Hegemony and Propaganda: Love Your Servitude! 

Colin Todhunter

Today, we are witnessing a profound transformation. We are increasingly impacted by algorithmic decision-making, artificial intelligence, data proliferation, data harvesting and sophisticated monitoring of how we think and act.

This affects how we work, how we access services and how we relate to and interact with others.

While digital innovations and online platforms offer unparalleled ease, they also raise critical concerns about our independence. The constant connectivity and data-driven decision-making that characterise modern life has major implications. Technological advancements are used to shape preferences and behaviour, and predictably, powerholders use the notion of convenience to manipulate and exert control over populations.

Giant corporations and the state are leveraging what is often termed ‘technological solutionism’ to establish a digital iron cage of control. By monitoring and predicting our thoughts and actions, these intertwined entities impose a tightening noose of automated systems, suffocating personal liberty.

We are increasingly hurtling toward a reality reminiscent of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, where a dystopian technocracy merges with a plutocracy. Huxley foresaw a society where the ruling class maintains control not through overt oppression but through subtle manipulation and distraction, effectively creating a system where people are conditioned to accept their servitude without resistance. In this emerging landscape, the values of order, conformity and compliance reign supreme, overshadowing individual freedoms and critical thought.

In agriculture, technocratic control is increasingly evident in the push for a ‘one-world agriculture’ dominated by AI, genetic engineering and precision farming, all under the sway of a few powerful corporations. Companies like Bayer, Cargill, Corteva, Syngenta, Microsoft and Amazon, along with influential investment firms that hold stock in companies throughout the agrifood chain, aim for the standardisation of food systems.

Their vision is a monopolistic, cloud-driven agricultural framework that prioritises control, dependency and uniformity over diversity and local practices. This approach threatens to reduce our food systems to an even blander, more standardised product line, stripping away traditional farming methods and local knowledge.

In culture as well, the trend is starkly toward standardisation. The goal is to dilute or erase traditional knowledge, local customs and diverse worldviews, creating a bland, uniform, AI-driven existence that can be easily controlled and manipulated. This push extends to a radical alteration of human biology itself through transhumanism.

The transhumanist agenda seeks to enhance human physical and cognitive capabilities through technology, aiming to transcend what it means to be human. This ambition aligns with the drive for a one-world agriculture, envisioning a standardised, technologically enhanced version of humanity (genetically engineered humans).

When we scrutinise the transhumanist agenda, it reframes our understanding of movements like transgender rights, relaxed border controls and the breakdown of the nuclear family. We begin to see a vision of beings uprooted and detached from countries, families or fixed genders — the ultimate one-world human.

For deeper insights into these implications, consider the work of Silvia Guerini, who critically examines transhumanism and its far-reaching consequences.

Some may argue that this is merely human evolution. But history shows us that there has never been a predetermined, linear path for humanity. Our past is marked by conflict and struggle, where outcomes were never guaranteed.

Moreover, who determines that the current powerholders driving these agendas are the ‘natural’ heirs to humanity’s legacy? Who grants them the authority to dictate the fate of billions? They have seized this role for themselves.

It is not bit-part players like Musk, Bezos or Gates who are really orchestrating the agenda — it is those who hide in the shadows, not least the powerful banking families. According to Dean Henderson, this includes the Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller, Lehman, Kuhn Loeb, Rothschild, Warburg, Lazard and Israel Moses Seif families (see The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families).

It is clear from the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual get-together at Davos that global powerholders and their minions do actually believe they have the right to sit in judgement over the fate of billions. They have contempt for genuine democracy and think they have some divine entitlement by virtue of stolen wealth or wealth acquired by manipulation or from sweated wage labour.

The mainstream narrative would have us believe that these people have the best interests of humanity at heart, rather than ruthless, arrogant, devious schemers with contempt for the mass of humanity.

It is revealing that in a 2007 interview, the late Aaron Russo, US filmmaker and businessman, shared claims about conversations that he said had taken place with Nicholas Rockefeller. According to Russo, these discussions took place some months before 9/11.

Russo claimed that Nicholas Rockefeller told him about several future events and plans, not least an “event” that would lead to the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Russo claimed that Rockefeller had said the “event” would be used to initiate a “war on terror” without a real enemy, which Rockefeller was said to have described as a mystification to control US citizens.

Rockefeller was also said to have stated that there were plans to reduce the world’s population by half and that paper currency would be replaced by subcutaneous microchips containing digital money (that can be switched off by the state) and personal information as a means of controlling the population.

Nicholas Rockefeller allegedly referred to the mass of the global population as “serfs” or “slaves” who must be controlled, and he questioned why Russo would even want to care about the fate of such people.

Rockefeller was also alleged to have told Russo (to Russo’s surprise) that the feminist movement was funded by the Rockefellers to get women into the workforce to tax them and to weaken the authority of the family so that the state could boost its control over future citizens by moulding children at an earlier age.

These claims are unverified, but a quarter of a century on from when the conversation is said to have occurred, it would be wise to consider just how much closer we have moved towards the world revealed by Russo.

A massive drop in sperm counts, the destabilisation and invasion of countries and the curbing of individual rights under the guise of the ‘war on terror’, the pushing of cash to the margins, a climate emergency narrative, talk about climate lockdowns and restricted movement, programmable digital currencies possibly linked to carbon footprints etc.

But we do not have to rely on a conversation that perhaps took place a quarter of a century ago to evaluate the motives and machinations of this elite. An elite that in 2012 was claimed to have had up to 32 trillion dollars stashed in offshore banks around the globe. Who could say what the figure might be now, 13 years later, as the flow of wealth from ordinary people to multi-billionaires accelerated during the COVID episode.

These so-called ‘wealth creators’, who have for centuries been appropriating ordinary people’s wealth, who have stashed it away in tax havens, who have bankrupted economies because of their reckless gambling and greed and who have imposed a form of globalisation that has resulted in devastating destruction and war for those who attempt to remain independent from them or structurally adjusted violence via privatisation and economic neo-liberalism for millions in countries that have acquiesced.

Attempts to redress the balance have been brutally suppressed over the decades. From democratic leftist organisations or governments pursuing alternatives or just displaying independent tendencies, this elite class has used intelligence agencies, front groups, threats, co-opted leaders or military might to attempt to subvert or annihilate any threat to its global hegemony.

Anyone familiar with the work of the late historian William Blum will be aware of the human cost in terms of lives lost since 1945 alone, thanks to his book Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II.

First published in 1995, the book examines US military actions and covert operations, presenting a critical view of US foreign policy and its imperialist motives. Blum documents more than 50 instances of US interference in foreign governments, many of which were democratically elected and provides a thorough analysis of the consequences of these actions.

For more in-depth insight into the global elite, Robert J Burrowes’ three-part series on its nature, actions and goals is essential reading as is his open-access e-book Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing.

The WEF and its enablers in national governments talk about ‘food transitions’, ‘energy transitions’, ‘digital transitions’ and countless other ‘transitions’. But these benign-sounding terms mask a profound restructuring of our societies — the WEF’s much-promoted great reset that is anything but innocuous.

At its core, this restructuring represents an intense effort to further concentrate wealth, power and control in the hands of the world’s self-appointed masters. They aim to once and for all fully subjugate the masses, who will incrementally find themselves being (digitally) hammered into complete subservience.

Huxley’s critique of modern society suggests that an elite can govern more efficiently by using psychological methods, such as conditioning and propaganda, rather than traditional forms of coercion: a “painless concentration camp” where true control could be achieved by making people love their servitude.

So, each step of the way, populations across the world (in the BRICS countries too) will continue to be psychologically manipulated (‘nudged’) in to believing that being tracked and traced, implanted with chips, injected with nanoparticles, censored, stripped of individual liberties, criminalised for displaying an opinion that does not conform with the official narrative or digitally ID’d will be for their convenience, their safety or to protect ‘free speech’ or ‘democracy’.

Democracy in name only — long ago hollowed out by government creditors, subverted and controlled opposition and corporate capture.

What we are seeing is a fundamental reset that aims to determine not only our relationship with power but the very nature of our existence and even the right to exist as a human.

So, what’s the solution? There is no simple answer. Articles like this are often read by individuals who already recognise the importance of education, organisation, activism and non-compliance. The key challenge lies in mobilising a critical mass of people to bring about the necessary pushback and change.

While some might scoff, many are actively working towards this goal. And we should never forget — We Are Human, We Are Free.

Some of the issues raised in the article are discussed in the author’s new open-access e-book, which can be read here.

Colin Todhunter specialises in food, agriculture and development and is a research associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his two free books Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Resisting the New World Order and Sickening Profits: The Global Food System’s Poisoned Food and Toxic Wealth here.


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Categories: latest, The "New Normal"
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Gollum's Manager
Gollum's Manager
Feb 7, 2025 3:39 PM

How many read something like this and agree, yet continue to use Google, Facebook and Apple? They are the problem, not the oligarchs.

Feb 7, 2025 2:50 PM

First glimpses of the Gazan Riviera:

comment image

j d
j d
Feb 7, 2025 9:59 AM

“Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed”By Catherine Austin Fitts: https://solarireport.substack.com/p/trump-administration-digital-control

Feb 8, 2025 7:41 AM
Reply to  j d

Catherine Austin Fitts: jumping on the switch a roo train.
she used to love Trump

Feb 7, 2025 12:14 AM

I know, it all sounds so incredibly harsh in our oh so benefiting times of spoiled consumerist cuddly wellness-ideology, but our so-called “white race” has long been a predominantly genetic discard due to degenerative processes. I may remind you that race means a process of genetic hardening and crystallizing, which of course all the self-proclaimed Sunday “Christians” among us demonize as evil Darwinism.

So it’s about quality, not quantity! A qualitatively good leader can command thousands of qualitatively underdeveloped followers! I always like to cite the example of the East Prussian Trakehner horse breed, which – despite the Allied extermination by insane bomber pilots – managed to reach the West in only a few numbers, but from which and precisely for this reason a noble, high-quality breed was distilled.

Feb 6, 2025 9:43 PM

“Gibs me all yo free stuff rite away just like I’m used to from ma homeland!” https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2025/02/03/u-s-woman-demands-50000-and-citizenship-from-pakistan-after-failed-online-romance/

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 6, 2025 9:32 PM

One more country fell to Liberal dictatorship:
Syria is now lead by a President who is previous Jihadist and Al-Qaida founder. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/policy_briefs/2025/02/03/from-al-qaeda-commander-to-syrian-president-ahmad-al-sharaas-ascent/

Thank you Russia. We can always count on your support and yes, we know Russia has threesomes and swingerclubs and CEOs and CFOs as we are haven it. You are copying everything.
You Russia are almost as us, almost.

Feb 9, 2025 1:03 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

No worse than letting the IRA take over in Northern Ireland. Make a Terrorist an MP and he is now part of the system. Yet we still see OAP’s who were in the Army in 1970’s being prosecuted, but known IRA/UDA Terrorists walking free, thanks to the Good Friday Agreement. The system is a con, and the Common man is being conned.
What was the quote, ” one mans terrorist, is another mans freedom fighter,”

les online
les online
Feb 6, 2025 8:54 PM

Hes Agoner* & Poppa Ghandi.

“He’s an Attention Junkie. He needs a Daily Fix. So will
say Anything to get Attention. He gets Depressed when
people stop talking about Him.”

The Real Reason Behind Trump’s Gaza Decision: Natural Gas [Resource Wars]

** He’s gonna step on you, Again !!

Feb 6, 2025 2:13 PM

Minion: “Here you go, Master, so you can sit softly.”
Satanyahu: “Just fck off instead of breathing my air.”

The Real Edwige
The Real Edwige
Feb 6, 2025 11:27 AM

From the same people who brought you “pandemics don’t have to mean more people getting sick”….

Trust the oh-so-real “Average Global Temperature” and horror stories from places selected for this year’s burn-up under HAARP – and not your actual lived experience of the weather.

BTW Trump wanting the USA to take over Gaza is merely the start of what’s going to be a long process of Trump saying (and occasionally doing) increasingly insane things. It’s going to be what Sunak did to throw the UK election but on a much larger scale. One facet will be how the “progressive” media start proclaiming everyone’s fallen in love with Starmer as a result (“he may be boring and lack the common touch… but seldom have Keir Starmer’s strengths of moderation and calmness and reason been more essential”. This bilge writes itself. It would be bad enough if Starmer was moderate and calm but it’s his Fabianism that’s the lunatic extremism).

Feb 6, 2025 12:19 PM

“what Sunak did to throw the UK election”

I warned that Trump might be like Boris Johnson after the 2019 landslide victory. The similarities are uncanny – like it’s the same playbook.

“Let’s get Brexit (MAGA) done… by going Net Zero 15 years early, shutting down society over a few runny noses, and starting a proxy war with Russia.”

Except this time it’s bird flu, war with China, and cryptocurrency. And god knows what else. We’re only weeks into it.

Feb 6, 2025 10:28 AM

Awareness of the underlying ‘rules+filters’ governing or framing of perception and response, opens the freedom persist in judgemental of wilful
a-tempt to force perceived reality, or release a locking-down of the will to such dictates into true willingness or freedom of being – as distinct from freedom assigned or associated with imaged forms of object-reality.
Judgement set over meanings projected onto image & form (the body of the world) will always split (the) mind to a judging over-&-apart from the judged. Nor will it escape the measure it accepts by giving.
Yet within the giving or projecting of meaning & power to a world outside+apart from its ‘self’ is a driven+conflicted life+world denial, limitation & loss.

So adaptively normalized is the ego-mind as judge over & defenses against a world of fear, threats & evils, that felt & known reality is blocked by the rules and filters of temporary ‘solutions’ running narratives of object-continuity against recognition of truth.

Fear of truth looks not within as the conviction of self-damming judgements (for why else do we seek+find the errors & sins of others but to divert & mitigate inner guilt-conflicts – over which a narrative mindset masks in vengeance as victory over a past set in grievance.

The mind that makes a world be-lived real can not be our true Creator if we can uncover and notice it.
Nor can it really Be a power set over and against true Creation, if by such recognition, we can release and be released of it.
A split mind is acted out on bodies, because Mind cannot be conflicted in itself. What is a ‘split’ but a projecting from Mind for Getting or to Get Rid of?
Think you can escape the Mind of your Creator? or that you would Want this true if you could but be-live you Can and Have?

I write of my own willingness to let truth in. Not to make true or contest conflicting ‘truths’ seeking power in a world of lies.

The ego is already a golem under AI. Already an artifact of a matrix of rules & filters. That it ‘creates in its own image and kind’ is the nature of Mind – except limitation and division ‘creates’ an abundance of debt, conflict, pain and loss. But a mind made opaque to truth by its own ‘diversions’ can also choose to release such blocks to awareness to realigning in transparency to life and existence as Communication of wholeness in being.

There is no way to pour ‘new wine’ into old paradigm or mindset. But the instant of remembering truth is as ‘the father rushes in’ to greet a ‘lost son’.
We say ‘awareness rises’ to a recognition, but is it not really that something else fell away which had engaged attention.

Feb 7, 2025 5:24 PM
Reply to  Binra

Dunno. Kinda like the ‘ego’. The sense of identity ‘n all that. Maybe it’s not always the bad guy it’s colloquially portrayed as.

Feb 6, 2025 10:04 AM

Trump’s pronouncements are becoming more and more absurd and dangerous.

Did the US replace a dementia President with a demented President ?

Sure looking that way.

Feb 6, 2025 10:26 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Or is it just the iteration of a roll he has been playing for Years ? .. check Him out on IMDB he was in Soaps , Movies even Sex in the City , apparently always playing the hard arse playboy real estate moghul deal maker ( hearsay) i havent watched the Box for decades…judging by what is actually said though it looks like he is abolishing every flimsy Democratic Institution still claiming to Protect the Weak and the Poor .. he is Merging all of the Secret Services ..after gutting them ..( draining the swamp) and putting his own people in .. not to mention Stargate … Larry Ellisons 48 hour personalised MRNA Kill shots.. is the apparent Madness , setting the stage for Nato , the United Nations other Globalist entities to swoop in and impose ( using emergency powers )a global police state in the name of Sanity and Decency .. is Trump a Decoy ?

Feb 6, 2025 10:28 AM
Reply to  Marb

*role , not roll

Feb 6, 2025 11:30 AM
Reply to  Marb

We live in ‘interesting times’.

Feb 6, 2025 10:42 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Do We have our own DT light in Peter “as warm and empathetic as a prison door ” Dutton … Heres a Salient article by Josephine Cashman a former advisor on Aboriginal Affairs to both Turnbull , and Abbott…she saw the light .. and has a great little substack that deserves to be better read..https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/insider-traitor-peter-dutton-is-not

Feb 6, 2025 11:29 AM
Reply to  Marb

Cashman seems to be a little over the top.
Andrew Bolt: Really?

Feb 6, 2025 10:40 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Yeah toon true .. nobodys perfect ,but she gets somethings right!

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 6, 2025 11:55 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Dangerous to whom, the system, or the citizens, achtung is in the eye of the beholder.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 6, 2025 3:46 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Trump know what he is doing. As he says: “A sucker is born every minute who dont understand a fok”.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 6, 2025 3:50 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Cry me a river.Trump issued an executive order that in the future there is only two genders in America.
The whole global world of Liberal idiots are whining dictatorship and fascist tyranny.  😋 .

Big Al
Big Al
Feb 6, 2025 4:07 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Good for him. This is worse than imagined. If enough of the American people don’t strongly turn this down, who knows what will happen. Like the old saying, “give em an inch, they’ll take a mile”.

Feb 6, 2025 8:33 AM

Australian Lifestyle Radio host gets cancelled ( sacked) by ABC Australia for posting a Human Rights Watch report to her private social media account…https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/courts-law/shock-email-about-sacked-abc-presenter-antoinette-lattouf-revealed/news-story/3e3231bdcccfb5a5a690d9e253a9ea74

Feb 6, 2025 8:33 AM
Reply to  Marb

Accused of “Anti Semitism”

Feb 7, 2025 1:57 AM
Reply to  Marb

Shes also in trouble for telling the Media hounds to fuck of as they surrounded her!!

Feb 6, 2025 9:14 AM
Reply to  Marb

Arselickers Unanimous.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 6, 2025 3:53 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Gotta live.
Since the crook noses in London and NYC sits on the gigantic derivative debt bag.

Feb 6, 2025 6:46 AM

Ten years of dissent.
A Herculean effort:


Feb 6, 2025 3:33 AM

Hegel says nobody ever learned from history. Hegel’s obviously wrong. The US authorities learned a whole lot from the Vietnam War. An incredible amount. First and foremost, they learned the OODA loop, which enabled US pilots to crush North Vietnamese aces who had been humiliating them, and which continues to generate all sorts of strategic as well as tactical benefits ever since. Next, they learnt no draft, volunteer armies only. Next, they learned to either keep journalists out or imbed them. And also, they learned to fight in deserts and never in jungles. This is just for starters.

Feb 6, 2025 5:10 AM
Reply to  edwige

•OODA didn’t work in the tunnels.

•The draft was supplanted by bribery via massive unemployment.

• Journalists are also far more submissive these days.

• Ain’t no jungles in the Middle East. Let’s wait and see what happens when Africa is ripe for plucking.

Just sayin.

Feb 7, 2025 5:11 AM
Reply to  Johnny

That is an optimistic view. In reality, money controls all. No long pause in money-making even of the bloodiest sort is allowed.

Feb 6, 2025 7:09 PM
Reply to  edwige

It seems they have not absorbed the lessons from then since they continue to invest in overpriced equipment not fit for a prolonged war ie Abrahams tanks, F16s, F35s and various artillery systems. Moreover, they lost a tremendous amount of aircraft and helicopters from the AA systems of the North Vietnamese provided by mainly the Soviets.

During the Vietnam War, thousands of U.S. aircraft were lost to antiaircraft artillery (AAA), surface­-to-­air missiles (SAMs), and fighter interceptors (MiG)s. The great majority of U.S. combat losses in all areas of Southeast Asia were to AAA. Among fixed­wing aircraft, more F-­4 Phantoms were lost than any other type in service with any nation. In total, the United States military lost in Vietnam almost 10,000 aircraft and helicopters.

US Fixed Wing Aircraft Losses of the Vietnam War 1962-­1973 – Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

Feb 7, 2025 5:49 PM
Reply to  edwige

Hegel didn’t oppose history. He was History. The embodiment of ‘World Spirit’. The forerunner of any future World Government.

Schopenhauer (the eternal pessimist; some kinda Buddhist?) and Kierkegaard (life as essentially absurd) did (at least) make an attempt at some kinda counterargument, but didn’t get very far, it would seem.

And so the dream of future of World Spirit Utopia lives on … until maybe a real philosopher rises from the ashes…

Feb 6, 2025 3:33 AM

It’s mighty fishy that crows, eagles, owls, hawks, nor sparrows have needed to be put down. Wouldn’t you know it, only our food supply has contracted the dreaded avian flew.
–June Kessinger, commenter on Meryl Nass

Feb 6, 2025 5:52 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Ain’t ‘fishy’, it’s cuckoo.

Feb 6, 2025 12:28 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Bats*it crazy would be apt.
Don’t eat guano – or use it as fertiliser. It’s loaded with Batsicra-25 virus.

Feb 6, 2025 7:06 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Pardon a tangent, but last November the US Fish & Wildlife “Service” proposed a plan to wipe out an entire local population of “invasive” barred owls in Washington, Oregon and California; it projected the potential killing of 450,000 barred owls.

It’s not a “food supply” related mass extermination, but faunacide is faunacide. 🦉💀

Feb 7, 2025 1:59 AM
Reply to  Ort

Ort, they want to kill entire flocks of ostriches in Canada and elsewhere. As far as anyone can tell it’s cuz they have superior immunity and have NOT caught bird flu.

les online
les online
Feb 6, 2025 2:37 AM

Here we were thinking The Deep Pockets were the Movers & Shakers
called The Deep State. But here we have one of The Deep Pockets
gutting The US State bureaucracy in the name of taking on The Deep
State… So the bureaucracy is really The Deep State !
It’s a win-win: reducing Big Government, making it slimmer and meaner,
(That’s a propaganda win), when really preparing it for privatisation, all
or parts of it (privatisation – that’s another propaganda win)…
When a government utility or service is privatised, it becomes subjected
to ‘efficiency measures’ (to make it ‘profitable’), a term that translates as
‘stripping it to the bone; providing a bare minimum of ‘services’)…

The City Fathers of one US city bent to rioters wishes and defunded their
police department. The function was privatised. Whereas the state’s police
provided a complaints service for citizens, the privatised force is ‘self-
regulating’, is not legally required to investigate any complaints against it’s
employees – but still, it does provide a telephone number for citizens
A caller is met by a very sympathetic voice on the other end (not AI) who
avers “We value your call… We are quite busy at the moment and, if you
hold on, we’ll attend to you the minute someone is available.”
There must be a heck of a lot of complaints

Feb 6, 2025 12:13 AM

I asked the bloke at the recycling depot – what do you do with it?

He said, well mostly metal, electronic,fridges, cookers…just put them over there)you would be amazed how much perfectly good stuff people throw away) – we recycle that with the old cars and bikes….

But I said what about everything else…he told me a little secret….It Goes to the same place. We do not send plastic to China…and we no longer use the Landfill..Do you remember Coal Fired Stations, Well that’s where all the rest of the rubbish goes. We burn it – it doesn’t smell…the locals get free hot water in winter, and in the summer we feed the electricity grid.. We actually make a small profit out of shit, and returning it back to nature..birds and stuff, with compensation to the residents who complain


Feb 5, 2025 11:12 PM
Feb 5, 2025 11:09 PM

All that and at the bottom of the pile, the most obvious, grass root step away from it – people are still paying with plastic and smart phones. People I thought would know better.just haven’t got a clue. Let me put it country simple- if you don’t use cash – you’re below stupid, you ARE the problem.

Feb 5, 2025 11:25 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

I toured North Africa with my Girlfriend before we had kids..everything mainly coca cola was in Glass Bottles..no beer except from a posh hotel – in a glass bottle..do not take it on the beach. We always respected local customs. We were a guest in their country, We never wanted to offend. They were so kind to us.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 6, 2025 4:03 PM
Reply to  tony_opmoc

What have glass bottle coca colas in the past to do with cash?
How can you associate buying a coca cola in your childhood in third countries with today’s cash?? Trip on LSD???

Feb 5, 2025 11:56 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Sure. As if what remains (or what is transacted) in your bank account remains some great big secret to the State

Feb 6, 2025 10:03 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

No its to put our controllers on notice that , they can stuff their Programable Central Bank Digital Currencies up their collective Fundaments … How effective time will tell even if zero its still necessary, small beer perhaps. but resistance none the less ..we must resist in any possible way we can …because to quote a not so famous Punk record ” the Fucking Pricks , treat us like Cunts”

Feb 6, 2025 10:11 AM
Reply to  Marb

Flux of Pink Indians “Mind Fuckers ,Fucking Minds”. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a7V0U9ZlmU0

Feb 5, 2025 10:37 PM

“We are increasingly hurtling toward a reality reminiscent of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, where a dystopian technocracy merges with a plutocracy.

What to do about it?

Feb 6, 2025 1:51 AM
Reply to  joe

Huxley was an advocate of the very dystopia he depicted. Something to keep in mind when opposing such a scenario. After all, what’s in a surname? Who was Darwin’s Bulldog after all??

Regardless, what to about it Surely the bigger question. Above the grand dystopia we all know and love, what might be a bigger solution to all the world’s ills?

Actually philosophically it’s very simple. You simply move beyond the articulation of problems to their very solution. Yes, of course there’s opposition to such extreme measures. Who needs solutions when problems are more profitable for the continuation of dystopia. Something that atheists would never really wish to propose.

And yet in reality, very very easy to resolve

Feb 6, 2025 2:02 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Action purifies thought.

Feb 6, 2025 2:18 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Indeed. And also precedes them. At least any worthwhile thoughts.

Feb 6, 2025 3:00 AM
Reply to  Johnny

The only useful thoughts are logical common sense, for the rest the Mind is just a feeble receiver of anything, garbage or brilliance. The brain is no use as a compass, only the Soul is and it is behind the heart. And yes, even atheists, communists, capitalists, religious or woke fanatics have it.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 6, 2025 4:08 PM
Reply to  joe

Buy a poster, and write you are against everything on it.
As many times you can, you now walk up and down with your poster in front of any of the Government’s offices.
THIS will teach them a fokking lesson and bring in change!

Feb 5, 2025 10:06 PM

In England, we have local farmers, local cows, a local glass bottling plant. The milkman delivers the milk in glass bottles, and collects the empties to be reused…

Do you guys in Canada and the USA drink milk from Plastic Bottles….??

They give you cancer and kill you..

Keep up – we do much the same with our beer too. The bottles and kegs go back to the Brewery.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 6, 2025 4:14 PM
Reply to  tony_opmoc

Im living in Europe, We get all our milk delivered in 1 litre ecological cardboard boxes coming from natural cellulose trees, recycled. Take that one.

Feb 5, 2025 9:47 PM

One TV commentator said that Trump’s supporters take him ‘seriously’ vis-a-vis Gaza, but not ‘literally’. Another that his enemies take him ‘literally’ but not ‘seriously’. Or was it vice versa, I forget. And would it matter anyway?

Either way, he may simply be throwing out provocative ideas for AI to then lap up and generate assess/generate suitable responses to, following outraged human reactions.

After all, what was today’s top-buried news story amidst the Gaza furore. Might it not be Google allowing the use of AI for military purposes? Look out for those automated weapons in the skies above:


Feb 5, 2025 8:29 PM

Todhunter is the typical reality-whitewashing (whole truth-censoring) individual of the “alternative media” camp, spreading the comforting widely welcoming victim narrative: the dominating powerholders are the bad guys and we, the masses, are allegedly the helpless non-guilty passive victims, the good guys. Here are a couple of examples from his piece:

“Giant corporations and the state are leveraging what is often termed ‘technological solutionism’ to establish a digital iron cage of control. By monitoring and predicting our thoughts and actions, these intertwined entities impose a tightening noose of automated systems, suffocating personal liberty.”

“Who grants them the authority to dictate the fate of billions? They have seized this role for themselves.”

Yet nearly all individual among the masses around the world have consistently and continuously openly freely and willfully accepted welcomed and normalized whatever “technological solution” these ruling entities have served them up on a platter, whether it’s junk food, the BIASED corrupt mainstream search engines like google, popular deceitful social media outlets, toxic cell phones, AI, etc etc etc.

This willful compliance by the majority of the masses, for personal self-serving reasons, has been going on without interruption for centuries. Which brings me to another falsehood or half-truth stated by Todhunter: “today, we are witnessing a profound transformation.” In reality, this “profound transformation” has been going on for centuries in plain sight — it’s just that today we’re in the END STAGE of this most horrible “profound transformation” (The 2 Married Human Pink Elephants In The Historical Room: Humans’ Invisibilized Soul Deficiency Disease).

“My experiences with “alternative media” have been, for the most part, just as dreadful as with the mainstream media. Most are unprincipled scavengers, shills and prostitutes, willing, and even eager, to sell out for ego-gratification and/or financial gain.” — Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 6, 2025 1:44 AM
Reply to  InPlainSight

True. The MSM and “Alternative” opposition is a military trick to control and fill up 90% of the narrative space so only 10% space is left to the silly real truth and fact seekers.

So keep quiet and eat your bugs if you want to stay alive with the digital e-money in your smartphone account.comment image

Feb 6, 2025 3:10 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Give him a break: he is just copying from the CPC eating culture. Insects were fine during the Long March. After Mao had another though burp: the Four Pests campaign.

Feb 6, 2025 3:12 AM
Reply to  antonym

comment image

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 6, 2025 4:22 PM
Reply to  antonym

I thought we were all getting at least one step further. I think even the majority of the Chinese know many of Mao’s bs theories didnt function.
As I hear it explained, the Chinese say they survived all the ideological political bs only because of old ancient Confucius,

Feb 6, 2025 8:47 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.


Feb 6, 2025 3:17 AM
Reply to  InPlainSight

‘Wilful compliance’ or trained, taught and tested ignorance?

‘Truth is found through diminishing ignorance’

But first, we have to wake up.
That usually requires some kind of soul shaking event or deep frustration with one’s state of ignorance.

Most Folks are either too ‘busy’ or can’t be bothered rocking the boat.

Feb 6, 2025 3:44 AM
Reply to  InPlainSight

And what have YOU done to stop the ruling entities? How dare you project your anger upon the innocent while you criticize those who correctly expose the guilty! You haven’t the slightest idea what those whom you call “the masses” think. You’re too busy worshipping your own anger. Turn it on the miscreants, dumbhead.

Feb 6, 2025 2:55 PM
Reply to  Penelope

100% right, Penelope. Hiding ‘in plain sight’ behind anonymity and spitting poison on those who actually put their heads above the parapet and, in one way or another, sometimes pay the price.

Yes, it is frustrating that most people appear to display little backbone and just go along with everything. And it is clear to many of us that the elite has been pushing its agenda for centuries. But we are now truly witnessing a profound transformation as a result of the technology available – and that is not a “falsehood” nor is it a “half-truth” as the commenter claims.

The commenter has preconceived assumptions about what I believe and what is being stated in the article. The commenter assumes that I believe the majority are “helpless, non-guilty passive victims” of the elite.

It is worth noting that, in the article, I say that the elite have imposed a form of globalisation that has resulted in devastating destruction and war for those who attempt to remain independent from them or structurally adjusted violence via privatisation and economic neo-liberalism for millions in countries that have acquiesced.

Ordinary people were certainly ‘victims’ here – and, despite resistance, pretty helpless when it came down to it! Conveniently ignored by the commenter.

Maybe the commenter would like the article to attack the majority for its compliance. To call them out for being lazy, ignorant or for going along to get along. I could have been just as scathing as the commenter. But what would that achieve, particularly in terms of activism? To adopt that strategy would just fuel further conflict and division within the population. Maybe that’s what the commenter desires.

In the article, I at least try to remain positive. Regardless, any proper analysis of propaganda and other hegemonic tactics would call for a more nuanced and sophisticated reading of the situation (that goes beyond ‘helpless victimhood’). But I guess it suits the commenter’s agenda to come up with more baseless opinions on what I think or believe.

(ADMIN: I have sent you an email)

Feb 6, 2025 6:27 PM
Reply to  CT

No response to my mail, so I’ll say what I need to say here.

Should we expect site administrators to defend its authors by responding to unfounded attacks? I would think so, especially as the commenter accuses me of censoring truth and whitewashing reality and finishes by referring to “unprincipled scavengers, shills and prostitutes, willing, and even eager, to sell out for ego-gratification and/or financial gain.” 

To purposefully include that quote implies his own opinion of me, which is not just wrong but needed to be called out! 

Feb 6, 2025 11:21 PM
Reply to  CT

Aw, f* In Plain Sight. He’s probably working for the other side. About the many citizens who one may imagine don’t know or care about what’s happening– Everywhere I go I speak to people; social media is manipulated so that we will THINK we’re in the minority. My polling of actual random people says they’re surprisingly awake. If every locale in America opened a citizen’s hall where we could meet to discuss politics we’d speedily arrange a revolution, because that speaking to each other and discovering agreement is the first step.

Two other things limit people: they don’t know WHAT to do & TPTB have reversed the incentives: to protect others, your own sacred honor, or even your physical safety (the vaxx) has costs. You’re quite correct about that.

I’ve been awake since just before they killed John Kennedy. My own ceaseless, still-unanswered question: How many good people do we need? And to do what?

Keep on keeping on, man.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 7, 2025 1:47 AM
Reply to  CT

Hi CT, I saw no grounds to intervene on this occasion for a few reasons (and I think I have been proved correct):

  1. Admin intervene sparingly, in order to encourage the community to self moderate. The community has self moderated here very well.
  2. I felt the commenter’s remarks were sufficiently sweeping so as not to constitute serious defamation etc.
  3. This site is often accused of being double agents etc., including the Admin staff. It’s often the better approach to not fan such flames if it can be avoided.
  4. I felt your above reply to Penelope was a great way to diffuse things. I thought it was well judged and, although I felt it was unlikely to flare up into a distraction, it never hurts to be a little cautious after all.

The overall impression I receive from this thread, reading it now, is of an opinionated person writing without any attempt to justify their claims using evidence or logic, being robustly and roundly interrogated by the community, which has self moderated extremely well. This is what admin want, this is what the readers and commenters enjoy and I think, on this occasion, this approach has proved very successful.

I appreciate you disagree with Admin on this occasion, and you’re certainly entitled to, and while I also appreciate it wasn’t your primary intention to air this issue in public, nevertheless I have no problems addressing your concerns here and opening up a dialogue in this thread.

Lastly, if you want admin to chime in then of course we back you up 100%. Just say the word.


Feb 7, 2025 10:42 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

We can let it drop. But I’ll say this:

“I felt the commenter’s remarks were sufficiently sweeping so as not to constitute serious defamation etc.”

By using someone else’s scathing quote at the end, the commenter is attempting to distance themselves from the attack while still delivering it. This is a common tactic to avoid direct responsibility for an insult. The commenter is attempting to lend credibility to their attack by using someone else’s words. This approach is underhanded, as it allows the commenter to launch a personal attack while maintaining a facade of objectivity or innocence. A form of passive-aggressive communication.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 7, 2025 2:44 PM
Reply to  CT

I take your point and I acknowledge that this can be an underhanded tactic. I still feel the overall, objective impression given by this post is less harmful than perhaps you do, especially when the replies are taken into account (why these dialogues in the comments are so invaluable), however, Admin will certainly bear your point in mind moving forwards. A2

Feb 8, 2025 10:07 PM
Reply to  CT

I agree. People who disagree should be dealt with summarily and without mercy. This is the path to freedom.

Feb 14, 2025 1:01 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

The many dismissive, derogatory, misguided, distracting, smug, self-righteous, defensive replies (including those of Todhunter) to the lucid remarks by InPlainSight reminds me of an insightful statement made by psychologist Gustave Le Bon over a century ago …

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduces them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”

Kudos to ‘Sam – Admin2’ for leaving InPlainSight’s sharp, albeit highly unwelcoming to 95+% of the masses, commentary standing, leaving it uncensored!

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 14, 2025 8:47 AM
Reply to  Fictionally

Obviously the praise is always welcome, hehe, but I didn’t find the OP’s comment particularly ‘lucid’ or fair, I must say, and I agree 100% with Colin’s point. However, I disagree that it needed to be emphasised by admin involvement on this occasion. Anyway, thanks for your opinion. A2

Feb 7, 2025 2:12 PM
Reply to  InPlainSight

I posted this elsewhere in the thread, but I should have posted here.

What Penelope says in this thread is 100% right, Penelope. Hiding ‘in plain sight’ behind anonymity and spitting poison on those who actually put their heads above the parapet and, in one way or another, sometimes pay the price.

Yes, it is frustrating that most people appear to display little backbone and just go along with everything. And it is clear to many of us that the elite has been pushing its agenda for centuries. But we are now truly witnessing a profound transformation as a result of the technology available – and that is not a “falsehood” nor is it a “half-truth” as the commenter claims.

The commenter has preconceived assumptions about what I believe and what is being stated in the article. The commenter assumes that I believe the majority are “helpless, non-guilty passive victims” of the elite.

It is worth noting that, in the article, I say that the elite have imposed a form of globalisation that has resulted in devastating destruction and war for those who attempt to remain independent from them or structurally adjusted violence via privatisation and economic neo-liberalism for millions in countries that have acquiesced.

Ordinary people were certainly ‘victims’ here – and, despite resistance, pretty helpless when it came down to it! Conveniently ignored by the commenter.

Maybe the commenter would like the article to attack the majority for its compliance. To call them out for being lazy, ignorant or for going along to get along. I could have been just as scathing as the commenter. But what would that achieve, particularly in terms of activism? To adopt that strategy would just fuel further conflict and division within the population. Maybe that’s what the commenter desires.

In the article, I at least try to remain positive. Regardless, any proper analysis of propaganda and other hegemonic tactics would call for a more nuanced and sophisticated reading of the situation (that goes beyond ‘helpless victimhood’). But I guess it suits the commenter’s agenda to come up with more baseless opinions on what I think or believe.

And I’ll add something else that should also be posted here –

By using someone else’s scathing quote at the end, the commenter is attempting to distance themselves from the attack while still delivering it. This is a common tactic to avoid direct responsibility for an insult. The commenter is attempting to lend credibility to their attack by using someone else’s words. This approach is underhanded, as it allows the commenter to launch a personal attack while maintaining a facade of objectivity or innocence. A form of passive-aggressive communication.

And that from a coward who hides behind anonymity.

Feb 8, 2025 10:19 PM
Reply to  ColinT

It’s a matter of taste.

You like anti-anonymity, I like anonymity, let’s call the whole thing off.

Don’t you think that maybe many people with important, true, and valuable things to say might be scared off from expressing themselves, if they didn’t have the protection of anonymity?

I know that it’s a two-edged sword. Anonymity can be used for insults, but it can also be used to impart sensitive information.

I personally don’t know how to resolve this conflict. Do you?

Feb 10, 2025 4:12 PM
Reply to  Melissa

Nothing wrong with anonymity per se. But what I am criticising is using it to hurl insults based on straw man arguments as in this case.

les online
les online
Feb 5, 2025 8:08 PM

Underneath all the Shock ‘n’ Awe –
He’s just another real estate agent
flogging wot doesnt belong to him…

Feb 5, 2025 10:56 PM
Reply to  les online

A blowhard, a braggart and a brainfart.

Evolution in reverse.

Feb 5, 2025 8:05 PM

G.A.Z.A, Give America Zion Again?

Old-fashioned Zionists would likely not be so happy with such an outcome as Netanyahu pretends to be

Feb 5, 2025 10:17 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

They would be happy – if they owned and controlled the USA.

But that couldn’t be possible. It’s pure coincidence that so many of the 2% hold positions of authority in the USA. Statistically near-impossible, but a coincidence nonetheless.

Feb 6, 2025 12:53 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

2% does seem pitiful. And yet about those ostensible Puritans seemingly ignorant of their historical roots? Perhaps more so

Feb 6, 2025 2:06 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Two per cent of the population, but what percentage of the wealth?
Hidden, and on ostentatious display.

Feb 6, 2025 4:30 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Well I’ve now heard what Trump actually said. He has shown his true colours. My hope and optimism that he would be a reasonable man (and I explained how I thought “reasonable” was critically important) have been dashed. I expected to be let down and I was right.

He is not a good man doing good things for good reasons.

And everything he does that seems like a win has to be seen in that context.

Never forget that what’s being done to the Gazans can be done to you too. Every year that passes is a roll of the dice to see if it’s your turn.

comment image

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 6, 2025 12:00 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Its like getting married before you met.

Feb 6, 2025 5:58 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Golgotha. Avarice. Zionism. America.

Feb 5, 2025 7:44 PM

Rockefeller was exaggerating his role in world events. We’d all to to say we were responsible for everything that has ever happened in human history in the last few hundred years. Especially when there’s a load of plebs that say we’re all powerful and secretly control the world. Who wouldn’t?

But can we really ignore social trends? Even though they may be inconvenient to our part in a dystopian narrative (on both sides of the equation).

Feb 5, 2025 11:44 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

One-sided down-votes do seem to indicate a contradiction of any justifiable narrative.

Should plebs really assume that Rockefellers rule the world in order that they may attain up-votes from a supposedly counterculteral Community. What a joke ,if so.

Feb 5, 2025 7:33 PM

Love Your Servitude! 

comment image

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Feb 5, 2025 3:41 PM

“What we’re attempting to do has never been done before on Earth,” Ashour said. Aspire began nine years ago as a project with four other McGill University students who, in essence, want to solve the problem of world hunger.

In addition to the London buildings, Aspire also has a development facility in Austin, Tex.”

Local News

By Jiminy! Feds put $8.5M into London cricket farm
Dan Brown

Published Jun 27, 2022 


Anuradha Mittal On the True Cause of World Hunger
Feb. 01, 2002


“Crickets are the insects with the most traction from a consumer standpoint and they’re also lower in fat than mealworms or black soldier fly larvae, so you don’t have to de-fat them and the powder has a 24-month stable shelf life,” explained Aspire Food Group co founder Mohammed Ashour.

‘Trudeau gov sending ‘insect protein’ food firms to UK climate change summit
Cosmin Dzsurdzsa 

June 28, 2023


Bill Gates-funded ‘soil fungus’ fake meat company greenlit by Health Canada
Cosmin Dzsurdzsa 

August 18, 202



Grad student and rookie MP gives new meaning to ‘learning on the job’
Alistair Steele

Sep 25, 2021 



Kayabaga and federal environment minister standing behind Trudeau as Liberal leader
Bryan Bicknell

July 15, 2024 


FIRST READING: Trudeau’s $9 million bet on edible crickets runs into trouble
Tristin Hopper

Published Nov 14, 2024 



“Ottawa is full of highly educated individuals.” 

‘A city of a million: Ottawa by the numbers
What does Ottawa look like? CBC crunched the numbers
CBC News · Posted: Jun 16, 2019 


On the Wildness of Children

Carol Black


Will The Poor Always Be With Us?

March 18, 2017 

Jim Tull 


For localism and the love of humanity
January 29, 2025


TOWNES VAN ZANDT – “Marie” on Solo Sessions

January 17, 1995


George Mc
George Mc
Feb 5, 2025 6:58 PM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

“Crickets are the insects with the most traction from a consumer standpoint ….”

A bit like saying that beige turds are more popular than dark brown turds with the wide eyed and ever so eager consumers.

Feb 5, 2025 10:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Do you remember the white-encrusted ‘deposits’ that dogs used to leave in the street? Something to do with an ingredient in commercial dog food at the time.

I wonder if our droppings will change colour when we eat bugs. Our grandchildren may never know that jobbies were once brown

Feb 6, 2025 12:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

A Big Mac becomes a Big Bug?

Reckon they’re pushing shit uphill with that one George.

Tradition dies hard.

Danny O'Thebes
Danny O'Thebes
Feb 6, 2025 6:55 AM
Reply to  Johnny

A Bug Mac, surely?

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Feb 6, 2025 1:19 AM
Reply to  George Mc

‘Would you try ‘eating ze bugs’ at the World Economic Forum?
“Ezra Levant chats with a representative of Pumba, a brand named after the bug-eating character from the Lion King, who was promoting the company’s energy bars containing insect protein on the streets of Davos at the World Economic Forum.”



“A bit like saying that beige turds are more popular than dark brown turds with the wide eyed and ever so eager consumers.”

“consumers.” ?

“Eaters want to support farms where animals are treated well, where workers are paid properly, where soil and water are taken care of. They want to eat healthier foods, not hormone-laden beef or pesticide lettuce.” Aric McBay

‘Don’t get fooled by fast food ‘farm-washing’
Aric McBay

April 01, 2016


‘Farmers and eaters working together can build a better food system
Aric McBay

January 12, 2017



‘What does insect population crash mean for us?
Aric McBay

November 1, 2017


José Feliciano “Flight Of The Bumblebee” on The Ed Sullivan Show


José Feliciano on the Enduring Ecstasies of Guitar Playing
Joe Bosso 

8 May 2020


José Feliciano: The Maestro of Latin Music


Uru in the Valley of Sleepers

‘What if your country disappeared? Nation mulls digital existence as sea waters rise

Sarah Lawrynuik

Nov 20, 2022


‘Communities on the Move: Cochrane’s Smart Village project takes shape
Vertical farming, data mining, Bitcoin, northeastern town has a ‘lot of pokers in the fire’

Casey Stranges

Jul 5, 2022 


‘The Great Reset: The Final Assault on the Living Planet [It’s Not a Social Dilemma – It’s the Calculated Destruction of the Social, Part III]

“He plans to slash the Liberals’ reform of regulation for megaprojects “to cause a massive resource boom in our country” and generate enough electricity to power data centres.”

‘Pierre Poilievre outlines goals, strategy, key players in Jordan Peterson interview

‘The Mechanism of Invisible Hand, Invisible Cage, and Invisible Empire over Humanity and Nature

February 9, 2021

By Hiroyuki Hamada


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 6, 2025 4:32 PM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

Just saying, I love my roasted hotdog with everything on it, and nobody can talk me from loving it.
Roasted sausage, ketchup, yellow, mustard, raw onion, roasted onion, green salad, and pickled slices of cucumbers on top of it all.

F..k green salad and environmental issues.

Feb 6, 2025 12:40 AM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

Test crickets hey!
Five days and you’re out.

Who woulda thunk it?

Feb 7, 2025 5:29 AM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

The exoskeletons of crickets and similar insects contain the allergen chitin. Marketing cannot change that.

Feb 5, 2025 1:21 PM

Look who is critical of the “PR” of China: White Web here!

Feb 5, 2025 2:34 PM
Reply to  antonym

Windy Web works from Chile;
James Corbett from Japan;
Edward Snowden from Russia;


See a pattern 5 eyed folks?

Feb 5, 2025 7:48 PM
Reply to  antonym

A CIA station down the road?

Feb 8, 2025 1:18 PM
Reply to  antonym

They don’t have intrusive monitors tut-tutting about their every word?

Feb 5, 2025 12:50 PM

Thanks Colin ,sobering stuff ..it sue appears to be coming together quickly ..Trump and his Tech Oligarch Psychopaths eagerly rolling out the digital panopticons final phase..or at least thats what they want Us to believe , Ellison, Musk and Theil have an air of unreality , a scripted lunacy about them .. Starlink looks like parodic third rate apocalyptic sci fi ..And of course it may all very well be a cover for the real roll out to be completed by the Democrats .. after bad cop Trump gets ditched next Selection , but not before the coup de gras to what remains of the Constitution , thus fulfilling his role as Chaos Agent..One has to pity poor ordinary Americans who are being put through the ringer .. Most of whom really just want to live in peace and be left alone…

Feb 5, 2025 1:26 PM
Reply to  Marb

Trump and his Tech Oligarch Psychopaths are busy dismantling the CIA, FBI, USAID and other elements of the corrupt deep state and US State empire. How extraordinarily dumb! And pity the 1000s of leftist career bureaucrats now forced to think about getting real jobs.

Feb 6, 2025 12:38 AM

You dont have to agree .. but this article is worth reading Magatards Awaken!https://emanuelprez.substack.com/p/american-carnage-and-the-establishment

Feb 6, 2025 12:58 AM

There is no left and right only Humans who have been coralled and manipulated by Cults , based on the Perversions of completely natural conservative instincts, and an innate sense of Justice..the sooner people ditch these top down imposed artificial constructs the easier it will be to effect mass revolt …

The Real Edwige
The Real Edwige
Feb 5, 2025 10:42 AM

By a remarkable coincidence, the “values” they suggest are ones wanted in neophyte freemasons and don’t include things like “prize sovereignty”, “question authority” and “stop being such a dumbass”:

It concludes with a cute little veiled threat: “whatever upheaval awaits us in America”. They know there’s “upheaval” a-coming. It’s Trotskyite permanent revolution – no wonder so many neocons were ex-Trotskyites.

So much change people become punch-drunk and disorientated is the point – but they’re worried that this might include low-level freemasons and soft-left normies, hence why this article appeared.

The media now seems almost entirely like this kind of psychological manipulation masquerading as “self-help”. Reporting on actual events seems almost entirely defunct.

Feb 5, 2025 8:41 AM

The Real Left and Right.
🎶In your head, in your head🎶

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 5, 2025 9:01 PM
Reply to  Johnny

What a brilliant little lecture. Blew my mind a bit. A2

Feb 5, 2025 9:47 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Same here Sam.

Feb 5, 2025 10:21 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Check out a real-world-guy Kim Peek, if you’d like to see how minds are really blown:

Kim Peek – The Real Rain Man (2006)

Feb 6, 2025 4:10 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Here’s another Sam:

No doubt there’s more.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 6, 2025 3:03 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Good one. Yes it can really be boiled down to Einstein’s phrase: “We have created a society which reward the faithful servant but deny the sacred gift of the intuitive mind.

Feb 5, 2025 7:43 AM

get women into the workforce to tax them and to weaken the authority of the family
Getting women in meant
.- lower wages after a while for all, just as in unregulated immigration
.- some fun on the side for men at the top
.- emotional manipulation of women executives
.- myth of equal work by women, even physical work
.- more control of children (also related to marketing and social media) including sexual subversion.

Feb 5, 2025 8:44 AM
Reply to  mgeo

You got it. Feminism and BLM are scams.

Feb 5, 2025 1:28 PM
Reply to  edwige

Scams promoted by leftist minions and their Zionist overlords.

Feb 5, 2025 1:38 PM
Reply to  edwige

Which isn’t to say that the rights of Women, and the rights of Blacks, and everyone else, are scams.

Human rights, civic rights, social rights, political rights belong to everyone.

Feb 5, 2025 5:44 PM
Reply to  judith

Civil rights were a Trojan Horse for equity.

And human rights are for the most part not rights at all, but obligations placed unfairly on others.

Discrimination is a good thing, despite dictionaries’ attempt to turn the pure definition into a footnote.

discrimination noun [U] (SEEING A DIFFERENCE)

the ability to judge the quality of something based on its difference from other, similar things:
He showed discrimination in his reading habits.

Not long ago it was a great compliment to be described as a person of discrimination.

Feb 5, 2025 6:40 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Yes, well, not long ago discriminating policemen in the South (USA) aimed fire hoses and German shephards at United States citizens.

Then they hung some of them.

He showed discrimination in his serve and protect habits.

Feb 5, 2025 7:38 PM
Reply to  judith

You know, one-third of American lynchings were of white men, and one-third of the lynched were guilty.

Feb 5, 2025 10:27 PM
Reply to  edwige

And apparently most lynchings were done by black people, against black people.

Some things never change. Except today they’re using guns not rope.

Feb 6, 2025 1:50 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Really? By black people, against black people?

Any links to that research, those documents, those facts?

Feb 5, 2025 10:36 PM
Reply to  judith

This photo is captioned “Civil Rights Triumph.”
comment image

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 6, 2025 3:11 AM
Reply to  judith

As a universal principle there is no such thing as rights. To claim rights is to recognize you have Overlords above you.

Thus there is only statements as “All men are born equal……a.s.o.” to confirm the human basic conditions here on earth to the extent people dont know them.

Feb 6, 2025 4:56 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Rights are things you only have when you don’t need them.

Rights are irrelevant when you are being treated well, and powerless when you are being abused. Rights are phantasms sent to mock you.

They are best seen as things you should demand, not wait to be given you.

red lester
red lester
Feb 5, 2025 11:50 AM
Reply to  mgeo

And a lower birth rate, because it now takes 2 wages to keep a lifestyle.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 6, 2025 3:14 AM
Reply to  red lester

To keep the banking suckers at bay. Fixed it for you.

Feb 5, 2025 6:42 PM
Reply to  mgeo

This is a joke, right?

Feb 5, 2025 7:42 PM
Reply to  judith

No, it’s not, and I imagine you are one of those people so wed to your inculcation, that you cannot even for a moment conceive of another way of looking at things. What if suppirting the “rights” (see Nietsche on “rights”–they are just another form of will to power) of women is wrong, while supporting the rights of working-class families is right. And the rights of women directly interferes with and disrupts the rights of families.

Feb 5, 2025 7:46 PM
Reply to  edwige

You don’t get out of this world alive. What I mean be that is that some questions are not solvable. Birth is the only true cause of death, for instance. And woman’s rights can never be equalized with or subsumed into or live beside the rights of families, or of communities, or of societies. Sparta, for instance, with the greatest woman’s liberation in the ancient world, disappeared from the face of the earth. Because liberated women refuse to breed.

May Hem
May Hem
Feb 5, 2025 8:50 PM
Reply to  edwige

So the new world order could “liberate” all women so they will not breed. Eugenic aims thus achieved. Is this what you mean edwige?

Feb 6, 2025 3:21 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Nah. All they wanted to do was double the work force so that they could halve the wages. Eugenics is just lagniappe. It usually just comes down to dollars and cents.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 6, 2025 11:25 AM
Reply to  edwige

Maybe you’re 100% right, but I’m not sure you’re convincing Judith, or indeed me.

Is there any sort of inherent equality built into more traditional gender roles, which I assume you’re promoting, which could be emphasised? Or are human females merely meant to be bred, as you seem to be suggesting?

I mean, I could believe that women, liberated or otherwise, might refuse to breed with you with this sales pitch XD

Also would you mind choosing a unique username? There’s another longtime commenter already called edwige. Thanks. A2

Feb 6, 2025 1:17 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Well, I agree. The commenter might be 100% right as they see it.

I am 100% right as I see it.

And never the twain shall meet.

As long as the commenter is not my boss, I’m OK with that.

Feb 6, 2025 7:16 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You are not really making a case for anything. It has already been demonstrated by many other commentators that adding women to the workforce halves the wages. This is a fact. What you don’t understand is that the invention of the family in the Stone Age was an improvement never since improved upon. Division of Labor. Proper rearing of children. United Front against the world. And yes, I said “breeding.” On purpose. Your implied contempt for “breeding” reveals that you cannot dig yourself out of your typical, ho-hum modern normal-liberal liberal-consensus mindset. We have learned for years that “breeding” is wrong. And you repeat what we have all been taught. And of course I am not convincing Judith. She doesn’t even understand what I am talking about. And anyhow, I am not talking to Judith, really. A conversation on here is like a talk show. David Letterman acts like he is talking to Harvey Pekar–but he is actually talking to an audience of several million. What I am saying is, and what no-one gets, is that no-one gets out of this world alive, you can’t have your cake and eat it too, just because you want something to be true doesn’t make it so. You are surprisingly un-open to opposing viewpoints given the propensity of this site to call everything under the sun and then some a conspiracy psyop hoax. Why all of a sudden can’t feminism be a conspiracy-psyop-hoax? It seems to be like other sacrosanct topics in the world at large, topics that one is not allowed to criticize if one wants to be allowed into polite society. And btw his name is Real Edwige. I am just Edwige. I like my name. If I was named John, would I have to change it? Somehow it feels like it’s pile on Edwige season. Because he has a non-uniform opinion. Well, that’s not surprising. Non-uniform opinions are often, proverbially, hammered down.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 6, 2025 8:10 PM
Reply to  edwige

Admin very specifically kept a very open mind. So you consider Stone Age families to be optimal? Sure. And you seem to think this does have inherent gender equality. I’m sure plenty of anthropologists have made a similar case, perhaps studying remote tribes etc. However, the point I was really making is that you made the whole concept seem quite obnoxious and tawdry, which was undeniably counterproductive to your point.

I’m sure we’ve spoken before and I’m sure you weren’t called Edwige. If I were guessing I’d say you were commenter Alex Baton, or definitely an alt of someone who often seems to take up a needlessly self aggrandising and contrarian position. If I were guessing more cynically I’d say you deliberately chose a known moniker in order to slip through our rudimentary screening procedure here. But obviously neither can be proved. However, I’m not going to let you post unimpeded as Edwige, who only changed his name to ‘Real Edwige’ because of you, I’m guessing. Haha.

I’m also aware we are presenting to a wider audience here. I figured that out, ooh, a little while ago 😉 A2

les online
les online
Feb 5, 2025 2:14 AM

‘[In the emerging landscape] the values of order, conformity
and compliance reign supreme [overshadowing individual
freedoms and critical thought]….

Why, those values reigned supreme in the schools i was
compelled to attend, and the behaviour expected of me when
working… I complied, so that makes me a sheeple, creatures
whom elitists scornfully look down their noses on…

And if that is The Nightmare that approacheth, the sheeple should
have no fear of it, it being what is required of them to live today…

Feb 5, 2025 1:30 AM

A holiday on the new ‘Riviera’ anyone?


Only four years of Clown n Frown world to go.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 5, 2025 2:16 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Well, he is not wrong that the people of Gaza could profit of being re-located to a peaceful place. It could be a way to resolve the situation pt. What else is there to do now?

Feb 5, 2025 8:26 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

What else is there to do now? – The plan all along… Jeux sans frontières.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 6, 2025 3:19 AM
Reply to  declan

I know everything is wrong in that Gaza case, and precisely therefore I think Trump’s proposal is the most realistic and practical solution for the sad story of the Gaza people.
Why should they stay scapegoats for many other decades?

Feb 5, 2025 5:48 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

How about we relocate the Israelis?
And make them stand on their own two feet this time?

Feb 5, 2025 12:47 AM

“It is clear from the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual get-together at Davos that global powerholders and their minions do actually believe they have the right to sit in judgement over the fate of billions.”

comment image

Sal P
Sal P
Feb 4, 2025 11:18 PM

Yet another insightful article from Mr Todhunter.

Feb 4, 2025 10:32 PM

The Covid Dossiers:


‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’
— Margaret Mead

Feb 5, 2025 7:47 AM
Reply to  Johnny

There is a hidden meaning in that quote. Mead produced some fake anthropological research about that island (Tahiti?) culture.

Feb 5, 2025 8:05 AM
Reply to  mgeo

If you swap ‘citizens’ for $uited p$ycho$’ it certainly rings true.

Never mind, at least it’s optimistic.

Feb 5, 2025 1:02 PM
Reply to  Johnny

A hell of a read , Debbie ,sasha and Katherine Watt have really done the hard Yards ..a phenomenal acheivement …which seems entirely credible , such important work which saddly goes unnoticed .. tough ,chastening stuff … Hard to look at squarely .. its so Psychpathic!

Feb 5, 2025 1:03 PM
Reply to  Marb

Like staring into an Abyss

Feb 4, 2025 10:19 PM

Thanks Colin.
Perhaps the most salient article Off G has published.

Names named.
Causes and effects shown.

Now, the fight begins.
The enemy must be exposed.
Often, and with passion.
One way or another.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Feb 5, 2025 9:20 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Whatever the sympathy we may have for the people of the United States,
their country is still the main predator of humanity.
We can in no circumstance claim to share their “values.””…, Manlio Dinucci, 7/31/2019

Feb 5, 2025 10:49 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

Thanks Susan.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 6, 2025 3:25 AM
Reply to  susan mullen

I can recommend Volairenet.com as a goldmine of solid due info. Ex Nato advisor with deep knowledge of the background of many geo-political 20-50 year plans.

Feb 5, 2025 1:41 PM
Reply to  Johnny

The enemy might be more exposed had the term ‘Zionism’ not been avoided. The problem is that highly unsavory characters like Adolf attempted to do that long ago, and agreeing with him is about as tempting as denying the holocaust, a story functioning as the sword and shield of Zionist imperialism and aggression for many decades now.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 4, 2025 9:46 PM

Fine analysis. It fits my own info research and conclusion.

Feb 4, 2025 9:43 PM

Which goes to prove “There’s nothing new under the sun.” A handful of a-holes have always imagined themselves in possession of just the right everything to lord it over everyone. And, as we shall see, “their reach exceeds their grasp.” They really think once they have it all they can keep it all. No they can’t.

The day will come – count on it – when the Praetorian Guard guarding these gods will turn on them – just like it did in imperial Rome. And there will be no one to save them. They will spend their final days crouching in terror in their massive Panic Bunkers, eating the last of the “real” food they have saved for themselves. Then they will starve to death and a new batch of a-holes will come along to replace them.

Feb 5, 2025 1:45 PM
Reply to  Howard

I see slave politicians of the globalist bankers everywhere, and find ‘all wars are bankers’ wars’ to be a pretty accurate summary of our plight. So are any of the bankers anti-Zionists?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 4, 2025 9:22 PM

“Who determines that the current powerholders driving these agendas are the ‘natural’ heirs to humanity’s legacy? Who grants them the authority to dictate the fate of billions? They have seized this role for themselves.”

Or something like this: The first king-makers, the Anunnaki gave these inbred descendants the authority. Except that we, the descendants of the offspring from the forbidden couplings of Anunnaki and their genetic experiments are increasingly saying No!

And these wars on xyz “without a real enemy” to us the people (such as the mythical Covid) have been going on since those early days as well. “They” perpetually send us into death and damnation …. and most of us never learn to say no.

Feb 4, 2025 8:49 PM

The Covid Dossierhttps://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-covid-dossier-a-record-of-military

The Covid Dossier is a compilation of the evidence we have amassed over the last three years supporting the following claim:
Covid was not a public health event, although it was presented as such to the world’s population. It was a global operation, coordinated through public-private intelligence and military alliances and invoking laws designed for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) weapons attacks.

Feb 4, 2025 8:28 PM

OK. Fine. Now, what are we supposed to do about it?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 4, 2025 9:21 PM
Reply to  edwige

Do not consent to anything that goes against your own values. Always seek second, third, … opinions.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 4, 2025 10:02 PM
Reply to  edwige

We are supposed to know.
As faith can move mountains, knowledge can move human systems.

“Yes these are unfortunately the factual circumstances and dark spots we have in our society and the world of today, but WE KNOW IT.
WE are not passive sheeple demanding more rules and nannies but adult responsible Men and Women who accept and demand for ourselves and our own dignity to KNOW the real situation.
We know it, and thus we show to the world that we have a true mental platform to access the reality of our world. WE ARE WORKING ON IT.


underground poet
underground poet
Feb 5, 2025 2:28 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

They might be working on it, but the oldest person in the world keeps getting younger, we are no longer breaking those age barriers even though the population has increased exponentially and health care is on top of their game. So keep working on it, but expect to miss something.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 5, 2025 3:47 AM

This is also my impression. That we get younger and younger.

But seen from a religious stand point it makes sense. God lowered the age from eternal to 1000 years (Methuselah).
Then he erased the entire humanity except Noah and his family but regretted and promised to never erase mankind this way again.

Instead he lowered the age fro 1000 years to 100 years average, as enough to find out who was from the Abel tribe and who was from the Cain tribe.

Today we are lowered again from 100 years to age 75 years as we are born too many idiots. Sincerely I believe in the scriptures.
The scriptures are the only ones who makes rational logic and gives a due explanation of everything.from the beginning to the end and on top a solution.

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 6, 2025 12:35 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

There is no solution but time and hope its self.

Feb 5, 2025 1:45 PM

Getting younger, yes. Definitely after 2021.

I read the obits daily. This past year has been astonishing. The vast number of people dying in their 70s is overwhelming.

Yes, of course, there has been a high percentage of young people 20 – 40 dying but it is uncanny the number of people in their seventies.

I know that 70 is no spring chicken, but it is not elderly.

Prior to the lie-demic there were many people in their 90’s and even over 100.

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 6, 2025 12:42 AM
Reply to  judith

Quality of life and numbers are just that, among being separate, if both are in decline this would suggest a pinnacle has been reached, and its down hill over all for the human race from here going forward.

Good thing the gods can live to 1000 and simply repeat the human tragedy over and over again until they get their desired results.

Feb 5, 2025 12:16 AM
Reply to  edwige

Now that we know that relying on the lying mind and desires has turned out these hopeless societies we should start listening to our intuition instead. So not to the first impulses, which are still of the apex animal kind. That very soft no or go.

Why should Evolution stop at Homo sapiens, or even Homo socialisticus? What drove Earth from energetic anarchy to life and now organized men creatures? What’s next? Are we up for it or do dolphins or octopi have to manage after a global nuclear winter? The WEF, CPC, or Pentagon think they are sorcerers while really being gullible apprentices of anti evolutionary forces. A Big Bang again is geological time wasting.

Feb 5, 2025 9:32 AM
Reply to  antonym

The co-n-vid tag team members (Biden, DJT, Putin, Kim Jong Un etc) breathe the same air as those who pull their strings all in common with the bulk of humanity who think these Global Mafia members are their heroes.

Nuclear Winter is the least of concerns for the great Gullibilista.

Feb 5, 2025 1:53 PM
Reply to  antonym

Does ‘our intuition’ have a singular identity and/or opinion, such that reason and disagreement can be superseded and ignored? Sounds like mysticism to me.

Feb 5, 2025 12:16 AM
Reply to  edwige

Get out of pending…

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 5, 2025 3:45 AM
Reply to  edwige

Look for people that are doing something about it, learn from them. I would look to those who have successfully fought off imperial conquest. (That is, nobody in the Western left.)

Big Al
Big Al
Feb 5, 2025 4:39 AM
Reply to  edwige

He told you:

“The key challenge lies in mobilising a critical mass of people to bring about the necessary pushback and change.
While some might scoff, many are actively working towards this goal. And we should never forget — We Are Human, We Are Free.”

Did you at least read what they linked?

Feb 5, 2025 8:42 AM
Reply to  Big Al

No, I mean specifically. Where do we go? When? What do we do when we get there? What do we do if that fails? I mean specifically, do, as in “go here, march there, steal this, shoot this, occupy this,” etc. And don’t tell me to make it up. I have no idea how to do anything substantive. Not a clue. And I bet there are millions more like me. These vague urgings to “find people.” How? Where do we look? How do we know they are worthwhile, not liars, not provacateurs? Nothing will ever happen without precise, detailed. specific plans.

Big Al
Big Al
Feb 5, 2025 5:16 PM
Reply to  edwige

Well, ya, therein lies the challenge. It’s a simple premise, i.e., that we have to mobilize enough people to effect change, there is no other way, it’s not going to just happen magically. Maybe it can happen spontaneously somehow, but more than likely we need a critical mass of people acting together. There are ways to do that, just like we can somehow get 170 million people to vote for Trump or Harris. But who can organize something like that on the scale needed is the question. I don’t know either.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 6, 2025 3:45 AM
Reply to  edwige

There is no end station. There is only “Tutti Frutti oh Rutti” https://youtu.be/zCulj2AbOGc . Live man.

Feb 7, 2025 8:30 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.
Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Feb 6, 2025 4:22 AM
Reply to  edwige

Nothing will ever happen without precise, detailed. specific plans.

There’s always Divine Intervention.

Richard Aston
Richard Aston
Feb 4, 2025 8:07 PM


Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 4, 2025 8:06 PM

Key phrase ‘history shows us’.

Your life history shows you that nothing can be believed, perhaps even what you see.

History, make your own mind up,

Stay safe kids

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 4, 2025 9:10 PM
Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 4, 2025 11:30 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Thanks. Conclusion? It reminds me about the statement that Big Pharma is even bigger than MIC.
If US is using 1 trillion USD a year (50% of the Globe’s military costs), Big Pharma is sucking even more out of ordinary people’s wallet than that.

MIC is through wars and military artificial invented “enemies” and viruses simply providing victims and patients to the Big Pharma industry and cash cow.

Anyway, in a world where you only have a choice between black death and cholera, I would still vote for RFK Jr as the best man available for the job.
This is the best we in US can offer of today: Garbage in, Garbage out! (ref G.Carlin).

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Feb 4, 2025 11:57 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

There’s something creepy about how the psychos in DC are always attempting to deceive the “hopeful” who are looking for a savior in the Health and Human Services Department or in the Oval Office. It’s often just a bate and switch game. We don’t vote for politicians we choose various varieties of “conmen.”

That being said, I find RFK, Jr’s position on the Middle East horrendous; I wish he knew that Medicare Advantage is a scam; and I think he should be enthusiastic about nationalizing healthcare rather than privatizing it.

Now let’s hope, he doesn’t alter his position about vaccine mandates, COVID jabs, and the relationship between 87 childhood vaccines and autism.🤔

Feb 5, 2025 1:53 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Nationalised health care.

It’s probably the main reason Gough Whitlam was ‘removed’ as PM of Australia in 1975.
That, and FREE university education.

Can’t have healthy, educated Useless Eaters can we?

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Feb 5, 2025 2:23 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Avarice pyscho gangsters want it all. 🤑

Feb 5, 2025 10:45 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Ever heard of Ted Shackley, CIA? and Pine Gap?the Shackley Telegram? and the pending non-renewal of the lease? did you know there was a lease to be renewed?

Feb 6, 2025 1:03 AM
Reply to  Jenner

Thanks for that Jenner.

I just read Pilger’s piece on Green Left Weekly.
Gough was more than a ‘Fly in the ointment’.
We’ll never see the likes of him again.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 5, 2025 2:20 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

I agree 100% in your stand.

les online
les online
Feb 5, 2025 2:33 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

bobby junior accepted a list of condition to obtain the decider vote –
the vote of a very strong pro-vaxx US senator.

Thank You Senator Cassidy For Protecting The Vaccine Program:

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 5, 2025 3:30 AM
Reply to  les online

Politics is the art of the feasible. Unfortunately many voted for Cassidy, you see?

Feb 5, 2025 1:49 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Haven’t you heard what he said about cdc guidelines for childhood vaccines?

He supports it!

Operation warp speed?

He praises it!

This is the fellow who wrote The Real Anthony Fauci and has fought against pharma corruption since 2003.

They got to him. Sad, but true. There is no other way to explain it.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Feb 5, 2025 2:01 PM
Reply to  judith

I didn’t vote for any of it. Above I cited my criticisms of RFK, Jr. The only thing his nomination accomplishes is to get folks to start discussing the efficacy of vaccines and the dubious nature of health organizations mandated to protect the public, but serve only the interests of big pharma.

Feb 5, 2025 3:15 PM
Reply to  judith

“This is the fellow who wrote The Real Anthony Fauci”.

But did he? Really?

Feb 5, 2025 12:00 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Almost TWO TRILLION by 2027!
(And I’m not sure if that even includes the JAB$$$$$$$$$$.


Makes the MIC look like small potatoes.

Feb 5, 2025 12:03 AM
Reply to  Johnny

‘Lie$, damn lie$ and Ma$$ Murder’

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Feb 5, 2025 3:19 AM
Reply to  Johnny

It’s called weeding out the population via experimental computer generated injections.

Today on MSNBC “Morning Joe spook show” they were promoting the Neuralink by demonstrating how it will be used to help an unfortunate victim paralyzed in a swimming pool accident.

Propaganda is how the ghouls advance a very nefarious agenda. They prey on the trusting and naive who are convinced to believe biometric devices implanted into the brain will benefit humanity and is “not” going to be used as a remote device to control all human behavior.

We’re so f–ked, unless a series of big wrenches are thrown into this human meat grinder.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 5, 2025 3:36 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

“I didnt came here to bring peace but a sword and division”. Why?
Because the truth separates people, families, populations and nations.

Should we then lie to keep it all together? No! We should stick to the truth and bear our burden!

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Feb 5, 2025 3:57 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Another big source of control will be the CBDC. That’s the Coup de grâce. If the creepos control the cash, they control everything.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 6, 2025 3:56 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Absolutely. But after this Covid scam it seems they can get the sheeple to do everything.
To refer to the experts JP Morgan: “Gold and silver is the only real exchange money there exist. Everything else is a fraud”.

I recommend people to use 10% of their net income to that.
It is the only money thing that really cant go wrong.
But people need to think 10 years ahead before they can see it was a right decision, and only people with big hairy balls have that bone.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Feb 6, 2025 4:10 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

When it gets to that point we’ll be in the “survivor mode.”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 6, 2025 4:46 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Actually I see quite a few in my surroundings in that mode.
Some are much worse than me, piling up tin can food and dry milk in their basement for 6 mth, m.m.  😱 

Feb 5, 2025 1:52 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

But if you were that person who became paralyzed how would you feel?

If it were a friend or family member how would you feel?

Maybe it CAN work. That does not mean it is all nefarious.

It is not the same as forcefully implanting a chip into someone’s brain who has not consented.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Feb 5, 2025 2:06 PM
Reply to  judith

And if you suffered from incurable cancer and were desperate I guess you’d inject a ton of mRNA gene therapy.

However, the agenda is not to create ballerinas out of paraplegics, but to use biometrics and gene therapy to control the “healthy” population.

Feb 5, 2025 4:29 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

I don’t know what I would do if I had incurable cancer.
I do not look down my nose at any of the treatments.

I know people who went the chemo route and have been living happily for years. Others choose alternatives. I don’t know why it has to be either or as long as it is informed, personal consent. Freedom of choice.

And while a parapelegic might not ever do a pas de deux, I imagine he or she would be interested in moving/walking again. I know I would. Some people might be using biometrics and gene therapy to control healthy populations, I agree.
I do not think it rules out beneficial aims or others sincere good intentions.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Feb 5, 2025 4:34 PM
Reply to  judith

P.T. Barnum Orangeman said: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” 😆

Feb 5, 2025 5:33 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Whatever that means.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Feb 5, 2025 10:09 PM
Reply to  judith

It means you shouldn’t believe bullshitters.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Feb 6, 2025 4:40 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

It means some people are naturally bull-shitable; there’s never a shortage of them.

And it’s worth remembering the second part of Barnum’s quote: “and two to take him.”

There’s never a shortage of bullshitters, either.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 6, 2025 4:02 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

People dont like the truth. They feel he hit them right on a soft spot.  😄 .

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Feb 6, 2025 4:16 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Many need a continual dose of hopium, even if it’s believing in a charlatan; otherwise they can’t psychologically cope.

Feb 5, 2025 2:01 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Doesn’t the Israeli President decide US foreign policy?

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 6, 2025 4:03 AM

No. This too was fake news. It is still the dog wagging with its tail, not the opposite.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 5, 2025 9:46 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Unlimited Crap!

However, given Trump’s history with Gates during his previous term, Gates’ comments aren’t surprising. For instance, while Trump cut funding and left the World Health Organization in 2020, his administration continued to fund the Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance to the tune of a three-year pledge totaling $1.16 billion through the alleged CIA-front organization United States Agency for International Development (USAID). In April 2020, Trump lauded this partnership in a televised address to that year’s Global Vaccine Summit, stating “it’s great to be partnering with [Gavi]. We will work hard, we will work strong.” Notably, Gavi is one of the most prominent funders of the WHO, along with the Gates Foundation, and also co-led the WHO’s vaccine distribution program, COVAX, which “delivered nearly 2 billion doses of vaccines” across the globe. While Trump’s administration seemingly cut ties with the WHO during this period, it nevertheless supported at least one organization crucial to the WHO Covid response (i.e. Gavi).

Trump never funded or partnered with Gavi. Instead, he funded his own operation – which Gates criticised. Note in the above quote that “Gavi” is in square brackets; i.e. Trump never said “Gavi”.

Note also that USAID – the source of Gavi funding – is an independent agency. That is, Trump does not have the official authority to stop USAID from funding Gavi. Although Trump is now trying shut down USAID, this is most likely beyond his official authority as POTUS.

Versions as at January 2025:

As one of Gavi’s longstanding donors, USAID has directly contributed to progress in immunization coverage, providing more than $2 billion in support to Gavi since FY 2001.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent agency of the United States government that is primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance. With a budget of over $50 billion, USAID is one of the largest official aid agencies in the world and accounts for more than half of all U.S. foreign assistance—the highest in the world in absolute dollar terms.

In the United States government, independent agencies are agencies that exist outside the federal executive departments (those headed by a Cabinet secretary) and the Executive Office of the President.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Feb 6, 2025 4:23 AM

You’re doing a triple somersault to defend Mr. Warpspeed who is fully on board with depraved “bloodsucking Larry Ellison” and his 30 minute AI 3-D printer mRNA jabs.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 5, 2025 9:51 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

More Crap!

Under O’Neill’s desired system, the entire biotech industry at large would be liberated from the regulatory hurdles that so often block its most “innovative” products from getting to market. Perhaps this is best demonstrated by prominent mRNA and biotech proponent Bill Gates’ recent praising of Trump. Gates, whom people often associate with the liberal side of the political spectrum, stated that he was “frankly impressed” with Trump after a “wide-ranging,” three hour discussion with the current President in which they discussed Gates’ ambitions for global health. They even both apparently got “pretty excited” when discussing the possibility of fast-tracking a HIV vaccine in the same manner that Trump enabled with the Covid-19 vaccine.

Why would Trump waste a second of his time with Gates? Instead, this is how the White House “meeting” really went. A mid-level intelligence operative takes Gates to a small room deep in the basement and states:

“Bill, take a seat. . . . These are some of the many photos and videos of yourself at Epstein’s island. . . . From now on you’ll follow our instructions to the letter. Here’s a briefing document for what to say to the media. You’re to spend the next hour or so studying the document; and you’ll be tested before you leave. Thank you for your cooperation.”