The Carneyvore Diet
Sylvia Shawcross

Yes, I know the world is going to hell and it is all very ugly so all we’re left with is banality. And so that is what this writer is left with. It is what it is…
Now, we all know that processed food is bad for us. I don’t know about you but if “they” are going to be feeding us crickets and meal moths then I want them to process the bloody hell out of those things. I want them to muck them about right down to the DNA until we have no idea what it is. I mean really. I don’t want to find a cricket eyeball in my scone. But that’s not the important thing at all.
The important thing is Mark Carney has a huge head.
I’m living in Canada and we’ve gone completely mad here. Well, our politicians have. They’ve lost the plot or else the plot has lost them. It is hard to tell. It might even be argued that in their defence they’re not really politicians anymore. How can they be? They’ve not been sitting in the House of Commons for I don’t know how long. They’ve injected into the stew of confusion, Mark Carney, a new Prime Minister whom the electorate had nothing to do with to any grand extent. I mean, it doesn’t somehow, uneasily, look at all like a democracy in action. That might be because it isn’t. But that’s the beside the point.
The point is Mark Carney has a big head. I’m not saying that to be mean or anything. I’m just observing this in passing and hopefully it will help the man with his public image and all that. A different haircut maybe. Maybe an artfully draped scarf or something.
You see, I noticed this when Carney, the new Prime Minister (elect? Inject?), globalist of the highest order, bankster and green zealot extraordinaire, was doing a press conference at a factory somewhere in Ontario. For those of you unfamiliar with Canada, Ontario is the only province in Canada that matters apparently because it has Toronto and Ottawa and everybody is expected to adore them. The globalists certainly do adore them. This is why Alberta is threatening to run away from home and there’s no talking whatsoever to Quebec, at least in English. It’s all very Freudian.
Anyway, about the press conference: There was Carney and his ministers standing behind him all dressed up in helmets and gear. There wasn’t a real worker in sight. People of course have been abuzz about that. Where were the workers? What did this mean? I mean Polievre, leader of the opposition, aka arch enemy to Carney in this Hunger Games world had a similar press conference and all the workers dressed in gear lined up behind him. It was almost as if they liked him or something.
Where were the workers with Carney? Some say they just didn’t want to be associated with him. Others say it was simply a way of showing the public that the blue collar workers don’t matter in the least. Others say it was simply a bunch of self-important people who wanted to play dress-up because they miss all that, what with ex-Prime Minister Trudeau gone and everything. At least they didn’t do black face.
So anyway, there he stood—our Prime Minister inject with his white helmet on. He looked like a beluga whale with a baby bonnet on! Honestly! What the hell happened to the prop people? They couldn’t find one single helmet to fit the man’s head? In all those helmets? Not a one? Given that he was front and centre the whole time? I despair. How sad for the man to be standing there trying to be important looking this way. Who could listen to a word he said when he was standing there like a carney in a circus? A clown in a clown world. His ministers were sporting theirs quite splendiferously but not him.
Of course I thought perhaps it was just me seeing this. So I had to go out and compare heads. This was an easy thing to do as it turns out. You’d have thought, since newly injected, the first thing our Prime Minister would have done would be a Canadian thing like eating clams in Prince Edward Island or cutting down timber in British Columbia, but no… our new PM went off to England to have tea with King Charles.
So it was as easy as pie to compare heads. There they sat across from each other all smiles and civility and green underground plotting. All that really came out of it was that Carney has a big head and King Charles has a pointy head. And should King Charles wish to consort with the commoners, he’d be able to wear a helmet with ease. Poor Carney. They’ll have to make him a customized helmet. There is no other way I don’t think. Of course, only if he wants to be consorting with the likes of blue-collar workers. Perhaps he doesn’t. They’d better get that figured out before the next election. If there is an election. But that’s a whole other story.
Here’s an ear worm which fortunately we get to listen to and not have to eat. This one is dedicated to Mr. Carney who seems to be confused as to whether or not he’s Canadian or European.
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I have a huge head Sylvia, we struggle with hats and spectacle frames.
I would like to think I have little else in common with Klaus Schwab’s puppy.
During my teens, I became friends with a kid whose family toured, during the summer, with the Royal American Shows midway. One morning he took me for a tour to show me how all of the midway games were rigged. The words “carney” and “marks” came up a lot. Now my country’s Prime Minister is a guy named Mark Carney? And everything is, apparently, rigged. Maybe Carney does have a big head, but he might also look sort of like a Kewpie doll . . ..
Standard fare for WEF serfes is insects, so that will be the core Carneyvore died. Save the environment for the $elfmade “elite”.
Brilliant!! My theory is that lizard people tend to have big heads to cover their lizard head. ??
“All that really came out of it was that Carney has a big head and King Charles has a pointy head.”
I don’t know if it’s pointy, but it looks like anything but a royal head, Charlie can easily play Mr. Bean convincingly. It looks as if his grandparents were first cousins. And Carney has made a muzzle with a seductively pursed mouth in a chicken butt as for a selfie on Pinterest. However, in vain, we know that you are a nasty globalist!
That’s why I voted for Putin. A nice head with the radiance of the big man in the room, neither too small nor too big, with enough but not too much hair, neither too round nor too sharp, with a smart look that can win people’s love, make the Bilderbergers freeze in nuclear fear or “stop all coronaviruses in the world” (Lukashenko, 2022). There is no helmet that can resist this head, and that’s why people respect him (@Lu1 is a big fan of the photo session).
We believed in something at that time. It was a vision, a global vision of poor people uniting against the Cabal.
We had a vision and we song this vision out every night and day! Internationale, Internationale, Internationale. Freedom and the day tomorrow is ours!
I am not sure if you are being upvoted for your (usual) sarcasm or because OffG readers long for the communist revolution.
As if the glorious experiment with at least 100 million dead (other figures are available) courtesy of the internationalists backing it, was not enough.
“Yeh yeh, but if only it was done correctly, it could have worked”.
It did work, impoverishing millions and culling them in the process.
As opposed to capitalism which has been quietly killing off millions all along. And then blaming it on “big government” which stops us from having “true capitalism”!
As much as it is a good throw away line to say capitalism has been “quietly killing millions all along”, the stats don’t match up. Anyway, one doesn’t need stats to see there are still plenty of old people around, so despite their ‘best’ efforts the ‘evil capitalists’ haven’t succeeded yet.
Average life expectancy has risen hugely as people have been lifted out of poverty, especially in the Global South where average life expectancy in some countries has doubled since the 1950s.
What counts for poor in the the ‘decadent capitalist West’ today is a far cry from poverty of the Victorian era, despite all the bleating from typically middle/upper middle class do-gooders. Those who got to be in that economic position because they benefited from the very system they like to denounce while sitting round the dinner table in Islington passing the After Eights and the Colombian Marching Powder. A stereotypical trope but not much off the mark.
As far as the developed world is concerned the ex-Soviet states still suffer from lower life expectancy than their Western counterparts. In 2025, Russia is 112th in the table and even Poland the top rated ex-communist state is only 52nd. Hangover from communism?
Check it out below, comrade…
The entire system has benefitted from us exploiting the poorer nations all along and still getting mileage out of that brief economic boom of the 50s. But capitalism with its insatiable change and vampirism is now approaching the greatest crisis of all which is why they are now hugely downsizing and preparing for an unprecedented impoverishment of the affluent Western masses. Meanwhile “communism” no longer exists even nominally. What do you think has been happening over the years of neoliberalism and now covid.
As for you rapid elevating of the Western masses, i can clearly see the onset of austerity approaching. But hey, the population of Gaza can increase even while we’re seeing them being slaughtered. So I’m sure the now obvious bullshit of the media can keep granting us miracles.
And I note how your original post was a rebuttal of any sign of resistance to the cabal I.e the capitalist ruling class.
Ask individual Chinese, Indians, Thais, Malaysians, Singaporeans, Hong Kongers and many more from what were poorer nations how they feel about that “exploitation”, as you put it?
I have taken the opportunity to talk about these things when travelling to those countries, and quite frankly they loved it, because it brought jobs and prosperity. Of course, it was at the expense of Western workers, the working class, who the Western middle classes like to patronise with platitudes, but beyond cheap words were avariciously consuming Japanese cars, then Hong Kong plastic and later ‘cheap Chinese crap’ and all the other material goods from that part of the world. All the while, the people of East Asia and more recently South Asia benefitted hugely from rising living standards and the opportunity to join the decadent Westerners.
Yes, austerity is coming for the Western masses and a big recession looms, poosibly worse than the 1930s. That is the nature of long-term economic cycles. The controllers have been kicking that can down the road to avoid it, but they can only can only delay it, not stop it.
Communism plays straight into the hands of the controllers.
“You will own nothing….” does not compute if the population are so-called capitalists but if they can be convinced to become so-called communists, then giving up private property, eg. their homes, cars etc. is not only desirable, it is a duty.
So, how are you resisting “the capitalist ruling class”?
Please share your practical day to day solutions.
I have mentioned in the past what we can all do by taking personal responsibility and becoming involved locally to resist Agenda 2030, so I would be interested to hear yours.
So you’ve been there and witnessed the miracle happen then? Meanwhile I’m supposed to take your word for it?
I can certainly see what’s happening here and how interesting that you don’t even try to deny it. It is apparently “the nature of long-term economic cycles. The controllers have been kicking that can down the road to avoid it, but they can only can only delay it, not stop it”.
It all just happens according to some mysterious “cycle”. Which you are supremely unconcerned about.
Well capitalism has many effective means of dealing with these crises. War is one. Phony pandemics are another.And then there’s Agenda 2030 – that mastery of the rhetoric of “sustainability” rehashed for the “concerned environmentalist”. Capitalism has always known how to repackage its poison via the current memes.
There is no communism now – not even in a nominal sense. Meanwhile you tell us not to struggle for communism since that plays totally into the hands of the rulers? So the rulers are presumably waiting for us to struggle for communism so they can use it against us?
And “personal responsibility”, that magical noise that locks us into our own little solipsistic cells – the insulting mantra of the isolated liberal who doesn’t have anything to worry about.
It isn’t about “personal responsibility”. It’s about solidarity. We resist. But it isn’t about standing up “against communism”. What is happening is a result of capitalism which you are perpetuating with this bland acceptance of “economic cycles”.
I never said I am unconcerned about it. Yet, it happens. That is why some market technical analysts make amazing predictions which come true.
For example:
Read the article below, where one such analyst with over 9000 investor clients plus 1000 money manager clients highlights some of his accurate calls (tops and bottoms) in Gold and also S&P 500 over 13 years. Those include during Covid-1984 when nearly all others were calling for the stock market to collapse, he called for it bottom and then turn back in a big way in March 2020. He was absolutely correct.
Therefore, if these cycle do not exist and the the controllers are manipulating it all, how can some people constantly with over 70 percent accuracy (as high as it gets in market predictions) make these accurate predictions?
You can check his predictions here in a complete archive of his public work:
One other thing the super wealthy also use, is financial astrology to predict market moves and economic cycles. The oft credited phrase to JP Morgan that “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do” although probably coined by someone else, is true and Morgan often spoke of the power of astrology. Astrology plays a huge role in the occult (hidden) knowledge of the controllers and their minions.
What is astrology? It is planetary cycles, those same cycles that affect the emotions and sentiment collectively of the lives of billions of individuals, which also cause repetitive economic booms and busts.
You can keep believing that the hidden hand is all powerful and controls all human activity or you can research and consider that the evidence points the other way regarding as you called it “some mysterious cycle”.
Yes, all those countries on that list, although only once in the case of China, but there are plenty of Chinese in other countries to talk with. I never said I “witnessed the miracle”, I said I spoke with people – about their perception and personal views.
You don’t have to take my word on it, but since I enjoy talking to people I get into conversations and ask questions. Rarely do people, in my experience, not like to tell me their views.
Until we see a list of all the people you spoke with who gave such glowing praises of Capitalism and then checked it ourselves we have only your word for it.
However, I don’t doubt your word for a moment. I’ve always said that Capitalism is the most successful economic system humans have ever or possibly could ever come up with because it’s the one system that engages every known human vice. Billions of people would willingly flock to this kind of system. In fact, just about the only ones who wouldn’t flock to it are the billions whose labor must pay for the vices of their “betters.”
So which system engages human virtues?
‘Capitalism’ isn’t our enemy, except when used ritualistically by Marxist priests of mind control. Lose your religion by rejecting the evil bogeyman this name evokes; ‘stand against’ corrupt politicians and leaders of any ideology or colour instead.
“Meanwhile “communism” no longer exists even nominally.”
Neither nominally, nor in any post-communist form with a democratized name. Even in China (where every vestige of communism is the fruit of Western propaganda for use in the Western mass media), Russia and the entire former Soviet bloc, and Cuba, for example.
“What do you think has been happening over the years of neoliberalism and now covid.”
And I wonder what actually happened during the plandemic time (and continues to happen in the great reset post-plandemic times) in those of the countries I mentioned above, which are allegedly not under the control of the Western capitalist neoliberal elites and are even attacked by them.
“But hey, the population of Gaza can increase even while we’re seeing them being slaughtered.”
Just as it steadily increased with, enviable for many other peaceful and non-depopulated countries, an annual growth rate of more than 2% in almost all the years until Putin’s 71st birthday in October ’23, when “we began to see them slaughtered” – not only, but mainly – in the alt-media, which before that, during this time and to this day, stubbornly hold on to extremely non-depopulation claims such as this, that “vaccine hesitancy” and “homophobia and transphobia” are far-right disinformation and propaganda, apart from the affirmation of all other capitalist Western mainstream tropes. But even the increase to 2023 happened against the backdrop of the claims of these same media that there was a permanent massacre by Israel, which is a remarkable achievement – they slaughter you, but you grow.
“So I’m sure the now obvious bullshit of the media can keep granting us miracles.”
For sure – all types of media from every hypothetical side of the broad spectrum will continue keep granting us miracles in a mode of distributed confrontation. And each of the audiences will continue to call their miracles real.
‘Capitalism’ is just the name of an economic system, not a demon with evil moral agency. Individual humans do evil of its opposite, not names. Marxists are so absurdly superstitious.
us exploiting the poorer nations
Always distinguish between establishment propaganda (touting averages) from a “developed economy” and the poor sods enduring the cold and destitution in the streets. Some visitors from New Caledonia (in the Pacific) over 10 years ago were shocked at the reality in UK. Ditto for the UN Rapporteur on Human Rights.
I don’t know, but I understand that Cuba has the same life expectancy as the US.
And also, when Russia changed from a communist to a capitalist system, in the early 1990s, I understand that the life expectancy plummeted down 10 years. I believe that what that means is that a lot of people died.
Statistics, I think, can be funny things.
Name those who created hellish totalitarian societies and unprecedented genocide because of their identity as ‘capitalist’.
But he is a Christian, at the end of the book-game anyway there are only 144 thousand left. (Moreover, in all likelihood, here, and everywhere, are also fans of the advertising of the communist book-game. I clearly remember how here someone who had not lived in the East during communism, some time ago had written a rather comprehensive commentary, pointing out all the advantages of living in the East during communism, without pointing out a disadvantage. Because, with all the Western psychosis and demonization of communism, how can a person trust the bad rumors about it. Conversely, here in the post-socialist world, back in the 1990s, there were extremely attractive rumors about the land of freedom and many people, many of whom even with education and experience, later realized their dreams by washing dishes in the American dream; others not. At one time, Canada was a particularly appealing fan fiction for green card seekers.)
The upvoting is purely people like me who are longing for the good ol’ days where we had something GOOD together.
Your desperate defence of the Imperialist Colonialist, Capitalist killing machine because of some manipulated life expectancy statistics is pathetic.
If it is true that your people live longer it is only because of the blood and the pennies you and your like have been sucking out of the innocent and hard working working class.
“They hurt you at home, and they hit you at school, They hate you if you’re clever, and they despise the fool, so yr so fucking crazy you cant follow their rules”.
Famous people have recognized our daily suffering from you capitalist swine, see? .
Yeh, alright 😆
…And, apart from the glorious communist experiment, the glorious mustachioed experiment, when Adi opposed the banking status quo, which is why he was demonized and crushed by the conspirators, as they say, also has a lot of fans.
The most curious thing for me is that, leaving aside everything else, and taking only the eugenic element, even taking into account that the Americans, the British, and also the Soviets, like the Chinese, etc., have also carried out all sorts of eugenic experiments, again the good anti-banker National Socialist idyll is among the vanguard, and no one has said that the superior Aryan race itself and the allied races are not subject to further refinement of this superiority. And if now there was still that uber alles Germany with only pure Aryans, I see no reason to think that they would not make the most of all the genetic editing tools and augmenting technologies for their own superior race.
Perhaps that’s why, when I think, I can’t remember when I have met a neonazi who expresses anxiety about transhumanism, at the expense of, on the other hand, expressing anxiety (or rather superb disgust, because anxiety is characteristic of the lower races) of the “jewish supermacist eugenic extermination of whites” and things like that. But not to transhumanism. Of course, the Nazis are wise and pragmatic, so transhumanist tools were a means of improvement, a natural step forward as the intellect of the superior race grew. And how else, since Übermenschen is at the heart of their ideology. (It’s only a problem if lower races have access to these tools.)
Quite a funny thing, given that, as I have seen, the whole plan of the so-called Elite or Elites – for which diligently is claimed, that at the very top are the Jews and that is their plan (if it weren’t for this, there would be none of the shit in the last few years and the corresponding crazy plans for the sequel, zero, nada, There would have been only peace and a traditionalist conservative rise) – can be summarized in transhumanism. And that is why in the alt-space there is a huge advantage in the tales of mass depopulation (which does not exist, at the expense of a partial one, which is inflated to infinity and is used to certify the tale of mass depopulation). Even in the narrative of transhumanism, the great advantage is about transgenderization, certainly on the right this is the main anti-transhumanistic narrative – the trans things of the far left. Of course, because here are (supposedly the massive and planned to cover 50 or 90%) eugenic depopulation and the pressure for “biological sex is a social construct” and the normalization of transgender, and against this background, the possible future mass distribution of certain voluntary genetic modifications that are not related to sex, and implants such as Neuralink and other types, are, or are made to look like, far hypothetical, and, against the backdrop of the fierce right-left war, even as a deliberately spread narrative leftist attack on Elon, for example (to his “effective work with the nasty agencies”).
And also, since the strongly predominant emphasis is on the imposition of coercion – left-wing vaccine mandates vs. right-wing right-of-choice (haha) for covid injections (and accordingly, in one version, this left-wing pressure with mandates is related to vile biodigital convergence through nanotechnology, which has not been checked if it is really not true); left pressure for trance; rumors about a possible future mass forced left chipping and a general merger with technology – then it may well be expected that the whole debate may in the near future shift only to “voluntariness versus coercion”. What am I talking about – it is almost like that even now. So what’s so big that Elon, for example, freely and often talks about how the best and also super cool thing would be a future fusion of brains with AI and about “networking”? He never talks about coercion and I personally am convinced that he does not even think about coercion, because coercion would be destructive to the implementation of a stable communication environment (brain-computer and brain-brain). It is quite another, when you have the extremely convenient background with the terrible bad transhumanism of woke-transgenderism, to lead to a voluntary mass distribution of the good human augmenting transhumanist tools, for healing, “for growth”, “because we have reached such a good at this civilizational level”, or just because it is cool.
(While, as we know, the narrative that transhumanism is a right-wing narrative against the civilizational achievement of trans-rights is surely living on the left.)
Or in other words: in addition to libtards, Trumptards, Z-tards (multipolartards), I also introduce Nazitards/neozanitards. Point. If you are transhumanists, you will be treated as a threat in this box. You – nazis, whoever you are – are already on my list for Internet concentration camps (if you show the beginnings of correcting yourself to better behavior, you can be written off, but not before). You definitely have reason to be afraid. Trembe.
These Marxist leaders had a vision of totalitarian government and used lies, violence, terror and genocide to make it real.
Diet: bobby junior has made ultra-processed foods safer to eat by
banning food dyes… Progress !
Focusing on food helps distract from his failure to discredit vaccines.
If nothing else, Mark Carney punches above Canada’s weight on the international stage. While it remains to be seen if he will fairly represent the Canadian people, he will most assuredly represent a substantial international cartel of criminal banking and private equity interests; perhaps the most significant cartel on the globe today – comprising the interests of those too rich to appear on the Forbes top 100.
He’s more than a match for Trump.
How many foreigners have been in charge of Bank of England? He has special qualifications.
“Companies that do not adapt will go bankrupt. They will be punished.” -Mark Carney, speech 2019-08 to central bankers at Jackson Hole USA, 2019
“Achieving net zero emissions requires a major economy transition. Every business, bank, insurer and investor will have to change their operation. This could turn an existential risk into a great commercial opportunity.” -Mark Carney, climate finance advisor to UK, 2020
A leader doesnt mix up with blue collar workers and labour. A leader is a Tory, speak with Royals, have meetings with Presidents.
A leader is like a bicycle racer trampling down and licking up, to the top.
The reason why they bear white helmet is to show they are like a leader on a construction site. Building and constructing society…………….from top down.
So what did you expect? A Third Comintern and all the Globalists on one row. Be patient.
Workers, get up! Bring the lines together. A rare view of Trotsky and Co.
what gets me about these pictures of state visits by foreign dignitaries is that they’re always posed in Louis-XIV-esque drawing rooms, with lots of gold ornaments, priceless antiques, palatial decor
obviously the meta-message is about rubbing the plebs noses in unapologetic trappings of plutocracy, but why GREAT-GRANDDADDY’S plutocracy? why not show Carney, Starmer, Putin and Macron greeting their VIP guests in front of a giant array of quantum supercomputers encrusted with rare-earth metals?
the Arabian potentates may be excused I suppose for stubbornly remaining faithful to traditional garb like we remember from that scene in the tent where venerable old lion-of-the-desert Faisal hosted Peter O’Toole
on the other hand, the present king of Spain has gone waaay too far in the other direction, he dresses like a middle manager in charge of economic forecasting at BNP Paribas
dude, you’re the heir to Los Reyes Católicos! have a little class! at least add a suitably regal accessory, like an emerald necklace studded with the skulls of Basque and Catalonian separatists you’ve had drawn and quartered, or SOMETHING! sheesh
it only stands to reason that in the New World Order our leaders will not be elected, but INJECTED, to protect the body politic from any nasty contamination by the virus of popular will
While many posters disdain democracy, the ruling elites they say they hate obviously fear and seek to control it. Second thoughts needed?
How is it your so awake and dont watch TV or msm yet seem to no more than the average sleeper who watches TV.?
You seem more concerned with the lies than most people.
I really do not get this celebrity culture idol worship of politicians.
I dont give a fuck who is the latest NASCAR, NFL NBA or UFC or WWE manager of player (actor)
Its fake. The same application should also apply to politics.
Its fake
Its fake
Its fake
Its job is to get you engaged to react then steal your life force.
Awake (half awake) people must be so bored.
average jo doesn’t give a fuck about PM MP or UFC or NASCAR, NFL NBA.
Stop promoting they care as your addiction shows your more mindcontrolled now you half awake and more susceptible to voting than mr mis sleeper.
In truth you’ve been radicalized by alternative media.
It is true. And who the hell can downvote it?
Ahh, the mysterious down voters.
They should go get a Life.
I’ve never bothered down voting anyone. They are condemned by their own words.
I for one would downvote it (though I didn’t). It is precisely because the average Jo(e) doesn’t give a fuck about anything but his beer and his fave team (also FAKE, BTW) that whoever really calls the shots continues getting away with it.
More importantly, who the hell was “dimsim” addressing? Everyone on Earth but “dimsim?”
Jalal al-Din Rumi
1207 –
translated from the Farsi by Haleh Liza Gafori
Come out, come close.
Why hide? Why deceive?
You are me and I am you.
Why get mired in me’s and you’s?
We are light upon light—
and the glass light passes through.
Why muddy ourselves with a grudge?
Together, we are whole and complete.
Why see through eyes that split one in two?
Why do the rich look down on the poor?
Why does the right hand scorn the left?
Both are from one body.
Why call one vile and one blessed?
One essence, one intelligence
thrust us into one curved cosmos.
Where the soul counts one,
the mind insists on two.
Five senses, six directions—drop the lot.
Leap forth. Let oneness
draw you closer, and draw you in.
There you are a gold mine,
not just a nugget of gold.
There’s one spirit in countless bodies,
one oil in countless almonds,
one meaning in countless words
uttered by countless tongues.
Shatter the jugs. The water is one.
Steeped in union, the heart remembers
a world beyond words.
Soul, send the news.
“Maybe an artfully draped scarf or something”
Didn’t work for Jacinda.
I hope Mark and Jacinda don’t hook up at the next WEF meeting and spawn a jumbopip….
Jacinda has teeth and a jaw line like that of the Aliens movie where there is a second set of teeth and mandible in her mouth.
Clowns supposed to make us laugh🤔
Circus Canada is…
Good title…No doubt Carney and the rest of the Davos globalist’ cult eat a lot of good quality meat…Whilst Clown Schwab wants to remove it altogether from our diets. Ever wandered why? This might give some clues:Eating meat drove the evolution of our big, powerful brain | ScienceWriters (
I never believed our rulers wanted us weak and stupid. Until recently. It’s undeniable now, and they aren’t even trying to hide it.
I wish people would take it seriously. Our controllers literally want to deny us a natural human diet. There is no greater crime against humanity.
‘Eating meat drove…….’ – sounds like The Science (TM), aka advertising…
If meat “drove the evolution of our big, powerful brain” then I say let’s compel humans to immediately stop eating meat. God knows “our big, powerful brain” has already caused enough chaos on this planet.
The chaos came from a tiny fraction: the psychos.
I don’t know if you’re a Kurt Vonnegut fan, but if you’re not you may want to check out his 1985 novel Galápagos. It’s all about your closing sentence!
Frankly, it’s so dark that even his satiric black humor didn’t rescue it entirely; I picked it up to re-read a while back and didn’t get very far. I also reluctantly agree with the criticism that he hammers so hard on the theme of the mixed blessing of manunkind’s “big brains” that it overwhelms, or weakens, the overall narrative.
It’s tough going towards the end, all the more because it’s obvious that there won’t be a happy ending. But it’s remarkably prescient, and resonates so strongly with your expressed conviction that you may enjoy the validation. 🧠 😉
Someone else, in another thread, recommended Kurt Vonnegut’s “Piano Player.” “Galapagos” sounds more to my way of thinking. Unfortunately (here comes the excuses!), I don’t have money to spare, nor time to spare; but most of all, I Remember Mama (sorry, I just had to throw that in – do you recall that really old TV show?). Most of all, I’ve reached a stage where reading, because I have to look down instead of straight ahead, really hurts my neck.
I don’t know if this will help. But I found a free online copy of Galapagos that might make it possible for you to read it. And if you read it on the computer, I think you can keep your head aimed straight ahead.
Galapagos : Kurt Vonnegut : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Even vegetarians still inherit those terrible big brains. So can their continued posting reduce planetary chaos?
Why is it that, according to The Science, the human brain has been shrinking for over the last 20,000 years when full-scale hunting began around 50,000 years ago but agriculture only began around 10,000 years ago, and in between these major events the human brain began to shrink?
It has shrunk by about the size of a tennis ball. How could meat cause the human brain to grow for millions of years, but when meat is most available, the human brain shrinks?
Carbohydrate consumption, particularly in the form of starch, was critical for the accelerated expansion of the human brain over the last million years. Eating meat may have kick-started the evolution of bigger brains, but cooked starchy foods together with more salivary amylase genes made us smarter still.
An article on Brain Health:
Solid Gold armrest lion head chairs.
Gold??? Did someone say gold? Where is this gold?
You want gold? Lear Capital will give you $15,000 of free gold if your purchase qualifies. Just “tell ’em the Judge sent you!” (Judge Napolitano, that is.) And who doesn’t have a paltry couple hundred grand to spare?
Great song! Give the guy a chainsaw helmet. They have a ratcheting size adjustment knob on the back. Mine is a Stihl, by the way.
A big head up top…to make up for the tiny ball-less head below….
He needs the space because there’s so much of it between his ears that his eyes have turned brown.
They really can’t hold back on telling everyone on what a disaster Tesla is:
It’s their reply to “Go Woke, Go Broke”.
Ah, there are so many bites to this “Carneyvore Diet.” First off, maybe you Canadians should be thankful you didn’t elect Mr. Carney. Look what we Americans went and elected (and yes, “what” is far more appropos than “who” in Trump’s case).
He has now officially equated criticism of him personally with “terrorism.” (A French scientist who had unflattering comments about him on a cell phone was denied entry into America – for which he should have been grateful – because those comments were deemed a threat of terrorist activity.)
So when the Trump osmosis machine sucks in Canada (along with Greenland, Panama, the Gulf of Mexico), your new PM will most certainly need a helmet – to drown out the droning nonsense he’ll have to listen to day and night.
Oh, by the way, just in case you’re not taking this seriously enough, Trump has vowed to rename Greenland (no screaming!) “Red-White-and-Blue Land.” I swear on Mark Carney’s lovely head I’m not making this up.
Has a nice ring to it…
Carney told the government to freeze the bank accounts of people supporting the truckers convoy, which he referred to as “‘incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority.’” You think he’s better?
For those with TDS, anything’s better.
Well, at least Carney was dealing with real live actions taken by people rather than simply words written about someone in an email.
Marionettes often present with big heads and slight bodies.
Trudeau had a big head too.
Be careful giving a marionette head…splinter hazard
Welcome back Sylvia.
Been missing you.
Don’t sweat on Carney.
PMs are as disposable as dunny (toilet) paper.
Here in Oz we change em as often as one changes a dunny roll.
Yes, that’s what we do Down Under ditch and recycle our PMs.
It’s like in Italy, said one Canberra-based journo a few years ago, only without the good food.
.. “First change your politicians, and then worry about your light bulbs.” – Bill McKibben, c. 2013
Sorry Johnny et al for disappearing. I’ve been in a funk.
Mostly worrying I suppose. These global winds of change are bitterly cold.
Try a MAGA overcoat…
Oh no, Sylvia – so sorry to hear that!
Hopefully now that Spring has arrived, you spirits will lift, and you should take pleasure in the fact that it seems your absence was noted by regular readers of OffG.
They are tyrants they serve and enrich themselves.
Democracy is a shame uk is no different.
Look guys, as the late George Carlin often said, it’s their club and you ain’t in it ( never will be either). Rinse and repeat the world over.
By the way Sylvia, I love Canada ❤️. If only they’d leave us alone to enjoy it.
The only thing George got wrong was saying it was a Big Club. It’s actually very small.
But “it’s a small club and you aren’t in it” doesn’t sound at all funny so I’ll cut him some slack.
It is funny really. If you ask most Canadians what they want from their governments it is always “just leave us alone.”
I noticed it at the Palac Alexandria in Wroclaw. Where the world’s elite gathered to carve up the Middle East after the fake discovery of WMD in Iraq.