World War III

CJ Hopkins

So, 2020 is off to an exciting start. It’s barely the middle of January, and we’ve already made it through World War III, which was slightly less apocalyptic than expected.

Forensic teams are still sifting through the ashes, but preliminary reports suggest that the global capitalist empire has emerged from the carnage largely intact.

It started in the Middle East, of course, when Donald Trump (a “Russian-asset”) ordered the murder of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani outside the Baghdad Airport, presumably after clearing it with Putin, which, given Iran and Russia’s relationship, doesn’t really make much sense.

But whatever. According to the U.S. government and the corporate media, Soleimani was a “terrorist,” who had been working with Assad (another “terrorist”) to destroy ISIS (who are also “terrorists”) and elements of Al-Qaeda (who used to be “terrorists”) with the support of the Russians (who are kind of “terrorists”) and doing all sorts of other unspecified but allegedly imminent “terrorist” things.

Apparently, Soleimani had flown to Baghdad on a secret commercial “terrorist” flight and was on his way to some kind of covert “terrorist” diplomatic meeting to respond to a de-escalation proposal from Saudi Arabia (who are definitely not “terrorists”) when the U.S. military preventatively murdered him with a General Atomics Aeronautical Systems MQ-9B Reaper drone.

Iran (officially a “terrorist” country since January 1979, when they overthrew the brutal Western puppet that the CIA and MI6 had installed as their “Shah” in 1953, after they regime-changed the Iranian prime minister, after he nationalized the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, later to be known as British Petroleum) reacted to the preventative murder of their “terrorist” general like a bunch of “terrorists.”

The Ayatollah Khamenei (you guessed it, a “terrorist”) issued a series of “terrorist” threats against the 50,000 U.S. military personnel more or less completely surrounding his country on bases all across the Middle East. Millions of Iranians (currently “terrorists,” except for members of MeK), who, according to the U.S. officials, hated Soleimani, took to the streets of Tehran and other cities to mourn his death, burn American flags, and chant “death to America” and other “terrorist” slogans.

The empire went to DEFCON 1. The 82nd Airborne was activated. The State Department advised Americans vacationing in Iraq to get the hell out of there. #worldwar3 started trending on Twitter.

Freedom-loving countries throughout the region stood by to be annihilated. Saudi Arabia postponed its previously scheduled weekend edition of public head-chopping. Israel dialed up its non-existent nukes. The Kuwaitis posted armed guards on their incubators. The Qataris, Bahrainians, United Arab Emiratis, and other loyal empire outposts did whatever those folks do when they’re facing nuclear Armageddon.

In the U.S.A., it was mass hysteria. The corporate media starting pumping out stories about Soleimani having “blood on his hands,” and being “the number one terrorist in the world,” and having ruthlessly genocided hundreds of American soldiers, who, back in 2003, had preventatively invaded and destroyed Iraq and were preventatively slaughtering and torturing its people to keep them from attacking America with their non-existent WMDs.

Americans (most of whom had never even heard of Soleimani until their government murdered him, and many of whom can’t find Iran on a map) took to Twitter to call for the immediate nuking of Iran from orbit. Mayor Bill de Blasio ordered a division of heavily-armed anti-“terror” forces to stand around in New York City with their rifles in the classic “sling-ready” position to prevent the Iranians from swimming the Atlantic (along with their communist killer dolphins), crawling up onto East Hampton Beach, taking the LIRR into town, and committing some devastating “terrorist” atrocity that would be commemorated throughout eternity on key rings, T-shirts, and jumbo coffee mugs.

Trump, disciplined Russian agent that he is, held his nerve and maintained his cover, performing his “total moron” act as only a seasoned Russian operative can.

While Iran was still mourning, he started publicly jabbering about Soleimani’s dismembered corpse, bombing Iranian cultural sites, and otherwise bombastically taunting Iran like an emotionally-challenged street-corner drunk.

His strategy was clearly to convince the Iranians (and the rest of the world) that he is a dangerous imbecile who will murder the officials of any foreign government that Mike Pompeo tells him to, and then incinerate their museums and mosques, and presumably the rest of their “shithole” countries, if they even think about retaliating.

Nevertheless, retaliate the Iranians did. In a sadistic display of cold-hearted “terrorism,” they launched a firestorm of ballistic “terror” missiles at two U.S. military bases in Iraq, killing no one and injuring no one, but damaging the hell out of some empty buildings, a helicopter, and a couple of tents.

First, though, in order to maximize the “terror,” they called the Swiss embassy in Tehran and asked them to warn the U.S. military that they would be launching missiles at their bases shortly.

As the Moon of Alabama website reported:

The Swiss embassy in Tehran, which represents the U.S., was warned at least one hour before the attack happened. Around 0:00 UTC the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration issued a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) which prohibited civil U.S. flights over Iraq, Iran, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.”

In the wake of the Iranians’ devastating counter-strike, and the mass-non-casualties resulting therefrom, anyone with an Internet connection or access to a television descended into their anti-terror bunkers and held their breath in anticipation of the nuclear hell Trump was sure to unleash.

I confess, even I tuned into his speech, which was one of the most disturbing public spectacles I have ever witnessed.

Trump burst through the doors of the White House Grand Foyer, dramatically backlit, freshly “tanned,” scowling like a WWF wrestler, and announced that, as long as he is president, “Iran will never be allowed to have nuclear weapons” … as if any of the events of the preceding week had had anything to do with nuclear weapons (which the Iranians don’t need and do not want, except in some neoconservative fantasy wherein Iran intends to commit national suicide by nuking Israel off the face of the Earth).

I didn’t make it through his entire address, which he delivered in a breathless, robotic staccato (possibly because Putin, or Mike Pompeo, was dictating it word-for-word into his earpiece), but it was clear from the start that all-out, toe-to-toe nuclear combat with the Axis of Resistance, or the Axis of Terror, or the Axis of Evil, or the Axis of Whatever, had been averted.

But, seriously, all mass hysteria aside, despite whatever atrocities are still to come, World War III is not going to happen. Why, you ask, is it not going to happen? OK, I’ll tell you, but you’re not going to like it.

World War III is not going to happen because World War III already happened … and the global capitalist empire won.

Take a look at these NATO maps (make sure to explore all the various missions). Then take a look at this Smithsonian map of where the U.S. military is “combating terrorism.” And there are plenty of other maps you can google.

What you will be looking at is the global capitalist empire. Not the American empire, the global capitalist empire.

If that sounds like a distinction without a difference … well, it kind of is, and it kind of isn’t. What I mean by that is that it isn’t America (i.e., America the nation-state, which most Americans still believe they live in) that is militarily occupying much of the planet, making a mockery of international law, bombing and invading other countries, and assassinating heads of state and military officers with complete impunity.

Or, rather, sure, it is America … but America is not America.

America is a simulation. It is the mask the global capitalist empire wears to conceal the fact that there is no America … that there is only the global capitalist empire.

The whole idea of “World War III,” of powerful nation-states conquering other powerful nation-states, is pure nostalgia. “America” does not want to conquer Iran. The empire wants to restructure Iran, and then absorb Iran into the empire.

It doesn’t give a rat’s ass about democracy, or whether Iranian women are allowed to wear mini-skirts, or any other “human rights.” If it did, it would be restructuring Saudi Arabia and applying “maximum pressure” to Israel.

Likewise, the notion that “America” has been making a series of unfortunate “strategic mistakes” in the Middle East is a convenient illusion.

Granted, its foreign policy makes no sense from the perspective of a nation-state, but it makes perfect sense from the perspective of the empire.

While “America” appears to be mindlessly thrashing around like a bull in a china shop, the empire knows exactly what it’s doing, what it has been doing since the end of the Cold War, opening up formerly inaccessible markets, eliminating internal resistance, aggressively restructuring any and all territories that are not playing ball with global capitalism.

I know it’s gratifying to wave the flag, or burn it, depending on your political persuasion, whenever things flare up militarily, but at some point we (i.e., we Americans, Brits, Western Europeans, et al.) are going to need to face the fact that we are living in a global empire, which is actively pursuing its global interests, and not in sovereign nation-states pursuing the interests of nation-states. (The fact that the nation-state is defunct is why we’ve been experiencing a resurgence of “nationalism.” It isn’t a return to the 1930s. It is the death throes of the nation-state, nationalism, and national sovereignty … the supernova of a dying star.)

World War III was an ideological battle, between two aspiring hegemonic systems. It is over. It’s a global capitalist world. As Mr. Jensen put it in the movie Network:

You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today.”

That system of systems, that multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars, has us all by the short hairs, folks. All of us. And it won’t be satisfied until the world is transformed into one big, valueless, neo-feudal, privatized market … so maybe we should forget about World War III, and start focusing on World War IV.

You know the war I’m talking about, don’t you? It’s the global capitalist empire versus the “terrorists.”


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Jan 17, 2020 4:32 AM

Shia Iran is the nuclear bogey but some token action has to be taken periodically against real nuclear super power Sunni Pakistan:

US indicts five for aiding Pakistan’s weapons program

From Arab news off Pakistan: https://www.arabnews.pk/node/1613921/pakistan
KSA allies can get away with murder….

Jan 14, 2020 11:40 PM

Hehe, I really liked this, humor, witch in this eh….. times of emotional rollercoster times is becoming rear, but I found this enlightening and amusing witch is even rearer, thanks for the “tripp”.

The thing is, the propaganda have derailed so hard that I find in the every day uh… news, something to just laugh at, despite the graveness, I laugh a lot of the shere idiot level of propaganda, and their insistence on that this tales are uh… true, makes then just more silly.

I found an Video, its an game comersial, I dont intend to promote the game, just watch the video.
Clue, this video is made by somebody whom infact understands German, Ich Will, an Ramstein epic tune and made it into an game comersial is some of the best I have seen for an long, long time, and I had an hart felt laugh, even when the video is also an analogy of the present, about the death cult running our world, and Trump and His hendgemen and vassals is going increasingly more into an reality where one can questions their sanity, every week now, they crawl deeper and deeper into something witch I even manage to find humoristic, or is it maybe I that have gone, eh…. balistic since I may have an morbid sense of humor.

I recomend to watch this for what it is, f…. hillarious.
Hats off, chap, and cheers.


Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 14, 2020 9:41 PM

Excellent article.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jan 14, 2020 9:02 PM

There was a writer called CJ,
To whom I’d like to say hurray,
Once again he’s spot on,
Re the murderous Pentagon,
Nutters with the gamma ray.

Jan 14, 2020 4:07 PM


“The World is a Corporation” (Network, 1976)

The film was made over 40 years ago, you have been told by the likes of Huxley. The answer is the people must grow to like their prison.

Almost 50 years on and the system as improved its act, or to use the term, Command and control of the population. We were told what was going to happen

“You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today.” etc, etc.

The answer is not a collective against? But simply an understanding of how the system is, or functions. Then use the system for your own individual benefit. We are all individuals, we are born as individuals and we eventually die as individuals. ALONE.

Jan 14, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  Peter

The Corporation Full Documentary

Jan 14, 2020 12:39 PM

Yay welcome back CJ.

We are the evil Empire cheering on our stormtroopers.
Our only hope is little ewoks who resist with whatever they can lay their hands on – the cute furry terrorists!

Nation States were a precursor to robbing these states blind by the ancient Empire. Invent a state. Let it invest in buliding assets with ‘its newfound state public finance. Move in as bankers and privatise these assets leaving the state debt to be paid back by the people of the state while ‘legally’ removing ownership of that asset.

Fortunately there is a new Empire on the rise and it seems to stop signing upto to the dollar setup and private bankers controlling all countries central banks and their money creation.

They encompass two thirds of the world and half the worlds population- a bit more than the current Empire.

The Empire is dead! Long live the Empire!

Ewoks are tasty, roasted on their own ancient woodlands for that added smokey flavour. Yummy!

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jan 14, 2020 11:15 AM

The notion that world war three has already happened and global capitalism won sounds a lot like the End of History nonsense that was so cheerfully pushed in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union. History doesn’t end. No empire is ever so secure.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Jan 14, 2020 9:01 AM

States do exist, but some are hegemons and the rest are vassals, with important exceptions which are in between. In this respect Russia and China are neither hegemons nor vassals. That is why they are armed to the teeth. Precisely to protect their sovereignty and borders. One united capitalist conspiracy – I don’t buy it. They don’t seem to get on very well for a united capitalist class.

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Jan 14, 2020 7:32 AM

The Iranian missiles killed and injured nobody?

Zionistani reporter Jacques Khoury of Ha’aretz tweeted that 224 injured Amerikastani war criminals were airlifted to Tel Aviv for treatment and then his account was mysteriously suspended with Khoury claiming, implausibly, that it was hacked. It’s extremely likely that Amerikastani casualties *would* be evacuated to zionistan for treatment because of they were taken home or to one of the NATO slaves, word would leak out at once. I predicted the day after the missile attack that in the next weeks a remarkable number of Amerikastani troops will mysteriously “die in accidents” – a number corresponding exactly to the number killed in the Iranian missile barrage. Just a coincidence, of course. Also a coincidence that Amerikastani war criminals have suddenly begun dying in places like Kenya right afterwards.

Jan 14, 2020 9:13 AM
Reply to  Jihadi Colin

As I wrote in an earlier comment they were probably contractors read mercs working for CIA and/or Mossad thus they wouldn’t be listed on causality reports by US Military.

Jan 14, 2020 5:52 AM

It’s already here, WWIII. Australia sending a war ship there, Philippines repatriating their people from the area. Former German Defense Minister Ursula v.d. Leyen deleting SMSs from her phones so they cannot be presented to the Berlin Parliament.

When one, like the US, has automated the business of killing people to sending around flying robots, called Predator drones, all hope for the world has died.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 14, 2020 7:10 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

The Zionist and Judeofascist regime in Israel flies killer drones over Gaza, 24 hours a day. Their sinister humming, signifying instant, unexpected, death for all and sundry is a form of mass psychological terror with few parallels.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 14, 2020 2:15 AM

ww3 is not impotent already
during these times of sadness for the royals
we all need too
trans ition from man 2 woman and woman 2 a man as is the khazar way.

fidel castro’s daughter who transitioned into a weak man who for shits and giggles loves to paint himself up into his alter called black face.

something bad must have happened in iraq and iran
6 days 24 and 7 about royals transitioning

talk radio 14 hours a day glr radio owned by ashkanazim internationalist talking endless puke about the royal horror show.

this is the final call
all aboard
for the last train to trans central

we are all gender fluid now
barbera lerner spector are dad
greta thurnberg are little brother
justin true dolt of canada

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 14, 2020 2:17 AM
Reply to  norman wisdom


norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 14, 2020 2:23 AM
Reply to  norman wisdom

mom whatever

Jan 14, 2020 1:36 PM
Reply to  norman wisdom

the Groaniad that putrid equal of the current Beeb, still has a decent subversive cartoonist or three left (pretty much the only reason to visit it nowdays) – this by the usual football pundit is genius on the MONARCHY.


Catch it before it is disappeared!

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 14, 2020 4:13 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Doesn’t seem to get that Henry is a Hewitt.

Jan 14, 2020 1:52 AM

World War III is not going to happen because World War III already happened … and the global capitalist empire won.

WW III is another one of the CIA’s scare stories; their next one was contracted out to little Ms. Sunshine / Greta Thunberg.
The Atlantic Anglo global capitalist empire was well on its way till Nixon and Kissinger boosted China to counter the USSR – too much. Resently the Middle kingdom already surpassed the US in real PPP money wise. China is happily used by global capitalists but not under their control; the Chinese Communist party is.

What both Washington and Beijing forgot: money is a false God; can’t take a penny with you after the great equalizer, Death.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 14, 2020 7:13 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Surely you don’t really believe that anthropogenic climate destabilisation is a ‘scare’ story? If it doesn’t scare you, then I’m shocked.

Jan 14, 2020 7:47 AM
richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 15, 2020 2:59 AM
Reply to  MrChops

Bog standard denialist clap-trap that only impresses the Dunning-Krugerites.

Jan 15, 2020 1:22 PM

Lookin in the mirror again le sarc. Tony Heller only uses data to debate climate cultists. He never uses insulting language or ad hominem attacks. He always challenges those who disagree to debate. You on the other hand only make grandiose statements, always insult and never enter into debate.

I urge anyone who has an open mind around man made climate change or who has enough character to challenge their own preconceptions to take a look at what he has to say – starting With this …

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jan 15, 2020 8:20 PM

If you don’t like Tony Heller, try Michael and Ronan Connolly:



They also have an interesting categorization of the various climate science blogs around the internet:




Jan 16, 2020 6:39 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Thanks for the info Mike. Will certainly take a good look.

Jan 14, 2020 1:50 AM

for many, the bombs already came, and to no lesser degree than if given some larger name, but even with difference in type, tea is tea, and we who drink of it, dont make war over it’s contrasting aroma, because we know, that the designs in leaves are similar – and what individualy defining adjustments there is, are separated only for the purpose of recognition, Signs….the shape of a things, to interpret, to connect the dots, and unify , fulfilling lifes experience . What would push that receptive doorway of tolerence – shut, then lock it to needless desire, replacing natural appetite with the unnatural abyss of excess….always a fledgling, waiting on the worm, with life in a caged pecking order, haunted by old memory flight, self-clipped, and compliant to any end.

Jan 14, 2020 1:45 AM

Spelling checkers, provided freely by the Pentagon’s shopfronts, are not just to help you type correctly, their main purpose is to make it easier for ‘them’ to understand what you are writing/saying.

Google offers free translation and spell-checking in some 110 languages. Are they driven by unconditional love for 110 diverse ethnic groups?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 13, 2020 9:52 PM

Thanks CJ for another fine peice of writing. The hegemon is everywhere, like a giant octopus devouring our World.
Couldn’t help but notice the few places left on the Planet without a US base, or where ‘training and assistance’ are provided to local forces.
Noted, along with Russia and China (obviously) there’s no military presence in Myanmar, or Madagascar for that matter.
Obviously all this presence is to protect against the ‘terrorists’ and evildoers out there and defend freedom and democracy.
As we’re repeatedly told ad nauseum by the truth telling media.
Or rather, maybe its to defend the profit margins of the blood drenched parasites; the billionaire oligarchs; the 0.01% who rule, along with the Mega Banks and the Military Industrial Complex.
Who rape and pillage and plunder our Planet for $$$$.
Making the world a safer place to do business in…

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 14, 2020 7:18 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Imagine the sheer aggression of those ‘bad guys’ in Iran, China and Russia putting their countries amidst scores of US and stooge regimes’ bases. They deserve to be ‘obliterated’.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 14, 2020 7:26 AM

And not forgetting about Madagascar as well as, say, Venezuela, and various other countries that refuse to bow to the dictates of the Evil Empire.
One of the reasons they got rid of Morales, along with getting their paws on the Lithium of course.

Jan 13, 2020 9:35 PM

Pardon moi but I beg to differ. Actually rapacious capitalism is losing ground since has been exposed for soulless blood sucking vampire it really is. Anyone who was around in the ’90’s knows that America was the sole soulless superpower and that someone history had ended according to the NeoCon and NeoLiberal Trash. Yet now we live in a multipolar world and there is indigenous resistance all over the planet. Here on Turtle Island resistance to the XL Pipeline involved thousands not just a few hundred desperate members of AIM making a last stand at Wounded Knee. Also the fight still continues in Bolivia while Venezuela has successfully resisted America’s imperial designs. Even over in Britain the natives have gotten restless the Scots, Irish and Welsh now want to separate from merry ol’ England because they realized that although EU was bad the Anglo-American alliance being proposed by drunken Boris is even worse. In other words they realize they are being thrown out of the frying pan and into the fire. Ukraine is basically a failed state. One that’ll eventually collapse from its own corrupt weight. Leaving Uncle Putin to pick up the pieces. Iraq well Iraq has already told America to get the f_k outa Dodge and they’ve got a few Wyatt Earps in the wings to back up that threat. Do you think Americans are going to support another prolonged conflict like Vietnam with body bags coming home day by day? Their patience has already worn thin on the subject of Afghanistan. The bone yard of Empires. Think slow simmer then add one draft and the pressure cooker explodes. Try to put down that insurrection with more unregistered fire arms than people which doesn’t include hidden stockpiles of other more lethal weapons. The Second Amendment does have its… Read more »

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 13, 2020 9:50 PM
Reply to  Gall

The Fourth Way, and its Horsemen, is winning. Don’t kid yourself otherwise.

Jan 14, 2020 1:16 AM

Such a pessimistic. Glass half full. The only people who believe in the 4 horsemen are those dispensationalist morons who believe Scofield’s interpretation of the Bible. That is if they’ve ever read it.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 14, 2020 7:26 AM
Reply to  Gall

The glass is actually twice as large as it needs to be. The four horsemen, famine, war, pestilence and that other guy, are definitely on their way. In reality, not the ravings of God-bothering lunatics.

Jan 14, 2020 8:37 AM

Yes behold a pale etc etc and hell followed with him etc etc or the other guy but he’s been doing his Revelations thang since Eve grabbed Adam’s snake or was it an apple or whatever and their Jewish landlord kicked ‘em out of the Paradise Apartments but that was all antediluvian but hey look on the bright side at least we got four options 😀

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 14, 2020 8:42 AM
Reply to  Gall

Totally agree Gall. Religion is always saying, “You’re all fucked – hey but that’s OK ’cause it’s the way it’s meant to be!”

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 15, 2020 3:02 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The Pentecostal religion of psychopaths like our PM Smoko Morrison says, ‘You’re fucked and will burn in Hell (starting in a bush-fire) forever, but God loves me, so there, and I’m off to Heaven. Suck on that!’.

Jan 13, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  Gall

Meant to say “somehow” instead of “someone” but I hope you catch my drift.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 14, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  Gall

I think you may be right G: The Limits To Growth, otherwise known as the Long Descent away from hitech industrial ‘civilisation’, will dissolve any putative world empire. The Descent will insist on nations, clans and tribes again, simply as a condition of survival.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jan 13, 2020 8:10 PM

Maybe more people might work out how they are being played if the MSM didn’t subvert every important geopolitical issue.

‘Routine administrative hearing’ according to the famously impartial BEEB.

I suppose it makes a change from their impartial documentaries made with the assistance of the Israeli embassy about the way left wing leaders who criticise the treatment of Palestinians do so because they are antisemitic – failure to admit that you are antisemtic is antisemtic when framed in Guardian speak.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 13, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

The ‘antisemitism’ industry imposes a regime where ANY criticism of or dispute with ANY Jew, anywhere, even if they are quite plainly in the wrong or their behaviour at least contestable, is deemed ‘antisemitism’, and the guilty (by declaration)’antisemite’ is driven from polite society. It makes support of the Palestinians a crime, punishable by increasingly vicious sanction, and it de facto makes Jews the supreme beings of the universe, perfect, beyond reproach, inerrant and, following your Talmud, Divine. It has already destroyed UK Labour consolidating neo-liberal social terror, and is being mobilised everywhere to facilitate Rightwing terror, and it will only provoke hatred, but that is precisely what the Zionists and Judeofascists desire, because they live by, for and through hatred.

Jan 13, 2020 10:10 PM

I have to sadly agree. It has reached the point where it not just Israel that cannot be criticised without being called anti-semitic, it is Jews as a whole. Jews are the West’s sacred cows – they are beyond all criticism.

Jan 14, 2020 2:31 PM
Reply to  vwbeetle

…it[‘s] not just Israel that cannot be criticised without being called anti-semitic, it is Jews as a whole.

For ‘Jews as a whole’ read ‘organised Judaism’. It’s not always understood that ordinary Jews are the primary target audience of the antisemitic smear campaigners.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 15, 2020 3:06 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

It makes you wonder what happens to a Jew who admits to acting badly, or making a grave mistake or pleads guilty to some crime. Are they not, then, plainly self-hating ‘antisemitic’ Jews, themselves.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 14, 2020 2:22 AM

the uk politico once offered a little resistance
that is long gone
all borged by the khazar demonicks
koshernostra take over
boris is donmeh a fat turkic slob born in chabad run new york
his role sell everything

sell sell sell

Jan 13, 2020 11:57 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wtb1hCQajBY. You got LAW Justice if you want it.

Jan 14, 2020 4:01 AM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

‘Routine administrative hearing’ according to the famously impartial BEEB.

Great Scott. I missed that. Has that colloquial vulgarism of a kunt got an actual anatomical cunt? If so, what’s up it?

Jan 13, 2020 7:51 PM

First we had Brexit, now we have Megxit… CJ gets it: it’s a global capitalist empire. America is a simulation …and so is the UK. The media-culture industrial complex does its best with a precession of the spectacular to keep us from examining the implications of the global class structure and intra-capitalist North/South division of labour. It even has its own lexicon: which, in one of his last texts, Pierre Bourdieu – with loïc wacquant – called the “new planetary vulgate”. A lexicon defined not so much by what is included, but by what is left out. Reference to ‘capitalism’, ‘class’, ‘exploitation’, ‘domination’, and ‘inequality’ …the defining features of the globalist capitalist empire are sanitised and dismissed as obsolete. Which Bourdieu called a “new type of imperialism”. https://www.radicalphilosophy.com/commentary/newliberalspeak Note that the essay is nearly twenty years old. Because many, it seems to me, have not accommodated their politics to the fact that globalisation happened. And East/West and North/South analytical distinctions are just that. Ideal types that have no real true boundaries in a deterritorialised global capitalist empire. And those who use the hard and fast delineation should perhaps consult the Prime Meridian. Which puts Western Europe, Sussex and Kent in the East. Mmmmmm. If East/West are imaginary geographies in the global capitalist system: then the North/South divide is not along the equator… Using the divides can still make perfect sense as an abstraction and analytical distinction. Just so long as they are not reified into hard and fast distinctions as some analysts do. It is a global system: even if its functioning is not unitary. There are intra-capitalist rivalries and competition …that’s the name of the game. But it is one self-organised, highly networked, and complex global economy that is not easily reducible to the hollowed out nation states. Even… Read more »

Jan 13, 2020 8:07 PM
Reply to  BigB

The UK survived on debt issuance & ABS up-the-ying-yang offshored into tax havens. Man cannot live on debt alone.

When you run out of debt issuance & ABS you will realize that the one per cent ate your lunch, dinner, & breakfast for the remainder of your life.

Not only that but they ripped your face off & ripped your eyeballs out!

The EU & UK is defunct like ‘On the Buses’ BBC sitcom of the 70s.


Jan 14, 2020 4:21 PM

I know!

Do you follow Dr Tim Morgan (surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com)? In the UK we monetise £5 of debt to make £1 GDP. Not even remotely sustainable.

Now Jay Powell has admitted they cannot turn off QE …which we knew anyway – it’s a matter of time. The UK is an arseling little country under consistently corrupt management; castaway in a sea of globalisation. Depending on time of year – 40-60% of our food, and nearly everything else – is dependent on 24/7/365 roll on-roll off globalised logistic chains. And we live off the immoral earnings of wealth and well-being extracted from the mouths of babies. Which we ignore with constructed legitimising myths of fair trade conscience. Well, they do in the pseudo-left and hipster cafes in Dulwich and Greenwich.

And the only contingency we seem to have is for 60,000 troops and para-military police to take to the streets under Operation Yellowhammer. Which is where voluntaristic subjectification to the neoliberal state has got us. Still, the state will wither away with the coming value destruction and collapse of the markets. To be replaced by fascism or freedom?

Well, fascism is fast approaching the final hurdle whilst freedom is still turning around in the stalls. Clinging to infinity myths of perpetual ‘decoupled’ green growth = fascism. Embracing degrowth and switching values from corrupted monetary values to true socialised human values – doing more with less and investing in consciousness and cooperation = freedom.

I’m not a betting man, but there is only one outcome worth living for.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 14, 2020 7:30 AM
Reply to  BigB

Perhaps ‘democracy’ is possible, but the US variant, ‘liberal democracy’ ie rule by money power, is, as you observe, utterly toxic and completely fraudulent.

Jan 14, 2020 8:53 AM

It was a con right from the get go. Purdy words on parchment churned out on July 4th by a bunch of sleazy real estate “developers” making an illegal land grab. Trump epitomizes this deception perfectly.

Berlin beerman
Berlin beerman
Jan 13, 2020 7:00 PM

Well it seems that most of you on this site pissed your pants if not then you at least tuned into Mr. Trumps address to the Nation to make certain you still had a few hours more to live…… seems all your rants and raves have gotten the best of you all. There is fear among you all and then perhaps you seem to be missing the bigger picture. Had Hillary Clinton won the presidency – you would all be in a war already with Iran, Iraq, Syria and defending Israel to the best of your ability. The UK, would undoubtebly be in it as well. Canada perhaps. Nevertheless we have Mr.Trump who is up to his eyeballs in dung reaped onto his presidency by the morons surrounding him at the request of the Republican War Machine he has little to do with. So far hes been doing a great job neutralizing these imbeciles like Mr Pompeo and Mr. Bolton amoung others. Lets not forget that the Trump Presidency has one major goal – build American infrastructure and put the Americans to work – re-build the country – much like what Mr. Putin has been up to. Furthermore, his second is to bring home his troops and put them to work within the US. And don;t start rambling about the wall along Mexico…… the US is the only country in the world that has over 12 million illegals and furthermore grants their offspring automatic citizenship…. not even Canada or Australia do that. The rest of the world has a vetting program and they choose the immigrants they want. Why not the US? Especially if you want to provide work for a work force. Many clan members could care less about US infrastructure outside New York. Their mayor is a prime… Read more »

Andy Ellis
Andy Ellis
Jan 13, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  Berlin beerman

I wish I had your faith in the Trumpenfuhrer Mr Beerman. The sky is obviously a different colour in your world.

Berlin beerman
Berlin beerman
Jan 15, 2020 2:16 AM
Reply to  Andy Ellis

My sky is clear and full of sun. Its a bit dim – 25% dimmer than the day I was born – but thats another discussion for the carbon tax idiots.

Faith has nothing to do with it. Politics today is not for the faint of heart – really it never was.

Mr.Trump is the best thing for Americans – and to be frank a good number of them saw this although for perhaps the wrong reasons but then how the hell could you win in such a farcical democracy? The real win was that Mrs. Clinton lost. That was a win for America.

So I ask – who of the current Democrats could beat Mr.Trump. Mrs. Gabbard? Probably the only one. Will she be the nominee ? No. It will be ….you guessed it …. Mr.Biden.

Would you vote for him over Mr.Trump and why?

In the latter part of Mr.Hopkins writing, he is fully accurate. The doubt will rise when America fails as a country – well it already has but what I mean is if and when Mr.Trump fails. – then will come the devaluation of the US currency and the rise of another power – and it will rise in the East – as does the sun each and every day.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 15, 2020 3:10 AM
Reply to  Berlin beerman

Are you talking of ‘global dimming’ caused by particulate smogs, because the Sun itself is definitely NOT dimmer by 25% itself in its radiance since your birth. Global dimming actually makes our climate destabilisation catastrophe even more dire, because if and when that smog albedo effect is removed, another one degree Celsius of warming is ‘baked in’. As we will be.

Andy Ellis
Andy Ellis
Jan 15, 2020 4:14 PM
Reply to  Berlin beerman

” Mr Trump is the best thing for Americans ” , shurely shome mishtake Sir !? Hic,hic

Andy Ellis
Andy Ellis
Jan 15, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  Andy Ellis

As regards Biden, if the people behind the curtain decide he is the next president, then so be it. I myself think he brings nothing new to the table but then what do I know ?

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 13, 2020 10:02 PM
Reply to  Berlin beerman

Well there are a few nuggets of truth there, among the deluded Trumpian mambo-jambo.

Jan 13, 2020 10:04 PM
Reply to  Berlin beerman

I tend to agree with your assessment. Trump is succeeding either by accident or design in killing that Killer Zombie the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization and revitalize the Anti War movement which had been moribund since the Drone King silver Tongued O-Bomb-Em was installed in office thanks to American guilt over slavery.

Yet who managed to put more Black men is prison which is just slavery by another name than even Good Ol’ Boy “I feel your pain” Red Neck Billy Boy. But I digress.

Again also by accident or design he’s fully exposed the Neocons for what they are and day by day accidentally or not showing the American public what an undue influence Israel’s 5th Column AKA AIPAC has over US policy. Not just subtly but totally in your face with his unconstitutional executive order and the brutal murder of Soleimani and then threatening to commit cultural genocide if the Iranians retaliated he’s exposed America as the moral degenerate it really is and that American “Exceptionalism”, “Innocence” and “force for good in the world” are just myths.

Jan 13, 2020 11:48 PM
Reply to  Berlin beerman

“Ben” was NOT caught off guard. He had all the information as to the whereabouts of Soleimani and when he would be reachable. he informed Pompas and P made sure it was on the list of options that Trump could take, and probably teased him into taking it. If the circumstances are true as outlined, Pomps should be done for High Treason. The hit was not an ‘on the fly’ job, it was planned in advance.

Jan 14, 2020 1:21 AM
Reply to  Estaugh

Mossad has being trying to whack Soleimani for years because he’s been wrecking their terrorist arming industry by eliminating their customer base. America was just their catspaw because its currently ZOG.

Jan 14, 2020 1:56 AM
Reply to  Berlin beerman

I like to interpret events as you have here. It is nice to be able to put a positive spin on what is happening. Initially, I was horrified at the news of the assassination but those who live by sword may well die by the sword, as that is their occupation. If the events in Iraq give Trump the way to pull troops out, that is great. He did campaign with a platform of ending the endless wars. We can only pray that that comes to be, even though it is happening in a very strange way…

Jan 13, 2020 6:11 PM

There was an article in the Telegraph yesterday which had various statements from Ben Wallace and Brandon Lewis.

On the face of this headline, the reader might assume that the article is not divulging any surprises. However, I read the whole article and found this gem:

Mr Wallace told the Sunday Times “I worry if the United States withdraws from its leadership around the world. That worries me. That would be bad for the world and bad for us if that happened”.

What seriously concerns me about this is Wallace’s apparent political position leading him both to promote the US as a force for good but and to endorse wholeheartedly the US’s self-assumed position as an unelected world leader. This is clearly explaining the UK’s sycophantic position towards the US and the reason why the UK excuses every single illegal action the US indulges in. So now we have it from the horse’s mouth.

Jan 13, 2020 6:14 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Sorry – please ignore the extraneous ‘but’ in the fourth line up from the end of my post.

Jan 13, 2020 9:34 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

I’m having difficulties ignoring your extraneous but, Judy, I cannot lie.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 14, 2020 7:34 AM
Reply to  Frank

You are cheeky!

Jan 14, 2020 9:37 AM
Reply to  Frank

I tried to one up you for that, FRANK, but Off-Guardian’s tightened security measures wouldn’t let me until I reloaded the page. So I’ve decided to one up twice, once in thumbs and once in words.

Jan 14, 2020 11:04 AM
Reply to  Frank

What are you like?? Actually, I originally intended writing “please ignore the extraneous ‘but’ in the bottom line of my post” but decided against that in case someone felt compelled take the opportunity to make a naughty comment. I clearly needn’t have worried! 😉

Jan 14, 2020 11:11 AM
Reply to  Frank

Just overlook the errors in my post at 11.04 am. I’m sure you get my drift!

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 13, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

You should see the minions of Empire here in Australia. Slithering out of ‘think-tanks’ invariably financed by the likes of Raytheon and Lockheed, these mini elephant seals slobber their undying devotion to ‘Our Great and Powerful Friend’, and hiss and spit venom at Iran, Syria, Russia, Venezuela, but, above all others, China. The depth and repellent fury of the racist and civilizational hatred of China, throughout all the brainwashing systems, is striking. Dissent has now been totally expunged from the public sphere, the last few Sinophiles in academia or politics now ‘disappeared’, and truly vile, sneering, Orientalist thugs are everywhere. The fear and hatred of a non-Western, non Judeo-Christian, non-White power is fulminating like rabies through some pretty nassty minds.

Jan 14, 2020 1:34 AM

You and Judy need to get away from the Mockingbird Media since half the shit they tell isn’t true and the other half is a lie. I dumped those morons during the “humanitarian bombing” of Kosovo and haven’t looked back. To me the NYT is potential toilet paper and the Evening News is funnier than Seinfeld.

Polls here say hardly anybody believes their crap except those who recently had a lobotomy or on meds. If it wasn’t for money from Ads and funding by the Agency as in the case of WaPo that lives in darkness that Democracy was supposed to have died in they’d all be filing Chapter 11.

The folks here at Off G are a perfect example plus there are lot of actual journalists who have taken the leap into Indy Media like Whitney Webb over at Mint Press and there is Ron Unz who currently has more traffic than the Gray Ol’ Bat and his numbers keep on climbing.

It’s a whole new world. Yeah the so DARPA FKA ARPA opened this Pandora’s Box but they’ll be damned if they slam the lid shut. Ain’t gonna happen.

Jan 14, 2020 10:50 AM
Reply to  Gall


Be assured I don’t subscribe (in any form of the word) to any printed msm these days and haven’t done for several years. My only reason for finding Wallace’s quote was that I saw a fleeting reference to it on the BBC ‘red button’, couldn’t believe what I’d read, and thought that I’d better find an online link so I could verify that he really did say that. 😀

Jan 14, 2020 8:52 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

My advice is use a search engine that doesn’t post mainstream “news” items as “news”. Frankly I pity anyone forced to use a PC and has an Orwellian NoseGuard monitoring their computer for “fake news”.

Switch to Mac early version preferable that has a G5 or at least an Intel chip made in the US so its Intel and not “Israel Inside”.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Jan 13, 2020 6:11 PM

Interesting but overstated. What has been called ‘state-denial’ has become very fashionable in some quarters and is the view of the hyper-globalists who maintain that we live in a borderless world where states no longer matter. However, the cataclysmic events since 2008 have served as a brick wall where the whole process has been brought to a shuddering halt. Economic nationalism is increasingly becoming the norm. The hitherto unchallenged precepts of globalization and dominance of the laughingly called ‘free’ market has led to a revival of the view that states really do matter. This reversal of the role of states and markets, was most apparent, in 2008, when the financial centre, where resided the ‘Masters of the Universe’ went on bended knee to be rescued. But also in such industries as automobiles governments poured billions of dollars, pounds and euros into propping up the these sectors. In some cases, notably the UK and US, this amounted to little short of nationalization (See Royal Bank of Scotland’s rescue) a bete noire of the market fundamentalists. And – horribile dictu – trade wars are back! China, tariffs and Germany, Nordstream2, to cite 2 current examples. The state is back, in fact the state never really went away. The state unquestionably remains the most significant force in shaping the world economy, despite the globalist rhetoric. It has always played a fundamental role in the economic development of all countries, and indeed, in the process of globalization itself. After all, the increased facility to transcend geographical distance made possible by transportation and communication technologies is of little use if there are political barriers to surmount. Any important enabling factor underlying globalization, therefore, has been the progressive reduction in political barriers to flows of commodities, goods, finance and other services. Governments have also used the… Read more »

Jan 13, 2020 6:38 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

I MASTER OF UNIVERSE hereby admit that I was the individual that forced all of the world’s fake ‘masters of the universe’ to step up and admit that there is only one MASTER OF UNIVERSE that they all need to bow to & bend a knee.



Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jan 13, 2020 5:58 PM


The cartoon takes a few seconds to load, but it perfectly sums up our situation.

Jan 14, 2020 1:36 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Yep 🙂

Jan 13, 2020 5:53 PM

Great satire, given that most of it isn’t satire but the simple truth.

That countries don’t exist anymore, only capitalism, reminded me of John Perkins’ economic hitmen.

There is good cartoon that summarizes Perkins’ views, of which I only don’t like the end, ie that, according to Perkins, desperate people become terrorists. Typically a limited hang-out conclusion…

Desperate people do not become terrorists, but end in the gutter. Or they become mercenary soldiers for the capitalist empire: US soldiers, ISIS fighters, all the same

Here is the cartoon


Jan 14, 2020 9:01 AM
Reply to  Willem

Actually they don’t become terrorists they are labeled “terrorist” by pure projection by the biggest terrorist of them all.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 13, 2020 4:48 PM

There is only one problem with a global capitalist market: what if folks refuse to buy from it and form parallel black economies instead?

Is that terrorism? You know? Growing your own tomatoes and selling them to your neighbours; cobbling together £100,000 to buy 5 hectares of arable land and having 200 households as shareholders partnering with a young organic farmer to feed you without ever going near Walmart, Tesco or any other global hypermarket; setting up an alternative internet where all search engines are communally owned and banned from having advertising-led algorithms (something which destroyed the greatest education tool the 21st century created, namely real search engines not leading you to mindless MSM junk but rather to real websites from real people with real information of real value – trust me, in 2005, that existed, it does not any longer); etc etc.

You know, just ignoring everything made by terrorist capitalists and only buying from decent simple folks.

It can happen and it is how the empire can be destroyed without firing a single shot.

Just stop feeding the capitalists, buy elsewhere and let their banks go belly up.

Jan 13, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

That seems to be so self-evident, doesn’t it?
But there is a deeper issue and that is never really addressed. The issue of ‘the machine’. When society has been ‘successfully’ transformed into a bureaucracy that can be tweaked by those, whom it serves. It controls the little people and allows the big ones to write ordinances and regulations. If you don’t comply – Belmarsh prison or similar locations.

Imagine there is World War III and nobody has time to join it.

Jan 13, 2020 10:16 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

It’s already started. The beginning of the end of the Global Empire.

Jan 14, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

…what if folks refuse to buy from it and form parallel black economies instead?
Is that terrorism? You know? Growing your own tomatoes and selling them to your neighbours; cobbling together £100,000 to buy 5 hectares of arable land and having 200 households as shareholders partnering with a young organic farmer…

There is at least one country where it’s illegal to capture, store or drink the rainwater falling on your roof. French-owned water rights. Can’t remember where. Australia? New Zealand?

Jan 13, 2020 4:08 PM

World War Three & concomitant Zombie Apocalypse are most assuredly going to manifest as soon as
Dr. Alan ‘Maestro’ Greenspan’s asset inflation era comes to a standstill & then deflates the Dark Pool Derivatives Universe which is estimated to be hovering around $2 Quadrillion USD.

When Bear Stearns was murdered March 10th 2008 it became obvious that the United States of America was & is insolvent. The Russian Federation is not insolvent and has very little to lose when the USA implodes outright into Civil War & World War Three. China built their finance architecture to withstand the implosion of the USA macroeconomically.

No P.T. Barnum can bullshit their way through WW3.

Death to America & the Imperialist dogs of yesteryear!


Jan 13, 2020 5:46 PM

That seems to be so self-evident, doesn’t it?
But there is a deeper issue and that is never really addressed. The issue of ‘the machine’. When society has been ‘successfully’ transformed into a bureaucracy that can be tweaked by those, whom it serves. It controls the little people and allows the big ones to write ordinances and regulations. If you don’t comply – Belmarsh prison or similar locations.

Imagine there is World War III and nobody has time to join it.

Jan 13, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

Assange is in Belmarsh because of his narcissism & personality. I, on the other hand, am not in Belmarsh, and I never comply. Moreover, I analysed the entire edifice/machine of Global Macroeconomics throughout my lifetime and learned how to control the entire game from bureaucracy to the global finance architecture. March 10th 2008 was the exact day that the entire United States of America was financially imploded via Financial Engineering.

The Securities & Exchange Commission-SEC will never reveal who engaged in the naked short-selling that imploded the entire USA architecture.

The Government of the United States of America is lying to the world post-Lehman Brothers Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

America cannot survive on lies for much longer.

Make sure to batten down the hatches & hold onto your hat.


Jan 15, 2020 1:27 PM

I, on the other hand, am not in Belmarsh

far from it, you’re in Langley, Virginia.


Jan 15, 2020 2:31 PM
Reply to  milosevic

If I was a Yank I, for one, would be parked on Wall Street instead of in Langley Virginia, Milosevic. Moreover, the CIA would probably have me working at The Farm training guys like you & Putin.


Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jan 13, 2020 3:52 PM

You are right about there being no justice.

Soleimani, 9/11, WMD: not a snowballs chance in hell any senior western official will be held to account for any of it – such powerful individuals have always been above the law.

Not just that, but they will rub our noses in it with silly little investigations like Chilcot, the 9/11 Commission, or the Blair, sorry I meant, Hutton Inquiry.

I managed to get into court 1 this morning, at Westminster Magistrate Court, sitting just a few feet away from Julian Assange.

What struck me forcibily was the parallel between Assange and the way POWs are paraded before a sham legal process, such as the downed US pilots in Viet Nam (although unlike Assange, the US pilots were responsible for death and destruction).

You don’t need to be a judge to see that what is happening to JA is a grotesque travesty of justice, but because there are so few counterveiling forces as with Soleimani, 9/11 and WMD the British authorities will have no compunction about handing him over to vengeful neocons (while Sweden and Australia fist-pump).

Not just that, they will be cheered on in forums like BTL at the Guardian, because so many of them have been trained to hate Iranians, Russians, or those that expose the war crimes of western leaders.
And even if you do express doubts you are bound to be moderated for failing to abide by ‘community standards’

Jan 13, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

Soleimani was a butcher, from a country with no respect for human life. They couldn’t even bury him without stampeding over one another, killing another fifty.

What the US did to Assange and Manning was criminal, and it is the worst country in the world, until you look at Iran, NK, Russia, Syria, Libya, China….

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 13, 2020 5:33 PM

Damn straight Cunny L! None of these savages has any respect for human life – so there is only one solution: The West must prove it’s superior sense of humanity by bombing the bastards! Show them what true civility and true harmony is by killing all of them!

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jan 13, 2020 6:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’m trying to follow the logic – is he saying the US does not have to abide by international norms because of what other countries do?

Surely it would help if the US refrained from manufacturing flimsey pretexts before invading countries that are no direct threat to them, but, for reasons we can only speculate about, often seem to posess substantial reserves of gas or oil.

It also begs the question as to why the US has military installations all over the globe while spending almost as much of the rest of the world put together when it comes to military hardware – perhaps they are worried they might be invaded by one the rogue states highlighted in the post above, or are they still pushing the ‘domino’ theory?

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 15, 2020 3:12 AM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

The USA has NEVER respected ‘international norms’. Not ever, unless it was clearly in their interests to do so.

Jan 13, 2020 6:01 PM

None of those countries as far as I’m aware have ever offered any threat to the west, NK wants to be left alone, the tricked Qaddafi into thinking the west was his friend, they had the highest living standard of all the Arab countries, Syria hasn’t threatened anyone Russia is just the reserve country they use all the time for people like you to absorb, where do you read this garbage , the Daily Express ? the Beano is only 50p I believe.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 13, 2020 10:19 PM
Reply to  GEOFF

Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Libya were devestated on orders from the Zionists-the Oded Yinon Plan, endlessly reiterated by the Gods Upon the Earth. The Zionists control US politics through straight bribery and entryism, and US politicians are their loyal and subservient stooges.

Berlin beerman
Berlin beerman
Jan 13, 2020 7:17 PM

shit and I thought I drank too much. BTW you forgot to add the UK to your list …..

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 13, 2020 10:15 PM

Another cunning stunt from a stunning wedge expert. You’ve just gotta be a Judeofascist sitting in some cellar in Tel Aviv. The xenophobia and race hatred just drools from you.

Jan 14, 2020 9:05 AM

I thought he was more a cunning runt or was that running cunt?

Jan 14, 2020 5:20 AM

Hey cun…whatever. I bet that one pathetic up vote was yours. Both you and Matt must be going for a record. By the way your last para reminded me of that proto-racist-neocon Winnie’s comment about democracy. Was that who you were trying to emulate?

Jan 16, 2020 12:44 AM

Soleimani was a war hero and you’re not fit to lick his boots.

Jan 18, 2020 5:33 AM
Reply to  paul

I do wonder if a pro Iranian posting history on Off-Guardian prevents one being taken as a human shield, in the event of ever visiting that theocratic paradise…Would you care to indulge my curiosity?

Jan 13, 2020 3:40 PM

WWIII….or IV is only imminent when the British Royal family collectively board an RAF plane bound for New Zealand.

Jan 13, 2020 9:19 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Might be a price worth paying!

Jan 14, 2020 1:12 AM
Reply to  lundiel

How would we ever survive without them?

Jan 14, 2020 1:00 PM
Reply to  paul

Don’t worry, they’ll leave a series of recorded videos extolling us to hold firm in the face of adversity etc.

Jan 14, 2020 1:42 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Or Canada…not as much volcanic activity and not so far from ‘civilisation’.

Jan 14, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Too much danger of radiation coming from The Great Satan.