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Video: Azov mob storms Kharkiv city council

Men in camouflage uniforms stormed the city council in Kharkiv. RT reports: At least 200 people wearing camouflage and masks stormed the local administration building in the city of...

UN Condemns Ukrainian Government Cover-Ups

by Eric Zuesse On September 18th, the UN’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights headlined “Statement of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Christof...

Jonathan Freedland: “Corbyn should embrace insincerity! Like we do!”

by Bryan Hemming The slightest glimpse of Jonathan Freedland’s photo gets me smirking these days. It all started when he didn’t make the shortlist in the Guardian ballot for...

Independent journalist: A chaotic war of all against all is the main danger in Ukraine

A scuffle in the Ukrainian Parliament. Photo Vladimir Strumkovsky / AP Sergey Sakadynsky (pictured below), a social activist and independent journalist from Lugansk who now lives in Kiev, is...

Crimea blockade under barrage of criticism

Sputnik International reports: The Right Sector/’Tatar activist’-organized food blockade of Crimea is off to a rocky start, with a split appearing to emerge over the initiative among both domestic...

Red Neoliberals: How Corbyn’s Victory Unmasked Britain’s Guardian

by Jonathan Cook via The Blog from Nazareth In autumn 2002 Ed Vulliamy, a correspondent for Britain’s Sunday Observer newspaper, stumbled on a terrible truth that many of us...

UN: Evidence on mass murder in Odessa mostly destroyed

In front of the Trade Union House in Odessa the day after the massacre. Christoph Heinz, the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary and Arbitrary Executions briefed journalists in...

Corruption infighting in Ukraine

Oleg Lyashko Fort Russ reports, via Oleg Lyashko, the leader of the “Radical Party”, speaking in the Verkhovna Rada, accused Poroshenko of bribing MPs in his party. Pronedra...

“The Russians are Coming!”

by Eric Margolis via Information Clearing House The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! So echoed the cry this week from the Pentagon, the US media and Republican...

Polls Show Syrians Overwhelmingly Blame U.S. for ISIS

by Eric Zuesse The British polling organization ORB International, an affiliate of WIN/Gallup International, repeatedly finds in Syria that, throughout the country, Syrians oppose ISIS by about 80%, and...

The push for “humanitarian invasion” continues

Regardless of how tired, threadbare and discredited the entire “humanitarian war” meme is becoming, and no matter how transparent the agenda, the Guardian is continuing to push for a...

Has 2015 become a Brave New World?

Theatre director James Dacre has just opened a new adaptation of Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel Brave New World, and the Guardian gave him space in the Theatre section to...

The censoring of America’s news

by Eric Zuesse, from On 7 September 2002, U.S. President George W. Bush blatantly lied to concoct a “new report” by the IAEA about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of...

We help the Guardian fix some of its reporting on Syria

by BlackCatte Martin Chulov needs a little help getting the narrative straight on Syria. Here are the portions of his article in today’s Guardian we think most in need...

Poroshenko bans…well, everyone..

Petro Poroshenko has just stepped on his western supporters’ narrative of a glorious, free and happy post-Maidan Ukraine, by rather embarrassingly banning a whole slew of people from setting...

Four in Five Syrians Say Islamic State Is a US Creature, Poll Says

Would be an alternative and rather more relevant headline versus “One in five Syrians say Islamic State is a good thing, poll says,” [a Washington Post report], which is...

Assad in his own words: the Syrian president talks to RT

An opportunity to hear President Bashar al-Assad’s perspective on the ongoing crisis in Syria, in full and in his own words. A transcript of this interview is available on...

Freudian Slip

by Bryan Hemming Here’s a Freudian ​insight into the mind of the average Guardian journalist. Although today’s article headlined: “UK warship will be used to ‘board, seize and divert’ refugee...

No, Corbyn doesn’t need to win over the MSM – he needs to talk directly to the people

by BlackCatte Corbyn’s best endorsement, both of his integrity and his potential power, is the media hate being poured on him; and his best – in fact his only...

Convenient memory lapses of the Anglo-American Press

by Vaska A quick scan of today’s major press outlets in the US, Britain and Israel reveals the Empire’s continuing attempt to conceal the full depth and extent of...