TEHRAN, IRAN – MAY/ OCTOBER 2015: iPhones and smart phones are in abundance in modern Iran culture, taken in May/ October 2015, Tehran, Iran. SOCIAL media and smartphones are transforming Iranian women’s culture and fashion. French photographer Eric Lafforgue, 52, travelled to the Islamic country to capture how the internet is helping to challenge the normally strict female dress code. Since the revolution in 1979 when Sharia law was imposed, women have been forced to cover their hair, neck and arms and to ìmaintain their modestyî. However, the introduction of iPhones and Instagram is influencing the younger generation to break the rules with branded chadors, make up and accessories. Photojournalist Eric, who visited the country twice in 2015, revealed the introduction of western cultural trends is posing a problem for the authorities. PHOTOGRAPH BY Eric Lafforgue/ Barcroft Images London-T:+44 207 033 1031 E:[email protected] – New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 E:[email protected] – New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429 E:[email protected] www.barcroftimages.com