8chan: Another Mass Shooting, Another Internet Purge
This is the third “mass casualty event” in less than a year that was immediately followed up by censorship of the internet
Kit Knightly
Last year, after the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, the new social-media platform Gab was attacked in the press and bullied off the internet. Earlier this year, following the Christ Church mosque attack, New Zealand briefly totally blocked access to several websites.
Yesterday, two men allegedly killed 30 people at a store in Dayton Ohio, and a mall in El Paso Texas.
Today 8chan has been totally shut down.
If you don’t know what 8chan is, well it’s like 4chan but without the sense of decency. If you don’t know what 4chan is, it’s like reddit went off its medication.
Both places could be, can be, kinda gross. But they could – can – also be amazing. Insightful. Useful. Free speech is like that. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes ugly. If you cut off the ugly parts it’s not “free speech” anymore. This is something we all know, but the media is trying to force us to forget.
The boot-licking justification of this move was, of course, spear-headed by The Guardian: 8chan: the far-right website linked to the rise in hate crimes
The hand-wringers and pearl-clutchers in the media are happy to pretend this is about “hate” and “safety”, which is obviously not true.
Take the thrust of the Guardian article:
8chan…why is a website linked to such a high death count allowed to exist on the open internet?
Wouldn’t this question be better asked of www.cia.gov?
Or maybe one of these…
Hell, going by this absurd definition of “death count” – meaning, apparently, “someone who allegedly posted there, allegedly committed a crime” – then all Facebook and twitter have staggering “death counts”.
Known war criminals use twitter every single day. The alleged Christ Church shooting was live-streamed on Facebook (but it was 8chan that got blocked).
The Guardian itself published an opinion piece, a week ago, written by Alastair Campbell. A man with a body count 50,000x higher than the Texas shooting. That’s an El Paso every day for 137 years.
This isn’t about hate, they’re fine with hate. This isn’t about blood, they love blood.
8chan was no more hateful or bloody than any website on that list, so what was the real problem with it?
It was anonymous, fringe and uncontrollable.
It was free. Now it’s not. Any one of us could be next.
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I note that the Guardian piece linked to, i.e. “8chan: the far-right website linked to the rise in hate crimes” presents itself as an attack on “the Right”. The propagandists are well aware that the majority of the public are, if not necessarily “Left” then certainly more Left than the ruling elite. Therefore all the bullshit has to be presented with a “Left” rhetoric. Just as the noxious anti-Corbyn John Harris has to present his case against Corbyn with that same “Left” rhetoric cf. here:
The comedy highlight: “Such organisations as the Institute for Public Policy Research and the New Economics Foundation are developing the central idea of the drastic redistribution of power into exciting, trailblazing work.” Who is he kidding?
i also notice the (intentional or possibly just ignorant) labeling of the actual “left” as “liberal” and vice versa. as if msnbc, peslosi and the clinton family fit under the same umbrella as chris hedges, chomsky and glenn greenwald.
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What’s most noteworthy is that even after all these fascist acts of terrorism, the majority of people in the forums on this website will continue to point to Antifa as the “real fascists”.
The El Paso “Manifesto” : Karl Marx
For anyone, like me, who has struggled to find a readable image or text version of the seemingly mandatory “shooters manifesto”, reported for the El Paso Walmart event, you can read & download it here :
It seems to me from the themes therein, that whoever wrote this shows concern for environmental issues and immigration in equal measure.
The cesspool, mockingbird media are strangely silent on the author’s environmental radicalisation …
The title “The Inconvenient Truth” is a bit of a giveaway too, clearly alluding to Roger Revell’s protege and his identically titled propaganda film …
The “manifesto” is a nod to that twisted old misanthrope, Karl Marx :
Portrait of Evil: Karl Marx, a Disciple of Hell on Earth
What you’re saying is that the US is actually a communist country?
Free speech is not an absolute right. There are no absolute rights. All human rights are essentially social agreements and are reciprocal. All human rights involve obligations and responsibilities. The primary obligation is to exercise one’s rights responsibly.
Militant right wing fascists are a real thing and as the disruption of the social order continues their appeal grows. They use free speech to spread their ideology of race hatred and they actively incite people to acts of hatred, such as happened in El Paso. There are repeated calls for ethnic cleansing and genocide on these sites; and the people who write them mean it.
No one has the right to call for genocide; to do so is an abuse of free speech.
Let me remind you that no one does have the right to call for genocide. Inciting violence is against the law. You’re employing a classic and completely fictitious trope being spread by propagandists in order to condition people to accept censorship.
Free speech currently co-exists with laws designed to protect people from threats and harm.
You have either been duped or you’re attempting to dupe. We suspect the latter.
You jump immediately to the most common internet trope – that anyone who says something you dont like is a shill. Surely you can do better than that.
We always give apparent trolls the benefit of the doubt to begin with and allow they may just be unthinkingly recycling deceitful propaganda, but so far you are showing no signs of doing anything but relay dishonest pro-censorship memes and clumsily try to ignite arguments. Maybe you’ll blossom into a good contributor in the future, but either way feel free to carry on. We rarely shut down even the most blatant and dreary trolls. Though most of our commenters are smart enough to ignore them
“We rarely shut down even the most blatant and dreary trolls.”
Yep, that’s certainly true and I’m still waiting for an explanation from you elsewhere, on that score …
Meanwhile: I found something on Gab a moment ago, that’s kind of directly related to this article and potentially a smoking gun (especially for Flaxgirl, at least) and maybe you will find it interesting because it appears to be a bit like the sidekick Psychic BBC scenario, announcing WTC7, in advance of the ‘Event’ …
and it has a time stamp !
FYI, Flaxgirl has also declined to address very reasonable requests, today, other than to say that she thinks that Binney & Weibe & their whistle blowing of “Parallel Platforms” after 11th September, are all a matter of controlled opposition, now, after just a few minutes of checking for the first time ever ! although she only found out about all 3 ‘matters’, this morning, for the first time ever and there is never a mention on her blogspot of these 3 factors, that after many decades of research on my part, I find wholly credible …
just a thought … 😉
If anybody is genuinely interested in what happened on the 11th September 2001, there can be NOTHING & NOBODY, more important to understand completely, than these 2 whistleblowers & why they blew the whistle, how and what they revealed: because otherwise you will never understand truly what happened that day, and why we have had so many distractions from listening to them, the kind of distractions that Flaxgirl often creates and that is my professional knowledge speaking !
Not some scanty, self-opinionated blogspot …
We’ll see, patience the virtue and all that … 😉
Ah, you’ve just noticed that Flaxgirl might be part of a psychops campaign to create ridicule against people not actually believing the official 911 story? Her claims are utterly outlandish, deliberately so in my humble opinion.
Lol, you are surely 100% correct on this and ironically I was just typing directly to her my accusation of her being the controlled opposition on this website, whilst I noticed that you’d written to me ‘something’: and yes Frank, it gives me great pleasure to be in full agreement,
with you, for once (chuckle): no hard feelings 🙂 …
Scroll down if you want to see how disgusted I am with her BS and outrageous accusations against Binney & Weibe calling them the controlled opposition >>> you know the game; inverted reality 🙂
I took time out to check through her whole blogspot and there is no doubt left in my mind, having given her time & space to respond respectfully …
have a good evening, seriously,
And no, frank, I’ve never written comments for attention or to be liked:
but, it’s gone midnight and it a bit too complicated to explain why, how or what I do, for fun, since I’ve been sidelined & bankrupted by the PTB … Rache ist Suess 😉
No worries Tim, i genuinely understand. Don’t let the bastards grind you down too much though. Take care.
Yes and hopefully most of your readers are intelligent enough not to jump to ridiculous conspiracy conclusions just because someone says something they dont like.
Well, I’m sure they’re at least intelligent enough to perceive that you’re manufacturing a “jumping to conclusions” in response to a comment that clearly offered the conspiratorial explanation as only one of two.
Who is this Admin? Going way off at a tangent to what this guy is actually saying. Don’t hide behind “Admin”, be transparent.
so you do think its ok to limit free speech eg. to block trolls sometimes? I’m confused I thought OG was saying we should never do that except for illegal incitement of violence. But that last one is a nebulous one. eg Advertising coffee incites violence to those who must pick the beans.
we never block anyone, not even trolls, we simply advise ignoring them until they give up
What a silly question, nvb, obviously argumentative since the mods made it perfectly clear they don’t block anyone.
The reason I made my comment is because many people are using the notion of free speech as a means to protect and enable hate speech. That is all.
It would seem that you use ‘hate speech’ and ‘incitement to violence’ interchangeably, do you distinguish them in any way or do they mean the same thing to you?
The internet (being a global phenomenon) must somehow accomodate the different legal interpretations of these things. E.g. in Iceland,
Anyone who publicly mocks, defames, denigrates or threatens a person or group of persons by comments or expressions of another nature, for example by means of pictures or symbols, for their nationality, colour, race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, or disseminates such materials, shall be fined or imprisoned for up to 2 years.
but then,
The United States does not have hate speech laws, since American courts have repeatedly ruled that laws criminalizing hate speech violate the guarantee to freedom of speech contained in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Quite a range.
Yes I agree it is a complex issue; like all these issues are.
I was mostly referring to the issue at hand – that of militant extremists calling for ethnic cleansing and the like. I am not referring to people being rude or having an opinion one does not like. The El Paso shooter was explicit in his manifesto posted on 8Chan; and the video I linked above (deleted by Youtube for hate speech) is also explicit.
Some commenters here think that because I criticized the extreme right in my comment therefore I must somehow support left wing extremists like Antifa – I dont; not at all. I oppose all haters; especially those who resort to violence.
Free speech is not a carte blanche for any extremists to call for whoever they dont like to be eliminated.
That’s all…. but apparently that makes me some kind of shill or operative; maybe I’m the famous Russian we hear about so much!
Welcome David. Don’t worry about some of the posters here getting at you, nor some of the moderators / owners of OffG. Many espouse free speech one minute yet will try and shut you up the next minute. Thankfully there are still many intelligent and decent and obejective people here.
Thank you Frank Speaker; I appreciate the thought.
I come here precisely because the articles and comments are generally intelligent and decent and objective… and because I’m pissed off with the Guardian and the Neoliberal agenda too.
I think this sentence could have been clearer : ‘There are repeated calls for ethnic cleansing and genocide on these sites; and the people who write them mean it.’
I guess you were referring to sites 8chan, not sites like this one, in which case OffG have misread your argument perhaps?
It is complex. If a site publishes something that would be ‘hate speech’ in one country but protected free speech in another, but then allows free reign BTL, some of which clearly are incitements toward violence, then is that as clear as publishing outright incitement as articles?
What about chat rooms that don’t really ‘publish’ anything?
There are claims made now that 8chan (and 4chan) may have cut deals to avoid legal proscription before now which involved the installation of keylogging code in the webpage, thereby making it, effectively a ‘honeypot for extremists’…
And then we must question that last part of the sentence of yours that I quoted ‘the people who write them mean it’. No doubt some of them do, which a terrifying aspect of human life. But many don’t, either writing it for some attention or need for self importance, or because they are working for a social engineering employer with an agenda.
The bottom line for me (-as someone who also stands against supremacism, hate crime and aggressive violence), is that these things cannot be stopped by trying to control what people say, write, read or think. To try this way just gives power to those with the ‘kill switch’.
Yes that sentence could be read that way; and of course I was referring to sites such as 8Chan; not to OG.
I think unrestrained hate speech can lead to real killing; just as having millions of weapons freely available can lead to mass shootings. Exactly where the lines are drawn in all this is complex and will change from place to place and time to time.
The propertarian activist I referred to in the video I posted (deleted by Youtube for hate speech) does mean it imo… as far as I am concerned it would be foolish not to take him seriously.
Most censorship on internet platforms is corporate. Some would claim that ownership is itself absolute and therefore a platform owner can censor as they like. Some argued they have that right in their high street businesses; so lines had to drawn and regulations imposed. I think people are still figuring out the nature of privately owned online public spaces.
I was often removed from the Guardian comments. They did not like my opinions there either.
I think unrestrained hate speech can lead to real killing; just as having millions of weapons freely available can lead to mass shootings.
The counterarguments being that having lots of petrochemicals widely available can lead to mass arson,
we should not criticise parliamentarians anymore since the killing of Jo Cox.
Personally, I don’t believe any amount of exposure to hate speech would persuade me to attack anyone. I dare say that there are many who are more prone to persuasion than a cynic like me, but therein lies the root of the problem. Hate speech is an effect of the social systems in which we live. It may be a stepping stone on the way to destructive violence, but it is not the cause, I would say. Not addressing the root can lead to a co-option or subversion.
I didn’t watch the video. Did Youtube delete for reasons of ‘hate speech’ or for ‘contravening terms of service’, or because it was illegally inciting violence ? You see the importance of the distinction?
Most censorship on internet platforms is corporate.
I think people are still figuring out the nature of privately owned online public spaces.
I see no distinction between corporate and state. Big corporations run government departments and vice versa. There is no divide that has any meaning.
Not keeping this in mind can lead us into oxymorons like ‘privately owned public spaces’. There is no such thing. Public spaces have been privatised, corporatised and are policed by state violence in the interests of private elites.
The manifesto was first posted on Instagram, and someone re-posted it to 8Chan.
OffG, you are kind of putting words in his mouth, he didn’t quite say / write what you claim.
As far as I am concerned, 8chan is a cesspit, and if the authorities clean up the illegal activities then that’s fine with me; that’s not censorship, that’s law enforcement.
Yes, I’m a traditional old-school Labour voter and I believe in law and order….and I expect downvotes and flak from extremists here in return.
Let me make a (perhaps unwarranted) assumption. Let me assume that the author of this article has never visited the comment section of such sites as Unz and Russia Insider, or gab for that matter, as a non white person and read calls for race wars against non white people. Let me further assume that he has no experience of seeing non white refugees and immigrants called “low IQ turd world invaders” whose only purpose is to “drive whites to extinction”. Nor, I assume, has he reported comments that are explicitly against the stated policies of said site itself and found those reports totally ignored. If he had, he would probably understand that total “free speech” is merely another name for licenced hate.
As loathsome as such discourse is (and it is fucking loathsome) it is still the lesser of the two evils compared to surrendering speech, and by extension thought boundaries to corporate or political entities – this is the fundamental issue as I see it.
As an aside removing a forum does not remove cultural drivers that condition people to think and behave in such unacceptable ways.
Q: is Google a Cultural Driver ?
Q: is Google a Cultural Driver ?
A: yes, all tech monopolies are important player in the cultural landscape.
As you probably know they are being sued by Tulsi Gabbard after a bout of censorship in the immediate aftermath of a recent presidential debate.
Exactly: thanks for clarifying that Harry.
So, if you’ll excuse a tiny bit more Q&A ?! 🙂
Is google a legal search engine operator in the EU ?
And are they a Platform, or a Publisher, who censor political opinion with algorithms and is that legal ?
There are existing laws that deal with incitement to violence and threats. Such things are illegal and have been for many years. Impingement on free speech is not needed to control them. This is just a conflationary lie aimed at deceiving the masses and justifying state censorship. If you have been fooled, think again.
Well said Colin. Free speech is not a legitimate excuse or defence for calls for ethnic cleansing and genocide.
NOTE FROM ADMIN – this person is well aware that no such claim has ever been made here. His attempt to misdirect the argument is straight from the neofascist ‘liberal’ playbook .
Did he actually claim that this site was making calls for ethnic cleansing and genocide? I didn’t read his comments that way, but I could be wrong.
Of course I have never made any claim that Off Guardian supports extremist calls for violence. For some reason the moderator was triggered by my comments on the topic of free speech and hate speech that calls for violence. Maybe I was too blunt or didnt word it carefully enough and he/she misread or misunderstood?
On this site, it a well known fact that people like Kit and I for that matter, visit Gab, Unz & R.I. regularly, to keep an eye on all ‘media matters’, without being compromised by Soros & Co. and we’ve met more than our fair share of nutters and even confronted them, or at least I do, I can’t speak for Kit on that score …
Assumption my friend, is the mother of all fuck ups … datsa’ fact !
I might add, that in all my many decades of commenting, in so many forums, I’ve never reported or blocked anybody, ever … think about that and why I played things that way & how I managed that 😉 and what are the consequences … 😉 and then look at the Guardian comments sections and pisspoor journalism standards today and ask yourself why you are right here, right now with your assumptions?
You seem to be a bit of a racist Colin?
The El Paso mass shooting was a White Supremacist hate crime; and there are likely more coming.
These lunatics want civil war; ethnic cleansing; and a final solution to their hatred of the Left.
El Paso was not a false flag event either; although it will be used and spun as though it were by all sides in the culture war.
John Marks is an obvious fedposting shill. Anyone who’s not a fed would get banned from corporatist YouTube instantly from his calls for muh civil war. John Marks discredits authenthic dissident right wing thought like propertarianism through guilt by association. A classic divide and conquer tactic is to pit the far left and far left against each other, so they never unite our totalitarian authoritarian centrist elite ruling class.
Spot on, remember who the real enemy is, its the authoritarian liberal ‘extremist’ centrists, this left, right stuff is just their way of dividing us, its how they achieve their end goal of tyranny.
You are mistaken. Not everything is a government false flag. Militant right wing fascists are a real thing; and as the disruption of the social order continues their appeal broadens.
Very little is a false flag, except the USS liberty, 911 etc LOL.
But I have to disagree with you the most dangerous political ideology is liberal centrist, there way only leads to tyrannical authoritarianism.
The rights appeal broadens because of liberal ideologies, its push back to irrational lunacy of liberal ideology, fascism like centrism (results in the same thing) wont succeed, people by nature don’t want to be ruled.
My personal values lay with individual freedom provided by socialist libertarian principles, for the record.
I see the dangers in both the Neoliberals and the Right Wing fascists. When I point out the dangers of right wing fascists groups calling for genocide I am not thereby supporting Neoliberals. Just to make that clear.
Of course i’m not judging you, but i’d like to point out all the neo-liberal wars that have killed 100s of millions of us over the last century or two. Even Hitler couldn’t match that record.
Doesn’t matter what label you give it, centralizing power to a few political elite always ends up hurting the many innocents.
Yes I agree the Neoliberal dis-order is the big issue and political centralization always ends bad.
Oh yes i agree , terribly terribly David, it’s just awful the sheer scale of mental disorders within this Neo-Liberal Softpornorama disorder, today: I blame the Eire-ians & Fascist flunkies fornicating with the Irish and their Vatican Bankers fucking children and filling people’s brains with feral faecal matter flying in the face & colliding with the rotating oscillator …
(add BBC intonation & Rona Fairhead’s golden skirt flying in the face of & flashing her HSBC wet yellow knickers in a twist) Lmao 😉
I think it is an error to believe that everything is a Deep State conspiracy. The real feelings of real ordinary people are a real force and they can coalesce disastrously under the right (or rather wrong) conditions.
If you find a chapter of 4 KKK, 3 of them are undercover FBI and the 4th is an undercover journalist.
“Tommy Robinson” and Geert Wilders are Zionist fronts.
Our Tommy gets ten grand a month in Zionist money.
LemonT.Robinson, mark, let’s call him
LemonT.Robinson, from now on, please …
Meanwhile, elsewhere it looks like civil war over at Consortium News, in the comments section, after the following article 😉
I haven’t read all the comments yet, as you can imagine (chuckle) but this one stood out as particularly amusing, at first glance
“Why cant people understand that it’s not the guns?? I’m a responsible gun owner with 2 dozen guns including multiple ar15s and a ak47. I enjoy shooting them an target practicing on a regular basis an it’s amazing to think that after all the thousands of rounds I’ve fired nobody has ever been hurt in any way. Its sick people that hurt people an that’s the bottom line. Stop glorifying and glamorizing the “assault weapons” it’s a deeper issue than just a gun. STOP punishing responsible people”
Right, I’m off to the shop to get some fair trade coffee, with a big stick &
speaking very quietly, with nobody except the shop owner, of my choice 🙂
John Marks video actually was taken down by Youtube. But his message and the fascist intentions of those lunatics is merely emboldened.
Their hatred of the left, David ? One of the shooters appears to be ANTIFA … how would you explain that, should it be true David ‘Oirish’ ?
I believe, that there is likely some more severely extreme weather coming our way, in fact I can guarantee you that with 100% certainty, thanks to Intel’s Harmony & HarmoniEPS programmers in Galway, with their connections to the Hirlam & Aladin Consortium and their HARP research programme, not to be confused with the ex-D.o.D HAARP programming for climate change, who all take their legal lead from AER inc. no not aer Lingus, as google today suggest when I search AER inc. >>> the acronym for Atmospheric & EnvironMental Research incorporated into Massachusetts, who work for all on matters of Climate, whilst declining ANY & ALL legal liability in bold capital letters on the last pages of their contracts with everybody and they are not even capable of explaining what has happened to our climate to date … just a thought.
“Atmospheric and Environmental Research scientists and engineers help governments and businesses solve the world’s biggest climate issues. We prepare agencies like NOAA, NASA and the Department of Defense, along with large insurance, investment and energy companies to anticipate, manage, react to and profit from weather and climate related risk.”
And do the Irish & Intel rely on these conmen, as does the Met. Office & Météo France and in fact the whole of NATZO, would you adam & eve it ? !
Just Eire-ing some longstanding observations of mine, not blaming all the Irish,
know what I mean ?
Nope, yer’ also quite probably clueless on weather engineering, just like you are on matters of ‘societal engineering’ eh, David …
Playing the race card so casually is a bit off dont you think Timmy boy
You mean like Beto O’Rourke ? (chuckle)
What no comeback, regarding Beto O’ Rourke’s dumbfuk prostituted sniggering racist card whitewash play of the day ? You do disappoint me from the getgo, David Oirish.
Ooooh, lovely jubbly: I see all the trolls and all the king’s pussies are ganging up to scratch me, with their thumbs down: Flak always at its’ worst when flying directly over the target bunch of prostitutes scratching all morals & principles, from the broken records of old, today 🙂
You should have a good old wives natter with our “Controlled Opposition” rep. Flaxgirl, on this matter. Methinks, the lady doth hoax & protest & wail waaaay too much and would actually love a darn good Bali Shag: & after the way she expressed her early morning fantasy of voting for Beto O’Rourke, she is clearly into the Eire-ian race and dumbfuk distractions, like yourself, and you could probably get lucky for the price of a king edward potato up the bum.
(laughs bigly)
Veto Beto, for Flaxgirl & David Eire could then have time for a grand gangbang of trolls festival with WHBJihadi Colin & Co. >>>
The definitive list of names of all the Trolls here is so huge today, that OffG can take this all as a real compliment & with a pinch of Salt & some Domestos: off you trot, you Trottle & the Trotters:- ‘Only fools & horses’ ready for the knackers yard would listen to you guys & girl hoaxing protests against this scandalous Fascist backed Neo-Liberal Softpornorama, for your Psycho-Killer bosses of Apartheid: you Zionist lacky, David 😉
I’m on the road to hell & back for another horse-kicking, later today: till then, you can try shagging Flaxgirl instead … ciao4now
What is “White Supremacism”?
Isn’t this just Identity Politics for white people?
Identity Politics is all fine and dandy for blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, gays, trannies, and Uncle Tom Cobley And All, just about every little faction you can think of.
Seems to work okay for them.
So why not for white people?
If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
Why not atomize society into as many mutually antagonistic groups as possible?
All the 61 new genders can demand their slice of the pie as well.
The trannies and the lezzies and the demiguys and the semi-queers and the quarter-queers can all fight it out in the street and see who comes out on top.
Should be entertaining if nothing else.
apparently it wasn’t “taken down” as much as dropped like a hot potato by cloudflare and possibly its web hosting company. again showing that free speech is a misnomer when said speech depends on private companies who are allowed to “do what thou wilt”. a brilliant loophole and it’s also to be expected in a country where even the supposed “public broadcasting” is funded by military interests. the same pundits who hit the fainting couch over this and other mass shootings can be seen there (and anyplace in the media, really) dismissing body counts 10 times higher overseas.
the internet started as a publicly financed (military) endeavor and should be returned to that status. then we can relabel “taxes” as “rent” and evict anyone who refuses to pay.
A lot of these shootings are probably false flags to serve a political agenda and justify censorship, repression, shredding of civil liberties, outlaw gun ownership, and multiple other objectives, killing several birds with one stone, if that’s not an inappropriate metaphor. They are always exploited for those purposes.
When you look at these incidents, they are often highly dubious.
Like the Manchester Arena Bombing by the MI6 asset. Most of these people turn out to be pet terrorists of the spook organisations, or nutters and general inadequates who have been groomed by them.
But there are also real crazies out there too – like stalkers and paranoid sociopaths.
I can’t buy into the idea they are all false flags carried out by state actors. Its not that i don’t think they are capable of doing it, its just that they aren’t very effective. Sure some maybe but not all. You tube was once full of the Lee Rigby thing being fake,. What about the Hungerford massacre? What would be the point in doing them?
I read last night there’s more guns in America than people, if the state attempted to take away their guns it would end in carnage, American state thugs (police) don’t knock on the door and ask politely for your gun. It would be a blood bath trying to take Americans guns away.
Anyway if anything these things just make you wanna own a gun. I’ve never in my life wanted to own gun, but i’ve come to the conclusion the only way to defend yourself from the state thugs is owning a gun so if i was in America i would get one now. The statistics don’t lie, if there are that many guns in the USA these events are relatively very rare so who dose it really benefit to stage such an attack? The state actor narrative doesn’t really fit because it never works in the USA.
“What would be the point in doing them?”. Never underestimate the sick lows the elite will stoop to in their quest for control and domination of the human psyche
Oh trust me i don’t, but there has to be an objective i just don’t see this ever working as means to disarm Americans peacefully. Its a vote loser for one, for anyone that advocates it.
They are not all false flags, but many are, and Las Vegas was most clearly one.
Amerikastanis pursuing their national sport of exterminating other Amerikastanis is not exactly news.
Maybe we should just give them all more guns.
If they wiped each other out, we might finally get some peace and quiet in the world.
Though Talmudistan would have to find somebody else to leech off.
I’m not saying there are not fals flags, in fact there are clearly lots of them over the years.
However, our secret services fooking up and not keeping tabs on dangerous nutters is a very likely scenario on several occasions and can more than explain Mamchester, 7/7, Borough Market for example. It’s extreme paranoia to suggest otherwise when humans are so prone to screwing up.
To the ‘ego’ of imposed order, anything that supports it is ‘true’ and anything perceived as threat is perceived as an attack on true and therefore false. This puts love and hate in the same category by association. Love perceived as heretical and therefore false or treacherous and hate perceived as powerful and malicious and demonic.
The inhibition and suppression or denial of love by fear is the development of a consciousness that protects fear against love or in generic terms, protects the conflict against resolution – but does so under a narrative persona of love’s empowerment or self-protection set against terrors and evils.
Until we recognise this in ourself we persist in seeing it in Other and in World AS IF we protect ourself from the feared and the hateful – but at cost of being powerless to change what we have in effect literally ‘cast’ out of our own mind.
Speaking in tongues only has true meaning for me in the ability to discern and understand and relate through different modes of expression. The ability to read the heart of another or of a situation is a discernment denied the strategist of a private agenda of possession and control – which inevitably projects its own evil or loveless intention into the minds of others and then acts as if it is really there by withdrawal of right, denial of light and attack or sacrifice upon the body. When we do this to ourselves it results in sickness, and when projected away, in war… and depletion and sickness.
Listening for truth is also listening to the prompts to abide in or look where fear says NOT to – but from a willingness to be shown. The Internet – as the mind – can be an entanglement of deceit if we are not clear in our desire and aligned in purpose. Disinfo and other devices of deceit all hack into internalised or unconscious and invisible conditioning UNTIL of course we see we have been deceived and uncover that in ourself which willingly or blindly took the bait. In this way the deceiver provides an education in recognising and releasing ‘back-doors’ by which we are ‘hackable’.
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”. (Did ‘Dubya’ mangle that saying on air so as to fool us into laughing at the ‘fool’ – and is this not a qualification for picking presidential candidates as crisis actors?).
The mind is already partitioned and split into levels of access. Already a capture under narrative identity or control. Deceit running our own mind so as to NOT KNOW WHAT WE DO, but rather suffer compulsion and subjection at the fault or hand of others, of conditions, and of a past made in anger.
The replication and substitution of life by systems of manual management is the ‘ego’ of imposed order that results from the belief you are alone, apart and must DO or repair and restore or atone for what once was simply in the nature of being.
Systemic thinking substitutes for living relational being such that humans live in their MODEL of reality AS IF it is reality itself. This is no different than Narcissus entranced and captive to his own image, blind or deaf to the Calls of his lover.
The calls for true witness seem to violate the image of a fantasy given life and power. I often use the following quote:
“… the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance.” ~ Alan Bullock
But it is no less applicable to our personal mind or narrative continuity in terms of learning the ‘(human) world of love-hate as a strategic adaptation that then teaches it.
Linear continuity or ‘space-time’ is associated with object persistence.
But continuity of being is more of an upwelling or effulgence of being that we feel and recognise as relational being – and as a flow that is both timely and timeless. That the mind may cover over our awareness of being is a cover story that we can live out as a ‘separation trauma’ or look at as a willingness to align mind in service rather than let it run off in its own spin and hold the heart hostage to a sense of denial seeking light of acceptance.
The internet may be turned to a replication of the mind of possession and control – marketising and weaponising an imposture of order, or it may serve a purpose of reintegration, awakening and healing because that is what you choose to align in – regardless the current agenda or intention of others.
To wake in being is to align in innate or implicate order – that knows by what it gives. Propagating thought in ignorance of love begets an arrogance set against its own unrecognised reflected denial.
How to break the spell rather than fight against the chains of its setting?
The genie is being put back into the bottle – at least for official ‘reality. But will the means of doing so fail to work as always in the past? Denial is not a true creation or extension of the Creative – EXCEPT when used solely to deny anything that would undermine, attack or corrupt a living love – which is not can can not be encapsulated, codified or imaged in form and ‘imposed’ or legislated.
Objective reality needs to expand to a discernment of love. We are recognisable by and in love as unique expressions of an indivisible ‘spirit’ or purpose of manifest embodiment. Forms can be masked in and used to hide from. There is no objective without a subject, but there is a formless and yet tangible quality of discernment that we experience as intuitive whether we are aware of such in our lives or running as if we are ‘in possession and control’ of reality. This sense of independent self depends on invisible support. The withdrawal of support is the inability of the old ‘model’ to fit or operate or function. Increasing intensity does not re-create the old density. Resonance is communication, resistance is an exercise in futility until we are willing to listen instead of telling reality (self/other/world) what to be.
FFS does anyone understand what this ‘person’ is on about?
‘Binra’ ‘Brian’ I mean.
Allow him to Steere, when you are incapacitated, for other’s benefit.
The discussion has become a little bit like 3 old dears of hard hearing, who wish to steer, though they’ve forgotten the ‘road map’ & forecast and one says to the other,
O.D.1 “It’s windy today”
O.D.2 “No it’s not, it’s Thursday”
O.D.3 “So am I, let’s go n’ have a cup of tea…”
Don’t start a pointless fight simply because you don’t like another poster’s style. It’s just distraction. Ignore if you don’t like.
I don’t know if you have noticed Admin, but everyone does ignore binra.. The problem for me is that I do actually want to give everyone a chance and learn from what they write… but he is firing way above our heads and it is frustrating….
I enjoy Binras’ contributions Maggie. Sometimes difficult to follow and needing greater attention, though clarity of writing is there. Sometimes succinct makes assumptions of the reader that Binra attention to detail appears not to. Easier if one has experienced one-ness 😉
Fair enough, admin. But just look how much space – and mental attention and effort – has gone into an irrelevance – someone’s indulgent, and apparently incorrigible, prose style – in what should be an actually-useful discussion of this sharp, real-news insight published by Kit.
Ask and be answered or make your own narrative reality and propagate it. I don’t FIRST presume to unperson you so as to seek my own personal agenda.
As your reply came to my inbox literally seconds after I posted it here I can safely state that you didn’t read it. Perhaps you ‘already know’ it cannot be understood. I might put to you that few have any problem in suckling insane propaganda as if it made sense and chew on or argue in its frame as if making a difference.
Systemic thinking was a phrase I used to indicate an imposture of mind that denies the heart or in other terms a war of lies that denies truth.
I know what I write of and if you want to know you need only ask. But if you want to seek reinforcement in your opinion by appeal to others to join in unpersoning a freedom of speech that offers no insult or offence to you excepting you insist on taking it then by all means reveal yourself in your acts.
The internet is an externalising or outsourcing of ‘mind’. But ‘mind’ is already a programmed result of conditioning – ie: garbage in; garbage out. technologism extends the ‘mind’ or possession and control – set against terror of dispossession and loss of control.
In this sense the mind as a defence mechanism DOES the very thing it purports to defend against. You COULD be increasingly aware of this as a signature of such a self-deceit in those who aggressively accuse others of the very sins they stand obviously in – and have the power to penalise or vilify the smeared by appeal to emotional sympathy in the unwary.
Love is not understandable to private thinking – no matter how many private thinkers are induced or incentivised to ‘agree’ or conform.
Cheap shot Maggie. You are worth more than that.
Ahh but I did read it, every word, and read it to my Husband and neither of us could make actual sense of it… without much deliberation.
My Husband is a Historian and has read some real heavy sht, like Rise and fall of the Roman Empire and War and Peace, but has never ever come across such an effluviant waste of words to make such a simple point…
I have appealed to you over and over to simplify, rather than appealing to ONE person..
I don’t want to have to take an exam to be able to understand what people write. I don’t want to have to disassemble a sentence and make sense of it before moving on to the next. I do not want to work that hard on one post.. I have much research to do and you quite frankly waste my time.
I don’t deny you are an exceptionally intelligent person, but you are better to stick to
writing for Oxford/Cambridge elites etc.. than here at Off G.
Sometimes those that credit themselves with exceptional communication skills are actually the very worst communicators.
I do remember communications teachers, back in college, they have to be the most elaborate time wasting obtuse people i’ve ever conversed with. Elaborate use of the dictionary rarely improves communication. Academics like to show off what they assume is their higher intellect with complicated terminology.
But if no one else can understand them, Who’s the dimwit?
For sure there is the ability of the mind to mask itself in a false guise.
And the ability to summon such examples to seem wise.
If communication means opposite things to two people then it will not occur between them.
I do not credit myself so much as extend it to you as WORTHY OF communication. I do not resort to smear terms such as dimwit – in order to seem clever.
The deceiver is subtle – and is not other than our own mind. In order to be free of deceit, we have to recognise our own mind-framing and repent or release allegiance to it.
Education is not what it purports to be. Learn how to learn or suffer the framing of your mind by a false set of robes. Language as currency of Thought has been corrupted. The attempt to ‘save’ the mask or make the masked puppet into a ‘real boy’ is only an extension of the lie as sacrifice of true being.
Joy is the basis for learning. Fear of penalty is the basis for sacrifice.
Those who learn to love sacrifice hate native joy and attack innocence of being from a smug self superiority.
The game being solicited here is ‘attack the messenger’. If OG and its community align in such devices then the freedom of comment becomes subject to the culture of the put-down. Collective ‘vilification’ is targeted to the ‘narrative dissonance’. I invite SEEING this in act – and not feeding blame and shame reactivity. What we can own, we can then release from allegiance.
As for communication – I align with resonance and renounce the a-tempt of impact. I am walking away from Omelas. What would it profit me to exchange a true and tangibly felt appreciation for rituals of self specialness – as a ‘lead role in a cage’?
That anything should truly hold You in and as Meaning… is not communicable to the attempt to GET it from the denial of others. So I do not even try. As you are willing to see another as your self you will naturally seek and find a compassion that transforms the hateful. No one else hates you like you do – and yet this is the deceiver of a mind framed in lies. Buyer beware.
Hate seeks for and ‘understands’ hate. Everything is BACKWARDS!
Because a lens of reversal is active AS our own mind.
the effects are everywhere:
Just out of curiosity Binra, Do you actually speak to your wife, family and friends in this ‘manner?”
“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality”. ~ Michael Ellner
At last, something I can understand without having to disassemble.
I speak from and to the freedom of a willingness to listen.
There are those who seek to protect an old model of self and world who listen only for what supports their image and deny attack or ignore anything else.
And there are some who are already active in purpose of re-education and a new vision BECAUSE the old has broken or been revealed as lies. I see this as a Native Curiosity and not a strategy of sustainability. (Or how to maintain lie management Inc with PR).
In writing to a public forum, I extend to the theme as I discern it – and generally I look beneath the appearances, and in a willingness to put my personal narrative aside – my likes and dislikes or pet hates or idols. My emotional reactivity.
When I am in a relational setting of family or friends I tune into the shared willingness present as to what to say, whether to say it and how to say it. My partner in love and life and I share an unfolding perspective to an appreciation of presence that is also aware of the negative or ‘separative’ and divisive mind in our self as in the world at large.
A forum is not a ‘fleshmeet’ so to speak. You cannot see my body language, glance, or demeanour and so you can project your own personifications more easily onto me and react as if they are there! And this happens even in physical relationships. So I am stark or bald in the sense of ideas conveying meanings rather than seeking to score or to win influence or applause – or indeed to vent my spleen.
You understand the backwards of a world gone mad but do not see that the basis of this is a collective corruption of mind. You still think to personify evil and attack it OUT THERE. That is a very Old Story. How is that working out?
While philosophy or theology, psychology or neurobiology all seek to map out the mind, they tend to embody the technologism of the mind they purport to account for. A self reinforcing loop or ‘ego centricity’
Marketising and weaponising everything is the result of conflicted mind under threat of scarcity or lack. It is the ‘fight or flight’ reflex purposed as a separated or disconnected sense of life, self and powerlessness seeking outside itself. Because it is internalised, it is invisibly acted out from as ‘reality’. This works as alignment under externalised and imposed power set over native freedom.
So much so that love is undermined and rendered ‘weak’ and impotent while hate and fear are seen as strength and power – but are masked in the forms or symbols of love so as to claim ‘justified’ war. Love is communication. Accept no substitutes AS communication. the weaponisation of language and thought is a masking fear over a personal sense of dispossession and invalidity – the deceived and naked Emperor is the ‘control’ over feared chaos in everyone.
If fear of exposure is great enough all other evils seem the lesser, and here you have those who sell out their integrity and thus their relational honesty and intimacy to save FACE in a world of FORM determined reality.
Addiction to form-based reality is the setting of terms and conditions to which life and the living must be fitted or rejected.
Weaning from such a polarised and conditional identity is through recognition of its cost and of a greater awareness and appreciation that is restored to the unwillingness to pay that cost. ‘Don’t feed the troll’ is be vigilant against deceit – not a call to suspicion and accusation of trolling!
Deceit is the primary evil beneath all others. But the self-deceived cannot hear anything but their own thoughts – that work like a jamming signal and a substitution of reality as a prison planet or asylum. Perhaps this is a fitting place for mad emperors who have yet to relinquish a power they never had.
But the Shift to a higher purpose transforms everything without first needing anyone or anything else to change. Love is not conditional – and yet is the quality of presence in which conditions are released to be free to transform.
The enslavement of Life never was going to fulfil its fantasy. Fantasy cannot be made real though it can be acted out upon the body and be-lived real. Self illusion, self-deceit, fantasy are all facets of a mind in its own spin.
The heart of stillness is the quality of noticing the mind (and world) from Who You Are rather than what you think to be.
I speak from a psycho-physical perspective and not to the separate mind in separate body. There IS no such body or mind. But the construct or instrument of such a focus can as easily serve a true purpose instead of the masking in fear and division as its salvation from dispossession, invalidity or loss of FACE in death.
Learning to translate the ‘Backwards’ PR is in a sense seeing through the masking. The accuser who cries FOUL! and points away from self to others. The fool who cries WOLF! and thinks to have power over his people by calling them to arms. But where the sense of grievance wants to damn or destroy the agency or messenger of deceit – I lean into the possibility of opening communication. Not wordplay – but relational recognition lived. For the abused and denied become the abuser and denier down through the generations and persist an attempt to eradicate evil that actually fuels and propagates it in masked forms that effectively ‘rise up to drown our world’.
The ability to use grievance or emotional charge as a power source will lead to a race that lives ‘The Scream’ as its constant and only emotional background, as a collective ‘survival’ that can no longer procreate but must seek life from the Living.
The denial of our Feeling being is the dictate of dissociative mind. Not emotional reactivity – but Felt recognition.
It is easier to deceive than bring a deceit to open awareness. No one likes to lose face. And anyone seen in such an exposure receives the vilification or guilt dump of the world. Why then would anyone actually COME OUT as the love that they are?
It is a world of psychopathy in which moments of willingness for relational communication can break through before perhaps being stamped under the boot or pulled down by a crab barrel mind of envy and resentment masking as fair share rules for the lowest common denominator.
I hold for an aspirational and inspirational culture despite a cynically destructive conformity. Be who you truly are – and that of course includes challenging me for seeming to somehow limit or deny you. We all carry shadows of the past and I have no intention of triggering your reactions – but I cannot move if I fear to cause offence and so i move with such sensitivity as I have but without justification or apology for what others may make of me.
I am not speaking for me alone here – but for freedom of being and diversity of perspective. The richness is not in the form but in the relational interaction of the Living.
Your Husband may be interested in Hidden History, the Secret Origins of the First World War by by Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor. It is no less relevant to the world today.
Many will first look on their world and see what was hidden, and move through the disturbance to a more compassionate appreciation from which to bring the same willingness to their own mind. There is much that we hide in or hide from by masking deceit. As I see it – this is all unravelling now.
I speak to the need of the times – not to the sustainability of a predatory hate over a sacrificial subjection and allegiance.
George Orwell’s six rules of good writing are still the way to effective communication. Clarity and concision. Don’t use a long word when a short one will do. Don’t use technical words or jargon if an everyday term is available. If you can delete a word without altering your meaning, cut it out. And so on…
Freedom of political speech is the first essential of democracy. If you hand someone the right to censor the nasty stuff, you’ll finish up with someone censoring your political views.
Rather than ” censor the nasty stuff”, I’d prefer to write “ban a website because it contains some views deemed offensive,”.
Admin: when will we get the ability to edit?
Now that would be a laugh, editing everyone else’s comments ;- ).
You evidently read quicker than I can write – out loud too!
If you ‘waste your time’ that is your decision – not mine.I alight in what I resonate with or have interest in for my own reasons. I recommend you take responsibility for your own life rather than try to manage anyone else’s.
If I made a simple point with so many words – yet you fail to understand then what are you really saying? Nothing!
You have appealed to me over and over to simplify?
Really? How is it I have no knowledge of this asserted ‘fact’?
You want me to ‘go away’ from OG – well now you are at least being honest.
To be understood by ONE person is a true fulfilment.
Have you thought of simply giving disregard to what you do not want to energise or draw into your consciousness?
If you have issue with me then you have an issue because I have no problem with you and am happy to either reflect your poor choices to you or join with you in making better ones.
You have your idea of what OG comments SHOULD BE!
How does that serve you?
Does it give you cause to be offended and reactive?
Is that your fulfilment?
If you can summarise my overstated ‘simple point’ back to me then I can at least confirm you have in fact understood.
I might add that I cannot BE understood within the framing of a split mind – because understanding in my terms is an intuitive awakening to that you are NOT split – regardless the narrative framing that may seem to restate itself.
When I first lost what I thought was my worldview or identity I had absolutely no cultural preparation or inner articulation. Only raw experiential dissonance between what I took as my thinking and reality. That was over 40 years ago. While your thinking is your reality – you simply will and must follow its dictate without even knowing it is so.
Challenging or questioning our own habit-pattern responses that embody subconscious thoughts or belief is the movement of a desire to know – rather than reacting from what in thought you presume to already know or need to believe to survive.
Noticing your own thinking and reaction is a key part of my ongoing ‘reminder’ but no one notices what they are identified as. They simply act from it as if a self-evident reality. This is an amazing feat of the mind to generate a personal identity through which to unfold experience in tune with core themes of exploration – such as a personal sense of possession of control or ‘power over life’. And a corresponding subjection – because you ARE Life!
The underlying subject to the article is mind or narrative control. If you have no direct appreciation of what this is and how it operates then you have no freedom but to suffer and complain – or sacrifice in hope of mitigation or appeasement. Please do not suffer me against your will 😉
I would that you and your Husband be happy in what you can and do appreciate. Writing is an art – but that does not make it a mass market commodity for the lowest common denominator. I only call from their comfort zones to those who are already engaged in self enquiry or if you prefer a deepening self-honesty instead of narrative self-justifictions. Such as using negative events to fuel imposition of rules that bind attention to compliance rather than serve a greater freedom in which negatives can be truly addressed and perhaps resolved.
If you have critical comment to what i write I have yet to hear it. Only blanket judgements.If you don’t understand and don’t care to – then don’t pretend to criticise – but perhaps you feel criticised in some way because you don’t ‘get it’. But that may be your inner critic?
The inner critic goes down deep to a capacity for self hate that most minds are predicated to displace and dissociate from. Yet that is part of what sets us up as ‘mind control subjects’ by virtue of seeking self-reinforcements regardless of truth. I don’t preach hate – but I would rather uncover it to a possibility of transformation than be unconsciously ruled by a mind of evasion – set in hate’s terms. I understand perfectly the territory of which I speak – not least in that it is NOT understandable in its own terms. Yet that is what the mind thinks to ‘understand’ as power struggle or survival. It has simply become adapted to internalised structures of tacit agreement that DO the thing they seek to defend against.
Can I wake an ignorant arrogance to the need for correction or healing?
No – that is each our own responsibility – but we can choose to serve awakening instead of joining in polarised reaction as yet another expression of the same breakdown of communication. Hate begets hate – regardless any masking in forms of correctness. Hurt may call forth a different response. What you see is what you are looking with.
Just keep it short and to the point please, because at the moment it is like verbal dysentery
If you have anything ‘to the point’ apart from asserting the meanings you choose to dump on me – please take the time and space to make it.
Otherwise I suggest you save yourself the dreadful experience of self-inflicted drowning in shit by taking responsibility for your life.
The attempt to manipulate others by asserting grievance and appeal to others for sympathetic support is the nature of the ‘politics of the lie’.
Don’t do it.
Or don’t complain at the comeback to your own choices.
Consider – if you can – using the actuality of this or any other exchange as an example of the subject at hand.
The problem is not IN the problem, but in the way you choose to see or frame it.
Take responsibility for your life or else others will take it ‘for you’ as their agenda.
If what I write is NOT to the point of freeing from the psyop of post truth manipulations – please point it out. In other words ENGAGE in communication rather than SHIT on the freedom to communication by smearing your pet hates on the engagement of another.
You may have your own reasons to say what you do to me and you may be intent on undermining communication on OG. I don’t see anything difficult in leaving what you don’t want unread. In fact most do this all the time in all kinds of ways. Attend the Living in your own terms and let live.
People like to SAY they align in freedom but only on their own terms.
Give only as you would in truth receive.
Release and be released, in freedom to be the love that you are.
Shit happens. But by taking responsibility for our consciousness, SHIFT happens. Don’t give your power away for a false sense of self-specialness or exceptionalism or you will BELIEVE the lie and protect it from true.
Once again for today, the faecal matter collides with the rotating oscillator and I’m just ducking and diving for now,
Q:How now, brown cow ?
A: Pungent 😉 Heads down & let RiP …
I thought everybody was aware that when Binra hits the keyboard, he/she is experiencing a tantric wet dream.
If they legalized weed you’d probably understand it, I don’t smoke so i just didn’t read past the first paragraph & moved on.
I’ve been known to participate in that sort of thing and it doesn’t make any more sense to me, ha.
I take – decarboxylated – cannabis twice daily, by mouth for medical reasons. It doesn’t help me make any more sense of B’s long, convoluted, vagueness-soaked prose. I’ve tended lately just to dade it out. Not because I think it’s being wilfully pernicious like the troll teams, but because I can’t be bothered to wade through the long, unclear screeds. Not what I come to Off.G for.
I hope he does.
I’m not sure I do.
“FFS does anyone understand what this ‘person’ is on about?”
According to a friend there’s a Dutch politician called Rita Verdonk who feels insecure, confused, upset and angry whenever she’s out and about and hears someone speaking in a language she doesn’t understand. What’s your surname, Maggie?
Ole’ dog wags tail with tale 🙂
It’s the vague, portentous-sounding prose style more than the content that’s the problem – assuming that there is graspable content, though the style makes that difficult to pick out.
Once again, Kit, excellent piece. It’s good to have Off-G around … I hope the censors don’t get you all.
Indeed – so refreshing to get this sort of perspective.
I get a sense Off-G are worried they might be on some sort of ‘list’? – for example ‘The Canary’ has come under attack via campaign to undermine advertising income.
At any rate independent thought is an increasingly precarious commodity nowdays, and certainly something encountered less and less frequently in the MSM.
Using outliers to rationalise internet censorship is the very last thing we need, especially since the political and economic drivers of exremism (by state actors) remains a taboo subject for most mainstream journalists.
I actually think that independant thought is commonplace. It’s just its representation on media that is of concern. The media are not concerned with public opinion. They are only concerned with VISIBLE public opinion i.e. public opinion as THEY represent it.
Apparently,”everyone” believes that advertising effects only other people( that they themselves are somehow immune). But some one is being effected.Advertising executives aren’t making those astronomical salaries for nothing [ cough,cough].This is puzzling!And,I suspect that ThinkTankistan and Madison Avenue work along the same lines,[ have similar M.O. ]so this problem has both personal,and social consequences.As you say,they have their own agendas.
El Paso shooting – Five questions blow apart the official fake news narrative
Hooray for qwant search engine!
Actually, one major thing I think the person has wrong is that they think it was a false flag when it surely was a false-flag hoax.
So the injuries were real this time? Or were they faked on 9ft tall dummies or some other stupid shit?
Real or staged, quality of life for the working class (ie the only people with the power and incentive to change things) has been so far reduced that most people only have time and energy to consider the absolute fundamentals of their existence. Anything outside of our immediate concerns have been jettisoned. The media, both old fashioned and social, feeds this deficiency by creating a desperate need for conformity. Anybody daring to think outside the neo-liberal corporate fascist script will immediately be destroyed by the amassed might of the complicit media and their enthusiastic but ultimately naive online cheerleaders.
Whether the events occurred as described or not, they will be used as justification for our leader’s agendas, so we should be focused on how to resist the drive towards online censorship, not spending half the thread arguing about what flavour of ‘conspiracy’ it counts as.
Northern, will you ever let go of the 9 ft dummies or will you always include a reference to that in every comment you make to me. I have produced respectable cases for a number of events that – try as they might – those who hold opposing views cannot contradict so can you pls stop referring to the 9ft dummies thing. For goodness sake. Move on.
When an event reported breathlessly 24/7 around the world is not what it is purported to be then I think it is good to call it out. My opinion about every single mass shooting and bombing that is reported 24/7 that I have looked at is that it is a false-flag hoax. There is no death or injury in any of them. It is very straightforward. They all have very similar MOs. And if everyone else could see this very obvious phenomenon (because they always give us the clues – it is part of the MO) I wouldn’t have to keep bleating about it – but very few seem to catch on.
Hi Flax, I didn’t realise that Northern was being sarcastic?
Perhaps he’s like to take a look at these sites:
Award winning role play actors and film makers specially #trained in disaster and crisis management.
We dramatize events for emerging security needs in the UK, Middle East and worldwide. Our specialist role play actors – many with SECURITY CLEARANCE – are trained by behavioural psychologists and rigorously rehearsed in criminal and victim behaviour to help police, the army and the emergency services, hospitals, schools, local authorities, government, private security firms, SHOPPING CENTRES, airports, big business, criminal justice departments, media and the military to SIMULATE INCIDENT environments for life saving procedures.
We use state of the art British film industry techniques, props and special effects to help trainers deliver essential, hands-on, high octane crisis response and disaster management training. We also work with trainee doctors, psychologists and care professionals.
Thanks, Maggie. And then there’s:
UK-based Crisis Solutions – http://www.crisis-solutions.com/
The Charlotte-based (near Charlottesville), Crowds on Demand – https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-16/why-was-crowd-hire-company-recruiting-25-hour-political-activists-charlotte-last-wee
Thanks for this info Flax, it is now in my file…
You’re obviously confusing me with someone else (perhaps that other poster who comprehensively annihilated your take on things on the Assange thread to no response from you), I’ve literally made 2 posts to you in my entire time on this site and never once before have I mentioned the dummies which form a key plank of your 9/11 theory. The fact you responded to it aggressively would seem to suggest you know it’s a weak point.
By all means, search for the truth and don’t let anything I have to say get in your way. I’m just sick to death of arguing with posters who are either absolute simpletons or at worst disingenuous agents with an agenda. Continue to post your theories, just be aware it makes those of us interested in real politik look foolish.
Flaxgirl s an agent. 100%
We don’t encourage commenters to insult people simply because they dislike their opinions. Flax is almost always polite, please return the compliment.
Yes, mucho, an agent of reason, logic and truth … but to what avail? I’m a very ineffective agent, that’s for sure. You’d think I could learn something from the power elite’s methods but they’re too much in opposition to what I try to do. I might give it some thought though. I mean, their methods are so unbelievably effective – even when you point out what they do and even though they TELL us what they’re up to, people still don’t believe you. It’s truly amazing.
Annihilated my take? I ALWAYS respond Northern if I’m aware of someone allegedly annihilating me. No one has annihilated me on Chelsea Manning, Northern. Quite the opposite. Robbobbobin and Admin criticised my take but I answered both of them – and Admin failed to respond to my response. Robbobbobin has just come back but not directly to my question, of course, because he can’t answer it. I will respond again to his.
Unlike many people, if someone proves me wrong, I come back and admit it. I have no shame in being wrong. As Jonathan Swift said:
“It’s just as if a man were wounded with an arrow thickly smeared with poison. His friends & companions, kinsmen & relatives would provide him with a surgeon, and the man would say, ‘I won’t have this arrow removed until I know whether the man who wounded me was a noble warrior, a brahman, a merchant, or a worker.’ He would say, ‘I won’t have this arrow removed until I know the given name & clan name of the man who wounded me… until I know whether he was tall, medium, or short… until I know whether he was dark, ruddy-brown, or golden-colored… until I know his home village, town, or city… until I know whether the bow with which I was wounded was a long bow or a crossbow… until I know whether the bowstring with which I was wounded was fiber, bamboo threads, sinew, hemp, or bark… until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was wild or cultivated… until I know whether the feathers of the shaft with which I was wounded were those of a vulture, a stork, a hawk, a peacock, or another bird… until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was bound with the sinew of an ox, a water buffalo, a langur, or a monkey.’ He would say, ‘I won’t have this arrow removed until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was that of a common arrow, a curved arrow, a barbed, a calf-toothed, or an oleander arrow.’ The man would die and those things would still remain unknown to him”
Buddha (MN 63)
Exactly Northern….. We are the useful idiots, the expendable pawns in their game of ‘chess.’
Yes Flax,I knew the instant I saw the headlines. Another staged, false flag attack. Which will not end until they get their gun laws passed.
Three navy seals gunned down innocents…. What on earth do they do to these people to turn them into such sociopathic psychopaths?
False-flag hoax, Maggie. It’s always a false-flag hoax. Of all the alleged false flags or mass shootings/bombings I’ve studied they all show that they are false-flag hoaxes including Pearl Harbour, 1980 Bologna station bombing and 9/11 – all false-flag hoaxes.
Yes, this has all the features of a false flag, though you have to keep an open mind.
Ok FG given this is ‘fresh meat’ i’m gonna bite.
I have taken a quick look at the link that you posted, first time i came across them, my first impression…
The first paragraph includes this sentence –
‘Even though the violence was real, and people were really shot and killed, the narrative surrounding the tragedy is almost all fiction.’
The final paragraph this doozy-
‘..the goal is the complete disarmament of the American people..’
Do you wish to carryon anr standby that web report you miraculosly found?
As I say I don’t believe that people were killed as the poster indicates and the gun disarmament thing is all rubbish. But the questions are sound, no?
So to be clear, you do NOT stand by the MAIN assertions of the site YOU cited as proof of the FAKE NEWS about the attack.
But you still claim the ‘5 questions’ SPECULATED in that piece are ‘relevant’?
Do you agree that seems inconsistent?
I am prepared to look further at that web site and questions in depth if you do.
DunGroanin, I’m sorry – I made the big mistake of making my first comment on this post which led to another and so on. I’m so over mass shootings but, of course, if I’m going to comment I need to do some kind of research and ensure my points have credibility. All I will say is that I think the five points probably stand up but I haven’t researched and I’m not going to. I honestly think that this is yet another false-flag hoax but if you have any evidence that you think clearly shows anyone dying please let me know what it is and then I will get very interested – because a mass shooting that has some reality will be very big news to me.
FG – I’m sorry too but I can’t let you get away with this –
” I need to do some kind of research and ensure my points have credibility. All I will say is that I think the five points probably stand up but I haven’t researched and I’m not going to. ”
So you admit you have no credibility for what you still continue to think.
You ask that I, and others persue your self admitted un-credible fantasy thoughts because you yourself are “so over” mass terrorist murders.
You fail to state the questions, or speculate the answers to these questions here but are happy to set the hare running (& pardon the mixed metaphores) for readers here to set off on a wild goose chase.
I am getting off your hook.
Look it is summer, the weather is nice, why not get out and enjoy it?
I’m back to the garden where the recent rain has done wonders and the bees and butterflies are having a wonderful year.
That’s a great idea and I should do something similar. I just want to check with you DunGroanin. Are there any other mass shootings or similar types of terror events that you feel certain are false-flag hoaxes?
Funnily enough, you commented almost identically these remarks to Balkydj, last year: would you like a copy / paste demonstration of your style & strategy of trolling, as “Controlled Opposition” positioning ?
I just want to double check, Flaxgirl … 🙂
Oh look, Flight Nonsense is trying to grab my attention elsewhere, but I don’t even bother to read his comments anymore, coz’ he’s another Dr. DaDe doodle dandy dead duck in the field of conflict.For whom I can send the my dogs for dinner, later 😉
So, you best get in touch with WHB @gee see HQ’ and tell them you need way more back up, to draw my fire 🙂 coz’ you are totally out of your depth & altitude, with an appalling attitude, that is doomed …
And, it will be too late for you by the time they get here, you’ll be more than just winged, I promise you, I’m gonna’ empty all my munitions on you first and I will still have time to reload … we’ll chat again later, surely 🙂 I’m off out for a walk, do your best to get on the level and enjoy your flying lessons with flight nonsense 🙂 ciao4now
FG – why don’t you take up actual fishing?
Flaxgirl, just like DunGroanin, below, I can no longer allow you to get away with your trolling as “Controlled Opposition” within these OffG columns…
“I made the big mistake of making my first comment on this post which led to another … ” and you finally exposed yourself completely, knickers & all, by calling Bill Binney & Kurt Weibe the “Controlled Opposition” immediately I mentioned them, though you state clearly that you’d never heard of them & “Parallel Platforms” ever before yesterday morning: yours was & is the typical reactions of any controlled opposition, to invert reality, with a pathetic shot from the hip on matters you know ground zero clearly nothing about !
You can expect a damned to hell rough ride & flight & a massivecyber FLAK -attack, from here on in, from me at least, in future, Flaxgirl: because my armoury & armour is way more sophisticated than you and your pathetic blogspot and your pathetic reasoning, that has never studied or researched anything ever, Professionally … enjoy the ride & flight, I’m gonna’ luv shooting you down, especially 🙂 and greetings from Balkydj, whose Radar was always signalling your knicker flashing 😉
So somehow I found myself on reddit. Love this from someone:
When I saw this I told my father: it’s going to be a racist white guy who used an AR-15 and probably left a manifesto on a now-deleted unverifiable twitter account that’s full of random “I support trump” shit. Lets see how much i get right.
You’d be better off asking your father if he accidentally or deliberately dropped you from a height, as a baby… and may I add, that it comes as no surprise to me that your twin sister has very little time & patience for your absurd notions & actions as you are clearly financed to contribute here as “Controlled Opposition”, (just like Chomsky’s comments on WTC7) for your Fascist flunky bosses of Apartheid, with huge hoaxes, haoxers & false flag distractions …
When quite clearly, all you really need is a damn good shagging in any hole of your choice, (at the will of your BDSM Fascist Dictator bosses, Logic)
You serf, Flaxgirl >>>
#Free Flaxgirl from her flase-flag bondage & hoax-ation fixation, so you can focus finally on Science & Reality 😉
I’m afraid it’s you, Tim, who clearly seem unhinged.
“… need a damn good shagging in any hole of your choice …” is seriously out of order from a number of angles.
You’ll be smoking a lot more than just Bali Shag, by the time I’m finished with you: you disgusting sexually frustrated Flaxgirl Fascist female faecal matter, with low self esteem, that has finally collided with the rotating oscillator, of futures bright & wise …
Fuck off Flaxgirl, you fucked up bigtime yesterday and yer’ busted & broken, forever … and you know it ! 😉 🙂
Get a real job, you flunky !
Hi Admin:
could you please do something about this disgusting shit-posting fascist and his sexually delinquent troll posts?
I’m not Admin and that much you must know: thanks for confirming that you too are a troll, called in by Flaxgirl, who has blown her cover and flashed her knickers as conTROLLed opposition: out of her depth, urgently in need of assistance & distraction & backup, exactly as i had already suggested … check the time & date stamps,
Flight nonsense !
Wanna’ make a festival of moronic trolls, with an expert on moronic trolling failures, just tell me the time & date & place & space and we can meet face2face, you fuckin’ cowardly scientifically dumb motherfuckin’ pussy!?
There is a time & place
for conversations with grace,
usually in a neutral space,
& always face2face.
And Flaxgirl has had her chance to be respectful, as I was with her for way too long, just to be 100% certain!
And she and you now, choose to disrespect myself & more importantly William Binney (a mathematical GENIUS) & Kurt Weibe and our combined accusations against “The History of the National Security State” and their “Parallel Platforms” and YOU flight nonsense are merely urgently endeavouring to distract from the SCIENTIFIC POINT , you cunt !!!
And this wee saga, ladies & gents, is the consequence of OffG permitting PAID TROLLS daily en masse, on behalf of NATZO … for which I have already publicly requested an >>>
E X P L A N A T I O N ! ! !
If we want a fuckin’ dumb CUNT slanging match daily, BRING it ON …
What constitutes a pointless exercise in serious communications internationally ?
As Jim would say, “a dumb CUNT is a DUMB CUNT !”
FG – I’m sorry too but I can’t let you get away with this –
” I need to do some kind of research and ensure my points have credibility. All I will say is that I think the five points probably stand up but I haven’t researched and I’m not going to. ”
So you admit you have no credibility for what you still continue to think.
You ask that I, and others persue your self admitted un-credible fantasy thoughts because you yourself are “so over” mass terrorist murders.
You fail to state the questions, or speculate the answers to these questions here but are happy to set the hare running (& pardon the mixed metaphores) for readers here to set off on a wild goose chase.
I am getting off your hook.
Look it is summer, the weather is nice, why not get out and enjoy it?
I’m back to the garden where the recent rain has done wonders and the bees and butterflies are having a wonderful year.
Who creates terrorism?
Terrorism doesn’t drop suddenly from the sky.
The event of terrorism is certainly related with what is happening in the society.
Everything is deeply related with everything else that happens.
Terrorism simply symbolizes that to destroy human beings does not matter, that there is nothing of value in human life.
Terrorism is not in the guns and the bombs in your hands.
Terrorism is in your unconscious.
What is the role of governments in violence, murder, wars, terrorism, embezzlement, drug-running, major scandals and the continual swindling of incredible amounts of money and valuable resources from sovereign nations, chaos, coups, and the manipulation of politics in South America, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, in every corner of the globe!
And when the greatest power in the world, starts using such third-rate strategies, then it seems there is no hope for humanity.
What can individuals do when their governments having all the power start destroying their individuality, their freedom, their freedom of expression.
They are forcing silent, simple people who have no business with violence, who are not politicians, to their absolute limit.
Society is falling apart.
Its old order, discipline, morality, religion, everything has been found to be wrongly based.
It has lost its power over peoples conscience.
So individual violence will increase, it is increasing.
And all your governments and all your religions go on perpetuating the old strategies without understanding the new situation.
Unless we change the basic grounds of humanity, terrorism and killing are going to become more and more a normal, everyday affair.
It will happen using airplanes, buses and cars.
It will be happening at music events, in the bars and clubs.
It will be happening in churches, synagogues and mosques.
It will be happening to strangers.
Somebody will suddenly come and shoot you, not that you have done anything to them…
Terrorism is the state! There is no greater terror than state violence, The UK, EU, US have collaborated in killing 100s of millions of us in the last 100 years! Yet the MSM propaganda wing of the state, encourages us to support it, to take sides.
Is it no wonder humans are so violent, we are a violent species, we kill & destroy almost every living thing that comes into our path our solution to problems is usually a violent one. Our capitalism encourages consumption which breeds violence, Pesticides, medicines (poisons) even our entertainment a deluge of violence, movies advocating state violence as heroic, admirable & normal, video games obsessed with two things, killing & collecting. Is it no wonder society is the way it is? Our civilization is based on violence.
But violence against the state is a gift to them, civilization is structured to put down any violent dissent with ease, it provides the motive for even further violence against us. They will either kill us with weapons we pay for under their slavery or incarcerate us for non conformity to their rules. The shocking fact is it is our own brainwashing that turns us into the camp guards & professional murderers. We are literally killing each other & ourselves because we are told we are the good guys!
There’s only one way to bring down the establishment its not through violence & we have to bypass the lackeys & levels of protection the elite have put up to distance & protect themselves under the deception its for our own security & safety.
Mmm.. I agree with you.. but begin to wonder who exactly is fomenting wars?
I see a pattern each time.. and it begins for us with the MSM presstitutes.
A small everyday action happens like a tanker being boarded to check the cargo, which happens regularly, whilst looking for narcotics.. but then the MSM take that incident and expand it and blow it out of all proportion..
It is THEY who are creating fear and mayhem, and only them.
They are the cancer that is rotting our society. They count on the ‘majority’ of people reading only the headlines and first two or three paragraphs.. Job done.
The one trick the MSM have that is not often recognized, its not what they say but what they don’t say. They deceive us by omission not admission. Spin a news story to look like something it isn’t by not giving the full detail. Its impossible to prove they are doing so deliberately.
Actually, instead of embracing terrorism, you just need to ignore all organised brainwashing. Not actually fight it. Just set your own standards, making yourself answer to yourself, your friends etc.
The overwhelming narrative is ‘you are too dumb to think for yourself. We will tell you what to think, how to think, how not to think….’
Whilst it takes being very dumb to believe what the PTB put about, it is really outrageous that you are told to believe it in the first place.
Not “it will happen”, more accurately it has happened and many if not most of us comprehend “Who creates Terrorism” and moreover why, because it is an integral part of the MSM & Internet Psyop, in creating falsely founded rage & more fear, for to fund the MIC budgets and ramp the surveillance state @home, not abroad …
Rhys’ advice below is soundly founded.
I do tire of hearing people saying free speech doesn’t mean you can say what ever you like!
FREE speech means exactly that. As you so eloquently put it both the ugly & beautiful. That doesn’t mean of course we shouldn’t accept the consequences of our words, if what we say incites violence towards others then we have to accept the rightful consequences & sanctions against us.
But as in the words of David Icke (never thought i would quote him in anything sensible) not “at the point of delivery”.
Freedom of speech is the most important right we have we must never allow them to shut it down, NEVER!
Oh wats reddit?
Free Speech means “…I don’t have to obey you or even listen to your rants but you must be allowed to make them.”
So I guess Collin Powell had the right to claim Saddam had WMD’s…… Consequences?
So you want state censorship of everyone that is dishonest or says something you don’t like?
Free speech is the right of an individual to express his/her opinions. It is not the right of state officials to use their office to lie to the public
Actually, free speech should only occur between emotionally and spiritually emancipated adults.
Have you engaged in free speech about BDSM sex in front of eight year olds. I would not defend your right to that kind of free speech.
How about nazis engaging in free speech to brainwash children that gassing Jews is a good thing? I would call for such psychopaths to be taken outside and shot.
How about modern prats telling six year old boys that they are not boys, they are whatever sex they want to be..?
Free speech is not an absolute right, it is the right to express yourself appropriately in the forum you happen to be in. A forum containing children, nuns, Muslims, is very different to a forum of bisexual swingers.
People given a free pass to cause enormous emotional hurt to others should not be defended, they should be taken aside and chastised….
Hmm bet that took you a little while to dream up, apologies my mind is incapable of dreaming up such perversion.
But if you aren’t old enough to hold a conversation or emotionally stable enough then why are you not being accompanied by your carer or appropriate adult? If its your child its your responsibility to protect them not impose that on others by taking away their rights.
Freedom of speech is exactly that an inalienable natural right, the only way it can be prevented is state violence. Like i said if your words cause harm to others you should be prepared to take responsibility for the consequences.
“free speech should only occur between emotionally and spiritually emancipated adults”
Reality is that as a specie, as society, we (humans) are not emotionally and spiritually mature, we are faaaaar from that.
The fact that we resort to violence is a major indicator of our infantilism.
The fact that we (left/right, up/down) use hatred, fear and other emotional triggers to arouse others speaks of our total lack of spiritual maturity.
The fact that we still believe and continue to pursue goals based on animal behaviour conceptualizations (i.e. survival of the fittest) demonstrates our bestiality.
The fact that we behave as if we know it all, as if we could have any real control of anything or everything, says tons of our blindness.
The fact that we insist in the pursuance of transitory “goods” and goals, and our willingness to use any means necessary to achieved those goals, talks louder than our pretended spirituality.
On point Rhys.
Censorship of the internet and the failure to declassify “sensitive” information are part of the same strategy.
As Bill Binney former NSA technical director has said the NSA hoovers-up so much information that the crooks in charge of the kingdom can be exposed and tried by it as well. In other words hoisted by their own petard.
Unless they are able to perpetuate the myth of freedom of information being a national security issue. Thereby the stifling of information by the dangerously unhinged – and of course the definition of unhinged is totally subjective here – is key to maintaining the chimera.
It does not look good. Already the US DOJ has let Comey off the hook and this even as the whole Russia gate ruse has crumbled being exposed as a lie. But it matters not a jot. Whoever pays the piper plays the tune.
I have to wonder how much the Epstein case has swung into action a number of yet to be played out scenarios to close off further the possibility of public protest by creating a state of emergency under the guise of domestic terrorism threats.
The service rendered to the sustainability of the lie is its protection from being brought to a true accounting.
Desperate times call on ever more desperate measures and assign insanity to proxies, patsies and populations targeted by such devices.
Whatever the agency of such events, they are operating as inducement to persist in sacrificial subjection to a protection racket. Perhaps many believe that a greater chaos would result from transparency and accountability and so persist in feeding an ever greater chaos OF organised crime in place of true relational communication and endeavour.
A cornered animal can be very dangerous. Human ingenuity extends to deceit.
Giving all power to deceit is of course giving up or denying the power of truth to heal and undo the false.
Like Russia gate, you’d be better off wondering what it is they are distracting us from. Epstein I suspect served his purpose, or over reached himself & they no longer need or just want to punish him, whats not going to happen is the exposure of some fantastic scandal involving the political elite, so forget that right now.
“As Bill Binney former NSA technical director has said the NSA hoovers-up so much information that the crooks in charge of the kingdom can be exposed and tried by it as well. In other words hoisted by their own petard.”
But, Flaxgirl has never heard of him or Kurt Weibe or “Parallel Platforms”, (until this morning), which given their collective clarity of mind, integrity and altruistic goals, as NSA programmers of the highest order & calibre, whistleblowing immediately after the 11th Sept. 2001, i find it extraordinary that once again everybody is discussing the ‘How’ , not the ‘Why’ & ‘WHAT ‘ wot’ ?
Good comment, Tutisicecream: how’s the weather in your neck of the woods?
a bit chilly for August perhaps ?
Well said Kit: we are all Julian Assange and the biggest irony of all is WWG1WGA …
Though I’m surprised you didn’t mention the following subliminal messaging to keep false & phoney terror alive n’ kicking in public perceptions at the Guardian, constantly, coz they food for terrorism with Jamie Oliver as well, and it is worth a brief LAUGHABLE mention 😉
Have you been taking a break or got something up your sleeve ? 🙂
The only way to stop the guardians propaganda is to stop reading it.
El Paso and Dayton
Winter Watch : Mass Shooting Marathon: Red Flags and Anomalies Galore in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton
8chan – the preferred forum for “White Supremacist” fabricated shooting scripts, is owned by a Jew and is monetised through Jeff Bezos’ Amazon …
Hi Mark, good to see you back in town, (i noticed once before, as well 🙂 ), whereupon mentioning to Balkydj, he said to send you greetings,
lol, die reine Frecheit, (chuckle)
Surely it’s ‘our’ governments who are, above all, responsible for the rise in hate crimes and mass murder, mostly people of colour, by demonising and scapegoating refugees, muslims, Africans, Latinos and of course there’s the Guardian itself, spreading lies and propaganda, now called fake news on the behalf of its master, corporate capitalism.
The Guardian is shameless now
They insist on calling Lexly-Yennon, robobajob or something like that.
So does the beeb.
It’s the secret code of the ones in the club.
Which all confirms that they have no style, no imagination and an agenda:-
I much prefer,
LemonT.Robinson’s argumentation than anything the BBC or Guardian has to say, because his argumentation is far easier to deal with, highlighting his backers & search common solutions in Law, given the depths of deception to which the G/Bbc have sunken the
English language …
The BBC & G, are like ole’ vinyl, with a fucked up style less stylus of which nobody can be…
SHURE: quality diamonds, all ways asShured to play your ole’ records cleanly,
Without distortions, resonance & bad feedback 😉
Salutations to you too Tim.
What we have going on here, in this the most serious of silly seasons, is an amalgamation of narrative manufacturing in case of either a general election (well overdue) or a coup.
A English coup- where because the Royal family will back it – the people will be hearded towards accepting a surrender of their hard won right to decide ‘who governs’
From Yaxley-Lennon / Farage appeal to the ‘working man’ to the ‘high minded’ R4/ Guardianistas, to the professional ‘high earners’ – the narratives are being stuffed down their wide open throats – like so many geese who line up to have corn funnelled straight into their gullets, as their livers are fattened for the delectation of the super rich.
It is the same class war as has always been.
THEY have been reversing it since then and having sold us their utopian ‘Downton Abbey’ and ‘exceptional’ Super powered peoples entitlement to do what they want, wherever to whoever, they nearly have set us back 50 years. They want to set us back a hundred.
BUT – They have run into unexpected organised resistance.
Corbyn and the largest political membership ever who have dumped the controlled opposition that took decades to build – Nu Labour Inc.
That is just in the UK. In Europe their supposedly controlled EU monster has developed its own sense of right and wrong, and is insisting on fair play – no tax avoidance, no tax havens, better regulation, peace not war, security for the many not the few.
In the wider world THEY have run into their prey effectively organising to stop being picked off one at a time, from South America to Africa through the Middle East, Central Asia along with their long desired imperial targets Russia and China and South East Asia… who have steadily and stealthily organised themselves into a cooperative organisation , the SCO, which is suddenly an effective common security force capable of defending it self from the AngloImperialists finally.
THEY havr developed their MIC and NATO and private military companies and are deploying immense technology to control us – including watching us as we type such texts as this – to preserve and extend their centuries old imperialism.
That is why they have invented ‘Tommy Robinson’ and ‘Brexit’ and ‘Antisemetic Corbyn’ and ‘Putin Nazi’ and ‘Iran, Syria and Venezuela’ … they fear their game is up.
“Pretty” much perfect, my friend, perfect.
“What we have going on here, in this the most serious of silly seasons, is an amalgamation of narrative manufacturing …” ‘harmonised by corporate NATZO political lobbyists, working with their 77th army of corporate lobbyist Trolls, lobbing heavily coordinated bombing raids on any media base, with massive attacks, that have now even been permitted to invade this space @OffG …
After some healthy discussion with some well qualified & highly sceptical visiting scientists, yesterday, I had a drink last night (for dutch courage) 🙂 and then let rip on this seriously Maddest of Silly Seasons, on Flight nonsense, with a bomber full of ‘C’ Bombs, after Flaxgirl was calling him for backup (we know why) 😉 >>> because imho, it really is time to regulate corruption of minds & any serious public discussion, especially here @OffG … one reaches the point, when one is fighting a paid military team of trolls, where somebody has to face up to and make a very serious policy decision and I believe OffG has reached this point.
I’d be interested to hear your opinion on this matter, (that matters to me), if we are to have any further constructive communications, that are not corrupted by money & those with an explicit & clear intention to corrupt same, who are directly financed by the M.i.c. …
Globally warmest greetings,
it’s hotting up all over 🙂
The ‘C’ bombers & ‘D’ Notices !?
Its is essential for ‘news’ platforms like the Guardian to infantilise readers.
Just like Mary Whitehouse they believe they know what is best – the difference is Mary acted in good faith (even if she was a puritanical nutter) whereas the Guardian’s finger wagging is steeped in cynicism and duplicity.
The vehemence of their attacks on alternative information streams is in direct proportion to their growing insecurity as a credible news source – not least because facts, and deeper analysis are like kryptonite to columnists severely contrained by Guardian group-think.
Needless to say whenever they run one of their ludicrous opinion pieces on ‘fake news’ many of the comments BTL are censored for highlighlighting the obvious short-comings in their self-serving arguments – in other words there is nothing these guys hate more than being confronted with reality.
I’m so excited. Beto O’Rourke has done the great thing and laughed so very obviously. Good on Beto. Better guy than I thought! Hooray for Beto. I’d vote for him even if everything I read about him doesn’t sound great. Or perhaps he was just doing it under direction – I mean they always give us the clues but this one seems really quite overt even for them.
WTF ? ! I saw his interviews, analysing him, watching him snidely snigger when doing his racism white wash, and you party along? pandering, to ‘him’ who happens to be one of the most corrupt future candidates, in with ex-President Nieto & the El Chapo crew of Adam, Elijah, Nancy, Chuck & Jerry and the DS: hey Flaxgirl , do me a favour, qualify your dumb statement, because sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and oft’ misconstrued … just coz’ it was real easy to see the Psyop, for once for you, do you just want the easy life ? or to face the truth down in your Psyop blogspot, with a razor blade and party along ? or …
Search LEGAL SOLUTIONS ! coz’, you need to get to grips with parallel platforms and the significance of Kurt Weibe & Bill Binney, who you curiously, NEVER mention …
Of course it’s all a psyop, like I told you, and it was so, long before the 11th Sept. 2001: just check the article I sent to Kit, but does this comment make you feel clever or what? coz’ when Bill, Kurt & I were telling you about parallel platforms, where the fuck were you ? 2 decades later, sarcasm from attention seekers makes me fuckin’ PUKE !
Define Parallel Platform !
WOW you read a lot into my 6 word comment! What a fertile imagination you have.
Why are you replying to me, lol ? Check the time stamp ! I’m not the BBC commenting in advance of WTC7 !
Additionally, if you’d read the comment, it begs the question, is your name Flaxgirl ?
Triple wow, you have a new fan & lover, likely WHB & both of you must try harder…
This lay out of comments, just ain’t working … especially with all the trolling, now…
My apologies, like everyone else i’m only human mistakes are made.
I saw the WTF which was my comment above yours, i thought you were quoting me in your reply.
The layout can be a little confusing especially when it gets smaller & smaller with each reply hopefully admin are looking to improve this.
On a totally different tangent I have issues with using the html here (never had anywhere else) but admin never reply to my plees for help.
Fully understood: no probs. I figured that too, on viewing “wtf” in your comment & yep yer’ right about the layout and hopefully during present fine tuning of OffG’s new servers, these problems will be ironed out: so, until then, I just copy / paste the URL directly, for any link I wish to attach, from the search bar, & move along … lol, too quickly, apparently !
(Note to self, must start proof reading my comments more again and stop missing words out completely or typing in the wrong order:
furchtbar, i fear , of recent 🙂 )
Apologies to all …
Apologies, I was stupidly excited because I just thought I saw a really over-the-top sign in their laughter from someone in power that the event was a hoax. I shouldn’t have been so quick to post. I just got a shock, that’s all.
The event is obviously a hoax, nevertheless.
See analysis from this YouTuber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RAxGD2tgCg
A friend told me about search engine qwant.com – when you google “hoax” it actually returns entries containing “hoax” unlike google which suppresses them.
Oh no, that video also got deleted with the dreaded message:
Apology accepted, but, I’m actually more concerned about the rest of your comment, which avoids & distracts from my major criticism of your blogspot, that seems never
to refer to Bill Binney & Kurt Weibe, re. 11th Sept. & who blew the whistle on the biggest Fascist IT Coup ever, the role & designs of Thinthread & your failure to appreciate the significance any Parallel Platform.
Have another go …
I’ve never heard of those people I’m afraid, Tim, or any Parallel Platform. I know that 9/11 is far, far bigger than what I’m aware of. All I want to prove is that it was a false-flag hoax: controlled demolition, fake plane crashes, death and injury were staged. Plus massive truther-targeted propaganda campaign to ensure truthers kept believing the lie of 3,000 dead, 6,000 injured. If knowledge of Bill Binney & Kurt Weibe and any Parallel Platform can help with proving it was a false-flag hoax I will follow them up – otherwise I have enough on my plate.
Hi Flaxgirl, this is the most important comment that you’ve ever published here @OffG, certainly for me, also in reality for OffG Admin, & finally for yourself: that is, if you wish to move your blogspot from what you can imagine has happened, into the realms of something that is useful to you and others, in the evidentiary sense of constructing a full picture of what happened Before and After the 11th Sept. 2001, in both any court of public opinion and far more importantly, any…
Court of Law !
There is far too much for me to explain at this precise juncture, that would only confuse matters in your mind, (especially if your plate is full, rather like mine at this very moment): so digest first of all, that I merely wish to emphasise herewith and allow my words to be first processed in your mind, that this comment of yours explains everything-everything, as to why there are so many misconceptions in peoples’ minds, not just yours, I say again not just yours and I will tell you this in very clear words, that there is NOTHING & NOBODY, more important to 100% comprehend exactly what they have said & what they can evidence & what they are still saying to this day, than William Binney & Kurt Weibe & ‘Parallel Platforms”: They are quite literally 2 altruistic guys of integrity & OUR IT GUYS because they were 2 of The key programmers of a hairy mammoth MIC computing $cam of all Data, the collection of every single ‘Bit’ of Data online & the MIC Master Psyop, called THE Internet and I’m not exaggerating in the slightest, that they were collecting so much Data, that were constantly searching ways to be able to analyse the Data collected, on not just the official Databank records of the NSA for ‘classified public consumption’ and reference, but also most importantly an untouchable and invisible identical Parallel Set Of Databank Platforms from which to work Black Op. & False Flag operations of everything from illegal surveillance to planting false intelligence and enabling & enacting anything their Corporate Fascist Controllers could possibly desire, without anybody ever having access or even knowing of the existence of this capability of…
Parallel Platforms.
Which makes any ‘Hoax’ a piece of cake, see ?
And the Parallel Platforms exist still today, (only like on Steroids since 9/11), with Fascist controllers who are running amok and can distract or destroy the lives of anybody, anywhere, anytime and nobody will ever know … and yes, I mean fascism in the purest sense, when they can engineer the weather and determine starvation & commodity markets and steer any nation’s population towards desperate measures & submission !
Your honesty and my sincerity, can bear much fruits: so, I’ll leave with some words from my son >>>
“The Target is arranged , the trigger wants revenge , the bullet is inside , ready to bite , we never leave the fight , we always bring the light & then consume the fruits of what’s right . . .”
I was quite proud of my boy when he rapped this 2me … 🙂
But if they’re pretending that 9/11 was a terrorist attack how can they be genuine? I’m puzzled.
What the Fuck, Flaxgirl, please please ! Engage your brain, your plate is FULL & mine, so, go for a walk, first, and process my words, designed to HELP YOU !
Your impatience in character, is to your detriment, often: you are impulsive, (like my son, not always good!) in terms of logical thought processing that always requires oxygen & a little time for your subconscious hard drive to find connectivity to and access your RAM … random active memory … Are you an Aries in Astrology, by any chance ?
Take a break & re.read my comment and bear in mind this. I checked these guys out, Immediately after the EVENT, from day one! LONG before you ever even began to have any doubts and I have both corporate & military intelligence training… My plate is very full and you need to go for a walk and not insult the intelligence of Kurt, Bill and me … Bill can’t go for a walk with you, unless you are travelling on the level, coz’ he’s wheelchair bound and a goddamn mathematical genius: so, unless you are prepared to push yourself in our direction, I’m wasting my time commenting to you !
Stop playing dumb with me, Flaxgirl !
They are not pretending anything whatsoever and unlike you, they and I understand what it means to make their representations stick in a court of Law, (not a blogspot), & without cowboy or cowgirl reckless accusations, wholly ignorantly founded and even insulting !
I’m just still amazed and stunned at your ignorance of these guys and the “Parallel Platforms” (that they highlight), given that you pretend to be interested in the Hoax of the Twin Towers, but not the very real TARGET & destruction of WTC7 and its’ contents: including military intelligence services, IRS & the SEC investigation into Enron Monsanto GEC , GMO crop planting of Drought resistant abiotic seed, on the drought ridden land of bankrupted farmers and US D.o.D Weather Modification for financial gain on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, with the first ever Weather Derivatives Enron Fund Management offers from 1997 onwards: also, i may as well not play any further games with you, as you’ve kinda’ already insulted Bill, Kurt & me, it makes me more than highly suspicious of you slowly, that you have not yet understood who they are, why the blew the whistle, how they did what they did and the precise nature of what they did, revealing >>> Parallel Platforms <<>> do you not believe it is possible to engineer & steer the weather ? like Lockheed Martin helped the Chinese to do, for the Beijing Olympics in 2008, to improve air quality for their games ? a matter of public record, with 500 installations on the Himalayas and the Chinese freely admit this, though L.M. are not keen to discuss publicly.
If you continue to call what happened on the 11th September just another hoax, you are just confusing people and distracting from the most Fascist NSA computer revelations that Binney & Weibe leaked: when in reality, the destruction and controlled demolitions were totally real and WTC 7 was the real target of the day, whilst everybody was looking over there <<< at the twin towers still, which they were meant to be doing, to avoid even thinking about WTC 7… which in fact duped you & most others for many years afterwards,
so you say,
but not me from the very first minute i saw WTC 7 collapse, because the BBC had told me already that it had collapsed and yet there it was, still standing over the journalist’s left shoulder >>> attention to detail is key and yet nearly 2 decades later, you still have not performed the requisite due diligence and got your head around the power of running “Parallel Platforms” and you accuse the heroes of the whole due process & revelations from the NSA of being “Controlled Opposition”, after such a preliminary glance today, with zero knowledge of all the facts: it has become clear to me finally, what I suspected at first and also Balkydj suspected of you, a long time ago:-
YOU are the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION on this OffG website, with your endless fucking distractions from “Parallel Platforms”, on behalf of your Fascist Masters and constant whining calls of a hoax, look over here, hoax: well get your nose stuck into this nose bag of a link, just like the BBC announcing WTC 7 in advance!
How dare you call Weibe & Binney “Controlled Opposition” ! ?
Only the real “Controlled Opposition” would contemplate doing that ! Thinking inverted reality … !
You are busted, as of today, in my book,
Worse than WHB, our resident troll !
So I looked them up Tim. I suspect controlled opposition. It seems they think the 9/11 attacks were real … so what credibility they?
William Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe are clients of GAP and National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblowers who worked at the agency in excess of 36 years. As Technical Director, Binney developed a revolutionary information processing system called ThinThread that, arguably, could have detected and prevented the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but NSA officials ignored the program in favor of Trailblazer, a program that not only ended in total failure, but cost taxpayers billions of dollars.
It’s wall-to-wall controlled opposition out there, Tim, wall-to-wall. That’s why, as I say, I only focus on the information required to indict rogue elements within the US government, media, intelligence, response agencies and the private sector (but God! how many involved – it’s just enormous – too many to indict – you see it wasn’t an inside conspiracy but a Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise masquerading to non-truthers as a crime committed by 19 terrorists armed with boxcutters and masquerading to truthers as a massive inside murder and financial crime – pretty clever, huh? – you just make your conspiracy so huge that too many people are involved to prosecute – it also helps when you don’t actually kill or injure people):
In what way is this funny?
Searching “El paso shooting hoax” using Qwant I clicked a link to a video, “El Paso shooting hoax”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC5AmpPJH44, which had been removed.
Guess what the very alarming YouTube message was?
Without even casting my eye over a single sentence or image I’d bet good money that the mass shooting is fake. In any case I’m certainly not going to cast an eye. I’ve dealt with more than my quota of fake news for the week.
It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
Have you ever thought to yourself, they want you to be so apathetic towards everything? Not everything is a conspiracy theory, sometimes you need a reality check.
Critical thought means taking all the evidence into consideration not just starting off with a blinkered one sided view.
Above all keep your mind open to all possibilities & never start anything off with subjective analysis.Don’t take sides only accept the facts.
Good advice. See also Carl Sagan’s “Baloney Detection Kit”
Be wrong once and lose any remaining possibility of credibility.
AND discredit anyone and everyone who has sought to challenge the narratives in ways that might have found an ear.
Was not Shakespeare referring to the human drama?
Such as to speak to us all – and not directed by some against others?
Yes, but I used his words in a different way. Perhaps I shouldn’t have.
I don’t know about ‘shouldnt’ but an education rises from noticing things and such learning is expressed as a clearer perception-response. (Action)
The blame-shame method denies the learning and unfolding for an imposed rule of ‘incentivised’ behaviour.
Blame-shame is fear and guilt thinking that DOES fear and guilt responses.
In short – it short circuits learning or communication by substituting coercion under fear or threat and is based on a deceit called judgement – as if part of you can separate from and demonise or deny another part of you and ‘stamp it out’ or eradicate it or at least be SEEN to be conforming in the ritual of doing so.
So perhaps in the light of noticing you would have made a different choice – which in truth means you ARE FREE to make a different choice and NOT that you were WRONG in your discovery.
Of course this example is not overly contentious and so that can make it easier to use to LOOK at the ‘should’ mind and see how it pre-empts freedom.
The habit of coercion and deceit sets up the belief it is our power of control, over self and others. But REAL control is the freedom to discern who you are and how you choose to see and respond – to anything, anyone, anywhere.
The sketch continues on ‘The grace of noticing or freedom to learn‘
Sadistic hypocrites don’t do logic Kit.
(But you already knew that).
But they do unfailingly act in accordance with prevailing media narratives.
Can you name one terrorist event or mass-shooting that hasn’t?
What exactly are you saying here? That all mass shootings are fake? Or that they are all contrived acts of violence by state actors? Or that the MSM simply spins these atrocities when they happen, to advance their political agenda.
I have an open mind, evidently its incomprehensible why someone would suddenly just go out & start shooting people they don’t know & have done nothing to hurt them. But human beings are impulsive & irrational with their world view corrupt by obfuscation by sociopathic intentions on all sides of the political spectrum, you only have to look at the comments section of any forum to see that.
Sadly most people have made their conclusions before they read the first word! We must remain civilized & sensitive before we start throwing theories around, lets see the facts before we pass judgement.
Good healthy comment: QT, if you scroll up, i’ve provided Admin & OffG with the very example they requested and have yet to get a response … it might interest you also what I’ve just posted to ‘Flaxgirl’, who is beginning to become both a bit of a bore, on very serious matters to regulate, legally and with legitimate cause … I’m becoming highly suspicious, precisely because she & her blogspot NEVER mentions Bill Binney & Kurt Weibe & the “Parallel Platforms” they have publicly described, within the NSA !
So, I would respectfully ask you to consider & question this all, yourself:-
That We may begin to sort the wheat from the chaff, in this messy, muddy field of conflicts, together @OffG … 😉
Would you like the long or short answer to this clearly erroneous statement ?
OffG: There was a local parliament shooting in Zug, Switzerland, a couple of weeks after the 11th September, 2001, which I always struggled to relate, but suspected at first: coz’ it genuinely seemed/appeared pretty much like random frustration at typical Swiss systemic corrupt Fascist Police treatment & municipality methodology & corruption: which incidentally can be very Fascist indeed, in many ways: for example, a policeman did/does not need his partner as a witness to corroborate in court, that you called him an “Arschloch” >>> if just one policeman says you said that to him, you are guilty, come what may, in the eyes of the judge !
As somebody who has also suffered extremely badly from Swiss full on Fascist Police methods, corruption & complete incompetence, bordering on psychopathic behaviours, for zero good reason in Law, including illegally entering my ‘Wohnung’ @01.30 am, whilst I was in the shower and my subsequent wholly illegal arrest, stark bollock naked, for passive resistance and telling them to step outside and ring my doorbell first before entering, after added extra homosexual intimidation & appalling treatment from 3 Psycho cops, who assaulted me physically and locked me up for almost 48 hours, only to be released with NO charges: all charges dropped finally, (but, with zero financial compensation subsequently) for their outrageous, scandalous, collective behaviours: I always felt a certain kind of affinity, sympathy & empathy (and almost respect) for Friedrich Leibacher and can herewith confirm that calling a Swiss asshole policeman an “Arschloch”, (he said) , costs exactly…
SF 1,124.00 … so, I said to the judge, “my best friend Brendan would say that you are also a complete fuckin’ ARSCHLOCH, as well ! ” (Hearsay & speculation of another’s character) and I refused to leave the courtroom and after being manhandled from the judge’s presence, then refused to leave the police station in Bremgarten kanton Aargau: calling loudly for a journalist, from the steps of the station, not setting one foot on the pavement, shouting again & again extra loudly for help, for a journalist & a telephone from passers by, because I had No phone, No ID, No Housekeys, No Money, No Transport, No Wallet, nothing in fact just sandals, underpants, jeans & t.shirt and i was injured from an Algerian murderer, after a fight for my life, alone in the cell with the nutjob, who I disabled by smashing the TV on his head … (this is the short answer ! lol) 🙂
This comment is not a response to anything in the article. We suspect you didn’t read it before posting.
I am referring to the architects of mass murder in the MIC.
logic extends whatever premise is accepted.
Sadism is taking pleasure in giving pain – yes?
But logical imperatives are simply ‘getting the job done’ by whatever serves the means.
The wish to inflict pain on the paingivers (indifferent or otherwise) is a sadistic resonance.
My sense of cause and effect is much more active through resonant association than the presumption of polarised opposition or ‘divide and rule.
I am not an apologist for outrageous behaviour that calls for being checked and held to account – but I am willing to accept that everyone acts in accordance with self interest AS THEY DEFINE AND ACCEPT IT in the moment of their act. The mind or narrative of self-justification comes after.
Hypnotist subjects can be given ‘reactions’ to stimuli that are not their natural or biological condition, and not only experience and embody the effects that include physical reaction, but on questioning have a complete ‘back story’ as for why they did so.
Our narrative self-justification also has a collective expression. Polarising opinions effect identity reinforcement by getting a sense of relative moral integrity from the evil that is being identified (against) as invitation to join in hate in the name of love.
Cynicism is self and other destructive – and so I prefer to identify false thinking as an insane premise that logically extends insane outcomes. Garbage in; garbage out, rather than be baited into hate and taking pleasure in it. The moment of such pleasure is fleeting but its shell remains. This is the basis of addictive repetitive conditioning.
While sadistic perversions arise from trying to get a hit in an ever deadened and hollowed out sense of life, the idea of bottoming out remains the pivot of a shift from self-illusion to a true self recognition. To be “even as a servant in my Father’s House” instead of an utterly wretched and unquenchable hatred.
Narrative control is ‘mind-control’ in which the heart is denied by image and symbol of a wishful identity given power and protection. This is all BACKWARDS and operates no less logically for being set in reversal of Life.
I don’t write to pick on you but because I would rather have your company. Joining in baited hate is succumbing to despair. Dig deeper for truth that we don’t manufacture, marketise or weaponise. Truth is recognisably whole – even if we cant abide its light for long but that the mind seems to interject. If that is true – no one is exempt or excepted from truth but for the set of mind that rejects an honest awareness by choosing something ‘else’.
I notice a deep entanglement in lies given power to which many are perhaps waking to – if not yet waking from. Not least because our first reaction to loss of trust in a sense of betrayal is an investment in hate – as direct expression of hurt or grievance. A mind in grievance may WANT to play out the reversal of their victimhood on others who fit their profile. Not just in wanting the other to ‘know what it feels like’ – but to glorify an exalted sense of self aggrandisement or self vindication. The ‘right’ to play god over the unworthy. If you cannot sniff the insanity in that picture, it may be that there are conditions under which you would want to enact it?
If all such debts are to be collected, then all hope of shared happiness is deferred indefinitely.
(Abandon hope all ye who enter here). ‘Release and be released!’ serves true self interest – and yet a false will or mind and world bar the way with terror. There is a Choice here – but to see it one has to step outside the false framing of ‘divide and rule out love’s freedom to be itself’. Of course this is exactly the opposite direction to all our mind-training to date and so is assentially an act of faith – or perhaps better, an intuitive release of the gesture of faithlessness to Self and Life.
I’m sure you mean well Binra, but your lengthy perspectives are incomprehensible to the average reader.
Most of us Proles have not read Wittgenstein, Whitehead, Whitman or Russell.
Length is only applicable to persistence. Many OG articles are long and those who are interested choose to read all. Sometimes they might scan to read salient points or start to read and choose not to persist. This is freedom. Writers of articles and comments come from many backgrounds. I have never read any of your list of philosophers though I pick up references to them. I read in the heart – whatever the source and don’t buy into the self-labelling exclusion of ‘proles’.
Education and a lack of it can precondition ignorant arrogances of self inflation AND self denigration. But a willingness to LEARN of Life doesn’t have to build upon such ‘foundations’ so much as LOOK AT THEM and open them to question. This is direct observation that then SEEMS philosophical in attempt to articulate.
I suggest incomprehension has a number of contributing factors, but to my understand it is a vibrational resonance. When something comes from and reinforces a ‘known’ sense of self reality – it is sought for and found as a narrative confirmation and continuity. But when something comes from outside that set of filters it is effectively filtered out. The mind is largely used as a filtering, distorting and blocking mechanism. We are masters of limitation and yet operating as if these blocks or subjections are DONE to us or that connection and communication is being DENIED us.
The correspondence of what we DO and a sense of being subjected or DONE to is a version of ‘as ye sow so shall ye reap’.
If a reader sets terms and conditions to how communication MUST BE in order to be acceptable and engaged with – then such conditions can forever be tweaked to never allow anything in excepting as narrative control dictates. And do so under sincere belief or well meaning but patronising judgements of the other’s or life’s failure to ‘understand’ or rather conform and comply to conditional beliefs, rules and demands.
I hold that few are willing to LOOK – despite the increasingly stark INSANITY of business as usual. Looking OUTSIDE ourself CAN BE seeking trouble abroad to divert from trouble at home. Trouble at home can then trigger defensive attempts to hide, not LOOK, but divert and displace the psychic emotional conflict AWAY from self – into and onto ‘others and world.
Collective agreement of allegiance and compliance in such a lie is the nature of the pervasive corruption across a broad spectrum of dispossession and disempowerment – running as some form of narrative escape, self special exceptionalism or masked and compartmentalised hypocrisy.
Fear of fear, or denied conflict, generates fragmented and obfuscating BLOCKS to awareness that become set in social taboos of learned blindness – such that ‘naked emperors’ work in the OPEN as personifications of hiding in the WISH of legitimacy or authority.
I don’t speak to your littleness or aggrandisement but to your Life even if that be put on hold while you engage with problem based seeking. It takes one to know one.
Unless we be as little children in willingness to receive and be shown Life, it cannot find a way into a mind set in defence against it. This is the same as saying LOOK and SEE – and is not suggesting anyone believe anything that is not in resonance with who they honestly accept as true. But active belief AGAINST can and does block an open channel of communication. The cynical are invested in hate as a certainty, the gullible are certainly fooled thereby but the sceptic is LOOKING or LISTENING for evidences before giving acceptance and in this is also some willingness to address the framing of such seeking. ‘Experiments’ – as with relationships – can be and often are set up to ‘fail’
The politics of the Lie demands the sacrifice of free willing consciousness. This has been in process throughout and from before our lives such as to effectively limit or robotise and capture the mind of Man BY HIS and HER OWN CHOICES.
We are thus choosing our own destruction – not least under guise of ‘saving the world’. Well meaning or good intentions are not enough – currency of thought has to be grounded in true worth – given and receieved as ONE and not a pass the parcel of toxic debts wrapped up in lies designed to fit your profile.
The (deliberately) undereducated working class of many nations, particularly the US, ARE the Proles of the ruling class.
(And also Trump’s faithful).
They have no economic choices because they don’t have the wherewithal to choose. It was never shown/given to them.
Joe Bageant documented this perfectly in ‘Rainbow Pie’ and Deer Hunting With Jesus’
Joe loved his ‘people’ because he understood them.
We can make sense of Life using only our hearts, but to understand living in the world we have to glean from our own experience and the experience of others.
I am all for Life as an educative unfolding that unifies heart and mind.
Living in love is a higher calling that does not require special intellectual ability.
The child makes ‘sense’ of a loveless world by splitting off a masking presentation or surface reality, from a hidden and protected heart. Hidden by guilts and fears. Developing a persona as a survival strategy.
We teach by demonstration that children learn from and much of what we teach is incongruent with what we do, They pick up on what we don’t say or don’t show. there is a lot to education that is left out of socialisation towards a corporately operating state society.
How far into conflict and a sense of isolated disconnection we each are is down to a whole range of factors that also then tend to self-reinforce.
I wasn’t raised in poverty but I was raised in a fear or avoidance of intimacy that was completely hidden from me until I was exposed in a sense as running away from a sense of lovelessness in myself that my persona ‘protected’ me from. I sense a lot of this comes down the generations.
The capacity to abide with what is, as it is, is a quality of transparency to being. If we haven’t a model for such acceptance we do not learn it, and instead are learning how to survive lack of love.
The lyric to Mad World comes to mind.