Updating the 2020 edition of the OED

Vladimir Golstein

In the tradition of the Oxford English Dictionary, I recommend the following terms and their definitions to be included in a 2020 version of the same.

DNC – Democrats Nominate Clintons. A secret and nefarious body within Democratic Party that Makes Sure that only Clintons and their Clones get Nominations. The prominence of DNC is linked the futile attempts to slow down the demise of Neoliberalism.

White Helmets – a new form of birth control. It prevents members of the mainstream press from getting impregnated by truth. Any reporter travelling to the Middle East, Russia, Europe, or China is required to wear one all the time.

International News: A collection of urban legends and old wife-tales. Any news reported from Russia or China should be presumed a lie, unless proven otherwise. Under no circumstances should a proof come from the Atlantic Council, Wikipedia, Snopes, or any other propaganda outfit that calls itself “fact checker.”

Impeachment – a transgender incubus that visits nightly US Democrats in their sleep. The touch of Impeachment is so enticing, that those affected can’t think of anything else even during their waking hours.

Whoever gets visited by this incubus more than two times – be it an academic, politician, diplomat, military personnel, or security specialist – turns into a script-reading zombie, as has been recently witnessed during Impeachment Hearings.

Greta – A naïve character from Brothers Grimm’s Fairy Tale. In this tale, Greta leads her brother along with thousands of trusting adults deep into dark woods, where the evil Witch, called Climate Change, inflicts endless suffering upon her victims. These sufferings include floods, droughts, locusts, boils, plagues, death of livestock, and listening to the NPR all the time. The specter of Greta continues to haunt Europe to this very day.

Ukraine – an illegitimate child of the secret love affair between the Clintons, Biden, Obama, Merkel, and assorted Polish and Swedish Blonds. The child – instead of becoming an angelic baby with blond curls – grew up into a modern Frankenstein who eats its own parts and infects anyone who touches it with hatred and paranoia.

The country named in honor of this child has become a place where rich Democrats send their children to learn looting, before they can come back and start looting their own country. It is also a place where they feel the need to celebrate Nazi collaborators by turning them into national heroes. Even Poland does not do that.

Brexit – an evil uncle of Boris Johnson. When Boris’ ambitions to fill the shoes of great British Prime Ministers, like Disraeli or Churchill, has failed to realize, in comes Brexit, and relying on his network of old Etonians and angry proletarians, he helps Boris to achieve his goals.

Steele Dossier – the collection of adult cartoons that describes – in the most grotesque and ridiculous details – the sexapades of the presidential candidate, Donald Trump. The collection is so grotesque and unrealistic that only the most sordid porn-watchers and the most valiant agents of alphabet agencies find it plausible.

Quid Pro Quo – one of the most sordid stories in Steele dossier, that depicts Donald Trump sleeping with fifty-five concubines of the Ukrainian Ruler in one night; the reported feat outdoes therefore the record set by Heracles, known to have slept with fifty daughters of a Greek King in one night.

Russians – a mysterious group of people – who, similar to the demons of ancient times, the witches of the Middle Ages, and the Jews of the Modern Period — was created by the western mind for the purposes of scapegoating. Russians combine all possible contradictions: they can be simultaneously weak and strong; socialist, yet greedy and rapacious; conniving, yet very sloppy; they can pull a very sophisticated stunt, yet leave all the traces and clues that lead back to them. They can’t do anything without cheating; yet, they are always caught in their lies. General public in the west is convinced that the only way to defeat Russians is to vote for the candidate who can say “Russians” faster than his rivals.

Whataboutism. An incantation that one pronounces to dismiss legitimate concerns of one’s opponent. It is the modern day version of “catch the thief,” when a thief, to avoid being caught, starts chasing an innocent person while screaming “catch the thief.” Used primarily by the propagandists of NATO countries to deflect scrutiny of their own violent and illegal behavior.

An earlier version of this piece was published in The Duran on December 17, 2019.
Vladimir Golstein, a former associate professor at Yale University, manages the Department of Slavic Studies at Brown University and is a commentator on Russian affairs.


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Dec 31, 2019 2:55 AM

Mixed Feelings: Subtle and not-so-subtle desires that the Ozzie NSW Premier constantly bottling inside:
a) Slash fundings for firefighting services
b) Sell state forests
c) In the midst of the worst fires ever, hold giant fireworks display to entertain my mentor/boss radio presenter and his guests in his Sydney-opera-house/harbour-views-super-luxury apartment
d) What to wear (dramatic colours) and what facial expression (fake concern) to show for the press today?
e) Barbecue or Chilli sauce on my fire-roasted baby I am having for breakfast, today?

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 3, 2020 1:11 AM
Reply to  Universal

Once the fires die down, if they do, the Right will scuttle out from ‘neath their rocks and demand the privatisation of public lands, because the private sector does everything better, and the end of all restrictions on vegetation clearance on private lands. Never let an opportunity go by to do Evil.

Dec 31, 2019 2:33 AM

Fireworks: Entertainment for when your city (Sydney) is shrouded with thick nausea-inducing smoke from bushfires.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 31, 2019 10:39 AM
Reply to  Universal

Am down here in Melbourne, watched some of the coverage of the fires in NSW and Victoria a few hours ago.
Just heartbreaking and horrendous and so many lives affected, people killed and hundreds of homes destroyed, including small towns like Cobargo and Buchan.
As a Kiwi, can barely comprehend what I’m seeing.
And there’s still months of summer left.
And they’re spending millions on fireworks displays. Just…. WTF?
Apologise for going off topic.

Dec 31, 2019 12:23 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I just saw the fireworks in Auckland on the morning news. The fireworks were budgeted for and then used. If they decided not to have the New Years celebration, the fireworks would have to be recycled. They taxpayer money was already allotted for last year.

The bureaucratic system is too large to make last minute changes.


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 6, 2020 9:57 AM

Really sorry to hear of your situation MOU.
I saw your comment on the Neoliberalism and it’s Discontents story (5th Jan) but made the reply here coz it’s an older article, and nearly everyone has commented here.
I sell a homeless street mag in Melbourne, and live in a small cabin that I got through a Homeless Housing Organisation.
Before that, was living in a pretty scary boarding house (full blown psychopaths, people addicted to drugs, schizophrenics off their medication, etc).
Coz I’m a New Zealand citizen, I get no Govt welfare here, so survive by flogging this mag.
You’re homeless? Are you in a hostel or boarding house, or on the street? Winters would be fecken awful in Ottawa. Do you get Govt welfare?
You’re right – it’s the economy screwing us into the dirt. Fuck Neoliberalism and the 0.01% who are raking in billions.
Apparently the wealthiest 400 people in the United States have as much wealth as the bottom 64%.
Was going to take a break from commenting for a couple days – the whole situation with Iran has got me quite wound up and stressed, but saw your comment, thought I’d reply.
Oh, what’s stopping you running for Council? Nothing.
Take care MOU…

Jan 6, 2020 11:58 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Nice one, Gezzah. Your heart is definitely in the right place. The world needs more people like you. All the best to you for 2020. Keep smiling. We all need to continue our endeavours to stand up for truth, justice and peace.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 6, 2020 12:26 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thanks Judy. All the best to you and your loved ones wherever you are.
It’s now 11.18 pm here in Melbourne, and was about to put on some soothing instrumental music and crash – almost ironically, band is called Inward Oceans, album is called ‘Weather The Storm’ which is very apt considering what is happening right now.
More insane threats from Trump – almost one after the other. I see there have been anti war protests in 80 cities in United States.
The Saker thinks its most likely that of its options; United States will conduct a huge aerial bombardment against Iran rather than anything else. He dosn’t feel Russia or China will intervene militarily.
You’re right – we all need to keep fighting for truth and justice. And to hold onto faith that things will work out. Have a good week Judy😀

Dec 31, 2019 2:23 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“they’re spending millions on fireworks displays. Just…. WTF?
Apologise for going off topic.”
Right on topic, my friend: Seeing actions that contradict what we were told and taught. Mind-boggling what we are going through!

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 2:25 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Tyhe Land of the Wrong White Crowd will burn, too, one day, soon. This is Morriscum’s wet dream-the world consumed by fire as the Ungodly experience the Flames of Hell even before the End Times that he and his ilk slaver for. I bet he sits in the Necessary Office in Kirribilli House, Book of Revelations in one hand, ‘fiddling’ happily as Rome burns.

Dec 31, 2019 1:12 PM
Reply to  Universal

Max Igan on the fire situation in Australia https://youtu.be/PBsFVn-kKV8
Compelling insight – anyone actually living in Australia care to comment on this report?

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 2:39 AM
Reply to  Pablo

These fires have been predicted for at least thirty years. The Right, the denialist industry and the MSM pond-life, particularly the Murdoch cancer, have derided and vilified all who spoke the truth, and do so even now, as the Inferno engulfs community after community, and the largest cities choke on the smoke. And much, much, worse is coming. The behaviour of pyro-cumulous clouds created by the fires, which have begun rotating and spewing fire whirls and larger fire tornadoes, presages a horror of a firestorm just like Dresden or Tokyo, immolating entire suburbs, towns, even cities. God’s Will be Done, as our Prime Minister is secretly incanting.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 31, 2019 1:13 AM

Here’s a few, off the top of my head this evening, in alphabetical order –

Aspiration: one day I will feck everyone apart from myself

Assertiveness: I am now fecking everyone apart from myself

BBC: British Biased Corporation

Democracy: inverted totalitarianism

NATO: North Atlantic Terror Organisation

News: corporate and establishment propaganda

Vacation: still working at about 50% in a holiday resort

Woke: indoctrinated neo-Bolshevik

Work: neoliberal slave labour

Xtinction Rebellion: autistic teenagers and bored pensioners accelerating neo-Bolshevism

Dec 31, 2019 2:12 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

As a Grumpy Marxist I’m down with the neo-Bolshevism prone pensioners, Frank.


austrian peter
austrian peter
Dec 31, 2019 12:31 AM

Fabulous article, thanks Vladimir, I haven’t stopped laughing yet. Makes all the depressing news go away for a while.

Dec 31, 2019 12:19 AM

Bravo Vladimir Golstein! I can imagine you and Orwell having a beer. Great article!

Dec 30, 2019 11:27 PM

This is what people vote for…


There are not enough straightjackets to go round…

Dec 30, 2019 7:31 PM

‘The Corbynite Manoeuvre’

Over the last four years or so Jeremy Corbyn has massively increased the membership of the Labour Party (which now stands at around 550,000 members), making it the largest political party in Europe, and it’s all based on socialism.

Corbyn turned around the declining funds of the Labour Party – which is now based on small donations from a huge amount of members; no corporate sponsors whatsoever.

In the last four general elections Corbyn garnered more votes than any Labour leader who went before him (including the war criminal Blair).

The funniest thing is, watching the psychopaths who rule us and their Presstitutes trying to spin this.

Corbyn should remain as leader, because with the present sorry state of UK politics there’s no one else who can replace him.

The psychopaths who rule us are well aware of this.

Watch what the psychopaths will do next…

Dec 30, 2019 8:18 PM
Reply to  RobG

You get points for the Star Trek reference, RobG.

Definitely the best episode of the original series without a doubt, I agree.


Dec 30, 2019 9:14 PM

Well picked-up MOU.

The original Star Trek was absolutely ground breaking stuff. Not least because of the universal themes it touched upon, and also not least because it came out during the height of the Vietnam War; and all the Cold War stuff (ie, the human race aren’t so mad to destroy themselves – huh!); but perhaps more so because the principle script writer was DC Fontana.

Back then, such was the bias, DC could never say that she was a woman, and in the programme credits she was never acknowledged as such.

Even to this day most people don’t know that most of the original, ground-breaking Star Trek series was written by a woman.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 30, 2019 11:32 PM
Reply to  RobG

I spotted the Trek reference – to “The Corbomite Manoeuvre”. The original Trek was really quite progressive i.e. it dared to project a hopeful future. The Next Generation continued the positivity and one episode even suggested that this future society didn’t use money. A blasphemous idea!

Dec 30, 2019 7:14 PM

From Bertrand Russell’s Good Citizen’s alphabet (1953)

‘Bolshevik’: Anyone whose opinions I disagree with

Was changed into ‘terrorist’ at the end of the 1990s

And is now ‘Anti-semite’

Nothing’s changed really…

Dec 30, 2019 7:15 PM
Reply to  Willem

I also liked

Diabolic: Liable to diminish the income of the rich

Liberty: The right to obey the police

Mystery: What I understand and you don’t

Virtue: Submission to the government

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 7:23 PM
Reply to  Willem

The observation of a Jewish survivor of the camps always struck me as the truth. ‘Once ‘antisemites’ were people who hated Jews, but today they are those people that the Jews hate’.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Dec 30, 2019 6:28 PM

The Press: a heavy instrument used to stamp on plurality, freedom of expression, and political balance.

Dec 30, 2019 3:43 PM

The Steel dossier is accurate, and the urination fest in a Russian Hotel room is also true which means that the DNC was wholly within their rights & obligations to make sure the dossier became known to
oversight bodies of governance.


Vladimir Golstein
Vladimir Golstein
Dec 30, 2019 7:34 PM

Accurate in what sense? And where is the proof of urination fest? That type of statements are easily verifiable. Care to provide some proofs?

Dec 30, 2019 8:07 PM

Hi Vladimir I liked your article but I suspect that English is not your first language. It reads as if it has not been proof read. I also think you should have said ‘ Care to provide some evidence?’ ( You made the same mistake in your article). One other obvious error is ”old wives’ tales”

Dec 30, 2019 8:13 PM

Accurate in the sense that I Remote Viewed Trump in that Russian Federation Hotel room with the Russian hookers when he paid them to urinate on that hotel room bed. Russian Federation Intelligence Officers were in the adjacent hotel room recording all of the sound and fetishism for posterity sake.

Proof is in the pudding in that I, for one, actually did Remote View the PeeGate Incident that Trump contracted for.

I’m not about to give written deposition vis-a-vis my Remote Viewing, Vladimir. Take my word for the fact that it did happen. Moreover, it is not illegal to contract Russian Federation prostitutes to urinate on hotel room beds.

I don’t believe that Trump committed any crime at all. And the Russian Federation Intelligence Officers do have the tapes on Trump if they ever want to use them for posterity sake.

And I’m a private spook so I have no allegiance to spookdom whatsoever.

Remote Viewing is very real stuff, Vladimir. I don’t need validation from you or confirmation that you either believe or don’t believe what I am stating here.


Dec 30, 2019 10:55 PM

My spirit guide Big Chief Sitting Bull spelled out the same thing on my Ouija board.

Dec 30, 2019 11:12 PM
Reply to  paul

I’m an Anglican. We are not supposed to play with the dead.

Have FUN, eh.


Dec 31, 2019 12:01 AM

Ah, stealth /sarc at its finest.

Dec 31, 2019 12:21 AM
Reply to  Igor

PeeGate is 100% true, Igor. Russian Federation Intelligence has the tapes. Putin has Trump right where Russian Intelligence Officers want him.

No sarc, man.


Dec 31, 2019 3:36 AM

Sure and so is Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

Dec 31, 2019 4:20 AM
Reply to  Gall

Sure & so are not Santa Clause , the Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy, Gall.

And it would bloody help if you learned grammar. And the next time you write a letter to Santa Claus make sure to ask him for a spell checker & a thesaurus, Gall.


Dec 31, 2019 8:38 PM

Netnazi alert. You should learn the rules of netiquette.

Dec 31, 2019 8:46 PM
Reply to  Gall

I did, back when the Church Lady was on SNL, Gall.

Are you saying I lack manners, refinement, and social grace?


Dec 31, 2019 10:08 PM

Isn’t that special. On the other point I can neither confirm nor deny.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 31, 2019 12:35 AM

You are coming across as a nutter MOU, sadly.

I realise that your personal situation is desperate, you genuinely have my empathy, but seriously, try not to post such nonsense. You are very intelligent, do yourself justice.

Best wishes to you, hope you can dig yourself out of the hole that you informed us of a few months ago.

Dec 31, 2019 12:55 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Remote Viewers are quite used to being called everything in the book, Frank.
I have a B.A. Honours in Experimental Psychology. Believe me when I state that I have been called everything in the book.

I practice Shamanism, Frank.

Quantum Mechanics too, Frank.

Nutter indeed.


Dec 31, 2019 3:40 AM

It seems many like you are the ones who seem to discredit any validity the subject may have. Do you even know what AOL means other than being an ISP for morons?

Dec 31, 2019 3:50 AM
Reply to  Gall

I always thought AOL was an ISP for morons, Gall.


Dec 31, 2019 4:15 AM

“…quantitative data and technological development, such
analytic thinking hampers remote viewing by the
manufacture of what is known as “analytic overlay, ” or


Dec 31, 2019 3:34 AM

Remote Viewing AKA Psyint has to verified just like any other intel has to be verified by other sources. Just like Humint, Sigint or Elint. Otherwise it ranks right up there with palmistry.



Dec 31, 2019 4:02 AM
Reply to  Gall

I’m Experimental Psychology. The universities don’t look at RVing. Government spooks probably play around with it only. I’m not in any Parapsychology labs, and don’t even know any Parapsychologists.

Metaphysicians are hard to find, frankly.


Dec 31, 2019 8:41 PM

Most studies of Parapsychology are conducted by the Rhine Institute and other organization considered off the mainstream.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 2:44 AM
Reply to  Gall

Pythagoras was considered ‘off the mainstream’ once.

Jan 1, 2020 1:53 PM

As I recall, the Pope considered Galileo to be off the main as well.
As a relative of Newton I, for one, don’t pay much attention to orthodoxy preferring heterodoxy instead.


Dec 31, 2019 12:59 AM

The Brat of Unvie’s hydrocephaly is in fact urine, which he assumes is presidential. Thus the muddle.

Dec 31, 2019 1:12 AM
Reply to  Jack_Garbo

Points for the slight, Jack_A$$.


Dec 31, 2019 3:23 AM

Bawahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Accurate in what way? Can I get some of whatever you’re smoking?

Dec 31, 2019 4:07 AM
Reply to  Gall

I’m smoking contraband cigarettes from First Nations, and my marijuana is just standard run of the mill bud which is also contraband.

Contraband First Nations smokes are healthier than the government approved corporate brand smokes, and they are not adulterated like the gubbermint smokes are.

And no you can’t get contraband from moi.

Buy your own, man.


Dec 31, 2019 8:48 PM

I buy cigarettes off the Rez all the time since they are way cheaper there and as far as I know they aren’t contraband despite the smoke free nazis efforts to make them so.

Gange is legal here too but I don’t partake of it nor do I imbibe since I like to keep my mental acuity intact. Somewhat.

Dec 31, 2019 9:00 PM
Reply to  Gall

On the reservation the smokes are legal. Off reservation they are considered contraband, in CANADA. Marijuana is legal in CANADA since Trudeau legalized it.

As a graduate of the George Burns School of Smoking I have been smoking for half a century without ill health. Started early as a kid then graduated to Reefer Madness in the 70s like everyone else in Ontario.

I’d like to retire near to First Nations reserves so I can continue imbibing for less transportation costs.

Did not know that people still called pot Gange anywhere except Jamaica, man.


Dec 31, 2019 10:26 PM

Gange is the word here in California has been that way since they legalized it for medicinal purposes back in the mid 90’s. I guess probably in homage to Bob Marley but who really knows? Anyway the variety is listed as type of gange in all the co-ops.

Legalizing it for recreational purposes was just a formality in this state since if anybody can get a prescription for a hang nail.

Smokes are sold at Smoke Shops and Casinos on the Reservation here for much cheaper than what they sell ’em for in LA. I’m surprised that there isn’t a booming black market like there is in New York state but then all one has to do is get in their car and drive fifty miles to Morongo.

So basically all they end up doing is taxing the poor who are forced to use what they ludicrously call “public transportation” in this town.

Dec 30, 2019 2:41 PM

It has been approved. Deal with it!

Approved used to convey confidence and surety in the safety of using and application of what has been approved. Today -alas- it is the sign of what destroys your health, brainwash the masses and belittle your convictions. It is the brick wall you run against every time you try to get the government to cooperate on issues where diginity and human rights are of concern.
Think of approved: news, talking points, celebrities, comments, scandals, declared and undecalred food additives, declared and undeclared substances in common household items, building code, lobbyists, school curriculum, inspections and inspectors, opposition, healthcare products and services and selling public assets.
In this new order, things have been designed in such a way that if you want the truth or if you are not rich, everything for you is now ‘approved’ to make your life as miserable as possible.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 30, 2019 1:59 PM

The UK’s Liberal Democrats party: Is now known as the ilLiberal unDemocratic party, after jettisoning the votes of 17.4 million people / 52% majority, to leave the EU.
Also removing Tim Farron as their leader for –
a) being a Christian, and
b) associated thought crimes
c) male?

Dec 31, 2019 2:06 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

White Christian patriarchy is not exactly centrist enough to amass following anymore, Frank. White Christian male centric views of the world are relics of antiquities. They are anathema to everyone that is not white, Christian, and heterosexual male.

White so-called ‘Christian’ males are statistical anomaly these days in most metropolitan centers. Having a cosmology limited via Christianity is counterintuitive for most educated people in the Western world. Christianity & the Christian ethos is hardly conducive to secularism, or the secular view of pluralism.


George Mc
George Mc
Dec 30, 2019 10:58 AM

“Health”: a mythical condition once considered to be essential back in the old savage days before it was proven to be a massive fraud to waste valuable resources. Much of the confusion was caused by the error that human life was supposed to last more than 30 years.

Dec 30, 2019 7:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Healthcare: what used to be cheap and effective

Side effect: that what only occurs in drugs that are off-patent

Science: Approved method that makes corporations rich

Scientist: Person who speaks on behalf of corporations

Money: that what makes medicine ‘effective’

Inexpensive: what should be abandoned

MD: person who ticks boxes of standard procedures that should be followed

Nurse: person who is overburdened with unnecessary paper work

Patient: person who is unwilling to conform to the medical guidelines

The list is endless…

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 30, 2019 10:50 AM

Other additions:

“Freedom”: a loud yell that pushes all dissent towards support for the parasitical class. Thus “freedom” means working for free, giving up living conditions for free, and most importantly, moisturising your anal cavity and bending over to provide free sexual relief to the aforementioned parasites.

“Entrepreneurs”: magical beings who create wealth out of their backsides by excreting on everyone.

“Work”: what they do (no matter how little) and you don’t (no matter how much).

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 30, 2019 10:33 AM

How about:

“Anti-Semitism”: a mysteriously potent noise that renders all accused of it effectively invisible and also erases their entire past. Should the effect seem to be waning, allusions to little moustaches and Germanic terminology should bolster the effect.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 30, 2019 8:11 AM

Thanks Vladimir. This is almost as good as the Urban Dictionary!
And the only reason I say that is the Urban Dictionary, of course, has way more entries.
Hah! ABC here in Aussie has a fact checker. Tho as the ABC serves as a slavish, slobbering, sycophantic mouthpiece of the Empire; made up of imperialist shills, and Idpol zombies, I tend not to even bother with their ‘fact checker’.
Even if it may be true.

Dec 30, 2019 2:54 AM
John A
John A
Dec 30, 2019 10:02 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Hans och Greta in Swedish is simply the story of Hansel and Gretel as the children in the Grimm Brothers fairy tale are called in English. Nothing to do with the sainted Greta de nos jours.

Dec 30, 2019 12:17 PM
Reply to  John A

The question is who is the Hans? There are many candidates vying for his position in each country. The witch/ bogey is clear – Armageddon (again and again and…)

John A
John A
Dec 30, 2019 5:41 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Swedes rename many cartoon and other characters. Here’s a quiz. Who is:
‘snobben’ (the snob) clue a smart dog
Helan och Halvan (the half and the whole) clue a comedy duo
Musse Pigg (the alert mouse)
Kalle Anka (Charles the Duck)
the latter two should be easy as they are Disney creations

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 7:26 PM
Reply to  Antonym

The Gazans have been victims of Armageddon for seventy years.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 7:28 PM

Make that ‘the Palestinians..’. And the Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese, Libyans all thanks to ‘plucky little Israel’. And then there is Latin America….

Dec 31, 2019 3:43 AM

Funny how the new racist regime of Bolivia who is currently involved in genocide against the indigenous population has embraced the genocidal regime of Israel.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 2:47 AM
Reply to  Gall

Religious fanatics, plus descendants fascists from Germany and Croatia, plus anti-Indigenous racists-it sounds like Israel itself. Israel is beginning to look more and more like the spider at the centre of a global web of Evil.

Jan 1, 2020 9:30 PM

Israel the last bastion of Global Zionism.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 3, 2020 1:15 AM
Reply to  Gall

The primary lesion, but the metastases are everywhere.

Jan 3, 2020 2:45 AM


Dec 31, 2019 1:06 PM

70 years? Then old age is an Armageddon for every human.

Your Gazan / West Bank inverted Armageddon on the other hand increased their population by 500%. https://israelipalestinian.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000636#graph5
Or simply invented armageddon.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 2:49 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Dear me-an apologia for mass murder and genocide, mass child murder and torture and utter consent for International Law (‘…mere Christian morality’). It looks awfully like the worst of the Jews suffered some hideous transference from their Nazi tormentors.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 9:39 PM

‘utter CONTEMPT’, of course.

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 30, 2019 2:23 AM

What’s with the unnecessary and ugly jab at transgender people? Why was that deemed appropriate?

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 30, 2019 9:19 AM

It’s surely a jab at the politically militant wing of that group.

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 30, 2019 11:12 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

So they should keep their heads down in the land of Trump’s meat-heads?

Dec 31, 2019 3:47 AM

Oh sure. Wasn’t it Trump who was proudly waving a Rainbow Flag at one of his rallies? Aside from being the first elected President to fully support same sex marriage. Maybe you were suffering from a cranial blockage of your rectum at the time.

Dec 31, 2019 4:24 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Onward Christian sadist, is that it, Frank Victimization?


Vladimir Golstein
Vladimir Golstein
Dec 30, 2019 2:30 PM

That is exactly the type of argument one hears when challenging Israel’s policy: “why the unnecessary and ugly excursion into antisemitism.” As if criticism of rhetoric or methods is the criticism of people.

Dec 31, 2019 1:21 AM

Israel is a corporation with requisite Chief Executive Officers. Criticise them for corporate malfeasance in Superior Court. Use Corporate Law to do it.


Dec 30, 2019 2:18 AM

Great article!

Antisemitism- any observation made
“They’re shooting unarmed protesters.”
“I like that movie.”
“He’s a warmonger”

Left Wing – an animal driven to near extinction by trophy hunting and commercial fishing; endangered
species; an animal prized by cryptologists

Dec 30, 2019 2:56 AM
Reply to  SharonMarlowe

Anti-semitism! is not the only discussion stopper; both racism! and Islamophobia! are too.

Dec 30, 2019 4:38 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Shilling again Antonym? Surely not

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 2:52 AM
Reply to  J-J

Shekeling, more like. Possibly shickering, too.

Dec 30, 2019 3:06 PM
Reply to  Antonym


norman widom
norman widom
Dec 30, 2019 9:19 PM
Reply to  Antonym

ashkanazim are from khazaria land pirates
and sea
the slave traders of old and today
world leaders today in live organ dealing

90% of the folks in rothschilds land grab called is it real
are not semite in fact they have helped kill millions of semites
you know the brown arab kind

Dec 31, 2019 3:49 AM
Reply to  Antonym

The air conditioning at Unit 8200 must be freezing up your intellectual ability.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 2:10 AM

As Australia burns in unprecedented mega-fires and the country dessicates under the worst drought in recorded history, the cultic drive to parody anthropogenic climate destabilisation at every opportunity seems ever more demented.

Dec 30, 2019 11:55 AM

Yes, if it wasn’t for the girl – we could get back to burning fossil fuels, depleting the natural world, polluting to global commons, murdering indigenous folk and plundering their resources, sanitising the biosphere of its diversity, and continue our Eurocentric neoliberal destruction of the planet in peace.

There is nothing like the transference of all the bourgeois evil the North has inflicted on the South onto the fetish of a naïve pre-pubescent schoolgirl …in order to exonerate ourselves. Now that really is a Grimm Fairy Tale

Dec 30, 2019 12:09 PM
Reply to  BigB

Forget the girl: subserviency to Islam because of its 1% sitting on top of most oil & gas is way worse than a bit of warming from CO2.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 30, 2019 1:08 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Forget the girl: subserviency to Islam ….

Forget Boris: subserviency to Islam ….

Forget global warming: subserviency to Islam ….

Forget the NHS: subserviency to Islam ….

Forget the world: subserviency to Islam ….

Forget life, the universe and everything: subserviency to Islam ….

Dec 30, 2019 1:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Dependency on fossil fuels today means having to please Arab dictators (immigration into the EU) and their ideological tool Islam. This is the bigger problem, 2C warming is the lesser. Still more wind mills and solar panels won’t solve much; better nuclear power can. Guess who are against nuclear: those who fly Green flags with/ without crescent moons.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 30, 2019 1:55 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Islam is the ideological tool i.e. latest designated enemy of the West cf. manufacture of Mujahadeen. The Muslims are the new big bad Soviets in the latest cartoon cover story.

Dec 30, 2019 2:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

No, Shia+ Persian Iran is displayed as The Enemy by Sunni + arab KSA & UAE and Netanyahu too. Russia is displayed as The enemy by Anglo elements.

Islam has a long and bloody history in Africa, Asia and Europe looong before the CIA got its roving eye on it.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 30, 2019 2:46 PM
Reply to  Antonym

All religions have long and bloody histories. Islam as The Big Bad is a recent tool serving Western interests.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 7:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The oldest extant descriptions of genocide, its ways and means, and constant demands for its implementation by the deity, are found in the Torah/Old Testament.

Dec 31, 2019 12:21 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I often wonder how a bandit chief came to be the designated spokesperson for a supernatural phenomenon. Coming up with a complete religion, all by his lonesome, when he was not leading bandit raids on the caravans of Medina’s rivals.
A religion that became an instant hit, as an antithesis of another monotheistic Abrahamic religion.
Think of it as similar to Republican versus Democrat (or your national political groups). False binary choices manufactured behind the scenes to distract and divert.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 9:46 PM
Reply to  Igor

I don’t think it is accurate to call Islam the antithesis of what I assume you imply is Christianity.

Jan 1, 2020 1:23 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Funny how you overlooked the Crusades. No bias there obviously.

Jan 1, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  Antonym

They would have their work cut out to give the bloodthirsty Khazars a run for their money.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 9:44 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Christianity, Judaism, Shinto, Hinduism, animism, capitalism, racism, imperialism etc all have long and bloody histories, too. Your hatred is so Talmudic.

Dec 30, 2019 3:12 PM
Reply to  Antonym

There was an Israeli flag being waved in the crowd during the Christmas Royal walkabout. What did that indicate?

Dec 30, 2019 4:50 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat



richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 7:47 PM


Dec 30, 2019 8:29 PM

Yes, it was a UK walkabout that Her Majesty Parasite Queen Elisabeth II was referenced on in the article, Richard.


richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 7:46 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat


Dec 31, 2019 3:53 AM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

That Britain is occupied territory just like the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 7:44 PM
Reply to  Antonym

The influence of Arab dictators on the West is marked, mediated through corruption of the likes of the Clintons, but infinitesimal in comparison to that of the Jewish elites, who control Western politics, finance, much of the MSM, the Internet etc, and who have made ‘the Holocaust’ a de facto State pseudo-religion, to the near total exclusion of the commemoration of EVERY other human genocide or hecatomb in history, made International Law applicable to all but Israel, made support for the Palestinians, in their unending suffering under one of the most brutal racist tyrannies imaginable, illegal and punishable by gaol, thus ending the so-called ‘precious’ First Amendment in the USA, and, through totally fraudulent accusations of ‘antisemitism’ have destroyed Corbyn and delivered the UK to five more years of the Hell of social savagery and austerity. THAT, and much more besides, is real, ever demanding, ruthless, power.

Jan 1, 2020 3:15 AM

How did you manage to see only the Clinton’s through the Bush-es?
Major business partners with the Bin Laden family. Mexican Gulf + Persian Gulf oil.
Is oil paid in shekels or dollars?

Corbyn destroyed himself by being wishy washy about Brexit. Wanting to recognize Palestine was a side show that interested only his Muslim block vote, not his Red Wall.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 9:53 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Recognising Palestinians as human beings equivalent in human value to Jews is the very definition of really existing ‘antisemitism’. That was the root cause of the filthy, villainous and entirely fraudulent campaign of accusations of ‘antisemitism’, refuted by all Corbyn’s numerous Jewish friends and acquaintances. Year after year of relentless, hate-crazed slander would blacken anyone’s name, particularly among the brainwashed dullards. Another great and Pyrrhic victory for Zionism, like the growing furore over the legal lynching of the rape victim in Cyprus. ‘This time we went too far’, as an Israeli commander said of one Gazan massacre, but that’s just ‘self-hating’ defeatism, eh Antonym.

Dec 30, 2019 10:59 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Why should you care about what pleases Arab dictators.
The fame moslem dictators in Shady Wahabia have been in bed with the Khazar fake Jews for decades.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 2:55 AM
Reply to  paul

The Wahhabists are fake Moslems. They are doenmeh, or crypto-Jewish followers of Sabbatai Zevi, a failed Messiah, or the descendants of such at the very least.

Jan 1, 2020 3:29 AM

They only got common interests after Khomeini took power in Iran 1979.
KSA got scared first and got their CIA mercenaries to support Saddam against Khomeini in 1980.
Israel got a scare after Hezbollah grew in Lebanon around 1983.
The Beirut barrack bombing got the CIAs attention.

The Wahhabi might be fake Muslims but their radical violent ideology resonates in a number of young male sociopath minds around the globe.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Hezbollah grew as the result of a typically barbaric Israeli occupation of south Lebanon after 1978. After they kicked Israel out in 2000, the Zionists were bent on revenge, which they attempted in 2006, in ‘…the best prepared war in Israeli history’, as the Israeli MSM declared it. But they got thumped again, and only had the devastation of Dahiya and the sowing of a million anti-personnel bomblets in south Lebanon to show for their efforts. I bet you were gutted, eh, Antonym.

Jan 1, 2020 1:21 AM
Reply to  Antonym

You seem to ignore the fact that most oil these days is exported by Russia and the Americas. The bad old days of the Saudis having a virtual monopoly are over. Way over by the way. Along with gas shortages and line ups at gas stations.

I betcha you still think Jimmy Carter is the President.

Jan 1, 2020 3:30 AM
Reply to  Gall

How about reserves?

Jan 3, 2020 2:51 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Yeah Carter was sitting on almost a trillion gallons of reserves while people were beating each other over the heads with crowbars to get the last gallon of gas from the Texaco station buts thats another story for another time.

Dec 30, 2019 3:09 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Were Israel’s wars in the Middle East “subserviency to Islam”?

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 7:36 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Servility to the Judaic elite who control Western politics and the financial apparatus, and who rape societies like Argentina for a bloody big mess of pottage, seems to me far more detrimental to humanity. And most of the Middle Eastern oil potentates are Wahhabists, who are not Moslems. They have much more in common with Israel than their other neighbours.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 7:32 PM
Reply to  BigB

Thunberg is a diversion, but at every climate protest I see or, incidentally, attend, there are hundreds and hundreds of young Thunbergs who know that their elders have done ’em wrong. They just need a little ideological ‘guidance’ to recognise the root cause-capitalism-and we might have a hope. They might have a hope, because we elders have let the side down.

Dec 31, 2019 3:57 AM

Her purpose is to shift the burden of environmental destruction and pollution away from the actual culprits i.e. the Military Industrial Complex onto the “masses” as we’re called. Yes the world would be a better place if we all stopped using plastic straws and walk five miles to work.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 2:58 AM
Reply to  Gall

The MIC is responsible for much pollution, but the operations of the fossil fuel industry, the largest, most vital to neo-liberal, financialised, capitalism and US economic hegemony through the petro-dollar, is vastly greater.

Dec 31, 2019 12:08 AM
Reply to  BigB

Transference Neurosis is a very real problem for all Psychotherapists, Clinical Psychologists, & Psychiatrists. I’m sure it applies to all authority figures & governments too.
Greta is pure marketing strategy for the tween generation under 17. Greta is ‘Teen Beat’ 17, and Time Magazine is assisting in the marketing campaign by pushing Greta as teen of the year which will motivate all the tweenies, and school teachers that teach Environmentalism as part of curricula.

Government & educators all play from the same playbook.

Propaganda is being utilized for mass programming of children all over the empire.

Greta has yet to form frontal cortex enough to have a credible outlook on the future. Time Magazine & Davos billionaires know how to promote hockey stars & rock stars. Greta is not sporting tattoos like Justin Bieber & rapper gangsterism promotes.

Greta is being promoted as though she has the credibility of Malala.


Dec 31, 2019 12:12 AM
Reply to  BigB

That “pre-pubescent schoolgirl” Greta is sixteen. If she is actually pre-pubescent, it is not natural.

Greta (descended from a long line of actors) is playing a role that requires her to appear younger than she is. I suspect that they are wrapping her breasts tight.

Greta makes one forget all about Science, Reason, and Proof, and concentrate on not having Greta make her angry face.

Dec 31, 2019 1:31 AM
Reply to  Igor

Greta does not want ponies, ice cream, & Justin Bieber. Greta wants the Western empire to adore her like she is the most important diva in the world so that some day the great unwashed masses will bow to her in adulation over her superior consciousness & aptitude.

Hitler Youth were programmed the same way.


richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 1, 2020 3:00 AM
Reply to  Igor

Thunberg precisely speaks to the ‘Science, Reason and Proof’. That she most probably is being exploited by the powers-that-be (she would not have such good press otherwise) does not disprove the basic truth and commonsense of her position.

John Deehan
John Deehan
Dec 30, 2019 12:38 AM

A form of mental oblivion to distract from the realities of the world. For example, the USA presidential elections have not been taken seriously by most observers of the “ democratic processes” since John Fitzgerald Kennedy failed to kowtow to the keeper of the strings. Moreover, despite over 50 years of data plus environmental warnings about the Earth failing to live up to the belief of exponential economic growth, suddenly, a young child becomes the focus for this sudden found realisation by the controllers of the masses that it’s not going to have a happy ending. Hmm, a mug is born every minute. Lastly, to quote George Carlin “ fighting for peace is like fxcking for virginity” how gullible, naive and fundamentally dumb the 1%, the financial aristocracy treat the serfs of Mother Earth.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 2:12 AM
Reply to  John Deehan

I agree that Greta’s sudden fame indicates elite control and approval, but what she is pissed off about is still happening, no matter what machinations the parasites engage in to control the narrative and profit from the cataclysm.

Dec 30, 2019 3:22 AM

This black and white thinking is the same as what purportedly writers like this one and many articles in OG seem to condemn as propaganda by the other side.
The Arab spring for example started off with genuine grievances by some people but got highjacked partly internally by local organisations like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt but in some cases such as Syria, highjacked by the west opportunistically to practice regime change. But for the black and white brigade with no shades of grey, the baby gets thrown out with the bath water.
Climate change, vaccination and some others are now the targets of these people handing over an easy victory to the corporations they are supposedly fighting.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 5:08 AM
Reply to  Orage

There is no black and white about the reality of anthropogenic climate destabilisation. There is a lot of grey, of course, as to how quickly and how markedly will the destabilisation occur, will there be rapid melting of ice-caps, or will it be slower than the more pessimistic prognostications, what diseases will spread and proliferate, how quickly will methane clathrates collapse, releasing that gas, etc, etc, etc. A myriad, an entire world of known and unknown unknowns, synergies and unpleasant surprises.

Dec 30, 2019 9:53 AM

Yes of course, there are facts but I was talking about the black and white interpretations of facts.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 7:49 PM
Reply to  Orage

It’s the flavour of the Age. End Times require a Manichean battle between Good And Evil. That the Right consider themselves the Good seals our fate. It’s been coming a long while, but here it is.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Dec 30, 2019 12:26 AM

Got two more:
Travoyeurs- people (usually middle class) who travel the world to eat, drink and gawk at other people doing the same thing.

Gretaenvy- people who are pissed off that a sixteen year old has achieved something they couldn’t after years of whining and bitching.

Dave’s (one of the founders of Extinction Rebellion) is on the right track:

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 30, 2019 2:17 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

He’s correct. Without the total extirpation of capitalism and the total disempowerment of the parasites who profit from it, humanity is cactus. Even if ‘market solutions’ somehow ‘fixed’ anthropogenic climate destabilisation, a myriad of other ecological, geo-political, economic and social maladies will take us out.

Dec 30, 2019 4:40 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Greta is an obvious tool of the intelligence agencies of the west it’s just working out exactly which on that will be tough

Dec 31, 2019 2:52 AM
Reply to  J-J

All the intelligence agencies work in concert throughout Western Banking Empire.
OPEC House of Saud too.


Jan 1, 2020 1:34 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Gretchen really hasn’t accomplished much with her potty mouthed, pouty faced, angry foot stamping except for getting her sorry ass pictured on NewSpeak. In fact she is more a hinderance than a help.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jan 1, 2020 2:26 AM
Reply to  Gall

More than you or me Sport.
Much more.

Jan 3, 2020 2:56 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Oh please. Greta like I said has done nothing or even much less but I guess if you believe less is more than go ahead and worship at the alter of St Greta.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jan 3, 2020 6:04 AM
Reply to  Gall

And you worship at the altar of cynicism I see.