Animal Farm Politics: The Deep State Wins Again
John & Nisha Whitehead

“No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”—George Orwell, Animal Farm
It cost the American taxpayer $24 million to find out what we knew all along: politics is corrupt.
After four years of being subjected to special prosecutor Jack Smith’s dogged investigation into alleged election interference by Donald Trump, the Justice Department has concluded that Trump would have been convicted of breaking the law if only he hadn’t gotten re-elected.
In other words, the Deep State wins again.
The revelation here is not that Trump broke the law but the extent to which sitting presidents get a free pass when it comes to misconduct.
None of this is news.
The Deep State has been operating from this exact same playbook for decades, regardless of which party has occupied the White House.
Indeed, Richard Nixon let the cat out of the bag when he explained that the very act of being president places one beyond the rule of law (“when the president does it … that means that it is not illegal”).
This is how we ended up with an imperial president—empowered to act as a dictator, above the law and beyond any real accountability—and why “we the people” keep finding ourselves mired in a political swamp of lies, graft, cronyism and corruption.
George Orwell, who died 75 years ago on Jan. 21, 1950, must be rolling in his grave.
In the 75 years since George Orwell died, his works of dystopian fiction—which warn against rampant abuse of power, mind control and mass manipulation coupled with the rise of ubiquitous technology, fascism and totalitarianism—have become operation manuals for power-hungry political regimes wedded to the corporate state.
While Orwell’s novel 1984 foreshadowed the rise of an omnipresent, modern-day surveillance state, his novel Animal Farm aptly sums up the state of politics today, propped up by a two-party system designed to maintain the illusion that voting matters.
Orwell understood what many Americans, caught up in their partisan flag-waving, are still struggling to come to terms with: that there is no such thing as a government organized for the good of the people—even the best intentions among those in government inevitably give way to the desire to maintain power and control at all costs.
As Orwell explains:
“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.”
No doubt about it: the revolution was successful.
That January 6, 2021 attempt by President Trump and his followers to overturn the election results was not the revolution, however.
Those who answered President Trump’s call to march on the Capitol were merely the fall guys, manipulated into creating the perfect crisis for the Deep State—a.k.a. the Police State a.k.a. the Military Industrial Complex a.k.a. the Techno-Corporate State a.k.a. the Surveillance State—to amass even greater powers.
It took no time at all for the switch to be thrown and the nation’s capital to be placed under a military lockdown, online speech forums restricted, and individuals with subversive or controversial viewpoints ferreted out, investigated, shamed and/or shunned.
It was a set-up, folks.
The Justice Department’s policy of not prosecuting a sitting president was the tell.
The only coup d’etat to undermine the will of the people happened when our government “of the people, by the people, for the people” was overthrown by a profit-driven, militaristic, techno-corporate state that is in cahoots with a government “of the rich, by the elite, for the corporations.”
This swamp is of the Deep State’s making to such an extent that every successive president starting with Franklin D. Roosevelt has been bought lock, stock and barrel and made to dance to the Deep State’s tune.
Beneath the power suits, they’re all alike.
Donald Trump, the candidate who swore to drain the swamp in Washington DC, merely paved the way for lobbyists, corporations, the military industrial complex, and the Deep State to feast on the carcass of the dying American republic.
Joe Biden was no different: his job was to keep the Deep State in power.
Trump’s return to the White House has already thrown wide the gates to all manner of swampiness.
Follow the money. It always points the way.
As Bertram Gross noted in Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America, “evil now wears a friendlier face than ever before in American history.”
Writing in 1980, Gross predicted a future in which he saw:
“…a new despotism creeping slowly across America. Faceless oligarchs sit at command posts of a corporate-government complex that has been slowly evolving over many decades. In efforts to enlarge their own powers and privileges, they are willing to have others suffer the intended or unintended consequences of their institutional or personal greed. For Americans, these consequences include chronic inflation, recurring recession, open and hidden unemployment, the poisoning of air, water, soil and bodies, and, more important, the subversion of our constitution. More broadly, consequences include widespread intervention in international politics through economic manipulation, covert action, or military invasion…”
This stealthy, creeping, silent coup that Gross prophesied is the same danger that writer Rod Serling envisioned in the 1964 political thriller Seven Days in May, a clear warning to beware of martial law packaged as a well-meaning and overriding concern for the nation’s security.
Incredibly enough, more than 60 years later, we find ourselves hostages to a government run more by military doctrine and corporate greed than by the rule of law established in the Constitution. Indeed, proving once again that fact and fiction are not dissimilar, today’s current events could well have been lifted straight out of Seven Days in May, which takes viewers into eerily familiar terrain.
The premise is straightforward.
With the Cold War at its height, an unpopular U.S. President signs a momentous nuclear disarmament treaty with the Soviet Union. Believing that the treaty constitutes an unacceptable threat to the security of the United States and certain that he knows what is best for the nation, General James Mattoon Scott (played by Burt Lancaster), the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and presidential hopeful, plans a military takeover of the national government. When Gen. Scott’s aide, Col. Casey (Kirk Douglas), discovers the planned military coup, he goes to the President with the information. The race for command of the U.S. government begins, with the clock ticking off the hours until the military plotters plan to overthrow the President.
Needless to say, while on the big screen, the military coup is foiled and the republic is saved in a matter of hours, in the real world, the plot thickens and spreads out over the past half century.
We’ve been losing our freedoms so incrementally for so long—sold to us in the name of national security and global peace, maintained by way of martial law disguised as law and order, and enforced by a standing army of militarized police and a political elite determined to maintain their powers at all costs—that it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when it all started going downhill, but we’ve been on that fast-moving, downward trajectory for some time now.
The question is no longer whether the U.S. government will be preyed upon and taken over by the military industrial complex. That’s a done deal, but martial law disguised as national security is only one small part of the greater deception we’ve been fooled into believing is for our own good.
How do you get a nation to docilely accept a police state? How do you persuade a populace to accept metal detectors and pat downs in their schools, bag searches in their train stations, tanks and military weaponry used by their small-town police forces, surveillance cameras in their traffic lights, police strip searches on their public roads, unwarranted blood draws at drunk driving checkpoints, whole body scanners in their airports, and government agents monitoring their communications?
Try to ram such a state of affairs down the throats of the populace, and you might find yourself with a rebellion on your hands. Instead, you bombard them with constant color-coded alerts, terrorize them with shootings and bomb threats in malls, schools, and sports arenas, desensitize them with a steady diet of police violence, and sell the whole package to them as being for their best interests.
The 2021 military occupation of the nation’s capital by 25,000 troops as part of the so-called “peaceful” transfer of power from one administration to the next is telling.
That was not the language of a free people. This is the language of force.
January 6, 2021, and its aftermath merely provided the government and its corporate technocrats the perfect excuse to show off all of the powers they’ve been amassing so assiduously over the years.
Mind you, by “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats.
I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.
I’m referring to the corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country and calling the shots in Washington DC, no matter who sits in the White House.
This brings us back to Orwell’s Animal Farm, which turns 80 this year.
Originally titled a fairy story, the satirical allegory recounts the revolutionary struggle of a group of farm animals living in squalor and neglect on a poorly run farm managed by a derelict farmer.
Hoping to create a society where all animals are equal, the farm animals mount a revolution, ejecting the farmer, taking control of the farm, establishing their own Bill of Rights, and operating under the mantra “four legs good, two legs bad.” Not surprisingly, as is the case with most revolutions, the new boss—a pig named Napoleon—turns out to be no different from their old human oppressor. Over time, a ruling class of pigs comes to dominate on the farm, which is policed by dogs, with the pigs starting to dress, walk and talk like their human counterparts. Eventually, the pigs forge an alliance with their former two-legged adversaries in order to maintain their power over the rest of the farm animals. Before long, the pigs’ transformation into two-legged overlords is complete: “they were all alike.”
Much like the gullible, easily led creatures of Animal Farm, we find ourselves being brainwashed into believing that the tyrannies meted out against us are for our own good; that the trials are tribulations we experience at the hands of the ruling elite are privileges for which we should feel grateful; and that our bondage to the Deep State is actually, appearances to the contrary, freedom.
Over time, without their realizing it, the Seven Commandments of liberation and equality that were so central to Animal Farm’s revolutionary movement are whittled down to a single commandment: “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.”
And that, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, is the lesson for all of us in the American Police State as we prepare for yet another changing of the guard in Washington, DC.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Originally published via The Rutherford Institute
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The power doesn’t lie w presidents; it’s in the deep state. A few billionaire families and their minions wield power– not the president. Our last real president was John Kennedy.
If you wish to curtail the power that is ruining the country you have to look at those who actually have it.
Coming to this a day late, but the first step is a doozy. It’s fatuous to take Jack Smith’s/the DOJ’s conclusion that Trump “would have been convicted”, and manifestly was guilty as charged, at face value.
Like The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present, now departed, the scoundrel Smith is having a grand mal TDS seizure. The anti-Trump “Resistance”, born in 2016 in a welter of howls, tears, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and pussy hats, is again in full “sore loser” mode.
I’m actually surprised that the tendentious Whiteheads have seized upon Smith’s self-serving assertion that Trump more or less got off on a technicality to make the case that presidents are above the law. That’s as may be, but the odious Smith’s biased assessment is a weak and rotten reed upon which to lean. 🤨
You’re right, Ort. The whole Trump-legal-action is a distraction meant to divide people.
“Look over here dummies– not at what’s really happening.”
So, Americans: learn the only lesson you must learn to change your nation for the better: make every current- and former President answerable to the law of the land.
Absolute power brings absolute corruption.
still pu8shing the lie that JAN 6 was an insurrection instead of the truth it was patriotic citizens protesting the rigged election that is was. see Richard Charnin on wordpress. he is THE US ELECTION Statistical ANALYST supreme for decades and proved that Chump won by 9 million and the ELECTION WAS STOLEN. did you flunk basic math. did you not see in real time the DNC shipped millions of votes from NY state to Pennsylvania at 3 to 4am ( testified by US postal employee who drove them to PA in middles of night from a facility that only handled packages) s the DNC stole millions of votes from Jill Stein i am not supporter of Chump but i am a supporter of mathematics reality and fair elections. you disgust me by pushing this DNC CIA lie of 2020 being a fair election
It was a Tourism Incident.
All the ‘national’ and international banks are owned by jewish bankers. The 3 main huge corporations which control all others are owned by jews. The mainstream media and hollywood are owned by jews. Freemasonry and groups like the WEF, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Round Tables, Club of Rome, Committe of 300, Bilderbergs and so on are controlled by jews, they follow jewry’s plans and goals… United Nations included.
That is why the existence of a group which is on top of the world power hierarchy: the synagogue of satan… pretty much supported by the international jewish bankers.
So it’s not a “deep state”, it’s a synagogue of satan!!!
The big assumption is always that there’s a hidden agenda shared by Jews, based on some common interest. However, it seems to me, this common interest can’t be based on religion (as it allegedly affects secular and non secular Jews), nor ethnic makeup (since it’s often claimed there is no defined Jewish race or ethnicity), nor geographical location (since it affects Jews the world over apparently), nor wealth (since most Jews are not wealthy elites). Therefore, what elusive, sinister property unites them? A2
“Therefore, what elusive, sinister property unites them?”
– 1984
We are having “a certain world- view and a certain way of life” rammed down our throats. Those views and ways come from the Talmud and Torah.
In that case we’re good, because that stuff is old and soon stuffed.
So you do in fact allege it is religious texts, and these alone, which unite so many disparate people: secular and non secular Jews, no matter their lineage, and all the many million non-Jews who are de facto complicit in shoring up this global Torah-based oligarchy?
That’s a statement you’ve made, sure, but it could use some elaboration.
How did this come to be? What is so powerful in these texts to lure in so many? Or is it simply money talking, with the Jews at the top? In which case, are all the many millions of people swayed by coin morally liable? Or do we just blame the Jews (non secular and secular)?
I’d really like you to answer these points and elaborate. Would you be so kind?
It has served them well. Why wouldn’t they embrace it if they tick the right boxes and are admitted into the club? The only group of supremacists who are not just allowed to boast of their supremacy but can simultaneously claim victimhood every time one of them is criticised.
Even those who don’t openly act this way happily accept the privileges of being in the group.
I’ve yet to hear of a J complain that antisemitism laws are unreasonable and unnecessary.
So you, Jonathan, are happy to concede it’s not just Jews in on this, but also non-Jews “admitted into the club”?
Does “admitted into the club” include everyone who spends money, or just those who profit the most? Where is the dividing line? At what annual salary do we denote culpability?
Does anyone else share culpability here?
The global dictatorship view did NOT come from jewry. The urge for a tyranny as wide as possible was present in Egypt, in Rome, In the Middle Ages, etc.
Our particular group of tyrants got it’s start in Sicily. It eventually transplanted itself to the London banks. America’s freedom was eventually overcome by exactly the same cabal of tyrants. It USES jewry in the same way that it USES the American military.
Its anything but hidden. There are Protocols that tells us the agenda. If you are brave enough to print them.
Which protocols tell us this is a Jewish agenda? A2
Watching Bloomberg may give you a clue
The argument appears to consist of winks and nudges, as usual. A2
Did we fight the Germans in WW2?
In your playing with words nonsense.
The answer would be no as not all Germans were NAZI’s
There are many good Jews. But that doesnt mean there is not a conspiracy where many are involved.
Its also the case that due to Jewish lobby groups and the ridiculous anti Semitism legislation, people are afraid to state the truth.
But they aren’t exclusively Jews, and the question still remains are Jews the actual source of your hypothesised sinister anti human agenda or is it coincidence? What actual evidence is there of that, since I’m sure they all share other traits, like all being extraordinarily wealthy, majority white, majority male people of European decent. Where’s the evidence it’s the Jewish element that’s sinister, or perhaps are we playing into old propaganda tropes? Are any other groups complicit and share any culpability (a question that’s been avoided till now and i challenge you to answer honestly)?
If we view history, we see it wasn’t Jews who cast themselves as money handlers, they were very much cast in that role. How do we factor that in, in terms of culpability?
Are we just slinging some Nazi propaganda around quite superficially here, or are we at all interested in analysing this further? I’d have thought this sorta thing would be interesting to anyone not solely interested in reinforcing shallow prejudices.
If I was feeling cynical I’d bet you 4 downvotes that you opt not to address my questions 😅
There is a rather awkward fly in the Jewish ointment (snake oil?). And that’s something we – all of us – kind of know instinctively even if it hadn’t been stated so often. Namely, we will NEVER know the identities of the real true “rulers” of humanity.
If we know who certain people are, and can say their names, and ascribe to them an ethnicity plus all manner of Machiavellian prowess – then you may be sure they are NOT the ones behind everything.
(BTW, a couple years back, I stumbled upon a YouTube video by some woman, can’t remember who, claiming that five Jewish families actually ran everything (and no, the Rothschilds were not among them). I didn’t watch long enough to hear the five names. I tuned out when she said Vidal Sassoon was a distant member of one of these families. That was just too scary for me.)
The resemblance between Trump and Napoleon (the pig) is uncanny.
Then again, they all look, sound, strut, squawk and smell like PIGS at the trough.
Pigs in suits.
In Franz Kafka’s ‘The Trial’ citizen ‘K’ could not get any answer, from
any one in the bureaucracy, to what it was he was deemed guilty of.
We’re all in the same boat. We’re all being herded into the global digital
prison because Our Rulers deem us guilty, and we cant find out what
we are guilty of**… And just like citizen ‘K’ we’ll submit to The State’s
requirements, voluntarily…
** Though we know we all are Guilty (aka – we’re all in it together !)
Fauci gets A Pardon and, just like Josef K in Kafka’s ‘The Trial’,
it’s not revealed what he’s Guilty of… Doesnt seem Fair !!
“America” is so far ahead. It even has proactive pardons.
We can easily “find out what we are guilty of” if we focus our attention on the Palestinian people. When every fig leaf is removed, what’s laid bare is that in Israel’s eyes all Palestinians are guilty because they exist – period. Their mere existence is an affront to Israel, and that makes them guilty ipso facto.
meanwhile in South Korea the umpteenth corrupt president has been arrested, on treason charges this time
the Russian publication EXPERT compiled a list of all the heads of state from around the world who have served time in prison at some point over the last 30 years, and it added up to something like 300 convicts, South Korea landing up at the top of the table
the article did not say how many government leaders occupied the top post over that period, but given that there are at most about 200 countries now and typically presidents, prime ministers and premiers each last for at least a couple of years, you’ve got to figure that the overall incarceration rate for this crème, or maybe more properly, scum, of the political class approaches or exceeds 10 percent!
obviously this group might include a few innocent victims of lawfare, but on the other hand, it almost certainly excludes a ton of perps who got off scot free thanks to the usual magic potion of bribes, intimidation and Deep State collusion
You cant learn from a manual how to bring up baby…
It could be that left-wingers become the best sceptics, though
it’s not certain that’s because,
“You had no faith to lose
and you know it.” … (1960s folksinger) …
Off Guardian – once again aping its ‘parent’. More wallowing in ill-informed negativity and Trump-derangement stuff. Being so full of hatred is really bad for the spirit.
People here like to think of themselves as neutral.
Some are !
And at the bottom of the swamp gripping the fetid ooze, the roots of the money tree suck up their mephitic nourishment to feed the golden fruit to be plucked by the fat greasy hands of mammon’s vile brood, without which they would die of their own uselessness.*** (rated on the Cold Comfort Farm scale)
It was ever thus. Democracies have no way of preventing the rise of oligarchy. It happened in Athens and then in Rome, and now it’s happening to us.
Personal anecdotes generally suck; once in a while they provide some insight. Here’s mine:
Back in the 80s, when I worked for Social Security, a security guard at the employee entrance checked everyone’s bags – including lunch bags. One morning I got tired of having to show my lunch bag while the security guard simply waved me by. So I said to him “If I have to show this then you can at least look in it.” Later that morning I was visited by two security officers at my desk who questioned me about the incident.
The point being that the security procedure was for show only and had nothing to do with actual security.
The important thing is, the guard told his manager the job was done well. He in turn told his manager he was doing his job well. Everyone was happy and kept getting pay rises.
Then you messed it up by pointing out the Emperor had no clothes.
I’ve seen this myself. Yes-men who pretend to do the job get promoted over people with standards who object.
The job may be low pay, and require little intelligence, but it has the compensation of being granted the exercise of some. very limited power…
It is an Insult to the low paid cretin to not acknowledge He has Some
Power to Fuck You About, esp: when he’s in the mood…
And he can also sic His Daddy onto you if you show a delinquent, dis-
respectful attitude towards his granted limited Power…
Size Matters !!
That’s why working for oneself is the optimal choice for any good worker. Companies suck, they will generally pay you the least possible, and your hard work supports the feckless and lazy.
John Carroll describes in his book on the Cold War how easy it was for journalists to foil the supposedly super-strict security measures intended to protect US nuclear-weapon installations, penetrating those facilities with ease
a 21st century variation on the theme was offered by a new generation of journalists exposing the farcical incompetence of the American TSA by smuggling all manner of guns, knives and other weapons onboard airplanes despite that agency’s onerous, omnipresent checkpoints and invasive, humiliating techniques directed at travelers
Attitude, the drawcard** of lotsa trouble…
Arbitrary application of the rules is a Right of those who have Power.
You didnt acknowledge His authority to arbitrarily apply the Rules…
** (Aus) attractor…
Orwell was writing about his own time.
This shit authoritarian state existed way way before now.
1984 Historical Context: Why Orwell Wrote 1984
James Burnham wrote a book about the inherent tendency of organisations,
such as political parties, governments, and corporations to develop huge
bureaucracies (Include: The Church)… He drew upon the development of
bureaucracy within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union…
Many claim his thesis provided the spark that ushered in bureaucratic
developments with politic developments in The Western World. They didnt
notice that in The west, ‘administration’ is used instead of ‘bureaucracy’ ;
‘board of directors’ for ‘central committee’; ‘board chairman’ for ‘party
chairman’; ‘public relations’ for ‘propaganda’, and so on…
That Burnham was some sort of Trotskyite made it easy to claim his thesis
applied to The Enemies of The West, not US… Animal Farm, by Orwell. was
similarly deflected – it was about The Soviet Union, not The Democratic West…
An organisation – even an essential one or government – that does not fail occasionally is likely to bloat to the point of a catastrophic collapse. Conversely, occasional failures engender alternatives and resilience. -Dmitry Orlov 2016
1984 Historical Context: Why Orwell Wrote 1984
Unlike many dystopian novels, which are set in distant and unfamiliar futures, 1984 is convincing in part because its dystopian elements are almost entirely things that have already happened, as Orwell drew from first-hand experience in creating the world of Oceania. For example, “2 + 2 = 5” was a real political slogan from the Soviet Union, a promise to complete the industrializing Five-Year Plan in four years. Orwell satirizes the slogan here to demonstrate the authoritarian tendency to suspending reality.
Prior to writing the novel in 1948, Orwell had watched the communist revolution in Russia and volunteered to fight against the Fascist government in the Spanish Civil War. At first supportive of the Russian Revolution, Orwell changed his opinions after realizing that behind the veneer of justice and equality lurked widespread famines, forced labor, internal power struggles, and political repression. While fighting in the Spanish Civil War, Orwell became disillusioned with elements within the resistance forces that he felt wanted to replace the Fascist government with an authoritarian regime of its own. These experiences provide much of the political satire of 1984.
The Spanish Civil War catalyzed Orwell and made him highly critical of authoritarian tendencies on the left. Much of the Party’s brutality, paranoia, and betrayals are drawn from the Great Purges of 1936–1938 in the Soviet Union. Over 600,000 people died in an official purge of the Communist Party, in an era that also included widespread repression of the public, police surveillance and execution without trial, and an atmosphere of fear.
In 1984, Emmanuel Goldstein is the stand-in for Leon Trotsky, the revolutionary figurehead who Stalin cast out of the party and denounced as a traitor to the cause, and who was later assassinated. Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford symbolize people who were executed or sent to forced-labor camps. Trotsky’s manifesto, The Revolution Betrayed, has much in common with Goldstein’s book, from the tone of writing to the subjects discussed.
The rise of Hitler and the scapegoating of Jews and other “undesirables” also had a profound effect on Orwell. He realized that mass media was a key factor in Hitler’s rise, enabling prominent figures and organizations to shape public opinion on a broad scale. The intrusive telescreens and the Party’s frequent parades and events are drawn from Nazi Party public propaganda and its marches and rallies.
When 1984 was written, World War II had ended only a few years prior, and many people believed World War III was inevitable, making the wars of the novel feel not just realistic but unavoidable. Additionally, 1984 was written three years after the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Orwell references nuclear-powered wars happening in different parts of the world. The idea of three superstates came from the 1943 Tehran Conference, where Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin D. Roosevelt discussed global “areas of influence” and how they should exercise their influence on the rest of the world.
Orwell also included everyday life experiences from World War II London. The unappetizing food, inconsistent electricity, and scarcity of basic household goods in 1984 come from Orwell’s experiences with wartime rationing. Frequent bombing raids on London appear in 1984 as well, an echo of the Blitz campaign carried out by Germany on London and the surrounding areas, in which 40,000 people died and almost a million buildings were destroyed.
Orwell was writing about his own time.
This shit authoritarian state existed way way before now.
1984 Historical Context: Why Orwell Wrote 1984
1984 Historical Context: Why Orwell Wrote 1984
Unlike many dystopian novels, which are set in distant and unfamiliar futures, 1984 is convincing in part because its dystopian elements are almost entirely things that have already happened, as Orwell drew from first-hand experience in creating the world of Oceania. For example, “2 + 2 = 5” was a real political slogan from the Soviet Union, a promise to complete the industrializing Five-Year Plan in four years. Orwell satirizes the slogan here to demonstrate the authoritarian tendency to suspending reality.
Prior to writing the novel in 1948, Orwell had watched the communist revolution in Russia and volunteered to fight against the Fascist government in the Spanish Civil War. At first supportive of the Russian Revolution, Orwell changed his opinions after realizing that behind the veneer of justice and equality lurked widespread famines, forced labor, internal power struggles, and political repression. While fighting in the Spanish Civil War, Orwell became disillusioned with elements within the resistance forces that he felt wanted to replace the Fascist government with an authoritarian regime of its own. These experiences provide much of the political satire of 1984.
The Spanish Civil War catalyzed Orwell and made him highly critical of authoritarian tendencies on the left. Much of the Party’s brutality, paranoia, and betrayals are drawn from the Great Purges of 1936–1938 in the Soviet Union. Over 600,000 people died in an official purge of the Communist Party, in an era that also included widespread repression of the public, police surveillance and execution without trial, and an atmosphere of fear.
In 1984, Emmanuel Goldstein is the stand-in for Leon Trotsky, the revolutionary figurehead who Stalin cast out of the party and denounced as a traitor to the cause, and who was later assassinated. Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford symbolize people who were executed or sent to forced-labor camps. Trotsky’s manifesto, The Revolution Betrayed, has much in common with Goldstein’s book, from the tone of writing to the subjects discussed.
The rise of Hitler and the scapegoating of Jews and other “undesirables” also had a profound effect on Orwell. He realized that mass media was a key factor in Hitler’s rise, enabling prominent figures and organizations to shape public opinion on a broad scale. The intrusive telescreens and the Party’s frequent parades and events are drawn from Nazi Party public propaganda and its marches and rallies.
When 1984 was written, World War II had ended only a few years prior, and many people believed World War III was inevitable, making the wars of the novel feel not just realistic but unavoidable. Additionally, 1984 was written three years after the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Orwell references nuclear-powered wars happening in different parts of the world. The idea of three superstates came from the 1943 Tehran Conference, where Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin D. Roosevelt discussed global “areas of influence” and how they should exercise their influence on the rest of the world.
Orwell also included everyday life experiences from World War II London. The unappetizing food, inconsistent electricity, and scarcity of basic household goods in 1984 come from Orwell’s experiences with wartime rationing. Frequent bombing raids on London appear in 1984 as well, an echo of the Blitz campaign carried out by Germany on London and the surrounding areas, in which 40,000 people died and almost a million buildings were destroyed.
Yeah, that’s all well and good.
To be fair, most people here will be aware of Orwell’s work.
I end up asking again, what are we going to do about it ?
Is it that nobody has an answer or is it that nobody wants to open themselves up to ridicule by suggesting a solution that might be “uncool”
From recent experience in UK, the Marxist system that we currently have is much less palatable than the previous blue coloured version of the uniparty.
I would suggest that we’ve got to have some form of government so why not have one that is easier to live with ?
Unless, of course, anarchy is the answer.
Maybe it is.
That being the case, please explain how that works in the real world where you have to pay bills and stuff.
Thanks in advance.
Im sick telling you:
You only accept authority because you think you must.
By accepting your official ALL CAPS ID and using the Registration process you are their slave.
Simple really. But you need courage and thats what 99.999% of us dont have
Start with a strong treason law, with death penalty, that defines it as treason against the nation’s people, not the state.
Surprised your founding fathers didn’t put that in the Constitution, tbh.
Oops. Disregard “your.”
We have no constitution.
That’s the problem.
The UK does have a constitution.
It just isn’t codified in a single document.
Government, schools and media pretend it doesn’t exist though.
So Biden pardons Fauci. Thats before he is charged??? Tells you everything you need to know.
Then we have Starmer (PP). If anyone looked like he came from Animal Farm its him and you wont need to guess which animal.
If Fauci accepts the pardon, isn’t he accepting the guilt ?
By creating the pardon, the guilt is determined.
You can’t pardon an innocent man.
It is like a passport or bank guarantee in court.
Total negative conclusion before President Trump has even been sworn in:
Thanks from Deep State, Backhats.
A typo? I presume you meant:
The down arrowers thumb their nose at you from the shadows insead of suggesting how the fuck we’re going to get an equitable government.