GE2019 Reveals True Purpose of “Antisemitism” Smear Campaign
With the call of the election, we see the early fruition of years of propaganda
Kit Knightly
The centrists really didn’t want this election. The reasons were never made especially clear. I know some people said it was a trick to force through No Deal Brexit, and apparently it means some (as yet unidentified) school had to cancel its Christmas fete.
If there was ever a story to sum up this election – a parent just contacted me to say that the primary school is having to stop their Christmas Fete which was to raise funds because of cuts, because the school will be a polling station.
— Jess Phillips Esq., (@jessphillips) November 7, 2019
That all seems rather shallow, or even stupid, reasoning on which to object to a chance to take power and reform the country. And yet hundreds of Labour MPs abstained the vote to approve the election.
Why is this?
Why are Labour MPs upset at the idea of being in power?
Why didn’t notionally “liberal” or “progressive” columnists cheer on the idea of removing Britains “hard right” government?
Because the only alternative is Jeremy Corbyn, and a whole raft of policies they pretend to support, but would never vote for.
As is so often the case, The Guardian is the perfect case study. A little ants nest of neo-liberals, scurrying around in desperate efforts to excuse their loyalty to the wealthy elite. None daring to even vaguely endorse Labour.
Polly Toynbee would prefer a hung parliament.
Suzanne Moore rails against the “forced binary” which forces us “fix identities and form hierarchies” , whilst artfully neglecting to endorse any particular candidate.
She smugly rides above it all, sneering at people who invoke “austerity” and “the working class”, brandishing her lack of values as a sign of her hip modernity. Her line…
I reject the false binary between “austerity” and a tolerable amount of antisemitism”
…gives just a taste of bitter gruel ladled out by Jonathan Freedland today.
Nowhere is the situation better encapsulated than in his column, “Many Jews want Boris Johnson out. But how can we vote for Jeremy Corbyn?”
Here we see four years of carefully cultivated black propaganda being efficiently harvested by a master of intellectual dishonesty.
From the unctuous tone, to the incredibly manipulative (and presumptuous) use of the word “we”. To the frankly appallingly inappropriate invoking of the holocaust. It’s a master-class in Guardian editorial style.
“Style”, as opposed to “substance”.
I have nothing but contempt for Johnson and his hard-right party, the prospect of Prime Minister Corbyn fills me with dread. Not, I stress, the prospect of a Labour government, committed to spending billions on schools, hospitals and houses – Britain needs that badly – but specifically the notion of Corbyn and his inner circle running the country.
You’ll notice here he just off-handedly endorses the policies, which makes a change because I don’t think he’s ever previously written anything in support of any decision of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, their proposed policy or their manifesto.
But, in this instance, he needs to make his readers understand he’s a nice guy who likes all the right things.
This isn’t about policy – he “stresses” it – this is about something else.
What is that something else?
We’re not sure, he doesn’t say. He suggests, he implies, but he doesn’t say.
Because he can’t. Because “don’t vote for Corbyn or he’ll round up all the Jews in camps” is an absurd argument.
He cites a survey – of only 700 people, and commissioned Jewish Leadership Council – which claims 87% of Jews believe Corbyn is an antisemite.
This number is, of course, ridiculous. And meaningless, because the number of people who think something has no relation to whether or not it’s true. There was a time, not so long ago, when that wouldn’t need to be said.
He mentions Chris Williamson, and that mural, and the “English irony line”, and the BBC Panorama episode. Lies and distortions all. Readily and easily debunked over and over and over again.
Why retreat to tired arguments, long ago discredited? Well, sadly, because they work. But also because he can’t do anything else.
He can’t say “Jeremy Corbyn hates the Jews”, because that’s libel.
He can’t say “Labour will enact anti-Jewish policies”, because that’s laughable.
And he can’t say “vote for the Conservatives”, because that would be bad for his brand.
Instead, he simply gives a vague, fear-mongering, deliberately deceptive account for his refusal to endorse a party, despite their policies being everything his carefully cultivated media person should agree with.
Jonathan Freedland really wants to vote for Labour, honest.
He really wants to redistribute wealth, and re-nationalise industry, and reform our militaristic foreign policy…he really would love to do all that.
But he can’t.
Because the lies he’s been telling for the last four years force him not to.
Funny how that works out.
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The above link concerns statements by the current Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, Ken Macintosh. The PO is the equivalent of the Commons Speaker and is meant to take a neutral path politically at all times. In this outburst he attacks his own Party, he was a Labour MSP, over anti-Semitism and, incredibly, claims that matters raised by MSPs concerning Israel are “disproportionate”. How’s that for neutrality?
Jonathan Cook fills in the gaps we may have missed
So what did the daily Fail do over the weekend?
Last week they suddenly decided to offer Liddl customers a voucher for shopping there for xmas (the foreign owned discounters that are wiping the floor with Waitrose’s and other British supermarkets i.e the traditional tory voting Mail readers choice).
So, many more copies published (costly); many vouchers given away (humongously costly) and copies given away (whats a few pence extra?)
Why? Because apparently liddl/aldi customers are the austerity worst hit and most likely Labour new voters – so give them the voucher and the paper headlines the £1.3 TRILLIONS scare.
Some will buy it. But they are being scammed.
The DS is desperater by the day.
The manifesto’s haven’t even come out yet.
The Fartage is being told to target only Labour.
Their attack lines from 2017 will not be as effective- the voters have heard it all before. Hence this mornings ‘JC won’t nuke civilians! The bastard.’
Johnson ‘the great white hope’ charismatic performer is predictably just a great one trick pony dope.
He is a surly entiled school boy who will deink what he wants when he wants as late as he wants and would have been better turned out in Foots donkey jacket at the cenotaph yesterday before running away immediately after, so avoiding his smelly breath conversation with the old soldiers who he has zero empathy with.
Bobo is in actual danger of doing fewer live public campaigns then Trezza did in 2017!
Lol, I love it when a plan falls apart!
Meanwhile the election we could have had, with Corbyn as caretaker, was scuppered by Jo Swinson, which has left Johnson in power and able to suppress Russia report, Arcuri and who knows what else for the election. If he keeps power, our democratic rights to know, to hold to account and even to vote will be severely compromised.
Jonathan Freedland wants a London-centric economy full of an excess of migrant labour (who as a result will get paid a pittance) where media bullshitters are wildly overpaid for peddling spin, subversion, misdirection, snake oil salesmanship and sycophancy to Tony Blair et al.
Shame there is no media outlet speaking truth unto the Media Establishment.
It seems that comments on this website are periodically disappeared down the memory hole, in much the same way as is denounced when it happens at the Fraudian. But obvious disinfo trolls are rarely hindered. Funny how that works.
Anyway, I’m out.
— perhaps I was wrong about that. The comments I had in mind, seem to have only gotten lost below the fold.
Can’t that “Load More Comments” thing be removed? What useful purpose is it supposed to serve? Why should I have to click it, every time I refresh the page?
Milo, chill a bit, it is no good flouncing off, it is always better to stand and fight where you can.
But now that you mention it, the ‘fold’ seems to be a bit superfluous and seeing what the Groan is doing it is worth noting how ‘post editors’ are working btl there.
1. Nesting – seems to be random but if checked it seems to hide ‘radical’ posts.
2. Voting – it seems that certain comments require multiple clicks before clocking up.
3. Publishing ‘Guardian Picks’ above the rest of the comments. To hide the most voted comments.
That is quite the most insidious.
Who is the guardian that picks them?
What is their criteria?
How can they be challenged?
So who are ‘Jews for Labour’?
Are they ‘self-haters’? Corbyn will go under a bus – the elite status quo goes on…
Freedland also tweeted (Thursday) about a Labour candidate who had made anti-Semitic remarks. He then tweeted that the Labour Party had contacted him to say he’d got the wrong guy….”So I’ve deleted my tweet.”. That was it. No acknowledgement of bad practice in not checking. Nope. Comments condemning his bad practice btl were deleted.
Unbelievable. But there was worse. The Guardian published the Jewish Chronicle address to “our fellow citizens” on its live blog. Many people responded, civilly, btl. Again, mods went bonkers deleting them. I am awaiting a response to my own enquiry about my post being deleted.
It seems mad that all this sort of stuff does is fuel anti-Semitism.
the Jewish Chronicle address to “our fellow citizens” — that deserves a direct link. after that, perhaps somebody will come along and reassure us about how “jews” and “zionists” are completely separate categories. To all our fellow British citizens The vast majority of British Jews consider Jeremy Corbyn to be an antisemite. In the most recent poll, last month, the figure was 87 per cent. Putting oneself in the shoes of another person, or another group, can be difficult. But we believe it is important — and urgent — that you do that. Perhaps the fact that nearly half (47 per cent) of the Jewish community said in that same poll that they would “seriously consider” emigrating if Mr Corbyn wins on December 12 will give you an indication of what it feels like to be a British Jew at a time when the official opposition is led by a man widely held to be an antisemite. There is racism on all sides of politics and it must be called out wherever it is found. History has forced our community to be able to spot extremism as it emerges — and Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Labour leader in 2015 is one such example. Throughout his career, he has allied with and supported antisemites such as Paul Eisen, Stephen Sizer and Raed Salah. He has described organisations like Hamas, whose founding charter commits it to the extermination of every Jew on the planet, as his “friends”. He has laid a wreath to honour terrorists who have murdered Jews. He has insulted “Zionists” — the word used by antisemites when they mean “Jew” because they think it allows them to get away with it — as lacking understanding of “English irony”. There were some who hoped that he might change as leader.… Read more »
Well, the Jewish Chronicle article was certainly worth reading, as an example of either delusional paranoia or a lying smear campaign. Or both – perhaps they actually believe their own lies. Do 87% of British Jews actually go along with this garbage, as the article claims?
Real Peter
The Jewish Chronicle piece was given plenty of coverage on Politics Live by Coburn. It would make you weep.
Give up reading Freedland as a New Years Resolution. When nobody reads him any more, he is no longer a bullshitting media drone, he is an irrelevant has-been.
It is in the Guardian and the hardcore guardianistas read and believe every word of their old and trusted writers and then repeat them.
They are presstitutes and the readers are willing suckers.
Hang on to your jimmies, because this is going to be the dirtiest election in UK history. That is mainly down to “The Jews.” You have to qualify that. A lot of Jews probably couldn’t care less about politics. Others like Jackie Walker have been victims of the anti Semitism smears themselves. And she is not the only one. Jewish Labour groups have also called out this canard for what it is. But they are totally ignored by the Zionist BBC and Murdoch media. Nevertheless, this hoax was conceived, promoted, facilitated and enabled by all the main Jewish organisations. The Board of Deputies. The Friends of Israel Mafia. The Mossad Office at the Embassy. The Jewish newspapers. Running a non stop vilification campaign with unlimited money. One hysterical smear following another for months and years on end. With the openly expressed intention of “driving Corbyn out of public life.” The motivation for this is Corbyn’s historic position on Palestine, calling for recognition of Palestine and an arms embargo on Israel. The criminalisation of any and all criticism of the Zionist Regime. No matter what it does and how many times it does it. This dovetails into the separate determination of the UK and US Deep States to destroy Corbyn. The UK Spook Organisations have been wheeled out to hyperventilate about Corbyn being a “national security threat.” “We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal” Pompeo has publicly threatened to “take care” of Corbyn. Not even a moderate socialist will be tolerated in any Five Eyes country, as Gough Whitlam discovered to his cost in 1975. And they certainly won’t tolerate an ex CND Chairman/ Chile Solidarity/ Nicaragua Solidarity Palestine Solidarity/ character. Hence the Kremlin Stooge/ Terrorist Sympathiser campaigns, which didn’t gain much traction and were replaced by the anti Semitism hoax. But… Read more »
But if Labour’s election campaign is derailed, and Labour possibly destroyed, a lot of Labour members will blame “The Jews,” as well as the Deep States. And they will be justified in doing so.
— and then, for the first time in a very long time, we can have a serious public conversation about what is actually going on in the world, and what might usefully be done about it.
‘A lot’ is relative. I’ve heard there is an Australian aborigine tribe whose number system is “none, one, two, three, many”. That may be a fact, I haven’t checked it. Here’s a falsifiable hypothesis instead: a lot more Labour members, proportionally, will blame neither of those (by whatever amount a ‘landslide’ might be) and ‘antisemitism’ will rank high amongst what they do blame.
Well either the UK voters will agree with the spooks or the ballot boxes will have to be stuffed.
Let no one believe we do not need an iron watch on electoral fraud in the UK: we should assume we are a banana republic where elections are concerned, then we will do the proper checks for probity, ballot box swapping etc etc.
What is so ridiculous is saying that Mossad can operate in the UK under plain cover meddling in elections. Jews fixing and rigging foreign elections should see every Jew living in this country forced to choose between Uk citizenship and the State of Israel. No ‘I want both’, they either tell the Israeli embassy to shut up shop and go back home, or they leave the UK for good.
Jews rigging elections are reality, Russians rigging elections is broadly misdirection.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore a certain group of people who are unaccountably at the heart of so much chicanery and pure evil.
No. I don’t think it is right to say it is ‘ down to the Jews’. Certainly Zionists and people with Zionist sympathies appear to have had a hand in it. I think that the ‘ neo liberal conspiracy’ seems quite plausible too.
Darren Allen’s illuminating takedown of the Guardian:
Corbyn has skilfully called the bluff of the Blairites and Lib Dems by going for the election – forcing them to out themselves as Johnson-supporting opportunists using Remain as a weapon against him. Hence the fumbling for ridiculous excuses about Corbyn not being ‘fit’ to be Prime Minister and the anti-Semitism fakery.
All the Guardian coterie really care about is their warmongering sponsors, with the show of being compassionate on domestic matters merely a smokescreen. Corbyn has played his hand well, as he puts Remain voters in the position of knowing the defeat of Johnson is the only chance of delaying or stopping Brexit, while he provides Northern Leave voters with the kind of anti-establishment red meat that they were lacking at the time of the referendum.
Despite the polls, the manoeuvres about Farage standing and the almost hysterical scare stories about Corbyn suggest the Tories fear they could lose the election – and I’m inclined to think they might.
A 100 comments!
Corbyns ‘genius’ move has been to avoid a coup at the centre of Empire.
‘He’ has avoided , so far, the foisting of a GNU.
We got a choice.
Let us make it.
their warmongering sponsors
yes, the neo-cohens.
The hysteria over Corbyn is illuminating. He’s hardly a firebrand but he is “Old Labour” i.e. actual Labour – and that in itself may be enough to cause apoplexy amongst the neoliberal attack dogs, living in constant terror of their masters’ wrath at the slightest diminution of profits. After four decades of unceasing privatisation and the decimation of the public services comes a menacing hiccup: not so much Corbyn himself as the fact of his popularity.
Now various American commentators have noted that the real threat to American interests doesn’t lie in a physical threat from one of their backdoor butcher shop regimes being overthrown but in the appearance of a good example – an alternative order i.e. a signal of hope. The popularity of Corbyn, over and above what he may be able to do (which may not be much) is the real threat. The ruling class are well served by an all-consuming despair amongst the masses. But hope is lethal to them.
And I realise that my diversion to American politics may seem irrelevant there – but the mechanism is the same. And perhaps we aren’t too far away from being another backdoor butcher shop regime for America?
What do you mean, Corbyn’s no firebrand?
He wants to build some council houses, give some money to the NHS and nationalise the railways (well, maybe.)
If that doesn’t make him the New Hitler, I don’t know what does.
Didn’t the Old Hitler actually do all three of those things?
What more proof do you want?
I suppose that means that, under neoliberal dogma, the only permissable form of economic activity is powered by rich bastards getting richer. Oh hang on – wasn’t that what Hitler was REALLY all about?
He was a vegetarian and a teetotaller as well.
It’s all pretty obvious when you look at it.
”What do you mean, Corbyn’s no firebrand?
He wants to build some council houses, give some money to the NHS and nationalise the railways (well, maybe.)”
Sorry Mark can’t do that in the EU. Nor can we have capital controls, unrestricted movement of Labour and commodities. Nor, as members of NATO can we have an independent foreign policy. We live in an occupied American zone. There are only 2 political parties in the UK, HM Government and HM loyal opposition.
The LibDems want this election to be about tactical voting in order for them to get as many seats as possible in a Tory government.
I want this election to be one of revenge for Labour voters saddled with people like Phillips.
If Labour won the election, they would never have a majority and given their target seats are overwhelmingly leave constituencies, I hope Labour voters with anti-Labour MPs stay at home.
OK – I held my nose and ventured into those Cruddian links: Poly Toynbee: “Britain is divided. That’s why we need a hung parliament again” When was Britain last UNdivided? Well I daresay that Morecambe and Wise sketch with Andre Previn united perhaps half the country for five minutes. She speaks (with misted eyes?) about “post-Corbyn times”. And then we get an uncritical regurgitation that smear word “Corbynistas”. But on the whole, a nice little non-committal balancing act. Now Suzanne Moore who is going to tell us about being “alive in the modern world”. Hold on! Ah yes – she’s playing the old parody of an extremist game to tell us that things are more complicated than that. And of course – as noted above – that dismal capitulation to the “anti-Semitism” bullshit. Incidentally, is “a tolerable amount of antisemitism” her only comment on Corbyn’s policies? Of course it is. A balancing act more remarkable than Toynbee’s in that it contains even less content. Oh but now the biggest stench of them all: Freedland. Oh this is fantastic! The thought of a Corbyn victory “prompts in me, and the overwhelming majority of the community I grew up in, a fear that we have not known before.” Well I thought that Dame Hodge’s “I felt like a Jew in Nazi Germany” was sheer hysterical hokum. But this? It mirrors concerned conservative composer James MacMillan’s thoughts on the “Corbynistas”: “Their fanaticism and extremism are not things we have ever seen so close to power in the UK.” And yup – there’s Jonathan’s concern about the evil mural and how Corbyn condemned himself with a single word: “Why?” (Clearly not a word permitted in neocon Zionist circles.) Next up – the hit piece by Panorama. This leads to a link with the headline:… Read more »
Freedland, terrified of an antiracist and one of the few MPs to vote against regime change wars?
Its as if he has absolutely no knowledge of history or geopolitics: who really meant Jews harm, and which regimes are inflicting human rights abuses today.
A Freedland masterclass in selective/confected outrage.
I suspect there’s a deficit in the irony department as well.
a fear that we have not known before
As the saying goes, don’t let the door hit you in the ass, on your way out.
Irony alert: I forgot (once again) about Remembrance Sunday but when I was forcibly reminded (by not being able to drive where I usually go for the masses of weeping patriots) I wondered why our Blairite blowjobbers didn’t seize on this splendid opportunity to hang Corbyn out as a vile dis-respecter of “our brave lads who gave their lives for us” (so we could get shafted all over again). I’m sure the bold J Phillips could have milked this one better than her abandoned Christmas fete.
Is Jonathan Freedland a self-hating socialist?
No, he’s a self-loving Chosenite.
”Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children?!?”
…implores Helen Lovejoy, I mean, Jess Philips.
An appeal to Baroness Warsi to seek her inner Gandhi is my choice of sermon today.
This ugly and dirty religion and politics shit stirring is now being extended to Hindu’s as the Groaniad crowed.
Apparently JC hates Hindus, because some Labour supporters think the Indian PM may be as fascistic as his BNP parties Hindu first philosophy.
Well … now I know that some Hindu settlers in the UK have been compared to high achieving Jewish citizens, and they indeed share the respect for education and professional careers for their children…but to try and convince either group that the Tories are their best mates and really put their interests equal with the ruling white christian english peoples is laughably, BOLLOCKS.
The simple truth is that the Brexit genie was let out by the tories and has led to an INCREASE in racism against all supposedly non-native peoples.
The TORIES caused that.
To expect people to vote for them by claiming the complete opposite; by lying about Corbyn and Labour – to push that lie – is desperately very dirty politics from some obnoxious thinkers and criminal conspiracists.
So it is NOW time that Baroness Warsi does the right thing and finally admits that she is not ever going to change the Tory party from the inside.
That the racism is in-built, that religious intolerance is in-built, that the brittania unchained crowd worship their own god.
That she should follow her conscience and help destroy the AS lie, which is being spiralled into further religious divides by HER party and msm.
Is she going to stand-by and see the Muslim/Hindu divide perpetrated here?
She can knock it out with one blow.
Enough dancing and floating butterflies- time to sting like the bee.
Enjoy a dry afternoon.
PS here is the Stalinism meme creator that bobo has been jesting with
Funded via the Home Office ! Isn’t that supposed to be illegal? Lol.
Yesterday, I kept checking in on the Freedland ‘opinion’ piece, in the vain hope that comments had been opened. But of course the Guardian kept that one well locked down.
And today we have another disingenuous smear job of Corbyn from Andrew Rawnsley, who attempts a laughable pretense of balance, but instead just demonstrates his flair for false equivalence. This piece was opened for comments, but as the BTL response wasn’t quite as agreeable as hoped for, the thread was closed down after two hours.
Off the top 10 most recommended comments on that article – just one is featured as a ‘pick’ amongs many others featured.
A fine lark by the Obssesive Groaniad to side line the commentators they have not barred yet.
Ridiculous Rawnsley, InCohenrant, the rest of the DS crowd there, bbc and LBC etc really will be remembered as Mudd – I expect their happy with their millions.
Honest journalists should refrain from being seen with them.
I’ve reluctantly been following the election – it’s hard not to – with a growing incredulity. And not a little despondency and despair. It is clear how few really understand the Spectacular in the full Debordian sense. Or the co-creation , of the parallel Hyperreality through the politics of outrage and perception managed micro-violence. Of course JC is not an antisemite: but then his politics is so far removed from reality as to be a violence to all life on earth – ultimately challenging its viability. And no one wants to talk about. It will certainly not be an election issue: which makes the result void and Spectacular before even one vote has been cast. Jeremy Corbyn sent me an email the other day: asking me to help design the manifesto. So I sent back the following set of policy proposals. Primary policy: reduce per capita source to sink throughput and resource consumption from the current 3.45 planetary biocapacity equivalence to 0.8 planetary biocapacity equivalence by 2030. As such biophysical and bionergetic flows scale at 1:1 with total economic activity (real not faked GDP): reduce total economic activity by requisite 2.65 planetary biocapacity equivalence – or around 230% (maths is not my strong suit). To make this practicable: existing hierarchical power superstructure mus be dismantled into a non-privileged, non-entitled, classless society. Reverse primitive accumulation: all land, privatised assets and resources – including large inheritances – returned as commons in shared societal stewardship. End private property rights and free enterprise capitalism. All land – when in commons stewardship for the people: immediate transitioned to agroecological and regenerative land management. Peoples permaculture and circular waste management with biochar carbon sequestering cascades. Percentage of land to be allocated for organic agriculture; biomass production (for fuel); organic grassland management and aesthetic amenity to be… Read more »
BigB, your above proposals are too wide ranging for practical electioneering, but they are certainly worth sowing as seeds. Begging pardon in advance, I have taken the liberty of shortening your post [with my suggestions in square brackets thus] as a basis for discussion by the coming generation of ecologically minded young voters. Good of you to dismiss Antispasmism right at the start, as a Blue Labour Herring diversion from the real Socialist issues that it is.
My edition of BigB’s stimulating reply to JC’s call for contributions to a Labour election platform: Of course JC is not a Jew-hater: [he is an authentic British Socialist of Old Labour, so New Liebourites really hate him for his “Leftwing Policies”. Nevertherless the Ecological failings in Corbyn’s policies] will certainly not be an election issue: which makes the result void even [if Labour win on their present platform]. Jeremy Corbyn sent me an email the other day: asking me to help design the manifesto. So I sent back the following set of policy proposals. Primary policy: [A global drive to] reduce resource consumption from the current 3.45 planetary biocapacity equivalence to 0.8 planetary biocapacity equivalence by 2051. [Hence, because the Western Capitalist world is driven by money alone, we must] reduce total monetary activity to match the desired reduction in physical resource consumption. To make this practicable: all land, private property and resources – including large inheritances – to be returned as commons in shared stewardship. End free enterprise capitalism. Agro-ecological regenerative land management. Permaculture and circular waste management with carbon sequestering cascades. Percentage of land to be allocated for agriculture and aesthetic amenity to be decided by [knowledgable] citizens assembly. Electricity transmission on 100% renewable grid. All existing nuclear to be phased out and no new nuclear. [Except for nuclear plants which do not breed Plutonium]. Program for reducing the national grid in favour of 100% renewable micro-grids with limited intermittent capacity and purely local distribution [eg, a Severn barrage]. To be clear: [on a global scale] this means a massive reduction in the current industrialised, capitalised permanent growth machine that is consuming all life on earth. [It means] transition to a substantially Neo-Solar Ecology: [Solar electricity (photo-electric, wind and water) as well as traditional Solar agriculture; all… Read more »
Thanks Vex: but it is not a global drive. The global drive would be for the advanced high consuming; high polluting countries like the UK to rapidly dematerialise – whilst redistributing material resources and thus economic productive output more equitably – and then allow our excess surplus value extraction to be distributed globally so that low consuming resource cursed countries could develop running water, basic sanitation, and some sort of healthcare/education system that our profligate surplus value exploitation denies them. The amount of material reduction and or addition would vary from country to country: region by region – so that some sort of equitable balance can be reached during the transition. I need only respectfully remind you that the UK is the global centre of all the global piracy and profiteering due to overfinancialisation. Closing down the City of London is not going to be mentioned: even as a quadrillion in debt that is a primary driver of destruction looks very systemically fragile and subject to collapse due to any minor shock. This fragility has been the core driver of all UK policy forever. It is never mentioned. When TBliar mentioned it: he and his flatmate Falconer expanded the power of the City: abrogating a long standing Labour promise to shut it down. That expansion is in every way correlated to the current election. The denial of who we really are and our global standing as the carbon bourgeoisie is now more than complete. We are the good guys leading the world to some sort of more equitable future. An inclusive future designed for us by Klaus Schwab at the WEF and implemented by the Labour party for them. I tried to give everyone the heads up in May when I reviewed the Committee for Climate Change policy recommendations as… Read more »
Everything I ever believed in is being consumed by collective madness and mass hallucination. There is nothing anyone can do about it.
It’s particularly annoying that the large majority of hallucinators feel entitled to sneer condescendingly at the small minority who aren’t.
The small compensation is that we are so passive and corporately obedient that the real repressive fascism might be spared. As we are as voluntarily servile as they could possibly want us.
I find this an increasingly comforting thought, these days.
We chose this for ourselves.
Well, I didn’t.
The withdrawal of our obedience to this fucking insanity is the only weapon we had.
I already tried that. It didn’t go well.
As Arundhati Roy said: the corporate revolution stops as soon as we stop buying what they are selling. But we are still buying when there is little enough left to sell.
Anybody who isn’t aboard the conspicuous consumption carousel might be thought strange by their friends and acquaintances. And nobody wants that, do they.
Try using the b-quote for quoted material. Italics are much less clear.
I’m sure I don’t know what a b-quote is.
What you or I or anyone else thinks is of little consequence in this depoliticised world. It is the concilliation of thoughts and beliefs across communities that accounts for our behaviour. On an individual level: our thoughts and actions seem reasonable …no one wakes up in order to destroy the planet. No one. But collectively, across communities, and across countries – that is exactly what we are doing. Seemingly reasonable and benign – even locally helpful – activities are creating chaos. That is what non-linear dynamic systems do. They are not the sum of all relatively benign behaviours (and perception, thought, and behaviour form a co-correlated nexus – perception is for action) …non-linear system dynamics are the amplification of all input variables. Even the seemingly reasonable ones. We act at levels far above the individual. Our actions are emergent and everyone is co-responsible. Everything has a knock on effect and consequences elsewhere. It is a small radically interconnected networked planet at various different levels: psychological; sociological; economic; ecologic; political. We all like to pretend that our votes only have local territorialised boundaries. We see no connection between a vote and the Amazon burning. Or anything else for that matter. Just focus on the end of austerity; the re-nationalisations; and the de-privatisation of the NHS. No one could really argue with this – except Javid and his pseudo-trillion costing. Such unconscious myopia is allowing the core of capitalist accumulation – for which Labour is ‘pro-business’ – to go on unseen. And no one wants to look at that. It’s all someone else’s fault. Simply put: this is wrongheaded. Think about it. If we are victims of an unjust system: we are already the walking dead. If we are the co-constituents of an unjust system: we can change it. This is the… Read more »
Why be against nuclear, the only non-intermittent electricity source without CO2 output or foreign fossil dependency? Plus the “free” warm water for heating etc.
Ok, that last Hinckley-Point C contract with its untested EDF design and Chinese state contractor is plain stupid, but existing designs with more trustworthy contractors as fine.
Many reasons Antonym: apart from the waste. I can’t be arsed to source the papers, but: there is only 13 years of uranium left at current rates of consumption; if you analyse nuclear on a life cycle analysis – it produces very little energy above the FF energy embedded in construction, maintenence, and de-commissioning; risk – nuclear reactors are complex and the more complex they become – the more risk of the being a ‘normal accident’ (see Tainter/Patzek’s analysis of Deepwater Horizon – put simply: the more the complexity, the greater the risk of cascading catastrophic error or systems failure – especially with time and economic pressure); risk – concrete is a relatively short-lived material – as are others – the long term maintenance of nuclear plants is completely reliant on finite fossil fuels …ergo: they cannot be considered as renewable or even rebuildable …with solar? But most basically: cost …as the article makes clear. As do the economics of Hitachi and Toshiba walking away from their respective projects. They cannot get the guaranteed strike price they want. A strike price that is rising: whilst the strike price for renewables is falling. But no amount of renewables can fill the hole we face in the national grid in the next five years. Due to energy density and input resource densities – among other factors – the replacement of FFs and NE is not on a 1:1 basis …more like a 1:10 replacement ratio. The government has been delaying and inhibiting the rounds of auctions for ‘contracts of difference’ until the cost of nuclear comes down. Which it will not. Ergo: we have been de-powering the national grid without replacing the capacity with renewables. We are a bad Winter away from lights out. And if the planned obsolescence of our nuclear… Read more »
The escalated cost for nuclear is from choosing this untested EDF design and (fear of) Green court cases to stall. Some other new designs are becoming more simple: gravity liquid flow without pumps – safer – and much smaller plants that can be located near cities as heat sources. As they are not designed to produce plutonium for bombs the designs can be optimized for civilian use. Low Uranium prices show that there is plenty more, some say 500 years worth. And than there are fast breeder plants to make more fuel.
It is not a good policy to bet on one horse only, even if it is called “green”. Nuclear is a good complimentary source.
I agree with you that the UK, but also others in Europe are one season away from a self created in-door freeze or black out during winter low wind conditions.
And what would they be voting for? Fewer pearls on the gates?
Perfectly understandable. I, for one never accept Euro coins of denominations under 20¢ as in no time at all they go a nasty shade of third world.
Excellent Kit and Off-G ! See we are all very interested in the daily subversion of the most important election since 1945. (’79 was organised through Union infiltration causing massive public disruption; ’83 was where the real voter manipulation started with the failed Falkland war effect which had to be augmented by a deliberate splitting of the Labour vote, SDP – the British ‘trente glorious’ got lined up and shot; ’97 was the passing of the baton to the created fellow spivs Nu-Lab Incorporated, in an illusion of democracy, choice and a functional two party parliament. A big wheeze to sell out the gains of 1945 and what better than a ‘Labour’ government to deliver the ultimate reversal the dismantling of the NHS – how could the people complain if Atlees party chose to do it?) Now they are desperate because against the grain of their planning a Atlee of our age has the leadership of Labour and the membership to defend him – SDP2 failed flat on its face multiple times, as did the chickencoups and the attempted drive-by shooting, snap 2017 election – all attempts to persuade the membetship and voters in general failed to dislodge the spirit of 1945 emerging. That friends (&foes,) is what is the background to the likes of would be Witchfinder Generals like Freedland and his stinky stable mates. Here is an example of his overreaching zealotry last week. ‘Reports of a fourth Labour potential parliamentary candidate being identified as having made antisemitic comments have proven false. We earlier shared on the blog a tweet from the Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland which identified a shortlisted candidate from Birmingham Hall Green as having been fined over comments made on Facebook. Freedland has since deleted his tweets and replaced it…’ That was from the Groan… Read more »
I am in no way promoting any act of violence I am just making an observation/ asking a question.
Has Johnathan Freedland ever won a ‘world’s most punchable face’ competition?
Why don’t you take your fascist discourse back to 4chan, where it belongs?
I posted this on the Craig Murray site, but it seems appropriate here:
The Labour/anti-Semitism “crisis” is the most pathetic fake news story of all time. It seems to me to be a trap even to respond to this gassy nothing. Corbyn has joined what Gore Vidal referred to as the “Hitler of the month” club. The cockroach Blairites and Tories – themselves just fellators of corporate bosses – are desperately pushing the biggest Pavlovian button of them all. Why? Because economically and politically they have no arguments that will stand up. Thus they are putting on the scary masks and shouting “BOO!”
What about Anthony Beever signing that absurd ‘ don’t vote for Corbyn’ letter in the Guardian along with other ‘ stars’ ( Anthony Beever was the one of the few names I recognised amongst these’ stars’!) I thought that he was supposed to be a serious historian?
I’m not familiar with Beever but I know about Max Hastings’ attempts to rehabilitate the splendidly stiff upper lip version of World War 1. I apologise in advance for this next link. Hold your nose and get the vomit bowl ready:
As Orwell once said:
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
Well I held my nose, got the vomit bowl ready and plunged into Hastings (metaphorically speaking I HASTen to add. See what I did there?). I could only stomach the opening bit – so here we go:
Max says this:
This is a reference to a Guardian article where Hunt said:
Celebrating peace, eh? Damnably unpatriotic, what! And he has the nerve to suggest we share something with those blasted Krauts!
Then Max says:
Did you get that? These bloody lefties are determined to “make an ideological argument out of World War I” whereas they should stand up and “attribute blame” – which isn’t being ideological at all!
That’s quite enough of that! Excuse me while I have a shower to scrub the grime off me. In the meantime, this:
NEWSFLASH: news just in about the Election, tho not the British one.
The OAS has stated it cannot verify the Bolivian elections on Oct 20th, and has called for new elections to be held.
Are we surprised by this? No.
The mass demonising of Evo Morales is about to begin.
The most disturbing aspect of this whole and entire charade is the British people themselves. Though I come from Ireland I have lived in the U.K. for most of my adult life ( now in Wales). Speaking to a close friend recently she said she did not like Corbyn and would have difficulty voting for Labour this time. A simple question of why remain unanswered as she said she didn’t know why. This woman is very grounded, very open and is a democratic socialist.
I find it completely astonishing that the level of propaganda hurled at the people, so obvious in its content, vilification and downright criminality has not so far been sussed by the British particularly the English who at this point I firmly believe are an oppressed people who remain unchanged in their Stockholm Syndrome stance as they bow and scrape to their so called betters.
Even the obvious corruption of that little toad Johnson, the endless theft of taxpayers money hard earned, the rampant disrespect and loathing of the poor does not seem to dent their adoration of these frankly psychopaths who will use any ruse to get more power.
The Guardian keeps astonishing even me as it plumbs the depts of degradation and hypocrisy in its increasingly schizophrenic reporting where it no longer stands for anything, not even itself.
If Johnson is successful and it’s perfectly possible he could be, the English will deserve every abus
Cont. the English will deserve every abusive act handed down to them from these frankly ridiculous people like Mogg et al. With Johnson I suspect the abuse will be exceptional.
Sadly you are right in your comment about seemingly intelligent people falling for this laughable Labour/anti-Semitism scam. The reason is, I think, devastatingly simple. The vast majority of people have never cut the umbilical cord of the mainstream media. I did the moment that GWB started to bleat about attacking Iraq. It was a moment of enormous strain – and one whose implications I am still trying to come to terms with, such is my indoctrination into the faith of the MSM. Most around me have never cut that cord. An old and very dear friend mentioned in passing that Corbyn is racist. I possibly overreacted to that and may not have convinced him otherwise. I know people at work who, after having gotten all moon-eyed about the good old days with decent Labour folk like Tony Benn, say they are appalled at “the latest bunch”, by which they can only mean Corbyn. I never even bothered to engage them. The whole issue is too distressing. I feel that nothing can be done until that festering umbilical cord is cut.
The simplest explanation, absent compelling evidence to the contrary, is that such people are brainless, conformist a**holes.
It is effective mudslinging is, some always sticks that is why the msm whores are doing it.
The moment for truth to fight back is now.
It has to be a Mohammed Ali like knockout punch, after rounds of rope-doping.
That opportunity is in the live one to one debate where the ‘bent referee’ can’t intervene and the watching msm fodder see with their own eyes JC destroying Johnson with the truth.
It is also the readon why there are no debates until later on – in the hope that many Postal Voters will get their vote in BEFORE seeing the truth.
Only a direct unvarnished TV debate will convince people like your friend and perhaps sharing articles like this.
After much deliberation, I believe what they don’t like about Corbyn is his mouth. They don’t tell you that, but they are not impressed with him physically. He hasn’t not full, meaty lips like Johnson and though Cameron was born without lips, he didn’t have the hint of a hair lip and a straggly grey beard. The beard speaks for itself of course, all anti British, anti Semites have beards, just not cool ones like hipsters. Anyway, as my usually logical, sane friend says “He’s a horrible little man”. And that’s enough for her.
Let’s hope your friend has a few savings, her own home and a smattering of good common sense, let us also hope your friend is in reasonable health, has successful children if she has children, does not need to use the judiciary, shelters for abused women and is sufficiently well heeled to survive what is looking like not just a recession but a depression.
It’s obvious that the majority of haves no longer give a tuppenny shit about about their not so well off brothers and sister.
Horrible little man indeed! As we say in Ireland for the spoilt ones, five eights.
A Johnson victory is the perfect result for the Gardian.
First of all his party’s agenda fits with the real ethos of the platform.
Secondly, another dose of poisonous neoliberalism feeds the Guardian’s cottage industry in crocodile tears.
Yes, we care deeply the likes of Freedland and Moore claim while at the same conducting all-out war against any political figure who threatens the cosy status quo they tacitly support.
The Guardian has been pro-Zionist for over 100 years:
“In 1914, the outbreak of the First World War opened up new avenues of opportunity for the Anglo-Zionists, as the Ottoman rulers of Palestine had now become enemies of the British.
Suddenly the idea of a Jewish client state in Palestine had become both attractive and feasible to British foreign policy analysts. It was at this time Weizmann met C.P. Scott at a garden party in Manchester.
Scott, a former Liberal politician and the editor of the Manchester Guardian, found Weizmann “extraordinarily interesting” and the two formed an instant rapport. His newspaper, became an increasingly staunch supporter of the Zionist cause, with Harry Sacher leading the charge.
Scott was also extraordinarily generous in wielding his considerable political influence on behalf of Weizmann and the Manchester Zionists.
In 1915, Scott brought Weizmann to meet David Lloyd George, then the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Lloyd George’s biblical upbringing and imperial inclinations made him susceptible to the Zionist cause. Exposure to the full force of Weizmann’s persuasive charm did the rest.”
The Palestinians, of course, were never consulted or considered in the process. They were just “camel dung eaters.”
You forgot the attribution. It is from a 2012 article in the Jewish Chronicle.
The article ends
I find it deeply depressing that Phillips has such a large following on twitter.
Most state-approved blue tick accounts have thousands of paid followers and retweets as a matter of course to give the impression of popularity, & Twitter seems to have no problem with them. If you see an account receive rapid likes and retweets within seconds or single figure minutes of producing content you’re likely looking at bought support. Alt media and ordinary people would not get away with their shenanigans.
And on that topic, I cite the matter of comments on the Right Wing site, Breitbart. Most sites – off-G for example – acquire comments at about four or five a day. I look at a Breitbart article published just yesterday and the comments number 1682. And although that figure seems to be stable at the moment, I have logged onto other entries where the figures go up even aw I watch. Oops – spoke too soon! It’s just gone up to 1683! Now it’s 1686! If you’re interested, it’s an article called “‘Baby Trump’ Balloon Slashed at Alabama Appearance”. (I’d provide a link but I have a superstitious dread of doing so!)
Such stats are meaningless – moreover I think it should be rebranded as “Twatter”
JF is so keen to construct his smear but doesn’t recognise antisemitism when he himself practises it. So he gives us the mural’s “six Jewish bankers” even though the artist painted six named portraits of famous bankers only two of whom were Jewish. In turning them into six Jewish bankers he is in there with every antisemite trope that says bankers = Jews. If Jonathan Friedland had been a left Labour MP he’d be up on a charge and out on his ear by now.
Actually 5 bankers and one Aleister Crowley but your point remains only to be amplified further by Labour MP Siobhain Mcdonagh: “to be anti-capitalism is to be anti-semitic”
And this is how Corbyn the Stalinist meme that bobo has been jesting with was created.
Funded via the Home Office ! Isn’t that supposed to be illegal? Lol.
PUNTO UNO: Just a philosophical point. Ones religion does not make one a semite. Using zionist and anglozionist logic one would say that all Catholics are Italian all Lutherans are German ,all Anglicans are WASPS and all Muslims are Arab. Palestinians ,Serphardic and Mitzrai are semetic in race not Ashkanazi’s PUNTO DUE: The Guardian who professes to be anti Tory has shown such vile disdain towards the British Labour party ever since Corbyn became its leader. They could not even acknowledge the simple facts that under his tenure especially during the early months and first year the amount of popular support he and the party were getting that Corbyn had increased the membership of the party in record numbers. PUNTO TRE: The Guardian like most legacy media outlets are a dying bread and Freedland along with all the other so called journalist that are still connected to the msm /legacy media are doubling down and proves to any individual with a scintilla of grey matter between their earlobes that they are part and parcel of the problem we are living today. Hence reason and logic and critical thinking would lead most individuals to believe that Freedland and co(Blairites/and the fake progressives) are on there way out. Pace e Bene. POST SCRIPTUM: We can see all this all around the western Antlantacist sphere. IE Democrats in the USA are offering the populace NIENTE no alternative and more status quo. IL Partito Democratico which historically originated from IL Partitio Communista Italiano are all carrying weight for the plutocratic and oligarchical class. The Socialist in Spain and France la meme chose/same thing. DOCIUS IN FUNDEM: THe sheeple have wised up the largest wealth gap exceeding the Gilded age it appears to me the gig is up. Unfortunately the Labour party started poorly in… Read more »
@FalceMartello: “The new Partito Communista Italiano are gaining strength in numbers and in exposure by simply doing good old fashion working class arguments”.
Wot I’ve been sayin’: It’s a Class War been going on for years but the workers stopped fighting, thought they were middle class and above all that.
For along time, under Blair, Labour Party activists were encouraged to say that class didn’t exist any more. All part of the “relaxed about wealth”, “we are all middle class now” propaganda that worked so well till Austerity tore away the curtain.
In Italy they did the same thing. When Berliguer died the PCI’s party secretary died he was replaced by Occhetto and the party changed the term “operaio”to “lavoratore” worker to labourer . The unions went along with it. They blurred the class lines and created this sense of belonging to the new consumer class . The 90’s transformed the whole Italian social fabric.
Look at where we are today in the west!!!!
One wonders how these Bilderbergers must of planned all this stuff cause Berliguer was never on their visiting list but Blair on the other hand.
Thats rite. If one were to reflect and what had occured in the past IE: Thatcher and the Reagan regimes was where the shift begun. Thatcher stated out rite about the classless society. Reagan years we were all upwardly mobile on debt and finance. The western economic system was re- arranged totally financilizing all aspects of the economy the beginning of the de-industrialized west off shoring and the incremental rise of the multi national and corporatization of western society. The elimination of the commons and the breaking of the social contract that had been established post WW2. In the US they initiated the sub contractor making the worker feel like a boss a business man self employed.
An absolutely straight-to-the-point, no-nonsense article, thanks Kit. I only wish it could receive a wider circulation than it will probably get.
Your description of the Guardian as a little ants nest of neo-liberals is brilliant. If they were anything else, they’d unambiguously endorse the only party with a leadership committed to rolling back neo-liberalism.
Here in Australia, we are burdened with the ABC’s Guardian-style national radio channel which has been churning out the same ‘UK Labour is anti-Semitic’ propaganda for more than a year. No statement of substance disputing this narrative has been broadcast, despite such being required if the ABC’s obviously worthless ‘Code of Practice’ were to be complied with. No mention of Chomsky and Finklestein’s debunking of the anti-Corbyn smears, not to mention the public statements of Jewish Voice for Labour.
And, of course, the ABC and its ‘guests’ take great care not to explain what they mean by anti-Semitism. If they did, they would be forced to reveal that what they are complaining about is opposition to political zionism, not anti-Semitism.
A few days ago, the Radio National Breakfast Programme was at its unbiased best when a ‘presenter’ informed his audience that “…a lot of people don’t like Jeremy Corbyn”.
Any reason, Off-Guardian has decided to ditch Photo credits?
Is it a kind of rebellion?
When Freedland was Editor in charge of Guardian Comments back in 2014 (maybe he still is) I was banned from making comment on the on-line site because it was said I had ‘impugned the reputation of a renowned International Analyst’ by suggesting his views were dictated by Israeli policy requirements. That was 2014 during the Kiev Coup when there was quite an Guardian online war between crazy Canadian fascists of Ukrainian descent crashing the site and I admit to making a nuisance of myself by asking questions. Freedland isn’t In any sense the solution to OUR problems, he speaks only to support a foreign government whose interests aren’t necessarily ours and he does it on the basis of ethnicity that isn’t British. My apologies If that turns out to be an illegal thing to say, it’s bloody hard to tell these days. Is the word Jew itself now forbidden? Or only if you sing it? All the ancient absurdities in pursuing ideological differences return as if they’d never gone away. Inquisition anybody? Senator McCarth? I find it incredible that British Jews who have been so integrated and helpful to our society for more than 100 years -especially after WW2 working towards a progressive, socialist future –
should throw off that integration and influence to support policies in Israel that so many of them must know are going to end in disaster. But there’s nowt stranger than folks.
Paul, try to contact Jews for Justice; one of the founder members is the English daughter of a Polish survivor of Auschwitz. Their motto: Never again! But they think the way to ensure against ethnic hatred is not through Jewish power but through Jews demanding Justice for non-Jews.
“The Lord does not delight in burnt offerings, but that you come to Him with clean hands and a contrite heart”. — Jeremiah.
At least one could comment then. Now the policy is to ensure that comments are only open on a few articles at a time, and closed pretty sharpish after a few hours. Articles like Freedland’s, which cry out for comment, are never opened. Smacks of cowardice to me.
Paul it’s just divide-and-rule strategy. There doesn’t have to be any consistency to it. In fact, it helps if there isn’t. It’s interesting that, in the Weimar period when anti-Semitism was openly expressed and taken to be the “default” position, the Left were associated with the Jewish people (all that stuff about a Jewish Bolshevist plot) whereas now, when the Nazis stand as the universal symbols for political evil, the Left have come to be associated with ANTI-Semitism. It isn’t even a question of figuring out what is REALLY good or bad. We can all agree that the Nazis were shits and that GENUINE anti-Semitism is bad. It’s a question of the ruling class figuring out what the current prejudices are and playing along with them.
British Jews who have been so integrated and helpful to our society for more than 100 years — especially after WW2 working towards a progressive, socialist future Is that what they were doing? Like they did in Russia? Sever Plocker — Stalin’s Jews An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the “bloodthirsty dwarf.” Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book “Stalin: Court of the Red Star”, Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women. Stalin’s close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the “first Stalinist” and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao’s terror in China, did not move Kaganovich. Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We’ll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD’s special department and the organization’s chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist. In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin.… Read more »
I no longer have the energy to refute the total scum who write for the MSM.
But I will say that Corbyn will walk this election, because the aforementioned scum have absolutely nothing/real to say.
If Corbyn does not win, you should know for sure that we are really living in an Orwellian state.
This was Paris today, on the 52nd consecutive week of gilets jaunes protests (if these links work)…
Here’s Rouen today…
Here’s Montpellier today…
These scenes have been repeated in towns and cities all over France today, Saturday 9th November 2019, Acte 52, the 52nd consecutive week of massive civil demonstrations.
The psychopaths who rule us are ignoring this at their peril.
You can’t take anything for granted, certainly not a Corbyn victory.
The powers that be, including all the Blairite backstabbers, Freedland and his ilk, are throwing the kitchen sink at re electing Bojo.
ABC. Anything But Corbyn.
Expect wall to wall smearing of Jezza on a scale not seen before.
Millions of leaflets will be going through people’s doors with a choice selection of juicy quotes from all the Labour Friends of Israel and the Board of Deputies. Jezza is the new Hitler, Jezza isn’t fit to be elected dog catcher. Don’t believe us Tories – listen to what all the “moderates” in his own party say.
They will attack Farage almost as ferociously to try to stop him siphoning votes away from Bojo. They would back him to the hilt if he confined himself to the Labour marginals.
Anything can happen. Probably the most likely outcome is another hung Parliament, with votes being split across 5 large parties. Maybe something very similar to what we’ve got now, Bojo the largest party by a very small margin.
Then all the usual suspects will turn on Jezza and try to get rid of him for failing to win 2 elections. The past 2 attempts have failed. Maybe they’ll go for 3rd time lucky.
The PLP will stab him in the back every chance they get. They are more terrified of a Corbyn premiership than any Tory or City grandee. They would like to confine him to his allotment.
Or he could pull off a victory of sorts, maybe by doing a deal with the SNP. Anything is possible.
It’s going to come down to how idiotically and desperately the DS tries to hang-on and deliver the demands of their pathocracy overlords to deliver the hard brexit and defeat Corbyn at ALL costs.
How much ballot stuffing are they going to attempt?
In the face of the unraveling of their meddling in the Trump election; the can of worms is already set to explode over the two referendums being cheated by postal votes – are they willing to go down fighting to the death?
Many an apparatchik – UK citizens – will be left behind to do the time, by willingly following illegal orders and lying, while the upper echelons will depart those shores with their foreign passports – like so many demented loser nazis were evacuated postwar.
There is no better time to REPENT.
From one of RobG’s welcome Links:
«La liberté n’est jamais donnée, elle se gagne. La justice n’est jamais donnée, on l’exige.»
And as Rob shows here, those Psychopathic Fantasists in Power are prosecuting Truthers in France, just like they are doing with Assange in England:
he journalist who filmed this scene is in custody.
Yeah, the enternal victim card, bitchslapping anyone they dont like, and of course, everybody jumps, anti-semetism, hurray, kills every debate and makes sites admins jumpy, dont it. Its a bit, just a bit surpircing, but overall, a law of the nature, isnt it, dont tread on them, or be crushed by consent. I was pro-brexit, and I am stil pro-brexit, do you know why, and thru all this years of treadying in muddy waters, they have made it to be an contest of whom can carf up most nonsense and downright bollocks at any given time, from economy to the never ending freak show about Jews, god help us all, to of course, derail any sense of what may be the true case of what initially was intended, namely the detachmenet of Briatin from the EUs, where people whom is not even elected sets the standard for whom is to have an saying or not. And the insane level of bollocks is of course numbing anyone this days, to unravel is is becoming an monumental task, not because its that difficould, or imposible to undertand, but the mass of stupdity, downright lies and then this, about GoreBin, is making it to be hillarious to be honest. Let me take you down to what some nations is expriecing this days, about whom is doing what. Norway, whom isnt in the EU is true EEU just become an petty vassal, and this system have overridden ours completely, our suverenety is thrown out with the bath water, our constitution the same way, our legislative power is made to be an joke, and corrupted thruout because of been overridden by byroCrauts whom is giving even our High cort the laws of the jungel, and polticians whom have sold our suverenity tells the corts what… Read more »
labour abstained from the original vote to hold a referendum, too. funny that…
i can’t read freedland’s bile. it makes me really grumpy
I read Freedland’s column and he quite clearly states that Gideon Bull CALLED a Jewish fellow councillor “Shylock”. However, my memory of reading about this incident is that Bull simply REFERRED to Shylock. If my memory and reading is correct, then Freedland has engaged in some serious dishonesty.
I’d like nothing more than to see all Labor parliamentarians turfed out from their safe spaces and made to eke out an existence in the real world. There has never been a more spineless and unworthy bunch of mouth breathing, useless eaters in the history of the UK. Labor needs a completely new start born out of its own ashes.
Dave, that’s why I recommend that all true Socialists (like Corbyn) get off their comfortable sofas, go down to Local Labour Constituency meetings, and make a nuisance of themselves until all Labour MPs have been either de-selected according to their voting record on all BLiarite policies: Kosovo, Iraq, QE, Libya, Syria – and of course the shocking state of human rights in Zionazi occupied Palestine. That simple measure should get rid of most of the Rothschild agents and fellow travellers from the days of New Liebour.
I think that’s what got Chris Williamson hobbled, that and his support for Assange and trying to expose integrity initiative and the institute for statecraft of which one can only assume Freedland is a part.
Presumably after they have become party members and qualified to attend🙂
DoneGroaning, right — otherwise, what’s the point of all those new members who flocked to join the Party when it seemed that a real Socialist would become Labour Leader? Now that you have your Party Membership use it! Go stir up Local party HQ until _your_ Constituency regenerates real Socialist Labour by de-selecting any sitting Blue Lieborite MP on his/her/its voting record.
That’s what was started in 2015 with the election of Corbyn as leader. Where u been living? Mars? We’ve got about 25% of the PLP back, I’d say. Long way still to go……
What wickedness. These cretinous jellyfish who will do everything in their power to derail Labour being elected.
All of them in thrall to Neoliberalism and the Empire. All of them zombified by identity politics.
Anyone who threatens the current order is to be tarred and feathered and repeatedly smeared. We all know that the whole anti semitism canard has been weaponised in this context to ‘bring Corbyn to heel’.
And then we had the anonymous UK General back in 2015 who threatened a coup if Corbyn came to power.
And then we have another example from history after Salvador Allende came to power in Chile. Nixon ordered the CIA to “make the economy scream”.
Don’t worry.
Mike “We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal” Pompeo will save us all from the New Hitler Jezza.
Well, being down here in Australia ain’t much help! Pompeo was here recently barking out orders, and the Aussie Govt couldn’t get on their knees fast enough to lick his boots.
The cringeworthy snivelling sycophancy is quite breathtaking. Most Aussies don’t even care their country has zero sovereignty or independence.
As long as they can still go shopping, or on an overseas holiday. Fair Dinkum re passports and plastic money sums it up also. But that’s the case pretty much thru out the West.
This is what the zombies at The Guardian et al are defending.
Long ago, GP, someone declared that most conservative politicians in Australia talked like the representatives of a foreign power.
Now the Labor ‘opposition’ does too.
They all serve the same system, and answer to the same Master in Washington CP…. Only difference is they different coloured name logo’s. Have you tried Community Radio? (if you can get it where you are). Vastly more honesty on those stations than the ABC.
While you are at it – ditch the BBC and watch RT
And we then saw the evil witch Thatcher welcoming ‘a good friend; who slaughtered 100,000s of his own people , Pinochet.
Went to a meeting yesterday in support of Julian Assange, and during the presentation, it was actually pointed out the protection Pinochet received by Blair & Co in the UK, being deemed ‘too sick to stand trial’ juxtaposed with How Julian Assange has been treated, and the complete contempt shown towards him.
One a mass murdering Fascist dictator, the other a whistle blower who shone a light on the Empire’s war crimes, now banged up in Belmarsh. Says it all.
The enemy of our children’s future is neither Jewish or the psychotic 1%.
The enemy is the smug middle class and the cashed up sheeple, armed with plastic money and passports.
They are EATING the future.
Is there any group that typifies the fetid hypocrisy at the heart of the British establishment than its so-called ‘liberal’ journalists? Hard to imagine shameless hacks like Freedland or Moore speaking truth to power in the way Julian Assange did. In fact as the record now shows they sided with the gangsters.
Question to Freedland. If the Labour party is riddled with anti-semites, as he claims, how come that anyone who is anyone in the Labour Party is a paid-up member of the Labour Friends of Israel. Herewith list. Officers Labour (unless otherwise stated) Joan Ryan Honorary President (The Independent Group for Change)[23] Louise Ellman Chair (Independent)[23] Pat McFadden[23] Rachel Reeves[23] John Spellar[23] Meta Ramsay, Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale[23] Jonathan Reynolds[23] Sitting MPs Labour (unless otherwise stated) Mike Amesbury[23] Ian Austin (Independent)[23] not seeking re-election Nick Brown[23] Chris Bryant[23] Liam Byrne[23] Vernon Coaker[23] Rosie Cooper[23] Yvette Cooper[23] Mary Creagh[23] Jon Cruddas[23] Wayne David[23] Gloria De Piero[23] Not seeking reselection[24] Angela Eagle[23] Chris Elmore[23] Chris Evans[23] Jim Fitzpatrick[23] Not seeking reselection[24] Caroline Flint[23] James Frith[23] Mike Gapes (The Independent Group for Change)[23] Barry Gardiner[23] Preet Gill[23] Mary Glindon[23] Lilian Greenwood[23] Nia Griffith[23] John Grogan[23] Andrew Gwynne[23] Fabian Hamilton[23] David Hanson[23] Margaret Hodge[23] George Howarth[23] Dan Jarvis[23] Diana Johnson[23] Darren Jones[23] Helen Jones[23] Kevan Jones[23] Mike Kane[23] Liz Kendall[23] Peter Kyle[23] David Lammy[23] Chris Leslie (The Independent Group for Change)[23] Ian Lucas[23] Not seeking reselection[24] Sandy Martin[23] Chris Matheson[23] Steve McCabe[23] Conor McGinn[23] Catherine McKinnell[23] Stephen Morgan[23] Melanie Onn[23] Toby Perkins[23] Jess Phillips[23] Bridget Phillipson[23] Lucy Powell[23] Emma Reynolds[23] Virendra Sharma[23] Barry Sheerman[23] Ruth Smeeth[23] Jeff Smith[23] Owen Smith[23] Karin Smyth[23] Wes Streeting[23] Graham Stringer[23] Gareth Thomas[23] Emily Thornberry[23] Anna Turley[23] Karl Turner[23] Derek Twigg[23] Stephen Twigg[23] Not seeking reselection[24] Keith Vaz[23] Tom Watson[23] Not seeking re-election Phil Wilson[23] Rosie Winterton[23] Sitting Lords Labour (unless otherwise stated) Donald Anderson, Baron Anderson of Swansea[23] Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top[23] Jeremy Beecham, Baron Beecham[23] Lord Blunkett[23] Lord Boateng[23] Lord Clarke of Hampstead[23] Lord Collins of Highbury[23] Baroness Crawley[23] Lord Desai[23] Lord Donoughue[23] Lord Foulkes of Cumnock[23] Baroness Gale[23] Lord Grantchester[23] Lord Hain[23] Lord Harrison[23] Lord Haskel[23]… Read more »
Bingo. Something creatures like Freedland somehow forget about mentioning.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore a certain miniscule group of people at the heart of so much chicanery. The iron grip of this group is constantly being exposed by their own malicious actions for all but the most brain dead to see. Their arrogance knows no bounds. They cannot help themselves.
British Muslims are at least 10 times the numbers of UK Jews but they are never mentioned regarding UK politics. More are entering as “refugees” daily and their religion has extremely rich persons and (oil) nations supporting them in Britain and elsewhere. Reversely some UK Muslims are negative towards UK Jews, Sikhs and Hindus: see the “grooming” gangs. “Mum” is the word for this.
Apart from a few quisling stooges and Uncle Toms like Priti Patel and their kind, muslims are a completely powerless minority. They have no more power than the Palestinians in Kosherstan.
Are you ignorant or playing dumb: I know your not stupid?
The Arabs have use their oil WMD ever since 1973 – against Israel – the year most Israelis became PTSD patients.
Priti Patel’s parents were Hindus, but lived in Islington.
Kosherstan is the only state in the region with a huge illegal nuclear arsenal of WMD targeted at all its neighbours gifted to it by the stooge goys.
The UN just voted 187-3 for a nuclear free zone in the Middle East.
But of course UN resolutions, international law, and basic standards of human rights don’t apply to Kosherstan.
“British Muslims …. are never mentioned regarding UK politics.”
Seriously? From an old Channel 4 news programme which held a “completely impartial” investigation into the “radicalization” of young Muslim males (“impartial” in the sense that young Muslim males were the only group we heard about and “radicalization” in the sense of having the audacity to be suspicious of the government) all the way down to that evil-sex-beast paedo ring in Rotherham (who had the nerve NOT to be associated with Jimmy Savile), I seem to recall hearing quite a lot about those brown fiends.
According to the Jew newspapers all the Jews in the UK are cowering underneath the stairs and planning to flee the country immediately in case the New Hitler Jeremy Corbyn gets into Number Ten. Cue a “5,000% Increase In Anti Semitic Incidents” between now and 12th December, and twenty pages of wall to wall Daily Mail coverage about how Jezza once refused a salt beef bagel.
Our very own favourite Faux Left Guardian would like to support Labour, provided it can first cure cancer, and solve the problems of world hunger and global warming. Not much to ask, is it?
Phillips is of course quite right in not wanting an election because it might clash with a Nativity Play somewhere. There are only 365 days in the year, and holding a children’s play on another date poses insuperable problems. It has nothing at all to do with her fear of being pushed off her cosy perch.
Though Nativity plays are probably bigoted, or racist, or anti semitic, or Islamophobic or transphobic or something. I’m surprised they’re still allowed.
Please see Admin comment below – ed.
Are you intentionally undermining your own point by blaming ‘Jew newspapers’ for the fake antisemitism allegations? Don’t do it please. It actually IS antisemitism and we don’t find it acceptable. See our guidelines here
Could you please clarify what “IS” anti-semitism. And then explain how Jews are suffering in the UK. Are they underrepresented in Parliament? In Lords? At the MCC?
Are they overrepresented among the poor, those on benefits? Are they murdered more often than black youths? Is their mean income below average? Are they denied positions at universities? Tenure?
Or is this all about political manipulation? When I was a boy, Jew-mensuration was ubiquitously carried out (by Jews) on medical school admissions, country club membership, and professorial rank. It abruptly stopped when they were subsequently found to be overrepresented, sometimes hugely. Not to say they did not earn it, but surely these are measures sensitive to racial bias.
Many activist organizations have resisted or begrudged scrutiny of what exactly they categorize as anti-Semitic incidents and rarely if ever put this in the context of anti-Muslim , anti black, or anti-Catholic incidents.
The anti-Semitic preoccupation gratuitously dominates many sites and papers. So admin, tell us what IS anti-Semitism in the UK, how you measure it, and how it compares with other forms of racial bias.
Hi George – Why exactly are you badgering the poor admin as if she was personally defending the entire nonsensical anti-Semitism spiel which she clearly is not defending, which this site critiques all the time and which this very article is deconstructing?
And why are you unable to figure out what she means by ‘this IS antisemitism’ when a) she has already told you and b) she links to our Comment Policy page which explains in even more detail?
If you’re having a bad day you have my sympathy but this doesn’t give you carte blanche to pick on this young woman or on any of the hardworking people who are giving their time over to make this site available to you for free 24/7.
We’re incredibly lenient here and accept a good deal more ad hom directed at us BTL than most of our contemporaries. Don’t abuse that please and have a little basic respect.
Ok? Good.
Second that, Catte. Off-G’s sensible tolerance much appreciated.
Hi Catte,
I had no idea what “Admin” meant, much less did I have any inkling of your description of any young woman as the scribe of Admin. I had no wish to pick on anyone. I
I’m just weary of the intrusion of Anti-Semitism into every discussion and I misinterpreted the response, it appears. I am very appreciative of the hardworking people making this site possible and vibrant. I see offence was taken but surely unintended.
Best wishes G
“And why are you unable to figure out what she means by ‘this IS antisemitism’ when a) she has already told you and b) she links to our Comment Policy page which explains in even more detail? ”
I followed the link given by Admin and cannot see how that explains anything. I have posted information which backs what George is posting.
By “Jew Newspapers” he might be refering to the Jewish Chronicle et. al.
It’s like the N-word. They can say it, but you can’t.
Paid and unpaid?
63,182,178 UK population, these claiming Judaism as their religion is 261,584 that is 0.4%.
Of those the number who claim to be Labour voters has been about 20-25% over the years.
That is 50-70,000 (actually definitely less as many will be under 18 and some incapble – so prob more like 30-50k) votes over the whole country across 650 constituencies.
Or an average of less than one hundred per each MP.
Can we ask therefore for a comparison of 0.4% population to parliamentary percentage? and their allegiance to a foreign state that CLAIMS the 0.4% without being accused of AS?
Can we please please SHOUT that the whole issue is made up as a political smear and most jewish voters have always voted Tory if anything – definitely not Labour.
Any voter that actually bases their decision on this smear is thick as mince.
On one day during the openly carefully organised demonstration against Labour for antisemitism, all three Jewish newspapers had the same supportive headline. What does that indicate?
The language in which such things are expressed is incredibly important, as I’m sure you agree. The language of your post is rational, specific and contextualised. The language in the problem comment is broad and easily interpreted as race hate. This is why he was reminded of our policy toward incitement to hate – which is right there in the linked page, despite your inability to locate it.
This thread is now being closed.
Labour sold out the Electorate & Democracy & for that they will pay a terrible price as the general public who vote don’t give a flying f***kkk about anti-semitism – It’s an over blown Red Herring !
Also Labour have picked candidates that are a laughing stock simply because they are not talented & give impression of being low IQ – Angela Rayner etc etc
Tories won’t fair as well as they think as their arrogance is showing they have to reap the rewards of May’s treason.
I’m praying the end of the 2 party system that has failed the people for decades is finally coming to an end.
I really can’t work out what you’re on about. Had a bevvy or three?
“Labour sold out the Electorate & Democracy” – I presume this is in relation to EUref. It was the Referendum itself that ‘sold out the Electorate & Democracy’ by being only advisory. No leave date, no meaning of ‘leave’. Leaving EU and joining EEA fits the criteria of the ref, no matter what anyone says. This ref was done to divide people, thus enabling further elite rule, because the 99% are unable to unite. Think of it like the tobacco industry only delaying the inevitable with endless court battles. The ‘Worker’s Party’ is back, but is currently only running at about 25% of full PLP capacity
The Fraudian has rarely if ever supported the democratic socialist Labour party neither has many of the PLP. Moreover, the notion that they owe anything to the vast majority of the membership is an anathema to them. What they do owe allegiance to is their own pockets, privileges and potential revolving door jobs in the private sector. The day of reckoning will come to these scoundrels and the Freudian. The youth will ensure this when they have to pay for their betrayals.
Thanks for setting this out in black and white. Anyone with a grain of common sense understands that the association of the Labour party with anti-Semitism is a propaganda ploy — its designed to evoke a deep seated emotional response, a gut feeling of negativity. This is textbook propaganda and the measure of how successful it is will be that lots of people will tell you that they don’t like Corbyn but nobody will actually be able to tell you why. The reason for this campaign can be found in history. The UK has had other Labour governments and on the whole they haven’t been at all bad. (Disregard Blair/Brown “NuLab” for the moment.) Despite their attempts to stabilize the economy — they usually get voted in when things have gone off the rails — and increase industrial investment, manage poverty and so on they always got vilified and undermined, starting typically with capital flight leading to a sterling crisis which hobbles them before they can really get going. (This may be coincidental but as described in the fictional tale “A Very British Coup” its probably not; the centers of power in the UK have always revolved around finance and anything that even slightly threatens its hegemony is taken down before it can take hold.) So figure that ‘moderate’ Labour politicians are really the legacy of sensible Conservatives and Liberals (and don’t forget the shenanigans in the 80s with Foot, the SDLP and so on — what they can’t defeat they’ll split). The only kind of Labour leader that’s currently tolerable is a Blair, a guaranteed ‘change nothing’ candidate, someone who looks like an alternative but can be relied on to carry on the same old policies. People don’t want that so we’ve got a bit of a standoff —… Read more »
Criticise Israel and you’re instantly an ‘anti-semite’. And we are supposed to be voting for who really runs this country! Oh, wait, could such a comment be construed as…
I spent 6 months in Israel. I have called out, on Twitter, aspects such as the awful treatment of Black African Jews. I have obviously been called an AS. Why is my 1st hand opinion not allowed? Also, if Israel is a Jewish homeland for ALL Jews, then given the mass economic migration from Africa to the West, why doesn’t Israel have a huge black population?
Have you ever commented on the treatment of Palestinians? Just wondered.
Yes, of course. Followed by AS allegations.