Reddit Bans Users for Telling the Truth
Apparently honesty is now "Russia-like activity"
Kit Knightly

Image source: Daily Dot
Last week (November 27th), at a press conference, Jeremy Corbyn unveiled dozens of leaked documents. Documents showing that Boris Johnson – and the Tories in general – are lying when they say there are no plans to open up the NHS to US trade.
This means, not only that the NHS is in danger of further privatisation and/or ruinously expensive deals with American Big Pharma, but that the Prime Minister and many other Tory MPs (and Donald Trump) have been caught out in a deliberate lie. A big one.
This has got less play than it should in the mainstream media – more than you’d think, but less than it should. (A sign that a hung parliament may be the aim of the exercise, or an indication that some splits or indecision in the Deep State ranks).
Nobody has ever claimed these documents are fake. Their content is not disputed.
…and yet Reddit has banned the accounts associated with posting links to the documents.
They’re not illegal, nor is there any evidence they were obtained through the committing of a crime. They don’t contain hate speech, or threats of violence. In short, Reddit banned posters for nothing more than posting something real, true and important.
Why? Because they might be Russian [our emphasis]:
We were recently made aware of a post on Reddit that included leaked documents from the UK. We investigated this account and the accounts connected to it and today we believe this was part of a campaign that has been reported as originating from Russia.
Not even because they ARE definitively Russian – which would be bad enough – but because they believe them to be.
It needs to be underlined – nobody is refuting the contents of the leaks. They are real. But we’re being told that doesn’t matter.
In that way it perfectly mirrors “Russiagate” as an assault on public reason. Just like the DNC/Clinton emails, we are being fed this idea that where a document comes from is somehow more important than what it says.
This is all based on a report from Ben Nimmo, which claims that the leakers are “likely Russian” and use “techniques associated with Russia”. Citing “grammatical errors” and the fact the accounts were new and had very little activity on them.
Burner accounts and spelling mistakes. That’s it, that’s all the evidence. Seriously. Read it yourself.
The Daily Beast and The Guardian both have stories covering this, and they both gently massage the truth in the exact same way.
They claim the report comes from Graphika, an analytics firm, and they credit Ben Nimmo as “head of investigations”. But neither of them mentions that Ben Nimmo also works for the Atlantic Council
The Atlantic Council is an NGO that receives funding from a very predictable list of “contributors”, including both the US Department of State and the UK Foreign Office.
Obviously, that means this “report” poses a massive conflict of interest.
Nimmo actually has an infamous record of attacking people who oppose US Imperial interests. Including many false allegations of being a “Russian bot”.
He’s previously gone after note-worthy voices in the alternative media and a world-renowned concert pianist. All of whom are very definitely real people, and all of whom he accused of being bots.
Reddit likewise has form when it comes to toeing the US government line, and a past record of censorship, having previously “quarantined” 9/11 discussion under the guise of “combatting misinformation”.
To sum up then:
- The leaked documents are all genuine, nobody disputes that
- They catch both the UK AND US governments in an embarrassing lie
- A man who is paid by both those governments has released a report attempting to discredit the leak
- Reddit has banned users based on this report
When you look at like that, it becomes obvious this is an exercise in government censorship, with an NGO front-man and a corporate proxy inserted to hide the core truth of the matter.
Reddit have made it plain: They will ban people who tell the truth, if that truth is inconvenient to the state.
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Cut&Paste; re trying to publish the Truth:
“Yesterday I resigned from Newsweek after my attempts to publish newsworthy revelations about the leaked OPCW letter were refused for no valid reason,” Tareq Haddad tweeted out on Saturday.
Haddad claims that he was threatened with legal action after he’d asked his editor why his story about the damning leak had been refused.”
Hey this is February 2021 guess what, they did it in Britain first like usual, Biden’s son Hunter had a laptop with proofs of his corruption and pictures of him smoking crack and his dick, but obviously the most important thing is Joe’s son past, as distasteful as it is, wasn’t that big of a deal to me, apparently it was so much so to Twitter than they banned anyone referencing to the incident and linking to the leaks from his laptop’s hard drive, who, yes, had his shit hacked in some way by some computer repair guy that was some kind of asset, but still that’s no reason for Twitter banning entirely people for talking about Hunter Biden’s laptop. That likely made it so that Biden won so easily (there was no flagrant ELECTORAL (not voter) fraud like in 2000 and 2004 with both Dubya victories, hell they would brag about how they had cheated afterwards in freudian slips). So a lot of of people are outraged about electoral fraud in the US in 2021 when Trump was unseated. No fan of Trump, but the same kind of crazy tech stuff happened on a much bigger mainstream platform.
Weird how it came from Reddit, but they banned MAGA (and QAnon too honestly) adjacent stuff (they shouldn’t even how stupid it is, it’s just a strawman to point and say “look what free speech does!) on Reddit way before everybody too, back in 2018.
The logic is getting really tortured here. Apparently we can only believe information from approved sources because unapproved sources are meddling. The actual veracity of the information is unimportant — if it comes from an unapproved source then it has to be ignored.
I’m really at a loss for words to describe this phenomenon. Its got a real MinTruth feel for it. Maybe I should just go down the cafe and drink my fill of Victory Gin.
What is the difference between influencing an electorate and interfering with an election?
As an elector – are you needing protection from influences that you can evaluate on merits or lack of merit? Or can such be countered or made plain by communication rather than censor?
But if an election is interfered with behind the scenes or by trickery, corruption or deceit then should this not be either an invalidating act to such as who are involved – or a criminal act – depending on the nature of the acts being alleged or carried out?
And in the case of ‘Russia’ being exclusively flagged as The Foreign Interference – should we not then look at all vectors of ‘interference’ – particularly via those consortiums or lobbies who have geopolitical or business aims that seek to USE us for their ends – which may or may not be in OUR interests and so should be transparent to proper political accountability and not a ‘Pay for Play’ or a shoehorning in of a General Selection of an already done deal.
However, the power does not appear to reside in political institutions, but perhaps still to some extent via legal means, and in the primary power of the individual as to where they align and accord allegiance, worth or meaning.
The Internet becomes an Internment by the turn of the screw. Where is the rush of new ‘free’ services to win the disaffected from companies who are clearly either part of the political censor or ‘incentivised’ to recognise where their ‘survival’ lies.
The protection OF lies must fear truth – but not in such terms. For the protected lie is ‘necessary’ for an otherwise too big to fail ‘complex of controls’ and so it is deemed true and anything seen as threat to such ‘truth’ is to be flagged, defended against and attacked.
Such behaviour speaks of desperation rather than power. But this can also be invoked by those seeking to grasp the prize of global control who use the greeds and weaknesses of others to undermine or break down anything that stands in their way.
It is clear to me that the ‘elites’ no longer regard political debate as anything but a scripted circus. There is no debate – the ‘science’ of control is settled outside your or my jurisdiction and its narrative is pervasively woven into every arena of influence.
Even with a will to move, the regulatory impediments will make any real change impossible.
Everything is in place to sign away our final and first freedom.
The freedom to be who you truly are. No matter what other people say, think or do.
“No longer” ?!
Never did.
Deceit had to break into and break down a mind that held checks and balances of order set amidst chaos.
If your assertion is that there is ONLY deceit – then I can recognise you are saying nothing. But if you are saying that deceit is set over and against truth – then there perhaps you can accept that there is ONLY truth – being experienced more or less or backwards through a mind of deceit.
The appetite for self-illusion – and the willingness of others to feed and manipulate it – is predicated in our creative imagination. You ARE free to make illusion but only at cost of be-living its consequence. You are free to release your circus show – but not while actively or vicariously engaging in its tricks.
When I say debate – it is a social term for a particular form of communication. My gist is that Communication itself is Always and Open, but that our consciousness operates a structure of filters that focus attention and assign meanings to generate experience as a limited set of results fitted to a narrative self-definition.
While that structure runs as a cover story or opacity over Communication – it excludes all else as if the only truth – set in a frame of conflict that it ‘survives as the attempt to control’.
But when the veil is pulled aside – its lack of substance cannot be maintained as your Reality EXCEPT as a knowing ruse or indeed the lie and the father of it.
Communication starts within and extends all that it is. Wholeness is not in hidden agenda.
A breakdown in communication projects as if to get rid of. To hide in and to hide from.
You receive and know life by extending its recognition to others.
What you see in others is the result of what you are choosing to receive or accept as true of you. You can be deceived into believing you contain hateful or evil that must be cast out and denied – and then you must re-enact the sacrifice of the Games so that someone ELSE pays that your ‘life’ be kept hidden from the gods who demand sacrifice of life that the idol of a false protection is fed.
I recently ‘stumbled upon’ an early ‘Saint’ who stepped into the arena to prevent the death at the last of the (recorded) Roman Games.
Saint Telemachus was a monk who, according to the Church historian Theodoret, tried to stop a gladiatorial fight in a Roman amphitheatre, and was stoned to death by the crowd. The Christian Emperor Honorius, however, was impressed by the monk’s martyrdom and it spurred him to issue a historic ban on gladiatorial fights. Frederick George Holweck gives the year of his death as 391. The last known gladiatorial fight in Rome was on 1 January 404
Of course banning something doesn’t heal the underlying pattern of thought and behaviour.
Who is more drawn to engaging in conflict (vicariously or otherwise) than in true witness
Why is guilt (of others) and conflict (making them pay) so attractive?
The Games originated in praise and in ritual reenactment of the gods that modern mind cannot rationalise because rationality grew to hide or cover over the archetypes of a narrative identity we thought or tried to outgrow or leave behind – but yet in spite of – and because of – our attempts to do so – we re-enact them.
‘Walking away from Omelas’ is however you find your life unfolding after choosing not to enact a fantasy life upon the sacrifice of the lives of others – even if it is the only life we knew. But this awakening rises from LOOKING on it – not from moral guilting by a manipulative redistribution of wealth and power.
Privatizing the British Health Care System ? Is this wrong? Is it not already in shambles compared to other EU countries? Would privatization not improve it? I mean the UK is basically a third world country disguising itself , so whats the problem with the whole idea?
We all know Mr. Johnson has legal license to “expand on the truth” …. so what? We all know what Reddit is.
I am asking the question.
The NHS has been run-down by the Tories, to enable their/your argument about privatisation. The US system costs twice as much to run and EXCLUDES a large part of the poorest. And you think that’s a GOOD idea. You’re either politically dumb, or a troll
Not a very convincing response.
So that’s settled. Troll it is.
I actually rather attractive.
Aha, the BloJo no anwer to the question tactic.
…. answer ….
I agree. Too much waffle, an exhausting read. So let me spell out the definitive response especially for you: “No.”
‘Thanks’ are not required, but when I’m in Berlin you can buy me a beer in appreciation if you want.
The NHS is in its present state because of deliberate underfunding by the Tories. Cameron in 2010 promised to ringfence the NHS budget in his manifesto and to have no top down reorganisation.
Cameron then ceased the normal 4% inflation given to the NHS and required what he called efficiency savings. The NHS is already the most efficient health service in the developed world but is among the least effective because of continued underfunding.
Minister Lansley already had a plan for top down reorganisation which among other things allowed NHS trusts required the new Clinical Commisioning Groups to put out services to tender even though they were functioning perfectly.
The Health and Care bill was pushed through in 2012 by a Lib Dem minister and the Tory Oliver Letwin. Letwin had previously written a book called “Privatising the World” in which he stated that if you were having trouble privatising a service then you should run it down. Letwin had previously worked for Rothschild’s Bank.
And Letwin is one of the ******ds trying to kill Brexit. Interesting.
Thanks. I always wondered who he was trying to let win.
Privatization shifts the #1 priority from providing a service to making a profit (at any cost).
It’s really that simple.
I invite you to consider that the globalism of which you think to be aware somewhat in geopolitical terms – has been active across a broad spectrum of influence that includes science and in particular medical science.
Just as you can trace the Rockefeller cartel as beneath a weaponised and carbon-demonised environmentalism – and leading the rebellion by which to inaugurate a mass human extinction – so you can read of its capture, marketisation and weaponisation of the medical model.
The model itself is corrupted. No less than in finance.
The good news is that lies are not under the ‘Reality’ we have been led to believe – and that means that we have a re-educative opportunity of discovery.
Now it may be that many prefer the security of lies fronted out authoritatively than the ‘unknown’ into which all our worst fears are projected. Better the devil you know eh?
In which case do you ‘get to know’ even more of what you thought you were being protected from – under the belief it is expert knowledge, tried and true.
Perhaps the fundamental issue is responsibility for our own consciousness – which is always a relational act because we are relational being – even if under self-illusions given priority over truth.
Good news is that lies are not the Reality under which we live – (opening curiosity for truth from an ‘explained narrative reality’).
Ben Nimmo is also a part of the Integrity Initiative propaganda organisation.
To be fair that nimmo tit made the Ukrainian pianist look stupid when she backed down from him calling her a bot. So everyone was an arsehole on that situation
The dirtiest election ever.
The negotiation documents were not hacked – the owned media immediately said they were published in October! Hell it was more likely to have been leaked by Trump!
Why the change of tune?
Pompeo’s promised gauntlet is throwing kitchen sinks.
Their vote rigging is threatened.
Mockingbird? That was then where is it now?
Who are the CIA moles in our media?
Why not investigate and reveal them Off-G? Sure your stable is clean?
The Russians are capable of defending themselves as the hacking of the Institute of Statecraft and Integrity Iniative lists of names of conspirators shows.
The Obssesive Grauniad deletes all mentions of the subject as they do of Assange.
Start there if any one wants to know some names.
As for the broadcast media – by their actions the have revealed themselves as the 5+1 eyed hip joined or even Human caterpillars they are. Start with LauraKoftheCIA her trajectory is typical.
This IS the most important election – because it threatens to STOP the out of control sis thuggery and their aristo outlaw powers from their absolute powers and daylight robbery of the planet and petty murders of humans for further power or protection of it. This election threatens them because it is the first in 40 years that doesn’t have their placemen as the leaders in the opposition.
Nimmo/Atlantic Council/the BellEndkids/DeeDee and his minions are deployed to save their skins.
We in the UK and the City, as one of the nodes of empire, can make that change of their fortunes much more effective, immediate and painless for us and the rest of humanity by actually electing a government not run by CIA et al.
Ah you’ve got to hand it to today’s Daily Mail though:
Don’t you love that last minute token nod to the NHS?
Utterly outrageous, “the worst antisemite on the planet”! Can’t he sue?
Norman Finkelstein has posted some mock headlines re: Corbyn:
The problem is that the Daily Mail would probably just re-cycle these as true – with the subtitle “Look – even Finkelstein admits it!”
Jezza once refused a salt beef bagel using the spurious excuse that he was vegetarian.
And if that doesn’t prove he’s anti semitic, then I don’t know what does.
There is a very interesting piece by Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal in the Grayzone that covers this story linking it to other instances.
The following also might be interest:
Excellent reporting there – lets name these EX-spies and SAS bods.
I’ll start with Christopher Steele.
As for the Bun,Fail,Torygraph…
Bellendshat and various controlled alt-news sites ..
And dumb dumb dumb journos …
(One a friend, actually told me that Assange should be sent to Sweden for the rape charges!… wouldn’t believe me they were dropped and Swedes don’t want him and it’s all been about the US DS and cackling Hillary wanting him dead like gadaffi …yup, i have thick as shit friends – who just wallow in the propaganda- because they wouldn’t get jobs if they saw the BS and called it out)
Their time on the gravy train is over and ‘following orders’ or ‘ignorance’ will not be a defence. Their ‘careers’ and ‘reputations’ dissolved. Their wealth removed and many will end up behind bars.
Leveson2 is coming like the wrath of god – in the good judge we shall finally get factual news not manufactured narrative – it has been much delayed.
I hope the dirty digger lives long enough to see his malevolent empire fizzle like a vampire in sunlight.
“It needs to be underlined – nobody is refuting the contents of the leaks. They are real. But we’re being told that doesn’t matter.” same can be said for the opcw leak
Apologies to Voltaire but I am inclined to say that if Putin and Russia did not exist it would be necessary to invent them.
— like al-Baghdadi and the Islamic State?
Lying is the mode de vie of the secret services and their paid for assets. So nothing is surprising here. They are however getting increasingly sloppy. It seems that the mask has slipped. As with all aspects of corruption the sordid truth is much worse than the lies it tries to conceal. Clearly they are rattled by the prospect of Corbyn in No 10. This in itself is a good thing.
A reasonable reaction is to describe the behaviour of our old+new rulers as laughable.
But can we keep laughing when showing signs of intelligence is fast becoming undesirable and hence discouraged? You get labelled as a foreign bot if you hint at following sound logic?
These are hints at signs of deperation in some quarters, and, ‘the well has been poisoned’ expression comes to mind.
Russia is now a just teddy bear compared to the old USSR so why is the US mil-complex still projecting it as THE threat over China to keep fear and budgets up?
Because the Chinese panda delivers better profits to the Western 1% till now: nothing to do with actual military of economic strength. Where are most of products from Apple, Walmart, Amazon etc. produced? Not in Russia.
True enough but Trump doesn’t like that and the American people aren’t so hot on it either. The fact is Xiaomi is fast overtaking the ridiculously expensive Apple products, China doesn’t need that investment any more and the 1% benefitting from cheap Chinese labour aren’t benefitting any more because wages have gone up while the cost of like for like tech has gone down. It’s only the “iconic” kudos of Apple products keeping them where they are and people being fickle will drop them when they realise there is a better alternative.
Not sure how many of you remember the 1970’s assertion that the main conflict in the future won’t be between West and East (sort of), but between RICH and POOR.
Now, that leaves us with a battle of sorts, in which one ‘party’ has all the hardware and means to fight – and its opposing force only the strength of its numbers.
Double now to all those who paid attention to what the RICH have been doing to protect their status and influence over the last 30 years – or coincidentically since the advent of the mass manipulation tool ‘internet’. What can be observed here is quite interesting, as those who are frantically attempting to keep their maggot-in-a-ham like existence BY ALL MEANS.
By all means should also incorporate those attempts that fail miserably, or even achieve the exact opposite of the intended goal. The RICH feverishly attempt to keep the lie alive that they are needed. They are not. But their hordes of what Fela Kuti called ‘Zombie’.
These Zombies are sitting in wishful thinking tanks and write nothing but lies and propaganda to keep the RICH in control.
Tough luck that their pathetic scheme has become so obvious. And the fear that enough – also Zombies in regard as to be having told what to do – members of the electorates under all Western regimes can be duped, fooled and lied into some more business as usual is unwarranted.
Even if there would be folks that believe all the shitty propaganda these regime organizations are churning out like an ice cream stand soft ice at 40ºC in the shade, the collective is definitely not as low brow as a Ben Nimmo and his ilk.
The whole of social media was intended to control the populations and it will croak when people simply do not touch it with a ten foot pole any longer. Personally, ‘reddit’ is a perfect description of a ‘nothing burger’. When it disappears, nobody will notice but those addicted to it.
No wonder a neuro scientist stated a while back, that the most suited mental condition for the 21st century would be schizophrenia. One needs to be schizophrenic to make sense of all the garbage that is thrown down from the top.
Sorry, but haven’t we known for ages that Reddit is s fascist outlet posing as a juvenile rebel? It’s littered with trash, so why would anyone seriously concerned with announcing the truth bother with it?
Operation Mockingbird, the CIA media infiltration strategy started in the early 1950s never stopped. No major medium escaped and even small players are now manipulated.
Publish (truthiness or tosh) or Perish – the new dictum.
It was Russia wot did it. Bozo sez so… so that’s got to be true, aint it?
Doesn’t matter that the documents contain all the truth, the fact is that Russia hacked Bozo’s mail, then sent a copy to Corbyn.
And the worst thing about this statement is that there will be literally millions of people who are so brainwashed that they will believe it!
But they won’t bat an eyelid at the fact that Bozo with held the report on the influence of Russian Dirty money on British (Tory) Politics?
Just yesterday while driving into town I was cut off by a quite Russia-like driver. And in my favorite restaurant I was served by a quite Russia-like waitperson.
If I look under my bed, I see quite Russia-like dust bunnies.
You are lucky to be alive .
If you get sick tell the doctors about that waiter.
“Well, I was lookin’ everywhere for them gol-darned Reds
I got up in the mornin’ ‘n’ looked under my bed
Looked in the sink, behind the door
Looked in the glove compartment of my car
Couldn’t find ’em
I was lookin’ high an’ low for them Reds everywhere
I was lookin’ in the sink an’ underneath the chair
I looked way up my chimney hole
I even looked deep inside my toilet bowl
They got away…Well, I investigated all the books in the library
Ninety percent of ’em gotta be burned away
I investigated all the people that I knowed
Ninety-eight percent of them gotta go…
Well, I fin’ly started thinkin’ straight
When I run outta things to investigate
Couldn’t imagine doin’ anything else
So now I’m sittin’ home investigatin’ myself
Hope I don’t find out anything…”
Check your swimming pool for Russian subs. That’s when you “know”.
If you live in London Towne then that was not a real Russian but one of those fake Russians – you know the ones that were like born in the Ukraine and now have Israeli citizenship and speak fluent New York ….
The real Russians are in Russia. Where life is starting to get better for them.
I prescribe a large tumbler full of vodka, and go easy on the tonic.
maggot narwaz friend of rabbi nick ferrari and james obrien at global radio glr london talked of this today.
it seems putin runs rt and sputnik and are trying too break up the scotland and team gb in general never any mention of the mossad or al cia.
where is gchq mi5 sis the 5 eyes lames bond while russia is running amok already.
are they in one of those lovely hoist bars or horse meat disco in vauxhall.
those russians are relentless big bullies in not giving are boyz any chill rest and recouperation time.
no wonder are boyz are zipping themselves inside sports bags in pimlico hoping to get some shut away from ivan
already my life
and talking of stress have you seen the new bond trailer ralph fines and daniel craig look so old and tired
damn them red menace is
I have every sympathy with the Tories plotting to flog off the NHS.
A few years ago, I murdered somebody, committed several rapes, and robbed a couple of building societies.
I was caught when somebody grassed me up.
Fortunately, Elliott Higgins came to my rescue.
He was able to reveal that I had been grassed up by the Russians, so I got off.
Elliott prevented a terrible miscarriage of justice.
To the bit about To sum up then, you can add:
Never forget that Russia hates you eternally and wants to eat your children alive. Never forget that there is this giant, alien, terrifying entity out there that is the cause of everything bad. The only thing that can save you and your children is the Western geopolitical establishment. The preceding three sentences entirely justify the Western geopolitical establishment in all of their actions, restricting or terminating your employment, restricting or terminating your housing, restricting or terminating your healthcare, and, whenever they choose, ending the lives of individuals, communities and entire populations as it suits them.
Ben Nimmo works for the Atlantic Council? A ha, the plot thickens. Where’s Poirot on this?
Seriously tho, these craven apparatchiks and fifth columnists are everywhere, all dutifully serving the secular god of Neoliberalism; all furthering the agenda of the Anglo Zionist Empire and those who benefit from privatisations and slash and burn economic policies.
And with all that comes censorship of the truth.
How many YouTube clips have been removed? How many Facebook or Twitter accounts banned or suspended? How many independent news sites have suffered repeated cyber attacks? How many dissident voices have been smeared and slandered as Russian trolls or anti semitic or conspiracy nuts?
There are times I feel like I live in some tinpot banana republic where the only truth allowed emanates from the ‘Official Press’ (The Guardian, BBC, Washington Post, ABC, et al).
And almost everyone around me fully believes the official ‘newspeak’ and regurgitate the soundbites from the ‘official press’ as fact.
Scary stuff, aye.
I believe everything that emanates from MSM & Internet. Google & Internet are truth and the MSM just downloads from Google.
Professor Google is always forthcoming with the truth and so is Siri. Look at the Cookie Monster video where he asks Siri how long it takes to bake cookies.
Sometimes the truth is difficult to digest.
Back in the old days when truth was relative we had subjective truth. Today, with Professor Google onboard we have instant objective truth which allows Libertarians to behave like proto-Fascists like Ayn Rand & Alan Greenspan.
With objectivists & Libertarians we are dealing with limited attention spans & education.
Truth is American & represented by arbiters like Trump.
Truth is Jeff Bezos & Warren Buffett.
Truth is Orwell.
Been working all day, just saw your reply. I have a young friend who has just started reading Atlas Shrugged ffs….
Someone recommended it to him.
Upon asking Adam why on earth he would read That book, or anything by Ayn Rand, he didn’t seem to know who she was, and had been told Ayn Rand is one of the World’s ‘greatest philosophers who…. rocked’!!!
It’s like my other friends who religiously read The Guardian and The Age.
And who believe what they read in those rags.
My favourite term given in excuses for social media censorship is “inauthentic behaviour” because it has a real Heideggerian ring to it. Martin Heidegger made the necessity for authenticity one of the central tenets of his existentialist philosophy. The irony is that it was his personal quest for authenticity, motivated by his dislike of conforming to the herd – “Das Man” in his own terminology – which made him embrace National Socialism at a time when just about every German not in a concentration camp was doing the exact same thing.
Modern day social media censors are more interested in whether inauthentic behaviour is “coordinated” rather than whether it is truly inauthentic from a human perspective. After all, they are increasingly using AI algorithms to detect what is deemed inauthentic in humans, thereby reversing the Turing test.
When telling the truth becomes an indicator for so-called inauthentic behaviour, precisely because it makes a human individual stand out from the “Das Man” herd, an ironic parallel to Heidegger’s own political perversion of non-conformity is revealed, like a Heideggerian clearing in a forest.
Sticking to the literal truth, Boris may be correct in saying he will not sell off the NHS.
However, if an arbitration board like NAFTA is set up whereby corporations can sue for lost potential profit if governments do not put out public work to private tender then that is another matter.
Like Virgin And Branson suing the NHS
Nail on the head. Think TTIP which would have resulted in exactly what you say. Note how the EU is currently engaged in resurrecting that deal which will be more to America’s liking and then imagine the negotiating position of this Conservative government full of free-market fanatics and in no position to call the shots.
What’s so strange about all this is that the official narrative is now completely incoherent. On the one hand, they claim that Putin “hacked” the referendum back in 2016 in order to engineer a Brexit; but now they claim that he’s hacking the present election to benefit a very anti-Brexit party. So which is it? Just doesn’t add up …
Propaganda only adds up when you follow the money.
Brexit is UK escape from EU totalitarianism & EU bankruptcy/insolvency which is certain given the Law of Diminishing Returns & Macroeconomic/financial Entropy.
Evil Putin sowing discord accross the board. About covers the comicbook like narrative. No oligarchs currying favour with the Tory party here.
Putin must be gaslighting.
It does add up – if your goal is to create cognitive dissonance in the electorate/public to be able to control it much easier.
Seamus – I can only deduce given your blatant and unapologetic attempt to bring actual evidence and rational thought into your analysis that there is perhaps some nefarious “Russian influence” coloring your thinking. Perhaps you inadvertently consumed a bowl of borscht recently?? 🙂
You really can’t make this stuff up! And the peddling of “completely incoherent” narratives doesn’t seem to be seen as any problem at all for our official “truth” monitors on either side of the atlantic these days. Here in the U.S. the MSM and Democratic Party simultaneously call Trump a “Putin puppet,” and evidence free they continue to doggedly allege “Russian interference” in the last election – all while they shamelessly vote to extend the unconstitutional dictatorial powers of the Patriot Act dating from the era of “Bush the Dumber,” and give Trump everything he asks for in terms of support for increased military spending, and endless illegal coups and regime-change operations around Latin America and the planet – all while at the very same time – “err, uhh, Trump is Putin’s puppet.” We appear to have now officially left the “post-modern” era and entered the era of the “completely-surreal.”
Almost makes you wish you were back in the days of McCarthyism. At least you knew where you were with a straightforward anticommy.
It just goes to show how Evil and Cunning Putin really is.
Conde’ Nast Publications owns the bottom of the barrel as an unprofitable & money losing corporate news aggregator & propaganda generator. If anything is said that the Council on Foreign Relations would not allow the comments are shadow-banned and the account is terminated form posting anything. Conde’ Nast Publications is not a democracy, and corporate HQ already knows that Reddit is a money loser propaganda aggregator that is only used for the corporate sector control of news or so-called news.
Expecting executive of Conde’ Nast Publications to actually have morality or ethics is asking a bit too much IMHO. Wall Street corporate culture is heavily policed & monitored for subversives that would advocate for truth, or journalistic integrity.
Reddit shadow-banned my account many years ago.
I was always under the impression it is Conde’ Nasty.
For what it’s worth, I opened a Reddit account and commented on this issue in a section titled, “What did you regret finding out?”
I expect to be banned from Reddit after my very first comment there, but one has to try…
Why am I not surprised?
Selling access to the NHS and its databases was actively discussed in one of your ancient unis almost a decade ago.
No trade deal is better than a bad trade deal and this is true of the EU, the US and anyone else. The US is already our biggest trade partner when we don’t have a deal with them. Why should we pay ruinous prices for drugs from US Pharma? It would only be because of corruption in procurement channels and if that is the case then that should be a main part of party manifestos to eradicate such corruption. Why not go further and not buy pharmaceuticals from the private sector at all but have our own state owned and managed pharmaceutical industry that hires those science students we spend so much on training.
Ditto Simon, Why don’t we? After all the country does invest a ‘little’ in their training so we should be reaping the rewards.
I love this from the Guardian link:
The Conservatives don’t need to. Reddit did it for them.
Still it’s nice that the leaks were not called an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. Give it time!
It’s as Peter Oborne said Soviet style propaganda which is why the alleged source of the documents had to be questioned. I encounter this type of propaganda frequently on Social media. For example, last week Media Lens posted an article from an online blogger showing a clip of Ken Loach countering an attack from a BBC interviewer about its bias. Someone posted a response not about what Ken Loach said but the poster. When I questioned them as whether they agreed/disagreed with his views, they couldn’t give me answer. As John McDonnell said last year expect nothing but the worst from the MSM, The State Broadcaster. This was witnessed yesterday when the State Broadcaster used a survey from YouGov to State Bojo had won the debate 52% to 48%, which coincidentally they had given to Bojo in the last debate but ITV used another survey and gave the debate to Corbyn by 78% to 22%. However a number of other polling companies such as the Times or Martin Lewis in the latest debate had given Corbyn a very substantial win in it. Fortunately , social media is highlighting the blatant methods of propaganda used by the Tories and their allies in the media which decades ago they would have got away with Scott free.
What a rather delightful comments section this is.
Can I ask, as an Australian whose hope has been a little displaced, what chance you all think sniffing the wind Labour has of getting in?
I know it doesn’t count for much but am just interested what all your gutfeels are. Watching The Last Leg makes me think a massive bunch of idiots are about to vote the Tories in because Jeremy Corbyn is really racist and loses his temper every now and then.
Well, firstly, the important point to remember is that the vast majority of the MSM is owned by people like Rupert Murdoch, a man who disowned his own country, and the BBC is controlled by the government of the day. Peter Oborne, a Tory and former editor of a Tory magazine plus political columnist of various Tory newspapers said “ without the support of Soviet style propaganda Boris Johnson would be nowhere”. Moreover, the polling companies are not accurate at all. For example, in the last GE on the last day of the GE they said the Tories were 12 points in front and would win by 54-100 seats. The lost 12 seats and their majority. In this election, we are seeing polls which within the space of a few days say the Tories are on 19 and then 6. Unfortunately, some will because of the NL legacy but the remain Tories will vote against their own party. The establishment are against Corbyn because he wants to return the railways, utilities to be renationalised, a fully publicly funded NHS, free University education and end to draconian benefits system, secure employment contracts, a huge council house building program and so on. All these policies are extremely popular with the public and the Tories have no answer to them except lies. Hence why the fabricated AS. The Tories are very worried Labour will do well which is why they are employing every dirty trick in the book.
Yeah, I understand the situation, which is why I’m wanting to get a feel for the ground gutfeel.
What John didn’t add was that Corbyn will not be able to enact most of these policies if we remain in the EU, which Corbyn now clearly wants us to do. Maybe (shock, horror), he doesn’t really want to enact these policies – he just wants to win an election, and by promising what he cannot possibly hope to achieve, he thinks he might succeed in that aim).
The most left-wing leader of the Labour Party since Clement Attlee, and we will end up with – at best – re-heated New Labourism from the late 1990s.
Some loon on radio 4 this morning was pushing this. He said “the same alternative websites were used to launch the leaks, along with similar grammatical errors (Russian bots can’t spell). He liked it to a June release of fake Russian disinformation? And sent on to claim it may have resulted from a “hack” by the Russians, saying “how serious” that would be.
Thousands of old middle-class people must have listened to that programme and believed every word.
I’m oldish (74) and I don’t believe the anti russian/semitic crap that is polluting the MSM.
I’m 68 and I don’t believe it either.
Good. I wouldn’t expect you to. However, many, many old people listen to radio 4 religiously, I’ve only caught a bit of two interviews on separate days and both times they were pushing opinions which were closely alligned with the security state. I find that extremely worrying.
Please stop being so patronising. If we are so old, and we listen to Radio 4 all the time (as you seem to think) then we know how it works, and we know the score, and we can make up our mind, thank you very much. You may know what Radio 4 is “pushing”. What you do not know, and cannot know (unless you go round asking a lot of people) how we “old middle-class people” react to it. Is “whippersnapper” still a thing?
You sir, are a young whippersnapper! 😉
Grow up, you silly man. I’m a woman and I go to a sheltered accommodation every day, you can hear radio 4 playing in every room in the mornings.
I’m 57 and can’t believe that anyone believe’s it.
AndI can’t believe I put in an apostrophe there.
I’m 78 and I more than believe you did, I know you did.
Let me guess. You’re a greengrocer.
Yeah, it’s about time they put an edit facility in this place. (Did I get my apostrophe in the right place?).