by Jonathan Cook via The Blog from Nazareth In autumn 2002 Ed Vulliamy, a correspondent for Britain’s Sunday Observer newspaper, stumbled on a terrible truth that many of us...
by Eric Draitser via Counter Punch The August 16, 2015 attack on a market in the Syrian town of Douma, just outside the capital Damascus, has caused international outrage....
by Eva Golinger, via Counter Punch It all began in 1835 when the British Empire sent a German-born naturalist and explorer to conduct geographical research in the South American...
by Andre Vltchek at Counterpunch Could any dictator desire more? Almost the entire population of the Empire is now thinking the same way! The populace is “educated” at schools...
Historical conjunctures produce different forms of authoritarianism, though they all share a hatred for democracy, dissent, and human rights. It is too easy to believe in a simplistic binary...
by Mike Whitney at Counterpunch Moscow’s geostrategic objectives in Syria are the polar opposite of Washington’s. Grasping this simple fact is the easiest way to get a fix on...
by Mike Whitney at Counterpunch Here’s your US foreign policy puzzler for the day: When is regime change not regime change? When the regime stays in power but loses...
by Bill Blunden In the wake of Congress passing the USA Freedom Act Ed Snowden composed an editorial piece that appeared in the New York Times. There are aspects...
by BRIAN CLOUGHLEY in CounterPunch The German city of Frankfurt is continental Europe’s largest financial center and host to the country’s Stock Exchange, countless other financial institutions, and the...
by ANDREW LEVINE in COUNTERPUNCH Suddenly last summer, Vladimir Putin, formerly once a decent enough Russian leader (with a few unsettling quirks), turned into a malevolent, almost demonic, force....