Living Will Kill You
Todd Hayen

Will it? I don’t think so. But that seems to be a foundational tenet of the sheep worldview. Interestingly, though, the sheep-set fear most things that are rather innocuous, yet do not fear the things that will more than likely kill them, like chem-trails, fluoride, vaccines, and 5G (few listed here among many).
Why is that?
As you know, I say “why is that?” to an awful lot of things these days. But this one is kind of at the top of the heap. It goes hand in hand with a lot of similar things. Like why does everyone hate Trump with a passion, but love Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?
I can see why some people dislike stuff about Trump (I know I did for a long time)—his hair, his voice, his scowl, his lips, his “asshole-ness,” his narcissism, etc. Some even have a point when they cite his crassness when it comes to how he relates to women, his xenophobic response to immigrants, or his silly preposterousness with topics such as buying Greenland or making Canada the 51st state.
But most of these things are personality issues, and not his alleged inability to make sound decisions regarding the nation and the people in it (Canada, after all, would be nice to have). Sure, we can all have an opinion on the best way a country should be run, but HATE its leader?
And when I say “hate” I mean HAAAATE—a depth of hate beyond anything rational.
At the same time, these folks LOVE Kamala Harris, and LOVE Joe Biden. For what? Creepy personality traits? Traits at times that are even less appealing than Trump’s? And certainly, there is reason to deeply dislike their political policies, such as dumping billions of dollars into a corrupt war, advocating mutilating children, or opening the borders to unvetted criminals.
Isn’t there enough there to dislike? Or even hate? Nope. I guess not.
We see this strange dichotomy in a lot of things these days. It just doesn’t make any sound rational sense to, for example, embrace all vaccines yet fear eating a handful of peanuts because of all of the killer fat they contain. How many things are we told daily to avoid due to their likelihood of killing us? Yet statistically they are less likely to kill us than taking a drive to the grocery store—much less likely.
We see this primarily with stuff we put into our body, like food or drugs. But we see it in other places as well. Like why is it perfectly safe to stare at a cell phone all day, but not safe to take a walk in the sun without sunscreen? Or that it is perfectly fine for your kid to play video games ad nauseam, but dangerous for them to ride their bikes out in the open air and play street hockey with their friends?
Many people seem to have lost the true definition of health—which is not, as they appear to think, “avoiding all risk.” If they were truly avoiding “all risk” they wouldn’t eat cheeseburgers, or inject untested, poisonous, substances into their bodies. Health isn’t only about avoiding risks, it is about building a sound character, it is about expanding the mind, and it is about nurturing an emotional system that is resilient, robust, durable, and decent. What happened to that?
And again, even if people “got” this, it would still make sense for them to avoid the seriously risky elements of life, like pumping meds into their body they know little about, or staring at a techno screen all day, or supporting world war, and various other obviously risky behaviours and actions.
But that is the problem, isn’t it? People can no longer tell the difference between what truly is dangerous and what is not. Not only are many of these things I am describing not dangerous, but they are the healthier choice. And yes, some things that are good for you, or are the better choice, are indeed risky. But that sort of risk is healthy. I think people are believing that any risk is to be avoided, yet, at the same time, they engage in highly risky and intensely dangerous things.
Go figure.
Of course, the answers to my questions are easy to come up with. But simple they are not. The easy answer is the agenda is dead set on training us to respond to certain things a certain way, regardless of how illogical that response may be. It is also set on whittling us down into quivering little masses of Jello when it comes to dealing with life in general. What better way to make us compliant with authority? They will make us fear our own shadow so they can offer a solution as to how to get rid of our shadow.
They will not train us to not fear the shadow, because that would give us something of value, but rather they will train us to fear nearly everything, so they retain total control over our lives.
I say it is not simple because this training is very complex. Some of it, of course, may just be the evolution of a culture hell-bent on making life easy, convenient, and lazy. The agenda may have just picked up on this natural human compulsion and is using it to their advantage. It is interesting to note that most people “up there” in the category of “elite” are big personal risk-takers.
They are doers, shapers, and movers They fly around the world in their multimillion-dollar jets, they expose themselves to danger in foreign countries at war, they play hard on ski slopes and drive fast cars. They are risk-takers. They know the advantages of living life to its fullest. It is the rest of us they want cowering in the corner begging them to keep us safe.
And if you are a dog owner forget it!
I am surprised that the 90 million or so pet dogs in the US are not all dead since something is just around the corner to see to it. Ticks are rampaging through our parks and forests, grapes are rolling on the kitchen floor ready to be gobbled up by food-obsessed pooches—avocados, chocolate, oranges, cheese, and just about every other savoury snack a dog could dream of—all deadly. But no one bothers to see how much of these poisons a dog has to ingest before the death knell tolls.
Usually, it is quite a bit. And the things that kill instantly (like grapes, supposedly) probably are deadly only because of the ubiquitous vaccines the poor animal receives throughout its life. And are dog owners concerned about that? Nope. Not the least bit. Why does the agenda care about dogs? Who knows? It is just one more way to get at us.
I suppose all of these innocuous dangers are shoved down our throats as distractions. Things we are warned about to prove that mommy and daddy do indeed have our best interests at heart, while the real dangers are still lurking in the shadows. Hell, they aren’t in the shadows but are in plain sight. And many of us continue to stumble through what we have been brainwashed to believe is a risk-filled life—entirely blind to the real risks, eyes wide shut.
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Withdrawal from exposure to propaganda is the way to avoid this rubbish.
Try this if you want to peacefully protest against the vaccine democide. It’s easy, free, and there’s even a slight possibility someone might wake up. For an average person looking to do something, this is something.
The problem with most of us is that we live in fear of dying, whilst in fact we’re already dead and only deferring the time to become alive.
Good point. And particularly the part about the problem being out fear of dying…that is probably the number one cause of greed, among other things.
Riane Eisler, in The Chalice and The Blade, argues that around 10,000 years ago, as the Earth cooled, populations living on the ice sheets migrated south. Unlike the pastoral agrarian societies of the warmer regions, these northerners survived by hunting animals, which engendered a culture centered around weaponry and killing.
For these northerners, killing was not only a necessity but became the defining aspect of their way of life. Their most skilled warriors were revered, and their weapons were seen as essential to survival and life. It was this exclusive proficiency which made them ill adapted to compete in warmer climates for food sources on equal terms and resulted in the subjugation of southern populations so that the fruits of their labor could be extracted. This northern worldview was reflected in their religious beliefs, which exalted violence and conquest; and it was this mindset that gave rise to the death cults that still rule human civilization today—where destruction and domination take precedence over life-giving practices.
The mentality permeates modern structures of power, where war and control are worshipped, while those things that nurture life—cooperation, creation, and
sustainability—are marginalized and subordinated to the “life giving” logic of domination and death.
George Carlin’s bit about why football is such a popular sport in the US, it’s all about ground acquisition:
Baseball and Football | George Carlin | On Campus (1984)
Can’t take it with you
“Motörhead – No Class (Official Video)”
“Living Will Kill You”
not living will kill you.
do what you what you want to….if you grew up on motorbikes, take motorbikes to the limit, until you can’t pull any more g….
do something different even more dangerous and exciting that you have not done before…
make a mistake, when invited, by your colleagues at work, to their model flying club, and thank them for inviting you ( yeh I have done that before with my older brothers – i can still smell the nitro)
So I was about 23, had a good job,, but missed my mates at work, where they were flying their models…and parked my bike at Derby& Lancashire Gliding Club
I saw this glider doing about 100mph in a strong wind over Great Hucklow ridge…and ran to meet him, when he landed…
This boy about the same age as me, climbed out of the cockpit…I was the first to meet him when he landed.
I instantly knew. “I want to do that” ” I want to learn to fly”
He says its easy…just turn up , and say “I WANT TO FLY”
Then if you like it, book yourself on a week’s Gliding Course.
Its a lot of fun. You will meet some nice people, learning to fly, and you will get really fit, and have a brand new social life,,,boys and girls – just like you and me.
“Pink Floyd – Learning To Fly (Official Music Video HD)”
Trump is an enemy in league with the Bill Gates/Monsanto/Klaus Schwab/Patrick Brown (Impossible Burgers) axis.
It’s the smartphones, stupid!
It’s basically cartoon politics. No one is allowed to express publicly hatred for the real evil of the likes of Netanyahu, and some others around the world, so the media have to construct proxy battles. Trump has personality flaws but he plainly also has some humanity, which you can’t say even of all of his predecessors.
I often express vitriolic contempt for the genocidal psychopthds Netanyahu and Smotrich.
Of course, I am not a fellater of big publishers (I don’t work in the MSM), I am not a fellater of big tech moguls ( I recently said ‘F88k off Musk!’ concerning his attempts to rig UK politics) and I have no admiration for Uniparty hacks either.
Everyone has to decide whether their price for making money includes fellating Netanyahu, Musk, Gates, Bezos etc etc.
If there were not greater fear than death it would not become a saviour or escape.
Materialism frames everything in terms of the body.
Body-as-limiter-&-separator, masks a mind in conflicted contradictions, to invest a ‘self-will’ as ‘flesh in the game’.
Defining all things in terms of ‘separation’ reflects the ‘self’ or lens through which we then perceive – rather than know, have and be.
Fear of pain of loss can take many forms – as can countermeasures or ‘solutions’ seeking impunity or immunity for a ‘separate self-interest’.
But all defences carry the underlying conflict they were formed to defend, such as to ‘teach’ through fear of pain or loss, at cost to joy in being – as a qualitative presence and appreciation for being.
Reiteration of past trauma is not obvious when the ‘defences’ are internalised, invisible and socially reinforced. To the degree such a bubble can be maintained, so can unhealed conflicts seem to be escaped, rather than masked over in dissociative displacement maps of an ‘adjusted reality’.
Illusions are equally untrue, but we are deeply attached, invested and identified to some, while others are more easily recognised and released.
That self-illusions are temporary is a clue to that truth is not ‘in time’ except as being always ‘on time!’ When we give welcome to truth we are no longer asserting to own, define or control it in our own image and thought.
Blocks to awareness of truth are judgements that assume to separate from the life and world being judged.
Instant karma gives the hit of self-aggrandizement along with a dissociated or projected ‘shadow’ that must frame the would be judge in the terms it has thus set for itself.
Ego seeks to prolong and boost the ‘getting’ while masking over or outsourcing and denying ‘being got’.
Giving and receiving share in qualities of felt value – else they but mask a ‘getting’ in the form or face of virtue.
Insanity of self-reinforcing hatred is hell without escape excepting release or yielding up of judgement. Buying time by scapegoating the body or others or life itself ‘stores up treasures in hell’ – that is to say ‘loving’ to hate invests in denial of true self and life – regardless any social reinforcement of virtue signalling and seeming escape to temporary ‘security’ (note these contradictions – else they mask for deeper investment in ‘self-illusion’ as running contra to all that is true and truly serves you/us.
Self-illusion has all the power we give it – no more but no less.
Focusing in the circus of conflict keeps the mind from the felt quality of being. Yet guilt attracts rather than repels while conflict compels a fixated or addictive attention. A ‘god’ of vengeance feeds on (is hungry for) guilt and sacrifice.
To choose living truth can only be in the moment at hand – which the choice for conflict dissociates from or hides by presenting in terms of a past continuous to ‘a future’ set in and by its image.
What if all the past is gone and nothing but its blessing remained?
There is a way to seek the blessing and release the curse – but is there a willingness to heal?
Your exploration of fear, illusion, and the nature of self is intricate and profound, yet it seems to overlook a fundamental aspect of human experience: the necessity of the body in our journey toward understanding and connection. While you aptly point out the conflicts born from materialism and the sense of separation, it’s vital to recognize that the body is not merely a limitation but also a vessel through which we engage with the world and one another.
Yes, fear can be a catalyst for unhealthy defenses and self-illusion, but let’s not dismiss the very real and often protective role that fear plays in our lives. It can signal danger and prompt us to react, ensuring our survival in a world that can be unpredictable and hostile. Rather than viewing it solely as an adversary, we might consider fear as a teacher, one that invites us to confront, understand, and ultimately transcend our limitations.
Moreover, the notion that self-illusion has power only to the extent we grant it can be misleading. Self-illusion often arises from deeply ingrained societal narratives and psychological conditioning, which we do not always consciously choose. It suggests a level of agency that may not be equally accessible to everyone, especially those grappling with trauma or systemic oppression. Thus, we must approach this conversation with empathy and a recognition of the myriad factors that shape individual experiences.
You advocate for a return to truth and being, but what does that mean for those still navigating the chaos of their inner worlds? The journey to healing is not merely a matter of will; it requires support, understanding, and often a radical shift in the structures that bind us. While it’s true that focusing on conflict can distract us from the essence of being, we must also acknowledge that many are still wrestling with the very conflicts you describe, striving to find their footing in a reality that often feels overwhelming.
Lastly, the question of whether we are willing to heal is crucial, yet it presupposes that we all have equal access to the resources, support, and understanding necessary for that healing. Healing is a collective endeavor, one that requires compassion, community, and a willingness to listen and learn from one another’s experiences.
So, rather than framing the conversation solely in terms of individual choice and illusion, let’s also embrace the complexity of human existence—the interplay of body, mind, and spirit—and acknowledge that the path to truth and healing is as much about connection and compassion as it is about introspection and self-awareness.
Daily Wire’s Morning Wire podcast was a “special edition” today, Sunday, Feb 2nd, that featured a discussion with the “Food Babe” She was pushing a book about food additive standards and her relationship with food corporations. A contentious one, at best. Much like the Covid Vaxx controversy but only with the chemical industry. I am very ignorant on the topic but my daughter is into it. When she and her brother’s families come they tend to avoid some of foods I buy. I am just trying to be a bad grandparent wanting to spoil the grand kids. It has gotten to the point where I have requested a list of snack foods they are allowed to eat. They refuse. Last time they were here I asked the grand kids themselves. They paused and looked at me like I was crazy. Seemed like they were trying to protect me from their parents. Preliminary list: Goldfish cheese crackers. Cheez-Its. Fresh pineapple. Honeycrisp apples (at 4 bucks a pound). Cuties oranges. Lucky Charms are no longer allowed. Pop Tarts either. I got the impression that you might as well give them cyanide. Given that you cannot trust anyone in the food industry anymore, I sort of understand. You find yourself leaning toward Bobby Kennedy and Ron Johnson, politically. It is appalling when you see the actions of Congress as they protect these industries. What the hell has happened. Yep we are all dying. Sooner than later. But what about the ones that don’t die. The ones permanently maimed and suffering for decades before they call for the MAID to clean up the mess created by Congresspeople living lives of luxury.
I cant believe the Congress people and Board Directors in the Industry are only eating Amish food and drinking mineral water from Northern Greenland.
Saying they eat the same junk food as we do. They just have better doctors to prolong their shitty lives with even more medical poison.
So again, the majority simply dont care. Our human bodies have a strong enough immune system to live strong and die young on Hamburgers, Cakes, Sausages, Coca-Cola, and “If I had more arms I would drink more beers”.
If you wanna surprise them and yourself, try pick up some black berries, a fig, an apple in boats from your own or your neighbours garden, add some whipped cream or just yogurt natural after preference.
All without sprayed chemicals, just natural from a homemade garden with minimum care, and sense how delicious it is compared to the shit in the supermarket.
Cold mineral water with air pearls, and you and your kids are in heaven.
US Congressional critters like those here in the Australian Parliament get Gold Plated Healthcare , in AU if they have been in actual Government as front benchers and have been parliamentarians for more than ten Years they are entitled to offices, chauffeured limousines , and gold plated health care for the rest of their Lives..… There were also Mentions of exemptions for politicians in the USA of Covid Vaccine exemptions ( mis direction by MSM ? To demoralise who knows) supposedly that happened throughout the World!… Newsweek is a notorious CIÀ conduit .. they and others promoted the Mandate exemptions from US Federal Law or Congress Critters ..
* for congress critters
When I was a kid, I thought parents who forbade sweets (candy) were mental. Same if they had no TV.
They were right and I was wrong.
The further we drift from a natural diet and lifestyle the worse our bodies will be. Not just in health but capability.
It’s insane how much healthier I’ve become just by not eating processed food-like-substances.
If the food cannot be recognized (by sight, smell, texture and taste), it is probably over-processed, adulterated or poisoned. Just because some of use believe we are in a “democracy” does not stop it too being traded like other things.
As much as I wouldn’t dream of jabbing myself or my dog simply because a) there’s no point and b) I would simply be adding to the toxic load that I already have to live with simply by being alive in the here and now, still, I take issue with the degree of fear mongering over the vax.
In the early days of convid some experts were saying everyone vaxed would be dead within 6 months! Then there were the scares like shedding and all the hullabaloo about what was or wasn’t in the vaxes. Yes, they are bad news and many people have learned they don’t want to do it again. Many poor souls have learned that lesson too late. But there has to be a variety of reasons why a vax (or novel shot) has the horrendous effects it does have in some cases. We live and learn as human beings. Some ‘experts’ don’t! But let’s not overdo the fear mongering unnecessarily when it comes to vaxes. It is yet another door into totalitarian control.
To a certain degree, I agree. There is a lot of fear mongering on both sides.
However, the fear mongering has a proven track record when it comes to the cvid injection. Many many many people have died, and many more injured. I know some. And there is no doubt it was the shot.
Shedding? I don’t know. But I wouldn’t doubt it (or anything at this point).
How about just revoking the 1986 Vaccine Act (at least in the USA)? Let pharma make all the potions they want. But make them liable for death and injury. And not in a kangaroo “Vaccine Court” as is the present remedy.
Revoke the act and bring back the day when vaccine manufacturers were going bankrupt because of lawsuits from injuries.
I guess that’s too simple.
I agree but… in as much as fear is THE main tool used for control, the caveat has to be; anything you are afraid of…. question.
I think the evidence of shedding is very strong amongst girls, who have been jabbed, and girls who have not, and they are all friends. the unjabbed girls find their menstrual periods have changed, and they write about it, all over the internet, before anyone had a clue what was going on. Why would they do that unless it was true?. Blokes did not report the same thing. they would be too shy. Girls together look after each other, and tend to tell the truth. They always know when their boyfriends are lying.
Ah yes shedding, another pay op
What makes you say That?
do not jab yourself. it is not a good idea, except under highly unusual circumstances, like in 2016, when my wife got run over by a car, on the way to her dance class. I did not blame the driver. It was him, who phoned me up, and said sorry, I have just run over your wife…I didn’t see her..30 mins later she was in A&E, and the doctor said to her…do you remember when you gave birth?? No time for pain killers. This is going to hurt…
So she reset her leg…broken bones put back together, very fresh. she didn’t even scream.
She was in hospital for a few weeks, and I said I will look after her. She was desperate to come home…
They said OK, and said, look you have got to inject yourself once a day, in your tummy, and I was amazed she agreed to do it, and did. something about post operative stress, and the dangers of blood clots
We want you Dancing Again – and she is..
So in 2023, I got Sepis, real bad,, and eventually they agreed I could go home. They knew my wife would look after me…(she is like that – can I have him back)
I asked them…do I have to do the same thing – jab myself every day? I really don’t want to..
The Specialist said, we have been testing your blood, every day for 23 days, and have finally killed all the Sepsis bugs with antibiotics…No you do not have to jab yourself at all…We can tell you have never has a covid jab, and are highly unlikely to get a blood clot. – just take it easy and you should make a full recovery.
Not everyone died from the C-shots … only around 15+ million. How many more millions were turned into permanent new patients for Rockefeller medicine?
Yes indeed, Im visiting My Mum in Devonport Tas … It is Crazy how many people I’m seeing who can’t walk … I hear people talking about grotesque injuries and sudden Cancers in Checkout Cues , every other day … One feels like shaking some of these people … A minority are still taking the Injections .. its utterly bizzare , My own mother is one of them, though she wont get anymore boosters she will defend them to the hilt… Hypnotism … Sorcery …!!
Ps/ as Luc Montagnier said it will be years before the full toll is known if ever ” these shots will Kill and Keep on Killing” said he..
Shedding from jabbed persons has been proven, and caused more victims.
I dont like politic’s and think it is for the retards and it is all bullshit and nodump is a WWe actor
That does not make me a commi or a Biden and Kamala lover.
You lot get paid VERY very well for lessen articles on dump=the right whilst heavily promotion of the other lot.
Real example is;
9 articles on Ogor when Labour got in
1 article and a video since dump new fake reign.
To quote Upton Sinclair.. ” Two Wings of the same Bird of Prey”..
Before my comment has been released from PENDING (1 Full day)
Please remove me from your data base. Im done.
Sorry about your comment. It had gone astray. Not quite sure how that happened.
You aren’t on a ‘database’, that I’m aware of. Commenting is as anonymous here as possible. I also rearly meant it the other day when I said I have no idea why you are going into pending. You are not on our premod list.
If you opt not to become hostile and would like to work with admin to troubleshoot this issue, we’d be more than happy. Eg. You could try another email address etc. Otherwise, bye and good luck. A2
UPDATE: oh I think we may have found the issue. Hopefully that is fixed for you. Let’s try to get off on the right foot though, admin won’t hesitate to put you on the premod list if you routinely break our comment policy by undermining trust in this forum. So try and remember, we’re on the same side lol
Coming soon! New ‘woke’ horror movies:
‘A Canadian Werewolf in London’…. “no worries about me ripping your throat out, I’m vegan… and I’ll try to keep the snarling down as I realise it’s very anti-social… “.
‘Canadian Psycho’…. “no killings even in my imagination thanks to the Neuralink implant…. “.
How about The Texas Misgendering Massacre?
The Thing From Another Gender.
Plan Nine (genders) From Outa Their Minds.
When I was a kid (1970s) our family dog was messed up for life by vaccines.
Utterly foul stuff.
I felt guilty for not keeping my cat’s vaccinations up to date. Not any more.
He lived very happily to 15, apparently a good age for an unneutered tom allowed outdoors. I hoped for another 5 years but it wasn’t to be.
Also glad I didn’t have him neutered. He was small, but a tough little devil. If he’d been snipped I’m certain the local foxes would have killed him for being weak and submissive.
Yes we should be happy to be allowed 75 years down here, jabbed or not.
So the cats were only allowed 15 shitty howling years. Have you heard the street cats at night when they are horny? Very horny horny.
Foxes are worse. They sound like women screaming. I nearly called the police over it once, until I worked out what it really was.
If there’s not a lot to say…why not say nothing?
We are humans and demand to be heard. To be admired, respected, and to be seen and paid for our abilities and skills.
The more people hear my voice and see my written bs, the more attention I get, the more admired I fee and the more you will have to pay ME to get ME.
ME, ME, and more ME. Matrix
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. (Thoreau)
Death is at stake in our living. Daring to live at the depths of what life has to teach us requires leaping, again and again, into unknown territory, and discerning practice of loss in what we take for granted is like little deaths that prepare us to enter the undiscovered country. Lead a life of quiet desperation, consumed by safe space constantly sought to run from risk, and one’s own mortality becomes a hellhound chasing one down into desperation before what cannot be outrun.
We are born free and everywhere are in chains (Rousseau). The chains are different for each of us, all the more isolating us in silence and shame that keeps us cut off from compassion for common sentience in a world where practices of power, over life and death, imprison us in fear. From earliest age, hardly self-conscious and autonomous, we are placed in subordinate relations to authority and socialized into identification with systems of abuse, ruling institutions with which the few command the many by colonizing us in fear, and obedience to our protectors. Whatever enemy can divide us is used to rule us. So false foes and friends are mass manufactured left and right, as in political theater, to keep us from waking up and rising up to our universal alienation.
There are some fates worse than death. Maybe living dead morally to the suffering and struggle of others like ourselves for a fuller humanity in freedom from powers that shouldn’t be is one of them. At this late stage for humanity, before it’s too late to know any longer what to fight for inside the machine, its identity one’s own, may more and more discover they’d rather die on their feet than live on their knees (Zapata).
Living Life To The Fullest…is a tricky business; and perhaps not all it’s cracked up to be.
Some must experience things to get the essence of them. Others are better as grasping essences – and therefore understanding a thing’s progression. Observation and conceptualization are key to understanding.
The essence of understanding is the ability to project into the future based upon self-knowledge – to evaluate a certain activity and decide if it’s right for oneself. Will one lose more than he gains from the activity. If it’s not really what one wants, and one knows this, then what’s the point in pursuing it just to have experienced it?
There’s a great short story by Kafka called “A Hunger Artist.” At the end, the hunger artist says “If I had found the food I liked, believe me, I should have made no fuss and stuffed myself like you or anyone else.”
Last time I looked there was a dump next to Walden Pond.
Probably condos by now. With a dump under them.
Somebody in authority, though, had a demonic sense of humor.
Brilliant Post. Thank You.
If you are afraid of death, you can’t live.
To err is hoomin…
Computers are never wrong – because they’re programed by
So Todd, I think most main things around your article has been discussed. So finally we
have this thing I also find suspicious, the grape thing:
Why is the grape so promoted as evilnes not only for dogs but also in a relation to all big pharma products, heart medicine, you name it?
Take it on a search machine it appears grape has a lot of good medical properties, quinine, pectin, for malaria, heart arrhythmia, anti-oxidant, m.m.
Are they smearing grape all over the internet and in Western medical lecture because it has a lot of healthy features for us living creatures?? I suspect so, after digging a bit.

Are grapefruit referred to as “grape” in some parts of the world? How confusing. I suppose grapes are usually mentioned in plural, but even so…
Did you find any other comma and gramma failures? Let bring them all to The Supreme Court if you and the boys wish.
My question was sincere. American English can be bizarre for example. (E.G. “I could care less.”)
Grapefruit being harmful to dogs is far more believable than grapes. Unless they choke on them, obviously.
My regrets. “Grape” should have been “grapefruit”. The photo was provided to avoid any misunderstanding. I guess I was uncertain too about the wording.
Because the grape is possibly one of the most perfect foods for health.
“They know the advantages of living life to its fullest. It is the rest of us they want cowering in the corner begging them to keep us safe.”
Speak for yourself on that one. Ya, I get what you’re saying generally, and for most people, like the same ones who voted for Trump and Harris, it’s a valid point. But no, man, I can’t dig that line. Come on now, living life to its fullest is far fucking beyond flying around on jets and skiing in posh resorts. Maybe it was meant differently from how I’m reading it, but fuck that. That mentality is part of the problem.
Insatiable-ness, does it have limits ?
You Live Your Life
but, ‘to the fullest’, suggests you’re driven by
‘I Cant Be Satisfied’ – Muddy Waters
‘I Cant Get No Satisfaction’ – a reaction to The Telly adverts
as The West entered the full-blown Consumer Era…
(France. May 1968 was a reaction to this New World Order
(NWO) of unending dis-satisfaction your money could now buy)…
(“Dis-satisfaction – “It’s Good For The Consumer Economy”)
“Is That All There Is ?” … Miss Peggy Lee (1969)…
“Are We THERE Yet !!”” insist The Little Bastards in the back seat..
“THERE – aka Utopia” … (aka – the end of frustration and Holding On !!)
(“Hold On – Just A Bit Longer !!” – asks every politicians !!)
That mentality is narcissism. Narcissists are adrenaline junkies. They are also attention seekers, craving admiration, fans, and followers.
Living well is within most people’s reach.
For example I now eat only simple food, prepared myself. I guarantee I enjoy eating as much as, if not more, than any rich person eating the most expensive food.
Is there anything more heavenly than eating a humble fried egg? No. Not if you have the right attitude.
Who doesn’t fear death? Those who have found their Soul and are thus identified with the Eternal All, like angels, knowing that there are many rebirths and even a blessed parallel life during normal physical life.
So actually you do fear death. The only reason you feel safe is you think it won’t happen to you!
I, on the other hand, know I will die and do not fear it.
Ah no, I will die physically too, and do not fear it. It is just that I believe in reincarnation of the soul after some time. Our egos will be abolished between every birth: if only we could mange that during life!
Your soul will be caught forever in a dark AI flat screen.
Minute 21:50
“Connect your mind, connect your soul, connect your body, enter into the simulation”.
M.O.F.A. – Got the T.Sirt on the islands in Denmark , (from Latvia), ordered 25/1/25 PM & I was wearing it in Charcoaled Heather on Friday Night 31/1/25 with a mug of Stout … was that a Simulation or me just testing things, before my next attempt for a delivery to NUUK.Greenland.Dk ? 😂
I’ll let you know how Off-G’s Asian arms are functioning in this ‘Simulation’: before I report back on the QC Beenie & the Mug adventure, (testing antonym’s absurd accusations on the previous article) and given that I’m on permanent pre-mod, pen-ding, can I buy an empty mug for Antonym and OffG send it to him ? And a Beenie for Erik, please ?, because the Wind Simulation in Denmark can be mighty cold on the ears & bite like the mighty Fire 🔥 ‘Ant’ , as I’m sure Erik is aware of & that one does not want to be off-guard absent a Beenie in Denmark, when the wind blows: which is most Every darned day, like clockwork Antonym … so, can I send Erik some ear warming head protection, should he confirm here publically his acceptance & his address , privately… ?
Not forgetting a Mug for Antonym,
as daily reminder of Wind Chill-Factor ?
Shoutout to anyone of you 57,000 Greenlanders, would you like a
** FREE OFFG BEENIE ** at MY COST to Test in EXTREME Conditions ?
Danish F-35s are on their way , Danish Pastries G’teed, & NorthStream will be reopened soon & Mette can sell Mink Coats, and Greenlanders can sell
The Ionosphere Illuminating magnetic wave energy.
‘You can leave yer’ hat on… ‘
Thanks, but no thanks. Us who are living in Greenland and Denmark already bought our beanies.
Mine is mustard yellow, military style and tough guys like me drink directly from the bottle or tin can. Mugs are for sissies.
But back to the simulation.
If you and the rest of the sheeple continue to live 10 hours a day in front of and with some type of flat-screen, you are a lost mental case after just 5-10 years.
You cannot come back to “reality” as you will not know what it is anymore. This was the message from DJ Bella Kri.
What is a matrix? For years after the movie came out I never asked myself what the title meant. I only knew the maths/computing definition and that almost fitted. Am I the only one?
The human body is a matrix for the mind / personality / soul(?) to grow in. The Matrix in the movie was an extension of this.
It’s natural to wish that when the body-matrix dies the personality can move on to an alternative matrix. But there’s no reason to assume this. Even if it can happen, would it still be you? I really don’t care if upon my death there could be a computer based simulacrum of me made up of ones and zeroes. That’s not immortality, it’s turning life into something trivial and insignificant. You’re literally being represented as an integer.
BTW your link doesn’t work for me.
You are probably in an area where Russian media is banned. I usually try Yandex if I cannot find it on Western search machines.
The Headline is this particular, but there are different variations so it is difficult if you cant make the Yandex link to work.
DJ Bella Kri – Live | Progressive House & Melodic Techno Mix [19/01/2024]
A Matrix is a closed system you cannot escape.
Don’t awake the sleepers – they will not thank you.
“Who doesn’t fear death? Those who have found their Soul and are thus identified with the Eternal All, like angels, knowing that there are many rebirths and even a blessed parallel life during normal physical life”
Bit over stated old mate. Not fearing death does not equate (necessarily) with finding the soul…like angels… etc etc. Bit of hyperbole there.
Anyone who has had an obe/nde does not fear death …the rest of it (may well be) perceptions, ideas, speculations
I didn’t claim they have a monopoly. Many get spooked out during an obe ( by their own worst fears enacted to prank them); not all had a nice nde experience, but yes some come out not fearing death anymore.
Thanks Todd ,great article. I know Many people , Alternative Media included are skeptical of Weather Modification so called Chem trails , Atmospheric injection etc .. here is a great resource for skeptics , an aggregator of very well curted information including , patents , Newspaper clippings( hundreds) FOI documents , Declassified and Leaked MIC documents .. a truly stunning resource .. that should put any doubts to rest .. and convince hardened skeptics!
Alternative Media included are skeptical of Weather Modification so called Chem trails , Atmospheric injection etc
Like ofg until very recently when it become internet fashionable to discuss it extremely poorly.
Also great ..”the Dimming”…
This The Dimming disagrees with the Weather Modifcation History guy because the Dimming shows patents for machines that eject matter from airplanes, while the Weather Modification History guy says there is no such thing.
People Worry that bringing in Weather Modification is going to turn people off ..the underlying implication then becomes that Climate Change Orthodoxy is a a hoax , and also that Chemicals and Toxic Heavy Metal cocktails are perhaps dual purpose , ie being used to dumb us down , and make us sick … If that is all true then We are dealing with Sadistic Overlords, unscrupulous Evil beyond words , we are dealing with Brainwashing , indoctrination at an intergenerational level that is maddening and almost beyond comprehension …. Sadly i think We probably are … Then you have the theories of Graphene Oxide in shots , the Microwave Radiation stuff … All very concerning but ambiguous is it misdirection seeded by the PTSB to obfuscate and sow chaos … Who knows ! .. i believe Weather Mod is happening because i have and am seeing it every other day … But hey its just contrails to most !… No black pilled bullshit i believe in the resilliance of the Human Spirit .. but we need to understand what We are confronting ..all the best to everyone here .. thanks for the great comments and to those running and administering OG in all its dare one use the term “Diversity”
Rudimentary Peni | Cacophony LP [full]
Is Death Church better ?
The Sun Interview
As We Lay Dying
Stephen Jenkinson On How We Deny Our Mortality
By Erik Hoffner
August 2015
In August of 2015 Eric Hoffner asked Stephen Jenkinson the following question.
“How did you arrive at your views about dying, despite growing up in a culture that is, in your words, “death phobic”?”
Vision Quest
Stephen Jenkinson | On Death and Dying
“It’s with a tremble that I present to you the first ever Campfire Stories Podcast episode. The guest is Stephen Jenkinson: one of the biggest, if not the biggest, source of inspiration for me when it comes to transitioning into the kind of world I’d like to hand over to my children. Reading his book “Die Wise” made me see death in a whole new way. At the same time it made me appreciate life in a new way too.”
Interview on Campfire Stories Podcast
Don’t Die: The Man Who Wants to Live Forever
2025 | Maturity Rating:
TV-14 | 1h 29m | Documentary
In this documentary, wealthy entrepreneur Bryan Johnson puts his body and fortune on the line to defy aging and extend his life beyond all known limits.
More Human Than Human
“Underneath it all there’s this great peace; that Mother Earth has it under control. And not the fact that she doesn’t want human beings around; she wants the ones that are still honouring her. And that would be true for any Mother or any Father or any family that we continue this.” Tiokasin Ghosthorse, July 14, 2019
Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Cheyenne River Lakota Sioux—Derrick Jensen Resistance Radio
“The Cherokee poet Marilou Awiakta has been listening. In her poem, “When the Earth Becomes an ‘It,’” she reports that Earth asks that we call her by name.”
‘Returning the Gift
Robin Wall Kimmerer
“Scientists have given the planet a check-up — and all is not well.”
‘Scientists recently checked up on Earth’s ‘vital signs.’ So how are we doing?
Benjamin Shingler, Anand Ram, Wendy Martinez · CBC News
Oct 08, 2024
“Taken together, its “ecosystem services” (functions that benefit humans) have been estimated at $93 billion per year in value.”
‘Why Canada’s boreal forest is gaining international attention
By canada’s this, canada’s that … Jimmy Thomson
Feb. 26, 2019
How Science Ignores The Living World — An Interview With Vine Deloria
The manager of Canada’s response to COVID has dropped dead at 35, without one word about it from the “free press” in that bio-fascist hell
Maybe they don’t know? Maybe Trudeau doesn’t know? Scroll down for their contact information, so you can tell them
Mark Crispin Miller
Dec 17, 2022
The National Citizens Inquiry
Learn about the NCI’s Purpose & Structure
The NCI has been created to support the following objectives:
1. TO LISTEN to the stories of Canadians impacted by the health protection measures adopted, and to the testimonies of experts, including those whose narratives differ from the governmental narrative.
2. TO LEARN what went right and what went wrong during the past three years, and what are the lessons to be learned from Canada’s COVID-19 experience?
3. TO RECOMMEND ways and means of ensuring that any future national crises are better managed, harms mitigated, and trust in public institutions upheld.
“Whatever you say it’s alright
Whatever you do it’s all good
Whatever you say it’s alright …” Letting The Cables Sleep
Gavin Rossdale
Thanks for the shares Derek .. the Wrong kind of Green interview is superb!
I will be immortal till the day I die.
So I have nothing to worry about.
Immortality = Now.
Where else could it be?
I , on the other hand , will be immortal the day I die.
Impressive if true.
Yes, you’re absolutely right.
As I’ve stated on this site over the last few years many a time, we do all survive (in our [very real] eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’. I (as also have literally countless millions of other properly-informed, intelligent people around the world also done) have carried out extensive scholarly research into this vital truth for 30+ years, and have read 1000+ high-quality, scholarly books on it. I own 400+ on the subject. I also (as also do countless millions of others worldwide) possess literally hundreds of personal proofs of the truth of Survival (we live in a multi-dimensional cosmos; ie, there is far, far more to reality than merely this physical dimension).
One of the tens of thousands of excellent books on this vital truth of existence is the following:
“Your Eternal Self: Science discovers the Afterlife”, by R Craig Hogan.
As I’ve also said before, anyone who chooses (ignorantly) to ‘disbelieve’ the above (due to their lack of knowledge of what is known/proven) will, on the eventual day on which they do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, discover that we truly DO all survive the death of our physical body ‘coat’.
Those who wrongly ridicule the Survival truth come into two categories:
i) ‘Christian Fundamentalists’, and
ii) closed-minded materialists.
Those who fall into category i) above are not aware that they’ve been well and truly duped by the evil, corrupt, deceitful ‘Christian Church’; they all fall for the false dogmas and false doctrines that are spewed out by that organisation (the one and only good thing to come out of the ‘Church’ is that it records [so-called] ‘baptisms’, marriages, and deaths/burials. I’ve been a genealogist for 36+ years, and such records are, of course, essential, to be able to carry out such research).
Those who fall into category ii) above are simply closed-minded, and thus refuse to carry out the scholarly research which, if they DID carry it out, would provide them with the mountain-loads of multi-faceted evidences which demonstrate incontrovertibly that we most definitely do all survive ‘death;’ ie, that the actual nature of that event is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its wholly illusory face-value mere appearance.
Ie, there is no reason whatsoever to fear ‘death’, for it is provably NOT what it merely seems to be.
It’s okay to hate. Necessary even. Hate is a survival skill.
It is especially justified to hate people who want to ban “hate speech.” People like Trudeau. I realised several elections ago he was Canada’s enemy, and I’m not even Canadian.
Hate is an existential human right, one of our basic emotions.
I dare say but only if there is truthful and legitimate reason for it.
How about Anger .. not so much Hate ..?
Anger has kept me going for the last five years. I’m not exaggerating. Without anger… well I might not be here.
Yeah Me too Jon! … To quote little Johnny Lydon even though now he has completely lost his critical faculty..” Anger is an Energy”
Unless of course Jonathan You are John Lydon .. that would really be something…it would mean he hasnt become a washed out MSM shill who Parrots all the bullshit thats fit to print .. if it is you JL My Apologies!
Haha, no I’m not JR.
I wasn’t really into him back in the day but in hindsight he was wordly wise to things I was not, so the old Johnny is OK in my book. A shame if he has turned into a fool. His wife died of alzheimers, maybe that got to him.
And who decides what is truthful and legitimate for me? Or for anyone?
Hate is in the soul of the beholder.
I hate the cvid mask wearing. That is truthful and legitimate for me.
It is not truthful and legitimate for my very good friend. She wears a mask.
Who’s to say?
My truth is my truth. I don’t need anyone to legitimize it.
As only light can drive out darkness, only love can drive out hate.
“Haters will see you walk on water and say it’s because you can’t swim.”
How to not be a hater? 1 Peter 2:1-2 Therefore, rid yourselves of every kind of evil and deception, hypocrisy, jealousy, and every kind of slander.
Like newborn babies, thirst for the pure milk of the word so that by it you may grow in your salvation.
I hate the phrase “my truth.” With a passion.
It should be “my assessment of information I’ve seen.” Not concise, but infinitely more meaningful, and a good basis for reasoned discussion.
“My truth” is a way to validate bad opinions that don’t bear scrutiny.
You aren’t doing that here, but the phrase should be completely eliminated from use. It is harmful.
“My truth.” = Truth is relative, there is no objective truth.
The rain falls, the sun shines, the grass grows. Truth is objective reality pal. Truth is knowing you love your son or daughter. Truth is reality, and is known wholly by God, and somewhat by humans.
If you preaching subjective truth and thus subjective morality then you are on very thin ice spiritually.
Just to clarify, people who say “my truth” don’t believe in objective Truth.
“Truth is relative, there is no objective truth.”
False. You are confusing actual truth with what a person believes to be true.
Absolute truth exists and is out there. But humans can only estimate truth based on perception.
If you have two beans in your pocket, but you thought you put three beans in there, and an observer thinks he saw you put just one bean in, then how many beans are in your pocket? Two. No ifs or buts.
There are few, if any, certainties in the real world. Certainty exists in abstract fields such as mathematics and mind models, where we get to invent the “universe” and rules that we analayse. But here in reality, every opinion is educated guesswork.
“My truth” is a term used to affirm a belief. And remember, “affirm” means to reinforce a belief even if it is false, as in gender-affirming surgery. Without the phrase “my truth” we probably wouldn’t have butchered the anatomy of thousands of young people.
I generally agree with your original assessment, and alternative phrase: “my assessment of information I’ve seen.”
‘My truth,” however, in the very narcissistic, social-media driven, self-branding age we live in, is exactly the kind of relativistic framing I’d expect to see at a time where people have been conditioned to not make any type of objective value judgments; “one opinion is as valid as another,” which isn’t really true.
Anyway, I loathe that phrase as well.
And yet Many of the Academics, and School Teachers pushing the Trans Agenda , truly believe they are in good faith and doing whats best for Young people .. i know a few of them , Many are really quite decent people . Who would not willfully harm another Soul … They understand that our Governments lie constantly and have been usurped by Corporations , also that War is a Corporate Agenda.. all of that .. Most accepted the injections …though they know something is Amiss .. but yes by and large they are Well intentioned!.. that is more or less meaningless to Me.. i’m sure Many of our over lords believe they are Well intentioned .. believe they are being Cruel to be Kind …
Well, I hear ya, but bad opinions that don’t bear scrutiny are also in the minds of the beholder.
Many people think my stance on vaccine injury is a bad opinion that does not bear scrutiny.
Doesn’t change “my truth”.
Yes, the mask wearers are also those who have signs on their houses that say “love is love” and “hate does not live here.” Both then, “hate” and “love” become ruling class means of social engineering.
The existence of it is legitimate enough. Very few, if any of us, spring into a relationship with a person, group, idea or situation with the immediate conscious idea that we are going to respond with hate. It manifests as a feeling.
That being said, it’s best not to give it free reign.
“As long as your hate is pure.” Alexander Cockburn
Hate, like any strong emotion is a self inflicted wound and thus unhealthy.
It is a slow poison.
But then again, love, is an even slower poison, much slower many times.
No. Love is the strongest and quickest force in the universe:
…”When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.
I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below.
There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us.
This universal force is LOVE.
When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force.
Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it.
Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others.
Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals.
For love we live and die.
Love is God and God is Love.
This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.
To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation.
If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.
(Einstein in his letter to his daughter).
Hate itself is not unhealthy. Holding on to hate can be.
Obviously, the Circle is the problem.
If we can escape the Circle. We Can’t.
The Circle is us, everyday, all the time.
What you thought today will become the opposite
Do you think this world is real
Most must think that
Circle – Terminal (2017) Full Album – YouTube
Ignorance, incuriosity and blind obedience are far more dangerous than ‘living’.
We have been taught, trained, browbeaten and brainwashed by the ignorant. Either for Love, in the case of our parents, or for profit in the name of some religion, the state or business.
Look on the bright side:
Living can be a struggle some days but Life, the spark that sustains us, shines forever.
I for one am sick to death of the “make your life extraordinary” propaganda/distraction.
Instead, see how wonderful ordinary life is. Love your spouse and family. Be thankful for your home and food in the fridge. Like your job. Enjoy your vacations.
“Make your life extraordinary” in America means “get rich and famous.” Yeah. Write some stupid fiction book that gets lost in the shuffle of all the other dumb fiction books. I now know people who are “writing” books using A.I. What a joke. Soon they’ll have an A.I. generated audience that “loves” their books and sends them fan mail.
Interesting musings again, Todd. You are onto something when you write: They will make us fear our own shadow so they can offer a solution as to how to get rid of our shadow. … They will not train us to not fear the shadow, because that would give us something of value.
The value of ‘owning’ our shadow, warts and all, would free us of the mental prison that we, as adults, need the guiding hand of an overlord daddy to tell us what is right or wrong. To own it would mean we would no longer fear facing the truth of the corruption and evil all around us, and this truth would set us free from the controlling forces working against us. We’d finally see our own bright inner guiding light there to help us navigate through life.
No shadow without that bright guiding light….
You really don’t need to look far to find what it is driving the fear mongering. Just “follow the money.” For everything that could turn us or even our pet dogs and cats to dust there is a remedy just waiting to be bought and it can be yours – all doctor and vet approved. There’s even a heater for under 40 bucks that will heat your whole house in under a minute; and, yes, one that will cool your whole house.
The Internet is the last bastion (short of the “Black Market”) of “Let the Buyer Beware.” Truth in Advertising somehow slipped through the zeroes and ones. And what do you bet AI can’t even find the false advertisements?
But wait: not everything comes with a price tag. Hot water before beddie-bye will cure an enlarged prostate. Lemon juice will cure pre-diabetes (which, BTW, no one on the planet had a couple decades ago and now everyone does).
The world will end in neither fire nor ice…but in Snake Oil.
The avarice imperative Howard.
Not just a given.
It’s a taking.
Here is the thing.
Our governments are involved in, financing, promoting and protecting of:
Drug runners
Rape gangs
Weapons manufacturing
Big Pharma
Their criminal family members
Private mercenary psychos.
They are against:
The family
Traditional values
Any leader not in their pocket
Their own people
when I was 8 or 9 years old I could spend all weekend roaming around the neighborhood alone or with friends my age, completely unsupervised by adults, riding a bike on a busy New York City street, poking through vacant lots and abandoned construction sites with who knows what toxic chemicals oozing in the rain puddles, and if I caught a chill, came down with something or other, it was not a big deal, it strengthened the immune system, but all that was then, as I am not exactly a spring chicken, you see, and today even if parents see the value of being permissive and hands-off to let their kids have the freedom to grow into autonomous independent-thinking human beings on their own, they’re subjected to 24/7 societal pressure condemning this, not to mention the ever-more-pervasive threat of being denounced to some child-welfare agency that’ll swoop in and usurp control of the family
The nose/face mask is just the beginning, to normalise the weakening of our immunity for profit while increasing the intake of plastics and other harmful chemicals.
Whilst proclaiming the exact opposite!
41st Album,
Did not know this would happen when I bought Bee Thousand in 94 at my local record shop.
Elfin Flower With Knees
I am there with you, saw them live for the first time in 95 and they became my all time favorite band — and yet I kinda wish Mag Earwhig had been reason enough to make it their last album. At least as GbV. Living didn’t kill them.
Good songs require three things:
• A sweet melody.
• Good rhythm.
• Thoughtful lyrics.
Bright Eyes has it in abundance:
Interesting the way the military helicopter crashing into a
passenger plane in Washington seems to be becoming the
center of an ideological battle… Is it because POTUS #47,
in blaming DEI, has made it a ‘national issue’ ?
There wasnt such interest in POTUS #46’s dog biting people
on the bum… (Too many loved dogs, or hated politicians ?)
Yeah, and has anyone else noticed that while the media hammers on and on and on about DEI being the cause of the lack of Air Traffic Controllers the one thing they NEVER mention is “vaccine” mandates? How many experienced controllers and TRAINERS of controllers were lost due to that idiocy? Just how many vaxxed pilots are out there now, who could at any moment “experience a medical emergency” while in flight? This is being used, once again, to divide and conquer based on incomplete information at best. It is well known by most paying any semblance of attention that those mandates cost us emergency and medical personnel, tell me that had no effect whatsoever on all of these emergencies and how they have been handled.
While I for one have no doubt DEI did have many ancillary effects, many of them most likely quite negative, I do believe those FASCIST mandates also played a part, and will continue to play their part in accidents to come. The one other thing I have noticed is that only two of the personnel in the Blackhawk have so far been “identified” and they appear to be the trainer and the crew chief – so who was the pilot? I admit, I could have missed mention of the actual pilot of that craft, but the fact that the pilot seems not to have yet been identified, not to mention properly mourned by our overly emotional media, sets my suspicion meter off, big time.
It seems the claim that a “transwoman” was piloting the blackhawk is untrue. He has spoken out so is clearly still alive.
Of course it might have been a different transpilot or DEI-boosted person.
Really? We’re going to blame DEI, or worse, Trans people?
How about we put the blame on the people who initiated and pushed the DEI agenda to begin with (and it wasn’t trans people) to give us all something to put the blame on instead of them????
Christ on the cross, you would think people who are insightful enough to see a bigger picture would see the agenda’s that are created to keep us all devisive and devided.
Right. Let’s blame trans, black, illegal “aliens”, and the rest of the scum of the earth for everything that goes wrong in this world.
Please let’s go back to separate water fountains, “Irish need not apply”, plagues started by nasty infectious jewish people, mexican wetbacks picking lettuce for 10 cents an hour.
While we’re at it, let’s rescind equal pay, equal voting rights, civil rights, and the first amendment.
Because all of the world’s troubles started when all of these people started claiming their rights.
The folks who initiated and propogated, and I daresay, paid for the Woke movement are happily killing us softly with their song.
I suggest you read my comment again. I did not say what you think I said.
Sorry, I am reacting to the vitriol directed toward trans people and others over the past 5 years. It just astonishes me.
“I am reacting to the vitriol directed toward trans people”
And that, in turn, was a response to the vitriol from trans people (and activists) against normal people who just wanted to get on with their lives without being forced to participate in others’ mental illness.
Ten, twenty years ago all these problems were unheard of. Then LGBT parades were suddenly rammed down our throats to force us into submission to their minority viewpoints.
And now we are expected to submit to DEI, a system that intentionally puts inferior candidates into positions of responsibility – even when lives are at stake.
It has to end. And to end it we need to question and call out every situation where DEI might have lead to disaster.
Or do you think we should just ignore it? Serious question.
Hey. You said t he same double entendre I did!
I would suggest, and I firmly believe, that the people ramming the “lgbtq” “trans” DEI agenda, are the same people ramming every other agenda down our throats, along with vaccines, 5g, geoengineering, digital id, digital currency, etc etc.
The trans and gay people that I know and have known in my long life have never ever rammed any agenda.
The trans and gay people I know just want to live their lives like the rest of us want to live ours.
The DEI programs are funded and pushed by people that want us hating.
I hate WOKE, I hate identity politics, I do not agree AT ALL with hiring people that are not qualified for the job. But God knows – and there is absolutely no disputing this – many many people get hired for reasons other than being qualified. Many heterosexual, “normal” people.
I feel that this is misdirected anger.
FWIW, I share your sentiments. Here’s my extemporaneous take on how we got back to this sorry state:
The postwar civil rights movement begat nominally well-intended social reform concepts and policies that contained the seeds of ideological authoritarianism, e.g. “affirmative action” and the more pejorative term “political correctness”.
After 1972, the Democratic Party of Judas began to reorganize internally to consolidate top-down control, and diminish the input and power of leftist “grassroots” factions; its Establishment sponsors and leadership wanted to ensure that popular candidates like Eugene McCarthy and especially George McGovern no longer got enough traction and party machine support to threaten approved and safe boss-picked candidates.
In retrospect, Jimmy Carter arguably proved to be a bit of a Trojan Horse; he was embraced by progressive-liberals and leftish Democrats as a virtuous, vaguely antiwar “outsider” reformer devoted to We the People. Nixon was the Great Satan of the era, as Trump is in this century, so it’s understandable that Nixon and war-weary voters were impressed by Carter’s wholesome, relatively humble “pious peanut farmer” persona; Carter’s role as a party apparatchik was effectively obscured.
Next, Bill Clinton dismantled the Democrats’ 20th Century “friend of the worker and oppressed minorities” brand, and presented a New! Improved! business/corporation/high finance-friendly Democratic Party. Since the DLC-transmogrified Dems effectively abandoned its traditional economically downtrodden class (“labor”) base, it filled the vacuum by shifting its postwar civil-rights focus to the ostensibly culturally oppressed, e.g. racial, sexual, and gender minority groups.
In doing so, it increasingly promoted the above-mentioned social reforms, eventually resulting in the “Woke” sensibility that amounts to political correctness on steroids. Then virulent TDS kicked in, imposing a polarized binary division between what the Dems characterized as their own righteous, humanitarian “Woke” constituency vs. Trump’s reactionary “white-supremacist” basket of deplorables.
The TDS-driven “Resistance” aggressively glorified and extolled– i.e. exploited– these cultural minorities at the expense of the common weal. By the time the “Drag Queen Story Hour” was officially welcomed as a family-friendly recreation, the non-ideologues were fed up. Not only the MAGA “deplorables”, but what Nixon called the “Silent Majority”.
As you point out, one of the horrible consequences of this ratcheted-up sociopolitical tension is that a significant bloc of the “anti-Woke” regressed to their legacy cultural prejudices and bigotry. It became acceptable, even obligatory, to revive all of the racial and sexual epithets and knee-jerk prejudices that had become socially unacceptable in general public discourse.
So now “based” cultural reactionaries have freely, bumptiously, and vengefully reverted to proud, shallow bigotry, including scapegoating the minorities they despise. Now there’s a “tranny” or “DEI” or “illegal (immigrant)” culprit in every woodpile. It’s reprehensible! 😡
Too true , great comments Ort and Judith.. i concur before psy op overkill certainly in Australia most people really were tolerant of the small LGBTQ Movement . It appears that the Most Virulent ” activists” are not even the Real Deal its Hetero Academics and their Political lackeys , stirring the soup Pushing for the most outlandish Laws, and running the Show … Our owners want us to despise and revile one another… The biggest op of all .. a classic , a winner , in use for Milenia “Divide et Impera”
For comparison, in the West we are not required to affirm the beliefs of any religion. We are only required to leave them be to practice their belief.
WHY should trans ideology be treated any differently?
Most real trans people .. say your average drag queen scrapping to make a living as a female impersonator .. i doubt care very much about “ideology”
The “vitriol” was caused by the government and the media stuffing them down everybody’s throats. Divisiveness of course being the object.
Absolutely. That is what I mean. It IS the government, and the media, and the people controlling our govt and media that are shoving these ridiculous agendas into our lives.
And, of course, a very subtle upshot of all this, other than driving everyone crazy, is that it obscures the fact that there ever was unfairness – in the workplace, in society.
It obscures the reasons that we needed labor unions, and civil rights, and equal pay, and equal access, and the right to vote for everyone.
Has it gone overboard? Sure. Have the powers that be made a mockery of an equal playing field? They sure have.
So, I just recognize that and go my own way. I don’t have to participate in political correctness or any of their agenda.
But I never want to go back to why we needed to stand up for rights. And always will.
Transsexuals do not need rights. They need psychiatry.
And that is exactly what I was attempting to do Judith, blame the people who push DEI as if it is the most important part of employment. How does it do a trans person, or a woman, or a minority, ANY favors by using their personal attributes when hiring them for a job they may barely qualify to do? That is the point here and you are obviously missing that. While you insist any criticism at all of trans people or other groups under the DEI banner is merely ignorant bigotry, we are facing some real issues with unqualified individuals being put in positions they should not be in.
That is the divide and conquer. That makes every single person who got to where they are on MERIT, but who may have the politically correct skin color or gender, at risk of being thought merely another metric in the DEI circus. Indeed, the problem is those pushing this as a solution to systemic prejudices are doing nothing of the kind. These people are not pushing DEI out of altruism or caring about marginalized groups. They are doing this to divide and distract, and yes, to discredit those they are claiming they really, really want to help.
For me personally, every single time I see a blatantly incompetent female political candidate, and I probably don’t really have to mention names out here, I can’t help but think that there ARE women who are perfectly competent and qualified who did not get chosen, most likely due to the fact that those still have some integrity. Politics is a poor choice on my part here, but hopefully you get the point.
As for the Blackhawk pilot, it’s now been released the pilot was female. Her family asked DOD to delay releasing her name, supposedly due to all of us raging bigots out here who will blame the entire thing on her gender. More likely they may have needed time to notify other relatives before her name came out in the MSM. Can’t blame them there, so my suspicion meter was probably unfounded, but the MSM will push that for their own agenda. As we are talking here about an MSM talking point, you’ll have to pardon me my cynicism for believing one word out of them. Pushing the hate narrative is far more important to the MSM than finding out what really happened, and I personally think all of us out here should see that by now.
I will just say, IF that was done to “protect” this pilot from responsibility for this accident, that is one more point of DEI that should be further examined – do you think it’s OK to give a “DEI hire” a pass for mistakes they may make, while someone not “DEI” should stand up and take the blame? Isn’t part of doing a job standing up and admitting fault when one makes a mistake? Should one only take the glory and not the responsibility? Hell, old school feminism itself would condemn that type of “protection” for the outright bigotry it most surely is.
As for those shots, I for one will never forgive those who pushed that. And as we can see, the agenda behind that had additional narratives to push than just mandating that snake oil. Destroying infrastructure of complex industries certainly was accomplished there, not to mention the hate and hysteria over those who refused to comply. While the DEI crowd can celebrate all of those “white male boomers” they love to blame for it all being ousted from the work force, we lost a lot of qualified people who would train those coming into those industries. That quite obviously did no favors to those coming up now, unless you think merely being employed is more important than being able to really do the job….
IMO the two main suspects are the blackhawk pilot and the person who issued orders. Slightly leaning to the latter. Recklessness caused the accident, and it seems to me that govt+military think they have a right to play fast and loose with civilian lives.
I don’t know what caused the accident, but I do believe it most likely lies with the military industrial complex. And not just DEI hiring.
Yes, at the root of the present and the past, is their thinking that they have the right to play fast and loose with Life.
I know you believe that all people deserve equal rights. Fine and well. But do you believe that all people are equal? That all kinds of people are equal? How does that correspond with observed reality?
Yes, I believe we are all equal. In body and soul. As human beings.
I do not believe we all possess equal abilities, intelligence, strength, endurance, talent, and so on and so forth.
I do believe the playing field should be equal.
And the pay should be equal.
But I also know that life is not “fair”. There are many reasons people are hired, appointed, and put into positions they are not necessarily qualified for. Reasons that have nothing to do with DEI. It has been going on for – well, probably forever.
The people orchestrating the Trans Agenda are a bunch of phony Hetero Academics .. making careers for themselves , getting the grants , virtue signalling they dont care about Trans People … BP, Coca Cola, Banks , the Military all sporting Rainbow Flags ..Cynical Criminals using People who are Trans
Exactly. The sad thing, in my opinion, is that people follow that and accept that.
People in the “health freedom, my body my choice” circles.
In spite of one’s personal view on transgender issues, to believe that the transgender population in general is instigating and promoting the woke agenda, is, I think, incorrect.
It is clearly a set-up. Like the recent LA fires and the tragic plane crash. We have a new group to blame now – the DEI hires.
I mean, come on, if it weren’t so obvious….
They have not decided who to blame.
In the case of airliners, the jab emergencies were manageable as the copilot took over, unlike the small planes that crashed. Some pilots also died away from the cockpit (at the airport, hotel, home or hospital). Dr. William Makis has written a few articles on this at
It’s not only the jab injuries I was attempting to point out. The mandates saw a lot of people who could resign do so. In doing that, we lost many highly experienced people who could not only do the job, but who would train those coming up to do it. That is lasting damage, and more damaging in its own right in many ways than jab injuries or deaths. And I’m not dismissing either injuries or deaths by saying that.
In today’s insane world, any forceful effort to ward off the dog may be animal cruelty.
Yes, but that includes Orange man bad…….
Those conditions can be easily arranged.
Why trust anyone; no-one is the truth.
Absolute truth is the only choice for a reasonable mind.
Which Bible?
And whose interpretation?
The Bible is not the topic here. Trusting another person makes no sense. Putting a trust in another person is the beginning and the creation of authoritarianism. It is the beginning of a cult of personality.
So we should trust a book written by many people?
(Your link).
A book that has generated hundreds of Christian and non Christian sects, each with their own (We are right!) interpretations.
The Centre of the Universe is within.
No Authority.
No Priest.
No Bible.
No Koran.
No Bhagavad Gita.
No Tao.
Just Truth.
As close as your breath.
As far away as you choose.
Why should I trust you? You may believe you have the absolute truth in your breath or your heart or whatever, but you may be lying.
I am not saying to trust a book. You are derailing the subject.
You are not the center of my universe.
You shouldn’t.
And, I hope not.
“Trusting another person makes no sense.”
That’s nonsense. We’re social beings. We don’t exist in a vacuum.
First, there is the truth. Truth necessarily exists.
Then there are non-truths, lies. People tell lies. Sometimes we don’t know the truth, and in our ignorance, we choose to believe a lie. Sometimes the truth is known, yet people lie deliberately.
The fact is, people are ignorant and they lie.
If you choose to believe a human person to tell you the truth, then you follow that person in his lies.
That doesn’t make anyone social. It is the beginning of being antisocial. Leaders need followers, but followers need a leader too, and if there are followers and leaders, war is certain. Creating a group of believers in a lie means making war against the truth and warring against those who are telling the truth.
That’s a nearly complete abstraction. We as human beings have to trust other human beings in countless mundane ways, consciously and consciously every day. For example, if you go out to eat, you have to trust that the person preparing your food is not putting harmful things into it. Or, if you’re lost, and have to ask for directions.There are endless other such examples.
There is no social cohesion without trust. What you are presenting is a monstrous construct, where anyone outside the self is an ignorant liar who must be kept at bay. There are people who lie out of ignorance, but without ill intent, and there are those who lie knowingly, and with malice, and there are others who at least endeavor to tell the truth. Part of our job as human beings is to learn to tell the difference.
Yes, but how to tell that difference? If you trust a person instead of truth itself, there is always a possibility of ignorance and lies. I’m not saying not to trust anyone but myself, since I am people too, ignorant and possibly lying.
Of course we trust people in general in our everyday lives. But the question of ”who can we trust” is the issue. That’s why this is an abstract issue. If we trust only those who have the right membership card, who have been right before in some issues, who seem to know the truth or who say they know the truth, or who have been banned and censored, that’s when trust has been put in a person or persons, and that kind of action necessarily leads to belief in a person, not the truth.
Following a lie and believing a lie may seem rational and wise. But of course it’s not.