For All the Wrong Reasons
Todd Hayen

The world is collapsing, people are getting sick and dying, the culture is becoming morally corrupt, and society is slipping deeper into the muck. People are becoming crazier and crazier, more and more hateful by the minute.
If you ask us, the shrews, we will come up with a variety of detailed reasons, but they will all come back to the same foundational root cause—the globalists are attempting to control the world. Sure, there are a myriad of methods, actions, and processes they use to accomplish this. And you can describe these efforts in a variety of ways that may be more succinct and accurate than “globalists are attempting to control the world.” Put it any way you like, but I think you would agree with the basic idea.
Ask a sheep the same question, and it will be nearly anything other than that. First on the list is Trump. He is the number one evil-doer. His insanity, vileness, narcissism, psychopathology, and disgusting felonious behaviour are ultimately responsible for the world’s woes.
Next in line is probably Climate Change (but ultimately that is Trump’s fault as well), then Putin of course. Then the conspiracy theorists, the Republicans, the alt-right, the Christian Right, on and on. You get the picture.
Maybe it is just as shortsighted to blame all of the troubles in the world on the agenda’s effort to create a globalist government, but it sure makes more sense. And I would put it more succinctly by saying most of the issues we are currently experiencing are a specific result of the recent Covid insanity and all that came with it—the disruption of the natural maturation of our youth through school closures, the radical disruption of the global supply chain through lockdowns and restriction of trade, the psychological damage resulting from social decimation, the physical destruction the Covid vaccines themselves have rendered resulting in heart attacks, heart disease, strokes, blood clots, and a zillion other consequences of injecting poison into a person’s bloodstream. Nearly everything we see happening is due directly or indirectly to the Covid campaign.
But of course, a lot is not directly connected with Covid—but it is indirectly connected to the thing the Covid fiasco is connected to—in a word, lies.
We have these horrendous fires occurring throughout the world, possibly due to DEW and other meteorological manipulations by the agenda. We have a raging drug problem, we have a raging mental illness problem, we have a raging moral problem, we have a raging relational problem—need I say more?
Take this relatively recent act of Trump to impose a stiff tariff on Canadian goods coming into the US (since postponed for a bit). People who oppose this action (most Canadians, I would venture to say) blame it entirely on Trump and his pathological personality. It is because he is evil, hateful, selfish, and physically fat and ugly.
In their minds (the ones I have talked to or read) there is no consideration of other implicating issues—such as Canada’s lack of any serious effort to balance out trade agreements, or the lack of Canada’s commitment to control fentanyl production and distribution. These accusations may not be true, my point here is they are not even considered—true or not.
If there is any truth to any of the reasons either side states, no one (but us) considers that the screwed-up world that Covid left behind is responsible (it is). And who created that? “Oh, that was a pandemic caused by a virus that occurred naturally. There was no “new world” intention behind that! It was unfortunate but wasn’t anyone’s fault!”
Can you count the number of falsities in those three sentences? I count FIVE. Any more?
According to the people who hate Trump for this one executive move on tariffs, the world may end because of Trump. Certainly, Canada and the US will suffer immensely. The people of both countries will suffer for no reason. All because of a personal, self-serving, decision made by a pathological psychopath. Again, no one sees the Covid actions as any reason at all why these two countries would be having issues with trade, drugs, or immigration.
And if you get right down to it, Trump’s election is the result of the screwed-up agenda. If the world were not melting down, people who voted for Trump may not have even been paying enough attention to think the world needed saving—and that Trump was the only one who could save it.
Don’t get me wrong.
For what it’s worth, I do not think setting a 25% tariff on imports from Canada is a good idea. But I don’t know enough about world economics to state a good reason why—only that it will hurt a lot of people if it stays in place very long (assuming it ever happens). I have never been a fan of sanctions or tariffs to pressure another country to do our bidding. But I see this action as a result of a much bigger problem. I do not see it because a crazy man decided to do some nasty thing just because he likes to pull the wings off of innocent flies. That doesn’t fly with me—pun intended.
I would be willing to state, in my humble opinion, that 90% of the current world problems are due to the agenda—an agenda that is set on globalizing world governance by controlling the population. Sure, there are a lot of “natural” things that affect us negatively, and sure, lots of this stuff started formulating through innocent effect (due to the usual course of human social evolution, including the uncontrolled rampage of technology, the death of God in most people’s personal world view, the negative effect of nature—natural disasters and the natural effect of living a material life that eventually ends, etc.) These “naturally occurring problems” are simply employed by the agenda and are expanded to be useful to their intentions. They didn’t make all of them, but they used what was naturally there as a tool in their effort to control.
What do we do about this? We look at the source of the real problem—and the sources are the UN, the WHO, NATO, the WEF (among others), and who or what “runs” those organizations. We look at the people who support this “New World Order,” and we do what we can at that level.
Trump very well may be the only world leader who is actively doing that, but we also must be aware he may be part of it. At the least, he is a distraction—good or bad, what he does is not the true causal element to what comes as a result. If the result is ultimately good, then we can thank him, if it is bad, then we can blame where blame is due—the bigger picture.
One of the most difficult things shrews are going to experience in the upcoming years is witnessing the sheep blaming all the wrong things for the world falling apart. They will blame Palestine (or Israel depending on their bent) for a nuclear war with Iran, they will blame Putin if some idiot in Ukraine or the US blasts a nuclear missile into Moscow, they will blame Trump if the economy fails or relations with Canada and the US deteriorate, they will blame Trump for any racial unrest in the world, they will blame global warming for any forest fires anywhere on the globe, or floods, or hurricanes, or whatever, they will blame long Covid, Bird Flu, or whatever proclaimed medical culprit when their 30-year-old kid dies of a heart attack. They will not look to the real reasons.
And this will drive the rest of us crazy.
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“And this will drive the rest of us crazy.” This is their intent, to drive us crazy/mad through fear mongering promoting irrational anti-spiritual narratives, lies and state coercion to force us to comply with their anti-life agenda. Most people are unwilling to admit there are truly evil people on the planet (other than those they are programmed and brainwashed to hate) who intend to do us great harm for their own profit, aggrandizement or megalomaniacal agendas.
Wait and watch for the next scamdemic (H5N1 Disease X etc.) and see how gullible the masses are even after the weapons of mass destruction lies that led to non-stop imperialist wars, regime change and genocide and the more recent COVID die offs and adverse effects. Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to relive them!
Will it come to pass?
Meanwhile Europe is – seemingly without much, if any, scrutiny, and despite all that has emerged in the last four years – giving the green light to the even more experimental and untested self-replicating gene therapies they still claim are vaccines. Criminal. Nuland was correct for once in her life when she said “fuck the EU”. Of course the EU embraces monsters like Nuland.
Of course he is.#Trust the plan. 💪
Your shrink is a health hazard:
‘If shrinks only cleaned out people’s wallets, then they would be no more harmful than your average politician. But psychiatrists nowadays routinely rely on mind-numbering drugs and mind-shattering electric shock treatments. Some mental patients are developing Parkinson’s disease symptoms as a result of years of heavy medication. Electric shock “therapy” – aside from being a terrifying experience – sometimes causes permanent memory loss, thus making it harder for a patient to handle reality’
More here:
Thanks for Brownstone article… the APA obviously has no understanding of Stoic Philosophy, which helps us to focus on what we can control (very little!) and guides us on the ethics for everyday living – perhaps if we followed Antipater’s thought that “a successful city and a successful world could only be built around the keystone of family.”, today’s world might be a lot more joyful; and Marcus Aurelius is most certainly ‘spinning in his grave’… he says: “You build up your life action by action… But there will be some external obstacle! Perhaps, but no obstacle to acting with justice, self-control and wisdom.” In fact, stoicism sees adversity as an opportunity for growth.
So true Eleanor.
The UK MSM press has to been a sight to behold in the last week.
Regardless of superficial political affiliation, they really don’t like the prospect of having one of their wars taken away from them.
BTW it’s not attracted much comment but RFK jr’s appointment was confirmed last week:
I guess all those who said it would be rejected have been keeping quiet that they were wrong. The vote was pretty much straight down party lines except one Republican… who’d held a very senior position in the party, unsurprisingly.
And no, this isn’t to say Trump, RFK jr and the rest are the good guys. Trump’s role is to get the rebellious (nationalists… constitutionalists…. libertarians…. ) back in the corral. The sudden turn against DEI happens to coincide with some of the “woke” having realised that they couldn’t be anti-Palestinian and support the genocide of brown people.
The crypto lovers, isnt crypto a programmable.?
How much authentication do you have to give to be able to withdrawn it and convert into normal money.
As a veteran in the world of crypto I am very limited in where I can spend my crypto currency coins unless I buy other cryptocoins and that is suggestive to what rules that exchange allows.
All digital transaction is a programmable and like a voucher you can only spend it in certain shops on certain items and what crypto did was entrain the suppose rebel to provide more ID (every transaction require 2/3 forms of verification) and be restricted in what you can buy.
That is not sticking to the deep state or untraceable.
The whole gaming world also works on tokens.
To dingle the carrot, they made a few people rich created a fake gold rush and sold it hard to the alternative people to then go out and buy this imaginary thing called digital coin to then later on tell them to add it to your smart phone or computer and if the inauguration party was sponsored by the 3 biggest crypto currency coins exchanges and crypto currency coin digital wallet.
I can honestly say I’VE BEEN HAD!
Gold and silver bullion. Never failed during 3000 years
Its a vacuum for money, by taking it out of circulation you can keep macro monetary inflation #’s down.
Now if you want to buy something from overseas and your gvts are not talking, its a fine asset to have to make the transaction, and then sell back the items for local currency.
Very well noted, and valuable, straight from the mouth of a veteran in the crypto world.
The ‘War on Drugs’, declared more than fifty years ago, has been lost.
Tragically, Zombies take many forms:
The elephant in the Western room that is revered for all the wrong reasons: Islam.
Why voluntary keep that blind fold on? In central Africa and Asia that fold was ripped off their faces by Islamic violence long ago.
Cool man. We all know how Osama Bib Laden and the Muslims did 9/11 because they hate our values and wanted to destroy America.
We smashed Iraq; Libya and Afghanistan to pieces, and later Syria.
The war against the Muslims and their suicide bombers against our values is still alive and ongoing antonym. Cool man.
Long before the CIA existed the US and others fought Muslim terrorism:
Barbary Wars, 1801–1805 and 1815–1816
Ohh a little piracy and ransoms in the 1800’es with woodships is the excuse for smashing 5 countries and smearing Islam globally for US own false flag operations and for stopping British opium trade.
From 8000 ha in year 2002 with Taliban, to 225000 ha poppy fields in 2007 with US 5 years after little Bush invasion.
I should upvote you for achieving the impossible: placing “Western” and “Islam” in the same sentence without using the verb “Hates.”
From the article:
“What do we do about this? We look at the source of the real problem—and the sources are the UN, the WHO, NATO, the WEF (among others), and who or what “runs” those organizations. We look at the people who support this “New World Order,” and we do what we can at that level.
Trump very well may be the only world leader who is actively doing that, but we also must be aware he may be part of it. At the least, he is a distraction—good or bad, what he does is not the true causal element to what comes as a result. If the result is ultimately good, then we can thank him, if it is bad, then we can blame where blame is due—the bigger picture.”
My brother was at this rally, listened to Trump, took the vaccine and died. Who should I blame?
Many others have been to other Trump appearances and the same thing happened to them. He did this long after his release from office (the dates are at the top right) and his pride in vaccines, from the “super successful” operation warpspeed, which “saved millions”, continues to this day.
I’m sorry about your brother, man. It’s not clear that his death was because of the vaccine, but if so, your restraint regarding Trump is way beyond me. To me, there is no excuse for what he did, and I mean that as strongly as I can emphasize. Millions of people have died, many more than that injured, and it’s not stopping. People are suffering and dying because of what Trump said and did. It’s like that quote attributed to Joseph Stalin, “A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths Is a statistic.” To tell the truth, I find the excuses provided by some on this blog about Trump’s culpability absolutely pathetic (such as that he was lied to, bamboozled, deceived, led by the fucking throat to the executive podium, etc.) and a clear indication (no guts, no glory, no principles) of why we’re where we’re at, i.e., at the brink of a bonafide technocratic authoritarian society. Powered by sheeple. Especially considering how amped up this blog was about the entire Scamdemic and its evil intentions, including genocide. Orwell on steroids only because he couldn’t have envisioned the complete technocracy, Trump endorsed as well, that is coming at us. But all he has to do is throw a few crumbs at people and they fold like a cheap suit.
He resisted the mask for some time. He knew and spoke about HCQ. What explains the U-turn? Only money. Because of his “leadership” (approval and pressure of his government), people all over the world died or were injured – physically or mentally.
Co-n-vid is real HCQ b/S.
Might not have been money. He has money.
I conjecture that money has nothing to do with a good deal of it.
I think for many it is “control”. As Catherine Austin Fitts suggests, they all have a “control file”. They are controlled by coersion, blackmail and threat.
Threat to re-election, threat to reputation, threat to income, threat to friends, threat to family, threat to ones self.
I think the threats to family and self play a bigger part in the control grid than most people think.
I would bet a good number of our trusted servants of a certain age would love nothing better than to retire to their gated homes and estates, and get out of the dog eat dog of DC. But, like the mafia, once you are in you cannot get out.
I don’t believe it is money after a certain point.
Well stated AL.
Every day is an opportunity to enjoy Life while the Ghouls Rule.
Let em rot in their own quagmire of shit and perversion.
Politics is the art of the feasible. I dont see Trump as the worst maniac in this Corona theater period.
The other day Trump sprinkled some accolades on the CEO of Pfizer and was booed by his own people. Very interesting. Good thing Bobby is there to man-splain why it happened. How quickly the celebration can come to an abrupt halt. On the other hand, Biden and most of his delusional people are gone.
Well, Al, in this crazy merry-go-round (and we are only at the beginning), we are all human and everyone – living and dead – is someone’s relative, I guess that for everyone his people are more important, obviously no one is more important than another.
Also, regarding my reticence about Trump, I understand that he is literally a savior in the eyes of the right (and not only in the US – walk wherever you want in Europe and you will see the same, the majority of right-wing leaders are also consolidated in their support for Trump, etc.), so even if I am less restrained, this is unlikely to contribute to a better dialogue, For example, to I “reveal” something that I think I have seen about the performance.
Besides, I – for some it is different – I see Trump only as a hero from the common spectacle of those who call themselves “conservatives” and “leftists” (we are talking about the elites, supossedly two; the people below are another thing, at least the majority are real, I hope), and not separately, as an independent bad actor. So when I talk about Trump, I always mean him as part of the system. A very important part, a VIP character, if not the most important; it is the most important and biggest fraud (who was deceived by these Biden/Kamala and co?! those who were deceived by them were apparently already sunk into a deep deception; but Trump is a real, big deception)
And here is my friend, the crazy ultra-christian Dane Erik, look at him below, foaming and screaming that Trump is innocent and the responsibility is personal! There are some grounds in his words (but he fails to say, then, should we doubt and in every other thing that Trump convinces us of; and, since he assumes that Trump is innocent and misled, deceived, after being deceived for such a big thing with deadly consequences for people, can we assume that this can always happen again, even for something with apocalyptic consequences? Of course, Donny is not misled and is not stupid.)
I understand you and I agree with you about the reaction to Trump of some of the people here, about their oversight. But I’m very trained, hardened, didn’t I tell you that I seriously walked around the rightist web a few times last year and I know the reactions, the arguments, so I didn’t have the slightest doubt that this is exactly what they would say, here and everywhere else, completely expected.
You should blame your brother. When you are above 18+ you are supposed to be able to take care of yourself.
We are prepared to help with good advices, but not to be a new Nanny for you the rest of your silly life because yr mom wants to have just a little peace on her older days.
Okay, crazy ultra-Christian Dane, now I’ll see if in the next article in which Ed Curtin talks about death, he doesn’t offer as a bonus some ways to connect with the dead, and if there are, I’ll contact my brother to scold him that he himself who is responsible for the situation he has put himself in.
I know that many Christians (and the rest of the Abrahamics) secretly love genocide because it separates the chaff from the elect, as foretold for the end times. Let us not forget that the number of visas to the kingdom of heaven is strictly limited, and only the most solvent, with the most virtues in their spiritual bank account and faith, will be admitted.
Afghans denied US resettlement to be deported
Actual Muslim refugees can be deported to another Islamic state? Why not; wake up woke.
Specially for Western Europeans: In November 2023, Pakistan launched a crackdown on undocumented foreigners. Since then, more than 815,000 individuals have been repatriated.
Destabilising agents.
Maybe a lot of these Muslim refugees just want to escape the hell the West (US in particular) has made of their nations.
It’s all fair. Those Western countries foolish enough to allow appreciable numbers of them into their countries will create Hells for themselves by doing so. Maybe not for the ownership class, which will keep itself well insulated from the problems it has created, but most emphatically for the middle class and poor. Islam is fundamentally incompatible with Western traditions of paganism,Christianity, and liberal secularism.
But, it’s all in the service of Globalization!
Where’s Chuck Martel when you need him?
Early on in the article you put the cause of all our – the shrews’ – woes down to the elephant in the room: lies. Or, rather, self-deception or lying to one’s self.
If we had the guts to stop deceiving ourselves, those in power wouldn’t get very far with their agenda.
The most stunning (shocking) expression of such blatant self-lying I’ve ever heard from a real live person was a ‘conversation’ where the other party shouted at me that our institutions all had integrity and could be trusted, and that I should shut up about it, and talk about “nature” instead. For real.
Nobody wants to acknowledge the REAL REASON for why we are collapsing .. why inflation is raging… why people are experiencing high anxiety and losing their minds:
Conventional oil production peaked nearly 20 years ago, we have been desperately cannibalizing nuclear war heads to fuel reactors, and shale oil production is now declining. Renewable energy is nothing more than a mirage of hopium.
The fourth horseman of the apocalypse is now mounted – natural gas production is contracting.
Nope. Nobody wants the truth. Anything but the truth.
Because clearly NOTHING can be done about this. We are on the precipice of catastrophe…
However something is being done to prevent the gates of hell from opening
I suspect this is what the Vaccines are all about
Natural gas is a bit of a conundrum in that while its production may be contracting, new sources are being eyed. Offshore of Gaza and Haiti are two examples of sources waiting to be developed (i.e., waiting till the rightful owners are eliminated).
(BTW, is substack a good place to park a blog or some other kind of publication?)
Oh no not the club of romes “peak oil” idea, do you know how insanely easy it is to create biodiesel or biogasoline? It’s so easy that it makes the entire petroleum industry, you simply need cooking oil, methanol and lye. Inflation is raging because we live in what in my culture is called an “aircastle” brother Eddy, it’s based on fantasy numbers on a computer ledger, where the only true value creation is debt that is created out of thin air, someone has to cover for it and reduce their “standard of living” that would be you and me and all the plebs. But the “super rich” would not be able to subjugate people in the same way without this system.
Feel free to explain why we are steaming oil out of sand… and drilling tens of thousands of holes in the ground dropping bombs into them to blow up the shale rock and sucking up the dregs
There could be a multitude of reasons, but I suspect it’s artificial scarcity and market manipulation, the fact that we are pumping it out of the ground is a scam in itself It still has nothing to do with the fiat system causing inflation due to the fact that its based on eternal fantasy “growth” though.
Wow… you appear to be convinced of this…
Meanwhile we continue to steam oil out of sand and drop bombs into holes to blow up rock and suck up the dregs…
I suppose you think that is fake news… the thing is… I have two cousins who operate heavy machinery at the oil sands… and they have informed me that indeed they do steam oil out of sand…
Of course it’s all about faking scarcity…
You are ridiculous … but then so are most humans…. that’s why the men who run the world are able to so easily enslave you on their farm…
Which one are you?
Perhaps fracking and steaming currently has the best investment/yield ratio, and therefore is the preferred industry choice at this time?
What I mean is, certain extraction methods can be made to look like scraping the bottom of the proverbial barrel, but how much of this is a layman’s perspective? And indeed, how difficult would it be to use these optics to create a peak oil fear narrative, if for any reason it served anyone to do such a thing?
I honestly have no idea if fracking or steaming really is like squeezing blood from a stone. For all I know there’s a limitless supply of oil at our fingertips in all kinds of forms, including a load of potential well sites and loads of old wells that magically seem to keep refilling, it’s just less economical to extract it that way at the moment!!!
I mean, there are lots of perfectly viable coal mines that have been shut down for economic reasons.
Whose data can we trust? I’m willing to bet that whatever the truth is, given we (notionally?) exist in an oil-based global economy, it’s probably the most well-guarded information on the planet and probably hidden behind many layers of subterfuge! A2
If that is the case then clearly we have a very big problem:
U.S. Shale Has Lost $300 Billion In 15 Years
Now why would we extract oil at a loss … oh right … cuz that’s all that’s left…
There is nothing else left to discover… see the graph:
Maybe we’re both guilty of being a little naive. Perhaps what UncleWalrus thinks is nearer the mark, that the industry is a ‘scam’? Post Covid, witnessing the myth of market forces being exposed first hand, I think all speculation on this issue is fair game, personally,
‘I honestly have no idea if fracking or steaming really is like squeezing blood from a stone’
Honesty, right…Look look into Barton Moss and that time the Chancellor’s farther inlaw was awarded those fracking contracts. Fracking is the environmental form of vaccines.
Deftly done if indeed its from “have no idea”
But hmmm
Come on Ronan, we’re all on the same side here, and it’s clear I wasn’t discussing the ethics (or lack thereof) of fracking. A2
Thank you for your riidiclous ad hominems and your total avoidance of trying to adress the cause that with a fiat economy based on usury will require inflation to cover for the fact that none of the “values” exist at all, nor the fact that even if we were to “rely on fossil fuels forever”, there is literaly no need to extract them from the ground when you can just grow fields upon fields of rape et cetera… And the protocols of zion, please give me a break, you’re starting to smell like a burnt fed.
Furthermore it is entirely possible to create “synthetic fuel” out of coal, the national socialist regime did this throughout ww2 with Standard oils backing, using whats called the “Bergius process”, which according to shittypedia has 97% effiaciacy. Not only is “petroleum scarcity a scam” but so is the entire petroleum industry.
yes it is … but the problem we are currently experiencing is not that we are out of oil and gas… we are just running out of affordable oil and gas…
Australian gas prices are rocketing higher … and they are demanding a stop to exports to bring prices down…
Same situation in Europe… UK… New Zealand etc..
yes it is … but the problem we are currently experiencing is not that we are out of oil and gas… we are just running out of affordable oil and gas…
Australian gas prices are rocketing higher … and they are demanding a stop to exports to bring prices down…
Same situation in Europe… UK… New Zealand etc..
It’s a similar situation in all countries that import energy … including most of Asia…. prices are lifting off due to lack of supply of low cost production
Expensive energy causes high inflation … expensive energy destroys economies…
Currently the response is to freeze gas – LNG – and ship it to these countries… that is VERY expensive..
That is why energy prices are off the charts in places like Europe and the UK….
Places like NZ do not have that option because of the remoteness of the country … so the country is dying
The problem with using coal to create synthetic fuel is COST. If it was cheaper than shipping LNG it would be happening.
It’s the same story with all these alternative energy sources (including solar and wind)… is they are too EXPENSIVE
Expensive energy destroys economies… LNG shipments are not the answer….. they are nothing more than desperate measures to fend off collapse…
As we can see energy costs are destroying the economies of Europe and the UK…. people cannot afford to heat their homes…
Do I really have to keep explaining this? Maybe before you blurt out bullshit like ‘synthetic fuels’… you might do a little research…
Perhaps you could start off asking a search engine — why do we not power the world with synthetic fuels derived from coal?
You will quickly learn that it is not economically viable…
I believe the Germans tried to do this in WW2… look into that
No, energy prices in Europe aren’t “high because of oil scarcity” many, that is because of NORDPOOL and market manipulation. Furthermore I never said that “we should power the world with synthetic oil from coal” either, that is just you twisting my point that the entire petroleum industry is a scam, a scam was perpetuated because the powers that shouldn’t be are monopolists, and what better way to control people with movement,heating and food etc I notice how you just hopped over the biofuel issue too, how quaint. I’m pretty sure growing fields of rape is more “energy and cost efficient” than “extracting oil from magic holes in the ground”. But please keep repeating the ideas of Meadows and Malthus etc while e-screaming at me and being a buffoon, I doubt it convinces anyone.
Energy prices in Europe are off the charts because they produce next to no oil or gas (otherwise known as scarcity)…
And they are importing LNG from America
Instead of spouting made up bullshit why don’t you try doing a bit of research -otherwise you appear to be a clown
European competitiveness threatened by continued imports of volatile LNG
LNG is stepping up to solve Europe gas woes, but at a price
Concerns that Europe is facing a natural gas supply crunch this winter are overblown, with the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market already stepping up to avoid any shortfall, albeit at higher prices.
European natural gas prices climbed to the highest level in two years last week, with the benchmark front-month contract at the Dutch TTF hub reaching 49.03 euros per megawatt hour on Nov. 22, equivalent to $14.97 per million British thermal units (mmBtu).
Hopefully this will help you get it
I assume you think oil reserves are infinite… same with copper… and fish… and every other resource…
No wonder they are injecting everyone with this poison… one might suggest it’s curing the stupidity …which is the only thing on this planet that is infinite
I feel like this is just deteriorating, and no one benefits from columns of ad hom. It’s an interesting chat, with differing perspectives that’s very, very central to the truth that governs our lives.
One view is the more socially acceptable, establishment-condoned view, that we have an energy crisis and we are in peril; the other view is that energy markets are elite-run simulacra, and the concomitant fear a tool of social control. Is it possible to learn anything from each other? Could both views be partially correct?
Or it may be a case of agreeing to disagree, because simply head bashing with no attempt to exchange arguments beyond this sort of cursory defensiveness is not enlightening, and is just a waste of energy. A2
No – one view is supported by FACTS.
The other is complete nonsense supported by NOTHING
Well, personally, I also tend to question the overall logic and common sense of climate change, and that’s supported by a LOT of so called ‘facts’ that people are often very emotionally invested in defending. I’m not claiming to have dug into this sufficiently to claim your facts are indeed ‘facts’, don’t get me wrong, but I’m interested to learn more.
For instance, many people might question your sources, especially as you’re so adamant they are irrefutable. They might be curious who generates the reports you reference, do they have any conflicts of interest? Let’s not forget, a monopoly is a conspiracy of interest by definition, and not many people would argue that the oil industry is not a monopoly. What about the evidence do you find particularly reliable and irrefutable? Have you sought out any differing opinions? A2
It could be worse. The vaxxed maybe have many side defects but they live yes? We allowed people to live yes! We were not inhuman and shovelling people into ovens.
The only inhuman thing was Trump’s operation Warp Speed, Trump’s clashing women’s freedom in their behind, Trump cutting my salary down, Trump’s bureaucratic regulations of our possibilities to change children’s gender after their own little free wishes.
Because Trump is against freedom!!
Over 17 million people were killed by these C-shots.
Untold millions more were turned into permanent doctors’ patients, I know several of the latter.
Based on VAERS numbers, I think his numbers are low. I have not seen anyone try to refute his numbers, however. He has personally corrected me a few times on X when “citing” his study. This simple study is extremely important. Why aren’t more of studies like this out there? They know what they did. We know what they did. They know we know and they don’t care. The will never stop lying to protect themselves from being implicated in crimes against humanity. And Bill Gates has not backed down on his plan to replace all vaccines with mRNA technology based “vaccines”. They truly don’t care.
FWIW, I know lots of people who have been both vaccinated and boostered. But I don’t know of any who have died or been seriously damaged by it. Even so, I do consider the vaccine life threatening – how could something which interferes with the immune system not be?
I’m not sure either that culling the population was the primary goal of the mRNA vaccine. By impairing the immune system, those who took/take it will – for the rest of their lives – need vaccines to combat virtually anything coming their way. Perhaps that was why initially the vaccine was low or no cost to patients?
0,12%. As a general rule of thumb we say 1/1000 is an anomaly to be expected, as nobody can make a thing without someone has a special immune defect or something else against it.
Its not desirable, but it is the conditions we have today.
When it is above 1/1000 we begin to start the discussion as is the case now today. But we are very close to a normality case.
The one reason the world is gradually disintegrating is because christianity is being replaced with all sorts of pagan beliefs. In ancient pagan cultures there was the law of the jungle, the fittest of the fittest, and women, children, the poor, the sick, disable, etc were ignored and had to rights or respect.
It was christianity which built civilization, and those “globalists” at the top are the international jewish bankers, Jewry… and their faith is the luciferian cabala, the exact opposite of christianity.
Sad that many good people nowadays dont know that what they believe and practice is paganism… this started with the 60s revolution, and paganism has been sold as “culture”, “spirituality”, “psychology” and “healthy practices and lifestyles”.
In pagan societies the law of the stronger reigns and it’s this what we are witnessing all around us.
The scattered people aware of the meltdown are now able to communicate via the internet- that’s the only new thing, it’s always been going on. That’s why awareness is not that popular- you have to take it slow and easy to balance the wonder and terror of existence.
Slightly wet behind the ears to think the new world order is not hear and every country is separate yet all followed the covid rules all have passports all have parliament all have the same suits badges and religion wearing the regalia and bearing flags.
in 2o25 talking about a tv reality your fired ”apprentice’ (freemason) Assassinationed live on TV and got up with a ear wound and said fight! fight! fight!
Imagine believing anything they said after covid and then imagine the IQ in thinking they run anything.
This is the level they want people within the confinement of this type of talking.
Low vibration slightly dumb down.
Quite rude on your part, given that here we are not talking about what you are saying, but we are talking about that when Trump does something bad, we should look for the fault everywhere else except in Trump, didn’t you read? – In the bigger picture. (And under the obligatory assumption that Trump and the left are separate and fighting each other.)
And I’m just wondering where our rightists have gone after weeks of furious grumbling under previous articles that there’s a tendentious distortion of the swamp cleanse with warp speed by the returned Donny, and all his good is denied or called evil, and why aren’t they here to praise OffG, or Todd, or both, for that they reflect part of their point of view. Godliness requires to recognize the positive in the same way that you point out the negative.
People, I don’t know why you don’t agree, it’s your business. But, people on the rightist spectrum here are also users of this website, readers and commentators, so they also deserve their point of view to be covered. And, here: their pov is covered here, and also in the next article, mentioning Trump’s statement about the link between vaccines and autism. It seems fair to me.
And, lo and behold, they have already become more actively involved in the comments under this article, which is a fair answer on their part. I think we all have reasons to be satisfied.
In naming all the things all countries have in common, you left out the Number One thing they have in common: people. Could it be that because nations are manned by human beings, and human beings are for the most part carbon copies of one another (with very few exceptions), that this is why every nation came up with the same things? Rather than because some overarching entity dictated to them what they must do?
Event 201.
Billy Gates. Interesting video, several years prior to Convid release.
It won’t drive me crazy, I’m there already.
Lament of the Vaxx-Injured (Video: Cody Hudson)
Written by Margaret Anna Alice & Read by Cody Hudson
“The next set of NCI hearings are now set for Edmonton, Alberta on March 6, 7 & 8, 2025.
Edmonton: On Thursday, March 6, 2025, the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) will reconvene another set of hearings. The focus of the inquiry has been expanded beyond Canada’s response to COVID-19 to address the critical question –
“Are children safe in Canada?
The National Citizens Inquiry is working very hard to bring together all of the components for the Hearings. We invite you to be a part of history in the making.
We encourage you to attend in person if you can. Free Tickets will be available soon to attend live! We look forward to seeing you!”
Location – To be announced
Margaret Anna Alice
who sold desatnis and Rrump as fighting the covid deep state LOL
Inquiry FFs
This lot are the worse of the attension seekers idiots.
Did you ever attend school?
A year-two ago, when I had a registration in the funny substack, I came across her stack from somewhere, I looked at what she wrote – and it was “THE AMERICANS! THE PROXY WAR AGAINST RUSSIA. and Putin is fighting and fighting for traditional values”, I look and see that there is Riley Wagman in her “recommendations”. And I began to ask her: why is that, madam, have you not read Wagaman, which is in your recommendations – given that you are writing against the plandemic, do you know that you are selling, convincingly at the same time, a complete fraud, do you know this and that, and so on. Culturally, I mean. And she began to grumble something, to make excuses, “yes, I know”, “yes, of course, Riley”, “yes, I’ll think about it”. We had a good chat, a little laughter, teasing.
And then she went on to post exactly the same thing.
In Defense of the Vaccine Injured – Cody’s Law
No Vaccine Injured Patient Left Behind Act – Proposed Florida State Bill
Help Us Push For Life-Saving Help Now!
Sign the Petition
Read Proposed Legislation Here
What We Need
“Silence is not the way
We need to talk about it …”
d!The Vaccine Injured Have Been In The Shadows Long Enough, Sign Our Petition to Demand Change Now And Get Them The Help Needed!
Or. Congress could lift the protections they are giving the pharmaceutical industry. A difficult task given how many congressional fat cats are taking their cash and are flat out lying about it. Caught red handed by Bobby and they are just plain lying as if it is okay to lie. Never seen anything like it.
A grim lament Derek.
We’re used to reasons for why something negative happens just being pulled out of the air by skilled PR staff and having little to no basis in reality. In our world there’s the annual ritual of the gas (petrol) price hikes but it now translates to other everyday things such as egg prices, in fact anything that’s deemed to be not yielding enough.
Politics, especially international relations, gets the same treatment. In this case its surprising how many will swallow a line (and repeat it) without question, even if it doesn’t make sense. For a lot of us, though, its just noise.
What is Ms. Strossen trying to tell us? Obviously that the pressure in a cauldron, if it does not have a relief valve, increases so much that the cauldron will eventually burst. The pressure is created by the permanent supply of energy and the resulting increase in molecular activity.
The cauldron can only be the intended “melting pot” (Israel Zangwill), the added energy that creates the chaos, frustration and aggression, apparently the unchecked, completely out of control third world immigration. The relief valve is therefore “free speech”.
This means that these people know full well that the cauldron threatens to blow up in their faces if they lock it. Controlled (“kosher”) opposition called “civic nationalism” serves as an outlet here, holding mock battles that get lost in mere declarations of intent. Like “Holocaust denial”, the subject of race remains taboo for the white Goyim/Amalek.
The irresolvable contradiction between the criminalization of “Holocaust denial” and racially based self-interest on the one hand and the proclamation of alleged “free speech” on the other creates considerable mistrust among the oppressed.
However, the “democracy” that is constantly presented as ideal suffers from many other obvious and concealable flaws. Why do people who have more money than others decide who gets into power and key positions and, for example, can “buy” an election campaign?
Their “democracy” is not a rule of the people, but a sham democracy, as the individual consumer can only choose a product offered by the manufacturer. This is also the case with political parties. Parties that endanger the system are not allowed and are defamed as “undemocratic” by those who own the media (whoever that may be).
But something else is also revealed here (the grudgingly accepted “lesser evil”) in the lady’s statement: How can it be that such a reasonable, cultured and civilized country like Germany would enthusiastically elect a Hitler? Surely there must be something wrong with this “people”?
The reason for this was the same back then as it is today: the so-called “Weimar Republic” was a system in which corruption and incompetence ruled, and the population had lost respect for its self-appointed “leaders”.
If you look today at the miserable figures who run and direct “Western democracies”, who deeply despise their own people and are only interested in their own welfare, who finance the war against Russia and Gaza with the tax money of their citizens, it is exactly the same.
Cheerful staff.
Lets entertain Dr delusional thinking.
If USA is the worlds biggest super power. If Donald was head of that when covid appeared and spent 8 trillion. 1.8 trillion to his mates for covid.
then gave the drain swamp creatures 1500$ each.
Then if he is in charge Doctor…. is he not to blame???? if he signed the ex orders for something like the trillion of dollars in relief fund.,,,(biggest transfer of world ever)
What about operation warp-speed.? surely you not going to tell us unwashed and dummies that he was getting orders from Faluchi and was lied to.
Normal business’s in The UK and Europe opposed this you fool as it effects little people like me sending stuff to my clients in other countries as 25% on top of all the other costs makes unbuyerable for general public which puts little people like me out of business which then helps the corps come in and kill the independents. USA policy’s effect the world you fool.
But as your on 200$+ hour, and believe people get arrested for rainwater collection, which would mean birds and ducks and dogs would be arrested for having puddle baths.
Your so out of touch with reality as you live in alt media world.
This awful out of touch with reality article is a Prime example of the woke right.
awake enough to be asleep.
You be the fool, fool
I think, Todd, you need to consider a third group of sheep-shrew hybrid into which people like suzaloop can be placed.
Thats why we have the trans movement.
The sheep-shrew group cant continue to ignore and suppress the billions of trans-humans in this world and our rights!
You have the trans movement to have the president to stop it (along with the green deal and the CBDC) and you to fall as followers at the feet of Sai Baba, until the savior introduces only that part of the plan that is intended to be introduced. Trans, Green, immigrants, and the CBDC were never meant to be part of the future, only an Ugly Ultimate Threat to the future from which the savior will save you.
I am very sorry that the place where I have repeated this a hundred times is no longer there, to certify that I have repeated it. Against the backdrop of the constant sharing of right-wing articles and videos about the transgender craziness, I kept repeating that this is so outrageously blatant (the very transgender words, saying, actions), and it is presented in such a theatrical and cinematic way in the media that it just cries for the anti-trans Hero. I said that it was made ugly as a dragon to be limited or outright killed by the rescuer, after which the target (rightist/antitrans) group would be intoxicated. It didn’t seem real then, and no one believed, but, here it is: a doubly God-saved anti-trans President. (In general, there are times waiting for you with some fulfilled dreams, but later, later… The price must be paid.)
Sure. Bad cop, good cop.
But, millions participated in public performance and back-up and supporting these LGBT groups, thus suppressing normal lives.
You cant blame this on a single person or some group without admitting yourself is an pathetic adult who refuse to grow up and be your own, crying that Nanny is guilty.
@A-a.t.: Try explaining that and the utter waste of expended TIME & ENERGY, committed by GeorgeMc ! Not to mention how his uncontrolled & uncontrollable surges of irritation with this pathetic transatlantic tool of The Mind, have soured these columns of commentary… and that the Bernays’ Source is now OFF the Hook & off the table@OffG:- who actually generates these ‘narratives’ ?
Guys like Sorrell & Preston Rabl.
The sad reality for Westerners is, ain’t nuttin’ gonna’ change until it changes over the Pond, determining our Weather on Top of so many other immoral actions, truly well concealed.
Of course, presently one must educate children in the USUK&EU with completely impossible lies daily, For all the Wrong Reasons: first evidenced by Jane Standley announcing the collapse of WTC7 20 odd minutes in advance of the actual Event, Live, with the building still VISIBLE over her left shoulder… I needed just 7 seconds to comprehend, WHO had arranged everything-everything, weatherwise, after losing $$$ 2.3Trillion $$$ US taxpayers money, announced the day prior,(having created Aladdin & HAARP & Legitimising them as “…Force Multipliers”. D.o.D.+++1997+++), Daily Immoral Transitioning Transmissions Ofcom ? DITTO
Big Yawns, Denmark, not Thinking Energetically
Or remotely intellectually, officially, either, see?
Very clearly you cannot discuss any climate change,
Without everybody putting their bad eggs on the table
🏓 , which will Pong first, before it Pings. And, as a child babysitter, believe me I was playing Ping-Pong on military grade electronics, long before it came to ‘Market’ … fyi: the most major condition of contract for B.P. (when purchasing the Atlantic Richfield Corporation & Bernard Eastlund’s Patents), from the D.o.D. was that EVERY Electronic Action with High Auroral Accoustic Research Programming must be logged & reported to them…
So, Records Exist.
Who owns Them ?
You know, dear Balkidj (from balkan? balkandji?), how to write in a way that is difficult for the services to understand (an old habit from the intel? ; ) )
Mutant Ninja Tortoise ?🀄
The main/best purpose of tarrifs is to protect national businesses and ensure a high degree of national self-sufficiency.
Tell me – can your small business compete with Chinese/Indian firms who are paying employees $10/day? No – not without paying your own staff even less (since your costs are higher) or… tada… having tarrifs even up the competition.
The price of a industrial bot is dropping like a rolling stone off a cliff each day, no one can compete w/that.
Only question becomes just at what percentage point do the tariffs piss off China enough to react in some fashion.
The problem with industrial bots is that they are lousy at consumerism.
Manufacturers don’t seem to care that no jobs for humans = no humans buying their useless tat.
This is going to lead to a death spiral for all economies.
Not to mention that the Dollar Store will then be the Twenty Five Dollar store.
Already, Trump wants another round of tax cuts for the wealthiest. The legislature has delayed that, saying it wants to deal with other matters he raised.
Spot on Todd.
The Trump thing is interesting.
We’re so used to being told lies that when he says what he says without filter it’s a bit of a shock.
Not saying he’s being altruistic. Not at all.
But, with Ukraine, for example, turning off the money-washing machine that the country has becone and cashing in his chips makes perfect sense.
It had to end at some point and since nukes are in the equation, military escalation is in nobody’s interest.
We’ve been sold the Putin Two-minute-hate schtick for so long we salivate when we hear his name.
Of course, Putin is no angel and both him and Trump have stolen the march on Europe and the division of spoils.
I don’t, however believe that Trump is anti-globalist.
Anti-Davos maybe, but his goal is Trumpism – not an antidote to globalism but direct competition to it.
And Europe is furious.
Agreed. Trump may be anti-globalists with regard to the current contender for the role. But I too believe he would be fine being himself, and the US, the global leader.
Consider the possibility of Trump and Putin both being Globalist puppets. Their immensely wealthy and powerful handlers may have realised that the policies they have followed over the last 5 years are not going to bear fruit because enough people have woken up.Trump may have been chosen to reverse some of those policies. His bombastic manner produces an illusion of opposition to the NWO. As for Putin, he is doggedly implementing the same policies in Russia as the West is trying to do, less successfully (fake pandemic, fake climate change, digital id, cbdc, total surveillance, etc).
Consider that Trump and Putin are their own actors fighting for their own interests.
AFAIK, the jab passport failed in Russia, Europe and Israel. Putin let the provincial governor of Moscow take the blame
Can someone explain to me how Hamas can make bombs out of condoms, as Trump said? Trump also said that … millions were sent to Hamas in aid. Does anything he says make sense ever and represents the truth?
Moreover, do any of our puppet politicians ever tell us the truth?
Actually, it seems like the cat is pretty much out of the bag on the fake Covid-19 scam. Seems like anyone who doesn’t live under a rock now realizes it was and still is a criminal and devious scam. Trump has scheduled a national news conference for Monday to announce his regrets for declaring a pandemic in the U.S., his criminal role in facilitating a fake vaccine that has and is still killing and injuring millions and millions of people, and apologizing to the American people for claiming that he personally saved millions of lives by rushing the fake vaccine to the market for the fake virus. Then he’s going to announce that Israel killed JFK and the moon landings were fake.
Funny. We’ll see, anything is possible. Although I know it is a potential trap to say this, but I do wonder if Trump got bamboozled like many of us did, erroneously listening to “his advisors”…but…
And I think MANY people, including a handful of people in my immediate circle, are DEFINITELY still under a rock, and STILL believe everything that was initially said about the Covid nonsense.
Well ya, of course he got bamboozled. He really isn’t all that smart, does minimal research, and flies by the seat of his narcissistic pants. But that’s no excuse in his position, the buck stops there. I know most did get fooled and many still are, but many of us did not, not even for a second from the very beginning. I remember well. So that means, the truth was out there, it was known, so it’s totally on him (and many others also). It’s like someone saying they were fooled or misled into participating in a murder. That doesn’t cut it. The same goes with foreign policy. I’ve long felt that all Presidents, and of course not just them, i.e, many others as well, but all presidents are inherently war criminals. People can lay all kinds of excuses down about it, but to me that doesn’t fly. Trump should be sent to prison for mass murder. Maybe get a cell with Biden, Obama and Clinton. Maybe without justice, it will never end.
I had just such a conversation with a friend last weekend. “But what about the 500K deaths” she asked? I did go off on a full rant, starting with the fact that no novel virus has ever been proven to even exist, pointing out that PCR is and never was a diagnostic test, etc. As your last line in the article stated, this will drive all of us crazy and that is obviously still the case for me. I highly doubt my little screed made any headway, but I am to the point now that I really can no longer control my mouth when someone utters such a sentiment.
I worked outside my home for the entire duration of the covidiocy, and one of THE hardest things for me during that was to pretend any of that garbage was real. I’d get in my car on the way home and rant on and on to myself how idiotic the entire thing was.
As for Trump, I am right there with you on being unsure whether Trump really knows how his agenda is being used. Personally, I doubt he really knows the full deal as his tendency to blurt out small ugly truths makes that a pretty big risk for our owners. But the man was pretty much an actor for much of his life, so who knows?
But your article is spot on that most will blame Trump for it all without ever bothering to think about it. I had that thought the night of the selection when I found out he won, perfect way to deflect any attention from all the destruction caused by the prior selection and in many ways all those before it. Just like covid, no one questioned, no one argued with those “experts” and no one of the sheep group at least thought one thing was wrong with a forced medical procedure with job loss an acceptable punishment for refusal. While Trump did indeed do some vax pushing, that never went as far as the loony left side did. But by all means, let’s blame the bad Orange Man and tell ourselves that the other “side” was only going along with “the science.” See, there’s another rant starting right now…
Many of my relatives, friends, acquaintances and neighbours are still under a rock.
Bamboozled? Confused? Deceived by his advisers? What is certain is that the confused, bamboozled and deceived Trump is one of several large pillars on which the temple of the rightist spirit and faith stands (one only has to walk through the right-wing websites).
For example, one pillar is the notorious case “when” Pompeo, in the “Coronavirus Task Force Briefing”, live, for the first time informed Trump that covid was a “live exercise”. It happened like this: Pompeo, speaking furiously about the crime of China, which did not notify them in a timely manner of the beginning of the spread of deadly covid, continuing steadfastly in this line of thought, raised his voice and masterfully – as befits an old CIA – stuck the phrase “We are in a live exercise here”, i.e. only “a situation in which China has put us, by not giving us early data in a timely manner, so it put us in the difficult situation of fighting the deadly virus and trying to cope as best we can in this new, difficult situation.”
Pompeo, as part of the mass psychosis, simply shilled the covid narrative “the terrible virus in the absence of the early, hidden by China, data” narrative, preparing the public for what he, Trump, Fauci, etc., will do to him, then Biden and the Democrats: “DEADLY PANDEMIC” with mass vaccination, lockdowns, etc. Nothing much.
At which, immediately after that phrase, Donald interrupted him, leaned over to the microphone and, without looking at Pompeo, without in any way referring to or alluding to him, said: “Should have let us know.” THEY, CHINA, “The Big Bad China”, should have let us know, “tell us the data instead of hiding it from us, putting us in the difficult position of having to fight this new and unknown deadly virus in the absence of data”, and other shit that led to the “life-saving” Operation Warpspeed and mass vaccination, which Trump still boasts as a monumental success (when is his confusion expected to dissipate?)
But the right said that Pompeo meant “covid is a live exercise”; just, during this important and watched briefing, he said it, admitting to the whole world. And Trump said “You should have let us know,” which didn’t happen. And the “Legend of the Confused and the Misled Trump” (sounds almost like a Masonic ritual) went far and wide.
Well, if the fact that Pompeo, Birx and Fauci haven’t as yet been arrested – or eevn charged – doesn’t tell you everything you need to know about American, and/or International politics, nothing else will. They’re protected, why and by who? Also, was Trump ever madeaccountable for the pre-meditated murder of Solomeini … nah! … speaks volumes about International Law, eh …
Yes. The wolves will not arrest each other alone, because they have dined together with a sheep.
You will be surprised the more rocks you turn around.
Catherine Austin Fitts’ recent excellent 60-minute presentation makes clear (arguably) the #1 challenge now facing the human race.
See: Essential Facts for Understanding the Digital Control Grid. – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY (
“Use cash on Fridays”??
The sheep ‘will not look to the real reasons’ for global collapse writes Todd Hayden, who names the real reasons in his introduction: the globalists. Not long ago, I also assumed superior understanding of ‘the real’. Then I studied the critical history of Zionism, the extent of its political control globally, and its hidden involvement in just about any modern evil you care to mention. Is any globalist not also a Zionist or its tool? This ongoing learning experience has been humbling and jaw-dropping. Hopefully, my much-improved understanding of the real won’t undergo further shocking upgrades.
The rise in hatefulness is what most surprises me in recent years. It was so easy to stoke.
And I’m not talking about the good kind of hate – justified, rational, righteous hate. I mean completely unhinged, retarded hate based on falsehoods and manipulation.
I know, I know – sometimes this is subjective. But much of it these days is very clear cut. People spout spiteful bile without even a hint of being able to justify it.
Back in 2016, leftists at MAGA rallies screaming ‘love trumps hate’ while spitting at elderly Trump supporters convinced me that demonic possession is real. Is it the act of demonizing others which makes you demonic, or which intensifies its control over you? I left the left for good after that.
The kind of hate that you describe is never to be taken as a rational emotion, subjective or otherwise. It is clearly a pathology.
“The kind of hate that you describe is never to be taken as a rational emotion”
You’re getting dangerously close to saying hate speech shouldn’t be allowed.
I say that hate is a healthy response in some situations and should be encouraged.
Between your attitude and my attitude, I suggest mine is more protective of society. Far more.
Yes, I also have the experience that most people invest an awful lot of (mainly mental) energy to get things “right” for them. So if now 2 x 2 equals 5, then they won’t doubt, but will find a way to rationalise it to become “true”. This is a kind of human behaviour that may help us being creative, but may very well also lead to a “loss” of reality.
As I see it, things started to slip increasingly into this direction four or even five decades ago, together with the rise of the neoliberal ideology of “Everything is possible if you really go for it”. I can only guess how much of this was directly pushed by the agenda and how much of it was this ever growing feeling of “progress” and empowerment that caught hold of so many minds. As I see it, it surely was both, and more.
So “Covid” was not the flipping of the switch from scratch from “off” to “on”. Rather, for me it was the kicking in of a “Turbo”, of a Kickdown on the accelerator.
The insolent Jews even want to forbid Steve B. to show
his audience how high his German shepherd can jump!
The global parasites not only create troubles but use technology and bribes to make existing troubles far more lethal, such as arming African tribes with automatic weapons, setting up dictators and warlords, etc etc.
be NOT afraid.
THIS is the beginning of the true age of aquarius.
this year, a few birth pains, sure. the more we are/bring the light the easier it will be.
“Fear” does not need to be a driving factor for anything…”concern” “awareness of trouble” “attention to detail” all can be healthy driving factors…fear never is.
As with my comment above about hate, you show great aversion to any emotion you see as negative* and won’t acknowledge their necessity and usefulness.
You can be pious by purging yourself of these emotions. That will make you feel good. But you’re a pacifist in a war. Other people make sacrifice by taking on these emotions and using them to good effect.
PS Feeling fear, anger or hate DOES NOT mean you have to stop thinking clearly. I’m not saying you should let them control you.
* We all have this aversion, but when reality hits hard you should deal with it realistically.
The great aversion is against uncontrolled hate, unjustified hate, the crowd hanging the scapegoat.
I dont see anybody using hate(anger with good effects.
Many innocent people gets hurt every day by big injustice, but the moment they react, by natural logical anger, they get even more hurt by other people’s lack of understanding.
it’s always fear or love.
Oh my,how theosophical of you sabelmouse!!
ACIM, actually. and true.
I don’t cotton to putting cause before effect. So I will have to opt out of shrewdom, at least for now. Covid is the effect, not the cause of the malaise sweeping across the globe – a malaise which has always been an integral part of human nature.
Humans want as much as they can get and will always support whoever promises to get it for them. Then when they find out it doesn’t make them as super duper happy taking what others used to have as they imagined it would, they get a little crazy.
It’s then that they work very hard to return everything to where they got it (just kidding! they would never dream of letting the spoils of war go).
See, it’s like this: so far as we know, everything on this planet has finally been identified and mapped out. What we tend to overlook is that it’s happened before in human history – like all the time. These ancient empire builders (aka “Globalists”) also thought they had captured it all (just like the “Globalists”).
The Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans; the Mongols, Mughals; across the sea the Toltecs, Olmecs, Maya, Aztecs, Incas – everybody was a “Globalist.” Everybody thought they had it all.
So it isn’t just today’s empire builders who want and imagine they have it all – it’s always been that way. So don’t blame the malaise on these Johnny-Come-Latelys – they’re just the latest batch of misguided fools.
That isn’t possible but google and friends try hard to convince people otherwise..
Minor correction: should be effect before cause – not “cause before effect.”
Yeah. The global “response” to covid didn’t just happen and lead to what followed. It was made to happen as part of an existing roadmap.
Do you identify with the human nature you describe, or resist it?
The “Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans; the Seljuk Turks, Mongols, Mughals; across the sea the Toltecs, Olmecs, Maya, Aztecs, Incas” did what they did on behalf of themselves. The Romans didn’t wish to share their power or wealth with any other people; it was not for nothing they razed Carthage. All those groups, those mighty nations, knew there was a world out there, beyond their borders, populated by a human race, but also by almost infinitely different peoples. Always, and forever, one looked to the interest of one’s own nation and people first, at the expense of all others. It was an idea as natural as breathing.
These new Globalists don’t believe in nation, blood, race, ethnicities, the idea of unique peoples; the idea is to level all of that, render borders obsolete. The human race, to them, is one great, grey amorphous mass of undifferentiated flesh, existing solely to serve as “educated animals and interchangeable cogs in a global economy: as JD Vance just phrased it.
Important distinction, thank you…Also, there has never been a time in history where it actually was POSSIBLE to rule the entire world…cultures/nations may have always wanted to, but it was beyond comprehension to do so…now it is not only possible, but probable.
Right. Between military technology, weather technology, communication technology, transportation technology, etc, true global rule is almost inevitable.
“Always, and forever, one looked to the interest of one’s own nation and people first, at the expense of all others. It was an idea as natural as breathing.”
And so, the seed was, naturally, sewn for all the self-centred, gullible a-holes, who imagined that, if they acted together, they could benefit, at the expense of others, by becoming an entire group (a “nation”) of self-centred a-holes.
They were so thick that they couldn’t imagine a small group among their number who were even more self-centred than themselves and who wouldn’t think twice about joining together with those like minded from other “nations” to benefit the members of this “multi-national” group at the expense of all the individual national groups.
The only differences between the small number in the single multinational group and the vastly larger number of individuals in all of the national groups is that these individuals were so thick that they couldn’t understand that their own self-interest would have been better served if they had become members of the multinational group.
While all members of both groups were self-centred scumbags they were differentiated by “density” levels only.
Roll on 2035.
I disagree totally with thinking ancient peoples saw or imagined a world beyond the known world. A few may have; but by and large people tend to see the known world as the entire world.
We do it even now: scientists have of late concluded that life apart from the very narrow parameters of Earth cannot exist – and that there are many fewer Earth like planets out there than once thought.
The idea of placing Man at the center of creation has never gone out of fashion and never will.
I was talking more particularly about the “known world,” but “Terra incognita” was by no means an unknown concept.
“What lies beyond the desert? What lies beyond the mountains? What lies beyond the sea?” are normal human questions. Some peoples, and some cultures were perfectly content not to explore the answers to those questions; others, made it a goal to do so.
In our time, there is little “Terra incognita” left, but that hasn’t been the case for most of human existence. Human beings, however, were well aware there were lands beyond their knowledge and experience.
I love your articles, Todd, because they look for truth in the mess of the newsfeed and deconstruct the narrative to find why we think what we think. But I also wonder if the truth behind the lies is bigger than a ‘global conspiracy’. The group who have power in this world can see their deception isn’t working any more and there’s no way they can continue to convince us with the nonsense they’ve been selling us for centuries. So they have to press the reset button to start again. Are we in a simulation, on a flat earth, making this all up while lying in a coma in a hospital bed? – it really doesn’t matter because all that matters is that we go on believing it, and as soon as we don’t it begins to fall apart which is what we are witnessing now. 9/11 and the Covid con were both tower falling moments to upend our reality. Someone is trying to wake us up.
Thank you so much for your compliment!
Yes, I agree with what you say when I look at this whole experience from a certain level. It really matters what level we look at all of this, what lens we experience it through. I have a tendency to move from one level to another in my writing…and I am not really certain which level shows the “correct” or more accurate perspective (maybe they all do in some way).
Much like the fish that cannot conceive of any level other than the water-world (the fish “level”) many people cannot look at the world events we talk about from a different level than the one they are familiar with.
When you move from a material level to a metaphysical one (spiritual) it all looks very different.
Bur what about (whataboutery) whales and dolphins and other cetaceans? They live in both worlds, and can skate along the crack between the worlds.
The water world, all fluids, our blood, emotions, the psyche, Yetzirah. The air level, Beriah, our, and all breathing creatures breath, and the ability to transform food into energy. I am only naming this ‘in general.’
And we as predators hunt the cetaceans, hopefully NOT to extinction
I understand what you’re saying about the different levels we can operate on, but I can’t get away from how Bond-villainesque it’s all getting. The Musk masquerading of a Nazi salute is almost identical to the Peter Sellers character in Dr Strangelove. The nonsense of the fake assassination attempt with Trump’s ear bearing not a trace of damage one day later convinced only those who weren’t (and never are) looking. The PHEIC fakery of all the Covid acronyms reminded me of the SMERSH baddies smashing the West in some Bond films. It’s Hollywood villainry at its worst. The false flags events are not even trying to be believable at this point (fighting with a narwhal tusk on Westminster bridge comes to mind). Back in my day, the evil in politics was subtly persuasive not blatantly despotic because, of course, they wanted to succeed before they exposed themselves. This is nothing like that and is almost funny even while it’s tragic (and scary?). But no I don’t believe a word of it. It’s a ‘movie’ playing out what was supposed to happen but being parodied at the same time. For evil intent? Possibly but I don’t think so. Trump will win as his name has always proclaimed and Biden was just bidin’ his time till the man took over. So now I’m saying their names give them away? What kind of metaphysical nonsense is this? Who knows?
I would even say that it was the “special operation broken Biden(and Kamala)” that was the mandatory (and decisive, but for uniting the right-wing collective, and not for “winning the elections by voting”, which for me does not matter – the elections are taking place, but in fact the voting is irrelevant) prerequisite for the return of the Trump card on the table.
There will likely be a civil or employment war in Western countries. It will be the young against the old. The old have a lot, the young are shafted and it was neither ordinary groups who did it.It was the city of london etc, wall street etc, secure civil servants [the blob] and old money.
Great article!
Got to say you are on point about something important though, “90% problems of the world are because of this agenda”.
Bloody hell, we’ll just have to start again:
Hahaha, just look at those silly apes, so unsophisticated. We have come so far since then.

What about all the shit you don’t see that doesn’t involve a bunch of youngins in sportswear stabbing eachother? Do you ever look at those images Jonathan?
We must never forget we came from the apes, and walked around on the moon to mozart music. This is the Tiger jump I and a few others did! Dont you forget that! The moon!
Todd,we got to stop meeting like this buddy. You know fully well that “presidents don’t make up policies” and that this is just another bout of their world government schtik, and that “people didn’t vote for Trump”, he was placed there, I mean even the loathsome IVF-Autist Elon is a an avatar. Yes it is incredibly stressful and I feel it too, therefore I invite you to my house for some grassfed beef and some home made squash(what Americans call “cordial”), I also have lsd and cannabis oil if that will help. The short story is to “not be driven crazy” by also including posetivity and the ability for change in ones own life, sure technocratic fascism is being solidfied in front of our eyes, but we have been(excuse me for being crude) permanenltly “jerking off” to this for the last 5-6 years(some have their entire life), now that it’s finaly here, DOOMING isn’t going to solve anything. And think about it just because these clowns are imposing their “policies” and clearing house to make their masters wishes a reality, has anything really changed that much?
Other than that I wish you a wonderful week brother.
I am slowly coming over to your side of things.
Well over here on “this side” we’re afraid too, but the machinations and props just seem so pathetic and cheap, so it’s easier to laugh it off, and see this system for what we think it truly is.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what they say, that the devil has no creative ability and can only copy…
The more I study the situation the more it seems true, what pathetic vile creatures they are, they don’t even send us their best shills, everything is a friggin rehash day in and day out!
I agree. All scripted. Trump/Musk are just the new actors.
Which is politics as usual. But I’m hating the egg prices.
Sorry, but that is silly. Nobody has the power to have everything scripted. Too many blackpillers here right now.
Unfortunately, A whole bunch of people Who attended a little
conference down in Rio de Janeiro back in 1992 Would strongly
disagree with you.
The globalists plan to acquire or own control
and rights of every necessary resource to survive and then rent
them back to us with conditions has been titled by numerous
agencies under numerous names like a shell game to keep
everybody looking in various directions for the longest time.
But the bottom line Is that all the major Key players in the world
have agreed to set aside Any BS In favor of working together In
what they term lockstep In order to achieve A greater ultimate goal
Of controlling the world. And they are caring less and less about hiding that agenda from the masses anymore because they are cocky and feel that they have the game all wrapped up with AI and high-tech surveillance and digital currency and social credit scores, Etc.
Make no mistake. Two things are absolute certainties in our world today. One. Everything is a test. And two. Everything you see happening in the world was scripted and designed to happen that way for bigger picture reasons by people with far too much money and far too few scruples.
Norangard (its all the Rockefellers) and Cudenec (its all Rothschild) have their many adherents at Off-G, to the apparent dismay of Simon Elmer.
Because “shell game globalizer believers” don’t do or know geopolitics and vice versa.
Shell-gamers think that Greater Israel and Greater Turkey are not real policies, just bait and switch, and that future dead IDF or Turkish soldiers on the Syrian border are imaginary, probably crisis actors, no?
What Rily Waggaman says about Hermann Gref and Sberbank is no doubt true, but Putin having been a Young Global Leader and driver of the Sputnik V jab does not make Western greed for Russian commodities and natgas less real.
Yep. All oblivious to the logical futility of their posts (apparently).
I originally thought you meant the eggs..
“Nobody has the power to have everything scripted.”
I tend to agree, but the actors are also able to ad-lib. Not everyone stays on script, all the time,
See the 180 Day Playbook Section
“The fourth pillar of Project 2025 is our 180-day Transition Playbook and includes a comprehensive, concrete transition plan for each federal agency. Only through the implementation of specific action plans at each agency will the next conservative presidential Administration be successful.
Pillar IV will provide the next President a roadmap for doing just that.”
Project 2025 | Presidential Transition Project
Well, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion.
I would say that entities that have the power to insinuate themselves into countries all over the world and then to disrupt them, destroy them and install puppet leaders is pretty powerful.
I would argue that powers that can shoot a US President in broad daylight, followed by shooting 3 more influential men within 4 years, again in broad day/camera light, i would argue that’s pretty powerful.
Anyone who can pull of psyop after psyop after pshop, war after war after war, 9/11, Iran Contra, The Balkans, Weapons of Mass Destruction, 2008 Financial Collapse, cover up after cover up after cover up, and the big bamboozle of the past 5 years – I’d say they’re a pretty powerful group.
Ask Catherin Austin Fitts how powerful they are.
So is this “entity” located east of Cyprus and west of Jordan?
I don’t think it has boundaries.
I don’t think anyone implied that “everything is scripted” down to a t, dear sister, and please don’t call us “Blackpilled”, or whatever, there is a difference between “blackpilling”(basicly giving up) and realizing that all politicians are frauds and the heroine has to be yourself, in fact it’s quite the opposite of so called “blackpilling”, I think it’s the ultimate freedom, because no longer does a person like that desire the saving grace of an idol or “leader” or hold any strange beleifs about statism for example “It used to be better”, “when we were in our glorydays” and that kind of shite.
Agreed 100% Judith. In regards to the egg prices and yes we’re seeing them in Missouri as well right now but you might find this a little interesting like I did this morning.
It’s a post on Instagram about people comparing egg prices around the world in various spots.
I meant “Thanks for the link”
This script has to be the oldest and most repeated on OG.
Good God why the hysteria over egg prices? Such a ridiculous distraction…
Paying $3 more per package of eggs than I did last week is not a distraction to me. Since it’s a main protein staple it has an economic effect.
I would not call my surprise and concern “hysteria”. And it certainly is not a distraction. It is a reality.
Try some alternative protein sources that don’t involve extreme cruelty and inevitable spread of sickness and contaminants……
The egg prices are just the start 🙁
You know, I think you might be right.
I would strongly recommend to remove the acid from the menu and replace with mushrooms…. did you know much if not all of the acid is made/controlled by freemasons? Intel from the horse’s mouth- I managed to briefly blend into this crowd for my research…
As Trump is busily reversing puppet Biden’s wars and wokery, and is defunding and dismantling the giant US state across multiple domains, it’s hard to see how his ‘bout of world government’ is in any way continuous with the previous nightmare. Also, while I fully agree dooming solves nothing, don’t your unsubstantiated claims mean resistance is futile?
Theres an excellent writer that has written many a warning or article about “false binaries” in this very publication, sir/maddame, his name is Kit Knightly, the fact that you think this is about “wokery and Biden” is a little concering to me, Kit also called that “Trump would be the saviour to end Ukraine”, it’s not “Bidens war” the homocidal theatre that was known as the “Ukraine war” or in some circles “The super special anti Nazi SMO” that basicly made no sense, has simply dried out, the wealth transfers have allready happened, and theres probably another conflict on the horizon, so “Bidens war” as you put it is ending. I also want to remind you that spaceX become a military contractor under the “Biden administration”, Palantir has been working with the US goverment since 2013(so basicly through the last “Trump administration” and “Biden administration” and now with this last iteration of the “Trump administration” where one of their main investors, Peter Thiel, I’m sure you have heard of this man? Is literaly responsible for JD Vances career and still has his own page on the WEF website), so I got to say that doesn’t seem like much of a “change”.
Furthermore I never said that “resistance is futile”, I’m simply pointing out that voting and simping for globalist billionares and rich people as “heroes” isn’t any form of “resistance”.