Did Laura Kuenssberg Commit Massive Breach of Electoral Ethics?
By "leaking" alleged postal ballot results, has the BBC unwittingly exposed wholesale corruption and potential electoral fraud?
Kit Knightly

The BBC may have just unwittingly revealed – or even committed – a huge breach of electoral rules. Giving a report via her phone this afternoon, the BBC’s political editor Laura Kuenssberg seemed to suggest that some unknown party had improper access to postal ballots:
…the postal votes, of course, have already arrived. The parties, they’re not meant to look at them, but they do kind of get a hint. And, on both sides, people are telling me that the postal votes that are in are looking very grim for Labour…
— Caroline (@Carolin31152898) December 11, 2019
Clearly, if true, this is a massive breach of electoral ethics. The electoral commission rules on postal ballots are very, very clear about how they’re handled prior to being counted [their emphasis]:
1.9 Ballot papers will be kept face down throughout a postal vote opening session. Anyone attending an opening session must not attempt to see how individual ballot papers have been marked. It follows therefore that keeping a tally of how ballot papers have been marked is not allowed.
1.10 In addition, anyone attending a postal vote opening must not attempt to look at identifying marks or numbers on ballot papers, disclose how any particular ballot paper has been marked or pass on any such information gained from the session. Anyone found guilty of breaching these requirements can face an unlimited fine, or may be imprisoned for up to six months.
Nobody should have any idea what the results are! Especially not the Political parties themselves!
And they DEFINITELY shouldn’t be using them as a basis for campaigning, which this report most certainly was.
Consider the implications – these votes have not been counted yet, and yet we know someone has had illegal access to them. That impacts the integrity of the vote. If ballots can be seen before they’re counted, they can potentially be changed, destroyed, stolen or ignored.
Now, there is the possibility that it’s not true – that the postal ballots don’t favour the Tories and/or nobody has looked at them.
But that’s no better, as that would mean the BBC are reporting a lie to try and influence the vote.
True or false, the report exposes serious corruption.
Essentially, one of three things has happened:
- Someone has had illegal access to the postal ballots before they’ve been counted and informed the BBC, who reported them – also illegally.
- Someone leaked fake postal vote results, and the BBC reported them without question (again, illegally, or at least unethically).
- The BBC’s political editor invented the whole story, and reported something she knew was a lie.
All three involve the BBC, and/or other unnamed parties, breaking the law in order to influence the election. This should be a massive scandal. One that could potentially call into question the integrity of the whole election.
Will there be a proper investigation?
The video clip is increasingly hard to find, we have downloaded it from twitter and are hosting it here. Please download it, watch it and circulate it. Before it gets memory-holed.
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I thought I was going to bid you all farewell earlier, but I walk in the countryside at the weekends and I’ve been up to my neck in sheep shit all afternoon, so I thought a few moments with the woolly grass munchers here might not be so bad. And besides, as a lone wolf I have a taste for fresh meat, and lamb – especially rack of lamb – is definitely on the menu!
I wonder if any of you have heard of Julian Assange? A journalist (or publisher if you prefer) of information given to him in confidence by whistleblowers. He is currently being held by the British government on behalf of the United States which wants to prosecute him for revealing confidential government information. (You know, stuff that he’s not supposed to talk about.)
I personally don’t think that journalists – whoever they are – should be prosecuted for doing journalism. So while I dislike the views of individuals such as Luke Harding and Carole Cadwalladr, I nevertheless don’t want to see them imprisoned.
It may be as Chomsky famously said to Marr, “I’m sure you believe everything that you’re saying, but if you believed anything different you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.”
Journalists are not the problem. Harding is not the problem. Kuenssberg is not the problem. You want to see Kuennsberg imprisoned? How about Harding? Toynbee, Oborne, Hitchens, Jones, Cadwalladr … lock them all up. You may think that makes the UK pure, but others overseas may not share your view!
Deal with people like Harding the way that Aaron Mate dealt with him. Not by catching them out or by baying for their blood, or seeing them prosecuted for minor mistakes, but by presenting a reasoned case against them.
I know almost nothing about Laura Kuenssberg as I don’t pay any attention to BBC content. But she is a journalist. I don’t think Laura Kuenssberg belongs in a prison any more than Julian Assange does. They are journalists doing their jobs whether you agree with their views or not.
I’m not intending to read anything else here. I am already self censoring. When the question of Kuenssberg’s guilt was posed I naively thought that you were inviting your readers to give their honest opinions. I didn’t realise that there was a right answer and that teacher was going to come around and mark down those who got the answer wrong. Who are you to lecture me Ed?
And I still maintain my opinion that she did nothing wrong, but if she broke the rules in revealing what she had been told then so did you in revealing what she said!
And yes, Tove Jansson was one of my childhood favorite authors !
Oh it’s all so clear now! Here we are exploding with futile fury when all we had to do was invite e.g. Laura and Boris onto a public platform and have a jolly civilised chat which would (it goes without saying) be honestly filmed and transmitted across the media and everyone would get the chance to ask questions and we could all debate the issues most rationally and there would be no smears or interfering with sneaking forward glances at vote papers or shouting out “anti-Semite” etc. Gosh – it was all our own frightful lack of manners! A reasoned case! And they all lived happily etc.
Just to clarify what I said earlier. My argument is that Laura Kuenssberg was not breaking the law by reporting what she had been told. If anyone was breaking the law then it was the officers in charge of the ballot who told her.
And by the logic you are using here Off Guardian (and everyone else who talked about it) is also breaking the law by reporting on what they have been told by Ms Kuenssberg.
I defending ms Kuenssberg’s past record. It is simply that in this case I do not think she has broken the law. Sorry.
Correction: I am not defending Ms Kuenssberg’s past record.
The point is that Kuenssberg acted unethically. She could have kept shtum about what the votes indicated – instead she chose to blab. It’s certainly not the first time her professional ethics have been self-compromised either.
Apologies to Mr Leonard Young whose post on Craig Murray I am stealing:
Get Christopher Steele on the case.
This could turn out to be a massively important article if the exit results prove true, cos there’s no way that result is possible.
So many cheers for the article, especially the video link, which i have downloaded. The idiot Tory frontman has behaved in a totally disgusting way this election campaign, people can be gullible but not the braindead loons it would take for him to win by a landslide.
If the exit poll proves true an investigation is a necessity, possibly needing a court adjudication.
Hopefully, the article will prove to be of more use than whatever “investigation” went on when it was revealed that the “children overboard” story was a fake after the November 2001 election.
It’s going down the memory hole, especially in light of the result
In relation to the thread below what people have a hard time comprehending as it is so counterintuitive is that the power elite push out stories that will put right-wing government in a bad light and seem plausible. This is what they do. I cannot explain it exactly but the evidence is very clear and there is no better example than the “children overboard”. They pushed out a lie that many people didn’t buy of refugees throwing their children overboard, they admitted that it was nonsense 3 days before the election! … but who won the election? The Liberals (with a little help from the opposition leader)!
Do not believe stories simply because they seem plausible and tend to confirm your beliefs – that’s exactly what the power elite target. I do not think Labour particularly had anything to do with this story, if it is fakery, at all (no doubt, at least one person in Labour did but that’s the same for all parties, there will be people “in the know”, nothing to do with party). It could just be that the power elite have decided they want Labour in for some reason. These events are not staged by “parties”, they’re staged at the behest of the power elite. Whatever, you have to look at the evidence.
So we have the “different versions” of the story sign. One says virus, one says pneumonia.
Jack was taken to his GP last Tuesday, with vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing and a fever. He had been ill for six days with what the GP had thought was a virus, but as he had not improved he was taken by ambulance to the accident and emergency unit of LGI.
Sarah Williment’s son, Jack, was rushed to the Leeds hospital by ambulance with suspected pneumonia on December 3.
As stated in an earlier comment I think it’s clear that the hand on the left of the photo is clearly smaller than the right.
The kind of antagonism shown in the comments does make me despair a little. Surely, it’s obvious that I believe what I say based on the evidence I provide. Perhaps it is a little sketchy, nevertheless it exists and my feeling about the event is that it is staged. I am simply putting it out there. While lack of censorship is what everyone supports on this site, isn’t it, nasty, censorious comments are actually a mild form of censorship. They say to the commenter: “How dare you express that opinion.” Perhaps I really should do a much more thorough job of analysing this story but I am utterly sick of deception and have other deception to work on at the moment – the very scary infiltration of the climate action movement in Australia. I also worked out yesterday that the founder of Extinction Rebellion, Polly Higgins, is/was controlled opposition – just watch her TED talk. So much deception, so little time.
“I am a logging company … we bring jobs, we bring profit, etc … We clear the dead wood so that agroindustry can make flat and straight yields.”
I think there is a huge backlash against the BBC this time.
Twice in a week #SackLauraKuenssberg has been trending for some time at the top of twitter.
Once for this and earlier for tweeting a false claim from a ‘senior tory’ that a Matt Hancock aide was punched. #seniortory also trended high with merciless pisstaking and demands (unheeded) for them to be named.
Jeremy Vine came on to defend her from the ‘bullying’ only to be ripped a new arsehole by thousands of
Official BBC comments similarly derided with #bbcbias #bbcbiasandlies #bbcimpartiality also trending strongly on and off.
Peston and dan hodges were was ripped to shreds for their involvement in the fake tweet originating from guido who also seems today to be spreading a doctored photo of Diane Abbott wearing odd shoes.
The spread of the fake news was network analysed by prof Jones showing blue tick spheres of influence.
Its almost as if the above mentioned have been handing out ‘they live’ glasses like smarties and the whole facade of trusted media is falling is falling to pieces.
The anger among joe public twitter users has been palpable and despite the protests of the blue tick bubble twatterati appears organic rather than organised.
Not quite viral yet but a few hints and mentions of madame guillotine being directed towards these gatekeepers and I suspect they may be locking their windows and looking over their shoulders despite their 1% bravado.
Comment after the election results have come out):
Just watched Richard Burgon being savaged by Emily Maitlis. She was bombarding him with questions and then not giving him chance to answer. He was doing his best to answer sensibly, and with dignity, but that obviously didn’t suit her script. Sickening. Now that Labour has lost, these overpaid hacks think they can treat Labour MPs, especially those loyal to Corbyn, with complete disrespect.
Earlier, I had heard Richard Burgon giving an interview on The World at One (to their credit, he was not interrupted). I’ve got a lot of time for him. I remember how he calmly and with dignity defended Corbyn back when so many Labour MPs were trying to unseat him.
Speaking about Labour’s loss of the GE this time, he (correctly in my view) Blamed Labour’s stance on Brexit. I don’t know what his personal stance on Brexit was – I checked the referendum results for Leeds, the city he partly represents, and it was marginally pro-remain. (I could not quickly find results by constituency. They weren’t announced that way, although I think later analyses by constituency have been made, if you can find them – anyway, he represents Leeds East, which may or may not have had the same result as Leeds as a whole).
Earlier on the same programme, I’d had the disagreeable experience of having to listen to the appalling David Blunkett referring to Labour’s “marxist” manifesto. Apparently now he refers to himself as a “social democrat”. This seems to be the latest thing among Blairites. I’d heard Alistair Campbell do the same thing on TV overnight (as he laid into John Lansman; Lansman said the manifesto was “social democrat”; while I’m not that big a fan of his, I think he was nearer the mark than Blunkett or Campbell (another appalling man, IMHO).
I was glad to hear Richard Burgon very politely but very firmly putting Blunkett in his place).
Alan Johnson was poisonous about Corbyn last night. Vicious. Called him the leader of a “sectarian rump”. Neil Findlay MSP responded with dignity and accused him of making grossly offensive claims about good people.
I’ve always thought that Burgon comes across as decent and thoughtful and not prone to exaggeration, impulsiveness or hysteria. I read today that it is believed that he may well be tempted to put himself forward to lead the Party as and when Corbyn goes. He is someone whom I could see myself having much respect for, unlike all the other possible candidates mentioned so far. Unfortunately because of his quiet and unassuming manner he could well find himself up against it.
HAS THERE ACTUALLY BEEN AN ELECTION TODAY? No news coverage, except a small shot of someone checking papers outside a polling station????
Nancy Pelosi and Trump appears to be more important than our Politics and future!!!
Can anyone tell me where is the election News???
Tories obviously shitting themselves and losing big time or we would have had the figures rammed down our throats?
We have to wait until they scrap all the Labour votes or spoil them…
Not permitted on election day…until after the polls close in
word deletion seems popular erasing words
mods what power.
the bbc boy or girl whatever it is
is special like
lisa ducette who worked at chatham house for years
these creatures are projexcs from child hood
folks like james 1984 obrien
all starts with tavistock trauma in baby hood
projects are scripted
why moan and roll your eyes when the robot performs the chosen role assigned.
a waste of air
is it not
these words may not appear
here but certainly will show at gchq and on tel aviver database
The Mails top voted comment is a prayer to god to stop Corbyn.
Religion being pushed.
The dirtiest election ever! The gauntlet in full steam.
Just plucky Brits who have been assumed to have lost already fighting in the towns and villages against all odds!
Always fun to visit the Mail. Unfortunately I can’t find your god comment. I did find this:
Interesting how concerned the Tories get about public services just before an election.
Kleptocracy? Over to Wiki:
Exploiting people and natural resources. Now where have I heard that before?
I can’t stand the stench too much longer – so just one more look:
Marxist rabble, eh? If only!
top rated posts
‘Posh14a, Alfreton, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Prayer for today. Please God save us from Corbyn. Amen’
Got 12,933 likes.
Well the Daily Mail has at least 2388 intelligent readers since that’s the number who voted this prayer down. But then again they are Daily Mail readers. So I suppose that cancels out the intelligence.
What makes you think a corporate media shite hole like the DM would bother with honest voting or commenting. Their mods or sock puppets probably make sure that key comments get multiple up votes or down votes as necessary. If reality doesn’t coincide with what they want it to be they just change reality!
How do they do postal votes in the UK? In Germany, each vote is put into an sealed envelope, then the envelope is sent to the polling office together with the voting card and a signed statement. On the polling day, the votes in the sealed envelopes are mixed with the votes (so you loose the connection beween voter and vote) and counted all together. This way no one can know beforehand any results.
Try this for an explanation.
Cyril Smith used to collect all the postal votes in his constituency from Asian leaders who were cronies of his. He took them home and burnt all the ones that didn’t vote for him in his fireplace.
Hmm, a quarter pound nothingberger IMO. The caber rattlers over on Murray’s blog have been making much of this too. Let’s look at the words:
“…the postal votes, of course, have already arrived. The parties, they’re not meant to look at them, but they do kind of get a hint. And, on both sides, people are telling me that the postal votes that are in are looking very grim for Labour…”
I draw your attention to the following:
“they’re not meant to look at them” and “people are telling me”
All Kuenssberg is doing is repeating what she has apparently been told. She isn’t admitting to poking her nose in on ballot papers herself. That got her in trouble the other day when she repeated without proper fact checking a Tory smear outside of Leeds General Hospital.
I have no idea how she votes, but she is routinely smeared as a Tory. Her “crime” seems to be that she is a Scotswoman who works for the BBC and who might not be as radical as some of her fellow Scots may like.
My guess is she’s probably knackered. Tired people make mistakes. I don’t listen to the BBC, so I have little interest in her, but criticism can be an inverted form of flattery.
Editor: For those few who have not divined it yet, the entity known as ‘John2o2o’ is currently running a ‘narrative-creation/damage-limitation’ play. He may think he’s blending in and being subtle. It’s hard to say -ed
did you say she was scotch?
a tired scotty
yes sir here here for the scotch bbc man
from khazaria
nice one friendo
I believe I’m right in saying that Laura Kuenssberg, like myself and Craig Murray was not born in Scotland, but has a Scottish parent. That qualifies her as Scottish. She also grew up in Scotland. Scots not Scotch.
The point is “Tory Girl” should not be telling us should she?
Her trouble is that she just cannot help sticking the boot into Corbyn at any and every opportunity she can …..
“probably knackered, tired people make mistakes” my arse.
She’s been undermining Corbyn since 2017….
She is obviously a Tory insider, IMO.
Not in mine. Sorry. I think your paranoid attitides are just silly.
Well of course that wonderfully off-the-cuff laid-back BBC just let anything happen and anyone can comment about vague feelings here and there. And it’s not as if a general election is that important, is it? I daresay all that mountainous verbiage about Labour anti-Semitism just kind of fell together. These comments could have been said by anyone at any time. And little Laura K just saunters on and “sees where the spirit takes her”. Hell – they’re all practically hippies!
Please share – the tune to hum as you vote
And where and what to vote to get the bastards out.
At 11.40 this morning on Radio 5 live Emma Barnett show , hosted by Chloe Tilley , a caller who identified herself as Phillipa told her story about how she and her sick mother who was once a NHS nurse and who came from a very poor area of Manchester ( Stretford ) were now going to vote conservative to ” keep a marxist out of office ” .
Presenter Chloe intervened and reminded the audience that the BBC is not allowed to broadcast political content on election day.
Too late though as the message was broadcast to the millions of 5 live listeners. ….. that two poor working class women from Manchester , one of whom is an ex NHS nurse are for the first time going to vote Conservative to “keep a marxist out of office” .
Incredible stuff …. listen to it yourself on the radio player app. It’s not been deleted ( yet ) and occurred 1 hour 40 minutes 20 seconds into the show.
And this is a prime result of the maggot infested media’s relentless smearing of Jeremy Corbyn year after year.
So now, not only is JC an anti semite, he’s also a kremlin stooge, and now a… Marxist!
All to protect their Neoliberal brave new world.
The very same presstitutes who have relentlessly smeared Julian Assange to the point where the clear majority think he’s either a rapist or a kremlin stooge (like Corbyn) or else they don’t even want to hear his name mentioned period.
And here we have poor people voting against their very own interests.
I look forward to Edward Curtins peice on Edward Bernays and propaganda if you publish it here.
Meanwhile the Tory cuts have caused an additional 5500 people to die in A&E last three years due to increased waiting times.
5500 family, friends, neighbours, co-workers. Dead. Avoidably. Needlessly. Yet Corbyn is a monster and the Tories must stay in power!
I’m not a Marxist, but give me Corbyn any day of the week rather than the fascist bastards who run the modern Tory party.
Vote Labour, you know it makes sense!
Well said, along with the 130,000+ killed as a result of Tory austerity measures. That have infact increased the national debt by 81%
I think she is lying in order to influence the result of the election, which is very strange and it could work both ways. It could persuade natural Labour voters to vote for Corbyn instead of migrating to another party in order to get Brexit done.
If however there has been a clear breach of electoral rules, then I would expect her and whoever else was involved, to end up in prison.
Good God, lol. Who’d be a journalist in this day and age? I think she’s just tired. She’s not influencing me.
Editor: who knew that being ‘just tired’ automatically exempted someone from responsibility for breaking the law? -ed
Perhaps you’re one of the clever ones.
She’s the sort of person who influences my parents, because they only watch BBC, and today’s mainstream-media staff are hired on the basis that they will NEVER be tired.
You are not her target audience.
The dozing sheep are, and they are many.
Perhaps being an obsequious little hack also exempts you from responsibility for breaking the law?
She wasn’t breaking it. I don’t like her especially, I just don’t think she was breaking the law.
She’s not breaking the law. As I pointed out. She was reporting what she’d been told. Not looking herself.
There are two crimes here.
1. Looking at the ballot papers
2. Reporting the information gleaned by looking at them
Kuenssberg is unquestionably and irrevocably guilty of the second. Period. No debate.
Therefore she and her informants should be prosecuted, but of course they won’t be because our system is rotten with corruption.
It has been my experience that prison rarely houses the most deserving, and clear breaches of electoral rules have been fashionable since Florida 2000.
Imagine, Nancy Pelosi has just admitted that she knew G.W. was lying about Iraq’s weapons, yet saw no reason to impeach him!
Dennis Kucinich DID see every reason to do so, and filed articles of impeachment against members of that administration. The insane-stream media of course ensured that hardly anybody got to hear of that, and it is now forgotten, along with Kucinich’s name.
Millions of needless deaths onward, Pelosi still sees no reason, just as Albright thought 500,000 dead children was “worth it”.
Ghouls, both of them. Fresh from hell.
Laura Kuenssberg has form when it comes to lying. The BBC Trust found that she had lied about Jeremy Corbyn, but BBC’s senior management’s response was to assert that she is an outstanding journalist.
This hardly the first time that the BBC Political Editor has demonstrated an amazing lack of nous though, is it? Trouble seems to follow her wherever she goes. One thing for sure, she will not learn anything from this enormous blunder and the next one she makes most likely will land her in jail .
That Kuenssberg has got as far as she has suggests that someone at the BBC has got her back – and that someone is on another British government agency’s payroll. Or maybe even another government agency’s payroll.
It has been my experience that jail rarely houses the most deserving.
Enormous blunders are now fashionable in Washminster.
All senior figures at the BBC (and many of the underlings) are vetted by those splendid chaps in our spook organisations. Have to keep everyone on message, you know.
NAZILAND strikes again, courtesy of the Rothschild Broadcasting Company. If the scum get back in, they’re not scrapping the licence fee per se, they are making it a mandaTORY tax which everyone has to pay.
The good people of Naziland will be so happy, they can stream superfast RBC propaganda to their phones via their 5G network. Joy of joys.
Where I am right now, the local rag forbids the publishing of any reader letters expressing any kind of negativity about the local Tory scum candidate during election time. There’s Labour flags everywhere, but this is the policy of the local paper. No negative stories either, presumably. Get these scumbags out.
My comments are going missing again.
My guess about this story is they are just rubbing peoples’ noses in it. There are no accidents, it is a clue of what is to come. The election will be rigged, and there’s fuck all you can do about it. Revolt and you give them the rope they so desire to start attacking and assaulting those who hate them and see what they are. These people are above the law, they act with total impunity. Britain is a fascist state, controlled by an out of control elite and military interests. Scary times
The evil bitch Thatcher pulled the same stroke telling everyone she’s getting rid of the council tax, which she did!
May the Streisand Effect hit the unevolved with full force. IF (and that is also a recommendation) this concocted whistle blow orchestra was published antes the actual elections, the electorate has now the option to have a 90% labour victory and bring to an end neoliberalism in the UK.
How is the relationship between postal ballots and those from the polling stations?
Hillarious Bozo not traveling to his own constituency to vote! Does it in westminster.
Probably wants to make most his time at No10, spaffing non-stop, with his friend Laura who likes to waych him and make soft focus films of him tossing …his hair.
Labour & Libdems are toast with any luck ! BXP might just get some seats with any luck.
Praying for a WTO Brexit but will probably get Boris’s watered down version alas.
Care to comment on the article?
The WTO ceased to exist in all but name this week. With the retirement of all but two judges: the Appellant Court functionally ceased to exist. The ‘rules based international order’ just segued into the ‘power based international order’.
Better tell that to WTO !
Nigel will come away empty handed. He won’t get a single seat. He has either been bought off (a peerage in the House of Lords he wants to abolish, or US ambassador?) or just conned by Bojo. His effect will be marginal, siphoning off leave votes from Labour.
The Liberals and the SNP will pick up a few seats and try to pass this off as a great victory, without convincing anybody.
The Tories will pick up a few seats in traditional Labour areas north of Watford and lose a few traditional Tory seats in the south. They will gain a few seats overall but not anywhere near enough for a majority. Nobody else will do a deal with them, not even the DUP.
This will not be a good result for Labour. The AS smears, the years of backstabbing and bickering from the PLP, the incoherent policy on Brexit. Labour will scrabble around in protracted efforts to form a coalition with Uncle Tom Cobley and All, offering freebies and goodies to all concerned. Not just the SNP but people like Plaid Cymru and maybe even trying to get Sinn Fein to take up their seats. Without getting anywhere. A fairly tawdry business overall.
Britain will be left without any kind of government, like Belgium and N. Ireland have been.
Nothing will be decided, not Brexit or anything else. Total chaos. Gridlock. Business as usual.
There will be efforts to remove Johnson, Jezza, and Farage. But all three are slippery enough to survive. This will be the third election Labour has failed to win.
The only positive outcome will be that the various mutineers and renegades, Soubry, Berger and Co., will disappear with out trace. There will be a few high profile figures like Swinson losing their seats.
You can take all this to the bank. I sacrificed a goat last night and examined its entrails most carefully.
Must get a better goat.
You must be the only person on the planet who is hoping for a WTO outcome, probably because you don’t understand what it is, Can’t be that good as we will be the only country in the world that operates solely on WTO terms
Read the election results & weep 🙂
Remainers got kicked into touch & now we can get on with some real progress & WTO is just fine by me only the difference between you & me is that I spent the last 30 years in international trade & know exactly what I’m talking about.
Hi mods my comment gone into awaiting moderation – but all the links are to the Off-G site! Please expedite Many thanks.
Forgive me for having a gentle Lol.
‘A few readers have been asking in email and in the comments why we aren’t running daily campaign updates on this, ‘the most important election in decades’, or ‘the most important election of the century’, or since time began or whatever hyperbolic descriptive being used.
The answer to that is simple. We don’t think it is the most important election since any of the above.’
It seems you are catching up with multiple daily posts!
Here also is another ‘dog barking in the night’ event from a BBC reporter and complete, deliberate avoidance of it by ALL the media.
I have been banging on about postal votes & the global deepstate megacorp operation that is in charge of our postal voting system, for many moons now, including this comment a few days ago, where i got short shrift and garnered a dozen down votes so far – without much feedback
As for LaurakoftheCIA
“I know it’s fashionable, but even in 2019 there is nothing big or clever about shooting the messenger – tweets or retweets here aren’t necessarily my view”
A very uproarious LOL to that statement as she bigly and cleverly shoots herself with HER view and signed off last night with
“Laura Kuenssberg
That’s it from me until 10pm tomorrow (apart from welcome entrants to #dogsatpollingstations)”
No Laura – that should be the last we hear or see from you until after a full police investigation and possible trial and sentence.
The Beeb should have – like any corporation – instantly suspended her (on full pay of course) until the matter is settled.
Hell maybe being ever so clever a messenger- she doesn’t want to face the world through the night and this is her way of avoiding it!
Ah, now lets see if her stable mates Peston at ITV, Mair at LBC etc can be persuaded to self destruct!
After all wasn’t that what the Mission Impossible motif was?
Delicious – i’ll risk a bit of hyperbole to finish.
Get out and VOTE and make sure everyone you know and they knows across the country VOTES in THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION SINCE 1945.
Where are the 1,000’s of election observer’s?
Oh wait ‘we are a bastion of democracy’, so they are not required.
This is something that should be fully and completely investigated, with resulting jail time if required, and indeed the election results declared null and void, (at least in constituencies where this has been proven to have happened).
Indeed Raab also needs to be investigated too, as he also has alluded to knowing how the postal votes are stacking up.
BUT, it will be swepted down the collective memory hole. “Move along nothing to see here”
This link
speaks of
Blair has always been a golden boy for this cabal. Kuenssberg is their golden girl.
Maybe. In their desperation to have people go out and endorse the Withdrawal Agreement.
Good article and very true. Yet, almost no discussion or attacks on the Tories for their fake Brexit, especially from leave supporters.
I shall be generous to the BBC and postulate that it was a typical inter-departmental, non-thinking FUBAR. I do not wish to believe that our system is this corrupt – if it proves so after a fair investigation I shall leave this fair island for good. I have copied my aspiring MP-to-be for answers after the election, if he wins.
You can wish all you like, it won’t make any difference! The system is totally corrupt and totally broken, how can you not see that?
I don’t disagree with you, Barovsky, no doubt you are quite correct. My book confirms the widespread corruption in many ways, I was trying to be mature and offer a chink through which to observe – I will reserve judgement until the results of the expected investigation. If it is fudged or obfuscated then we will know for sure:
Peter. I know a nice little harbour town on a Greek Island off the coast of Turkey which would be an ideal place to “move” to. Warm waters to swim in, fresh fish to eat, nice people to have a morning coffee with…..
There will not be a fair investigation and its not really a fair island anymore. Time to move on and watch the ship sink from afar.
Thank you so much Berlin for your excellent advice. I must admit that my rose-tinted glasses are getting a little cloudy these days. I spent 10 happy years escaping this sh***ty little island to Cape Town but was forced to return to UK when I retired (the pensions don’t increase when in RSA).
So I do know a lovely spot in Simons Town where I spent many happy times on my yacht at the False Bay Yacht Club and I remain a member. My wife is South African, enjoys UK, apart from the weather; (NHS, safety and security is high on the list).
We have to take Vitamin D supplements because of severe deficits, I guess because our bodies are attuned to lots of sun although we don’t miss the UV. The language is English & Afrikaans mainly and they drive on the left so it’s easy to adapt. If I win the lottery we will return like a shot; many expats are there.
The lifestyle of the dilettantes of Cape Town is only possible because of the oppressive poverty still inflicted on the people of, to choose one of many examples, Khayelitsha. Possibly not easily visible from on board your yacht, but there nonetheless.
Ah, you are clearly acquainted with Cape Town. But, yes, regrettably there has been little progress for the great majority of South Africans since 1994. I worked in Khayelitsha with the Citizens Advice Bureau in 2006 and which was run by two nuns; they did extremely good work in ensuring that citizens were able to enforce their rights and relieve at least a little of the suffering we witnessed.
Unfortunately, little has changed since I was there:
Marley was dead.
But remember what he said,
″‘Business!’ cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. ‘Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!‘”
Vote Labour for any ghost of a chance of humanity this Christmas.
Children, did you really believe “they” would let you vote if it influenced “their” agenda. As Mark Twain observed, “If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” Clear now? Off to school you go…
“Democracy: Capitalism’s last great trick.” [J.Garbo]
I was watching PL when Kuennsberg spoke to Coburn and was astonished by what she said. What is it with her? She seems to be bloody untouchable when it comes to unprofessional conduct. The BBC claimed later it “doesn’t believe” it did anything illegal nor had its golden girl.
Well the BBC have to be wrong in their belief. Dimbleby lost his career for revealing he knew Balls’ election was rigged for him to lose his seat. Kuennsberg should lose hers for blatant electoral manipulation and six months in clink would do her the world of good.
It woz NOT the Russians, this time….
Bit extreme Rhys. Blatant? It’s hardly that. She hasn’t herself admitted to poking her nose in on ballot papers. Journalists are still people. I genuinely think she’s just tired on this occasion.
Did you actually read the Electoral Commission regulations outlined above? They are quite clear about the law concerning verification of postal votes and people releasing information concerning these.
The BBC will be more than aware of the law, as will its political editor. By broadcasting information illegally leaked by someone present at the verification process, Kuennsberg made herself, and the BBC, parties to that breach.
Please, read the regulation again.
I don’t think she’s done anything illegal either – and I don’t vote Conservative and I don’t work for the BBC.
Much malicious wishful thinking here on this thread IMO.
Editor: There is no ambiguity here. It is a criminal offence to see or divulge any details of the ballot before the close of polling. ‘John 2o2o’ may think what he likes. The law is the law and the law is clear on this. – ed
We get it John.
You know her, and you like her.
Can’t be helped.
The “malice” of which you speak issues from the totally-owned BBC, not from us, and it is directed against the normal people of the UK.
If you say so.
No, editor. She is reporting what she was told. If anyone is breaking the law it is those officers who spoke to her. (She could have been lied to.)
If you want to take the line you are taking line then off G is also breaking the law for publishing what she said.
The way it was phrased is equally damning. So not good for the Tories or promising for the Tories and not grim for Labour but “very grim for Labour”.
Is anything on the level?
Why should anything be “on the level”? Does the hyena make an appointment to dine on the gazelle? Humans may have strayed from the Serengeti but their instincts have not.
Jack, there’s a very fine restaurant in the Serengeti called the Lion’s Share and me and my chums regularly dine there. Their chef Leo does very fine gazelle fillet. Yum! – H
But did you get the gazelle’s permission? Young wild game is tasty. I’ve eaten, as the Chinese say, “Anything that walks with its back to the sun” and critters that slither. When you’re really hungry anything tastes good.
(Don’t understand the down vote. Vegan SJW?)
I am now convinced that the “punch” story combined with the photo of the little boy on the floor were staged – which just adds to the manipulation and staging indicated in this story.
They are good at making an aspect of a story seem extremely dodgy and then calling it out as fake when in fact the whole story is a fake. They did exactly this for the “children overboard”. They pushed out the implausible assertion, “refugees threw their children overboard”, as a feature of the SIEV 4 refugee boat story and then called it out as nonsense three days before the November 2001 election while the evidence shows clearly that the whole refugee boat story was a complete fake. Of course, the psychological effect of “refugees throwing their children overboard” couldn’t have failed to have an effect on some people at least despite the calling out of it as fake before the election.
Obviously, we are being led by the nose-ring hither and thither with complete nonsense.
I repeat my comment on the OffG “punch” story here with some modifications:
Photo of little boy –
— Doesn’t the bag look anomalously pumped full of air?
— The hand on the left looks smaller than the hand on the right. I actually took snapshots of each hand and put a line on the fingers and they definitely seem different in length.
— The homogenous red theme seems a little odd: the sleeves of the boy’s shirt, the thing over his head (is it the shirt’s hood?), the track pants at the top, what seems to be a very large jacket serving as a blanket.
— This article in the Guardian providing the testimony of people who seem qualified to give it that the photo is fake – https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/dec/11/paper-story-jack-williment-barr-online-lies-yorkshire-post.
From the article:
So ironic. You will get controlled opposition “peddling lines” that they are some sort of medical expert but in this case I’m with the real or imagined paediatric nurse. My goodness it’s just the never-ending turtles.
Cyclist video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PojRJo9-ltI
— At 14 seconds the cyclist says “You are not welcome in this […] hospital”.
— At 22 seconds the aide says “Are you […] people?”
— Of course, if the photo is staged then the woman calling out, “Why is that boy sleeping on the floor?” is highly suspect, no?
I find what the two speakers say in the ellipses unintelligible – can anyone enlighten me? To me it sounds a bit like the cyclist says the word “proud”, but that seems a strange word to use, no? Unintelligible words and phrases are a feature of staged events and it seems a little odd that when the cyclist is speaking so clearly otherwise that this single word would be unintelligible.
Noticing of masonic colours
Note: while I may point out very obvious masonic numbers such as 11 and its multiples to support my hypothesis I try to avoid using masonic symbology generally as people may quite reasonably not accept it as signifying anything and it’s an area where I have no expertise, I’m simply saying here what struck me.
The masonic black and white on the bollards in the cyclist video and the red and blue in the photo.
I already explained to you on another story that the bag is a non-rebreather oxygen mask with reservoir. The bag is inflated with an oxygen/air mix.
Are you working for Boris or what? Why are you trying to spread round the idea that children aren’t left lying on the floor in A&E units? Why are you claiming the Labour Party faked the photo?
Why don’t you try leaving your computer for long enough to get out in the real world and visit a real inner city hospital? You will see scenes just like that on most days of the week in winter. Try telling the parents of children like that that it’s all a fake.
Shame on you.
I certainly didn’t claim the Labour party faked the photo. It wasn’t the Australian Labor Party who faked the story of the “children overboard” to then come out and say it was a fake although Kim Beazley for one would have been in on it. I don’t think of parties doing this kind of thing but of it being more at a top level – the power elite – they work with key people in Parliament (it can only be on both sides) and get intelligence agencies via agency staff to implement the fakery. I have to admit I really don’t know why they would push out this story unless it is to help Labour and I somehow don’t think the power elite want Labour in. Who the hell knows? Could it somehow work for the Tories? I don’t see how.
My apologies, I didn’t research enough and I was thinking the bag was for holding some kind of liquid solution, nevertheless, we have to wonder why Jack is not actually wearing the mask if he was rushed to hospital by ambulance and was not well at all.
I’m afraid the story, like so many fake stories, is full of twists and turns I find strange and I simply don’t believe it. I notice typical anomalies in presentation such as Influenza A and Tonsillitis capitalised when this is not standard. Please allow me the freedom to believe according to what the evidence means to me. If it means something different to you then fair enough and if you can present me with something that contradicts what I believe, please do. So far, you’ve presented:
— Strawman 1: I said nothing about Labour.
— Strawman 2: The claim that you started work in the NHS 30 years ago and know that it’s all different now.
[Regardless of whether you started work 30 years ago in the NHS or not I have no doubt that everything is different now but whatever the situation now it doesn’t prove the little boy is not a staged photo and I think all the allusions to faking are a bit of an indicator.]
— Way over the top and ludicrous ad hominems (in your previous comment): “because evil pricks like you”, “but for selfish greedy fucks like you”
Are you new here? To facilitate lack of comment censorship (isn’t it fantastic?) I urge you to desist from ad hominems apart from all the other very sensible reasons to desist.
Those remarks were not addressed to you but to an individual promoting the destruction of the NHS. As the responder claims to be an ER nurse who has devoted her life to saving people and has been seeing them die on her watch for lack of resources we felt her reaction was permissible in the circs.
Petra is Flaxgirl. It’s a shill operation.
Please desist from appropriating the term “ad hominem” for it has clearly been the predilection of those you speak for, to engage in a relentless smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn for the last four years. Your moral high ground is as substantial as a sand castle – and the tide is now coming in. . . . . .
And I’ve already told you she’s a fucking Cadbury’s.
She has no shame. She’ll trash anybody, their reality (as in actual existence), their intelligence, their rationality, their integrity, their reputation, their you-name-it, where anybody means anybody: mainline academic, supercelebrity, man in the street (in this case child on the floor), total nonentity or any passing dingo if there’s an inconvenient shortage of the afforementioned rich an/or famous. And she does it all by hunches, which she redesignates as ‘logic’. And when she finally gets really nailed by someone she apologises, admits error, then pours the entire load of ratshit into another online venue, or even just a different comment thread in the same forum, totally intact in its original brainless form. Wait for it: if he dies, that child on the A&E floor and his “controlled opposition” family (or their successors if he doesn’t) will be living the life of Riley, all expenses paid by their Deep State handlers, on some tax haven beach in the Caribbean or South Pacific. No kidding.
“She” is demonstrably a disinformation tool, Persona #149, or as you suggest a nutter.
ahh thus sprack frankie boy
what are you spencer who you work for already?
all views are valid even yours
circular talking shop is that what you guys want
tapping each other on the back
the world is weird frankie run by sickos and you know it boy
Inadvertently replied to you in the wrong place above:
In my opinion, Flaxgirl / Petra is demonstrably a disinformation tool, working to create bizarre conspiracies in order to ridicule genuine people who question the Establishment narrative and their lies. Either that, or he/she/it is certifiably insane.
Whether he/she/it has intent or is certifiably insane, either way she is definitely a dangerous social toxin:
Whoever has run off with the cork should return it to be be firmly bunged in forthwith.
In my option, Flaxgirl / Petra is demonstrably a disinformation tool, Persona #149, working to create bizarre conspiracies in order to ridicule genuine people who question the Establishment narrative and their lies. Either that, or he/she/it certifiably insane.
Opinion not option
For some reason, you’re clutching at straws. Masons? So it’s an Illuminati plot? Grow up.
You strawman me. I don’t put it forward as evidence, simply that I noticed it and I make that point – black & white and blue & red are recognised masonic colours – this is fact. I never speak of Illuminati or any similar group simply the (global) power elite. And yes I think it’s ultimately the power elite responsible for the staging of this event (assuming it is staged) as they are for all staged events around the world. According to Ronald Bernard, a Dutch ex-high finance operative turned whistleblower the world is run by about 8,000 people from all nationalities, religions, etc.
All staged events around the world bear the same hallmarks. They’re all ultimately coming from the same place.
It seems to go something like:
Power elite talk with intelligence agencies/government/advisers (some of whom are actually in the power elite themselves). Implementation is done by military, police and other agencies.
Wow ! How much time have you got on your hands to fabricate such a piece of garbage as that – If I may borrow your Johnsonian rhetoric may I add – We will not be led by the nose-ring hither and thither with your complete nonsense – masonic or otherwise –
The termites are moving in.
Been there since before the House was built. You just never noticed until the walls started creaking.
The BBC does what all major news outlets do in that they purposely telegraph the outcomes that their employers tell them to in order to sway votes & opinions pre-election & vis-a-vis electoral district counts expected. If you dig deeper into the story you will find that it is a third hand claim that they are running on that cannot be substantiated. The BBC is allowed to spin elections, and outcomes.
The powers that be in the UK want a clean Brexit now. BBC will promote the Brexit agenda in the face of Labour complaints.
Bojo & the Cons will win their majority referenda vote to Brexit right away.
It’s baked into the cake.
The point is not the accuracy but that the information Kuenssberg claims to have received ought not to be available to anyone until the polls close tomorrow. If the ballot papers are being handled illegally there’s no knowing the extent of the meddling taking place.
Gonzo Journalism is practiced by the BBC around election time. BBC editorial board gambles with news stories.
Has anyone complained to the Electoral Commission? I would but I’m a bit out of my depth with legality…..and I can’t get the bloody video to play, in fact, I can barely get access to the site which must be under heavy attack again.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for the “relevant authorities” to investigate.