America’s voters want to remain deceived

Eric Zuesse

America’s voters don’t want to acknowledge that they were fooled, by lying Presidents and by their stenographic ‘free press’ transmitting Governmental lies — they were thus deceived into invading and destroying Iraq in 2003, and Libya in 2011-, and Syria in 2011-. U.S. is globally the most frequently mentioned nation as being “the greatest threat to peace in the world today.”

The biggest threat to peace isn’t Iran, and isn’t Russia, and isn’t China, and isn’t Venezuela, but it is, in fact, their actually aggressive enemy, the United States of America, which wants to dictate to them all — this dictatorship demands to impose its ‘democracy’ throughout the world, as it has tried to do in hundreds of coups and invasions.

It destroyed Iran’s democracy in 1953. It destroyed Guatemala’s democracy in 1954. It destroyed Chile’s democracy in 1973. And there are many other such instances, less well-known — including many even after the so-called ‘ideological’ Cold War ended in 1991.

But the American people don’t want to know, and don’t even care, about the ugliness of the Government that they allegedly ‘elect’ (but really do not — and they don’t want to know that, either). Americans aren’t physical slaves, but mental slaves — they don’t even want to know the reality, of the regime that rules them.

Americans prefer to remain deceived, and to blame-the-victims — Iran, and Russia, and China, and Venezuela, etc. — even as our Government imposes entirely unjustified and unjustifiable strangulating economic blockades (“sanctions”) against countries that America’s voracious and vicious megacorporate aristocracy (America’s billionaires) want to control so as for those lands to become additional parts of the U.S. regime’s global dictatorship.

This is a 1984 country, where white is black, and good is bad, and war is peace, and deception is routine, and the masses are satisfied, with their intellectual enslavement, to these lies and liars.

Here’s an example:

On August 1st, the largest Republican Party online news-medium, Breitbart, headlined “Donald Trump: Tulsi Gabbard ‘Doesn’t Know What She’s Talking About’ on Al Qaeda”, and reported:

President Donald Trump criticized Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on Thursday for claiming that he was supporting Al Qaeda. During the Democrat debate on Wednesday, Gabbard accused the president of betraying the American people on terrorism.

“We were supposed to be going after Al Qaeda,” she said. “But over years now, not only have we not gone after Al Qaida, who is stronger today than they were in 9/11, our president is supporting Al Qaida.”

Gabbard had asserted during the July 31st Democratic debate:

We were all lied to. This is the betrayal. This is the betrayal to the American people, to me, to my fellow servicemembers. We were all lied to, told that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, was working with Al Qaida, and that this posed a threat to the American people.

So I enlisted after 9/11 to protect our country, to go after those who attacked us on that fateful day, who took the lives of thousands of Americans.

The problem is that this current president is continuing to betray us. We were supposed to be going after Al Qaida. But over years now, not only have we not gone after Al Qaida, who is stronger today than they were in 9/11, our president is supporting Al Qaida.

Donald Trump can’t stand the truth, and neither can Gabbard’s own Democratic Party voters, who refuse to recognize that their own beloved President Obama had been protecting Al Qaeda in Syria in order to overthrow Syria’s sovereign Government and replace it with one that would be appointed by the Saud family who own Saudi Arabia.

The scum that is at the top of the U.S. Government (including all recent Presidents) is bipartisan in supporting the Sauds and their Israeli ally, both of whom crave for America to invade and destroy Iran, which both of them consider to be their mortal enemy.

Trump wants economically to strangle Iran to death without physically invading it, but that’s hardly less barbaric, and less unjustifiable, than an outright invasion (which still he might do) — and Iran never invaded nor even threatened to invade America.

This is pure U.S. aggression, which is the American Government’s way. Israel and the Sauds aren’t rich enough to protect themselves? What? They really can’t protect themselves? (And Iran won’t attack either of them, unless it’s invaded; so: What’s all of this about, anyway, other than lies and power-grabbing, by the U.S. Government and its allies?)

One of the rare intelligent and well-informed readers at that Breitbart article commented:

windship Doug Dannger:- I’m not American, so am neutral on Gabbard, but most of the world that pays attention knows full well that al Qaeda owes it’s entire existence to the astounding generosity of three deceptive nations: the US, Israel and the KSA. Great teamwork produces things like 9/11.

Why don’t Americans know and understand what that person knew and understood? They refuse to. There are exceptions, of course, just as there are some Americans who know and understand that the U.S. regime is the biggest threat to peace throughout the world, but there are only few exceptions. The rest are mental slaves — they insist upon believing lies.

Fox News headlined on August 1st, “Tulsi Gabbard defends debate claim that Trump supports Al Qaeda”, and reported:

Gabbard cited Trump’s “support and alliance with Saudi Arabia that is both providing direct and indirect support directly to Al Qaeda,” when she spoke to Shannon Bream of “Fox News @ Night” after the debate. “How can you say Saudi Arabia is a great partner in fighting terrorism when they are fueling and funding terrorist groups in Yemen?” she added. She said that Saudi Arabia is pushing for a war with Iran, which would be “far more devastating, far more costly” than the U.S. war in Iraq.

Most of the reader-comments there were pure partisan (i.e., suckered) bunk, like “Democrats never back down from a lie even when they’re proven wrong.” But one was partly realistic:

RobtheOld: Whose to blame on this one…Tulsi or Fox? The Saudis have been giving money to Al Qaeda for years thru radical clerics, under the table and not so under the table. Clinton, Bush and Obama all knew this in real time. What did they do about it? What does she expect Trump to do about it? The Saudis are one of our “best” friends in the region, or so the experts say.. I don’t see how that means President Trump is supporting Al Qaeda. I do know that Tulsi once took a volcanic stone from the Big Island and that’s why Kilauea erupted. That means Tulsi started the volcano, right?

The reality is that Gabbard spoke the truth. But Americans don’t want to know this.

Trump, like Obama, is a supporter of the Sauds, and protects Al Qaeda. Even the neocon The Daily Beast acknowledged on 13 March 2017 (two months after Trump became President) “The American air campaign has notably not targeted al Qaeda in Syria, known as Jabhat al Nusra.” Trump continued Obama’s policy.

Trump does whatever he can to place the Sauds in control of Syria.

The U.S. regime lies through its teeth. And Americans believe it, each time, as if the U.S. Government’s track-record in its allegations regarding international affairs were good, instead of disgusting and loaded with lies. 

Donald Trump protects Al Qaeda in Syria, just as did Barack Obama.


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Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Aug 17, 2019 12:22 PM

Self illusion – collectivised is the world that we MAKE (believe) suffer and die in as real. The nature of the ‘other-deceit’ CANNOT be separated from the ‘self-illusion’. The ‘end of the world’ can be see not as a physical subjugation or destruction but as the end of the capacity to maintain self-illusion as the cover story for hidden agenda. The freedom to persist in self-illusion is limited only by the pain of meaninglessness and loss of love, freedom and power to a substitution set in polarised and polarising struggle. Noticing the patterns or strategies and device of manipulation and deceit is the opportunity to uncover them in our self – or rather bring them back into the realm of freedom as the choice of whether to persist in their identification or release a mis-taken identity in willingness of a fresh-take. Voting as a symbolic representation of open communication and extension of trust is a manipulatable system and NOT a true outcome from an honouring of communication. Notice that war on communication USES the form of communication to shut down or frame allowable reality. This is inherent to a mind override or overrule in reaction to a breaking or divided heart. Pain in the heart is intolerable, and the mind is invoked and distorted in function to protect the separated sense of survival from the re-living of terror or trauma. But can ONLY do so as the repackaging or redistribution of toxic debt in shifting forms of war, denial and sacrifice under which a sense of relative escape is enacted as the dream of possession and power regained in substitute reality enacted upon the body of self, other and world. Fear of losing such power and possession as we believe we have drives a sense of justified opposition and attack… Read more »

Maxine Chiu
Maxine Chiu
Aug 17, 2019 7:33 PM
Reply to  Brian Steere


Aug 13, 2019 10:57 AM

any Brits thinking “ha those dumb yanks” remember this America is Britain 2.0 on steroids you’re no better if anything Brits are thicker than yanks and that’s one hell of an achievement

Aug 12, 2019 10:37 AM

That is big brush you’re dippping into an MSNBC bucket and painting the third most populous nation with.
Why bother referencing fake media?
No one here is deceived. We understand that every Central Bank wants to enslave the nation they operate within.
Dont toot your own horn, you’re not doing a thing to restore stability in the UK.

Aug 13, 2019 10:59 AM

Do yous really if that were true at all you wouldn’t be capitalists and you wouldn’t vote for obvious charlatans and have 52% of the voting public choose between a lying cunt and a lying cunt with a cunt

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 12, 2019 1:26 AM

“Football, beer and above all gambling, filled the horizons of their minds. To keep them under control was not difficult”…………George Orwell.

Aug 13, 2019 10:56 AM
Reply to  Brian Harry

Unfortunately Orwell was a racist who grassed up his comrades in Spain and idiots push him as some kind of hero of literature

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 13, 2019 9:19 PM
Reply to  GRAFT

The fact that what he wrote around 70 years ago is now becoming reality, makes no impact on you at all?
“Those who fail to learn the lessons of history, are doomed to repeat them”

TV trash
TV trash
Aug 11, 2019 9:37 AM

I am not sure why one important aspect is not mentioned in this article. That is, mum-and-dad investors have vested interest in ignoring how profit is made.

Since the US has a militaristic economy where profits are made by creating miseries and mayhem around the globe, it would be hard for parents to explain this to their kids. Hence, the existence of multiple industries that are dedicated to creating [mind] diversions, delusion and bluffing, including the belief in Exceptionalism.

TV trash
TV trash
Aug 11, 2019 9:20 AM

“America’s voters want to remain deceived”

Look at how much time the average modern person spends watching trashy movies; high quality picture with little or no substance.

Its almost certain now, entertainment is a deliberate industry to fill people minds with inanities.

Aug 11, 2019 9:53 AM
Reply to  TV trash

“Entertainment” has always been “a deliberate industry to fill people minds with inanities.” cf. the bread and circuses of Ancient Rome.

TV trash
TV trash
Aug 11, 2019 11:04 AM
Reply to  George

But nowadays, it has become compulsory!

In the past, people needed to go somewhere to get this so-called “Entertainment”. Now, it is ubiquitous; no escape, no matter how hard one tries.

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 13, 2019 9:24 PM
Reply to  TV trash

Turning OFF the TV and going for a walk, or reading a good book does wonders. Here in Australia, our commercial Television is APPALLING……

Aug 11, 2019 7:19 AM

I don’t care about the American voter.

What I care about is how my country and other countries disentangle from the US. They take up more space and cost more money than they are worth. Enough is enough.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Aug 11, 2019 3:24 AM

Mental slaves abound all over the Empire, not just in the ‘mother country’, the USA.

In Australia, a some politicians and academics have built their careers on sycophancy to the Empire and fear-mongering against those states designated as the Empire’s enemies.

Currently, this group has been ramping up rhetoric against China, one member likening the West’s stance to that country as equivalent to the appeasement of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

False analogies with Nazism seem to be a current stock-in-trade of the hard-right, ironically enough.

Aug 11, 2019 5:15 AM

Watching the ABC going on and on and on about China being at our door the other night was the usual cognitive dissonance exercise when you know how controlled we are by Washington.

Guess we can have a fair idea of what one of the “talk it up” points was from Mike Pompeo’s visit last week

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Aug 11, 2019 9:27 AM
Reply to  Sue

The latter-day ABC is little better than a propaganda arm for the Anglosphere permanent state. One example: the RN Breakfast Programme has repeatedly smeared the British Labour Party and Corbyn as “anti-Semitic” and failed to broadcast viewpoints and readily available evidence which would demonstrate to the contrary.

Free Norwegian
Free Norwegian
Aug 11, 2019 6:45 PM

true, you just described Norway too..

Maxine Chiu
Maxine Chiu
Aug 10, 2019 11:10 PM

Tulsi Gabbard: “So I enlisted after 9/11 to protect our country, to go after those who attacked us on that fateful day, who took the lives of thousands of Americans.”

I still don’t understand why Tulsi Gabbard, a seemingly intelligent person, would believe the words of GWB, a downright moron….Also, where did she get the idea that she was protecting the US?….WMD or not, Iraq NEVER posed a threat to the US!

Aug 11, 2019 12:37 AM
Reply to  Maxine Chiu

And to be honest, those enlisting in the US military are scrapping the bottom of the barrel; officer class included.. Used to be a choice there for criminals; prison or boot-camp..

Bless her heart, Tulsi is young and will hopefully have a bright future, but the things she now is forced to say is a bit cringe-worthy..

Aug 11, 2019 1:40 AM
Reply to  Maxine Chiu

Perhaps, somebody in early 20s is driven more with emotions than reason?

Aug 13, 2019 11:05 AM
Reply to  Maxine Chiu

She’s hope and change 2.0 and loves a good war her voting record proves this. She’s a fraud and people like controlled puppets like Jimmy bore and secular talk and humanist report like to prop up while doing the odd video on these people’s bad choices. I’ve always said she’d be pro war in public if America was killing Arabs in record numbers getting away with it and stealing their shit while propping up jihadists all while less Americans die. She’s a fraud and if she got in the CIA would give her a sheet of aper she’s pretend the threat is more than she even realised until she became president and we must bomb bomb bomb countries with lots of resources and if anyone says no or she’s lying they’ll be smeared as rapists sexists racists etc because she has a vagina. Let’s be honest she’s kind of good looking so most men no matter what the circumstances and there relationship status will white knight for her! Hard!

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 13, 2019 9:29 PM
Reply to  Maxine Chiu

Maxine Chiu….. “Military men are just dumb stupid animals, to be used as pawns in Foreign Policy”…..Henry Kissinger.
That is how the M.I.C view brave American soldiers.

Aug 10, 2019 10:39 PM

Yeah, and that deception in 2001 was a real doozy.

Aug 10, 2019 7:11 PM

I could easily imagine my sister in “liberal” Austin Texas pacing the pavement in front of her house, waving a pistol, and shouting at the traffic about welfare queens & soviet Commies..
With 2 degrees & 6 years of Uni, she thinks that the rest of us are deceived..
Happy to have severed ties to that continent 2 decades ago..

Aug 10, 2019 9:47 PM
Reply to  eddie

I would guess your sister now thinks that the whole of Europe has become “Islamified” by now. If it hasn’t “gone communist”. Or fascist. Oh what the hell – just mix ’em all up. It all means the same thing: “Un-American”!

Aug 11, 2019 1:08 AM
Reply to  George

Exactly, George, & I recently asked her why people in Israel were receiving welfare from American tax-payers.. Ha.. As you can imagine, the shit hit the fan.. Deceived, no doubt..

Aug 13, 2019 11:08 AM
Reply to  eddie

Your sister sound a like prime gulag material cos that’s the kind of Idiots comrade Stalin dumped in Siberia (all 18 million of them in a 30 year period where 16,950,000 left with full bellies a job and an apartment after having sentences reduced for good behaviour and good work)

Aug 10, 2019 4:05 PM

If the US is King Kong than China is Godzilla.
Present Russia is a only a grizzly bear, the UK a dog and pony show while France is a cow that smiles.

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 12, 2019 1:30 AM
Reply to  Antonym

And in Australia, we just love Beer and Football…….

Aug 13, 2019 11:09 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Name a country China wants to attack? Don’t even attempt to say Taiwan (China) or Hong Kong (also China) hasbara boy

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 10, 2019 3:15 PM

The NYT has just reported that Epstein committed suicide. Therefore it must not be true. So who benefits from his death ( any real newspaper would have sifted the evidence before any conclusion) ? Even Bernie Madoff did not kill himself. Just watch as the CIA-invented term “conspiracy theorist” is used to label anyone who suggests he was bumped off by those who had the most to lose. Nice presaging by the prior “attempt”. Makes it more credible to the punters.

And his cell mate just happened to be a bent copper, no doubt to benefit in undetectable ways?

Aug 10, 2019 3:57 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

You’d think an entrepreneurial type like Epstein might have had a Plan B in the event of his being bumped off…
After all, if any of what he reportedly knows about the Establishment is true, they would HAVE to bump him off, wouldn’t they?
Was he really not smart enough to think ahead?
Maybe not.
Smart people probably don’t live his lifestyle.

Aug 10, 2019 4:07 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Also, the NYT/CIA preferred method of reporting has the sub-text, saying, “See what happens if you threaten US, baby.”

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 10, 2019 6:56 PM
Reply to  wardropper

That threat will come through loud and clear to policing and court systems within the US. Going after Clinton now and the weaselly Prince will be fraught.

Aug 11, 2019 4:40 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

Epstein is more likely to have been flown to Israel. “We were never here.” types enter and leave with the package. “National Security.”

This is likely to be a diversion to deflect public attention from something worse.

Look for unidentifiable images of a corpse or no images. Autopsy performed at an unusual location by not the usual staff. Delays in releasing information.

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 13, 2019 9:35 PM
Reply to  Igor

That’s why lots of these “Israelophiles” retain TWO passports, especially the ones in the Government/Congress.

Aug 13, 2019 11:10 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

That first two sentences was pure gold. Almost pissed meself

Aug 10, 2019 2:45 PM

The wonderful thing about all this is that our would-be owners have not given due consideration to the fact that people talk to each other.
Two fools talking to each other is obviously counter-balanced to some extent by two intelligent, educated and experienced people talking to each other.
That’s something to build on right there.

Aug 10, 2019 12:01 PM

I think the US needs a lot more politicians like Gabbard, people who have seen the reality of war (Not chickenhawks like Bolton and Trump who wimped out), and have had the scales pulled from their eyes. More importantly the US and UK needs politicians who can self reflect, admit when they are wrong and apologise.

Aug 10, 2019 12:42 PM
Reply to  andyoldlabour

Indeed it does.
But not all of Gabbard’s scales have been pulled from her military eyes.
Basically, Washington needs to be cleaned out with Harpic, and it is unlikely to do that itself.

I do wish Gabbard well, since she has said some very relevant things about the current state of affairs, but we must never forget that all American presidents (except G.W. and Trump) have made good speeches.
The words alone mean nothing.

Aug 10, 2019 1:22 PM
Reply to  andyoldlabour

Well, I would not want to see too many military peeps in office;)

Aug 11, 2019 12:18 PM
Reply to  SharonM

I totally ag5ree Sharon, but the POTUS who have never served in the military and their advisers who haven’t served seem to be the keenest to attack other countries.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Aug 10, 2019 10:07 AM

Opposition to the neo-con drive to war with Russia/China has been pretty much neutralised in the US, although in the vassal states opposition is beginning to emerge at street level if not elite level. Most Americans seem convinced that 1. The moral case is on their side, and 2. That they are beyond the reach of a war in either the middle east or Europe. Of course both of these beliefs are untrue but anyone who doubts them is subject to political and ideological harassment. Digging below the white noise of the of a state controlled media it is probable, if not certain, that those in the know are following a more esoteric script. It would appear axiomatic that the US empire is in decline and has been so for some time past. The ruling elite of the US empire are trying to reverse this decline using the entire repertoire of modern warfare, stopping, however, short of a nuclear exchange, a war which the empire cannot win, and knows it cannot win. The constant provocations against the Eurasian bloc will bump up to the frontiers of the Eurasian alliance in the hope of a surrender. Such a surrender will not be forthcoming. Provocations which do not lead to war, don’t frighten anyone. And once the bluff is called it is game over. But it is important to bear in mind that those who profit most are the MIC-Security complex, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Northrop-Grumman, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing at the economic level, and the Military and Security apparatus at the political level. These key groups and their media mouthpieces are simply baying for more monies from the Federal Government in order to offset the Russian/Chinese ‘Threat” I have always been of the view that since the Ukraine crisis – which was the high… Read more »

Aug 10, 2019 9:24 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Nice summary FL, i would like to point out that when you write:
“it is important to bear in mind that those who profit most are the MIC-Security complex, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Northrop-Grumman, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing at the economic level..”

That these organisations know that the MIC con game is over.

They have lined up their next excuse for their trillions over the next 20-50 years –


Trump let that cat out of the bag.

These firms made billions from APOLLO, then even more as the MIC and now plan to do so from ARTEMIS.

It doesn’t matter to them that the Chinese, Russians … hell even the Indians are steps ahead in that race they just sit there screaming ‘FEED ME, SEYMOUR’!

Aug 11, 2019 4:27 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Great closing.

It would slightly less evil if they switch to space and stop killing innocents abroad for being in the way of Israel.

US Public is going to get screwed either way.

Aug 10, 2019 9:37 AM

Off Guardian is our essential lifebelt to prevent us from drowning in a sea of trash.

Aug 10, 2019 12:45 PM
Reply to  Grafter

The Deep State likes to shut down everything that looks like an “essential lifebelt” to thinking people.

Aug 10, 2019 3:05 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Hey, what’s to downvote?
I agree with Grafter completely.
I was only, with tongue in cheek, referring to how frequently our lifebelts come under attack, and imagining what the Fraudian chief editor would have to say about decent people even having a lifebelt at all.

Assange, Snowden, Manning are individuals who have offered, at no small cost, something of the truth. None of them is now in a strong position of influence.
The Washington Post, The Huffington Post and many others have also been commandeered by the military establishment over the last decade or so. Those two, for example, were not always the way they are now, and were once perfectly readable by reasonable people.

Lifebelts are in short supply, and I, too, am very thankful to have the OffG to refer to on a regular basis, so I hereby upvote myself and restore my self-respect accordingly.

Aug 10, 2019 9:34 AM

William H Bonney, this is your life.

Aug 10, 2019 10:18 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Oh please – don’t encourage him!

Aug 13, 2019 11:12 AM
Reply to  lundiel

He’s a fucking fruit a more than likely a hasbara/CIA/British 77th brigade troll or just really stupid and not getting paid for his stupidity

Aug 10, 2019 9:12 AM

To be fair, it’s not just Americans who don’t want to know. Most people around me here in the UK seem to be living the life used to live where I concentrated on local matters and always knew that things weren’t so bad here – all the while I suspected awful stuff was going on out there somewhere but as long as I didn’t hear the details – what the hell? There was even a media pathway provided whereby you could get on your high horse about how corrupt everything was and how much you didn’t trust the media and you’d feel a bit of a rebel – and yet you didn’t really take on board these matters and their implications. It was the GWB/Iraq “war” that really woke me up. And, when I hear the ones around me blowing off the old naïve crap, I have vigorously opposed them but it just creates bad feeling and they invariably end up calling me a “conspiracy nut”. Meanwhile, they carry on with all our pop trivia celebrity culture as if everything was just OK. And I sometimes wonder if I’m just doing the same?

Aug 10, 2019 9:40 AM
Reply to  George

Yes George, Eric Z has completely left the UK’s role out of pocket trillions out of Saudi over the century.

These Saudi planes don’t get in the air and do their shit with Saudi personnel.

From before there was a Saudi Arabia to now – the Brits have a major role in the shit show – we have many thousands of boots on the ground all over the ME – not a single debate or vote allowed in Parliament!

Aug 10, 2019 1:02 PM
Reply to  George

There speaks the conscience of my generation.
Thank you George.
One does what one can, but of course one needs to set oneself the daily task of asking, “What CAN I do?”.
An encouraging sign was my wife telling me today that she had noticed how all the highest officials in all the most prominent positions in western democracy are the same type of person. I thought it was great that she had noticed, and I told her so.
A less encouraging thought is that the systematic planting of those very people – immoral, dull-witted and outright evil – in those positions has now reached its goal.
I can well imagine the people behind the “modern narrative” rubbing their hands in glee, as they jubilate: “We’re there!”
The rest of us need to keep our eyes open and, like you, vigorously oppose the trash mentality which controls everything today.
It takes its emotional toll, but ultimately there is nothing so very terrible about being called a “conspiracy nut” by friends and acquaintances whose horizons stretch no farther than the nearest wall.
They might even, after a couple of decades, admit, “You know, our George was right…”

Aug 10, 2019 2:15 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Thanks for the compliment but I don’t see the highest officials in all the most prominent positions in western democracy as “immoral, dull-witted and outright evil”. I think that’s paying them too much praise. As far as I can see they are all simply paid up hacks who know why they have been put in the position they are in, know exactly what they have to do and, more importantly, what happens when they don’t comply. I don’t mean to suggest that they’ll be carted off to Guantanamo. But they will lose the position, the status and the money. Which …I suppose DOES make them immoral, dull-witted and outright evil. Hell, you’re right!

Aug 10, 2019 2:29 PM
Reply to  George

I knew I was right! And of course you are too : )
My wife reads mainstream media mostly, so I regard it as quite an achievement that she has noticed the paid-up hacks.

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 13, 2019 9:45 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Those people you speak of have one thing in common, they are all psychopaths/narcissists, and Carpet Bombing, or Gassing civilians means nothing at all to them….