US murders leading Iranian General Qassem Soleimani

The US govt has confirmed it deliberately targeted leading Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in its missile (some say drone) attack near Baghdad airport that killed 10 people, including Soleimani and leaders of the Iraqi Shia militia.
The Pentagon has made a public statement justifying the action as a ‘defensive’ act aimed at protecting US servicemen from future attacks, claiming the general was behind recent attacks on the US embassy in Baghdad and adding:
General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region
There’s no way this can be verified of course, and even if true, does not excuse what amounts to an extraordinary act of terrorism against a sovereign nation with whom no state of war existed.
The apparent craziness here is off the charts.
Quick recap. The most insane & deluded of the war-profiteers/sadists/mad ideologues have been begging for a move against Iran since around 2005. It’s the seventh and final country in Wes Clarke’s famous ‘seven countries in five years‘ story. But so far it has never been attacked directly by the US.
The reason for this is the realists in the Pentagon know they could easily lose that war.
Iran isn’t Iraq. Iran isn’t Syria. Iran is a wealthy, organized state, with a well-trained and fearsome military well capable of defending itself.
The non-crazies in the Pentagon know this and know a war with these people could end up wiping the US out in the Middle East, to say nothing of escalating wildly, up to and including direct confrontation with Russia, that has its own powerful reasons for not wanting to see Iran become a chaotic US vassal.
This is why, after fifteen years of talking the talk, no US administration has ever dared to actually walk the walk. The non-crazy generals have vetoed it, spelled out what a disaster it could become, made it clear the risks are not worth the gains.
So it always has been for 15 years – until now.
At the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a US-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) January 3, 2020
On the face of it the murder of Soleimani and the Pentagon statement of intent appears to be some kind of coup for the lunatics. Do the war-profiteers/sadists and ideologues who seem to have grabbed the initiative really understand what they have done?
Is Dominic Raab remotely cognizant of where his alleged rubber-stamping of Pompeo’s lunacy might lead? (Dom himself hasn’t verified Pompeo’s bombast yet, which may or may not be signficiant).
Discussed with @DominicRaab the recent decision to take defensive action to eliminate Qassem Soleimani. Thankful that our allies recognize the continuing aggressive threats posed by the Iranian Quds Force. The U.S. remains committed to de-escalation.
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) January 3, 2020
Let’s hope they are all privy to some important info we don’t have that means this is not the apocalyptic suicide bid it looks like.
Time will tell.
Meanwhile “WW3” is a trending hashtag on Twitter, which is a little premature perhaps, but sells the sense of horror and disbelief people are feeling. Here are some examples
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praises Donald Trump for killing top Iranian general and says US has a 'right to defend itself'
— (@ExposeTheMedia) January 3, 2020
this is a fucking lie
— 🌹Sean Duffy🌹 (@seanduffy_) January 3, 2020
For all intents & purposes, any talk inside #Iran of negotiation with the US, or in choosing a more peaceful policy in the region is now over. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, has vowed vengeance for this attack, and it will be very bitter. By @karimsh89
— AHTribune (@AHTribune) January 3, 2020
Possibly significant and interesting take by blue tick John Simpson
Killing #Soleimani isn’t like killing bin Laden, who had masterminded the worst terrorist attack against America. Soleimani was a competitor, who was highly effective in fighting ISIS as well as American interests. Assassinating him seems like a step back to a more savage past.
— John Simpson (@JohnSimpsonNews) January 3, 2020
Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party, talking a certain amount of sense:
The US assassination of Qasem Soleimani is an extremely serious and dangerous escalation of conflict with global significance. The UK government should urge restraint on the part of both Iran and the US, and stand up to the belligerent actions and rhetoric coming from the US.
— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) January 3, 2020
Keir Starmer, potential future leader of the Labour Party, is also not convinced:
The Government’s response to Donald Trump’s actions is not good enough.
The UK Government should hold him to account for his actions and stand up for international law, not tacitly condone the attack.
— Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer) January 3, 2020
Susan Sarandon retweeting Bernie. Did he actually oppose invasion of Iraq? But the sentiment is a good one
— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) January 3, 2020
Lindsey Graham talking idiotic smack to the surprise of no one:
President @realDonaldTrump took decisive, preemptive action to foil a plot directed at American personnel.
As to what happens next: It should be clear to Iran that President Trump will not sit idly by if our people and interests are threatened.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 3, 2020
The Guardian being the Guardian…
US and allies on high alert as Iran threatens retaliation
— Guardian news (@guardiannews) January 3, 2020
And just, well, disturbing frankly…
An Iranian family celebrating the killing of #Iran's IRGC Quds Force chief Qasem Soleimani.
"Death to Dictator!" they are heard
— Heshmat Alavi (@HeshmatAlavi) January 3, 2020
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We need to have a media outlet which can be trusted, to provide verifiable facts and not the half truths and lies.
Fact – Iraq is 70% Shia
Fact – the people murdered along with Sulemeini were members of the PMF – Popular Movement Front for Iraq, an Iraqi state sponsored group of militias controlled by ex PM Haider Al Abadi. The group comprising Shia, Sunni Christians and Yazidis were instrumental in destroying ISIL in Iraq from 2014 to 2018.
Both the US and Israeel have carried out attacks on the PMF over the past year.
Looks like the CIA only needs to embed an AL Agoodi to match wits with the Al Abadi leader.
This is looking like a win-win for Iran.
They just completed naval manoeuvres with China and Russia in the region – tightening the control of their waterways and weakening the 5th fleets – it is the future of the region along with BRI and the SCO. They are stronger together with the Eurasian partnerships and infrastructure, than going it alone with Iraq & Syria. The last thing they need is to lose sight of that strategy, there has been no knee jerk reaction… just a threat of revenge after 3 days.
The Al Quds are not their main defence force and the General was not the top man in Iran but he has built his reputation with mainly western type PR for a few years – a bit of a loose canon in the new new world order of the region?
Why now? Why not at anytime while he was organising the fight against the western and saudi run isil in Iraq and Syria? They are beat and been evacuated to Libya? He has traveled freely in the region.
There is certainly something fishy about the Baghdad Embassy event and the dead unnamed US mercenary as there is about the mass killings of the Iraqi forces and the Iraqi general killed at the same time. There is hardly anything about how the US operation was carried out – we usually get full colour graphics!
There is NO way the Saudis would risk what happened at their Oil facilities a few months ago or a return to the tanker wars …Bolton is out of the way. The asymmetric defence is impossible to defend against. Even with hundred thousands boots on the ground – which make even more targets.
Perhaps the rumour of Trump offering a quick deal may save face all round. Some other unamed ‘contractors’ may be declared killed and Trump may be delivered his Peace in time to nail his relection.
Maybe, maybe … the crazies have finally been bottled… fingers crossed.
That is about as optimistic an angle I am finding having slept on it and finding a few more mysteriously attacked militias IN Iraq.
Anyway, where’s that Durham report?
How is the liberation of Idlib going?
Is Australasia over as a dream escape spot?
Will we level the test series?
Stay cool, laugh, keep the vision a sharp 2020…
Link on a contractor killed, Link to recent related event,
Thanks but … No name. No details of the ‘mercenary’.
Australia is OVER, full stop. 2100 has arrived, a little premature. The albatross in the coal-mine.
Can someone settle an argument: my friend says the west is exempt from international law, but I say we need a genuine reason such as WMD or 9/11 before we can start another killing spree.
As an aside many in the west can’t see a problem with Donald Trumps claim that murdering someone will start, sorry, I meant stop WWIII – doesn’t this prove how civilised we are?
I think you may need another friend !
Or he could change his definition of a friend to include stupid people, eh.
Obama inherited Bush’s widespread use of drone killings and increased their frequency tenfold, while seeking to give them a veneer of legal respectability with the secret internal “targeted killing memos”. Those documents argued that drone assassinations were justified under international law as self-defense against future terrorist attacks – a rationale that has been widely disputed as a misreading of the UN charter.
“Since Obama there has been a steady dilution of international law,” O’Connell said. “Suleimani’s death marks the next dilution – we are moving down a slope towards a completely lawless situation.”
O’Connell added that there was only one step left for the US now to take. “To completely ignore the law. Frankly, I think President Trump is there already – his only argument has been that Suleimani was a bad guy and so he had to be killed.”
Topics don’t know if that helps to lea it up ( from the Guardian )
Whatever happened to ‘The Rules-Based International Order’? What are our local political and MSM grovelers to The Empire going to robotically repeat when smearing China or Russia, if it no longer applies-as if it ever did?
They’re a law to themselves aren’t they, people need to hit the streets world wide and expose warmongering yankee land for what it is, EVIL and all the countries that have American bases there should be told to dismantle the lot and leave, but for whatever reason they won’t do it will they. Iran , not fort a war of aggression in over two hundred years, and offer no threat to anyone, who the hell are the yanks to dictate who can have what, the most evil race on the planet.
It merely indicates how really uneducated & myopic your friend is, and sociologically does not speak well for your choice of friends either. I think you would be better off talking to a mirror instead of your friend when you are not on social media talking to us.
And Trump is a warmonger or he would not be allowed in the White House of mass murderers that preceded him. And to be a warmonger one must also be a Psychopath that the CIA supports or you won’t make it to the helm.
Your friend is probably referring to the “Hague Invasion Act”, which was drawn up by George W Bush in 2002 – American Servicemembers Protection Act of 2002 – which states – “The new law authorizes the use of military force to liberate any American or citizen of a U.S.-allied country being held by the court, which is located in The Hague.”
So, basically yes, that makes them exempt from international law.
As Chico Marx said, ‘You only think he’s your friend’.
My bad-it was Groucho.
Hopefully we will be seeing a lot of dead Americans in the very near future.
These weasels like to dish it out but they squeal like babies when they are on the receiving end.
Any American found anywhere from Morocco to Indonesia should expect to be treated as a terrorist or a spy and dealt with accordingly.
One very minor result of this could be the end of Trump, with him becoming politically dead like another Dubya or Blair Mark 2.
WW3, the destruction of western power in the Middle East, global depression, and a few other side issues.
No doubt, you’ll continue to squeal like a pig that Americans are “untraveled” and “ignorant about the world” when they decide to stay at home.
You want ordinary people in America dead? You want clueless 17-year old military grunts who signed up as a way out of poverty dead?
What’s wrong with you? I’m reporting this to Admin. It’s fucking hate speech.
And you’re also that demented racist, who used to call himself ‘Mark’ aren’t you?
I save my sympathy for the hundreds of millions across the planet who have been butchered, starved, and terrorised for decades. The 500,000 dead children under 5 in Iraq. The children who are dying in Syria, Venezuela, Palestine, DPRK and Iran.
The Americans can burn in hell so far as I am concerned. Every last one of them. I celebrate the death of every American. Death to America.
I’m an American. No one asked me if I wanted to be born there. No one asked me before my country murdered millions. And there’s nothing I can do to stop it beyond what I am already doing.
There are millions like me. We don’t have a say. We don’t even get a fair vote any more.
And you want us all dead simply because of where we were born.
How are you different from the murderers you claim to hate?
That’s your misfortune.
There were many decent salt of the earth Germans in Nazi Germany, like Zionist Israel today.
But that doesn’t matter.
Now the bullets and missiles have started flying, that is simply irrelevant.
Nothing will change until Americans are slaughtered in very large numbers, and have to watch THEIR children die in front of them, as people in scores of countries have had to.
That’s what it will take to break the cycle. Nothing less.
Otherwise the pattern will repeat itself endlessly, like a rat in a cage on its treadmill.
That’s what it will take.
Nothing less.
Sorry, that’s just the way it is.
@ ‘Paul’ – Try to recall, in this compulsion you seem to have to express your lonely fantasies, that calls for the slaughter of human beings based on their ethnicity, religion or nationality are counter to our comment policy and not something we encourage. There are outlets for people with your issues. Consider going there, or seeking help.
And for heaven’s sake have enough self respect not to multi-upvote your own comments. 🙄
I think you may have missed the point that Trump, Dubya, Blair, Johnson were/are simply glove puppets, who are there to distract and entertain you, to prevent you seeing the actual puppet masters.
They read their lines and ‘play’ their part.. and when they have fulfilled their purpose and are reviled for fomenting ‘another war’/regime change in order to fill the pockets of their masters, they are/will be consigned to the scrap heap to make way for another puppet.
The joke is on us for voting for them, as if life depended on it. Regardless of what we do or say, they will complete their plan.
An Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander has just made a statement that ’35 United States targets in the Middle East as well as Tel Aviv are within range of an Iranian response’.
As well, a Hezbollah parliamentarian has made a statement that a ‘decisive response will be made in the coming days’ as reported at Sputnik News International.
Iran isn’t going to do anything other than blow some hot air, maybe fire a couple of missiles into the desert, and hold some rallies.
I wish you were right E, but the situation is a lot worse than ‘holding a few rallies’.
Iran is deadly serious about exacting revenge. When they say something, you can bet your house they will follow thru on it.
They may bide their time – it could be a week or it could be a few months.
But its gonna happen.
I wouldn’t bet the farm on that if I was you, E.
Commenters below have touched on this, and I’ve said this a few times myself that we should question things on different levels. Not just the minutia of certain issues but also the larger, wider geopolitics that could be at play here. I obviously include the Iran incident/s here too.
The establishment/MSM heavily publicise certain cherry-picked issues/subjects/incidents and frame it/them in a particular way. Also, the swathes of sock-puppets, shills and paid trolls on that undoubtedly target comments forums (many paid for by establishment groups) play their propaganda role. Surely, we mustn’t lose sight of the fact that everything heavily promoted in the mainstream and gate-keeping ‘alternative’ sites has many purposes behind it not just the obvious, in-you-face one/s. Shouldn’t we be wary of the first reactions. They are counting on a reflex reaction from the general public (and/or reaction they want from any opposition group if there is one targetted e.g. Iran)?
Everything plastered in the mainstream must surely be part of the theatre to try to gain a ‘hidden consent’ from the public in order for the establishment to pursue their long-held plans (even though we, the public, are not directly asked, but our so-called representatives who on the whole work for the establishment do the bidding). To be clear, many blood-thirsty things may be real (like the deaths in 9/11), and many may well not be real (like some say the Sandy Hook deaths are not real, I personally haven’t come to any conclusions yet) – but all of it used for the theatre and used to push the agenda of world governance? Incrementally, all these ‘plays’ will inch us slowly (or in some cases not so slowly) towards their ultimate goal and the public will lose more and more of our rights, laws and freedoms so they finally gain their full-spectrum dominance of the whole Earth?
People may or may not agree, but the above should not be ruled out hastily without reflection? Complete global governance is their ultimate goal?
Anyway, just a reminder to look behind the veil – my tiny warble among the other warblings in this ancient marshy forest that is the commenter-aether (Tallis Marsh).
Manufacturing consent [see Chomsky] is mere propaganda couched in words & pictures and formatted by the Central Intelligence Agency analysts & script writers that work Mass Communications.
Americans can make shit up on the fly but sooner or later empirical rule always catches up to their ignorant ways and reveals them to be the simpletons they really are.
My God is an empirical God.
Interesting. Your comment is phrased in a way that implies that America is the sole pusher of propaganda?
Glad you brought up the CIA. What is the history behind the CIA; who actually founded it? What roles and evolution has the CIA been subjected to; infiltrated with? What global allies/offshoots work hand-in-hand with it? Why do such organisations like the CIA, MI5/6, Mossad, etc (and other even more secret networks the top, powerful Freemasons: secret society within the secret society; the global sayanim network that aids Mossad; and probably more…) have so much power behind the scenes and even seem to be king-makers? We cannot dismiss nor ridicule the fact that this malign secret force is still present in our societies, and more than that is one of the most powerful machines in our world today. In context of what you wrote, they have a humongous part to play in propaganda and subversion.
I agree with what JFK said:
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings…Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe…no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of “clear and present danger,” then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent…For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
― John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy was raised by an unscrupulous bootlegger & secret bootlicker of Murder Incorporated. He is one dead mofo pontificate that talked smack and wound up taking a dirt nap for posterity sake. His kid brother was equally hoisted on Kennedy petards.
My great grandfather was a Mason in a secret society. I am related to Sir Isaac Newton via my grandmother’s side and he was a secret society Mason too. I’m actually much higher up in terms of secret societies than the highest of Masons in the entire world.
Secrets are tools, and like all good mechanics I don’t lend my tools out.
I will say that I am a good caring person with worlds of empathy for all human beings & life itself.
P.S. Sorry about that MIC thingy & the Wall Street thingy but I could not help myself.
Eh? I’m confused by your reply. What sort of answer is that?
You are asking an Intelligence guy about secret societies which is not exactly comfortable subject matter for a person like moi, eh.
My reply was meant to instill confusion as that’s how evasion works, man.
Suffice to say that I agree with your points raised but not without serious reservations given that I too am reasonably well connected to the secret echelons of power that you are making inquiries about.
Covert Intelligence is never really openly discussed seriously in open forum Internet Social Media groups.
Our resident School of Business Economist said that ‘lol’ should be decommissioned for 2020 as it is worn out now on Internet.
Get hip, man.
The CIA is just the Gestapo for the USA’s ruling class. Like MI6 is for the UK’s elite etc. The Deep State is just The Establishment-it’s hardly hidden.
The CIA is the Rothschilds’ private army.
Kennedy wasn’t talking about what you’ve convinced yourself he was talking about.
It seems that the US state is now a criminal mafia controlled cabal in both theory and practice. Or perhaps an entity controlled by the Mafia/Zionist death cult. It is totalitarianism of the 21st century. It operates completely outside of the law and there are no depths of violence and mayhem that it wouldn’t and does not engage in order to achieve its ends. It rules by terror, violence and intimidation. It’s vassals – NATO – is a protection racket ready to jump when the mafia boss pulls the strings. The assassination of Soleimani was a classical mafia hit ordered by the Godfather in mafia land. No country in the world – apart from one or two, name your own – can feel safe and sovereign in the presence of this roving megalomaniac. The world can no longer accommodate to this loose cannon and hope to survive.
You gotta pay us! You gotta pay us!! You gotta pay us for your protection!!!
“the US state is now a criminal mafia controlled cabal”
Not only now. It has always been. Look at this:
Yes, it is a death-cult. Killing is central to Talmudic Judaism, and its secular off-growths like Zionism, and also the various ‘Christian’ cults that rule in the USA. And they possess an eschatological lust for Universal destruction in the End Times, where a real pornography of horror infests the psyches of The Elect as the imagine and plot the horrors to be inflicted on the ungodly, the heathens, the fallen, the gays, the adulterers, the idolators etc. A real encyclopaedia of victims, to suffer ETERNAL punishment. The farkers are pure Evil, posing as ultimate Good. This is the way the world ends.
I don’t know who this ‘Ala Akbar’ dude is but when he shouts ‘death to America’ it’s starting to sound like a good idea. And heck, they are my next door neighbours too.
NOTE: Dear Mr. Akbar, Please leave Chicago intact as that is home to Gene Krupa & the Slingerland Drum Company, plus the BIG Band era.
I just hope that this is not a Sarajevo moment.
Were will Russia and China stand if things go T##t’s up?
Yes, Iran said that they will retaliate [in their own time] as they say revenge is a dish best served cold.
Indeed Peter, let’s hope not.
However, don’t give any credence to the Sarajevo assassination as the ’cause’ of WWI. It was a catalyst of sorts, but that particular conflict (or more accurately, blood sacrifice on a massive scale) was a long time in the planning by the Rothschild-backed Milner Group (Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor’s ‘Hidden History’ will give you the background on that one, and is highly recommended).
Nothing much changes does it?
Another day and more talk.
Another day and more deaths.
Another day and SpartUSA is left to ply the Imperial trade of Death.
You all have the tools to challenge this Death Cult built on the mantra ‘War is a Racket’
Boycott SpartUSA……ITS THAT EASY.
Tomorrow and the day after, I predict, more talking.
The Anglo’s are favoring Sunni Muslims since long time:
Whereas the Zionists prefer setting all sides at each others’ throats, as they did in Lebanon during the Civil War, or when they promoted Hamas to oppose the PLO, or the terrorist death-squad South Lebanese Army to attack Hezbollah etc, or al-Nusra Front, in particular, during the salafist attack on Syria. Not to forget the partition of Sudan, a long-term Zionist project.
I don’t buy it, without real proof. The bloody hand with a similar ring isn’t enough. Soleimani is a master strategist and tactician, his intelligence service is way better than the Americans’. I don’t see him, with another high ranking official, in the same vehicle, exposed to attack. Too careless for a very careful man.
So, Iranian false flag trick? Leak a fake rendez-vous, hide their VIG Soleimani for the next operation, divert Iranian public anger outward at the US, unite Iraqi and Iranian resistance against the US? Sounds more believable. Let’s see…
Just read this for what it’s worth from John Helmer : The Russian General Staff has reinforced the air defences for Russians at the Iranian nuclear reactor complex at Bushehr, on the Persian Gulf, according to sources in Moscow. At the same time, Iran has allowed filming of the movement of several of its mobile S-300 air-defence missile batteries to the south, covering the Iranian coastline of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. More secretly, elements of Russian military intelligence, electronic warfare, and command and control advisers for Iran’s air defence systems have been mobilized to support Iran against US and allied attacks.
The range of the new surveillance extends well beyond the S-300 strike distance of 200 kilometres, and covers US drone and aircraft bases on the Arabian peninsula, as well as US warships in (and under) the Persian Gulf and off the Gulf of Oman. Early warning of US air and naval-launched attacks has now been cut below the old 4 to 6-minute Iranian threshold. Counter-firing by the Iranian armed forces has been automated from attack warning and target location.
This means that if the US is detected launching a swarm of missiles aimed at Iran’s air-defence sites, uranium mines, reactors, and military operations bunkers, Iran will launch its own swarm of missiles at the US firing platforms, as well as at Saudi and other oil production sites, refineries, and pipelines, as well tankers in ports and under way in the Gulf.
“The armed forces of Iran,” said a Russian military source requesting anonymity, “have air defence systems capable of hitting air targets at those heights at which drones of the Global Hawk series can fly; this is about 19,000 to 20,000 metres. Iran’s means of air defence are both foreign-purchased systems and systems of Iran’s own design; among them, in particular, the old Soviet system S-75 and the new Russian S-300. Recently, Iran transported some S-300’s to the south, but that happened after the drone was shot down [June 20]. Russian specialists are working at Bushehr now and this means that the S-300’s are also for protection of Bushehr.”
It seems to me, that no-one I know, noticed any news whatsoever today, nor showed the slightest interest, when I tried to mention it. So www 3 is extremely unlikely, cos no one gives a sh1t. So I reckon its best to ignore it. They will go back into their holes. propaganda too much – like when you couldn’t stand mustang sally again 10 years ago, and for a special occasion they do it again, and you still think its a crap song, but join in cos its a party, and to be polite, but you can’t stand it for a 3rd time, well past its 2nd death.
Can our Leaders please start making sense. That is what we employ you for. To represent our best interests – not yours. You volunteered for the job, so now you have got it, do what we elected you and told you to do.
That is Your Job. You are a Member of Parliament now.
We elected you.
Please Get on with it.
Do your Job.
So, how are the “give Trump a chance” brigade at Off-G feeling right about now?
That has never been our line. Nor especially prominent BTL. You may be thinking of another site. Very few QAnons or MAGAs here. 🤷🏻♂️
Feeling good that Trump got a chance, must admit.
Still waiting for when he’s actually worse than Obama, cause that one was sure slick with words; a gift for the masses.
One thing is for sure though, we’d have already been at this point a long time ago with Hillary in power.
Well, he’s droned more people so far than Obama did in 8 yrs. You can start there.
Trumps drone kill rate vs Obamas?
Let me know when the current eejut in office has killed more people than Obama I’ll act like I care.
Your edgy response is worthless yet illustrative because it’s precisely in line with the archetypal Trumpian meathead.
Well I disklike Trump. But I disklike him less the Hillary and Obama and I gotta be honest, the Dems are the laughing stock.
At some point Trump may eclipse Obama/Hillary in their crimes, and then I will disklike him more the Obama/Hillary.
Until that day, I wear the moniker of ‘Trumpian Meathead’, along with others I have levelled upon me, like ‘Putin Apologist’, ‘Assad Apologist’, ‘Racist’, ‘Anti-Semite of the Type 2 variety’, ‘Communist’, by people proudly advertising their lack of intellect.
Certainly quiet aren’t they ? Been hearing on here for years that DJT not as bad as ‘x’ because he hates “NATO, Merkel, HC, regime change, globalisation, neo-libs”…..
DJT conned them all.
Not to worry. The reply will be HC would have started WW3 sooner. Take heart.
Iran isn’t going to do shit.
I bet you do shit, though.
Seems like it has already started to do shit. Shit out of prophecy, are we?
Sorry, was Qassem Soleimani some kind of saint? Did he never organize any mass suicide bombing/ assassination of an opponent in Irak, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon or elsewhere?
Going against Sunni Arab KSA was kind of natural for a Persian Shia, working against Israel was good for brownie points among Muslims and Western Leftovers but ultimately dumb.
Compared to Netanyahu, Sharon, Shamir, Begin, Peres, Rabin etc, yes he was a veritable saint.
add Cheney,Blair,Clinton etc….
Working against Israel is a natural reaction for any Iranian who doesn’t want to see his country destroyed by Zionist terrorism, chicanery, lies and intrigue, with their US butt goys providing the money and the dumb muscle.
Iran, quite correctly in my opinion, differentiates between Jews, and Zionism, which is Nazism for Jews.
Max Blumenthal on twitter ”Who ever said Soleimani was some peacenik? He was the mastermind of a grueling protracted fight that helped prevent Iraq & Syria from falling to the Salafi-jihadi forces unleashed by the US & its regional allies. And he kept up pressure to the end. That’s why he was targeted.”
Soleimani was a real hero.
A senior officer who fought right up on the front line with his men for years.
A skilful strategist who smashed ISIS after it was created by its Zionist and Washington handlers.
Trump isn’t fit to lick his boots.
Neither are you, Shlomo.
Trump has had years to drone Soulemani. QS’ morale visits to the frontlines in Syria and Iraq were extensively documented on social media by Iranian proxies and allies. No doubt Israel noticed them as well but passed on striking at him.
My only conclusion is to Trump’s rationale is to speculate that Trump calculates Iranian backlash is limited and a double win for him; In rallying support around the flag for electoral purposes (what impeachment?) and providing a causus belli for a range of punishing strikes across a wide variety of targets across Iran. The economic toll on Iran would be crushing on top of the sanctions. Trump’s khaki election gambit ?
When a corporation such as the United States of America falls into debt to the tune of $23 trillion USD heading into certain long term recessionary headwinds they have no alternative but to start bombing antiquated economically challenged countries that are struggling to survive. This allows the American bullies to feel empowered & respected through fear of their mass text book Psychopathology that they peddle to the populations for purposes of creating unease & fear, or terror, whatever the case may be.
The Central Intelligence Agency has been doing this sort of regime change gig forever where they first utilize Economic Hit Men to entice leadership to acquiesce to CIA demands. If the Economic Hit Men fail the mission the jackals are sent in to assassinate. If assassination fails & Economic Hit Men fail, it falls to the generals & war planners in the bureaucracy.
The end game superordinate goal for all Americans in the mix of state is to murder the competition even if it means destroying entire regions of the world to do it.
And never forget the Queen of Mean stating that ‘only the little people pay taxes’. Believe me when I state that Leona Helmsley would push you down a flight of stairs in a wheelchair if you were an invalid much like Richard Widmark did in The Kiss of Death.
Warmongers ain’t benevolent & Charley don’t surf.
Did you not read the article, or any other informed analyst such as the Saker?
You’re backhandedly buying the myth of US omnipotence.
The reason the US has never attacked Iran even tho it has been wanting to do so for decades is because it knows it could lose big time & empires like to avoid wars with dangerous opponents.
War on Iran would be very very different from war on Iraq or Syria. It will be serious, bloody and the US could end up kicked out of the Middle East.
If that looks likely it will of course use tactical or strategic nukes and any other advanced weapons. This will drag Russia in because it can’t afford in any circumstances for Iran to fall. The rest will be silence.
Wake up. The US are absolutely not just doing the same old same old. This is a whole new and insane ballgame.
The United States of America is the BORG of debt. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated or Americans will die. Americans don’t like death on their turf which is why the export death to the third world that can’t fight back.
Americans are tyrants & bullies. Time to water the tree of Liberty with the blood of patriots & tyrants, man.
Yes, it’ll just be another cakewalk.
It goes awry if Iran closes the Strait of Hormuz or obliterates Saudi oil production.
It ‘goes awry’ the minute the first shot is fired. It will be a shit show like nothing seen since WW2.
They could just close it to US ships.
What the United States has done is completely insanity. And for Pompeo to be tweeting that the United States ‘is committed to de-escalation’ is cloud cuckoo land stuff.
I’ve been following this on various other sites as well. Iran is officially in mourning, and after that is completed, they will respond
We will soon find out what that response is.
We now face the very strong likelihood of a cataclysmic war in the Middle East.
This is an incredibly dangerous situation.
My gut feeling is this is also the beginning of the end for this truly evil, parasitical Empire.
They cannot see the consequences of what they have done with this act of terrorism.
They are fully blinded by their sheer arrogance and hubris.
Iran should find away to take out Pompeo,tit for tat,then say “okay Trump lets talk lick men not cowards hiddind behind dromes and twitter”.
Sorry,typed too fast 🙂 a way ,like,hidding 🙂
I think of all the deranged, raving, frothing, fascist thugs in Washington; of which Pompeo is right at the top of the list.
I’m also thinking Iran will carefully choose something that will really hurt the Evil Empire. Like being evicted from Iraq maybe?
We’ll soon find out Ricsi.
I only hope you are right
Many hundreds of millions all around the world hope for the same thing Geoff. Especially in the Middle East and South America.
You just never hear their (our) opinions in the presstitute media.
I hope it ends with more of a whimper than a loud explosion. Sadly, that’s probably wishful thinking.
Too many human beings have already died as a result of the Empire’s actions – Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Venezuela, on and on.
I can’t back this up with any links, so all I can say is that I’m hearing murmurs that the Iranians have now told the Americans to pull all of their warships out of Middle Eastern waters by this time next week, otherwise American warships will be attacked and sunk.
The Iranians are quite capable of doing this in the Persian Gulf, the Strait of Hormuz and the Oman Gulf (which 35% of the world’s tanker oil moves through). Iranian missiles can also quite easily hit Saudi oil fields. Who’s going to buy shares in ARAMCO? The price of oil is already going through the roof. How much do you want to pay to fill up your vehicle? or do you believe all the MSM bullshit about twerrorists?
Anyhows, this is still all just rumour at the moment; but if it’s true it’s a very smart move by the Iranians.
I was going to reply to your other comment, but breaking news that the United States has launched more airstrikes in Iraq apparently killing 6 Shia militia leaders.
Pompeo is a raving liar and lunatic.
If this news is true, the bastards want war.
More insane provocations.
Just about to check some sources to verify this. Yes, I commented to you first before I checked…
Buckle up, things are getting very rocky.
Americans have wanted control over the entire Gulf of Oman since before I was born.
The Gulf of Oman oil fields are the best in the entire world for really top grade oils. It’s a massive oil field.
Americans are corporate pirates not unlike fiction. Brig Gen Smedley Butler bragged of having more territory than Al Capone. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson owns Al Capones old gun that he purchased at auction.
Brig Gen Smedley Butler ” War is a Racket”
That $23 trillion is just the debt of the Federal Government. Factor in private debt of households, corporations, car/student loans, financial and unfunded future debt, social security, pensions, medicare, etc and that figures balloon into 5 to 10 times that figure.
The best estimate is around $250 trillion, or around $750,000 per head.
For information – RT News has just reported that they are receiving reports that the US have attacked another vehicle convoy just north of Baghdad. They have no more details at present.
It’s just Bibi and his pet goy appealing to their ‘bases’. Killing is their religion, quite literally.
Reports now say that convoy was attacked by an airstrike at 1 a.m. local time, 6 Iranian backed Shia militia leaders killed and 5 others injured. As a US peace activist just said on RT, ‘this attack is on local Iraqis who have been fighting against ISIL and are on their home territory; and such attacks are totally inexcusable’.
Thanks Judy. Just heard that news over at The Saker and was about to check, but you confirmed this.
The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
And they’re like a chimpanzee playing with a live grenade inside a small room.
And the Chimps between you and the door.
This is fecken madness.
How prophetic of myself to have foreseen the end of my online commenting for all the wrong reasons. Can’t take all the shit anymore. It is indeed like the 80’s Fun Boy Three hit “The lunatics have taken over the asylum” and the meds have run out a few weeks ago.
Nobody has even the slightest idea what is unfolding now. To that end, I will state it once more:
How long is the window of opportunity open for those who attempt a global takeover? Will they allow Russia and China to get even more advanced weaponry?
No. It is ‘now or never again’ and they are going for it. Either in utter derangement, or infinite stupidity, the people behind this takeover do believe that they can win WW3 and after some cleanup enjoy their United States of Earth.
On the other hand, what if some folks studied STUXNET and are now preparing a number of NPP in the West to shut off their cooling pumps and generators. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? This time although, it will be Karma for all the shit the West has done to the people of the Near/Middle/Far East.
N… Tried to reply to you and another commenter numerous times today, but something very weird going on with my phone – my comments wouldn’t post at all. Will try again.
There are many times I get really over this shit as well, and for my own mental wellbeing, need to step back, and take a break from commenting for a few days or even a week.
On top of that, we have dropkick trolls here who are probably paid.
I agree with your comment, btw.
I am waiting to see what Iran’s response will be. Lots of conjecture on numerous sites, lots of rumours, but we know one thing for certain: Iran will respond to this act of terrorism by the World’s biggest terrorist state.
And earlier today, the United States launched another airstrike on a PMU convoy in Iraq, killing 6 medics.
Complete madness. We are right at the edge of the abyss.
I also agree with you that these Neocon wackjobs want full spectrum dominance of the entire Planet. Regardless of how many people die.
I even saw someone (think at Moon Of Alabama?) pose the thought that the Neocons may kill Trump, and pin the blame on Iran.
I don’t know what else to say to you N.
If you’re near a beach or a park, go and take in the natural beauty in front of you. Music helps me also.
Take care….
Today some Iranian worthy declared that ordinary Westerners would not be targeted in Iran’s revenge. On the other hand, Trump promises to destroy Iranian cultural sites, a war crime, including the threat. It is pretty easy to see just who is Good and who Evil, isn’t it?
I just sent a reply to you from your comment yesterday just then as this comment of yours arrived. Synchronicity!
Have been regularly following updates on Southfront, The Saker, Sputnik News and Moon Of Alabama.
The momentum is picking up steam. Jesus, only the most brain dead, brainwashed and ideological empire zombies Can’t see what is going on here. They are rooting for possible World War…
The USA created Daash, as they did al-Qaeda, along with Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf despotisms and Israel, so they are bound to act ‘kinetically’ to assure that it is revitalised in Iraq, to attack Central Asia and the BRI.
I went to the tweets cited and noted that many blood thirsty war pigs were happily oinking their approval for the Imperial Death Stars latest act of terrorism ludicrously called a “defensive” action by the Terrorist and Thief who turns out to be just another lying sack of shit.
So Donald Duck has confirmed to the whole world that he ordered this act of terrorism and murder. Not only that but as it was a murder/terrorist act in another country that also makes it a war crime. So when are we going to see him and cronies including those in the UK facing the international criminal court for war crimes.
Didn’t they tell you? The US & UK do not recognize the ICC. Next…
They don’t recognise it, but they control it, and their pet Aunty Tom, Bensouda.
The ICC is just for cheeky darkies who fail to hand over their resources to western corporations.
Well this is plainly Trump, the premier Sabbat Goy, doing his Master, Sheldon Adelson’s, bidding. Killing is central to Judaism and Zionism and American Exceptionalism. Just recently Trump, as he obsequiously groveled to one of the alphabet soup of Zionist groups, the Israeli American Council, that control US politics, congratulated Jews for being ‘…brutal killers-not nice people at all’. The anti-Trump Zionists proclaimed that ‘antisemitism’, not realising it was intended as a compliment.
Perhaps they were worried, as well, that it might be too revelatory of the lust for murder that lies at the heart of Judaism. As the highly influential ‘Yesha Council of Rabbis and Torah Sages’ declared in 2006, as Israel was bombing Lebanon back to the Stone Age, targeting, schools, mosques, power stations, hospitals and fleeing civilians, under Judaic Law killing civilians is not just permissible, but is considered a mitzvah, or good deed. International Humanitarian Law to the contrary was contemptuously dismissed as mere ‘Christian morality’.
The Godfather of Likudnik Zionism, Jabotinsky, bluntly stated the ideological equivalent of that doctrine-‘We will kill anyone who gets in our way’. And Israeli PMs Begin, Shamir, Sharon and Rabin all had plenty of the blood of innocents on their paws. Last year a book appeared, ‘Rise and Kill First’ that listed the huge series of assassinations of resistance leaders, often with their families (‘Down to the fourth generation’ as the Talmud demands)or mere bystanders and neighbours, committed by Israel, and it was generally lauded and the author treated with mandatory sycophancy.
The French Jewish intellectual, Bernard Lazare, noted, late in the 19th century, that Jews had experienced conflict with the local communities almost everywhere they had settled, despite the differences of social arrangements, religions, histories etc, and he, a firm opponent of Judeophobia and supporter of Dreyfuss, simply observed that ‘Israel’ (ie Jews) must bear at least some blame for those events. That, of course, is the very essence of really existing ‘antisemitism’ today-to assert that any Jew, anywhere, has ever done a bad, or wrong, or even mistaken thing. These are, after all, as Begin used to declare, ‘Gods upon the Earth’. However, this time, they surely have gone too far. Both the corrupt thug Netanyahu, and the simple thug, Trump, need diversions, and they will soon get them, in spades. Pity the poor innocents who will suffer for them indulging their blood-lusts.
“Central to Judaism.” And boom: there goes your mask.
Central to Talmudic, Orthodox Judaism-unarguable. Bang goes your mask. Many Jews reject the murderous xenophobia at the heart of Talmudic Judaism, hence the Reform and Liberal tendencies, (and non-religious Jews), which are NOT recognised as true Judaism in Israel, which is controlled by the Orthodox goy-haters. Learn something about your own religion before you start pontificating and smearing.
No doubt you have heard the Hebrew phrase אֶ֛רֶץ זָבַ֥ת חָלָ֖ב וּדְבָֽשׁ׃ (I’m cheating with the niqqud, which I never really learned and mostly forgot as soon as I had, as they’re not a big part of modern Hebrew–I cut and pasted it to ensure you got the fullest version of that biblical phrase from the Torah in the mediaeval religious lingo of the Diaspora rabbinate). It comes from Chapter 27 of Deuteronomy and describes the land that God promised the Jews. Transliterated, it’s “eretz zavat chalav u’devash”, translated it’s usually rendered as ‘land flowing (with) milk and honey‘.
Only nine verses back from that enchanting description, the King James version translates another verse as:
The Amalek to be thus GENOCIDED were, to cut and paste again, this time from Wikipedia:
The alleged beginning of the enmity goes back all the way to the abovementioned early offspring of Abraham, for reasons which need not concern us here. The cause for the reminder in Deuteronomy was described in Exodus: as the last of the Israelites following Moses out of Egypt were crossing Amalekite territory en route to the eretz savat chalav u’devash, hundreds of years later, the Amalekites came across them and despatched them to the care of their Heavenly Father forthwith. This got Moses somewhat riled and he sent out Joshua to take them down a peg or two. King James recounts [emphasis and translation added]:
Now that we have the background to Israel’s first full-on genocide of another people sorted out (and moving right along past all the subsequent smiting, smoting and general stomping on anyone in that region in ancient times who got their goat (see, for instance, “shibboleth”, Hebrew for “ear of corn”, as recorded in the book of Judges:
we can consider the 2006 kerfuffel surrounding anti-Islamist Conservative Rabbi Jack Reimer, Pres Slick Willie’s “rabbinic counsel”, who said
to which My Jewish Learning [.com] responded:
Two thousand years of partial displacement (not all Jews left Canaan and its Jew-smitten environs when the Romans finally lost their rag and drove the most fractious of them out into two millennia of self-absorbed, manipulative, ressentimental whining and harping on that drove their Diaspora to the Talmudic and Rabbinic excesses reifying a supposedly stolen, chosen-of-God, exceptionalist “heritage” (“real estate” as Gilad Atzmon terms it) expressed in such repeatedly perverse, anti-social, ethically-specific, ruthlessly entitled behaviour that almost every nation they visited themselves upon eventually and justifiably restarted the whole expulsion cycle over and over again.
Here endeth the first lesson. I have quoted the sources of a few (of many) examples in full, rather than supply citations, because some of the trigger-happy, ignorantly censorious group thinkies who choose to kiss AIPAC and related butt would seem not even to know how to click a link.
So now you know, piss off. Learn a bit of real about how much more of Judaism, quite apart from its cancerous excresence of modern Zionism, always has been and, grossly reprehensibly, far too largely, still is.
“Thou shall not kill” reads one of the ten commandments in Exodus 20:13 in what Christains call the Bible and Jews call the Torah.
The claim “killing is central to Judaism” simply does not hold water on examination the basic tenets of the religion as set out in religious texts.
I agree that killing has been central to the Israeli state’s policies in recent decades. You do nothing but a disservice to the campaign to oppose Israel’s crimes by engaging in such blatant antisemitism and permitting this weapon to be used against those who wage it.
khazar now
or never have been
who are you too talk of antisemitism
mr pale face
satanick demon
ashkanazim pirates
murder and theft land grab
is the m o
i believe you call it room 2 grow
Well said Tim.
Dear me, another ignorant groveler. Try reading Israel Shahak for a start. Knowing the Truth about Judaism does NOT require hating Jews, nor does knowing the truth about Wahhabism make you despise Saudis, or the Truth of American Exceptionalism make one loathe Americans.
He could try reading the Bible for a startier start. Or even just the “Contents” page of the Tanakh for the startiest startier start.
Tim, learn what you are talking about. Thou shall not kill-other Jews. The goyim are fair game. Ultra-orthodox in Israel quote the Talmud directly as to how to kill goyim, or when to merely do nothing to avert their deaths or rescue them. The Torah/Old Testament contains the oldest extant accounts and descriptions of genocide, and the Jewish God’s demands that it be enacted. Then in Joshua etc, there is a lengthy list, no doubt mythical, of those obliterated by the Israelites ie Midianites, Moabites, Jebusites etc. And the Jews still celebrate two Holy Genocides every year, Passover and Purim. Not all Jews, probably a majority, have any truck with this stuff, but many among the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox, and more secular fascists, do, as the long record of Israeli massacres shows. Once again, simply telling the Truth is smeared as ‘antisemitism’. You ought to be ashamed.
The Torah/Pentateuch. So much pro and con semitism, so few Jews to enjoy the fun.
Only the first example of hogwash in one short post. What title are you chasing? “Prince of Ignorance by Lazy Presumption” or “King of Bollocks by Overextended Précis”?
Hi OffG, I wondered if it would be possible to get an article on the Australian fires – to get a plethora of views on the situation? Tens of thousands are being urged to evacuate the South-East now, apparently.
Off the top of my head – a few questions to set the ball rolling if we do get an article:
What is actually happening; how are the fires being started? Who is starting them? Why are firefighters having trouble with all of it?
Years & years of deliberate mismanagement? Arson? Sabotage? D.E.Ws/Scalar/Smart Meters?
Coup against current leader, Scott Morrison (maybe because he did not play ball withe the climate change people)?
Agenda 21/2030 in motion? SDGs being rolled out etc – deliberate displacement of people (ultimately off rural & suburban areas and into cities (I think the UN name it something like City-densification)?
People don’t need to agree – just get their views, observations and hopefully some evidence. Anyway, just putting some thoughts out there…
It’s anthropogenic climate destabilisation, as all the local fire chiefs and many of the recently retired, have declared, for some time. Predicted twenty and thirty years ago by science, and here, now, a few decades ahead of expectations.
Interesting. I am not fully on board with the idea of human-induced climate change (anthropogenic climate change). I need much more convincing than what is available out there currently. Maybe humans cause an extremely teeny amount but not anyway near enough to change our environment? Really, is anthropogenic climate change causing all the current things like flooding, ‘wildfires’ landslides etc that are suddenly all happening in many different places at the frequency & level over this last decade or so ,and suddenly being plastered all over our MSM, press, tv etc ad nauseum without any differing views allowed to be aired without ridicule or slap-downs or censorship?
Who are XR’s funders, allies and founders? What are their deeper motives?
What about the fact that the Earth’s climate naturally goes through cycles; some people tend more towards the climate experts who believe we are now entering the cooling period, the Maunder Minimum? People like Piers Corbyn have been correctly predicting long-range weather and climate cycles for many years?
Also, CO2 is important for plant/tree growth? We cannot have life without carbon in its many forms?
All these questions and more need to be explored and debated by many different experts who have alternative views (not solely the same views espoused in the corporate media) before I can come to any firm conclusions. For now, I feel like the establishment is hammering the public with a cult-like religion of ‘climate emergency’ and suspect they want to use it for ulterior motives rather than help the environment & humans – probably part of the agenda to control the planet including humans?
* Should say: “…probably part of the agenda to take complete control of the planet including humans?”
The ‘evidence out there’ is enough to convince EVERY Academy of Science and scientific society on Earth, all of whom concur with the theory. The natural weather and climate disasters are, in the main, either being caused, or made worse, by the injection of added energy into the Earth system that is caused by the increased level of heat trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. XR’s backers are irrelevant to the science. The world’s climate does exhibit many cycles, but they are being disturbed and exacerbated by the added energy trapped in the Earth system. There is no ‘Grand Minimum’ just the end of cycle 24 of sunspot activity. Piers Corbyn is NO climate expert-if you rely on him rather than the 99% of real climate scientists who agree with the theory then you are very much mistaken, in my opinion. CO2 is essential for plant growth, but it’s levels need to be constant, or slowly changing, for plants to adapt, not increasing by 50% in 200 years. Moreover climate destabilisation brings high temperatures, floods, deluges and other manifestations that are very deleterious to plant growth and well-being. These facts have been debated for 200 years, and the science is ‘settled’. Your proposition for further debate, as the climate rapidly destabilises, is, in my opinion, akin to ‘debating’ the harms of sarin gas, as the victim convulses before our eyes.
You need the ability to get to a library, skip the Enid Blyton section and distinguish between science and capitalism.
How exactly is AGW causing these fires? What is the mechanism?
Is the climate in NSW hotter, drier than before?
By how much if so?
How much worse is the burning?
Since the bush in that part of the world is ‘designed’ to burn periodically (many local plants need fire in order to set seed), how do you separate the alleged AGW effect from other natural causes and other non-AGW variables, such as reduction in pre-emptive burns over recent years?
Yes, all very good questions that need answering and debating by experts with differing stances (not just cookie-cutter experts agreeing with each other with their official, scripted stance of “it’s part of the ‘climate crisis!”).
They have ALL been debated for decades by real scientists, not fossil fuel denialist industry paid disinformers. I can tell you that here in Australia, as the country burns, demanding more phony ‘debate’ is NOT a popular opinion
“I believe you, trillions wouldn’t!”
This debate you speak of must have passed me by somehow! If it did happen it must have happened before my time because all I’ve seen/heard in the press/tv/radio/school text books was/is anthropogenic climate change-based.
I swear, this guy: “The world is burning. Let’s have another debate in case we accidentally save the plamet!”
You obviously don’t live in Australia where denialism controls much of the MSM. Totally in the Murdoch cancer. much of the time elsewhere, but it has no reputable scientific supporters, just a cabal of aged renegades, fossil fuel stooges and share-holders in coal mines. The ‘debate’ was OVER thirty years ago, and the rest has been fossil fuel propaganda and the Dunning-Krugerites ventilating their lovely combination of idiocy, malice and arrogant egotism.
The drought in the east of Australia is unprecedented in the 200 years of White occupation. It is almost certainly driven, to extremes of aridity, by increased average and maximum temperatures, lack of rainfall and other depredations like widespread vegetation clearance by Rightwing ‘farmers’ who hate Greenies. Every single fire fighting commissioner and other leaders have openly stated that these fires are worsened by anthropogenic climate destabilisation, and requested a meeting with the PM months ago, but were ignored by our PM, a denialist religious fanatic.
Sorry but we need data not rhetoric.
What is the measured increase in temps in the fire-hit regions?
What is causing the drought?
What is the source for it being unprecedented? By how much?
Why would clearing vegetation increase fire risk?
I have also seen it said it’s the absence of clearing – due to misguided or fake ‘Green’ policies – that has been exacerbating the current fires.
How can we tell which is true?
What of the claims of politically motivated arson?
Climate change & Australian bushfires are way off topic. No more of that here please. We may well open a discussion of the latter soon.
Rightio-forgive the last contribution, above.
It is NOT ‘rhetoric’. The facts are easily discoverable, at the BOM, CSIRO and the Climate Council, for starters. Kindly look them up yourself.
My observation among others is that most bushfires are occurring in areas that never had any before, or in recent memory anyway.
The state of Victoria always seems to have more severe annual bushfire events than other states, even though other states are much drier and have more extreme weather. This might suggest Victorian state govt bushfire emergency response policies might be wanting, to say the least.
I don’t live in Victoria but I’d be curious to know what the state of electricity power lines in rural areas and through forests down there are like. The East Gippsland region in Victoria (which has the worst bushfire crisis at present) is, erm, very forested. Or it was.
Our firefighters can’t cope because they’re underfunded, they don’t have modern firefighting equipment and – this will shock overseas readers – they are not full-time paid professional firefighters, in a country that experiences major bushfire events every year.
“they are not full-time paid professional firefighters, in a country that experiences major bushfire events every year.”
My! Yes, that is strange & shocking for somewhere like Australia! Who decided that was a good idea; along with the idea of not managing the bush like they used to do for hundreds of years. I read somewhere that the Aborigines used/use managed fires as part of their culture too to maintain and protect the Bush.
The volunteers usually have to work for weeks a year on real, and controllable, local fires. This year threy have faced months, so far, of megafires. As for that favourite denialist canard, that the bush is not being properly ‘managed’, ALL the fire authorities have REPEATEDLY refuted that, pointing out that hazard reduction burning has increased for years, but the window for safe burning has grown smaller and smaller as the climate has rapidly destabilised, and fires break out even in winter. I hope that has cleared up that misconception for you.
CANADA is sending over a hundred skilled firefighters yesterday on top of the fifty we sent first off. CANUCKS will put it out, don’t fret. Our outback is much more Boreal forest so we get really bad bush fires as everyone is well aware. We have tons of water bombers too and we are in the off-season for our own bush fires so our gals n’ guys will be more than happy to go to Oz for the adventure.
Most of the fires are burning in areas that have burned regularly, and recently. There have, however, been places burned in recent years, like alpine heath-lands in Tasmania and sub-tropical and temperate rainforests, that have not burned for centuries. The difference this time is that anthropogenic climate change, principally through savage drought, has worsened conditions markedly.
Taken from – the weekend Australian.
The Black Thursday conflagration of 1851 burned five million hectares and was so intense that ships 30km off the coast of Victoria reported coming under ember attack…Those fires covered one-quarter of what is now the state of Victoria.
In the summer of 1974-75, the worst bushfire system the nation had faced in 30 years… the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience estimates about 15 per cent of Australia’s physical landmass, about 117 million hectares, had extensive fire damage.
In a review of Queensland’s recent bushfire experience, the Inspector-General of Emergency Management, Iain Mackenzie, had this to say: “The office heard from associations representing bushfire managers who conveyed ‘indisputable facts’ about vegetated areas and their management.
“Their points were that fires will always start, and that fire management relies on, and must be led by, managing and reducing fuel. Climate change, they said, had not influenced the past build-up of fuel; some fires are best left to burn, and response will only be effective if preparation and mitigation have been effective beforehand.’’
“People change farming practices, they change crops they plant. In urban areas people like vegetation between houses, they have bigger houses, bigger roofs.
“These all reflect heat into vegetation that dries out and you have fuel.”
The biggest fires in terms of area burned are actually in low-population areas of the Northern Territory, Western Australia and north Queensland.
It is when fires occur in populated areas that the explosive combination of high fuel load and proximity of homes becomes most apparent.
then there’s the money/support – Primonster Morrison et al, wouldn’t want to see their budget surplus going up in ashes – no, it wants profit and more, so are limiting Government spending on many essential needs – replaced from the Peoples pocket, by charitable donations and rainy day savings etc….same old story, happy taking short on giving – and as Rural areas are already hit hardest – add just a little more heat, and with volunteer fire service numbers on the decline… for many, it’ll be back to the concrete jungle.
You: What is actually happening; how are the fires being started?
Me: Hmmmmm….dryness….heat?
You: Who is starting them?
Me: Hmmmm….the godamnded sun?
You: Why are firefighters having trouble with all of it?
Me: Hmmmm…there’s a fuck-ton of it?
You: Years & years of deliberate mismanagement?
Me: Yes, spot on, and…..and then…
You: Arson? Sabotage? D.E.Ws/Scalar/Smart Meters?….
Me: Can we accuse the sun of arson?
Hmmmm….I’m really not sure, maybe your wisdom could guide me?
You overlook the lightening.
Lightning. No ‘e’.
Never fear, the US (of ignorance) can now conquer the universe >>
there’s billions of us, all we need, is a little food and warmth – all we want, is to get on with our lives, in Freedom and in Peace. It unfortunate then, that there exists a small Cabal of International Interconnected players who employ Governments of the World/ Leaders of Men, instrumentally, to the construction of divisive entanglements . Sadly it seems, the People, generation through generation, have become so accustomed to groupthink falsity, they see themselves collectively responsibile for the ruinous designs of dictatorial maniacs…as if the experience of repeatedly being delivered into a madhouse was a natural element of existence.
I accidentally posted this comment under the “Douma narrative crumbles”…thread, admin can delete it there , if they like.
Yes, I saw your comment on the other article.
Well said and concisely said!
The news alert message was supposed to be between the brackets but somehow it disappeared. The alert msg was supposed to say…
Chief BIG Trump little penis declares bombing assassination NOT DECLARATION OF WAR.
And I did not upvote myself above.
I wonder if the Loonies in the CIA/MIC are currently planning to get rid of “a very important American”, and then blame it on Iran, as justification for attacking Iran. I agree that a war against Iran would be a dreadful mistake by the USA, but, with Loonies like Pompeo, Mark Esper, and the likes of Bolton, still lurking in the background, they’ll ALL be salivating at the thought of another War with a staggering death count(on both sides) and so will Mr Netanyahu, sitting in Israel, pulling the strings and directing the traffic.
It’s what they live and breathe for…….deranged psychopaths just cannot get enough War…….”Draining the Swamp” was NEVER going to happen………..
Excellent speculation. To get rid of Trump, the obvious ‘burnt offering’, and get a casus belli for Clinton’s much desired ‘obliteration’ of Iran, Bibi’s ‘New Purim’-what could be better?
Pretty desperate stretch.
Then leave yourself alone!
Richard… This is my favourite site, aye, but coz it’s basically open slather, and not strictly moderated, like at The Saker for example, you get a lot of idiot trolls here, like Estompista, Antonym, Crispy, Espartaco, William H Bonney, and some other dingbats, but, as you said above Trump and Netanyahu have gone too far this time.
Your opinion – how do you think Iran will respond? An assassination? Engineering the United States eviction from Iraq? A target in Israel?
Also – do you know much about Max Igan?
No idea, Gezzah. Hit them in the economic goolies, I expect. I’d close Hormuz and obliterate Saudi oil facilities and ports, and take out a few palaces in Riyadh for good measure. Maybe send some hit-men to the brothels and casinos of Europe, too, to rid the cosmos of some Saud princelings. Of course that would mean war, and millions dead, billions if we get unlucky. The fires show that it is all moot, really. The Horror has arrived.
Reports in that the Green Zone in Baghdad and the United States Embassy have come under missile attack. Report on Sputnik News that a UK nuclear sub is sitting off the coast of Iran on high alert.
Trump has further threatened that any US response will ‘be disproportionate’ to anything Iran does in retaliation for Soleimani.
Iraq Parliament has voted to expel all United States military from Iraq, but that’s almost meaningless now given what Trump has unleashed.
The kettle is boiling, and its about to spill all over the bench.
Or as you aptly said… The Horror has begun. And many people are going to die.
“Revenge is a dish best served cold!.
I am sure that America is expecting a quick retaliation and which can be quickly countered. I am sure the Iranians are aware of that and will either carry out something that is deniable or just put pressure on Iraq to kick all the Americans out of their country. What can America do, bomb the whole country into the stone age?
2020 is destined to be a very bloody and long drawn out war of attrition. Whilst the Democrats would appear to be handing Trump his second term on a plate, by his rash and badly planned move, this might be denied him.
I do wonder if nature might intervene. You read about the build up of seismic activity in California and wonder if this might be the year of the “Big One”? If that was to happen then all bets are off and all military activity will subside.
I am reminded of the “Tom and Jerry” cartoon when Buster taking the part of America comes to Jerry’s defence when he whistles until that time Buster is carted off to the dog pound.
As Putin’s actions always catch me by surprise, can anybody guess what he might do if Iran, Iraq or Syria comes under heavy attack? I am sure in the circumstances that it would always be the right move.
“What can America do, bomb the whole country into the stone age?”
They’ve already done that in Korea and Vietnam, and to a lesser extent just recently in Syria (which is why Europe has experienced a tidal wave of refugees).
2020 doesn’t have to be bloody, as long as most people can get out of the tidal wave of MSM war propaganda.
With regard to Putin, we’re fast approaching the stage where Russia and China are going to either have to stand up to America (which means war), or else they’ll have to bow down and become part of a rapidly decaying empire (an empire than can’t even look after its own people).
With the assassination of Soleimani, I think we’re now at this tipping point. I don’t believe that Russia and China will bow down to the biggest bunch of criminals/psychopaths that this world has ever known.
They don’t need to bomb every village in Iran. Just take out the power stations, communications, hospitals (oops, we are SO sorry)warehouses, roads, water infrastructure (as they did in Iraq)etc and a few Holy spots to indicate the religious/fascist aspect of the assault, and sundry others (they bombed dairy farms in Iraq). Raytheon and Lockheed must be slobbering at the profit expectations, and ‘religious’ fascist psychopaths, like our own Pentecostal thug PM, ‘Smoko’ Morrison, drooling as their beloved End Times draw that much closer.
As the article says, Iran isn’t Iraq or Syria. The Pentagon knows that better than the man in the street, why else has it not been invaded yet? If they start this war they could well fail to win it. Totally different ballgame from anything seen before in the ‘war on terror’.
They won’t invade-just sit back and bomb.
The other thing to mention is John Simpson while an establishment buffoon has been to Iran and wrote a book in around 1980. A not completely bad book.
FreeIran2020 seems to be attracting the Mojaheddin e Khalq cult crazies and deluded Pahlavi monarchy restorationists. That tells me the movement must be relying on the same US State Department and National Endowment for Democracy regime-change idiots, and various Washington NGOs, who support the Banderite turds in Ukraine and the Blackshirt thugs in Hong Kong, for money and marketing campaign ads and slogans.
American ‘defensive act’? Do me a favour. The US has dedicated every single day of every single year since 1945 seeing how it can foment war, bloodshed, misery, starvation and torture for the sole purpose of making billionaires richer.
Let us be clear, a murderous act on mainland US is now justifiable and I hope it happens on Wall Street, on Capitol Hill and at Langley. Amongst other absolutely legitimate targets.
The US have always been bedwetters when anyone ever attacks them. Bedwetters.
They need to accept half a million dead as just one of those things. That is what they inflict on others.
So now they must learn to take what they dish out.
Ooh, but Americans will burst into tears and have to bomb defenceless people to show what a cowardly bully they are.
That is all they are. They have no bravery, no courage and no honesty.
If they did, they would get out of 500 military bases worldwide, stop stealing IP the world over and actually run an honest economy for once in their lives.
It’s about control, Rhys. Being honest & benevolent was never USA ethos. Pretending to be honest & benevolent whilst they rape & pillage is better for profits & irrational American exuberance. Insanity & chaos is a USA business model that pays dividends every time they do it. Incidence of pathology is measured in business cycles for the USA.
My entire life of approximately 60 years has evidenced continual American genocide upon the third world. America is a violent corporate Psychopath without conscience or purpose aside from control, man.
Americans are Classically Conditioned human beings that have learned to victimize & dominate civilization hands down without much opposition from anyone until the GFC manifested to enlighten thinkers across the world & allow them to throw off the chains of Neoliberalism, Financialization, and Financial totalitarianism.
Americans are weasels. They are less than s**t.
They’re like you, Paul?
Personally I’d be happy if their first targets were the Whitehouse, the Pentagon and Congress followed by Wall Street and the Federal Reserve since they’d be doing us a favor.
Don’t forget the Council on Foreign Relations & NSA mainframe.
Professionalism means proactive!
True I forgot about the CIA and NSA as well. My bad.
As an American. . . I very unfortunately have to one hundred percent agree. :’-(
The US bombs and destroys many lives each day and we rarely hear anything about it in our MSM.
Now the US killed an Iranian general and suddenly this is THE news event of the year.
It’s like if they want war.
‘Fools rush in where angels fear to tread’ may be the best advice for Iran. But if the US really wants war, it will not matter if Iran will or will not retaliate. For that a false flag can be invented. I agree with Tony (below) that the Iranian general looks very pretty, perfect poster for a martyr, whose face many in the ME may find heartwarming, which is needed to fuel the tensions. –
So I speculate: What if the US, Russia and Iran agreed to have a war? For instance to increase the oil price by Iran closing the strait of Hormuz for some time, until oil prices are so high that shale oil becomes profitable again? Or is that too far sought? I truly don’t know, but do know that they had similar ‘oil crises’ in the past (70s) to increase the oil price. Could this all be staged? Are we allowed to ask?
Alternatively, this may just be a cruel experiment where tptb want to see how much the public wants war.
This is from Bertrand Russell at the start of WWI:
‘Although I did not foresee anything like the full disaster of war, I foresaw a great deal more than most people did. … but what filled me with more horror was the fact that the anticipation of carnage was delightful to something like ninety percent of the population. I had to revise my views on human nature… I had supposed that it was quite common for parents to love their children, but the war persuaded me that it is a rare exception. I had supposed that most people liked money more than anything else, but I discovered that they liked destruction even better. I had supposed that intellectuals frequently loved truth, but I found here again that not ten percent of them prefer truth to popularity.’
If I read people’s comments over the internet and see the reporting of the MSM, there are many who seem to be in delight if war would occur. Not ninety percent, (the percentage that Russell estimated who were pro war in 1914), and therefore (hopefully) to little to really start a war, yet, but still a lot of people seem to be in delight of the prospect of war.
So it may a good reminder for those who want war, that war is blood and gore which will kill and traumatize a lot of people, except for the true villains who ‘lead from behind’ pushing everybody else over the cliff, and thereby making a lot of money.
Yes, the realities of war are undeniably horrendous (and that was why so many of us are so adamantly apoplectic at the prospect of another war and write like we have here; see my angry comment on the last article).
With heavy heart, I have to say that what is wanted is more than filling their coffers or stealing oil, gas and land; sadly the aim is global governance. They are after total power and complete control. Read the top globalists’ own work/sources – they have planned things meticulously for a very long time. I hope to God I am wrong. Research things from different angles (different: history books, ideologies, philosophies, religions) and see the overlaps and observe the patterns and unfortunately many of us see the global governance agenda (and depopulation which will make it easier to control a smaller group of humans (micro-chipped?) left who will be the ones who have to do the jobs that AI, automation and robotics will not be able to do).
Like I said, I hope we are wrong in our findings. I would rather be seen as the crank than for any of this to be true.
Note: It should go without saying that I (and many others) don’t state things like this with glee but to open people’s eyes to reality so hopefully we, the general public (who just want to live in peace and comfort, not blimmin’ war or neo-slavery!) as a huge group can hopefully stop all this (if it is indeed the truth).
Here’s to peace!
Willem, since the end of World War Two the USA has stomped around the world like a demented Frankenstein, causing absolute mayhem and butchering millions and millions of people (Korea, Vietnam, et al). I think it was Chomsky who said that under the Nuremburg principles every American president since World War Two (including JFK) would have been found guilty of war crimes, and should have been hung.
Whilst there’s trans-national co-operation between big capital, this doesn’t apply to nation states like Iran, Russia and China, none of whom have ever, in modern history, gone out and invaded other countries, stealing resources and killing untold millions of people, like Uncle Frankenstein does.
There’s a big reckoning coming, and this latest incident may well be it.
What the USG is doing to the world has been what it has been doing to the Indigenous population for centuries. What it needs is another major defeat like the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
The euphoria didn’t last long though. Troops began to mutiny in both French, Russian and US armies in Vietnam, and public opinion began to turn against the war.
”Why had I joined the Army in 1914? Or the million other idiots who had joined up prior to conscription had come in. Partly for a lark and partly because England my England and Britain never, never, and all that stuff. But how long did that last? Most of the chaps I knew had forgotten all about it long before that had got as far as France. The men in the trenches were not patriotic, didn’t hate the Kaiser, didn’t give a damn about gallant little Belgium, and the Germans raping Nuns on tables. (It was always on tables, as though that made it worse) in the streets of Brussels.”
George Orwell – ”Coming Up for Air.”
But for the Americans – now what? Any ground invasion? That would be about as popular as back in the USA as Heamorrhoids. That is simply not going to happen. Starting wars is easy, finishing them is another matter entirely. The neo-con crazies might have bitten more than they can chew.
Nice quote from Orwell, which certainly applies to soldiers who go to war. Literature is quite consistent that soldiers either go to war because they were tricked into war, or because they needed the money.
But the Russell quote is not about the soldiers but about the population who did not see anything of the war, if only through the pages and the broadcasting of the media.
Orwell also spoke about these people in hommage to Catalonia. He said:
‘atrocities can be believed in or disbelieved in solely on the grounds of political prediliction. Everyone believes in the atrocities of the enemy and disbelieves in those of his own side, without even bothering to examine the evidence.’
Which rings a bell doesn’t it? – Why are we to believe that this Iranian general was assasinated? All we have seen is a hand with a large ring, and an endless stream of warmongering comments from both the US and Iranian side.
Orwell also wrote that: ‘I am willing to believe that history is for the most part inaccurate and biased, but what is peculiar to our own age is the idea that history could be truthfully written.’
Hence my suspicion that what we got reported about this assasination is not the truth, or at most a half truth.
Truth is that since yesterday
– oil prices went up
– the Iranian people have been given a common enemy
– War manufacturers will have increasingly busy times in making arms
My take on this is that this is the beginning of the end for the US. The Iranians might retaliate, they’d be expected to do so, but it would be a needless distraction. This attack on a guest of the Iraqi government on Iraqi territory (at their main airport, no less) in direct violation of the agreement between the US and the Iraqi government serves to expose the true identity and purpose of the US corporate state. What makes it worse is that these murders don’t serve any external purpose whatsoever, its done to support a narrative about Benghazi that’s important in an election year. (This narrative had surfaced before the attack but obviously something more concrete, more “Obama like” needed to be done to reinforce the idea.)
Why is it the end for us? Obviously it won’t cause the US to cease to exist, it will just reinforce the idea that the US is violent and untrustworthy, essentially stripping us of the last vestiges of soft power. With this gone all we have left is brute force — military force, economic force and so on. History teaches us that Empires that try to rule using nothing but force tend to be in terminal decline, people will subvert them ‘just because’. China has already demonstrated that while we’re a valuable market and trading partner we’re not absolutely essential. We’ll just quietly descend into being a bit of a global backwater — a large one, but still socially and economically — and increasingly technologically — out of step with everyone else except the handful of wannabe clones.
For those who want a (hollow) laugh…
No one would have died had the Americans stayed at home!!!!
But when the Zionist dog barks the rats jump.
The inflated Trump isn’t going to respond to anything, he will get red necked brainwashed dummies to do it for him. While he hides under Melania’s skirt.
We have to wait for the truth to emerge..
Hopefully Trump and Pompeo will sip from the poisoned cup before any more innocents have to die to satiate their blood lust.
Given all the enemies these two have, how come they’re still standing?
I managed to stomach 1.20 of this garbage from these hellish creatures. Thanks anyway.
To you and Maggie.
Everything Pompeo says here is a complete lie, yet none of the presstitutes challenge anything he says.
It’s frightening stuff.
I’m just interested in what people think of the following – is there a larger plan that we should be looking at? I vaguely remember a commenter on a forum mentioning Henry Kissinger allegedly saying a certain quote so I have just searched for it. (Note, I have just used the following link as it was the first one I found):
The New York Post quotes Kissinger “word for word”:
“In 10 years [2022], there will be no more Israel.”
Whatever its real significance (or if it was said in the first place), you have to wonder if bigger things have been planned – Israel (and maybe the US) were set-up for being sacrificed from the outset? No idea, could be a red herring, but I’m just putting this out there.
So there are a few days of mourning for Iran, by then, a major U.S./Israeli target will be agreed upon. What I want to know is does Russia and China advise the Iranians against it? I’m personally with Iran on this–Iran is justified in assassinating a U.S./Israeli General and their entourage in retaliation. But what then? Will Russia and China support Iran against the U.S.and Israel? Because it’s after the retaliation that the question of nuclear war between the East and West is in play.
Just sell the Iranians the weapons they need to defend themselves. Give them all in real-time the satellite info they need about US and Israeli troop and airforce movements. That will be enough
Lend-lease? Putin and Xi Jinping would be modern day FDR;)
The historical parallels are ironic but true since America’s war machine has become the embodiment of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS.
Excellent strike against the architect of the New Iranian Empire and the repression of the uprisings in Syria and Iraq… WELL DONE TRUMP… WELL DONE AMERICA…!!!
Says the supporting voice of extremist medieval Sunni, head-chopping nut jobs from Saudi Arabia.
Do you get your jollies viewing old Daash execution videos?
Unlike the genocidal Zionist terror regime, the source of much of the evil and chicanery on the whole planet.
The New Iranian Empire, as opposed to little old USA with its paltry 800 military bases worldwide.
Tough… they want an empire… they have to fight for it… Besides three quarters of Iraq, the whole of Syria, half of Lebanon, half of Afghanistan, Venezuela, Yemen, etc… do not compare badly with 800 military bases around the world of the most powerful country on Earth, the same that LIBERATED the UK, half of Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania from Nazism, Fascism and racist Japanese militarism…!!!
Do some elementary research and you’ll find some interesting info on who funded the Nazis.
Sneak preview: Dubya’s grandpa was involved.
Oh, and you might come across something called Operation Paperclip, too.
Very LIBERATING, that was.
Many people supported the Nazis and the Fascists, including the British Royal Family (one of your kings had to be ‘abdicated’ because of that)…
So, you’ve got nothing to say about people from the USA – the great LIBERATOR – being involved in funding the Nazis?
That must include you as well no doubt.
Yeah, but the USA supported and employed Nazis and fascists AFTER WW2, extending for decades. The USA is the Fourth Reich. And the last, one way or another.
And here is the LINK Richard;
Operation Paperclip.
And Operation ODESSA, the ‘rat-lines’, the Vatican Connection etc. All culminating in Operation Condor, to terrorise Latin America. Experts like Klaus Barbie found US supported refuge in Bolivia, whence the racist, religious fanatic, fascist scum now in control in Bolivia, emerged.
Old news… Anyone with a modicum of awareness knows that our Royal family ARE descended from the Germans, and yes we all know why Edward had to abdicate, and it had nothing to do with Mrs Simpson…He made a deal with Hitler.
Iran has no History of wanting to rule the world, or invade other countries. They simply want the chance to bring their country into the 21st Century.
Clearly you have never watched Ahmadinejad’s speeches…
Preferring to read and believe the MSM CBS, CNN, BBC presstitutes?
Full speech to the UN
Zionist interviewer trying to trip Ahmadinejad up
Part 1
Part 2
I can’t imagine that you have the ability to watch and digest what is being said. But you could prove me wrong?
What a pity this man is not still in ‘power.’ But he left a legacy and is a prime example of the kind of men who are running Iran.
Totally contrary to the corrupt cabal that Langley forces you to support.
Someone needs to tell Espartaco’s supervisor at the Tel Aviv call centre that E is off the medication again.
No-that’s bog standard Zionazism. E is probably just back from the ‘shiksa hunt’ in Cyprus, and he’s feeling his oats.
Why Tel Aviv, Jen? Stoking up the “Israel controls America” narrative because you know it flies here?
No, it’s to get Espartaco’s extended family (like yourself) out of the cubicles so your eyes don’t go all rectangular and your sight is saved from being permanently like insect sight due to the moving pixellations across the screen.
You seem like a real swinger, E, so Tel Aviv rather than Jerusalem makes sense.
Get it straight from the horse’s mouth, Nuttyyahoo.
“If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do. America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece, until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit. So we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
Estompista – Clearly research and reading are not your strong subjects, so I am going to post a snippet from an article clearly stating the truth..
The Israeli Occupation of America: How Israel Gained Control of American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion
By Hesham Tillawi, PhD
“Israel need not apologize for the assassination or destruction of those who seek to destroy it. The first order of business for any country is the protection of its people.”Washington Jewish Week, October 9, 1997
I came from a country occupied militarily by Israel to the land of “the free and the brave” only to find out it too was occupied politically by Israel.
The Palestinian people, holding on to whatever shred of hope they can, are counting on the day Americans see the error of their ways and change their opinion of the whole Middle East situation and understand it for what it truly is–A conquered, oppressed people living a hellish existence under a maniacal, occupying power and who will then contact their representatives in Congress and have them put the heat on Israel in fulfilling the agreements she made years ago with the PLO such as Oslo, Taba, Camp David, Wye River, the Road Map, or even Annapolis.
The sad fact however is that the Americans–as much as they champion themselves as a “free people”–are in no better shape than the Palestinians. On the contrary, the American position is worse than that of the Palestinians. The Palestinians can identify the enemy–he is the one with the gun and blowing away their loved ones. They KNOW they are occupied and oppressed. They KNOW how Israel occupied Palestine, killed its inhabitants and forced the majority of those who survived the carnage out of their homes and lands to then live as strangers in refugee camps.
The Americans however, have no idea. Like a drug addict who thinks he feels great after shooting up, he does not realize he is a slave, to his substance and to his pusher. The history of how the Zionists’ controlled England is not shrouded in mystery. Through Jewish control of the British government the Balfour Declaration was drafted that “gave” the land of Palestine to the Jews after WWI, a land they did not own or possess.
But how in the world did they occupy the United States politically? There is no real “Balfour Declaration” we can point to as proof.
Or can we?
Jewish influence in American politics–while there from the earliest days and certainly apparent during the Wilson, Roosevelt and Truman administrations–did not become the force it is today until the Kennedy era, or, rather, AFTER the Kennedy era….
As all know, in 1961 John Kennedy became the 35th President of the United States, a presidency cut short as a result of his assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Robert Kennedy, the president’s younger brother was Attorney General of the United States and therefore the head of the Department of Justice.
What is little-known is that the Kennedy’s realized early on that indeed the country was in trouble and that something needed to be done about it. The trouble in this case was the influence slithering its way into American political life from a far-away state, only about 12 years old known as Israel. Both Kennedy brothers, learning politics at their father Joseph’s knee, understood the dynamic of this thing known as “Jewish interests”, how it would play out and what the repercussions would be for America.
Of the many issues revolving around Israel and the Zionist question. the two more important regarding the Jewish state were (A) Israel’s nuclear program, and (B) the issue of an organization known as the American Zionist Council.
According to Pulitzer Prize winning author Seymour Hersh, President Kennedy was profoundly committed to nuclear non proliferation and was categorically opposed to nuclear weapons in the Middle East, which meant opposing Israel’s nuclear program. Hersh states that JFK exerted heavy pressure on Israel to stop the program, and was serious about it. At the time, Kennedy was in the middle of negotiations with the Russians trying to arrange a non proliferation treaty with them and therefore Israel’s nuclear program would be a big embarrassment. In addition to being an embarrassment it would open up the possibility of a nuclear conflict with Russia, given her allies in the Middle East, something made all the more believable in the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis that almost resulted in a nuclear war between the two giants. John Kennedy had nightmares about the prospect of nuclear proliferation, saying “I am haunted by the feeling that by 1970, unless we are successful, there may be ten nuclear powers instead of four, and by 1975, 15 to 20…. I see the possibility in the 1970s of the president of the United States having to face a world in which 15 or 25 nations may have these weapons. I regard this as the greatest possible danger and hazard.”
Secret letters and secret meetings between Kennedy and Ben-Gurion give a clear picture of the difficulty Kennedy faced in negotiating with the Israeli Prime Minister who stated many times that ”nothing will save Israel but nuclear power.” According to author Michael Collins Piper in his book Final Judgment. Ben Gurion wrote to Kennedy saying: “Mr. President, my people have the right to exist, and this existence is in danger.”
It does not take a skilled translator to figure out what Ben Gurion was saying, namely that Kennedy’s opposition to nuclear weapons in the Middle East was seen as an existential threat to the Jewish people and their newly-formed state. Going further, Kennedy insisted on inspections of Israel’s program as evidenced in a secret letter sent to then-Israeli Prime Minister Levy Eshkol that stated that ” American support of Israel could be jeopardized if the Americans were not allowed to inspect the Israeli nuclear facilities.”
As if the aforementioned were not enough, there was another front in this private war between Kennedy and the Jewish State equally important in its scope. if we are to understand what kinds of forces were at play here, that led to America’s change of policy with regards to Israel.
It involves the issue of spying, bribery and the direct controlling of American politicians by a foreign power and the one creature at the centre of all of it was something known as the ‘American Zionist Council’ and Kennedy’s insistence it register as a foreign agent under the provisos of FARA, the Foreign Agent Registration Act passed by Congress back in 1938. devised to prevent German agents in the U.S. from buying their way into the American system of government and public opinion. The purpose of FARA was “to insure that American public and its law makers knew the source of information- propaganda intended to sway public opinion, policy, and laws.”
In other words the Kennedy’s understood the danger of the Zionist Movement on the United States of America and treated it just like Germany was treated during the Hitler years.
The Kennedy’s understood the reality of the situation as it existed during their days in government, that the AZC was an agent of a foreign government, Israel, which would prevent it from buying American politicians and exerting the kind of influence over public opinion making that for all intents and purposes is now is a fait accompli.
Negotiations went back and forth between the Department of Justice headed by the President’s brother Robert and the American Zionist Council. The council refused to register and the DOJ tried to exert pressure on them, even going so far in one instance as giving them 72 hours to register, but at no avail.
Examining the newly-de-classified documents containing the minutes of those meetings between the DOJ and the AZC one can see the language of gangsters being used.
In one of those documents dated May 2, 1963 the head legal counsel Simon H. Rifkind for the AZC explained to the representatives of the DOJ the nature of the AZC, saying; The council is composed of representatives of the various Zionist organizations in the United States and thereby, in effect, it represented the vast majority of organized Jewry within this country.” The message was clear here–As far as organizations go it is big and powerful.
Judge Rifkind obviously wanted to make sure the Kennedys knew they were picking a fight with a gorilla and not some small mouse.
He did not stop there but went further by stating that the vast number of Jews who adhered to the principles of Zionism could not understand ”how our administration could do such harm to the Zionist movement and impair the effectiveness of the council by insistence on registration.”
Here Judge Rifkind made sure he used the phrase “our administration” instead of “our government” to make a specific point, namely that he was talking about Kennedy personally, that it was the Jews responsible for him getting elected. and that if he continued with his agenda he was in effect entering into a war with organized Jewry.
Another meeting very much worth noting was held on OCTOBER 17, 1963 between DOJ and AZC. In this meeting Judge Rifkind insisted on non registering, citing that fact that “It was the opinion of most of the persons affiliated with the Council that such registration…would eventually destroy the Zionist movement” and adding that he did not believe his clients would “file any papers or sign any papers indicating that the organization was an agent of a foreign principal”.
In other words, “Screw You America and your laws, we’ll do what we want” as well as threatening the administration and telling them who really ruled the country, not the Kennedy brothers but rather the persons “affiliated” with AZC. Once translated from Gangsterese into understandable political language, this statement was in effect a direct warning/threat to the Administration that the war was on.
It is up for grabs whether or not the Kennedys understood this to be the real threat it was, but nevertheless the Administration decided to continue with its position.
On NOVEMBER 22, 1963 President John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.
As the AZC went away into the sunset, AIPAC came riding in, born and led by the same persons who created and managed AZC for the same purpose. This time however, the message went out clearly for all on Capitol Hill to hear and understand–“Do not stand in our way of influencing public opinion, policy, or laws. Or else!”
Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in 1968?
Obviously, the message has been effective, as all American leaders save a few such as James Traficant have done as instructed. According to the former Congressman, Israel receives $15 Billion worth of ‘aid’ (protection money?) from the American Taxpayers without a single discussion or a single argument on the floor of either the house of Representatives or the Senate.
Why? Because no one dares to question it.
Why is it that most of our politicians make pilgrimage to Tel Aviv and the “wailing wall” in Jerusalem to get the blessing of Israel before they are even approved by their own political parties here in the United States?
Why is it our Congress is always split down the middle on all other issues presented to them except when it deals with Israel? We all still remember the comment made by former Israeli
Prime Minster Ariel Sharon to his Foreign Minister Shimon Peres in October 2001: “Don’t worry about American pressure, we the Jewish people
control America.”
When people with eyes to see state that fact.. they are called anti-Semites,
despite the fact that what is being said is the truth.
Now you are just completely making up history as opposed to the majority..most of the British Empires won their own freedom.
As for the money horders, they made all of it from slavery, opium and fractional banking (until creating the fiat gollum) and got Balfour to sign on the dotted line before sending in the dumb yanks funded by the FED they set up and owned.
But, I am not here to debate your wormtonguerry and psychopathy, so will agree that it is completely Irans fault by moving its country right next to all the US bases around its borders. They deserve all they get!
Dear “esparto” (or should I say John Bolton) Your comments are risible ! You haven’t a clue what you are talking about because it was RUSSIA that eventually defeated Nazism
The pluperfect Zionazi. You’ll get that New Purim you’re slobbering for, but careful what you wish for.
Maybe he’s a troll, but you’re reprehensible, Maggie.
Seems you breaking the record on down votes here. Well done!
Espartaco…. How’s the Spartacist League going? Things are hotting up in the World.
Have you considered joining the Socialist Equality Party? We have an excellent website you know… WSWS.
You should check it out. Cheers Comrade.
The Daash apologists have stirred from ‘neath their rocks.
Another Hasbera Clown. Another day.
Espartaco –
Have you ever felt like you were in a minority, and could be well off the mark?
At least your comment has shown us how many Hasbara shills there are infecting this site….
How do we know any of the reported events of today are True?
I have seen a photo of the guy’s hand wearing a big fat ring..but I don’t recognise him from that, and then I read reports – of The Americans testing his DNA… If true, how could any American get close to his body? They were up in the air in helicopters shooting. What could they test his DNA against? They weren’t even there.
Whether or not he is alive or dead – the bloke who They said The Americans Assassinated today…is an incredibly good looking guy. He looks like Sean Connery in one of his best films.
These girls have far more courage, than the likes of even Robert Fisk or any journalist I know. I think Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett are awesome. I would like to see the same kind of courage in men, and want to know what they think about todays events.
Interesting point about the DNA. How would the US obtain a sample of Soleimani’s DNA in the first place, and why would they be in possession of his remains in order to do the testing? Very odd.
The US is regurgitating old “news” about how its forces determined that they had killed Abu Bakr al Baghdadi through remote DNA testing from a helicopter. Washington and the Pentagon are using Soleymani’s death to cover themselves in whatever tawdry glory they can get. At the end of the day, people will suspect the assassination was carried out at some third party state’s request to try to save someone else’s backside.
Erm, how is Binyamin Netanyahu’s attempt to obtain immunity from charges of corruption from the Israeli Supreme Court going so he can try (for the third time) to win and form government? Last I heard, this immunity was denied.
Soleymani’s assassination appears to have Netanyahu’s fingerprints somewhere on it. Netanyahu may not know it (or perhaps he does but he does not care as long as he thinks he has an escape hatch somewhere ) but he has just put Israel in Iran’s target sights.
Abu bakr al-Baghdadi, aka Shimon Eliot, is enjoying retirement in Tel Aviv, I would imagine.
”What could they test his DNA against? They weren’t even there.”
Very interesting Tony.
It is clear that Iran’s influence is growing fast in the middle east and the “US” influence deminishing fast. Gen Soleimani was possibly one of the main strategists. If the “US” thought it was the right thing to do to assasinate him, they were mistaken, it was a massive own goal. United hatred has been stoked towards them.. Iran came out stronger. Especially on international morality.
The Iranians did not take any of the previous bait.. so the “US” probably felt they had to do something more provocative. What will they do next?
It looks like Iran’s strategy is actually to play the long game. The assasination is a confirmation that they are winning and their opponents are rattled and in panic. I doubt the Iranians will forfeit their lead by doing something stupid.
Unless the “US” know they lost, but they still want to take revenge by killing their smart opponent? Or they are about to start a hot war with Iran and want to pre-emptively elliminate their smart opponents?
In the short term it looks like violence will increase dramatically towards “US and partners” in Iraq. Many Iraqi Shia militias are mobilising again to attack foreign forces. The poor grunts will have to take the punishment on behalf of the elites.. as always.. 🙁
Dangerously it seems the only card the “US” has left is their military.
This action clearly is an act or war.
Question to the US: Are you declaring war on Iran?
Please “US”, for the sake of peace, please come to your senses before it is too late!
It’s gone way past that already.
They have to retaliate in an exemplary fashion, or else the Orange Baboon, Pompeo and all the rest of the clowns in the Trump circus will just take this as a green light to do the same (and much worse) whenever they feel like it.
This site is f***ed again.
The Zionists congratulated themselves when they murdered Abbas al-Musawi, along with his family, in true Talmudic fashion, in 1992, but they got their Nemesis, Hassan Nasrallah, instead. Soleimani will be replaced, and let’s hope by someone even more talented and determined.
Lindsey Graham is a full-blown loony. He’s based much of his long career supporting the Atlantic Bridge and Israel and drumming into his constituents, who seem to believe him, that Iran is, and always will be, close to building a suitcase sized thermonuclear device with the sole intention of smuggling it into, and destroying, Charleston navel base. As far as I’m aware, no one has asked him why or demanded any evidence to prove his claims.
Lindsey Graham should have been put in a straight jacket and locked in a rubber room but here in America they get elected to office in the Land of the Free Fire Zone.
Defend Iran! Down with US imperialism! US out of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan! Now. A defeat for US imperialism is a victory for all the workers and oppressed the world over, including in the US!
It’s really interesting the way people are thinking and reacting to this. A good commentary but one point I picked up on was the mention of World War 3 tag trending – quoted above as perhaps a little premature perhaps.
But is it? Is WW3 the elephant in the room not only for the masses but also many of us who know the true state of affairs but dread to confront the possibility? So do we also minimalise the risk so as not to think about it.
At least two things I think should be more in our armory. Humour – reading Peter Hitchens destruction of Eliot Higgins on Twitter is superb. I read his tweets avidly, like an addict. He is so insightful. Humour is the key to breaking down barriers and understanding context.
And then pointing out the huge risk of WW3 – scaring people to wake up. Caitlin Johnston achieves this brilliantly. You can tell she studies the minds of her opponents. She thinks carefully about the impact she wants to achieve through her writing. The thinking of people like Hitchens and Johnston needs to be utilised more. We need all thinkers on left, right or wherever to move forward.
How about get Hitchens on here? I’m sure everyone would behave themselves rather than suffer one of his put downs.
I used to read Caitlin Johnston until I read she supports abortion.
I no longer bother with the hypocrite’s writings.
Well, so what? Does one view you disagree with cancel out everything else she says?
I might disagree with Hitchens on some matters but recognise his talent and know he has good arguments for all the issues he raises.
To be frank, it’s people like you and your partisan thinking which is leading the world to the brink. You just can’t grasp it. When the nuclear air raid sirens are heard and you’re with your family panicking what to do, just take a minute to think about what you’ve just said.
Breweriana reminds me of Gough Whitlam’s observation when he became PM. Asked about abortion, he supported it as a woman’s right, and opined that, in certain circumstances, he regretted that it could not be performed retrospectively.
Wow, you managed to find a fake reason to not read her when there are so many real ones. Talk about praising with faint damns!
Er – it’s Johnstone, actually. Befuddled by brew, Brew? Certainly befuddled about abortion.
I think Caitlin is being groomed – knowingly or not – as a gatekeeper. Her slightly dumbed down populist style lends itself to that, as does her obvious insecurity and ambition to remain as mainstream as possible by avoiding ‘conspiracy theories.’
She suddenly got a profile through a controversy that could easily have been staged. She is promoted heavily by other gatekeepers, and her quite mediocre talent is talked up beyond all sense.
Comparing her average likes/retweets on Twitter is also interesting. She has suddenly in the last few months started getting ridiculous numbers, way more than she ought for her number of followers, way more than big accounts with three times her following.
There’s only two possible reasons for this, she’s buying likes and retweets or someone is doing it for her.
I think she’s tomorrow’s Glen Greenwald. The latest bought off managed fake alternative.
Just my opinion.
The dumbed down approach she uses is excellent
It turns the tables on the mainstream dumbing downers. Exactly what is needed. And she needs to be cautious on the unproven until they can be proven.
As for the rest, is there evidence for these assertions?
For evidence of how disproportionate her Twitter retweets/likes are just look at her account & compare to ones of similar or bigger size. It’s crazy actually. She’s definitely either buying responses or benefitting from a covert algorithm.
It’s like someone is trying to make her seem more popular than she is. Massive retweets, but look at the Alexa ranking of her website and there’s no comparison!
Her website gets about half the traffic of sites like OffG and MoA – yet her Twitter is light years ahead of theirs and even of guys like Peter Hitchens.
So many red flags.
Case in point, she just posted a tweet that says simply ‘anyone who believes this is a fucking moron’ in response to some crap from Pompeo. It got 429 likes and 200 retweets in less than an hour.
Even SyrianGirl, who has about 5 times Caitlin’s followers, and is genuinely insightful, doesn’t often get those kind of numbers that fast – and for something that mediocre, already said about a million time she by other accounts! WTF?
There’s something not right there.
Do you keep your Junior G-man badge bright in shiny?
Caitlin did shoot to prominence when attacked by Counterpunch, this is true.
They have some good writers at CP but the editorial staff believes in the magical and mystical 9/11 Commission Report and accuses anyone that doubts that huge edifices like the WTC can be brought down with a nominal amount of jet fuel of being “conspiracy theorists”.
Opinions are like leaves in the wind.
Truth, on the other hand_ _ _
Is the wind.
“quite mediocre”? Well, I guess you’d be in a position to know…
Calling somebody the “controlled opposition” is just another form of snitch jacketing. An op that was used by the FBI as part of CoIntelPro with some success in dividing and conquering the New Left.
If Hitchens believed what he wrote, he wouldn’t be working for the Mail on Sunday. His role is to talk radical so that his readers don’t actually do anything radical. Not to be trusted at all, IMO.
if you read, it would become obvious he believes. People like you make life more difficult. Stand aside and let the people with real knowledge expertise and insight take up the fight.
Remember that for the religious fundamentalist psychopaths who dominate Israeli, US, and other eg Brazil, Bolivia, Australia, politics, WW3 is not something to regret or avoid. It is their hearts’ desire, the End Times where they will be raised to Heaven, and we heathens and unGodly will burn in Hell, here and now, and then for Eternity. There is no greater hatred of others than that of the religious fundamentalist lunatics.
Interesting “exchange” about this assassination on Radio 2 today between Peter Oborne and …oh some prick form the Henry Jackson society where, for everything that PO said, the Jackson man just said “That’s a load of shite!”. It was like hearing broadcasts from different planets. The highlight was when the HJ man said that Soleimani was a threat to US bases in Iraq i.e. a threat to the bases of the force that destroyed Iraq.
Still – it’s nice to have John Simpson provide some comic relief:
It’s a while since I heard about bin Laden the Bond villain.
I was listening to part of a report on this assassination on the BBC Radio 4 “PM” programme. They were interviewing someone (I didn’t catch his name) who was a “former” CIA man (at least now the BBC openly admits to being a vehicle for the intelligence world, at least part of the time). This guy, obviously fully approving of the kill, was somewhat hypocritically expressing his respect for the fallen enemy (i.e. for his intelligence and competence as a military foe).
Interestingly, he also opined that the Iranians might follow the old adage that revenge is a dish best served cold, and that they might bide their time before hitting a really big target (but there being almost no doubt that they would seek their revenge).
“they(Iranians) might bide their time before hitting a really big target (but there being almost no doubt that they would seek their revenge)”.
Iran may not need to “hit a really big target”. In the USA, there’s always another “false flag” just around the corner…..It’s what the CIA do, to keep “The People” in a state of utter stupidity……
I listened to BBC Radio 4 breakfast newshour and almost choked on my wheaties when the BBC anchor interviewed James Clapper about the assassination .
Yes James Clapper who , as Director of National Intelligence under Obama told the biggest verifiable lie direct to Congress when he denied that the NSA had ever spied on US citizens.
The BBC using an entirely discredited liar as a ” trustworthy source “. And we Brits are actually forced to pay for this crap or face prosecution.
I can never understand why the rest of the world stands by and allows these warmongering savages to do what ever the please, and nothing ever gets said, I wouldn’t expect it from this shithole, but they do it every month with impunity , and the people of America can be held partially for it by electing by electing right wing morons
Over a hundred and twenty million Americans vote for war every 4 years. They could have voted for antiwar parties like the Green Party Jill Stein or even the Libertarian Party. The mass majority of voters are responsible for these wars. Then the americans and foreigners signing up to serve the warmongers, from signing up to the military to signing a contract with weapons manufacturers, Raytheon, Dow, etc. America is mostly right wing, and mostly morons.
“Freedom and Democracy” in the USA is a facade….The people vote, and the “Moneymen” simply Buy the winners…….Too Easy….!
That’s ‘antisemitic’.
Yeah I know. The truth is antisemitic.
I think the answer is in the scare quotes. As soon as anyone mentions the galringly obvious fact that the rich are pulling the strings – through the very fact of being rich- then there will be a denunciation of “anti-Semitism”. It’s all down to hiding behind the biggest Pavlovian reaction of them all. The rich feel like Jews in Nazi Germany! The rich are being led to the gas chambers!
Being labelled as “Anti-Semitic” means that you are getting uncomfortably close to the TRUTH….and, there are people out there that “cant handle the truth”…, they attack you for having an honest opinion……
Brian, I was being sarky, old boy. No insult intended. Mind you, speaking of ‘Moneyman’ IS enough for you to get thus smeared-for serious.
And ‘religious’ psychopaths, the morbidly obese and metabolically deranged, gun worshippers, opioid addicts and the most proudly ignorant large population on Earth. ‘The Shining Shit-House on the Hill’.
Get it right, richard: ‘The shining shit-house in the piss corner.’ But that’s not the abused US common citizens; only the creatures in the Swamp.
It is, Mongol fashion, a hill of skulls.
Actually it’s not anywhere close to a majority since less than 50% of eligible voters vote any more or if they do it is usually against the other candidate. For instance I know lots of people who weren’t voting for Trump but against that screeching harpy Hillary.
You know the one who promised to “obliterate Iran” and would militarily retaliate against Russia if they were suspected of a cyberattack. Not to mention that she almost peed herself laughing over the death of Gaddafi.
Trump actually promised to end being the World’s Policeman and a lot of other antiwar platitudes which it seems were nothing but platitudes or more crudely BS.
Exactly, the entire world should put sanctions on the shithole, there’s absolutely no chance of that happening in the UK .
No, the American people are not really to blame. They are in the same position as the British people – held hostage by regimes that are not allowed to lose elections, yet claim a democratic mandate.
I disagree. I don’t know about Britain, but here in the U.S. the people have to take responsibility for their regimes. 120 million right wingers living in an imperialist country always voting for one or the other war parties, makes them responsible.
The majority of the votes were against Alexander de piffel hairey arse Johnson, the system doesn’t cater for that.
Hmm, just found this whist trawling archives – interesting article (2018):
Also, as I posted on the other article:
The MSM had/has a D-Notice on this? Boris Johnson won the neocon thinktank’s “American Enterprise Institute’s 2018 Irving Kristol Award” a couple of years ago so I would not be surprised to see the British establishment (yet again!) being one of the belles of the ball at the “bringing-democracy-to-Iran-party”.
True to form, Jeremy Corbyn is using his strengths: diplomacy and reason to try to bring calm and restraint to a tense situation that the war-hawks would prefer to escalate for a myriad of reasons.
How typically ‘unpatriotic’ of Corbyn.
According to Pompeo: ”The U.S. remains committed to de-escalation.”
In other news, War is Peace.
I think Pompeo merits the ‘Mr. Creosote’ Method.
Fucking gringos make nasty Nazis look really good by comparison.
And since the obese exceptionalists are unwilling to change the status quuo of fascist U.S., Mother Nature will have to step in. Hawai’i and Yellowstone will both blow soon. No, not the garden variety eruption in Hawai’i. The whole flank is going. 3000 km³ in free fall speed into the Pacific Ocean.
Yellowstone needs no explanation either. It will end the shitty wannabe empire in a whiffy.
Why should one prepare for these mayhems to happen? Because the Universe is not just some large place with a lot of stuff in it. It is an expanding consciousness and at all times growing somewhere. It is also calling the shots. Little Homo Sapiens under the leadership of the greatest assholes ever to ruin the planet has lost it. Too willfully stupid to understand that nothing remains without effect or reaction.
Hopefully, someone takes out Esper as well – the greatest threat to humanity since Hiroshima.
Fucking gringos. Dumbest people of the entire human history.
A collapse of the Hawaiian volcano will wipe out every coastal population in the Pacific basin-they’re not to blame for US malevolence.
Yes, it will hit the staunchest TPP members the hardest. Coincidentally, it will also punish those guilty of the mass murder of indigenous people in the other America, that is ongoing as I type.
Nobody gets out of their responsibility for what is happening on this planet. Nobody.
This will also spell the end of the concrete plug that was poured over one of the worst radiation sources in the Pacific. It will all come out now. 50 years are shit for shit that has a half life of a few million years.
Don’t people get it? Don’t they see it? We (as the collective, or ‘the masses’) have become a nuisance to those deranged psychopaths that have amassed trillions of dollars – stolen from the tax payers/society – and are removed by all nasty means as we type. How is the Air in Indonesia/Malaysia? The Ocean around Fukushima? Hanford? Chernobyl (et al)?
Death is what awaits everyone.
They’ve saying old faithful would blow almost as many times as California would be taken out by richter 8.8. Got friends who live on the Rez near there. Personally I’d rather see Foggy Bottom sink into the bog from whence it came taking the Death Star down with it.
The thing about Yellowstone is the massive coverup that is taking place. However, there are seismic recorders that can be reached directly via their network address. The data shows that those movements will not be displayed on the USGS earthquake map. There has also been massive manipulation in the Hawai’i data when ‘translating it’ to the general public.
Sure thing, Yellowstone was hyped before for known reasons. Fear is important. This time though, there will be no more hyping – it will blow in a ‘surprise’ fashion to those who never care what Earth is actually doing with its time. One must look at all significant earthquakes related to geological features that are unknown to the consumption addicts that have no time for conspiracies like that.
Based on indicators that are rarely incorporated intot he bigger picture, 2020 has a good chance to Homo Sapiens last ‘year’ as leading Fuckerupper on Earth.
Raab the simpleton will be out of his depth with this, but will support the warmongering yanks 100%
To ‘lie, cheat and steal’,just add assassinate. Somewhat completes the methodology of the Brothers in Harm, aka Trump Netanyahoo, Spaffer Macron, et al. Surely there are puppeteers pulling the strings, Bilderburg and Banksters come to mind. How peoples are inveighled into electing such filth is beyond me. Get ready for Heavy Duty social repression in the coming year, bearing in mind that we now have an SS in UK in the guise of MI5.
Officially known as the Security Service, apparently, so “SS” fits, although I prefer to think of them in terms of the Stasi, which was also called the (State) Security Service.
In the 3rd Reich, the Gestapo was the alternative name for the Secret State Police. I guess that would be Special Branch in UK terms.