The Constitution Has Gone AWOL: From Presidential Power Grabs to Martial Law
John & Nisha Whitehead

“Rule by indefinite emergency edict risks leaving all of us with a shell of a democracy and civil liberties just as hollow.”
Justice Neil Gorsuch
That didn’t take long. Within days of Donald Trump’s second term, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights disappeared from the White House’s website.
While the Trump Administration insists the removal of these foundational documents will eventually be restored to the site, the timing and symbolism of their removal is hard to ignore. Especially in light of the flurry of executive orders issued by President Trump as a means of bypassing the very rule of law those documents were intended to ensure.
Already, Trump has unilaterally declared two national states of emergency, announced his intention to disregard the 14th Amendment’s assurance of birthright citizenship, established two new government agencies, and pushed for an expansion of the death penalty.
So much for the Founders’ efforts to guard against this kind of concentrated, absolute power by establishing a system of checks of balances that separate and shares power between three co-equal branches to ensure that no single authority is entrusted with all the powers of government.
Mind you, Trump is not unique in his use of executive orders to bypass Congress and unilaterally impose his will upon the nation, but it is indicative of the fact that he, like his predecessors, will continue to serve as an imperial president, using executive orders, decrees, memorandums, proclamations, national security directives and legislative signing statements to operate above the law and beyond the reach of the Constitution.
America, meet your latest dictator-in-chief.
Be warned: what is happening right now is political theater. Allow yourself to be distracted by it, and you will miss the real power play afoot: the expansion of unaccountable presidential power that exposes us to constitutional peril.
The Deep State is counting on us to be distracted.
Don’t fall for it.
We must be particularly leery when political promises to fix everything that is wrong with the nation are dependent on presidential power grabs and manufactured crises.
That’s the oldest trick in the book.
Whether the ends justify the means is never the point.
It is especially when the ends seem to justify the means that one must tread with particular caution.
That’s how we landed in this mess in the first place.
Power-hungry and lawless, the government has weaponized one national crisis after another in order to expand its powers and justify all manner of government tyranny in the so-called name of national security.
As a result, we have become a nation in a permanent state of emergency.
That indefinite state of crisis has remained constant, no matter which party has controlled Congress and the White House.
The seeds of this present madness were sown almost two decades ago when George W. Bush stealthily issued two presidential directives that granted the president the power to unilaterally declare a national emergency, which is loosely defined as “any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions.”
Comprising the country’s Continuity of Government (COG) plan, these directives (National Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20) provide a skeletal outline of the actions the president will take in the event of a “national emergency.”
Just what sort of actions the president will take once he declares a national emergency can barely be discerned from the barebones directives. However, one thing is clear: in the event of a national emergency, the COG directives give unchecked executive, legislative and judicial power to the president.
It doesn’t even matter what the nature of the crisis might be: civil unrest, the national emergencies, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters.”
They have all become fair game to a government that continues to quietly assemble, test and deploy emergency powers a long laundry list of terrifying powers that override the Constitution and can be activated at a moment’s notice.
We’re talking about lockdown powers (at both the federal and state level): the ability to suspend the Constitution, indefinitely detain American citizens, bypass the courts, quarantine whole communities or segments of the population, override the First Amendment by outlawing religious gatherings and assemblies of more than a few people, shut down entire industries and manipulate the economy, muzzle dissidents, “stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease,” reshape financial markets, create a digital currency (and thus further restrict the use of cash), determine who should live or die.
While these are powers the police state has been working to make permanent, they barely scratch the surface of the far-reaching powers the government has unilaterally claimed for itself without any pretense of being reined in or restricted in its power grabs by Congress, the courts or the citizenry.
As David C. Unger, observes in The Emergency State: America’s Pursuit of Absolute Security at All Costs:
“For seven decades we have been yielding our most basic liberties to a secretive, unaccountable emergency state – a vast but increasingly misdirected complex of national security institutions, reflexes, and beliefs that so define our present world that we forget that there was ever a different America. … Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to permanent crisis management: to policing the planet and fighting preventative wars of ideological containment, usually on terrain chosen by, and favorable to, our enemies. Limited government and constitutional accountability have been shouldered aside by the kind of imperial presidency our constitutional system was explicitly designed to prevent.”
This is all happening according to schedule.
The civil unrest, the national emergencies, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters,” the government’s reliance on the armed forces to solve domestic political and social problems, the implicit declaration of martial law packaged as a well-meaning and overriding concern for the nation’s security: the powers-that-be have been planning and preparing for such a crisis for years now.
As we have witnessed in recent years, that national emergency can take any form, can be manipulated for any purpose and can be used to justify any end goal—all on the say so of the president.
The emergency powers that we know about which presidents might claim during such states of emergency are vast, ranging from imposing martial law and suspending habeas corpus to shutting down all forms of communications, including implementing an internet kill switch, and restricting travel.
Yet according to documents obtained by the Brennan Center, there may be many more secret powers that presidents may institute in times of so-called crisis without oversight from Congress, the courts, or the public.
Remember, these powers do not expire at the end of a president’s term. They remain on the books, just waiting to be used or abused by the next political demagogue.
So, too, every action taken by the current occupant of the White House and his predecessors to weaken the system of checks and balances, sidestep the rule of law, and expand the power of the executive branch of government makes us that much more vulnerable to those who would abuse those powers in the future.
Although the Constitution invests the President with very specific, limited powers, in recent years, American presidents (Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.) have claimed the power to completely and almost unilaterally alter the landscape of this country for good or for ill.
The Executive Branch’s willingness to circumvent the Constitution by leaning heavily on the president’s so-called emergency powers constitutes a gross perversion of what limited power the Constitution affords the president.
As law professor William P. Marshall explains, “every extraordinary use of power by one President expands the availability of executive branch power for use by future Presidents.” Moreover, it doesn’t even matter whether other presidents have chosen not to take advantage of any particular power, because “it is a President’s action in using power, rather than forsaking its use, that has the precedential significance.”
In other words, each successive president continues to add to his office’s list of extraordinary orders and directives, expanding the reach and power of the presidency and granting him- or herself near dictatorial powers.
All of the imperial powers amassed by Obama, Bush, Trump, Biden and now Trump again—to kill American citizens without due process, to detain suspects (including American citizens) indefinitely, to strip Americans of their citizenship rights, to carry out mass surveillance on Americans without probable cause, to wage wars without congressional authorization, to suspend laws during wartime, to disregard laws with which he might disagree, to conduct secret wars and convene secret courts, to sanction torture, to sidestep the legislatures and courts with executive orders and signing statements, to direct the military to operate beyond the reach of the law, to establish a standing army on American soil, to operate a shadow government, to declare national emergencies for any manipulated reason, and to act as a dictator and a tyrant, above the law and beyond any real accountability—have become a permanent part of the president’s toolbox of terror.
This is what you might call a stealthy, creeping, silent, slow-motion coup d’état.
As an investigative report by the Brennan Center explains:
“There are currently 41 declared national emergencies, most of which have been in place for more than a decade… Some of the emergency powers Congress has made available to the president are so breathtaking in their vastness that they would make an autocrat do a spit take. Presidents can use emergency declarations to shut down communications infrastructure, freeze private assets without judicial process, control domestic transportation, or even suspend the prohibition on government testing of chemical and biological agents on unwitting human subjects.”
We must recalibrate the balance of power.
For starters, Congress should put an end to the use of presidential executive orders, decrees, memorandums, proclamations, national security directives and legislative signing statements as a means of getting around Congress and the courts.
At a minimum, as The Washington Post suggests, “all emergency declarations [s]hould expire automatically after three or six months, whereupon Congress would need to vote upon any proposed extension. It is time for both parties to recognize that governing via endless crises — even when they are employed to implement broadly popular policies that win plaudits from key political constituencies — subverts our system of constitutional government.”
We’ve got to start making both the president and the police state play by the rules of the Constitution.
As Justice Gorsuch recognized:
“Fear and the desire for safety are powerful forces. They can lead to a clamor for action—almost any action—as long as someone does something to address a perceived threat. A leader or an expert who claims he can fix everything, if only we do exactly as he says, can prove an irresistible force. We do not need to confront a bayonet, we need only a nudge, before we willingly abandon the nicety of requiring laws to be adopted by our legislative representatives and accept rule by decree. Along the way, we will accede to the loss of many cherished civil liberties—the right to worship freely, to debate public policy without censorship, to gather with friends and family, or simply to leave our homes. We may even cheer on those who ask us to disregard our normal lawmaking processes and forfeit our personal freedoms. Of course, this is no new story. Even the ancients warned that democracies can degenerate toward autocracy in the face of fear.”
If we continue down this road, there can be no surprise about what awaits us at the end.
After all, it is a tale that has been told time and again throughout history.
For example, over 90 years ago, the citizens of another democratic world power elected a leader who promised to protect them from all dangers. In return for this protection, and under the auspice of fighting terrorism, he was given absolute power.
This leader went to great lengths to make his rise to power appear both legal and necessary, masterfully manipulating much of the citizenry and their government leaders.
Unnerved by threats of domestic terrorism and foreign invaders, the people had little idea that the domestic turmoil of the times—such as street rioting and the fear of Communism taking over the country—was staged by the leader in an effort to create fear and later capitalize on it. In the ensuing months, this charismatic leader ushered in a series of legislative measures that suspended civil liberties and habeas corpus rights and empowered him as a dictator.
On March 23, 1933, the nation’s legislative body passed the Enabling Act, formally referred to as the “Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Nation,” which appeared benign and allowed the leader to pass laws by decree in times of emergency.
What it succeeded in doing, however, was ensuring that the leader became a law unto himself.
The leader’s name was Adolf Hitler.
The rest, as they say, is history. Yet as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, history has a way of repeating itself.
Hitler’s rise to power should serve as a stark lesson to always be leery of granting any government leader sweeping powers.
Originally published via The Rutherford Institute
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Thou Shalt Not Criticise RFK Jr
RFK Jr Senate Hearings
A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?
Peggy Hall
Jan 31, 2025
Thou Shalt Not Doubt Vaccination
The dominant religion in the USA is medical materialism. Its main sacrament is vaccination. This is reflected in its first commandment as quoted above. Its seminarians are initiated in the White Coat Ceremony. Its priests have the power to incarcerate, torture, subject to medical experimentation, and murder those it deems to violate its undefinable construct of “health”. Likewise, without evidential proof, it can proclaim a “medical emergency”. In doing so, it can strip individuals and the general citizenry of all their fundamental rights.
In theory, the US constitution guarantees the separation of church and state. However, the religion of medical materialism is so dominant and immersive that most people cannot even see it. All these arguments have previously been made by notable and respected people. If RFK had any integrity, he’d deliver something along the lines of the above statement; and he’d go down fighting and defiant. Instead, he just repeats the mantra: “I’m not anti-vax!”
Some poor retarded excuse for a human being pushes Onesiegate.
You are requiring too much from those in the frontline behind your safe key board warrior screen in your mothers basement.
RFK jr is/was up against a foaming liberal crowd of idiots and he is not going dead and intend to be hanged in the first round because you want it.
After seeing RFK’s statement regarding the desire to imprison of those who challenge the CAGW scam, I formed the view that he’s not fit to hold public office. The problem with RFK is that he radically changes his message to suit the audience; so it’s unlikely he has a true position. He’s stated or strongly implied that he’s in favour of mandates for vaccines if and when they are deemed to be “safe”. And he’s in favour of medical experimentation on children; that is, to establish safety profiles. But he hasn’t, as far as I know, made any robust statements in support of liberty.
Civilisation is regressing. A century ago the leading intellects could call out this quackery as a religious cult. Now they just cower behind the mantra of “I’m not anti-vax”.
But the consequence of your raised moral finger from your mother’s basement position against RFK jr is what? Back to Biden’s LGBT Minister yes!
This is the consequence you wont admit. You claim to be moral superior to RFK jr which very quickly show up to you being not.
Proved: You are just playing the usual liberal hypocrite game buhhh.
This clown doesn’t know the lies about Hitler and who started telling them? And why there was a hoaxocaust made up, by those who claim they were “executed” by the millions with no evidence supporting a word of their lies.
Whitehead is, like most, sleeping but having a dream he knows the truth without realizing he is in the delusion placed in his head by the propagandists.
Some claims can be verified. The Nurnberg laws for example, that some races are superior to other races.
The Dresden bombing is also difficult to avoid or speak out of existence. Dresden a city of pure civilians was completely unnecessary fire bombed and raped forward and backward again and again.
The Nazis build up huge hidden forces at the Russian borders and invaded Russia first. This is also fully documented.
The 14th ammendment was about slavery, birthright citizenship is not in the constitution.
Yascha Mounk Challenges Francis Fukuyama on Public Health Bureaucracy
Fukuyama dismisses and deflects!
Francis Fukuyama on Trump 2.0
Yascha Mounk and Francis Fukuyama discuss the first few days of the Trump administration–and what it means for domestic and foreign policy.
Jan 28, 2025
[mp3 download available]
Mounk: Let me play devil’s advocate for a second if you don’t mind. The other side of this argument is that the solution to this is an impersonal civil service that simply applies the laws that are passed by the legislature, that is politically neutral, that does not impose its own values on the function of the state.
But of course, the problem in the United States today and in many other Western democracies is that there’s such a strong correlation between education and political leaning and political ideology. You have a very important set of institutions like the National Institutes of Health or the Centers for Disease Control run in large part by public health experts. And you see some of the most influential public health experts in the country signing a letter at the height of COVID to say that mass gatherings to protest for racial justice are in fact good for public health because racial inequities are themselves a threat to public health. Then people look at that and say, well, how can I trust this current civil service to actually be impersonal in that kind of way?
How do we deal with the quite widespread sense that these experts claim to be apolitical and impersonal, but in example after example it turns out that they’re pretty damn ideological and are using the office, which is meant to serve in an apolitical way the goals set by a legislature, to advance their own values and their own view of the world?
Fukuyama: Well, I’m glad you said that . . . [yadda yadda yadda]
Mounk: There’s two different critiques of public health folks, right? One critique is they prioritize public health over other goods like being able to attend the funeral of your aunt or something like that. I think it’s more understandable that they kind of have their hammer and they only see a nail. The other critique is that then some of the most influential public health people in the country, over a thousand people, signed this letter—at the height of the George Floyd protests after telling people you can’t go and attend the funeral of your aunt—to say: go out in the streets in order to protest because that somehow helps public health.
Fukuyama: Yeah, they’ve got a liberal bias. I just don’t think that that was that important. I don’t think anyone listened to that letter. The biggest problem . . . [more yadda yadda yadda]
Make America healthy again BULLSHIT
who is the new USDA secretary Kailee Tkacz Buller
USDA secretary The new chief of staff for Trump’s USDA, which oversees federal nutrition guidelines, has a lobbying background that may conflict junk food lobbyist,
recently lobbied for the seed oil industry.
Just like the rest then.
The issue is not just the escalated usurping of power by US presidents, it is also the passive acquiesce of the Congress and the Courts. We the People are being sold out by the very entities who should be staunchly protecting our “rights’ and privileges. Alas they are not on our side! Money talks BS walks.
Each empire falls, collapses and dies differently from its predecessors and peers. The American Empire is rapidly dying from treason, moral rot, an anti-life consciousness and induced psychopathy which are rapidly metastasizing and taking root throughout the country. This psychopathy is becoming the norm, even though a few people recognize it, there is little we can do about it because it is so pervasive and deeply entrenched.
Meet the new boss same as the old boss.
Week one of winning
500 billion AI infrastructure
AI mRNA vaccines
Merging countries
But looky here, I’ve got those JFK files for you…
Meanwhile, in today’s UK news: ‘Chris Whitty to give evidence to MPs on assisted dying…’ No laughing at the back!
Surely Matt Hancock is the expert?
Such a trustworthy face and feel about him.
Sooooooooo kind looking.
Excuse my naivety admin, but how is it that I get your latest piece on email, but that piece in not on your website?
Just askin.
‘is’ not in😖
Click on the link in the email
the authors of this piece obviously will be among the first to have their brains eaten when the zombie apocalypse starts and they choose to exercise their own personal free will instead of complying with the emergency directives issued by the CZC and other benevolent government agencies dedicated to keeping us safe from such threats in our residential cages
Zombies can smell the biggest, juiciest brains from miles away. There will be nowhere to hide.
Is the assassinjation of a corrupt and criminal POTUS a ‘national emergency’ or a day of national celebrtion?
Depends who gets to decide, I guess…..
Well, the “attempted” assassination of the past and future king was a fake theatrical side show. I’d say the real thing is exceedingly unlikely.
One thing the Trump pardons for the January 6th “insurrectionists” has revealed is that there are several hundred people who have been detained still without any trial. This is for an event four years ago. Also, some of the prisons where they’re being detained have been refusing so far to release them using spurious technicalities.
BTW anyone who assaulted someone or engaged in destruction of property on January 6th should have been prosecuted, I’m not saying everyone was completely innocent. I’m not aware of any convincing cases of the former – and it would need to be shown they didn’t involve entrapment by FBI assets, the full story of which is still to emerge.
Admin hello in the Meme which is pending, I have left my email address.
could you kindly deleted it please.
Done 👍
The awake lot cant even see the blind faith

Yeah, going after pedophiles is a sure sign of bad intend – for the woke.
He is not “Jesus Christ” but as long as he makes the right moves he get a pass.
Q trust the plan 2.0
Peanuts in the US:
Today: 4 men sentenced to death in Rawalpindi over ‘online blasphemy’: lawyer
OFF-TOPIC and very disappointing, given the healthy free-for-all Unz has allowed to date. But he just will not look at Yeadon/Rancourt, let alone Baileys/Lanka/Kaufman/Cowan
“Ron Unz says:
January 27, 2025 at 5:02 am GMT • 5.1 hours ago ↑
Once again I must to warn people that this is NOT an anti-vaxxing thread, and such comments or those on Flu Hoaxery are off-topic and will probably be trashed. Attempting to leave such comments is bad behavior and may result in future commenting restrictions.”
I have no idea who Ron Unz is, but I’d be happy to inform his that the anti-vaxx crowd has grown exponentially since the covid scam. He’s welcome to come out of his cry-closet into the real world like a big grown boy anytime he wants.
“No idea”? And seemingly proud of it, too. Well, well.
Maybe someone from “Stargate” called him. He implies he has taken the jab(s). He is still pushing the “lab leak” theory like Jeffrey Sachs. He claims to be from Harward, and generally looks up to authority, e.g., academics and “professional journalists”. As each lie becomes glaring (e.g., Holohoax, Tiananmen, economy of China), he goes into a long tale of earlier disinterest and later discovery.
Unz believes covid was engineered and deliberately released by US agents
Does the following help?
My view of Unz is that he’s wrong about everything until it no longer matters!
American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Ron Unz • September 10, 2018
Most of the Neocons themselves certainly seemed to recognize the catastrophic loss they had suffered in the 2000 election. Back in those days, I was on very friendly terms with Bill Kristol, and when I stopped by his office at the Weekly Standard for a chat in the spring of 2001, he seemed in a remarkably depressed state of mind. I remember that at one point, he took his head in his hands and wondered aloud whether it was time for him to just abandon the political battle, resigning his editorship and taking up a quiet post at a DC thinktank. Yet just eight or ten months later, he and his close allies were on their way to gaining overwhelming influence in our government. In an eerie parallel to the story told in Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Lenin in Zurich, the totally fortuitous 9/11 attacks and the outbreak of war had suddenly allowed a small but determined ideological faction to seize control of a gigantic country.
The focus on Cheney and Rumsfeld seems particularly ill-directed. Although I’ve never met nor had any dealings with either of those individuals, I was quite actively involved in DC politics during the 1990s, and can say with some assurance that prior to 9/11, neither of them were regarded as Neocons. Instead, they were the archetypical examples of moderate business-type mainstream Republicans, stretching all the way back to their years at the top of the Ford Administration during the mid-1970s.
Skeptics of this claim may note that they signed the 1997 declaration issued by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a leading Neocon foreign policy manifesto organized by Bill Kristol, but I would regard that as something of a red herring. In DC circles, individuals are always recruiting their friends to sign various declarations, which may or may not be indicative of anything, and I remember Kristol trying to get me to sign the PNAC statement as well. Since my private views on that issue were absolutely 100% contrary to the Neocon position, which I regarded as foreign policy lunacy, I deflected his request and very politely turned him down. But I was quite friendly with him at the time, so if I had been someone without strong opinions in that area, I probably would have agreed.
Interesting number!
Ron Unz says:
January 27, 2025 at 5:02 am GMT • 1.9 days ago ↑
Once again I must to warn people that this is NOT an anti-vaxxing thread, and such comments or those on Flu Hoaxery are off-topic and will probably be trashed. Attempting to leave such comments is bad behavior and may result in future commenting restrictions.
And I said that I know a good medicine against gut worm in horses.
Immediately I was banned, pending, red flags, censured all over the place.
My bank accounts closed and everybody was outraged, walking around tsk tsk tsk and refused to ever speak to that man again. This is ridiculous.
Only because of gut worm in horses.
All good–as usual, but for resorting to using the Hitler myth as a rethorical device. Due to the mountains of prejudice and propaganda pilled up since WWII, t’s virtually impossible for even the best Western minds to recount the true story of Germany between the two world wars. The real story is of course much more nuanced than the grotesque caricatures that pass for intellectual discourse nowadays. Germany was indeed fighting against all odds–including against international finance, and was trying to lift its industrious people up from a humiliating destitution, which it temporarily succeeded in doing, before being lured into foolish military adventures by some of these same powerful oligarchic figures.
The enemies of Hitler’s Germany are pretty much the same who now pull the strings of puppet Trump, but their eventual fate may strangely have more in common with their Führer nemesis, than that of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, 😂 😂
That fantastic US Congress that is blocking benign ex-Democrat Trump nominees JFKjr and Tulsi Gabbard!
Bypassing those money plastered mummies is a cardinal sin in the woke underworld!
President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order entitled Declassification of Records Concerning the Assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.
Orange man bad, brown Kamala good.
So, is he shit stirring or just (red) acting out?
I believe Lee Harvey Oswald did it, and I have the right and freedom of speech to have my opinion being heard too!
Something must have happened somewhere…
But no news yet
I sent a complaint to the Department of Complaints but apparently it has been abolished. Go figure. So, then I thought I would send my complaint to my oligarchy representatives (I.e., congressional and senate), but then I thought, what am I thinking?, so I didn’t. Then I thought about sending my complaint directly to the White House, telling them to tell Trump to knock it off, but then realized I may be going nuts. I guess that’s it for me, I tried. More than most people.
It’s okay Al, we get you.
The US has been Donald Dumped on. And it stinks.
Ya, I guess the tune is getting old. Time to take a break Johnny. See how it shakes out. That’s all any of us can do.
Yes. Plebs choice.
There’s nothing like thinking you know the other’s likely response/reaction…
Not doing ‘it’ is always a response to thinking you know… Probably the only
reason why we dont revolt to overturn, bury, the current condition/situation
is because we think we know (aka – ‘Nothing Will Change” !) …
Imagination can be powerful, and liberating, but it can also, when coupled with
FEAR, be the most effective influence in riveting us to, keeping us in 0ur Place
You ever written your political rep, les? I have, plenty of times. Useless. Now when combined with many, many others doing the same thing, it can have an impact. Trouble is, very few want to get involved, and fewer still know what the hell to get involved about.
Whitehead’s hallucinations about the nature of Germany 1918-1933 are worthy of ZOG. Eyewitnesses are now dead and Whitehead reads no history.
If he did he would know that far from his insinuation that Hitler was running a mere psyop, there was this thing called communism in the USSR and 1/3 of Germans voted at times for the local party, the KPD. It is risible and ignorant to say that KPD-SA street fights with dozens of dead were staged.
There is a species of American,e.g. those who condemned the Islamic takeover of Iran in 1978 without knowing/wanting to know the US/Israeli backstory concerning the Shah, who appear to think – is think the right word – that Adolf appeared out of thin air.
As if the Treaty of Versailles and the Young and Dawes plans, of which Whitehead has never heard, never existed. As if Whitehead’s USA was a mere onlooker in Europe 1918-1945.
Always with the Hitler comparison.
Heads Explode as Elon Musk Speaks at AfD Campaign Kickoff
Risky reading for any Wokehead: Musk talks anti cultural globalism.
It is clear you know nothing about rockets or electrical cars. Yes, you say a lot of stupid shit.
What would have happened under president Kamala Harris?
Whiteheads would be indicted for racism for starters.
You mean the powerful men who ran – and still run the world… were going to allow their votes to be cancelled by Swifty’s and barnyard animals?
Uh… I don’t think so… democracy would be the biggest disaster in the history of the planet… just think about all the complex decisions that need to be made to keep civilization from collapsing .. how do you think that would play out of Swifty’s had a say?
Oh no … there is no democracy … there is a facade of democracy … but the world is run by these guys
Supported by
But heh — feel free to continue voting believing that ‘next time’ the politicians will follow through on the promises…. if not that time then the next time…
The current iteration is promising Hope and Change 2.0.
It is ALL FAKE … including the fake assassination attempt – proof is here (unless you are a mentally ill moron)
When are you fools going to realize you are being played – over… and over… and over….
Give me another 2 months and 5 days.
The believers at the University of Leeds have a foot in each camp:
You only get one Mum, whilst she was professional trained as a nurse and a Chemist ( yes at Boots the Chemist and had worked at the Doctors) – You know the kind and friendly girl with a smile on her (doing instant diagnoses) she could tell – “Are you all right Love?”…maybe you should just go and see your Doctor…. have you got a Doctor – Yes…
But for me, she hardly ever gave me anything stronger than one asperin on a teaspoon with plum jam – and says you will be right as rain in the morning – and I usually was…
When I got bronchitis….she produced this old traditional ceramic pot (probably made in Oldham) and warmed it up and put traditional herbal remedies (probably from the moors above in Oldham maybe with a bit of honey and lemon and God knows what (she was brought up in rural France) and put a towel over my head.
And said Breathe This
Some of the old traditional remedies are the best
opmoc. Musk has one way tickets to the moon going for $10 a pop. I’ve signed you up.
I’ll contact you when they arrive.
Martial Law?
It didn’t go well for the now indicted President of South Korea, and the Korean people don’t own 400 million guns.
In order to implement the BioSecurity State governments will
legislate the meaning of what they consider to be ‘Health’…
Then they’ll be able to starve The Sickness Industry (aka – Modern
Medicine: hospitals, doctors. and chemical drugs), of funding.
These funds will be redirected to the billionaire’s bio-tech ‘health’
care (mRNA jabs) industry…
“Your Health Is the State’s Concern”…
@So much for the Founders’ efforts to guard against this kind of concentrated, absolute power by establishing a system of checks of balances that separate and shares power between three co-equal branches to ensure that no single authority is entrusted with all the powers of government.
You lost some of those powers when the congress gave their duties to the Federal Reserve, now monied interests need checks and balances and Trump is going to try to rebalance those scales of justice.
Good to see, after 4 years of investigation for alleged sex crimes with extremely rich and successful American Film Stars (the youngest was 19 years old)
Marilyn Manson has been told he is Free To Go
Is he doing a UK Tour?
“Marilyn Manson – mOBSCENE”
Okay Tony, wherever and whoever you are, get it straight.
If Brian’s (MM) mummy didn’t Love him, he needs to get over it and stop with the pathetic attention seeking.
That guy sucks. What a bunch of pandering manipulative sucker-seeking nonsense.
They should have railroaded him. Whatever the truth of the matter is.
Is it not plainly obvious that ‘the law’ is the same as ‘the science’ etc. it’s basically “BS,BS,BS therefore we get what we want and our enemy gets targeted”.
When people come to regard legislation on par with gov dietary advice, progress will have been made.
I hoped above all else that Trump would be a reasonable man. One who wouldn’t do wrong then talk nonsense to justify it (as we’ve seen constantly from Biden’s regime for four years.)
Trump has already let me down on the international stage, now it seems he’ll go the same way domestically.
I’m not too surprised, but I am disappointed.
I’m surprised how his supporters are cheering on his unreasonable behaviour, e.g. regarding Greenland where he has essentially threatened an invasion – an act of war – against a friendly nation.
Is that really what you want the USA to be? Would that make you proud to be American?
He wants to add like 4 countries and turn them into states to save America money, to some degree it makes sense, to some degree it makes sense to simply cut them loose militarily and financially, or the trifecta, just leave it the same.
No, he’s doing it to make the globalists happy. That it can be justified as cost saving is a reason the American People might accept. Usually we invade countries for “democracy”.
I’m still trying to decide who democracy is best for, the citizens or the rulers.
Good question. But it makes for a good cover story when there are oil or mineral reserves to plunder, e.g.. Or the chess board needs to be rearranged.
Ahh the age of plunder ive been waiting so long for, and is promised to be near…….And then life goes on.
While the USian dollar still rules, why would they bother, besides, Corparasites run the show anyway.
Well the dollar doesn’t rule any more. Biden forced BRICS, the global South etc to use alternative currencies and banking systems because of sanctions. Biden broke the dollar’s monopoly.
Biden or his bosses?
You are surprised by your country invading others?
Better question:
Who have they not invaded?
“You are surprised by your country invading others?”
I would be astonished. The UK’s remaining military couldn’t invade Tescos.
As for the USA, yes I really did hope Trump would be reasonable (it’s an important word given the last five years of crazy – I want a cure) and not interfere with other countries, as the USA has been doing since WWII. But instead he has decided to do regime change by a novel method: overt, menacing threats and demands, instead of secret incitement of colour revolution.
He’s also big on sanctions, which IMO are a form of terrorism against not only enemies, but allies too.
In a monarchy you don’t need a Constitution.😁😆😅
Is MAHA* the slogan for the implementation of the BioSecurity State ?
With so much government concern for my health will i be told “Eat yer
veggies, or no UBI !! **
* (Make America Healthy Again) … ** (universal basic income) …
Is POTUS #47’s $500 billion investment* to use AI to come up with
an mRNA ‘cure’ for cancer really Operation Warp Speed #2, in disguise ?
* (a euphemism for ‘boondoggle’) …
Nah, just the usual mass murder.
“Is MAHA* the slogan for the implementation of the BioSecurity State ?”
In the UK they shut down Public Health England and replaced it with the UK Health Security Agency. Talk about in your face!
Watch out for similar rebrandings in the USA.
I don’t think they want you to eat actually healthy foods…
Maybe the exponential growth of Veganism worries them.
Fewer heart attacks.
Fewer cancers.
Fewer diabetics.
Fewer strokes.
Fewer obese Folks.
Fewer profits for the ‘health’ busine$$e$.
Vegans boast of all the ‘markers’ that prove they are healthier. Yet they don’t live longer. And they live puny, angry lives. Increased mental illness in vegans is a real thing, look it up.
And consuming the dead, hormone riddled flesh of slaughtered animals and bodily fluids evolved for calves, results in healthy, sane humans?
Utterly illogical and inhumane.
Vegetarian it is then. Yeah, I love Diasy the Cow like anyone else but I simply cannot resist a home made beef burger.
By your logic we should only consume human breast milk.
We are omnivores. Nature designed us to eat whatever’s available and tastes good. Deviating from that is unnatural and unhealthy.
All carnivores evolved with short intestines, that equates with less putrefaction and fewer bowel problems.
Like herbivores, humans have long intestines. Perfect for plant based digestion.
Milk is for infants.
Just remember the salient thing about Hitler, he could not have done it with out all the help he got from the banksters.
yes, banksters in the uk and the usa. the old trick of backing both sides.
It’s as if the whole thing was planned in advance!….html
Never mind the Czech gold the Nazis stole…
The Bank for International Settlements actually financed Hitler’s war machine
By Adam Lebor
31 July 2013
Adam LeBor is the author of ‘Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank That Runs the World’, published by PublicAffairs
The BIS was founded in 1930, in effect by Montagu Norman and his close friend Hjalmar Schacht, the former president of the Reichsbank, known as the father of the Nazi economic miracle. Schacht even referred to the BIS as “my” bank.
A key sentence in the Bank of England documents is found on page 1,295. It reads: “The general attitude of the Bank of England directors of the BIS during the war was governed by their anxiety to keep the BIS to play its part in the solution of post-war problems”. And here the secret history of the BIS and its strong relationship with the Bank of England becomes ever more murky.
During the war the BIS proclaimed that it was neutral, a view supported by the Bank of England. In fact the BIS was so entwined with the Nazi economy that it helped keep the Third Reich in business. It carried out foreign exchange deals for the Reichsbank; it accepted looted Nazi gold; it recognised the puppet regimes installed in occupied countries, which, together with the Third Reich, soon controlled the majority of the bank’s shares.
Indeed, the BIS was so useful for the Nazis that Emil Puhl, the vice-president of the Reichsbank and BIS director, referred to the BIS as the Reichsbank’s only “foreign branch”.
The BIS’s reach and connections were vital for Germany. So much so, that all through the war, the Reichsbank continued paying interest on the monies lent by the BIS. This interest was used by the BIS to pay dividends to shareholders – which included the Bank of England. Thus, through the BIS, the Reichsbank was funding the British war economy. After the war, five BIS directors were tried for war crimes, including Schacht. “They don’t hang bankers,” Schacht supposedly said, and he was right – he was acquitted.
Wait, you mean by the rules of the Constitution that allowed for company towns, slavery, and manifest destiny?
(Removed link to not get the infinite “pending” status)
Many of the founding fathers warned us of a system that stays stagnant for a long time.
They never intended it to be unchangeable.
Let’s stop this nostalgia which ignores the facts of the past and pretends like this document signed by oligarchs was honest at all in the first place.
They had to do the bill of rights as AMENDMENTS because the people protested. Obviously they too didn’t think that native Americans, African Americans, and other groups didn’t deserve protection.
So maybe we should have a real human rights basis, not this thing that’s full of loopholes and interpretation by idiotic if not sociopathic judges.
If they tried to make a new Constitution now, they would fuck it up so badly, tremble for the fate of the nation.
Turns out, when TSHTF, that old Constitution was a pretty good thing. I like those freedom thingies.
When Congress specifically grants the President these extra-Constitutional powers; and the Courts rule these powers Constitutional, then how can they be said to represent a power grab by the President? They’re a power grab by the whole government.
And if the Constitution can be “suspended” for even a nano-second, then the nation is no longer a Constitutional Republic. Nothing can be both itself and its opposite to imagine it can, is pure lunacy.
They work VERY hard to ENSURE
that we DO that VERY thing. 😔👍
Wait, you mean by the rules of the Constitution that allowed for company towns, slavery, and manifest destiny?
Many of the founding fathers warned us of a system that stays stagnant for a long time.
They never intended it to be unchangeable.
Let’s stop this nostalgia which ignores the facts of the past and pretends like this document signed by oligarchs was honest at all in the first place.
They had to do the bill of rights as AMENDMENTS because the people protested. Obviously they too didn’t think that native Americans, African Americans, and other groups didn’t deserve protection.
So maybe we should have a real human rights basis, not this thing that’s full of loopholes and interpretation by idiotic if not sociopathic judges.
Understanding the political mind leaves no alternative to standing firm against any attempt to sabotage or subvert the Constitution. Because it is precisely the Bill of Rights which the pols seek to subvert. So, as compelling as the argument of a poorly designed document might be, it is the wrong approach at the wrong time.