Soleimani murder: developing narrative
Catte Black

Mourners surround a car carrying the coffins of Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi paramilitary chief Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, killed in a US air strike. (Photo by SABAH ARAR / AFP)
The dust is settling somewhat over the latest and strangest act of imperial hubris in the Middle East, and a few things are becoming clearer – though no less strange.
Trump held a slightly bizarre presser at his vacation resort in Florida, wherein he tried to assure the media he had no wish to provoke either war with or regime change in Iran, saying
We took action last night to stop a war. We do not take action to start a war.”
Even the slavering warhound, Pompeo was taking a more conciliatory tone, and the word ‘de-escalation’ began featuring prominently in his Twitter feed.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and I discussed the decisive defensive action @realDonaldTrump employed in Baghdad to protect American lives. I emphasized that de-escalation is the United States’ principal goal.
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) January 3, 2020
In my conversation today with @masrour_barzani, we discussed yesterday’s defensive action and our commitment to de-escalation. I thanked him for his steadfast partnership. We agreed on the need for continued, close cooperation.
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) January 3, 2020
UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, is also urging “all parties de-escalate” – for what that’s worth.
At the same time early claims by the Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Force (PMF) that the US had launched another air strike against them north of Baghdad were later retracted. According to RT:
The Iraqi Army, however, later denied that an airstrike took place there. In a statement quoted by local media, the military urged everyone to be “careful” about spreading unverified information and “rumors” in the future.
Some of this implies an attempt on both sides (Iraq and the US at least) to pull back. But while this may be welcome it does nothing to explain why the US administration escalated in the first place, in what still looks like a suicidally self-defeating move.
What is the empire up to at this point? Does it have a plan? is it coherent? is it even sane?
The Saker took a look yesterday at The Soleimani murder – what could happen next . He thinks, as he has said before, that Trump is regarded as a disposable asset by his Deep State handlers and is being used as a front man for risky policy actions that he can be scapegoated for if/when they go wrong:
I have always claimed that Donald Trump is a “disposable President” for the Neocons. What do I mean by that? I mean that the Neocons have used Trump to do all sorts of truly fantastically dumb things (pretty much ALL his policy decisions towards Israel and/or Syria) for a very simple reason. If Trump does something extremely dumb and dangerous, he will either get away with it, in which case the Neocons will be happy, or he will either fail or the consequences of his decisions will be catastrophic, at which point the Neocons will jettison him and replace him by an even more subservient individual (say Pence or Pelosi). In other words, for the Neocons to have Trump do something both fantastically dangerous and fantastically stupid is a win-win situation!
I tend to agree with this. When Clinton was dumped last minute as POTUS (too crazy, too weird), and the Deep State pivoted to Trump, it was clear from very early on he – the unwanted outsider – was going to be used just as Saker says, as a handy scapegoat; and it’s interesting to note in this regard that he is indeed being blamed in many places today (Spiked, the Guardian etc), as the sole architect of the Soleimani murder.
That he is in any way solely, or even directly, responsible is of course vanishingly improbable. US presidents don’t, in real terms, have that kind of power now, if they ever did. It’s far more likely Trump just rubber stamped an action urged by Pompeo and his war-crazed backers, or even that he only knew about it after it was done.
But that’s just detail. The fact Trump is being scapegoated implies that – at least for now – those really responsible are backtracking and thinking better of the venture.
But what was the venture? What the desired outcome? No one seems to have a very satisfactory answer to that right now.
As we said yesterday, war with Iran has been the auto-erotic fixation for the hardcore war nuts in Washington for years, and imminent confrontation has been predicted regularly since at least 2005.
But it’s never become a reality because the non-crazies in Washington know the risks outweigh the benefits for US interests.
Sure, we know in recent times the Trump administration has been ramping up the tensions again. Tearing up the nuclear deal, re-imposing sanctions, sabre-rattling, making threats. But this has all been within the familiar framework that always just stops short of actual conflict.
The murder of Soleimani is orders of magnitude beyond anything they have ever risked before. Good analysts like the Saker and Moon of Alabama have pointed out that the US has basically defeated its own aims, all but destroyed itself in the region. In MoA’s words:
The U.S. has won nothing with its attack but will feel the consequences for decades to come. From now on its position in the Middle East will be severely constrained. Others will move in to take its place.
Even if this turns out too dire and sweeping a prediction, the truth still is clear that the US have apparently gained nothing from this venture and lost a great deal.
Of course both the US and Israel now have carte blanche to stage as much false flag ‘terrorism’ as they want and blame it on Iranian ‘revenge’. Whatever else happens, we can almost certainly look forward to some of that.
And, there is the bonus of being able to drive the US homeland even further toward fascism in the guise of ‘preparing’ for new waves of terror attacks. The Mayor of New York is already doing his own narrative preparation for this, claiming, per the Jerusalem Post that
We have to assume this action puts us in a de facto state of war
But all this seems small gains for massive losses. The question ‘what were you thinking?’ hangs there, currently unanswered. If this was clever geopolitical chess it’s currently so deep as to defeat all analysis.
Claims that the US is just doing Israel’s bidding don’t even cut it. If the US loses its hold on the ME as a result of an ill-judged war with Iran, how will this benefit Israel? Does it believe it can inherit the imperial mantle? If so, it’s deluded. Without US protection Israel would not last long in its current form.
Some have suggested it’s a ‘clever’ plot to hike up oil prices. But really? There are much lower risk ways of doing that than launching a war and forcing Iran to close the Straits of Hormuz.
The QAnon crowd have even suggested it’s an ultra smart way of getting the US out of Iraq. Well, we have to admit that could be the result. But does anyone really believe that was the plan?
No one has yet, to my knowledge, put out the US simply goofed and are now desperately trying to cover themselves – but that is at least as likely as some of the above.
The major question really though is – will this backtracking and odd claims of wanting de-escalation actually do anything to de-escalate? Will it persuade Iran not to seek retaliation, supposing this is now what Pompeo et al want?
Currently the answer to that looks like a ‘no.’ In fact Iran has just now issued a list of potential retaliation targets related to the US. Even if this is mostly posturing, it’s hard to see how Iran can avoid some form of response to this heinous act of frank terrorism. Even if the US administration’s ‘de-escalation’ stance is genuine, it may well be pointless.
And how long will the US remain in a ‘de-escalation’ mindset anyhow? It’s become a commonplace to describe US foreign policy as ‘insane’, and it’s an apposite description. But the murder of Soleimani takes the evident insanity to new and self-defeating levels.
Who can say what the empire’s next moves will be in the coming days or weeks? More utterly lunatic ‘defensive’ missile strikes are entirely possible.
And at that point all bets will be off.
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Bring it on.
“President Trump ordered a drone-fired Hellfire missile strike on the car of Iranian Commander Qassem Suleimani, seen burning here outside the Baghdad Airport in Iraq”
This published photo, in my view looks absolutely nothing like a car on fire, after it has been hit by a missile. It looks like a bonfire of rubbish, somewhat taller than a car. I can see absolutely no car like features whatseover. Yet I have also seen a photo of the hand of the man, complete with ring, who we are told was in the car, when it was hit.
I think they are making it up. Well at least the photography. For all I know, he may well be dead, but the photography does not make any sense.
Most people will not look at such photography, because they do not like to see blood and gore. I can understand that, but there is no evidence of any blood and gore in the photography. It just looks like a bonfire of old rubbish.
It’s not uncommon for news agencies and outlets to reuse pics and re-label them as something they’re not. I trust no one is going to suggest this means Soleimani isn’t really dead!
I used my ruler on that photo. One of the fingers is obviously shorter than the others.
Cultural targets of the USA?
Oh there are plenty in all the MIC states and Private Zcia towns, power plants, universities and ‘entertainment’ hubs. The place is just one big walking talking ‘kick my butt’ spelling failure goof.
Hell every coke machine and MaccyD in the world is a cultural target, every Apple store and Google and Amazon warehouse … when your culture is money and shares…you is screwed!
I was going to say the Twin Towers but America has already blown them up.
When it comes to devastation ISIS lag well behind the civil vandalism inflicted by indiscriminate use of British and American military hardware.
Precision strikes, my arse as Jim Royle might say.
How about Trump Tower and Mar o Largo.
Just a thought, for y’all with the possibility of researching it. Can it be Russian infiltration through trump or any other ways, and actually an action that will benefit russia, syria and iran?
This is what the Ayatollah regime did with 30,000 Lefty Iranian dissenters in summer 1988: mass executions:
Sure, they fought Al Qaida and ISIS, other cults of sociopaths with a different variety of Islamic religious legalization. They did threat women better and had similar uniforms on.
ISIS and Al Q = CIA.
ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.
Like the Libyan branch with its Mossad boss.
Possibly, but the idiots who joined both groups were motivated by Islamism as ideology. For the many sex maniacs and sociopaths among them that was the legal cover for their atrocities. They took money believing it to be Islamic, not CIAs or Mossads.
An organ-grinder blaming the monkeys
Oh sure, the Islamism came from them…the guns and direction came from the UK/US.
All the raving mad bearded head chopping and throat slitting loonies are the creation of our Zionist chums. Strange how all these foaming mad radical moslem fanatics never so much as lift a finger against Israel. Can’t bite the hand that feeds you, I suppose.
Like “Tommy Robinson” with his £10,000 a month Zionist hand out and free all expenses paid trips to the Promised Land so he can preen and pose atop Zionist tanks. Have to keep all those shekels rolling in.
None of the problems in Iraq will be made better by the worlds leading terror state conducting a fresh round of atrocities.
And just in case you had forgotten “U.S. sanctions are seriously destroying Iran’s health infrastructure and are leading to immediate deaths and suffering of the Iranian population. Last year, UN special rapporteur on the negative impact of the unilateral coercive measures Idriss Jazairy concluded from a look at the sanctions regime, “The current system creates doubt and ambiguity which makes it all but impossible for Iran to import these urgently needed humanitarian goods. This ambiguity causes a ‘chilling effect’ which is likely to lead to silent deaths in hospitals as medicines run out, while the international media fail to notice.”
In other words economic warfare kills people just as readily as other methods.
Both al-Qaeda and ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service ie MOSSAD using the English usage for MI6)are Western creations. And the murder of Leftists in Iran was indeed, despicable. Just like Israel’s murder of 40,000 in Lebanon in 1982 and tens of thousands elsewhere. Time to give peace a chance.
You surely have seen this? Millions Pack Teheran Streets.
Mission accomplished much?
Anglo Arab duet: you bet, pivoting on peninsular oil.
* Check St John Philby, father of Kim – converted to Islam in KSA – helping US with the biggest oil deal in history.
* Or read ‘Treason in the Blood’.
* Or see ‘Bitterlake’ In which Roosevelt makes a deal with the Saudi King.
Or read ‘The Fateful Triangle’ by Noam Chomsky, or ‘Passovers of Blood’ by Ariel Toaff, or anything by Israel Shahak.
The empire does not rationalise their actions, they admitted that they ‘create reality’ and let others analyse it and then do the same again as Karl Rove said
So all of this analysis means nothing. The US is just demonstrating that it runs the agenda, others only react. In this case it may be that the action will either lead to a provocation to Iran to retaliate and then be hit with an overwhelming ‘justifiable’ response for local consumption, or be further humiliated.
Sorry I obviously don’t know how to do links.
Would Iran have done the same to Pompeo & co had they had the chance, means and opportunity?
No-they’re not Evil, treacherous, bloodthirsty fiends, like the US elite or the Israeli elites, the world champions of barbarous assassination, often with family and neighbours included for great religious significance.
Right. The Ayatollahs just hang homosexuals from cranes, or mass shoot to kill their own protesting population like recently.
Hanging gays is despicable, but bombing them to death, or creating the Daash cancer that throws them off roofs, is just as vile. The protestors shot recently, and the Western numbers are, as ever, exaggerated, are part of the attempt by the West to set the scene for a regional war. I don’t know if you live in Israel, but your type of intransigent Judeofascist will only bring destruction down upon Israel. The Iron Dome garbage won’t protect you, then you’ll be queuing, if possible, to flee back to Golders Green or Crown Heights. May I be candid-I think that will be a disaster, for the whole world, including the Jews. The victory of hatred and vengefulness will be the final bitter triumph for Zionism, ie Nazism for the Jews.
Disingenous question. What you have to ask yourself is one simple question:
Which countries have a very well developed programme of drone based assassinations of their declared enemies?
The answer is three or perhaps four and these are wll known.
In the case of the USA and Israel, murder of ‘enemies’ and, nine times as many, ‘enemy’ civilians. ‘Collateral damage’ for the USA, mitzvot for Israel.
I’m sure they would have had the opportunity on many occasion, I remember seeing the tough yanks going down a street with the rifles at the ready herding six or seven young children about six years old, and you could see the horror in their eyes, after wiping away tears, these lice aren’t fit to be called human beings, I also remember the tough pilots talking to one another having fired at a crowd of fleeing people running for their lives, a couple of them didn’t get shot, and one of them said yea I know I’m going back to finish them off, that’s beside slitting open the stomachs of pregnant women during the Vietnam war, the yanks are nothing but a shower of gutless, fascist ,warmongering, uneducated bags of cancer infected shit.
They will now – since they gave the orders.
No because they are not suicidal.
Final words for tonight in the hope that no bags are filled by tomorrow and everybody calms down a bit.
The General may have been in the wrong place at the right time, but first to complete the tale of why he was important and could have been targeted anytime while fucking up the grand plans before: my final summary from
‘In 2003, the U.S. invasion of Iraq pushed Syria and Iran still closer together, as both regimes realized that if the Americans succeeded in Iraq, they could be next. To damage the U.S. occupation, Soleimani helped Syrian intelligence create pipelines for funneling Sunni jihadis into Iraq. Once there, the jihadis attacked U.S. forces, often using roadside bombs supplied by Soleimani’s Quds Force from factories inside Iran.
Soleimani soon intervened more directly in Iraq, too, sending in Shi`a militias as proxies. Under his leadership, the Quds Force stood up a number of militias for the express purpose of attacking U.S. and allied troops. Collectively, these organizations were responsible for hundreds of coalition deaths. One of them, Asaib Ahl al-Haq (League of the Righteous), claimed more than 6,000 such attacks between its creation in 2006 and the U.S. withdrawal in 2011—an average of more than three per day, every day, for five years. ‘
But that is not the reason why he was assassinated now or more aptly then! Magnier tells us:
‘The US struck Iran at the heart of its pride by killing Major General Soleimani. But the “axis of the Resistance” killed him before that. This is how’
I try to remember war is only politics and, that is not black & white
Goodnight all and thankyou Off-G for the platform.
Looks awfully like disinfo to me.
Extract taken from website of the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, Virginia. Say no more.
From 2018? Expert knowledge teaching future leaders? Put together by an expert? Fully referenced.
What exactly is your problem with the original, my summary or Magniers upto date journalism?
Just downticking and no criticism except ‘I don’t like them’ is not a rational objection – is it?
Apologies if I have somehow misread your intentions to illuminate BTL readers.
I considered my ‘criticism’ to be implicit and, as you will see, directed at the dubious source of the first link. The detail given in the paragraphs you summarise citing Soleimani’s supposed crimes against humanity is consistent with the justification being expounded by Trump, Pompeo and Pence, hence my cynicism. Most of the US ‘evidence’ is ridiculous beyond belief and none has as yet been backed up by actual details linking Soleimani to any of the alleged terrorist activities.
Conversely, the article by Magnier – and indeed comments he has made in the last few days on Twitter – focuses on the reluctance or tardiness of those in the ME on the receiving end of Trump et al’s ever intensifying bullying behaviour to retaliate as a direct contributory factor leading to the war crime committed against Soleimani. What Magnier says makes eminent sense and he is clearly no fan of the US and their tactics.
In short, your position is confusing me and I am happy to be corrected.
You have linked to what are two opposing points of view as to why Soleimani was ‘taken out’ but seem to be endorsing both in your post …and in your defence of the CTC position. I can only think I must have missed something (maybe in your earlier posts on the events) enabling me to understand what your intention was in quoting extracts from the CTC document in a manner which appears to endorse them whilst also promoting Magnier’s analysis. I would hazard that I may not be the only person confused judging from the down votes against your post at 12.49 a.m.
It’s an old Yankee bullying tactic. Push and push and push, until your victim reacts, if only reflexively in defence, then scream bloody murder, accuse your victim of ‘aggression’ and bomb them back to the Stone Age. It works every time because the Western MSM lie their effing heads off, the little Streichers.
Well, there you go-Soleimani was on a diplomatic mission requested by the USA and Saudi Arabia to help ease tensions in Iraq. Does it get any more Evil and craven than this?
on the bbc yesterday on the radio news they had a journo state that the general collected and slaughtered a goat at end of every battle.
we have too assume that was in city and countryside or mountain range.
a goat a pet one maybe?
talmoodick mockery
casting of spells by cowards khazar filth.
rape murder plunder dustification
next production a new new pearl harbour
iran new hitler
consent is needed
that oil and gas it’s anglo persian oil that
it belongs too the crime families within the empire city of london
oded yinon never stops
through dustification year zero
we build is real a new
How exactly?
Nothing Trump or his administration says can be taken at face value. The USA, Republican and Democrat alike, have been trying to regime-change Iran since 1979. The USA has invaded and bombed Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Libya and is covertly warring in other countries as well. USA policy appears, on the surface, to be chaotic. What might be the goals, based on facts from public information sources, of USA foreign policy in the ME? My guess is balkanization of the Middle East, following the Bernard Lewis / Yinon Plan. source.
Since 1953, and the ousting of Mossadegh, surely.
Please don’t forget that the UK has supported the US at every stage.
Johnson obviously endorses the terror attack against Soleimani.
“One cannot eat as much as one wants to vomit.” (Max Liebermann)
With Australia ever further up the Imperial rectum, always.
3rd of my summary of the @Ali_H_Soufan piece.
The Iranian shias and AQ Sunnis could never be bosom buddies!
‘It is not surprising, therefore, that no convincing evidence has ever been adduced showing cooperation between Iran and al-Qa
ida on specific operations or attacks. A senior jihadi who was once detained in Iran wrote that both the United States and the Islamic Republic are enemies of al-Qa
ida; the difference being that, whereas the United States is the “current enemy,” Iran is merely the “postponed enemy.” In the meantime, Iran and al-Qaida find themselves in what former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has aptly called a “shotgun marriage.” The divorce, if and when it comes, will be messy.’
‘After 9/11, al-Qa
ida members initially sought refuge in Pakistan, historically a haven for the group. But the regime of Pervez Musharraf, appalled by the carnage bin Ladin had inflicted, agreed to cooperate with the United States to hunt down jihadis in its territory. Pakistan was no longer safe. In response, many al-Qaida members, including some of the group’s most senior leaders, migrated to the one remaining country in the region that America could not reach—the Islamic Republic of Iran.
ida’s leading cleric, headed the first wave to flee into Iran. In December 2001, al-Mauritani reportedly met Soleimani in person, only for the general to turn down his offer of cooperation against America.Abu Hafs al-Mauritani, formerly al-Qa
This, as we have seen, was the period during which Soleimani was sharing intelligence with the United States and contemplating an overhaul in relations with the “Great Satan;” and part of his motivation for doing so, according to one of the American diplomats involved, was the opportunity to destroy al-Qa
ida, as well as its Taliban hosts. Recall that the quid pro quo for Soleimani’s cooperation with the United States was information from U.S. intelligence on the whereabouts of an al-Qa
ida fixer in Iran, who was swiftly arrested and handed over to the U.S.-backed authorities in Kabul’
And right on cue Trump outs the US as The Terrorist Threat.
Threatening to behave just like isis/AQ when they destroyed Palmira and so much ancient civilisations archeology in Iraq, Syria and Libya.
“….targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!”
That means CIVILIAN. That is TERRORISM.
Tch tch Twatter needs to take his blue tick away.
Btw What’s up downticker?
It’s a war crime. Even the threat is a crime. But that is the Land of Murder in all its glory.
Trump has just refused to leave Iraq until Iraq pay Billions of dollars for Balad Airbase and he has threatened to impose such crippling sanctions on Iraq that they will make the sanctions against Iran look tame in comparison.
This gets more surreal by the hour.
A Mafia Don in full technicolor madness.
If Iraq is stupid enough to have any assets in Britain, no doubt Carney will steal them like he did with Venezuela.
That is Trumps way of saying he is outta there and only making a face saving deal while doing so.
It just reflects the essentially criminal and terrorist nature of the US Regime. Like the threats to “whack the son of a bitch in the street” made to Assange/ Snowden/ Manning. Or Trump croaking like a cheap Mafia hood, “They gotta pay us! They gotta pay us! They gotta pay us for their protection!”
A New York ‘judge’ found Iran ‘responsible’ for 9/11. That’s the stinking, poisonous, bedlam that is the US of Murder. New York-where the sayanim involved in the plot live and prosper.
it true
did prez dump not say itanians where dancing on car roof filming the event.
was it not iranian arts projects all over new york
did irania art projects b thing and gelatine not live in the towers for months before the event.
did an iranian billionaire not tell the bbc jane stanley that the building was pulled
33 mins before the event.
did solamani himself not order saddam too take the babies out of the incubators and ship the machines to the caves of afghanistan for evil doing iranian osama bin lardin
i agree with mel gibson
all wars are caused by the moolars of irania mainly undercover and covert.
if it was not for the intel from real story tellers like rita katz we would never have this vital honest real informationals
we need too help israel now at these precious moments of quiet before the coming storm.
at this moment literally millions of innocent souls are at risk in tel aviv.
we must raise an army and send monies now are agents are waiting for your donations now
help make israel mighty now for the children for the new temple and the red heffers that have just been cloned
The USA is the creator and protector of al-Qaeda, since the 1970s and 80s, and of their Evil heartland, Saudi Arabia, since the 40s.
tim osman was cia
al-Qaida cia
9 and 11 was a ritual
done under the cover of an israeli arts project
b thing and gelatine
usa,israel uk oded yinon plan
All this stems from the fact that the people of the West haven’t got the guts to think for themselves; they are just too complacent eating the shit sandwich served up every day by their controllers. 9/11 has been solved. The people have allowed these scumfucks to breed and grow in the aftermath of 9/11 and have chosen to ridicule those who have put their heads above the sand, screaming “bloody murder” about what is going on, what has taken place, and in terms of 9/11, what happened that day. “Nah, we’ll just keep chewing on our Bin Laden Pain Au Shit, thanks all the same”. Then they carry on as normal, with their “I’m alright Jack outlook”, thinking that the chickens will never come home to roost. Through this system of manufactured groupthink, where the lowest common denominator minds are the the most celebrated, where ignorance is strength, where being a stupid fucking ignorant prick is agreed upon and lauded, the people have opened the doors wide open for the most evil of the human race to flourish and get everything they want, no questions asked, no resistance.
As an aside, I notice that they are openly discussing the use of chemtrails and geoengineering in Indonesia, where they are actively spraying chemicals to suppposedly avert more disaster. I hope all you chemtrail naysayers enjoy your shit sandwich, as you digest the admission of guilt being splayed all over the TV screens right now.
“Oh, no, they wouldn’t do that……”
The MSM poltroons who whinge on about the ‘Saudis’ from al-Qaeda who ‘committed 9/11’ are just like their colleagues who still speak of Oswald as the lone gun-man. They must be either cretins or totally unprincipled liars-or both, of course.
You are right to bring up 9/11 as the acid test.
If western societies can be persuaded to believe porkies on such an epic scale then it suggests (as again demonstrated during the smear campaign against Corbyn) there is nothing, and I mean literally nothing that is too far fetched for them to accept.
All of this begs the question: how far does any of it matter in a post-truth world, a world in which politicians and the media are no longer burdened by concepts like integrity, or even logic (since both are merely instruments of corporate totalitarianism)
The mouths of most politicians are more or less like open sewers from which flows an endless stream of shit. And lets not forget that there is NO right to pre-emptive, extra-judicial assassination in international law, in the absence of an armed attack.
Such outrageous breaches are prohibited by the UN Charter.
Adam Curtis employs a slightly more elegant term, hypernormalisation, a good a way as any to describe the kind of conditions that now makes serious diplomacy nigh on impossible when we have actors like Bolton, Pence and Pomeo, or yapping sidekicks like Dominic Raab.
You add congenital stupidity to lifelong brainwashing and factor in moral cowardice to speak the truth, and you get the great Western mediocrity.
The General was setup by the US pretending to want to make peace & it has resulted in the Iraqi parliament just voting to expell the US forces –
Ok so 2 tweets from Magnier just out
1. Elijah J. Magnier
We have learned today from #Iraq Prime Minister AdilAbdl Mahdi how
uses diplomacy:
#US asked #Iraq to mediate with #Iran. Iraq PM asks #QassemSoleimani to come and talk to him and give him the answer of his mediation, Trump &co assassinate an envoy at the airport
2. Elijah J. Magnier
#Iran #IRGC commander #QassemSoleimani managed to reach with his death what he couldn’t reach when he was alive. That is his last spectacular act for Iran and for the “Axis of the Resistance”: legislation forcing the US to withdraw and cease all kind of collaboration.
Show this thread
Elijah J. Magnier
The legislation has been approved by #Iraq MPs to terminate the presence of the US forces and for the government to implement the resolution.
I can’t believe that the Empire is reckless enough to cause deaths of millions of their own – never mind 10’s of millions of Iranians. Risking the wipeout of Israel, SA and UAE. While putting itself in a direct confrontation with the EuraAsian power of Russia/China and their allies.
I think that what they achieved with the assassination of THIS General (they have killed many other commanders of equal and higher ranks) is to nullify a modern day Alexander or Caesar who had defeated them in the field and over the years and forced them to retreat.
In effect ridding the new Eurasian world order of the General who would be King as a parting gift!
I quote some insights from a highly detailed report by
Ali Soufan…an FBI special agent, he served on the frontline against al-Qa`ida and became known as a top counterterrorism operative and interrogator.
He wrote this assessment over a year ago
He explains in a tour de force of historical biography of the Great General, amongst many other, those things :-
1. Iran’s “Axis of Resistance” has been built on the efforts of proxies controlled by Soleimani in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen—and on the marriage between state and militant power that Iran has been able to broker in each of those countries. The success of this model will have repercussions across the Middle East for years, if not decades to come.
2. An historic realignment of Iranian politics may therefore be in the cards, and there is strong evidence that Iranians are increasingly willing to consider a third path: a military president. If so, Soleimani would be the natural front-runner. A University of Maryland poll found that almost 65 percent of Iranians hold a “very favorable” view of the general, giving him a commanding 28-point lead over his nearest rival, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
I shall be quoting a LOT more from that excellent paper.
There are two aspects to this recklessness – first they know they’re going down and they’re shitting themselves (with aspects of a pyrrhic victory as in when a screaming infant can’t win and so tears up the entire board game) and second, the psychotic movie drenched psychology of America has finally sunk in so deep that no-one – and certainly no-one in ruling circles – has any grasp at all of the actual world.
When the Zionist ‘Samson Option’ to tear down the temple to kill everyone, meets the End Times blood-lust of the likes of Pompeo and Pence, and you have a raving psychopathic imbecile in charge, but easily manipulated, you get unintended consequences. The raving of Trump to destroy Iranian Holy places (al-Aqsa Mosque anyone?)that he would not even have known exist, shows that he is being manipulated to cause a Shia revolt across the Middle East, with the aim of genocide and a ‘Final Conflict’ between ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ the aim.
“‘The enemy,’ retorted Yossarian with weighted precision, ‘is anyone who’s going to get you killed, no matter which side he’s on, and that includes Colonel Cathcart.’”
Catch 22
We should be after those who disseminate propaganda and bring death to their brainwashed followers.
If the leaders knew their lives were on the line, things would slow down dramatically.
Yuppers. The Iranians are too smart to do anything that dumb in retaliation, so a false flag it will be. This also explains the strange ‘de-escalation’ talk coming from Trump and Pompeo: they want people to forget who actually started it so that when that false flag hits, people will blame all the escalation on Iran.
Correct again. This all shows that Washington has successfully backed itself into a corner from which there is no escape but war–a war they can’t win, as you yourself noted in the article.
I am all for killing Generals!
Life is not a game of chess where we wipe out pawns by the shitload.
The real plan should be to take out the leaders, the ones who would get us all killed.
It will slow the wars down when they are first on the hit list!!
The real plan should be not to take anyone out and mind our own business .
Speaking of business, if you paid back foreign creditors you would be able to mind your own business instead of attempting to destroy everyone else & their businesses.
Creeping Americanization needs to pay their American debts to all foreign creditors before Wall Street implodes outright again.
Statues of Margaret ‘the milk thief’ Thatcher & Ronald ‘trickledown urine on your leg’ Reagan should be sold at auction to USA Republican billionaires so that they can idolize them in their gardens in private.
Congress should also be forced to pass a bill to prevent minting of new billionaires, and their spawn. The IRS should be mandated to tax wealthy billionaires out of the billionaire class and back to six figure salaries.
Jeff Bezos should be sent to Calcutta for a minimum wage job cleaning the streets in his bare feet. Warren Buffett and his children should be working the ship salvaging yards in India as they need wealthy Americans & their children for cutting steel from the ships as they are broken apart & recycled.
The United States of America owes foreign creditors $23 trillion that they have no intention of paying back or honouring their debts. This is how criminals act when they have to pay tax.
Elliot Ness has work to do IMHO.
You forgot Gates and his disgusting wife !
“When Clinton was dumped last minute as POTUS (too crazy, too weird), and the Deep State pivoted to Trump” This judgement is not merely counter-factual, it is truly absurd.
A developing narrative indeed Catte.
It appears that 2020 has got off to a shit hot start with Golf Cart Goofy been slipped the Turd Doctrine engineered by Bolt-on brain, the deranged psychopath of Washington. From sleepy hollow the message went out to shoot first and let the policy slide along afterwards. How are the people of the land of the free going to swallow this piece of fascist wrangling?
Meanwhile in old Blighty Johnson has not even had chance to sober up from the New Year bash with his Russian friend and patron, Евгений Лебедев – bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase going down the swanee. Who said Russians don’t interfere in elections? Well those with British golden passports at any rate…
I agree with half of that.
BTL the usual misdirection pointing just to Israel; never are the Sunni Arab oil sheiks in the picture:
blinded by anti Zionism. The Gulf rulers love this aspect best.
Israel has little to offer to the US military-industrial complex except being an unsinkable aircraft carrier. The Sunni Arab oil sheiks on the other hand have massive amount of cash and oil reserves, just what the US dollar needs to keep on floating against financial gravity. With the Shia Iranian power exports as bogey these few individuals are also great clients for the Anglo protection racket. Iran is more about mass movements, hard to be a wise guy for.
Israel, through the corrupting money power of the US sayanim Fifth Columnist Israel First Lobby, controls US politicians, the ones who give the MIC so much loot. The relationship is quite direct, and mutually beneficial.
Usual nonsense from you.
The relationship between America and Israel is not open to discussion. Neither liberals or conservatives in the American government, or the military, ever question the relationship. The only mild complaint I’ve heard raised was by Rand Paul who wondered if the $3 billion a year in aid was preventing the Israelis from ‘helping themselves’. However, American support for Israel goes way beyond normal financial/geopolitical goals, for instance, the UN vetos and breaking of international legal and ethical norms on behalf of Israel. The fact is, if America cut aid to Israel today it would make no difference military. Israel has its own defence industries and several foreign customers. And American aid to Israel has increased since it first started after the 1967 war. The reason America backs Israel to the hilt is strategic. Never mind all your cobblers about oil sheikhs, the facts are Israel keeps in check radical nationalist movements in Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine, this is exactly the same reason America funds Egypt. America sees Israel as the means of keeping Syria in check. The Israeli airforce rules the region. America gets to test its weapons systems regularly. The relationship has allowed the deep state CIA to use Israel to transfer weapons to fascist groups in South America and as far as Iran and Africa. The two intelligence services work closely together…..and Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons. The US supports, aids and arms repressive regimes all over the world and protects them from international law, humanitarianism and ethics don’t come into it.
While a significant number of Americans question their countries relationship with Israel, especially given their wishes for a solution to the Palestinian problem, the deep state….the American elite, the Amy and intelligence services, the media and most politicians all give their support for Israel on a visceral level……lobbying has done its job along with the huge political clout of the American Christian right. Add to this the power of the American arms industry, American racism towards Arabs ( which mirrors your own), the political power of the Jewish community within America (which should be a warning to us in the UK) and the failure of civil rights movements to gain widespread support for Palestinians and you come somewhere close to understanding the problem.
However, the liberal, conservative, deep state, medias unquestioning support for Israel against all legal and ethical considerations has had blowback. A growing number of people are questioning, not only the level of support America offers, they are questioning the right of Israel to exist and that rests on the heads of fanatical Zionists.
In the meantime, if you wish to lobby for Israel here, I’d advise you give us rather more than your usual trite anti-Arab stuff.
All quite true, except that the “aid” or tribute, to the Zionist Regime is not $3 billion a year.
It is a minimum of $6 billion and other goodies bring it closer to $10 billion.
$3 – 10 billion is pocket money for the Arab oil sheikhs.
It’s not even pocket money for the likes of Adelson and Paul Singer, and is much less than what Israel makes from those various rackets it is world leader in, such as human trafficking, human organ trafficking, blood diamond trafficking, pornography, binary options rackets and sundry other financial frauds.
There has never, to my knowledge, been a situation where the elite of one tiny group have controlled a vast state and global Empire like the USA, to the degree that elite Jewry, in the USA and in Israel, control the USA today. All through direct money power corruption and control.
it is almost like antonunbskull has never heard of khazar
never heard of oded yinon.
ashkanazi are not semite they are russio turkick pirate
the plan makers are the followers of zvi and jacob frank.
city of london,newyorker washington tel aviv satanick masonical scum
is it not
“satanick masonical”

Never ceases to surprise me how many are willing to shift most blame from the CIA to the Mossad. Pleading the Arab oil sheikhs free on the other hand is standard lefty practice: those poor brown victims of our colonialism.
Credit where credit is due.
Thanks for this. I’ve dodged all news since I first heard about the assassination but my initial thoughts concerned the unspeakable Pompeo and Israel. Like the author I found it absurd that Trump had personally engineered this.
On the idea that Pompeo now wants to row back, I’m not convinced. Sorry to provide a Guardian link but I saw this earlier and it seems he’s scolding mainland Europe and the UK for not being more “supportive” of his insanity.
I am as perplexed as anybody over the assassination of Soleimani, seeing no tactical advantage and in fact serious disadvantages and dangers.
I can add little to the excellent article and excellent comments except to say that last year, I saw a documentary about Soleimani and I felt at the time, he was perhaps the only person that might bring peace to the whole of the Middle East and it may be for that reason somebody thought he was dangerous and had to go.
At the very least, the Iraqi Government have now been given the chance to kick America and NATO out of Iraq and maybe Syria as well. With that in mind, I am sure that MSM will then say that this is all a Russian plot. I am sure that Pompeo’s flight to Kazakstan is perhaps to prepare an air base if a rapid Vietnam style evacuation needs to occur.
The options left open for America, NATO and Israel are fairly limited to remote offshore missile attacks as any form of close engagement against battle hardened troops when your own forces have only experience against unarmed civilians and forces only armed with small arms would be fraught with danger. I am sure that Trump’s advisers and their experience of playing war games on their computers might think differently.
As for a major missile strike like that after Douma when only a handful of rockets hit their targets especially as Syria did not have the latest anti missile systems, there is a likelihood that not one might reach its target.
2020 is shaping up to become a very interesting year and by its end destined to become a very changed world.
Trump’s actions appear to be that of a very poor gambler trying to take desperate measures to improve his luck. I believe Hitler had great faith in his astrologer, does Trump use one?
Mrs Reagan did.
I’m less optimistic Catte – the claims to want deescalation come from those who just escalated, in a calculated and well planned act of war, in which I believe the UK and Australia were already well briefed. I would also venture, as suggested in “Official Secrets and Lies” – that Pompeo’s demand that Corbyn would not be PM was making sure that there would be no anti-war PM in the UK in the new year, when the launching of the next decade of the war of terror would take place – so timely on 01.02.2020. Do we not remember that the attack on Iraq was planned months in advance, and launched – allegedly – at 20.30 on 20.03.2003?
And surely also, the faked killing of Baghdadi was part of this planning, as he had to be out of the way, specially nowhere near AL Qaim/Baghouz, for the killing of Soleimani to be possible. Truly it is the evil empire, with all that this includes, and Trump like a pimple waiting to burst sitting on top of the rotten pile.
Bang on re Pompeo re Corbyn. Bang on.
Pompeo will burst first. Perhaps if we all got together at a set time and meditated on the Creosote Option, together, the noosphere might grant us the spectacle. Like an exploding carbuncle.
Found this informative,.
According to our Emily WMDs and the blood bath that followed in Iraq was all just a ‘mistake’.
Sickening pontificating from her in the Guardian about how it is bad to murder people (without just cause) apparently oblivious to the fact her own party committed Britan to an illegal war without a shred of evidence that Saddam Hussein was a threat to our national security.
I held my nose and read her article – not a single word about Tony Blair, or the fact that the quagmire in the Middle East (as she describes it) was largely a result of NuLabour’s love in with US neonazis.
People like Thornberry seem to be utterly devoid of even the most primitive form of decency.
She finishes her turdburger by saying ‘Whoever becomes Labour’s new leader, they need to have the strength, experience and knowledge to lead parliament in fighting back against Britain becoming embroiled in this disastrous drift to war.’
Oh, the fucking irony.
Once orders come from Tel Aviv, transmitted by the likes of the Chief Rabbi, Margaret Hodge et al, the Blairites would immediately get on board with the New Purim in Iran. NOTHING is more certain, and that they will be led by the Guardian and Freedland, Cohen and the other Talmudists.
you must be one of those nasty anti-talmudists we keep hearing about.
O/T Ha ha – Integrity Initiative codswallop has landed with added rusty iron on Cambridge Analytica election meddling ! Guess what it only seems to be about Trump 2016 and Trump 2020!
Ah needed that laugh back to Armeggedon Now watch.
I love how the odious MI6 asset Caroline Codswalloper, attempts to rehabilitate the phony and liar, Christopher Steele, as some sort of ‘expert’ on ‘electoral meddling’. That takes real Guardianista chutzpah.
I rather see Israel, ie Bibi behind this. It is a diversion from his corruption crisis, it is pure Talmudism, with its murder of Israel’s ‘enemies’, and it brings forward the prospect of ‘obliterating’ ‘Persia’ in a New Purim that would cement Bibi’s place as a ‘King of Israel’ for all time ie a few more years. I really think that assuming that the architects of this action are rational and sane, when they are mad, bad, dangerous to know and infinitely blood-thirsty, is mistaken.
you’re doubting the rationality and sanity of an ancient ethnic-supremacist genital mutilation cult?
Iraqi air base housing US troops comes under rocket fire north of Baghdad
If true, these reports are to be expected, because it wasn’t just Qassem Suleimani who was assassinated by the American psychopaths, but also the Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.
If the reports are true, it’s quite expected, yet it has nothing to do with Iranian retaliation.
Iranian retaliation will be coming sometime in the future; and you might need to hold your hats when that happens.
I haven’t looked at the bookmakers with regard to all this. It will be interesting to see what odds they are now giving on Trump being re-elected.
Rockets land close to US Embassy in Baghdad, no known casualties – military
I’ve no idea of the veracity of this report. There was a similar report on Friday that turned out to be untrue.
Ah, didn’t take long to see Off Guardian’s never ending commitment to the most vile President in US history, and that’s saying a lot. The Deep State made him do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
So did the Deep State direct this fascist, racist, misogynist, jerk of epic proportions Trump to pimp for war against Iran during his campaign? Can’t see from this jerk’s body language that he sees himself as a “tough guy”. Did the Deep State force him to take on super neocon ex CIA director Woolsey as a foreign policy advisor during his campaign, or force him to suck up to the State of Israel in an AIPAC speech outdoing Clinton’s, or suck up to the House of Saud bragging about arms sales with an effing poster, or force him to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, or force him to increase military operations in the ME including new rules of engagement making it easier for US troops to slaughter civilians, or force him to attack the Syrian regime, or force him to commit to “take the oil”, or force him to name torture queen Haspel to direct the CIA, or force him to nominate an oil tycoon as Secretary of State then replace him with torture advocate ex CIA director Pompeo, or force him to re-initiate and increase military hardware from war zones going to police departments, and the sorry list goes on that OG and other compromised “leftists” regard poor Trump being forced to do by the Deep State.
But the Deep State made him do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OG just loves their Trump, but likely not as much as the Deep State.
Do you think we’re someone else? Breitbart is out the door and to your right
I think like many people you are partly blinded by an understandable hatred of Trump.
I hold no brief for him, except to say Clinton would have been even worse.
But people trying to make sense of the latest ill starred US foreign policy adventure only need to understand two things.
1. The complete Zionist stranglehold over US politics and media.
2. The character of the political leadership in the US (and its satellites.)
1. From a Zionist point of view, Iraq, Libya and Syria (to a lesser extent) are all a rip roaring success. The first two are failed states that have been bombed back to the Stone Age. Syria is only slightly better off. Iran is unfinished business, the last major target on the Zionist hit list. All of this achieved by the US and its satellites providing all the money and the muscle.
2. US and western leadership in general is abysmal, the worst in its history. Arrogant, venal, corrupt, irredeemably ignorant, delusional, and ideologically driven, buying in to its own exceptionalist propaganda.
You cannot expect policies or programmes adopted to be in any way rational or coherent. What passes for an administration in the Trump Circus consists largely of competing, mutually antagonistic factions and fiefdoms, each pursuing their own objectives and generally fighting like rats in a sack. Trump is far from a dictator. He is more like a bewildered bystander presiding over what is at best a chaotic turf war.
This is not to absolve Trump of responsibility – if he is incapable of asserting his authority, he simply shouldn’t be there. But people like Bolton and others were foisted upon him at the behest of Adelson and Zionist interests. Bolton was openly trying to undermine him in North Korea and elsewhere. There are many other similar examples. Seditious and mutinous spooks and dirty cops were conspiring to unseat him even before he was elected.
In Syria, the Pentagon, the CIA, and the State Department were all following their own competing agendas, sponsoring different terrorist groups, following different objectives. Mid level bureaucrats like Vindman and Ioanovitch in all three organisations felt perfectly entitled to formulate and implement their own preferred policies, without any reference to the White House.
I don’t see much to admire in Trump. But apart from some coarse and bumptious behaviour, how does he differ from Obomber or Dubya? It’s a mistake to go down the MSM rabbit hole of seeing everything in terms of personalities.
“I hold no brief for him, except to say Clinton would have been even worse.” Ummm… literally just demonstrated your brief for him.
Do you really think that the psychopath Clinton would have been any different, or any other US President? Surely not ‘We tortured some folks’ Obama.
Trump hasn’t shown much interest in geography unless its somewhere he can put a casino so I doubt if he really understood the implications of what he’s been encouraged to do. This action isn’t Trump’s, it most likely Pompero (who I find amusing in his ‘who me’ type innocence when he complains that the world isn’t lining up behind the US, its just the usual roll of toadies).
The “Deep State” isn’t really a thing, its all of us, its the way that we’ve been trained from birth to think in terms of American exceptionalism and Cold War rivalry. Its thousands of people doing their jobs to the best of their ability and as Hannah Arendt pointed out in her essay on the Banality of Evil these people are able to be the very best or very worst depending on how they’re led and used. To that end the article in the Guardian proper is very telling and points to something that needs significant investigation….
the most vile President in US history
yah, that was a narrow miss.
The ‘gentle sex’, unsexed. Lady Macbeth, hands happily unwashed.
“clever geopolitical chess”
I would say that it’s something much lower down the evolutionary chain than that: these people are all criminal psychopaths – or if you want a more polite term: batshit crazies.
The Social Psychology determinant of Deindividuation allows people to immerse themselves psychologically into the in-group in order to oppose out-groups whether
it be along lines of ethnicity against minority ethnic groups or otherwise some other negatively viewed determinant like gender, or age.
Fascists typically join likeminded individuals to fulfill the process of deindividuation into in-groups they perceive to be socially beneficial for reasons of political opposition.
Deindividuation allows the elite to internalize their own social-psychological perspectives to in-group bias of entitlement et cetera. Out-group members are viewed as inferior, and dispossessed of perspective of what it is like to be rich & wealthy in in-group perspective.
Bikers deindividuate into biker gangs of likeminded in-group collective thinking. Out-group is anyone that is not aligned with the in-group binary of identity with the group.
I suspect that human beings somehow imprint on group membership much like Conrad Lorenz found with ducklings & geese whilst studying learning processes.
‘merica has been ‘attacking’ Iran for the last 10 years…
It is all smoke and mirrors.
Once upon a time…
There was a CIA fommented coup to overthrow a popular and decent government, placing the Shah in power. Then we had the Islamic Revolution led by the Ayatolah…The Ayatolah had been sojourning in Paris presumably enjoying the folies bergere and some tasty charcuterie. Then right on time, He was flown business class by Air France back to Iran.
The NWO and Radical Islam go together like ram-a-lam-ding-dong…
The car Soleimani was killed in appears to have been ‘exploded’ into a block with very little damage to the surrounding area or scorching. A car set on fire by neds in Glasgow makes more mess.
However in a change from the ubiquitous ‘mysteriously’ appearing passport, we have a deluxe ring that ‘identified’ Him.
The ring appears to change from one image to another…
It’s a secret decoder ring, Jay. [see A Christmas Story]
Yeah, rather like the one in the Tolkein story, an inscription was visible on His ring when it was ‘fired up’…it read, “This is the eye of Soleiman”
Keep watching the GNUs .
There is other evidence to support this view, admittedly from around 10+ years ago. The Iranians in a Big Blow-Up boat (don’t mock our Lifeboat service uses them too to save lives in some of the most hazardous seas – and most of them are unpaid volunteers), stopped a British metal warship, who they claimed had infiltrated Iranian Waters. The Iranians arrested several members of The Royal Navy. The Iranians also arrested the BBC Cameraman, and his Soundman, and took them into the blow-up boat too, and they carried on filming, whilst they took them to jail in Iran.
I p1ssed myself laughing almost immediately, and I don’t normally watch TV.
After a few days, The Iranians, let them all go. The Royal Navy said sorry, we won’t do it again.
That just had to be a pre-planned set-up between the British and the Iranians.
I suspect neither told the Americans, cos they would f’ck it all up and try to start a war.
Good point…
hitler lived near tavistock i london also in liverpool
hitlers brother also.
marx was related too the rothschild family and came from a long line of rabbi.
how did trotsky (bronstein ) get into moscow from new york
kim jung un of north korea was raised in the same town as the b i s bank swiss.
did not Hassan Rouhani spend his youth in scotch land home of the masonic rite
gaddaffi at sandhurst
history repeats
funny old roth shill world
kosher actors all
yes no?
How is Mr. Pugh?
Reputed to Have “natural” sprogs spread everywhere and everywhere least expected.
The missiles that are used for targeted assassinations are very precise, they can hit a dinnerplate in an alley. They’re designed to cause minimal collateral damage.
Like a lot of weapons in the US arsenal they’re designed to be used offensively, ideally against an adversary who cannot strike back. This might be holding the US back in attacks against Iran (or why they’d choose to strike on neutral or friendly territory) — Iran has a reasonably effective air defense capability so an attack on its territory might prove costly.
How is it then, that 90% of US drone missile deaths are civilians bystanders? You know-‘collateral damage’.
The premise of this article is somewhat dubious. The Deep State never “pivoted to Trump.”
It wanted Clinton, regardless of how crazy and corrupt she was.
They have never accepted Trump’s presidency.
The spooks and the dirty cops worked tirelessly to undermine his campaign to prevent him being elected.
Having failed in this, it did everything possible to sabotage his administration subsequently.
It has perpetrated various subversive and treasonous hoaxes, fantasies and conspiracy theories, culminating in the current impeachment circus.
They never tried to make the best of a bad job, from their point of view, to “manage Trump.”
This has remained constant, no matter how much pandering he does to Zionist interests, or how many trillions he gifts to the military industrial complex.
They don’t accept him, and never will. They hate him, and they want him dead, or at least in jail, stripped of his businesses and money, and his relatives as well.
Why is this? After all, he’s gifted Nuttyyahoo Jerusalem, occupied Syria and the West Bank. The current military budget (true figure) is $1,134 billion. You might think that would cut him a bit of slack.
It’s because he upset the apple cart for the Zionist interests who rule the roost in Washington.
Clinton was supposed to take over and implement their programme.
Syria was supposed to have been destroyed now, and Assad dead.
The war with Iran was supposed to have been begun long ago.
But Trump failed to deliver.
The tentative peace feelers being put out to Russia (because he was more concerned about China) enraged that same dual national constituency with their visceral hatred of Russia.
And this is so much more the case because those same interests realise they are working under time pressure. This may be their last chance. America is declining rapidly. The Zionist stranglehold that has taken a century to achieve is a declining asset. And the parasite may find it difficult to find another host.
Is Russia going to give Israel billions of dollars and unlimited free weaponry every year? Will Chinese troops be “happy to die for Israel” as US ones are (at least according to their general?
Trump may have been dragged along on the coat tails of the dual nationals and their goy stooges, rabid religious nut jobs like Pence and Pompeo. But if Trump is hoping to row things back, he is likely to be disappointed. Iran has to respond decisively, or else give a green light to endless similar (and worse) provocations by the Boltons and the Netanyahus, like Israel in Syria. It cannot afford to show any weakness. And when the retaliation comes, Trump will not get away with bombing some empty airfield.
The problem is not just the AIPAC and JINSA which long since should have been labeled Foreign Agents under FARA but the Christian Zionist nutballs who are banking on Armageddon so that they can be raptured off to heaven while all of us are turned into radioactive toast.
Yes, that includes Pence, Pompeo, Hagee, and (according to some claims) 40 million of the Exceptional and Indispensable Folk.
The USA these days is like one of those zombie ants, infected with a toxic fungus, Ziophilia prostatens, that takes over its brain, and makes it climb up a branch, so that, when the fungus explodes from its dead body, its spores can drift further away. Or, even better, the toxic protozoon, Toxoplasma gondii, that, when it infects rats, makes them suicidally unafraid of cats, they get eaten, and the protozoon goes forth, distributed through the cat’s faeces. I suppose we could call the infection controlling the minds of the Washington detritus and making them genocidal as well as suicidal a ‘protozion’, for easy identification.
You nail it. Israel provided co ordinates for Soleimani’s whereabouts, Trump, in his sheer stupidity, did the deed.
And now payback is coming. And it’s likely to escalate into a massive war.
Ridiculous ABC doing their little bit for Empire and the ‘fight for freedom’….
More airstrikes on a PMU base on the Iraq-Syria border earlier today, another 5 killed.
One guess who was responsible. Fecken insanity.
I see that the justification for this typically cowardly murder, is under the so-called Bethlehem Doctrine, concocted by a Jew, Daniel Bethlehem, brought into the UK Foreign Office by Jack Straw, a Jew, after no FCO legal expert would agree that attacking Iraq in 2003 was legal under International Law. Bethlehem had worked for Netanyahu, a Jew, giving him ‘legal’ excuses for the Apartheid Wall in Occupied Palestine. Bethlehem’s ‘doctrine’, one derided by all International Law experts, save a few fellow Jews and an obedient Sabbat Goy or two, rests on a definition of ‘imminent’ worthy of any Talmudic casuist. Basically, it lets you kill anyone you care to, in line with Talmudic Doctrine, where the killing of ‘enemies’, even civilians, gives Yahweh the horn. As the recent book says, quoting Judaic scripture, ‘Rise up and kill first’, and as Jabotinsky said, that applies to ‘Anyone who gets in our way’.
Let me observe that, while this blood-lust is very Judaic, and is, after all, the ancient foundation of the cult, born of Bronze Age fear, hatred and aggression, it does not apply to all Jews-just the Evil feckers. But we MUST worship even those monsters, lest we be found guilty, by assertion, of ‘antisemitism’.
See our comment policy on inciting hate against races, religions or individuals.
Not a word of R.’s post is untrue.
See my comments where I SPECIFICALLY state my position that not all Jews are alike, and that many oppose most firmly and courageously these machinations of elite Jewry. However, when a series of terrorist acts over decades, which threaten Jews and Goyim alike, are committed by a cabal unambiguously united by their ethnic/religious identity, I think it is absolutely important to point out that shared identity, and its millennial cult of hatred of the other and drive to dominate and exploit them. But it is also vital to point out that many Jews have led the opposition to this project and its manifestations like Zionism, capitalism, neo-conservatism and neo-liberalism. But, in line with your policy, I will abjure using the J word as much as possible, in future.
I REALLY should have said something like ‘Judeofascist’ above, rather than ‘Jew’. It was most remiss. I do apologise.
Gezzah, you seem to have a more realistic idea of what is going on than anyone else posting on here.
Andy…. The situation is as scary as hell. I’ve been regularly checking The Saker, Moon Of Alabama, Southfront and Sputnik News for the latest info.
Alarmingly, reports of missile strikes on the Green Zone and US Embassy in Baghdad, and report of a UK nuclear sub stationed off Iran.
The saucepan is boiling, and very soon it will be flowing over the rim.
The Saker commented the whole thing is one giant clusterf*** and even some within the Pentagon are realising a massive disaster is looming.
I’m dumbfounded how quickly this has unfolded. Total Moronic Imbeciles.
And maybe coz of the bushfires, but the vast majority in Australia wouldn’t have the faintest idea what is happening.
Take care Andy….
Gezzah, I think that we in the West can take care, but what about the poor people in Iran, including my relations in Tehran. They have been under sanctions and threat for decades now. I was in Tehran in May 2018 when Trump pulled out of the JCPOA. I fear that this moronic, evil person will drag the World into war.
I’m sorry to hear you have relations in Tehran. Things are looking very bleak Andy.
Been monitoring quite a few sites today, but we’re all waiting for Iran’s response.
Some conjecture that if Iran’s retaliation doesn’t happen soon, the Neocon wackjobs will engineer a false flag to pin on Iran so a full blown attack can commence.
At this point, anything is likely to happen, especially with Trump clearly gone stark bonkers and issuing threats willy nilly against both Iraq and Iran.
If I was in Tehran, I’d be getting out and heading away into the countryside, perhaps on the Caspian Sea somewhere.
I think the following two explanations are most plausible:
1. Increasing tensions serves the interests of the military-industrial complex – US military spending has increased enormously, and without enough tensions, there may be a “danger” that military spending will be cut in the future. Of course, this increased military spending is only in the interest of a small minority – but it is a very influential minority that spends a lot of money on politicians.
2. The goal may be sowing chaos and violence because this increases the role of the military in international relations, and in military matters, the US in its current state is (or thinks it is – they probably want to avoid a war against a strong army that would let them find out better) more competitive than in economic matters. As far as economic matters are concerned, we can more or less predict that the “Western world” (US and EU/NATO) will almost certainly be dwarfed by China (and to some degree other East Asian countries and emerging economies). Of course, some time in the future, when urbanization will be completed to a large degree, Chinese growth will slow, but it is unlikely that this won’t still mean that the US and EU economies will be tiny compared to it. If the US manages to decrease the role of economics and increase the role of the military, it may be able to slow down the decline in its significance somehow, and what it needs for that is violence, chaos, and instability.
Of course, one may say that all these instances of sowing chaos are counterproductive for the US empire. In many concrete instances, one can show that this is the case, e.g. Iran was strengthened by the US aggression against Iraq. But on the whole, is the US empire really weaker than it would have been without all these aggressions? The US economy probably is, but if we specifically talk about US empire – the US has military bases around the world in a way no empire has ever had, and without enough violence, chaos, and tensions in order to justify them, it might be difficult to keep them long-term. It is also important to attempt to analyze counterfactual scenarios. If the US has just been relieved after the end of the Cold War, reaped a huge peace dividend and if it had not committed an aggression every few years, it would probably be more prosperous, but it would hardly be an empire. Probably, NATO would not exist any more (the aggression against Yugoslavia and later stoking up historical hatred in Eastern EU member countries played an important role). The US would probably be more respected than it is now, but its international significance would probably have decreased more than it has in our current reality where the US has increased the role of the military by sowing chaos.
If, as seems possible, this hit was a treacherous trap into which Soliemanie was lured, it bears the hallmarks of Exceptionalism, Zionism and perverted religion, both Talmudism and Christian Zionism. In other words it both sates the blood-lust inherent in those cults, and the drive for the End Times that motivates Christian Zionists, who intend using Israel to provoke the Apocalypse, in which their beloved Jews must either convert, or die and suffer Eternal Torment like the rest of us. Washington and Tel Aviv are the twin towers of Evil, far beyond anything the Tolkien could ever imagine.
The idea of Empire may not fit the modern world of broad spectrum globalism.
Expecting such a world to make sense may buy into being manipulated further by an ever consolidating pattern of possession and control – that works a kind of narrative or mind capture alongside globally set regulatory structures to protect the lie at any cost and by any and all means.
that was supposed to be a link, admins…i even used the code button
It sounds as if his enemies in the Pentagon and the Intelligence Agencies have tricked Trump perhaps by not telling him who the target was going to be? Now he owns the policy and the chances of getting rid of him rise especially if the retaliation is serious and he fails to start throwing nukes around. As with JFK over the Bay of Pigs it puts him in a very hard place. Working with Pence would probably suit the Military Complex. Ideas of withdrawing from conflict in the ME and Afghanistan are as crazy to them as Kennedy’s plans to disarm.
Paul you just love your Trump. The epic corrupt capitalist globalist fascist epic jerk I’m sure would regard you with much love if he knew you existed or cared.
You are being sidetracked by personalities.
“If only we had Obama/ Reagan/ Whoever back, everything would be fine.”
It wouldn’t.
Whoever is occupying the Oval Office, whether it’s Trump/ Creepy Joe Biden/ Buttplug/ Pocahontas or some other cretin, it’s just another monkey dancing to the tune of the same organ grinder.
“You are being sidetracked by personalities.”
The show goes on and is still astonishingly potent. I loved it when Obama came to power and instantly everyone started to talk about “Obama’s recession” as if he magically brought it with him. It’s the same thinking as when Blair came in as “Labour” and everyone assumed the 70s were automatically reinstated. Give ’em the old razzle dazzle/Razzle dazzle ’em etc.
Is it me, or does the definition of what constitutes a Democracy, seem out of date?
Surely, where country such as Blighty likes to refer to iself as a Democracy, then it should hold true that its people are past masters of holding its rulers to account?
If we are a Democracy and we don’t, as has been the case for the past 50yrs of my life, aren’t we guilty of some sort of crime?
Are we (adults) all non persons, a person called ‘Collateral Damage’ for when Karma comes a calling?
Will we cry foul and bemoan the injustice of it not being our fault as our leaders rape the planet?
I dunno, calling Blighty a Democracy seems to be quite Arrogant and Offensive.
No capitalist regime, particularly the neo-liberal type, can ever even remotely resemble a ‘democracy’ of any type.
An fundamental of democracy is a free press so that citizens can cast an informed vote. There is no longer a free press (to the extent that there ever was) and, with increasing censorship of ethical journalism, the ideal of democracy becomes more remote each day.
The Western MSM is not just not ‘free’, but is mendacious, vicious, hate-driven, propagandistic and thoroughly Evil.
I’d go further, richard le sarc. They are actually collaborators in war crimes.
Before and after the acts-the Streicher Treatment is deserved, but I abhor capital punishment, so life it must be. In solitary for those, like the Guardian feminazis, who spewed their vicious hatred at Assange.
I used to regard this term as being over the top, but I’ve had occasion to change my mind.
As regards the Guardian Maenads and ‘females’ like Clinton, Albright, Powers, Hodge, Phillips, Shaked, et al, I think it perfectly apt. Perverted ‘liberal’ elite feminism as a form of fascism.
For a little while ,the zionists must have been having orgasms .For the Christian zionists ,Trump’s block of voters , they would finally get their Armageddon and Jesuuus would finally come riding on a cloud to dispense with the wicked non believers ,while the believers ,(sic ) zionists stood by watching the blood bath wringing their hands .For the zionist Israelis ,well , a stick in the eye of Iran and an effort on the part of Netanyahu to stay out of jail and maybe more land confiscation to come .
So much for a terribly sick society that might just end up destroying the world .Speaking of the destroyers……
A number of Zionists over the years have made plain that, if Israel’s rulers thought that they were in danger of defeat, they would ‘take the world down with us’, using their nukes, and, I would guess, pathogens produced in their giant bio-warfare establishment. After all they spent years researching with their Afrikaaner beloveds the possibilities of ‘ethnically specific’ bio-weapons, and would certainly have continued that research.
One worthy, a Professor Perlmutter, opined in a published LA Times op-ed, in 2002, that a ‘nuclear winter, as ‘punishment for a Jew-hating world’ (in their psychopathic projection, the whole world hates them, a complete inversion of reality, for the hardcore Zionists)would be just retribution. The source of his omnicidal angst and rage was that the EU had dared condemn Israel for its brutal suppression of the al-Aqsa Intifada,
With his back to the wall, I expect Bibi to turn to full Masada Mode and the Samson Option, to bring the global temple down on all our heads, while he, the glorious Zealot leader, drives his people on to self-immolation. It reminds me of Hitler in his bunker, demanding the destruction of the Germans for not fulfilling his demands. The Israelis are turning on Bibi, threatening him with gaol, so they must be consumed in a Zionist Gotterdammerung. The transference of characteristics from the German Nazis to their Jewish victims would reach its climax, with Bibi as the Zionist Fuhrer.
Well, it looks like US is waiting for Pearl Harbour to go to war.
We already had our “new Pearl Harbor” according to the neocon script writers at PNAC. The problem was that they didn’t receive the required “suspension of disbelieve” required to accept the Science Fiction classics contrived by both NIST and FEMA both which should have been contenders for the Hugo Awards and of course that Fantasy summarized in the 9/11 Omission report which was appropriately published in comic book form.
Sure there are still some real low IQ morons that still believe that massive edifices can be brought down with jet fuel after passing through their tank armored steel superstructure like Casper the Friendly Ghost and that a pilot who couldn’t safely fly a kite according to his instructors could barrel into the Pentagon after making an incredible spiral like some fighter ace allegedly so low that it hit the bottom levels yet leave the Pentalawn so immaculate you could’ve played gulf on it but most of us are getting pretty jaded by this BS.
waiting for Pearl Harbour
don’t you mean “USS Liberty”?
after all, the Japanese Navy actually did what they were alleged to have done.
“Claims that the US is just doing Israel’s bidding don’t even cut it. If the US loses its hold on the ME as a result of an ill-judged war with Iran, how will this benefit Israel? Does it believe it can inherit the imperial mantle? If so, it’s deluded. Without US protection Israel would not last long in its current form.”
It most certainly does cut it.
The way American politicians rely on money from AIPAC and other Israel-first organisations, the US will always protect Israel. Bibi can act with impunity and American politicians just suck it up. Israel has wanted war with Iran for decades, Iran is the last hold out to total Israeli supremacy and landgrabbing in the Middle East. Israel recently announced closer US-Israel ties of mutual support in the event of war. Until the American political system where money buys everything, nothing will change. And were the US to collapse, Israel has its fabled ‘Samson Option’ of blowing everything up with its nuclear weapons (which would be cheered on by the born again Christian zionists anyway). They already threatened that in previous wars, which was averted by USSR pressure on the Arab countries to hold their fire.
This appears to be a typical Israeli assassination. With its US protector taking responsibility for it.
You’re saying that the US has never assassinated anyone without the “hand” of Israel?
No, I’m not saying that. But this latest one is of a piece with Israel’s machinations against Iraq and Iran, both supporters of the Palestinian cause.
After the Iraq aggression in 2003, scores of Iraqi scientists and other intellectual leaders were murdered by the MOSSAD, in an act of deliberate intellectual decapitation designed to keep Iraq backward and downtrodden. I would estimate that Israel has murdered more individuals in acts of political cum religious assassination that the rest of the world combined. In the rest of the world State murder of prominent figures is a big deal (I am not talking of mass repression of ordinary people)but for Israel it is a religious obligation, and mitzvah.
The US president, speaking from his vacation resort at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, boasted of having “killed the number one terrorist anywhere in the world.”
This is what’s really frightening– In 2015 Trump didn’t even know who General Qassem Soleimani was when he was running for president. I bet, the Orange Idiot still might not be aware of Soleimanis significance and that he was a well-respected and admired General throughout Iran and the entire region. His popularity in Iran is more than 70%. How many US Generals can claim that same amount of admiration from the US public.
In addition, Soleimani played a crucial role of ridding Syria, Iraq, and Iran of US/Saudi funded terrorists. Millions were grateful to him for protecting their country and ensuring it did not become an ISIS Caliphate.
The worthless Buffoon, surrounded by neoconservative vipers is fed not only junk food from McDonalds, but a ton of misinformation. In his demented undisciplined mind he probably conflated Soleimani with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or perhaps even Osama bin Laden. The neoconservative thugs infesting the White House as well as Mar-a-Lago were eager to confirm this mischaracterization since they’re biting at the chomp for a direct confrontation with Iran.
“Iran will no doubt devote far more consideration to its response than Washington gave to its criminal action. Iran’s National Security Council met on Friday, and in all probability Iranian officials will discuss the murder of Soleimani with Moscow and Beijing.”
Of course, there will be a well-thought out response to this attack against Iran. It’s viewed as a US terrorist attack similar to if the Iranian Government assassinated CENTCOM’s commander General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. Wouldn’t the US consider this an act of war.
The retaliation can happen at anytime, and the state-run mainstream media news will do everything possible to “disconnect” the retaliation from the US assassination of Soleimani knowing the limited retention span of its viewers. If that’s the case, the usual propagandists ghouls will bring warmongering against Iran to new heights hoping to gain public acceptance for a fresh military intervention.
This will be a grave miscalculation on the part of the security state, inasmuch, as the working-class is NOT interested in a war with Iran. In fact, the working-class wants an END to ALL regime change wars. If anything, US imperialism will set in motion outrage generating greater social unrest and perhaps even the emergence of a powerful anti-war movement.
You are just a girl fighting girly propagandists. Most War Room planners for actual wars are male & cowardly like John Bolton. This means testosterone plays a behavioural role that women & girls are not quite well aware of given the challenge and all, eh.
Fighting fights physically takes experience. Physical fighting in real life is a street fight where the first aggressive acts yield results in terms of winning a fight. Fighters that strike first often have advantage in a street fight. In a street fight there are no Marquis of Queensbury Rules. [see _The Quiet Man_ with John Wayne & what’sherface?]
Perhaps its just the problem that the USA is running out of enemies. That is not new. It also happened in the early 90s where the US was left with North Korea and Cuba as official enemies and where the Bush administration definitely needed a new enemy to justify the military budget.
The strategy behind the assasination may be similar as to what Colin Powell said at the time: ‘I want to scare the hell out of the rest of the world. I do not mean that in a bellicose way.’
Now in terms of oil prices, they did went up after yesterdays event although correlation is not causation..
And I do believe that the killing of the Iranian general is not bad for the Iranian government at all as it ties the population together fighting against a common enemy. Which raises my bullshit sensor asking whether or not this general was assasinated (I have not seen any evidence apart from a hand and a ring, and now the poor man has had his funeral/dissapeared)
And all of this for sure can be seen as a test as how bellicose the population is. Seeing the comments in the other thread, other places at the internet, and in the MSM, for sure a lot of people look forward to the demise of either Iran or US. That is great news for all war manufacturers. And sad news for all the rest of us. You think that the US intelligence is stupid? – Think again. For as I see it they slowly but surely are getting the consent from the population to make another ‘stupid’ yet highly profitable move that leads to death and destruction in places that (thank God) most of us only know from the always lying media.
I may be not as smart as someone like the Saker, but do know that he knows as little about this as anyone else. So IMO the whole Trump thing is yet another distraction to keep the (American) population bamboozled in this soap box opera about one person (Trump) who either makes America great again, or destroys the country. It’s the ballad of Roosevelt in a slightly different jacket (i.e., the soap box opera does not affect the miserable lives of American citizens at all, which is the whole point)
As an aside: remarkable that Iranians give the last honour to this general in a car that is typically US, i.e. Chevrolet…
Nobody is bamboozled when the USA Military Industrial Complex runs low on gas in the gas tank and needs work to put American bread & butter on the table in order to eat.
Americans are farming the majority of the world population out to the corporatocracy of which they own outright as well. Americans are a race of people that slaughter human beings for profit. If you don’t like it call God.
US foreign policy is only insane to those maintaining empathy, compassion and a conscience. It is eminently logical to those for whom killing is just one of those things that doesn’t matter.
The Iraq war was absolute insanity if you want a nation to have healthy, happy lives and to be able to exploit their own national resources for common good. It was eminently sane if you want a Greater Israel and no price is too high to achieve it. What better way to butter Iraq up for salami slicing by Israel than to destroy its infrastructure, create civil war and steal the oil for good measure?
The bombing of the Balkans was absolute insanity unless the war aim was to cut Serbia off from Russia and cleanse the entire region of any vestiges of state ownership. Sex trafficking is but a small price to pay for that goal.
The sanity of bombing Libya was to destroy a successful social model in Africa led by a benign dictator who wanted to create independent joint policy for the continent of Africa, all on the back of huge oil and gas deposits. If you care about innocent lives, it was insanity. You can see why I long ago declared Killary Clinton off with the fairies………
Syria was a secular society that needed liquidating for refusing a despotic monarchy the right to transport gas through to Turkey. Most importantly, the leader of Syria was not a US puppet. What a crime!
Installing Nazis in Ukraine whilst looting the entire economy was merely repeating Russia of the 1990s. Why did Bill Browder not go and loot Ukraine instead of whingeing about Putin? Silly twit……..he could have got all his money back and more…..a civil war in Lugansk/Donetsk is nothing important. Ukrainian dead are just pointless statistics, after all.
The only war the currently sane will consider insane is one where human beings actually matter.
It is about time that Mike Pompeo did not matter, Killary Clinton did not matter, Niall Ferguson did not matter and the UK/US neocon media did not matter.
Amazing how quickly war would stop as soon as that lot saw their kids dead, mutilated or exposed to lethal levels of depleted uranium……….
It’s the global economy, stupid.
100% agree Rhys.
The post I made on the previous article earlier – before Catte put this up – pretty much refers to some ‘weird shit’ going down.
The sons and daughters of the 1%, and they too, availing themselves of sons and daughters of the poor for their kicks on their winter in the sun, super yacht vacations, must know they are a long way from safety – hell even their preferred demiparadise escapehole of Ozlands is a Hell!
And i bet the ME airport hubs and Qatari worldcup infrastructure structures, never mind the Saudi & Israeli desalination plants really may be a price too high to pay for the greater zion hundred year plan?
The Empire can not win – Have they just realized? I really hope so.
I read Trump is offering peace and a proportional revenge – seems a 4 star general / Admiral will be required to make the ultimate sacrifice!
Fingerscrossed eh?
As quoted by Roland Dumas, the war in Syria is on behalf of Israel. As for Libya, Israel had been trying to get rid of Qaddafi for decades. All the Middle East wars have been on behalf of Israel. USA and the western nations run in front of Israel which was the problem with Corbyn and why he had to be got rid of preferable before he was elected PM. Israel are the only ones to benefit from the attack on Iran. They have continually been calling on the USA to make war on Iran.
To sum it up. It is basically the Global manifestation of “Manifest Destiny”. This is why the chosenites in the US align with the racist chosenites in Israel and now in Bolivia and Ukraine.
It’s all about creating a “New Israel”. Read Deuteronomy and you’ll see where these insane and evil rapacious clowns are going with all of this.
I like Michael Moores tweet: ‘Hello fellow Americans. Do you know this man? (Qasem Soleimani) Did you know he was your enemy? What? Never heard of him? By the end of today you will be trained to hate him. You will be glad Trump had him assassinated. You will do as you are told. Get ready to send your sons & daughters off to war’.
In other words it doesn’t matter how ludicrous the narrative is, many in the west are so gullible, so politically illiterate their leaders can persuade them to believe absolutely anything (such as lies about Jeremy Corbyn being a racist and antisemite)
So what are the US motives?
One possible theory is that by conducting an act of such extreme provocation they will entice Iran into seeking revenge – but even if Iran doesn’t respond in kind a few false flags will achieve extactly the same outcome.
Then the US can say, look what crazy muslims are doing now, kill ’em, kill ’em all.
The US has spent trillions over the last 2 decades cutting their teeth in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria – maybe this really is the start of the big one?
Again, it’s the freaking macroeconomic global economy, stupid.
Just as long as they don’t get their enemies mixed up and say e.g. “Look at what crazy Russians are doing …oh hang on! We meant Muslims! We’re saving the Russians for next week.”
Then again, I recall that scene it Orwell’s 1984 when a speaker is denouncing an enemy and then changes the enemy’s identity half way through – and nobody notices! I supose that owuld work too. Send them screaming here – and then there – and then way over there. Yeah – keeps them happy.
Regime change in Iran is always job #1 for the Council on Fucked-up-Foreign Relations-CFR. The CIA has a track record in the historiography, man. Chief BIG Trump little penis needed to provide cover for a terrible new year start to the DOW Industrial Share Price which is essentially Trump’s whole ego in a nutshell for the 2020 electoral gambit.
Dipshit Chief BIG Trump little penis then went along with the rabid dog hawks in the CFR that are jacked up on opioids & methamphetamine for WW3 and war with Iran. They all decided to do this because Bibi phoned dipshit Chief BIG Trump little penis on the Batshit Crazy Phone that is directly connected between the White House & Tel Aviv and they collectively decided that they both needed the win for electoral victory or Get out of Jail cards in the new year.
In this age where the key to control is through information, Iran would be best to retaliate by exposing that the US is a pathetic golem that is doing Israels bidding. They should use their support by exposing the lies, inversions and how they hate the US serviceman that will sacrifice their lives for no gain. Divide and conquer works and should be used against the source of all evil because when Iran falls, their power will be consolidated globally
Henry Kissingassinger referred to the as “dumb animals”. This is mild compared to what the Israel Theocracy thinks of their Goyim Golem who America sends off to die for the Terrorist State.
That’s just a few Jews sitting on top of plain sand: billions of Muslims are taught that all others are just disposable kaffirs; their elite control the worlds biggest fossil fuel reserves under their sand.
Your pathopsychological projection is unmatched. Moslems see Jews and Christians as ‘people of the Book’, worthy of respect and protection. I recommend people read Shak and others to see how the Talmudists view others. As Ovadia Yosef, the ‘revered’ leader of Shas, the party that has been central to Rightwing coalitions, observed some years ago-‘Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world-only to serve the people of Israel’. Yosef’s funeral attracted the largest crowd, several hundred thousand strong, in Israeli history.
Shahak, not Shak.