The Ministry of Wiki-Truth
CJ Hopkins

OK, here’s a silly one for you.
Have you ever wondered how all those Wikipedia articles get produced … you know, the ones you pull up on your phone to look up an actor, an author, or a recipe, or a historical or scientific fact? Unfortunately, one of the Consent Factory staff had an opportunity to find out recently.
Apparently, what happened was, someone (presumably one of my readers) tried to add a reference to one of my essays to Wikipedia’s Identity Politics page.
The Ministry of Wiki-Truth objected, adamantly. A low-level edit war ensued. Once the Ministers had quashed the rebellion, one of them, “Grayfell,” immediately went to the CJ Hopkins Wikipedia article and started punitively “editing” its contents for “neutrality.”
Other Ministers soon joined in the fun. The list of my awards was summarily deleted. My debut novel, Zone 23, which I published under the Consent Factory’s literary imprint, Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant Paperbacks, was “edited” into a vanity publication that I “self-published,” probably in my mother’s basement.
The “Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant” imprint (which every bookseller, library, and professional catalog recognizes) was disappeared so that my potential readers will be warned that I’m trying to trick them into buying a book that wasn’t published by a “real” (i.e., corporate) publisher, like the Penguin Group, or one of its … uh, imprints.
References to my “political satire and commentary,” and to many of the alternative outlets that regularly repost my essays (like the outlet you’re probably reading this in) were also zapped, because they’re all “fake news” sites operated by Putin-Nazi agents.
Also, given my attempted book fraud, the Wikipedia Ministers immediately launched an investigation into whether I had possibly made up my entire career. Perhaps I had invented all the productions of my plays, and my awards, and even my existence itself. I assume they have contacted my “legitimate” publishers, Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, to verify that I haven’t somehow hacked their websites and faked my other books. If they haven’t … well, they should probably get on that.
This “editing” and pursuant investigation was overseen and approved by a senior member of the Ministry’s Arbitration Committee, Doug Weller, who is apparently a “Grandmaster Editor” or a “Lord High Togneme Vicarus” in Wiki-speak. (I kid you not … click the link.)
Given Lord Weller’s supervision of the process, I think it’s probably safe to say that this was not just the work of a bunch of kids attempting to negatively impact my book sales because someone on the Internet pissed them off.
This brouhaha was brought to my attention by the Consent Factory’s in-house Wikipedia Liaison, King Ubu (or König Ubu in German). As his job title suggests, King Ubu’s duty is to periodically check my Wikipedia article and make sure that no one has posted anything false, defamatory, or just plain weird. Naturally, when he saw how the Ministers of Wiki-Truth were punitively “editing” my page for “neutrality,” he attempted to engage them.
This did not go well.
I won’t go through all the gory details, but, if you’re curious, they’re here on the CJ Hopkins “talk” page (which King Ubu reports that he has copied and archived, which I find a bit paranoid, but then, I’m not an IT guy).
Look, normally, I wouldn’t bore you with my personal affairs, but my case is just another example of how “reality” is manufactured these days. In the anti-establishment circles I move in, Wikipedia is notorious for this kind of stuff, which is unsurprising when you think about it. It’s a perfect platform for manufacturing reality, disseminating pro-establishment propaganda, and damaging people’s reputations, which is a rather popular tactic these days. The simple fact is, when you google anything, Wikipedia is usually the first link that comes up.
Most people assume that what they read on the platform is basically factual and at least trying to be “objective” … which a lot of it is, but a lot of it isn’t.
If the name Philip Cross doesn’t ring any bells, you might want to have a look into his story before you go back to uncritically surfing Wikipedia.
As of May 14, 2018 (when Five Filters published this article about him and his service at the Ministry of Wiki-Truth), he had been editing Wikipedia for five years straight, every day of the week, including Christmas. He (if Cross is an actual person, and not an intelligence agency PSYOP) specializes in maliciously “editing” articles regarding anti-war activists and other anti-establishment persons. The story is too long to recount here, but have a look at this other Five Filters article.
If you’re interested, that’s a good place to start.
Or, if you don’t have time to do that, go ahead and use my case as an example. See, according to Ubu, the Ministry’s punitive “editing” of my article to make it more “neutral” began when this specific Minister (“Grayfell”) discovered (a) that I existed, and (b) that I am a leftist heretic. “Grayfell,” as it turns out, is extremely invested in maintaining a positive image of Antifa, whose Wikipedia article he actively edits, and whose honor and integrity he valiantly defends, not only from conservatives and neo-fascist bozos, but apparently also from nefarious leftist authors and political satirists like myself.
Which … OK, I probably deserve it, right?
I have satirized identity politics. I have satirized Antifa. I have satirized liberals.
I don’t forbid controversial outlets (or any other outlets for that matter) from republishing my political satire and commentary, even after I was instructed to do so by the Leftism Police at CounterPunch.
Jesus, I even included a link to a Breitbart article in the preceding paragraph … don’t read it, of course, it’s all a bunch of lies, notwithstanding all the supporting evidence.
Chief among my leftist heresies, I haven’t insulted Trump nearly enough.
I don’t believe he’s a “Russian asset” or the resurrection of Adolf Hitler. I believe he is the same narcissistic ass clown and self-absorbed con man he has always been. Much as I dislike the man, I’m not on board with the deep-state coup the Intelligence Community, the Democrats, and the rest of the neoliberal Resistance have been trying to stage since he won the election.
I’m not a big fan of Intelligence agencies, generally. I don’t care much for imperialism, not even when it’s global capitalist imperialism. I do not support the global capitalist ruling classes’ War on Populism, or believe in the official Putin-Nazi narrative that they and their servants in the corporate media have been disseminating for the last three years. I do not sing hymns to former FBI directors.
I don’t believe that all conservatives are fascists, or that the working classes are all a bunch of racists, or that “America is under attack.“
Let’s face it, I’m a terrible leftist.
So it’s probably good that “Grayfell” and his pals discovered me and are feverishly “correcting” my article, and God knows how many other articles that don’t conform to Wikipedia “policy,” or Philip Cross’ political preferences, or Antifa’s theory of “preemptive self-defense,” or whatever other non-ideological, totally objective editorial standards the “volunteer editors” at the Ministry of Wiki-Truth (who have nothing to do with the Intelligence Community, or Antifa, or any other entities like that) consensually decide to robotically adhere to.
How else are they going to keep their content “neutral,” “unbiased,” and “reliably sourced,” so that people can pull up Wikipedia on their phones and verify historical events (which really happened, exactly as they say they did), or scientific “facts” (which are indisputable) … or whether Oceania is at War with EastAsia, or Eurasia, or the Terrorists, or Russia?
Oh, and please don’t worry about my Wikipedia article. König Ubu assures me he has done all he could to restore it some semblance of accuracy, and that the Ministers have moved on to bigger fish.
Of course, who knows what additional “edits” might suddenly become a top priority once “Grayfell” or Antifa gets wind of this piece.
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They have enormous resources. I had written a small entry about an arms inspector annalist who fell to his death at the bottom of the stairs of his office in Vienna while working late. It was there for several years then recently it was edited to hell. I corrected it, they aggressively and repeatedly reverted it within 12 hours.
Jim Wales has completely sold out. I was initially interested in his new non-fake news start-up but you had to give up all your private details to Facebook and Facebook connected security apps to sign up.
The exact bad actors who are the problem. I think that initiative went belly up before it got off the ground.
The hasbara folk have entire factories devoted to screwing up entries on Wikipedia.
I think the lesson is that the more established something is, the more likely it is to be bullshit. And by that logic, “our glorious traditions” must have the biggest bullshit content.
Welcome to the club, dear CJ! I could write a book about the Pedia myself, but writing is your department, not mine, and besides one third of it would easily be dedicated to references to a slew of similar experiences by characters as far apart from each other as Daniele Ganser, Joseph Mercola or Rebelión. And another third I’d leave to my cousin, but I doubt he still would have anything to do with the Pedia anymore.
His story, from memory. About 15 years ago, he went in early retirement and decided he could just as well use his real name for such a noble endeavour as the Pedia. Within a couple of months, it was decreed that his name was a pseudo, a “sock puppet”, or something of the sort, for some other character, and he was wiped away. His crime? Adding a couple of links, some of which were articles on Wikipedia in other languages, and at least one was to an in-depth online research into a paedophilia scandal a couple of decades earlier. Common to all of these links, just like the scandal itself: they referred to the Vatican. Paedophilia and the Vatican, ohmygod!
Right away a slew of users and administrators went after his ass. The leader of the pack was a self-declared fan of pope Razi, who quickly removed the statement from his udrt page when it was pointed out. There then came some really weird occurrences, such as someone using my cousin’s name to post attacks on Wikipedia in blogs of the mainstream press, or claims by the administrators that some descendants of a long-dead personality involved in that same scandal were about to sue Wikipedia. As my cousin told me at the time, he was attacked, banned, insulted, trashed and bashed, and this even kept going on when he tried to appeal to the Wikimedia foundation. So at some point, he got fed up and did what years in business had taught him to do when the idiots at the bottom can’t use their brains: he contacted “the boss”, Jimmy What’shisname himself. And got a polite reply, saying that he’d forward the case to some second-in-command. Which second-in-command never got in touch, but soon after my cousin’s personal page got deleted — i.e. not just blocked, but deleted as if he’d never existed.
Of my own fun with the Pedia, I’ll just mention one instance. Open this page, my favourite author of the English speech (that was before CJ Hopkins was born):
and take a look at the very beginning of the article. There had been an error at some official Library thing in the US, and that error had been reproduced in the English-language Wikipedia for a while, until somebody had realised that the man himself probably knew when he was born. When I found out that all the other Wikipedias still carried the wrong birth date, I proceeded to correct each one of them. No problem, until I hit upon the bureaucratic ego of some puny French administrator who couldn’t tolerate the idea that an official institution might be mistaken. For a couple of months we went on playing the edit & revert game, until I concocted the bizarre and slightly ironic formulation (probably quite understandable even if you’re not a French speaker), which no one has retouched in the three years that have gone by. Wiki-o-crats’ sense of the preposterous isn’t any different from that of other petty people in power.
A change is coming – we may yet get the real Lord Chief Justice, Leveson to complete his Inquiry and make recommendations on ALL publishers – including FB and Wikipedia. Imagine the amount of clean-up they will have to undertake and the fines they will pay!
A sweet dream!
”Attempted book fraud” is a VERY serious crime. No one should be making light of such a heinous act.
For shame, Mr. Hopkins – for shame…
As I’m sure everyone is aware, there now seem to be dozens, if not hundreds, of Wiki spin-offs e.g. Conservapedia, Metapedia, Rationalwiki, Uncyclopedia etc. There seems to be one for every outlook. And numerous – mostly witless – parodies. Actually the “serious” ones are funnier than the “comedy” ones. They’ve changed the page now but I recall going to Conservapedia’s entry on Richard Dawkins and the first thing I saw was a picture of Hitler!
My favorite parody of truth comes from Langley: Intellipedia.
We are on their terrain, the internet was hatched at DARPA, American branded, as a counter-insurgency weapon. But WHOSE?
When Hitler’s “bodyguard” Otto Skorzeny fled the “fall” of the Reich (or re-location to Langley) to Argentina and a stint as Evita’s bodyguard, he was rumored to be the director of die Spinne (“The Spider”). A protection agency for the Nazi diaspira
Have you ever asked (as I have on occasion) what patrols a World Wide Web?
Well, a World Wide Spider, of course!
I puzzled for years why every broadcast, for years, repeats the “www” ad infinitum, for decades. That has burnt up billions and billions of $ in airtime, not cheap.
Turns out it was named at CERN, as Web aficianados will tell you.
My father, a Freemason, waited several years, 1967, to get a main phone number for his large corporate law firm when he relocated in Beverly Hills 90210 to a nearby “ziggurat” near Rodeo Drive (, insisting on one that ended in 333, which is the Masonic power number.
In my early teens then, and as a non-Mason, I asked him about the importance of it, but he was always evasive, or dilatory, as to the actual significance.
But I always filed it away under “X” for further review. I noticed a few years ago that the wiki on Tesla notes, oddly, that he died “alone” in room 3327 of the Hotel New Yorker. (27 of course is the cube of 3.) In Scott Noble’s awesome 5 part film, “CounterIntelligence”, a recent follow-up to the estimable PSYWAR, the first part has a clip from a 40s film noir with shadowy characters leaving a building, and you glimpse briefly the number “333” above the door in beveled glass, as the address. The number is enclosed in what looks like the two half circles of the Christian “icthos” or “fish sign” but is more probably a stylized Masonic “eye”, a symbol with a long history.
In English, the letter “W” is right before the X but is written, in English as a double “V’. As it is spoken in French, “Le double V”.
But in English, most remarkably, it is spoken or called out as a “U”, which is, also remarkably, the letter which precedes V and W.
Now, two U’s, when doubled, joined side by side, and turned 90° to the left, become a 3. And “www” in that format becomes 333.
I have puzzled for well over 25 years about the triple w, but it was only the other night that I grasped that it is 333, turned on it’s side.
Just sayin’ …
“Lord High Togneme Vicarus”?
I followed the links and found these treasures:
Is this a piss-take? Or have I stumbled on some Lovecraftian collection of ancient tomes?
And on perusing the CJ Hopkins talk page I think I can safely surmise that Wikipedia has now created a whole new language similar to lawyerspeak e.g. “remove warning tag. Königubu (talk)” which directs me to a “page doesn’t exist” tag.
But when CJH says he haven’t insulted Trump nearly enough fo Wiki, he has hit the proverbial mail on the head. He is oppositional but not one of the designated opposition. Therefore he must be disappeared.
Hopkins doesn’t seem to mind when his work appears on websites like Russia Insider, which is riddled with Nazi fan boys, bigots, racist, fascist, homophobia, antisemitism etc,etc
I’m sure he wouldn’t be seen dead with these people, but getting the message out is obviously more important
Oh and it’s not just Hopkins is it off-guardian?
It’s even worse than you imagine, Mr. Crispy. I wouldn’t even prevent The New York Times from republishing my essays, and they helped launch a textbook War of Aggression which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. In fact, I don’t prohibit anyone from republishing my satire and commentary, nor do I have time to monitor and publicly denounce all who do.
Well you should!
If your work appears on fake news websites with pro Nazi bigot readers, such as
Russia Insider then don’t be at all surprised if you get tarred with same brush
“fake news websites with pro Nazi bigot readers, such as The New York Times” is what you meant.
We’ll have to try hard to get them on hasbara troll sites peddling genocidal Zionist filth instead.
What a great response CJ. Then again, I guess like writers on this type of site the measure is not to compromise on what or how you write to ‘fit in’ not who decides to publish. That’s how things should be.
One thing I take issue with are those who compromise their true beliefs to write for a publisher and those ‘experts’ on the Middle East or Russia in the mainstream who actually seem to believe what they write.
The field of “climate change” has a long history of benders: William Connelley was a main culprit
You’ve been Wiki-ed CJ.
Interestingly Wikipedia or Whack-a-mole as I often think of it, bears an uncanny resemblance to Encyclopedia Galactica, which according to citations in Whacky-molea, “…was a compendium of all knowledge then available in the Galactic Empire, intended to preserve that knowledge in a remote region of the galaxy in the event of a foreseen galactic catastrophe.”
“The Encyclopedia is later revealed to be an element in an act of misdirection, with its real purpose being to concentrate a group of knowledgeable scientists on a remote, resource-poor planet, with the long-term aim of revitalizing the technologically stagnant and scientifically dormant empire.”
Sounds like a modern parable we’ve uncovered here CJ!
*kin hilarious
Best laugh I have had all week
Thanks C J
My own experience is somewhat different
Some time ago I consulted the oracle to look up a famous scientist for whom I have some regard and was disgusted to find no article for him.
Too lazy to write one, I thought I would try and provoke someone in the Ministry of Truth into doing it for me…
So I surfed around for a few minutes and copied and pasted a few scattered references into a new article, saved it and published it… breaking all the rules, not properly referenced and using a couple of images and links that I just copied etc.
If I say so myself it was a textbook case of what is explicitly disallowed and exactly the sort of thing that we are informed will be instantly deleted.
A while later I checked it out and wow… Someone had sorted it out and cleaned it up with proper formatting and references etc.
A year later I looked again and it had grown and expanded to become a veritable goldmine of information and quite a decent a biography…
Tweak Tweak… Pico-memetic-engineering
You are blessed.
First they ignore you.
Then they ridicule
Finally they fight you.
Then you win.
Here is moa’ s trajectory.
‘Eight and a half years ago when the war on Syria began, Turkey played the most important role. Weapons were smuggled from Libya through Turkey to be delivered to ‘Syrian rebels’. Over the years t’
You guy’s are guiding lights. We are following
That waz bernard btw
Whatever. Keep it coming. Truth will out.
Bring back the Encyclopædia Britannica (7th Edition).
Why? It’s Wikipedia in book form!
What a story! I’ve tried to edit Wikipedia articles related to 9/11 to have them immediately reverted.
But Wikipedia is an excellent source of clues for power elite fakery because they always let us know when they’re hoaxing us with various kinds of signs such as over-the-top ridiculousness; things not adding up; contradiction between show and tell; poor expression, grammar and spelling and inappropriate tone and register; the actual truth; Masonic signs and symbols and on and on. Whenever I suspect fakery my first point of call is Wikipedia. It was here, after a glamorous photo of Chelsea aroused my suspicions, that I learnt how Chelsea sequestered files to deliver Wikileaks (in fact, I have a vague memory of this at the time but in 2010 I was utterly clueless and would never have suspected any chinks in Chelsea’s profile as a genuine leaker at that time).
“On January 5, 2010, Manning downloaded the 400,000 documents that became known as the Iraq War logs. On January 8, she downloaded 91,000 documents from the Afghanistan database, known later as part of the Afghan War logs. She saved the material on CD-RW and smuggled it through security by labeling the CD-RW media “Lady Gaga”. She then copied it onto her personal computer. The next day, she wrote a message in a readme.txt file, which she told the court was initially intended for The Washington Post.”
We are told Adrian was 22 (magical multiple of 11 – September 11, 2001, JFK – 22/11/63) when he reported Chelsea, also 22, in 2010. We are told he died last year at the age of 37 which adds up according to his year of birth (1981) given in Wikipedia, while the age of 22 in 2010 does not.* Wikipedia also tells us ‘Nearly three months later, the Sedgwick County Regional Forensic Science Center reported that “Despite a complete autopsy and supplemental testing, no definitive cause of death was identified.”‘ Mysterious, no? The rest of Adrian’s bio is the usual stilted nonsense-sounding stuff. Note also that Chelsea received 22 charges and she was said to spend 22 hours a day in solitary confinement. (No signs of this ordeal in her oh-so-happy first interview after it with Juju Chang, ABC Nightline’s anchor and active member of the Council on Foreign Relations – You wouldn’t read about it but the age of the Reuters news photographer, Namir Noor-Eldeen, allegedly killed was – you guessed it – 22! His driver/assistant Saeed Chmagh was 40 (4=2+2, zeroes don’t count – think that’s pushing it? It’s really not.)
* Compare Malcolm Quantrill, witness at the Bologna station bombing in 1980 who the BBC tells us was 44 (magical multiple of 11) when according to Wikipedia he would have been 49. The age of another witness at Bologna, Simon Gray, is given as 22 – the playwright, Simon Gray, was married to a Rothschild, although obviously this wasn’t the same Simon Gray, assuming there was any witness called Simon Gray.
Knowing that 9/11 and the post-9/11 anthrax attacks were hoaxes perpetrated by the US government, I believe from perusing his CV that Julian’s current lawyer, Mark Summers, is controlled opposition just like Chelsea –
And antifa? There is abundant evidence that the trouble at Charlottesville was staged.
Comment on video below
I get it now. If the right wont become violent with leftist provocation then the left just hires people to dress up and play both sides and tells them to go all crazy on each other so people will think both sides are violent. Which is then used by the left to label everyone on the right as violent neo Nazi white supremacist KKK members. That’s a sneaky plan. And the media just goes along with it. Only liberals that think like Hitler could come up with a society dividing culture crushing plan like that. If that’s the case then both liberals and conservatives are getting conned into an unneeded civil war based on lies and liberal propaganda.
Several people commented also on how people wearing KKK shirts and people wearing Black Lives Matter shirts were on the same buses. The video is bookmarked to spot wear person comments on this – but who knows whether this person was a genuine witness or simply someone hired to push out the signs that they always push out when they’re hoaxing us – in fact, considering the video hasn’t been deleted who knows whether the video is also pushed out to tell us the truth that they do, bless their hearts, tell us if we read the event properly. They always keep us guessing.
Information on Wikipedia can be divided into two distinct groups — ‘non-controverisal and ‘controversial’. The latter is the bulk of its information — there’s nothing political in articles about the different electrical outlets used around the world or even the biography of well-known people. Once you stray into political waters then you’re in a world of claim and counter-claim, professional reputation management and a whole mess of political incorrectness. Its pretty easy to figure out what articles these would be and while Wikipedia does a great job of maintaining relative sanity among the edits its probably best to steer clear of them until the factual dust settles.
Off-Guardian is a much better forum for controversy and comment than Wikipedia. Maybe the next step in this site’s development would be to offer a Wiki area where we can all fight over the truth? It may not achieve much but it would be a fascinating ride.
Smearing is a fact of life Herr Hopkins….
I worked for an MI6 front organisation years ago. Of course when I was hired, I was unaware of that. To say I was unimpressed was as nothing as compared to what I felt when me quietly seeking ways to leave was cause for all kinds of allegorical smearing, surveillance and more. And I was hardly a famous person…
Power politics involves all kinds of threats, blackmail, smearing, ostracism and worse. It is why I have always pissed on politics from the outside in: threatening people gives me no pleasure and dealing with those who issue threats makes me extremely angry. Shining unfavourable lights on unsavoury people is easy when you are beyond threats, beyond bribes and beyond hierarchies. It is only dangerous when ‘ambition’ means you are prepared to sacrifice principles for status.
What is most depressing is that careers like science and medicine are controlled by spies in the UK. You do not become a consultant medic in London without spying: sick, eh? Harsh reality.
In fact, I do not think there are any careers you can rise up in without embracing spying and the security services.
Perhaps it was ever this??
I began pointing out to those with an interest, how Wikipedia had a piece on Operation PAPERCLIP that had a box after NASA and A-bomb scientists, listing with links Reinhard Gehlen and Otto von Bolschwing, an infamous mass-murderer who lived almost 40 years after WW II as a cozy executive in Sacramento CA.
When I checked the piece recently, that section on Intel had been deleted, without a trace, and the whole piece reconfigured.
I find Wikipedia priceless, if you have some real familiarity with your subject, for so many such sins of omission.
Otherwise, too often trashable.
It’s taken them years to note that Dr. John Trump, a distinguished MIT physicist and professor -who was given the papers of Nikolà Tesla by the FBI and then lied all up and down about their relevance (which can be proven) was the only brother of Donald Trump’s father Fred.
Laughably at one point a year before the 2016 (s)Election, they ENDED their piece with one terse paragraph “He was the uncle of New York real estate developer Donald J. Trump.”
Oh. That one.
Sometimes I believe that they run their site just to see who complains about things like that. The rest is just decorative in purpose.
But Dr. Trump was a real lab specimen of a scientist moonlighting as spook, to follow your thread. It’s more and more a mandate. The real template for that seems made in America. By way of the Gestapo.
“I would never have agreed to the formulation of Central Intelligence Agency, back in ’47, if I had known then it would become the American Gestapo.” -Harry Truman
I think “Cross” is a luminary of our favourite publication, The Guardian.
Though his somewhat poisonous output is so voluminous that he could make up an entire hasbara troll factory.
he could make up an entire hasbara troll factory.
How do you know that isn’t exactly what this persona is? The fact of it being active every single day for years is highly suggestive.
I discovered that long time ago!
If the information that you are looking for is not in the least controversial ,you might have a look at what wikipedia has to say about it .But caviat emptor for what you may be buying as truth .
On anything else especially political in nature ,stay as far away from them as you will be led astray , if not by outright lies , lies by omission ,spin and or propaganda.
Here is another article on wikipedia by Whitney Webb on Mint Press you might want to check out.
Wikideceivia delenda est!
I never touch it, even with a barge-pole and welding gauntlets. Consider it a cess-pit of incurable deceit, and dump it comprehensively. (I assure you: life goes on without it; as does the ability to find reliable information about just about any subject.) And please, don’t be sucked in by that ‘non-controversial subjects are more reliable’ schtick. If your information is processed through a moral and intellectual sewer, then everything – literally – that it produces is going to be shit-smeared. How is it possible to be sure that ANY particular item isn’t so smeared? Unless you look elsewhere too, it isn’t. And if you’re looking elsewhere anyway, who needs a dip in the sewer?
Simple, prudent rule of thumb: never have any truck at all with Wikideceivia, on any excuse. Leave it to die of its own toxicity, as more trustworthy alternatives emerge. It’s quite beyond any degree of trust.
Wikideceivia delenda est! (Sorry Cato!)
If everything is processed through a moral and intellectual sewar, and all that other stuff you just wrote, then why do you read off- guardian?
Oh dear me sorry Admin couldn’t resist, it’s my sense of humour, got the better of me,won’t happen again,promise😇
I suppose CJ Hopkins can always chance his arm with Putin’s new Russian version of Wikipedia
You believe yourself to be a lot wittier than you really are. It’s not your strong point. Stick to rehearsing imperial talking points. A lot less embarrassing.
Its you people who think Putin’s regime is fantastic, so why shouldn’t this bloke take himself off to the Russians, if its true as you lot keep saying that Putin, along with a few other countries represent some sort of fair new world order, shouldn’t he give it a go?
Trolls here, trolls there…. trolls everywhere. Arn’t the fine upstanding people at Jacobin missing you? Just out of pure curiosity Crisp, do you have any links with the Democrats? Are you related to Hillary Clinton or Adam Schiff by any chance?
Indeed. Trolls to the left. Trolls to the right. Into the valley of trolls ….
Rocky Horror Picture Show George? 😁
No George, its actually much worse
Its right wing bigoted, Nazi’s,homophobia, anti Semitic propaganda in a perfect potential storm with idiot’s from the left
Very ironic how left and right can be played so effectively by Putin’s RT International and Sputnik so called news channels, I’m not even gonna mention all the mad alternative news sites/ blogs promoting fascism and totalitarian stupidity
Unfortunately this site is keeping some very bad company, although i suspect they don’t care, better to follow the ‘ narrative ‘ and get the ‘ message’ out isn’t it!
Yes – I had a feeling my “to the left …to the right” may have been a bad idea. I was just riffing on The Charge of the Light Brigade. Nothing to do with left/right politics. But since that’s come up, there is very little genuine left around – certainly not in mainstream politics nor in Troll land.
Useful idiots abound on the Right. Although the true powers there are not idiots at all. They know perfectly well that they are looking out for themselves and all that capitalist apologetic economic boiler plate is merely a smoke screen – which smoke screen is being sincerely applied by the aforementioned useful idiots.
And then there is the phoney left i.e. the bourgeois liberal identity politics crowd. This is the designated opposition that sets up Trump as “The Enemy” when they are all in it together.
And then there’s you, crispy, with that familiar manoeuvre of “a plague on both their houses” but then you show your true colours by attacking the left.
([the brilliant] Stealers Wheel ‘Stuck in the middle with you’, 1973)
Who exactly among us regular OffG thinks that the Putin ‘regime’ is fantastic?! No regime is ever ‘fantastic’ It’s just that some are more dangerous and murderous than others. Who wants to rule the world exactly, and who goes about it by political interference and the massive use of force? Who reckons itself to be the indispensible nation with a divine mandate to rule over humanity. Yes, it takes some fanaticism to admit to the fact that the deaths of some 500,000 Iraqi children resulting from US sanctions against Iraq between the two gulf wars was, in the lovely Madeleine Albright’s words was ‘worth it.’
But don’t even get me started on the US little middle-east pit bull – Israel – the zionist apartheid state, sorry Jews only in this illegal settlement of formerly Palestinians – Palestinians need not apply.
Francis Lee you’re indulging in Red- Brown propaganda, pushed out by the kremlin
You’re old enough to know better
As for Iraqi children’s deaths, who were these children?
were they the children of those who supported the regime, or useful propaganda tools,collateral damage to blame the west and its sanctions, or children of the opposition?
You know its easy to pump out propaganda, but please give me a break down on who these children are, in relation to a murderous regime
Same with Assad, to many daft so called journalist given the red carpet treatment, useful idiots in one respect, but also childish narcissists full of themselves, people who basically hate the west, frankly TRAITOR’S
Dont be a foolish man and help them
You want their names and addresses?
Which makes them expendable?
This is like the Israeli claim that Palestinians are using their own children as shields. Yes- victims of the West are deliberately planted there to give the West a bad name!
Once again – we are asked for names and addresses. And – umm – which murderous regime are we talking about? The West perhaps?
Ah patriotism – the last …and first and second and every refuge of the scoundrel.
Just the usual Zionist ploy, blame the victim.
Probably not worth trying to deconstruct the semi-literate diarrhoea of this crispy cretin dummy. You’re dignifying his nonsense with far more than it could possibly merit.
Better let this amoeba slither off and do his good work elsewhere.
Indeed, one debases oneself by even attempting to engage with these fascist disinfo scum.
milosovic i agree absolutely, but why do so many on this site support conspiracy nonsense like 9/11 and a whole bunch of nutty Nazi Putin fan boys, after all they are the true scum
Unfortunately you wont be able to answer as I’m now banned!
why do so many on this site support conspiracy nonsense like 9/11
and a whole bunch of nutty Nazi Putin fan boys
I’m not interested in your links
Frankly I’ve been treated in an appalling way on this site for simply having my own opinion
I’ve been subjected to what amounts to hate speech with all the vile and nasty language, not to mention the endless blocking of my comments
Obviously free speech doesn’t exist here unless it conforms with the prevailing group think
The only comments of yours we have disallowed are the repetitive and content-free ad hom attacks
Don’t be too hard on the poor lad.
He has to earn his shekel a line.
Does that mean you don’t trust Putin to have a fact based Russian version of Wikipedia?
If you wouldn’t trust a Russian Wikipedia, why trust RT International? Or for that matter those who appear on said channel
There is indeed a Russian-language version of Wikipedia but it is not run by the Russian government, if that is what you had in mind.
You’re obviously behind the curve, as putin wants this to be about Russia, you know the kind of Russia Putin wants, all clean and shiny and white and free of western degenerates and dangerous liberalism
Sounds like the Soviets are back in town, corruption, bent oligarchs,cronyism, hysteria about the wicked west,and lashings of dumb state capitalism, lets close ourselves off from the world whilst we’re at it
Yup Putin’s Wikipedia will be exported to a bent authoritarian regime, coming soon, probably North Korea
I don’t know if that’s what Putin wants.
Sounds good to me.
Though he comes a very poor second in the corruption/ oligarchs/ corruption/ hysteria stakes to our domestic product.
Go back to Netflix, imbecile.
It’s probably a mistake to assume that these personae must either be imbeciles or disinfo agents. There’s no reason at all why they can’t simultaneously be both.
I agree. This one’s probably some dumbfuck British squaddie tasked by queen and country with helping to re-shape the landscape of public opinion online.
Or so he’s been led to believe.
Would you trust Putin’s Wikipedia?
It couldn’t be worse than the one we’ve got.
Why trust RT.
Because it is a more professional, more convincing, more coherent, better quality product than the Zionist controlled BBC and Murdoch lie factories, which forfeited all integrity long ago and abandoned all pretence of balance and objectivity.
Shekel a line? For crispy-shite? Ridiculous over-pricing of a no-hoper. Quarter shekel per thousand words, surely.
And remember folks, DR.DADE’s specific is always the best cure for trolls, especially witless-dolt trolls: Don’t Read. Don’t Answer, Don’t Engage. I’m now comfortably cured of any problem from the crispy-toxin; never go anywhere near it! Join me…?
It’s certainly appropriate not to engage disinfo trolls, but there may be value in pointing out that’s what they are, for the edification of other people who might not have known them as such, but having been made aware of the phenomenon, will recognize them in the future.
For more on the workings of WikiCIApedia see:
I don’t fully get the volunteer editors at Wikipedia. All that unpaid time, effort and level of commitment. The degree to which they invest mind, heart and soul into their edits. The surge of bristling defence and of spluttering of offence-taking when a mild edit or alteration is suggested. They’re not all like that, by any means, but a significant number are. Is this where the missing train-spotters went? Where the battalions of civil war re-enactment societies went? Is it an expression of mild autism or Asberger’s? I don’t know. But I don’t fully get it.
What I do know is the example and history of the Phillip Cross drama, the lingering presence stage-right of tainted Zionists in national UK dailies (once respected newspapers), and the deliberate trashing of reputations and persons of the left. All this has opened my eyes. And Wikipedia don’t get my trade any more.
The willingness to persistently push, lobby, and manipulate, coerce, override, and wear out any rival or opposition is a war engaged with resources and commitment – and when across a broad spectrum of influence – effective.
The idea of open platforms of information and exchange becomes itself weaponised.
Once we recognise that we withdraw credibility – well I do.
If there is no contention I may find out useful information. But many things have contentious underpinnings that we are not aware of.
Not only softer sciences like history but Science itself not without controversy and narrative consensus is not without the issue of WHO decided, HOW or WHY.
Funding, reputation, market opportunity, weapons and levers of advantage, all come into play.
The temptation of technologism is of course the ‘One Ring’ idea of systemic control – not just of a political nature – but of thought and behaviour and access to life services such as energy and water or freedom to make choices as to better ways to maintain health and immunity than a top down unaccountable mandate of sickness management.
Anti-Fa are the equivalent of Hitler’s Brownshirts. Stifling public debate with street violence. Never attacking the Corporate-Government (Fascism) complex.
Want to be true anti fascist? Attack the Federal Reserve, the Pentagon, or Wall Street.
The Proud Boys and Anti-fa, both are just street theater to keep focus away from the true Fascists.