Heil to the Chief

CJ Hopkins

Guess what time it is, boys and girls.

Did you guess it? I’m pretty sure you did.

That’s right, it’s time for the Big Switcheroo! It’s Morning in America Again time! It’s Hope and Change time! It’s Putting People First time! It’s Make America Great Again time!

Yes, it’s time to change the set of the American simulation of democracy, as they do every eight, or sometimes four, years. The bad guys are out. The good guys are in. Or the other way around. It doesn’t really matter. Juice up your smartphones, switch off your brains, put on your MAGA hats or pink pussyhats. The extravaganza is about to begin!

This is probably going to be a good one. The Ayatollah of Orange Shinola is reprising his role as Literal Hitler, or Russian-Agent Hitler, or Il Duce del Mondo, or some sort of Big Mac-gobbling prophet who has been sent by Jesus to save America.

I’m not joking. He actually went on television and announced this to the world…

That’s right, Donald Trump is on a mission from God to cleanse America of Mexican rapists, cat-barbecuing Haitians, and other non-Americans who bear hostile attitudes toward its culture and government, or who inappropriately criticize Israel, or engage in other acts of terrorist speech.

And those trannies … they’re out! No more trannies!

And the pronoun-using commie professors and their purple-haired students. They’re next on the list!

And the globalists … they’re done! No more globalism! The globalism thing is definitely over. All those off-shored jobs are coming back! No more Mexican and Chinese sweatshops! From now on, all our cars, cheap clothes, and smartphones will be made in America!

Fighting at his side in his holy crusade against the forces of globalism, and wokeness, and perversion, and hostile anti-Zionist attitudes, is Elon Musk, the global-capitalist, military-industrial-complex-embedded, transhumanist, social-media mogul, who has also presumably been personally chosen by God to usher in the new “golden age.”

Musk, who already saved free speech by assembling a consortium of global-capitalist investors and purchasing and rebranding Twitter — which, at this point, resembles a combination of Fox NewsNational Enquirer, and Der Stürmer — has been hopping up and down and hooting and hollering about something he refers to as “the hammer of justice,” and performing textbook Nazi salutes on television, and otherwise assisting God’s personally chosen president in his quest to save the world from the woke mind virus, and libtardism, and “assure the future of civilization,” or something.

OK, I know what you’re thinking, but no, Elon Musk is not a neo-Nazi. Elon Musk is an autistic person, and it’s common knowledge that autistic persons are prone to fits of involuntary Sieg heiling. Here in Germany, for example, you see them everywhere, autistic people slapping their fists against their chests and then thrusting their arms up and out into textbook Nazi salutes. It’s like one big autistic Nuremberg rally. The poor things just can’t stop themselves from doing it.

Oh and speaking of Germany and political rallies, Elon’s next stop was a campaign rally for the AfD, the Alternative für Deutschland party, where he announced to the crowd that “we need to move on” and forget about all that “past guilt” stuff, which, OK, is a boilerplate neo-Nazi talking point, which neo-Nazis in Germany repeat ad nauseam … but, what can you do? The man is autistic!

Look, I don’t want to sound ungrateful or like one of those cynical “black-pill” types. After all, Donald Trump just outlawed censorship. He did it with a stroke of his pen! That whole “Censorship Industrial Complex” thing is history! It was all just a bunch of libtard commies in the Biden administration, and now they’re all gone.

The global corporations that control everything you see on the Internet are free at last! No more big bad government bullies forcing them to censor everyone, and visibility-filter, and demonetize everyone, which, of course, they would never do on their own!

But, seriously now, this “Make America Great Again” show is nothing like the “Hope and Change” show that the libtards put on after the shock-and-awe phase of the War on Terror. You remember the “Hope and Change” show, don’t you? Remember when Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, ended the war, drained the swamp of all those torture-happy war-criminal guys (i.e., Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al.), and then got to work relentlessly bombing seven different countries in the Middle East and illegally surveilling everyone?

You remember that, right? Of course you do.

Well, this is nothing at all like that. What’s happening now is totally different. “Hope and Change” was just a marketing campaign. Not like “Make America Great Again!” Which is real. Remember, Obama was a Democrat, and the Democrats are a bunch of liars! Not like the Republicans, or Donald Trump, or Elon Musk, who would never lie or shamelessly pander to the American people, or some bigoted market demographic thereof, or treat them like rubes who will fall for the same con job, over and over, and over again. And the Democrats are communists, right? And Hitler was a communist too! And, according to algorithmically-amplified reliable sources on Free-Speech X, Obama’s wife is a transgender woman, who is also a pedophile! Plus, they’re niggers!

Relax. It’s OK to say the word “nigger.” That’s what freedom of speech is about, after all. Criticizing Israel, or Elon Musk, or otherwise expressing “attitudes hostile to the culture and government” of America Made Great Again will get you visibility-filtered into the void on X (or, if you’re a non-US citizen, visited and screened by the MAGA Thought Police), but at least you’re now free to use ugly racial epithets to your heart’s content! Oh, and don’t forget to “express your feelings” to your fellow party members with a Nazi salute, and otherwise celebrate the Golden Age of Freedom!

And, if some libtard has a problem with that, and calls you a “bigot,” or a “neo-Nazi” … well, just tell them you’re probably autistic.

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Categories: CJ Hopkins, latest
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Feb 3, 2025 6:39 AM

“And those trannies … they’re out! No more trannies!”
What, is Trump going to shut down Hollywood? A lot of ‘female’ actresses in there that sure did go through transitions (mostly pre-puberty), which although often quite convincing, can be seen by positions/angles of clavicles, acromion, femoral q-angles, jawlines, chins, indentation of eyes in sockets, sometimes brow-ridges (often have been filed down) etc etc. Once you see it, you will never unsee it.

Feb 3, 2025 10:22 PM
Reply to  Nutball

Transinvestigation lot has Melanie as a Man and Trump as a women.

Feb 2, 2025 7:41 PM

One glaring example of the incompetence of the worldwide financial system including Central Banks, stock markets and commercial banking interests, is the fact that the $97T available cash worldwide means that there is only $11,800 available for each of 8.2 billion people.


So, the human value of each person is, and has been, purposely lowballed and horded by the rich who control and run everything. Then just imagine the amount of that $97T held by the top 10% and what’s left for the bottom 90%, per capita. Like maybe $1,180? This gives us an easy calculation of the manufacture of an economic system that maintains a system of few halves and many have-nots. Then claiming. “that’s just the way things are and have always been”. Would it not be safe to estimate that each human being has the potential to produce a million dollars of value in a lifetime of productivity? And that possibly we should have an economic system that awards each person born with a $1M trust bank account, available to them as needed throughout their lifetime? If the databases are merely filled with virtual amounts anyway, what’s the big deal? The big deal for the overlords is their manufactured scarcity empire would have come to an end.

Feb 3, 2025 4:54 PM
Reply to  sandy

Very well said. But very poorly read by at least 17 readers.

What I scoop from my cat’s litter box is more valuable than all $97T because the former is real while the latter merely estimates what a lot of things might be worth. The world runs on what might be instead of what is. And people wonder where we went wrong.

Feb 3, 2025 8:33 PM
Reply to  Howard

Wow, Howard! Can you believe it? Human haters are usually the selfish & greedy who think themselves better than the riff-raff commoners. Well that perceptual paradigm is the reason why Humanity faces oblivion on an exhausted world in 2025. They drain it to the floor, then want more, never thinking about making a decent life for everyone. Sociopaths they are.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 2, 2025 3:36 PM

Perception, attraction, devotion, ecstasy, You are now inside the simulation.

Feb 2, 2025 9:21 AM

Even the Off-Guardian can’t stop talking about and therefore empowering the puppet show. “Agent Orange does this…the O-bot does that”. None of the visible characters have anything to do with this drama except for carrying out orders that distract everybody into thinking they actually wield power.
Congrats for creating another limited hangout while the shadows remain undisturbed.
High time to make David Icke great again.

Feb 2, 2025 10:40 AM
Reply to  Ptor

Trustworthy icke who promoted Carlson daily for years on his website.
Trustworthy icke who promoted lozza fox.
truthworthy icke who pretends to fall out with disinfor whore Jabba hut Ai now looking Jones then appears on his show and says fuck all about Trump.
truthworthy icke who was good friends with Russell brand and appeared on his Brand X show monthly.
Truthworthy Icke who people voice radio station went under owing half million pounds in people donations .
Truthworthy Icke who screams about pedos YET was best friend who Zen gardener.
Truthworthy Icke who wrote how many books on the elites control it all YET sold the leaveEU vote and told people to go and vote.
Truthworthy Icke is a limited hangout.

Feb 5, 2025 3:43 PM
Reply to  Ptor

Trying to focus on what you can’t see will only blind you eventually. Of course Trump is only carrying out others’ orders. Of course focusing attention on Trump lets those behind him off the hook.

But what focusing on the person carrying out the orders does is to give you a platform from which to attack/critique whatever is being done, regardless who ordered it. The only alternative would be a generic critique, as in declaring it hypocritical to deport migrants from your own country while advocating letting migrants take over someone else country.

As you can see, the generic is a hodgepodge of vagueness. Whereas if you declare Trump a hypocrite for advocating deporting migrants from the US at the same time he advocates forcing Palestinians out of Palestine so that migrants can take over Gaza, you have made it crystal clear what you’re criticizing..

Feb 1, 2025 7:52 PM

And regarding the “Chief”. Just wtf has gotten into the US elite to allow this time bomb into office? Does he offer a solution to the current FAKE liberal binary’s incompetence to restore the empire’s greatness? A beta test capitalist “disruptor” deluxe to see if we can violently economically bully the world into submission? To once again see the US as the world’s sovereign lord? To keep the peons paying up to it’s god? The elite feel this way toward us domestic commoners, why not everyone else? Or at least they will give it a try. If he fails they’ll have four years of msm daily whippings to prove they knew he was no good anyway.

To be sure, his ego, and US elite-sold-to-us-ego, match their bombastic greed-stupidity anti-society bent. Is this to be the breaking point of US world authority, as the “others” are finally forced to see the light of “just saying NO!”? I certainly hope so. Painful as it will be, we need a world of egalitarian partnerships and self-sufficiency region by region. This US torturous experiment on Humanity must come to an end and shift into collective, non-violent, mindful success.

These two articles excellent doorways understanding 2025… Michael Hudson and Pepe Escobar (sounding more reasonable than ever).



Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 2, 2025 3:35 AM
Reply to  sandy

I didnt see Escobar and Hudson writing anything about the Democrats colour revolutions and Obama’s doubling of US debt from -10 trillion to -20 trillion trillion during his Presidency.
Trump has been in charge for a week. Cry me a river, you guys are really pathetic  😭 .

Feb 2, 2025 6:55 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Erik, neither speaker has any respect whatsoever for DemoRats or Repugnants. If you read particularly Hudson, he identifies that the real problems exist with the entire capitalist system of ruthless authority and absolute disregard for the social needs of Humanity. Your comment falls into the false binary trap, thinking that the other Party, or ideology, will ever make decisions that benefit humanity. T has already started his, and their club’s, war on Humanity with a tariff war, a space weapon war, a neocolonial war of foreign country acquisition, a court system war on ideological enemies, a war on social safety nets and public employment lumped in other actually beneficial DOGE targets, and on and on, not even a month old. He’s the System’s “blow up the boxes” psyco-psy op to see if the ultraviolent will keep the 1%er Titanic Empire afloat. They’re desperate and stupid and so will eventually nuke themselves implosively. Bye bye and good riddance.

Feb 3, 2025 5:04 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

A week…four years – makes no difference. Everyone already knows everything there is to know about Trump. We’re all clairvoyants now where Trump’s concerned.

I really don’t care who’s pulling his strings any more than I cared who was pulling Biden’s strings. Trump wants to force Mexico and Canada to address their borders. So what does the idiot do? He slaps a tariff on them, which will only force them to reduce their government spending, which in turn will make it even harder for them to address their borders. Brilliant!!!!!

Feb 3, 2025 5:18 AM
Reply to  sandy

“[C]ollective, non-violent, mindful success”

Orange Jesus and his minions sure count on your non-violent submissiveness when they shove it deep up your rear end. You will however still be alowed to cry “No, no, no!”

Feb 3, 2025 8:43 PM
Reply to  Raoullo

Oh, so how are you going to violently stop MrT and Repugs, mr tough guy? Just like you stop DimoRats from doing the same exact thing to us everyday? Both Parties, all the politicians exist in a FALSE BINARY system where ya either pay up to the Club or take a hike. The entire thing needs to be defunded, de-energized and replaced by We The People making the decisions.

Feb 4, 2025 9:59 AM
Reply to  sandy

Study the constitution anf find the meaning of the 2nd ammendments. Also look at International law and the right of self-defense.
I also listen to analysts and various ‘experts,’ but none make a real difference, beside getting monetized clicks. The truth is, it’s increasingly forbidden to talk about real solutions.

Feb 1, 2025 7:00 PM


“To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.” – Confucius

Very true, but also “truism” of nature, i.e. natural order and self-organization, from which some mentally misguided and lost two-legged creatures in this world believe they can split off without being punished by nature itself. A very clear case of alienation through urbanization, consumerism, etc. Of course, even genetically very distant strangers can “grow dear to our hearts”.

This is more true for Anglo-Americans than for anyone else, not only because of their own ethnic uprooting, fragmentation (atomization through narcissistic, materialistic individualism and egocentrism, also known as me-me-me selfishness) and racial intermingling, but also because of their “world language” English, which blurs and transcends natural boundaries.

The devastating liberalism, however, behind which ultimately lies the “universalist”, internationalist cultural marxism, perverts our natural urge and protective function of self-preservation and self-assertion.

Not only through self-hating, auto-aggressive foreigner worshipping/idolization (xenophilia), the promotion of mass immigration and “diversity”, but also through promotion of abortion and childlessness, homosexualization and “gender diversity”, denial of male responsibility through “feminism”, deliberate and arbitrary destruction of cultural values, norms and traditions.

Even the Christian “Love your next/neighbor as yourself” does not mean “Love the strangest and most distant as yourself”. But that is how it is interpreted today (“Jesus was a refugee, too” etc.). Not “America first”, or “Germany above all”, but everyone else first, the whole “poor” Third World first. Wanting to “love your enemy” can be clearly identified as a concept of perversion of natural instincts.

But in an existentially dangerous situation, e.g. if your own house is on fire, nature will normally activate a hierarchy of priorities within seconds: first the children, then the rest of the family, then friends, and finally all strangers.

Feb 2, 2025 1:22 PM
Reply to  Freddy

Sorry, I couldn’t make it past “racial intermingling”.

Feb 2, 2025 6:57 PM
Reply to  judith

The reactive minded lunatic commenters from ZH have latched on to us.

Feb 3, 2025 9:42 PM
Reply to  Freddy

History may not be the answer to everything; but it sure helps. For example, the “racial intermingling” you see as something threatening is, when looked at from a historical perspective, actually one of the species’ greatest survival mechanisms. Nothing will destroy a society more effectively than in-breeding. It may take awhile, but it is a foregone conclusion.

Maybe if the West would stop exploiting the Third World, and let it develop its abundant resources for its own benefit, it would not be so “poor.”

If “love your enemy” is a “perversion of natural instincts,” then perhaps we should question those “natural instincts.” War and exploitation tend to put these instincts in a rather unflattering light. Maybe a little balance wouldn’t hurt.

Feb 1, 2025 6:43 PM

We ain’t much better in blighty but America is the epicentre of deception. The seat of the antichrist.
These people are all childish and boring. Does any thinking adult follow them? Yes they do and that is sad.. But the sooner people unplug from these morons the better.
All they do is such you into the matrix. Stay out. It’s healthier out here.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 1, 2025 1:17 PM

How far have we come, shame… This should stop immediately, call the denazification director.

comment image?d=780×520

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 1, 2025 2:35 PM

February 9, 2024

Tucker Carlson: So when does the AI empire start do you think?

Vladimir Putin: (Laughing.) You are asking increasingly more complicated questions. To answer them, you need to be an expert in big numbers, big data and AI.

Mankind is currently facing many threats. Due to genetic research, it is now possible to create a superhuman, a specialized human being – a genetically engineered athlete, scientist, military man.

There are reports that Elon Musk has already had a chip implanted in the human brain in the USA.

Tucker Carlson: What do you think of that?

Vladimir Putin: Well, I think there’s no stopping Elon Musk, he will do as he sees fit. Nevertheless, you need to find some common ground with him, search for ways to persuade him. I think he’s a smart person, I truly believe he is. So you need to reach an agreement with him because this process needs to be formalized and subjected to certain rules.

Humanity has to consider what is going to happen due to the newest developments in genetics or in AI. One can make an approximate prediction of what will happen. Once mankind felt an existential threat coming from nuclear weapons, all nuclear nations began to come to terms with one another since they realized that negligent use of nuclear weaponry could drive humanity to extinction.

It is impossible to stop research in genetics or AI today, just as it was impossible to stop the use of gunpowder back in the day. But as soon as we realize that the threat comes from unbridled and uncontrolled development of AI, or genetics, or any other fields, the time will come to reach an international agreement on how to regulate these things.”

On February 8,
as part of the Day of Russian Science, students of the SESC MSU visited the VK office. Scientists from Moscow State University, the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Skoltech talked about how neural implants work, what kind of cyberpunk future awaits humanity, how to assemble a snowflake and program living matter, as well as how the everyday life of space navigators goes. The students heard speeches by Alexei Shaitan, Professor of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Artem Oganov, Professor of Skoltech, Vasily Popkov, Head of the Invasive Neural Interfaces Development Group at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Moscow State University…)

Roscongress, February 10, 2024:
There are only a few days left before the start of the second Forum of Future Technologies [13-14 February]..
About the program:
Almost all key areas contain amazing technological solutions. For example, developments in the field of neurobiotechnology. First of all, when it comes to the brain-computer interface. In Russia, there are deeper and better developments in this area than those promoted by foreign colleagues. The forum will show how far we are at the forefront here.
..And, of course, we will talk about genetic technologies, where our country, in partnership with foreign experts, is at the forefront of technological progress.”

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 1, 2025 2:44 PM

February 14, 2024, Plenary session of the Future Technologies Forum
Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the second Future Technologies Forum titled “Modern Medical Technologies. The Challenge of Tomorrow: Getting the Jump on Time”.

Vladimir Putin:
Good afternoon, friends,
I am happy to welcome our Russian and foreign guests – scientists, physicians, business representatives and all participants in the Future Technologies Forum. We have created this platform to discuss promising solutions that are just being born and tested now. In some cases they are even ahead of the times, but very soon they should and certainly will dramatically change people’s lives.

February 14, 2024
Russian President Vladimir Putin visited a special exhibition of the II Future Technologies Forum in Moscow, where he was presented with advanced Russian medical technologies and developments.
Alexey Likhachev, Head of Rosatom State Corporation drew attention to the fact that implants are already being created from artificial biosimilar materials, and specialists are beginning to grow human organs from the patient’s own cells.
The Minister of Health Murashko also told the president about the vision restoration device, which implants a chip in the root of the brain: https://iz.ru/video/embed/1650130
Gazprombank specialists demonstrated exhibits and systems in the technological areas of in vitro molecular diagnostics based on quantum dots, neural implants..
Vsevolod Belousov, Director General of the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about how neurotechnologies help to overcome the consequences of strokes and Parkinson’s disease:
“The bionic prostheses already being created by scientists are just the beginning: there are plans for implants that patients will be able to feel as if they were alive!

“We have set ourselves an ambitious goal to make bionic prostheses with feedback and integrate them directly with the nervous system,“ said V.V. Belousov.”

Meeting of the Working Group on Legal Regulation in the Field of Genetic Technologies, including Genome Editing, and Bioethics Prevention of hereditary diseases and reproductive and genetic well-being
“Let me somewhat reduce the demonization of biologists, geneticists, and so on, and recall such a phrase as ‘discoveries and technologies in themselves cannot be demonic, they cannot be bad, but their application depends on us, how we use them’”
— Maria Vorontsova, Member of the Presidium, Russian Association for the Promotion of Science.” [V. Putin’s young daughter]

MOSCOW, February 14, 2024
The expert predicted a “race of neural implants” due to the loss of technological unipolarity

Vasily Popkov, head of the group for the development of invasive neural interfaces at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Moscow State University, noted that the United States had a monopoly on technological innovations, which allowed Washington to slow down the development of potentially dangerous areas, such as cloning

MOSCOW, February 14, 2024. The loss of the monopoly on technological innovation by the United States will lead to the beginning of a kind of “race of neural implants” between the West, China, Russia, Brazil, the countries of the Arab world and other centers of power and science in the world. This was stated by Vasily Popkov, head of the group for the development of invasive neural interfaces at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Moscow State University, at the Moscow Forum of Future Technologies.

Three decades ago, the U.S. had a monopoly on technological innovation, which allowed Washington to inhibit the development of potentially dangerous technologies, such as cloning, and related markets through regulatory restrictions. Now the world has at least two technological poles, the role of which is played by the United States and China, which does not allow technological leaders to artificially slow down the development of neural implant technologies for fear of hopelessly lagging behind,” Popkov said.

According to the scientist, this fear will lead in the near future to the relaxation of regulatory norms related to the development of implants to restore the normal functions of the human body, and in one or two decades, similar processes will take place in the field of creating augmentation systems, neural interfaces that improve cognitive and other human abilities.

“All ethical issues related to the development of neural interfaces will fade into the background, and an analogue of the “space race” of the last century will begin, which this time will be aimed at expanding human capabilities. Unlike microelectronics and many other technologies, we are not hopelessly behind in this area, and with proper investment of funds and efforts, we will be able to reduce this gap and compete in this regard with the leading participants in this race,” Popkov summed up.”

He said it during the session “Why Does the Brain Need to Connect to a Computer?”, Moscow, 14 February 2024

Vladimir Putin:
There are reports that Elon Musk has already had a chip implanted in the human brain in the USA.
Well, I think there’s no stopping Elon Musk, he will do as he sees fit. Nevertheless, you need to find some common ground with him, search for ways to persuade him. I think he’s a smart person, I truly believe he is. So you need to reach an agreement with him because this process needs to be formalized and subjected to certain rules.
It is impossible to stop research in genetics or AI today, just as it was impossible to stop the use of gunpowder back in the day.” …

Chip Heil!

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 1, 2025 11:30 PM
Feb 1, 2025 10:45 AM

Better put this on your ‘Must See’ list Folks.
‘The Division’: An upcoming movie for 2026. Some big names involved:

‘In the near future, a pandemic virus is spread via paper money on Black Friday, decimating New York. A group of civilians, trained to operate in catastrophic times, are activated in an attempt to save who and what remains.’

Who and remains hey.
Would that include us?

Feb 1, 2025 10:58 AM
Reply to  Johnny

‘Who and what’!

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 1, 2025 12:25 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Hey, add plastic and takeaway silver and copper coin and you could be real, we’ll call it natural eugenics delivered through ignorance and arrogance of the ruling elite.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Feb 1, 2025 2:41 PM
Reply to  Johnny

‘In the near future, a pandemic virus is spread via paper money

Best to ‘launder’ the money before use then I guess.

les online
les online
Feb 1, 2025 10:12 AM

Trump’s idea is:
If someone moves into your home, uninvited, then
decides to make your life Hell,
The Conflict can be settled by you moving out,
letting the interloper have the house**

None dare say it but this is aptly described as
The Final Solution to The Palestinian Problem…
Recommended by The Leader of The Free World…

** (Oh ! And you moving into A Tent in The Desert)…

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 1, 2025 12:27 PM
Reply to  les online

Bob Dylan left a home in Woodstock, NY b/c it was turning into a drug den.

Feb 1, 2025 3:01 PM
Reply to  les online

Yet Trump doesn’t apply the same logic here at home, does he? No indeed. He wants to deport the uninvited (illegal immigrants) from the America he’s “making great again.” Isn’t it amazing how easily hypocrisy comes to politicians?

Feb 1, 2025 4:36 PM
Reply to  Howard

I’ll say it again. Hypocrisy is a superpower to those who want to destroy.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 1, 2025 9:29 AM


“As Long As We Are Breathing review – unblocking the horrors of the Holocaust
This innovative and timely play uses yoga, meditation and mindfulness to explore the experiences of Holocaust survivor Miriam Freedman”

We get “superflex yoga” and “communal mindfulness exercise” as part of a theatrical piece of “Holocaust education and remembrance and, in the week of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and at a time of alarmingly rising antisemitism,…”

Just so long as we don’t look OVER THERE!

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 1, 2025 12:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Throw out the domestic looking glass too, no need for that anymore if we cant look over there.

Feb 1, 2025 8:33 AM

Predicting 2025: Off-Guardian lost its funding on Monday 27th Jan.

Trump admin to pause grants, federal financial assistance programs following executive orders White House memo pauses grants for foreign aid, NGOs, DEI, ‘woke general ideology’ and Green New Deal pending review

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 1, 2025 9:20 AM
Reply to  antonym

We’re still here, so you know the answer 😅

Why do you come all the way over to this small part of the internet just to be a meanie to us? Doesn’t seem natural, does it?

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 1, 2025 9:38 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

He’s our resident Zionist troll sent to keep an eye on us and, it goes without saying, talk massive heaps of shite.

les online
les online
Feb 1, 2025 9:57 AM
Reply to  George Mc

‘Shite’ Is a polite way of saying ‘shit’
let’s not be coy !!
No prudes dare read this site
so no one is offended by plain ordinary English

to prove it:
“Show of hands if you’re a prude !”

Shite – polite- site
there’s gotta be Poetry in there some where…

Feb 1, 2025 10:57 AM
Reply to  les online

I read it in a Scottish accent sometimes. Shite has a particular flavour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFOoay29ybc

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 1, 2025 11:18 AM
Reply to  les online

I like “shite”. It has a vulgar Scottish ring.

Feb 1, 2025 10:18 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Must be exhausting for him/her. Defending the indefensible.

Feb 1, 2025 11:23 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Specially Is lam.

Feb 1, 2025 11:25 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Folks, I am doing you a favor by showing a different perspective. Reversely I read here other views then my own.

Who wants an echo chamber?

Sheeple can’t manage outside the natural herd, but you guys/ girls?

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 1, 2025 12:32 PM
Reply to  antonym

Well if you just want to “courageously” offer a different perspective, all you have to do is reverse everything anyone says. But I can’t think of anyone duller than a chronic contrarian.

Oh yes I can!
Oh no I can’t!
Oh yes I can!…….

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 1, 2025 12:39 PM
Reply to  antonym

If disinformation is an “echo chamber”, one day you will confuse yourself straight to the poor house.

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 1, 2025 12:36 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Nothing beats breaking a prediction, in 018 they (some anonymous internet gangs) were predicting 90% world depopulation by 2025, I was a critic and even as covid roared, I ignored the chaos and marched straight over their silent moral graves to 2025 to prove I was right.

Feb 1, 2025 8:29 AM

Tell me this isn’t directed at ‘Died Suddenly’:

It’s like they’re trying to unpick the coalition of forces that blew up convid in their faces. Somehow I doubt they’ll have a problem with internet tales of racist, sexist or climate woe. And of course like any good lie, it’s not entirely wrong – just applied with suspicious timing and selectivity.

Feb 1, 2025 10:23 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Paywall there Ed.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 1, 2025 12:38 PM
Reply to  Edwige


Feb 1, 2025 1:35 AM

Heil Trumpler, Sieg Musk!

Jan 31, 2025 11:53 PM

Garbage …

Jan 31, 2025 10:24 PM

It seems if you nag AI, asking the next question and the next (always be polite), it digs through the banned sh1t. I was impressed

Jan 31, 2025 9:11 PM

I do empathise with CJ Hopkins. Once he came to London. I wanted to meet him, but he went to North London. I was interested in one of his plays at a theatre reopening in South London, but I guess he preferred Berlin. London is actually still really nice. It’s still got one of the lowest murder rates in the world – yet we get slagged off The WORST, except everyone wants to come here. It’s not our fault we are so nice.

We have bands on every night..Just smile and keep cool, and duck, when very occasionaly the chairs start flying.

“Network (1976) “I’m Mad As Hell””

Jan 31, 2025 9:55 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I always thought your sunrises were always Moscow time. Nostalgia for the motherland?

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 1, 2025 11:42 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Yeah the bands are certainly not bad there. But they were better in New York.
Lousy casual clothe extremely talented youth played the trousers off people in small places. But London do play up to nice small dark places with good music. London calling: https://youtu.be/EfK-WX2pa8c

Jan 31, 2025 6:30 PM

In the Fall of 2024, Springfield, Ohio entered the national spotlight during a presidential campaign, as the city of 60,000 people struggled to cope with a massive influx of Haitian migrants. How did 20,000 Haitians arrive in Springfield, Ohio within just a few years? And who is responsible? In part one of the two part series, we explore the individuals, institutions, and business interests behind a 10-year-plan for the demographic replacement of Springfield, Ohio, and other cities across America.

Jan 31, 2025 8:05 PM
Reply to  Rick

That looks so real!

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Feb 1, 2025 2:23 PM
Reply to  Rick

Just a conspiracy theory

Feb 1, 2025 3:28 PM
Reply to  Rick

Here’s what’s missing from the picture: the gas and oil reserves just offshore of Port-Au-Prince, which the US covets (big surprise there!) and intends to get. These reserves are said to be among the biggest on the planet.

So the US put its plan for Haiti in effect: first create as much chaos as possible – gang warfare: the same as in big city ghettos; then get as many Haitians out of their country and into the US as possible.

Lookout offshore reserves, here come the marines!

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 1, 2025 11:44 PM
Reply to  Rick

George Soros is a guess. Specialist within the area.

Jan 31, 2025 6:27 PM

So wtf did you expect? WHO Gone? WEF DEAD?…Or even More Jabs, Poverty and Depopulation..??

Check Out Pete Townshend – what’s he doing with his arm?

The Who – Won’t Get Fooled Again (Shepperton Studios / 1978)

Jan 31, 2025 5:25 PM

As usual, Hopkins makes some valid points about Trump and Musk’s dishonesty, but then he dilutes them way too much by letting his roots as a whiny leftist show through, by essentially calling every AfD voter a neo-Nazi, and similarly suggesting the main reason people for Trump was because they are racist – the same kinds of exaggerated, overgeneralised smears that globalist leftists use.

Jan 31, 2025 9:08 PM
Reply to  Renn

And yet maybe every Afd voter is actually a neo-Nazi. What then?

Feb 1, 2025 3:42 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Germany very much needs an alternative. The current crooks are some of the very worst.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 1, 2025 11:47 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Everybody get tired of the slimy liberals at some point enough to accept almost anything else…… 😆 .

Feb 1, 2025 4:21 AM
Reply to  Renn

CJ would never say this, but the real problem with the AfD is that they — like all other ‘nationalist’ parties in Europe now — are way too Zionist. I’m as anti-EU as they come, but here I definitely smell a rat .

Feb 1, 2025 11:40 AM
Reply to  Renn

In a woke nut shell: anyone can be nationalist/ patriot without blame except Western educated white people, particularly men. Because they did the world great harm.
Actually only a few – like David Rockefeller or Dick Cheney and many long dead ones – details. So Israelis, Germans, Americans bad, Arabs, Chinese, Pakistani good.

Jan 31, 2025 4:31 PM

I have to say, I am initially very impressed with RFK jr in the Senate hearings….They tell him…blah blah blah about receiving vast quantities of highly corrupt money….And he produces the facts backed by the evidence

“Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself”

Come on Bernie Sanders (all quiet and shy) – You are Top of the most recent published List.

Jan 31, 2025 5:04 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

It’s all very impressive, isn’t it! It’s almost good enough to make us forget what a Zionist Kennedy is, and how he thinks that Covie-19 was real.

Jan 31, 2025 5:33 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Yeh, I appreciate that, but if you want to know what he really thinks, read his book. The Real Anthony Fauci. Its enormous. It took me a month to read it. The only reason he didn’t get sued, is because its all true, and it would be a bit obvious to Assassinate him, cos of the family history. I don’t agree with him about a lot of things, but I recognise his honesty, courage and integrity, I have never seen anyone embarrass the US Congress so much, since they Summoned George Galloway about 30 years ago

Jan 31, 2025 9:34 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Perhaps not 30 years ago but yes, impressive. Galloway giving that great lesson in rhetoric before the US Senate. I too praised his performance on RT. And then oddly, my comments were summarily deleted (it was their platform after all). Go figure.

Maybe they reckoned any mention of past misdemeanors are better not mentioned at all when you wish to create an anti-hero. Who wants a hero with a suspicious past after all?

Jan 31, 2025 3:31 PM

It should come as no surprise that Judentube does not subject such psychopathic expressions of genocidal intent to any form of censorship. The comments below leave nothing to be desired.

New video of the Courageous Clergy with interesting background information. https://rumble.com/v6d8tb4-hn7-12-zionists-freemasons-and-kabbalists-engineering-the-largest-lie-ever-.html

Jan 31, 2025 9:45 PM
Reply to  y.o.

Maybe there never was any actual genocide. How does that run as theory??

Jan 31, 2025 3:22 PM

Patrick Henningson has had a triumphant return to UKColumn, with an absolute teardown of RFKJ and his capitulation to the vaccine cartel. Had a few jabs at Gabbard and TechnoEugenicist Musk while he was at it too.

Jan 31, 2025 10:00 PM
Reply to  ChairmanDrusha

An overt Russophile, but let’s not hold that against him

Jan 31, 2025 11:57 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Have you noticed that Russophiles make coherent arguments while Russophobes do not?

My theory is that those who talk nonsense and repeatedly make statements that turn out to be untrue are the ones you should mistrust.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 1, 2025 11:53 PM
Reply to  ChairmanDrusha

He is not the only Liberal who wants the LBGT Transvestite Health Minister back instead of RFK Jr.: https://www.globalresearch.ca/rfk-jr-attacked-stating-scientific-fact-vaccine-responses/5878721 .

Jan 31, 2025 9:18 AM

Modernisation, Privatisation, and Industrialisation.
Doublespeak for Concentration.
Of wealth:


Jan 31, 2025 2:21 PM
Reply to  Johnny

thanks, great analysis, worth reading!

they found modernisation is a gigantic con without even touching on the reality that modernisation is intertwined with chronic diseases and a multitude of cancers.

Jan 31, 2025 10:17 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

You’re welcome.

Jan 31, 2025 9:11 AM

Signs the end of the Ukraine War is nigh?….

For the Fraud to publish anything but Ukraine is winning and Russia’s latest disasters is a definite shift. And from Luke Harding!

Jan 31, 2025 10:30 AM
Reply to  Edwige

New director of the CIA, so new lines for Luke Hardick.

Jan 31, 2025 3:46 PM
Reply to  Edwige

“For the Fraud to publish anything but Ukraine is winning”

Maybe it was a Fraudian slip.

Jan 31, 2025 6:58 AM

Surprise, surprise.
RFK couldn’t get a word in:


A set up from the start?

Jan 31, 2025 8:00 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Short shrift from a Rich Bitch one could say.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 1, 2025 11:55 PM
Reply to  Johnny

All Liberals are pessed so pessed, to miss their long haired LGBT Rights Health Minister to a Kennedy.

Jan 31, 2025 6:55 AM

The author of this article sounds so bitter and snide. None of his satire is really at all entertaining . He doesn’t even know how to spell Libertard. Perhaps he feels better in associating the Trump administration with neo-nazi’s than getting behind any positive changes that are being strived for. I almost feel sorry for him, locked in his bitter world. Unfortunately the world is not ‘Zone 23’ and we all are going to have to live together with people that say things we don’t like, at least until the chemtrails make us sick enough to voluntarily drink the cool-aid (gene therapy with self assembling nanobot components).

Jan 31, 2025 3:49 PM
Reply to  DJK

You must frequent fancier places than me. I’ve never seen libtards called libertards before.

Jan 31, 2025 5:09 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Maybe he thinks Libertarians are retarded?  😆 

Jan 31, 2025 5:42 PM
Reply to  DJK

‘Zone 23’  is almost unintelligable unless you feel threatened by AI and don’t like Daleks. However, I have never known CJ Hopkins to write a duff, article. For an American, he is highly intelligent, and his sense of humour is even better than the Scousers and Aussies.

Have The Germans let him out yet?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 31, 2025 2:25 AM

Nazis vs Communists – What’s the Difference?

They both believe in the supremacy of the “common good”. However, the communists are globalists and would force vaccination on the entire world as a “human right”; whereas the Nazis are racial nationalists and would force vaccination only on the master race.

comment image


Hitler was an anti-vaxxer – at least when it came to those people the Nazis had conquered.
“In the field of public health there is no need whatsoever to extend to the subject races the benefits of our own knowledge,” he told fellow Nazi leaders in 1942.
“This would result only in an enormous increase in local populations …Compulsory vaccination will be confined to Germans alone.”

Jan 31, 2025 3:57 PM

That makes no sense. Vaccination is not for protection of individuals, but for society as a whole. That’s why it’s considered 100% acceptable for jabs to kill or maim a few (million) people. Simple – and ruthless – cost/benefit analysis.

A supremacist group would have to be severely retarded to vaccinate themselves but not others. They would be taking on all the risks without getting the primary benefit.

Jan 31, 2025 5:14 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Actually, no. In order for a society to get any benefit out of vaccination, the vaccine must work on a sufficient number of individuals. Hence, the protection of the individual is how vaccines really work. Obviously, under this traditional definition of ‘vaccine’, the mRNA kill-shots clearly weren’t vaccines at all.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 1, 2025 4:16 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

That makes no sense.

Vaccination is the primary sacrament of a religious cult which can generally be described as “medical materialism”. For any of it to make sense, it has to be understood within the context of the psychology of religious cults.

A supremacist group would have to be severely retarded . . .

Group supremacism is an extreme form of groupthink; hence, severe retardation is the inevitable outcome. Currently, the most dominant form of group supremacism is that of the Whitecoats. Hence, they are also the most retarded!

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 2, 2025 12:05 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

The child deceases comes from within the child to build up its immune system to the prevailing environment.

Should we save those born children with weak immune systems by vaccines, or should we leave them by “nature’s natural selection”? Its a difficult ethical question I fail to be able to answer decisively.

But as a religious human being I trust in our Creator’s design enough to see these child deceases coming not from outside but from inside, as something good for children’s future health..

Jan 31, 2025 5:11 PM

Of course, those weren’t mRNA kill-shots, so that could be the difference.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 1, 2025 4:31 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

This has been going on unchanged for two centuries. The tech du jour is irrelevant. They may as well be smearing cow puss over open wounds. It makes no difference!

Jan 31, 2025 1:17 AM

These freakish, anti-rational “symbolists” do not comprehend a fundamental insight: There are still deeper layers of our cultural history that cannot be penetrated without sliding into pure speculation. One seriously wonders what they believe they will finally perceive as further “knowledge” there. When I merely hear the word “Odin”, my bile rises!

Hitler would have imprisoned these people in concentration camps due to their impractical disposition. The organizationally fanatical but intellectually limited chicken breeder Himmler, with his occult quirk, would have then had such co-lunatics “released by decree” to provide a worthy home for their nonsense in his “Ancestral Heritage”.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 31, 2025 12:45 AM

The Woke Right Agitprop Dialectic Psyop

What sort of sick scum can make a “joke” out of Nazism at a pro-life rally?

A somewhat introduction
The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 155
America, we’re losing our sons. A decade ago, the Woke Left arose rapidly in feminist circles and stole many of our daughters, and now the reaction is here, a “Woke Right” that is drawing our sons to Fascism, hatred, and Nazism. It can no longer be denied, and it must be confronted. What draws our young men, and also our young women, to this Woke Right monstrosity? Seductive lies fed into fear and pain. In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay takes a shockingly candid look at the dark soul and evil manipulation of the rising Woke Right and invites you to join him in putting a stop to it.
January 27, 2025

Published: 15:25, 30 January 2025 | Updated: 17:42, 30 January 2025
Right-wing priest Calvin Robinson has been ‘kicked out of a church’ after doing an Elon Musk ‘salute’ at a rally which he says was ‘dry wit’.

Caption: Robinson said the gesture was an attempt at ‘dry wit’ after being criticised by people online

comment image

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 1, 2025 4:52 AM

The agitprop psyop merchants are out in force. They could have made a stand in support of Mark Steyn and Naomi Wolf; and for the right to freely discuss vaccination on broadcast media. But no, they stand for the right to be offensive – and then they claim victimhood.

Calvin Robinson suspended as GB News presenter
29 September 2023

Calvin Robinson has become the third GB News presenter to be suspended in a matter of days after he shared his support for Dan Wootton online.
The TV channel said Robinson was being kept off air, hours after he stated it was “scared” of the “woke mob” and that if Wootton fell, “we all fall”.
Laurence Fox’s tirade against reporter Ava Evans in which he asked what “self-respecting man” would “shag” her led to both he and Wootton being suspended.
Wootton and Fox have since apologised.

[GB News] had already been found to have breached Ofcom rules three times since launching in June 2021.
Ofcom ruled last week that GB News breached impartiality rules by allowing Esther McVey and Philip Davies, two sitting Conservative MPs, to interview Chancellor Jeremy Hunt.
In May, it ruled that GB News failed to protect its audience from harm in October 2022 by broadcasting an interview in which US author Naomi Wolf told presenter Mark Steyn that the Covid vaccine rollout was a pre-meditated crime of “mass murder” – and comparable to the actions of “doctors in pre-Nazi Germany”.
Steyn was also involved in the third breach, when in April 2022 his programme claimed, incorrectly, that official UK data showed definitively there was a causal link between a third Covid-19 vaccine and higher infection, hospitalisation and death rates.

The persecution of Father Calvin Robinson
There are obvious parallels with the treatment of Tommy Robinson, who has now had virtually all visitors banned at HMP Woodhill where he is a political prisoner
Dan Wootton
Jan 30, 2025
Like Jesus Christ himself, the persecution of Father Calvin Robinson . . .


Feb 1, 2025 5:07 PM

“failed to protect its audience”

Jesus Christ, how did we get to this?
It’s not just that government treats us like children, they WANT us thinking like children.

And above all they want to “protect” us from knowing about the outrages they plan to inflict on us until it’s too late to fight back.

While governments have never truly respected the public, they never had the
brazen audacity to be this condescending, this infantilising, in the late 20th Century (in the West.)

Jan 30, 2025 7:45 PM

Ah yes, another tired and hackneyed Hitler reference. Almost sound like a full libtard with this one, but I get that you think you’re calling out the big bad fascist in the room we all just selected here in the USA. Here’s the thing though, by once again presenting this little Hitler analogy, you perpetuate the fallacy that somehow Hitler was an aberration, a once in history thug who almost took control of the entire globe under the fascist banner, but the globe was saved at the last minute by defeating that aberration. And we must never be allowed to forget that….

Uh huh, and no fascists ever raised their heads again, but for Trump and that idiot DARPA sock puppet Elon. Never mind that almost every single government in existence has displayed its very own fascist tendencies, what with mandates, censorship, demands of fealty to one more empty narrative of how great things will be if that government is allowed to rule, endless wars for reasons that make absolutely no sense, endless killing, maiming and rip offs that only make the already filthy rich even wealthier while we are constantly told these are for our own good. All that babble about health and safety was just another demand of a fascist government, but never mind all that, at least the representatives of that government didn’t do the Nazi salute! At least not in public…

Jesus, do you hear yourself? I’m sorry, hurl whatever insults you need to at the Orange buffoon, but maybe leave behind the massively overworked Hitler analogies and come up with something just a bit more current. Globalist works, as that ideology is almost as bad as that historical aberration and as most of us know by now, the aberration himself was indeed supported by what would be termed today globalists. WEF stooge works as well, and one can indeed be that stooge without even knowing it, Trump himself seems to fit that bill. While there are those who believe, with some cause, that Trump himself is fully in on it, I have my doubts on that. Would you tell your most secret and diabolical plans to someone with as big a mouth as Trump? How about the fully demented stooge that just exited stage left? I don’t think so.

So whatever the latest props, noise and hype, we are still under the full control of the very same small group that has ALWAYS been in control. While this version of American fascism may seem worse than the prior versions, in reality it isn’t all that different at all. Maybe a tad bit more transparent in its ambitions, but it certainly is not like we’ve not experienced that before now. Anyone with half a working brain should be able to see that but alas, the blinders are more powerful than ever today, our owners do seem to have perfected the fine art of a full dumbing down. That team sports thing always did work well for them.

Jan 31, 2025 4:06 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Hitler was an aberration. He freed his country from the Central Bank. It doesn’t get more aberrant than that. That’s why the global banking system had their vassals destroy Germany.

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Feb 1, 2025 9:55 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Even very well said.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 2, 2025 12:12 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Unfortunately it was not the only thing Hitler did.
He did also made the Nurnberg laws which separate some races to be superior and other races to be inferior, which we today know for a fact is wrong, scientifically, ethically, morally, legally, universally. Fixed.
Take that one Sally.

R Anand
R Anand
Jan 31, 2025 4:28 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Well said!

Jan 31, 2025 8:17 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

According to mileswmathis and others, Cj wife is j@wti$h and this is a j@wit$h blog and do the need to holy of holy is a hypnotist technique make out history is real.
According to my friend who is a doctor, covid killed millions and he as a covid survivor was in the hospitals (war zone yesteryear concent camp TRENCHES) and many people died of covid.

How can a blog who understand lies about covid still endorse the history hoax.

Jan 30, 2025 6:20 PM

Every politician should be forced to read this, and take a look into a mirror of the system in which they act as con men and women scamming 95% of America out of whatever they can get away with. They all are without consciousness at best and predatorily evil at worst. C.J. clearly highlights the ludicrous extreme fronts occupied by each of the two false binary flag poles. Each mirrors the idiotic hater ideology of the other, never touching the practical reality of commoners everyday life. The “Parties” or liberals or conservatives or whatever they want to call themselves that run this country like a Neo-Gilded Age saloon brawl, have rolled themselves into dead end corners. Trapped there, just like Mr. Hopkin’s snapshot captures, they have no clothes, no cover and no humility. They have no ideas, no problem identification, no solutions to the nightmare Banana Republic they have created and are punishing Humanity with. The entirety of this empire is a smoldering train wreck and they won’t even see it. Keep up the FAKE sh*t lying y’all, we see your sorry asses for what they are. Get out!

Jan 30, 2025 5:47 PM

Either way, they want 95% of us gone to save Earth and humanity. Waiting for the Bunker wanted listings to come out so I can hone my skills and get invited to join an elite colony to get passed over by the mRNA injection squads. Warned my kids to do the same. They just tilted their heads and stared. Liz Warren said the quiet part out loud when she stated that big pharma needs to be protected from people like Bobby. Pay no attention to the dead people behind the curtain……No pun intended…… Not banking on big pharma losing it’s liability immunity any time soon based on Senator Warren’s rant.

Jan 30, 2025 4:49 PM

Absolutely great! By far the best essay of CJ Hopkins I’ve ever read. He’s nailed it to the wall. Okay, he may have overlooked how ass hole stupid Trump is; but he got everything else.

The Raggedy Trump doll finally – finally! – after 15 months saw a picture of the massive destruction in Gaza. And he wants to help rebuild it. And since the Palestinians who live there are “mostly all dead,” it’ll have to be rebuilt as a seaside resort.

Oh, I know: as part of his Ceasefire deal with Israel, he insists on letting the Palestinians return to Northern Gaza. But hey, since they’re “mostly all dead,” what could it hurt?

The man’s on top of it I tell you. Hell, I too feel like Nazi saluting his ass.

Jan 30, 2025 5:49 PM
Reply to  Howard

And how does he compare to brain dead Biden?

Jan 30, 2025 11:35 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Well, Biden’s brain has passed its use by date, and Trump’s brain hasn’t been used.

Feb 1, 2025 3:35 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Since I’ve yet to hear him speak rationally about anything, I’m not entirely sure what condition his brain might be in. Maybe working the French Fries at Mickey D’s – doing real work for once in his life – addled his brain?

Feb 2, 2025 4:17 PM
Reply to  Howard

TDS is a real condition. Get in line for the mRNA injection. Click your heels together and keep whispering, “I am helping to save Earth”.

Feb 5, 2025 3:53 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

What is TDS?

Jan 30, 2025 11:53 AM

Fighting at his side in his holy crusade against the forces of globalism, and wokeness, and perversion, and hostile anti-Zionist attitudes, is Elon Musk, the global-capitalist, military-industrial-complex-embedded, transhumanist, social-media mogul, who has also presumably been personally chosen by God to usher in the new “golden age.”

You forgot to mention, the totally unelected oligarch that is Musk, the man who will be in charge of the Trump admininstration’s money …. is Mugabe also on the team?

Jan 30, 2025 11:50 AM

Off-shore jobs coming back? Musk is taking the EU to court over tarrifs on EVs imported from China. Why would the MAGA Robin – the Orange Jew being batman – be helping his Chinese factory and not his USA factories. Are you telling me that he plans to continue building Teslas in China and importing them to the EU, instead of exporting them from the USA to the EU and making America great again? Fascism, the merging of corporations and state, every day the USA looks more like the oligarch end days of the USSR.

Jan 30, 2025 11:46 AM

We mentioned this some years ago now, that the government would become totally crazy and punitive and then a sviour would arrive to save us from the tyranny …. except that the saviour would be a worse tyranny than the tyranny we were trying to escape.

Trump is the saviour, he has come to rescue us, so prepare for life to be tougher than it was before.

Jan 30, 2025 7:15 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Quite right. The last five years we had ‘Weimar America’ (Weimerica) and now comes our ‘living messiah’. LOL!

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 30, 2025 10:53 AM

Having scraped the bottom of the already decrepit barrel, The Graud is now about a mile beneath it:

“Ukraine war briefing: Hitler wanted to kill me – don’t let Putin, says Ukrainian Holocaust survivor”

Jan 30, 2025 2:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Everyone alive in 1946 was a “holocaust survivor.” What a ridiculous phrase it is.

Jan 30, 2025 7:06 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

FWIW, Kurt Vonnegut expressed something similar when the term “survivor” became a favorite pop culture plaudit– more or less a synonym for “hero”. It was promoted by various health-related social movements, whether authentic or manufactured, e.g “Cancer Survivor”.

Paraphrasing from memory, Vonnegut said or wrote something along the lines of “When did ‘survivor’ become a mark of special distinction? Anyone who’s not dead is by definition a ‘survivor’.” 🤨

Jan 30, 2025 7:18 PM
Reply to  Ort

Probably around the time they started labeling cancer patients ‘brave’ and suicide bombers ‘cowardly’. Always seemed a bit backwards to me.

Feb 6, 2025 3:39 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Did you know that AIDS casualties are “heroes”?

Jan 30, 2025 9:12 PM
Reply to  Ort

Never understood the term “survivor” to describe people There are no survivors. Nobody gets out of here alive.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jan 31, 2025 12:04 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Everyone who rejected the Divoc 91 shot is a 21 century holocaust survivor.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 30, 2025 8:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Have you or anyone else here read any of the following WWII memoirs? I haven’t so I’m just checking….

Churchill’s 6-volume book The Second World War
Eisenhower’s 559-page book Crusade in Europe
de Gaulle’s three-volume memoirs of the war

In these massive reviews of WWII and Nazi Germany there was no mention of a Holocaust. Why would that be?

Jan 31, 2025 4:25 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Around 1980, I took the film footage of the liberation of Auschwitz, with its skeletal inmates, at face value. “Couldn’t possibly be faked” I thought. In more recent years, I even felt grateful that I had seen it long before it could have been faked.

Except it WAS faked. It was filmed days after the liberation by a Hollywood director flown in for the job. Some of the emaciated “prisoners” are alleged to be Germans. Everyone in the region was starving. (There was a war on, don’t you know.)

Media telling outrageous lies is not a new thing.

adam gadahn
adam gadahn
Feb 2, 2025 11:17 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

simples all the folks you listed are anti semites and deniers evil doers.
why would they promote the truth and help the innocents and families of Shoah

Feb 1, 2025 11:08 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Holocaust survivor? Yeah, only if you believe the holocaust tales are true, and there are a lot of us, myself included, who break British law by thinking for ourselves; that is why I, despite being British, will never visit that island again, I value my freedom.

The continued reverence (to the point of frustrating stupidity) for the holocaust is one of the main reasons why the west is deep diving in shit and is destined to go deeper. The west’s politicians are so bought by the zionists that I am awaiting the day when the people realise they are being fucked over and take the solution in their own hands. The Germans were fucked over by the zionists both before and, to a much much greater extent, after WW2, with the holocaust story; but the German people don’t yet know how to think for themselves, so I do not feel sorry for them, it is evolution.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 1, 2025 5:28 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Admin obviously thinks everyone should be free to think for themselves.

Therefore, on this basis, perhaps Admin can suggest something that occurs to us? Can’t it be argued that you are playing straight into this narrative’s hands by implying we need a ‘solution’, which has obvious Nazi connotations? Isn’t this neo-Nazi vocabulary exactly the association that such a narrative might pursue in order to discredit independent thought as ‘dangerous antisemitism’?

According to many (including you), this tactic has been rolled out the world over. It is, rather ironically, the main reason you cite it as so harmful. Therefore, why would we risk buying into it?? Perhaps we’d have to resist such an agenda in a smarter way?

I’m not trying to be antagonistic by calling you an unwitting Zionist patsy or anything, but the reason manipulative agendas can be so very effective is because they can trick us in these ways. Do you see?

Something to bear in mind. A2

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jan 30, 2025 10:42 AM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2025-01-29. 2025: TRUST IS GONE because healthcare is about price of a stock. FDA emails: 1.4m ARs 1st 18m (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 30, 2025 4:11 PM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

Thank you Russia for sacrificing a lot of your best Russian service senior people helping to divide Syria up to please Great Israel, and for leaving the good Syrian people to Al-Qaida governance to please US.  😇 

Jan 30, 2025 10:06 AM

MAGA loyalists
-500 billion for mRNA
-$ionist war hawk cabinet
-AI-driven mass surveillance
-Biometric ‘virtual’ border wall
-Tech bro technocrat take over –
Stargate project data center tracking
-Public/Private stable coin control grid
-Seed oil lobbyist as chief of USDA

Trump: “Don’t worry, I ‘banned’ CBDCs to save you!”

comment image

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 30, 2025 10:11 AM
Reply to  flirt

I think globalism is in Trump’s sights.

But, of course, it’s not altruistic.

Davos impedes Trumpism.

Feb 1, 2025 11:14 AM
Reply to  flirt

The MAGA people have TDS, it is just a different version of the TDS commonly suffered by Democrat voters. I would never have predicted that the close victory by Trump would result in such an insane reaction, where suddenly all these hyper-sceptic people are turned into total tapdogs, not questioning anything, because Trump did it. Man, the west is a turd in the toilet, trying to float above the flush.

Jan 30, 2025 9:59 AM
Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 30, 2025 4:03 PM
Reply to  flirt

No matter what he says I believe in my government.
Werner von Braun himself was showing Leadership for his team by being the first walking around, and his men came jumping after. Proof:comment image

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Jan 30, 2025 9:20 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

all astronauts in future should be issued such natty 3-piece space suits

Jan 31, 2025 5:56 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Obviously fake.
There’s no air on the moon!!!

Hang on, that doesn’t explain how that cow survived, or how the cheese grows.

Feb 1, 2025 11:17 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

NASA’s budget has now been given to Musk because …. that is elite theft and oligarchy.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 2, 2025 2:17 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

After the moon landing and the covid case, I think they can triple up the entire planet’s debt balloon.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 30, 2025 8:55 PM
Reply to  flirt
Jan 31, 2025 11:35 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Good find Veri.

Jan 31, 2025 4:07 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

‘Nasa’ actually means to “to lift up, take up, carry”. Appropriate for rockets with astronauts in them

The word you cited would be pronounced ‘nasha’. Different words, albeit similar (what’s a diacritic between friends?).

Buzz Aldrin read from John 15:5 on the moon, while taking Communion (never broadcast on TV for fear of causing offense, but check it out nevertheless).

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing”

Heard him speak live once. Great man. A real chief. Worthy of a ‘heil’ or two

Jan 30, 2025 9:51 AM

The big difference is that it’s now Musk playing the “literal Nazi”. Here’s more “hate Musk” propaganda from the belly of the beast:

Courtiers have served several roles throughout history. One is that they act as outriders for the project, they push the most extreme parts of the agenda and in the process start to normalise the ideas for later introduction, Another is that they act as lightning rods for the leader, taking the flak that would otherwise be directed at them. Musk is clearly performing both functions. Trump 2.0 is therefore being protected and the interesting question becomes why.

Feb 1, 2025 11:24 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Musk depends, yes depends, on money from the government, all his businesses have received hundreds of millions from government in grants and many hundreds of millions in loans, he has a vested interest and is the last person who should control government financials, or have the ear of the president. If you cannot see that, they your emotions are blurring your brain. It is not partisan thinking, it is MAGA thinking, the thieves should not be in the white house, but they are. USSR oligarchs did the same, the USA is just copying the USSR, let’s hope a USA Putin emerges from the shadows.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 30, 2025 9:44 AM

How about a piece on Usain Bolt ?

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 30, 2025 7:51 PM

Or even his cousin Insane Bolt.

Feb 1, 2025 1:33 AM

His uncle is the really fast guy in the family, Lightning Bolt.

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 1, 2025 12:42 PM
Reply to  Zane

He takes the victory express straight to Marrakech.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 2, 2025 2:23 AM

As you can see from my dear co-commenters the answer is no. You are clutching at straws again my dear.

Jan 30, 2025 8:06 AM

Quite difficult reading, like all the author’s articles. Not sure what it is about but I can’t read it again, I am probably autistic (the last two paragraphs were easy)

Jan 30, 2025 9:57 AM
Reply to  Hornbach


A literary work in which human foolishness or vice is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.


A cutting, often ironic remark intended to express contempt or ridicule.

Jan 30, 2025 11:37 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Dear Johnny,
Thank you for enlightening me about various concepts. What I meant is that the author (irrespective of his satire and sarcasm) has a very contorted style, mixing ideas and then not following through. I like to see logical statements, not some scared hare jumps. Of course, I can avoid reading that and apparently I should refrain from commenting it.

Jan 30, 2025 12:38 PM
Reply to  Hornbach

CJ ain’t no Sociologist.
He’s just a humble playwright with a sharp tongue.

Jan 30, 2025 4:00 PM
Reply to  Johnny

He’s just a humble playwright with a sharp tongue.??

I have never laughed at any of his articles.
I have never ever seen anyone laugh out loud and say wow wow wow
CJ your so funny.
I have heard loads of people say he manipulates MSM news with woke right MSM alt media shill talking points.

Miles smashes him to pieces.

I come hear for the comments and cuddles and snuggles from the adx who love me dearly and always vote my comments up and pend my comments to keep me safe from the horrible down-voters.

CJ reminds me of Howling Mad Murdock

Jan 30, 2025 9:42 PM
Reply to  entitlement

Dunno about actual belly laughs, but his wit does make me smile.
And that, is enough in these days of insanity.

You’ve gotta be kidding.
He’s a headline hunter.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 30, 2025 3:39 AM

Does anybody know where I can buy a baby onesie with Elon doing his ADL certified not a Nazi, “my heart goes out to you” salute – because those fascists at Amazon don’t seem to sell them!

Jan 30, 2025 10:48 AM

Try amazon·de ?

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 2, 2025 2:29 AM

Send a email to Afd das UrPartei in Germany. I am sure they have it in their archive.
Just underwrite the email with “Ich bin auch ein Berliner”.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jan 30, 2025 2:36 AM

Before the scripted nature of professional wrestling became widely known, the term “kayfabe” was used as a code among industry insiders to discuss matters in public without revealing the staged nature of their discipline. It was also used as a warning to other wrestlers that someone who was not “in the know” was in the vicinity; this could even include wrestlers’ family members who had not been clued into the scripted nature of professional wrestling.

A “kayfabe interview” for example meant the person being interviewed remained “in character”; when speaking of a “kayfabe girlfriend”, it implied she wasn’t actually romantically involved. A person could also be said to be “kayfabing” someone, by presenting storylines and rivalries as real.

Indeed the scripted nature of professional wrestling was unknown to most for a long time; the first public acknowledgment of its staged nature came in 1989 when WWF owner Vince McMahon testified before the New Jersey State Senate that wrestling was not a competitive sport. And indeed until as late as the mid-1990s those in the industry believed it was a secret that must be protected at all costs.

A fascinating aspect is that, even after the scripted nature of that discipline became an open secret, most fans refused to acknowledge it. To this day, most enthusiasts suspend disbelief, and feel, act and react as if the whole thing was real.

The heroes of the wrestling theater are called faces (short for “babyfaces”); their personalities are crafted to elicit the support from the audience through traits such as humility, patriotism, determination, etc. Faces usually win their matches on the basis of their technical skills and are sometimes portrayed as underdogs to enhance the story. On the other side of the dialectic, so-called “heels” are villainous or antagonistic characters, whose personalities are crafted to elicit a negative response from the audience; they typically embrace traditionally negative traits such as narcissism, egomania, unprompted rage, sadism, and general bitterness, and employ underhanded tactics such as cheating and exploiting technicalities.

Despite the archetypal character settings, different crowds may still react differently. It is known for example that older male fans tend to cheer for heels and boo faces, while children and female fans tend to stay on the cheer-for-faces-boo-for-heels sentiment. Again, the most fascinating aspect is these emotions of support or disdain are 100% real, as if the whole thing wasn’t scripted.

In professional wrestling, storylines are typically played out beyond the matches themselves; for example, if a wrestler appears on a show after a “brutal” attack they would “sell” the injury by limping or having their arm heavily bandaged in-between matches. Real-life deaths were sometimes even scripted into the narrative where promoters would come up with a kayfabe reason to work the event into the storyline.

Where are we going with all this? After all, this isn’t a website about professional wrestling.


Jan 30, 2025 9:28 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Heaven forbid!
Don’t tell me ‘Kayfabing’ is rife in every sport team sport.

Who woulda thunk it?

Jan 30, 2025 12:40 PM
Reply to  Johnny

😖 Delete first ‘sport’.
My finger is faster than my brain,

Jan 30, 2025 9:38 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Those who still believe ‘They Live’ was some sort of oppositional work need to remember Roddy Piper was an ex-wrestler. The film was about Republicans and promoted the two-party paradigm.

Carpenter’s ‘The Thing’ is no better, it’s about AIDS. Firstly, Carpenter has said it was. Secondly, there’s a WW2 VD poster on the wall for no reason. Thirdly, a blood test is the crucial plot device for detecting “the thing”.

This doesn’t mean both films aren’t made with some technical skill and can’t be enjoyed as entertainment. However profound truth-telling they are not and John Carpenter is not some sort of hero.

Jan 30, 2025 10:57 AM
Reply to  Edwige

And Dracula was about the dangers of letting foreigners with their alien ways into your country.

Jan 30, 2025 12:40 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

And not just any foreigners: Old Drac was a hook-nose from Eastern Europe!

Jan 30, 2025 12:39 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Carpenter’s definitely a liberal — he’s on record. But that doesn’t mean that some of his metaphors (like They Live) can’t be repurposed for other uses.

Jan 30, 2025 12:37 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Somehow, even when I was a kid, I knew that pro-wrestling was ‘kayfabe’ before 1989.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jan 30, 2025 12:47 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

The same people who still believe wrestling is real are on their 10th booster shot

Jan 30, 2025 1:59 AM

Musk didn’t say that: twisting his words. Why should offspring be held responsible for misdeeds of their great/grand/ parents is what he said. Cheap shot.

Jan 30, 2025 10:08 AM
Reply to  antonym

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Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 2, 2025 2:33 AM
Reply to  antonym

If you are a son or daughter of Hitler, Pol Pot or Charles Manson, you cant just say you are a goody goody person. I wouldnt believe you a second!

Jan 30, 2025 1:56 AM

Looks like sergeant Schultz was taking orders from lieutenant Schwab, not from general Biden. Soldier first class Hopk*ns is now recommended for promotion to corporal.

Jan 30, 2025 5:30 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Senator “native American” Warren was on her well paid war path for big Pharma against this recent fellow democrat. Bernie Sanders also on the take?
Similar drama soon around Tulsi Gabbard from her old ‘colleagues’: money talks in the U$.

Jan 30, 2025 1:16 AM

Racism: only whites can be that way, others can’t in Soros land. Just look at South Africa for example, Musk country of birth.

Feb 5, 2025 4:01 PM
Reply to  antonym

In the modern world (from roughly 1600 A.D.), only whites have had the wherewithal to make racism a reality. So even though racism is probably innate, and attributable to all races, it requires wealth and power to be foisted on other races.