What Comes Next? IMA Panel Predicts 2025

Host Derrick Broze is joined by panelists Iain Davis, Hrvoje Moric, Steve Poikenen, Patrick Wood, Ryan Cristian, Jason Bermas & Kit Knightly to discuss what they predict will be the big stories of 2025.


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Categories: latest, Predicting 2025, video
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Feb 4, 2025 2:16 PM

This panel would benefit with less guests on all at the same time (Jason Bermas talks too much).

Feb 2, 2025 11:34 AM

Where are the women on this panel ffs

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 2, 2025 8:29 AM

Some MAGA pushback – Bannon’s War Room
Jan 22-23

Noor Bin Ladin: “Apparently Now Just Like Bill Gates, Larry Ellison Is A Doctor”

Joe Allen Breaks Down The Horrific Implications Of Stargate AI

Joe Allen: The Stargate Is Open

Jan 28, 2025 9:47 AM

Of course it can’t be that a growing number are seeing through the climate con:

The cost point clearly points to meat becoming a lot more expensive. The climate damage caused by the 1% points towards more “hate Elon Musk”. The lack of hope argument points towards – to use Kit’s phrase he employed in a different context – climate “protesters” being thrown a win of some sort (unless they really do want young adults just to drown in terminal gloom, presumably because of the impact on birth rates).

The age profile the article presents very much fits in with attitudes changing when people are free from brain-washing in education – so perhaps a further implication is that corporations need to up their propagandising in this field.

Jan 30, 2025 7:41 PM
Reply to  Edwige

When I was young, meat was expensive. We had steak maybe once or twice a year. For special occasions. My mother, not a vegetarian by any stretch of the imagination, used to make a main course of breaded eggplant to stand in for meat when money was tight. Nowadays, I personally know people who live on steak. Who eat steak every day. That is what is crazy, I believe. I believe that there is nothing wrong with expensive meat. Meat should be expensive. The way it always was until the latter-day disjunction and explosion and disassembly of everything we thought normal and innocuous and unchanging.

Jan 28, 2025 9:33 AM

ChatGPT says that the devil would do these to keep people away from ever connected to the Divine. Sound familiar?

1. Create Disbelief and Denial of God
Goal: Convince people that God does not exist or that belief in God is unnecessary.
• Promote atheism, agnosticism, or skepticism.
• Raise questions like, “If God exists, why is there suffering?” or “Isn’t religion just a human construct?”
• Focus on scientific or material explanations for life to exclude the need for spirituality.

2. Foster Doubt and Confusion
Goal: Plant seeds of doubt in people’s hearts about the existence, nature, or fairness of God.
• Make people question their faith, e.g., “Does God really love you?” or “Are these teachings true?”
• Confuse them about religious teachings or overwhelm them with contradictory philosophies.
• Highlight perceived inconsistencies in scripture or doctrine.

3. Distract with Worldly Pleasures
Goal: Make people prioritize temporary pleasures over their spiritual life.
• Overindulge in materialism, wealth, fame, entertainment, and sensory gratification.
• Make people obsessed with achieving worldly success, status, or possessions.
• Keep them busy with endless distractions (e.g., technology, social media, or excessive entertainment) so they have no time for spiritual reflection.

4. Promote Sin and Temptation
Goal: Lead people into sinful behavior that creates guilt, distance from God, and spiritual corruption.
• Make sin seem enjoyable, harmless, or “modern.”
• Normalize immoral behavior in society so it becomes acceptable.
• Introduce gradual temptations, starting small before leading to bigger wrongdoings.

5. Instill Arrogance and Self-Sufficiency
Goal: Make people believe they don’t need God.
• Encourage pride and arrogance, convincing people they are self-sufficient.
• Make them think they are “too intelligent” or “too advanced” to believe in God.
• Promote ego-driven philosophies like, “You are your own god” or “Your happiness is all that matters.”

6. Encourage Spiritual Apathy
Goal: Make people indifferent to God, religion, or spiritual practices.
• Whisper thoughts like, “Why bother? God doesn’t care,” or “You can always get serious about faith later.”
• Promote laziness in performing acts of worship, such as prayer, fasting, or charity.
• Make them feel that religion is boring, outdated, or irrelevant.

7. Exploit Human Weaknesses
Goal: Use people’s vulnerabilities (e.g., emotions, desires, fears) to turn them away from God.
• Exploit feelings of anger, jealousy, or despair to make them lose faith.
• Instill excessive fear of God’s punishment, making them feel unworthy of forgiveness.
• Promote shame over past sins to discourage repentance or seeking God’s mercy.

8. Divide and Conquer
Goal: Create division and hostility among people, weakening their collective spirituality.
• Sow discord among religious communities through sectarianism or intolerance.
• Create division between people and their families or communities.
• Encourage judgmental or hypocritical attitudes, making religion seem harsh or unkind.

9. Replace God with False Idols
Goal: Shift worship and devotion away from God toward worldly or false sources.
• Promote idolatry or worship of false gods (literal or metaphorical).
• Encourage excessive devotion to celebrities, ideologies, political movements, or material success.
• Make people idolize themselves or others as infallible, instead of acknowledging God’s supremacy.

11. Instill Despair and Hopelessness
Goal: Make people believe they are beyond redemption or that life is meaningless.
• Convince them that their sins are too great to be forgiven.
• Whisper thoughts like, “God doesn’t care about you,” or “You’re too far gone to turn back.”
• Create feelings of despair, anxiety, or nihilism, cutting off the hope of connecting with God.

12. Mock Religion and Believers
Goal: Undermine religion and ridicule those who follow it.
• Portray religious practices as outdated, oppressive, or foolish.
• Label devout individuals as fanatics, extremists, or hypocrites.
• Use media, art, or culture to trivialize or mock the concept of God.

13. Encourage False Worship
Goal: Promote rituals or practices that appear spiritual but lead people further away from God.
• Encourage superstition or magical thinking.
• Lead people toward cults, mysticism, or ideologies that distort true spirituality.
• Promote self-worship or false saviors who claim to offer divine solutions.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 31, 2025 1:48 AM
Reply to  iWatcher

I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rosegarden. There is gotta be a little rain sometimes. You better think it over. Better think of the good times while you can…..LOL. https://ok.ru/video/1903968652009 .

Jan 28, 2025 9:27 AM

Just for fun, I asked ChatGPT what would the devil’s strategy to keep people away to ever connect with God. The response I got will blow you mind! It’s basically the playbook of the cabal. See below

Jan 28, 2025 9:19 AM

So grateful to the whole panel for their dedication to the truth and their willingness to share it with people to inform and awaken them. I am one of the many millions that these people here have helped make sense of and keep up with the madness of the world and its so called leaders. Thanks guys for the great show! Pat Wood is giant!

Jan 28, 2025 1:55 AM

Matt Taibbi: Interview With Tucker Carlson: Looking Back on Eight Years of Political Mysteries
Curious journalism, ~extinct species.

Lynn Ertell
Lynn Ertell
Jan 26, 2025 5:03 PM

The whole “Loose Change” clique of grifters still thinks “planes crashed into the WTC” and “children died at Sandy Hook”.
They’re all shills.

Jan 26, 2025 4:21 PM

Reporting on some of the lessons they learnt during lockdown:

Changing the behaviour of the cattle was more difficult than they expected. The clear implication is that they’ll do it longer next time.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Jan 26, 2025 2:48 AM

I watched the whole thing and it was definitely worth seeing with excellent points made.

The technocracy guys think they have a science but they only have an art, and not a helpful one at that.

To imply that one can combine a human with a machine is really a joke, when one doesn’t even understand what a human is to begin with.

To deny the individual sovreignty and inalienable human rights of a person proves that a person doesn’t really understand what a human is. They are confusing a human with matter.

The idea of Neuralink being helpful is also ludicrous, and people who buy it are probably in the league of the gullible that thought electric shock would help people.

The technocrats don’t even know the difference between the mind and the brain. One should never let someone mess around with your brain that doesn’t even have a rudimentary understanding of how the mind works, and capable of getting results helping a person with their mind. Aside from an emergency where a qualified physician is needed to save a life. Even then, it would also be better, if possible to get a physician that has been trained in the workable principles of the mind, lest they leave more “scars” than necessary.

And some of Jason’s points about promoting these “health” advances without also acknowledging, and getting geoengineering under reins, is almost silly.

To think of selling vaccines as cancer treatments before even a bare understanding concerning the tremendous cancer increase since the New Orleans fiasco, and “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” hulabaloo, is a sight to see in a criminals tool kit. Lee Harvey Oswald certainly knew about this (which knowledge, most likely, had an influence on him being selected as the patsy). But selling bioweapons as “help” has been going on for quite some time. The criminal mind thinks how to generate demand and then sells a faulty “product” to supply it.

JFK may have also known about Dr. Mary’s Monkey,and this, in addition to Israel’s nukes and his putting pressure on them for inspection, may have contributed, also, in part, to the target placed on him.

The criminal mind will always take advantage of a new advance, discovery or situation, not to help people, but to seek what they can do with it to harm, steal, or negatively manipulate others.

Discoveries have been made in the field of the human mind, and a mind which understands itself is VERY difficult to control. So it behooves us to find out about them and do so. Our sovereign individual natures and abilities should be sacrosanct.

Jan 26, 2025 5:15 AM

Agree. This is another rush to the edge of the precipice.

“As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest blabbers.” -Plato

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 2:15 PM

Yes, yes, yes, but WHAT to do about it? See, no answer. Papa again has to step in and help the entire humanity.
If you wanna fly like an eagle you should ‘take the money and run’! This is the conclusion of all bs during all times.https://youtu.be/q2hJQ-eBrfo

Jan 26, 2025 2:39 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

I’m an atheist, but recognise something in myself (feelings) that can’t be explained fully if I’m nothing more than a biological computer brain held in a biological machine body. I believe there’s something special – miraculous – about me.

Because of this I can have empathy for others, who I will assume are the same (though I can’t possibly know this for sure.)

Maybe technocrats don’t recognise this spark of life within themselves, so they are incapable of empathy for others.

What a miserable existence they must lead. I won’t even call it a life.

Jan 27, 2025 3:51 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

I too am an atheist. And a materialist through and through. And I loathe the tendency of most non-materialist types to denigrate matter as if it were mere flotsam and jetsam. It is not. Matter coalescing into a star or a planet – or a brain – is simply following the principles created by matter itself – such as gravity (and, in my view, time also).

Vis-a-viv humans, matter is “guided” by Evolution (another dirty word to non-materialists) toward producing not only organs but also attitudes needed to preserve the organism. This necessarily results in what we like to call “the spark of life” (i.e., self awareness).

There is no valid reason to assume that this self awareness progresses only to the point of knowing rudimentary cues like danger and being able to counter the danger using mental faculties. These faculties can themselves develop into independent attitudes which we like to call comprehension and which permit far greater understanding than is needed for mere survival.

To paraphrase Mark 8:36: What does it profit a man to be made of matter and lose his appreciation of matter?

Jan 27, 2025 5:59 PM
Reply to  Howard

It doesn’t matter.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 28, 2025 3:45 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Agree. But as you see Howard as atheist citing the Bible, I will cite Christ’s teachings too in this very important aspect although you also claim to be Atheist:

 “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mark 8:36,37).

In this setting, the Master was definitely talking about losing true spiritual life, which would be the loss of the soul.

A soul is not lost in the sense that it can be misplaced, nor does a soul being lost mean that it goes out of existence.

To “lose” one’s soul means the loss of spiritual well-being – separated from God by sin in this life, and ultimately separated from Him eternally in the life to come (2 Thessalonians 1:8,9).

A quick look at the context in which Jesus was teaching about gaining the world and losing one’s soul shows that Jesus’ message challenged people to make choices.

In Mark 8:34 we read that our Lord calls on all people to follow Him. Will we?

He calls on each person to deny himself and take up His cross (8:34). Will we?

He appeals to us to lose our life for His sake and the gospels in order to save it (8:35). That simply means that He wants us to give up our devotion to ourselves and our own desires and count Him and His will as being most important. Will we do that?

He further makes it clear that He does not want us to be ashamed of Him and His words (8:38). Will we?

All of the teaching in this context at the very end of Mark 8 shows us that we have to make decisions – important decisions, tough decisions, decisions that will determine our eternal destiny.

We are not even in the simple calculation that we enter here bare naked with nothing, and no matter how much gold we collect in a life time we cant get it into the our coffer and grave when we die.

So w.t.f. are we struggling and fighting so much for so little.

Well, what is the answer? In the big picture of things, what would it profit him? Jesus’ inquiry causes us to think soberly about what really matters most in our life.

Our soul, our spiritual soul, is the only thing which matter!

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 26, 2025 9:41 PM

The idea of Neuralink being helpful

Did any panelists express a similar idea?

Jan 25, 2025 11:34 PM

Good talk. Lots of good info, theories, predictions.

I agree with Kit – I think we will be bombarded with white noise. Fast and furious distraction.

I’ve got my ear plugs firmly planted.

Jan 26, 2025 2:49 PM
Reply to  judith

White noise is not allowed. DEI demands they use brown noise instead. It’s more relaxing, making you more susceptible to propaganda, too.

Jan 25, 2025 9:10 PM

do you all see any resistance happening? by the working class, poor, etc. in any country?

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 2:31 PM
Reply to  Veronica

No. They are all happy.
But as is written in the Holy Scriptures……”The Highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide open for the many who choose that way. … For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to eternal loss and destruction”.

DJ Bella Kri seduces you here into the eternal darkness of Perception and the Big Simulation……………………….LOL. https://vk.com/video-213201358_456247537

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jan 25, 2025 8:27 PM

For me, the chief lesson of the scamdemic has been that the ethics and morals of the vast majority of MD’s in North America and Europe would shame a mafia hitman.

I entirely agree that one of the prime objectives of the scamdemic with the lockdowns was to save the financial system for a few years until they had all their ducks in a row. The repo crisis in the USA in September 2019, when the Fed had to pump into it as much as $100B a night is proof of that. But in spite of that, the policies of the new left with their MMT and equally stupid shit are as evil as the neoliberal policies.

Jan 25, 2025 6:52 PM

comment image

Jan 25, 2025 9:16 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

That actor sucks. He is currently apparently trying to revive his flagging celebrity by posing as a big radical who says radical things. It is not working. He still sucks.

Jan 25, 2025 3:27 PM

One way or another I plan to watch the entire hour and 39 minute video. But right off the bat I’m puzzled why the technocrats latest boondoggle got called “Stargate.” After all, the term has but one meaning: a portal to other worlds. It’s not flexible. So what kind of “other worlds” will this particular Stargate lead to?

Here’s my point (and I don’t expect others to agree with me): Any project (such as President Reagan’s Star Wars claptrap) that starts off on a lopsided, ass-holery hodgepodge may – very well may – not be as threatening as the nuts and bolts would suggest. If the project’s proponents can’t even come up with a sensible name, how competent are they to spearhead its development?

Frankly, this “Stargate” nonsense sounds like something which makes a giant leap directly into the dustbin.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Jan 25, 2025 10:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

the “Warp Speed” from Star Trek apparently was not deemed a fast enough mode of transport for our voyage to the Brave New World, hence the instantaneous wormholes of another cheezy scifi epic have been harnessed for the next leg of that journey

at the risk of exposing myself to ridicule for my hopeless nerdiness, I will confess that I used to watch StarGate SG-1 pretty regularly and in one of the episodes, a character afflicted with terminal cancer was cured by means of the introduction into his body of an extraterrestrial symbiote capable of eradicating all human illnesses and also confering virtual immortality to its host, provided, anyway, that it remained benevolent, since the symbiote was also endowed with the power to assume total control of the person it inhabited at any moment of its choosing

Jan 26, 2025 3:38 PM

Remember the episode where aliens grew crops on a planet they had taken over, and used a stargate to deliver food to their home planet? The stargate was mechanised so it could be tipped on its side, so grain could just be tipped into it.

That’s what the USA will do. Build a stargate, lay it horizontal, then use dumper trucks to pour billions of taxpayer dollars down the hole to a distant galaxy.

Jan 25, 2025 11:11 PM
Reply to  Howard

Or perhaps a giant leap of money into the usual pockets.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Jan 26, 2025 2:54 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

The usual pockets of unusual weirdos.

Jan 26, 2025 3:07 PM
Reply to  Howard

You are correct. Unlike “mothership” (which has an innocent, terrestrial meaning), “stargate” doesn’t seem to have an alternative historical definition.

I kind of felt it might have had. Something in mysticism perhaps. If so, my search engine is hiding it well.

Jan 27, 2025 6:06 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Longitudinal wave compression enabling coherent implosive fractal conjugation.

What the pyramids all over this planet were for:

Gravity diodes.

Jan 25, 2025 2:48 PM

Jason talks too much and long

Jan 25, 2025 12:22 PM

Watched the video it was good.

Jan 25, 2025 2:19 PM
Reply to  entitlement

What did they say?

Jan 25, 2025 6:25 PM
Reply to  David

The populismtechnocratic Patrick mentioned was a good point.
worth a listen on 1.5 speed.

Jan 25, 2025 10:43 AM


Why? Because greed has undermined their own agenda – and, although ideally they want both, the agenda ultimately wins out every time. The price can always be jacked up later when the alternatives have been eliminated.

Jan 25, 2025 7:01 AM

You could have knocked me down with a (preferably empty) syringe.
Trust in doctors and the medical profession has plummeted:


Jan 25, 2025 3:10 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Here in the West doctors take a day off to play golf. While in Palestine doctors work tirelessly to actually help save lives – until the IDF captures them and tortures them to death.

What Comes Next will be more of What Went Before – only harder to see because censorship, though kinder and gentler under Trump (he did an Executive Order to ban it – sure he did!), will be far more invasive.

Jan 25, 2025 4:03 AM

Is Stargate the next Covid vaxx / Climate change type “science” scam?

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 25, 2025 1:56 AM

Never did understand the fat white family, or the moonlandings

The Moonlandingz – The Sign of A Man

excellent example of white noise

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Jan 25, 2025 1:08 AM

Haven’t watched yet looking forward to it
I would like to suggest in the next few 2-3 years the emergence of “parallel legal systems ” where people will not be under the law of say Australia but rather subject to the laws of the industrial sector in which they are an employee and the folding away of human rights easily enough

Jan 25, 2025 12:24 AM

More chaos, more wars, more ‘enemies’, more distractions, more lies, more spin, and, most importantly, more GREED.

Welcome to the third planet from the sun.

PS. If you’re on an alien spacecraft reading this don’t bother stopping.
This planet is fucked, big time.

Jan 25, 2025 12:29 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Chin up Johnny, there’s still fun to be had.

Jan 25, 2025 4:59 AM
Reply to  noseBag

And fun I have.
Songwriting, singing and busking sustains me.

Listening to music is like smelling good food.
Playing music is akin to EATING it.

edward bernaysauce
edward bernaysauce
Jan 26, 2025 11:32 PM
Reply to  Johnny

smelling one’s own farts after having had a good meal
is kinda like eating music… 😉

Jan 26, 2025 11:39 PM

Mmm, I’ll have to ferment on that _ _ _

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 25, 2025 12:11 AM

Is the Musk cult and empire now going to implode?

ADL turns on Elon Musk after sparking backlash for defending his controversial inauguration salute
Published: 05:16, 24 January 2025 | Updated: 07:42, 24 January 2025

Wall Street [Pumping &] DUMPING Elon Musk
Chris Norlund
2 hours ago

Jan 26, 2025 5:14 AM

I would like to know what a simple ‘hand-salute’ has to do with anything other that the beholder’s imagination? It’s only a hand gesture for crying out loud.
Next thing we’ll be outlawing the Baden Powell, Scouts ‘be-prepared’ hand salute …

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 26, 2025 6:14 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

I wrote on Jan 21 (when I first saw the salute):

Hopefully, Musk will now be dropped entirely and this will be the last we hear of him.

Given the overt, undeniable nature of the salute, I was fully expecting the media (traditional and so-called “alternative”) to dump Musk. Much of it would be done simply by ignoring him. And maybe he would go into rehab or similar.

However, a significant number of well-known outlets (e.g. The Wall Street Journal; The Daily Mail, alt-media celebrities like Joe Rogan) went on a campaign to gaslight the public; that is, by claiming that it wasn’t a Nazi salute and that people who said otherwise were following a leftist agenda.

In addition to believing that it’s necessary to challenge such “black is white” forms of reality denial and inversion, I was also curious as to why they would shred their credibility. With regard to the latter point, I think the most likely explanation is that given by Chris Norlund; i.e. there are billions of dollars invested in Musk (Tesla etc) and the Wall Street types were engaging in a pump & dump operation to offload as much as possible.

A Enoch
A Enoch
Jan 26, 2025 4:19 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Does anyone have link to the Photoshop of Elon with a Adolf mustache?

Jan 24, 2025 11:50 PM

Looking Forward to it .. thank You all!

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 24, 2025 11:44 PM


Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 25, 2025 12:16 AM

Ya all must be crazy

to listen to the

Ding talk


these believe

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 25, 2025 12:57 AM

White Noise ???

best album title ever, though not as good as first

Bill Ding – Trust In God, But Tie Up Your Camel (1997) – YouTube

Jan 25, 2025 9:22 PM

Good idea. Camels are not cars. If you don’t tie them up when you stop at the oasis caravanserai, they run away.