Reddit Hiring NATO Shills to Control Narrative
Big Tech’s ties to the Deep State are everywhere, and we should be concerned
Kit Knightly
I wrote a short piece a few days ago about Reddit banning users for posting the leaked NHS documents. (Spreading anti-Russian propaganda in the process).
Previously, we have also covered Reddit making politically motivated decisions – such as quarantining boards dedicated to Donald Trump and 9/11.
It turns out there’s a very simple explanation for that, Reddit’s “director of policy” was previously in the pay of the US Deep State.
This was brought to our attention by Ian56 on twitter:
Reddit Bans Users for Telling the Truth.
Honesty is now “Russia-like activity” according to Reddit's "advisers" from the War Criminal & Treasonous Neocon Fascist Atlantic Council – Ben Nimmo & Jessica Ashooh (Reddit's new "Director of Policy")
— Ian56 (@Ian56789) December 9, 2019
In 2017 Reddit hired Jessica Ashooh as their “Director of Policy”. Her LinkedIn page shows her previous employment was “Deputy Director, Middle East Strategy Task Force” at the Atlantic Council.
The report on which Reddit based their decision to ban users as part of a “Russian campaign” was written by Ben Nimmo, who also works for the Atlantic Council (and the Integrity Initiative).
Essentially, Reddit has a high-up employee who was previously in the pay of the US Department of State (and possibly still is).
It’s a prime example of how the US (and UK) infrastructure create an authoritarian, highly-controlled state, whilst maintaining a veneer of “freedom”. There are other examples too.
A high profile, and obvious, one is Nick Clegg being hired by Facebook.
Facebook also hired Ukrainian journalist (and fascist sympathiser) Kateryna Kruk as “public policy manager”, she also has ties to the Atlantic Council. (A short while later Facebook started blocking links to OffGuardian).
In 2017 Facebook hired Indian journalist Shivnath Thukral as “director for public policy for India and South Asia. HIS previous employer was the Carnegia Endowment for International Peace (CEIP), another US NGO, funded by the State Department.
In 2011 Google hired Suzanne Michel as director of policy planning, she previously worked as Deputy Director of the Federal Trade Commission.
Then, in 2018, Google hired Karan Bhatia as their Global Head of Policy, Mr Bhatia had previously worked for the administration of George W. Bush.
It all follows the same pattern of apparent independence concealing an inter-connecting web of control, all dedicated to furthering the same agenda and all being funded by the same central source.
The Atlantic Council is not officially affiliated with the US government, neither is CEIP, they are notionally independent. Likewise, Reddit, Google, Facebook et al. are supposedly independent companies, not in any way controlled by the state.
…and yet you follow the money and it always leads to the same place.
We’re sure there are other examples, if you find any feel free to comment them below and we’ll add them to the list.
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OffG got on to something early; censorship on the Guardian turned out to be only the first green shoots of the AZC weeds that are spreading to strangle Truth globally. Google has just now banned Iranian Press TV despite protests from the internet:
And Italian TV has just now banned its own interview with Dr.Assad.
Nonsensorship going into overdrive; the AZC are running scared.
Of course if this is an issue in the States: “Trillions wasted, without progress, thousands killed. Only weapon manufacturers and corrupt generals benefit.”
It ought to be an issue, in spades, in the UK where the excuse that the Americans have- ‘we made mistakes. We’re not very bright. Our politicians are corrupt.”- does not apply.
Nothing looks worse than the callous sacrifices, of both blood and treasure, made by “Allied” (aka puppet) politicians simply in order to put an end to the nagging from the US Ambassador.
The only innocents are the poor bloody Afghans who have paid 99% of the price. And pay it yet. And all because public opinion, directed by the billionaire media, tells them that killing Afghans, burning their villages, patronising the worst, gangster, elements in their society and letting loose torturers and berserkers from “Special Forces” is beneficial to freedom and democracy.
And, oh yes, in Canada, where hypocrisy is the national sport, “So that young women get educations…”
One of the first Canadians to die in Afghanistan was a serious and sad young man from our village-he’d left a couple of years before to get a job in the Tar Sands, grown tired of that and turned his reserve military status into a burgeoning career. Which ended within a few weeks-poor sod. But poorer yet the sods we turn the military loose on.
Canada has always been a premier supplier of cannon fodder for the Empire’s more absurd wars and adventures. From the Boer War to WW1 (60,000 dead from a much smaller population), Dieppe and all adventures since. Like Blair said, we have to pay the blood price to keep Uncle Sam sweet. A few kids blown to bits are just a bit of collateral damage.
Canadians could be the most well off sheep on Earth; a bit like the new Chin
ese middle class. Got the materials, forgot the spirit.
So let me get this straight. You have not mentioned the devastating effects constant surveillance, spying, intimidating, threatening, harrassing and scare mongering has on the human psyche. It is generally never mentioned how vast the health problems are that are the consequence of STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE. And structural violence it is. The big boot of the fascist forces – it is right there. And while it would need some backing up (which I can not provide at this time), it was Edward Bernays who proposed the creation of the ‘Nacht und Nebel’ (‘Night and Fog’) program. It was intended to break the consciousness of the German people – and it did thoroughly as is obvious when looking at how the German population dealt with the continuation of their dictatorship by any other name. One could say that the structural violence refined by the Nazi movement has neutered the Germans for good. Now its the turn of the entire Western bunch of people that still to this day believe that, what happened in Germany was limited to it and exceptional. If it was exceptional, then only by the fact that the fascist U.$. regime eagerly adopted the advanced ‘citizen treatment system’ of the Nazi movement after it had failed so pathetically in installing its own fascist dicatorship in 1934. That did not sit too well woith those behind this fascist wanna-be coup. None of them was hanged for treason out of fear ranging from the president to congress and senate. These were already bought at that time. In the consequence, the fascist U.$. regime saw a great opportunity to make good on their failed termmination of what went for democracy then. The Nazis, that the F.U.$. regime scored when they were able to pick them up in Germany, showed the modernized American… Read more »
Most of the time now, for me, it’s either music or reading articles like this one, or the occasional book, or a dvd from my film collection.
I try and boycott the presstitute slime as much as possible. The only exception is checking the World headlines when I get up in the morning.
You’re right N…. ‘the last pretenses of anything resembling a democracy’, the key words of course being Pretenses and Resembling.
What keeps me going is seeing the other commenters here and elsewhere who Get It, who see what the World has become.
I’ve given up trying to open my friends eyes, despite repeated referrals to sites like OffG, Moon Of Alabama, The Grayzone and others, and suggesting many articles to read over the years.
End of the day, they don’t want to see.
And I can’t make them open their eyes if they want to keep them shut.
All of them get their news from The Guardian btw.
This is symptomatic: I’ve given up trying to open my friends eyes Like you, I have given up even bothering. Everytime I mention that things are not going to be deniable like that for much longer and the truth will show itself in the open. That, of course will be an ugly experience for the head in the sand folks. Recently I sent a link with information about Hong Kong and the real reasons for the terroristic assault on China, but was told that I am too negative. I should focus more on nature and ignore the world. To me, that sounded off, since I know that I am the world and that it has imprinted on me that a ridiculous, preposterous amount of money has been shoved up the asses of the MIC/surveillance ilk and corrupt politicians – money that belonged to the people, to humanity. Hijacked by these assholes, humanity may well have lost what it takes to further survive/exist. The disgust about where we – as humanity – could be today without the ponzi war scheme that was hoisted upon us by our own worst we entrusted our well being and progress with. There could be a free of charge shuttle service to the moon for those who like to see the Earth from a distance and it would have given the notion of ‘Honeymoon’ a totally different meaning. “Let’s go to the Moon, Honey – to have our Honeymoon. Free Highspeed train travel everywhere. Universal Healthcare and guaranteed generous citizen’s allowance – that would have all worked without the f***ing cold war and the gazillions spent on arms and posture and control freaking. In the light of this utter insanity, I am thoroughly disgusted by those who are still lost in the left/right paradigm – since… Read more »
Many people are going to be in for a very nasty shock when everything comes to a head N…. the few friends I have included.
The clenched fist has been removed from the velvet glove, the last pretenses are now being ripped away.
Listening to a band called Hammock, album is rather aptly called Oblivion Hymns. I find their music really calming and soothing and it helps my mood, aye.
Only other thing to say is Thank You.
I’m very lucky, i have three friends with whom i can discuss any of this, and they in return.
One reason, I believe, apart from choosing friends wisely, is that none of us now live in the disUnited Kingdom or its colonies. We live outside of the constant bombardment of propaganda of the BBC etc.
You are lucky Frank. Other day one of my mag customers who lived in a small town in Greece for nearly 20 years – returned to Australia a couple years ago.
She actually started crying recounting how different people had become in Australia: “they’re so hard and mean, they only care about themselves”… “it’s so different here to when I was younger… people are so hard now”.
I politely explained it was mainly due to Neoliberalism and everything that goes with that, including economic policies and the psychological impact on people.
Australia has basically morphed into the United States. The only difference is the place names and geography.
You’re lucky you have 3 friends who also see how things have become, and also see thru the propaganda.
As I said above, I try and boycott almost all of it except world headlines in the morning.
FS, please dm me if you are looking for a fourth. Sadly, senior NHS in my SW England area are too busy chasing the Mercedes and the 5 bedroom farmhouse.
Ears blocked by greed and status. Very scary.
Bevin, a society cannot do without communication. “Only connect”, as EM Forster said a century ago. If the wells of Truth have been deliberately poisoned, society must name the perpetrators and remove them from power. Otherwise those whom Forster called “the plucky, the considerate” will live like proto-mammals in the age of deinosaurs: insignificant little creatures happy to escape being trod underfoot, and waiting in hope of ultimate emergence in the next geological aeon.
What’s going on? The Washington Post has started doing some real journalism exposing the cross party history of lies about Afghanistan.
Hell has frozen over?
The Panopticon..👁️🗨️
Deflect,obfuscate,gas light,blame shift,name call. Oldest con called the Kansas city shift. Take that from this old Napolitano. We have known it since the Romans conquered us and the when Mussolini burnt his Italian Socialist membership card during the march on Rome ( Biennio Rosso).
The Russians are coming the Russians are coming.
PUNTO UNO: The Skripal case: Not one scintilla of evidence with regards to the tories and the sell out Blairite Labour shills.
PUNTO DUE: The unsubstantiated argument against the Syrian Arab Republic with regards to the Gas attacks in Douma in 2013 and then the the insistence on the false flag narrative of 2017 which the OPCW was coerced into doctoring the final reports.
PUNTO TRE: The National Health Service that has been white anted since Tony’s Blaire regime started dismantling it bit by bit to when the torries took over just kept putting money and services towards the private sector and the donor class of British society.
PUNTO QUATTRO: The UN report on the right of children and their status within the UK society was telling and damning the total shift of what was established in all of western society with regards to the commons. Highest rate of child poverty in all of Europe even exceeding Greece and Croatia, Boznia Herzogovenia.
POST SCRPTUM: How wasp of them and exceptional of them to gas light we the sheeple
DOCIUS IN FUNDEM: Ca nescun e fess ,i fessi siete voi. Old neapolitan expression Yu ain’t foolin anyone but yourselves.
If Boris dot catshit wins you guys get to host thousands upon thousands of US missiles pointed at Russia China India and Europe.
I sort of resent ANY comparison of this un-person with anything Feline – even its feces. Cat feces are by far more beneficial and entertaining than this pompous twat.
Anyone interested in checking out the folks who fund Transparency International, the organisation dedicated to crusading against corruption in governments, economies and societies throughout the world?
Two donors are Adessium and Open Society Foundations (both of whom fund Bellingcrap, and OSF also is a significant donor to The Atlantic Council) and Omidyar Network which runs The Intercept (whose reporters seem to keep throwing whistleblowers into the radar sights of the FBI) is also listed as a donor. to TI
The establishment of international financial and corporate vectors of influence that became socially and politically above any real accountability, sets the narrative and regulatory system for anything and everything. They don’t just think – they act. This network of influence has the ability of allowing a seedbed of tech ideas to develop so as to marketise and weaponise anything that serves its purpose of possession and control of market/mindshare – which of course is never enough. Power for its own sake is an insanity – all the way down. As Gandalf pointed out to Saruman though, such power by nature is unshared and only makes alliances of strategic and temporary convenience against common enemy. It also NEEDS and generates enemies to operate as captured or directed opposition and this included actual wars. I see the Cold War was a means to globalise the world and drive weaponised technologism as ‘The Global Military Industrial Tech and Security State’. Once humans can be conformed to systemic behavioural compliance, wars as such will be redundant – and systematic incentives run the background operating system from which no asset can escape excepting within the matrix of a managed identity diversion. Oh – that’s already in place. Thats’ the way conflict works. To override and paralyse the will with a usurping substitution of ‘identity’. The idea of hiring shills is somewhat redundant if you already own the platforms on which your ‘opposition’ operates. I have read that GCHQ et al have a taxpaid mandate to spread disinfo and doubt among our ‘cyber’ enemies’ as part of cyber war offensive defenses. I must be completely naive because the Russian narratives that I meet – admittedly not a lot – are generally Putin’s reasoned statesmanship along the idea of multipolar national interests working under common agreements that… Read more »
If you read books by Professors Antony C Sutton, Tragedy and Hope by Carol Quigley and Conjuring Hitler by Guido Preparata, you will find a very good analysis into the motives and objectives of the Transnational financiers.
Yes I am aware of the financial-political context for possession and control writ large. I tend to give more focus to the individual receiving consciousness – than personages involved. (I took the moment of acknowledging the historical narrative disclosure to its relevance within our own consciousness – and so this comment now reflects beyond any personal response but was seeded by yours.) Identity given to lack is driven to overcome or escape it. Yet no substitution for our truth can ever fulfil or be ‘enough’. This can be lack of love, lack of power, lack of safety, or lack of support. Etc Whatever we accept into our heart as our mind ‘goes forth to multiply’. A mind set in lack ‘sees’ and aligns in the world its lens permits. And so we co-create an abundance of conflict, debt, and deceit by our very systems and strategies of its overcoming or escape. Technocracy is the consolidation of power set in conflict and sickness management – not healing to wholeness. The idea that we can evaluate the motives of others without interpreting through our own is called judgement. In its own way, this runs like an operating system beneath and behind the scenes to effect, operate and protect ‘power struggle’ in which fear of pain of loss runs as believed fact. Pre-emptive strike then becomes the de-facto ‘self’ of identity assertion that cannot truly share in being, but only join in temporary alliance set against common enemy. So this thing or construct ‘identity’ is something we may think to be or assert as having – yet be conformed and driven by it, filtered, distorted and manipulated. Questioning our current or active ‘identity’ in the heart is checking in that heart and mind are as one or aligned. The heart is known in… Read more »
There are things that we know and things we don’t and things that we don’t even know that we don’t know.
To know what we need to know, when we need to know it is to be free of what we don’t need to know – when we don’t need to know it. The fear that we don’t know – taken as belief – operates as if to know something else. Taking the ‘something else’ as he frame of knowing is to be always out of step – or out of synch – with our lives and therefore with each other and with our world. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men (forceful control) are then applied to put Humpty together again. Resulting equal and opposite reactions then seem to have a life of their own. Such is the world we think that we know as polarised identity in its own entanglements. The idea of ‘being still and knowing’ is of releasing the reactivity by yielding to What Is – and indeed what knows itself whole. How attached are we to our self-illusions? The term ‘whole’ here has no meaning to ‘all the king’s horses and all the king’s men’ – who see fulfilment as the result of dealing with conditions or obstacles FIRST – so that THEN Life can resume. This is what XR is making famous; “MUST DO SOMETHING NOW!” and then after we have forfended disaster, we can let live. This is backwards and delivers us unto fear’s manipulative self-evasions. Alignment of doing and being is being truly moved or a truly moved recognition of being. Relational being. Fear works the usurping mind. Once we take the bait we are emotionally invested and seeking in its frame. To be still or yield to our being is to release the investment of ‘thinking to know’. The flow of life is already moving – the Now of life… Read more »
Behind the heart yes. The physical heart is the traditional seat of emotions, from love via desire to greed etc.
Societal memes are not only created to manipulate the mind but also that emotional heart. Esthetics is a step up. Silence is best.
moon on alabama and off guard done
slightly more sophisticated limited hangin hangouts yes no?
everything has been purchased
satanists run the show
never trust a khan or cohen or jack
…But trust a Bush, Clinton or Obama? Only a fool believes a name is guarantee of honesty.
Thanks again to Offguardian for exposing these dutiful servants of the Anglo Zionist Empire.
I think most of us here can see where this is all heading, and Have Seen the writing on the wall for quite a long time now.
A surreal, dystopian future, where the only news permitted is from ‘official channels’.
All dissenting voices to the Neoliberal juggernaut are to be smeared, censored, attacked or simply strangled of funds via PayPal and Visa refusing to accept payments.
And most people are utterly oblivious. They don’t even know. Or care.
Thanks Kit and Offg team.
I’ve just complained to Ch4 news about tonight’s report by Krishnan Guru Murthy on talks between Russia and Ukraine. Murthy said the talks were about “Russia’s war with Ukraine”. I Realise my complaint will be found to be unfounded but it is important to call these liars out whenever they make erroneous statements. I likened Murth’s reporting of Ukraine to his reporting of Syria, he doesn’t speak of “Britain’s war with Syria” even though we have special forces on the ground and bomb government targets.
I know this is a bit off-topic, but I’m thoroughly fed up with the nightly dose of lies from Ch4 and the BBC.
Don’t pay the BBC “licence fee”. They are the main propaganda outlet of the elite.
Frankly, only the naive or lazy would bother with the BBC. And pay for the privilege! These days, free and fairly honest information is everywhere. Just click your mouse.
@Grafter and Jack. I like having a telly. I rarely watch the news nowadays but I still like to keep abreast of what they’re pedaling, even though it makes my blood boil.
Masochism can be cured, but it needs the patient’s willingness.
I would also say, if we simply stop watching the TV, we will only be a tiny minority and we will end up not holding them to account and become totally the opposite of all those who do read/watch the msm. That’s fine but it does nothing to stop the fakery or educate those who lap it up. Imo, we need to engage and question and complain and expose, over and over until people drive change.
Do watch telly.
But choose what you watch.
My own videos are my favourites.
I feel its fine to extend your complaint of false witness as part of your own sanity and an invitation to them to regain theirs. But if you attend a pantomime – you accept there is the ‘baddie’ hiss! boo! Once you recognise the role being played out and the target audience of it play, why persist in its frame? Narrative based identity is emotional investment in story. THAT is how we are phished – and that is our own patterning of vicarious re-enacted themes of our own self-adjusted reality experience. Yes it is outright lies by which an ‘established’ sense of power maintains its ‘identity’ – so my sense is to not play into it. And that means to notice the moments of my own emotional reactivity as my own – even if that is hard to stomach. Because until we can look on the lies without being targeted and triggered by them, we are in some sense participating – and effectively inviting evil or deceit into our minds, our lives, our homes, our relationships. If you find anything on that is not seeking to capture and entrain your attention and frame or persuade you to someone else’s agenda – enjoy! But growing vigilance for the nature of deceits by which we are undone of our peace, is firstly to VALUE your peace and all the ways that hold it in your life – and then to be aware of how you are induced to throw it away by all kinds of reactive triggers. The front end of a mainstreamed narrative is some kind of drama or circus of cover story. Occasionally something is uncovered – but generally it works diversion. You get to shout from your armchair what the players on the field should or shouldn’t do. You… Read more »
Are we really supposed to be surprised by all of this? CBC news, same thing and I am sure many other countries state sponsored broadcaster (BBC for one) has the same agenda. In the US its most of the media outlets , even FOX is biased towards China in a negative tone. They (FOX) can’t seem to keep their agenda straight.
What I find interesting is that most of of the presenters of news – there are very few true journalists – are basically either really dumb and poorly traveled or they are evil, calculating foreigners who need to be sent packing.
Presenters present, they don’t create. A used car salesman is not an engineer, he’s a conman. Get the idea?
There should be a default position that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING coming from the MSM is automatically rejected and ignored.
No, because that misses the point. MSM and other obvious fascist outlets must be studied, analysed, and filed as propaganda. Then your search for the truth becomes easier.
Oh for gawds sake.
Limited Hang Out?
Ok I’ll play here is an example of a company you have never heard or read about, how do their figure in the grand scheme of borg ‘resistance is futile’ message?
Godin co-founded CGI (short for Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique, later freely translated as Consulting to Government and Industry) in 1976 with André Imbeau, who has kept a relatively low profile during his career at the company (the long-time CFO is now vice-chairman).’
‘But the company’s influence extends even farther. Through a multitude of contracts with the RCMP, Canada’s Department of National Defence, the U.S. Department of Homeland Defense and all three branches of the U.S. military, CGI has become deeply embedded in the overt and covert activities that governments direct against enemies throughout the world.’
Don’t you just love BTL commenters who clearly resent the fact they aren’t ATL & take their frustration out by snarling about every damn article?
Do us all a favour and send OffG something. Maybe they’ll publish it(or maybe you already tried??)
I don’t even know what your point is this time. You’re pissed because the article is just about Reddit? You think the author is suggesting it’s the only example of this phenomenon? You just desperately want to sound off and feel superior? It’s so fucking tedious.
Nah – it is that with 3 days to go the painfully drawn election article they promised to keep up at the too is now almost disappeared.
The complete shitfest of bozo’s reaction to a photo of a child on a hospital floor by picketing the reporters phone IS the main story of the day.
And just like the msm head honchos running dead cat bbc licence ‘policy’ or Hancocks aide being ‘punched’ stories to spun and disappear it – it is galling that an Not-The Guardian site is ignoring what the Guardian is doing
I have added to the story presented in a worthwhile way i believe!
Any response to that?
Free TV Licence = Free brainwashing for all. Orwell will be chuckling at that one, knuckles in mouth.
If the idea of a free TV licence appeals to you, please challenge yourself to become the first person ever to swim solo to the Antarctic…….direct from the Northernmost tip of the Sea of Okhotsk. No food, no assistance, just you against the ocean. You’ll be, like, the biggest legend ever. Ready, steady……swim!
Here is your inspirational infopiece, from the masters of deception, Satan’s very own broadcaster, Big British Criminals. It’s even got a beautiful picture of Boris, who was was born in New York City and only recently relinquished his American passport (this is the guy you want cutting a trade deal with his doppelganger, The Donald), wearing a Hi-Vis yellow jacket, cos he’s one of the lads!
“I like Boris ‘cos he wears a bright yellow jacket”. Dribbles
I entirely agree. The U.K. GE is by far the most important event taking place at the moment and the way the stenographers at the MSM and the State Broadcaster are using in the words of Peter Oborne ( a former Tory editor, journalist and TV presenter plus author) “ Soviet Style propaganda to prop up Boris Johnson “ should be the main focus.
There is an entire section devoted to the election – on the front page. This includes the article you mention above – which is top of the section and where you can post any links or opinions you choose.
The various bits of mainstream nonsense demonising BoJo or Corbyn for non-issues are well covered in the MSM and need nothing more from us. Nor do they add anything useful to the debate – in our view. But feel free to discuss them in the appropriate place if you wish to.
And yes I offered my post on the fast fading from view article as a story to run.
I expect it can be checked and run still.
So no one interested in CGI?
Curious… like the dog that doesn’t bark.
Total surveillance is an evolutionary threat to the species. In a class society, and it only makes any sense in a society organised to exploit the Many for the Few, it amounts to an attempt to monopolise the formation of ideas and the development of opinion by controlling the means of communicating ideas and plans among the exploited.
The object is to recreate among humans the society said to exist ( I have no idea whether it does or not but it is significant of the longings of intellectuals that it is said to do so) among bees. Which is to say a society in which the Many labour and the Few decide, directing that labour and controlling its distribution.
It is no coincidence that the mushroom growth of surveillance capacity and the development of social media has inspired increasingly frank conjecture among intellectuals of the development of authoritarian rather than democratic ideas.
The actual logic of current communication capacities is to enable democracy at a level far closer to its realisation than ever before but the real life tendency, in this class society, has been to degrade and corrupt the vestigial democratic trappings of representative systems.
It can be retrieved . See today’s WaPo, blowing the lid on the US military and evidence that all their leaders should be tried for treason, unless they can show they resisted.–alert-world–alert-politics&wpmk=1
Here is the link. I think it seminal.
Thank you George for the link. I am sure that you are correct in thinking that it is significant. No doubt even the Bezos’ of this world have realised that Afghanistan has become little more than a backdrop for Presidential photo-ops and a prime source for the CIA to produce drugs in privacy and with top notch security, provided by the taxpayers.®i_id=9430899620191210#commentsContainer
Sea change at the NYT. Look at the comments, the top ones are NYT picks.
Thanks for the link..though I might feel differently when the bills start coming: I signed up at $2 a week!
Nah, the narrative is is just reversed — its WaPo being unpatriotic for rocking the boat. As an extra watch that $2 trillion figure just disappear under the carpet.
‘lundiel’ mentioned in his post above that he’d complained about the use of the term “Russia’s war with Ukraine” on C4 as misleading without mentioning that these types of statements seem to be obligatory in all media whenever there’s an article on some ongoing situation. They are put in regardless of context, I’d guess by the editor rather than the journalist, and they appear in every article in every media outlet I read regardless of where the media originates, what the article’s about or even if the statement is known to be false. (There are some notable exceptions to the rule — RT as a rule doesn’t bother and so far I haven’ seen anything in the “South China Morning Post” (which appears to be a damn fine paper…).) Its got to be such a cliche that I’m debating with myself whether there really is a MinTruth out there with Winston Smith characters preparing such official materials for insertion as a condition of being allowed to publish. (This article on Reddit certainly reinforces the notion.)
It would be funny if it wasn’t so dangerous — people actually believe this stuff.
NATO is insolvent & bankrupt to the tune of $22 trillion that will never be reimbursed to foreign creditors. Reddit shills for NATO & debt which makes them full fledged Zombies that employ shills for debt & deficit purposes.
The Military Industrial Complex likes to blow shit up annually. This year they have decided to blow the global economy & the Western empire of banking.
At last we will evidence complete systemic banking contagion once again very soon.