The Putin-Nazis Are Coming (Again)!

CJ Hopkins

So, it looks like that’s it for America, folks. Putin has gone and done it again. He and his conspiracy of Putin-Nazis have “hacked,” or “influenced,” or “meddled in” our democracy. Unless Admiral Bill McRaven and his special ops cronies can ginny up a last-minute military coup, it’s four more years of the Trumpian Reich, Russian soldiers patrolling the streets, martial law, concentration camps, gigantic banners with the faces of Trump and Putin hanging in the football stadiums, mandatory Sieg-heiling in the public schools, National Vodka-for-Breakfast Day, death’s heads, babushkas, the whole nine yards.

We probably should have seen this coming.

That’s right, as I’m sure you are aware by now, president-in-exile Hillary Clinton has discovered Putin’s diabolical plot to steal the presidency from Elizabeth Warren, or Biden, or whichever establishment puppet makes it out of the Democratic primaries. Speaking to former Obama adviser and erstwhile partner at AKPD Message and Media David Plouffe, Clinton revealed how the godless Rooskies intend to subvert democracy this time:

I’m not making any predictions, but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate.”

She was referring, of course, to Tulsi Gabbard, sitting Democratic Member of Congress, decorated Major in the Army National Guard, and long shot 2020 presidential candidate.

Apparently, Gabbard (who reliable anonymous sources in the Intelligence Community have confirmed is a member of some kind of treasonous, Samoan-Hindu, Assad-worshipping cult that wants to force everyone to practice yoga) has been undergoing Russian “grooming” at a compound in an undisclosed location that is probably in the basement of Mar-a-Lago, or on Sublevel 168 of Trump Tower.

In any event, wherever Gabbard is being surreptitiously “groomed” (presumably by someone resembling Lotte Lenya in From Russia With Love), the plan (i.e., Putin’s plan) is to have her lose in the Democratic primaries, then run as a third-party “spoiler” candidate, stealing votes from Warren or Biden, exactly as Jill Stein (who, according to Clinton, is also “totally a Russian asset”) stole them from Clinton back in 2016, allowing Putin to install Donald Trump (who, according to Clinton, is still being blackmailed by the FSB with that “kompromat” pee-tape) in the White House, where she so clearly belongs.

Clinton’s comments came on the heels of a preparatory smear-piece in The New York Times, What, Exactly, Is Tulsi Gabbard Up To?, which reported at length on how Gabbard has been “injecting chaos” into the Democratic primaries. Professional “disinformation experts” supplied The Times with convincing evidence (i.e., unfounded hearsay and innuendo) of “suspicious activity” surrounding Gabbard’s campaign.

Former Clinton-aide Laura Rosenberger (who also just happens to be the Director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, “a bipartisan transatlantic national security advocacy group” comprised of former Intelligence Community and U.S. State Department officials, and publisher of the Hamilton 68 dashboard) “sees Gabbard as a potentially useful vector for Russian efforts to sow division.”

The Times piece goes on to list an assortment of unsavory, extremist, white supremacist, horrible, neo-Nazi-type persons that Tulsi Gabbard has nothing to do with, but which Hillary Clinton, the Intelligence Community, The Times, and the rest of the corporate media would like you to mentally associate her with. Richard Spencer, David Duke, Steve Bannon, Mike Cernovich, Tucker Carlson, and so on. Neo-Nazi sites like the Daily Stormer. 4chan, where, according to The New York Times, neo-Nazis like to “call her Mommy.”

In keeping with professional journalistic ethics, The Times also reached out to experts on fascism, fascist terrorism, terrorist fascism, fascist-adjacent Assad-apologism, Hitlerism, horrorism, Russia, and so on, to confirm Gabbard’s guilt-by-association with the people The Times had just associated her with.

Brian Levin, Director of the CSU Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, confirmed that Gabbard has “the seal of approval” within goose-stepping, Hitler-loving, neo-Nazi circles.

The Alliance for Securing Democracy (yes, the one from the a few paragraphs ago) conducted an “independent analysis” which confirmed that RT (“the Kremlin-backed news agency”) had mentioned Gabbard far more often than the Western corporate media (which isn’t backed by anyone, and is totally unbiased and independent, despite the fact that most of it is owned by a handful of powerful global corporations, and at least one CIA-affiliated oligarch). Oh, and Hawaii State Senator Kai Kahele, who is challenging Gabbard for her seat in Congress, agreed with The Times that Gabbard’s support from Jew-hating, racist Putin-Nazis might be a potential liability.

Clearly there’s something about her and her policies that attracts and appeals to these type of people who are white nationalists, anti-Semites, and Holocaust deniers.”

But it’s not just The New York Times, of course. No sooner had Clinton finished cackling than the corporate media launched into their familiar Goebbelsian piano routine, banging out story after television segment repeating the words “Gabbard” and “Russian asset.” I’ve singled out The Times because the smear piece in question was clearly a warm-up for Hillary Clinton’s calculated smear job on Friday night. No, the old gal hasn’t lost her mind. She knew exactly what she was doing, as did the editors of The New York Times, as did every other establishment news source that breathlessly “reported” her neo-McCarthyite smears.

As I noted in my previous essay, 2020 is for all the marbles, and it’s not just about who wins the election. No, it’s mostly about crushing the “populist” backlash against the hegemony of global capitalism and its happy, smiley-faced, conformist ideology. To do that, the neoliberal establishment has to delegitimize, and lethally stigmatize, not just Trump, but also people like Gabbard, Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn … and any other popular political figure (left, right, it makes no difference) deviating from that ideology.

In Trump’s case, it’s his neo-nationalism. In Sanders and Corbyn’s, it’s socialism (or at least some semblance of social democracy). In Gabbard’s, it’s her opposition to the Corporatocracy’s ongoing efforts to restructure and privatize the Middle East (and the rest of the entire planet), and their using the U.S. military to do it.

Ask yourself, what do Trump, Sanders, Corbyn, and Gabbard have in common? No, it’s not their Putin-Nazism … it’s the challenge they represent to global capitalism. Each, in his or her own way, is a symbol of the growing populist resistance to the privatization and globalization of everything. And thus, they must be delegitimized, stigmatized, and relentlessly smeared as “Russian assets,” “anti-Semites,” “traitors,” “white supremacists,” “fascists,” “communists,” or some other type of “extremists.”

Gabbard, to her credit, understands this, and is focusing attention on the motives and tactics of the neoliberal establishment and their smear machine. As I noted in an essay last year, “the only way to effectively counter a smear campaign (whether large-scale or small-scale) is to resist the temptation to profess your innocence, and, instead, focus as much attention on the tactics and the motives of the smearers as possible.”

This will not save her, but it is the best she can do, and I applaud her for having the guts to do it. I hope she continues to give them hell as they finish off her candidacy and drive her out of office.

Oh, and if you’re contemplating sending me an email explaining how these smear campaigns don’t work (or you spent the weekend laughing about how Hillary Clinton lost her mind and made an utter jackass of herself), maybe check in with Julian Assange, who is about to be extradited to America, tried for exposing U.S. war crimes, and then imprisoned for the remainder of his natural life. If you can’t get through to Julian at Belmarsh, you could ring up Katharine Viner at The Guardian, which has ruthlessly smeared Assange for years, and published outright lies about him, and is apparently doing very well financially.

And, if Katharine is on holiday in Antigua or somewhere, or having tea with Hillary in the rooftop bar of the Hay-Adams Hotel, you could try Luke Harding (who not only writes and publishes propaganda for The Guardian, but who wrote a whole New York Times best-seller based on nothing but lies and smears).

Or try Marty Baron, Dean Baquet, Paul Krugman, or even Rachel Maddow, or any of the other editors and journalists who have been covering the Putin-Nazi “Attack on America,” and keeping us apprised of who is and isn’t a Hitler-loving “Russian asset.”

Ask them whether their smear machine is working … if you can get them off the phone with their brokers, or whoever is decorating their summer places in the Hamptons or out on Martha’s Vineyard.

Or ask the millions of well-off liberals who are still, even after Russiagate was exposed as an enormous hoax based on absolutely nothing, parroting this paranoid official narrative and calling people “Russian assets” on Twitter.

Or never mind, just pay attention to what happens over the next twelve months. In terms of ridiculous official propaganda, spittle-flecked McCarthyite smears, and full-blown psychotic mass Putin-Nazi hysteria, it’s going to make the last three years look like the Propaganda Special Olympics.


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Oct 27, 2019 12:27 PM

Gabbard has been having meetings with Zionist donors and the lords of Wall Street.
She is no longer seeking re election to Congress.
She is being groomed as a third party candidate, to siphon off votes from the Orange Man.
Just more controlled opposition.

John C Durham
John C Durham
Oct 26, 2019 8:52 PM

I voted Sanders in the Primary and Trump in the General 2016 Election and quit the Democratic Party. I predicted in March 2016 that only Sanders could beat Trump, who would otherwise emerge as the Peace candidate.
I joined Tulsi’s campaign early this year because she was familiar with the word Peace. I planned on rejoining the Democratic Party and voting Tulsi…until he caved and went along with the impeachment of Trump.
This gave me a problem because she would now be part of an effort to take my 2016 Vote away from me. I’m more likely to shoot a Democrat than vote for any of one them the rest of my Life.

Oct 26, 2019 11:12 PM
Reply to  John C Durham

I’m more likely to shoot a Democrat than vote for any of one them the rest of my Life.

Now you’re talking sense.

p wagh
p wagh
Oct 26, 2019 8:40 PM

Just a thought: If America is so anti Russia, how is it that there are so many Russians living in the west? How is it that the US or European govts have no ban or moratorium on visas and residencies to Russians?
It may well be that Russia is used as a scapegoat to hide all of the deep state’s evil deeds and keep the public in perpetual fear of a war and then put in laws for mass surveillance and anti constitutional activities.

Oct 26, 2019 11:21 PM
Reply to  p wagh

It may well be that Russia is used as a scapegoat to hide all of the deep state’s evil deeds and keep the public in perpetual fear of a war and then put in laws for mass surveillance and anti constitutional activities.

Yes, now that the Evil Moslem Terrorists that served as the pretext for several decades are increasingly understood as a false-flag propaganda construct.

When the Evil Russian Commies pretext is eventually similarly discredited, it will be time to move on to the Alien UFO Invasion pretext, the propaganda preparation for which has been in progress for a long time already.

Expect to be presented with some pyrotechnic special effects even more spectacular than those of 9/11/2001, the previous Day That Changed Everything.

Oct 27, 2019 1:25 AM
Reply to  p wagh

Russia was and still is the scapegoat to keep Western secret agencies fat. Secrecy is also their magic cloak to hide their innumerable mistakes and incompetence, the non-prediction of the collapse of the USSR & co possibly their biggest failure.

Vida Galore
Vida Galore
Oct 25, 2019 11:17 PM

I came for the comments – are the CounterPunch circle jerks here yet?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 25, 2019 8:14 PM

There is a very simple way of dealing with people whingeing about Putin-Nazis: just say ‘Why don’t you just tell ’em to FUCK OFF?’

Tell Hillary Clinton she lost your vote, your respect, your interest, with her ridiculous warmongering lying about Russia.

Switch off CNN, NBC or whichever MSM channel is full of rabid ignorant windbags merely reading from autocues. No viewers = no advertisers = no channel.

Stop buying neoliberal broadsheet claptrap like WaPo, NYTimes etc etc if they keep Russia bashing.

Piss the hell out of Hillary by sending her a set of Matryoshka dolls as a Christmas present. Spend some money on Russian products, just to cock a snook at neoliberal nutcases!

Take your next holiday to St Petersburg, Sochi, Moscow, Lake Baikal etc. Give the Russiabashers a silent rebuke and make sure you chat in a friendly way with Russians when you visit. Women are still women over there, amazingly enough and men are still men. Amazing!

Read RT website just for a laugh. Do not see it as a gospel of truth, but it will certainly show you different opinions to those of the MSM. Watch Sophie Shevardnadze on RT interviewing calmly, without constantly interrupting; seeking to enlighten and inform, not to get their ego off in some political rumpy pumpy. She is not a genius, but she does do her job pretty well. It makes a nice change from BBC assholes….

Oh and next time you can harangue a US Senator/Congress(wo)man, ask them why so many African nations went to Sochi to meet Vladimir Putin. Surely if they thought it worthwhile, they would come and see Donald Trump if he invited them all to San Fransisco? Why DON’T they think it worthwhile??

Oct 25, 2019 1:41 AM

CJ Hopkins is great, my equally favorite satirist is James Howard Kuntsler at Kuntsler dot com;
His clusterfu k nation postings are also a gas.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Oct 25, 2019 1:10 AM

One detail that seems to be systematically overlooked is the idea that its 2019, not 1959, and so its just possible that there are individual Russians who may not only interested in US politics but knowledgeable about the details and the personalities involved. In other words, the Iron Curtain disappeared 30-odd years ago but somehow the message hasn’t permeated the skulls of people born and bred into a world of adversarial relationships. How this might affect perceptions of US politicians was brought home to me while visiting the Hungarian office of the company I was working at about a month before the 2016 election. The boss was a dual citizen — US and Hungarian — and while in the process of giving me a lift back to Budapest collected his ‘vote by fax’ form. To my surprise — and horror — he told me he was voting for Trump. He then came out with a very reasonable explanation why. He lives in Hungary, the orange pip between the fingers of Russia and NATO. He thought that Hilary was going to start World War 3 (something, as we’ve learned subsequently, wasn’t just paranoid speculation) so he was going for the safe option. Safe, as in ‘safe for Europeans’, not safe as in “we’ve had to live with this character for nearly four years”. So, yes, there may well be Russians out there who have opinions about the US government. They may even get a vote (although from what I gather from another colleague, a naturalized Russian, Russia doesn’t permit dual citizenship). We may even be excused for the Russian government taking an interest. But one thing is pretty clear — the world is not a zero sum game any more, its not a matter of preventing the other guy from winning… Read more »

Oct 25, 2019 5:37 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Russia has allowed dual citizenship for a while. It was only for Russians who had aquired another citizenship but it is also possible now for those who aquire Russian citizenship. So I read, but the legislation may not have come through yet.

What has the author against grandmothers? Do we now have a war on grannies after the wars on drugs, on terror, on truths, on messengers, and on the China trade have become boring????

Babushkas are grandmothers – if it’s the dolls he means that’s matryoshkas.

I have often been taken for a Russian troll or a Chicom. I am a former German in Australia. The Kohl-Regime and US power players have behaved like common garden variety of thieves in 1994/95. My former affection for America made way for attacking their monopoly and abuse. That leads people to conclude I love Putin – simple souls they are.

Oct 25, 2019 12:27 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

If his intention to vote for Trump filled you with horror, what on earth would’ve happened if he’d told you he was voting for Hilary? Perhaps you’d have been reduced to a sticky, albeit better-informed, puddle of bile and piss on his passenger seat.

Oct 25, 2019 7:03 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I also felt that Hillary would start WWIII. However I voted for neither Hillary nor Trump. The problem as it stands is that after the last three years of xenophobia and outright racist beliefs about the Russians, any democrat who wins the White House is equally capable as Hillary in starting WWIII. Russiagate has destroyed any diplomacy with Russia even with somebody like Trump who wanted a better relationship. Any democrat not pushing hyper aggression toward Russia will be called a traitor. And given the comments in recent debates about Russia, every democratic candidate will in fact take a hyper aggressive stance toward Russia (well except Tulsi).

Oct 26, 2019 7:18 AM
Reply to  Erelis

“well except Tulsi” (who voted to arm neo-nazis in Ukraine with lethal weapons and who voted for sanctions against Russia)

Well, except Tulsi, obviously

Oct 25, 2019 12:51 AM

Lawks CJ, O-G went offline just as i was going to read this – I was looking forward to a bit of tragi-comedy for succour in these hours -but hell man that’s mostly tragi!

JA got the full Kafka treatment by a petty magistrate. Craig Murray bore witness and nearly went mad from it himself (everyone should read it – one of the most powerful bit of reportage this century)

Fresher hell is AOC pretending to maul the Zuke’s farcebook but ending up playing your same putin-nazi-trump game instead.

Anyway to cheer us all up a luttle bit this has to be the funniest disappearing up their own facebutt this week:

Which a lovely russian friend responded with ‘Hahahaha I always believed in the power of pelmeni ‘.

We need to keep the power of the comic to deal with the incessant tragi.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 22, 2019 4:52 PM

I thought you were joking about that “CSU Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism” but I see it actually exists. Is it like a “Center for the Study of Evil”? Or “of Witchcraft”? Or “of Thoroughly Nasty People that You Really Don’t Want Living Next Door”?

And this:

“Clearly there’s something about her and her policies that attracts and appeals to these type of people who are white nationalists, anti-Semites, and Holocaust deniers.”

The usual Pavlovian response list. Is this kind of think not becoming utterly tedious now? Is the compulsive drive to slap everyone in the face with this frothing formulaic frippery not threatening to become sheer meaningless noise? Is this in-between executive class not beginning to sink into gibbering hysteria? Perhaps even the Big Knobs above are starting to sweat?

Oct 22, 2019 4:01 PM

Thank you for the article– it’s pitch-perfect:)

It looks like Tulsi Gabbard is in the race to its end, no matter the poll numbers. She’s the most interesting candidate from either of the war parties right now. I think even Green Party and Libertarian Party people follow her.
It took a few days, but even Bernie Sanders defended her from Hillary’s impersonation of General Jack D. Ripper;)

Louis Proyect
Louis Proyect
Oct 22, 2019 3:15 PM

Ask yourself, what do Trump, Sanders, Corbyn, and Gabbard have in common? No, it’s not their Putin-Nazism … it’s the challenge they represent to global capitalism.

Only Hopkins could come up with such an amalgam. Trump is a challenge to global capitalism? WTF? How does allowing Monsanto, ExxonMobil, and Koch carte blanche access to the natural resources of the USA in order to generate profits at the expense of our health and the survivability of the planet have anything to do with Sanders and Corbyn? As for Gabbard, she has close ties to Modi in India, a politician who has managed to use Hindu nationalism as a battering ram against India’s long-standing statist institutions that were a legacy of the Congress Party.

None of this makes any sense plus it is sooo boring to read Hopkins writing the same article over and over. Can’t this clown go see a movie or a play and write an interesting review? Yawn…

Oct 25, 2019 12:54 AM
Reply to  Louis Proyect

MoA’s bernard would eat you for breakfast kiddo – i dare you.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Oct 25, 2019 1:19 AM
Reply to  Louis Proyect

(“The 4 D’s: Deny, Disrupt, Degrade, Deceive”) – this is right out of the government “how to” troll manual leaked by Edward Snowden.

Hey Louie, it looks like you’re “4 for 4” – nice work. Impressive.

By the way – there are more than a few of us that are hopefully waiting for you to put your “money where your mouth is” as the saying goes and to finally donate a kidney to the latest White Helmets gala fund raiser. It’s the only right thing to do Louie.

By the way, I’m fascinated by the psychological implications of you and your “regime-change progressive” buddies over at CounterPuff banning C.J. Hopkins work, only to be followed by you coming to other sites like OffG in order to troll him. “If your feelings were a color Louie, what color would they be?”

Oct 25, 2019 12:36 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

And yet. Tulsi’s a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
And yet. Tulsi voted to arm neo-nazis in Ukraine.
And yet. Tulsi voted repeatedly to sanction Russia.

None of this is contestable.
The best of a bad bunch? Sure, maybe, but that’s how Obama got voted in. And that’s how the system will go on conning us, again and again.

Oct 26, 2019 3:48 AM
Reply to  Frank

@ Frank
Bravo !!!!!!
Never take anything 4 granted.
Kansas City Shift. Look to the left and get it up the ass from the rite.
I have always had my suspicions ever since the old PCI ( Partitio Commininsta Italiana )sold out and changed the term Operaio to Lavoratore. From worker to laborer and joined the neo-liberal /liberal interventionist crowd. Never forget Change and hope and was warning people about the OBOMBER deception.
POST SCRIPTUM: We can only sit on the sidelines and observe.
DOCIUS IN FUNDEM: George Carlin” Its one big club and we aint part of it”

Oct 26, 2019 9:17 AM
Reply to  falcemartello

Si, fanno schifo.

Oct 26, 2019 9:24 AM
Reply to  Frank

U r 2 kind using such an adjective.
Sono il diavolo incarnate .

Oct 25, 2019 1:27 AM
Reply to  Louis Proyect

Well well its the pax-americana /anglo-zionist/Trotskyist par excellence.
Let me get this rite.
So Gabbard speaks to Modi maybe half a dozen times and states the blooming obvious about the rot that exists in the anglo-zionist plutocracy and is for peace not war.
Post Scriptum : Your arguments make Donald Trump the Frump sound like a person of reason and logic.
Docius In Fundem: All u r is a cheer leader of the fascists. Antonio Gramsci”Trotskyisti sono le putane dei fascisti”
Hence Using ur logic being such a Zionist then that makes u a white fascistic supremacist.

Oct 25, 2019 1:56 AM
Reply to  Louis Proyect

Louis, writing “it is sooo boring to read” suggests you read the article, however the thrust of your comment shows you didn’t – or that you dodged the point so spectacurlary well Patches O’Houlihan would have been proud of you. I suggest you read/re-read the paragraph after the one you refer to, it explains a few things that nullify your point completely.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 25, 2019 8:14 AM
Reply to  Louis Proyect

Well Mr Proyect…. If its all soooo boring, and you very obviously have a gripe with this excellent site, and those who write for said excellent site…. Why the hell do you keep coming here??
A suggestion for you: go and visit the wonderful (that’s sarcasm btw) Bill Weinberg and his incredibly mind boggling Facebook page and perhaps help to set him straight on a few things.
Another suggestion: Havn’t you got things to do with your own blog?

Daniel Wirt
Daniel Wirt
Oct 25, 2019 8:34 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I think Proyectile Vomiting’s blog is called the Unrepentent Liar.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 25, 2019 11:18 PM
Reply to  Daniel Wirt

Ha ha…. I like that Daniel: Proyectile Vomiting. Very good!

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 25, 2019 10:58 AM
Reply to  Louis Proyect

L.P. long (old in the tooth) player: paid & played to Project & Transfer, Gaslighting any Strawman & sounding like Grandmaster Flash has scratched the hell out of your vinyl,
Louis >>> get a new stylus & Vinyl: you sound awful and wholly distorted, contorted &
compromised, in every sense, Louis: a ‘nutjob’ bit of trolling, not worthy of these columns.
Try the Guardian for tosspot dictators, that failed Science.

CJ Hopkins
CJ Hopkins
Oct 25, 2019 12:39 PM
Reply to  Louis Proyect

Thanks, as ever, for your feedback, Louie, and for your career counseling. I think I’ll hang in there with my schtick, however, and leave the film reviews, and the lying, and the smearing, and the pomposity and sanctimony, and hypocrisy, to you and your pals at CounterPunch. I don’t think I could compete with you guys when it comes to that kind of stuff.

Oh, and here’s the whole paragraph you were so careful not to quote in full …

“Ask yourself, what do Trump, Sanders, Corbyn, and Gabbard have in common? No, it’s not their Putin-Nazism … it’s the challenge they represent to global capitalism. Each, in his or her own way, is a symbol of the growing populist resistance to the privatization and globalization of everything. And thus, they must be delegitimized, stigmatized, and relentlessly smeared as “Russian assets,” “anti-Semites,” “traitors,” “white supremacists,” “fascists,” “communists,” or some other type of “extremists.”

N.B. For anyone following along at home, and new to the Art of the Smear, Louis was employing a tactic called a straw man argument. It’s a Smear Artistry 101-level tactic.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 25, 2019 3:13 PM
Reply to  CJ Hopkins

Sweet comment, CJ: Louis can try & spin, but not OUR Souls 😉
One for you 🙂

Daniel Wirt
Daniel Wirt
Oct 25, 2019 6:19 PM
Reply to  Louis Proyect

Louis “Left Boot of NATO” Proyect, aka Proyectile Vomiting (PV), is the Hannibal Lecter at Counterpunch. Alexander Cockburn kept PV in a secure cage, but Cockburn’s body was still warm when PV was released and published a piece which suggested that Pussy Riot be considered revolutionaries. PV is an example of what happens when the cerebral cortex of Trots atrophies and senile dementia sets in. PV is a robot long under control of his midbrain. Has there ever been a NATO war that PV didn’t support?

Vida Galore
Vida Galore
Oct 25, 2019 11:21 PM
Reply to  Daniel Wirt

Ha hahahahahaa! “Proyectile Vomiting”

Vida Galore
Vida Galore
Oct 25, 2019 11:20 PM
Reply to  Louis Proyect

And yet… here you are.

Oct 22, 2019 2:09 PM

It wasn’t even Halloween for another 14 days and someone let the mad bat out of the belfry to frighten the kids with stories of matrushkas and trolls. It’s all so 2016’s – rather like the flight logs for the Lolita Express. OMG! Another story not fit to tell the children.

Mirror, mirror on the wall who’s the most electorally electable of us all. It’s Tulsi you old troll!

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Oct 22, 2019 12:02 PM

Tulsi is learning the hard way that progressive presidential candidates simply have no place in a political culture defined by greed, violence and corruption.

Russia is of course the perennial bogeyman, demonised by right wing fanatics in the USA ever since 1945.

Hatred of Russia led to the incineration of over 200,000 Japanese citizens (a classic example of the way the US exhibit asymmetric power) while the likes of Allen Dulles was soon cosying up to Nazis, the very same Nazis implicated in the holocaust, during the post-WWII rebuilt.

Tactics are fairly simple but incredibly effective because the public tend to respond to their inner prejudices rather political reality.
Step 1 – create the bogeyman (Russia, anti-semitism, sex crimes).
Step 2 – build a link in the mind of the public between the bogeyman and the target they are going after.
Step 3 – keep repeating the lie in order to develop a ‘no smoke without fire’ mindset.
Step 4 – attack the bogeyman should they try to defend themselves, citing their defence as further evidence of guilt.
Step 5 – sit back and watch the public fall for exactly the same bullshit, time and time again.

With regard to Julian Assange at least some of the apologists for human rights abuses at the Guardian are now being singled out – recent Tweet saying they were looking forward to Marina Hydes latest ‘hilarious’ article on how Julian Assange was slow to respond or could not formulate sentences as quickly as he did before he was kept in solitary for a year during the latest show-trial.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Oct 22, 2019 12:27 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

Absolutely essential reading.

“I had been even more sceptical of those who claimed, as a senior member of his legal team did to me on Sunday night, that they were worried that Julian might not live to the end of the extradition process. I now find myself not only believing it, but haunted by the thought. Everybody in that court yesterday saw that one of the greatest journalists and most important dissidents of our times is being tortured to death by the state, before our eyes. To see my friend, the most articulate man, the fastest thinker, I have ever known, reduced to that shambling and incoherent wreck, was unbearable. Yet the agents of the state, particularly the callous magistrate Vanessa Baraitser, were not just prepared but eager to be a part of this bloodsport. She actually told him that if he were incapable of following proceedings, then his lawyers could explain what had happened to him later. The question of why a man who, by the very charges against him, was acknowledged to be highly intelligent and competent, had been reduced by the state to somebody incapable of following court proceedings, gave her not a millisecond of concern.”

Thank you, Craig Murray.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Oct 25, 2019 4:32 AM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

Brilliant reportage by Murray, confirming the fact that every “ally” of the US is simply a vassal state of that Empire and that UK “justice” is capable of being openly corrupted.

Thanks for posting, Harry.

Oct 26, 2019 7:28 AM

Gotta love that “capable of being” caveat there. Let’s keep a comfortable distance from the reality that the UK is demonstrably and indubitably a gangster country and courageously commit to ‘capable of being’.

Just a few bad apples, eh, old chap?

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Oct 27, 2019 4:17 AM
Reply to  Frank

You misunderstand my motives, Frank ‘old chap’. As an ‘outsider’, I try to avoid sweeping generalisations I may not be certain about. While you may be correct in your ‘gangster country’ description, I don’t know enough about the UK to describe it in those terms.

Oct 27, 2019 5:15 PM

You’re right. My tone was clumsily accusing. Sorry.
I meant to express the point that we in ‘the west’ – particularly UK and US – are all in denial when it comes to the sheer devious criminality of our ‘civilised’ countries, no matter what we learn of their misdeeds. It took me all of 15 years of being a UK expat living in Russia to even begin to understand what rogue states Britain and America are, not least in the disgusting deceitful bile they continually aim at Russia.

I still try to find reasons to believe the tender fictions I was brought up to believe about Britain: decency, honesty, fairness. But reason and morality place me firmly on the side of Russia in all questions of geopolitics now.

Harold Pinter’s 2005 Nobel acceptance speech, ‘Art, Truth and Politics’ is worth reading and re-reading, and sums things up better than I ever could.

John Deehan
John Deehan
Oct 22, 2019 11:28 AM

When people park their brain in a parking lot and allow bestial brutes to brutalize their conscience, it comes as no surprise that they parrot pathetic propagandized slogans like the two legs bad four legs mantras akin to so many B movie 1950s reds under the bed genre. If the MSM said Hitler was working in a chip shop in Walthamstow and Stalin was living upstairs, some of these dolts would go in search of their autographs.

Oct 25, 2019 12:59 AM
Reply to  John Deehan

Thoughy Elvis bought that gig?

John Deehan
John Deehan
Oct 25, 2019 8:56 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

He has the fried peanut butter jellied sandwich bar next door.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Oct 22, 2019 11:14 AM

Clinton is to the US as Blair is to the UK. Loathed and impossibly still allowed to run the streets and share their “wisdom”. They appear exclusively in compromised media near you to bloviate, flaunting the same old raving lunatic paranoia as justification for invasion, looting and pillaging.

What the American electoral process needs most is outside interference, and lots of it. Not that there has been any yet.

Oct 26, 2019 8:24 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

Provided you ignore the complete Zionist stranglehold over American political life.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Oct 26, 2019 9:55 PM
Reply to  mark

You could see that as inside interference.