Blind Compliance
Todd Hayen

We all know what this means. And from what I am hearing from fellow shrews, the only way out of it is to simply not comply.
But is that really a rational path?
Sure, with clearly obvious things like mask-wearing and vaccines, it certainly is the sensible thing to do (refuse to comply). But what about things like not using a credit card? Or not supplying ID in whatever situation it is demanded? Or not using a cell phone? Or not buying an electric car when buying a gas car is forbidden and is no longer an option? And believe me, nearly everything we are used to will at some point no longer be an option if it doesn’t fit into the agenda’s agenda.
Just today some guy from our electric company here in Aurora came to our office (which is a free-standing house). He said he had to install a new meter, I said, “What for?” He informed me that the electric company was switching out all old meters to Smart Meters. The dreaded and evil “Smart Meter.”
What was I supposed to do? I don’t think I had the option to refuse the switch. Maybe some of you would have, and if so, I really admire you. But I am old and tired. I may find it relatively easy to refuse an injection, refuse to wear a mask, or refuse to follow some of the insane rules they had during the pandemic. But it just isn’t in me to make a ruckus about something like a Smart Meter.
I am not defending my wimpishness. I know all I am doing is passively supporting the agenda’s success. And although a Smart Meter might not have the same direct effect on my well-being as a vaccine would, I know it is the slow-boiling frog thing at work. If we ALL stood up and said “NO” to any of this stuff, it MIGHT end. At least we would get noticed.
Unfortunately, so much of this impending doom is not avoidable—even if we stood up to it and said, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore.” It’s just going to happen anyway. Think about the upcoming digital ID requirement. When this comes about, we will not be allowed to enter stores to buy groceries without it, buy gas for our cars, or probably do just about anything.
When cash goes away we will be forced to use credit cards (or whatever digital system they replace cash with). We will not have the choice to “not comply.” If we don’t comply, then we simply will starve to death and disappear. (As I write this, DT just signed an EO that says “no” to CBDCs).
We can make it difficult for them, of course. If I had told the electric guy today to take his f-ing Smart Meter and shove it up his ass, I would have caused a stink. But it would not have stopped it. And ya know, if I were alone, without a wife who is bucking for a “don’t make waves” life, I may have done just that! Easy to say, eh?
Maybe I would not have. But part of my “compliance” in these situations is to keep the peace in my own household. I am willing to sit in the boiling pot for that reason, and quite frankly, I will not be around when the water gets so hot it kills me. I will already be dead—most likely.
Selfish? Sure, but what else is new—a victim of human nature—look out for oneself first. There is a lot I will do for the good of the shrew crowd, and for the future of humanity, but it’s got to have more of an impact than pissing off the power company.
I think I am getting a bit whacko because of all of this. It seems that every time I turn around there is something I am blindly complying with that I know will one day bite me in the butt. Every shiny trinket that comes along is potentially a killer—cell phones as they get fancier and fancier, Smart Meters, electric cars, social media, gazillions of apps (all charging monthly rental fees and sucking data out of us), QR codes everywhere to scan, security at airports becoming more and more invasive, faster and faster internet speeds, AI art, AI authoring (ChatGPT), AI music, AI sex partners, robot police, advancements in surgery, in medicine, in pharmaceuticals, brain implants, tighter security measures, digital IDs, digital money, on and on and on. All created and implemented for our own good, to make our lives safer, more fun, more efficient, more convenient, and happier. Do we refuse all of this? And comply with nothing?
Stop the world, I want to get off.
And, of course, we go along with it (most of us). Partially because we are told it will do for us all those things just stated. It is fun, cool, interesting, and exciting. Isn’t science and technology amazing? Look at all it can do for you! “Aluminum, Our Shiny Friend” (for all you Martin Mull fans). The other reason we go along with it is because we don’t have a choice. If we reject it, then we miss out.
Eventually that “missing out” will mean we starve, or have no means to purchase anything, no place to live, and no job to work at. We will have no means of transportation, no means of communication with others, and more than likely, if we attempt to “make do” and live a life without these things, we will be hunted down, arrested, and thrown in the gulag. I’m not kidding.
How many times have you heard reports of people being arrested or fined for collecting rainwater to drink? Ingesting raw milk? Or even growing their own vegetables? The future for those who resist, or do not comply, is not looking very pretty.
Is it too late? Well, you know what Dr. Doom/Gloom is going to say. Yes, in a lot of ways, it is too late to avoid some of these things. But it isn’t too late to live through this stuff in spite of it. We can continue to form community of like-minded people—Smart Meters and all. We can, where it is feasible, continue to not comply, and to form a better way of life. I do believe there will be an “overlap” period with a lot of these implementations.
Digital cash for instance is at the “choose this because it is convenient” stage (meaning pay with a credit card, not cash) this is something we can avoid and something we do not need to comply with. We can’t stop smartphones, but maybe a lot of us can start using flip phones without all the junk on them and still be able to function in the community. There are a lot of things like this. And if one of them doesn’t work for you, then choose something that does.
We are at a very strange time in human history. And although it seems like noncompliance with all that the authoritarians are throwing at us is the only way to stop the agenda, there might be other ways as well.
It certainly is one important way, but it is not the only way, and maybe not even the most feasible, effective, or sensical way. Yes, there are many things we can avoid complying with. But there are also many things we simply cannot stand up to without getting mowed down as a result.
We don’t need to stand in front of the rolling tank (ala Tiananmen Square) unless we are reasonably sure we can stop it.
Live to fight another day. Do what it takes to survive first. Then make change where you can.
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Pending . . . . . .
Blind compliance to all woke narratives? Of course! Those who don’t should be moderated, censored, spied upon or locked up.
Those that comply are also subject to what you outline.
Once again, just take it as a given that online ‘life’ is designed to create profiles of the compliant and non compliant alike.
Thank you offg for posting my views not trying but I guess succeeding,ish, in being a high maintenance commentator. Would appreciate greatly my other comments to be allowed. Once again, if they be inappropriate or off topic. Would be glad to know as to why… in peace
To not comply is a first good step.
what should be done next is not a ‘one size fits all’ step, but something that depends on the situation and that what an individual is able to do out of his own character.
step 2 is Guerilla warfare. Problem with guerrilla warfare is that the outcome is unpredictable, cannot be managed, mostly needs to be done on one’s own (no help from outsiders), and should only be done when the time is ripe. It is, most of the time, a waiting game. Not doing anything is definitely failure. But doing something when the time is not ripe equally leads to failure.
Anyway, back in the days a citizen had the luxury to wait until the enemy was defeated by the allies. I guess that now the only thing that one can do is to follow his heart and hope for the best at times that he makes a decision.
this is a highly personal comment and point of view. But as regular commenters know, my comments always are.
Todd I appreciate your past articles and can understand you are feeling beaten down like we all do at times but the decisions we make when the choice points are presented will have generational consequences for our children and grandchildren and beyond.
Many people have had a hard time navigating differences in opinions with loved ones
It’s important they understand the bigger picture.
And i also disagree that any non compliants will be rounded up.
Like everything we have to opt into our demise.
That is why nothing is hidden
I also believe one of the many reasons for the desperation for everyone to sign up for the new ID is that it is a new kind of social contract that they need everyone to agree to
I have also read enough writings by those in the theosophical /spiritualist camps to know that way back as far as 100 years ago this was discussed as being a choice point along with the 💉 for humanity and it’s strongly advised against partaking.
Current New Age /Theosophical leaders are also instructing their disciples to take the less traveled path and i can’t help but think it’s also some kind of esoteric test they are laying down for humanity.
And literature out of organisations like the Wef make reference to groups who choose not to be a part of the new social contract condescendingly they say because they just couldn’t move with the times.
This war is spiritual that much is clear and i am sure a stick will be used but do we want future generations thanking us for the decisions we made and the adversity we overcame, the new way of being we laid down or realising that we took the easy path to digital transhumanist slavery.
Points well taken.
That’s a 360° perspective. And I thee best comment here imo.
Reason: Because you’ve mentioned Theosphists..And they imo hijacked truth. What is truth? Honestly what is it?
“Lies agreed upon”
Or something deeper?
An inner knowing of what is right or wrong?
Or just a misguided notion?
thank you.
not sure we can understand what’s happening without understanding Theosophy
Having done so it gives one a more all
encompassing view of the situation we are in.
Terry Wolfe (Winter Christian on Substack )
has some helpful insights into this area.
What hits deep in our inner knowing when we hear it is the way to discern what is true in these times.
And God revealing it to us at ever growing rates.
Which is bizarre. As many like to say “We’re in a Spiritual battle” yet dismiss this Sect..Hardly a sect without influence either. Hardly a Sect not been offered influence.
Idk seems a glaring omissions in many people’s assembly of “truth”
Scottish Power wouldn’t remove my smart meters, so I ordered some meters and changed them myself. I posted the smart meters back to the CEO of SP and said thank you but I no longer require your metering services. I’ve not paid for energy in the years since.
I’m being chased for imaginary debt but I ignore it. It’s a game, make believe.
According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed. It only changes form. The planet belongs to us people the includes the energy within it. I ain’t paying for what is already mine, not when I’m already being robbed at gunpoint on a daily basis.
Do one.
Men need to man up.
I have never EVER EVER heard of this happening to anyone.
Complete utter fear porn bULsHIT that Alex Jones would shill to then sell the believers his brand off ‘patriots rainwater’ or ‘Armageddon seedpacks’.
I said HEARD OF REPORTS…I didn’t say “how many people do you know who have been arrested or fined…” There is a difference. Hearing “reports” does not mean it is true…maybe it IS only “fear porn”…but there is an important bit of information to take in even it is only REPORTS…it is at the very least writing on the wall. Do you really believe that none of this is happening?
And BTW, I know PERSONALLY several people who have been told to stop collecting rain water, as well as several people who have been fined for collecting raw milk. So it isn’t all Alex Jones BS as you state. At least it isn’t in MY reality. But maybe I am in some alternate universe that only I, and others like me, exist in. And you exist in some Utopic la la land…if so, I am truly happy for you! And maybe if I just “thought positively,” I could join you!
They forbade the sale of seeds when covid hit. That was real.
by who, the rain police..?? come on your telling tale.
Raw milk I brought for over a decade and never had a issue.
The farm never had a issue.
Where is this fantasy of lies and people you supposedly no who have been told this by reports = rumor fear porn told to the mass;s – weak minded types to keep them scared.
Because you never experienced it, i dont exist yes? It first exist when it arrive at your doormat. This self-rightious, childish, selfish, me-me-me-and me attitude is common among the middle class sheeple.
I were exposed to be left without water for years because I refused a Smart Meter. Its still a case. So now you have not only heard about it, you have also read about a true case, and can close down your bold button.
your a fantasist, last time you was homeless with a family.
Ed stop bullshiting.
Grow some balls Pippin – this article was about nothing and a waste of my time.
Thanks, I’ll consider the ball suggestion.
growing your own balls is probably also punishable by law
Too defeatist! Had expected something better from Todd Hayen. Life is a constant Jihad against evil. I had a smart meter removed from the property we had moved into. There are plenty of rebuttals by eminent scientists and epidemiologists against the lie of smart meters being “safe and effective”. Within this corrupt system there are individuals who have some awareness of what is going on around us and it is possible to have their support. If the family is the obstacle then one has to have the strength of character/spiritual strength to oppose it.
Yeah, I was in a defeatist mood the morning I wrote this. Some days are good days, some days are not.
You can’t envisage letting go of another life than the one you have.
“You can’t envisage letting go of another life than the one you have”
That was crudely and terse.
My impression was/is from the article and the previous one is.. That you appear unable to envisage detaching from the very system that is transforming into another more invasive form of enslavement.
First world problems eh
idk what happened with the videos, is it me or you , i can’t edit/delete either.
know the truth, but respect the illusion.
but why say will ?
it might, it is planned to be, i say it will not! because the ” battle” is on the spiritual plane, not the material.
whether one ACIMs, or other things, as long as it’s NOT bypassing.
something went wrong?!
A Step-By-Step Guide to SURRENDER (how to actually LET GO & LET GOD)
Britney Shawley 2025 wasn’t meant to look like this
Kerry K
Don’t ‘trust the plan’ but maybe wait and see what it is first. When we were furloughed (in the UK) and basically given a full salary for staying at home by a right-wing government it was obvious something weird and unprecedented was going on. It became obvious that they had the money to bail us out, that this was all planned for. I then realised we were either in a war no one had told us about (yet) or there was an imminent disastrous civilisation-ending catastrophe about to hit (strange how bad it has to be to pay us our daily wages for doing nothing). So I just thought let’s wait and see. Then the jabs. Just thought wait and see. Now the currency / technocracy changes looming. Still think just wait and see. Because nothing I do will change it but our fearfulness is what they want. Just wait and see.
Veni vidi non acquiesce
“Prepping” makes a lot more sense these days.
Since I’m old it’s feasible to stockpile enough food for the rest of my life and I intend to do so. Not because I’m scared, but I know I can’t rely on the system any more. Pretending things are normal is a huge gamble.
You are reflecting exactly my thoughts!
`🎶Convenience is a weapon of mass destruction🎶
Blind and/or “Can’t be bothered, because greed has won”
Thing is Todd, and I consider it a valid point; they (tptb) will win over time. I’m in my late 60s, can resist and remember when times were different, when your wages came in little brown envelopes with windows in, and there were only landlines or phone boxes. The boiling frog is a great and apt analogy, as is “salami slicing”. Sadly those who are now 40 or so have already been caught and in another decade we “boomers” will mostly be gone.
Thanks for the memory lane.
All services are disappearing. Phone boxes were magnificent. We didn’t appreciate them enough. My local post offices and banks are gone. Remember nice public toilets everywhere? Mostly gone. Can we call ourselves a civilisation without public toilets?
I just discovered my local health centre is to
be demolished to have high-rise flats put in its place. Gotta squeeze more immigrants in.
It seems to be a world wide agenda.
I agree. A society without peeing houses are a lost civilisation. It just shows how much they are betting on the robots.
I know what Dr Hayen means that his better-half has to have a say in this and it ties in with the book Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars which I was reading just this morning. It seems those around us are to be used, albeit unaware, as part of the “quiet” arsenal. But, we have to consider others even if it means being frazzled in our beds at night. If another of their weapons of choice is to Divide and Conquer then “The better part of valour is discretion” otherwise, while we’re all at each other’s throats and arguing over details, the agenda rolls on apace. All I can say is get stocked up on Lugol’s.
I think it’s a fair point by the author.
All that anyone (paying attention)has been talking about since covid is…
1.How can we describe whatever the fuck is going on?
2.What’s a viable strategy in response to whatever the fuck is going on?
Now after much consideration we(some) have come to the conclusions
1. No explanation exists which is better that the old “The Apocalypse”. But yet non dare call it…
2. Slaves can only ever withdraw/absent themselves.Meaning while withholding labour is out. The next option is withholding psychological ascent(also out mostly).
And given that both of those have failed…
3. The end of human reproduction aka the birth/fertility crisis.
In summary the slaves are opting out as best we can and saving as many from this as possible peaceably.
There is no other option.IMO
I don’t have a smart phone. I still don’t have a smart phone. What’s the problem?
Once they get rid of cash you won’t be able to carry out banking transactions in the very near future. Turds at the Fed are arguing us little people don’t own the cash they create.
Those who dont have a Smartphone are either disabled, vagabonds, live in the woods off grid, hard core criminals, or Digital Challenged. Meaning YOU are THE problem.
“Digital challenged” is the latest minus word Liberals have invented about people who are not followers of their LGBT agenda.
I’ll assume you use a landline and there’s no problem, depending on your view of a problem. But your view of a problem might change.
They are phasing out use of SMS as 2-factor authentication. Soon you’ll need a TOTP app or greater so you can access anything. Strangely (or not?) there are few such apps for the PC. I want to avoid Microsoft or Google offerings as much as I can.
Hi Todd thanks, Donald Trump has said no to Central Bank Controlled Digital Currencies , He’s going to do it through the Crypto Currencies owned by the Most Powerful Private Corporations the World has ever Known …there will be no oversite whatsover congressional , nor Public Scrutiny …
Seems I am the only one who see the Orange Man’s positive Executive Orders so here is a few: (compensate for the crypto thing no?).
Bravo Trump, a defense for our children!
Stopping (D)Obama’s illegal immigrant and drug trafficking network. .
Cutting off some of the Deep States wide spread tentacles.
“Yes but this is just to do it even worse muah muah muah”. Take your depressives then.
Yes Erik but .. they ARE rolling out the Control grid … Its not going to be Government its going to be Private Corporations , Tech companies owned by people with MIC contracts , people who have been developing Surveillence tech, Biometrics for decades .. people who are deeply invested in MRNA tech .. Erik c’mon !…
I know. There are many parts I dont like. Everything what happen around Israel make me puke, and this IoT bs too, and more.
I just want and wanted to get full facts right around orange man. Without the full picture and being too one sided we are more disabled.
Erik Yes i know many of those things seem good .. but lets take Your first example of preventing Chemical , Biological Mutilation of Young People has already been defeated by a high court Judge , and supposedly ruled unconstitutional .. which sounds crazy to Me.. thats nust one example … And personally, i believe that was a bone thrown to his Maga people, thats just one item ..Sovereign wealth Funds Administered by Global Bankster Cartels .. look what happened to Libya’s fund it was plundered after the Country was destroyed, picked over by Vultures … Even so hope springs Eternal .. .. a pity about the 1st on your list … The Castration and mutilation of teenagers making them lifelong slaves of a corrupt Medical system is apallling .. as are Many other things on your list .. if only Trump were truly a man of the People and not a manufactured Sheep Dog to the Right He is just as Obama was to the Left during the occupy Wall street movement………..The Plutocrats have a winning Formula everytime a popular movement raises its Head and threatens to bring on the pitchforks , they Roll out a manufactured Populist candidate, left or Right whatever the zeitgeist dictates…its not exclusively American either , though they have perfected the Art… Best Wishes to You..!!
I feel for you, Todd. However, aren’t there things you / we can do?
Apart from suggestions raised here: (and it may be too late for you), there are EMF remediation measures you could take, such as a smart meter cloak.
Smart Meter Cloak where can i Get one of those??
If they’re really that desperate to wipe us all out, what hope is there? Personally I don’t worry too much about any of this – I know that whatever they may throw at us I see it’s shit but I don’t comply. Works for me.
If the smart meter is via some radio waves (meaning that the power company will read it from the street) you can try to wrap it in tinfoil (Faraday cage) and when they will complain that it’s not working and want to have it inspected you just remove the tinfoil. After several such trips they might give up on the idea. Unfortunately most of the power smart meters are using the same power wires for the reading and there isn’t much to do about it. The big money they make is by billing us also the “reactive power” (whenever you have appliances with coils or transformers, like phone or laptop chargers plugged in, even not used) – in that case you should plug in some capacitors to compensate for the inductance. Such devices are available and quite cheap (or you can make them yourself). Of course that they don’t help for the resistive power (actual power transformed in heat) so keep an eye on the kettle 🙂
Noncompliance too often seems little more than scattered individuals having means to opt out of something. Preferring not to do something may be based on personal conviction. But that usually takes a back seat to collective economic forces driving people into corners where the decisive factor proves to be resources to find an (affordable) alternative. Preferring not to do the work details with which wage slaves are accustomed in just doing our jobs may express solitary defiance to being a cog in a machine. But like Melville’s tale of Bartleby, and actual experience of countless masses, that’s a formula for tragedy lost in the statistical regularity of ruling classes running the labor and lives of people as their property, equipment to be used, abused, and disposed of on the free-for-all market.
When we look to one another to refuse compliance together we find an alternative to staying on the run from systemic forces that can’t be changed by random acts of isolated and passive resistance. There’s power in the union, not just for workers but all of us, enough to challenge the powers that (shouldn’t) be. In the same way as workers strike to halt the machinery of exploitation, we can organize means to strike the system of society under which we variously suffer and struggle. Common sense of our personal tragedies, rooted in communities of active resistance and egalitarian solidarity, is one good place to start building the necessary means to meet the top-down revolution and war being waged against us.
Without building new worlds within the old like Wobblies once envisaged and practiced among workers of the world, we’ll remain captive to the company town, with what little we ‘earn’ to feed the fortunes of the few taken from us at the company store to leave us enslaved to desperate survival in debt and poverty. That kind of entrapment has become the whole world, after all. And before this worldwide war on humanity marches us into a future where resistance will be futile, because made nonexistent by our final merging with the machine, it would seem best to strike the system and build back better our own freer and fuller forms of how to live together on this earth. We are many, they are few.
Why does a dildo never get mentioned.?
it is silicone battery mechanical operated
they’ve been about for decades,
I might be wrong about this, but I think that in Colorado, if that is where you live, it is legal to refuse a smart meter. It is called an “opt-out” program.
I believe various states have them. But you have to pay extra per month if you opt out.
Pretty soon we’ll be charged for using cash.
“But I am old and tired.” And your capitulative recent work is not insightful.
We fought SMs here for years and did not consent. It was violently forced upon a small number of users with sensitivity to RF / 5G and we will have to pay for a non-broadcasting SM. This act by a supposed public utility is unconstitutional and immoral. As damages are documented there will be suits and management will be placed into legal liability with jail time involved. Making this eventuality happen can only happen when non-consent is enforced by each individual. Non-consent does not require being mowed down by standing in front of a tank. Non-consent is an act of establishing status that backs up later rectification of damaging policy and keeps the guilty enforcers in the spotlight of guilt.
Spot On. 👊😎👍
They’re intentionally making life unworkable unless you submit. I’m starting a new job and need to prove my identity for a DBS check…
My driving licence is paper (no photo.) My passport is long expired and non-biometric. My household bills are done online, so no original bills can be shown. I can just about get around these problems for DBS by showing my birth certificate etc at a Post Office.
But I’m considering getting a photo driving licence. It seems I can’t easily get one without a passport. But I can’t get a passport without a photo driving licence!
The only way out is to send my ORIGINAL birth certificate and National Insurance card through the post. Certified copies aren’t allowed. Since these documents are, effectively, the only way to prove I exist right now, what happens if they get lost?
I will have to sneak out of the country and come back as an illegal immigrant, whereupon I’ll be presented with a shiny new ID, free housing, healthcare, phone, money, etc.
Dinghy divers get the red carpet. Native Brits who never go abroad have to jump through hoops.
The irony of all this DBS bollocks is it only proves you have not been caught breaking any laws. If I was you give Rachel Reeves a call and she will help you with a CV where you don’t need a DBS.
On top of all else they charge you £21.50 for the “privilege” of not being assumed a criminal.
What about your thought crimes? I mean, just by being here you are guilty of countless acts of f***k you aimed at your government.
You should be happy.
Here we get constantly billed, prisoned and hunted for not breaking the law, as outlaws who are not “contributing” to the society machinery.
@I will have to sneak out of the country and come back as an illegal immigrant, whereupon I’ll be presented with a shiny new ID, free housing, healthcare, phone, money, etc.
You are more likely to be shook down and fall ill like todays pope.
Yeah, they all are doing this online, Catch 22. You have to have the one piece of paper/data to get the other piece of paper/data, and VICE VERSA, and send you text codes which on my 2G? Nokia 100 either take hours to arrive or not at all, but expire in 5 minutes.. Much more of this and I’ll be giving up the internet.
Me too. Only in at the moment for “knowing and keeping your enemy close”.
My annoying story about a Smart Meter is this… Shell Energy (who became Octopus Energy after originally masquerading as First Energy or something similarly benign thus deceiving us as to who we were signing up to) said our old analogue meter HAD to be replaced with a Smart Meter. So they did it. They sold it by saying it would mean accurate readings and that I no longer had to send them readings myself (not that it was a big deal) but the MAIN seeling point was the fantatstic in home display (IHD) which would allow us to track our usage by the minute. Awesome. Trouble is the IHD hasn’t worked since it was installed. I called Shell energy to complain. They said the gas meter wasn’t communicating with the Smart Meter. Yes and? Nothing. No offer to exchange, repair anything. They just didn’t give a f*ck All they were bothered about was themselves and their remote control of our supply. F*%$ing C*%ts.
Total instantaneous power is just about the worst way to identify energy wasters. A £10 power meter that you plug devices into is infinitely better at the job.
Smart meters don’t save you money and aren’t meant to.
Changing energy price by time of day also isn’t for our benefit. Nighttime energy may be discounted initially. Then they’ll raise all prices. We’ll be paying the same at night as we used to during the day, but our washing will need to happen while we sleep. Not good if the machine starts leaking.
I hope the electricity roads hold up, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
“a Smart Meter might not have the same direct effect on my well-being as a vaccine would”
Get back to us when they shut off your energy midwinter to save the planet. Smartmeters can do this remotely on a house by house basis. This allows rolling blackouts without inconveniencing ‘important’ people.
All UK premises now have a “rota disconnect alpha code.” It’s probably at the top of your bill right next to your account number – without explanation.
Rota disconnect = rolling blackouts. It’s all planned and there are official websites about it. I doubt it’s different in the USA, especially with their flaky distribution system.
We rolled for 4 days after Helene, and I only lost the bottom 1/2 of the ice cream.
“Direct effect”: ignorance is bliss. The smart meters communicate in bursts, not continuously.
“Pulsed RFR signals in bursts at ultra-low frequencies are more harmful than continuous waves of the same intensity and duration. They are close to brain-wave frequencies; e.g., 217 Hz pulsing of for GSM phone signal.” -EU parliamentary research service 2021
That is just GSM. The dangers of phones, towers, 5G, etc. is a major topic in itself.
Well, at least they are doing something for saving the planet. Someone has to do it, and if people refuse to contribute in saving the planet.
“Serve you right to suffer Baby, serve you right to be alone! The good days are gone” J.Geils Band
The global miscreants and misanthropes are counting on us giving up passively acquiescing to their anti-life, dystopian agenda and living as zonked out, chipped dumbed down serfs and slaves. They think like the Star Trek Borgs “Resistance is futile.” that is their mantra too. This is what they have to continue to say to get us to believe and succumb to their Great Reset/Brave New World Order agenda.
. I say continue to resist, what form of resistance can/will you choose? Will your resistance be blatant or subtle, uncompromisingly universal or selective, vociferous or underground, in your face or behind their backs; the options are unlimited! Even in the depths and height of the COVID fearmongering, intimidation, coercion and psychological manipulation we resisted. While our resistance hasn’t stopped or thwarted their total agenda, we slowed them down. They weren’t successful; they did not achieve one hundred percent compliance and for us this is a major win! Yes many are now dying from their COVID jabs but those of us who didn’t take it are still here, still standing. Meanwhile many who took the jabs and boosters now have buyers remorse and the rest are blissfully ignorant of what is happening to them.
Time will tell how extensive and intense the resistance will become, but I still believe there will be resistance. Long live the resistance!
Also, there some leading heroes have freely informed surviving jab victims of alternative remedies, provided these victims can break out of the brainwashing.
That is a good thing.
I dont see many of those.
Those who took it and found out it was fake, blame me and the other anti-vaxxers for not telling them about it in another way than we did, and therefore we are still guilty, still responsible and should be hanged for all their health and personal troubles.
At least we should not think we can benefit from our position, so they wants us to drown together with them to show we were not all in it with the bad guys.
I was given a hard time by the bank teller when I was withdrawing my “shopping cash” couple months ago. He wanted me to give him my cell phone as my ID. I loudly said, WHAT!!!. Got his attention. Then I asked the teller, “Is my license expired”? The manger, whom I have known for over a decade, overheard and came out of his office to wave the demand off. I followed the direction of the teller’s eyes in a quick turn to discover the quiet communication. Then I gave the manager the squinty-eyed look with my teeth exposed at which time he ducked back into his office and closed his door. I thought, what is going on. Are we at war? Then the teller explained that the next time I want to make a withdrawal I will need to produce a phone. It was a sizable amount which required that he go into the vault and get more cash. Happens every time I go. Been doing it several times per year for several years. They have grown accustomed to it. It’s coming up in a couple weeks. The standoff. The great bank robbery by a depositor who refused to produce a turned on phone. Who knows, Governor Whitmer may get involved. Fuckers.
My bank informed me they upped the amount of cash you could take each day from the machine too $2000/day.
Like I shouldn’t trust them w/my money or something.
I may just do that. I will check with my bank. Last time I used a machine was about ten years ago.
This is for 2FA, two-factor authentication, allegedly to reduce the scamming of people’s accounts.
The point is that the bank sends you an SMS with a number in it that you then type into your computer screen to get into your account.
My plan is to show my second photo ID. My CPL. And yes, I assumed that was the deal. The idea that my physical presence no longer counts pushed me over the edge. Occasionally, it has happened on my PC. I prefer to dig out my passwords I have written on sheets of notebook paper rather than go through authentication on my phone. Difficult for a hacker to find the list unless he has broken into my home at which time he will have been shot by my pistol for home invasion. The same pistol covered by my CPL, by the way. Who wants to have one’s digital life accessible through a phone? I made the simple statement last time. I don’t bank with my phone. I don’t want my banking information in phone. Phones are not secure which is why I don’t bank with my phone. Absolutely crazy that they want to force me. I have half a mind to buy a burner and cancel my regular cell phone account. What happens then? Will they force me to close my account with my 850 credit score? I….don’t…..think…
Another good post, Todd.
Question for Off-G; haven’t heard from Sylvia Shycross for awhile. Does anyone know if she’s still alive and kicking?
If it helps, her name is Sylvia Shawcross.
She has a Substack page, but from my quick glance she hasn’t posted since early January: 🤔
Thanks, Ort, for the correction and the link.
I agree it was too difficult to deny the electricity meter in ones house. This was the only Smart meter I allowed too. Electricity is a must need.
Its too impractical and too expensive with en emergency generator.
But you can switch it off by the main breaker, darken your whole house. I do that often at night or at weekend before I go to sleep and only open it again when I need it the next day. I actually saved 50% on the electricity bill that way.
And the company? They get their “personal data collection” interrupted by a half.
Save yourself the hassle and make your own EMF shield.
I thought the idea of putting aluminium foil / insulation foil into a large picture frame (with a painting or photo) and hang it over the section inside the house that shares the spot with the smart meter on the outside. Brilliant.
Thanks for the link. Appreciated.
What about you fridge or freezer?
They maintain their cold for quite a long time as it is contained behind isolated walls and doors. Just not open it until it is absolute necessary.
They can stand and keep fresh at least 10-12 hours.
The small print on those switches says you only get 50 throws before having to occur the expense of a new one, switch away Einstein.
If I understand your Sir John Thomsen theory correctly (known for his Plum Pudding Model, discovery of the electron and mass spectrometer invention):
After 50 switch off’s the meter go down and they have to install a new one I must pay for. Is that it? The Media and the Energy Company even recommend it.
I can see the -30 USD saving on my bill/month and I follow all my governments advices. It cant go wrong!
I told the electricity enforcer brigade that they can replace my meter with a not smart one anytime they like and they’ve agreed. Nothings happened for nearly a year and I have a feeling that insisting on a smart meter may not be legal. No doubt they’ll try again but you know where this is all going don’t you? They’re coming for all of us and they’re not nice.
Gotta stop the global boiling somehow 💀
Our govt hasn’t quite got the brass neck to make smart meters compulsory and then instantly use them for energy rationing (which is their actual purpose.) There might be riots if they did that.
So it’s “nudge tactic” time. Trick people into having them installed voluntarily, modify use via differential pricing, and keep turning the screw until we’ve accepted rationing without even realising it.
And if you complain then? “You chose to have smart meters! This is what you agreed to!“
In Qld. we can reject a smart meter for a while but it costs about $125 a quarter to have the meterman come to read. Resistance is futile as this week smart meter will be installed with time of day pricing to follow.
You can send them the meter readings, don’t fall for their BS.
Lol as if you pay for someone to come read your meter.
They claim you have to pay for the money they could have saved.
I recall when we had post offices.
You would stand in a row to get personal attention and service paying your bills, you paid 1/2 dollar for this service and got a paper stamp and paper receipt in return.
Then the bankers arrived and claimed they could save the Public 2/3 of the 1/2 dollar by PBS and other weird constructions.
Our letters and packages went to private companies and supermarkets as collection centres.
When this was done and the bankers now had monopoly on public payments for utilities m.m., they raised the personal attention rate in their bank to 10 USD for paying one bill, claiming people should pay extra for the money they saved.
Its difficult to imagine how an obvious fraud loke this can go completely unnoticed.
Too bad for you! I refused and forced them to keep the analog meter. They charge an extra $40 a month to punish me, but I’d rather not have the high levels of radiation in the house that comes with these meters or having the AGENDA collecting data off my refrigerator.
You must be having an especially bad day, Todd. If ‘they’ want to provide you with the next brilliant upcoming technical marvel, you can be sure that it’s weaponised, and will hurt you in some undisclosed manner, Like efficiency for WHOM?
That’s the world we live in, now. Discriminate, turn away, do not comply. I most definitely DID NOT COMPLY during covid, have always not complied in many areas, and will try to find a way round the next, or any other obvious attack on our freedom and/or well-being disguised as that wonderful catch-and-coverall, PROGRESS.
Otherwise ‘cheers.’
I had enormous success just saying “no” when asked to put on a mask. I knew I could claim to be exempt and it was illegal for them to ask why… But I didn’t do that. I just shook my head and said no. Refused point blank. It worked.
“No” is a beautiful word. Use it often.
It’s the key word, and always has been. I however knew that there had to be a loophole, there always is, under occult rules, so I got the exemption, wore shades, and had shop assistants begging to help me. If a shop refused me entry on hand sanitiser grounds, I would just say no. There was also a government-issued exemption certificate which you could download, no questions asked. They just didn’t let on.
I did download the exemption card but never used it. I was sorely tempted to have fun though. I nearly bought an asthma inhaler for show. Next level idea was wearing one of those neck ‘braces’ that people with tracheotomies wear. Imagine them trying to make a person wear a face mask when they breathe through their neck!
Masks cause oximeters to start bleeping danger bleeps in seconds. Up to date model versions :
If we take down the controllers, all the controls will be negated. Then we would be in control of the controls instead of the controllers. If the controllers remain in control, no amount of non-compliance will stop them or the controls. It will just make our lives more and more difficult. At some point, we’re going to have to decide to take their asses down. It is not too late for that, and I don’t think it ever will be. There is way more of us than them.
Not until we take away their magic money tree.
The snitches and the sissies and the sheeple are too many.
A big factor, not to mention the enforcers, of which there appears to be an unlimited supply worldwide.
Even most truthers are sissies, alas.
hey Todd, easy on the fear porn- you are admittedly not a hero, but you ain’t a prophet either!
“Smart”, radiation-emitting, electric meters have the ability to induce a lifetime of suffering according to many I’ve interviewed — please don’t discount this possibility. They’re a key piece of the technocracy as well. For those in the US here’s a map showing, by state, whether you have the right to spare your family from the harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation or not. If not, physics-based remediation, not ‘harmonizers’, produce measurable reduction in exposure intensity.
Let me join the Smart Meter chorus. I opted out. Sort of. See, I don’t listen to “The News” on TV – so I didn’t know such a thing even existed until March 2014 when they came around (unannounced) and switched all meters in the condo community where I live.
I then did some research and did opt out; so they came and replaced the Smart Meter with a non-Smart Meter. But the new non-Smart Meter no longer resembles the old meter – it looks almost identical to the other 11 Smart Meters on the meter board on the other side of my bedroom wall. Perhaps it’s a coincidence that My Three Pets (two dogs and a cat) all died within two years of the Smart Meters’ installation?
Incidentally, I have discovered that a big full length mirror seems to filter a great deal of the electromagnetic frequency given off by the Smart Meters (according to my EMF Meter reading).
Cover the entire wall with metal foil. If you put your phone in an aluminium bowl, cover with other bowl or lid, or in a supermarket nut packet, for that matter. It doesn’t work. Coffee packets carefully taken apart are great. I’ve been collecting them for years.
Make a Faraday cage, block the incoming.
So…you are living in a coffee packet and a supermarket nut packet is your sleeping room, and that block the incoming?
Nope, just your phone, and electromagnetically insulate the wall facing your nearest cell tower. You have heard of the Israeli pager number ??? All is seldom as it seems. I haven’t done it yet, I just assembled the ingredients and have them to hand. The signal would not have got to the Hezbollah pagers if they had kept them in supermarket nut packets. Albeit they wouldn’t be much use…….
Really? As the attack was done at the same time, your bet is probably correct and interesting.
At least these nut packages would minimize the risk considerably if your claim is true. Anyway thank you for the focus which give thought.
They use ultrasound to scare rats and rodents away. Your dog, cat and small animals are more sensitive to microwaves than us.
This is the kind of pathetic ‘pick your battles’ bullshit I hear all the time from those who claim to be fighting the system. Choosing to be slave is your personal option, at least have the honesty to admit that that is what you are doing
Hi Todd, I very rarely comment but my goodness I had to stop at smart meters and then at “Do we refuse all of this? And comply with nothing?” in order to reply. That would be a resounding YES ! You can refuse a smart meter. They came around to my mother’s recently. She asked if she could refuse and they said yes. Years ago, when the province was debating the new “smart” infrastructure and the local power company looking for taxpayers’ dollars to fund it, I made a presentation before the utilities board (at a so-called public consultation meeting) that was tasked with the ruling over public funding, and I concluded my 20-minute comment by stating that there is no need to opt out, since I have never and will never opt IN ! Stay far away from anything “smart”. What is on-going in this province is that people have been seeing their power bills skyrocketing even doubling this winter and the word getting around is that smart meters are to blame (mps from all over the province have been getting thousands of emails). As for credit cards and other things, well it is also possible to do without. I ripped up mine when the lockdown was declared, have used nothing but cash since, threw away my smart phone, and feel much better for it. Sure, nothing is going to change with just one or two going against the grain, but we have seen them back down when a large number get on board.
So Todd, may I respectfully urge you to get on board as well. We ALL need to take advantage of every single opportunity to withhold compliance, no matter how seemingly insignificant the action, deed, etc.
Thank you. After reading all of your comments I see this is quite a bit more important than I realized. I chose not to die on that hill because this house is on the market anyway (the house where the smart meter was installed, it is out office.) So we will soon be vacating it.
And since it is jointly owned by my wife, I do not have full say…and she would see no reason to reject a smart meter.
Then I suggest you show your wife some of the informative vids posted here by Keith Cutter.
I commend your civility and discretion.
I was about to respond to the same bit you quoted by sympathetically advising Todd that it might be time for him to upgrade to a smart wife. 🤔
Ouch! 😂
In Copenhagen Zoo Denmark, there was a case in the Lions cave where the female lions beat and bites the old male lion to death.
Well, solution ended up in trying to set in a new male lion (much younger) imported from another Zoo with too many lion males.
Everybody was holding their breath. The first day lying in the sunshine, the first elderly female lion approached the new comer and started to bite and beat him too.
The new (much stronger and younger) male lion rose up and gave her a big right hand punch in the face.
Hereafter the second elderly female lion approached to two trying to help her female mate biting and beating up the new comer younger male lion.
The new male again jumped straight on the second, giving her too a big right punch in her face.
After beating up the two females, the younger male lion took his place on the back of both females and fokked them both .
Hereafter there was peace in the Lions cave. The female lions were spinning, and the story arrived in the local media.
So Todd, if I were you I would maybe be a little more macho. Just a well meaning advice from men to men. 😚 .
Well said, I don’t opt in either.
Thanks for your comment. I needed it to stay just a little bit tougher 😉 .
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2025-02-12. 20% CV jabbed now proven myocarditis, 50% dead 5y, 75% 10y. SIDS cases 75% jab 1 week later (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
Meaning 10% of jabbed dead 5y, 15% dead 10y.
Conclusion: 80% continues life as if nothing happened, and 5% on medication for heart problems, and 15% die but after 5-10y only.
85% still llive many many years after the Covid scam = Depopulation with a human face!
Compliance still involves choice. With the advent of AI-assisted targeting technology recently applied against people in Gaza (“Lavender” and “Where’s Daddy”), combined with the deployment of embedded exploding electronic devices in Lebanon (“pagers” and “walkie-talkies”), compliance will soon no longer involve choice.
See Palentir founder and CEO, Alex Karp, describe the wondrous capability of his enterprise management software in a Q & A session with his share/stake-holders:
“Palantir is here to disrupt and make our institutions we partner with the very best in the world, and when it’s necessary to scare enemies and, on occasion, kill them.”
[ ]
Complete and utterly 100% ugliness. I dont understand what Palantir people and their kind do here on our planet. 🤖
They came to change my meters to “smart”” ones.
I challenged the engineer and he threw up his hands in innocent protest:
“Up to you, guv. You don’t have to have them”
” So, if I refuse?”
“Well, you won’t be able to switch to another provider for a better deal or be able to switch to a better tarrif with us ”
“And I suppose my existing tarrif will get more expensive?”
“Cup of tea while you’re changing them?”
Are you easily tarrified?
‘Tarrified’ Fear of Trumps tariffs. That’s the new buzzword in the markets. 😀
When they came to my father’s house, I told him to show him the opt out form.
In his area, those who got the smart meters had higher bills. This is before peak metering.
I’m not sure if you’ll see higher bills, but that’s the primary reason I helped my father opt out. They change a monthly fee for reading the meter but who cares cause the e meters read higher overall.
I suspect that these e meters are not calibrated well and they can change the way it reads easily. Meanwhile a mechanical magnetic meter cannot be easily changed to read higher or lower.
I’d be more worried about the EMF these Self Monitoring And Reporting Technology devices emit over anything else.
Here’s an interview that speaks, among other things, to the issue of smart meter accuracy.
One word, the lost word, No. You, did not have to tell him to shove it, you, can be perfectly polite and say “No thank you, have a nice day’ with a smile. End of sentence.
How difficult is it to say that you, will never have a smart meter at your property, that you, consider your data to be private, and consider a smart meter, smart being self-monitoring, analysis and reporting technology, to be surveillance, so will not share your data. That you, believe that electromagnetic frequencies and or electromagnetic radiation do cause harm, and that your electricity and or gas supply can be cut off with a smart meter. That is what I, did tell my energy companies.
If you, cannot even say ‘No’ to a smart meter, you, are participating in your own enslavement and have no hope when it comes to anything more serious.
Actually, in many areas in US you can opt out of smart meters. Of course they don’t tell you that, but you can. You just have to pay extra each month on your electric bill.
Also, there are various ways to protect yourself as best you can from the effects of these meters. Lots of good info at CHD and other sites.
For a number of these new draconian rules there is an opt out. But you need to know about it.
You do not have to be xrayed at an airport. You can opt out and have them do a frisk.
You do not have to comply with the new facial recognition at airports. You can say “No, thank you”.
You do not have to have a “real” ID or drivers license to travel on a plane. You can use a US passport with a regular old fashioned driver’s license. You have to have both even domestically.
Massachusetts is the only state in America where it is actually illegal to not accept cash. Of course try telling that the vendor at Fenway Park, but that is the law.
As much as possible I say “No thank you”. When digital currency becomes the norm it will be a difficult, sad day. Because digital currency is not money. It is not your property. It belongs to the bank. And they can control it.
I will drive my 20 year old gas car as long as I can drive. If I get ticketed so be it.
I guess there is an advantage to being “of a certain age” as these encroachments continue. It is more difficult for the rank and file enforcers to get pushy with little old women than it is with younger adult peers.
Of course when they hold up social security and medicare that will be a problem.
Quite often there is a way to circumvent encroachment, but it often takes time and knowledge and tenacity.
Ironically, it is my anger and rebeliousness that keeps me from getting too tired to fight.
Although, I will sadly acknowledge that in 2021 I needed a surpise surgery on my back. I was in such pain and under such stress trying to arrange the surgery and all that went with it, that it prevented me from refusing the pcr nose swab. I kicked and screamed, but I was in pain and needed to get things done. Looking back, had I had more presence of mind I would have said “no swab, do a spit test”.
Live and learn.
Is that true about the spit test ?
I’m asking because I think we’ve got another wave of “protection measures” coming and would love to be able to use it.
Well, it is something I had heard and read on a few sites during that time.
I bet Peggy Hall has some definite info.
I believer there were people who for medical reasons could not do the nasal swab.
Hopefully, others will have info.
I’d happily spit at anyone demanding a bio-material sample. In fact, I’ll give them a fecal sample for free.
We had one doctor in my city that offered the spit test. His ability to offer it was based on some sort of “diversity initiative.” In this case, the doctor was black, which allowed him to offer it. It makes no logical sense, but there’s really no logical sense for them to force anyone to take that stick up their nose either; it’s a humiliation ritual, and of course, we all know the “test” is an utter fraud.
I had to do it to fly to visit family.
Some were more gentle than others !
I definately had the feeling I was being punished.
Did they not offer you to D.I.Y? I was given that option and took it.
No. This was France.
That bad huh..
It’s much worse than that! It contains graphene, self replicating and liquid nano-particles, hydrogel, and more. And the area probed leads up and into your brain
It’s a DNA grab that will be linked to your digital ID and other tech nastiness.
Of course this is just a theory but the millions of profiles recently stolen from the likes of Ancestry suggests something sinister is at play here.
I dint understand why I were the only one seeing the manipulative pattern.
They did the same thing with Ebola and Zika:
First 1 tourist from EU and 1 tourist from US got Ebola after visiting an ape in a jungle in Africa.
Big media alert. Money flow to vaccine and Ebola biochem research. When the scandals made it stop, most Western hospitals had their basements filled with useless Ebola vaccines “just in case”. USD billions in profit.
Then they made the Zika case isolated in US, same trick, and then arrived the Covid bs………globally.
All right, they must have analysed the first two cases, that people were so stupid they would jump on the exact same scheme….globally, …..and they were right, and……I were wrong.
I lost my confidence generally in the majority. I then calculated the 500 mio from the Yellowstone were about the minority who would be able to feel heat. 😣 .
“Love yr neighbour as yourself”, trying trying trying………but…but…but….. 😬 .
I just stayed out of it. No problem. Lonely wolf, Loner, “not able to cooperate with other people”.
Call me what you want., these tests never got close to me and my bike.
Your bike looks suspiciously like my bike !
In fact, I think we both have the exact same bike !
Uncanny !
All right, I admit I borrowed a photo of your bike.
My bike is only 200 cc and I couldnt brag about that little one here 😉 so…….just for the case of the human race.
I don’t have sources/links to support this “anecdotal” reply, but:
Apart from the fundamental damning criticisms, e.g. that the PCR “test” normalized and standardized PCR technology in the form of an utterly fraudulent medical screening to impose social control, it is indeed the case that the bogus “PCR test” requires a saliva sample that can readily obtained by swabbing the back of the throat.
A relative who reluctantly took such a test under duress credibly informed me that his doctor took the sample from my relative’s throat. The doctor cheerfully explained that the intrusive nasal swab took precedence upon the theory that it was safer for the persons administering the test, not because it was more effective or somehow more beneficial to the, er, victim.
This is another example of the unwholesome influence, or ripple effects, of Germ Theory. That is, the unsubstantiated dogma that the nasal swab is “safer” for the party administering it is based on the belief that taking the less intrusive, painful, and onerous throat sample exposes the administrator to contamination from the recipient’s germ-laden breath. 🌬️ 🦠
Poking the recipients’ sinuses– and brain tissue, if the “tester” is heavy-handed–ostensibly ensures that those pesky ol’ germs won’t escape and infect the tester.
I suppose they factored in the risk of the “nuclear option”: a sinus-poked testee sneezing out a widely-dispersed shotgun blast of Phantom Menace and putting the entire room under quarantine. 👃 🧠 🤧
No one anywhere has sued any authority for the fraudulent test, and its continued usage.
After hundreds of millions of tests since 2020-02, US CDC alerts “testing labs” that, “effective from 2021-12-31”, it is “withdrawing the request for emergency use authorisation of the PCR test from US FDA”.
A website I have used occasionally to try and mitigate emf e.g., from my computer router which I specified I did not want WiFi (no one should ever allow WiFi in their house – it’s a little like inviting a serial killer to dinner) but which was set up for it anyway, is (Sorry for the run-on sentence.)
I definitely agree that getting older has suddenly – because of technology – become as much a benefit as a curse.
Oh boy, I was so in the dark about wireless.
I kept my big hulky computer tower and big screen for as long as I could. Wires galore all over the place.
In about 2019 I made the bold decision to go wireless with a laptop. I was thrilled. No more horrid wires all over the place. A nice compact laptop on my desk.
Ugh. Then I became aware. Have I done anything about it? Well, I did purchase some blockers (for lack of a better word) for my apartment and computer from EMF Solutions. But I have not purchased a cable to connect my laptop to ethernet instead of wireless.
I live in a lovely old renovated building. We pretty much all use the same internet service and it’s wireless. Verizon would not install any new broadband fios equipment because the wiring in the building is hopeless.
I could go use a cable on my computer but I am still surrounded by everyone else’s wireless. As it is, I keep the modem is in one section of my home as far away as possible for living spaces. And nowhere near bedroom.
I will look at the link you posted. Thank you!
When it begins to hurt, when you are sufficiently sensitive to discriminate (or read with an appropriate emf/RF meter (I have 3) where the waves and currents are coming from, it will be well past half past time to be doing something about it. Go WIRED.
I am writing this at the end of a 100 meter cable.