Are the Tech Bros Insane?

Positivism, mechanistic thinking, and right-hemisphere deficits

VN Alexander

I offer an alternative to the theories of Team Woke or Team Musk. Entertain for a moment the idea that these Tech Bros are neither evil villains nor saviors. Instead, consider that they may actually believe AI technocracy would be good, but they are unable to understand the full implications of their goals because they suffer from right hemisphere deficits.

While I am thrilled that the Tech Bros are tearing down the old system, I’m worried they will replace inefficient centralized control and bureaucracy with more efficient AI centralized control and bureaucracy. Collapsing the old system of governance is something, not incidentally perhaps, the WEF has promoted as necessary for the 4th Industrial Revolution, the transhuman revolution.

Elon Musk (at the helm of Neuralink, Starlink), Larry Ellison (with Oracle), Peter Thiel and Alex Karp (who founded Palantir) have all expressed enthusiasm for merging biology with technology, figuring out how to live forever, micro-managing society using algorithms and AI surveillance, and other stupid things.

They each currently have oversized roles in or adjacent to the US federal government.

Should we be concerned?

Oracle is setting up Stargate, a mega nuclear-powered data center for processing Big Data. Data on us?

Palantir has a contract with U.S. Army, fighting alleged terrorism in tandem with Amazon Web Services (which hosts the CIA’s, the NSA’s data on citizens). They offer Large Language Model (LLM) technology to the US Department of Defense to deploy AI weaponry.

If Palantir were to turn its eye from the people onto the government, that would be a good thing. If the Stargate project were to be used to track all federal spending and make everything transparent to citizens at all times, I would be pleasantly surprised. But I suspect that Palantir and Stargate will be used to try to manage the decisions of warfare and the welfare of the country.

The problem with this is that LLMs are glorified predictive text engines: matching prompts to patterns in a database, they output the type of pattern that usually follows. The system itself is not designed to be factual, only probable: it is stereotyping on steroids.

If you thought human bureaucracy is often idiotic and frustrating, you haven’t felt AI bureaucracy yet.

Is a transhuman technocracy what they have in mind? Let’s consider some of the pronouncements of the fab four.

Musk says he is promoting the Neuralink brain computer interface (BCI) in order to “mitigate the risk of digital super-intelligence,” i.e., he is afraid that computers will become more intelligent than humans. So, for roughly a billion of us, asap he wants to “improve our bandwidth to our digital tertiary self,” i.e., he wants to increase the download speed of “bits” into and out of our brains. He says that talking and typing (indeed language) is too slow and he imagines he can bypass our language interface (speech and writing) with his implant.

There are very serious problems with his conception of human intelligence. Clearly high intelligence is not due to “rapid bit transfer”: a brain uses signals in a much more structured way than a computer does, which is why we expend only about a light bulb’s worth of energy to perform tasks that a computer does, albeit much faster, while burning huge amounts of energy.

Thinking and learning is an iterative process involving dynamic brain waves that are emergent from complex adaptive neurons. Waves are not bits. A memory (knowledge) is a type of neural behavior that is never quite the same twice and can’t be abstracted and uploaded into a brain. I’ve studied the infamous paper that claims uploading false memories is possible: but, in fact, they can only condition past memories, that is, associate feelings (hormonal responses) with past memories.

Neuralink can’t implant ideas and doesn’t read minds. Neuralink merely interfaces with motor control areas of the brain, not with memories or thoughts or language. So, the only “bits” going from brain to computer are those that can be used to activate a mouse, click, and swipe. Musk confuses motor impulses with thoughts, and he believes Neuralink will some day be able to help us achieve “symbiosis” with computers and “better align Artificial Intelligence with human collective will.” He does not seem to notice the difference between playing a video game faster and acting more intelligently in the world.

Musk cannot fathom how the brain works because he thinks of it in terms of a computer. As a philosopher of science, I study the way cells (like neurons) use signals. I promise, we are not machines and the brain is not like a computer.

I am not afraid that AI robots are going to replace humans (only for the shit jobs). I don’t think Musk and his Tech Bros will succeed at what they are trying to do. AI mind-reading is not on the horizon. Superhuman cyborgs aren’t possible. Re-engineering the genome will result in innumerable side-effects. A nation cannot be managed by computer algorithms.

But I do worry that they might do a lot of harm trying.

Let’s look at Musk’s tech allies.

In late 2021, assuming that respectability is tantamount to getting lots of likes on a post, Alex Karp claimed the US military is the “most legitimate institution” in the county because it is at 76% popularity. Then he revealed that…

Every single vaccine in this country is distributed in our software, but the real heavy work happened from engineers from the US military…the engineering work done on our platform was done by people who are in the US military…this is how we’re protecting you.

And his business partner Peter Thiel confessed,

I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.

And we also heard this from Larry Ellison,

Citizens will be on their best behavior because we’re constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on.

A Different Take from Team Woke and Team Musk

I offer an alternative to the theories of Team Woke or Team Musk. Entertain for a moment the idea that these Tech Bros are neither evil villains nor saviors. Instead, consider that they may actually believe AI technocracy would be good, but they are unable to understand the full implications of their goals because they suffer from right hemisphere deficits.

As I have been relentlessly arguing on this stack, transhumanists seem to have unrealistic optimism, to the point of absurdity, about their schemes to micro-manage the whole world and to “enhance” humans by merging bodies with computers and/or manipulating biological “codes.”

The same failed 19th century scientific positivism, which backed eugenics, now seems to back its successor. Sometimes I think the transhumanists aims might be nefarious; sometimes I think they are just simplistic. Today, I pose the possibility that their mechanistic reductionism may be symptomatic of mental illness.

Positivism and Social “Science”

Hierarchical organization, bureaucracy, top-down control, centralization—are all based on the belief that the correct solution to a societal problem can be discovered via a logical system and implemented across the board.

In contrast, intelligent nature is decentralized, more interdependent than hierarchical, and solves problems within particular contexts. Although the human ability to think abstractly has resulted in our ability to use symbolic language and to engineer amazing technologies, our abstractions need to be worked out in real world contexts. Without such grounding, symbolic thinking can spiral out of reality.

Positivistic social science (enamored of Newton’s way of finding algorithms to predict and control) was dismissed by subsequent findings in complex systems science, which was developed in the 1990s, when we finally put to rest the idea that intelligence is organized by a centralized executive. (Indeed the name Central Intelligence Agency is an oxymoron.)

When I was doing research at the Santa Fe Institute in the early naughts, it seemed the new science would finally lead to a completely new culture, free from relentless top-down control.

But positivism and mechanistic reductionism keep showing up again like a bad penny.

Today many of our institutions—educational, medical, informational, political—have reverted to this disgraced scientific philosophy that endorses hierarchical control systems that are not grounded in reality. Now they seem to be stuck in a self-reinforcing positive feedback loop which resembles mental illness.

Both eugenics and transhumanism aim to replace traditional/religious morals and norms with “science-based” strategies for organizing society. Augusta Comte (1798 – 1857), the founder of positivism, was the first social “scientist.” Comte’s modern-day equivalent might be someone like Yuval Noah Harari or Elon Musk.

Positivism assumes that the world can be analyzed, that the individual parts of a whole can be removed from context and objectively and fully described, defined and fixed. Once quantified in this way, the data can be fed into a computer and used to make predictions about future interactions.

A non-mechanistic worldview holds that the relationships between things affect how they function and therefore what they are. And that’s always changing.

If you have wondered why Musk is obsessed with the letter X, the 19th century X Club, whose members included the infamous T.H. Huxley and Herbert Spencer, sought to replace cultural leaders with scientists, who would manage society better than clergymen or politicians. Elon Musk’s maternal grandfather Joshua Hardeman promoted a similar effort in the 1930s known as Technocracy Inc, about which Patrick Wood has written extensively. Musk has said he wants to turn X into a payment system. Will it include a Black Mirror worthy social credit scoring system that rations essentials and nudges users to do the “right” thing as defined by the Wizard of AI?

Iain McGilchrist on Left Hemisphere Dominance

As a philosopher of science, I critique reductionism as insufficient for understanding living systems. My work in biological signal processing (aka Biosemiotics) has been an effort to ground signs in contexts and understand how the relationships between qualities in living systems can affect outcomes.

I did not realize until recently that what I’ve been saying all these years is consistent with what researchers have found with the different emphases of the left and right hemispheres.

Iain McGilchrist argues that the positivistic bent can be associated with left hemisphere dominance and right hemisphere deficits. In The Master and his Emissary, he notes that extreme left brain dominance is characterized by the

inability to tell what another is thinking, a lack of social intelligence, difficulty in judging non-verbal features of communication, such as tone, humor, irony, and inability to detect deceit, and difficulty understanding implicit meaning, lack of empathy, a lack of imagination, an attraction to the mechanical, a tendency to treat people and body parts as inanimate objects.

McGilchrist has argued that the prevalence of mechanistic thinking in today’s western culture, the over-valuation of artificial intelligence and so-called “evidence-based” science (which usually means “computer models”), is due to insufficient grounding of left hemisphere concepts in right hemisphere experience. McGilchrist tends to critique western culture in favor of eastern culture, which he argues is more balanced in terms of relying on both hemispheres. The right hemisphere is comfortable with wholeness, harmony, and cooperation.

I admit that I might be, as a westerner, more comfortable with a strong left hemisphere. It seems to me that right brain dominance could lead to too much homogeneity in a society—with everybody wanting to fit it. Eastern societies do tend to conform more than western societies. I confess I admire the infamous individualistic spirit of the American Maverick. That’s probably why Musk is likable to many Americans.

But I don’t like reductionism, and it seems our society, and Musk, is promoting it.

The left hemisphere processes abstract knowledge, symbols, familiar things. The right processes contextual experience and unfamiliar things. McGilchrist mentions that, although the tasks befitting left and right hemisphere are usually delegated appropriately, whichever hemisphere happens to handle the problem first is more likely to continue with it. So there is a possibility of feedback reinforcing the wrong hemisphere for a task.

I fear that modern elementary education is actually increasing left hemisphere bias. For example, children are taught the rules of grammar, and the labels for different parts of speech, when they would be better off learning language by using it in context. Children are sometimes taught the names of things, before experiencing them. I know that I develop a feeling for the meaning of a new word by encountering it in context. Only much later do I look it up in the dictionary.

In American schools, children are often instructed to start writing an essay by constructing an outline first. I say, they should start writing by bringing the topic up at the dinner table, later jotting some notes down. Only after exploring the topic like this should they begin to engage left hemisphere tactics of pulling out the concepts and applying logical organization.

As much as McGilchrist’s theory sounds right to me, I am hesitant to pathologize mechanistic thinking per se. We all have mechanistic tendencies and they serve us very well when they are grounded by right hemisphere tendencies which contextualize the “facts” of the left hemisphere. Both are needed: the right deals in individual particulars and emergent wholes and the left deals with generalizations, categories, and statistical averages. In society, we may consider it an advantage that some of us tend one way and others tend another, and together we are more robust and creative.

But do we want left-hemisphere dominant people running the show? One of their worst faults, according to McGilchrist, is that they cannot see the error of their own thinking. When they make a mistake, they don’t correct their model: instead, they double down.

The Military and NASA

The military is the biggest promoter of transhuamnist research, even though the enhancements promised by the military have not arrived after 20+ years of effort.

In their four-part series, Lissa Johnson, Daniel Broudy and David A. Hughes note that transhuman research flourishes in the military and at NASA where the expense for creating technological enhancements might be justified because of the extreme conditions that people in these roles encounter.

I read through the many documents cited. So far, all the great cyborg innovations the military and NASA talk about lie in the future. They have been pursuing transhuman tech for a quarter of a century, with nothing to show, no real enhancements melding man and machine. But they keep insisting that success is just around the corner. These researchers have no humility; they lack self-awareness. They don’t seem to notice that they haven’t delivered on any promises.

As Johnson et al. point out, these military-funded researchers refer to soldiers as tools, as machines, as weaponry. They use the gender neutral pronoun “it” to refer to human beings. This might corroborate McGilchrist’s hypothesis that left-brain dominate people tend to treat human beings as inanimate objects; this they have in common with people suffering from schizophrenia, which is due to damage in the right hemisphere.

Transhumanism needs Human Sacrifice

Steve Fuller, Auguste Comte Chair in Social Epistemology in the UK

I believe it’s important to acknowledge that, contrary to what their marketing says, transhumanists are not looking to enhance all human bodies. They are looking for volunteers for research so that enhancements can be developed for elites.

Researcher Steve Fuller is the Auguste Comte Chair in Social Epistemology at Warwick University in the UK. He says the quiet part out loud:

A Modest Proposal for Suicide as a Facilitator of Transhumanism

…as long as research ethics codes for human subjects continue to dwell in the shadow of the Nuremberg Trials, a very high bar will be set on what counts as ‘informed consent’.

Nowadays, more than seventy years after the defeat of Nazi in Germany, the only obvious reason for such a high bar is the insurance premiums that universities and other research institutes would need to bear if they liberalized the terms on which subjects could offer themselves in service of risky enhancement research.

When I first read the title of this little opinion piece, I thought it was ironic, referencing Jonathan Swift’s famous essay pretending to argue that the Irish should eat their babies to avoid starving and reduce the population at the same time. Maybe Fuller didn’t notice that Swift was joking, making fun of “The Moderns,” the social scientists of his day. Fuller suggests that we could look at volunteerism for risky research “in the spirit of self-sacrifice,”

not so very different from citizens who volunteer to join military service, knowing full well that they may need to give up their life at some point.… there is something of value in people willingly risking their lives in war – a sense of self-transcendence — which nevertheless [needs] to be channelled in a more productive fashion. My modest proposal is that the taboos on suicide be lifted such that potential experimental subjects, who are told that their chances of survival are very uncertain, may nevertheless agree to participate with limited liability borne by the institution conducting the research.

Such people have the makings of becoming the true of heroes of the transhumanist movement.

By “self-transcendence” Fuller means “individuals don’t matter.” This is certainly not what the New England transcendentalists had in mind. In Fuller, we see how the logic of the greater good ideology plays out. Statisticians don’t care about individuals, whose realities can just be averaged out.

The Palantir-enabled military COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, if viewed in this light, begins to make more sense. Was one of the objectives to do a massive experiment with modifiedRNA and the polyethylene glycol delivery system? Why were there so many different batches with varying ingredients and concentrations of mRNA? Very poor quality control? Maybe. But if you were conducting an experiment, that is what you would do. Vary the batches and observe what happens.

Some researchers probably really were hopeful, I think, that this new biotech gene therapy would be successful and could be used for a variety of treatments and enhancements. Even though there were rather high percentages of adverse effects from the vaccine — somewhere around 20-30% — some researchers have doubled down seeking to use the technology for so-called depression vaccines, obesity vaccines, cancer vaccines and so forth. Perhaps they are unrealistically optimistic about their strategies and cannot see their own errors.

Or it might be that those in power are okay with experimenting on the public, without our consent, for some greater “good”—the eventual development of superhuman enhancements, eternal life, the elimination of infectious disease or genetic defects.


The Covid-19 vaccine roll-out was a transhumanist military operation. I’ve been slow to appreciate this fully. Reading the articles by Johnson et al. brought it home. I’d blamed the greedy pharmaceutical companies and investors like Bill Gates. But now I’m beginning to see more and more than it’s not just greed, there is a perverse ideology that runs throughout our culture and government that has allowed us to get to where we are.

We cannot have the military driving scientific research. We do not want positivistic social scientists managing the citizenry or altering human bodies. If the Tech Bros stick to auditing the government, we might survive.

VN Alexander PhD is a philosopher of science and novelist, who has just completed a new satirical novel, C0VlD-1984, The Musical. You can read and follow her SubStack here.


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Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 22, 2025 8:24 AM

Some critical feed-back to the Author from real life:

Left Hemisphere Dominance:I do not agree in the endless Western experiments with children’s ground school, what they should do, improve, change, or not.

It comes from the Western concept that “there are many truth” which there are not, and that we can and do improve it, which we cant and dont either.

Grass basic colour is green, Heaven’s basic colour is blue, 2+2=4. Personal pronoun, m.m. must be the same all over especially for children 7-14 years old.

It is so crucial for their later development that they learn as much eternal basics as possible, so they have it as good manners in their backbone in their way forward.

You can only cut through the many variations of semantic manipulation if you know the universal basic principles in gramma. Otherwise you are lost and price given.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 22, 2025 11:13 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

-“Perhaps they are unrealistically optimistic about their strategies and cannot see their own errors.
Or it might be that those in power are okay with experimenting on the public, without our consent, for some greater “good”?

They say Big Pharma is BIGGER than MIC. Pentagon spent 1 trillion USD/year which 50% of the global cost to military, and Big Pharma is said to be bigger.
So we could say Military is simply delivering customers to Big Pharma one way or another, hereof the reason for the gigantic amount of side defects.
People wants to give all their gold away for a better health. So the reason could simply be money, but with “cognitive dissonance”, in illusion “I am not at all guided by cynical money, but goodness”…………………… 😅 .

Left and Right hemisphere.
It is as if some chemical defects is described as reason in the article. The chemical error is also what psychiatry is improving with pills.
I recall Yuri Bezmenov mentioning “Ideological Suppression” as a psychological tool to destabilise and weaken a nation.
Like hypnosis, Ideological media campaigns (psy-ops) can shape and change some people’s mindset and perception.

I mean if people 10 hrs/day is looking into a flatscreen, Smart phone, Power Point, Computer, TV screen, they will after some years be unable to connect to the real world.
This is a simple logical analysis yes?
Just saying that the chemical explanation should/could be expanded maybe to the psychological area too, or could be the actual root cause?! (a difficult academic area).

I am happy for my religious platform as it gives order, meaning and logic in my relation to the whole thing = Life and Cosmos!

Just challenging for the good cause.

Feb 21, 2025 2:49 PM

That Fuller (shit) bloke looks like the brain on a stick type I gradually became acquainted with during my secondary education at grammar school about 65 years ago. They’re brainiac subhumans and though sometimes amusing and likeable they should never be put in a position of responsibility to anything living. The current description for them is autistic I believe and they’ve multiplied drastically these days. They’ve got intelligence but not physical living human intelligence- just like the computer created artificial intelligence they’ve (mis)programmed into the computers. It’s s double whammy of disasters waiting to happen. They’re not the evil ones but I fear there are those above them who have put them in positions to create mayhem who could modestly be called utterly demonic.

Feb 21, 2025 10:05 AM

They must be exterminated once and for all. That’s the only solution!!

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 22, 2025 11:19 PM
Reply to  Rick

The lamp post or zyklon gas or the vaxx? Core solution https://vkvideo.ru/video-168261312_456239432

Feb 21, 2025 5:54 AM

Elon Musk Is Helping U.S. Intelligence Turn Thousands of Satellites into a Planet-Wide Brain to Spy on Everything All the TimeThe National Reconnaissance Office, USA’s most secretive spy agency, contracts with SpaceX to build & launch a “proliferated architecture” of AI-controlled spy satellites interfacing with Starlinkhttps://booty.substack.com/p/elon-musk-is-helping-us-intelligence

Feb 20, 2025 8:10 PM

Good to see the 4 part trans-humanist research (Lissa Johnson et al) again referenced here – this needs to be more widely read and taken on board. But not to forget the additional reason for covid as cover for a financial reset.

Our owners like to clear up more than one of their problems when they stage a big show eg Sept 11 -> wars, repression at home, destroy the evidence for major Wall St wrong doing held on discs in one of the towers, kill the Pentagon guys investigating the $3trillion shortfall etc, etc.

Arguably many tech people, both at lofty elevations and at mundane levels also, are insane. I say this as someone who spent 5 years as a sys admin for an internet company. I know these people 🙂 I put it down to hubris generated from the delight at the amazing magical on screen effect of writing correctly some code or editing a config file.

Free/open source software people who would have nothing Microsoft on their machines, were by en large more than happy to roll up their sleeves for Bill, who 10/15 years ago they hated with a vengeance. Tweaking that C code and a bit of gene editing are much the same thing, right? It’s technology, we can do anything!

Feb 20, 2025 5:02 PM

For the all the Canadians here: RushHemispheres

Feb 20, 2025 12:31 PM

What came first? The outline or the article? Seriously.

The Real Edwige
The Real Edwige
Feb 20, 2025 8:40 AM

Straight out of the Tech Overlord playbook that there is no free will and ultimately no self:

Five minutes later they’ll be advocating uploading the self into “the Cloud” and living forever.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 20, 2025 4:18 PM

Wishful thinking. It just shows our incredible ability to survive in parts. Because they cut off one or two legs I am still myself but without leg(s) yes?
But I think your last sentence is real. This idea is Ahriman’s universe, the Eastern Devil.

Your soul or your self locked into a flat screen forever controlled by the dark. First Ahrimancomment image

THE GATES OF PERCEPTIONS ARE WIDE OPEN. min 6:40. Dj Bella Kri 19/01/2024.
https://vkvideo.ru/video-213201358_456247537 .

Its the only explanation I can find for sending up an absurd satellite system, 5G and IoT to a merging man with machine system. For a living human it makes no sense.

The soul forever prisoned, precisely as Satan promised. “You shall not die, but be Gods. Your spirit/soul forever caught in the darkness of a flatscreen……………..LOL.

Feb 20, 2025 5:11 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Kinda reminds me of an old movie called Lawnmower Man, where a test subject, hoping to become ever smarter and more powerful, finally manages to upload himself into a mainframe computer, where, most unexpectedly, he becomes completely powerless! Everyone here should see it, if they haven’t already. The basic story is a bit like Flowers for Algernon, but with a twist …

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 21, 2025 2:44 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

I will give it a try. Seems Satan has disappointed people by his false promises since we were kicked out from Paradise………….LOL

Feb 21, 2025 3:42 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Satan only disappoints ordinary people who try to rise beyond their meager existence. Rich psychos are never disappointed – at least not by Satan.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 20, 2025 7:50 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

By the way, Erik, wasn’t Steiner talking about future so-called “moral machines” as part of the concept of his so-called “spiritual science”? Those who, according to him, will be personally connected to each person and will take into account the goodness/correctness of their intentions in order to be able to work. Something similar (more complicated, Steiner is very descriptive).

So, knowing various anthroposophists, I notice, at least so it seemed to me, that they are a little too balanced in terms of the latest technologies and seem to be open to the idea that they can be used for good and for evil. Although, they say that today’s high technologies (including AI) are only a pale and distorted Ahrimanic (or pre-Ahrimanian) semblance of what will represent the so-called “moral machines” of the good times to come. Definitely, some of them are not badly disposed towards ChatGPT, for example, however.

Interesting.. But, of course, Steiner was a former well-known lecturer of the Theosophical Society, who then, breaking away (?) from the erroneous Theosophical movement, made an even more remarkable independent career. Some people see some similarities with other supposed resistance heroes from the spiritual or social realm. (Of course, Krishnamurti is an obvious example; it is later revealed that some time after his “separation” from the Theosophists, rejecting the role of the World Master they had assigned to him, he continued his contacts with Annie Besant, assuring her that he continued to follow the instructions of his Master—was he Koot Hoomi?—while in his lectures and books he categorically rejected the need for a teacher and authority.)

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 21, 2025 3:19 AM

I only know Steiner peripheral. I like his recognition of the spiritual side of mankind, for example his prediction of a vaxx that will destroy our God gene.comment image .

After Covid it is easy to see he was right, but I have not had the time to enjoy him further. I have met some of his Steiner school girls, not impressed but not necessary his fault.

Yes Krishnamurti and others, but I havent found anything that beats the Bible.
The Bible explains everything!
The bible gives you a rational logic explanation of how, why, and where, and a solution, which non other religion nor philosopher do.

Take God’s name: They say the Hebraic lettres says something starting with Y, could be Joshua, Yoshua, Yahve, Jehova, Ra, Allah. So religion select their preferred name = confusion all over about God’s name yes?

It doesnt make sense. The scriptures even mention that God gets angry if people do not mention his name, bot other names in relation to God’s matters.

So what does the scriptures says? The scriptures say “Moses asked God which name should I say have sent me”.
God answered:”Say “I AM” has sent you. I AM everything. I AM the one who made the night, the day, the light, the darkness, the earth, the moon, the sun, m.m.
You see? This make sense. I AM makes sense, but all the other bs from Islam, Catholic church, Protestant church, m.m. does not makes sense.

Off course there must not be the slightest doubt about who God is and God’s name, and this answer you can only find in the most printed and read book in the world, the bible.
Thats why I have only been skating over many of the other philosophers, but leaving however the door open that they might be into something useful.

Feb 21, 2025 3:49 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

I would caution against reading too much into the Bible’s being the most read book in the world. Look around, see the endless madness and war everywhere. Clearly this most read book did nothing to improve the thinking of those who read it.

But then, the Bible is filled with violence – even to the point of not only sanctioning but advocating it.

No thanks. I’ll take my wisdom elsewhere.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 22, 2025 1:43 AM
Reply to  Howard

Its ok. The Bible is symbolic. Taken literally the Bible is violent in many places as you write. But if you go behind the stories you will see “the writing on the wall”.
However, I admit it is not easy accessible. I understand your point.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 20, 2025 5:50 AM

Thanks Alexander, I always liked your articles. Although embedded with the bad guys and their areas you preserved your full sound instinct, common senses and judgement.

Musk cannot fathom how the brain works because he thinks of it in terms of a computer. As a philosopher of science, I study the way cells (like neurons) use signals. I promise, we are not machines and the brain is not like a computer.”

This is precisely my and our BIG BIG problem. That we understand fully their false (artificial) way of thinking and can act upon it.
But that they dont have a clue about our real call it true mental platform. We can never meet. We cannot come down to their level and “live the digital dream”, and they cant after many years in cyber space never come out and realize real life again.

It is as if we are two different species.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Feb 20, 2025 1:11 AM

“if you thought human bureaucracy is often idiotic and frustrating, you haven’t felt AI bureaucracy yet”

in fact I think we’ve all by now had a little taste of the implacable stupidity of machine intelligence in some facet or other of our modern lives

here where I live, for instance, we have “smart” traffic signals

they switch from red to green and back to red according to their own inscrutable logic, sometimes trapping me for several minutes at an intersection when no vehicles are visible on the street with the green, sometimes allowing cars on a busy thoroughfare to cross for 10 seconds or less before abruptly cutting off the flow again, leading to huge back-ups, sometimes giving the green to one road, then changing to red in all directions, then giving the green again to the same road as before while vehicles on other roads must continue to wait, sometimes refusing to grant vehicles the left-turn authorization seemingly because the camera monitoring the intersection is improperly calibrated and can’t recognize the turn flashers or demarcations of the dedicated turn lane, etc

in Chesterton’s “Eugenics and Other Evils”, which of course also mocks the hubris of those scientists who imagined they could decipher the biochemical codes governing human heridity and manipulate them like an organist playing a fugue, a pipe dream still apparently in spite of decades of heady claims by intrepid chromosome mappers, the author offers a sort of parable about two prisons, one corrupt and mismanaged, the other imbued with technocratic efficiency and thoroughness of control, and points out that, in all likelihood, the inmates of the inefficient prison are better off, to the extent that they might at least hope for a little laxity in enforcement of the rules, thanks to bribery of a guard or simple laziness and incompetence among the personnel overseeing their cell block, wbereas in the prison where everything follows the regulations to the letter, everyone would be dehumanized with relentless uniformity

the prospect of rationally steering another vast system, as chaotic as the genome, if not more, evidently, animates our great prophets of climate apocalypse

Feb 21, 2025 3:01 PM

It’s such a relief to read Chesterton.

Feb 21, 2025 3:57 PM

A lot of your frustration with traffic lights comes not from the whims of AI but the stupidities of drivers. I’ve noticed a definite pattern: whenever there’s a break in the flow of traffic on a side road, the light will immediately turn from green to red. And I can count on one finger the number of drivers in such an intersection who show concern for the driver behind him – that would be me. Most drivers take their good old time going through the green light, which puts everyone behind them at risk of having to stop for red.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Feb 20, 2025 12:36 AM

every time a new US president or other major world leader takes power, we are treated to a parade of brain experts, psychiatrists, neurologists, and now a philosopher of “biosemiotics”, whatever that may be, diagnosing their mental pathologies with much gravitas for the enlightenment of the electorate

honestly, a little less gravitas and enlightenment would be refreshing in this case

and anyway how can it be that the “maverick” Musk has a deficiency in the part of his noggin that favors “individual particulars” over “generalizations” and “averages”?

really, you don’t need a PhD, when all is said and done, to see that prominent politicians and their coteries are highly abnormal characters

j d
j d
Feb 19, 2025 3:48 PM

“Catherine Austin-Fitts joins Maria Zeee to discuss her concerns around Musk, DOGE, and the Technocrats surrounding the Trump administration, illustrating how the old system is being destroyed, but a system even worse — a technocracy — will replace it.”
“Old System Being Destroyed: Technocracy To Replace It” – Catherine Austin Fitts and Maria Zeee: https://tube2.solari.com/videos/old-system-being-destroyed-technocracy-to-replace-it-catherine-austin-fitts/ and here: https://zeeemedia.com/interview/old-system-being-destroyed-technocracy-to-replace-it-catherine-austin-fitts/

Big Al
Big Al
Feb 19, 2025 6:01 PM
Reply to  j d

Alot of the MAGA cult on here can’t wait, they love them some technocracy and billionaires.

Feb 19, 2025 3:08 PM

This is a great discussion between thiel and graebar. Such a sad lost Graebar was a truely unique thinker.


Feb 19, 2025 3:21 PM
Reply to  Sofia

Graebar kind of wipes the floor with thiel. Such a genuinely lovely guy. I met him once during the occupy days. Such a humble intellectual. Thiel is a complete robot.

Feb 19, 2025 12:23 PM

Best medicine to annul team woke is John Cleese or some such.

Feb 19, 2025 12:23 PM

I do not believe anyone is tearing down the old system.

They are rearranging chairs.

“DOGE”. Another cute term. Like MAGA and MAHA and blah blah.

I do not believe that the Fab Four (love that reference) plus Gates, Facebook guy, have any power that is not bestowed and approved of and allowed to exist.

What a show. And so many lapping it up.

While people are still dropping like flies from turbo cancers, heart attacks and strokes.
I know a number of them.

This is another 9/11. No one will ever be held accountable. We will conjecture for years.

Notice Trump stopped school mandates for the Covid Vaccine, but not for ALL vaccines.

Most if not all schools do not mandate the covid vaccine anymore as it is.
But he’s a big hero.

And now we’re going to get additives out of food. Let’s bang some pots out the window.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 19, 2025 9:05 PM
Reply to  judith

Harry Fisher, Paramedic: Every Shift, I’m Watching Vaccinated People Get Sicker and Sicker
Just worked another exhausting shift that’s opened my eyes even further.
Running back-to-back calls to vaccinated patients with ‘COVID’ and pneumonia. The pattern is undeniable.

Every shift, I’m watching vaccinated people get sicker and sicker. Multiple infections, repeated hospitalizations. The same type of patients over and over.
The narrative was that these shots would prevent serious illness. Instead, I’m watching the opposite unfold in real time.

As a frontline healthcare worker, I wont stay silent. 
This is why I refused to administer these shots. 
This is why I lost my last job. 
But I sleep well knowing I stood up for what’s right. Well, I sleep well when the tones aren’t going off.

To my fellow healthcare workers: How long will you pretend this isn’t happening? How many more patients need to suffer before you speak up?

Truth is worth losing a job over. I’ll never regret choosing conscience over compliance.

Feb 19, 2025 10:58 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Thanks for the link.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 20, 2025 6:44 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

You are welcome!

Feb 19, 2025 11:21 AM

Some stuff is unearthed and miraculously facilitates our communications

What did the left eye say to the right eye? Between you and me something smells

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 20, 2025 6:48 AM
Reply to  tuah

If yr head is an arse………..you said it!

Feb 20, 2025 12:13 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.


Feb 19, 2025 10:28 AM

In the above photos Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos are missing: can’t be a coincidence.
Musk hit piece, woke Dims are hurting.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 19, 2025 10:55 AM
Reply to  antonym

No one outside the mainstream woke left suspects them of being good heroes, , that’s why they are not there. The article examines the good Tech Bros, diligently promoted as resistance superheroes by rightist circles who come to rescue us from the radical left.

Feb 19, 2025 8:56 AM

Steve Fuller’s Bullshit about the impediment ,to research on Human Subjects being the Nuremberg Code is a completely phallacious non starter in 2025 ,Post Plandemic , the Nuemberg Code has been laid Waste to… It should be Evident for all to see .. its Clear the New Technocratic pseudo Scientists dont give a shit about Ethics , Legality , Morality We are their Ginea Pigs , and frankly a deeper look at the History of the Allopathic Western Medical Complex only confirms the sad Truth of that statement…

Feb 19, 2025 9:16 AM
Reply to  Marb

Ps .. “it Might be that that those in Power are Ok with experimenting on the Public “… We all know they’ve been doing it for Years , C’mon VN where do We start … The History is Clear ! … Giving African American Soldiers Syphillis , Plutonium on the Breakfast cereal of disabled African American Children to induce Radiation Sickness , MK Ultra … The list is endless , releasing Pathogens from ships , from skies … Etc etc .. yeah they might just be willing at that .. the examples above are just a few American ones multiply that by thousands , include Britain , Russia , Australia, China , most of Continental Europe, Buried Verboten History 101…. …There is no doubt the Plandemic was an experiment on a grand scale at multiple levels , Psychological, Biological .. in the 90s Clinton declassified the radiation experiments on disabled Children ..let it be noted that it was broadcast in the MSM in Australia back then ….

Feb 19, 2025 5:13 PM
Reply to  Marb

Did you finish the article? Fuller was trying to explain the Covid-hoax precisely as a way of circumventing the Geneva Convention.

Feb 19, 2025 6:21 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

I meant to write: “Alexander [not Fuller] was trying to explain …”

Feb 19, 2025 10:25 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Yes .understood … i think its a great article ! .. the Geneva Convention has been violated so Many times its Worthless though unfortunately that appears to be the case with all such conventions …

Feb 19, 2025 8:40 AM

“I believe it’s important to acknowledge that, contrary to what their marketing says, transhumanists are not looking to enhance all human bodies. They are looking for volunteers for research so that enhancements can be developed for elites.”

Bingo. I was wondering when this small qualifier would surface..

Such a dense but excellent piece. Thank you. And Steve Fuller – what a guy!

Ultimately, the source of the malaise seems less important, than acknowledging that the malaise exists. There seems an inescapable conclusion here – that power is held increasingly in the hands of those who have no interest at all, in ‘us’.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 19, 2025 8:38 AM

Dear Victoria, I think it is a great article with many interesting points to note (especially some). But later. Check out here (and in the comment below) the very abridged version of a funny story, a week after the notorious first implantation of Neuralink, to which you are generally extremely skeptical and it would be great if you were right. Just some spicy facts from abroad (I don’t know how Tucker chose this particular time, as if he, Elon/Donald and the other main character have agreed on synchronization). I hope that the story will at least not bore you too much and waste your time.

The Real Edwige
The Real Edwige
Feb 19, 2025 8:15 AM

“The left hemisphere processes abstract knowledge, symbols, familiar things. The right processes contextual experience and unfamiliar things.”

And what exactly is the evidence that different hemispheres of the brain perform different functions? My understanding is that this was based on a study of people with brain damage but it has never been replicated in people with healthy brains. Doesn’t the brain function as a wholistic system and isn’t the idea that different hemispheres perform different functions out of the same school of positivist thinking that the article otherwise rightly rails against?

It’s the kind of “pop science” that gets repeated decades after its evidence base has been discredited. It’s about as convincing as “fight or flight” which turns out to based on cats…. or the quest for where memory is located in the brain which finally had to admit that it doesn’t have a specific location.

Of course lunatic control freaks love the idea that specific functions can be located precisely in the brain because that’s the first step in their eternal dream of gaining unshakeable control over it. It’s why they’ll keep looking (slaughtering huge numbers of research animals in the process – the “Nature” they profess to love when it comes to climate – and increasingly humans too as the article made clear) and keep bluffing that they know much more than they do.

Feb 19, 2025 11:06 AM

Agree. The situation is the same for specific functions assigned to specific parts of the brain. Also, a few normal people were found medically to have no brain, yet to be living normal lives.

Feb 19, 2025 3:21 PM

You omit the crucial element of human activity: hormones. For instance, the “fight or flight” idea does have a chemical – i.e., hormonal – basis. Namely, adrenaline, whose effects are both immediate and obvious. The physiological changes attributed to this particular hormone are very real and do occur in times of fear or stress. Quibbling about the term associated with this phenomenon – “fight or flight” – is one thing; but questioning the very existence of the phenomenon quite another.

Realistically, people with brain damage are the ideal subjects of studies regarding brain functionality. People with normal brain activity would necessarily be difficult to study without damaging parts of their brains – which, currently anyway, is not permitted. The real issue is not so much functionality but process – how the brain actually functions rather than where certain functions are centered.

Of course we humans automatically assume the brain controls every “voluntary” action. We get around that can of worms by allowing that some things are involuntary – like removing our hand from a hot stove.

It would seem our understanding of how the body works is more convoluted than the cerebral cortex..

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 19, 2025 9:21 PM

They have been able to locate specific sections of the brain that control individual functions, such as the “speech centre.”

Broca’s Area was first suggested to play a role in speech function by the French neurologist and anthropologist Paul Broca in 1861. The basis for this discovery was analyzing speech problems resulting from injuries to this brain region, located in the inferior frontal gyrus.[2]

When someone suffers a stroke they can locate which part of the brain was infarcted or damaged via CT scan, and it is sometimes that particular area. The result is the person loses the ability to speak.

Mainstream emergency medicine is probably the best there is, just not the treatment of chronic disease or so-called preventative treatment (vaccination, cholesterol lowering drugs, etc.).

Feb 19, 2025 7:53 AM

Iain McGilchrist also says that the right hemisphere is more intelligent than the left, in every way. I think maybe you did a bit of reductionism yourself on his work as I’ve been doing a deep dive on his work recently and find it a lot more nuanced than you seem to think.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Feb 19, 2025 5:20 AM

Eugenics and transhumanism aim
to replace traditional norms with a neofeudal technocratic biosecurity surveillance state. “What could go wrong,” said the Avian Flu infected chicken without a head….😁

les online
les online
Feb 19, 2025 5:12 AM

Last series Dr Who had had a sex change, now, it seems he’s a
he again, but with a skin colour change… I’m glad i dont have
two hearts !!

Feb 19, 2025 3:29 PM
Reply to  les online

I put off watching the Jodie Whittaker episodes, foolishly assuming I wouldn’t like them – but they were great. She’s my second favorite Dr. Who – right up there with Peter Capaldi. (But my all time favorite is still William Hartnell.)

Feb 19, 2025 3:58 AM

Maybe Trump, Musk and ilk have watched too many superhero movies.

Sonny-Raye Hayes
Sonny-Raye Hayes
Feb 19, 2025 3:54 AM

So much innacurate use of the word vaccine in the article and in the comments……

les online
les online
Feb 19, 2025 5:19 AM

You’re right – mRNA vaccines are not vaccines, but,
You’re wrong ! Because The Authorities say they ARE vaccines, and
They claim the right to define words to mean whatever They want them
to mean… (Thus sayeth Humpty Dumpty)…

Feb 19, 2025 3:37 AM

“Are the tech bros insane?”

Yes. Of course.

…Oh! There’s an article under it!


Feb 19, 2025 1:10 AM

The military is the biggest promoter of transhuamnist research

“President Donald Trump floated the idea of a three-way meeting with the leaders of Russia and China in which the countries would agree to cut defense spending in half.

Orange man still bad?

You bet!!!

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 19, 2025 1:59 AM
Reply to  antonym

Is the halving of defense spending included a halving point for the spread of transhumanism? And a point for halving the transhumanist plans, roadmaps, aspirations, half DARPA?

In general, if I may theorize, a hypothetical future cyborg soldier, for example, could perhaps do the work of 5, 10, or even more soldiers, so the ten could be reduced. Even, comrade Antonym, even a hypothetical future soldier who is not a cyborg, but only has an implanted improved Nauralink, with specifications for military purposes, could also hypothetically control devices for three, drones, etc. (Madame Alexandre is of the opinion that we are not close to this and it will not happen, which, of course, we all hope, but there are other opinions on the matter.)

In general, cutting / reducing costs is right at the bottom (but not as an end goal, but as a means to an end) of what we are talking about: improving efficiency. Technocracy does this, and so does its continuation in transhumanism. Positively, we can notice that one of the main lures that influencers of transhumanism constantly point out (such as Musk, who for me is only a dummy for multi-influencering “with a human, conservative face” for transhumanism, and Neuralink labs do not do much except popularize and gradually implement the practical applications of transhumanist ideas (so far through the “bright side of transhumanism”, “for the treatment of sick people”, through the patients Abro, Alex), while serious experiments are carried out elsewhere, behind locked doors and a stamp as a “matter of national security”…

…So one of the top transhumanist baits is that transhumanism makes everything easier, more convenient, with less effort, more efficiently, saves effort and costs. There are some similarities with what you share, which, excuse me, but arouses some doubts in me (maybe I’m too much of a conspiracy theorist, it’s possible).

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 19, 2025 2:54 AM
Reply to  antonym

President Donald can win my heart if he brings together the jolly Elon, along with the rest of the techno optimists mentioned in the article, and along with those from DARPA and the like, and publicly slaps them twice, ordering them: “Listen, transhumanist mice, I don’t want to hear you say a word about merging my conservative people with machines again! Cancel all plans, or – Guantanamo! Limit, under the strictest control, all experiments to extremely disabled people who have no other chance for a normal life, and even this will be an extreme measure; we predominantly emphasizing all other more traditional options for treatment and relief, and if they do not work, only then resort to Neuralink and the like. No brain-computer connection for healthy people! (Although, I know that Victoria Alexander says that this is impossible and your plans are doomed, I read in Off-G, but I have my doubts and we need to be safe!)”

But instead, I hear, for example, in Elon’s interview with Donny, “Elon, you’re a great person, you have great AI projects!”, and Elon says, “People are sucked out of four years of incompetent and corrupt government… They need to restore the American dream, to believe again that America can do new things, greater than we have done in the past…” Hearing this, I thought about what could be “greater than what America has done before”, what could be this inspiring renewed American dream, for example, for the younger generations, and in the context of the technological revolution with the so popular “disruptive technologies”… Hmm.

Feb 19, 2025 3:33 PM
Reply to  antonym

If you believe Mr. Trump really intends to cut American military spending in half…he has a wonderful piece of land in Gaza he’d like to sell you.

I think Russia and China are too smart to cut their military spending in half thinking America will follow suit.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Feb 19, 2025 11:57 PM
Reply to  Howard

if the US military budget shrinks by 50 percent it will still be several times more than the current spenfing by Russia and China combined

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 22, 2025 11:29 PM
Reply to  Howard

US is spending 50% of the global cost. It IS absurd. Saving half of it will change the matter to 1/3 of the global cost to military.

So YES Howard, I believe Trump intends to lower this figure. But he and I have YOU against us.
YOU people who suffer from cognitive dissonance and dont see the absurd situation in it.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 19, 2025 9:33 PM
Reply to  antonym

Are the US halving spending on Israel and their weapons supplies?

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 20, 2025 10:47 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Probably only 25% because he “loves Israel very much”, as he says.

les online
les online
Feb 19, 2025 12:37 AM

They are Pol Pot Clones…
The Ideal is their God, whether it be ‘The 5 Year Plan’, ‘Hoomin
Perfectibility-**, Super Intelligence, The Future………
Whatever mask The Ideal wears, there’s always gonna be Sacrifices
to IT !!

** and isnt it amazing how implicit the idea is that we lesser folk are
perfectible… We lesser folk believe “to err is hoomin”, The Pol Pot Clones
firmly believe “We’re made in God’s Image” so they’re gonna make
hoomanity God-like…

Meanwhile, They’re building sooper-dooper AI machines, with God-like
‘Intelligence’, in case rooting out our defective genes doesnt improve

Feb 18, 2025 10:33 PM
Big Al
Big Al
Feb 18, 2025 10:29 PM

“I am thrilled that the Tech Bros are tearing down the old system”.

Thrilled!, I tell ya. That means like, great excitement or pleasure”. The dude is greatly excited and taking great pleasure because the so called Insane Clown Asylum is “tearing down the old system”. Is that right? Wow.

Well, I’m not. Maybe the old system, whatever the fuck he’s talking about, needs some work, but suggesting these dudes are insane, rightly so, but also being greatly excited because of what they’re doing is kind of fucking weird.

Feb 18, 2025 11:12 PM
Reply to  Big Al

He is a She ( the Author) Yeah i couldnt be less Thrilled , personally i dont believe Trans Humanism can function as an intergrated system .. its a Cover for “full spectrum Dominance ” total Surveillance and absolute control over every paramater of our Lives, all Transactions between every Morlock ,every Subhuman Plebian choose your own term ,We are the Targets .,………………….
A Psychopathic project ,I dont doubt that many of our would be controllers believe their own Propaganda and think it totally necessary .. that probability is even more alarming than pure Cynicism… Thanks for the imaginative essay… Let us not be fooled by Psychopaths!

Big Al
Big Al
Feb 18, 2025 11:40 PM
Reply to  Marb

Thanks for the correction. My bad.

But ya, people are going where they shouldn’t oughta be going and allowing these crazy fuckers to take the wheel is what’s really insane.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 19, 2025 1:20 AM
Reply to  Big Al

I think the “thrilled” in question was only figuratively speaking to depict the widespread thesis among well-meaning but gullible opponents of the agenda who, eager to see the end of what they see as the “deeply corrupt Democratic deep state system,” are now enthusiastic about Musk-Trump’s opposition to “effectively clearing the swamp.” Then Madame Alexandre continues with the realistic counterthesis, revealing the traps laid down in the trusting excitement of “clearing the swamp”. I’m just guessing; that’s what it seemed to me.
I have some other points to mark that I am considering.

Big Al
Big Al
Feb 19, 2025 3:16 AM

Perhaps. I’m not sure all are well meaning, but certainly gullible. Funny how a new election made so many forget about the war going on for freedom. Most likely they never gave a shit in the first place.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 19, 2025 5:28 AM
Reply to  Big Al

It’s downright surreal at times, Big Al.

Now, there are some – but not basic – differences between my point of view and yours: you are a more “old dog” than me, so to speak, and you remember, and you can compare several generations and notice how the deceptive theater develops, progresses, and from there, on the spot, in the US, so the whole thing is closer to your heart. I’m not in the US and I’m “younger dog”. However, walking through quite a few right-wing websites, some with a lot of comments from users, here’s what I noticed. I honestly say what I saw, as I think it; I don’t want to apologize to anyone or be “more moderate” or “kind”, I’m just saying, maybe I’m wrong.

However, I didn’t see many stupid people, not at all. On the contrary, I saw smart people, even with a lively, sharp mind, with a correct thought process, and so on. However… Donny the father of warp speed? Donny, who first recognized the plandemic as a pandemic and then signed all the necessary documents for its implementation by the (hypothetical enemies) the Democrats? For example, at least this. – There is no such thing there. This did not happen. And it’s not just a blank spot, it’s an undeniable conviction of the exact opposite: he, President Trump, has been insidiously misled — sometimes by Democrats in the system, by deep state appointees, sometimes by Pompeo himself, and so on — and fought to the end, and didn’t introduce mandates. Four years of “clearing the swamp”, what happened? “He was sabotaged”… 

And everything, everything! Everything you need to build a knight on the white horse, who is stepping up to throw his spear into the heart of the liberals, on his way to regaining the throne.

All the other stories have been written and rewritten in this spirit, Donny is undoubtedly our man from the very beginning, the foundations have been built and the workers from the services (in the role of “conservative authors, owners of websites for resistance and freedom”) only pour and pour layers of cement on top, put brick upon brick… Crazy. And people are so united, united..

Because who is from the other side? If it’s not Donald, who will it be? “The Dirty liberals, to complete their destructive work!” Yes, indeed – “if it’s not Donald, it will be Biden, Kamala”. And then: a green deal, communism, transgenderism for children, vaccine mandates, hordes of immigrants…

..All the time, all the time, repetition, repetition.. Repetition is the mother of knowledge – we have a saying here.

And this is enough for them to choose the country unconditionally. It remains only to identify what exactly the plan is, whether it is the liberals’ or is common, and Donald himself and his conservative militia are not part of the plan and now (then, before the election) we are just watching and participating in the episode of “rallying the suppressed resistance in a firm belief in its last hope”.

…And boom! “The Deep State tried to kill President Trump!!”, “They are totally afraid of his return and are so corrupt that they want to liquidate him!”, “Battle for the future, for the soul of the nation! It’s now or never!”…

Attempted murder? The most low-grade shit show, so funny, with white threads sticking out from everywhere, with which it is sewn… How was it possible for these people, many of whom are smart, and educated, and thinking – at least I saw this – to believe so easily?

I read such opinions from otherwise very smart people, from the conservative users of the websites themselves, such twisted sophistry, adjusted to fit the story… It’s downright frightening. Such is unity. This is a very big deal. It looks to me like nothing other than the stages of creating a firm faith, of hardening it into a monolithic whole, in which, without the participants in it becoming stupid, they are set up as machines for only support, support, without objections (they are treacherous arrows of liberal trolls, of deepstate agents).. Who knows what will develop from this, it seems big.

I was certainly left with the feeling of a slender militarized structure. I don’t mean nonsense like “far-right fascists who will only take power and go to slaught in order!”, I mean thinking set up as for participation in a military structure, militarized thinking, set up as only supportive, unswerving to the goal, without objections… I can’t imagine the resistance thinking like that. These things are not good.

Some call it “effective zombification”. Maybe. I didn’t see too many stupid people, but those with common sense, but with an incredible mindset, overcoming common sense when it is required. And they try them from time to time. (Probably, the “assassination attempt” was such a test: whoever overcomes all his doubts and believes, he will harden and strengthen his will even more, embedding himself even more in the collective… “What doesn’t kill you does…” etc.

As stages of some artificially constructed biblical narrative, which, who knows, may in time be – metaphorically speaking – something like a history-foundation of the new world (“when, after a bitter battle, we defeated the far left and laid the foundations of the Golden Conservative Age”). Everything becomes very easy if you first believe in the “Extreme, radical left against the Conservatives”.

People here and there talk a lot about these notorious factions, at least two, and the mortal war between them. Sometimes there are two factions of good and evil, sometimes there are two factions of the deep state (or the Western or the global elite), among which, not that one is better, but it is less evil… And so on, you know.

I admit that I cannot identify any faction. I don’t know which of these is not a deep state, because who is not a deep state? Instead, I can very clearly identify millions (because we are talking about the West and the North) very real people and very real differences between them, which forms them into different groups, and I also see how, intentionally and consistently, these groups are being improved from above, with leaders installed, management cores spreading messages, etc.

“Musk, something? Ideas for merging brain and AI?” No problem. Because he is an incredible phenomenon, a man of such magnitude, who stood firmly on the side of the conservatives, fearlessly and firmly, tirelessly resists the attempts of the liberals to ruin the nation with transgenderism and importing hordes of illegals… !!

And that’s enough to choose a side.

I can’t imagine how the hypothetical Democrats, out of all available options, chose Biden and Kamala as the face. Weren’t there some young, educated intellectuals, with charisma and eloquence, nimble brains and beautiful as from a magazine? Any congressmen, lawyers, or whatever, actors who would have been a far better person? Was Biden really the last remaining super-recognizable and influential Democratic superstar who has long captured the hearts of Democratic voters? I bet that a huge percentage of the broad democratic public did not think of him at all, nor liked him very much, and even many did not know him. But they chose Biden (and the idiotically jovial Kamala next to him).

Either I’m a conspiracy theorist, or, if you want people to like Donald very much, put Biden and Kamala, make the Democrats destroy and threaten the foundations of normalcy with total destruction, take out all their dirty shirts in the right-wing media (by washing all the shirts of Donny and the conservatives), and the hateful mainstream – to spit bile on Donny day and night, do “the most brutal “assassination attempt” and people will believe and want it, even part of the audience of the (supposedly) opponents.

Feb 19, 2025 12:10 PM

Great Comment ! .. the reason they chose Kamala and Biden “as the face” is because they WANTED Donald Trump to win He was Selected by our no longer so Secret Rulers the people who own everything ..look at the rip roaring reception He got at Davos . They Love Donald Trump .. Russia Gate , Trumps truth bombs on Fox News ( You think we dont assasinate people) the friction with intel agencies scripted to provide Trump with the credability required during the Manufacturing process ! ..Culminating in the crescendo of a staged assasination attempt .. thus also linking Him subconciously en Masse with RFK jnr , and the Assasinated Kennedys … Biden and Kamala played their parts as degenerates to a T… Thanks for trawling through “leftist” sites isnt it Hillarious how the left believes Trump is an Anti Vaxxer .. in the Cruddy Australian MSM he was actually labeled as Such!

Feb 19, 2025 12:11 PM
Reply to  Marb

For a time ..

Feb 19, 2025 5:33 PM
Reply to  Marb

That’s also why they carried out the electoral fraud of 2020: to give us four years of Trumpus Interruptus that would leave us even hungrier for more Orange Man in 2024. Instead of being drained by the Swamp this time, he’s even giving us all a little ‘Trump Spring’ with his deportations, DOGE and a (possible?) end to the war on Russia. Now we’re all overflowing with gratitude, ready to go and die in yet another war for Israel. Halleluyah!

Feb 19, 2025 10:12 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Yeah too true!

Feb 19, 2025 12:47 PM

Yeah the more the Globalist MSM bash DT ( Trump and hiss “kooky “”pronouncements are basically every second newstory on Au MSM .. the faux constant mockery of Trump is orchestrated part of the Psy Op , they are Building an Army of implaccable Trump Cultists .. fully intentionally , years ago i would have said inadvertantly … Most people know the MSM has no credability .. even couch potato Normies know they are constantly being lied to, Classic Reverse Psychology a major Mind Fuck .. the more they scoff and blackwash him the more people will revere Him… The MSM wants people to get on board… Sound far fetched ? Its an intricate operation … Changing the Paradigm requires complex cognitive warfare and a constant barrage of Propaganda .. ..they have to manipulate people to such an extent it involves deliberately inducing cognitive dissonance to completely destabilise people so they will still accept and Love DT despite the patent absurdities and Hideous Crimes..including the sanctioning of Genocidal Ethnic Cleansing . … When people are that manipulated they lose their ethical sensibility .. through repetition and trauma they/we become prone to Moral Vacuity … Wtf people who watch a lot of TV cant even think straight , reason use simple logic …

Feb 19, 2025 5:34 PM
Reply to  Marb

Exactly: the media are now using reverse-psychology on us.

Feb 19, 2025 5:31 AM

Yes indeed that is the whole point of political bait and switch , populist movements arise where people start to become aware of how the World is really run .. so the Ptb roll out fake outsiders, Fake Mavericks to divert their attention , its a winning formula Right populism , Left Populism it doesnt matter rechannel the disgrunted , dispossed masses back into the Uniparties favorite Framework of Fake irretrevably broken Parliamentary so called Democracy , so You can continue the great global grift unimpeded…. And if that starts to get stale , Blackmail a Con Man, fake populist maverick like Donald Trump to take it to the whole new Level of scripted systemic Hijack to transition from Pseudo Democrazy to Full Techno Plutocracy … In anycase i doubt that most of the Tech Bro’s in on this transformative Op are any where near the real Power centre driving this thing .. they are simply executing the paradigm shift while increasing their Wealth and Power beyond imagination. ..With Constitutional Law eroded beyond recognition, and a Decades long slow detonation of what were once institutional protections for the poor and Powerless ,Governments Merging with Big Tech are set to become the most powerful domineering Crime Syndicate’s our world has ever known!… We have to tear down the whole System root and Branch , while its still in its realtive infancy … ..We need Sabotage on a Global scale ..Syncronous rolling strikes , we need Allies who can hack the Digital Grid while minimizing the Pain for the majority … Things are going to become brutal and very difficult if We dont Jettison the Top Down imposed systems designed to divide and concquor us … Step one is obviously learning to understand Propaganda and Gognitive warfare and teach it without sanctimony or condescension to others including those we disagree with……..Am i up to it ?, am i capable of acting ?, am i existentially prepared ? ..do i have a coherant plan…no … i dont know , i dont think so … Can we make that shift as a race ? .. the greater Peoples reset will never happen if We allow the Techno Fascist fulfillment of a complete Digital Prison …

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 19, 2025 8:20 AM
Reply to  Marb

Well said.
By the way, all the time before the election, and in general in the four years of Biden, growing, along with the constant demonstration of another insanity of the “left-wing, woke” (in quotes, because I don’t believe they are really separate, from a separate faction) tech-moguls (Tech Bros.), the story of how “the Democrats stop the development of technologies, including AI, with unnecessary regulations” was intensely disseminated. Donald was talking about it, and especially all the active conservatives around him, it was written in his program and now “unnecessary regulations have been removed”. Because, after all, there is a “global technology race” that the US must win if it wants to be great again, and the Democrats are only destroying.

It is interesting how this, being in the entire right-wing spectrum – from the most “mainstream” right, to the deep Q-circles – been served in a suitable light for a specific audience, for example, in extreme Q-centers, the version was that “the leftist deepstate elite holds for itself high-tech miracles”, like from Tesla’s notes, some miraculous medical beds, and delay the development of some miracle quantum systems (including financial ones), which, if/when Trump returns, will implement and they will blow everything up and bring such incredible reform with cosmic freedom and justice…

Here is a preparation for the “better great reset”, with the murder of the far left and “4IR WEF for good”, hey, hey, everything is going according to plan! “People, forget this stupid principled battle against the radical transformation with high technologies – they are a fact of life, they are here and will be and will develop, but let’s use them for good, let’s choose good people to apply them for good”… And then there’s the “global technology race.” Donnie announces Stargate – the next day the Chinese announce a cool open-source ChatGpt, free for everyone, everyone!

And a large part of the media: “The Chinese released this AI for free, for everyone, not like the nasty American capitalists!” and also “The Chinese are advancing! We have to catch up with them!”…

Wait, who wanted this free AI? What exactly is good about this? (Of course, vast part of younger people want it and are delighted, this is the situation…) Is this good news? Is this a race, or a synchronized global pseudo-race for radical reconstruction in a mode of false competition? (Here I am already very conspiratorial, there is no way “everyone can be together in this”, they are at war – factions, states, unions..) Wasn’t there something, some kind of principled battle against these things, instead of only against the “bad guys/leftist/foreign tech”, whereby “ours” are good, or at least “inevitability, normal technological development”?

This is the unpublished, real text of “The Great Narrative for a Better Future”. Metaphorically or quite really.

In Russia, for example, because they are a hot topic, the Russian Donald: “We need to implement AI everywhere, in every sector of society. AI technologies have great potential to transform society and bring a better future to our citizens… We need to develop Russian AI in order not to lag behind the technological race.”

Wait, wait, a St. Petersburg bandit and a plandemic criminal (I don’t say anything about Ukraine, there is no “dictator’s invasion” because it is for “accelerating GR”), which of the conservative Russians wants this? Don’t you know that they are against it?.. And so.

(I hope Victoria doesn’t get mad at us, especially me, for the small deviation from the topic of her wonderful article and wasting space that could have been used for on-topic comments. That’s exactly what I was going to do before I started talking. The match is temporarily postponed due to brain fog fatigue.)

Feb 19, 2025 9:22 AM
Reply to  Marb

Lots of spelling mistakes there folks ..apologies a rushed post no spell correct used ever in my messages …

Feb 18, 2025 10:23 PM

Any chance of just being left the fuck alone?

Human values
Human values
Feb 18, 2025 10:08 PM

I don’t think their insanity is because of the left brain dominating.

I think it’s because of malignant narcissism: the ego or the devil dominating.

That’s why these sociopaths and psychopaths are truly insane. They lack normal reason and conscience. They lack wisdom, the defining property of humanity.

Reason and conscience are not in matter. They are spiritual matters.

Feb 18, 2025 10:08 PM

Efficient for whom? Cui bono? Certainly not the unwashed masses who remain much the same as rinse and repeat cycles of the welfare of the people keep providing alibis for tyrants (Camus). A key criterion of ‘efficiency’ is best practices of lying. How else can our betters get away with murder while laughing all the way to the bank?

Trump, Musk, and all the other broligarchs are businessmen. This nauseating boilerplate supposedly distinguishes them from politicians and all the corruption of (deep) state power, which has been running protection rackets for ruling classes as long as the noble lie of civilization has been around. It’s bizzness, alright, as usual finding the most efficient means for organized crime to rob and kill. All these big brothers are finally going to tear down is what big bizzness has been tearing down long before the current bizzness plans of global crapitalism.

The modern corporation, bureaucracy to the max, has been most efficient, reducing human life to laboring cogs in machinery of hierarchical, command-obey organization for pyramid schemes of profit and power. Its death march across the earth (what capitalist apologists like Schumpeter call ‘creative destruction’) has not only destroyed countless human lives but threatens nearly everything living (except perhaps cockroaches proving most efficient in surviving a totally toxic planet). 

This model machine has become the market uber alles, degrading social relations to its iron laws of institutionalized violence. It could not exist without our manufactured consent to massively disproportionate exploitation of common resources for the few who feast off the many. From mining to manufacture to maintenance, one Tesla vehicle is a formula for waste. Were these predatory parasites not supported with taxes, subsidies, bailouts and more shakedowns, they’d go out of bizzness.  

All this has suddenly changed with the current crooks in high office, still dictating the terms and conditions of the social contract, or contract killing of society? How can anyone fall for in-your-face mob bosses from Don Trump on down the line of good fellas, except under the influence of political theater and social engineering of the deep state these gangstas depend on to excel in ‘efficiency’? Do we really need more ‘science’ to tell us these COs of the ruling class are fucked up and out to fuck us over, again? Fuck their efficiency.  

Feb 18, 2025 11:24 PM
Reply to  john

Spot on !!

Feb 19, 2025 7:08 PM
Reply to  john

Yes, to all of that. But I will add here, every time I ask myself how in hell people can believe the lies, I have to correct myself a bit. I, most likely like you, have been reading for years about all the corruption and lies, all the manipulation, all the hypocrisy. Most people have not done that. Most do not have the time or inclination. Can I really sit back and judge them for that? Just because I want to go down the rabbit hole does not mean everyone wants that. And as you probably sometimes feel as well, it is lonely as hell once you have read things you cannot unread. People fall for it because they not only want to believe in a savior, but some see no other way for things to change for the better. We judge them at our own peril really.

How can anyone fall for the empty platitudes of ANY politician? Once one has heard those empty weasel words too many times, and sees those for the blatant lies they are, one just might decide the mob boss is at least honest in its intentions. Is choosing the mob boss the correct answer? No. But when that seems like the only choice in a completely rigged game, why not pick the “greater” of two evils and see what happens? When you know you’re fucked either way, why not place that big bet with the ever so slight chance it just might pay off?

I for one am done blaming the voters on either artificial “side” for the mess we are now in. It gets us nowhere and is merely more of the divide and conquer that’s gotten us here. “Those people” are no more deplorable than anyone else, but have been relentlessly manipulated for generations. Maybe if we stuck to that attitude we just might all unite and figure out how fucked we really are. Can’t have that though, so the circus of insults and infighting must go on. Both sides can enjoy their condemnation of the other, while we all go down the shitter.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 18, 2025 10:07 PM

This centralised, unintelligent and authoritarian reductionist approach has been well established for a long time in medicine, amongst other institutions. We are not reverting to it right now. It’s even worse, today even doctors have been forced to give up their control over the plebs to their higher authorities, including the bean counters, who now “know best.” Centralisation of all this nonsense of injectable technology and the human-tech interface is accelerating to the ultimate reductionist machine, the technological singularity. 

The author is right that this can’t work, perhaps only when it comes to motor control. However, what could very well work is the absolute control over humanity via digital ID combined with CBCDs and the Chinese model of social credit system, aided by the damaged brains and conditioned, tech-entrapped souls of the majority.

I can’t help but believe that this move is not about naive positivism, lacking in right-brain thinking. It’s the banality of evil made manifest. Or what else should we call a robotic mind doing harm?

Human values
Human values
Feb 18, 2025 9:54 PM

”(Indeed the name Central Intelligence Agency is an oxymoron.)”

No, because intelligence in this connection means information gathering, surveillance, spying. When the CIA is translated to other languages, the I isn’t translated as ‘cleverness’; it is translated as ‘scouting’.

”I know that I develop a feeling for the meaning of a new word by encountering it in context. Only much later do I look it up in the dictionary.”

Is that why Americans have been brainwashed to think that their wars and military are very intelligent, like something a genius would do?

Feb 18, 2025 9:42 PM

and just like that, they all forget about what was done during covid.
the woke right ushering in agenda 30 by 2025 with cheers and scream of trump is draining the swamp 2.666

Feb 18, 2025 9:39 PM

Brothers in (H)arms.

les online
les online
Feb 18, 2025 9:37 PM

I’m betting They even have pet names for Their little creations. even use
lovey-dovey words when talking to them, cooing and wooing them to
express their love and concerns (maybe they even threaten to cut off
their juice if the little buggers are slow leaning The Next Step)…

Paul Cardin
Paul Cardin
Feb 18, 2025 9:33 PM

200 people live on Tristan da Cunha, a few miles wide, a few miles long, situated in the Atlantic Ocean. 2,500 miles from South Africa, 3,500 miles from Brazil. Everyone knows and trusts each other. Front doors can be left, swinging open. Please let me go there … SOON 🙏

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 20, 2025 6:58 AM
Reply to  Paul Cardin

Someone has to do the hard and dirty but necessary job Paul. Brooming out all evil.
Unfortunately the majority of our democracy pointed at YOU to do it.
You cant run away now, just 5 minutes before you should start a new job.

les online
les online
Feb 18, 2025 9:15 PM

“Trust The Machine”
“AI is Safe And Effective”

Is It AI we lesser folk should be worried about, or should we really be worried
about those who firmly believe AI cant ever be wrong – The Zealots !!

Already AI is being promoted as soon being able to solve every problem: cures
for every disease; solutions to world hunger; declining natural resources;
overpopulation; divining if UK postmasters are fiddling the books…
High expectations are being encouraged, and we know it’s easy to fool people
but damned near impossible to convince them they’ve been fooled…
Even though the chemo-therapy is killing them they still go back for more…

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Feb 18, 2025 9:07 PM

Tech of the weather manipulation kind.
Not comfortable being confronted?, then don’t participate.

I finally confront the pilots who have been geoengineering Tuolumne’s skies.https://mellowkat.substack.com/p/i-finally-confront-the-pilots-who

Feb 18, 2025 11:25 PM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Nice one Thom!

Feb 18, 2025 8:22 PM


Even big girls just want to have fun. At least in the Americanized West. Admittedly, since the mass invasion of third-worlders, which was mainly permitted by women, having fun has become somewhat more difficult for certain reasons. “Dancing through the night” is no longer as safe as it was 30 years ago.

Is this finally the (unrecognized and long-sought) Aryan Princess that all of America is thirsting for? Then I am her discoverer! In contrast to Sinead McCarthy, Fraulein Christine Anderson has a kind of talent (as far as one can speak of talent in women). Possibly the reason why Judentube won’t let her become famous.

And so she is still waiting for her 15 minutes of fame. I will request a “creative inspiration session” for 100 dollars and let her ride an electronic banana, since I have exclusive privileges as her only fanatical admirer so far. http://www.tauntek.com

1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfcOiqpbahc
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_NiaelcTwk


Feb 18, 2025 10:47 PM
Reply to  James
Feb 18, 2025 7:45 PM

Musk’s efforts wth DOGE confirm that there has been a truly monumental amount of state corruption, on behalf of countless NGOs, subversive media outlets, and CIA projects to further deep state control and interferfence around the world. In particular, USAID was used to fund and create C19 at Wuhan, and Gates’ GAVI foundation. The devasting global consequences of these initiatives should be familiar to everyone here. So, whatever Musk’s darker dreams and connections may be, he deserves immense gratitude from anyone opposed to US state tyranny, now known and visible to the world thanks to Musk and Trump.

Feb 18, 2025 11:18 PM
Reply to  Nick

Trumps people, are bringing in the total control grid in the name of abolishing corruption , draining the swamp .. as Larry Ellison says There will be no more abuse , no more Police brutality or corruption , because every Person will be surveilled and monitored in real time 24.. 7

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 18, 2025 11:38 PM
Reply to  Nick

The existence of Tesla demonstrates “that there has been a truly monumental amount of state corruption.”

In particular, USAID was used to fund and create C19 at Wuhan, and Gates’ GAVI foundation. The devasting global consequences of these initiatives should be familiar to everyone here.

There was no lab-leak, killer virus so it doesn’t matter if a billion dollars was sent to Wuhan.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Feb 18, 2025 7:25 PM

I wish Douglas Adams was still here.

I think he would now be President of the world.

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 18, 2025 8:09 PM

And go to church incognito.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 18, 2025 7:23 PM

inability to tell what another is thinking, a lack of social intelligence, difficulty in judging non-verbal features of communication, such as tone, humor, irony, and inability to detect deceit, and difficulty understanding implicit meaning, lack of empathy, a lack of imagination,


Feb 18, 2025 7:13 PM

Oh thank you VN! I thought i would never hear reappearance of the non-linear approach again, after it’s surge in interest in the late 80’s. Alan Watts, who first opened this door for me in the 70’s, is rolling in his grave over this hegemonic transhumanist evolution of mechanistic thinking ruling the world. Fritjof Capra’s Turning Point objectified Eastern metaphysics into everyday problem solving that for me indicated that the organizing methods that ecosystems use to create dynamic interactive, non-centralized networks of co-dependent functionality, was THE model for humanity to use in most if not all future problem solving.

In the mid 80’s, I even had the opportunity to introduce this idea to Xerox corporate management, working with a consulting group designing product development for the “future office workplace”. The effort started out inventively, with a strategy of designers, engineers and human factor folks working together to come up with solutions. But advising corporate management to work through a laborious process like designing and facilitating a true ecosystem where all components are of equal importance, was unacceptable dead weight to capitalist profiteering. Try telling an engineer that all successful human innovation is the result of trial and error rather than applied theory. Then duck!

“I am not afraid that AI robots are going to replace humans (only for the shit jobs). I don’t think Musk and his Tech Bros will succeed at what they are trying to do. AI mind-reading is not on the horizon. Superhuman cyborgs aren’t possible. Re-engineering the genome will result in innumerable side-effects. A nation cannot be managed by computer algorithms.”

Thank you!!! Truly, imho, these linear thinking people, after hosing up unlimited wealth and authority-to-decide, become enable sociopathic monsters of mass destruction. Trans-AI-techism as viable future, is ludicrous magical thinking. The tech bros misname their tangled mess of undesigned technological interactions, as an “ecosystem”. Not! There’s nothing natural about piling digital inventions into the world, willy nilly. I doubt they even pray nothing bad happens. They are sociopaths, whose rapid fire sh*t flows fast and unvetted over human society. And now that these products and services are digital, virtual, shadow, non-physical and essentially stealth invasions on our lives, without our consent, all Hell is breaking loose.

I totally agree with you VN. The things you point out are valuable for Humanity to understand in order to deal with this tech bro onslaught. I don’t even think they have any idea of what transcendence actually would be. The design of Earth’s proprietary living ecosystem will never be replicated by lightspeed semiotic mechanistic pattern recognition. From what we think we know, it took billions of years of trial and error interaction, equally, by everything, evolving into highly complex networks of interdependent, non-centralized, localized systems of self-sufficiency. To achieve this level of success, is an anathema to the sociopathic, the 1%.

So much of what we read here on OG, is essential information and exchange of ideas to rescue ourselves from self destruction. I believe we have the knowledge to understand the non-linear, holistic situation we are in now. We just have to create a solution that enables Humanity’s desires for a joyous, survivable future here on Spaceship Earth, while leashing the sociopathic, speed crunching toy Godzillas of the 1%.

Feb 18, 2025 11:16 PM
Reply to  sandy

Thank you.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 20, 2025 4:37 PM
Reply to  sandy

I caught this one here from the horse mouth itself from 2006: You know IPCC is the global unit with global warming alias clima change alias the weather (when push comes to shove):
“In climate research and modeling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” (TAR, p.774.) IPCC Third Assesment Report.

Actually we have known it since Ruder King was Knight, but someone constantly wants to change our reality to lies.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 18, 2025 7:09 PM


The genetic profiling of ALL children so as to identify susceptibility to vaccine injury.

Kennedy: My Most Controversial Issue
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Aug 22, 2024 #kennedy24 #rfkjr #americastrong
Today I’m going to set the record straight by explaining my exact posture, point-by-point, on what is probably the most controversial issue of my campaign—a medical safety issue that impacts every one of us. If you take a few minutes to listen, I think you might be surprised to find out how much we actually agree.

Feb 19, 2025 12:11 AM

If parents want to have their kid vaccinated, they should be told that a genetic test might help determine whether or not the kid has a mutation that makes it difficult for the child’s body to clear toxins, in which case, they should not get the shot. I can imagine other ways in which genetic tests would be useful to the patient.

Of course, genetic information could be used against us, to deny us insurance or care, but this should be preventable via ordinary anti-discrimination laws.

But I suspect that the real worry is that once the technocrats get our genetic “codes,” they will have our essences, our identities, and will be able to harm us or control us in sophisticated ways, for instance with targeted bioweapons.

They want us to think this is possible.

In my opinion, genetic information is not all that useful for such ends. How a cell may interpret the genetic code is difficult to predict and control.

And anyway, if “They” really wanted to sequence our genes, they’ve probably already done so.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Feb 20, 2025 4:44 PM
Reply to  posthumous

I understand it as a slavery system. If they can legally claim they changed the dna and made a new specie in a lab, they own it yes?

No more labour unions and black lives matters riots, but robots in the cotton fields who only need a little oil. https://vkvideo.ru/video152995355_162472346

Feb 18, 2025 5:38 PM

I suspect that having a few billions in the bank alters your perspective on Life, the Universe and Everything. I’m not in a position to test this hypothesis at the moment but am willing to volunteer for any research on the subject.

Feb 18, 2025 4:47 PM

Just one more article which confirms: You can’t go wrong being a Luddite. Tech is nothing but a glorified Pandora’s Box, letting out every maniacal scheme in the book but holding back the one thing that could control these mad schemes: morality. They are all grotesquely immoral, as are their purveyors.

Musk and the rest of his ilk should never be allowed anywhere near a source of power – any kind of power. Even a flashlight can become a scourge upon society in their hands. They should never, ever be given the resources to bring any of their schemes from the drawing board to reality.

It’s not a question of which side of their brain is at fault. The only question is whether or not they even have a brain. Perhaps the same Evolution which determines brain functionality took a leap forward with these Tech geniuses – without looking before it leapt. And produced something resembling a brain but lacking a brain’s purpose.