by Stephen Lendman via Information Clearing House On August 2, Britain’s Sunday Express newspaper headlined “SAS dress as ISIS fighters in undercover war on jihadis,” saying: “More than 120...
by Shamus Cooke The road to war is paved with a thousand lies. A fresh fib was tossed on the lie-cluttered warpath to Syria, when it was announced that...
Avaaz, with a membership topping 40 million, is one of the princes of the clicktivist phenomenon. These virtual warriors for justice are everywhere and have been for a while,...
by BlackCatte The Guardian’s latest piece on the ISIS crisis continues to eschew analysis in favour of fear mongering, propagandising and racism. Three generations of a family who are...
It’s been a month now since newly declassified US intelligence documents confirmed that the rise of ISIS was not only predicted by the West, the Gulf States and Turkey,...
by Vaska While Christopher Black questions the real nature of the May 19th attack on the Russian Embassy in Damascus, Petr Lvov, writing for New Eastern Outlook, summarizes and...
The double standards of the US State Department knows no bounds… Jen is psaking again about the legitimacy and illegitimacy of various heads of state. Difficult for anyone to...
Catte Part 1 of our “ISIS” series. Part 2 can be seen here ISIS. Murky, masked, terrifying Bad Guys. Islamic hardliners, doing unspeakably ghastly things in faraway sandy places....
Did you see Natalie Nougayrède’s latest humanity failure? After bringing us the latest rumours about Putin’s health, the Guardian serves us with another bunch of hearsay, which carries as...
The Guardian view on Bashar al-Assad’s BBC interview: the lies of a tyrant (Editorial) The Guardian has responded to Bashar Assad’s BBC interview. 700 words which can easily be...