember to speak out. The official organs of the government and press on January 20th will once again urge everyone to remember Martin Luther King, Jr. as a statue from the past, frozen in time, a fighter for racial justice but nothing else.

His opposition to the triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism will be ignored. Who will say that if he were alive today he would condemn the genocide in Gaza, the U.S. war against Russian via Ukraine, and war making throughout the world? In his speech from Riverside Church on April 4, 1967 that led to his death, he said:

We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still the thief of time. Life often leaves us standing bare, naked and dejected with a lost opportunity. The “tide in the affairs of men” does not remain at the flood; it ebbs. We may cry out desperately for time to pause in her passage, but time is deaf to every plea and rushes on. Over the bleached bones and jumbled residue of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words: “Too late.” There is an invisible book of life that faithfully records our vigilance or our neglect. “The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on…” We still have a choice today; nonviolent coexistence or violent co-annihilation.

No doubt Satan will be laughing with delight as Donald Trump is sworn in as president on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

I still wonder: Are the dead nostalgic?  I hope so.

Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.


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Categories: Edward Curtin, latest, Vietnam
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Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jan 19, 2025 12:11 PM

World War II was the deadliest war in history, with an estimated 70–85 million deaths. This included military and civilian deaths, as well as deaths from famine and disease.

  • Military deaths: Estimated 21–25 million military deaths, including about 5 million prisoners of war
  • Civilian deaths: Estimated 50–55 million civilian deaths
  • War-related deaths: Estimated 19–28 million deaths from famine and disease

When they can not estimate to the nearest million deaths you know how much they value the lives of those that they have decided to sacrifice .
How did they persuade so many to leave there families and home to try to kill people they had never met. How did they make the fear of being called a coward greater than the fear of dying or being wounded . The most successful mass brainwashing until Covid.
Although a lot more doubted Covid than they would have you believe.

Jan 19, 2025 11:45 AM

The dead who come back to life could best elaborate on nostalgia’s role in the underworld.

So let’s see in what condition the 3 released Israeli hostage ladies are in later today (Sunday), as they pass from relative death back to relative life. As they return from that Hamas’ underworld of subterranean tunnels.

Were they nostalgic for better times in captivity? I would suspect so

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 19, 2025 11:42 AM


This is the 3 Rs: Repetition Repetition Repetition

And so yet another “Emergency UK ‘pandemic response’ to be rolled out” with millions of mobile phones getting a test emergency message “as the UK prepares for another crisis”.

“Another” crisis? Oh you mean a repetition of the scam? Seriously? You think anyone is going to fall for this … again?

“Thousands of health workers, police and local officials across the UK will take part in a massive nationwide exercise to prepare for another Covid-style pandemic.”

“Covid style”? It’s a kind of fashion thing now?

Now engage AI:

…determined to be ready if a health disaster hits a second time. … “We must learn lessons from the Covid pandemic as we cannot afford to make the same mistakes again.” … identify what is working well and what needs to be improved, as recommended by the official Covid inquiry which is still ongoing. …as prepared as possible for future pandemics. … resilience and preparedness …safeguard our citizens….”resilience” roles …a range of crises … a new pandemic …

These dreary channels (i.e. all the media channels) are now surely being run by software. You may as well watch a hamster wheel.

Jan 19, 2025 10:46 AM

Official cryptocurrency Trump Coin: How Did We Get Here?

The more I come hear the more it is difficult to not believe cttf and miles and many others in what they said about OD,
it is now been nearly 3 days since the BIGGEST dump and pump and cryptocurrency coin launch ever by President Trump this is DIGITAL ID done by stealth.
and Shockingly all the big so called freedom media outlets have said not much.
4 days ago kit and kaboodle was screaming how the U.K (labour) Bank of England was launching digital coin.
fuck thank for witneyy Webb a she called it a long time ago about Trump 2nd term

A SHORTISH explanation of thoses not knowing what is needed to have a cryptocurrency account which is sold by the freedom alt media as fighting the deepstate.LOL

For coinbase or binance (legal cryptocurrency site) the id needed for account is,

passport, driving licence, or both.

#face all id verification to confirm you not a bot and then can be done #several times during the application opening of account process.
#3 pin verification code so phone must be smart or iphone.
email that gets sent a pin and code.
#IP address as #VPN are a issue.
‘Inside geo location of your apartment house flat etc that must match with you
#Longitude latitude on your ip smart phone and #bill address.
if you work some where else they need that information to and proof.
#latest utility bill that they control what bill so you can send #3 different utility bills to be told they need a different one and 3 months worth of bank statement however they can also ask after you unloaded for other bank or building society statements.
~debit card and ~credit card
~NI number
#social security number
#tax code
#where did you get the cryptocurrency from is one of the questions.
#receipts for them, is in the small print and this information is all passed on to the government.

to make a withdrawal OMG I leave it there.

Jan 19, 2025 10:05 AM

the English medical journal The Lancet reported that the death toll in Gaza in the first nine months as a result of Israel’s genocidal assault was about 40 % higher than reported by the Palestinian Health Ministry.

I lost trust in the Lancet after their intentional Covid19 origin sidetracking.
The Palestine Health ministry is even more unreliable.

It is impossible for Trump to act worse than Biden or Starmer so no more tears or fears.

A hundred billion US is going to be collected for the Gazans, so that makes USD 750,000 per family of 6. The whole third world would gladly join them in that money shower there but the UN created only one eternal refugee status ever 75 years ago, so too bad for them.
Rich victim is the best scam.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 19, 2025 10:35 AM
Reply to  antonym

Rich victim is the best scam.

Well you’d know all about that.

Jan 19, 2025 9:58 AM

Kristi Noem will be Trump’s new Secretary of Homeland Security.
Have a read of her credentials.

Apparently she’s an expert at shooting family pets, for her own ‘convenience’:


Lookout all USians.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 19, 2025 9:38 AM

I meant this remark to follow the one that’s in pending:
Actually that Dylan song (“Desolation Row”) is one of those that seem more pertinent with each passing year e.g.

They’re selling postcards of the hanging

They’re painting the passports brown

Our “hanging postcards” are now being provided by Israel with the opportunity to cheer on the carnage. And, going by the description of a work colleague about how difficult it is to get a passport these days (and all the other restrictions on flight), it may be that passports will be a thing of the past.

Jan 19, 2025 9:37 AM

More than one hundred and sixty years of mystery and crime novels and almost one hundred and twenty years of mystery and crime movies and STILL the Punters haven’t figured it out.

Slow learners or what?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 19, 2025 9:32 AM


George Mc
George Mc
Jan 19, 2025 9:31 AM

For me, covid was such a shock because it demanded an acknowledgement of the true nature of the media which was clearly unified to a degree I hadn’t previously suspected. It also woke me up to the fact that my pre-covid assumption of cynicism towards the media wasn’t really cynical at all i.e. the pre-covid media cleverly prompted a lot of the “cynicism” itself e.g. members of the show “Have I Got News For You” adopting an “irreverent” attitude towards the media. I suppose on some level I must have been aware that these players were employed by the very media they were mocking but I must have been keen to gloss over that. After covid, it was no longer possible to stop the cynicism from arriving at its logical conclusion i.e. that nowhere on the media would you find genuine dissidence. And indeed, it was precisely the “dissident” part of the media that was most suspect.
Nevertheless, it was still tempting to allow nostalgia to hoodwink me into thinking that “things were different in the past”. That at some point there really was a “free media”. But this is due to a lifelong habit which cannot be easily ditched. It would, after all, be quite traumatic to reject every illusion from the past. But the “covid turn” and its implications cannot be avoided. Especially when it was those formerly revered “Rock Stars” who were pushing the vax.
How I shudder to recall that time when all those celeb stooges were eager to effectively trash their “legacy” in the service of this “good cause” e.g. Neil Diamond restaging “Sweet Caroline” with a negation of the “hands/touching hands” part. And then there was Dolly Parton turning “Jolene” into “Vaccine”. Some bastard even updated the Beatles’ “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” to “I Wanna Wash My Hands”!
But all of that only served to emphasise how “pop music” had been “co-opted” … or rather this realisation only served as a stepping stone towards the insight that it never needed “co-opting”. It was always part of the theatre. Still, I like to think that somewhere some things “got through” – at least some time. Dylan was definitely on to something here:

At midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew

Come out and round up everyone that knows more than they do

Then they bring them to the factory where the heart-attack machine

Is strapped across their shoulders and then the kerosene

Is brought down from the castles by insurance men who go

Check to see that nobody is escaping to Desolation Row

“Heart-attack machine” indeed. Though this device is no longer reserved for the troublesome truth seekers but is now meant for everyone. And that itself only goes to show the error of thinking that no matter how bad it is, it’s OK for you and it’ll continue to be OK for you. You may turn your eyes away from the unfortunate “disappearances” but eventually the midnight agents are going to come for you too. Indeed, they won’t even be operating merely at night but in broad daylight. And of course “for your own good”!

Jan 19, 2025 9:03 AM

Heaven forbid!
Telling the Truth about historical events or in the nightly news?

That’s a no, no.

They woke up to that after the reporting from Vietnam, and the ensuing public outrage and protests.

Never again