Pepe Escobar: “the Paris Attacks- cui bono?”
from Pepe Escobar on Facebook. Part of our challenging the narrative of the “new 9/11” series

There’s no evidence this is a false flag – at least for now. What this seems to be proving is that Daesh is a certified pro ops with badass connections.
Scouring a ton of reports, I found a Danish citizen describing one of the attackers to a Paris café; ultra-pro, black-clad head to toe, AK-47, very well trained. These are not your usual al-Zawahiri underwear bombers; these are precision killers. This one left the scene undisturbed, and contrary to French police, may not have been captured. He wore no suicide vest.
French intel swears they are monitoring at least 200 nationals who came back from “Syraq”. Talk about a lousy job. Paris is hyper-policed. The mind boggles thinking of at least 8 jihadis promenading at will on a Friday night dressed as pro killers.
For me, this is also personal. Jihad came to my hood in Paris. I left Paris last week on my usual commute back to Asia. I have always mocked Fox News describing my hood as a “no-go” area – obviously for the wrong/stupid reasons.
They picked a small Cambodian restaurant, cheap and cozy, where the habitués are young and relatively hip. This means the quartier may have been carefully researched for months.
They picked a mix of heavily symbolic venues.
You have a France-German match witnessed by the President in a stadium where all barriers – ethnic, religious – dissolve, a true symbol of multiculturalism.
You have a gig by an American band in a concert hall filled with young people.
You have your average, cool, neighborhood cafés in the 10eme and 11eme, young, hip, secular, bobo Paris hoods.
This points to a calibrated conceptual spectrum – carefully mapped out by French insiders; perhaps those “Syraq” returnees.
This also points to a monumental fail by French intel and the Ministry of Interior.
There are so many accumulated reasons for blowback; overt and covert discrimination against Muslims, leading them to feel like second-hand citizens; France’s coddling of “moderate rebels”; Sarko The First and General Hollande’s wars on Libya and Mali; the meek bombing raids in Syria; France as NATO enforcers.
Timing: crucial. Just as the US/Brits announce they “may” have evaporated with Jihad John. And a few hours before the Vienna talks are supposed to come up with an official Top Ten terrorist list in Syria (the subject of my current article on Asia Times.)
Cui bono?
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“There’s no evidence this is a false flag”
Are you serious ?
Tell me – where have you been looking ?
You haven’t found any evidence of it being a false flag ?
Then you’re not looking in the right places are you ?
For starters.
They are all false flags.
The onus is on the state / media and you by the looks of it to prove otherwise.
All you are doing is following the media narrative.
“The media got in first” so that’s the line you take and then choose to disseminate.
Without having the slightest scooby of what you claim to be talking about …
Let’s interpret you statement, shall we:
“There’s no evidence this is a false flag because I haven’t found any evidence on the TV mush I fill my head up with, nor in any of the ever so trustworthy, high-integrity news / media channels that I choose to consume”.
Oh and I do “believe” that evil Muslims have been causing all of this havoc, even though I have foun no evidence for it, simply because I am spellbound and mesmerised by my the lovely media whom I trust implicitly would never, ever lie to me …
Close enough ?
That’s a the factual interpretation of what you are saying imo.
You might as well be saying :
“I’m running aorund inside my exercise wheel and I see no way of getting off because the TV / media won’t tell me how to.”
Good grief.
Let’s see now …
Shall we start here …
Paris attacks on Friday 13th November 2015
II – Paris Attacks Friday 13th November 2015
Charlie Hebdo attack on 7 January 2015 and the Paris Attacks on Friday 13 November 2015
Paris attacks on 13 November 2015 and the Jewish Emancipation Act ratfied by King Louis XVI on 13 November 1791
Paris attacks on 13 November 2015 – 2 alleged perps and their “travel through Greece”
Paris attacks on 13 November 2015 – alleged “on the run” perp – Abdeslam Salah birth date attribute set to 15 September 1989
Paris attacks on 13 November 2015 – alleged suicide bomber, & petty criminal, “severed finger” perp French native, Ismael Omar Mostefai born on 21 November 1985
Paris attacks on 13.11.2015 – Geraldo Rivera claims daughter was at the Stade de France
Paris Attacks on 13 November 2015 and Angela Merkel
Paris Attacks on 13 November 2015 and Israel
Paris Attacks on 13 November 2015 designed to provoke a NATO response
Paris Attacks on 13 November 2015 : Victim : US : Nohemi Gonzalez
Eagles of Death Metal & Duran Duran Save a Prayer
That little lot and the liniks therein should, hopefully, occupy you fro more than 10 millseconds.
So, if you have any considered responses / questions / critique I will reply.
I won’t be replying to inane knee jerky type behaviours or attitudes, including insults etc, so you might as well keep them to yourseleves …
“There is no evidence of a false flag – at least for now.”
How does that square with
“French intel swears they are monitoring at least 200 nationals who came back from “Syraq”. Talk about a lousy job. Paris is hyper-policed. The mind boggles thinking of at least 8 jihadis promenading at will on a Friday night dressed as pro killers.”
Seems like pretty good evidence to me.
I think you overestimate the skills of the police, I’ve watched “highly trained” UK police let people walk through blocks without noticing.
If the government says that the police and itel are highly trained and a crack team – you can bet your arse that they’re actually more like this;
I love the way no one trusts the government to tell the truth except when they claim their police/army/special services are the best! Yeah we all want to believe that. Forget it – they’re a bunch of arse scratchers like the rest of us.
Utter nonsense.
Unbelievable nonsense in fact.