The Hitlerization of Jeremy Corbyn (Among Others)
CJ Hopkins
Every time you think the corporatocracy’s manufactured anti-Semitism hysteria cannot possibly get more absurd, they somehow manage to outdo themselves. OK, stay with me now, because this is a weird one.
Apparently, American Hitler and his cronies are conspiring with some secret group of “Jewish leaders” to stop British Hitler from becoming prime minister and wiping out all the Jews in Great Britain. Weird, right? But that’s not the weird part, because maybe American Hitler wants to wipe out all the Jews in Great Britain himself, rather than leaving it to British Hitler … Hitlers being notoriously jealous regarding their genocidal accomplishments.
No, the weird part is that everyone knows that American Hitler does not make a move without the approval of Russian Hitler, who is also obsessed with wiping out the Jews, and with destroying the fabric of Western democracy. So why would Russian Hitler want to let American Hitler and his goons thwart the ascendancy of British Hitler, who, in addition to wanting to wipe out all the Jews, also wants to destroy democracy by fascistically refunding the NHS, renationalizing the rail system, and so on?
It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, does it? In any event, here’s the official story.
In “a recording leaked to The Washington Post,” and then flogged by the rest of the corporate media, Reichsminister des Auswärtigen, Mike Pompeo, told a group of unnamed “Jewish leaders” that American Hitler (i.e., Donald Trump) will “push back” (i.e., intervene) against British Hitler (i.e., Jeremy Corbyn) to protect the lives of Jews in Great Britain if British Hitler becomes prime minister (and is possibly already doing so now).
The identities of these “Jewish leaders” have not been disclosed by the corporate media, presumably in order to protect them from being murdered by Corbyn’s Nazi hit squad. Whoever they were, they wanted to know whether American Hitler and his fascist cabinet were “willing to work with [them] to take on actions if life becomes very difficult for Jews” after Jeremy Corbyn seizes power, declares himself Führer of Communist Britannia, and orders the immediate invasion of France.
To anyone who has been closely following the corporate media’s relentless coverage of Jeremy Corbyn’s Nazi Death Cult (i.e., the UK Labour Party) and the global Anti-Semitism Pandemic, it comes as no real surprise that this group of “Jewish leaders” (whoever they are) would want to stop him from becoming prime minister.
I doubt that their motives have much to do with fighting anti-Semitism, or anything else specifically “Jewish,” but … well, I’m kind of old-fashioned that way. I still believe there’s a fundamental difference between “the Jews” and the global capitalist ruling classes.
I realize that both the neoliberal establishment and the neo-fascist fringe disagree with me, and that both are determined (for different reasons) to conflate the two in the public’s mind, but that’s my take, and I’m sticking to it. I don’t think the world is controlled by “the Jews.” I think it’s controlled by global capitalism.
Go ahead, call me a conspiracy theorist. Here’s how the anti-Semitism panic in the United Kingdom looks to me.
After nearly 40 years of privatization and restructuring, British society is on the brink of being permanently transformed into the type of savage, neo-feudal, corporatist nightmare that the USA already is. The global capitalist ruling classes are extremely pleased about this state of affairs.
They would now like to finish up privatizing Britain, so they can get on with privatizing the rest of Europe. The last thing they need at this critical juncture is Jeremy Corbyn to become prime minister and start attempting to remake their nascent neoliberal marketplace into a society … you know, where healthcare is guaranteed to all, you don’t need a mortgage to buy a train ticket, and people don’t have to eat out of trash bins.
Unlike in the USA, where there is no functional political Left, and where the non-parliamentary “two-party system” is almost totally controlled by the corporatocracy, in the UK, there are still a few old-fashioned socialists, and they have taken back the Labour Party from the neoliberal Blairite stooges that had been managing the transformation of Britain into the aforementioned neo-feudal nightmare. Jeremy Corbyn is the leader of these socialists. So the corporatocracy needs to destroy him, take back control of the Labour Party, and turn it back into a fake left party, like the Democratic Party in the USA, so they can concentrate on crushing the right-wing populists. Thus, they need to Hitlerize Corbyn, so they can fold him into their official narrative, Democracy vs. The Putin-Nazis.
And, see, this is what makes the corporatocracy’s War on Populism so seemingly psychotic … at least to anyone paying attention.
In the USA, the populist insurgency is primarily a right-wing phenomenon (because, again, there is no Left to speak of). Thus, the neoliberal ruling classes are focused on Hitlerizing Donald Trump, and stigmatizing the millions of Americans who voted for him as a bunch of Nazis. Hitlerizing Trump has been ridiculously easy (he almost Hitlerizes himself), but the ultimate goal is to delegitimize the populist sentiment that put him into office. That sentiment is primarily neo-nationalist. So it’s a one-front counter-insurgency op (i.e., neoliberalism versus neo-nationalism).
In the UK, things are not that simple. There, the neoliberal ruling classes are waging a counter-insurgency op against populist forces on two major fronts: (1) the Brexiters (i.e., nationalism); and (2) the Corbynists (i.e., socialism).
They’re getting hit from both the left and right, which is screwing up the official narrative (according to which the “enemies of democracy” are supposed to be right-wing neo-nationalists). So, as contradictory and absurd as it sounds, they needed to conflate both left and right populism into one big scary Hitlerian enemy. Thus, they needed to Hitlerize Corbyn.
Presto…Labour Anti-Semitism crisis!
Now, anyone who is isn’t a gibbering idiot knows that Jeremy Corbyn is not an anti-Semite and the Labour Party is not a hive of Nazis. It’s a testament to the power of the corporate media that such a statement even needs to be made … but, of course, that’s the point of the smear campaign the neoliberal corporate media have been waging for the last three years.
Smear campaigns are simple and effective. The goal is to force your target and his allies into proclaiming things like, “I am not an anti-Semite,” or “I’ve never had sex with underage boys,” or whatever smear you want to force them to deny. You don’t have to prove your target guilty. You’re just trying to conjure up a “reality” in which every time someone thinks of your target they associate him with the content of your smears.
The corporate media have done just that, to Jeremy Corbyn, to Donald Trump, to Putin, and to assorted lesser figures. They did it to Sanders in 2016. They are doing it now to Tulsi Gabbard.
The goal is not only to smear these targets, but also, and more so, to conjure a “world” that reifies the narrative of their smears … a binary “good versus evil” world, a world in which whatever they want to accuse their targets of being linked to (e.g., terrorism, fascism, racism, or whatever) is the official enemy of all that is good.
Since the Brexit referendum and the election of Trump, the ruling classes have conjured up a world where “democracy” is perpetually under attack by a global conspiracy of “Russians” and “Nazis” (just as they previously conjured up a world where it was perpetually under attack by “terrorists”).
They have conjured up a post-Orwellian reality in which “democracy” (i.e., global capitalism) is the only alternative to “neo-fascism” (i.e., anything opposed to global capitalism).
And this is why Corbyn had to be Hitlerized, and why Putin, Trump, Assad, Gabbard, Assange, the “Yellow Vest” protesters in France, and anyone else opposing global neoliberalism has to be Hitlerized. Socialism, nationalism … it makes no difference, not to the global capitalist ruling classes.
There are always only two sides in these “worlds” that the ruling classes conjure up for us, and there can be only one official enemy. The official enemy of the moment is “fascism.” Therefore, all the “bad guys” are Hitler, or Nazis, or racists, or anti-Semites, or some other variation of Hitler.
The fact that this “reality” they have conjured up for us is completely psychotic makes it no less real. And it is only going to get more insane until the corporatocracy restores “normality.”
So, go ahead, if you consider yourself “normal,” and try to force your mind to believe that Jews are no longer safe in Great Britain, or in Germany, or France, or the USA, and that Donald Trump is a Russian asset, and is also literally Adolf Hitler, and an anti-Semitic white supremacist who is conspiring with Israel and Saudi Arabia in their campaign to destroy Iran and Syria, which are allies of his Russian masters, as is Venezuela, which he is also menacing, and that Jeremy Corbyn’s secret plan is to turn the UK into Nazi Germany, with the support of Trump, who is trying to destroy him, and that the Yellow Vests are Russian-backed fascists, and that Julian Assange is a rapist spy who conspired with Russia to get Trump elected, which is why Trump wants to prosecute him, just as soon as he finishes wiping out the Jews, or protecting them from Jeremy Corbyn, or from Iran, or brainwashing Black Americans into reelecting him in 2020 with a handful of Russian Facebook ads.
Go ahead, try to reconcile all that … or whatever, don’t. Just take whatever medication you happen to be on, crank up CNN, MSNBC, or any other corporate media channel, and report me to the Internet Police for posting dangerous “extremist” content.
You know, in your heart, I probably deserve it.
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The most intelligent thing I’ve read in a long, long while. (PS, my name is Ms Hitler, and I voted to make Herr Corbyn our Glorious Leader, twice!)
Great piece. I love the way you write.
What dismays me most of all is I know people who believe this appalling narrative. They dont believe it in an intellectual way which they can discuss; they believe it in a completely emotionally reactive manner; which indicates they have been successfully brainwashed and dont know it. If you activate the complex in them you can see and feel the hatred take them over. Very disturbing and sad to see it in people one cares for.
Sadly, I think we ALL know people who believe this shite
ANYONE who has criticised the actions of any Jewish person or Organisation has been labelled an “ANTI-SEMITE., even if the criticism is fair and reasonable. You can say anything you want to about Muslims, Iranians, Syrians etc etc, but NOT about “Jews”.
“An Anti-Semite used to be someone who hated Jews…….Now it is someone who is hated by Jews”…….Joe Sobran.
‘The official enemy of the moment is “fascism.”’ Except for actual fascists, such as those who the USA and its allies helped to power in the Ukraine and who colluded with the Clinton campaign to prevent Trump from becoming president.
But, although I agree with much of your post, I would suggest that Trump and the Neocons are also fascists, as demonstrated by their behaviour around the World.
Fascism is not a catch-all term for someone who one disapproves of. Treating the term fascism in that way denudes it of any specific meaning and makes it impossible to identify the real fascists. If everyone is a fascist, no one is a fascist. No matter how much you may disapprove of Trump, it is simply false to call him a fascist. Indeed, the notion that he even has a political philosophy stretches credulity to the limit.
The fascists I referred to in the Ukraine are Stepan Bandera idolisers. The notion that Trump is comparable to Bandera (or Hitler, Mussolini or any of the other actual fascists) is untenable.
The neo-liberal lords and masters have nothing but the utmost contempt for the masses. The thought process behind the propaganda seems to go: “Quick – scare the little bastards! Stalin? Nah, they have no idea who Stalin was. Communism? Oh Jesus don’t whip that one up! They might start to get ideas with that one! Nah – it’s got to be Hitler! Hitler! Hitler! You know! Little moustache! Sieg Heil! Hitler to the left! Hitler to the right! Look! He’s here! He’s there! He’s everywhere!”
So what to do, how to live a normal life when everything our rulers do and say is absurd?
What to do when the right place for a whistleblower is a maximum security jail?
What to do when the government (with a robust democratic and justice systems) arms and trains legal terrorists (Saudi Arabia) and illegal terrorists (Jihadis in Syria)? They say these things are good to create jobs.
What to do when the regulator is coveting lucrative jobs with the corporations he/she is supposed to regulate?
You can’t thwart ‘democracy’ because it’s never existed. Neither has ‘capitalism’. But, a 100% Corrupt, Corporate-Inverted-Totalitarian, Police-Staye Government has existed from the start. You can kill more Jews.
What does give me pause for thought is that the tactics used to smear people like Corbyn (and similar people in the US) are actually straight out of the Nazi playbook. Its not worth debating who’s a Nazi and who isn’t — hopefully such people are consigned to history — but the mindset that allowed Nazism to flourish isn’t dead; like a virus it lurks deep inside us ready to grow anew once conditions are favorable.
It would be helpful if people stopped fixating on the excesses of the later Nazi period and read up how a minority populist government came to power and then systematically shut down all opposition and dissent. They could not have done this without the acquiescence of a critical majority of the people and an understanding of how that was done is vitally important to learn the lessons of today. What’s not true is that there were a bunch of jackbooted thugs that squashed dissent — they existed at first, its true, but they were more of an embarrassment than an asset (and after the Night of the Long Knives they were effectively shut down). Its very frustrating to see it all happening around us again — different actors, different bad guys and so on but the same playbook — because you just know that once we pass a critical threshold there really is no going back. Wake Up, Everyone!
It’s also a great shame that the anti-corruption emphasis here often means that Jeremy is seen as the only possible answer to it.
As BigB often implies, what is required to get basic political decency on its feet again in the UK is more than just a step or two in the right direction.
We like simplicity, so we like the idea that J.C. will be the perfect answer to the wretched mess we are in as a human culture.
For heaven’s sake, I like that idea too.
But once you start thinking that corruption and Jeremy somehow cancel each other out, leaving us with a clean slate and a new beginning, you are falling asleep again.
The problem is far too deep-rooted for a Corbyn to fix.
We will probably ALL have to take part.
I tend to find that people who focus on JC personally, instead of ‘Corbynite’ ‘(anti Blairite’) policies being promised by a Labour government, are doing so because they can’t argue against these policies.
The idiotic concept that Jezza, all by himself, is in charge of making up and delivering in government is delusional musrepresentation that the UK elects presidents instead of party manifestos.
The Overton window has slipped back towards its postwar populist heyday. The Labour membership have been dreaming of it for 40 years and been denied a leadership equal to theor desires. The wider voting population are listening and asking themselves in greater numbers, why not?
The establishment cannot honestly answer ‘why not?’ The people don’t believe that austerity means that the richer can get richer while everyone else has to get poorer. They don’t believe the Thatcherite bamboozle that the governments finances are the same as a households. They don’t believe that Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria or the big bad wolf are out to get ‘us’. Etc
People do believe that we went to war in Iraq on a lie told by the NuLabInc government. That Blair,Brown, Mandlesson, Straw, Campbell and the rest of them are liars. They privatised more than Thatcher, they were happy to let the bankers and privatisers rob the country blind. Etc
The establishment top dogs are shitting it.
So they play the man instead of the ball.
Come the election the voters will show how they feel about such bad sportsmanship.
I completely agree about the focus on JC. In fact I’ve made the point repeatedly myself: take JC out of the equation and what do you have left? A neo-Blairite set of policies of business-as-usual for the City – under a ‘pro-business’ banner …for the Many. As I said before: Labour IS the party of business – McDonnell boasts about it it mantric form – and a leading architect of alternative globalism – ‘Lord Jim’ O’Neill – took out a spread in the FT to endorse this view. JC even gave him a shout out in his Leaders address. So let’s expose and examine the financialisation terrorism and credit/debt cycle imperialism havoc the City wreaks on the world. Let’s expose the funding of extractivism and climate degradation the City upholds in its core rent seeking business model – causing global poverty – so we can add a few percentile points and tax the blood money global taxation regime behind environmental and human degradation. That is exactly the context seeking argument I propose: how ethical is ‘progressive’ taxation of the unethical and unconscionable? Or let’s expose the real corporate neoliberal agenda behind JC’s “climate emergency”- and how it threatens all life on earth? Not least, the oppressed indigenous communities who will be silently murdered, dehumanised, and their ancestral lands and burial grounds, their intimate encyclopedic knowledge of pharmacy and ecology …that will be lost and despoiled so we can have the mining rights and conflict minerals in our electric vehicle carry-on the petty-bourgeois consumption ‘conflict free’ supply chain, ‘fair trade’, clear-conscience, clean air, low carbon, green imperial lifestyle? Since when was JC an eco-warrior? Since he met Greta Thunberg, about 7 weeks ago. Now the whole world leadership – bar Trump – it seems are eco-socialists. Suspicious, you should be? Let’s… Read more »
So how easily do you suppose the Blairite neoconmen and their bankrolling master would give up their tentacles in that party machinery?
If you think nothing has changed by the miraculous election, re-election, massive progress in a drive-by shooting of a general election, and an effective opposition in Parliament that forced a meaningful vote and the abandonment of the March independence day, then you are spinning a tale.
If you think a membership that could easily top a million if the status quo attacks again, is not a sure guarantee of change, then you are deluded that nothing has changed.
The neocon/lib apparatchiks and policy controllers are nearly out of the NLC. They are not yet out of their DS postings – Wren-Lewis and co are trying their utmost to keep the Thatcherite financial orthodoxy nailed in the voters minds. As they happily ignore the ridiculous bed-hopping by the defunct Blairite never-will-be’s, who refuse to hold by-elections and cheat the choice of their constituency voters.
Yup the stable isn’t clean yet.
And the promised land hasn’t been reached yet, while idolators are still in the camp trying to hang on to their priestly control of the Labour soul. Not without success – the most fervent anti -Corbynites are the most fervent anti-tory, anti-Murdoch types who bought into the Nu-Labour Inc lies and won’t admit they were brainwashed.
That mote is finally beginning to fall from their eyes.
Fortunately the millenials are not held by the old archetypes.
It’s not about whether JC crosses into the new country, it is all about the journey there and the manifesto that gets implemented there.
Brilliant comment BigB, and I pretty much agree with everything, including your summation of Labour as being another Neoliberal party. Labour is not Jeremy Corbyn alone. Obviously. You’ve probably heard of this but excellent site called Wrong Kind Of Green – Cory Morningstar. They did a 3 part series a while ago exposing the machinations and manipulation behind Greta Thunberg. I am also sceptical of Extinction Rebellion and the ‘green new deal’ touted by Alexandra Ocasio Cortez. Another way for the masters of the universe to make billions more $$$. Sort of like The Body Shop, and others similar: Green ‘ethical consumption’ to save the planet!? Bit of an oxymoron methinks. I’m not a fan of political parties or politicians, including Corbyn or any other populist type leader, tho am sympathetic towards him solely on the continuous smears of anti semitism and racism thrown at him. I’m under no illusion about any political party anywhere.
Oh this is so sad.
I never thought I would grow up into a world where common sense and basic decency counted for so little.
Today’s media are an abomination – not that I think propaganda is a new phenomenon, but I think the mainstream are now imitating the devil for all they’re worth (which admittedly isn’t much) – as if that was supposed to be a good thing . . .
I suppose Thatcherism in the UK paved the way for this (in spades), without realizing that it would soon savage itself to death, along with the rest of us.
Fully agree Wardropper. I grew up in New Zealand prior to the Neoliberalist onslaught there bought in by the Lange Labour Govt (‘Rogernomics’) and prior to that in NZ was cradle to grave welfare, and one of the most economically equal societies in the West, akin to Scandinavian social democracy. All gone – everything privatised and user pays. Am now in Australia where Neoliberalism has reigned for a good 35 years, and like you see such a vast difference in people. Narcissism and hedonism run rampant, binge consumerism, and a real mean, cold, callous streak in a lot of people. I’ve got mine, I’m all good. I see an ever increasing dystopia, where more and more become homeless, or fall into poverty. Surreal and sad. Its dog eat dog. This is what Neoliberalism has done.
You mean like the USA?(I accidently down voted you and I can’t fix it, sorry….
Hi Brian, all good, except for the vileness that is Neoliberalism, and the psychological effect it has had on people. Been in Australia 15 years this time, but lived here from 1985 to 94, and back then people were generally way more laid back, friendly, happy go lucky, willing to help others, vastly more trusting and less fearful from how I remember it compared to the present time. Yeah, its become like USA, especially amongst those under 35. Narcissistic, selfish, and a mean callousness towards those deemed ‘losers’ or ‘bludgers’. Excellent site for you to check out called Neoliberalism Softpanorama. It has dozens of subsections, with many hundreds of linked articles, and is a searing indictment on this dogma. Thanx for reply.
AS an English born(1949) Australian, I agree. The Western World has become a MUCH meaner place since the Reagan/Thatcher era….Jobs have been eliminated since “Globalisation”(which promised So much and delivered so little, other than a warm wet Trickle coming from the bladders of the Rich). In my opinion, it is only going to get worse, as Jobs disappear, and the Neo-Liberals entrench their wealth.
I don’t know where tomorrows jobs are going to be for “The People”, but the 1% couldn’t give a FERK…….
Correct. The manufacturing job I had went to China, along with 200 others from the same company, and am now reduced to flogging The Big Issue mag to survive as get no Centrelink benefits being a NZ citizen. I see that mean, almost pathological callousness every single day. Its tough, mentally and physically, tho have enough customers to get by. As bloody Thatcher said “there is no such thing as society”. I also see things getting worse, more and more struggling with the cost of living, more slipping through the cracks. The Top 5℅ couldn’t give a rats fig. Howard’s almost 12 year reign was the coup de grace in my opinion. That site Neoliberalism Softpanorama explains everything; there’s a subsection entitled ‘The Great Transformation’ along with ‘Audacious Oligarchy and Democracy For Winners’ and ‘Neoliberalism And Inequality’. I’ve told a few of the commenters here about it like BigB and Wardropper.
These concerns of the Chosen Folk are quite valid. Even as we speak, Jezza is polishing his jackboots and building a gas chamber on his allotment.
Machiavellianism. It’s not just reserved for the evil elite of world politics, it’s seemingly everywhere.
Frankly it’s all so depressing that I rarely take more than a glance at the headlines these days. I feel like I’m stuck in a bad movie and I’m shouting, “he did it, you’re all looking at the wrong guy; he’s the real bad guy.”.
What fills me with despair is that the ruling world elite are so brazen these days that they don’t bother to hide the obvious overtones of continued world domination, ridiculous.
People are more ridiculous than the elite though, as long as the Sun newspaper fills the minds, of pie and chips John or meat and two veg Alan, with absolute codsbollocks and when the (allegedly) nonce covering up British Bullshit Corporation continue to pedal the same one sided propagandist slop – we’re doomed.
I left H.M.S. Brittania 7 years and 1 month ago for colder shores where I live under a different brand of hippocracy, albeit a fairer brand, if that’s possible.
Boris for PM? I wonder if he shall feel obliged to hire a ‘Picaninnie’ or two as hired help: the original token black guys reserved for political correctness spin.
Bring back starch joint ‘Treezer’ back from her cricket watching, all is forgiven my dearest, don’t give us Boris Karloff.
Corbyn has his faults and he’s getting on a bit but compared to Boris the blunderer with his silver spoon still wedged between his podgy chops I’d take Jezzer any day…
Article well put together and fun to read .I like his style of writing.
I take exception with the antisemitic trope as most of us know that the European Jews are not Semitic at all . All in all a very good article.
“…most of us know that the European Jews are not Semitic at all .”
Not only ignorance but ignorance masquerading as common knowledge. There are three major “communities” of Jews living in Europe (arising from when and how they arrived there), in two of which those of Semitic ancestry predominate and in one of which, at the current state of still-disputed genealogical research, they do not. I could spell it out further but I don’t want to be responsible for the internal concussion that could arise as you try to cram too much information into too small a learning hole.
Links please .
Maybe you could find time to read some history.
Links? I don’t think you’re quite ready for links yet. Your man Magee has more synonyms for “perhaps”, “presumably”, “probably” and so on than, we can assume, Roget ever heard of. Admittedly, in the latter part of his thesis, he does have a few implicit, greatly curtailed pseudo-citations (a.k.a. attributed “quotes”) to Sand and even fewer to a few people like Wexler, etc (usually as quoted by Sand), but he’d have to, copyright being what it is, despite his skill at paraphrasing. Incidentally, the “Rafael Behr” quoted in the abstract (sic) of your man’s “piece” is the same Rafael Behr that readers of the On-Guardian will know of. From memory, it’s a near word-for-word transcript of Behr’s breathless On-Guardian account of an interview with Sand when the latter was on sabbatical in Europe (France?) some time ago. On that occasion Behr was located right next to the horse’s mouth and it does approximate a fair summary of Sand’s thesis but, in general, I wouldn’t trust anything that fell out of Behr’s mouth, even if it landed in my soup and tasted of unmelted butter. I’ll leave you to practice your own linkings, should you want to read the On-Guardian original. With regard to the “Khazarian Hypothesis” of Ashkenazim origins and out of a concern for your progress in linkland, I suggest you check out work of Elhaik, who has moved the entire debate beyond the heroic efforts of Koestler’s and Sand’s wrestle with the “historical record” and its soft science adjuncts into the significantly harder, but still, in the matter of the origin of “European Jews” (sic), highly disputed and disputable (like wot I posted) science of statistical gene analysis. A beneficial side effect could be that, as a diligent scientist, Elhaik would show you more precise citations (“links” with… Read more »
Actually, rather than responding to media smears, you should ask them to a document saying their genitals will be mutiliated if they were lying or in any way smearing to misrepresent reality. If they refuse to sign it, you declare they are a liar and unfit to be a journalist or, more accurately, employed by a propaganda channel. This must be live and any attempt by a propaganda employee to continue to lie should be prevented through fifty people carting the propagandist away in handcuffs and put over shoulders like a sack of coal. Amazing how quickly you can denude propaganda channels of employees if 100,000 people in London commit to carting away liars. The problem is entirely about the media interrogating but not being interrogated back. They are security services poodles and tax avoiding 1% OWG/NWO worthies, many have snorted cocaine or worse, huge numbers are adulterers and I suspect plenty will have fiddled their expenses. So ask Alastair Campbell ‘When was the last time you snorted cocaine?’ Ask Piers Morgan how many women not his wife he has copulated with: name the ones causing his first two divorces and ask for further names. Ask if he discussed Wendy Deng with Tony Blair and whether screwing his former employer’s ex-wife would be a revenge delivering schadenfreude and satisfaction? Ask Andy Coulson how many computers he has installed keystroke hackers into, how many mobiles he has hacked and who apart from Rebekah Brooks he has committed adultery with. If he says no one, ask ‘So you deny that adultery is a regular habit, then?’ Ask Fiona Bruce if she is a supporter of US torture in SE Asia and if not, why she has not called out Mike Pompeo as unfit for office. Ask if she considers Putin to be… Read more »
I see this excellent down-to-earth remedy for a serious ill in our society nevertheless managed to lure a status-quo-bot out of its plastic bubble for long enough to downvote it.
Quite astonishing.
Rhys uses strong, dramatic language, certainly, but too strong? In the circumstances, I think not.
How on earth can euphemism help us now?
It can’t.
Even Jesus, although not noted for outright rudeness, used language strong enough to get the point across.
We didn’t, for example, get, in the various Bible stories where people were conditionally healed or saved, “Go home, and think twice about committing these little indiscretions and naughtinesses again.”
It was much more straightforward than that. “Sin no more”, says it all.
Just as “fifty people carting the propagandist away in handcuffs”, says it all.
Sins are serious, and this is serious treason we’re talking about here.
You do know that Hitler did not limit himself to bumping off Jews?
Homosexuals, gypsies, Slavs, Quakers, probably lots of intellectuals too.
So despite Jeremy Corbyn regular being seen outside Friends House on Euston Road over the decades at some peace gathering or other, all those inside and those affiliated to Quaker HQ are going to find out that there is NOT that of God in every man and woman, because Jeremy Corbyn is filled solely with The Devil and he is going to bump them all off. Soon…
And Hitler would certainly have been after you, because you would have been poking fun at him, before making a dash to Hamburg to get the hell out on a boat before his Kurfuerstendamm Gauleiters made a berline to your humble abode in the Capital of the World….poking fun is a capital crime to nazi leaders and JC has already lined up Hunt, Javid, Blair, Campbell and a few other reprobates for the weekly firing squad on the Mall…..JH calling JC ‘pathetic’ is definitely anti-
So what is the Putin Nazi up to this week?
“I certainly agree with the positive assessments of the activities of our organisation, the SCO, which have just been voiced here. The SCO is indeed successfully developing and strengthening its positions in regional affairs, making a significant contribution to ensuring peace, security and stability in Eurasia.
Given that at the end of today’s meeting, Russia will take over the Presidency of the SCO, I would like to outline Russia’s vision of the most promising areas of the organisation’s work in 2019–2020.”
Bye bye NWO, hello SCO.
Nowhere in this trash of an article is any reference to the tranparent dye that Jeremy Corbyn applies weekly to invisiblize his little black moustache.
And Dianne Abbott in reality looks like Eva Braun, but she adopted black children as the price for political preferment…
After his completely sane interjection into the lack of “credible” evidence in the tanker attacks, expect a stream of rabid “new” anti-semitism accusations to be along in a day or so..ho hum
The BBC has a smearing headline and a second one attributing a smear from Jeremy Hunt on the same subject…..
Brexiteers – Nationalism
Corbynistas – Socialism
National Socialism
On a more serious note, I think the invented stuff against Corbyn, is because he is basically different, very different to the career politicians who are all over the place, who flood parliament, who do not represent the wishes of the electorate.
Have a look at the lobby groups, in particular Labour Friends of Israel, Conservative Friends of Israel, Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel, the power and influence which they wield.
The people, the 99% vote these criminals in and they sell us down the river.
Meanwhile, in a country of 66 million (and climbing) people, a group of approximately 250 thousand people connected to a tiny country in the Middle East have been allowed to infiltrate our politics and wreak havoc.
The Hitler Estate should demand royalties from the Global Hitler Franchise.
Hitler Trump, Hitler Maduro, Hitler Castro, Hitler Jezza, Hitler Saddam, Hitler Ahmadinejad, Hitler Assad.
The Estate must be due a fortune.
In that case, you are bankrupt.
I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. Great stuff. And thanks.
Donal Trump could not be any more pro Zionist if he tried. Just one example, he received the Kabbalah Tree Of Life Award, one of if not “the” highest honour a Goy can receive from the Jewish authorities…….in 1983! He is so in their pockets, it is off the scale.
Corbyn is, undisputely, not Christian enough. If he were, he would be promoting the sale of lethal weapons and advocate for genocidal adventures around he globe, as well as, give all support to plundering the 4 corners of the Earth.
No, CJ: you are way off the mark with this one. The thing with parodying the lugenpresse manufactured simulacra of news and its front-run policy-led reality …is that the parody is still a parody of reality: because the two are so far dissociated. Satire is only a useful device when it reveals a deeper reality with dark insightful humour. When this inadvertently conceals more than it reveals: it resorts to being quasi-propagandic for a media-industrial reality that is an imaginary delusionary simulacrum. First, there is not much in UK’s “Private Island” that is screwed down, and not owned offshore – as James Meeks; Richard Brooks; and others have detailed. Sold off by the precession of the Lib-Lab-Con years ago. That boat has sailed. Second, Labour are the party of neoliberal imperialist globalism: in fact, they boast about it. “We are the party of business now” is the progressive liberal mantra: that is what the ‘pro-business’ propaganda sloganeering really means – support for the bourgeois neoliberal business model. The expansionist, extractivist, exploitation model that is killing the deliberately dehumanised global poor …and destroying the common life support ecology for good measure. But so long as they wash the bleeding finger blood from the prawns; and the child miners get a fair trade ‘conflict free’ supply chain for the latest tech-gadgets …that’s OK. Universalism for the UK. Green imperialism for the rest. Jeremy Corbyn is no Hitler: but he is not fit to rule either. He did collect money for NATO jihadi propagandic construction, the White Helmets. And they did destroy innocent lives just three months later. If you support jihadi child murderers with funds: you have to take some moral and conscientious responsibility for what they do. Which is what I have been saying since the day it happened …which is… Read more »
Oh dear me – narrative control failure is hard to handle eh?
No, narrative control is working fine – which was my point. Notice no one challenged the factuality of anything I say. You’ve been commenting here for a while, DG: you must have seen my comments – with links – about Corbyn before? Everything I said is factual: ask me and I’ll provide links to everything he has said …links I have provided before, numerous times. So if my comment is epistemologically grounded: what does that say of the opinionated who disagree? Everyone who is or was in the Labour party got the same email as me for the Jo Cox Christmas Appeal …a third of which went to the White Helmets. No one can dispute that. Three months later they blew up a busload of children at Rashidin with their NATO buddies …the same NATO war criminals that Labour also support with a promisary 2% GNP. This was a war crime and crime against humanity. Boris Johnson is rightly castigated and ‘Hitlerised’ for his support of Syrian ‘opposition’; and his licensing of Paveway bombs that blew up children in Yemen. He is characterised as not fit to lead – rightly so. But Corbyn gets a free pass because he is a nice man – that’s narrative control. Nice men don’t put money in jihadi terrorists pockets: end of. It’s only a narrative construction that can ignore such blatant inhumanity. Those dead innocent children are depersoned once again by those who still support Corbyn. Then there is the rest of his crib sheet the narrative controlled ignore: up to and including the handwashing betrayal of Julian Assange. Julian was depersoned too in Corbyn’s tweet on press freedom day. As was Hadjo Meyer depersoned before him …the list goes on and on. Am I the only one who finds this totally outrageous… Read more »
Jeremy Corbyn’s politics are rooted in trades unionism, a close affiliate of the Capitalist Consensus. In that context he is a left wing do-gooder. You may choose to castigate him for remaining within it but it is illogical to castigate him for constructing any of it. All of its basic tenets were cast in steel-reinforced concrete long before his parents took him on his first peace march.
Totally agree: with both comments. Only, all those cast in steel-reinforced concretised tenets have taken a decidedly nasty turn recently – to the point where ‘business-as-usual’ support for the City, the openly fascising EU/NATO, Magnitsky-sanction Russophobic imperialism, EU Military Unification, NATO neo-Nazi occupation, nuclear weapons, subjugation of press freedom (imprisoning Julian), and Labour’s neoliberal corporate fronting of the ‘climate emergency’ …complete a set of life-blind policies that threaten – in more than one way – all life on earth …and promise little but the ultimate foreclosure of the future. Narrative construction renders all of these extinction level policies as invisible. AS is an issue: but one that draws attention from the real issues sketched here. I’m in open agreement with anyone who wants to address the real issues – not focus on the ‘Hitlerisation’ of JC and the fake AS agenda. That inadvertently becomes a narrative construction and manufactured consent issue of its own.
I refer you to my comment above as to what i think of people who attack the messenger rather than the message.
Another day we will have an exchange on style and substance. On Turing and Jung… and instructive it will be no doubt.
But for now, peace.
The anti-Semitism smear is a form of extortion to make every politician and pundit fall in line with Likud group think.
”… the Labour Party is not a hive of Nazis.” True enough but there is a strong Zionist element in the form of Labour Friends of Israel. As follows: As of August 2018, around 80 MPs and 20 members of the House of Lords were supporters. In alphabetical order, former and current members of Labour Friends of Israel include: • David Abrahams, former Treasurer • Lord Archer of Sandwell • Sir Stuart Bell • Luciana Berger, former Director of LF • Tony Blair, former Prime Minister • David Blunkett, former Home Secretary • Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister • Chris Bryant and former Minister for Europe • Stephen Byers, former Secretary of State for Trade and Industry • Wayne David • Andrew Dismore • Michael Dugher • Louise Ellman, Vice Chair of LFI • Derek Foster] • Lord Foulkes • Mike Gapes, former Vice Chair of LFI (2004) • Barry Gardiner, former Vice-Chair of LFI • Anthony Greenwood, first Chair of LFI (1957) • Andrew Gwynne, Chair of LFI (2010)[20] • Fabian Hamilton • Baroness Hayman • Margaret Hodge • Joan Humble • Barbara Keeley • Jane Kennedy, Chair of LFI (2007) • Ivan Lewis, former Vice-Chair of LFI • Lord Macdonald of Tradeston • Denis MacShane • Michael McCann, Vice-Chair of LFI • Anne McGuire, Chair of LFI (2013) • Jonathan Mendelsohn, former Chair of LFI (2002) • Alun Michael, former Leader of the Welsh Labour Party • Andrew Miller[20] • Jim Murphy, former Chair of LFI (2001), former Secretary of State for Scotland • Dan Norris • Nick Palmer • Jess Phillips • James Purnell, former Chair of LFI, former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions ] • Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale • John Reid, former Home Secretary (2007) • Rachel Reeves] • Terry Rooney • Joan… Read more »
Good little 30 shekel whores, one and all.
Toss them a few shekels and they’ll really impress you with their bootlicking skills.
I imagine you have a final solution to that.
Mostly NuLabInc.
Is there a “Labour friends of Russia”?….A “Labour Friends of China”?……I know there is a huge number of American politicians who are heavily influence by AIPAC(a Jewish Lobby group) in the USA(and whose members make HUGE Donations to politicians who are ‘flexible’ in their decision making)……
Very clever and funny satire but you are not fooling me. As everyone knows voices like yours are controlled opposition.
If you ever reach mainstream prominence you will be promoted to the position of official gatekeeper.
It is quite clear now that anyone who protests against the stanglehold of the global elite is in fact working for them.
Some of these people are such zealots for the cause of total global corporate control they indeed become martys for it.
Being delegitemised, murdered, disappeared or otherwise done away with by the global elites whilst maintaining the facade of their opposition, just shows clever they are in supporting it.
It is quite clear that the more you hate and speak out about global oppression the more fervently you support it.
Oh yes…you are not fooling me.
The more anyone speaks out about global oppression: the more they support it? Let’s all join the silent protest. Maybe oppression will get the message by telepathy and go away?
My goodness, did I really need to put a winking emoji next to this. 🙂
Absolutely no danger of that.
It is a mistake to think their is a massive media conspiracy against Corbyn. The truth is, he’s incompetent, and loses against the worst tory government in decades. He has no discernable view on Europe (beyond what he feels a majority of ever dimishing Labour loyalists will support).
His few forays into foreign affairs have only succeeded in giving him the appearance of an antisemitic Putin fanboi.
While he remains at the helm, we are condemned to perpetual tory government.
Return to your zionazi masters. Tell them that you have failed.
Zionazi? Never heard that one before…I am outclassed, clearly, you are a master debater….
Leave the lad alone. You know he has to earn his shekel a line.
Oh, dear, everything was going so well for Billy the Kid until the reflex answering machine blurted out ‘anti-semitic Putin fanboi.’ In future you should leave the answering machine on to give the same message.
‘It is a mistake to think their is a massive media conspiracy against Corbyn’ – LOL.
Media Lens say;
Corbyn became an MP in 1983. He stood for the Labour leadership in May 2015.
UK press articles containing:
‘Jeremy Corbyn’ and ‘anti-semitism’ before 1 May 2015 = 18
‘Jeremy Corbyn’ and ‘anti-semitism’ after 1 May 2015 = 10,943
None of the 18 accused Corbyn of anti-semitism.
This suggests one of two possibilities – either Jeremy Corbyn was a closet Nazi for over 30 years without the MSM noticing – or something happened in 2015 that converted him into a raving antisemite.
If you have a thesis to explain this then the floor is all yours.
I’ve got no time to detail: but I have done so many, many times before …Corbyn has betrayed everything he stood for as a back-bencher – on the right side of history. As soon as he got a sniff of power – he crossed the floor to the wrong side of history. He really did put money in White Helmets pockets. They really did murder children. After that, anything else is really ancilliary. But he did reveal himself as an anti-semite when he retrospectively ‘no-platformed’ Hadjo Meyer and his lifelong ‘Never Again’ campaign. He has also stood by while real anti-Zionists have been betrayed. And he legitimated etnocentric exceptionalism in the form of the IHRA – extending its definitions to anti-capitalism and anti-9/11 truth – as I wrote at the time.
Lord knows, I would not like to try and second guess his psychology of humanist bad-faith betrayalism – but he is clearly not the man many fantasise he is. Even when he washed his hands – like a corporate Herod – and abandoned Julian Assange to his fate – he can do no wrong. But all the time people play pretend that he is some quasi-Messiah – we are betraying ourselves and surrendering our humanity, condemning the ‘no-platform’ exteriorised global poor to further dehumanisation and planetary desolation.
He stands for the few now Harry, and pays lip-service concern for the intentionally pauperised majority of our extended world family. Or are we really going to play pretend that ‘pro-business’ neoliberalised capitalism can be greened without green imperialism. It’s time to wake up to the aroma of fair-trade bourgeois flat ethnocentrically-white coffee that costs the earth.
Just a quick riposte, BB – first of all I was disagreeing with William HBonney – objective evidence illustrates all too clearly how the establishment will not stop at anything to prevent Corbyn from becoming PM (through their instruments in the MSM and intelligence community).
This means (rightly or wrongly) those in power are sufficiently fearful of how the economic landscape might shift under a Corbyn-led government – I’m not even saying it would change that much, but there is no doubting that panic has set in at the thought of him threatening 4 decades of uninterupted neoliberal hegenomy.
The other main strand is about expectations – the way cryptofascism has evolved in Britain there is simply no way a socialist leader, or even a slightly left of centre leader can single-handedly combat the array of business, media, banking and intelligence lobbies that ultimately determine how the country is run.
Not only that Corbyn is battling apartheid apologists in his own party as well as right wing elements in Blair rump (which in many respects are just 2 cheeks of the same arse).
Something about Corbyn puts me in mind of Chauncy Gardener (even though they are quite different) at least to the extend the behaviour they invoke in others becomes just as important, perhaps even more so than the claims they make for themselves.
But Corbyn really is a gardener.
But not ‘Chauncey Gardener’ – and just to add, I do not think Corbyn and the Sellers character are similar, except to the extent their zen like qualities have a way of showing up the true motives of opponents.
If nothing else the whole Corbyn phenonema has revealed the nature of Britains cruel, rotten, self-serving establishment, replete with cryptofascists, neocon apologists and derranged neoliberals.
I was just making a simplistic joke. Although Chaunceydoes walk on water at the end!
A funny thing is going on with the Graun – they appear to be hedging. It seems as they are belatedly pandering to some of their hardcopy readers – the fall in circulation must be getting embarrassing; and a Labour Government must be nearer than they care to admit.
I wouldn’t have come across this article on JC and his reading tastes on theit online site of I hadn’t spied it being read in their magazine yesterday. Sorry about linking to the Obssessive Groan but sometimes …
The Groans hypocrisy is turning them into a schizoid paper. Lol.
Nah, definitely no media campaign against Corbyn
Hitlerization and obfuscation.
They go hand in bloody hand.
that’ll be RM 101 for you Mistah CJ
come along now. . . .
The strange preamble of the MSM. They generally say that fact is stranger than fiction, I suppose, unless it’s the MSM.
The strange preamble of the MSM.