WATCH: Suicided: The Final Days of Jeffrey Epstein

James Corbett breaks down the knowns & unknowns surrounding the death of the disgraced billionaire

In this in-depth exploration of the death(?) of Jeffrey Epstein(?), James and The Corbett Report community members tackle 3 questions: What do we know about this incident? What do we not know? And what does it all mean?

To follow The Corbett Report’s open source investigation, click here. For our own discussion thread click here, and for sources, show notes and an audio-only version, click here.

NOTE: This video was recorded prior to the official announcement by the Medical Examiner yesterday


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Aug 21, 2019 4:30 AM

Cornered fixer gets nailed. Does himself in or gets bumped off by fixees or to prevent bean spills or descends a golden stairway to hell and is gone. Anything vaguely interesting on telly?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 19, 2019 12:38 AM

What we know is that this is all a distraction from the Brothers Awan and the lock stock and smoking barrel of the stolen governmental Data & servers by the Dems. IT guys …
meanwhile @The ZBlog

Leaked FBI interview of one of the guards, followed by Guard#2 🙂

FBI: Where were you when you discovered Epstein was dead?

Guard #1: I was in his cell.

FBI: Before that. Before you knew he was dead.

Guard #1: I was in his cell strangling him.

FBI: I see. How about you, where were you?

Guard #2: I was making sure the camera was off.

FBI: Are you sure it was off?

Guard #2: Oh yeah, it was unplugged.

FBI: OK, well, I think we need to work on this story a bit more, but otherwise, good job fellas.

Mister Bump
Mister Bump
Aug 18, 2019 8:00 PM

Every man in every prison has the state, the rich and powerful conspiring to destroy his soul. Thats what a prison is for. He was sent to a normal prison with other criminals. The conspiracy was his previous 6/7 day release after conviction. A man who had spent most of his life having whatever he wanted suddenly found himself in a normal prsion with no special privileges. Hes more likely to kill himself than most. But the US prison system is heinously underfunded, understaffed and /or incompetent. Its only because hes famous that this seems like a conspiracy, people kill themselves regularly in the US penal system. Its normal, sadly. Its a shame that that isnt the takeaway here. I’m sure its a cover up but its not a conspiracy – or rather if it is then its because all prison deaths are, and we should be outraged at those equally.

Mister Bump
Mister Bump
Aug 18, 2019 8:11 PM
Reply to  Mister Bump

Besides it would surely be convenient for those in power who were at risk of being exposed to just let him get sent down the second time, put him in a shitty prison where his life as a pedophile would be so miserable he’d end up killing himself. You don’t need to send in special ops. Being in prison hell is enough to silence anyone or end your life. p. It always covered up the problems and abuse of the prison system.

Aug 18, 2019 8:53 PM
Reply to  Mister Bump

“We must not indulge in conspiracy theories……….the real issue is prison suicides……….yadda yadda yadda yadda.”

Aug 21, 2019 4:13 AM
Reply to  mark

Shove the conspiracy theories. 95% of them are a total waste of time, pea brains getting excited over games of table football. “We’re great on the table football control knobs.” Yeah, right. Not the only knobs you’re good at. Stood on a ladder and peered in through the hole in the blinds. Whizzes at pocket billiards too.

Aug 21, 2019 11:30 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

And the troll Robbobbin shows his hand?

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Aug 19, 2019 1:34 PM
Reply to  Mister Bump

Mister Bump says: “I’m sure its a cover up but its not a conspiracy…” If it is a cover up, a significant number of people in authority positions must be actively conspiring to obstruct justice.

Aug 21, 2019 1:18 PM
Reply to  Mister Bump

Whether they were heinously underfunded, understaffed and /or incompetent… there is NO WAY that a paedophile, especially one as notorious as Epstein would have been locked up in a normal prison with ‘ordinary’ cons. He would have been torn limb from limb and would have had a very sore bottom within hours of being incarcerated. This is all a false misleading narrative.

Aug 18, 2019 2:20 PM

Ha Ha….Shares similarities with Osama bin Laden….Never saw the body there either!

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 19, 2019 12:58 AM
Reply to  maxine

Speaking of shared similarities, we weren’t allowed to see anything of OBL’s
Porn Collection, either: again with no rational reasoning, especially for those of us
with an active interest in Psychology !

All kindergarten stories for children, Maxine: just to distract from the Brothers Awan:-
the Dems. IT guys who made a mockery of every single member of Congress & the Senate,
& all governMENTAL Security Systems & methodology & FAILURES at every level,

& All Facilities … lost their faculties 😉

maxine chiu
maxine chiu
Aug 19, 2019 2:10 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Pardon my ignorance….Who were the Brothers Awan?

Aug 21, 2019 12:49 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

The shill always shows his hand by obfuscating?
Who cares about AWAN brothers? Anyone would think they are doing something unusual for the backroom boys in congress? Or is it because they are Muslim?

Are they somehow linked to Epstein.. if not why are you introducing them to this discussion on this thread?

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 17, 2019 10:02 PM

Helpful, although I found myself muttering ‘get to the point’ several times. Now why would the lawyers of a dead man hire the very expensive and not particularly credible Dr. Baden to observe the autopsy? Epstein’s estate may still be liable to his victims. And why does the medical examiner withhold a detailed reasoned and rationalized report answering the many unanswered questions? I am dubious of her report with its gratuitous air of certainty, just like the NYT was certain, 3 hrs after he was found. If she is certain, let’s hear her deal with the obvious inconsistencies and uncertainties.

All this occurring on the very day 2000 pages of lurid incandescent material was released? Coincidental?

joke of pork
joke of pork
Aug 18, 2019 1:37 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

Without offering a thesis here – can we assume that he was murdered to cover the trail of a coterie of high profile perverts ?

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 18, 2019 1:47 AM
Reply to  joke of pork

That seems more likely than a suicide for which the mechanics are improbable, from the bedsheets to the necessary force to produce the injuries. No video, a new prison guard, no watch , said to be because of request by JE’s lawyers, but why, cell mate moved out, hyoid fracture, no explanations from medical examiner… too much to swallow.

I think it was murder too and they are just going to try to brazen it out like Blair did with Kelly.

joke of pork
joke of pork
Aug 18, 2019 1:57 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

Yes, George – I think we are agreed on this – and that there may be many others who would concur. . . . . .

Aug 21, 2019 1:09 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

My Jury is out on this one George. If ‘they’ wanted him dead, then why didn’t they ice dart him and give him a heart attack? And why go to the trouble of switching him for a dead guy anyway?


George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 21, 2019 1:50 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Good question Maggie. Not everyone is in on it? A great puzzle.

Aug 18, 2019 9:30 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

Predictably, the ‘estate’ has been “corrected”: seems Epstein isn’t as rich as we were led to think.
Interpretation: his victims can sue his estate, but his money has been moved.
We know his island had an elevator to submurged gold standard storage facility.
He’s not dead.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 18, 2019 12:28 PM
Reply to  humnidee

If he is alive, he will be declined by the insurance carriers.

Aug 18, 2019 8:57 PM
Reply to  humnidee

We will probably soon discover that his net assets are around $100, all the assets have vanished into Middle Eastern thin air, and all the properties are heavily mortgaged and actually belong to a Mossad shell company registered in the Bahamas.

Aug 21, 2019 1:11 PM
Reply to  humnidee

Humnidee, Have you links for this statement please.
”We know his island had an elevator to submerged gold standard storage facility.”

Aug 22, 2019 12:49 AM
Reply to  Maggie

There is a lot of footage of Paedo Island, M. There is clearly a network of underground tunnels with steel entrance doors set into the rock. Epstein’s Temple is styled on The Dome Of The Rock and an Egyptian pagan temple with large statues of occult gods, an odd mixture reminiscent of Bohemian Grove. There is an elevator in the temple and its purpose has given rise to speculation, gold vault, dungeons for sex slaves, whatever. Search on Paedo Island, or Epstein Island, or Little St. James.

Aug 23, 2019 5:31 PM
Reply to  mark

Sounds interesting Mark, but where are the links?