The Minneapolis Putsch

CJ Hopkins

Well, it looks like the Resistance’s long-anticipated “Second Civil War” has finally begun … more or less exactly on cue. Rioting has broken out across the nation. People are looting and burning stores and attacking each other in the streets. Robocops are beating, tear-gassing, and shooting people with non-lethal projectiles.

State National Guards have been deployed, curfews imposed, “emergencies” declared. Secret Servicemen are fighting back angry hordes attempting to storm the White House. Trump is tweeting from an “underground bunker.”

Opportunist social media pundits on both sides of the political spectrum are whipping people up into white-eyed frenzies. Americans are at each other’s throats, divided by identity politics, consumed by rage, hatred, and fear.

Things couldn’t be going better for the Resistance if they had scripted it themselves.

Actually, they did kind of script it themselves. Not the murder of poor George Floyd, of course. Racist police have been murdering Black people for as long as there have been racist police. No, the Resistance didn’t manufacture racism.

They just spent the majority of the last four years creating and promoting an official narrative which casts most Americans as “white supremacists” who literally elected Hitler president, and who want to turn the country into a racist dictatorship.

According to this official narrative, which has been relentlessly disseminated by the corporate media, the neoliberal intelligentsia, the culture industry, and countless hysterical, Trump-hating loonies, the Russians put Donald Trump in office with those DNC emails they never hacked and some division-sowing Facebook ads that supposedly hypnotized Black Americans into refusing to come out and vote for Clinton.

Putin purportedly ordered this personally, as part of his plot to “destroy democracy.”

The plan was always for President Hitler to embolden his white-supremacist followers into launching the “RaHoWa,” or the “Boogaloo,” after which Trump would declare martial law, dissolve the legislature, and pronounce himself Führer. Then they would start rounding up and murdering the Jews, and the Blacks, and Mexicans, and other minorities, according to this twisted liberal fantasy.

I’ve been covering the roll-out and dissemination of this official narrative since 2016, and have documented much of it in my essays, so I won’t reiterate all that here. Let’s just say, I’m not exaggerating, much.

After four years of more or less constant conditioning, millions of Americans believe this fairy tale, despite the fact that there is absolutely zero evidence whatsoever to support it. Which is not exactly a mystery or anything. It would be rather surprising if they didn’t believe it. We’re talking about the most formidable official propaganda machine in the history of official propaganda machines.

And now the propaganda is paying off. The protesting and rioting that typically follows the murder of an unarmed Black person by the cops has mushroomed into “an international uprising” cheered on by the corporate media, corporations, and the liberal establishment, who don’t normally tend to support such uprisings, but they’ve all had a sudden change of heart, or spiritual or political awakening, and are down for some serious property damage, and looting, and preventative self-defense, if that’s what it takes to bring about justice, and to restore America to the peaceful, prosperous, non-white-supremacist paradise it was until the Russians put Donald Trump in office.

In any event, the Resistance media have now dropped their breathless coverage of the non-existent Corona-Holocaust to breathlessly cover the “revolution.”

The American police, who just last week were national heroes for risking their lives to beat up, arrest, and generally intimidate mask-less “lockdown violators” are now the fascist foot soldiers of the Trumpian Reich.

The Nike corporation produced a commercial urging people to smash the windows of their Nike stores and steal their sneakers.

Liberal journalists took to Twitter, calling on rioters to “burn that shit down!” … until the rioters reached their gated community and started burning down their local Starbucks. Hollywood celebrities are masking up and going full-black bloc, and doing legal support. Chelsea Clinton is teaching children about David and the Racist Goliath. John Cusack’s bicycle was attacked by the pigs.

I haven’t checked on Rob Reiner yet, but I assume he is assembling Molotov cocktails in the basement of a Resistance safe house somewhere in Hollywood Hills.

Look, I’m not saying the neoliberal Resistance orchestrated or staged these riots, or “denying the agency” of the folks in the streets. Whatever else is happening out there, a lot of very angry Black people are taking their frustration out on the cops, and on anyone and anything else that represents racism and injustice to them.

This happens in America from time to time. America is still a racist society. Most African-Americans are descended from slaves. Legal racial discrimination was not abolished until the 1960s, which isn’t that long ago in historical terms.

I was born in the segregated American South, with the segregated schools, and all the rest of it. I don’t remember it — I was born in 1961 — but I do remember the years right after it. The South didn’t magically change overnight in July of 1964. Nor did the North’s variety of racism, which, yes, is subtler, but no less racist.

So I have no illusions about racism in America. But I’m not really talking about racism in America. I’m talking about how racism in America has been cynically instrumentalized, not by the Russians, but by the so-called Resistance, in order to delegitimize Trump and, more importantly, everyone who voted for him, as a bunch of white supremacists and racists.

Fomenting racial division has been the Resistance’s strategy from the beginning. A quote attributed to Joseph Goebbels, “accuse the other side of that which you are guilty,” is particularly apropos in this case. From the moment Trump won the Republican nomination, the corporate media and the rest of the Resistance have been telling us the man is literally Hitler, and that his plan is to foment racial hatred among his “white supremacist base,” and eventually stage some “Reichstag” event, declare martial law and pronounce himself dictator.

They’ve been telling us this story over and over, on television, in the liberal press, on social media, in books, movies, and everywhere else they could possibly tell it.

So, before you go out and join the “uprising,” take a look at the headlines today, turn on CNN or MSNBC, and think about that for just a minute. I don’t mean to spoil the party, but they’ve preparing you for this for the last four years.

Not you Black folks. I’m not talking to you. I wouldn’t presume to tell you what to do. I’m talking to white folks like myself, who are cheering on the rioting and looting, and are coming out to “help” you with it, but who will be back home in their gated communities when the ashes have cooled, and the corporate media are gone, and the cops return to “police” your neighborhoods.

OK, and this is where I have to restate (for the benefit of my partisan readers) that I’m not a fan of Donald Trump, and that I think he’s a narcissistic ass clown, and a glorified con man, and … blah blah blah, because so many people have been so polarized by insane propaganda and mass hysteria that they can’t even read or think anymore, and so just scan whatever articles they encounter to see whose “side” the author is on and then mindlessly celebrate or excoriate it.

If you’re doing that, let me help you out … whichever side you’re on, I’m not on it.

I realize that’s extremely difficult for a lot of folks to comprehend these days, which is part of the point I’ve been trying to make. I’ll try again, as plainly as I can.

America is still a racist country, but America is no more racist today than it was when Barack Obama was president. A lot of American police are brutal, but no more brutal than when Obama was president. America didn’t radically change the day Donald Trump was sworn into office.

All that has changed is the official narrative. And it will change back as soon as Trump is gone and the ruling classes have no further use for it.

And that will be the end of the War on Populism, and we will switch back to the War on Terror, or maybe the Brave New Pathologized Normal … or whatever Orwellian official narrative the folks at GloboCap have in store for us.

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volume I of his Consent Factory Essays is published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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John Goss
John Goss
Jun 14, 2020 11:45 AM

For some reason this article was the last notification I got through my emails from OffGuardian. What is happening?

Jun 7, 2020 6:47 PM

All the nice white Hollywood liberals, the Madonnas and the De Niros, who get such a vicarious cheap thrill out of violence, will be the first to scream “Call 911! Call 911!” if the rioters come anywhere near their plush gated communities.
All the grovelling and all the apologies and all the corporate hugfests about White Supremacy and all the extortion money won’t do any good. The Thought Police are trawling through Twitter for anything politically incorrect said years ago. It is never enough. De Blasio’s black wife and mulatto Antifa children don’t cut any ice. The millions in ransom payments to BLM won’t save anyone.
The whole population is now suffering from months of constant stress, Trump’s ill starred efforts to provoke wars with Iran, Venezuela and everybody else, the CV and 42 million unemployed, and now PTND, Post Traumatic Negro Disorder.
Antifa know that they have complete impunity to murder and burn, and relish the kicks they get from inflicting terror. Because they are the foot soldiers of the Deep State and Global Crapitalism.
These are actual terrorist cells. But they are allowed to get away with it because they are a tool that can be closed down at any time.
Wall Street and the Jewish NGOs have all been bailed out. Nobody else has, and the tinder box will continue to ignite. No amount of freebie handouts, $100K. $200K per head. will ever be enough to compensate for “black oppression.” Tens of trillions have been expended over 60 years. Whites have been discriminated against for 60 years. Hiring, education, black president, attorney general, homeland security boss, it doesn’t matter. Nothing is ever enough. There will be no end to the demands. White people simply have to disappear and cease to exist.
Blacks should live in their own areas that they police themselves, free from oppression and white privilege.
Until that time, we have to accept that white people just have to “shut the f*** up” and accept that they can be murdered, robbed and raped with complete impunity.

Jun 7, 2020 3:39 AM

Maybe the police should just be disbanded, along with the courts and the judges and the lawyers and the prisons.
Think of all the money to be saved.
Everybody can arm themselves and enforce their own laws.
Make it up as they go along.
AR15s go for $800.
It worked well in the days of Robin Hood and the Wild West, so why not?

Jun 5, 2020 2:33 AM

comment image

Jun 3, 2020 1:47 PM

“America a racist country” Terrible statement. Many successful Africans and other minorities in America than anywhere else in the world. So many of them say they are not oppressed and more free than anywhere.
So I suppose Africans killing each other by the dozens in Chicago every week is not racist? BLM anyone?
Are you saying only white people are racist?
Wasn’t the UK the first adopters of Eugenics in the 20th century.

Jun 7, 2020 3:45 AM
Reply to  Hank

No, you’re wrong. Africans are threatened with genocide by white privilege on a daily basis.
They should immediately all be shipped back to Africa for their own safety.
The worst African shithole country is infinitely better than the US.
I’m sure they would all jump at the chance of returning to Mother Africa.

Jun 10, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  Hank

World War One was an exercise in eugenics that killed off 40 million of the proletariat, who were drafted into the armies of both sides.

Jul 3, 2020 3:45 AM
Reply to  Kapricorn4

Kapricorn4: Yes. There was a documentary about WWI that says it all: “They Shall Not Grow Old.” What was the prominent race of those who fought? White. And it seems the war against whites continues. I would say to my sons and grandsons (and yes daughters and granddaughters too), do not enlist because you are just a pawn. The statement in the article about racist cops have always killed blacks is false. More whites are killed by cops than blacks. DOJ and FBI stats bear this out. And of course, the worst enemy of a black man is another black man. But that’s the white’s fault, right!?

Jul 3, 2020 10:52 AM
Reply to  Grace

WW1 was not so much to kill off northern Europeans, but to reduce the ranks of the proletariat, who were becoming too numerous and hence e threat to the aristocracy, and the landed gentry, who had inherited their exalted positions by force of arms of their ancestors.
The importation of sub Sarahan Africans and people from the middle east into western Europe is the deliberate Coudenhove-Kalergi plan by the new world order, faithfully executed by the likes of May and Merkel to divide and rule, while destroying the welfare state to impose austerity on the proletariat.

Jun 3, 2020 12:28 AM

I don’t know if its just me but i’m having really difficult time with typing & posting comments here the page constantly freezes up & my text appears in blocks seconds after ive typed it. & takes minutes to send when post is clicked. Is your site under attack?

Jun 3, 2020 1:00 AM
Reply to  Objective

Tried several browsers, connections & devices all the same, seems to be a buggy script!

Jun 3, 2020 1:31 AM
Reply to  Objective

Same here..

Jun 3, 2020 1:42 AM
Reply to  Objective

In my case the deep state is very keen to read my opinion. i had a comment appeared online before i pressed ‘Post Comment’, or so it seemed.
Anyway, a fact is: as we type, the text is already known by some entity online. For example, the spelling is checked instantly. The browser is listening/reading non-stop.

Jun 3, 2020 1:43 AM
Reply to  Objective

concur. using Firefox, if that matters.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 3, 2020 3:43 AM
Reply to  Objective

yes – the comment software creators have completely overhauled their code and it’s incredibly buggy. We have been trying to fix their bugs all day. If we can’t we will have to roll back.
Plus yes, the server has been getting DoS attacks which put the loads up and exacerbate the problem, as does the sheer volume of comments.
we are doing our best to get it fixed

Jun 2, 2020 10:39 PM

I wonder how those contact tracing efforts working out… Will everyone protesting now have to quarantine for a couple weeks, or do you get a special stamp in the passport? All those millions of state money for contact tracing, such a noble cause…

Jun 2, 2020 9:46 PM

And here’s some footage of the police violence this weekend…
Shown in this compilation is a young white girl being thrown to the ground by the cops. What isn’t shown is that as the girl tried to get up a cop kicked her very hard in the face, knocking her out. This girl is just 15 years old.

These protests go much further than the brutal murder by police of yet another black man. As a result of the covid 19 con there are now more than 40 million Americans who are now unemployed (that’s almost 30% of the workforce), and this in a country that has no universal health care and where social security has been cut to the bone (the Orange One destroyed the last vestiges of social security, whilst giving massive tax breaks to the wealthy).

I fear that this civil unrest is not going to fade away, but instead everything points towards it getting much worse over the coming months.

Jun 2, 2020 10:42 PM
Reply to  RobG

This has been simmering for decades its not caused by trump, trump is just a useful idiot.

Jun 2, 2020 9:41 PM

For those saying this is no big deal (comparing it to previous riots) here’s some footage from America this weekend…

Jun 2, 2020 7:29 PM

Yes, for those of us who do remember 1961 and 1964, it is somewhat surprising to see the MSM not go all out trashing the protesters and loudly siding with the Minneapolis, and other, police. And yes, no doubt, in part the reporting and the editorial line they have seemingly adopted in unison, is a good bit of Trump bashing, anddephemeral and will return to “normal” after Trump is defeated. All that said, Trump deserves every bashing headline, every column inch, every paragraph. He could not be more of a danger than right now (though once he starts a hot war with China, that will change). Minneapolis is not a revolution and trashing Trump (and giving voice to protesters) is not a coup. The readership of the NYT don’t need to be told to vote against Trump, and any positive views they receive in these days is only to the better.

Jun 2, 2020 5:50 PM

Good afternoon all, i have found a rather interesting site that you might like to take a look at : https://www.anti-empire.com/technocratic-government-is-an-agent-of-chaos-beloved-by-people-afraid-of-their-own-shadow/

Jun 2, 2020 6:53 PM
Reply to  jamie

TA for the link.
Basically the article describes ‘Centralized SYSTEM of Government’ which has become increasingly authoritarian edging closer to totalitarianism by a liberal left biased “pseudo Socialism” for decades.
Socializing wealth for the elite who suck the life blood of tax payers to pay for those government control (technocrats & rule enforcers) mechanisms to control the population whilst privatizing general living for the masses for the elites to exploit & profit. Simply because people have become terrified of life & taking responsibility for themselves. One of the most destructive modern concepts is this aspiration to “better” oneself be the best you can!.
It stinks!
In my view the only way to fix all the planets problems, save humanity & the planets ecosystems is to abolish property ownership. All land should be under state management but run by non-political non-profit agency that has minimal power with basic legislation & rules.
Everyone should have access to land FREE of charge, with the right to live on as you please, live in what you want how you want. You only have the right to privacy & peaceful residence which is nontransferable, when you die its handed back for the agency to prescribe to someone else.
With very light regulation, ecological protections & basic constraints eg. not for re let for profit or otherwise etc. For a simple small administration fee predetermined by referendum. I’ve obviously spent no time thinking about this so anyone could pick holes in it, but the concept works fine it just needs refining. Anyone who claims they own land, tough shit!
Same for policing the police should be peace keepers with no political affiliation, the basic rule of enforcement should be minimal force (not reasonable) and the main weapon de-escalation. Demilitarise them, take the weapons away make them face the same risk & accountability to laws as everyone. If the police want special rights then they must be held accountable for any breeches with greater responsibility & harsher sanctions. I’d abolish prisons entirely.
The site is clearly experiencing some issues the comments section is working at a slugs pace.

Jun 2, 2020 7:39 PM
Reply to  Objective

Problem is human nature that won’t change which is why central control will always be open to abuse
What we need is small governemnt and everything privately owned but we need an open press that reports everything. MP’s to serve one term only and not to receive any external nor personal funds nor be invested in any industry that they will rule upon.

Jun 3, 2020 12:06 AM
Reply to  sam

Nah we tried that, it just breeds corruption.
Simple fact is there will be no reform or revolution, civilisation will collapse we’ll have to wait & see what happens after.

Jun 3, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  Objective

Everyone should have access to land FREE of charge.”
And look how that turned out for the natives of Palestine…

Jun 3, 2020 5:50 PM
Reply to  breweriana

You clearly didn’t read the rest of the paragraph to put that “quote” in context.

Jun 2, 2020 5:34 PM

Unless the elephant in the room is addressed, we will be chasing symptoms forever. For instance, ~26% African Americans in Twin Cities area are in poverty, median household income ~$30,000 (median income for the Minneapolis area is roughly $70,000).
The MSM should provide the detailed breakdown of the unemployment numbers in context of the current economic reengineering, on their front pages, for everyone to see and take a moment to reflect upon.
If only they could “work from home”. I hate that slogan pounded into our heads this spring by the media, in addition to “we are all in this together”.

Jul 3, 2020 3:49 AM
Reply to  Shruti

All these urban hell holes run by Democratic mayors. Minneapolis mayor is Jewish and straight up a**hole.

Jul 3, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  Grace

Good to know. No wonder people are running from cities now.

Jun 2, 2020 5:31 PM

Yup, the freak show is again kicked into uh… warp drive and drivel spewed all over the place/sites/MSM and of course, since I am white is blamed for everything, from Anti-vaxxing, convidit, etc, and on top of it have to exuse my self every time something happens to anyone whom is remotelly colored aka black.
Its simply insulting and anoying, and just to give you an ex. from the PC-infested stalinstic paradise Norway, where we have an article about we are all racists, again.
Facts, the PCs wounder why multicultural enritchments are stopped by the police, some whines about that and their reason is we are all racists, and why are we not filling up everything from the parliament to police with multicultural enritchments, and there are way to many whites everywhere, yeah, Norway is de facto an white ass nation, and is that to be an problem, hell no, but in an population of 5 millions, 300/400 000 is foreign, and lesser africans aka blacks, and somehow, this are way over represented in crime startistics, from rape, robbery, forgerys, swindel etc to machete weilding nutt cases, and the numbers are increasing everywhere and I dont point on spesific groups but Africans to Afgans incl ex-Jugos/BalTicks/etc whom with the Pakis is running the drug trade, etc, we had/have gangs whom have been exluded from persecution for decades, unconditional as they are to day, aka do what you want, and the same MSM and PC-infested freaks wounders why they are stopped all the time, maybe, just maybe, its because they are the ones whom is behind most of the crimes and to be frank,for an white ass, its not that easy to differentiate blacks as for orientals, if you are not used to them, with no offence, like they cant differentiate us whites.
How many times must we explain that, like the banana republic, 12% of the population cimits over 50% of the homosides, and yet, some complains about the fact that this smal group/s are over represented in everything that have to do with crimes.
And then we have the barrage of people exusing this, yeah, again its all because of white people, right, and despite been so few, there are ore white poor than blacks, yet they dont do as the blacks when it comes to crimes, to then disectret that with sociological factores, race etc, is again just an divertion, we have to take the more comon factores into this, not just whine about racism, to be is dumbifying the entire debate, both sides, but never forget that facts.
Yeah, like the CONvid case, again, the entire debate is twisted, away from reality to an political highjacked bullshit contest, and diverting the actions to be an shitthrowing contest, its an insult to those that do protest for an case witch even I could be behind, just not rioting, but I agree, the Gov is the problem, and if nothing is done, we may just burn down the entire shot and start all over again.

Jun 2, 2020 4:56 PM
Nobody noticed that the name of the killer policeman, Chauvin, is the same of the legendary  
Nicolas Chauvin who gave the name to chauvinism, a synonym for sovereignism.


Jun 2, 2020 3:29 PM

Today was the first day that we epidemiologists were ‘allowed’ to somehow re-enter hospital.

I was there. X was there. 2 PhD students were there. And that was it…

Now today is a beautiful day in terms of weather so maybe it’s related with that. But it’s weird nevertheless. What are we doing? What are we planning?

I spoke with X (the head of my department). He didn’t look worried, was kind (as always, I have to say), but I noticed he lost weight and he was complaining of a tendinitis/cramp in his arm which prevented him from typing (and which condition is at least partly psychogenic and often worsens under stress).

If I was X, I would be worried, to say the least. Yet X, he is not the man to think we are somehow being played. He believes in the benevolence of governments and simply cannot imagine that Covid19 is a set-up. Similar as to this rioting and mass demonstrations about ‘black lives matter’ somehow is a set-up, that is not in his vocabulary. In fact, X was mildly enthusiastic about the black lives matter demonstration in Amsterdam of which he read everything in de Volkskrant…

I may not have a clue where this is going to end, but I at least can openly think about the worst (a failing government, hyperinflation, riots, the installation of a totalitarian state, etc). For X, this is out of the question. The worst that can happen, he seems to think, is a ‘communist’ state where the government will take care of all of us. For NL that may even be true. We cannot have riots here. There is too much logistics in trade that needs to continue for the PTB. Starvation will be a nuisance in NL where people should make money.

But then there are also other countries. Someone from Brazil emailed me and mentioned that there the Covid19 strategy of containment is completely taken over by the military, without any advice from any doctor. The junta already started there. Other countries are following…

Now that ‘black lives matter’ demonstration in Amsterdam was allowed by the mayor of Amsterdam. She said that the demonstration was too important to be cancelled. At the same time all demonstrations about the lockdown have been forbidden in NL and people who try to demonstrate against the lockdown are either dispersed, fined or arrested in NL. – And we are not being played?

I do not know where this is going to. But I am trying to brace myself. I think the future for epidemiologists doesn’t look to good. Who needs them when things get really bleak? When numbers are no longer ‘funny’? Fortunately, I have an emergency exit. But what about my colleagues, what are they thinking? – If they act like they are no longer needed, they will be no longer needed. What is their exit strategy? What if PhD students cannot finish their their theses as the staff members are not available? Who is going to teach students? Who is going to count and analyze the sick and the dead?

Well, time to wise-up.

Here is Aimee Mann, with a song from that beautiful movie Magnolia.

Don’t give up..

Jun 2, 2020 4:33 PM
Reply to  Willem

I’m very happy to hear that you have an emergency exit plan.I wouldn’t worry about the future of your colleagues. As you’ve told us, they have chosen to go along with the lies in exchange for funding and career advancement. They will only have themselves to blame.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  Willem

Willem, interesting truths there. What I sincerely hope is that the people do manage to storm the White House with the Orange Baboon hiding in his bunker and drag Pence, Pompeo and all the war mongers, racists, sexists and blatant liars out by their hair. Give them a dose of what they are inflicting on their citizens. I saw a television interview today on SKWAWKBOX with the Chief of Police Houston. He really stuck it to the Orange Baboon and told him if he had nothing constructive to say other than promote more violence, then he should shut his mouth and keep it shut! He said he was speaking for all the police chiefs in the country.
I hope the revolution in the USA keeps gathering momentum and that it ends with Trump’s resignation. Mind you, that would mean Pence or Pompeo. God help us all.

All so tiresome
All so tiresome
Jun 2, 2020 6:46 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

OK Karen. You have completely fallen for the op. I dearly hope “the revolution” comes to you, wherever you are.

Jun 3, 2020 12:19 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

that would mean Pence or Pompeo. God help us all

No it would be far worse the Hilldabeast or a demented dirty old man.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 3, 2020 1:11 PM
Reply to  Objective

Objective. Hilary Clinton would be a far far far better option. I don’t buy all this ‘if she had been president…..’BS – she would have been far more of a Statesman than the Orange Baboon who is currently in place. Pompeo is a warmonger good and proper and hasn’t any conscience at all about mass murder, invading soverign countries etc. Pence? An unknown quantity but probably of the same breed.

Jun 2, 2020 6:29 PM
Reply to  Willem

I cannot overstate how much I appreciate your posts. I share your frustrations.  
Having worked in scientific academia (US) for many years, I am also very disappointed at the eager conformism to the obviously non-scientific policy, rhetoric, and reactionary societal convulsions. And, as you point out, we do not work in isolation, especially in sciences, where it is evident and essential that we function as an international community. The hypocrisy of your colleagues makes me ill in the stomach.

Jun 2, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  Willem

Germany’s federal government and mainstream media are engaged in damage control after a report that challenges the established Corona narrative leaked from the interior ministry.
Some of the report key passages are:

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 2, 2020 3:29 PM

For anyone who might need a reminder as to what it means to be Black in America take a moment to read this paragraph from the article linked below. The paragraph is complete with hot-links to each example of the various “rationales” provided by police for their murderous behavior. It is by no means an ‘exhaustive’ list unfortunately:
(“Killed by police for standing in a “shooting stance.” Killed for holding a cell phone. Killed for holding a baseball bat. Killed for opening the front door. Killed for being a child in a car pursued by police. Killed for approaching police while holding a metal spoon. Killed for running in an aggressive manner while holding a tree branch. Killed for crawling around naked. Killed for hunching over in a defensive posture. Killed because a police officer accidentally fired his gun instead of his taser. Killed for wearing dark pants and a basketball jersey. Killed for reaching for his license and registration during a traffic stop. Killed for driving while deaf. Killed for being homeless. Killed for brandishing a shoehorn. Killed for peeing outdoors. Killed for having his car break down on the road. Killed for holding a garden hose.”)

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 5:21 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Gary W, yes and I suspect 99% of them are black citizens. Human life is very cheap to the USA government and the police. I cannot understand why the national guard obeyed the instruction to take to the streets. It’s against the USA Constitution which I understood to be absolutely sacrosanct.
America is an apartheid country no question. There are separate Chambers of Commerce for Black and White businesses, segregated high school proms etc. It is also a Fascist Police State. The Police never seem to be charged with these murders though which is what fuels the revolution and the riots. It’s a vicious circle. Being Black in the USA is a real life threatening menace. Apparently, a video was recently released of a black man being ‘lynched’. I thought they had rid themselves of the KKK. Also, in March, a black women was shot in her own home, quite innocent of anything.
Because the Police in the USA know they firstly, will never be charged with murder, aggravated murder, assault etc they murder at will and without cause. Secondly, they know, once in Court, that it is highly unlikely they will be convicted of anything and, if they are, they will go to a low level prison to avoid abuse and punishment in higher level prisons.
I think back to the Rodney King affair where there is clear video evidence of a totally vicious assault on him in which he sustained severe injuries. There was also radio evidence which showed the police officer saying something like he had ‘enjoyed kicking some ass’. The police officer was found not guilty which sparked riots, of course it would. The Jury’s excuse was that Rodney King had not attended at Court to give evidence (small matter of a broken leg, broken arm, internal injuries etc) preventing him from so doing.
The USA has no right to invade other countries by claiming they are breaching human rights and are not democracies, just look at their sorry shit show of a country.

Jul 15, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

“The police officer was found not guilty” No, that’s not what happened.
4 police officers were present at the Rodney King beating, all the blows being struck by one of the officers. All 4 were charged.
The trial was held in, and the jury selected from, a nearly-all-white area, where TPTB thought there was a good chance the jury would side with the police. Indeed, 3 of the police officers, who didn’t beat King but should have restrained the officer who did, were acquitted.
But the police officer who actually beat King was not acquitted. There was a hung jury – a mistrial. He could have (and surely should have) been tried again. That’s normal if there’s a mistrial. With an impartial jury he’d have been convicted and justice would have been done.
But that didn’t happen. Instead there was a Federal trial on “civil rights” charges, nearly as rigged as the State trial, but the opposite way. 2 of the officers were convicted and the other 2 acquitted.

Jun 2, 2020 3:06 PM

Terrible article.
“America a racist country”?. That’s why everyone wants to come here.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 2, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  Hank

As a former coworker (from Pakistan) once remarked to me. People come here to screw each other (in every sense).

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 5:22 PM
Reply to  Hank

Hank, yes America is an apartheid country and racism is deeply instilled in their history and current culture.

All so tiresome
All so tiresome
Jun 2, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich


Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 3, 2020 12:57 PM

AST Not Karen!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 4, 2020 7:55 AM
Reply to  Hank

The country is not racist-it’s a collection of mountains, plains, lakes, rivers etc. Malignant buffoons like you, however, are.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 5, 2020 8:20 AM
Reply to  Hank

Every greedy thug and wannabe parasite, that’s for sure.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 2, 2020 2:48 PM

Common sense said that neither of the two towers could collapse almost immediately after being hit by planes.
Common sense said that the economy would not be shut down over a virus that was no more deadly than the flu.
Now, common sense says that the U.S. government will not be overthrown because of people angry over the report that a black man died as a result of mistreatment by the police.
But common sense makes no sense when a hidden hand makes things happen that do not make common sense at all!

Jun 2, 2020 3:50 PM

Hi 77
As i’m sure you know there was also a 3rd tower that fell that day, Building 7. A 47 story-building (steel) held up by 27 massive (steel) core columns that dropped symmetrically at the rate of free fall. The interesting part, it wasn’t even hit by a plane. Just as interesting are the tenants which included the Secret Service, Department of Defense, the New York City of Emergency Management the CIA and the Securities and Exchange Commission, just to mention a few.
Common sense clearly indicates the building was blown up. For something so obvious, there is still no resolution. The world is nothing more than a playground for the 1%, that’s a certainty, yet the sheer stupidity of most people in this world is breathtaking.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  Shin

Shin, yes and added to which, how strange it was that the building was totally empty!

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 2, 2020 7:06 PM
Reply to  Shin

And so stupid not to questions the implausibility of a plane hitting the Pentagon … But when an irrational and gullible population  can become hysterical over the death of a screwball  princess and elevate the murderer Mandela to sainthood then stupidity  knows no limits …

Jun 3, 2020 4:58 AM

Mandela worship & Diana sycophants are 2 very stupid things i’ve never understood.

Jul 3, 2020 11:04 AM
Reply to  Shin

There is also no mention of building 6 in the official conspiracy story that was hollowed out from top to bottom by demonic forces.

Jun 2, 2020 2:25 PM

The world has been a trick ever since you were born . . .

David Mitchell
David Mitchell
Jun 2, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Reg

There’s an interesting article on http://www.chrisspivey.org under the title of Think Floyd‘. He goes through the time index of the whole incident and makes a fair claim that the whole thing was a false flag. I would encourage anyone to read it. Language is a little blunt at times but the points are valid.

Jun 2, 2020 4:36 PM
Reply to  David Mitchell

I like the bluntness.

Johnny 5
Johnny 5
Jun 2, 2020 2:12 PM

Not a very intelligent analysis of what’s going on. This is someone’s grumpy old dad placing blame on everyone while never stopping to reflect on his own obviously manipulated point of view. Typical boomer. It’s everyones fault but my own.

Jun 2, 2020 5:18 PM
Reply to  Johnny 5

It is democracy and media, one big phantasmagoria. Anyone who thinks an intelligent analysis of what’s going on can be made is delusional. Just like the patients in a mental asylum will never be able to figure out what happens, the patients in a media run democracy will never be able to do what. The highest and most intelligent form of analysis they can reach, is to have a rough idea of their insanity.

So, at times there may slip in some common sense and an idea of the madness of the other patients, which could be the preliminary stage to awareness of ones own delusions. It goes step by step, and on should not except to much, certainly not from media, which is the carrier of madness.

Jun 2, 2020 2:11 PM

Interestingly, some countries in the world still have a curfew in place for the coronavirus. It makes me wonder whether a curfew in US cities was always the game plan, but the authorities needed an excuse. When the lockdown failed to bring the required reaction, they had to try something else.
Certainly in the UK I was struck by the antagonistic tone of the media coverage at the start of the lockdown – it wasn’t exactly the “Suck it up, losers” of after the Brexit referendum but not far off. It’s as if they wanted people angry.
No doubt there is more than one agenda at play, however.

All so tiresome
All so tiresome
Jun 2, 2020 2:06 PM

Yup, “muh racism.”
U.S. cops kill nearly twice as many whites as blacks in a given year.
Black and mestizo cops, in that order, are more likely to shoot an unarmed suspect, than white cops.
A Somali cop sitting in the passenger seat fired across his partner’s front to murder a woman in her nightclothes who had reported a domestic violence incident, a few years ago, in Minneapolis. Say her name: Justine Damond. No media outrage or self-righteous posturing.
George Floyd had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system and died of a heart attack whose onset was before he was brought to the ground, according to Hennepin County Medical Examiner.
But go ahead and run with your “racism” bit. Good whites that you are.

Jun 2, 2020 3:05 PM

It’s good to remind everyone that cops kill twice as many whites as blacks in the US. Don’t forget to also remind everyone that there are approximately five (5) times as many whites as there are blacks in the US. Thanks.

All so tiresome
All so tiresome
Jun 2, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  Howard

But blacks have far more encounters with cops per capita than whites. Hostile encounters. They tend to resist cops more than whites.

Jun 2, 2020 3:08 PM

Maybe this article should advise BLM to go to Chicago where Africans kill each other by the dozens every week.

Jun 2, 2020 3:33 PM

Your “system” meanwhile, is full of bile, piss and vinegar.

Jun 2, 2020 3:54 PM

While it’s thoughtful of you to remind us that police in the US kill twice as many whites as blacks, it’s also helpful to remember that there are approximately five times as many whites as blacks in the US. That makes the ratio of blacks killed two and a half times greater than whites killed.

All so tiresome
All so tiresome
Jun 2, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  Howard

Again, you can’t base your comparison on the population numbers alone. Blacks have far more resisting encounters with police per capita. Blacks per capita have encounters with police more, so if all things were equal, just based on that blacks would have more fatalities per their share of the population, which they do.
Anyway, the larger point is that when the cop killing doesn’t fit the narrative of evil white cop killing saintly black man (breaking the law, resisting arrest, and with drugs in his system and chronic health condition), then it doesn’t explode in the news and explode in riots. Not justifying police brutality, by the way.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 5:29 PM

Howard, WTF is wrong with resisting the police? Black people are subjected to far more brutality in the arrest process than white people are. Resisting the police is essential if an injustice or false/wrong address is being perpetrated because, once in the good ol’ USA system of justice, once in and you’re black, you ain’t going to get out of it no way no how. Watch the film Just Mercy. Shocking. It is still going on today in the USA

All so tiresome
All so tiresome
Jun 2, 2020 7:22 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Resisting a cop if you’re not on their payroll or the state’s payroll, can easily get you killed. People with low time preference understand this and cooperate. It has nothing to do with justice or not. Just staying alive.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 5:26 PM

All so tiresome. Bullshit utter bullshit.

All so tiresome
All so tiresome
Jun 2, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

If you think so, Karen, then I know I’m on the right track.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 3, 2020 12:59 PM

Not Karen AST!

Jun 2, 2020 1:57 PM

With the way the media behaves, amplified by social media, no-one in the right mind would want to be President or indeed a Senator/Representative. Which is why the only people who have these jobs are not in the right mind.
I am a great believer in cock-up rather than conspiracy ( people are generally not that clever). The statesmen of the past are just that, past.

Jun 2, 2020 3:03 PM
Reply to  jimW

Johnson, Biden, Trump etc. are mediocre or worse, but past politicians who have since been almost canonised were not seen so at the time. Abraham Lincoln was bitterly attacked, not least because he was US President during the Civil War. For example, he was reputed to be a coward because after receiving intelligence that he would be assassinated on his way to Washington for his inauguration, he basically entered the town at dead of night, and cartoons were published showing him disguised as a Scotsman or even wearing a dress. Southern cartoonists and journalists were particularly vicious but even many Northern ones gave him hell. John Wilkes Booth was surprised that his eventual assassination of Lincoln met general revulsion, but he had been reading the newspapers throughout the war and many were quite hostile to Lincoln even in the North.

Jun 2, 2020 1:43 PM

Nearly 60,000 Excess Deaths in the UK. [How many of them were covid19 deaths? How many of those were WITH not OF? How many were diagnosed without testing? How many of those tested had active illness? – ed]
According to solid official data from the Office for national statistics for England and Wakes (not including Scotland) upto 22nd May – when that last week was still running at over 2k excess deaths per week (20% above average).
Back to the election year fight to the death in the US when Whitey uses the Black Americans as their usual human football, while still heading for the Moon again. Hey at least Trump hasn’t sent the military to kill thousands of brown people half way across the world to win his re-election with a new war. Thanks Mr potus for sparing us from that bit of electioneering.

Jun 2, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Your covid has been put on hold for a while, Dun. Until the “next wave”. You do realise it will go on for ever, right?

Jun 2, 2020 3:02 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

So what, 80000 excess winter deaths 2017 – 2018.

Jun 2, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Up to 90% of those deaths are purposefully misclassified by nearly catch all definition of COVID deaths and still all-cause excess mortality has officially about 20,000 non-COVID classified deaths in UK directly due to lockdown and denial of vital medical help to elderly and those suffering from other serous diseases.

It is not COVID but COVID hysteria, mass panic and lockdowns that killed tens of thousands and still the entire 2019-2020 season will likely be on par with a bad flu season according euromomo as in all EU excess mortality turned negative and in last few weeks less people are dying than on average all causes death season.

COVID fraud and governments ordered eugenics for elderly is being revealed by emerging hard data.

Jun 2, 2020 1:23 PM

How does ‘one amerikan going in an underground bunker’ compared to the heinous crimes all amerikan presidents have ordered across the world?
A most deserving fate for an amerikan president –any of them– would be a similar to Mussolini’s or Kadhafi’s last few hours. Wouldn’t this be nice?!

Jun 2, 2020 1:18 PM

Hong Kong protestors screamed: “President Trump, Liberate Us”.
Well, now they can see additional proofs of how mush the US (or any western ‘democracy’) loves and adores non-whites.

Jun 2, 2020 1:19 PM
Reply to  Look
  • how much the US (or any western ‘democracy’) loves and adores non-whites.
Jun 2, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  Look

Trump has been at pains to call Covid-19 the “Chinese virus” and not surprisingly Chinese and other East Asians have been attacked in the xenophobic climate. Perhaps Hong Kongers who do not think they are Chinese feel exempt but they are backing the wrong horse.

Jun 2, 2020 3:07 PM
Reply to  Look

Their organisers were probably in US pay. Since Western powers and the Japanese came into China in the 19th century onwards, their agenda was not about liberating anyone even if they found local collaborators.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 5:34 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Waldorf, I wouldn’t say ‘probably’ it is inevitable that they are in the pay of the USA just as they were in the Tienanmen Square riots. Trump is trying to do everything he can to bring down China as the petro dollar is under serious threat, China is winning the Trade War with the USA and the SCO is quietly stepping up to the mark. China has also overtaken the USA as the world’s largest economy

Jun 3, 2020 9:55 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

I am generally pretty cautious in my language – for me “probably” tends to be “99% certain”.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 3, 2020 1:12 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Waldorf, thank you for the clarification. As you probably realise, I am not so cautious!

Jun 2, 2020 12:54 PM

Whether or not, what is happening is manipulated or the expression of genuine anger, exacerbated by lockdowns, and their consequences, loss of earning power, and so on, is hard to tell. It would demand an investigation that cannot be conducted in a hurry, and which only some truly honest and courageous journalist may have the means to do. But here are some musings about race relations (evidently it would also involve putting an end to wars between cultures):
It is especially important to alleviate the socio-economic grievances leading to the frustration felt by some citizens. They often belong to minorities whose situation has little improved even after several generations, and have remained on the wayside of rapidly changing modern societies – another reason why it is risky to let social and economic inequalities go beyond a certain threshold in more and more heterogenous countries. But in their case, difficulties of this nature have been exacerbated because the minorities in question are ethnic or religious ones and are subject to prejudice and discrimination. As a result, long-standing woes grounded in history have assumed greater importance, especially in
former colonial powers. There, these minorities come from regions that, during colonial times, have been plundered and exploited for decades, if not centuries, by the nations they are now citizens of, their ancestors often oppressed and having suffered atrocities at their hands. The lacklustre efforts by public authorities to remedy this state of affairs and give
these communities access to quality education has little helped. Perhaps some public recognition of guilt or some symbolic act of reconciliation would redress an important injustice and alleviate a bitterness built up over years and generations, thus facilitating the integration of various minorities and easing tensions. The decision taken by French President Jacques Chirac in 2010 to establish a yearly national commemoration day for the abolition of slavery is an important step in this direction. Without the mea culpa of post-war Germany, it could have been difficult for Europeans and Russians, for Jews and others to
reestablish normal relations with it. Without the official process at reconciliation, post-apartheid South Africa may have remained in the grips of worse turmoils. The psychology of oppressor and victim is complex. Until the one frees himself from guilt and the other manages to forgive, their mutual relationship can never be appeased. Where nations and entire societies are involved, this is even more true. It is, therefore, all the
more important that public authorities seek greater social harmony and
the appeasement of feelings of bitterness, but without binding future generations to the past, to the guilt or suffering of former ancestors. Otherwise, adverse effects could follow. Animosity and anger on one side, rising resentment and frustration on the other, may cause all parties to view the present through the prism of the past and could slowly distort their rapports. Remaining trapped in bygone times and their emotions may foster new antagonisms, thereby destabilizing the all too fragile equilibrium of the world. Hence, a genuine reconciliation between all protagonists is essential. Only then could society rise above misgivings, rejections and mutual suspicions from all sides, and accept with
composure its own history, yet without denying what happened.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 5:37 PM
Reply to  hope

Hope, listening to the Chief of Police Houston in an interview today, he said this wasn’t just about the murder of George Floyd but about the lockdown, the lack of food, extreme poverty, lack of housing, increasing homelessness etc. He told Trump now was the time to act Presidentially and bring unity bringing people together not to put the military out on the streets. The lives of young people, older people etc were being put at risk by his orders to be aggressive.

Jun 2, 2020 12:44 PM

and repeat Briton riots, Charlottesville, Rodney king, London riots when Bojo (geordie doors) was mayor I have added the Fighting between police and striking miners at Orgreave was called the battle of Orgreave went on for about 4 years the effects lasted decades (was white fight) so when I see Corina Cv19 and this all of a sudden this video takes off, one has to real lies (with realeyes) the switched that has just happened. !
They just  reared general public worldwide all in unison without even pulling a gun,!! got them to wear latex gloves and masks stand 2 meters apart they even clap once a week for it
and some horse shit independent youtubers is telling us they trying to bring in marshal law
thats some brainwashing
my Favorited is voting for the other party is endorsing communism socialism
whilst they que for food at the supermarket being told how much they can buy and lines on the floor telling them which way to go
thats some brainwashing
sense of humor is so important

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 2, 2020 12:34 PM

Not you Black folks. I’m not talking to you. I wouldn’t presume to tell you what to do. I’m talking to white folks
This is unfortunate, as it reinforces racialised divisions.
There is no such thing as race. But there is such a thing as racism. One of the basis of racism is the idea that there are races. This idea is fundamental for once one thinks there are races, it is only a small step to thinking some races are superior and some are inferior, which is racism.

Jun 2, 2020 1:13 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

No I think that’s a denial of reality Steve. The idea that are no ‘races’ is what underpins racism. This idea that we are all fundamentally the same when self-evidently this isn’t so.
We are all human but within the human creation there are different races such as Chinese, Asian, African, Eskimo’s or whatever. These demonstrate that races like ‘society’ itself have hierarchies that exist within the understanding of being human.
Each race shares its own unique culture and heritage. Each has its own fundamental principles and these are unique within each culture. There are no universal principles shared by all cultures. Yes we are all part of the human race – the question then is what it really means and how to define it.
By removing the ‘idea’ that race exists is one way of diluting or removing the problem of having to answer that question but only succeeds in causing bigger more fundamental problems.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 2, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  IANA

IANA Your response is intellectually incoherent. Race is a biological concept. It has nothing to do with culture.

Jun 2, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

If race as you state is a biological ‘concept’ – can biology ‘conceive’ of things? then you have contradicted your own post that ‘race doesn’t exist’.
I contend that it does exist and agree that it is biological amongst other things. Culture is the manifestation of a race.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 2, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  IANA

IANA you assert: “I contend that it does exist and agree that it is biological amongst other things. Culture is the manifestation of a race.”
I have a question: Is Hispanic a race?

Jun 2, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

That would be depend on your definition of ‘what is race’.
There are many variables and sub-divisions to the definition but broadly I would say not.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 2, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  IANA

IANA, I was asking you. I have already told you that there is no such thing as race. So would you care to answer the question: Is Hispanic a race? That is, according to you.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 2, 2020 3:57 PM
Reply to  IANA

IANA Sorry, I mis-read your reply. So, according to you, Hispanic is not a race. OK.
How about this one: Is Jewish a race?

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jun 2, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  IANA

Take a small baby born into one culture and let foster parents living in another culture raise it, and it will be socialised into the culture of its foster parents and social environment. Culture is social not biological.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 2, 2020 5:00 PM
Reply to  IANA

No doctrine in sociology is more reactionary than the doctrine which seeks to interpret human history and culture in terms of the racial equation. ..To subscribe to the existence of certain stable types of human nature is to believe in the existence of specific and distinct races. How many races are there in the blood? Virey said two; Jacquinot claimed three; Kant found four; Blumenbach – five; Buff on – six; Hunter – seven; Aggassiz – eight; Pickering insisted on – 11; Bory St. Vincent – 15; Desmoulins – 16; Morton – 22; Crawfurd – 60; Burke – 63 … and the latest ethnologist, the supreme specialist in blood, Hitler, recognizes the One and Only Race, the rest of mankind being sub-humans.

John G. Wright from a 1935 essay. 

Jun 2, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Get fucked.
Only people to rob me were black.

Jun 2, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

The term race was coined by Francois Bernier in 1684 based on superficial physical characteristics. Darwin tried giving the concept the alibi of being science, but
in all honesty he was forced to recognise that “all the races agree in so many
unimportant details of structure and in so many mental peculiarities that these
can be accounted for only by inheritance from a common progenitor”. He nonetheless ended up suggesting a racial hierarchy by implying that “the negro or Australian” is closer to the
gorilla than is “the Caucasian”.
Rather it is Wallace who realised that differences in appearance are merely the out-
come of “differences in climate and geography”.
Race is not a scientific concept.
Racism however may not need the concept of race as some scholars believe that ancient Greeks and Romans displayed some amount of racism.

Jun 2, 2020 12:06 PM

I too was born in the “racist south”, also in 1961. I witnessed much racism growing up and was part of the change that has occured. For anyone to think that it is AS racist as it once was, are foolish lemmings. I was part of the change and I’ve seen leaps and bounds.
I also experienced blacks becoming far more racist and aggressive, as I witnessed whites becoming far less so.
If one thinks that using the N word is the epitome of racism, my point is that a color doesn’t make an N. I know as many or more white N’s than I do black ones. Why? Because I learned a long time ago that many blacks are still holding that axe to grind (and have no qualms using it… just look at the crime statistics of assault and murder). I also learned that this tainted media pushing the agenda has done it virtually my enite life, to a point that blacks now can say or do whatever racist thing they desire. But if a white person says the N word. OMG!
If whites simply disagree with the meme of black victimhood. OMG!
If whites describe the unfair Affirmative Action laws. OMG!
The endless handouts. OMG!
If whites point out what I’m saying right here. OMG!
Even this author knows he needs to tow the line to a certain extent.
I don’t trust anyone, especially these victimhood whores who would beat the life out of me and my family simply for being white. Kill me for disagreeing with their victimhood.
I bet the author knows this, but politically it is still too insensitive to say so.

Jun 2, 2020 1:23 PM
Reply to  BuelahMan

Your very right there, love the way they say you cant call me the n word yet go round all day calling it themselves. Way to perpetuate the victimhood.which by the way I think your right, it seems to be something in particular they’re not wanting to get over and move on.
Cant deal with todays stuff if your constantly harping on about old injusticies. Whether in race, marriage or whatever sense.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Mikeb

Mikeb, they are not old injustices, they are alive and thriving in USA culture today, hence the police have no impunity at all about killing unarmed black men.

Jun 2, 2020 10:54 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

As if white men don’t get beat and killed?

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 3, 2020 1:08 PM
Reply to  BuelahMan

That isn’t what is being said BuelahMan is it? Around 500 unarmed black people were killed by police in the USA last year and the number is growing. They were shot in the back, at point blank range, clearly suffocated in this instance, shot in their homes as for Barbara? totally innocent of anything. I remember back to Rodney King – the video showed a sustained, malicious, aggravated, deliberate assault on him in which he suffered multiple serious injuries. He was on the ground and restrained already when this occurred. The police officer administering the savage beating said on radio how much he had enjoyed ‘kicking ass’. Yet they were found not guilty despite the assault being clearly seen on video. Jury explanation? Because Rodney King didn’t attend at Court. Apart from broken legs, arms, ribs etc that would prevent his attendance and not wishing to remember the trauma under cross examination, why would he bother, he probably already knew the outcome.
It is unfortunate that the USA is still a segregated country in many ways. There are still segregated school proms, chambers of commerce etc.
The USA is a racist, police state of that there is no doubt. The criminal justice system is highly discriminatory and extremely harsh. It is not founded on justice but severe prejudice and a lack of reason. Prison conditions in the USA are probably some of the worst in the civilised world.
If it had been your brother, relative, sister, father, mother etc who had died in these terrible circumstances, a preventable death if the police officer had not been so racist and prejudiced, I don’t think that you would be thinking the same way would you? The deliberate killing of an unarmed innocent person whatever race they are, should be shocking to any civilised nation. That last year there were 500+ such deaths by the police should be even more shocking.

Jun 2, 2020 1:29 PM
Reply to  BuelahMan

Just one more thing, I think it may well end up in a new civil war, but between black americans and white. I say americans because no matter how much some black britains and white fawners bleat about racist police brutality, its few and far between, not like the u.s. Not because of inherant racism but because I think things are being pushed that way. They have been for a long time and as you say its only getting worse.
Hopefully not but maybe thats what it’ll take to reset the balance and make everyone step back and take a second look to see how they’re being and have been played.

Jun 2, 2020 4:08 PM
Reply to  BuelahMan

I was actually born almost 20 years before 1961, and lived in a border state – Maryland – most of my life. We had segregated schools and just about everything else. There was a certain “gentility” about our racism then and there – an understanding by blacks that they would “keep out of the way” of whites.
That “gentility” is long gone. The culture has become “curiouser and curiouser” since the ’60s. On one hand, the racism has become far more overt; yet on the other hand white teens, especially lower class whites, go out of their way to dress, act and talk like blacks. The “rednecks” still hate blacks, though there are no actual clashes here in the suburbs.
Yes, on a superficial level the two races get along okay. But it would be the height of naivete to mistake that superficial condition as the totality of racial relations.

Jun 2, 2020 4:35 PM
Reply to  Howard

Instead of saying that blacks would “keep out of the way” of whites, I should have used the actual expression: “they knew their place.” Somehow that gives the lie to “Separate But Equal.”

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  BuelahMan

Yep but, what about all those lynchings of black people, still going on apparently. I don’t think you get it, black people in the USA are not victim whores they actually have a pretty ginormous slice of historical and present evidence to assert what they do. Racism is deeply, deeply entrenched in USA History and in current society. It stems from the days of slavery where black people were not even considered to be human beings and who were, in the main, seriously and grievously mistreated, assaulted, killed etc. Now, the USA does not do these things to their white population unless it is the extremely poor or vulnerable who they call ‘white trash’ and who they consider to be no better than black people.
The UN report on the USA makes harrowing reading about the extent of the dehumanising extreme poverty a large number of Americans live in. Worse than many poor third world countries. They are non people and receive no help or consideration. These riots are a cummulation of severe poverty, racism, discrimination, lack of housing, living in inhumane conditions like next to open sewers etc. They have been brewing for some time now.

Jun 2, 2020 10:59 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Historical: yes. Present: No.
And people have no problem using 150 year old sentiment as the sledgehammer. Even 60 year old.
Black people have it better now in AMerica, by far, than ever before, yet they act as if they were just released from the plantation and fear white people. Its ridiculous. And a lie.
I live in one of the poorest counties in TN. A huge majority of white citizens. But the mass of criminals are black. I’m sure that somehow it is my white privilege that causes it. Right? Or all the blacks that I own and make do my work?

Jun 2, 2020 11:55 AM

As the white monopoly bourgeois worldview breaks down: it can be seen for what it is – ethnocentrically exceptionalist to the core. That is: the World System of accumulation by dispossession that is structurally and functionally racist: to the heartland core – in the City and Washington – and down. “[A]ccuse the other side of that which you are guilty” is the nature of the ‘them and us’ state of emnity, mutual hatred, and alienation. The moral imperative of the hyper-accummulation of the West is racist.
“Blackness” is the core nothingness of Western Reason. Which proceeds – by differentiation, erasure, and negation – to define its own inhumanity as the imaginary inhumanity of the Other. According to Achille Mbembe: “Black Reason” is the root epistemology of neo-European culture (including America’s racist white settler culture and it’s Holy Trinity of Racism, Genocide, and Materialism) …the way out of which is to quit the co-mutual definition of White Self/Black Other (Fanon’s “Black Skin/White Masks”) …which ain’t easy when the looting starts …’cos then the shooting starts.
Disembodied “Blackness” has become the principle determination – an inalienable right to alienation – of globalised societies of surplus as the sole beneficiaries of the technocratic worldview. Societies such as America and the UK: where the slavery to the commodity Fetish is now indigenous and endemic. There is no Master/Slave dialectic any more: only the Slave/Slave consummation of becoming-object; becoming-Other; becoming-Black.
The globalised oecumene is a falsified victimisation transformation; the cellurisation of being ‘not’ …in which the aversion and alienation define who we are. Not ‘them’ equals ‘us’. But who are they? The enemy I am not? Or the becoming of the enemy I am: the identitarian Other of me that defines me?
<blockquote>This is because, short of total extermination, the Other can never be external to us: it is within us, under the double figure of the alter ego and the altered ego [l’autre Moi et du Moi autre], each mortally exposed to the other and to itself.</blockquote>
This false class consciousness is defined by the erasure as nothinglessness of nearly the entirety of humanity and the totalised victimhood of Nature. As the Spectacle of the worlds most priviliged consumers and commodifiers: who never think of the real class divide below. And to whom Nature and the externalised majority of humanity do not exist. So consumed are we with the identity of who we are not.
Who are we that would eradicate the whole of life for a spectacular civic war we created out of our collective nothinglessness? As the imaginary epidermalisation of becoming-Blackness as the hard done by of history? As the globalised eradication of life by the consumption class we are all in: but refuse to recognise?
Probably everyone who reads this is a world-class consumer. 65% of us in the UK are in the top 10% of the globalised consumption and pollution class (figures I took from the Labour Party). But it is only ‘them’ that are the problem. We are not ‘them’: therefore we are the good?
Not content with the pandemic colonisation and erasure of historical Blackness: we are now becoming-Black to accuse the Other of the commodification and alienation of which we are most guilty. Whilst condemning to nothingness fully 90% of humanity and 100% of the natural world for the false identity of who we are not. It is ‘over there’: never here. It is always ‘them’: never us. We are histories innocents: we would not do that …’they’ did it. We – the propagandised and corrupted innocence of infantalisation – are becoming-black by aversive self-identification of who we are not. Whilst condemning the nothingness of our being – the rest of the world – to death for the privilege of being who we are not. Yes, its meant to sound fucked up – because it is.
If and when, and only when – we choose to define ourselves positively, and not by negation alone – then we can accept the Other as part of me. And not live in co-mutualised emnity. Leaving it to when the bullets start flying is cutting it fine: but it is never too late to wake up from history.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 2, 2020 12:34 PM
Reply to  BigB

You could throw away your computer and live in a yurt.

Set an example for reducing consumption

Just sayin

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 2, 2020 3:13 PM

Admin1 – I must say I’m a bit puzzled that I’m now seeing comments posted under “Admin1” that I would expect to be posted by common garden variety trolls?
What exactly would the purpose of this arrogant cheeky, but essentially vacant brain-dead response to BigB’s comment purport to be exactly?
I must say the last few days here have been rather enlightening in this regard. One expects “trolling” from “trolls” not from those moderating the site?
“Just sayin”

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 2, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Don’t you think giving up all the excess consumption he is condemning should be the first thing an eco warrior does if he wants to be taken seriously?
Bit like condemning slavery from your back porch while your house boy brings you another mint julep otherwise isn’t it.
just sayin

Jun 2, 2020 3:40 PM
Reply to  BigB


Not content with the pandemic colonisation and erasure of historical Blackness: we are now becoming-Black to accuse the Other of the commodification and alienation of which we are most guilty. Whilst condemning to nothingness fully 90% of humanity and 100% of the natural world for the false identity of who we are not. 

Free copy of Foucault’s Greatest Hits to anyone who can tell me what this means

Jun 2, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  MLS

Fake new is real news and real news is fake.

Jun 2, 2020 11:50 AM

what are you saying? that going on about white people’s racism created this?

Jun 2, 2020 11:14 AM

I think this is no more than the usual distraction, smoke and mirrors, roman collosseum business to keep the plebs occupied for whatever reason, feel free to pick one and place your bets.

Dollar dying as world reserve currency?
Angry cutizens the world over because of corona?
Humongus great depression around the corner?
World money system collapsing?
Nwo being ushered in?
All of the above?

Who knows, its like being given a jigsaw with the picture missing, you can make a connection here, there, etc..

But only those with the picture know full well what its supposed to look like.
By the time we’ve built the jigsaw it’ll either be to late full stop, because thats the last jigsaw, or they’ll have moved on to the next jigsaw and will have given us new pieces to play with.

I think the worlds being pushed somewhere, whether to war with russia, which wont end well at all…
Never mind usa usa chanting, that wont be enough.

Push comes to shove, china and russia and a few other badly treated countries will co-operate to make the usa and its allies if they get in the way,
a pile of ash.
Everyone has had enough of world police America, starting trouble, fermenting revolts etc..

Yes others countries do it but not as in your face Americas never been subtle about stuff, thats the problem.

How about subverting countries by building schools, colleges etc…

Stop killing their kids and ours with vaccines…

Maybe this stuff is being stirred up by other countries, maybe its not.

The worlds changing and I dont think its going back.

Maybe it’ll be a long, long, decline into a mad max type society the world over bit by bit.

Maybe the world will take a step back and look at itself see its let itself go a bit, got infected by too many human lice and fumigate itself getting rid of most of its problem.

I think more turmoil lies ahead, while we get on pretending its still ok, I think the whole shit show will slowly collapse around our ears.

Bit like that crappy corona graph up then down then up then all the way down..
A long slow drawn out painful crap show.

Jun 2, 2020 11:09 AM

…watching this orchestrated insurrection [i haven’t watched the murder] i feel the return of that feeling of deja vu…these unbalanced people [the Controllers] have no creativity; they use the same template ad nauseam…we can probably trace MOSSAD back to 1666 [i feel compelled to stress that, in my opinion, this has nothing to do with followers of Judaism]…and i find the Trump/Hitler analogy somewhat insulting to the Austrian gentleman…i am no fan of Adolf, but i proffer that twunt Churchill as a fairer comparison…his history of slavery to the doctrine of Sabbatai Zevi is clear for anyone who has examined this period…and i see Trump as low level Mafia [working for the Bauer Mafia Family of Frankfurt]….just thinking out loud…and thanks for a good article..!!

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Jun 2, 2020 11:09 AM

Good points overall, but it’s more than a bit ironic that as you excoriate the years-long propaganda of the media, you expose yourself as one of the ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ victims of that propaganda – Trump is no more some kind of ‘narcissistic ass clown, and a glorified con man’ than you are, my friend – this too is part of the black fantasy they have been painting the last 4 years. Trump is their worst nightmare come to life, and they need to get rid of him **now** – if he gets 4 more years, there is a very real possibility he will finish the Donald against Goliath story and bring down the deep state. Your general position seems to be for ‘we the good guys’ (wanting a decent, prosperous, peaceful etc etc country and getting rid of the oligarchy-deep state) – you should be helping him, not them.

Jun 2, 2020 10:46 AM

Jun 2, 2020 10:11 AM

The burned down night club where Floyd and Chauvin worked together as bouncer and security:

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 2, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  Joerg

How convenient! Now we’ll never know whether it was a Deep State front-business or not.

Jun 2, 2020 1:13 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

It’s funny how these things are destroyed after an event, right? From the 9/11 rubble down to the Skripals’ house . . .

Jun 2, 2020 3:26 PM
Reply to  Reg

The bodies of people purported to have died of Covid-19 but with no medical verification??

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jun 2, 2020 9:40 AM

Here’s the reason for the orchestration of civil disorder around the legitimate peaceful protests of coloured people in the US….
The US financial and economic system is collapsing.
The only thing that can defer the collapse is a war against Russia and China. That’s why they’ve both been targeted for sanctions, and worse. A hot war is now inevitable. And soon.
Seizing control of Russia will underpin the Ponzi Scheme to the tune of at least $100 trillion – that’s a conservative estimate of the value of just the known, vast, natural resources of Russia. That doesn’t include the vast amounts oil and gas believed to exist under the Russian Arctic Shelf.
That’s the real reason for the Russophobic hysteria that has been whipped up since Bush The Chevron and Khordokovsky failed in their attempt to hand over Yukos, the dominant Russian oil company, to US ownership.
After failing to seize Russia with their man Yeltsin, this was the first foray into seizing Russian resource companies. Putin stopped them in their tracks. Ever since, he’s been banded the new Hitler. And his friend is in the White House. As Goebels said, the bigger the lie….
They can no longer buy control of Russia, they have to take it by force. To get away with this they have to soften up public opinion and demonise Russia, accuse them for direct interference in US democracy. Now Susan Rice is saying all this chaos is Russia’s “playbook”.
Roll forward…Trump loses the election, or gets pushes aside beforehand. Months of US chaos on the streets is blamed on Russia.
51% of the population believe it and are foaming at the mouth against Putin in their Daily Two Minutes Hate.
Hot war starts…

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jun 2, 2020 10:11 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Just to add that CJs article is spot on. I’m just adding further insight into to Russia meme.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 2, 2020 11:49 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

You really think the Pentagoons’ paper tigers are in a condition to attack anywhere bigger than Grenada successfully, do you Frank?

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Frank Speaker, I believe you are right here. However, Trump is not having any luck at all with China or Russia because I do believe people don’t believe the narrative just like they didn’t believe the Government’s Skripal narrative here. The SCO is stepping up to the world stage and it is powerful and will be more so. The petro dollar is under desperate threat as the reserve currency. The petro-yuan is taking off. He is losing his ‘war’ on both China and Russia who had the good sense to form the SCO. I do think, and Putin said this himself late last year in a lengthy interview, that the USA’s total aggression is making the world an incredibly dangerous place and that we were closer to a full scale hot war than people thought if this behaviour continues. He said it was only Trump and the USA’s hubris that was preventing them from taking this type of action.
I think the failure of capitalism has been so spectacular to the extent that CV-19 had to be invented and hyped out of all proportion to mass hysteria, lockdowns etc that people, and I think millions/billions of people around the world would now rather be run by Russia or China than interfered with by the USA. The Tiger economies are on the rise now and so is Eurasia with the SCO. Trump is a megalomaniac, a liar, an aggressive, nasty, small minded bully. An intelligent American President in the current climate, wouldn’t be fighting China, Russia or Iran they would be collaborating with the Belt and Silk Road (?), with the SCO, with world peace, with sorting out Trade Deals that are mutually beneficial. But no, Trump (the USA) has to start wars, invade countries, impose illegal sanctions etc. They would be collaborating with Nordstream 2 etc. No, not good enough. They want world domination to save the USA’s almost bankrupt economy.

Jun 2, 2020 9:28 AM

The triggering of nurtured and targeted fear and hate to reaction.
When fear calls, do you answer as to your name?
When fear denies us – is it truly from without?
Is the masking a prop set, (by which) to reinforce (that) fear be outside – and kept OUT!
I was reading of the modelling of the consciousness by human speech and face recognition to our development. We are each living through a modelling of a development of a world inherited from nature and nurture. Love calls us by our Name – and fear shuts down love to a masking identity.
If ‘fear’ rules the masking identity, then recognise it is the blind attempt to control or adapt (normalise) to a world of love’s denial and betrayal, identified as self survival.
Love identifies you perfectly, but is cast in the role of victim or persecutor.
The mask is a reversal set as a false face, modelling hidden hates.
This is exemplified as:
“Do as I say – not as I do!”.
But the primary communication remains what we live and act and demonstrate – not what we say or mask in or present.
The presentation is at war with the living one that it was conjured or invoked to protect.
It has always operated the denial and suppression of our being as the struggle to live a world of lack and fear of disconnection, denial and death.
Don’t give yourself away!
To a self-in-mask, anything that threatens to expose the mask as a prop is threat to self-identity and survival. Light of awareness by which to re-evaluate the use or need of masking belief cannot get in.
Because a masking lie must hide in supporting lies that must hide in supporting lies, a world of lies operates the denial and constriction, limitation, loss and death of the movement of being.
The ‘sin’ is not the lie by which to seem to survive fear. But the wilful persistence in self-blinding, so as to love the lie that hates, denies and attacks a truth is CANNOT see.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 2, 2020 8:58 AM

I see some comments that seem to take racism as a natural condition or, at least one that is instinctive in America. I would say that racism may have been a natural reaction millennia ago as a fear of those who look and sound very different from yourself. But with racial intermingling and interbreeding, I don’t see why racism should necessarily continue. But it has always been an ideal divide-and-rule strategy for those in power. This goes at least as far back as Ancient Greece. Aristotle advised his peers that when they bought slaves, they should pick an assortment from different races since then it would be more difficult for them to gang up on their master. That is an ideal summary of what racism is used for.  
America is historically unusual in that almost its entire population comes from immigrants who landed only a few centuries ago. And over those centuries, the fresh influx of new immigrants from different races and cultures created a problem for interaction – although there is no reason why it couldn’t be resolved. But, as with Aristotle, the rulers benefitted from division in the lower ranks. Therefore, the rulers always encouraged racism. And they still do.    

Jun 2, 2020 9:32 AM
Reply to  George Mc

At the same time as this was happening, an unarmed white guy was killed by a cop. Was this a national issue?
The point is, maybe “racism” is not the problem, maybe the problem is violent, badly trained. ill-disciplined and supervised police with a culture of violence.
Maybe the other problem is poverty which is not exclusively a Black problem.

Jun 2, 2020 8:57 AM

This is interesting ………………http://chrisspivey.org/think-floyd/

Jun 2, 2020 11:07 AM
Reply to  Geoff

Crisis actors perhaps?
So poor Floyd was a porn star
All very convenient to bring about the destruction of the USA and further the police state as if it needed any furthering after the virus debacle!
It seems these people will never stop until we are totally on our knees

Jun 2, 2020 8:52 AM

I believe that this was a false flag.
The timing is prescient, all too convenient to off-set brewing revolt. Set off trouble now and you have the excuse for military on the streets.
Trump is a fake, they all are. Trumpisms are written by PR experts “build a wall, MAGA etc”. Any American can be President, so long as He/She is a direct relative of Charlemagne.
Race? There is only one race.
Slavery? There’d be no slavery if Blacks hadn’t been previously enslaving each other.

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Excerpt Albert Pike’s Three World War’s Letter 1871 
Frank Zappa…Politics is The Entertainment Department of The Military Industrial Complex.

Jun 2, 2020 9:14 AM
Reply to  jay

could be
apparently Floyd and the policem had worked together as bouncers for 10 years previously so certainly knew each other. Also why would Floyd sit and wait in his car for the police to come. They didn’t arrive immediately. Also would the police answer a call for a fake $20 bill? They wouldn’t bother in the UK
Reminds me of the UK series ‘Ashes to Ashes’ The police were certainly brutal and regarded criminals as ‘bastard scum’ Race didn’t come into it except in the mind of the media.
Criminals lie so I expect when Floyd said he coldn’t breath the police just thought he was lying to get away. It doesn’t condone murder of course but people need to realise that criminals are dishonest and lie and worse and the police know that.
Why does it only matter when black men are killed by the police. What about white men??
All lives matter.

Jun 2, 2020 9:22 AM
Reply to  sam

I have posted a link below showing that despite being a minority demographic, Blacks are responsible for 50% of the homicides Stateside.
Most murders in any case are within their cultural group, blacks murder blacks, whites murder whites and so on…

Jun 2, 2020 1:17 PM
Reply to  jay

maybe a lot to do with the lack of a father figure for boys and the vicitm culture pushed by some in our society

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 6:18 PM
Reply to  jay

Jay, one of the few things I watch on television are these FBI/Police real life crime programmes. I am not interested in the crime that much but rather, how the detectives and agents solve them because the USA has the most sophisticated detection techniques in the world. The Detectives/Agents on these programmes state that at least 65% of murders are domestic in nature and perpetrated from people close to them or spouses i.e. divorce, affairs, sex, money etc and are mostly committed by men although the number of women committing them is rising. The FBI has a starting point for any murder ‘follow the money’. It seems there are broad categories of murder that are rife in the States. They are: (i) Extreme sado-sexual deviancy (Extreme torture often involved); (ii) Domestic – murder of spouse, lover, wife, relative for financial gain (most often reason for these murders), multiple debt, not wishing to pay child support or just pure malice; (iii) Kidnapping for ransom money or some other financial gain; (iv) Psychopathy: Serial killers often driven by deep psychological demons or hatred of women, black people, gay people etc to satisfy their lust for killing. It is something innate in them and once started, are unable to stop until apprehended and imprisoned. These are the four categories that make up the majority of homicides in the USA. Domestic murder tops the list. Follow the money.

Jun 2, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  sam

Getting away from at least four cops?
“Criminals are dishonest and lie and worse and the police know that” Police do not see the best side of the human race, but they are often subtly contemptuous of non-police, even ones who are not criminals. Police tend to know that if they beat or kill someone the system is stacked in their favour, so they beat and kill people.
Hitler’s father was a customs officer – like police he did not see the best side of people either – travellers crossing between Germany and Austria-Hungary were constantly hiding goods to not have to pay duty on them. Did he pass on a somewhat grim outlook on the human race to his son? Who knows.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 6:19 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Waldorf, armed cops at that.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 6:07 PM
Reply to  sam

Sam, it matters because police killing black people in the USA is at record levels and growing. The police officer would clearly have been able to see Floyd could not breath because if you look at the video, it was so apparent. The Police Officer killed him because he could. Floyd wasn’t running away, he was sitting in his car waiting. He was violent to the police. He wasn’t a flight risk. He was killed, blatantly killed by an Officer who knew and knows he will get away with it.

Jun 2, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Police killing anyone is wrong
More white men are still killed by police than black and where is the outrage then?
Also there is probably more to this story than meets the eye. FLoyd sat in his car for 30 minutes and waited for the police to turn up. Strange.
another commentator pointed to this
always aks questions

Jun 2, 2020 10:38 AM
Reply to  jay

Zappa should know his dad worked in the MK ultra programming.

Jun 2, 2020 1:02 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I have heard that said, Zappa did Have some cool quotes if His music was somewhat marmite.
Did you know, we all are related to one another anyway.

Jun 2, 2020 8:42 AM

I’m still comming up against friends and relatives with ‘I wish Obama was back’ or ‘he’s no Obama’ etc etc…..

I take a deep breadth and ask them why Trump is worse.

Without fail MSM has done it’s job and the snake oil saleman that is Barry ‘O’, sent them to sleep for 8yrs and still counting, all because he was a class Orator with his mastery of eloquence backed up with surperlative speech writers.

I just pass them on to WilliamBlum.org……..

Jun 2, 2020 11:08 AM
Reply to  TFS

Blair was the same

Jun 2, 2020 1:15 PM
Reply to  TFS

If Hillary were calling in the army, they’d cheer her on

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Jun 2, 2020 6:24 PM
Reply to  TFS

TFS because Obama was far more of a Statesman and a Diplomat than is Trump. The Orange Baboon has walked away from every treaty agreed by Obama, EU and various countries which contributed to making the world far less likely to move to Armageddon and there was international consensus and cooperation.
Qualitatively different from Trump in every way possible. Trump is a dangerous megalomaniac who has seriously messianic tendencies, and I mean very dangerous. He has no idea about international world politics, about international Trade or anything to do with politics. As the Chief of Police said on today’s television interview he told Trump “This is not you on the Apprentice you know, this is real, this is life and lives are being lost”. He basically said what was needed is to bring people together, to make a stand for unity and justice and Trump was just advocating war basically.
Give me Obama any day.

Jun 2, 2020 8:31 AM

Jeff C’s analysis. A couple of chilling commercials open this video.

Jun 2, 2020 8:18 AM



Jun 2, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Chris is not alert to Covid-19 AS the ‘real looting’ – and is under the spell of a narrative investment that masks against letting the truth in – as if truth that undermines invested identity is some kind of virus.
I don’t say this to invalidate him.
Capitalism was captured by cartel monopolism that re-rigged its own banking and regulatory structure to become a globalist capture and control system though broad spectrum dominance – which never was about merely military – but acquiring strategic and effective control over every arena of social influence.
Deceit operates behind a mask – including a mask of victimhood.
Deceit is coercive.
The rewards of deceit are deceit.

Jun 2, 2020 7:47 AM

I don’t subscribe to the belief that entities are racist, nor do I accept what the term ‘racist’ implies. ‘America is racist’, the police are racist, Whites are racist etc is all part of the destroyers narrative. Only individuals are ‘racist’, and even then, they may well not actually be racist. They might simply be objecting to having their country taken away from them.

Jun 2, 2020 11:31 AM
Reply to  steve

I join with you in not accepting false currency.
The term has been degraded to undermine whatever meanings it once had by the uses it is assigned and exchanged in as currency.
A hatist, might be the term to assign anyone who must be righteously hated.
The circular nature of this should be starkly evident.
Identity is the basis from which we live, relate and exchange.
Fear and its masking operate hate as justified defence of self-invested identity.
Self and ‘otherism’ is also self-alliance or lockstep with others as the ‘self-group’ set against ‘other-group’.
We are identified truly in transparency to truth – and so there is a self given and received that is rightfully mine and yours. There are freedoms of association and communication such that we feel where our current boundary condition operates as the balance point for a coexistence.
When denials and exclusions operate in place of balance points that serve the whole, the denied will seek to break through the walls of their denial, and the fear of being denied strengthens the walls against being denied. The walls are in our psyche that then manifest in cognitive dissonances normalised.
The set of the hardwired masking identity.
Whatever else is going on, I see a deconstruction of self and world.
But is this a power of malevolence, or a Compression phase bringing to seed all that is harvested from the cycle and valued – as the qualities from which a new expansion arises?
So amidst this fear, pain and loss – and hate – is the heart’s prayer as to ‘what is the truth here?’ and NOT as a mind-spinning in its own pain.
How else to release the spell of a masking mind-trap?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 2, 2020 6:11 AM

True, the US and all the former British colonies are racist, all built on the bones of the ”native” owners of the lands, all built on genocide, rape, murder, torture and frontier wars. Australia has the last remaining racist constitution in the western world and our politicians are proud of it and hundreds of black owners of the land are tortured and murdered by cops and not many care. I think the anger and rage in these riots have little to do with George Floyd and a lot more to do with the insanity of paupering tens of millions of people over very small virus, constantly terrorising the public to the point they believe the garbage.

Jun 2, 2020 6:52 AM

“our politicians are proud of it and hundreds of black owners of the land are tortured and murdered by cops and not many care”.

Can you give us some examples of this torture and murder and who are the politicians who dont care?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 2, 2020 7:19 AM
Reply to  JDee

Major parties in Australia don’t care if black people are tortured and murdered by cops in Australia. That is a fact.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 2, 2020 7:50 AM

Many Australians hate the Indigenous with genocidal fury. They were the ones who were only ‘Sorry’ that their ancestors efforts at genocide had not succeeded.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 2, 2020 7:49 AM
Reply to  JDee

Let’s start with you, JDee.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 2, 2020 9:16 AM
Reply to  JDee

The clear majority of Australians could not give a flying fig about the indigenous people here.
In over 3 years in Melbourne, just one person has even mentioned the word indigenous in a conversation.
In Adelaide, where I used to live, numerous people, openly racist, compared indigenous people to Apes and Monkeys.
If you want a decent insight into the treatment of Australian indigenous people, watch the John Pilger documentary called Utopia. The day I saw it in a cinema (Sunday afternoon) there were 3 of us.
Just 3, and it had only just been released.
Outside in the main shopping street, thousands of people, most loaded down with 3-4 shopping bags. Oblivious.

Jun 2, 2020 10:51 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Words fail me………… Still staggering from CORRUPT AUSTRALIA – free pdf of this 622 page book from BIGWORMBOOKS at gmx dot net Keith Allan Noble

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 2, 2020 7:49 AM

And our bunyip Bosonaro, Pentecostalist Morrison, squawks about how lucky we are not to be like the USA, utterly uninterested in and disdainful of the hundreds of deaths in custody suffered by our tint Indigenous minority, and their incarceration at the highest rates of any group on Earth, apart from the Gazans. For whmo Scummo also has nothing but contempt.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jun 2, 2020 9:01 AM

all the former British colonies are racist all built on the bones of the ”native” owners of the lands, all built on genocide, rape, murder, torture and frontier wars

You’ve got rather carried away with your claim. India for one doesn’t fit into this narrative, and I can think of others too.

Jun 2, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

George Orwell — Not Counting Niggers 

Jun 2, 2020 5:35 AM

The fact that you think the “ashes are going to cool” is hilarious.

Jun 2, 2020 5:00 AM

Well written…all of it. New to the site (via Icke) and glad to have found it. Definitely adding to home screen to follow up.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 2, 2020 11:48 AM
Reply to  BeLfuNkiaN

Icke rocks!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 2, 2020 4:47 AM

Thanks CJ. The two tweets from Chris Martin Palmer, side by side, particularly the reference to “Get these animals TF out of my neighbourhood, go back to where you live”
just encapsulated the real mindset of people like him. I saw that same type mindset every day while out selling the street mag.
And I know that 2 weeks ago, many like Palmer would have been gleefully sticking the boot into and demonising all those opposed to the lockdowns and stripping of civil liberties.
Neoliberalism is the sick cancer that has poisoned all of society, and warped the minds of many, which includes the incredibly divisive scourge of Identity Politics.
While the 0.01% have laughed all the way to the bank, vastly increasing their wealth, and so skillfully playing the game of divide and rule.
They are our real enemies. Not each other.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 2, 2020 7:51 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Absolutely Gezz. So good that the machine gave you two upvotes.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 2, 2020 2:59 PM

Thanks, but don’t really care about votes, just want to have somewhere to vent my spleen! Do you ever watch Max Igan at The Crowhouse?
Just watched a video before on where he thinks this technocratic fascist dystopia is going. He reckons the ‘good people’ will be in their gated smart cities, and everyone else will be locked outside in a Hunger Games scenario.
Whatever happens, it’s going to be very unpleasant.